Come see bulletin 05 02 2017

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ll through the month of January 2017, we explored the forces of the Spirit that makes us live in a different world here on earth. From the 7 Spirits of God in Isaiah 11:2, we looked at;


MY LIGHT HAS COME- Isaiah 60:1-22 What is in the Mantle? – 2 Kgs 2:15 The overflowing priestly anointing is in the mantle – Psalm. 133:13; 45:6-8 We must also recognize that priesthood in the Old Testament is the Apostolic and Prophetic ministry in the New Testament – Eph. 2:20/ Heb. 3:1-4 How to access Impartation of the Spirit of Faith:

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Identify a carrier – Matthew 25:9/ Acts 3:6 Receive the person and ministry of the carrier – Matthew 10:41/ 2Chronicles 20:20  Crave for what he carries – 2Kings 2:9/ Psalm 63:1-3/ Jude 3  Honour him in your heart – Mk. 6:4-5/ Is. 29:13/ Pro. 27:18 Please take note, supernatural faith is a product of the impartation of the Spirit of faith – 2Cor. 4:13. Therefore, it is God Himself that is behind the mystery of impartation of Spirit – Num. 11:16-17/24-25

o The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord or Spirit of Love; o The Spirit of Power or the Spirit of the Lord; o The Spirit of Wisdom & Revelation which contains counsel, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. As we conclude the teaching series, we shall be looking at the Spirit of Might which is also known as the Spirit of Faith. We understand according to scriptures that faith is the master key to Need for Sonship-Connection for our Natural Access to a world of noiseless breakthroughs – Mark 9:23 Impartation The Spirit of faith is one of the forces that Supernatural faith is a  Prophets are ordained spiritual fathers to empower believers to operate in a different whom they are sent to – 2Kgs. 2:12-15; 6:21 product of the impartation world – Hebrews 11:32-34  A good man leaveth an inheritance to his of the Spirit of faith and This is why we are called to contend for the children's children – Proverbs 13:22 Impartation through the Spirit of faith once delivered to the saints Today, God is restoring sonship and fatherhood prophetic mantle is a according to Jude 1:3. Elisha passionately to the body of Christ – Mal. 4:5-6 coveted the spirit of faith upon Elijah and spiritual platform for It is natural for a child to share the DNA of his ended up doing twice as much as Elijah did duplication and father – Jn. 8:44. In the same vein, all genuine through the prophetic mantle– 2 Kings 2:9-15 sons of a prophet share the spiritual DNA with


multiplication of grace

“And we having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;” 2 Corin. 4:13

What is Impartation? It is the transmission of spiritual endowments from an anointed vessel to others – Rom. 1:11/ Phi. 1:7/ It is the tangible transmission of the power of God from an anointed vessel for signs & wonders and special miracles – Acts 19:11-12/ Matt. 14:34-36

Channels of Impartation

 Through the Word – Lk. 5:17/ Ezek. 2:2/ Jn. 6:63  Through prophetic declarations – 1Tim. 4:14/ Ezek. 37:1-14  Through laying on of hands – Deut. 34:9/ Acts 19:1-6  Through the prophetic mantle – 2 Kgs 2:9-15/ / Matt. 14:34-36 Impartation through the prophetic mantle is a spiritual platform for duplication and multiplication of grace – Rom. 1:11/ 2Kgs. 2:9-15

their spiritual father – 2Kgs. 2:12-15

As asserted by scriptures, every living creature produces after his kind – Gen. 1:24-25. Giants are born of giants – 2Sam. 21:16-22 Requirement for Impartation

New birth is a fundamental requirement in accessing any of the forces of the Spirit that makes us live in a different which includes impartation with the Spirit of Faith. John 1:12 Every grace on the anointed is freely accessible to anyone who truly craves, covets and desperate for it – Matt. 10:8/ Ps. 133:1-3/ Eph. 2:20 In conclusion, we must not just expect God to fill us without using such power. UNCTION IS FOR FUNCTION. Therefore, as you put this virtues to work, expect your special miracle packages, which include all testimonies ever recorded in this Commission and the new dimensions that God has in store for us as the prophetic mantle is applied in every situation. Shalom!

NOISELESS MIRACLE JOB via KINGDOM SERVICE I have come to give God all the glory, for destroying over 10 years of career stagnation in my life by His favour via kingdom service and on the platform of the 21 days prayer and fasting. Ps 102:13 – 15 & Matt 17:21. In November 2016, I got a miracle job in London by God’s favour but due to long distance and challenges of child care, I decided to quit the job in December. That same December 2016, I went for an interview with a reputable organisation that was 10mins walk from my house and just opposite my children’s school. The job ticked all the boxes I wanted to make things easy for me in caring for the kids, advancing God’s kingdom, doing my business while still working but I was not granted the job in spite of them saying I did well. On the day, I went for the interview, I used my mantle to hit the floor and possess the organisation by faith. So, based on my faith in God, I never accepted the negative report of the rejection, but kept on trusting God and decreeing that they will call me back and grant me the job. While believing God for my miracle job, I kept on serving God daily in Kingdom advancement prayer. Also, I sowed the whole of the income of my first business order of this year 2017 as a sacrificial seed, as inspired from the widow woman’s story in 1st Kgs 17: 8-16, ‘’Make for me first’’. On Wednesday 18th of January 2017, day 10 of the prayer and fasting, I received a call from the recruitment officer that interviewed me, stating if I was still available for the position with their organisation as the role is still available. The contract letter has been signed and I am to resume my dream job in February, 2017. I give God all the glory, who is not a robber of men but a rewarder of them that diligently serve and trust Him. Our God is a covenant keeping God, to Him alone be all the praise. - Dcns Mabel O. (Middlesex)

MIRACLE BABY VIA PROPHETIC DECLARATION! “I expected and prayed for the fruit of the womb for thirteen years. During those years of waiting, I had several miscarriages. In 2015, I attended the Covenant Day of Fruitfulness Service at the Winners Chapel, New Jersey. I went with my baby items, prayed and claimed the declarations concerning the fruit of the womb. I later moved to Virginia and it became difficult for me to attend services due to distance and transportation constraints. However, I made sure I connected online to the services at Canaanland. On the last day of Shiloh 2015, the Bishop said, ‘Anyone under the sound of my voice believing God for the fruit of the womb, I don't care what your situation is, you are coming to Shiloh 2016 with your baby.’ I claimed it and held on to it; speaking it to my life every day. To the glory of God, after the 21 days of prayer and fasting of 2016, in the month of February to be precise, I got pregnant. In November 2016 I gave birth to a baby boy. To God be the glory for he has put laughter in my mouth!”---Emelia N. (Virginia, USA.) SACKED AND REINSTATED IN LESS THAN 24HOURS!

“On Thursday January 20, 2017, a tsunami swept across my office and a lot of people were asked to resign including myself. Although we all tendered our resignation letters, I refused to accept the verdict and did not discuss it with anybody. However, I reminded God that this is not what he promised us this year; my case must be different as declared by His servant, Bishop David Oyedepo. I reminded Him about my tithes, offerings and Shiloh sacrifices. I handed over the hearts of the management to His hand. Lo and behold, the God of Bishop David Oyedepo stepped in. In less than 24hours I was reinstated. Indeed, My Case Is Different! Praise God!” Inyang N.E

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