Research completed for CHT Architects, Melbourne, 2016 by Esther Mecredy
Longevity is both an incredible success and
Much of the aged-care housing stock in
privilege of modern society, but ageing
Amsterdam was built after World War II
populations are increasingly being described
and represents the large social project of
in terms of the potential social or economic
architecture. This consisted of a private
burden they represent. Governments that
room or a small apartment within a larger
previously provided care for the elderly through
complex with care facilities & public
state-funded aged-care homes are recognising
these potential costs and reforming healthcare policy to encourage older people to age-in-
Verpleeghuizen & Verzorghuizen have
diversified to meet market forces & policy changes since the post-war era. Currently
In the Netherlands under the Long Term Care
it is a rather turbulent time for aged-care;-
Act (WLZ), fewer elderly are eligible for a
many homes are closing, have closed or
permanent place in a nursing home; only those
are due to be redeveloped. This document
in need of ‘intensive support’ will qualify and,
provides a snapshot in time.
as a consequence, alter the composition of care within aged-care homes.
Most of the aged-care homes surveyed have undergone transformation or renovation,
In this new era of ageing there will undoubtedly
sometimes several times. Most follow a
be more pressure on space within current aged
similar logic or timeline based on changing
care homes;- a largely ‘old-old’ composition in
demand or aged-care concepts. In some,
need of a high-level of care within these care
the post-war nursing home has been
homes and a potential demand for further
completely erased.
construction of aged care that more closely resembles ‘the hospital’ or ‘the hospice’ than in
1950 - 1960s
> traditional nursing home
the past.
(small private & shared rooms grouped by care function within a large complex)
> desire for independent
living (rooms doubled to create small
apartments within care home)
AMSTERDAM. 1990-2000s The following pages describe the current changes and outline the current typologies which exist within high-level aged care.
> separation of housing &
care (apartments for elderly managed by social housing or property developer - care provided by different party for a price)
Fig. 1.
Current elderly care homes in Amsterdam (Het Parool, 2014)
STAFFED, EXPENSIVE, UNSUSTAINABLE... A critical inspection report last June 2015
showed concerns that care in many homes is
RELATIONSHIP IS BETWEEN PRIVATE UNITS AND COMMON/SHARED SPACES. Where possible this is described through plans & diagrams of private & common spaces.
substandard, residents are sharing rooms and care does not reflect the needs of patients. There are not enough trained personnel available and medical files are not being updated regularly.
Accompanied by; area calculations, capacity of care-home, level of care, typology of care, typology of unit, the facilities, services & specialists available to these units & the location of the care home within Amsterdam. The aged-care homes included range in architectural quality, where possible photographs of the interior help to illustrate the character of the spaces. Examples of the clinical, the out-dated, the homely, the modest and the luxurious follow. Some care homes have been omitted due to little relevance or little to no information available.
Fig. 2. http://www.parool.nl/binnenland/verpleeghuizen-laten-ouderen-te-weinigdoen~a4237424/ - Het Parool, 3rd February 2016
CURRENT PLACES & SPACES WITHIN AMSTERDAM (fig.1). 69 aged-care homes & 7 care organizations which administer care. COMMON UNIT TYPOLOGIES WITHIN CARE HOMES > Shared rooms (one-bed to four-bed rooms with bathroom) > Private rooms (shared living and /or bathrooms) > Semi-independent apartments (studio or two-bedroom) > Couple's apartments (larger than a studio) > Short stay rooms / rehabilitation wards > Small-scale living (flat-like grouphomes) > Day care centres
EXTRAMURALISATION: THE END OF THE CARE HOME. Once it was almost taken for granted in the Netherlands that the elderly took up residence in a nursing home, where Housing & Care were connected. Since the 70s, people have been calling for “extramural” care, to provide independent living for the elderly, disabled and psychiatric patients for as long as possible. Elderly wish to remain at home with home help or move to a care home at a similar scale to the residential dwelling in their neighbourhood.
BEING CLOSED, the classic retirement home
phased out and home care increased. This
a greater privatization of these central sites,
emphasis on self-direction and self-sufficiency
existing residents are either moved to another
aligns with wider shifts and the privatization of
care home or housed within the new building.
the welfare state.
“Are they necessary or can they faciliate more care at home?” - http://www.veldacademie.nl/ projecten/zicht-op-zorghuisvesting-amsterdam In ten years (2002-2012) the number of over-65s in care or nursing decreases from 138,000 to 125,000, while their number actually increased. More than 85 percent of over-80s live independently. 12 AGED CARE HOMES HAVE CLOSED RECENTLY IN AMSTERDAM.In the centre, St. Jacob closed in 2015 (home to 368 people), Greenwood at the Marnixstraat, 2015 (157 places). The Wittenberg closed 2014 (102 places). The Bernard on Marnixstraat was demolished in 2012 (142 places). This year the Willem Drees House in East will be demolished (63) & in New West De Drie
Fig. 3. Malika Sevil “Verzorgingsen verpleeghuizen verdwijnen uit de binnenstad“ Het Parool, 7th February, 2015) For exmple, The Bernard (aged-care) was demolished for The Macaroon, a luxury complex, marketed at the young-old (55+) with rents from 699 euros to 1800 euros/ month. Forty of the 172 apartments are set aside for residents who require complex care.
Hoven has been cleared (240) & The Den (22) is next.
THE SUPPLY-DRIVEN MARKET & THE NETHERLANDS Despite the number of over-65s due to rise from 2.6 million in 2011 to a peak of 4.6 million in 2039, a Berenschot study calculates that 800 homes should close. Meanwhile, there are already many homes empty and currently new building projects are being called off at the last moment. http://www.zorgvisie.nl/Huisvesting/ Nieuws/2013/2/Sluiting-dreigt-voor-ruim-800ouderenzorglocaties-1178771W/
CHANGING ROLE OF AGE-CARE COMPLEXES? With large numbers of elderly ‘ageing in place’ complexes in their own neighborhood remain important. Many aged-care homes have adapted to provide greater amenities & activities, adopt out patient care, house a general practice, multiple day centres & service many grouphomes in the surrounding area. They have become an essential service point to those currently ‘ageing-in-place'.
In 2012, elderly and the disabled expenditure increased by 10 percent. To
curb the rising costs, the government stripped the EMEA (Exceptional Medical
Sheltered living with some guidance
Expense Act). Only those who are ZZP 5+
Sheltered living with counseling and
Sheltered living with guidance and
Sheltered living with intensive
Protected living with dementia
Protected living with intensive care
Protected living with intensive care
Protected living with intensive care,
Short Stay with restorative nursing
are still eligible for an AWBZ-funded place in a nursing institution (some exemptions for
care indication ZZP4 with dementia).
intensive care counseling and comprehensive care intensive care and nursing and counseling care and nursing
Fig. 4. http://www.berenschot.nl/ markten-sectoren/zorg-en-welzijn-0/ virtuele-map/vvt/
care 10
Short Stay with intensive palliative care
AGEING IN PLACE IS BOTH A TREND AND, AS OF 2015, RE-ENFORCED (OR ENFORCED) BY POLICY. The ‘division of housing and care’ was initiated in 2013 and will be pushed further by the radical reform of the EMEA effective 1st of January, 2015 Elderly are accessed and eligible for certain spaces & subsidies based on the level of care they need. This care indication was recently raised, thus all aged-care homes are now catering to a demographic which requires a higher level of care. Essentially now you need to suffer somatic or pyschosomatic disabilities which make it difficult for you to remain at home, in order to qualify for a place in a care home.
OF ELDERLY THAT QUALIFY FOR CARE IN CARE HOMES. For Amsterdam and Diemen approximately 660 elderly no longer qualify (2014). This figure is set to increase with the ageing population. By 2025 available sites in Amsterdam will decrease by approximately 2000. Thus an estimated one-third of the Amsterdam homes may be forced to close or change function. ... WILL AGED-CARE HOMES GREATLY RESEMBLE SMALL HOSPITALS IN THE NEAR FUTURE AS THEY ADAPT TO PROVIDE A HIGHER-LEVEL OF CARE? ...WILL PRIVATE CARE ORGANIZATIONS ARISE TO MEET A NEW MARKET DEMAND?
Fig. 5. Current elderly care homes in Amsterdam (Nul 20, http://www.nul20.nl/dossiers/locaties-huidigewoonzorgcentra-amsterdam)
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Dr. Sarphatihuis / Amsta Flesseman / Amsta Nieuwe Bernardus & De Makroon / Amstelring De Rietvinck / Amstelring Sint Jacob / Amstelring (closed 2015) Wittenburg Centrum / Amsta (closed 2014) Czaar Peter Punt / Amsta De Keyzer / Amsta De Keyzer Diensten (combined with 8) Mozaïekhofje / Amsta Westerstraat / Amstelring
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Beth Shalom / Cordaan & Beth Shalom Buitenveldert / Cordaan Amsteldijk > Amstelhuis /Amsta De Buitenhof / Cordaan Buitenveldert / Cordaan d’Oude Raai / Cordaan Elisabeth Otter Knoll / EOKS Emmahof / Pro-Senectute Menno Simons / ZHGA Schinkelhaven / PuurZuid Torendael / PuurZuid Vreugdehof / Amstelring Noordhollandstraat / Amstelring
NIEUW-WEST OOST 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Jan Bonga / Amsta De Schutse / Amsta Slotervaart / Cordaan Nieuw Geuzenveld / Cordaan De Riekerhof / Cordaan De Den / PuurZuid De Drie Hoven / Amstelring Leo Polak / Amstelring De Beusemaecker / Amsta Jatopa / Amstelring Meer en Oever / Amsta Staalmanpark / Cordaan De Raak / Amsta Scala / Amstelring Wolbrantskerkweg /Amstelring Osdorperhof /Cordaan
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Berkenstede / Cordaan De Diem / Cordaan Flevohuis / ZGAO De Gooyer / Cordaan Van ‘t Hoff Avenue / Amsta Kastanjehof / Cordaan De Open Hof / ZGAO Willem Dreeshuis / Amstelring (closing 2016) Vrolikhuizen / Amsta
ZUIDOOST (not included in survey)
NOORD WEST 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
De Bogt /Amstelring De Boeg / Cordaan De Klinker / Amstelring Nieuw Vredenburgh /Cordaan De Poort/ Amsta Vondelstede / Amsta De Werf / Amsta Gerrie Knetemannlaan / Cordaan Saskia van Uijlenburgkade / Cordaan
65 66 67 68 69 70 71
De Die / Cordaan Eduard Douwes Dekker / Evean Korthagenhuis / Evean De Kimme / Evean Het Schouw / Amstelring Twiskehuis / Evean Bannecentrum / Cordaan
CENTRUM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11
Dr. Sarphatihuis / Amsta Flesseman / Amsta Nieuwe Bernardus & De Makroon /Amstelring De Rietvinck / Amstelring Sint Jacob / Amstelring (closure 2015) Wittenburg Centrum / Amsta (closed 2014) Czaar Peter Punt / Amsta De Keyzer / Amsta Mozaïekhofje / Amsta Westerstraat / Amstelring
Fig. 6.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 8.
Internal covered courtyard
AMSTA Verpleeghuis Address: Roetersstraat 2,1018 WC Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Provides somatic care, psychogeriatric care, Huntingtons disease sufferers, intensive care, rehabilitation & outpatient care. GROUND FLOOR: outpatient centre, speech therapy, offices & mixture of private rooms & shared rooms 1ST FLOOR: mixture of private rooms & shared rooms grouped around living space (organized by care level & type) 2ND FLOOR: Mentrum clinic/offices & mixture of private rooms & shared rooms 3RD FLOOR: physiotherapy, occupational therapy & mixture of private rooms & shared rooms
THREE-BED ROOM Area of unit (m2): No. of units: No. of inhabitants: Furnished
32.2-32.5 42 72
SANITATION A sink in each room 1 bathroom for every 4 residents
FACILITIES Restaurant / kitchen Hair salon / pedicure Meditation Centre Birthday Room
SPECIALISTS physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, psychologist and social worker
Architect: Abraham van der Hart, 1782 (Nursing home since 1933) Area of overall development (m2): 5202 Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care: COMMON SPACE (m2): >common lounges >library, restaurant, salon >central courtyard
143 196 ZZP 2 - 5
PRIVATE ROOM Area of unit (m2): No. of units: No. of inhabitants: Furnished
14.1-15.7 52 52
TWO-BED ROOM Area of unit (m2): No. of units: No. of inhabitants: Furnished
20.8-21.5 32 64
https://www.zorgkaartnederland.nl/zorginstelling/ verpleeghuis-en-verzorgingshuis-amsta-drsarphatihuis-centrum-voor-verpleeghuiszorgamsterdam-14736 http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1630-Detail.html?zi_id=8 http://beeldbank.amsterdam.nl/afbeelding/ BMAB00004000063_010 http://www.amsterdamsegrachtenhuizen.info/ gracht/rte/rte100/rt02002/ https://www.amsterdam.nl/kunstencultuur/ monumenten/monumenten-0/gebouwengebieden/beschrijvingen/roetersstraat_2/
Fig. 9.
living room
On each floor rooms are grouped around living spaces SECTION 1:
SECTION 2 & 3 (m2):
SECTION 4 (m2):
> lounge
>activities room
SECTION 5 & 6 (m ): 2
Fig. 10. Shared room (rehabilitation)
Fig. 11. Configuration of rooms (SECTION 6)
Fig. 12. One-bed, two-bed, three-bed rooms
Fig. 13. Ground floor
Fig. 14. 1st floor
Fig. 16. 2nd floor
Fig. 15. 3rd floor
Fig. 17. Locality
Fig. 18. Exterior
Fig. 19. Exterior (Nieuwmarkt)
Fig. 20. Exterior (Sint Antoniesbreestraat )
AMSTA Woonzorgcentrum Address: Nieuwmarkt 77, 1011 MA Amsterdam
PROGRAMME A multifunctional complex including the original ‘flesseman’ building & two wings along St. Antoniesbreestraat and Dijkstraat which frame a central courtyard. GROUND FLOOR: shops, restaurant / kitchen and care apartments
FACILITIES Restaurant Cafe Hairdresser’s Shop Laundromat Physiotherapy Garden
1ST, 2ND & 3RD FLOOR: Care apartments + shop, hairdresser, day room, physiotherapy room, bathrooms, guest rooms & infirmary 4TH TO 7TH FLOOR: Rental apartments
Architect: H.Th. Wijdeveld, 1927 (additions GVOA, 1988) Area of overall development (m2):
Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care:
50 52 ZZP 1-4
RENTAL APARTMENTS 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 room apartments Area (m2): 32 - 102 No. of units: 183
COMMON SPACE (m2): >restaurant / cafe >terrace STUDIO APARTMENTS Area of private unit (m2): No. of units: Furnished / unfurnished
26, 36 42
TWO ROOM APARTMENTS Area of private unit (m2): 59m2 No. of units: 4 shower, toilet, kitchenette & french balcony SHORT STAY ROOMS Area of unit: No. of inhabitants:
Fig. 22. Restaurant
Fig. 21. Two-room rental apartment (36m2)
http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1630-Detail.html?p=zorg_ en_diensten&zi_id=10
50m2 5
http://www.gvoa.nl/index. php?function=projects&projid=a03 https://www.woningnetregioamsterdam.nl/ EenheidDetails/30137978 http://www.onsamsterdam.nl/component/content/ article/15-dossiers/654-architect-hth-wijdeveld
Fig. 23. Ground floor
Fig. 24. 2nd floor Red: commercial spaces Magenta: Entrance to nursing homes Yellow: neighbourhood restaurant Green: social housing blue: circulation
Fig. 28. one room apartment
Fig. 25. Exterior (Dijkstraat)
Fig. 26. Exterior (Dijkstraat continued) - showing kitchen / restaurant on corner, access and storage houses on the ground floor, above two layers of nursing homes with bay windows and above 2/3 layers rental properties
Fig. 29. two room apartment
Fig. 27. Courtyard
Fig. 30. Locality
Fig. 31. The Bernadus (demolished)
Fig. 32. Nieuwe Bernadus (40 places within De Makroon)
AMSTELRING Life-proof apartments & aged-care Address: Nieuwe Passeerdersstraat 2, 1016 XP Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: shops, gallery, spa, pool, health club, service club, brasserie 2ND & 3RD FLOOR: nieuwe bernardus
SERVICES food service shopping service SPECIALISTS specialist in geriatric medicine
4TH & 5TH: makroon rental apartments Architect: Architekten Cie, 2015 Total housing area (m2): Total commercial area (m2): Gross surface area (m2): (excl. parking)
15,100 2000 21,400
*Life-proof: suitable to continue living there, even if intensive care is needed. Care is a cost on top of housing
DE MAKROON Managed by Syntrus Achmea (private sector) No. of ‘life-proof’ apartments: Area of private unit: Rent/ month: No. of social housing apartments Area of common space: Target age
132 62-180m2 €800-1600 9 m2 70+
NEW BERNARDUS Managed by Amstelring (public sector) Level of care: ZZP5+ GROUP HOMES No. of grouphomes: No. of private units: Total no. of inhabitants:
THE BERNARDUS (demolished 2014) Amstelring believed the financing and risks of the investment were too large, the land, construction and management of the property transferred to Syntrus Achmea. The new development represents a division of housing and care
2 8 16
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS (SOMATIC) No. of units: 15 2 Area of private unit (m ): 87-89 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDorArnlSXE
ONE-ROOM APARTMENTS (“CARE HOTEL”) No. of units: 15 2 Area of private unit (m ): 61-62 FACILITIES Club de Makroon
http://www.demakroon.nl/ http://beeldbank.amsterdam.nl/beeldbank/ indeling/detail/start/10?q_search_ straat=nieuwe+passeerdersstraat&q_search_ huisnummer=2&q_sk_datering_van=van-tot http://www.demakroon.nl/content/common/ downloads/De_Makroon_Amstelring.pdf
Fig. 33. Central courtyard
Fig. 34. Club de Makroon
Fig. 35. Ground floor
Fig. 36. Level 1
Fig. 37. Level 2
Fig. 40. Interior of care hotel apartments
Fig. 38. care hotel apartments (61/62m2)
Fig. 39. two-room apartments (87/89m2) 29
Fig. 41. Locality
Fig. 42. Exterior
Fig. 43. Internal courtyard
AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: Vinkenstraat 185, 1013 JR Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: public amenities, courtyard & two-room apartments
Grouphome (C) No. of units Area of private unit (m2): including bathroom Area of common space (m2):
7 26 78
1ST & 2ND FLOOR: 3 group homes each & 2 X SHORT STAY UNITS 3RD & 4TH FLOOR: Care Apartments
Architect: Marc Prosman architects Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
64 66 ZZP 4 - 8
FACILITIES day care, physiotherapy and fitness rooms, a multipurpose room, an internet café, a restaurant with kitchen, reception area, office space
COMMON SPACE (m2): > central courtyard > groundfloor > grouphome lounges TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: No. of inhabitants: Area of private unit (m2): Unfurnished Level of care (ZZP): GROUP HOMES Total no. of grouphomes: No. of inhabitants: Level of care (ZZP) Grouphome (A) No. of units Area of private unit (m2): including bathroom Area of common space (m2): Grouphome (B) No. of units Area of private unit (m2): including bathroom Area of common space (m2):
26 28 34 - 45 4,5
6 38 5+
6 26 78
6 26 52
Fig. 44. Ground floor
Fig. 45. 1st Floor
Fig. 46. Apartment type A
Fig. 47. Common space 1st floor
Fig. 48. Circulation (ground floor)
Fig. 50. 3rd floor assisted living
Fig. 49. 4th floor assisted living
Fig. 51. Locality
Fig. 52. Exterior
Fig. 53. Render of Oostpoort
AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: Plantage Middenlaan 52, 1018 DH Amsterdam
SPECIALISTS (para) medical care and counseling, neurologist (LUMC), a psychologist (PsyQ) and other specialists.
(see next page) Architect: Peters en Booger, 1973 - 1982 Original building 1881, now demolished (except for chapel). Between 1973 and 1977 new residential wings of studios replaced previous hospital typology.
Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care:
275 240+ ZZP 4-10
GROUND FLOOR: Primary paramedic treatment (physiotherapy, occupational therapy) - 24-hour care 1ST FLOOR: Huntington’s disease apartments. No. of units:
COMMON SPACE > ground floor > courtyard & chapel > studio lounges STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2): (1 lounge for 24 units)
OOST-POORT (new site) new development of private homes for seniors (55+) living independently & Amstelring facility (due for completion 2016)
217 26 64
PRIVATE ROOMS No. of units: No. of inhabitants: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
42 42 14 4
TWO-BED COUPLES' ROOMS No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Bathroom/ kitchenette (m2):
16 24 10
FOUR-BED ROOMS No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Bathroom/ storage (m2):
39.2 16.2
2ND-5TH FLOOR: Two-room apartments with common space on each floor No. of units: 48 Area of private unit(m2): 62 Level of care (ZZP) 4-10
Fig. 54. Sint Jacob will be replaced by 325 deluxe free sector rental housing for seniors
https://www.amstelring.nl/oostpoort.aspx http://www.koophuis-oostpoort.nl https://www.amstelring.nl/sintjacob.aspx
Fig. 57. studio apartment
Fig. 55. Ground - 5th floor PLANTAGE LEPELLAAN & WESTERMANLAAN (mirrored) GROUND FLOOR - 6TH FLOOR: studio apartments with common space on each floor
Fig. 56. 6th floor
Fig. 58. common space (64m2)
Fig. 60. One-bed room
Fig. 61. Couples' room
Fig. 62. 4-bed room
Fig. 63. Common balcony
PLANTAGE MUIDERGRACHT GROUND FLOOR: services & laundry 1ST FLOOR: services, mortuary & occupational therapy 2ND, 3RD, 4TH FLOOR: 4x single rooms, 2x couple rooms & 7 x fourbed shared rooms per floor
Fig. 59. 2nd, 3rd & 4th floor
Fig. 64. Theatre/Chapel, Sint Jacob
Fig. 65. Salon, Sint Jacob
5 Fig. 71. single room (14)
Fig. 67. 2-bed room (21)
Fig. 68. 4-bed room (37)
Fig. 69. Lounge & balcony
Fig. 70. Lounge
PLANTAGE MIDDENLAAN GROUND FLOOR: reception, offices, care services, salon, shop, specialists & short stay rooms 1ST, 2ND & 3RD FLOOR: 12x single rooms, 8x two-bed rooms, 8x four-bed rooms, 4x lounges & 2x balconies
Fig. 66. 1st, 2nd & 3rd floor
Fig. 72. Locality
Fig. 73. Terrace
Fig. 74. Stairway
AMSTA Kleinschalig wonen (small-scale care home) Address: Czaar Peterstraat 196, 1018 PX Amsterdam
PROGRAMME 4 floors, each floor is its own household of 6 residents. Architect: unknown Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
24 24 ZZP 2+
COMMON SPACE (m2) > terrace > 4x lounges
112 Fig. 75. exterior
GROUP HOMES No. of grouphomes:
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): 2x Bathrooms (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2):
6 12 9 1 28
FACILITIES Care and activities connected to De Keyzer SERVICES hairdresser meals SPECIALISTS like a household, residents involved in their own care/meal preparation etc (a nurse present at all times)
1/4 of dementia homes in the Netherlands are based on this small-scale group homes concept, and the vast majority of new homes are being built to this pattern. Government policy has promoted this model since early 2009.
Fig. 76. terrace
http://www.bouwcollege.nl/Pdf/CBZ%20 Website/Cursussen/Impressies%5CStudiereis%20 VenV%20januari%202008%5CStudiereis%20 bouwcollege%20langs%20recent%20 opgeleverde%20nieuwbouwprojecten%20in%20N. pdf http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1630-Detail.html?p=zorg_ en_diensten&zi_id=16 http://www.bouwcollege.nl/asp/show. asp?Directory=Pdf%5CCBZ%20 http://heijmen.net/peter/wp-content/ uploads/2014/01/Artikel-JDC-Heijmen-Manthorp.
Fig. 77. Private room
Fig. 79. 1st floor plan
Fig. 78. Bathroom
Fig. 80. Living room
Fig. 81. Kitchen
Fig. 82. Locality
Fig. 83. Exterior
Fig. 84. Interior courtyard
DE KEYSER AMSTA Kleinschalig wonen (small-scale care home) Address: Johan Jongkindstraat 3, 1062 CK Amsterdam
FACILITIES health centre & pharmacy
GROUND FLOOR: Commercial space, healthcare center, doctor's practice & pharmacy. 1ST, 2ND & 3RD FLOOR: Rental apartments & grouphomes
RENTAL APARTMENTS No. of units: 68 Area of unit (m2): 70, 80, 90 & 135 Area of courtyard (m2): 144 Apartments grouped around 4 courtyards (16 apartments / courtyard )
4TH FLOOR: Rental apartments & apartments for dementia sufferers Architect: Frantzen, 2009 Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > multifunctional room (x3) > grouphome lounges (x6) > roof terrace Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
1224 498 23 (69) 62 (372) 57 44 44 ZZP 2- 5
GROUP HOMES No. of grouphomes: Total no. of units:
6 36
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): (shared by 2 residents) No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): >lounge kitchen >balcony Level of care STUDIO APARTMENT No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Living/ bedroom Bathroom (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of roof terrace (m2): Level of care
6 18-24 7
Fig. 86. Mass showing courtyards
Fig. 85. Balconies set back from facade
2 62 54 8 ZZP 5+
8 41-45 35-39 6 1 57 ZZP 2+
Fig. 87. Exterior
http://www.frantzen.nl/_Blogspot/english/FEA_ portfolio_EN_20130402.pdf http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1957-Detail.html?zi_id=35
Fig. 92. Ground floor (healthcentre in middle)
Fig. 88. Group home living room
Fig. 89. 1st 2nd & 3rd floor (group home in middle)
Fig. 91. Group home plan
Fig. 90. Group home living room
Fig. 93. Corridor of 4th floor apartments
Fig. 94. 4th floor (apartments for dementia sufferers in middle)
Fig. 95. Apartments for dementia sufferers
Fig. 96. Locality
Fig. 98. Common space
Fig. 97. Grouphomes (a, b & c)
AMSTA Kleinschalig wonen (small-scale care home ) Address: Dijkdwarsstraat 1A, 1011 DZ Amsterdam
PROGRAMME OF DEVELOPMENT GROUND FLOOR: 3 grouphomes for dementia sufferers 1ST - 4TH FLOOR: two-bedroom apartments Architect: Marlies Rohmer, 1998 Total area of development (m2):
PRIVATE SPACE (m2): COMMON SPACE (m2): > group home lounges > central courtyard
No. of grouphomes: Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care:
3 18 18 2-4
GROUPHOME (A) No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): No. of bathrooms: Area of bathroom (m2):
6 19.8 1 40 2 4.8
GROUPHOME (B) No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): No. of bathrooms: Area of bathroom (m2):
6 19.8 2 61 2 4.8
GROUPHOME (C) No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): No. of bathrooms: Area of bathroom (m2):
6 19.8 1 36 2 4.8
SERVICES hairdresser, pedicure, meals
Fig. 101. Exterior
Fig. 100. Group home living room
Fig. 99. Courtyard
http://www.rohmer.nl/project/nieuwmarktbuurtsociowoningen/ http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1630-Detail.html?zi_id=17
Fig. 102. Locality
Fig. 103. Exterior
Fig. 104. Plan
AMSTELRING Kleinschalig wonen (small-scale care home ) Address: Westerstraat 226, 1015 MS Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: Amstelring office & care services 1st & 2nd floor: grouphomes 3rd, 4th, 5th floor: rental apartments Architect: unknown, 2004 Area of overall development:
No. of grouphomes: Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care:
2 12 12 ZZP 5+
GROUPHOME No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): No. of common spaces: > living room & open kitchen Area of common space (m2): No. of bathrooms: Area of bathroom (m2):
6 16-18 1 40 2 4,3 (7)
NIEUW-WEST 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Jan Bonga / Amsta De Schutse / Amsta Slotervaart / Cordaan Nieuw Geuzenveld / Cordaan De Riekerhof / Cordaan De Den / PuurZuid De Drie Hoven / Amstelring Leo Polak / Amstelring De Beusemaecker / Amsta Jatopa / Amstelring Meer en Oever / Amsta Staalmanpark / Cordaan De Raak / Amsta Scala / Amstelring Wolbrantskerkweg /Amstelring Osdorperhof /Cordaan
Fig. 105. Locality
Fig. 106. Exterior
Fig. 107. Exterior
AMSTA Woonzorgcentrum Address: Jan Bongastraat 5, 1067 HZ Amsterdam
GROUND FLOOR: Offices, services, kitchen, laundry, 2,3 & 4-bed rooms 1ST FLOOR: 1, 2,3 & 4-bed rooms, lounges & large activity room 2ND FLOOR: physiotherapy, canteen, offices, services, lounges & 2,3 & 4-bed rooms Architect: Team 4, 1992 Area of overall development:
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
75 200 2- 5
COMMON SPACE (m2): > 18x small lounges > 3x sitting rooms > canteen > activity room > central courtyard
864 288 127.5 300
PRIVATE ROOMS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Including bathroom (m2):
18 20 5
Total no. of shared rooms:
TWO-BED ROOMS No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
27 46 6
THREE-BED ROOMS No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
6 48 4-6
FOUR-BED ROOMS No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
24 52 4
FACILITIES Restaurant, ATM SERVICES Internet, medical and paramedical services meal service, bus for excursions, spiritual care / church services
“Doctors Leave Due to Bad Care” - Het Parool APRIL 14, 2009, 11:15 >The standard is one nurse per seven patients, but in Jan Bonga sometimes it is one to ten or twelve. Doctors leave because they can’t guarantee care of patients under current conditions.
Fig. 108. One-bed room
(6x one each floor)
Fig. 109. two-bed room (a) (5x on each floor) Fig. 110. two-bed room (b) (4x on each floor) Fig. 111. three-bed room (2x on each floor) Fig. 112. four-bed room
(8x on each floor)
Fig. 113. Sitting room 96m2 (1x ground, 1st & 2nd floor)
Fig. 114. Lounge 48m2 (6x ground, 1st & 2nd floor)
Fig. 115. Activity room (1st floor)
Fig. 116. Canteen (2nd floor)
Fig. 117. Locality
Fig. 118. 1959
Fig. 119. 2014/15
DE SCHUTSE AMSTA Woonzorgcentrum Address: Comeniusstraat 20, 1065 BH Amsterdam
FACILITIES home cinema, gym, internet cafe
(A) GROUND FLOOR: dining, recreation hall, care services, offices, 27 two-room apartments & 9 studio apartments 1ST FLOOR: day care & short stay rooms 2ND FLOOR: 22 two-room apartments 3RD FLOOR: 22 two-room apartments (B) GROUND FLOOR: dining, hall, 32 studio apartments & 4 two-person rooms 1ST FLOOR: 34 studio apartments & 4 twoperson rooms 2ND FLOOR: 41 studio apartments & 4 twoperson rooms 3RD FLOOR: 30 studio apartments & 4 twoperson rooms
SERVICES weekly church service, monthly Eucharistic celebrations ACTIVITIES music, dance, recreation, clubs and creative movement GROUP CARE Residents with dementia have their own apartment, but spend days in a shared living room & participate in the ‘dayprogramme’ (constant supervision)
Architect: Van der Zee,1959 & Duermeijer Verwij Missnig, 1982 Area of overall development (m2): 16422 Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
197 185 ZZP 3+
COMMON SPACE large communal areas on ground floor & lounge on most levels
B Fig. 120. Section A&B
STUDIO APARTMENT No. of units: >section A >section B Area of private unit (m2): Furnished
146 9 137 35
TWO-ROOM APARTMENT No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Furnished
51 25
Fig. 121. Ground floor
Fig. 122. 1st floor
B Fig. 123. Apartment type 1 & 2
Fig. 124. Ground floor
Fig. 125. 1st floor
Fig. 126. 2nd floor
Fig. 127. 3rd floor
Fig. 128. Locality
Fig. 130. Exterior
Fig. 129. New ground floor
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Louwesweg 10, 1066 EC Amsterdam
REHABILITATION WARD (B) No. of rehabilitation wards
GROUND FLOOR: Public facilities, care centre, rehabilitation ward A & offices 1ST FLOOR: rehabilitation wards A&B (1,2 & 4 bed rooms with living spaces)
No. of units: No. of inhabitants: Area of private unit (m2): > single room Area of common space (m2):
2 7 7 28 64.2
2ND FLOOR: rehabilitation wards A&B (1,2 & 4 bed rooms with living spaces) Architect: H.H. van Mil, 1981, Redesign by OD 205 Architecture, 2015 Area of overall development (m2): 15944
No. of units: No. of inhabitants: rehabilitation care temporary stay long stay palliative care Level of care:
113 113 60 5 51 7 ZZP 5-10
FACILITIES Barber, shop, Laundromat, Meditation Centre, Library, pedicure & internet SPECIALISTS Specialist in geriatric medicine, Physiotherapist, Social worker, Speech therapist, Occupational therapist & Elderly psychologist
Redesign: rehabilitation wards with 66 rooms and a 7500 m2 care center
REHABILITATION WARD (A) No. of rehabilitation wards No. of units: > single room > shared room (4 beds) No. of inhabitants: Area of private unit (m2): > single room > shared room (4 beds)
3 20 18 2 26 16 34
Area of common space (m2): > Living room (a) 68.2 > Living room (b) 64 Furnished: a high / low bed, nightstand, wardrobe & sink
Fig. 131. 1981 & 2015
http://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verpleeghuizen/ verpleeghuis_slotervaart https://www.zorgkaartnederland.nl/zorginstelling/ verpleeghuis-en-verzorgingshuis-cordaanverpleeghuis-slotervaart-amsterdam-14738/ faciliteiten http://www.od205.com/project?id=73&c=1 http://www.dearchitect.nl/projecten/2015/ interieur/woon--zorgvoorzieningen-slotervaart/ woon--zorgvoorzieningen-slotervaart.html
Fig. 132. Ground floor
Fig. 134. Ground floor offices
Fig. 133. 1st floor unit above common space
Fig. 135. Ground floor
Fig. 136. 2x Living rooms on each floor
Fig. 137. Rehabilitation rooms
Fig. 138. Locality
Fig. 140. Ground floor
Fig. 139. Group home
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Cornelis Outshoornstraat 126, 1067 HG Amsterdam
PROGRAMME 47 apartments for seniors, 50 apartments for manic depression, Korsakoff’s and schizophrenia sufferers, & commercial space.
Architect: Ven HoevenCS, 2005 Area of overall development (m2):
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
50 50 ZZP 3+
GROUPHOME No. of grouphomes:
No. of private units: > ground floor > 1st floor > 2nd floor Area of unit (m2): No. of common spaces: > ground floor > 1st floor > 2nd floor
50 14 18 18 17-22 12 4 3 3
Fig. 141. Exterior
Fig. 142. interior courtyard
FACILITIES cafe, restaurant, barber, laundry, library, supermarket on ground floor SERVICES internet, Household assistance, counselling, Personal care, Laundry & Nursing
Fig. 143. 1st & 2nd floor https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ nieuw_geuzenveld http://venhoevencs.nl/wordpress/wp-content/ uploads/2012/02/Bouw_U2-Geuzenveld_ VenhoevenCS1.pdf
Fig. 144. Locality
Fig. 145. Exterior
Fig. 146. Exterior
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Johan Jongkindstraat 3, 1062 CK Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND: care centre, communal spaces 1ST FLOOR: Private rooms & two-room apartments 2ND - 7TH FLOOR: two-room apartments Architect: G. Husslage, 1975 & Schipper Verbeek Zijlstra, 1991 Area of overall development (m2): 12670 Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
167 77 ZZP 1-3
PRIVATE ROOMS (for short-term stays) No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
8 26.6 7.6
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Balcony
81 53 5
REHABILIATTION WARD No. of units: > one-bed room > two-bed room Area of unit (m2): > one-bed room > two-bed room communal lounge (m2):
Fig. 149. Short elevation
Fig. 147. Garden
5 3 2 22 35 20
FACILITIES cafe, restaurent, salon, laundromat, library, pedicure, internet & garden
Fig. 148. Internet ‘cafe’ & WIBO HOMES / RENTAL APARTMENTS standalone two-room apartments in the immediate vicinity which can use the services and facilities of the Riekerhof No. of units: 91
SERVICES meal service, laundry, technical service but also offer day care and other social and cultural activities.
Fig. 150. Ground floor
Fig. 151. 1st floor (red - 14x3.8)
Fig. 152. 2nd - 6th floor
Fig. 153. Two-room apartment Fig. 154. Short-stay room Fig. 155. Rehabilitation ward
Fig. 156. Day care & rehabilitation
Fig. 157. Locality
Fig. 158. Garden
Fig. 159. Exterior
PUUR ZUID Kleinschalig wonen (small-scale care home) Address: Ruys de Beerenbrouckstraat 23, 1067 BL Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Architect: unknown, 1966 Area of overall development (m2):
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
23 25 ZZP 5 - 7
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
21 32
COUPLES' APARTMENTS No. of units: No. of inhabitants: Area of private unit (m2):
2 4 60 Fig. 160. Private room
COMMON FACILITIES 3x living rooms Area of living rooms (m2)
64, 64 & 32
& 37 RENTAL APARTMENTS SERVICES individual ‘care plan’, housekeeping, meal service
http://www.puurzuid.nl/wonen-en-zorg/ woon-en-zorgcentra/woon-en-zorgcentrumde-den/een-kijkje-bij-de-den
Fig. 161. Common spaces
Fig. 162. Locality
Fig. 163. De Drie Hoven “The 3 Courts” (1975)
Fig. 164. demolish (2015) & new-development "De Bouwmeester" (2016)
DE DRIE HOVEN AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: Louis Bouwmeesterstraat 377, 1065 NS Amsterdam
PROGRAMME 6 floors of various typologies, with common space on each floor Architect: Herman Hertzberger, 1974 Area of overall development (m2): 25173
Total area of private space (m2): Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care:
23447 102 120 3+
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Furnished or unfurnished
SPECIALISTS 2 Geriatric Medicine Specialists, 2 General Practitioners & a Dietician (currently being demolished for new development) DE BOUWMEESTER Architect: BFAS, 2016 175 rental apartments for 55+ers
TWO-ROOM COUPLES' APARTMENTS No. of units: 25 PRIVATE ROOM No. of units: Furnished
SHARED ROOM No. of units: Furnished
GROUPHOMES No. of grouphomes No. of private units: No. of inhabitants:
3 10 30
FACILITIES Restaurant, bar, post office, bank, hairdresser / pedicure, shop
https://www.zorgkaartnederland.nl/ zorginstelling/verpleeghuis-en-verzorgingshuisamstelring-woonzorgcentrum-de-drie-hovenamsterdam-12850 424/STADSGEZICHTEN/article/ detail/1835722/2011/02/17/Stadsgezichten-DeDrie-Hoven.dhtml http://www.architectenweb.nl/aweb/projects/ project.asp?PID=10430 https://www.beeldengeluid.nl/en/media/487/ opening-de-drie-hoven-modern-complex-voorbejaardenhuisvesting http://www.architectural-review.com/rethink/ february-1976-hertzbergers-framework-forcare/8646676.fullarticle http://www.ahh.nl
Fig. 165. Studio apartment
Fig. 167. Ground floor
Fig. 166. 4-bed hospital room
18 Fig. 168. Couples apartment
Fig. 169. 1st floor
Fig. 170. The internal street
Fig. 171. Restaurant (2nd floor)
Fig. 172. Apartment types
Fig. 173. Locality
Fig. 174. Exterior (Care home & apartment tower)
Fig. 175. Exterior courtyard
AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: Saaftingestraat 8, 1069 BW Amsterdam
PROGRAMME RED, YELLOW & ORANGE BUILDING: GROUND FLOOR: day care and a medical centre for clinical help 1ST FLOOR:6 group homes & 15 private rooms 2ND FLOOR: 6 group homes & 15 private rooms BLACK TILED BUILDING: 2ND & 3RD FLOOR: private rooms 4TH - 24TH FLOOR: two-bedroom rental apartments
Architect: Claus & Kann Architecten, 2005 Gross floor area (m2): 18,500
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
165 190 ZZP 4-10
PRIVATE ROOMS Area of private unit (m2): 16-17 (some with private ensuite, some shared) bathroom (m2): 4.6 Area of common space (m2): 22.7 (7/8 residents per commonspace) No. of units: 30
GROUPHOMES No. of grouphomes: Total no. of inhabitants:
12 72
Area of grouphome (m2): No. of private units Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2):
315 6 14 56
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Furnished or unfurnished
COUPLES APARTMENTS No. of units: Furnished or unfurnished
FACILITIES shop, hairdresser, Internet café, library, weekly market, restaurant and a recreation room SERVICES integration of nursing, health care and living. health care centre, day care, medical centre, palliative care, stroke rehabilitation (26 places)
RENTAL APARTMENTS (specifically for 55+) Area of private unit: m2 Area of common space: m2 No. of units: 72 >24 four-room apartments >48 three-room apartments
https://www.amstelring.nl/leopolak http://www.woonzorg.nl/leo_polak_amsterdam http://www.annekooslittel.nl/opdrachten/osirawoonzorgcentrum-leo-polak/
Fig. 177. connection between grouphomes & private rooms
Fig. 176. common spaces
Fig. 180. 2nd & 3rd floor
Fig. 178. configuration of a group home
Fig. 179. configuration of private rooms
Fig. 181. Circulation space of 2nd/ 3rd floor
Fig. 182. Circulation space of 1st floor
Fig. 183. Variety of common spaces
Fig. 184. Locality
Fig. 185. Grouphome (6 private rooms, lounge & kitchen
Fig. 186. Programmatic section
AMSTA Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Dr. J.A. Ringersstraat, 1067 DG Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Large complex with 140 apartments multiple housing typologies, including penthouses with patios, student rooms with communal living and group homes for early dementia (under 60yrs). Fig. 187. exterior (street)
GROUND FLOOR: parking 1ST FLOOR: apartments 2ND, 3RD, 4TH & 5TH FLOOR: group homes & apartments 6TH & 7TH FLOOR: apartments
Architect: Locus Architecten, 2006 Area of overall development (m2): 3,400
Fig. 188. exterior (central courtyard)
Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2):
902.4 979.2
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
48 48 5+
GROUP HOMES No. of grouphomes: Area of grouphome(m2):
8 287.4
Fig. 189. Interior circulation
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2): > bathroom (shared by 2) > balcony (shared by 3) > Lounge/kitchen
6 18.8 122.4 5.5 20.8 64.3
http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1956-Detail.html?zi_id=38 http://locusarchitecten.nl/files/project/26/0416DeGeuzenbaanAdam_website.pdf http://locusarchitecten.nl/project/show/26 http://www.gebouwdin.amsterdam.nl/bijlagen/ projectdocumentatie_tekeningen/721.pdf
Fig. 190. Locality
Fig. 191. 1st & 2nd floor (BLOCK A)
Fig. 192. Exterior (street elevation)
JATOPA AMSTELRING Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Jan Tooropstraat 403, 1061 AE Amsterdam
Mixed-use complex:164 condominiums, 76 subsidized rental apartments (includ. 4 Amstelring grouphomes), 9 single-family homes for sale, 2600 m2 of commercial space & parking
Architect: Kenk Architecten, 2004 Area of overall development (m2): Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > grouphome lounges > large terrace
630 705 280 425
Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care (ZZP):
28 28 5+
BLOCK A (1st & 2nd floor): grouphomes
Fig. 193. Site Plan GROUP HOMES No. of grouphomes: No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2): >lounge with kitchen (m2): > 4x bathroom (5m2): > terrace (m2): > balcony
4 7 22.5 70 20 212.5 14 Fig. 194. Block B & C
https://www.woonz.nl/Woning/809/1-kamerappartement-met-douche-en-toilet?back=%2FZoe k%2Famsterdam%2Fstraal-25%3Fpage%3D2 http://www.archello.com/en/project/jatopa http://www.kenkarchitecten.nl/jatopa-amsterdamzorgwoningen.html
Fig. 195. Block E & A
Fig. 196. Interiors
Fig. 198. configuration of group home
Fig. 197. Shared lounge Fig. 200. Shared lounge Fig. 199. Terrace
Fig. 201. Locality
Fig. 204. 2 group homes ground floor)
Fig. 202. 2 group homes (1st floor)
Fig. 203. Grouphome configuration
AMSTA Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Geer Ban 161- 167, 1068 ZW Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Large complex of social housing, grouphomes and rental apartments GROUND FLOOR: 2 grouphomes 1ST FLOOR: 2 grouphomes Fig. 205. Exterior
Architect: ONX Architecten, 2008 Area of overall development (m2): Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2):
480 210
Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care: (formerly ZZP 5)
24 24 2
GROUP HOMES No. of grouphomes: Area of grouphome (m2):
4 315
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2): >bathroom (shared between 2) >lounge, kitchen
6 20 79.5 9 (27) 52.5
Fig. 206. Exterior
SPECIALISTS live-in carer
http://www.gebouwdin.amsterdam.nl/main. asp?action=display_html_pagina&name=detailpag ina&booMarge=-1&item_id=490 http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1956-Detail. html?p=overzicht&zi_id=33
Fig. 207. Grouphomes (1st floor plan)
Fig. 208. Locality
Fig. 209. Exterior
Fig. 210. Internal atrium
CORDAAN Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Ottho Heldringstraat 13, 1066 XT Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: general practice, physiotherapy practice, pharmacy, (433.8m2) 2ND FLOOR: restaurant and terrace & care space (77.7m2) 4TH, 5TH, 6TH FLOOR: 11 care apartments & 6 grouphomes (624.5m2 each)
Fig. 211. Overall complex
7TH - 12TH FLOOR: 27 WIBO rental apartments Architect: OD205, 2012 Area of overall development (m2):
AGED CARE No. of grouphomes: Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care: GROUPHOME No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): > lounge/ bedroom > Bathroom/storage Area of common space (m2): > lounge, kitchen
6 36 36 2 Fig. 212. Exterior 6
FACILITIES general practice, physiotherapy practice, pharmacy, restaurant, roof terrace, barber, meditation center & day care centre
Fig. 213. Section
SPECIALISTS live-in carer WIBO RENTAL APARTMENT Two room apartment (m2): rent/ month (€)
60 730
http://aronsengelauff.nl/nl/woningbouw/soundproof https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verpleeghuizen/ ottho_heldringstraat http://www.od205.com/ project?id=15&p=more&c=1
Fig. 214. Grouphome lounge/ kitchen
Fig. 215. 4th, 5th & 6th floor plan
Fig. 216. grouphome
Fig. 217. Private rooms
Fig. 218. 2nd & 3rd floor common space
Fig. 219. 3rd floor
Fig. 220. Group homes wrapped around atrium
Fig. 221. Locality
Fig. 222. ground floor
Fig. 223. 1st floor - 4th floor
Fig. 224. Grouphome configuration
DE RAAK AMSTA Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Dr. H. Colijnstraat 431 - 447, 1067 CE Amsterdam
PROGRAMME 7 floor apartment building GROUND FLOOR: commercial space, an activity room, an office, childcare centre and an outdoor area. 1ST, 2ND, 3RD & 4TH FLOOR: two group homes per floor 5TH & 6TH FLOOR: rental apartments Architect: Duinker van der Torre, 2010 Area of overall development (m2): 6,850 > childcare (m2): 225 > commercial space (m2): 580 > rental apartments 1958
Fig. 225. Exterior
AGED CARE Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > group home lounges > activity space
1872 726 552 174
No. of grouphomes: Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care:
8 48 48 2
GROUPHOME No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): > lounge/ bedroom > bathroom/storage No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): > lounge, kitchen
6 39 29 10 1 69
Fig. 226. Programme
http://www.gebouwdin.amsterdam.nl/main. asp?action=display_html_pagina&name=detailpag ina&booMarge=-1&item_id=867 http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1630-Detail.html?zi_id=39 http://www.dvdt.com/project php?n=3,1,124,12095
Fig. 227. Locality
Fig. 228. Staircase
Fig. 229. Grouphome configuration
AMSTELRING Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Leeuwendalersweg 438, 1061 BE Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Large complex of rental apartments & care apartments GROUND FLOOR: shops 1ST - 6TH FLOOR: one group home on each level, around an open stairway
Architect: Faro Architecten, 2009 Area of overall development (m2):
AGED CARE Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2):
756 576
No. of grouphomes: Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care:
6 36 36 ZZP 6+
GROUPHOMES No. of inhabitants: No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): > 2x bathrooms (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): > lounge/ kitchen > terrace
6 6 21 9, 10.5 3 96 80 16
Fig. 230. Overall complex
Fig. 231. Scala (1st - 6th floor)
Fig. 232. common space
http://www.architecturenewsplus.com/projectimages/17780 http://www.faro.nl/nl/projecten/woningbouw/ woningbouw-stad/88-groot-woongebouw-scalaamsterdam
Fig. 233. common space
https://www.zorgkaartnederland.nl/zorginstelling/ verpleeghuis-en-verzorgingshuis-amstelringgroepswonen-scala-amsterdam-3029429
Fig. 234. Locality
Fig. 236. Exterior
Fig. 235. Group home configuration
AMSTELRING Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Wolbrantskerkweg 58A t/m 60G, 1069 DA Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Six ten-storey towers of 243 apartments, sometimes connected at ground level by 4,700 m2 of commercial space. eg. pharmacy, Day centre run by Cordaan GROUND FLOOR: commercial space 1ST - 4TH FLOOR: one grouphome on each level
Fig. 238. Exterior
Architect: de Nijl architecten, 2004 Area of overall development (m2):
AGED CARE Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > group home lounges > restaurant & terrace No. of grouphomes: Total no. of units: Total no. of inhabitants: Level of care: GROUPHOMES No. of inhabitants: No. of private units: Area of private unit: No. of common spaces: > lounge/ kitchen > 2 bathrooms / 2 toilets Furnished / unfurnished
6 24 24
Fig. 237. Ground floor
6 6 m2 3
Fig. 239. Private room
http://www.wolbrantskerkweg.nl/pdf/ Wolbrantskerkweg.pdf http://denijl.nl/project/parkrand/ http://www.moderne-dementiezorg.nl/ upl/woonvormen/wolbrantskerkweg_ denkbeeld_6_2006.pdf
Fig. 240. Common lounge
Fig. 241. Locality
Fig. 242. Redesign high rise
Fig. 243. low rise
OSDORPERHOF CORDAAN WIBO home Address: Pieter Calandlaan 86, 1068 NP Amsterdam
FACILITIES Service Centre with care facilities such
as a GP, physiotherapist, hairdresser and
GROUND FLOOR: day care centre, large
recreational space, restaurant, hairdresser, physiotherpy 1ST FLOOR: care home & care offices/ services
> 1969 Traditional nursing home (245 small rooms)
2ND FLOOR: care offices/ services & restaurant 3RD FLOOR: care offices/ services 4TH -12TH FLOOR: rental apartments LOWRISE 3 floors of 134 rental apartments & 5 grouphomes Architect: unknown, 1969 Duinker van der Torre & Marc Prosman, 2015 Area of overall development (m2): Area of care services (m2): 3600 Total no. of units: Level of care: TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: highrise Area of private unit (m2): lowrise Area of private unit (m2):
82 ZZP 2+
> 1990s - 2000s Transformation to independent senior apartment building 245 rooms & facilities for the elderly within high rise transformed into 50 independent living apartments for elderly, seperate ' Service centre' (3.600m2 office space for healthcare professionals/ institutions) 3 small rooms of 18 m² each combined for an apartment of 84 m² > 2015 Rennovation of lowrise (& 26 resident group home facility with own entrance)
84 48 - 56
GROUP HOMES No. of grouphomes: Total no. of units:
5 25
No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
5 21.6
RENTAL APARTMENTS/ WIBO HOMES (managed by Rochdale) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
> 1975 low rise of 'sheltered housing' was built with courtyard
78 52 - 84
https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/ seniorenwoningenmetzorg/osdorperhof http://www.nul20.nl/osdorperhof-aangepast-aaneisen-van-deze-tijd http://www.duurzaamgebouwd.nl/ projecten/20140710-totale-metamorfoseverzorgingshuis-amsterdam-osdorp http://www.nationalerenovatieprijs.nl/archief/ nrp2003/genomineerden/osdorperhof.html http://prosman.nl/nl/projecten/wonen-met-zorg# http://www.helixarchitecten.nl/pdf/Helix_ Osdorperhof.pdf
Fig. 244. Bedroom Fig. 246. two-room apartment ( 58.6m2)
Fig. 245. Living room
Fig. 248. Low rise
Fig. 247. Grouphome unit
Fig. 251. Previous exterior
Fig. 249. 5th - 9th floor
Fig. 250. Common space (4th, 10th - 12th floor)
Fig. 252. Ground floor Fig. 255. 1st floor
Fig. 256. 2nd & 3rd floor
Fig. 253. 4th,10th-12th floor Fig. 254. 5th-9th floor
RED: day care centre YELLOW: hairdresser, physiotherpy BLUE: large recreational space, restaurant LIGHT BLUE: care home GREEN: care offices/ services ORANGE: office restaurant/ cantine GREY: rental apartments BLACK: lifts, stairs, public toilets
Fig. 257. 4th,10th-12th floor
Fig. 258. 5th-9th floor 115
WEST 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
De Bogt /Amstelring De Boeg / Cordaan De Klinker / Amstelring Nieuw Vredenburgh /Cordaan De Poort/ Amsta Vondelstede / Amsta De Werf / Amsta Gerrie Knetemannlaan / Cordaan Saskia van Uijlenburgkade / Cordaan
Fig. 259. Locality
Fig. 261. Exterior
Fig. 260. Exterior
AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: Polanenstraat 6, 1013 VW Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Total no. of units: Level of care:
182 ZZP 4-7
GROUPHOMES No. of units:
Fig. 262. Exterior
SPECIALISTS Carers, Nurses, Specialist aging medicine, Medical secretary, physician assistant, Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, Speech therapist, Psychologist, Social worker, Social Psychiatric Nurse & dietician
+ 93 RENTAL APARTMENTS ‘Westerbeer’
http://beeldbank.amsterdam.nl/ afbeelding/010122030457 https://www.amstelring.nl/debogtwesterbeer
Fig. 263. Locality
Fig. 264. Exterior
Fig. 265. Two-room apartment
DE BOEG CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Hoofdweg 495, 1055 SC Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Large block houses care apartments & connected to 3 smaller blocks which house WIBO homes. GROUND FLOOR: restaurant & community centre & medical centre 1ST & 2ND FLOOR: two-room apartments 3RD FLOOR: activities room & two room apartments & studios 4th - 6th floor: two room apartments & rental aprtments.
Architect: Hans Wagner Architecten, 1992 Area of overall development (m2): Total no. of units:
Fig. 266. Restaurant
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: 60 Area of private unit (m2): 50 (lounge, bedroom, bathroom & kitchenette)
FACILITIES cafe, restaurant, barber, gym SPECIALISTS nursing, general practice physician & physiotherapist WIBO HOMES Area of unit (m2): Rent/month:
Fig. 267. Activities room
45 - 56 570 - 710
https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ de_boeg https://www.woonz.nl/Woning/819/ seniorenappartement-?back=%2FLocaties%2Fdeboeg#
Fig. 268. Exterior
http://www.hanswagner.nl/projecten/ woningbouw/2-de-boeg-amsterdam/
Fig. 269. Locality
Fig. 271. Exterior
Fig. 270. 2nd floor apartments
AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: Borgerstraat 45, 1053 PB Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: gym, reception and restaurant 1ST FLOOR: 4 group homes and 11 two room apartments
(D) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): including bathroom (m2): Area of common space (m2):
7 16 4 32
2ND FLOOR: two-bedroom apartments. 3RD FLOOR: 2 group homes and two bedrom apartments
TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS Rooms were merged to create two-bedroom apartments
Architect: redesign by Marc Prosman Architects, 2006 Area of overall development (m2): 5017
No. of units: 20 Area of unit (m2): 40 no common area on this floor, but residents can use common spaces on the ground floor.
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
46 50 ZZP 4+
GROUPHOMES No. of grouphomes: Total no. of inhabitants:
6 26
(A) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): including bathroom (m2): Area of common space (m2): > lounge / kitchen
6 16 4 32
(B) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): including bathroom (m2): Area of common space (m2): > lounge / kitchen
6 16 4 32
(C) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): including bathroom (m2): Area of common space (m2):
Fig. 272. Ground floor
7 16 4 36
Fig. 273. 1st floor
Fig. 275. Grouphome configuration
Fig. 274. Grouphomes/groepswoningen
Fig. 276. Locality
Fig. 277. Exterior
Fig. 278. Common space (ground floor)
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Postjesweg 125, 1057 DZ Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: common facilities 1ST - 5TH FLOOR: apartments
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
124 126 ZZP 5+ Fig. 279. Shop
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
120 17.5
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
4 55
FACILITIES cafe, restaurant, barber, shop, laundry, Library gym
Fig. 280. Ground floor
SERVICES cleaning, laundry, meals
RENTAL APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of unit (m2): Rent/month:
40 55 - 100 439 - 789
https://www.woonz.nl/Woning/881/ seniorenwoning-aanleun-west https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ nieuw_vredenburgh
Fig. 281. Two-room apartment
“Living in New Vredenburgh” TD01154 (brochure) Collections NAGO, Dutch Graphic Designers Archives, 1979
Fig. 282. Locality
Fig. 284. Ground floor
Fig. 283. Exterior
DE POORT AMSTA Woonzorgcentrum Address: Hugo de Grootkade 18-28, 1052 LS Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Architect: unknown & Ton Verweij, 1996 Area of overall development (m2): Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > shared living room on each floor Total no. of units: x Total no. inhabitants: x Level of care: 2 -5 PRIVATE ROOMS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
SHARED ROOMS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
Fig. 285. Bar 72
18X PLACES FOR SHORT STAY FACILITIES Bar restaurant meditation centre physiotherapy salon
Fig. 286. Entrance
SERVICES internet laundry meals SPECIALISTS Somatic, psychogeriatrics, korsakov syndrome care, outpatient psychogeriatrics, rehabilitation after surgery & day care
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG5-sEtZULc http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1630-Detail.html?zi_id=7 http://www.vmpbouwadvies.nl/page42. php?view=thumbnailList&category=8 http://beeldbank.amsterdam.nl/ afbeelding/010122010566
Fig. 287. Locality
Fig. 288. Entrance
Fig. 289. Exterior
VONDELSTEDE AMSTA Woonzorgcentrum Address: Anna van den Vondelstraat 30, 1054 GZ Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
84 1 -4
PRIVATE ROOMS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): 3x Bathroom (5m2):
12 18 15
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
68 24
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
4 48-60
Fig. 290. Locality
2X PLACES FOR SHORT STAY Fig. 291. Exterior FACILITIES Restaurant, bar, hairdresser, shop, laundromat, Library. Physiotherapy, Gymnastics and yoga SERVICES Meal service for elderly in neighbourhood SPECIALISTS somatic, psychogeriatic Pets are allowed
http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1956-Detail.html?p=zorg_ en_diensten&zi_id=12
Fig. 292. Locality
Fig. 293. Exterior
Fig. 294. Exterior
DE WERF AMSTA Woonzorgcentrum Address: Van Reigersbergenstraat 829,1052 WN Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care: PRIVATE ROOMS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): a balcony or a bay window
73 1-4
17 15
Fig. 295. Exterior - south side
62 78
4X PLACES FOR SHORT STAY FACILITIES hairdresser, restaurant,laundry, shop
Fig. 296. Entrance
SPECIALISTS physiotherapist and chiropractor
Fig. 297. Exterior - west
http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1630-Detail.html?p=zorg_ en_diensten&zi_id=13
Fig. 298. Locality
Fig. 299. Exterior - sports park
Fig. 300. 2nd floor grouphome
GERRIE KNETEMANNLAAN CORDAAN Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Gerrie Knetemannlaan 200, 1061 Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Large development comprising 1000 dwellings, climbing gym, community facilities, commercial areas, a hotel, a grand cafe, nursery, sports hall and foot ball club THE TRIBUNE (13 floors) 2ND, 3RD, 4TH FLOOR: grouphomes Architect: Claus en Kaan Architecten, 2011 Area of overall development (m2): Fig. 301. Exterior - sports park Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
36 36 ZZP 5+
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes:
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): (shared between 2) No. of ommon spaces: Area of common space (m2): kitchen, living
6 12-15 6
Fig. 302. Exterior - A10
1 38
FACILITIES gym & restaurant SERVICES linen, hairdresser at home SPECIALISTS physiotherapy
https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verpleeghuizen/ gerrie_knetemannlaan http://www.arcam.nl/de-tribune/ http://www.uba.nl/projecten/grid/1/woningbouw/ all/de-tribune
Fig. 303. Locality
Fig. 304. Exterior
Fig. 305. Exterior
CORDAAN Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Saskia van Uijlenburgkade 174, 1058 GA Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Andreasplein: 518 owner-occupied and rental housing, a hotel, commercial space, a nursery, a care and a garage
1ST FLOOR: physiotherapist 2ND & 3RD FLOOR: grouphomes 4TH - 15TH FLOOR: owner- occupier & rental apartments Architect: Geurst & Schulze, 2011 Area of overall development (m2): Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > grouphome lounges
420 280
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
24 24 ZZP 5
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes:
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): 2x bathrooms (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): > kitchen, living > balcony
6 17.5 6, 8 2 60 10
FACILITIES cafe / restaurant CoCo’s, gym indoor and outdoor garden SERVICES linen servic, hairdresser & pedicure at home SPECIALISTS physiotherapy
Fig. 306. group home lounge
Fig. 307. Enclosed balcony
https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verpleeghuizen/ saskia_van_uilenburghkade http://www.gebouwdin.amsterdam.nl/main. asp?action=display_html_pagina&name=detail pagina&booMarge=-1&item_id=599&selected_ balkitem_id=531&UserQuery=andreasplein
Fig. 308. private room
Fig. 309. group home lounge
Fig. 310. 2x grouphomes
Fig. 311. Locality
Fig. 312. Exterior
Fig. 313. Balconies / interior courtyard
AMSTA Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Fagelstraat 54, 1052 Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: large common room 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR: one grouphome + one lifecycle apartment 4TH FLOOR: 5 lifecycle apartments Architect: Studio Huijens, 2015
Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > ground floor common lounge > grouphome lounges Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
45.9 190 24 24 2&4
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes:
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): 4x bathrooms (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): > living > kitchen > balcony Level of care: 'LIFE-CYCLE’ APARTMENTS No. of private units: 22 Area of unit (m2): 83 - 90 Level of care:
6 19.6-20.5 5-6 3
Fig. 314. community pavillion
47.6 9.4 30 ZZP 4+
FACILITIES community garden & pavillion SPECIALISTS psycho-geriatric nursing and medical and paramedical services.
Fig. 315. Garden
http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1956-Detail.html?zi_id=44 https://www.ymere.nl/projecten/media/ documenten/doc-2012511171421.pdf http://www.studiohuijgens.nl/projecten/
Fig. 316. ground floor (one grouphome + one lifecycle apartment )
Fig. 317. 1st, 2nd & 3rd floor (one grouphome + one lifecycle apartment)
Fig. 318. 4th floor (five lifecycle apartments)
ZUID 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Beth Shalom / Cordaan & Beth Shalom Buitenveldert / Cordaan Amsteldijk > Amstelhuis /Amsta De Buitenhof Woonzorgcentrum / Cordaan Buitenveldert Woonzorgcentrum / Cordaan d’Oude Raai Woonzorgcentrum / Cordaan Elisabeth Otter Knoll / EOKS Emmahof / Pro-Senectute Menno Simons / ZHGA Schinkelhaven / PuurZuid Torendael / PuurZuid Vreugdehof / Amstelring Noordhollandstraat / Amstelring
Fig. 319. Locality
Fig. 320. Exterior
Fig. 321. Enclosed courtyard
CORDAAN & BETH SHALOM Woonzorgcentrum Address: Kastanjeplein 60, 1083 DE Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Beth Shalom & Cordaan merged on the 1 January 2014. Redesign includes 133 units & 66 rental apartments Architect: BOP Architecten Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
133 242 ZZP 5+
FACILITIES shop courtyard (covered) & garden synagogue alarm system laundry restaurant library SERVICES
cleaning service, linen service, barber & pedicure
COMMON SPACES: Large enclosed open space on ground floor, garden room, balcony, the beach room, gym 3RD FLOOR: group homes GROUPHOME (SINAI CENTRE ) No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2):
8 16-18 4 2
> living/ kitchen > garden room
> guests / famiy room
GROUPHOMES (DEMENTIA) No. of group homes: Total no. of units:
4 30
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Including bathroom (m2):
7 or 8 20 4
Fig. 322. Redesign Sinai centre
RENTAL APARTMENTS THREE ROOM APARTMENT Area of private unit: 76- 79m2 No. of units: 50 Rent/ month € 974,78/- € 1001 TWO-ROOM APARTMENT Area of private unit: 72m2 No. of units: 16 Rent/ month € 930,77
http://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ beth_shalom https://www.woonz.nl/Woning/685/2kamerappartement-type-b-72-m2-metbalkon?back=%2FLocaties%2Fbeth-shalom http://www.boparchitecten.nl/#!beth-shalom-f/cnsi
Fig. 323. Locality
Fig. 324. Exterior
Fig. 325. Atrium
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Doornburg 2, 1081 JB Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Architect: redesign by NSL architecten, 2003 Area of overall development (m2): 4741 4 level builing with facilities and two-room apartments & 5 level apartment building Total no. of units: Level of care: TWO-ROOM APARTMENT (A) No. of units: (19 on each level) Area of private unit (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2):
127 ZZP 2+
57 52.5 1 157.5
Fig. 327. Site plan
TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT (B) No. of units: 70 (14 on each level) Area of private unit (m2): 98 no common space FACILITIES cafe restaurant laundromat library pharmacy salon physiotherapy room excursion van living rooms meeting rooms
Fig. 326. Atrium
SERVICES meal service, cleaning service, grocery ordering service
https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ buitenveldert
Fig. 329. Ground, 1st 2nd, 3rd & 4th floor plan
Fig. 328. Two-room apartment (B)
Fig. 333. Ground floor plan
Fig. 330. Two-room apartment
Fig. 331. 1st 2nd & 3rd floor plan
Fig. 332. Two-room apartment (A)
Fig. 334. Locality
Fig. 335. Exterior
Fig. 336. Library
AMSTA > COCOON Woonzorgcentrum Address: Amsteldijk 35, 1074 JK Amsterdam
PROGRAMME OF DEVELOPMENT AMSTA sold property to Cocoon Vastgoed BV in 2014, who rennovated and re-opened as independent living for older people (70+) in 2015 (social housing & residents buy necessary care) GROUND FLOOR: restaurant / cafe 1ST - 7TH FLOOR: studio apartments
Architect: unknown Area of overall development (m2):
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
160 160 ZZP 2&5
COMMON SPACE > 2 roof terraces > Courtyard
Fig. 337. Restaurant
Fig. 338. Cafe / lounge
STUDIO APARTMENT living room with open kitchen, a small bedroom and a bathroom No. of units: 120 Area of private unit (m2): 30 TWO-ROOM APARTMENT No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
40 65 Fig. 339. Cafe / lounge
FACILITIES Cafe/restaurant/ lounge gym physiotherapy practice. A workshop for the do-it-yourselfer. Laundry. library with fireplace, sun room and reading tables SERVICES Home care
http://hetamstelhuis.nl/ http://www.parool.nl/binnenland/amsta-wil-af-vantehuizen-wittenberg-en-amsteldijk~a3432912/ http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1671-nieuws_detail. html?newsid=245 http://www.nrp.nl/nieuws/transformatiespecialistrealiseert-woningen-voor-ouderen/ http://www.cocon-vastgoed.nl/property/ amsteldijk-35/
Fig. 341. Restaurant
Fig. 340. Studio apartment
Fig. 342. Locality
Fig. 344. Internal courtyard / street
Fig. 343. Exterior
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Nieuw Herlaer 2, 1083 BD Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: central square with a terrace and surrounded by the “retail facilities” of the nursing home, such as laundry, wheelchair repair, the physical therapist and hairdresser. Hospice unit for 6, 15x places for short stay & parkinsons outpatient centre HIGH RISE: independent one or two room apartments & hospice unit. LOW RISE: psycho-geriatric care, single or double room with shared living space Architect: Soeters Van Eldonk architecten, (redesign 2002) Area of overall development (m2): 5800 Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
217 200+ ZZP 5+
HIGH RISE STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
27 32
142 46
LOW RISE PRIVATE ROOM No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
26 13 / 18
FACILITIES cafe, restaurant, salon, shop, Meditation Centre, library, courtyard/ garden & gym
SHARED ROOM No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
22 26
COMMON SPACES > ground floor 'square' >2x terraces >2x lounges >2x lounges
814.7 20 & 8.5 74 82
SPECIALISTS nurses, physician assistants and a pharmacist’s assistant, nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists, specialists in geriatric medicine, a speech therapist, a psychologist and a chaplain, a facility service and many volunteers and carers.
& CRECHE FOR 15 CHILDREN https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ de_buitenhof http://www.soetersvaneldonk.nl/nl/architectuur/ zorg/buitenhof.html
Fig. 345. Locality
Fig. 346. Exterior
Fig. 347. Exterior
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Ferdinand Bolstraat 321, 1072 MA Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: common facilities & 3 two-room apartments 1ST FLOOR: 11 studio apartments & 10 tworoom apartments 2ND - 5TH FLOOR: 6 studio apartments & 9 two-room apartments 6TH FLOOR: 3 studio apartments & 8 tworoom apartments Architect: Hans Wagner,1983 Total no. of units: Level of care:
120 ZZP 5+
STUDIO APARTMENT No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
38 25
TWO-ROOM APARTMENT No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
66 45
Fig. 348. Exterior - courtyard
FACILITIES storage, Restaurant Bolzicht Cafe, Pharmacy, Library, Billiards room, courtyard, gym, internet cafe, Salon/ Hairdresser’s, guest room & Laundry
Fig. 349. Personal address
SERVICES linen service Cordaanbus caretaker meal Service OV charging point Computer Support A feasibility study for redevopment was coducted in 2013 (transferring space to rental apartments) by Marlies Rohmer Architectenbureau
Fig. 350. Roof terrace https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ oude_raai
Fig. 351. Site plan
Fig. 352. Exterior
Fig. 353. Restaurant
Fig. 354. Ground floor
Fig. 355. 1st floor
Fig. 356. studio apartment
Fig. 357. two-room apartment
Fig. 358. Locality
Fig. 360. Former EOKS - building A
Fig. 359. Exterior EOKS - new building A
PUUR ZUID Woonzorgcentrum Address: Loowaard 3, 1082 KR Amsterdam
PROGRAMME EOKS care home closed in 2013, A new building is currently being constructed on the site of building A, building B will be rennovated. 2000m2 care infrastructure & 54 care apartments & 47 independent senior apartments
Architect: Van den Berg, 2015 Area of overall development (m2):
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
54 60 ZZP 2&5
APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): A B C D E
Fig. 361. EOKS - building B (to be redesigned)
Fig. 362. New connection A>B
56.5 72 104 90 76.5
COMMON SPACES > central courtyard > lounges RENTAL APARTMENTS (independent of care services) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
Fig. 363. Interior render
http://www.vandenberggroep.nl/projecten/ project/52 http://www.eoks.nl/service-appartementen.html
Fig. 364. Ground floor
Fig. 365. 1st, 2nd & 3rd floor
Fig. 366. Apartment B
Fig. 367. Apartment A
Fig. 368. Locality
Fig. 369. Exterior
Fig. 370. Lounge
Pro-Senectute Woonzorgcentrum Address: Emmastraat 33-37,1071 JB Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
31 ZZP4 & 6
31 29
FACILITIES lounge & library
Fig. 371. Library
Fig. 372. Exterior
http://www.pro-senectute.nl/zorglocaties/ emmahof/adres.php
Fig. 373. Furnishings
Fig. 374. Locality
Fig. 375. Exterior
Fig. 376. Exterior
ZHGA Woonzorgcentrum Address: Noordhollandstraat 17A,1081 AS Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Nursing home places, a commune for sixteen residents and 48 independent new apartment. GROUND FLOOR: 3 grouphomes & restaurant
RENTAL APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Rent/ month
48 643.70
Self-contained apartments are spread over two buildings, the ‘John Calvin’ & the“John Knox”. Four types,which vary in size, location and layout, all with either garden access or a balcony
1ST FLOOR: offices & apartments 2ND - 6TH FLOOR: apartments Architect: Pennick architecten, 1995 Area of overall development (m2): Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
50 50 5&7
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes: Total no. of units:
3 16
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): 3x Bathroom (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): >living/ kitchen
8 16.4 4, 4, 8 1 65.6 Fig. 377. Garden
TWO- ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: 25 2 Area of private unit (m ): 70-80 include kitchenette and bathroom. They are decorated and simply furnished
FACILITIES restaurant http://www.zhga.nl/zorg-in-ons-huis/locaties/ menno-simons http://www.woonzorg.nl/menno_simonszhuis_ amsterdam
Fig. 378. Two-room apartment
Fig. 380. Grouphome configuration (A)
Fig. 379. Ground floor
Fig. 381. restaurant
Fig. 382. Locality
Fig. 383. 1st floor plan
Puur Zuid Woonzorgcentrum > Senior apartments Address: Schinkelkade 65, 1075 Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Aged care demolished in 2014, site sold to Ten Brinke in 2015, who are developing a senior apartment building GROUND FLOOR: Grand Café & terrace 1ST - 4TH FLOOR: 16 dwellings per floor around courtyard
Architect: Kampan Architecten, unbuilt Area of overall development (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > Grand Café > central courtyard
Total no. of units: Level of care:
64 x
APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
64 70-80
Fig. 384. Render - entrance
Fig. 385. Render - central courtyard
Fig. 386. Render - exterior
http://www.tenbrinke.com/readerprojecten-inontwikkeling-ten-brinke-vastgoedontwikkelaars/ id-64-appartementen-en-maatschappelijkevoorzieningen-schinkelkade-69-in-amsterdam.html http://www.kampman-architecten.nl/index. php?pid=8&aid=190
Fig. 387. Locality
Fig. 388. Exterior - high rise
Fig. 389. Exterior - high rise & low rise
PUURZUID woonzorgcentrum Address: Veluwelaan 21,1079 PX Amsterdam
PROGRAMME HIGH RISE GROUND FLOOR: restaurant, grand cafe, shop, library, hairdresser and a nursery 1ST FLOOR: grouphomes 2ND - 6TH FLOOR: two-room apartments & short stay rooms 7TH FLOOR: silence center, meeting room and a walled roof terrace
FACILITIES Garden Library shop barber Meditation Centre day care and local services
LOWRISE 32 apartments (sheltered housing)
Architect: Lambert architecten, 2002 Area of overall development (m2): 11.000 Total no. of units: Level of care:
126 ZZP 5-7
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
96 53
GROUPHOMES (dementia) No. of grouphomes Area of grouphome (m2): Total no. of units:
3 249 24
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): 4x bathrooms (m2): Area of common space (m2): > shared living room SHORT STAY ROOMS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2): COMMON SPACE > ground floor > balconies > roof terrace > lounges
Fig. 391. Meditation Centre
8 17.8 4-6 54
6 26 72
Fig. 390. Roof terrace
http://www.puurzuid.nl/wonen-en-zorg/woon-enzorgcentra/woon-en-zorgcentrum-torendael/eenkijkje-op-de-1e-etage http://www.puurzuid.nl/wonen-en-zorg/woon-enzorgcentra/woon-en-zorgcentrum-torendael http://www.ruimtevoorzorg.nl/wp-content/ uploads/2014/12/Transformatie-verzorgingshuizenWebsite-Kenniscentrum-Case-Torendael.pdf
Fig. 395. Restaurant
Fig. 394. Cafe
Fig. 393. Cafe
Fig. 392. Ground floor
Fig. 396. 2nd floor plan
Fig. 397. 1st floor grouphome
Fig. 399. 1st floor grouphome -lounge
Fig. 398. 1st floor grouphome - balcony
Fig. 402. short stay rooms (2nd floor)
Fig. 401. short stay rooms (2nd floor)
Fig. 400. Apartment (2nd - 6th floor) 179
Fig. 403. Exterior - low rise
Fig. 404. Locality
Fig. 405. Exterior
Fig. 406. Restaurant
AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: De Klencke 111, 1083 HH Amsterdam
PROGRAMME BASEMENT: Snoezelcentrum GROUND FLOOR: common facilities 1ST FLOOR: care services 2ND, 3RD, 4TH, 6TH, 7TH & 8TH FLOOR: private rooms 5TH FLOOR: offices 9TH FLOOR: grouphomes Architect: Hennie Hurenkamp (redesign), 2000 Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
PRIVATE ROOMS (rehabilitation) No. of units: (24 each floor) Area of private unit (m2): 12x Bathroom (m2): Area of common space (m2): GROUPHOMES (dementia) No. of grouphomes Total no. of units: No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): Area of common space (m2): > shared living room COMMON SPACES (m2): > central courtyard > ground floor facilities > snoezelcentrum
SPECIALISTS 8 Physiotherapists, 6 Occupational therapists, 6 Geriatric Medicine Specialists, 2 General practitioners, 2 Dieticians, 2 Speech therapists, 2 Dental hygienists & a Psychologist
SENSORY ROOM ( SNOEZELCENTRUM) seven thematic areas, expertise and training facilities ( 300 m2) to stimulate the sensory activity of dementia sufferers.
202 ZZP 5 -9
146 15 7.5 98 Fig. 407. Snoezelcentrum 8 56 7/8 16, 21, 22 4-5 23.7, 26.9
Fig. 408. Beach room 300
FACILITIES Hairdresser’s Optician, on request Pedicures by appointment Internet cafe Silence room / church hall (celebrations) Snoezelcentrum
Fig. 411. Site plan
Fig. 409. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th & 8th
Fig. 410. 9th floor
Fig. 413. Ground floor
Fig. 414. 1st - 8th floor
Fig. 412. Grouphome configuration
Fig. 415. Locality
Fig. 416. Interior
Fig. 417. 1st & 3rd floor
AMSTELRING Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Noordhollandstraat 31-39, 1081 AS Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND: apartments & bike storage 1ST FLOOR: lounge & grouphomes 2ND: apartments 3RD FLOOR: lounge & grouphomes Architect: Pennick architecten, 1995 Area of overall development (m2): Fig. 419. Exterior Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes: No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): two-room apartment No. of common spaces: (1st & 3rd floor) Area of common space (m2): kitchenette, living, balcony TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of unit (m2):
36 ZZP 4-5
2 8 66 1
Fig. 418. Exterior
20 66
COMMON SPACE (m2): > garden with terrace > grouphome lounges FACILITIES, SERVICES & SPECIALISTS Available at Menno Simons (next door)
https://www.amstelring.nl/ noordhollandstraat 187
OOST 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Berkenstede / Cordaan De Diem / Cordaan Flevohuis / ZGAO De Gooyer / Cordaan Van ‘t Hoff Avenue / Amsta Kastanjehof / Cordaan De Open Hof / ZGAO Willem Dreeshuis / Amstelring (closing 2016) Vrolikhuizen / Amsta
Fig. 420. Locality
Fig. 421. Exterior
Fig. 422. Fauna
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Berkenplein 300, 1112 CL Diemen
SERVICES linen service, meals
PROGRAMME The building consists of four residential towers, connected by ‘the street’, which houses public functions 1ST FLOOR: neurological treatment & care 2ND FLOOR: rehabilitation care 3RD FLOOR: orthopedic treatment & care
RENTAL APARTMENTS (Fruit Tower) No. of units: 46 > 18 WIBO homes > 26 seniors apartments Area of unit (m2): 40-65
Architect: Dick van Gameren, 2007 Area of overall development (m2): 21950 Total no. of units: Level of care:
151 ZZP 4+
STUDIO APARTMENTS (Flower Tower) 36 apartments (12 single rooms & lounge per floor) for Geriatric Rehabilitation care with: No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): > 2x kitchen/living ( shared by 6) > Bathroom (m2): (shared by 2)
36 17 3
Fig. 423. Tree
17 6
TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS (tree tower) Apartments differ due to the irregular shape of the building. No. of units: 85 Area of private unit (m2): 48-54 STUDIO APARTMENTS (Fauna Tower) somatic care & psycho-geriatric care No. of private units: 60 2 Area of private unit (m ): 17 Bathroom (m2): 4 (shared by 2) Area of common space (m2): 17 > kitchen/living ( shared by 6) FACILITIES GrandCafé, a shop, hairdresser, gym
Fig. 424. Entrance 'the street'
http://www.architectenweb.nl/aweb/projects/ project.asp?PID=8744 http://www.german-architects.com/en/ projects/21446_residential_care_centre_ berkenstede https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ berkenstede
Fig. 425. Terrace
Fig. 426. Exterior
Fig. 427. Two-room apartment
Fig. 428. Restaurant
Fig. 429. Ground floor 'the street'
Fig. 430. Restaurant
Fig. 431. Fauna tower circulation
Fig. 432. Locality
Fig. 433. Exterior
Fig. 434. Exterior
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Arent Krijtsstraat 48, 1111 AM Diemen
PROGRAMME Resients are organized by their care requirements. A section for dementia, residents with intellectual disabilities, residents with chronic somatic complaints, an intensive care area & a pallative care area GROUND FLOOR: cafe, care services, intensive care area & a pallative care area 1ST FLOOR: intellectual disability grouphome & studio apartments 2ND FLOOR: dementia grouphome & studio apartments 3RD FLOOR: studio apartments Total no. of units:
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
57 26
GROUPHOME (DEMENTIA) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2):
6 14-17 26
Fig. 435. Terrace
Fig. 436. Cafe
GROUPHOME (INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY) No. of units: 8 Area of private unit (m2): 14- 17 Area of common space (m2): 26 10 INTENSIVE CARE PLACES (2 wards of 5 residents) 6 PALLATIVE CARE PLACES (1 wards of 6 residents) COMMON SPACE There are living rooms in every department
FACILITIES living rooms, multifunctional kitchen, cafe, laundromat, barber & shop
https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verpleeghuizen/ de_diem
Fig. 437. Locality
Fig. 438. Exterior
Fig. 439. Group home lounge
ZGAO Zorgcentrum Address: Kramatplantsoen 263,1095 LD Amsterdam (fig. X)
PROGRAMME 3 towers of 250 apartments (senior rental & grouphomes) GROUND FLOOR: health centre (parent-child center, a general practice, physical therapists, social services, an activity center, restaurant and supermarket)
RENTAL APARTMENTS independent living for seniors (55+) two-room aparment & three-room apartment No. of units: 100 Area of private unit (m2): 54 - 70
Architect: Spring architecten (redesign) Total no. of units: Level of care:
142 ZZP 4+
PRIVATE ROOMS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): 2x Bathroom (m2):
9 15 6
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes: Total no. of units:
14 84
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2): kitchen, living
6 16 - 22.5 45
49X PLACES FOR SHORT STAY (7 wards of 7 private rooms)
FACILITIES library salon shop restaurant flea market
http://www.zgao.nl/flevohuis/activiteiten.html https://www.ymere.nl/ projecten/?p=Flevopoort&id=1093 http://www.springarchitecten.nl/projecten/ revitalisatie-flevohuis/ http://www.uba.nl/projecten/list/2/all/all/flevohuis
SPECIALISTS elderly care physicians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, and social workers
http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/afbeeldingen/ fotocollectie/zoeken/weergave/detail/q/id/ abd8e54c-d0b4-102d-bcf8-003048976d84 http://www.openbeelden.nl/media/117078/ Verhuizing_bejaarden_uit_Roeterstraat_naar_ Flevohuis.nl
Fig. 440. Ground floor medical centre entrance & gym
Fig. 441. Terrace
Fig. 442. Locality
Fig. 443. Internal courtyard
Fig. 444. Adjacent to the market
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Von Zesenstraat 298, 1093 BJ Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: care services, restaurant, physio & shops 1ST FLOOR: apartments & 2 grouphomes 2ND FLOOR: apartments & 2 grouphomes 3RD FLOOR: 4 grouphomes 4TH FLOOR: 2 grouphomes Architect: HK Consultancy (redesign), 2012 Total no. of units: Level of care:
48 ZZP2&4+
GROUPHOMES No. of grouphomes Total no. of units:
10 70
(A) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2):
7 27 60
(B) No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Area of common space (m2):
7 27 53
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
14 26
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
4 38
69 Area of common space (m2): (1st & 2nd floor - accessible by studio & two bedroom apartments)
FACILITIES cafe, restaurant, barber, garden, library & gym
Fig. 445. exterior
Fig. 446. exterior
http://www.hk-consultancy.nl/referenties/degooyer-te-amsterdam https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ de_gooyer
Fig. 447. Entrance
Fig. 448. Cafe
Fig. 449. Restaurant
Fig. 450. Ground floor
Fig. 451. 1st floor
Fig. 452. 2nd floor apartment (type Asp)
Fig. 455. Common lounge
Fig. 454. Common lounge (57.5m2)
Fig. 453. Common lounge (50m2)
Fig. 456. Locality
Fig. 457. Exterior
Fig. 458. Exterior
AMSTA Woonzorgcentrum Address: van’ t Hoff Avenue 51-51A, 1097 EM Amsterdam
PROGRAMME OF DEVELOPMENT Traditional verpleeghuis rennovated / transformed into group housing GROUND FLOOR: 3 grouphomes 1ST & 2ND FLOOR: 4 grouphomes Architect: Studio WA (redesign), 2015 Area of overall development (m2): 3500 Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
66 66 2& 4
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes:
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): > balcony Area of common space (m2): kitchen, living
Fig. 459. Entrance
6 24 50
Fig. 460. Garden
FACILITIES secured garden
RENTAL APARTMENTS In 2016/2017 the remaining Ingenhouszhof sturcture will be demolished and 2 apartment buildings will replace it. The first will house 40 housing units for seniors. The apartments will range in size from 35 - 50 m2 and will be for the social sector. http://www.studiowa.nl/projecten/start-renovatieingenhouszhof/ http://www.studiowa.nl/portfolio/groepswonenvan-t-hofflaan/ http://www.bouwinvest.nl/beleggingen/nederland/ bouwinvest-healthcare-fund/portfolio-highlights/ van-t-hofflaan/ http://www.aig-careconcepts.nl/categorie/inontwikkeling/ http://www.amsta.nl/nl/1630-Detail.html?zi_id=45
Fig. 461. Locality
Fig. 462. Exterior
Fig. 463. Exterior
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Kastanjeplein 60 1092 LA Amsterdam
PROGRAMME OF DEVELOPMENT 3 floors of studio apartments & 2 floors of private rooms with common facilities on ground floor
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
100 100 ZZP 5+ Fig. 466. Entrance
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): (bathroom, living, kitchen)
51 30
PRIVATE ROOMS No. of units: 49 Area of private unit (m2): 15 (organised in groups of 7 around sanitation & small lounge )
FACILITIES barber shop laundromat library gym
Fig. 464. Garden
COMMON SPACES > terrace & courtyard > private room lounges > ‘The Salon ‘, a day care project where everyday social and cultural activities are offered for people of all cultures and nationalities. Fig. 465. Salon
https://www.cordaan.nl/locatiewijzer/ Verpleegenverzorgingshuizen/verzorgingshuizen/ kastanjehof
Fig. 467. Locality
Fig. 468. Exterior
Fig. 469. Exterior
ZGAO Woonzorgcentrum Address: Fahrenheitstraat 115,1097 PP Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: common facililites & grouphomes 1ST - 5TH FLOOR: studio apartments Total no. of units: Level of care:
84 ZZP 4+
STUDIO APARTMENT No. of units: 69 Area of private unit (m2): 62/ 72 living room / bedroom, kitchenette and shower room with toilet GROUP HOME No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
Fig. 472. Exterior
11X PLACES FOR SHORT STAY (2 wards of 5-6 residents) Fig. 471. Restaurant & bar FACILITIES restaurant bar shop libary barber laundry terrace The corner house (hoekhuys) ACTIVITIES The Corner House organizes courses and training, games afternoons, film screenings, sporting activities such as swimming, yoga and jazz gym & coffee mornings ( both residents and locals) RENTAL APARTMENTS No. of units: > two-room apartments > three-room apartments Area of private unit (m2):
36 27 9 49 - 62
Fig. 470. Lounge
http://www.woonzorg.nl/uploads/ Woningtype/plattegrond_ pdf/3f/3f9c0b782511667331e661aa8d4f77e3.pdf http://www.beeldbank.amsterdam.nl/ afbeelding/010122001370
Fig. 473. Apartment type A
Fig. 474. Apartment type B
Fig. 475. Locality
Fig. 477. Central hall
Fig. 476. Entrance
WILLEM DREESHUIS AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: Hugo de Vrieslaan 65, 1097 EG Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: common facilities & apartments 1st FLOOR: care services & apartments
Architect: JA.A. Snellebrand, 1957 Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care (ZZP):
81 65 3 - 6 & 10
STUDIO APARTMENT No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Level of care unfurnished
61 24 3-6
COUPLES APARTMENT No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Level of care unfurnished
8 26 3-6
5x PALLATIVE CARE PLACES Level of care Furnished
& 8x SHORT STAY PLACES Area of 4-bed unit (m2):
FACILITIES restaurant, lounge and bar Stage for shows Pedicure Hairdresser’s Pharmacy and GP
1957 Willem Dreeshuis was a progressive verpleeghuis, providing a la carte food in a full restaurant, independence through a private number and mailing address for each resident and participation through a residents' committee. 2016 Willem Drees House wll be closed and demolished on July 1, 2016. Site to be redeveloped as social housing by Stadgenoot and Rochdale. Willem Dreeshuis residents moved to Oostpoort by Tekton Architecten
OOSTPOORT No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Level of care
48 62 4 - 10
Fig. 478. Temporal activity
http://tekton-architekten.nl/willem-dreeshuisstatus1/ https://www.amstelring.nl/oostpoort http://www.habion.nl/2/nieuws-overzicht/2013/ juni-2013/juni-2013-samen-oud-worden-in-nieuwewillem-dreeshuis.html http://beeldbank.amsterdam.nl/ afbeelding/5293FO006568
Fig. 479. Central hall
Fig. 480. Central hall
Fig. 481. Ground floor
Fig. 482. 1st floor
Fig. 486. Weekly visits from animals..
Fig. 483. exterior - apartment
Fig. 485. interior - Article - "dag drees" (goodbye)
Fig. 484. interior - apartment (1959)
Fig. 491. interior - apartment (1959)
Fig. 487. type A
Fig. 489. type B
Fig. 488. type B1
Fig. 490. type C
Fig. 492. Locality
Fig. 493. Section D & E
Fig. 494. Grouphome configuration
AMSTA Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: Vrolikstraat 481,1092 TK Amsterdam
PROGRAMME Architect: H. Borkent, 1992
Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > lounges
174 151 151
Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
12 12 2&4
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes:
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): 2x Bathroom (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): living kitchen sitting corner
6 14.5 5 (10) 3 75.5 49 14.5 12
Fig. 495. Exterior
Fig. 496. Exterior
FACILITIES roof terrace
SPECIALISTS social, psychiatric and somatic care
Fig. 497. position of grouphome
NOORD 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
De Die / Cordaan Eduard Douwes Dekker / Evean Korthagenhuis / Evean De Kimme / Evean Het Schouw / Amstelring Twiskehuis / Evean Bannecentrum / Cordaan
Fig. 498. Locality
Fig. 499. Exterior
Fig. 500. Exterior
CORDAAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Loenermark 900, 1025 VR Amsterdam
occupational therapist, elderly psychologist & chaplain
Architect: Area of overall development (m2): Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > courtyard > lounges Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care: REHABILIATION APARTMENTS No. of units: >singles >doubles No. of inhabitants: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): 3 bathrooms for every 10 residents No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): Furnished (bed & tv) INTENSIVE CARE ‘ THE MEREL’ No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
x x ZZP 5 - 7
28 4 24 26
FACILITIES cafe, restaurant, barber, library, laundry, gym & internet SERVICES Geriatric Rehabilitation Care, Palliative Care, Psychogeriatric Care, Somatic Care, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Orthopedics & Postoperative care SPECIALISTS Geriatric medicine specialist, physiotherapist, dietician, social worker, speech therapist,
Fig. 501. Locality
EVEAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Schoenerstraat 11, 1034 XZ Amsterdam
PROGRAMME LOW RISE 1st Architect: De jonge Govtmeter Area of overall development (m2): 8100
COMMON SPACE (m2): > ground floor common space > lounge on 1st - 7th floor
54 27
Total no. of units: > single rooms > double rooms > nursing apartments Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
192 68 68 46 250 ZZP 5+
FACILITIES Restaurant internet cafe Library Hairdresser’s & Pedicure laundromat SPECIALISTS Occupational therapist, Physiotherapy / exercise therapist, Psychologist, Psychomotor therapist, dietician, social worker, chaplain, Psychologist
PSYCHO-GERIATRIC CARE APARTMENTS No. of units: 100 Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): SOMATIC CARE APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): REHABILITATION CARE No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): CARE APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2):
44 http://www.evean.nl/evean-bij-u-in-de-wijk/ locaties/eduard-douwes-dekker
Stadsarchief (3 januari 2006 ) - http://beeldbank. amsterdam.nl/beeldbank/indelin g/detail/start/2?qsearchfield=Evean+Eduard +Douwes+Dekker
Fig. 502. Locality
Fig. 503. Exterior
Fig. 504. Exterior
EVEAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Amerbos 590, 1025 ZZ Amsterdam
PROGRAMME GROUND FLOOR: common facilities & day care centres 1ST - 9TH FLOOR: apartments Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
95 100 ZZP 4+
PSYCHO-GERIATRIC CARE APARTMENTS No. of units: 35 Area of private unit (m2): 28 - 32 SOMATIC CARE APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of private unit (m2):
65 28 - 32
PSYCHIATRIC DAY CARE No. of inhabitants
SOMATIC DAY CARE No. of inhabitants
Fig. 505. Exterior
Fig. 506. Apartment FACILITIES Library, restaurant, hairdresser & pedicure, shop, internet & gym SPECIALISTS Optician & Audiologist Korthagen House specializes in older people who are severely visually impaired or blind.
http://www.evean.nl/evean-bij-u-in-de-wijk/ locaties/korthagenhuis/#tab-faciliteiten Geografische naamAmerbos Inventarissen http://stadsarchief.amsterdam.nl/ archief/10122 Afbeeldingsbestand 010122048822
Fig. 507. Apartment
Fig. 508. Restaurant
Fig. 509. Apartment
Fig. 510. Lounge
Fig. 511. Locality
Fig. 512. Exterior - high rise
EVEAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Beemsterstraat 546,1024 BV Amsterdam
PROGRAMME LOWRISE: nursing & offices MID-RISE: 4 floors of HIGHRISE: 10 floors of rental apartments All 3 connected at ground level, which houses day care, medical centre, shop & recreational space Total no. of units:
GROUND LEVEL (care services) Level of care:
ZZP 5+
Fig. 513. Restaurant
DAY CARE No. of inhabitants
MID-RISE (two-room apartments) Level of care: No. of units > 1st floor > 2nd floor > 3rd floor Area of unit (m2): Common space (2nd floor) Area of common space (m2):
ZZP 3+ 17 6 5 6 25 1 25
Fig. 514. Two-room apartment
HIGH RISE (RENTAL APARTMENTS) Level of care: n/a No. of units Area of private unit (m2)
280 62-78
FACILITIES Library Recreation and pool room Restaurant Hairdresser’s & Pedicure Fitness room (only for Physiotherapy use) Community centre
http://www.evean.nl/evean-bij-u-in-de-wijk/ locaties/kimme/#tab-wonen
Fig. 515. Locality
Fig. 516. Previous Schouw (now demolished)
Fig. 517. Terrace
AMSTELRING Woonzorgcentrum Address: Dollardplein 2, 1025 XJ Amsterdam
PROGRAMME BUILDING A GROUND FLOOR: common spaces cafe (m2): 103.7 main hall/ restaurant (m2): 207 BUILDING B GROUND FLOOR: care services medical centre (m2): day care (m2): garden room (m2): 1ST & 2ND FLOOR: grouphomes Total no. of units: Level of care:
269.2 77 39.3
125 ZZP 5+
BUILDING A 3 ROOM APARTMENTS (with care) No. of units: 53 Level of care ZZP 4+ BUILDING B GROUP HOMES No. of group homes: No. of inhabitants No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): kitchen, living 2x balconies
Pedicure Internet café with computer classes Library SPECIALISTS Occupational therapist, physiotherapist, General practitioner, Speech therapist, Social worker, Medical secretary, physician assistant, music Therapist, Psychologist, Social, Psychiatric Nurse, dietitian, chaplain ACTIVITIES tearoom monday 10-12 chair dance monday 10.45- 11.45 drawing/ painting club friday 10 -12 knititng club tuesday 10 - 12 indoor lawn bowls thursday 10-12
RENTAL APARTMENTS No. of units 30 Rented socially through Stadgenoot
12 72 6 24.3 5.2 1 80.8
Also provides home care to surrounding neighbourhood
FACILITIES Restaurant small shop barber
Fig. 518. Restaurant
https://www.amstelring.nl/hetschouw http://beeldbank.amsterdam.nl/ afbeelding/030391000159
Fig. 519. Ground floor
Fig. 520. 1st & 2nd floor
Fig. 521. Configuration of 2 grouphomes
Fig. 522. Locality
Fig. 524. Exterior
Fig. 523. Garden terrace
EVEAN Woonzorgcentrum Address: Watermanstraat 2, 1033 AN Amsterdam
PROGRAMME (see next page) Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
68 72 ZZP 5+
TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of unit (m2):
50 48 - 54
STUDIO APARTMENTS No. of units: Area of unit (m2):
18 20 -24
12x DAY CARE PLACES Area of unit (m2):
Fig. 526. Exterior
5x SHORT STAY CARE APARTMENTS COMMON SPACE (m2): > multifunctional space > common lounge
24.2 44
Fig. 525. Garden
FACILITIES Library gardens Restaurant shop Hairdresser’s Optician pharmacy Pedicure / Manicure beautician
Geografische naamWatermanstraat Inventarissen http://stadsarchief.amsterdam.nl/ archief/5293.FO_F Afbeeldingsbestand 5293FO013657
Fig. 527. Ground floor
two-room apartments (type B)
restaurant, services & kitchen
office, salon & shop
two-room apartments (type B)
studio apartment (type A)
Day care & physio
7x two-room apartments (type B)
5x two-room apartments (type B) & multifunctional space & day care
1x two-room apartments (type B) & 4x studio apartment (type F)
6x two-room apartments (type B) & common room
6x two-room apartments (5 type B & 1 type D)
Fig. 528. 1st floor
4x two-room apartments (type B)
7x two-room apartments (type B)
6x two-room apartments (type B) & common room
6x two-room apartments (5 type B
4x two-room apartments (type B)
& 1 type D)
Fig. 529. 2nd floor
Fig. 530. Type A
Fig. 531. Type F
Fig. 532. Lounge
Fig. 533. Type B
Fig. 534. Type D
Fig. 535. Locality
Fig. 536. Exterior
Fig. 537. Exterior
CORDAAN Kleinschalige woonvoorzieningen (small-scale assisted living) Address: IJdoornlaan 1557-1633, 1034 BM Amsterdam
PROGRAMME BANNECENTRUM is a multi-functional complex which includes; a large shopping center, 204 apartments, a branch of the public library, a gym, sports complex, an after-school care space , a community centre with a theater and activity rooms & care apartments.
Fig. 538. Lounge
GROUND, 1ST & 2ND FLOOR: mall / shops 3RD FLOOR: somatic grouphome 4TH, 5TH, 6TH FLOOR: Psychogeriatric grouphomes Architect: RPHS architecten Area of overall development (m2):
Total area of private space (m2): Total area of common space (m2): > grouphome lounges > balcony Total no. of units: Total no. inhabitants: Level of care:
24 24 ZZP 5+
GROUP HOMES No. of group homes:
No. of private units: Area of private unit (m2): Bathroom (m2): No. of common spaces: Area of common space (m2): kitchen/ living
Fig. 539. View from balcony
SPECIALISTS All specialists of De Die available to residents
http://www.rphs.nl/projecten/ https://www.zorgkaartnederland.nl/ zorginstelling/verpleeghuis-en-verzorgingshuiscordaan-kleinschalig-wonen-bannecentrumamsterdam-3058986
OBSERVATIONS & SUMMARY The relationship between private and common space is varied, the summary below describes this relationship through unpicking the typologies within aged-care. Typical areas of units and key examples of observations are outlined below to help navigate the survey.
Within Amsterdam HOUSING & CARE IS
makes it an attractive and flexible way of
BEING SEPARATED. The traditional nursing
dealing with fluctuating ageing populations
home is being broken up into smaller high-level
and the desire to age-in-neighbourhood
care facilities (group homes) and independent
(when no longer feasible to age-in-place.
living apartments.
Within Amsterdam, group homes are scattered throughout neighbourhoods but
always in the vicinity of a large care complex
New large-scale aged-care complexes are not
or a hospital. This larger care complex
being built. Commonly new intensive aged-
has come under threat due to its expense
care is in the form of group homes, which are
and lack of flexibility, but it is vital in the
housed within apartment buildings or large
supporting of these smaller facilities.
complexes (blocks or neighbourhoods) with a myriad of programmes.
Many traditional aged-care homes, which have undergone recent transformation
Group homes operate similarly to a flatting
have recognised this trend and have been
situation, shared living, sanitation, meal
redesigned/ sectioned into several group
preparation and chores. A care worker aids this
homes. These operate as independent units
daily routine and is present 24 hours.
and congregate within larger spaces (often on the ground floor).
Within a group home, multiple private rooms (typically 6-8) are grouped with adjacent bathroom facilities and a living/ kitchen space. Common space is often 2-3 times larger than
the private unit. Current group homes and their
(2-3 persons)
configuration is outlined in fig.1.
http://www.veac.vic.gov.au/reports/VEAC%20 demographics%20report%20Final%2014.7.09.pdf
> The size of private unit within a group home ranges from 12 - 26m2 > The size of common space within a group home ranges from 28 - 72m2 Group homes are decorated with the inhabitants furniture, the living spaces are also a mixture of residents furniture and items
THE AVERAGE HOME SIZE IN AMSTERDAM IS 74m2 (1-2 persons) https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2016/14/smalland-relatively-expensive-housing-in-amsterdam
provided by the care institution. This scale and the furnishings produces a natural domesticity,
often difficult to 'design'.
RANGE FROM 100m2 - 290m2
The scale of the group home and its ability to be inserted into existing/ new developments
(6-8 persons) Fig. 1.
current group homes (common space
highlighted in red)
COMMON SPACE within care facilities is
By housing outpatient care, medication,
often very large and open plan, facilities that
occupational therapy, counselling, day care
have been redesigned have recognised the
centres, hospices & rehabilitation/ short stay
clinical or alienating atmosphere this can
wards, these complexes keep elderly from
create and divided these spaces internally,
unnecessary hospital stays and allow them to
setting up varied recreational spaces for
age-in-place or age-in neighbourhood within
specific programmes. The large 'recreational
a group home. The significance of these larger
hall' becomes a library, cafe, garden room,
structures should not be underestimated.
lounge, restaurant, bar, hosting space, gym or market. The common space is still a multi-
Day care centres are of particular interest as
functional recreation space but the programme
a common space typology as they house and
is signalled by furnishings, colour, surfaces
care for multiple high-level care elderly that
and partitions which divide space into smaller
can not fend for themselves 24hours, reducing
isolation for those living alone or relieving their primary caregiver for those living with a partner/ family. Day care centres include a living room, kitchen, 1 or 2 bathrooms and often a smaller reading room, balcony or terrace. 1 or 2 care workers care for up to 20 elderly.
Currently the market is directed towards providing independent two-bedroom or studio apartments for independent seniors. Common space in this situation is offset by the inhabitants themselves, those wanting luxury and leisure will pay for amenities within the building. The commercial model for this exists Fig. 3.
De Riekerhof day care & rehabilitation
and is growing.
In a few cases, mostly outside the centre, Huis
Six publically funded aged-care institutions
van de Wijk’s (neighbourhood centres) are
currently manage Amsterdam's facilities, in
incorporated within the care-homes. These
response to market forces and policy changes
centres are almost constantly booked and
they are breaking large-scale facilities up and
programmed with activities, they also receive
partnering with the private market. Wards
and distribute public funding and are fully
and hallways of private rooms are being
organised/ managed by the community. The
transformed into group homes and day care
inclusion of this social public space within the
centres and existing studios and two-bedroom
care home is perhaps an acknowledgement of
apartments are being managed separately.
its significance for the community.
For the independent apartments common
Most large aged-care facilities have undergone
space represents urban facilities or
redesign(s), most recently; the increasing
commercial programmes (a gym, a terrace, a
of private space of residents in the aim of
cafe) often on the ground floor. The character
providing semi-independent apartments.
& size of this is often dependent on the price
Thus many apartments have doubled in size
(following the structural grid) from private rooms to TWO-ROOM APARTMENTS.
Fig. 5. Redesign of Amstelhuis. social housing apartments managed by COCOON For the group homes, common space is
Fig. 4. De Rietvinck - the doubling of private rooms to create two-room apartments
exclusively for those within the group home and represents typical domestic space (a
Two-room apartments are a highly-
lounge, a kitchen, a laundry). Arguably
attractive option for elderly wishing to 'live'
sufficient for high-level care residents with
independently yet still depend on daily care
limited mobility or dementia.
services. Characteristics of these often include a balcony to one side and circulation on the other, two equally sized interior spaces, one housing a bedroom & bathroom, the other entrance, kitchen & living space. > Typically 50-60m2 Although these exist within care homes, they are often independently managed without care or have developed specific care programmes,
Fig. 6.
Grouphome lounge Jatopa
i.e. residents pay/ organise care as and when they need it. With the current changes in policy
Large complexes in Amsterdam still
encouraging higher-level care environments, it
include the urban facilities of the traditional
is likely these spaces will be sold, managed by
verpleeghuis (a laundry, a shop, a library,
the private sector or (more unlikely) revert back
a barber/ salon, a restaurant to seat every
to smaller units.
resident ) alongside medical facilities. Although perhaps these services will be deemed superfluous to a building solely inhabited by high-level care residents. 7
REHABILITATION WARDS consist of a mix of
Given the lack of mobility of these patients,
shared and private rooms, often with a sink in the
multiple small lounges evenly spaced through
room and shared sanitation.Typically private rooms
these wards are perhaps more suitable.
are 14-15m2 and share bathroom facilities (either
Although in the 'efficiency' of administering
adjacent to room or across a hallway)
care/ supervising patients many have one central larger space on each floor. This is perhaps the typology that most resembles the hospital, where 'residents' become 'patients' and living is completely separated from care (visually and functionally).
PRIVATE ROOMS (not within a rehabilitation ward) can be as small as 15m2 (sanitation seperate) or 20m2( internal sanitation)
Fig. 17. One-bed, two-bed, three-bed rooms & configuration within Sarphartihuis
SHARED ROOMS are approximately twice as large as single rooms, but there is little variation in size when accommodating 2, 3 or 4 persons. Within single beds are evenly spaced, the configuration is similar to hospital ward. Space is organised by care needing to be administered, the space for 'living'
Fig. 18. A well designed example is in Osdorperhof - the kitchenette within cabinetry frees up a rather small space.
is not considered although lounges are often available on the same floor. STUDIO APARTMENTS range in size from 26m2 - 60m2. Although small by both Dutch and Australian standards the studio apartments in Sint Jacob (26m2) are very liveable, allowing independence through kitchenette & private bathroom and providing a shared kitchen, living and laundry towards the end of the hall Fig. 12. One-bed room (20m2)
for residents who wish to engage with their
Fig. 13. two-bed room (a) (46m2)
Fig. 14. two-bed room (b) (46m2) Fig. 15. three-bed room 48m2) Fig. 16. four-bed room
There is a scale or capacity of these spaces which seems deliberate.
In Sint Jacob 24 studios share a hall
publicly funded 'living' spaces for the elderly,
(providing a degree of anonymity) and a
and are now either demolished or earmarked
relatively intimately sized lounge of 64m2.
for demolition, principles from these developments can be found in new builds. For example the Berkenstede adopts De Drie Hovens internal street and courtyard typology. The modest private studios or two-bedrooms directly connected to care of the traditional verpleeghuis is considered too costly in providing for high level care, but these same unit sizes and configurations at a smaller
Fig. 19. Sint Jacob studio apartment configuration
scale could offer a liveable solution. All
In De Drie Hoven small units are arranged
the verpleeghuis. Its scale deems it inflexible
on either side of a passage which forms an
financially, there is very little to correct
internal street and these streets converge in
three include over 200 apartments each, the success of the group home is the plight of
a common squares. This very simple gradient of private, semi-public to public space is not revolutionary, yet it is unique within this aged-care survey. This miniaturization of the neighbourhood or urban realm for those with restricted mobility is highly successful (without seeming quaint or patronizing)
Fig. 20. The internal street of De Drie Hoven
Although Willem Dreeshuis, Sint Jacob & De Drie Hoven represent an end of an era for