HE Newsletter January 2016

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Higher Education Newsletter Inside this issue:

Chinese New Year 2 Party Trip to London


Thorpe Park


Health and Fitness 3

HE Student Ambassadors


Student Surveys


Study Skills


Next Student Rep Meeting: Monday 22 February 2016 at 1pm.

Welcome to the HE Newsletter Happy New Year to you all. We hope you are all feeling rested and refreshed. Welcome to the new HE Newsletter. We hope this will be an easy way to keep you all up to date with the exciting things going on within Higher

Education at the College. We hope this will also be a chance for you to share news with other students. Whether this be some fundraising you are doing, personal achievements, events, study tips and more.

you would like to add to the next edition, please email Emma in the HE Office at:

If you have anything he@cityplym.ac.uk

Plymouth University Star Awards The nomination period for the 2016 Plymouth Un ive r sity SST AR Awards are now open! These awards are a chance for students to nominate anyone that they feel has made their University experience better. This could be anyone from your favourite lecturer, that helpful

lab technician, your Course Rep or that lady in the office who takes in your work with a smile. There are 14 different awards for staff and students, and every single person that is nominated will receive an email to let them know that someone thinks they’re brilliant! Nominations can m ad e on l in e www.upsu.com.

be a t:

Entries close on Friday 26th February.

The categories for the awards include: Outstanding Personal Tutor, Most Effective Feedback, Inspirational Teaching, Most Innovative Use of Teaching Methods, One in a Million Support Staff and Course Rep of the Year. SO GET VOTING!

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Chinese New Year Party January As you know, we have a large number of Chinese students studying at the College. For many of them, this will be the first time they are away from their families for this special time of year. The College’s International Office will be hosting a party on Wednesday 27th January 2016 in the Main Hall at Kings Road. A Chinese buffet will be

provided along with soft drinks from 6.40pm and entertainment will begin at 8pm finishing at 9.30pm. The entertainment is provided by our Chinese students showcasing their talents through traditional and contemporary music, dance, drama and more. It is always a fantastic occasion offering insight into this wonderful culture!

A special price of £9 only is available to students and if you would like to bring family and friends, prices are £11 per adult and £5 per child. Tickets available from the international office (KI208).

Weekend in London March 2016 Only £100 Includes transport & accommodation! See the sights of London with your friends and meet other

students from the College. There is no set schedule, just regular check ins throughout the day to make sure everyone is ok.

secure your place and must be paid by Friday 5 February. Full balance to be paid no later than Friday 26 The total cost of the trip is only February. £100 including 2 nights For information on how to accommodation in London as well book, please see Emma in the as transport to and from Plymouth. HE Office or go to the student A £50 deposit will be required to centre.

Trip to Thorpe Park March 2016 On Wednesday 23rd March 2016, the College’s Student Liaison team are hosting a trip to Thorpe Park theme park. Pay just £40 for park entrance and transport to and from Plymouth. Limited spaces are available

so you will need to secure your place by paying a deposit of £20 by Friday 26 February and the remaining £20 no later than Friday 11 March. For information on how to book, please see Emma in the HE Office or go to the student centre.


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College Sports Maker Kim Eschbaecher Kim’s post at the College is funded by Sport England with the overarching aim of increasing sports and physical activity opportunities. Find a full schedule of activities on the student intranet.

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Meet our HE Student Ambassadors What is an Ambassador? Our HE Student Ambassadors are PAID to help promote the College’s HE Provision. They attend College Open Days, talk to younger students who may be considering higher education, work with international students and more. If you would like to be an ambassador next year, email the HE office (address on back page of booklet) or pop in for a

Daryl Jones - FdA Game Design and Production Year 2

Also the student rep for his group and a lead student rep.

Enjoys video games, board games, reading and writing.

Jodie Stevens - FdA Public Services Year 2

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Also the student rep for her group.

Wants to encourage people to go into higher education. Stephen Levenson - FdSc Software Development Year 2

Also the student rep for his group and a lead student rep.

Hopes to go into teaching following his degree.

Luke Davis - FdSc Sports Therapy & Injury Rehabilitation Year 1

Following his course, hopes to open his own gym.

Loves music and enjoys playing football. Mark Kent - FdA Audio and Music Production Year 2

Also the student rep for his group and a lead student rep.

Mark also has a work placement at DBS Music.

Isamara Pinto - FdSc Hospitality & Tourism Management Year 2

Originally from Portugal, Isamara is keen to work with other international students.

Enjoys sports and outdoor activities.

Jacqueline Denny - FdSc Health and Social Care Year 1

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Worked as a chef for 30 years.

As a mature student, wants to help younger people go into Higher Education.


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Student Perception Questionnaire The student perception questionnaire is a survey open to all students studying on their first year of a higher education programme at the college.

with the University will be given a hard copy to fill out. Plymouth University students will need to know their Portal log in details to log in but Emma will have these available when coming into groups.

It is your opportunity to ‘Have your Say’ and give your opinions on what you like about your experience at the College and (if applicable) Plymouth University as well as things you feel could be improved.

The survey looks at a range of areas including: The teaching on your course, Assessment & feedback, Academic support, Organisation & management, Learning resources, Personal development, Overall satisfaction and the Students’ Union.

Emma Thomas from the HE Office will come into groups during February or March to ask students to complete the survey. For students associated with Plymouth University, this survey will be completed electronically online. Students not associated

National Student Survey The National Student Survey is open to all students studying on the final year of their course at the College in partnership with Plymouth University. The National Student Survey is your opportunity to give your opinions on what you liked about your time on your course as well as things that you felt could have been improved. The survey is run nationally by Ipsos Mori who then publish the results in the summer. This gives prospective students the opportunity to make study decisions based on real student feedback. Emma Thomas from the HE Office will come into groups during February or March to ask students to complete the survey

electronically. Students will need to know their University student numbers to log in. The survey looks at a range of areas including: The teaching on your course, Assessment & feedback, Academic support, Organisation & management, Learning resources, Personal development, Overall satisfaction and the Students’ Union. Students studying on a programme that is not associated with Plymouth University will be asked to complete the Student Perception Questionnaire.

Thank you!

The HE Office: Room K106, City College Plymouth, Kings Road, Devonport, Plymouth, PL1 5QG

Thank you for reading the January edition of the HE Newsletter. We hope you have found it useful and

01752 305786



If you have any feedback about what you would like to


see included in future or would like to add an article, please let Emma in the HE Office know via the contact


details to the left.

HE Study Skills With everyone now in full swing, don’t forget about the Moodle ‘HE Study Skills’ site. This is a fantastic resource to find out about upcoming study support sessions and access useful resources to help you succeed. You can find information regarding:  Time Management  Note Making and Note Taking  Using Powerpoint

Other Useful numbers:

 Understanding Assessments

College Main Reception

 Harvard Referencing

01752 305300

 Plagiarism

Student Finance England

 Academic Writing  Essay Planning and Writing  Report Writing  Personal Development  Revision Techniques  Exam Techniques  SPSS

and more…

0300 1000 607 Council Tax 01752 304924 Plymouth University 01752 600600 Student Liaison 01752 305848

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