Emily Sappington Portfolio

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FIVE YEARS AT THE NEW SCHOOL This course was my first at Parsons and my teacher made me believe I’d pass.

I spent hours roaming the Metropolitan Museum of Art for these courses, which I grew to love. I gained an appreciation for ancient art history and now can find my ways around the ancient art galleries knowing exactly where the Byzantene and the Medieval art lives in this massive museum.

In my “Foundation Year” at Parsons, I learned that sometimes repetition can be extremely constructive. We would draw for hours and hours, creating work off of the same still life or model pose and sometimes by the 20th drawing, a perfect composition would appear. It was this act of struggling through a process that fostered an endurance in me as an artist and designer.


3D Body as Form Studio Laboratory 1 3D Studio 1

Perspectives in World Art & Design 1 Perspectives in World Art & Design 2

Elective Painting


My professor was a practicing artist in New York, and he provided me with an introcutin to the local art scene. It is because of his suggestions for how to get into the art scene in New York that I began visiting gallery openings around the City, something I still enjoy every Thursday.

Laboratory 2

Web Media 1


Self-Portrait Poster

I’d later use these skills in my Independent Study, and even later in Grad school.

Typography and Visual Design

In IDC, the Integrated Design Program, I found my home and my major. The curricilum encouraged creativity and research, something I valued in both of my degrees. It is because of this school at Parsons that I discovered Service Design and then Interaction Design. I loved my projects in Service Design and felt that my Psychology background was finally being applied for ethical reasons, and not just in my advertising courses. The teachers encouraged my psychological approach to research but also taught me the basics of ethonographic research methodology.

Corporate Identity & Packaging

Typography and Visual Design



Health, Inequality & Development

Advertising & Marketing Information Design These courses in Communication Design gave me the foundation for making posters, ads, and all other two-dimensional, graphical pieces that communicate effectively. I learned the basics of color, composition, negative space and type.


Invention Service Concepts Global Issues in Design Media & Representation


Design & Sustainability Design(ing) Culture Service Concepts

In the Graduade Program in Internation Affairs I met the most brave, conscious, and well-traveled students I had ever encountered. These students inspired me to be equally confident in traveling the World.

The other students gave me a “just make it happen” perspective with my projects.

I learned I sincerely enjoy advertising in terms of solving problems visually and with copywriting, however I’m not sure I could make it a career forever.

2D Integrated Studio 1

Drawing Studio 2

In this class I learned the basics of Flash and Action Scripting.

Portfolio Strategies

Senior Seminar These courses in the Integrated Design Curricilum allowed me the chance to meet faculty with backgrounds in Philosophy, Anthropology, Ethnographic Research, Service Design, and New Media Design, which gave me a diverse perspective on what design could be. These faculty would be helpful in advising me towards which fields of design would most benefit from my particularly diverse and acedemic skill set.


I learned of problems that are “too wicked” to be solved by simple design. Directly after this course I volunteered abroad in Cambodia and witnessed such struggling systems first-hand while trying to offer what little help I could.

I originally thought I wanted to be a product designer, but after taking some courses I decided my strengths could be better applied in other disciplines. I did not like having to choose materials and measure. I did, however, enjoy learning Solid Works and how things are made.

Solid Works How Things Work


Design, Research & Development Technical Rendering 1 Models 1


FirstSteps Urban Cycling

The Psychology Fundamentals courses I took gave me a basic understanding of Psychology, and monumental studies and findings that I would continue to draw on years after these courses. Psychoanalysis was alsways an interest of mine, but it was more of a hobby than a career in my mind. I enjoy reading Freud and Jung but in the same way I enjoy painting, as a recreational break form the more intense practices of design and research. Conducting experiments and other sorts of research in my Research Practicum courses, alongside Masters and PhD students, proved to be the most stimulating environment for me. Conversations on cognitive neuroscience, theories of treatment for autism and experiments involving eye-tracking elevated my understanding of human behavior. While I knew I didn’t want to be a therapist, I debated becoming a Human Factors Psychologist, after a course in Human Computer Interaction. I decided I couldn’t do only psychological research and abandon the creative process, though, and thus I am still a designer today. I owe everything I know about research to my Methods of Inquiry course, for it provided me with a foundation of approaching all psychological and design research in the future.


Psychology of Ethnic Conflict Statistics with SPSS Dream Interpretation

Interface Agents Research


Fundamentals of Psychology

Psychoanalyzing Greek & Roman Mythology Culture, Ethnicity and Mental Health

A project on corporate funding for private spaces caused me to have an interest in designing for public use, in public environments. I realized that those who design for public spaces serve a community of people, working essentially for a greater good.



Public Space & the City

I spent hours obersving people and doing ethonographic research in New York City for this course. It lead me to appreciate observational research of a City.

In “Origins of Contemporary Visual Culture” I learned of classic film and artists which defined the progression of art and design. I feel enriched for knowing so much about the history of my field, and the way it shaped the World.

Origins of Contemporary Visual Culture New Berlin & Place of Memory Cambodia Study Abroad

Research Practicum 1 Research Practicum 2: Senior Work Proposals Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology

Research Practicum 3 Human Computer Interaction

Projects in-progress: Voting Project Chloe Chic


Fundamentals of Social Psychology Theories of Personality

Visual Perception & Cognition

DrawAFriend Game

These courses provided me with an appreciation for form, and often I consider a tactile approach when investigating design solutions because of my time spent in Product Design. Packaging concepts in Communication Design were improved by what I learned of form and material manipulation. I learned a good deal about user testing and interviewing from Design, Research & Development and gained a perspective of the design process. This was by far the most difficult course, however it taught me to work with all types of groups.

Berlin’s Moderisms


The FDR Years

In Cambodia my perspective on the US involvement in Viet Nam was turned upsidown. Not only did I learn of a history that I never would have otherwise, but it changed my view of truth and exposure to history. In Berlin I gained an appreciation for memorializing history and how impactful deisgn can be as a place of learning, mourning, and memorializing. I learned that I’d love to live in Europe, and in Cambodia that I love to travel to around Asia.

Romantic • Re-vintage • Clothing

Independent Senior Project Methods of Inquiry For two and a half years I studied with one particular Psychology Professor, Dr. Marcel Kinsbourne, who allowed to to meld my two fields of study; psychology and design. As a result I spent my time in the Psychology department designing experiment rooms, assisting the design of media presentations for other students’ experiments. I also used Adobe Flash to animate a transition of words and audio for an experiment on the Redundancy Principle with near significant findings. This professor also advised me and a Parsons professor as I ran a dual-school experiment on Human-Computer Interaction. I tested the significance an interface agent has on users who are frustrated and attempting to persist with an impossible task. Doing all of these experiments enabled me to look at a variety of types of data and analyze them in means of eye-tracking, statistical analysis, and qualitatively.

The rate at which I wrote and completed pepers in this course caused me to start and efficiency finish papers expediently in the future.

Writing the Essay 1 Writing the Essay 2

New Arrivals





Learning to write at a Liberal Arts school, I found, prepared me to be a better writer than those who only learned to write at Design School.

Clothing Dresses Tops Bottoms Accessories Jewelry Scarves Home office Re-Vintage Giftcard Sales


About me

Senior Seminar

Painting 2 I didn’t want to leave Parsons without a series of oil paintings, and working with painters such as David Mann helped me improve a lot.

2D Integrated Studio 2

One particular project forced me to get very comfortable with New York City very quickly. We were given chalk, an adjective, and a particular neighborhood in New York. We were to take the chalk and make street art, not graffiti as the chalk would wash off, but something that engaged the pedestrians around with their physical environment. I was assigned Chinatown. This is arguably the most smelly, crowded neighborhood in Manhattan, with fish markets, small turtles, snails and other live creatures for sale right on the sidewalk. In addition, thousands of tourists grace the streets every day, and stopping to look around, let alow sitting down to draw, is a challenge. Regadless, I got down on my hands and keens and drew on the dirty Chinatown pavement for hours as people walked by, pointed and took photos.


Drawing & Painting

Drawing Studio 1


Design and management students gave me a fresh perspective on my thesis and encouraged me to think of a 360 approach to marketing the product towards all types of users. Similarly, a recruiter helped me polish a graduate admissions essay and create a unique resume.

I found that painting calms me down in times of stress, and now I resume it whenever I feel the need to be creative in a more physical way than design on the computer. I took painting courses durig my thesis year for this exact reason.


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