Osamp brochure corner pocket

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Multi culturalPrograms Multi culturalPrograms provi desEmmanuelCollege studentsasafeandsupporti ve envi ronmenttoexplorei ssues ofdi versi tyand multi culturali sm through programs,servi cesand educti onalopportuni ti es.

ACCENT( Associ ati onof Countri es,Cultures,Events, Nati onsandTradi ti ons) Asi anStudentAssoci ati on( ASA) BlackStudentUni on( BSU) Musli m StudentAssoci ati on( MSA)

Thr oughpr ogr ams,ser vi cesandeducat i onal oppor t uni t i es,Mul t i cul t ur alPr ogr amsi s Ei reEmmanuel commi t t edt opr ovi di ngasaf eandsuppor t i ve envi r onmentf orEmmanuelst udent st oexpl or e i ssuesofdi ver si t yandmul t i cul t ur al i sm aswel last o ELLAS( Helpi ngUni teEmmanuel st r engt hent heconnect i onf oral lst udent swi t heachot her HU andt heEmmanuelCol l ege L ati nosLeadandAchi eveSuccess) communi t y .

OUTspoken Thr ought headvi sementoft heCol l ege' s Mul t i cul t ur alCl ubsandOr gani zat i ons,t heOf f i cei sabl et o devel opevent si ncol l abor at i onwi t hourst udent st hatmeet EmmanuelCollege/ Ubuntu t heneedsoft hecol l egecommuni t y .Thecol l abor at i on i nsti tutetravelcourse al l owst heOf f i cet opl anf ort hemat i cpr ogr ams ( Bl ackHi st or yMont h,Nat i veAmer i can Her i t ageMont h,Lat i noHer i t ageMont h Thr ought hi st r aveli ni t i at i ve,t heUbunt ui nsi t i ut eandEmmanuel andt heLunarNewYear ) ,newi ni t i at i ves Col l egewor kt oi nvol vest udent sf r om t hedevel opedwor l dt o andspeci alevent s. achi evet heMDG’ si nSout her nAf r i ca-t husexposi ngt hem t o t hel i f eal t er i ngi ssuesofpeopl ei nSout her nAf r i cat hatwi l l devel opt hei rl eader shi pcapaci t yasf ut ur egl oball eader s. Throughthewi relectureseri es Thr ought heWi r ei st heCol l ege’ sdi ver si t yl ect ur eser i est hat ser vesasawayt ost i mul at ei nt el l ect ualdi scour seoncampus wi t hanemphasi soni ssuesofr ace,r aci sm,andsoci oeconomi c st at us.

Ni aRetreatforStudentsofcolor TheNi aRet r eati sdesi gnedt obr i ngst udent sofcol ort oget herat anof f campussi t et or ef l ectont hei rcur r entexper i enceatemmanuel .

Genesi sCelebrati onfor StudentsofColor TheGenesi sCel ebr at i onf orSt udent sofCol ori sanoppor t uni t y f orgr aduat i ngst udent sandt hei r f ami l i est opar t i ci pat ei nacer emonywi t hspeci alemphasi son var i ouscul t ur alf or msofcel ebr at i on.

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