Observatory on State Aid Impact Action Plan for the Region of Murcia
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OSAIS Content: 1
The regional SAS System of [region] at a glance
Main findings based on state aid scheme analysis and interregional exchange
Operational indication of improvement of the current situation of the regional SAS System
Measure/action 1
Measure/action 2
Annex 6 Case Studies a.
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 3
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The regional SAS System for SMES of Region of Murcia at a glance (source Regional Development Agency- INFO)
Brief overview over the current state aid scheme system Introduction La Consejería de Universidades, Empresa e Investigación, es el Departamento de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia encargado de la propuesta, Suplemento número 4 del BORM número 154 del 07/07/2011 Página 5 www.borm.es D.L. MU-395/1985 - ISSN: 1989-1474 desarrollo y ejecución de las directrices generales del Consejo de Gobierno en las siguientes materias: universidades; fomento y coordinación general de la investigación científica, apoyo empresarial, innovación; industria, energía y minas. Igualmente le corresponden las competencias en materia de consumo, comercio y artesanía, cámaras oficiales de comercio, industria y navegación, precios autorizados y defensa de la competencia. Al titular de este Departamento se le atribuye la Portavocía del Gobierno Regional. Queda adscrito a esta Consejería, el Ente Público Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia.
1.1. Overview over regional State Aid Schemes A) State Aids Schemes managed at regional level (by Regional Development Agency, INFO). Depending on the geographical impact: •
COFINANCING NATIONAL AND UE STATE AIDS: State Aids Schemes (SAS) analyzed into the project
B) ERDF Global Grant: B1) What is Global Grant?
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Part of assistance the implementation and management of which may be entrusted to one or more approved intermediaries
It belongs to the OP of the Region of Murcia
Financed by ERDF
Flexible and operative instrument for implementation of actions in favour of regional development
Its main objective is to support and promote regional SMEs
B2) Global Grant Budget in the Region of Murcia OBJECTIVE 1 •
1990-1993 (31 M€)
1994-1999 (94,9 M€)
2000-2006 (104’3 M€)
2007-2013 (81,02 M€)
B3) Global Grant 2000-2006
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Industrial, commercial and services companies support
Provision and adaptation of productive spaces and company services
Improvement of SMEs financial conditions
Internationalization support and foreign promotion
Organizative capital promotion
Projects of Research, innovation and technological development
Technology transfer
Creation and improvement of research centres
Multimodal transport systems
Technical Assistance (ERDF)
B4) Global Grant 2007-2013
R&D Activities in Investigation Centres
Infrastructures in R&D Centres
11,188 7,438
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OSAIS 1.07
Investments of Innovative Companies
Innovation and Communication Technologies
ICT Services and Applications for SMEs
Other Investments in Companies
Other Measures Destiny to Promote Research
Monitoring, Seminars, Reports and Publicity
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564 M€
151 M€
3.098 M€
354 M€
Most relevant issues of the Regional Context Setting Size (Population) YEAR 2005 INHABITANTS 1.335.792
2007 1.392.117
2008 1.426.109
2009 1.446.520
2007 11.313
2008 11.313
2009 11.313
2008 126,06
2009 127,86
2006 1.370.306
2011 1.470.069
Size (geographical area) YEAR 2 KM
2005 11.313
2006 11.313
Density of population YEAR 2005 INHABITANTS 118,07 2 PER KM
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2011 129,9
GDP per capita YEAR 2005 GDP PER INHABITANT 17665 (€)
Share of the region in national GDP YEAR GDP MURCIA/GDP SPAIN
2,6 %
2,6 %
2,6 %
2,6 %
2,6 %
Growth rate of GDP per capita YEAR 2005 GDP PER CAPITA (n4.0 1)/GDP PER CAPITA (n) (%)
Source: EUROSTAT Total regional R&D Expenditure (% GDP) YEAR PERCENTAGE OF GDP (%)
0,73 %
0,76 %
0,91 %
0,86 %
0,78 %
Source: ECONET AND EUROSTAT Public regional R&D Expenditure (GERD – BERD) (% GDP) YEAR 2005 PUBLIC REGIONAL R&D 0,12 % EXPENDITURE (%)
0,14 %
0,15 %
0,17 %
0,17 %
Source : INE
Business Expenditure on R&D (BERD) (% GDP) YEAR 2005 Percentage of 0,33 % GDP, Business
0,33 %
0,47 %
0,33 %
0,34 %
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OSAIS Enterprise sector (%)
Source : INE Population with tertiary education per 100 population aged 25-64 (% of the population aged 25 to 64) YEAR 2005 PERCENTAGE OF POPULATION 14 % (%)
13,6 %
16,7 %
18,2 %
16,5 %
Human resources in Sciences and Technology (% of active population) YEAR 2005 S&T ACTIVE POPULATION 29,1 % (%)
32,0 %
28,5 %
30,8 %
31,4 %
Source: EUROSTAT Total amount of regional budget for state aid schemes per capita (according to OSAIS definition: state aid schemes under regional control in the relevant OSAIS topics) 2008 2009 YEAR 2004 2005 2006 2007 TOTAL AMOUNT Source: Working in progress Share of budget for state aid schemes under regional authority’s control in relation to regional GDP 2008 2009 YEAR 2004 2005 2006 2007 BUDGET STATE AIDS/GDP (%) Source: Working in progress
Health of the labour market: 100% – unemployment rate (%) GEO/YEAR 2005 REG MURCIA NUTS 2 91.99 %
2006 92,15 %
2007 92,44 %
2008 87,37 %
2009 79,27 %
Source: INE
Share of employment in medium-high and high tech manufacturing (% of total employment) YEAR Percentage of total employment (%)
2005 10,35 %
2006 9,79 %
2007 9,75 %
2008 10,98 %
2009 12,21 %
Source: ECONET Share of employment in high-tech services (% of total work force) TIME % of total employment
2005 1,65 %
2006 2,02 %
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2007 1,40 %
2008 1,51 %
2009 -
OSAIS Source:
Regional density of enterprises (number / km2) YEAR
2012 88.606
Number of regional enterprises km
Source: INE
Enterprise birth rate %
Enterprise death rate
From 2004 to 2011: 11,5%
Source: INE
Source: INE
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11.313 7,83
Current situation of analysed SASs in the project
Name of the State Aid
Promotion of ICT Programme. Article 13-Regional Law 7/2005, Region of Murcia. National Law 30/1992. National Law 38/2003. National Law 887/2006. Regimes of State Aids nº N721/99; N722/99; N726/99; N727/99; N728/99, N154/A/2000 and 154/B/2000, authorized by Europen Commision to Regional Develovment Agency of Region of Murcia. Regulation EC 1628/2006. Regulation EC 70/2001. Regulation EC 1976/2006. Regulation EC 1998/2006
Co-Funding: ERDF
Responsible organization managing the state Aid Program Contact person:
Functional topic
SME (Consultancy)
State Aid is running since…to…:
Since …to nowadays.
Type of aid
Brief description: Non-reimbursable grants towards the costs incurred by SMEs operating in the Region of Murcia, in order to: Support the implementation of projects that include the deployment of services and applications based on technologies of information and communication. Those projects should be focused to the management of the beneficiary company. Lines of aids: Particularity of the State Aid / brief description of the program
- Implementation of ERP's - Software of advanced management, computerization of stores by radio frequency, fleet management by satellite. - Extranet / Intranet, interconnection between work centers. Internal networking. Building department online sales / e-business.
Type of Eligible costs: Software Hardware External Collaborations, such as external cost of consultancy and other services related to the project.
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OSAIS Aid intensity (if applicable): 40% of the Eligible Costs Maximum amount of contribution (if applicable): N/A Minimum amount of contribution 9.600€ (Minimum Budget per Project: 24.000 €) Objectives of the State Aid Number of SMEs aided
656 (period 2005-2009)
Number of job maintained/created
Amounts dedicated (total)
11.855.003,62 € (period 2005-2009)
Regulation EC 70/2001. http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32001R0070:EN:HTML
European State Aid Regulation (according to 41. + 42. Functional topic of state aid, Standard Interview Guide for Impact Analysis)
Modified by Regulation EC 364/2004 http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2004:063:0022:0029:ES:PDF General block exemption Regulation L 214/3 v. 9.8.2008 (Chapter II, Section VII) Aid for research & development & innovation; Art 26: Aid for consultancy in favour of SME General block exemption Regulation L 214/3 v. 9.8.2008 (Chapter II, Section I & II), Regional aid and SME investment and employment aid; Art. 13, Regional investment and employment aid
Distribution over size, geographical position, age and sector for overall population of respected state aid scheme
Size: N/A Geographical position : The whole Region of Murcia, Objective 1 (Regional Aid Maps 2000 – 2006) http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/regional_aid/2000/spain.pdf
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OSAIS Age: N/A Year of beginning activity : number of SMEs aided
Sector (Code NACE Rev. 1.1) List of the sector: SMEs in any sector except those engaged in the production, commercialization and processing of agricultural products (annex I EU Treaty) and Coal Industry. Size: Micro : 1 Small : 14 Medium : 15
Distribution over size, age and sector for selected sample
1956: 2 1968: 1 1970: 2 1975: 1 1977: 1 1978: 2 1979: 4 1981: 1 1984: 1 1985: 2 1987: 2 1988: 1 1989: 2 1994: 1 2000: 2 2004: 2 2005: 3
Year of SME beginning activity : number of SMEs aided
Sector (Code NACE Rev. 1.1) List of the sector: Code : number of SME aided
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OSAIS Name of the State Aid
Plan de Consolidación y Competitividad de la Pyme (SME Consolidation and Competitiveness Plan), National Decree n.º 582/2001 followed by Innoempresa Programme, National Decree nº 1579/2006
Co-Funding: ERDF and Industry Ministry
Responsible organization managing the state Aid Program Contact person:
Functional topic
Research & Development & Innovation (R&D&I) and SME ( Cooperation and Internationalisation, Consultancy & Participation in fairs) th
State Aid is running since…to…:
Since …20 June 1997 (National Decree 937/1997) to nowadays.
Type of aid
Brief description: Non-reimbursable grants towards the costs incurred by SMEs operating in the Region of Murcia in order to acquire consultancy services relating innovative business strategies. Lines of aids: Information Society (Development of Innovative ICTs Products) Network of SMEs Cooperation Design Systems of Quality Innovation of Business Process
Particularity of the State Aid / brief description of the program
Type of Eligible costs: Tangible or intangible investments, excluding buildings, furniture and office equipment (except computer equipment and its cost of transportation). External Collaborations, such as external cost of consultancy and other services related to the project. Aid intensity (if applicable): Consultancy Services: 50% of the Eligible Costs Intangible and Tangible assets: 30% small companies and 22,5% medium-sized companies of the eligible costs Maximum amount of contribution (if applicable): N/A Minimum amount of contribution (if applicable): N/A
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OSAIS Objectives of the State Aid
Consolidation of Spanish Business, increase of competitiveness of the companies, improvement of the environment and creation of employment and wealth.
Number of SMEs aided
637 (period 2005-2008)
Number of job maintained/created
Amounts dedicated (total)
13.340.075 (period 2005-2008)
Regulation EC 70/2001. http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32001R0070:EN:HTML Modified by Regulation EC 364/2004 http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2004:063:0022:0029:ES:PDF
European State Aid Regulation (according to 41. + 42. Functional topic of state aid, Standard Interview Guide for Impact Analysis)
General block exemption Regulation L 214/3 v. 9.8.2008 (Chapter II, Section V) Aid for research & development & Innovation. http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/legislation/compilation/c_10_07_09_en.pdf Art 33: Aid for industrial property rights cost for SME Art 36: Aid for advisory services and innovation support services De Minimis L 379/5 v. 28.12.2006
Distribution over size, geographical position, age and sector for overall population of respected state aid scheme
Size: N/A Geographical position : The whole Region of Murcia, Objective 1 (Regional Aid Maps 2000 – 2006) http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/regional_aid/2000/spain.pdf
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OSAIS Age: N/A Year of beginning activity : number of SMEs aided
Sector (Code NACE Rev. 1.1) List of the sector: All sectors, except for: Fisheries and aquaculture, support for export-related activities, primary production, agricultural support activities for coal and steel, shipbuilding sector, activities in the synthetic fiber industry and companies that are in crisis.
Size: Micro : number Small : 9 Medium : 2
Distribution over size, age and sector for selected sample
1960: 1 1981: 1 1989: 1 1990: 1 2000: 1 2004: 2 2005: 3 2007: 1
Year of SME beginning activity : number of SMEs aided
Sector (Code NACE Rev. 1.1) List of the sector: Code : number of SME aided
Name of the State Aid
Innovation Programme. Article 13-Regional Law 7/2005, Region of Murcia. National Law 30/1992. National Law 38/2003. Regimes of State Aids nยบ N721/99; N722/99; N726/99; N727/99; N728/99, N154/A/2000 and 154/B/2000, authorized by Europen Commision to
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OSAIS Regional Develovment Agency of Region of Murcia.
Co-Funding: ERDF
Responsible organization managing the state Aid Program Contact person:
Functional topic
Research & Development & Innovation (R&D&I) and SME ( Cooperation and Internationalisation, Consultancy & Participation in fairs) th
State Aid is running since…to…:
Since …20 June 1997 (National Decree 937/1997) to nowadays.
Type of aid
Brief description: Non-reimbursable grants towards the costs incurred by SMEs operating in the Region of Murcia. This program is focused to SMEs, in order to help them to carry out the following activities: Development of technological projects. Establishment of a clear improvement of the competitiveness of the company. Integration actions or phases as research and technology development processes and products. Establishment of technical cooperation agreements and technology transfer. Business participation in events that allow the transfer of technology. Particularity of the State Aid / brief description of the program
Type of Eligible costs: Staff Tangible or intangible investments, excluding buildings, furniture and office equipment (except computer equipment and its cost of transportation in some cases). Equipment of laboratory External Collaborations, such as external cost of consultancy and other services related to the project. Travel and accommodation
Aid Intensity: 15%-50% Maximum amount of contribution 6.000 € when the state aid is focused to the
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OSAIS creation or consolidation of R&D Department Minimum amount of contribution N/A Objectives of the State Aid
To stablish a clear improvement of business competitiveness in the Region of Murcia.
Number of SMEs aided
401 (period 2005-2009)
Number of job maintained/created
Amounts dedicated (total)
22.398.238,4 â‚Ź (period 2005-2009)
Regulation EC 70/2001. http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:32001R0070:EN:HTML
European State Aid Regulation (according to 41. + 42. Functional topic of state aid, Standard Interview Guide for Impact Analysis)
Modified by Regulation EC 364/2004 http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2004:063:0022:0029:ES:PDF
General block exemption Regulation L 214/3 v. 9.8.2008 (Chapter II, Section V) Aid for research & development & Innovation. http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/legislation/compilation/c_10_07_09_en.pdf Art 31: Aid for research and development projects Art 33: Aid for industrial property rights cost for SME Art 36: Aid for advisory services and innovation support services
Distribution over size, geographical position, age and sector for overall population of respected state aid scheme
Size: N/A Geographical position : The whole Region of Murcia, Objective 1 (Regional Aid Maps 2000 – 2006) http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/regional_aid/2000/spain.pdf
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OSAIS Age: N/A Year of beginning activity : number of SMEs aided
Sector (Code NACE Rev. 1.1) List of the sector: SMEs from any sector or activity, except the following exceptions: a)Production, marketing and processing of derivatives products of fisheries, coal, transport in terms of acquisition of vehicles or fleets, steel, shipbuilding, synthetic fibers and car industry. b) Financial services. c) Activities in relation to sugar, milk products or other products which imitate o replace milk products. Size: Micro: 0 Small: 15 Medium: 15
Age: 1958: 3 1968: 3 1970: 1 1975: 1
Distribution over size, age and sector for selected sample
1978: 2 1979: 4 1986: 1 1987: 1 1988: 6 1989: 1 1995: 1 1999: 1 2000: 1 2002: 1 2004: 1 2005: 1 2007: 1
Year of SME beginning activity : number of SMEs aided
Sector (Code NACE Rev. 1.1) List of the sector: Code : number of SME aided
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Main findings based on state aid scheme analysis and interregional exchange
Total grant equivalent in relation to eligible project costs: • Lower Austria has the lowest GE (33 %) • Saxony has the highest GE (65%) followed by Lisbon (61 % and 62 %) • Murcia has intermediate values (from 36% to 44%)
Average Grant Equivalent: • • • •
Murcia: 28.040 € LA: 82.025 € Lisbon: 270.000 € Saxony: 376.975 €
In relation to processing time Lisbon has the best result (15-18 weeks) followed by LA (20 weeks) and Murcia (22-28 weeks).
Murcia has the worst result regarding time for final payment: In the case of Murcia the time is 19-44 weeks vs 6 (LA) and 20 Lisbon.
Regarding Satisfaction of Beneficiaries: • Satisfaction with the overall results of the funded project: In Murcia is lower than LA and Lisbon, but the difference is just 0,2 over 5 points. Saxony has the best result (4,3 over 5 points). • The orientation of the SAS to the needs of the companies: Murcia obtains a result of 3,5 over 5, being in middle of LA (the best one, with 4 over 5) and Lisbon results (3,3). Once more, the best result is in Saxony (4,3). • Regarding SAS providing right support, Murcia obtains the worst result, nevertheless this one is not really bad (3,1 over 5 points). Saxony has the best result (4,3).
Company size (survey): In Murcia the participation of Small and Medium enterprises is very similar. The participation of Micro companies is almost insignificant in Murcia
NACE Code: The higher company participation was those with Manufacture NACE Code in Murcia. In the case of Murcia Manufacture was higher than 50% of the whole companies (34 companies), followed by Wholesale and Education (6 companies each one).
Murcia has the lowest GGE in relation to Eligible Cost (max 40%).
Using Top Ranking: Murcia obtains the best result if the selection criteria is “All companies without filter”. Murcia obtains the best result for SME SA Topic
Murcia has also the best result in companies older than 10 years as in medium sized enterprises.
SASs are SMEs oriented? Yes they are in all the regions
The SMEs satisfaction best result obtained in Murcia is regarding the relation administrative effort/gained results.
Will SMEs carry out the project without funding? In Lisbon the answer is “Yes but smaller” (65%) and “No” (35%). In Veneto 39% “No” and 33% “Yes but smaller”. In Murcia “Yes” 17% and 57% “Yes but smaller”.
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Has the project increased the technology know-how/position of the company? In Lisbon has a high or relevant effect, in Murcia a relevant effect and finally, some effect in Veneto.
Has the project contributed to the improvement of organizational (not technical) structures or processes? Murcia has a high or relevant effect. Veneto and Lisbon have a relevant effect.
Has the project increased (any kind of) staff qualification? Murcia has a relevant effect. Veneto and Lisbon have some or relevant effect.
Are new products/services stemming from the project? Lisbon has a high or relevant effect. Murcia has some effect and Veneto small effect.
Has the innovation culture in the company improved? Lisbon has a high or relevant effect. Murcia and Veneto have some or relevant effect.
Has the project contributed to the business/innovation strategy? Lisbon has a relevant effect. Murcia and Veneto have some or relevant effect.
Who win in efficacy? Lisbon obtains the most efficacy SASs but it is more reliable to compare only Murcia and Veneto. In this case, Murcia obtains the best result in efficacy.
Strengthening and Developing Production/Structure/Processes Capacity The indicators used to evaluate the achievement of this objective were: Has the project improved the technical manufacturing process and or increased flexibility?; Has the project increased the productivity or reduced costs?; Has the project increased the production capacity?; Has the project improved the quality of products/services? •
The results of these indicators show some or relevant effect in Murcia and some effect in Veneto and Lisbon.
There is not impact on export for Veneto and Murcia.
Regarding opening new markets or enlarged existing market positions, Lisbon has a relevant or high effect, Murcia has some effect and Veneto has small or some effect.
In fact, Veneto and Murcia do not have relevant effect on strengthening and developing market position because of it is not an objective of their SAS.
In Veneto and Murcia the project had a small or some positive effect on the environment whereas it had a small effect in Lisbon.
Regarding supporting gender aspects, there was not effect in all the regions or there was a small effect.
In any case, the objectives of the SASs in Veneto and Murcia do not have environmental and gender aspects.
Safeguarding of R&D or other Jobs
There is a small impact in both cases, maintained and new R&D jobs in Murcia and Veneto. In the case of Murcia it is an SAS objective.
There is also a small impact on new jobs in Veneto and Murcia.
Strengthening Regional R&D: There is a small impact on strengthening regional R&D&I.
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OSAIS 4 Operational indication of improvement of the current situation of the regional SAS System Introduction The Law 8/2007, 23rd April, “Promotion and Coordination of R&TD& in the Region of Murcia” contains the normative and planning tools in order to coordinate and orientate the R&D&I policies focused to achieve a better articulation and strengthening of the Regional System. This Law establishes an institutional structure and consolidates a planning system through the R&D&I Regional Plans and stimulates complementary measures focused to promote and stimulate the R&D&I, developing, the science and technology culture and their citizenship dissemination and discernment. In order to propose any operational indication of improvement of the SAS system it is necessary to take into consideration the current Science, Technology and Innovation Plan of the Region of Murcia 20112014, based on Open Innovation. The current plan approach is to facilitate to the Science and Technology System Stakeholders of the Region of Murcia to find the value within the regional context which is plentiful of knowledge and technology but dispersed. The objective of an Open Innovation process is find out the most successful ideas wherever they are. For this reason the stakeholders will be helped to identify, access and incorporate the necessary knowledge in order to develop avant-garde through the collaboration with others. That means co-produce with users, partners and providers. This current regional Science, Technology and Innovation Plan of the Region of Murcia, was designed taking into account the following European and National plans and actions in order to reinforce and encourage the coordination between the Science, Technology and Enterprise System of the Region of Murcia with the National Area and ERA:
VI National Plan of Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 20082011.
National Strategy of Innovation (E21)).
National Strategic Framework of reference (MENR) with the Remodeling National Programme as main Spanish tool for the achievement of the Strategy of Lisbon objectives.
Current process for the elaboration of a new National Law of Science, Technology and Innovation
National Law 13/1986, 14th April, “Encouragement and general Coordination of Scientific and Technological Research
Finally, public managing institutions in charge of the main SASs management in the Region of Murcia according to the analyzed SASs in the project and the different lines of the Regional Plan are the following ones:
SASs for the consolidation and reinforcement of networking between the Regional System Stakeholders to allow the identification of Common Business Sectors problems to be solved jointly. Managing Institutions: Regional Directorate of Universities and Scientific Policy (DGUPC), Regional Agency of Science and Technology (FS- ARCT), Regional Development Agency (INFO) and Regional Foundation for Health Training and Research, (F-FIS).
SASs addressed to business individual analysis focused to identification, definition and implementation of cooperative R&D&I projects.
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OSAIS Managing Institutions: INFO
SASs addressed to support and to promote Innovative Business Associations and Clusters managing structures and their actions and joined projects. Managing Institution: INFO
Assistant Service and support to R&D&I cooperative projects. Managing Institutions: INFO and Cluster and Business Cooperation Networking (CONET)
Guidance and Thematic Workshops to promote the SMEs innovative culture and orientate them in their first R&D&I steps. Managing Institution: INFO
Practical and participative Workshops addressed to pre-innovative companies in order to show the Innovation benefits. Managing Institution: INFO
Business Diagnosis Service to identify technological improvement areas. Managing Institution: INFO
SASs addressed to the creation and consolidation of Technological Innovation Units and to make manager become professionals in the Business Sector. Managing Institution: INFO
Design of financing itineraries focused to the implementation of Innovative Projects according to the typology and size of the project. Managing Institution: INFO.
4.1.1 Measure/action 1
Mixed financing tools: Grants, Loan or a combination of both taking into consideration the typology and size of the projects.
4.1.2 Design/concept
The objective is to use more efficiently the scare financial resources and at the same time, to get the engagement of SAS beneficiaries. To reach this aim, as a previous phase, it should be necessary to implement additional activities focused mainly on: Strengthen the culture of innovation among SMEs Raising awareness among SMEs about the benefits of the financing models not only based on grants but also on loans or a mix formula. Possible effects of adopting these new financing schemes would be the reduction in the number of SMEs participating in the SAS but, in parallel, the projects to be financed by these SAS will be of a higher quality, with higher innovative content and a higher engagement by the beneficiaries.
4.1.3 Monitoring and evaluation Indicators for monitoring and evaluation (incl. result indicators) with target figures Ratio total grant equivalent / business R&D investments
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OSAIS Increase or decrease in the number of SMEs participating in the SAS with the new financing formula.
Increase in the project budget financed by the SAS.
4.1.4 Transfer and implementation team Demonstration of involvement of relevant regional legislative/executive bodies Please insert a new table for every stakeholder organisation which will be involved in the implementation Name of Stakeholder Organisation
Regional Development Agency (INFO); private companies consultants (BASE and JUPIRO) and FUERM (including external experts).
Name and contact of person in charge
Carlos Belmonte Fernández-Ballesteros Director of Business Innovation Department FUERM carbel@um.es
Brief description of responsibilities / activities for implementation of action plan
INFO: Implementation of the new financing schemes and their dissemination among potential beneficiaries. FUERM: Dissemination of the financing schemes and support to INFO.
4.1.5 Implementation Schedule Schedule for implementation of respective measure like rough time horizon with milestones or detailed work program (if measure is “ready and agreed on for implementation”) To be confirmed depending on new budget lines and amounts of the new programming period (2014-2020). 4.1.6 Budget allocation and Resources for implementation Information about budget for improved / new developed stat aid scheme(s) and the source of finance/available funds which will be / could be used to implement the suggested measure
Measure/action 2
Compulsary feedback from the companies to achieve the assessment of SAS impact on the beneficiaries in three different phases: at the start of the project, at the end of the project and two years after the end of the project implementation period.
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OSAIS To ensure the achievement of this objective, one possible option would be to incorporate in the call for proposal the requirement stating that the companies that do not provide their feedback will not be allowed to participate in the following calls. To get this feedback, friendly used tools will be sent to companies. 4.2.1 Design/concept Taking into account the difficulties to obtain the information to assess the SAS impact, it is necessary to count on the feedback from participating SMEs. 4.2.2 Monitoring and evaluation
To follow up the level of feedback obtained from the companies and to check the companies’ assessments with regards to the content and utility of the questionnaire and the level of difficulty to fill in it.
4.2.3 Transfer and implementation team Demonstration of involvement of relevant regional legislative/executive bodies Please insert a new table for every stakeholder organisation which will be involved in the implementation Name of Stakeholder Organisation
Regional Development Agency (INFO); private companies consultants (BASE and JUPIRO) and FUERM (including external experts).
Name and contact of person in charge
Carlos Belmonte Fernández-Ballesteros Director of Business Innovation Department FUERM carbel@um.es
Brief description of responsibilities / activities for implementation of action plan
INFO: Design and development of tools to get the companies feedback and the dissemination among potential beneficiaries. FUERM: Dissemination of the new requirement, support to companies to fill in the questionnaires and support to INFO.
4.2.4 Implementation Schedule
4.2.5 Budget allocation and Resources for implementation
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Measure/action 3
FAQs actualizadas y exposición de errores más frecuentes en propuestas Dissemination of good practices and main tips about the reasons and causes of unsuccessful experiences. 4.3.1 Design/concept
The objective is to provide potential beneficiaries with a guide about how to successfully participate in the SAS and learn from others’ experiences. 4.3.2 Monitoring and evaluation Number of companies using this guide Decrease of unsuccessful experiences thanks to the guide Evaluation from beneficiaries about the usefulness of the guide 4.3.3 Transfer and implementation team
Demonstration of involvement of relevant regional legislative/executive bodies Please insert a new table for every stakeholder organisation which will be involved in the implementation Name of Stakeholder
Regional Development Agency (INFO); private companies consultants (BASE and JUPIRO) and FUERM (including external experts).
Name and contact of person in charge
Carlos Belmonte Fernández-Ballesteros
Director of Business Innovation Department FUERM carbel@um.es
Brief description of responsibilities / activities for implementation of action plan
INFO: Study of successful and unsuccessful experience and development of the guide. FUERM: Dissemination of the guide among the beneficiaries and support to INFO.
4.3.4 Implementation Schedule
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OSAIS 4.3.5 Budget allocation and Resources for implementation
Implementation of the good practice from Lower Austria “Innovative Assisstant”. 4.4.1 Design/concept It is a good practice to be deeply analized. It is necessary to know the resources required to implement this good practice in the context of the SAS in the Region of Murcia. It is also to be assessed the complementary of this good practice with other already existing initiatives at national level. 4.4.2 Monitoring and evaluation
4.4.3 Transfer and implementation team Demonstration of involvement of relevant regional legislative/executive bodies Please insert a new table for every stakeholder organisation which will be involved in the implementation Name of Stakeholder Organisation
Regional Development Agency (INFO); private companies consultants (BASE and JUPIRO) and FUERM (including external experts).
Name and contact of person in charge
Carlos Belmonte Fernández-Ballesteros Director of Business Innovation Department FUERM carbel@um.es
Brief description of responsibilities / activities for implementation of action plan
INFO: Assessment of the transfer possibilities of the good practice and check the complementarity of the practice with the national Ministry of Innovation and Competitiveness initiatives. FUERM: Dissemination of the implementation of the good practice and support to INFO.
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OSAIS 4.4.4 Implementation Schedule
4.4.5 Budget allocation and Resources for implementation
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OSAIS Annexes Case Studies (own case studies) Case Study 1 Title of the Case Study CREATION OF A PLATFORM OF ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE SERVICES AIMED TO INTEGRATORS AND END USERS WITH DEVELOPMENT ABILITY. Topic of the Case Study The project aim was the development of a platform of electronic signature services called “eSIGNATURE Platform”, which includes a number of online services aimed to integrators and end users with development ability. It will allow the optimization of human resources and developments, helping to promote the implementation of the electronic signature and invoice in the business organizations. Description of the funded project The different outputs of the platform are the following and these are available for current and future customers: PLATFORM SERVICES: It is important to underline that all services included in the “E-SIGNATURE Platform” and related to the digital signature and electronic invoice, are supported on international standards to cover the technical requirements of the Spanish and European regulations. Thus, the services offered by the “E-SIGNATURE Platform” can be divided in two groups. The first group includes digital / crypto signature services and the following services: Authentication of Users with Digital Certificates. This service offers a mechanism for identifying users based on a digital certificate issued for certification authorities accepted by the Spanish Agency of Tax Administration (AEAT). Consultation to Revocation Lists. This service completes the service of authentication of users based on digital certificates X.509. When the certificate is executed and taking into account the expiration date of the certificate, it will let an access to the revocation lists of the accredited certification bodies by the platform. The revocation lists are reviewed using OCSP o CRL according to the availability of the certification authorities. Time Stamp. This service was designed for obtaining automatically the time stamp certificates, issued by accredited certification bodies on original files or digital summaries computed. Digital Signature. The digital signature service provides the possibility of signing digitally in XML files using XAdES format: BES, T, XL and EPES. This is one of the most important services of development of the platform and the rest of services of generation or validation of documents signed electronically are based on this service. The second group of services of the “E-SIGNATURE Platform” provides services of electronic invoice and these services are supported on the previous services:
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OSAIS Emission of Electronic Invoice. This service generates electronic invoices in digital format based in the customer information. The result of this service is an invoice in digital format with different level of signature: basic advanced signature (XAdES-EPES) and advanced signature with validation information (XAdES-XL), according to the signature policy defined by the MITYC (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce). Electronic Invoice Validation. The electronic invoice validation service carries out the validation of electronic invoices in e-invoice format in 3 different levels: correction of the invoice according to the MITYC e-invoice format; invoice accounting validation (correction of the total amounts and taxes) and validation of the invoice digital signature and certificate signer. The three validations are necessaries for the validity of an electronic invoice in e-invoice format for a customer. The unit of application services is designed and developed on the web services standards and each service is composed by WSDL files and additional XML Schema (XSD) files defining the structure of several messages exchanged. Besides, the services unit is loyal to the services oriented architecture (SOA), so each service is composed of other services already implemented. To summarize, the relationships between the services are the following: Authentication uses Revocation List. Digital Signature uses Revocation List and Time Stamp. Invoice Validation uses Revocation List. Emission of Invoices uses Digital Signature. E-SIGNATURE PLATFORM: THINKING IN ITS CUSTOMERS: public website: provides information to both customers and non users on services offered by the eSignature Platform. The information included in the website contains specific aspects regarding the obligations in the use of electronic invoice, and on advices and elements for taking into account about how to handle projects of electronic invoice and digital signature. The public website has included several evidence elements that will facilitate the understanding by users of the services provided by the platform. Additionally, customers have access to the Electronic Invoice Viewer from this portal, it presents all invoice data in a visible format and it contains detailed information on the document signature, time stamp, invoice accounting validation, and if it has some mistake of validation and information on the correction of the format… private website: The customers can manage their services from this website. This portal has 3 types of users: Administrator: User of e-Signature, which manages with the rest of users (integrators and end users). The administrator configures the access to the different services to end users and to view their activity on the platform. Integrator: These users have the ability of creating new users, as end customers, for managing the services that they can use and their limits. It is equivalent to the administrator, but only on a group
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OSAIS of users of the platform. The integrators can give permissions on the services that they have permission. End user: This role is assigned to end users that use the web services offered by the platform. These users can see the permissions they have and a register of their own activity. The website described is a web application based on Java technologies: JSP y Spring; on a MySQL database. Evidence of Success E-SIGNATURE Platform has been consolidated as a new product in FIRMA, PROYECTOS Y FORMACIÓN, S.L. Thanks to our integration with different technologies and with the leading manufacturers of ERPs of Spain (SAP, Microsoft Dynamics NAV…), we have several successful cases between public institutions and private companies that have one or more functionalities provided by the platform. These are some of the companies and organizations that work with our platform: Emuasa Fundación Diagrama Redyser Plásticos Romero Gesdatos … On the other hand, we also have a program for partners who would like to distribute our signature solution and electronic invoice. This program has let that technology companies distribute between its customers our platform. It is based on a philosophy of “win/win”. Some of these partners are the following: Inforges Isotader Bitec Openred Project volume: [amount in Euro] The first investment of FIRMA-E in this project was of 85.000 €.
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OSAIS Project Duration: [months] The Project has carried out in 8 months. Funded by [name of state aid scheme] under [SA topic / State Aid Regulation] The project has been funded by the Innovation Programme under the Article 31: Aid for research and development projects. Contact person for State Aid Scheme Name: JOSE MARÍA ORTÍN GIMENO Organisation:
e-mail: jmortin@firma-e.com Website: www.firma-e.com Case Study 2 Title of the Case Study Medical History. Topic of the Case Study Install the computerized medical history. Description of the funded project Programming, development and implementation of a treatment system of patients on a web platform that is able of managing the medical history of patients. It makes possible to ask for tests and get the results in online way. Evidence of Success It provides speed in the job and quality to the services offered to our patients. Project volume: [amount in Euro] The investment for this project was of 178.000 €. Project Duration: [months] The project duration is of 24 months. Funded by [name of state aid scheme] under [SA topic / State Aid Regulation] The project has been funded by the ICT Programme under the Article 26: Aid for consultancy in favour of SME.
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OSAIS Contact person for State Aid Scheme Name: NURIA SALTO CARRILLO Organisation: CENTRO MÉDICO VIRGEN DE LA CARIDAD S.L e-mail: nuriasalto@cmvcaridad.com Website: www.cmvcaridad.com Case Study 3 Title of the Case Study CEGASI SL. (Grupo Silvestre). Grupo de tiendas de repuestos multimarca para automóviles, distribuidas en el territorio español (35 tiendas). Topic of the Case Study Planificación Estratégica y desarrollo del Balanced a través del Business Intelligence. Description of the funded project Debido al gran volumen de artículos de repuestos que era necesario disponer, en las diferentes tiendas, desglosados por marca y modelo de automóvil, para dar respuesta a las demandas de los clientes presenciales en tienda, como de los talleres que precisan les enviemos los repuestos, se hacía necesario desarrollar un Plan Estratégico que nos permitiera: Un control riguroso de existencias. Optimizar los índices de rotación de material. Reducir los inmovilizados en almacén. Establecer un reaprovisionamiento automático entre tiendas. Mejorar el proceso de reparto y logística para atender los pedidos de clientes. Fidelizar al cliente a través de la disponibilidad del repuesto necesitado. Mejorar el proceso de compras y reducción de costes, a través de una estrategia de justo a tiempo, recibiendo el material en la Delegación que se necesita y en el momento preciso, para evitar stok innecesario y reducir el inmovilizado. Desarrollo de campañas para mejorar la cuota de mercado. Para el desarrollo del proyecto se crea un comité constituido por la Dirección de la empresa y los diferentes Delegados Regionales, realizando en primer lugar un análisis DAFO, que nos permite identificar los aspectos más relevantes del entorno interno y externo de la empresa.
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OSAIS Como resultado de dicho trabajo se identifican las diferentes alternativas estratégicas, de las cuales se seleccionan posteriormente aquellas que por esfuerzo, recursos necesarios y oportunidad, permiten obtener resultados medibles y satisfactorios, quedando definidas como las líneas estratégicas a desarrollar en los próximos 3 años. Para cada línea estratégica se establecen objetivos estratégicos para los siguientes tres años, a los que se les asocian una serie de acciones encaminadas a conseguir dichos objetivos; a fin de tener cuantificado el esfuerzo económico que supone el desarrollo del Plan, se valora cada una de las acciones, tanto en recursos financieros como humanos. El paso siguiente consistió en recoger toda la información en un Balanced Scorecard que nos permitiera observar la evolución de los objetivos, de una forma sencilla y rápida. A fin de controlar la evolución y resultados conseguidos en las diferentes Delegaciones Regionales, se replicó el Balanced Scorecard en cada una de ellas, con los objetivos y acciones específicas de cada Delegación, agrupando mensualmente los resultados en el cuadro central y con información desglosada y resumida según la necesidad de análisis. El soporte de toda la información se realizó a través del Business Intelligence, aplicación que extraía la información sobre stok, volumen de ventas por clientes, evolución de campañas, clientes por comerciales, ventas realizadas, margen de ventas, pagos, impagos, devoluciones, etc. Evidence of Success Evidencias de éxito Objetivos cuantitativos conseguidos: Incremento del Beneficio anual antes de impuestos de un 6%. Una tasa de servicio del 95 %. Incremento de 2 nuevas especialidades (diesel y neumáticos). Incremento del índice de satisfacción de los clientes en 1,5 puntos. Incremento del índice de satisfacción del personal en 1 punto. Objetivos cualitativos conseguidos: Mejorar la imagen externa. Consolidación del equipo directivo. Innovación en productos y servicios. Fidelización de clientes. Incrementar el volumen de negocio. Project volume: [amount in Euro]
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OSAIS Volumen del proyecto, cantidad en euros, creo que fueron alrededor de 8.000 € . Project Duration: [months] Duración del proyecto, 8 meses Funded by [name of state aid scheme] under [SA topic / State Aid Regulation] Innoempresa, R&D Topic. Contact person for State Aid Scheme Name: Carlos Belmonte Fdez-Ballesteros Organisation:
Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia
e-mail: carbel@um.es Website: www.fuem.es
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