Osamp brochure clubs

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Clubsandorgani zati ons Emmanuel’ scampusi sanacti ve,engagedcampus.I t’ sour di versi tyofi ntereststhatbri ngsustogether asavi brant,dynami ccommuni ty. Wi t hmor et han100di f f er entc oc ur r i c ul arc l ubs ,ac t i v i t i esandor gani z at i onson c ampus ,t her ei sal way ss omet hi nghappeni ng.I fy ou' r el ook i ng t os uppl ementy ourc our s ewor k ,j oi nt heEduc at i onCl uborbec ome apeert ut or .Honey ourl eader s hi ps k i l l swi t ht heSt udentGov er nment As s oc i at i onort heEmmanuel Col l egePr ogr ammi ngBoar d. Hav eapas s i onf orv ol unt eer i ng?J oi nSai nt sGi v i ngBac kor t heCol l ege' sc hapt erofHabi t atf orHumani t y .Whet hery ouri nt er es t s ar eat hl et i c ,c r eat i v e,c ul t ur al ,pol i t i c al ors pi r i t ual ,ex t r ac ur r i c ul ar ac t i v i t i esar eani mpor t antpar toff i ndi ngy ourpl ac eonc ampus . Academi c Chemi s t r yCl ub Educ at i onCl ub ClubSports ECBas ebal l Campus+Communi tyOutreach Habi t atf orHumani t y Creati veArts+Communi cati on ACapel l a Multi culturalPrograms ACCENT Bl ac kSt udentUni on Poli ti cal/Reli gi ous Emmanuel Col l egePol i t i c al For um Model Uni t edNat i ons Speci alI nterest ECSuper f ans Doyouhaveani nterestnotli stedonthesepages?Organi zea groupandstartaclubofyourown!

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