Come see bulletin 19 02 2017

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Sunday 19th February, 2017




MY LIGHT HAS COME- Isaiah 60:1-22 We cannot be exempted from the horrors of the day until judgment against its source is divinely executed – Ecclesiastes 8:11 It is our redemptive right to curse every source of satanic oppression and affliction around our lives – Mark 11:19-23 We are in the last days; we are in the days of vengeance of the Lord. This is God’s agenda for the last days to judge anything against the comfort of His people – Isaiah 61:1-3; 63:4

t has become very clear that the world is in a state of WEAPONS OF VENGEANCE darkness and confusion and our only guarantee for The Weapon of Revelation exemption from the horror of darkness pervading the We must not be ignorant that having lost all powers, satan is only left world around us is LIGHT – John 1:5, John 8:12 with devices, wiles and deceptions – 2 Corinthians 2:11/ This is because, nothing repositions the believer for an Ephesians 6:11. But no matter the deception, darkness can never exceptional life like revelation. This revelation simply connotes, resist the authority of light - John 1:1-5. Therefore, by redemption, we have been repositioned far above all principalities and powers light from the Word of God –2 Corinthians 3:18 Ephesians 2:5-6; 1:20-21 However, there are fundamental requirements to gain access The Weapon of Violent Faith to revelation, One must be; Faith is a weapon of victory over all the  Born again – Mark 4:11 forces of wickedness – Hebrews 11:32By revelation, we understand  Spiritual - Revelation 1:10 that God is a ‘many sided’ 33/ 1 John 5:4 God. A loving father as well Our focus in this Edition is to see, The Weapon of Bold Declaration as a God of vengeance. How can we engage the revelation of the One cannot be oppressed and afflicted Anything that unsettles you, God of Vengeance for our Exemption? except with a closed mouth – Luke 21:15/ unsettles God. And because Remember, God is a ‘many sided’ God. our God is a God of Ps 81:10-14 The mistake many Christians make is that vengeance, He will repay the The Weapon of the Holy Ghost Fire enemy on your behalf. they have a limited view of God’s capability. By the Holy Ghost, the prince of this world When your view of God is limited, you are also is already judged and we as believers have the authority to invoke limited in the benefits you can receive from Him. Apostle Paul the vengeance of the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume every enemy highlighted in Romans 12:19 which says, “Dearly beloved, against our progress – John 16:9-11, Matthew 3:11-12 avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for Furthermore, we must recognize that God-sent Prophets are agents it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” of vengeance and they have God’s authority to release His And because our God is a God of vengeance, He will repay the vengeance on the source of our: enemy on your behalf. Remember, Jesus also taught us to pray  Satanic Bondage – Hosea 12:13/ Exodus 12:12 vengeance prayer in Luke 18:1-8.  Shame and Reproach – Is. Ps 74:9-12/ 2 Kings 2:23-24 But Why Is Vengeance Necessary?  Satanic harassment – Exodus 14:15-28/ 2 Kings 1:9-17 To put an end to the wickedness of the wicked. Psalm 7:9-13 Finally, we must recognize that every child of God is Untouchable This was why until God unleashed His vengeance upon Egypt, (Psalm 105:13-15) and Uncursable (Numbers 23:8). Therefore, Pharaoh never gave up - Exo 12:12; 14:14-19/20-31 begin to make the following declarations; I am Child of God To deliver the helpless. Isaiah 49: 24 -26 therefore, I am untouchable, I am uncursable and what affects To release your blessings. Exodus 3:19-21 others is not permitted to affect me! Amen.

I pray that your light shall truly come this season! Amen.

HIV Positive Turned Negative! “I was confirmed HIV positive in November 2015 and since then I wasn’t myself. I transited from one negative feeling to the other. I engaged in Kingdom advancement prayers and invited souls to church pretending to be fine when I was dying slowly. When the theme, I will Restore Health Unto You, was declared in July 2016, I knew it was my month. I engaged vigorously in Kingdom advancement prayers and most importantly, believed God for my healing. I came to Church on August 7, 2016, feeling as hot as oven inside me. I re-dedicated my life to Christ because I still felt I wasn’t on the right track. On Wednesday August 10, 2016, repeated the test and to my greatest surprise the result was negative though the symptoms persisted. During Wednesday service, the Bishop said, ‘You don’t need to go to school to know a microphone.’ He added that only fools doubt proofs. Immediately, I convinced myself that I don’t need to go to school before I believe my status is negative seeing the result. The following day, Thursday August 11, 2016, I repeated the test for the third time and it was HIV negative. To God be all the glory who has confirmed this church as truly a Liberation Commission. Amaka N.

Dead Raised Back To Life! “Before I joined this church, my life was messed up. I became addicted to smoking of all kinds and club going from when I was very young in 1988. Then, I was given two eggs by an herbalist for diabolical powers because that was what all my friends did. However, mine resulted into a strange illness. When I joined the church on Sunday, May 29, 2016, during the Breaking Invisible Barriers service, God healed me. As soon as I joined the church, I participated in the Outreaches and gospel raids, engaged in Kingdom advancement prayers and also prayed one hour prayers daily. Then, I went to various bus stops to share fliers and tracts. During the Enough is Enough service, we were told to pray for what we wanted and that in 24 hours we would see the results, I believed. Suddenly, my husband, who had left me for over two years called for reconciliation. Two months later, I was attacked by the spirit of death. I was foaming from the mouth, rushed to the hospital and the doctor thought I was dead. However, I was in a trance and I saw someone tying rope on my neck to suffocate me and I called the God of my father David Oyedepo to save me and He did and I came back to life. I thank the God of this Commission and of my father Bishop David Oyedepo for saving my life!” Judith Johnson

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