3-day vibrancy plan

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EBTconnectâ„¢ A S O LU T I O N F O R L I F E

3-Day Vibrancy Plan Dates: _____ /_____ /_____ to _____ /_____ /_____ Vibrancy Points Day 1: _____ Day 2: _____ Day 3: _____ Total: _____ My Spiral Up Grind In _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Progress in rewiring it? YES Gave Myself a Joy Point? YES

3-Day Vibrancy Plan Copyright 2016 Laurel Mellin, PhD All right reserved. Printed in the United States EBT ConnectŽ™ is a trademark of EBT, Inc. Contributors: Walt Rose, Igor Mitrovic and Lynda Frasetto Product Design: Joe Mellin Graphic Design: Jamison Spittler Editor: Kimberlee Adams Associate Editor: Michele Blanchard Welling ISBN 978-0-9864107-6-5 Published by EBT, Inc. 101 Larkspur Landing, Suite 327 Larkspur, CA 94939 TEL: 800-441-2054 www.ebt.org This book introduces Emotional Brain Training (EBT), the foundation of an e-learning program and remote services community. For more information about the method, visit ebtconnect.net. For information about professional training to become a Certified EBT Coach, visit ebtconnect.org.

On the day you were born, you had all the inherent strength, goodness and wisdom you would ever need. All you required were the tools to access it. — Laurel Mellin, PhD

Connect with yourself. Connect with others. Move forward in life.

3-Day Vibrancy Plan ď ľ Enjoy

3 days of vibrancy and see how great you can feel.

ď ľ Connect

with yourself, connect with others and move forward in life.

Thank you for being part of the EBT Community!

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

Welcome to the 3-Day Vibrancy Plan! Enjoy this intensive immersion experience in Emotional Brain Training — if doing so sounds fun to you. We developed this plan based on neuroplasticity research. Just like the body, the emotional brain responds to exercise. Introducing interval training — short bursts of practice — can change the brain in remarkable ways and create exceptional outcomes. In our testing of this program, 94 percent of participants reported a decreased drive to overeat, and 78 percent reported more clarity, vibrancy and peace. The results occurred in just 3 days. More than 99 percent would recommend 3-Day Vibrancy Plan to a friend.


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After 3 days on the plan, the emotional brain gets out of the stress habit and into the joy habit, which is the first step to raising the brain’s emotional set point and preparing it to succeed in the advanced courses (“EBT Kits”). A high set point is central to that goal, because it off-loads stress from the emotional brain and feeds the brain positive emotions for “putting it all together” and creating an amazing life experience. In deciding when and if you will use this plan, err on the side of putting it off. Do not use this plan until it sounds like it could be a rewarding experience, and be sure to ask your Certified EBT Professional to arrange for connection buddies, as the plan relies on synergy — those oxytocin bursts of connection — to make it easy, fun and rewarding. Then, once you are in the advanced kits, nudge yourself into this intense 3-day interval training at least once after each course and consider using the plan even more often than that. Some members use it the first week of every month (“Vibrancy Week”) and some stay on it naturally, the brain “lighting up” on its own and reward chemicals flowing freely, because the plan has become part of who they are. It informs how they live their lives — flexibly, without judgment and as long as doing so is… fun.

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

3-Day Vibrancy Plan 1. Read the General Plan for The Day. 2. Set up your 3-Day Vibrancy Plan. 3. Check off Vibrancy Points for each Day. 4. Total your Vibrancy Points and Bonus Points. 5. Plan your next steps.

General Plan for The Day Create My Day: I am creating JOY in my life. Start your day by reminding yourself of the purpose of your day: I am creating joy in my life — and radiating my joy to others. Set Up Your Check-ins. Set a device or the EBT app so you are reminded to emotionally connect with your body and yourself on an hourly basis. Find time for 10 check-ins (even if you only take three deep breaths each time) per day. Connect with Others: Make your first Community Connection. Make a community connection with the EBT buddy using this plan with you. Commit to your vibrancy plan for this


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day. Enjoy emotional closeness and warm companionship with this person.

Exercise for 30 minutes. Increase your zest for life by exercising for 30 minutes. Do any endurance, strength or flexibility activity that feels safe and rewarding to you. Walking is generally recommended but other activities that are within the safety of your fitness level will work as well. Do something that brings you joy! Eat an EBT Breakfast and drink 2 glasses of water. Protein group, healthy fat, fiber group and eat slowly, enjoying every bite. Collect a joy point when you conclude the meal. Do Meaningful Work for 4 hours and drink 1 glass of water. Whatever you do, it will be meaningful if you keep the earned rewards in mind. Do not under- or over-work. Be present, aware of your breathing, and connected to the sanctuary within. Ask yourself, “What is my reward: sanctuary, authenticity, vibrancy, intimacy, spirituality or freedom?” Eat an EBT Lunch and drink 2 glasses of water. Protein group, healthy fat, fiber group and eat slowly, enjoying every bite. Collect a joy point when you conclude the meal. Do Meaningful Work for 4 hours and drink 1 glass of water. Keep the earned rewards in mind. Do not under- or over-work. Stick with your check-ins and appreciate how

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

important body rebalancing is. Be present, aware of your breathing and connected to the sanctuary within.

Exercise for 30 minutes. Relax and energize by exercising for 30 minutes. Do something that is nurturing to you, such as yoga, walking in nature, stretching, screaming, playing ball or walking with a friend. Take Sanctuary Time for 10 minutes. Take 10 minutes to relax and take sanctuary time: Use an EBT relaxation, contemplate, pray, meditate or enjoy the beauty of the quiet. Eat an EBT Dinner and drink 2 glasses of water. Protein group, healthy fat, fiber group and eat slowly, enjoying every bite. Collect a joy point when you conclude the meal. Binge on Natural Pleasure. This is the time to give yourself the natural pleasures you need. It’s only 3 days, and you can go back to artificial pleasures afterward. For now, pour on the pleasure from loving companionship, sensual and sexual activities, emotional connection, music, dance, art, grooming, nature, prayer, learning, or playing with children, pets or friends — but no artificial devices. The limit: NO pleasures that our ancient ancestors did not enjoy. Binge on natural pleasure!


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Connect with Others: Make another Community Connection and share joy points. Make a community connection and share three joy points from your day. Experience emotional closeness and warm companionship. Create My Day: I am Creating Joy in My Life. Make a community connection and share your experience with the 3-Day Vibrancy Plan, including your biggest accomplishment of the day with and your biggest challenge for the next day. Bring to mind three joy points from the day and drift off to sleep. Balancing Sleep Go to sleep in time to be sure that you have an adequate rest, usually 8 to 9 hours of sleep. It’s only for 3 days. You can do this! Consider the reward that is most important to you: sanctuary, authenticity, vibrancy, integrity, intimacy, spirituality or freedom?

Setting Up Your Plan Before you begin, read through the checklist below so you will have what you need at hand.

Your 3-Day Vibrancy Plan: Connection Buddy Arrange for a connection buddy (or two) to do the plan with you and do check-ins morning and evening for 3 days.

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

EBT Foods Purchase foods you love, which are on the EBT food list. Keep in mind that whenever you REALLY NEED a stress food, you will have it without any question. However, be aware that by using this plan, the drive to overeat will fade. It will be far easier than you might expect. If you want to release extra weight during these 3 days, use the meals and snacks, but minimize fruit intake. Fruit contributes calories but does not boost the chemicals that promote satiety. If you worry that you will lose too much weight, increase portion sizes. Schedule meals at times when you feel hungry. If you are not hungry, then delay the meal until you are hungry. Honor your body messages. Safety Check Check with your physician to be sure this plan will be safe for you. In addition, do not change your medications. Be sure to take “brain fitness� supplements, based on the advice of your health professionals, typically a therapeutic nutritional supplement and 2 grams of fish oil daily. Do not change your intake of any addictive substances (sugar, caffeine, drugs) without doctor approval. Ask if decreasing intake over the 3 days at a rate that is safe and effective for you is advised. If, at any time, you have any negative symptoms, stop the plan immediately and consult your health professionals. Set Limits Set limits with those around you. Tell them this is important to you and ask for the support you need from them (e.g., take care of the kids, go for a walk with me, keep stress foods


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out of sight, no technology use in the evening, be open to sharing natural pleasures with me in the evening).

Personalize your Plan Rearrange your work/school/project schedule so that you engage in 4 hours of focused and intensive (but not draining) activities in both the morning and afternoon. Plan your schedule for sleep, connections, sanctuary time, healthy meals, natural pleasure binges and exercise. Get started!

OPTIONAL: Choose a Circuit to Rewire Rewire A Circuit For your first 3-Day Vibrancy Plan, chances are you’ll keep it simple and skip rewiring a circuit. However, at some point, when it sounds fun to you to focus on weakening one circuit, choose a circuit that makes the plan easier. For example, if you find exercise particularly challenging, rewire your Exercise Circuit. Use a Spiral Up Grind In or a cycle (with a Spiral Up Grind In) for that circuit at least 3 times per day for each of the 3 days. Examples:

Food Circuit 3+ SLOW I can NOT get my safety from food. 3+ RAMP UP That’s ridiculous… of COURSE I cannot get the safety I truly need from food. 3+ JOY I get my safety from (e.g. connecting to myself) _______ _____________________________________________.

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

Exercise Circuit 3+ SLOW I can NOT get my safety from sitting. 3+ RAMP UP That’s ridiculous… of COURSE I cannot get the safety I truly need from sitting. 3+ JOY I get my safety from (e.g. moving my body) __________ _____________________________________________.

Work Circuit 3+ SLOW I can NOT get my safety from constantly working. 3+ RAMP UP That’s ridiculous… of COURSE I cannot get the safety I truly need from constantly working. 3+ JOY I get my safety from (e.g. connecting to myself) _______ _____________________________________________.

Drinking Circuit 3+ SLOW I can NOT get my safety from drinking. 3+ RAMP UP That’s ridiculous… of COURSE I cannot get the safety I truly need from drinking. 3+ JOY I get my safety from (e.g. connecting to myself) _______ _____________________________________________.


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Body Circuit 3+ SLOW I can NOT get my safety from staying overweight. 3+ RAMP UP That’s ridiculous, of COURSE I cannot get the safety I truly need from staying overweight. 3+ JOY I get my safety from (e.g. releasing extra weight) _______ _____________________________________________.

Stress Circuit 3+ SLOW I can NOT get my safety from stress. 3+ RAMP UP That’s ridiculous, of COURSE I cannot get the safety I truly need from stress. 3+ JOY I get my safety from (e.g. creating joy in my life) ______ _____________________________________________.

YOUR CHOICE 3+ SLOW I can NOT get my safety from _____________________ _____________________________________________. 3+ RAMP UP That’s ridiculous, of COURSE I cannot get the safety I truly need from ________________________________. 3+ JOY I get my safety from _____________________________.

Let’s Get Started!

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

3-Day Vibrancy Plan Daily Checklist DAY 1 Create My Day: I am creating JOY in my life Set Up Your Check-ins Make a Community Connection Exercise for 30 minutes Eat an EBT Breakfast and drink 2 glasses of water Do Meaningful Work and drink 1 glass of water Eat an EBT Lunch and drink 2 glasses of water Do Meaningful Work and drink 1 glass of water Exercise for 30 minutes Take Sanctuary Time for 10 minutes Eat an EBT Dinner and drink 2 glasses of water Have a Natural Pleasure Binge Make another Community Connection Create My Day: I created JOY in my life Balancing Sleep Did I check in 10 times? YES NO Number of Vibrancy Points? _______ (Possible # = 15/day) Reflections on your day: _______________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________


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3-Day Vibrancy Plan Daily Checklist DAY 2 Create My Day: I am creating JOY in my life Set Up Your Check-ins Make a Community Connection Exercise for 30 minutes Eat an EBT Breakfast and drink 2 glasses of water Do Meaningful Work and drink 1 glass of water Eat an EBT Lunch and drink 2 glasses of water Do Meaningful Work and drink 1 glass of water Exercise for 30 minutes Take Sanctuary Time for 10 minutes Eat an EBT Dinner and drink 2 glasses of water Have a Natural Pleasure Binge Make another Community Connection Create My Day: I created JOY in my life Balancing Sleep Did I check in 10 times? YES NO Number of Vibrancy Points? _______ (Possible # = 15/day) Reflections on your day: _______________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

3-Day Vibrancy Plan Daily Checklist DAY 3 Create My Day: I am creating JOY in my life Set Up Your Check-ins Make a Community Connection Exercise for 30 minutes Eat an EBT Breakfast and drink 2 glasses of water Do Meaningful Work and drink 1 glass of water Eat an EBT Lunch and drink 2 glasses of water Do Meaningful Work and drink 1 glass of water Exercise for 30 minutes Take Sanctuary Time for 10 minutes Eat an EBT Dinner and drink 2 glasses of water Have a Natural Pleasure Binge Make another Community Connection Create My Day: I created JOY in my life Balancing Sleep Did I check in 10 times? YES NO Number of Vibrancy Points? _______ (Possible # = 15/day) Reflections on your day: _______________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________


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Next Steps: Take a break but notice which vibrancy activities “stick.” I want to continue — another 3 days. Share what I learned from using the plan with my group. Express gratitude to my connection buddy or buddies. Continue with Spiral Up! Kit 1 Kit 2 Kit 3 Kit 4 Kit 5 Kit 6 Kit 7. Give myself a Joy Point for using the 3-Day Vibrancy Plan. Other: __________________________________________

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

EBT Meals and Snacks This is not a diet. This is a way to use various foods to increase your vibrancy and turn off the drives for excesses. Examples of EBT meals and snacks can be found at the end of this booklet. There are no prepared meals to buy, but rather you select simple combinations of whole, non-processed food for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks. There are plenty of options for every palate, including vegan and vegetarian. The EBT food recommendations are based on evolutionary biology. Our bodies have less stress — and therefore more joy — if we eat foods rich in fiber, healthy fats and protein, that is, hunter-gatherer foods or Joy Foods. Some people do well on agrarian foods, too (beans, grains and dairy products). However, few people do well on post-Industrial Revolution foods or Stress Foods. These create insulin imbalances, resulting in blood sugar lows, cravings and stress in the emotional brain, particularly when consumed in excess. Dieting, feeling deprived and denying yourself food pleasure is stressful, too, which is why this plan combines an abundance of natural pleasures with the recommended Joy Foods to balance your brain and make reward and stress reduction through overeating unnecessary — and even undesirable. If you do not want to release extra weight during these 3 days, be sure to add agrarian foods and increase portion size. If you want to release extra weight, it is often easier to skip eating fruit, particularly if you notice it increases your appetite or fails to satisfy your hunger.


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If you are using this plan to decrease the drive for another excess, the food aspect of this plan will be very important to your success. Since stress ramps up circuits that fuel a broad range of excesses, a well-chosen diet will reduce your stress, and therefore reduce cravings. As with all food plans, eat until you are just satisfied (not full) and do not eat when you are not hungry, check with your health care providers before starting, and if you want to refine the plan to meet your special needs, consult your physician or a registered dietitian. If at any time, this is not fun or you begin to feel deprived, revise the food plan until it feels nurturing — and fun — to you.

Breakfasts 1. Eggs and Fruit 2 eggs + 2 egg whites cooked in healthy fat, served with ½ c. strawberries OR ½ grapefruit with cinnamon. 2. Avocado Eggs 2 scrambled eggs cooked in healthy fat, topped with ½ avocado and salsa. 3. Sausage Breakfast 2 chicken or other low-fat sausages cooked in healthy fat, 1 egg cooked in healthy fat, and served with 1 sliced orange. 4. Salmon, Spinach and Onions 4 oz salmon, chicken or sardines sautéed in healthy fat with sliced onions and fresh spinach. 5. Eggs and Toast 2 eggs cooked in healthy fat, 1 slice high-protein whole grain toast topped with nut butter, and 3 large strawberries.

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

6. Eggs and Stuffed Celery or Apple 2 eggs + 2 egg whites cooked in healthy fat, served with apple slices or a celery stick with pecan or almond butter. 7. Green Smoothie Blend 1 handful spinach, 1 c. almond milk, 1 banana and ½ pear, apple or orange with 1 scoop protein powder. 8. Power Smoothie Blend 1 scoop protein powder, 1 banana, 2 T. almond butter, 1 T. milled ground flax seed, 1 c. frozen blueberries, and water to cover. 9. Strawberry Banana Smoothie Blend 1 scoop protein powder, 1 banana and 1 c. strawberries plus almond milk to cover. Serve with a handful of pecans. 10.Eggs, Chorizo and Berries 2 scrambled eggs or egg substitute cooked with a few slices of chorizo sausage and fresh basil. Serve with fresh berries. 11. Sausage Patty Breakfast 2 low-fat sausage patties and 1 sliced green apple sautéed in healthy fat. Sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon as they cook. 12. Breakfast Bowl 1 c. of berries sprinkled with 2 T. nuts, topped with 1 c. almond milk mixed with 1 scoop protein powder. 13. Leftover Chicken and Fresh Tomatoes Chicken or other lean protein cooked in healthy fat, then tossed with sliced tomatoes and fresh basil.


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14. Salad Breakfast Large plate of fresh greens with reheated lean protein (fish, poultry, or meat) and topped with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette. 15. Hawaiian Special 2 eggs and 2 egg whites cooked in healthy oil, served with 1 sliced papaya topped with a squeeze of lime.

Lunches and Dinners 1. Chicken and Veggie Salad A plate of fresh greens, topped with 6 oz sliced chicken breast and 2 c. veggies, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. 2. Avocado and Shrimp Salad A plate of fresh greens, topped with 1 sliced avocado, ½ sliced cucumber and 6 oz cocktail shrimp, dressed with olive oil and sherry vinegar. 3. Turkey Breast, Artichoke, Greens and Cherry Tomatoes Coat a turkey breast with olive oil and seasonings, bake and slice. Meanwhile, cook an artichoke. Toss greens and cherry tomatoes in olive oil and vinegar. Arrange plate of turkey, artichoke and salad. 4. Teriyaki Chicken and Strawberry Pecan Salad Grill chicken breasts that have been marinated in teriyaki sauce. Serve with salad greens topped with sliced strawberries and pecans, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. 5. Sautéed Snapper, Sliced Oranges and Asparagus Sauté snapper or other fish in healthy oil, and top with sliced almonds, capers and lemon juice. Serve with sliced oranges and steamed, crisp asparagus.

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

6. Joe’s Special Scramble Sauté ½ diced onion and ½ lb ground round until the meat has browned and the onions are golden. Add 2 eggs, 2 c. leaf spinach, garlic, salt and pepper to taste and continue cooking until the eggs are firm and the spinach is wilted. 7. Freedom Salad Bed of greens of your choice, topped with 5 oz of grilled wild-caught salmon, chicken breast or flank steak, and your favorite veggies, dressed with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and seasonings. 8. Nutty Chicken Salad Top a plate of fresh greens with a warm chicken breast, sliced on the diagonal, and sprinkle with dried cranberries, sliced green onions and walnut pieces. Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar. 9. Turkey and Peppers Shape ground turkey into 1/3 lb patties and season. Grill, then serve with sautéed red, green and yellow peppers and sliced tomatoes topped with olive oil. 10.Pork Tenderloin, Avocado Salad and Watermelon Wedges Marinate pork tenderloin in hot mustard, vinaigrette, and peppers, then grill. Serve with sliced avocados and wedges of watermelon. 11. London Broil Smothered in Mushrooms and Caesar Salad Marinate meat in vinaigrette plus garlic and sweet hot mustard to taste. Sauté mushrooms in olive oil, broil steak and serve with romaine, tomatoes, and cucumbers tossed with Caesar dressing.


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12. Chicken and Pepper Stir-Fry with Chopped Salad Slice red, yellow and green peppers and onions, then sauté with cumin in healthy oil. Cut chicken thighs into strips, then sauté. Serve with chopped romaine lettuce and tomatoes. 13. Garlic Mustard Turkey Breast and Roasted Mixed Vegetables Combine 3 minced garlic cloves and spicy sweet mustard, then cover turkey breast with the mixture. Bake at 325 degrees until cooked to desired doneness. Wash and chop shallots, carrots, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts and parsnips, then drizzle with olive oil, salt and freshly cracked pepper. Roast in 450 degree oven for 40 minutes and serve with sliced meat. 14. Fish with Ginger Glaze and Roasted Peppers Combine 2 T. fresh grated ginger, ½ c. lime juice, 2 T. honey and heat for 5 minutes. Grill ½ lb. firm fish, then cover with ginger glaze and top with 1 T. black sesame seeds. 15. Quick Dinner Bowl Sauté 2 c. of broccoli florets in extra virgin olive oil. Add leftover chicken, fish or meat, and sauté until brown. Toast ½ c. nuts in frying pan on low heat until brown and fragrant. Season with favorite herbs, salt and pepper. Combine ingredients and serve.

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

Snacks 1. Orange and chicken A baggie of sliced cooked chicken breast and a whole orange. 2. Baby carrots and a few walnuts Grab a handful of crisp, sweet carrots and pair them with a few walnuts. 3. Broccoli florets, sprinkled with olive oil and lemon The broccoli can be eaten either raw or microwaved for a few seconds, then topped with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. 4. Salad in a cup Fill a large cup with greens, topping it with sliced avocado and cherry tomatoes. 5. Drumstick and cucumbers Bake chicken drumsticks and keep them on hand. Snack on a drumstick and some sliced cucumbers. 6. Green apple and nut butter Split a green apple with a friend and dab on some almond butter or peanut butter. 7. Steamed spinach Toss a microwave-safe bag of fresh spinach in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Remove, then add olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Mix these in, then chop and serve. 8. Instant coleslaw Buy pre-made coleslaw and enjoy the benefits of cabbage and the crunchy sweet-sour taste of the dressing.


9. Grapefruit and cinnamon Top a halved grapefruit with a sprinkling of cinnamon. The spice, plus the tart sweetness of the fruit, gives a flavor burst. 10. Banana and walnuts Enjoy the flavors of banana bread without using refined foods. Slice a banana and sprinkle with a few walnuts. 11. Spring greens taste fest Choose a spring green mix from the local produce department, one that has a whole range of greens, then close your eyes and really taste each leaf. 12.Leftover chicken wrap Take a slice of cooked chicken and lay it across lettuce leaves, adding some olive oil vinaigrette and avocado slices. 13.Strawberries and cashews Enjoy a bowl of sliced strawberries topped with a few cashews. 14.Flank steak and avocado Layer two slices of flank steak and a halved avocado. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice, adding salt and pepper to taste. 15.Artichoke with lemon and olive oil Cook an artichoke with lemon juice, salt and olive oil added to the water. Drain, cool and enjoy.

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

The EBT Food List Joy Foods Hunter Gatherer Foods Hunter gatherer foods are more gene friendly, as they have been consumed by humans for 99 percent of our existence, so they ease stress, decrease hunger and promote vibrancy.

1. The Fiber Group Vegetables Acorn squash Artichokes Arugula Asparagus Bamboo shoots Banana squash Bean sprouts Beets Bok choy Broccoli Brussels sprouts Butternut squash Cabbage

Fruits Apples Apricots Bananas Blackberries Blueberries Cantaloupes Cranberries Cherries

Carrots Cauliflower Celery Chard Chayote Corn Cucumbers Eggplant Endive Fennel Green onions/ scallions Green peas Hubbard squash Jicama Kale

Leeks Mushrooms Mustard greens Okra Onions Parsnips Pea pods Peppers Potatoes Pumpkin Radishes Romaine Scallions Shallots Snap peas

Snow peas Spaghetti squash Spinach Sprouts Summer squash Sweet potatoes Swiss chard Tomatoes Water chestnuts Yams Yellow summer squash Zucchini

Grapefruits Grapes Guavas Figs Honeydew melons Kiwis Lemons Limes Mangoes

Melons Nectarines Oranges Papayas Peaches Pears Persimmons Pineapples Pomegranates

Plums Prunes Raisins Raspberries Strawberries Tangelos Tangerines Watermelons


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The EBT Food List Hunter Gatherer Foods cont’d. 2. Healthy Fats Avocados Olives Omega 3 eggs Salmon Sardines

Seeds Flax seeds Pumpkin seeds Sesame seeds Butters from the above

Nuts Almonds Hazelnuts Macadamias Peanuts Pecans Pistachios Walnuts Butters from the above

Oil Almond Avocado Canola Flaxseed* Hazelnut Macademia Olive, extra virgin* Peanut

Pecan Walnut

Salad Dressings Dressings made with vinegar or lemon and healthy oils.

3. The Protein Group Fish & Shellfish Barramundi Calamari Clams Cod Crab Halibut Haddock Herring, Atlantic Mackerel, Atlantic Mahi-mahi Mussels Ono Oysters, farmed

Prawns Red snapper Salmon, Alaskan, wild Sardines Scallops, farmed Shrimp Sole Squid Tilapia Trout Tuna, albacore Tuna, yellowfin

Poultry & Meat Beef round steak Beef round, ground Beef flank steak Beef sirloin tip roast Buffalo Canadian bacon Chicken, ground Chicken breast Chicken drumsticks, skinless Chicken thighs, skinless Goat meat

Ham, all fat removed Lamb steaks Pork chops, lean Pork tenderloin Sausage links, low-fat Sheep meat Turkey, ground Turkey breast Veal, lean Venison

More Eggs Egg substitute Egg whites Protein powder

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

Agrarian Foods Agrarian foods provide important nutrients, but they may cause more stress, hunger and inflammation for some people. Grains


100% whole grain bread 100% whole grain cereals 100% whole grains, cooked

Legumes Beans

Milk Products Milk Yogurt Cheese

Stress Foods Post-Industrial Revolution Foods The post-Industrial Revolution foods cause even more stress, hunger and inflammation in humans. Everything Else!

Questions? Speak with a registered dietitian, physician or nurse practitioner about the amounts of agrarian and post-Industrial Revolution foods that are appropriate for you, given your health status and risk factors for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety, addiction and other conditions. In the Fiber Group, choose vegetables and fruits that are organic and farmed locally when possible. Rather than consuming juices, eat whole fruits and vegetables. In the Healthy Fats group, (*) these oils have exceptionally good healthy fat contents. In the Protein Group, emphasize consumption of fish and choose red meat in moderation, choosing natural, grass-fed meats cooked without frying or grilling when possible.


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Joy Points Create moments of joy to swamp stress, during these 3 days. List them below. 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________ 9. ___________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________

3-Day Vibrancy Plan

What’s My Reward? As you move through these 3 days, periodically, ask yourself, “What is my reward?” Bring to mind one of the rewards, feel the glow in your body, then circle a number below and notice a surge of joy. Sanctuary










































Which reward was most important to you? _____________________________________________________


Spiral Up Grind In Notes _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

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