Higher Education Newsletter Happy Easter
Inside this issue:
Duke of Edinburgh 2
Cook your own Healthy lunch
Gardening for All
Case Studies Wanted
Graduation 15/16 4
Our College supports these British values: • democracy
Happy Easter everyone! We hope you all enjoy your break over Easter. The College will still be open for any students who want to come in and use computers etc. to do their work.
Last Chance to Complete Student Surveys Don’t forget the Student Perception Questionnaire and National Student Surveys are still open for you to complete. The Student P e r c e p t i o n Questionnaire is open to all students who are not on the final year of their higher education programme at the College.
• mutual respect
The National Student Survey is for students studying their final year on a Plymouth University course.
and tolerance
• rule of law • individual liberty
During the holidays, Kings Road library will be open 9.00am 3.30pm M o nd a y, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and the Goschen Centre library will be open 9.00am - 3.30pm on Wednesdays.
your opportunity to ‘Have your Say’ and give your opinions on what you like about your experience at the College and (if applicable) Plymouth University as well as things you feel could be improved. Emma Thomas from the HE Office will be c om ing i nto any remaining groups during April to give full
instructions of how the surveys can be completed. For students associated with Plymouth University, this survey will be complete online. Students not associated with the University will be given a hard copy to fill out. Surveys close 30 April 2016.
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Duke of Edinburgh The Duke of Edinburgh scheme is the world’s leading youth achievement award, giving millions of 14 - 24 year olds the opportunity to be the very best they can be. Taking part is a great way to meet new people, try new things, improve confidence and develop useful skills, all of which will enhance your
C.V. and your employability.
If you would like to find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh Award, please visit www.dofe.org. For more information about Duke of Edinburgh at the College, p l e a s e e m a i l dofe@cityplym.ac.uk.
Cook Your Own Healthy Lunch Would you like to learn some basic cooking skills? Maybe this is the first time you are living away from home? The College’s Student Liaison team are inviting you to have some fun while at the same time creating delicious and nutritious
Gardening for All Do you want to learn about growing your own vegetables? Grow Allot is City College Plym outh’s com munity garden situated at the back of the student car park at our Kings Road site.
Gardening sessions are available free of charge every other week on either a Thursday or a Friday. If you are interested please contact Darran McLane on 01752 305722 or email dmclane@cityplym.ac.uk.
dishes. This is a FREE activity so spaces are limited so to book a place now or for further information, please visit the Kings Road Student Centre or email jdriscoll@cityplym.ac.uk or call 01752 305848.
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Try Volunteering Volunteering is a fantastic way to improve your C.V, develop skills, make new friends and help the community.
volunteer@su.plymouth.ac.uk for more details. Students not on a Plymouth University course can access opportunities through theworkspace based at the College (PU students are of course welcome to access this facility as well). Call 01752 856825 or email theworkspace@cityplym.ac.uk for more information.
If you are a Plymouth University student, UPSU Volunteering can help you find a role that's right for you. As a UPSU member you can also record your volunteering hours and skills to have your hours officially recognised by your Students’ union. Call 01752 588387 or email
Case Studies Wanted Are you involved in extracurricular activities? Do you want to inspire the next generation of learners to take on higher education? Then we at DCON would love to hear from you! As part of The Devon Collaborative Outreach Network (DCON), City College Plymouth and Plymouth University try to provide innovative outreach activities in schools around Devon, Cornwall and Somerset. An extension of this network is the aligned digital project, Raising Aspirations through Higher
Education – My Digital Journey (RAHE). RAHE aims to ensure that all state funded secondary schools and colleges in rural and coastal areas around Devon, Cornwall and Somerset have a clear r o u te for a c ce ss i ng information about the different routes into higher education, through the innovative use of virtual games, online resources, social media, inspiring case study videos, live blogs and an interactive app. If you would be happy to share the story of your
journey into Higher Education, then please do get in contact! We want to inspire young learners to consider the exciting opportunities they have within higher education! To show your interest or for more information, please contact sarah.bowman@plymouth.ac.uk or see Emma in the HE Office (K106).
The HE Office:
Graduation 2016
Room K106, City College Plymouth, Kings Road, Devonport, Plymouth, PL1 5QG
To any students who will be completing their course with
01752 305786
the College this year, the 2015/16 Graduation Ceremony
has been scheduled to take place on:
Thursday 22nd September at 4pm on Plymouth Hoe. Please make a note of the date in your diaries as tickets will
be available from the beginning of August).
SOUP! Soup is an international crowd-funding phenomenon that brings communities together to raise small-scale investment to kick-start new businesses or ideas. The concept is simple – come along, pay for a bowl of soup, and listen to four new businesses pitch their idea. Pitchers each have the floor for up to four minutes, and must rely on their passion and speaking abilities alone to win over the audience – no gadgets, give-aways or PowerPoint. The audience can then ask a maximum of four questions to try to establish which business is most worthy of investment. With the presentations over, soup is served. Now you will have time to network with your fellow soup-funders and mull over the ideas before choosing your favourite. To vote, you’ll just place your empty bowl at the table of the business you feel is most worthy of your investment. The winning business gets to take home all the money taken at the door and use it to fund their plans, with the promise they will come back three months later to report on their progress. Soup events will take place throughout the year
and they are returning to Plymouth University on 10th May from 12.30pm 2.00pm. Tickets cost just £3.50. Interested in pitching your business idea? You can register your interest by completing an online form at the following link. www.plymouth.ac.uk/whats-on/soup
Other Useful numbers: College Main Reception 01752 305300 Student Finance England 0300 1000 607 Council Tax 01752 304924 Plymouth University 01752 600600 Student Liaison 01752 305848