The Art Book No.1

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Pack No.1


Introduction Hello, my name is Emma and I am a Graphic Designer and Artist. After having had several parents reach out for art project ideas for their children in the coming months I have decided to make a weekly pack with a few ideas for three different age categories. I have loosely grouped them into ‘Little ones’, ‘Bigger Ones’ and ‘Young Adults’. I will make these available once a week on the Facebook Page: TheArtBookUK/ I will do my best to minimise mess and to only suggest ideas using materials that you may have at home. I will try my best to post in advance what materials might be needed for the next week in case that is helpful! If anyone would like to share their creations I will create a little board where masterpieces can be exhibited for the community to enjoy and celebrate! Please share this pack to anyone that might find it useful. I hope it can help anyone after a creative project in the coming weeks! If you need any help feel free to ask on the page!

Little Ones! Project One: Become a cave person! Many people know about prehistoric cave paintings, but did you know they made sculptures and carvings too?! Make a little pot of play-dough if you don’t already have some to hand. There are plenty of recopies on the internet but you can find a really simple one here: They could model their favourite animal or object in 3D or create Petroglyph from a a flat slab of playdough and mark out your design in the dough. You could find lots of objects around the house to make a mark with the help of an adult. Maybe try a spoon or a pencil or rolling an old bottle lid along the dough to create a exciting texture. Here are some images to inspire your little cave people: Project Two: Make your own Puzzle! Below you can find a few grids that you can print out, draw your design on the grid and then cut it up, but don;t worry you can have so much fun putting it all back together again! Project Three: Make some flowers for mummy (For Mothers Day) or any other friend or relative! If you are lucky enough to have a little bit of paint around the house then ask an adult to help you cut out some shapes from some household objects like an egg carton, paint them with your beautiful colours and patterns and then turn them into flowers with a straw or tightly rolled up paper! Its always nice to show someone you love them with a hand made gift!

Bigger Ones! Project One: Wassily Kandinski! Kandinski is a famous painter who make artworks in response to music that he listened too. Get a fresh piece of paper and some art supplies that you want to use, try and find some different colours and maybe a pen or pencil for some detail. Put your favourite piece of music on and make marks and patterns that you feel represent that music. Maybe if it gets louder you could make a big mark or if there’s a really high pitched note a really bright colour. Let your creativity run wild. Project Two: Comics and Anime! Make your own superhero story by creating your own comic book strip or Manga comic (a Japanese style of drawing). If you have access to Netflix you can watch some Japanese cartoons from Studio Ghibli which is like the Japanese Disney! Search for films like My Neighbour Totorro, Howl’s Moving Castle or Spirited Away to get some ideas. There is a template for you to either print or to give you a guide of how to draw your own! Project Three: Design a new shoe! What would be the best shoe ever? Can you draw it? What colours would there be? Would it have laces? Would it have a special feature like WIFI or speakers? Include as much detail as you can and try to shade it too so it looks 3D!

Young Adults! Project One: Find a favourite artist in a virtual gallery visit! Museums and Galleries might be closed for you to visit in person but there are many you can visit on your computer. Take a virtual tour and find an artwork that you like then create either your own composition inspired by it or try to copy the artwork yourself. Up8jxyn0SHt2GfVI5L8jBK4jiavLUWUSQSvxAiQ6GR983EEGI Project Two: Design a book cover! You are asked to illustrate or design a new book cover for your favourite book. You could get collaging from old magazines and newspapers or grab your paints and pencils! What makes this book special and what would grab attention and make someone else want to pick it up to read? Take a look ere for some ideas: book-cover-design-50-amazing-covers-you-will-want-topick-up/ Project Three: Chuck Close- Drawing using a grid! Chuck Close is an artist who creates stunning photo realistic works using a grid method. You can see a short video on this here: Find a photograph of an object you would like to draw and use this grid method to draw out each section very carefully to accurate depict its details. Try to pick an image of one object that is clear and relativity close up like the examples below. Have a look online for images in Google or on a free stock photo website like

The Big Project: I have a big challenge for you! Over the next few weeks I will be helping you design all of the things needed for a business or organisation. We will go step by step through designing a logo, apps, adverts and websites as well as learning about branding and how businesses use social media and other communication methods to tell the world about what they do. If you are interested in studying or later working in design, business or marketing this would be great introduction to what goes on! If you would like some feedback on your project, with your parents permission upload what you have created to the Facebook page. I will do my best to get you some feedback on your hard work! This week I want you to think about something you love, is it a sport, a hobby a food? Then I want you to think about a product or service you could use as an example for your project. Maybe if you like computer games you could be a new computer game developer or console producer. If its a sport maybe you could be a new team, gym or sports ground. If you love theatre and dance maybe it could be a dance school or a new theatre or performance. If its a food then maybe its a new cookery book or TV show, or maybe a new food product? Whatever you pick I want you to think about who might also be interested in this and to come up with a logo design. A good logo design will work well in any size. It needs to be simple enough that it can be understood when printed really small on email or on letters but it also needs to look good when its really big on billboards or TV. Think carefully about what colours would be good at attracting that group of people who are also interested in the same things you are. What shapes and also what to call your business or organisation! Sketch out at least 5 ideas and pick your favourite one ready for next week when we start thinking about brands and web design!

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