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TEMPORARY INTERACTION | TEMPORAY ARTIST HOUSE AND EXIBITION UNIT boarder • linearity • people oriented • social exchange • being a curator

Politecnico di Milano


Interior Design Studio

Time: Fall 2020 (semester long)

Site: Villa Panza, Varese/ITALY

Type: Academic work

Instructor: Prof. A. Y. Mastromattei Prof. C. Colombo

Teammate: Maria kritskaya

The temporary house is developed for the the specific artist invited by Villa panza. The project was conceived as site specific design in the small courtyard that is located in museum of Villa panza. The residence is immersed in particular realities, open to the interaction with the local cultural milieu, with the aim of bringing together art and the local community. Therefore it conceived as a place for intercultural meeting, social ex- change, territorial integration. The places also design with whole cortyard with temporary house. Infact when the temporary house removed, that space become used by office workers and workshop space visitors of villa panza. therefore We design the space for two different aspects one with house, and another one without house. We have consider the surronding building while positioning of the new house and opening in order to respect due to proximity the windows of the house

The place designed as one story temporary house in the edge of the border of the courtyard as horizontal open composition with shifting the small units in opposite direction. The fundamental units protruding in courtyard side, whereas biggest retreatment unit protruding in street side in order to get a inspire and make a strong communication with local people and culture. The house has one main corridor and all the units attached that corridor with one single cırculation. This opposite movement become fragmantation from courtyard side wheres the minimalism is more dominant from street side. The place also conceived with flexible guest bedroom and secret garden that allows artist to host and make intercultural meeting in the place.

Assembling Diagram


The Service Unit project will focus on the design of a small additional architecture planned to introduce a new function, or integrate one of the existing Villa panza activities. It was aimed to design as a temporary, mobile construction which can move from one place to another. the service unit also is horizontal shape with one single way circulation. During the movement in the unit, people are supposed to interact with walls that are rotating, or giving some information to the people in order to make the specific activity happen for villa panza. also outside of the wall informative for the people who just passed near by this unit.

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