Come see bulletin 12 02 2017

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Sunday 12th February, 2017




It is not just enough for us to have a desire to read the bible but how we access revelation or insight from God’s Word is crucial. When we read the bible like a story book or history book, it brings no life or change, but when we approach the Word with the consciousness that it is the very source of our life and efore our very eyes, darkness is covering the earth and manual for living, it changes it from being mere letters to spirit gross darkness the people, uncertainties pervading the and life-giving words. John 6:63 The following are ways to access revelation; atmosphere but God has ordained our exemption. BE JOYFUL AND THANKFUL – Psalm 100:4; 5:12 (Isaiah 60:2/ Malachi 4:1). Our only guarantee for exemption It takes joy, gladness and a heart of gratitude to get anything from from the horror of darkness is LIGHT – John 1:5, John 8:12 Just like in the natural, you cannot wish away darkness, the only God. So, when we approach the Word, we must enter with thing to do when you are in the dark is to simply turn on the thanksgiving and a sense of privilege and gratitude. THROUGH THE HELP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT light. Why? The dominion of light over darkness is instant and unquestionable. As it is written in Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine; for The Holy Spirit is the author of the Word and no one can know the book more than the author, therefore, through the thy light is come, and the glory of the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, Nothing repositions the the darkness shall cover the earth, and believer for an exceptional access the original intent of God for every scripture. Infact, Jesus told the disciples gross darkness the people: but the life like REVELATION. LORD shall arise upon thee, and his Therefore, our real challenge that when the Holy Spirit comes He will guide them into all truth. How we need glory shall be seen upon thee” is not with the powers of this guidance today! – John 14:26, 1 From the above scriptures, it is clear that darkness, but with the Corinthians 2:13-14 our real challenge is not with the powers absence of light! THROUGH THE LOVE OF GOD of darkness, but with the absence of light. - Bishop David Oyedepo AT WORK IN US This is because, nothing repositions Naturally, we share our secrets with those we love, so also with the believer for an exceptional life like revelation –2 Cor. 3:18 God, He only confides in His lovers for deep revelation and However, there are fundamental requirements to gain insight from His Word. Can God confide in you? access to revelation, One must be; THROUGH A CRAVE FOR LIGHT IN YOUR AREA  Born again – Mark 4:11, 1 Corinthians 2:14 OF CONCERN – Isaiah 55:1-11/ Luke 10:42/ Pro. 23:23  Spiritual - Galatians 5:25, Revelation 1:10 Just as a child must first be born to see, so also one must be born We must desperately desire (crave) for light in that area of again to gain access to light. But even when one is born again, concern before we can get it. For instance, you can settle with the Word on healing, finances, family, career etc until light from spirituality is a fundamental requirement to access revelation the Word dawns and then liberty comes. because without spiritual sensitivity, we cannot catch the signal In conclusion, we must note that the major way revelation from of what heaven is broadcasting. Carnality impedes revelation! God’s Word engenders our exemption is that revelation We are all required to engage with the word of God like never empowers us for dominion and when the revealed word before this month, not only to know what is written but to put (that is prophetic) is engaged, God’s integrity is committed same to work believing, thereby commanding dominion over the for confirmation. I pray that your light shall truly come this season! Amen. forces of uncertainties that is pervading the world around us.

By Pastor Emmanuel Odedeyi


SUPERNATURAL VISITATION via KINGDOM ENGAGEMENT I was not a member of this church, but by the visitation of God in my situation, I am now a member. I am a mother of two children and my husband left us without meeting his responsibility as a father. Things became difficult for me financially to support my children, no food to eat, no school fees and to make things worse, my landlord gave us notice because I could not afford to pay the rent. All hope was gone. I received a flier from a member of this church to attend the Covenant Hour of Prayer, I reluctantly attended because people has said all kinds of negative things about this church. I heard the pastor saying, “The cure to your difficult life is Servanthood”. I started going out for Jesus but nothing was still working for me because I was not doing it with my whole heart. At the end of Operation Bring Many, I started running with Matt. 6:33, I said to myself, this is my time. I started inviting people to church and also engaging in Kingdom advancement prayers. One night, I put Bishop Oyedepo’s picture on my bed and said, God if this Bishop is not fake proof yourself to me. Then, God supernaturally visited me the next day. Someone called me and gave me huge sum of US Dollars which I used to pay my children school fees, rent, bought furniture and still have balance to start my business. Indeed, I don’t need anyone to preach to me again about this commission. I have finally found my place of refuge. Praise the Lord! Lauretta Beldeh

OVARIES RESTORED SUPERNATURALLY via KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP! “In November 2015, I was diagnosed of multiple ovarian cysts and was advised to undergo a Cystectomy as soon as possible. I came to Shiloh that year and believed God. Then, In February 2016, Bishop David Oyedepo declared Operation By All Means and I ran madly with it. I trekked miles to share the gospel of Christ as well as church fliers. I prayed Kingdom promotion prayers as well. The ovarian cyst made my monthly flow painful. After many scan results of a deteriorating ovary, the doctor advised an urgent surgery and my right ovary was removed. Also, a cyst that weighed 80gramms and measured 11cm was miraculously removed from my stomach. The doctors were surprised the cyst did not rupture and it was not cancerous. The surgery took place on April 21, 2016. In June 2016, the pain came again and my monthly flow was more painful than before. However, this did not affect my work in the vineyard as I would still go for outreaches and share fliers. I went for another scan and this time the laboratory said I had a cyst on the left ovary. At this time I got really mad and I came to Canaan land to camp for 3days. I sought the face of the Lord and reminded him that I was a labourer in his vineyard. I also devoured The Unlimited Power of Faith by Bishop Oyedepo. I learnt from there that God created man with clay. It was never written that he moulded the internal organs but God breathed into man and he became a living soul. That means the breath of God created man’s organs. Thus, as long as I have the breath of God in me, none of my organs is permitted to be faulty. At this point I began to see ovaries re-created by the breath of God. I meditated on this till I could see myself walking around with two functioning ovaries. Thereafter, I went back to the same laboratory and I was told that my two ovaries are perfect. God did not just heal my left ovary, he also restored the right one that the devil stole. I give Him all the glory!” Lily Adesayo

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