Come see bulletin 26 02 2017

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Sunday 26th February, 2017



MY LIGHT HAS COME- Isaiah 60:1-22

 Not following divine direction also leads to frustration and

closed doors. Isaiah 48:17-21  Broken covenant with God and sometimes with man also leads to closed doors when your part is not played as agreed under oath. 2 Chronicles 15:3-15 How to Access Revelation: By Pastor Emmanuel Odedeyi  Through the help of the Holy Spirit – 1 Corinthians 2:9-10/13-14  Through a hearty (spirit inspired) search in the word – Isaiah 26:9 ight is crucial to life. The brighter our light the faster we go. Remember, among others, revelation empowers our escape from Especially in this season of gross darkness that has things that afflict the world around us – 2 Peter 1:4, 1 Corinthians enveloped the world. Our only guarantee for exemption 10:13 from the horrors of darkness is LIGHT. John 1:5 What Must I Do to Command Open Doors in Life? But this light requires responsibility from us as believers, that is, we Be born again – 1 John 5:4; 4:4/ Romans. 8:31 must continue to crave for brighter light and deeper insight in order When a person gives their life to Christ it opens up a new chapter to remain exempted from the horror of darkness. Matthew 11:28to such. A spiritual translation from the kingdom of darkness into 29. But what is this light? It is a deep revelation into what God is the kingdom of light takes place immediately and everything saying in His Word. Not just head knowledge or face value but the becomes new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 opening of our spiritual understanding and applying the same to our Engage the power of Revelation – Isaiah 5:13; 60: 1-3/22 lives for our desired change. To know is not enough, we must engage what The fundamental requirements to access Understand this: we know for our desired change. Applying Light or revelation from the Word, One must; Darkness can never shut the what we know is what changes everything.  Be Born again – Mark 4:11 door against light! Whenever For instances, when you get to a closed door,  Be Spiritual - Revelation 1:10 revelation breaks forth, iron gates you must bring out not just any key but the Our focus in this Edition is; open up on their own accord. right key and turn it for the door to be COMMANDING OPEN DOORS Why? Because light never begs opened. So also, we must find the right key BY REVELATION darkness. Simply put, the from the word (revelation) and apply the Understand this: Darkness can never shut the same for our desired change. APPEARANCE of Light is the door against light! (John 1:5). Whenever Engage a quality covenant walk with DISAPPEARANCE of darkness! revelation breaks forth, iron gates open up on God – Deut. 8:18/ Malachi. 3:17-18 their own accord. (Acts 12:7-10). When revelation comes, you don’t The covenant is superior to all climates. Therefore, when we must beg darkness you only command light to come! engage in a quality covenant walk with God and no matter the What are the likely signs that may indicate that someone is doors shut against others, we are gloriously exempted. experiencing Closed doors? Others are; Signs of closed doors includes; Lack of access; Blocked access; Be guided by the Holy Spirit – 2 Corinthians 5:7/ Is. 48:21 Disappointment; Rejection or refusal; Missed opportunities; Dashed When you are guided by the Holy Spirit, you cannot be stagnated hope or expectations not materialising; Limitations; Closed heaven; or frustrated, you become a pace setter and a trail blazer. When what others get easily become difficult for you; Lack of peace; Stagnation and so on. If you or someone you know is experiencing Commit to kingdom stewardship – Matthew 6:33/ Exo. 23:25-26 this, there is a way out for out! Walk by faith – Mark. 9:23/ Heb. 11:32-34 But what are the likely reasons why people experience of Closed Lastly, engage the anointing of the Holy Spirit – Isa. 61:1-3/4-7 Doors?  Neglecting the ways of God, disobedience and becoming an The anointing of the Holy Spirit which the oil represents is one of God’s enemy of God closes door against the disobedient. Jonah 1:1-4, end-time mystery for destroying the yoke of closed doors because Prov. 1:24-30 doors can neither be shut against the anointing nor the anointed –  Ignorance. Hosea 4:6. Bishop David Oyedepo says, “There is no Isaiah 45:1-3. Welcome to your season of Open doors! mountain anyway, everyone’s ignorance is their mountain.”


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From Local To International Via Kingdom Stewardship! “Since I started my consultancy job in 1997, I have been a local consultant. However, as a result of my engagement in kingdom stewardship in the first phase of the Wonder-Double prophetic agenda, God opened a door of opportunity for me to travel to the US. There, I presented a paper at a top-rated university. Thereafter, more doors opened to me and I ended up making six paper presentations instead of one. The locations for the papers include: A large conference room in the World Bank Headquarters for Research and the George Washington University. The Nigerians in Diaspora also invited me to a Nigerian university in the US at Washington DC. Furthermore, Nigerians in Diaspora at State of Maryland, A graduate school in a top range University and a faculty board which comprises of Deans and heads of departments also invited me for paper presentation. In addition, I was opportune to take a snap shot with the First Lady of a State in the US. As a result, I became a top celebrity. I give God all the glory!” ---Kola Owolabi

Marital Restoration Via Soul Winning The God visited me suddenly. He gave me my 1st Quantum leap blessing. God restored my challenged marriage. My husband left us (myself and the children) since December 5th 2013. So, I came to this church and joined the sanctuary unit group and also joined a group of brethren (7 of us) that engaged in the Operation By All Means, praying and involved in soul winning. I engaged in serious soul winning, walking 2hours and 30minutes (4.00 to 6.30pm) every day for souls to get saved for Christ.. On the 2nd of April 2016 at 9.30pm my phone woke me up and it was my husband; Lo and behold, he was at the gate, I and my children went to welcome him. This could only be God. I have come to return all glory to God, the God of my father, Bishop David Oyedepo. Praise the Lord! - Dorothy Adognon

5 Quantum Leaps in One Year! “At the beginning of the year 2016, God’s Servant prophesied that we shall experience a minimum of 4 quantum leaps as God’s prophetic agenda for the year 2016. All through the year, I engaged in Kingdom advancement endeavours such as praying Kingdom advancement prayers in my closet daily during my personal prayer times and wholeheartedly engaging in WSF outreaches. I also used the Winners’ Personalized Prophetic Declarations in ending my prayer sessions on a daily basis, to the extent that the first one got seriously torn at some point in the year and I had to request for another one in Church. At the end of the year 2016, I could count up to 5 quantum leaps that I experienced in 2016. Firstly, God launched me into my writing career as an author through a professional book I started writing in June, and it came suddenly by divine visitation and inspiration. The second quantum leap is that God launched me into being my own boss as a management consultant, and with a first business breakthrough with a client organization which resulted in a 6-digit income, a big one for a start-up business. Thirdly, I now have more than one source of income since I am still employed with an NGO as a management staff. Also, in 2016, I got connected to my God-ordained gift of a life partner and the wedding shall take place in 2017. Furthermore, my spiritual level changed to higher levels. I began to hear far more clearly and precisely from God any time I settle down in fasting and prayer to seek answers and get divine directions from Him. I give all the glory to the God of Bishop David Oyedepo!” --Shola, O.

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