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Politecnico di Milano

Architectural Design Studio 2

Time: Fall(2019)-spring(2020) (A year long)

Site: Lambrate, Milan/ITALY

Type: Academic work

Instructor: Prof. Giulia Setti | Prof. Giovanni Bassi | Ana Veljikovic

Teammate: Bugra Sezgin

The housing complex is located close to lambro river, in Lambrate which is an old-industrial and diverse neighbourhood. The project aimed to highlight the rare natural environment compared to Milan and to collect residents and visitors in the same place. The project was shaped according to the texture of the neighborhood by dividing it into sections residentials for student/families and civic center with public market. The organization of building responds to the needs of a context and creates an answer to a different edge condition it faces. It enhances the context by its own identity.

Strategy Map

the project has mostly horizontal blocks that are conceived from existing context and typology in order to connect masses and void spaces in between built up form. Blocks are placed around the the plot ares in order to use open space efficient in the middle of site. the openings in between the blocks are to connect people that are coming from surrounding to the new courtyard of the project. the site divided in two area with artificial terrain that is imitates natural one near by is for residential part. thats is exactly same level with other residential area in order to connect better and create social interaction in between. Other parts is civic center that is close to the street coming from fashion district. we provided along diagonal ramp to access the exibitiıon and tower building to make directly access.

Scale 1/50

Scale 1:50

1.20.Detail section

Also another strong horizontal element is student housing blocks. the apartment’s ground floor full of common function space for students such as fitness and gym center. upper levels has dublex flats lined up in a row. All the flats connected by one big terrace. Big terrace that connect students in second floor in order to create social interaction among them. that terrace only entrance level to access to duplex student houses. thats why terrace collect all the students in one place. Also the entry level of the dublexes has common living space such as kitchen, dining and living room. Another element that ı want to expain is community space that designed for old and new residents in order to collect them in one place. the space full of different function such as community kitchen, study room, dance and music room. The place accesible to the place ftom opposite direction to get easy acces.

(building 1) and were residential concepMuseum way that it as well House of paths. The Moscow river the muindoor and the spine secondary the city Buildings on housing workshops. On the multipurpose from right the New entrance is Central enter underground consists dialogue with intimate students and Krimsky and the respect to the west elevatiriver and openings


- training center is ‘floating’ above the tram depot, emphasizing and announcing the monument. From the new building you can access - ds on towards the old Kamennyy Most where you cross the river and end the path of the museum on the riverbank with a view over the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. The path connecting most important vkhutemas related iconic building and city with our new projects the users. As we used the reference of Alvaro siza’s Porto architecture school, we aimed to create each project like a small village. each


1. Church of Christ the Saviour

2. Church of sloboda Strelka

3. New museum headquarters

4. New Tretyakow Gallery



5. New Educaional center

6 Art School

7. Gorky Park

8. Pavilion ‘Mehanizacia’

9. Apakova Tram Depot 10. New Library and workshops





LEGEND the ideal Muzeum starts at the metro station Ploschad Gagarina. From there it leads to the Textile Museum, where a parking area has been transformed into a place for the community. the path leads to, Asnova distric. On the way there you can pass the Donskoy Monastery or you can walk through the area next to factory. en you move through residential complexes, Schukov tower, where the place has been cleared out and made publicly accesible, recognizing the tower as a monument. Following the road you reach Apakova were a new library and training oating’ above the tram depot, emphasizing and announcing the monument. From the new building you can acces the metro station Oktyaborskaya by a new underground connection. You Park from where you pass Krimsky val to reach Muzeon Area. Muzeon area consists of new educational center, new Museum headquarters, workshops and resitential tower. Path leads on old Kamennyy Most where you cross tre river and end the path of the museum on the riverbank with a view over the Chatedral of Christ the Saviour.

Abstract Mass Composition

1. Church of Christ the Saviour

2. Church of sloboda Strelka

3. New museum headquarters

4. New Tretyakow Gallery

5. New Educaional center

Common Axonometry

6. Art School

7. Gorky Park

8. Pavilion ‘Mehanizacia’

9. Apakova Tram Depot

10. New Library and workshops

When entering the Muzeon Park from Krimsky val and Gorky Park, on the right side of the park ther is standing the New Educational center. Its main entrance is facing The residential tower and Central House of Artists, but you can also enter the building through the underground entrance. The Educational center consists of 5 buildings and it works in dialogue with the existing Art School, creating intimate space intended mainly for students and professors. The building facing Krimsky val is housing the headquarters and the new facade is designed with respect to the existing form of Art School. The west elevati on consideres relation with the river and Central House of Artist, creating openings and views in that direction.

Application Of Case Studies To The Composition

We adjusted the mass composition with the application of case studies of given buildings. At New Tretyakow we merged the composition with Nelson Atkins Museum by Steven Holl, Porto School of Architecture by Alvaro Siza and Tower by Ignazio Gardella (an addition to original composition). For Apakova area our original proposal was combined with the Museum of Art of Sao Paulo by Lina Bo Bardi.

11. Museum station: Schabalovskaya

By analyzing the wider context of the areas in Moscow, we developed number of smaller scale interventions amphasizing the focal buildings and areas relating to Vkhutemas (Textile Institute, Asnova residential district, Schukov Tower, Gorky Park and Apakova tram Depot and New Tretyakov Area). On the path of the Ideal Museum we wanted to create places where people could stop, sit down, experience and appreciate the existing monuments which are currently not emphasized enough. rough connection of the path with underground connections with the metro stations, the path of the muzeum will become really embeded into the city.

By analyzing the wider context of the areas in Moscow, we developed number of smaller scale interventions amphasizing the focal buildings and areas relating to Vkhutemas (Textile Institute, Asnova residential district, Schukov Tower, Gorky Park and Apakova tram Depot and New Tretyakov Area). On the path of the Ideal Museum we wanted to create places where people could stop, sit down, experience and appreciate the existing monuments which are currently not emphasized enough. rough connection of the path with underground connections with the metro stations, the path of the muzeum will become really embeded into the city.

12. Museum station: Asnova

13. Donskoy Monastery

By analyzing the wider context of the areas in Moscow, we developed a number of smaller scale interventions amphasizing the focal buildings and areas relating to Vkhutemas (Textile Institute, Asnova residential district, Schukov Tower, Gorky Park and Apakova tram Depot and New Tretyakov Area). On the path of the Ideal Museum we wanted to create places where people could stop, sit down, experience and appreciate the existing monuments which are currently not emphasized enough. rough connection of the path with underground connections with the metro stations, the path of the muzeum will become really embeded into the city.

14. Museum station: Textle Institute

Rythm, sequence, framing. Those are the focal points behind the design of the Museum Headquarters. On the first glimpse it seems as if the building is made of 9 individual volumes, but that is not the case. Along the whole lenght of the buildings the main spinal corridor spreads from south to notrh. The individual volumes are attached to the corridor, creating sequences of different heights and combinations of light and shadow along the path. When walking the visitor has a constant view over the Muzeon Park. Visitor can go through the building just as an observer or as an active participant. The underground area which is intended for exhibition spaces has a circual arrangement of spaces with a courtyard in the middle, housing an outdoor exhibition area. When the visitor walks through the exhibition spaces, he experiences sequences of low corridirs followed by high volumes, in which the light is entering the space almost invisibly, creating a strong feeling of heaviness and mystery.

We designed the complex like a small town(Slabada), taking advantage of its unique texture of the context to create more social, wider spaces, and more intimate spaces. Walkways, staircases connecting different levels, classes, chilling spaces and courtyards like connecting networks in small villages. It is aimed to provide easy access from all points by placing the auditorium in the center position as one of the most important elements. The Building consist of 5main parts which has different shape and volumes, each one with its own unique personality, but which find a common identity through color, opacity and constructive solutions. Interaction was desired not only in the classrooms but also outside, in-between spaces, patios, and cafes. opaquest volume that is front of the krymsky val was designed to make a barrier in between highway and courtyard inside.

Two volumes float above the ground, supported by pillars and ropes. create a feeling of astonishment in passers-by and a creative center for users inside. The design was influenced by K.Malevich’s Art and Suprematism notion. Buildings play with the perceptions of people and intrigue with geometrical forms. Due to the dense urban development and the proximity of residential buildings, the project aims to only frame monuments, create connections and collects together different people (inhabitants, workers, tourists, students). The user can get into the building by an undergound connection or from groundfloor. Using the elevator can enter study center and by crossing the connecting bridge may discover prototype production workshops and a training centre. The interiors are planned as open forms, ready to change and adapt to the users needs. It offers a view from every side and creates the impression of detachment from the overstimulated world.

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