Emily Ludwig s2901250 Graphic Design 1 Tea Packaging Final Submission
Brand and Logo My tea brand is called ‘Capital Teas’ and has been designed so that it is memorable and simple for the customer. A casual form of script font has been used for the brand name and flavours of the tea, due to the fact that it is less formal but still gives the design an elegant touch. I created the font for the logo which was inspired I used the style of script font because Capital Teas to have a fun, quirky brand personality. I searched online for various script style fonts and chose different features of other fonts that I liked and created this one. It has been hand drawn.
Colour Scheme and Patterns Three separate colour schemes have been used for the packaging of Capital Teas also paired with individual floral patterns for each flavor. A bright green has been used for the peppermint flavor, daring pink for the strawberry and raspberry flavor and a vibrant yellow for the chamomile and vanilla flavor. The ecology of the flower and tea growing regions from which the ingredients provides a solid foundation to work from and is delivered through an illustrative approach that mixes a variety of flowers and insets. These are individually distinctive, simple and strike a good balance. There is a great contrast between the lightness of the flowers and brighter colour of the backgrounds. The bright and bold colours paired with soft, white patterns are also used to draw attention to key elements and establish a hierarchy between the design and content.
The packaging for Capital Teas is made out of a carton board box materia with a glossy finish to package the teas in. This has been chosen because it is a simple yet effective and practical package shape. Tea packets are only small and can fit nicely into a square box.
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