Gobble Gobble, KIWIN’S! Welcome back to the Service Projects Manual! Within this manual, you will find a wide variety of new service project ideas and fundrasiers accompanied by everything you and your clubs need to successfully host each project. Every monthly edition of the Service Projects Manual will correspond to a new monthly theme. For the month of November, the Service Projects Committee will focus the manual’s theme on Thankgiving! It is especially important to give back to your community and serve those in need during the holiday season. As November comes to an end, make sure to do your part! We hope these ideas will be of ample use to your and your club. With that being said, happy planning! With a passion to serve, Emma Chang CNH KIWIN’S District Governor Service Projects Committee Head kiwins.dgov@gmail.com
DISTRICT PROJECTS what organizations do we serve?
MAJOR EMPHASIS LIVE2LEARN is a CNH Kiwanis service initiative dedicated to creating and improving the literacy skills of children around the world. Working with children ages 5-9, KIWIN’S clubs can conduct service projects to better the educational environments for children through volunteering at reading and school events.
Pediatric Trauma remains the leading cause of death and injury among children in the United States. The mission of our Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) is to develop local projects which to reduce the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma, ensuring all children live happy, healthy and safe lives.
Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. Why? Waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than HIV, Malaria, and all world violence combined.
NOVEMBER SERVICE PROJECTS made by the 2019-2020 service projects committee
CAN DRIVE Purpose: To collect nonperishable food items and donate them to a local pantry or those in need. Supplies: 1. Multiple containers/boxes to store canned foods 2. Post-its or markers to mark boxes Steps: 1. Organize a length of time and location(s) during which cans will be collected. 2. Advertise to school, friends, family, etc. to donate nonperishable food. 3. Publicize the event to the community, families, friends, and on social media. 4. You can announce this through morning announcements or the school newsletter. 5. Mark boxes with as “Canned Donations” and leave them in certain locations such as classrooms, the office, or outside of your school campus. 6. After the specified time period, collect all of your donations and donate them. What’s After: A food drive is a great way to help those in need. Make sure all foods are nonperishable so they do not spoil. This can be held at any time during the year!
TURKEYS FOR KIDS Purpose: Make cute and festive turkey cards to donate to patients in hospitals. Supplies: 1. Various colored paints and scissors 2. Butcher paper or construction paper (brown, red, yellow, etc.) 3. Writing Materials (pencils, markers, pens, etc.) 4. Paper plates and wet wipes Steps: 1. Discuss a time, date, and location with your board to hold the event. 2. Make graphics and posts to publicize the event. 3. Arrive early on the day of the event and prepare all necessary materials. 4. Give attendees paper and paint and let them get creative! 5. Trace the shape of your hand to make the body of your turkey and cut 6. Decorate your turkey and write encouraging messages as written here. What’s After: This is a great annual service project that can be done for this holiday.
THANK YOU CARDS Purpose: Show your appreciation this Thanksgiving season and make cards for those you are grateful for! Supplies: 1. Construction paper/printer paper and envelopes 2. Supplies to write (markers, colored pencils, pens) 3. Thanksgiving-themed stamps/stickers (optional!) Steps: 1. Organize time, date, and location to write the letters (house, park, classroom, etc.) 2. Advertise to school, friends, social media etc. to attend and support. 3. Arrive early on the day of the event and prepare all necessary materials. 4. As attendees arrive, distribute paper and envelopes. 5. Allow your attendees to get creative! 6. Clean up all materials and workplace if needed. What’s After: This event is perfefct for showing appreciating and involving memebers at club meetings or at socials and events.
SANDWICH MAKING Purpose: To provide food for those in need to a local food panty. Supplies: 1. New loaves of bread 2. Plates and plastic knives 3. Plastic bags and table cover 4. Plastic gloves 5. Any type of filling (jam, jelly, peanut butter, etc. ) Steps: 1. Communicate with a local food pantry or church that you will be donating to in order to receive any specifications about food donations. 2. Discuss a time, date, and location with your board to hold the event. 3. Advertise event to school, friends, family via social media. 4. Ask for donations and offer service hours (optional!). 5. Arrive early on the day of the event to set up a table and materials. 6. As attendees arrive, distribute plastic gloves and knives. 7. Set up stations for attendees to efficiently make and pack sandwiches. 8. Package sandwiches into bags and store them in a bin or container. 9. Make sandwiches until you run out of materials and clean up workspace if needed. 10. Donate your sandwiches! What’s After: This event can be held multiple times throughout the year.
CARE PACKAGES Purpose: To provide someone in need with all of the necessities they need, but might not normally have access to. Supplies: 1. Plastic bags or baskets to hold care packages 2. Basic necessities (toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc.) 3. Plastic twist-ties or anything to close donation packages. 4. Post-Its and pens (optional) Steps: 1. Discuss a time, date, and location with your board to hold the event. 2. Advertise event to school, friends, family via social media. 3. Decide if you would like to purchases or receive materials from donations. 4. Arrive early on the day of the event to set up and intsruct attendees as they arrive. 5. Separate attendees into small groups of people and create stations in a line. 6. Distribute supplies to each group and work on making an assembly line! 7. If there is extra time, write an encouraging note and place it inside. 8. Package each bag and donate it! What’s After: This makes a huge impact on your community and helps many people.
STUDENT TUTORING Purpose: To aid students in school and encourage them to surpass their educational challenges Supplies: 1. Books 2. Dedicated tutors 3. Any flyers or promotional material Steps: 1. Communicate with local elementary or middle schools’ principals or staff members to discuss times, places, and guidelines/rules for tutoring. 2. Finalize a time, date, and location with your board. 3. Publicize the event to friends and members through social media to receive interests for tutors or any students who need tutoring. 4. Create a sign-up registration process and sort out different students and subjects that need to be tutored. 5. Assign members to teach subjects that they are proficient in. 6. Tutoring can last 30 minutes to an hour depending on guidelines set by the principal/teacher. What’s After: This tutoring program allows members to become involved with other studnets and help other students who need it!
STRESSBALL MAKING Purpose: To ease the stress of seniors (and other students) that are in the process of or have just completed their college applications. Supplies: 1. Flour 2. Water balloon or cloth (to make stressballs) 3. Funnels 4. Newspaper and markers Steps: 1. Discuss a time, date, and location with your board to hold the event. 2. Advertise event to school, friends, family via social media. 3. Arrive early on the day of the event to set up workspace. 4. Instruct attendees to use funnel to pour flour into “ball.” 5. Have fun and decorate your ball! No more stress. What’s After: Make sure to donate these to seniors or any student to show you care!
LEI MAKING Purpose: Show off your division pride by making ribbon leis to give out to members. Supplies: 1. Ribbon lei (different colors optional) Steps: 1. Discuss a time, date, and location with your board to hold the event. 2. Advertise event to school, friends, family via social media. 3. Gather or fundraiser for your materials. 4. Watch this video for instructions on how to make a lei! 5. Arrive early on the day of the event to set up workspace. 6. Cut the needed length of two ribbons for each attendee to make a lei. 7. Bond with your attendees with icebreakers and fun socializing! 8. Give away or donate your wonderful creations to whoever you would like. What’s After: This service project can be easily done to give thanks to any recipient.