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Day 1

What Is Authenticity to Me?

The precise meaning of Authenticity varies considerably among people. The activity for Day 1 is to consider what Authenticity is to you.

To learn more about what Authenticity feels like to you, use this twostep process:

Step 1. Bring up a memory of Authenticity

Find a way to experience your Authenticity. Some ideas: bring up a memory of a time when you honored yourself or discovered who you really were. Bring to mind someone you believe has Authenticity. Pray to find it. Imagine taking an action that is pressing right now to be authentic. Tapping into that experience, even for a moment, can be helpful.

I remember being in sixth grade and speaking up for this boy who was being teased. I was proud of myself because I knew it mattered to me to protect him and I was brave enough to speak up.

I didn’t have a specific memory, but I thought of my Uncle Earl, who was a scoundrel. He drank too much, smoked, and ate his way to an early death, but he had this broad smile on his face and a sense of humor that would not quit. He did live life his way. Authenticity.

2 Authenticity

I activated the experience of Authenticity: YES NO NOT SURE

If yes, how I did it:

Step 2. Describe what Authenticity is to you

Please describe what you experienced, whether it was sensations and emotions, if images appeared, or if you did not experience Authenticity at all. Please share whatever is true for you.

For me, Authenticity is not feeling torn apart, thinking I am this bad person, and then seeing myself as being perfect, and that is okay. Being genuine means that I am not afraid of who I am. I embrace who I am.

What is Authenticity? Authenticity is a personal decision to know myself and not be fake. I want to be authentic, as in my family, we always tried to be perfect. That was the goal: perfection. Authenticity is better than perfection. It means I am real.

What Authenticity is to me:

Day 1: What Is Authenticity to Me?


My most important learning from this activity:

Day 1 Activities

■ Spiral Up – I spiraled up 10 times.

■ Learn – I wrote about what Authenticity is to me.

■ Connection – I made one or more Connections.

■ Reward – I identified why I did these activities: Sanctuary Authenticity

Vibrancy Integrity Intimacy Spirituality Freedom

Goals Met: 1 2 3 4

4 Authenticity
Great work. Collect a Joy Point!

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