SHORT FILM PROJECT Unit 1: Pre-‐Produc0on Techniques Unit 16: Film & Video Edi0ng Techniques Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques
OVERVIEW The final, overall task or outcome for this project is work In groups to produce a short film. However the project consists of 3 units, each of which has 3 Assessment ObjecLves so there is an awful lot more to it than just geMng a camera and shooLng a short film. Unit 1: Pre-‐Produc0on Techniques
Unit 16: Film & Video Edi0ng Techniques
Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques
In this unit you will learn about the process of pre-‐producLon necessary for any media producLon to go ahead.
In this unit you will learn various ediLng techniques that you will be expected to show in your own work and also gain an understanding of what ediLng is, how it works and how it has developed over Lme.
In this unit you will learn what single cameras techniques are and how to use them in your work plus an understanding of why these techniques are used, how and in which types of media producLons.
Assessment ObjecLves: 1. Be able to understand the development & principles of ediLng 2. Be able to use preparaLon techniques for ediLng 3. Be able to edit moving image material Assignments; 1. Essay covering; the developments of ediLng, the purposes of ediLng, the convenLons & techniques of ediLng 2. EdiLng documents for your short film, including a rushes log & edit decision list and collecLng evidence of correct file storage and management (this will be produced in your groups) 3. Applying ediLng techniques you have learnt about to your own short film. These techniques must be used appropriately, applied correctly and paced effecLvely. You must ensure that you convey the narraLve effecLvely, use sound to create impact and synchronise sound and vision correctly
Assessment ObjecLves: 1. Understand the features of a single camera producLon 2. Be able to plan a single camera producLon 3. Be able to apply single camera techniques Assignments; 1. Report covering; the technical single camera set up, formats that use it and narraLve structures that suit it 2. Evidence in your planning documents that you have considered the specific set up for single camera shots in your producLon (camera set up forms) 3. Applying single camera techniques you have learnt about to your own short film. These techniques must be used appropriately, applied correctly and paced effecLvely
Assessment ObjecLves; 1. Understand the pre-‐producLon requirements for a specific media producLon 2. Be able to prepare pre-‐producLon documentaLon for a specific media producLon 3. Be able to apply pre-‐producLon planning for a specific media producLon Assignments; 1. Audio recorded report about the pre-‐ producLon requirements for a film 2. Pre-‐producLon documents for your short film, including; project treatment, roles & responsibiliLes list, feasibility report, storyboard, shooLng script, cast list, locaLon list, props list, filming schedule, and risk assessments (all of these will be produced in your groups) 3. Producing a short film based on your planning documents. Using a producLon log during your producLon to record what you have done and holding producLon meeLngs to ensure the planning is properly in place