Writers’ Biographies DONNA CANALE Donna Canale is a poet and writer who has been involved in facilitating community education for many years. She facilitates the Corby Collective Poets who perform, write and publish together. She is currently working on her own collection of poems.
JUDE CASSON Jude Casson is a GP from Leicester who has mainly written essays for medical non-fiction writing competitions as well as some short stories. Writing about the menopause has given her inspiration to try poetry for the first time since leaving school!
SARAH DALE Sarah Dale is a psychologist and writer living in Nottingham. She completed an MA in Creative Writing from Birkbeck University, London in 2019 and she’s had stories published by the Mechanics’ Institute Review, Fairlight Books and The Letters Page. She’s been menopausal for years already…
MARY GIBSON Mary Gibson lives in Leicester with her three cats, plus assorted feline visitors. She writes short fiction and poetry. Writing about the menopause has been a therapeutic experience and she hopes to explore the subject more.
DAWN HARTLEY Dawn Hartley is a writer from Nottingham. She has been writing poetry and stories since she was 14 and is now pursuing her dream by having her work published. Dawn wanted to write about her own experience of the menopause as hers started after a hysterectomy when she was 26.
JANEY HARVEY Janey Harvey is a writer and teacher from Nottinghamshire. She is studying an MA in Creative Writing at Nottingham Trent University and working on her first novel. Her articles have appeared in JUNO Magazine and her fiction features in The Fosseway Writers’ collaborative novels: Burning Old School Ties and The Brinwade Chronicles.