Growing Out Ageing sucks It’s just as well I don’t rely on my looks Eyebrows thinning Waistline fattening Jawline slacking Brain wracking asking who is this woman in the mirror? Not my mother She’s never had my streak She tells me that even before I was born she never danced with abandon or partied till dawn Never so much as drank till she's drunk Not even once Upon the wall I’m joining the dots between snapshots Filling in the gaps If I could turn back time to 1999 I’d say hey, you’ll make mistakes along the way Wake up face down in an ashtray But trust me, things will turn out okay I picture my past self Me, but not me Cheekbones, hipbones, fragility Some days blinded by insecurity Others weightless and free These days I’m solid I’ve anchored my identity I’m bloated with happiness I’m burdened by responsibility