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concept imagery
concept imagery
the collection
the collection
concept imagery
conceptt imagery
the store
the concept
hand illustration
What is your name?
How would you describe the concept or service of Company, Artist or Brand you are working for then Ronnie?
“Ronnie Froelke”
“Topshop! Affordable, fashionable, retail clothing store.”
• Fab! We all know how popular Topshop is! So…what would you describe your specific job title to be? and what does this entail?
“I’m a full time Stylist and Visual merchandiser! This includes a bit of everything, styling customers for any need. Whether they come in for a specific outfit/event or are completely unconfident within there fashion sense and need a helping hand! To styling the mannequins, placement of the clothing throughout the store to make the customers see our new exciting stock and entice customers in with my glowing displays. My jobs basically to make the store and customers look and feel ama-aaaazing!” •
Sounds exciting! What are you working on at the minute then?
I bet that was madness! Right? So on the flip side, what’s been your worse experience within this role?
“We’ve just had the ‘IVY PARK’ Beyonce range launch in store so a lot of preparation went into that to promote and style the store well for a successful launch.” “It certainly was! And hmmm, like anything there is ups and downs. But there is certainly not many! Maybe just the occasional rude customer!” • Always going to happen! I’ll ask you a few quick questions about Topshop now, see how knowledge up you are! Do you know when Topshop was established? And how many people are currently working within Topshop?
“I know this! Founded in 1964. And millions!!!” *Laughs* “Who knows but just within my store there is over 100! Never mind bigger stores, then all the people behind all the retail, designers, graphic designers, managers…I could go on for days but you get the point.” •
Did you encounter any challenges in the early stages of your Job here at Topshop?
What do you find most rewarding from your role?
What do you think customers find most satisfying working with the brand?
What benefits have you experienced working with Topshop?
What advice would you give somebody looking to work at Topshop?
“Not really! Everyone is so friendly they all helped me out, sometimes just getting used to the structure of the company but it soon becomes the norm!” “Customers faces! 100% such a magical feeling when you’ve helped someone out and you see their face glowing as they leave with this new found confidence!” “The reassurance what they are doing is ok, it’s unbelievable how many people don’t believe in their style or knowledge of fashion. I wish everyone would go crazy with it!” “DISCOUNT-TTT!” *laughs* “I’m joking, although that is pretty handy. Its more than just a job to me it has built my confidence as an individual, lets me grow into someone who I can choose, not just tailor made churned out of a company” “Make sure you have a passion for fashion and if so go for it!”
• Last but not least, thank you for your time Ronnie and the insight into Topshop, what three words would you say would best describe Topshop to leave us on.
“Oh that’s a hard one! Affordable, stylish, palette, I say palette as I feel the clothes are your paint that you need to dress yourself with! I’d love such individuality around!”
the concept ‘SIN’ is c onc ep t doubt , m ak e t h “I’l l d o
a b r a n d w ith a c on c e p t. A t o m a k e the doubters not t he ‘ odd on e s ou t’ f it in an d to e “I’ll d o it to morrow ” turn i nto i t n o w ”.
Init ial ly l o ok i n g at th e ide a of f lippi ng arou n d c o m pet i tor ’ s c on c e p ts suc h as ‘Nike’ an d t he ‘J UST D O IT ’ at titude wi th the at h let i c mode ls an d th e slim f it ti ng c l o t h i n g . T o o u r c o n c e p t , ‘ S I N ’. ‘SIN’ – d oe sn ’t s oun d go od d oe s it? S o m e t h i n g y o u dread ? A s i n d e f i n e s t h e ‘ a c t o f ‘ evil / wickedness ’ ? W e l l f o r s o m e pe opl e, t hat ’s t he re eve ry day -to-day m etal st rug g le w he n it c om e s to an a s p e c t t o w a r d s a healthy lifestyle a n d a bet t er t h e m . Wh eth e r that b e dre adi ng goin g to t he g ym b e c ause you d on ’ t fi nd it en j oya b le , n ot un de r stan din g that h e a l t h y e a t i n g c a n b e tasty t o o , o r t h a t e x e r c i s e c a n a c t u a l l y b e a sociable and fun e v e n t . P romot in g a he a lth y YOU in a c o m p l e t e l y different w a y . S h o w i n g real models , true stories a n d t h a t e x e r c i s e can b e f or ev e ryon e . We f e e l at ‘SIN’ t hi s i s a v e ry i m p ortan t m e ssage to c ome acro ss w i t hi n our b r an d, an d that w e ca n a l l benefit f r o m i t . With in the b r a n d ‘SIN’ it w ill in c lude cl ot h in g r a n g e , ac c e ssorie s, eve n ts, promot i ona l spe a ke r s, b l o gs, f o od and pe opl e to spe a k to f ir st han d ab ou t your e x perience .
the store
WHERE: SPORTS CITY MANCH TER (M anchester Arena RACTIVITIES: owsley St, MRegional anchester , M11 3F A range of stars physiowi ’ s sonal trainers and sports activly helping andyour showing you hointo personally start first steps excersise with some simple excersises SPEAKERS: T hroughout thebedaytala of insperational people will you , giving there own first hand life perience showing you are not on yo TThese include : P resenter and domestic abuse burn victim K atie P iper , O lympian om D aley , P aralympian E llie S immon and representative to knowa what we are allfrom aboutSIN . BRANDS: SIN S portswear will a have a stall selling its latest clothin line , alongside healthy eating promotin companies, My protien and GrazeB
WHERE: SPORTS CITY MANCHESTER (Manchester Regional Arena Rowsley St, Manchester, M11 3FF)
ACTIVITIES: A range of physio’s, personal trainers and sports stars
will be activly helping and showing you how to personally start your first steps into excersise with some simple excersises.
SPEAKERS: Throughout the day a range of insperational people will
be talking to you, giving there own first hand life experience showing you are not on your own. These include: Presenter and domestic abuse burn victim Katie Piper, Olympian Tom Daley, Paralympian Ellie Simmonds and a representative from SIN to let you know what we are all about.
BRANDS: SIN Sportswear will also have a stall selling its latest
clothing line, alongside healthy eating promoting companies, My protien and GrazeBox.
Saturday 4th June 2016 1pm - 5pm
1 Person entry per ticket Sat u rday 4 t h Ju n e 2 0 1 6
d e f e at you r enemies with su c se s s�
finish what you start
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LATER run JUST DO IT LifestyleLATER Lifestyle
SWEAT is fat
CRYING ed257743.students.leeds-art@gmail.com