Digital Advertising Media Reaching thousands of people in communities all across the nation in small and large business locations which include Fitness, Restaurants, Salons, Barber Shops and more. Our network delivers HI-RES Ads to consumers everyday.
At the same time sharing ad revenue with the local communities that support the network of billboard systems. Additional locations for advertising coming aboard every month extending the network. We provide 100% targeted network marketing with Digital Signage.
Start your own Digital AD Network! Only $750 and comes with Ad Server, custom Website and 32” Display. This is a True “Business In a Box”
Simple Digital Signage System Our systems are plug-n-play designed and AC/DC powered for standard and mobile applications like Busses, Taxi Cabs, Trains and Trolley cars. Hardware support for Sound, Video and USB for future software expansions like Bluetooth, Web Cams and more. (Software only for do-it-yourselfers)
What comes with the Ad Server? When you get your package it will be packed with everything you need to get started but the display. You can use a standard Flat Screen TV or PC Monitor for your Display, it’s up to you!
A Business In A Box comes with a 32” Flat Screen Display List of contents: • Micro PC (Ad Server) • Wall mounting bracket • Table Stand • Power Cord • AC Adapter • WIFI enabled • Wireless Keyboard
Use the Stand for sitting on a table top
The Ad Server can be made to hang on the wall or stand on a counter top using the supplied stand. Be careful when installing in a public place and just using the stand. Your Ad Server might be tempted to get up and walk out with a stranger. The preferred way to secure the As Server (Micro PC) is to mount it on the wall and out of sight from strangers.
Mounting the Ad Server on the Wall
Find a location near your Video Display to mount the Ad Server so there will be no cables showing when the system is connected finally. A great place to mount your Ad Server is behind the display and just under it so you can keep the cables short and easy to hide. Screws are supplied if you want to mount the Ad Server to the back of a monitor or flat screen TV that is sitting on a counter top.
Power up and your in business! Demo shown with a 32� display using an older Lenovo Q-150 for the Ad Server. We now use Lenovo Q180 and above. The best size will depend on where you want to mount your system.
A 32� display is a great size for most situations. Your Ad Server is pre-programmed and once you have the internet connected your ready to rock and roll. Just power up the display and the Ad Server (micro PC) and in a few minutes ads will start to be displayed every 15 seconds (selectable per ad) in a random fashion. Watch a LIVE DEMO here.
Straight forward profit structure
Click here to download the commission spreadsheet (Excel Spreadsheet)
Our Digital Signage System is powered by the Internet allowing you to work from home while managing your Ad Servers anyplace in the World!
Control your Ads via the WEB Upload your ads as easy as creating an image gallery
Market your Ads via Email too
AD Server Display
Bottom area is customizable by You!
Create your ads with a standard image editing program like Photo Shop and save as a 1024 x 615 jpg or get it from your client ready to use.
Login to the Ad Control website with your user name and password. Find your ad album click on your ad server sub album. Upload your ad to the album and it is sent to Facebook and Twitter vis RSS Syndication.
The Ad Server mirrors the ads in the account assigned to it automatically via the internet. Change your ads on the web and they change on the ad server respectively within one hour automatically.
Remote Rich Media Streaming Rich Media can be Video or Audio and gets served to the Digital Billboard Systems within 1 hour. We can even stream YouTube Video Videos to your Ad Servers that are up to 100 minutes long.
/ Movies
We also offer Rich Media channels by the OPN TV NETWORK an advertising partner of D.A.M. Digital Advertising Media. We have added the AmberAlert system for Texas as well as FREE PSA from just about all Non Profit organization. Radio can be streamed to any system for Ambient Music if you like with ShoutCast technology. This allows streaming from anyplace in the world directly to each Ad Server.
How can our systems help the community business? DAM is not like other Digital Signage systems that connect to large corporate networks. This network is dedicated to the community they are hosted in and provide advertisement for the surrounding business, events and information.
Each Ad Server can display static Ads as well as hosted video, audio, SHOUTcast streams like music, talk radio even YouTube content. The Ad Server can provide a location where it’s place or Hosted the ambient music streamed in from radio stations or LIVE from a remote DJ.
The ads which are loaded remotely via the internet not only get displayed on the screen but get socially published to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks at the same time.
Streaming media is controlled via our own special technology which holds paths to all types of media like MP3 music, Video and even YouTube content.
Multimedia streams can be programmed to show on various hours of the day and for as long as required. The system checks each hour for a change in programming and can switch from Streaming Media, SHOUTcasting or just rotating ads every hour on the hour if required.
SHOUTcasting is a streaming format for many online radio stations from all over the world and includes music, talk radio, interviews and more.
Using a SHOUTcast stream you can provide your hosted location with all types of Music from all genres FREE with no ASCAP charge. The system can even remote DJ for your location and parties saving them the cost of hiring expensive bands and groups.
Many ways to get started • Host Package – Buy a system for your own place of business and just pay $99 a year to keep up to 10 systems running in your network. • Business In A Box – $750 will get a complete package with everything you need to start from day one. • Distributor (network)- $1299 will get you a 3 Ad Servers, Custom Website, marketing materials and de-branded software. You also get systems at discount prices as we get them along with the ability to create your own partners under you. (no displays)
Anyone can do it! We try to make it work for anyone willing to work for themselves, just call us! We can make a custom package if you need a larger network.
Sponsoring a Digital Signage System It’s only $750 to sponsor a system and this gets you 10 ADs in the system for 1 year. The system will carry your business or sponsorship name in the personalized area at the bottom of all ads and you will be listed on the Digital Advertising Media website as a sponsor. Your ad will be displayed no less then 8 times per hour during business hours for a full year. You will not receive any monthly commissions and nor will you own the system in anyway. This is great for corporate businesses like Banks, Car Dealers and more. There is no limit to how many systems or years you sponsor. This is a great way to give back to the community.
Click here for more information
Distributors (A network of 3 or more) A Mini Billboard Distributor is a person with 3 or more systems and we have a package priced at $1299 and comes packaged like a Business In A Box but now displays. We give you everything you need to own and operate your own Digital Signage company except the displays. The displays can be any standard Flat Screen TV purchased at your local Wal-Mart , BestBuys or other electronics store cheaper than we can sell them to you for. Just make sure they have a PC, RGB or HDMI connection for connecting to PC. You get a Company Website custom built with your own domain name and hosting , customizable legal documents for sales, marketing and installation, 3 complete Mini PC Ad Servers pre-programmed and tested, discounts on future systems and future software activations for do-it-yourselfers and de-branded. This is great for anyone that wants to start their own digital signage network with small investment required.
No where in the world can you get a ready made business for such a small investment with such great returns each month. See more here ‌.
The Real Road to Financial Freedom The system is designed from conception to make a positive impact on all that touch it while at the same time giving back to the community and creating jobs across the nation.