Emily G. Albert | 2012-2013

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EMILY G. ALBERT P.H.R. 2 0 1 2 — 2 0 1 3


1 . 2 1 .13 (Dentist) 4 .14 .13 (ER visit) 4 .15 .13 ( T ibia X-ray) 4 .15 .12 ( Vicodin 10 0 mg ) 7. 3 .12 (Check-up) 7. 28 .13 (O ptom otrist)

Emily had a great check-up today with D r. Mar tins . N o cavities . She love d the flavore d fluoride treatm ent and didn’t cr y when the hygienist cleane d her te eth . S o proud!

1.2 1.1 3 (D e n t i s t)

We made an em ergenc y ro om visit this af ternoon af ter Emily to ok a tumble down the stair s . A broken tibia! Po or thing. She was ver y quiet and didn’t cr y much until the doc te r had to splint the cast . H oping she heals ver y so on .

4.1 4.1 3 (E R v i s i t)

Lef t T ibia Frac ture

4.1 5.1 3 (Ti b i a X-r ay)

Vicodin Patient p e r scrib e d 10 0 mg , 2 x daily for pain managem ent of frac ture d lef t tibia .

4.1 5.1 2 (Vi co d i n 1 00 m g)

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