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Day 12

Discover: Travel Back

On Day 12, use the Travel Back Tool. Although an image does not always come up, the more you use the Anger Procedure with strong “A+ Anger,” the more likely you will be to discover an image you can use for a reattachment experience.

If no image appears, just go on to Day 13. Otherwise, use the Travel Back Tool. What follows is a review of the technique.

How to Use the Travel Back Tool

After discovering your circuit or any time after that, check to determine if this technique could be helpful by asking these questions:

Am I drawn to traveling back?

If you are drawn to traveling back, notice any images that arise. If you are not, then do not use this tool.

Do I see an image?

Allow your mind to focus on the past. Be curious, as this “feels old.” Notice if images appear. If one or more images appear, focus on the strongest, earliest image. Lock it in by increasing your awareness of it.

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Explore the image, noting the circumstances, the people, the general environment, or any details that appear in your mind. If no image appears, stop the Travel Back and proceed to grieving losses.

Do I see myself in that image?

Notice whether you can see yourself in that image. If you can see yourself, go on to the next step. If you cannot see yourself, it’s probably because you have emotional clutter: fear memories, and other strong and dominant circuits. These wires keep you from seeing yourself accurately and staying present to the suppressed emotions you experienced during its encoding. Stop the process and use the Clear the Clutter Tool, either doing a cluster of five Cycles, another five, and another five, until you feel at peace about the experience, or telling the story of that entire event or period.

43 Day 12: Discover: Travel Back

The Travel Back Tool

Are you drawn to travel back?

Do I feel love or compassion for myself?

If you feel love or compassion for yourself, go on to the next step. If you do not, again, use the Clear the Clutter Tool as described above.

44 Authenticity
Feel love or compassion for yourself? Drawn to stepping in? Create a Reattachment Experience
See an image? See yourself in that image?
In. Clear the Clutter Clear the Clutter Clear the Clutter YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO
Stop the Travel Back. Instead, sit with it or do a Spiral Up Grind In. Stop the Travel Back. Instead, sit with it or do a Spiral Up Grind

Do I feel drawn to stepping in?

Notice if you feel drawn to step into the image as your older, more powerful, and nurturing self to give your younger self precisely what you needed at the time. If you are, go to the next step. If you are not, use the Clear the Clutter Tool as described above.

Create a reattachment experience.

The reattachment experience is to imagine the older, wiser you, giving the younger you just what you needed so this circuit would never have been encoded. Using your imagination is very powerful as it activates and updates the old wire.

There are three phases of this process, each one discrete. In all of them, do not be a peer to the younger you. Be the good parent you did not have. That is your job.

■ Safety — Step into the image and take charge. Be dynamic. Tell the person harming the younger you to STOP doing what they are doing. Remove the younger you from the situation. Take bold action and use a strong voice until the younger you feels safe and is safe.

■ Love — Next, do whatever is needed so the younger you feels loved, cherished, and respected. Use your most tender, loving voice and give the younger you the affection (hugs, kisses) and actions (playing, singing, rocking) until she feels nurtured.

■ Wisdom — Last, state the Spiral Up Grind In to the younger you. Instruct her that we don’t get our safety from Y (external solution). Ramp it up and ridicule it, and finally tell her we do get our safety from Z (internal solution). Continue stating the Spiral Up Grind In until she accepts that truth, and you sense that the circuit that blocked her Sanctuary would never have been encoded.

My Travel Back led to a memory of being told at school that I was gifted, and my parents had received a letter that I would be in special classes. When I arrived home from school, my mother said she was so proud of me. I could not figure out how that

45 Day 12: Discover: Travel Back

could have been traumatic, but our lives had just been disrupted by my dad taking a new job and being gone during the week and my getting bullied at school. My brain encoded, “I get my love from being the Smart One.” Playing that role led to huge success for me in my career, but my personal relationships have been a trainwreck. This was a healing moment for me.

My Travel Back was on the wire “I get my safety from being the Quiet One.” The image that came up was me in the car with my mother, begging her not to let my uncle take care of us, and the more I screamed and cried, the more she ignored me. The abuse from my uncle went on after that, and I shut up. The images were so vivid, and that one experience shifted that cluster of wires. I needed to clear more clutter, but in a flash, the circuit shifted.

Use the Travel Back Tool and reflect on what you learned about your Authenticity Blocker Circuit.

What I experienced and learned by using the Travel Back Tool:

I was drawn to traveling back. YES NO

I saw an image. YES NO

I felt love and compassion for myself. YES NO

I was drawn to stepping in. YES NO

I created a reattachment experience. YES NO

My most important learning from this activity:

Day 12 Activities

■ Spiral Up – I spiraled up 10 times.

■ Learn – I did a Travel Back about my Authenticity Blocker.

■ Connection – I made one or more Connections.

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■ Reward – I identified why I did these activities: Sanctuary Authenticity Vibrancy Integrity Intimacy Spirituality Freedom

Goals Met: 1 2 3 4 Excellent! Collect a Joy Point!

Day 12: Discover: Travel Back

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