The Bread

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Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫«أعطنا يا رب‪..»..‬‬ ‫خبزنا‪،‬‬ ‫وامنح الطيبني‬ ‫رغيف الكفاية‪ ،‬والرضى‪.‬‬ ‫***‬ ‫ها هو يسعى‪،‬‬ ‫أتى‪،‬‬ ‫مكلل باخلير‪،‬‬ ‫جاء باحملبة‪ ،‬دافىء املرتقى‪،‬‬ ‫فناوله كسرة من سالم‪ ..‬ليكتمل‪..‬‬ ‫وامنحه حسن «الرَجى»‪..‬‬ ‫اللهم آمني‪ ..‬آمني‪.‬‬

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan


‫مهيبا‪،‬‬ ‫و»كوارة» كثغر القمر‪ ..‬يا أنت‪..‬‬ ‫يا خبز‪ ..‬يا ابن احلنطة‪،‬‬ ‫حفيد السنابل‪،‬‬ ‫سليل التراب‪،‬‬ ‫مضغة من صلب طني القلب‪،‬‬ ‫أو شهقة من صليب السماء‪،‬‬ ‫كنت كل هذا‪ ،‬وأكثر‪ ،‬إذ جتسدت نبضا‬ ‫سويا‪،‬‬ ‫فصرت قمرا رغيفا‪،‬‬ ‫وسرّة سر عفيف‪..‬‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫وأنت قُطب الرحى‪،‬‬ ‫جبلت من عرق‪ ،‬ودم‪ ،‬وترنيمة بوح شريف‪،‬‬ ‫تهاديت حمامة حلم رهيف‪،‬‬ ‫تنزلت من عَ ٍل رقيقا‪ ،‬شفيفا‪ ،‬معتقا‬ ‫بالنبوة‪ ،‬مخضبا بالفداء‪،‬‬ ‫حي أتى‪،‬‬ ‫كَ َو ٍ‬ ‫بسفر عفيف الرسالة‬ ‫أنت‪ ..‬يا خبز‪ ..‬يا خير البشارة‪.‬‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫«أعطنا يا رب‪..»..‬‬ ‫خاء اخلير‬ ‫باء البر‬ ‫وراء الربوبية العظيم‪..‬‬ ‫هللي‪ ..‬هللي‪ ..‬يا يد تتنزل حنطة‪ ،‬ونور‬ ‫أصابع تورق خبز األمل‪..‬‬ ‫هيللويا‪ ..‬هيللويا‪ ..‬هيللويا‪..‬‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫«أعطنا يا رب‪»..‬‬

‫مفلح العدوان‬

‫ها هو يسعى‪..‬‬ ‫أراه يسير في املدينة‪ ،‬حامال خبز الفقراء‪ ،‬ومعه سيرة البسطاء اخلائفني على رزق‬ ‫العيال!!‬ ‫***‬ ‫ها هو ميشي‪..‬‬ ‫تلوح لهم‪ ،‬وتدرك‬ ‫وأرغفة ترفرف كالعصافير فوق رأسه‪،‬تغرّد للماشني حولها‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫معنى التفاتة الفتى‪ ،‬ومغزى التماعة املشيب‪ ،‬وداللة سواد الطريق‪ ،‬وشماتة‬ ‫قسوة احلافلة في رقصها وسط جمع يلهث وراء دفء الرغيف!!‬ ‫***‬ ‫ها هو الرغيف‪ ..‬يتبارك بالنوايا الطيبة‪ ،‬فيصبح أرغفة ليسد رمق اجلمع املنتظر‬ ‫حظوة اللمسة األولى‪ ،‬وهو يدعو‪« :‬أعطنا يا رب‪..»..‬خبزنا‪ ..‬وامنح الطيبني‪ ،‬رغيف‬ ‫الكفاية‪ ،‬والرضى!!‬


Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫هذا اخلبز‪ ..‬يتململ قلقا على رأس خبازه‪ ،‬كأنه هودج البشارة‪..‬‬ ‫مهيبا كثغر القمر‪ ..‬هو ابن احلنطة‪ ،‬حفيد السنابل‪ ،‬سليل‬ ‫التراب‪ ،‬مضغة من صلب طني القلب‪ ،‬شهقة من صليب‬ ‫السماء‪ ..‬كل هذا وأكثر‪ُ :‬سرّة سر ٍّ عفيف‪ ..‬قطب الرحى‬ ‫اجملبول من عرق ودم وترنيمة بوح شريف‪ ..‬حمامة حلم‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وحط مهيبا‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫عل رقيقا‪ ،‬شفيفا‪،‬‬ ‫رهيف‪ ،‬تهادى من ٍ‬ ‫البشارة‪ ،‬ومعه فيض الدعاء‪:‬ارحم احملتاجني‪ ،‬يا رب الطيبني‪،‬‬ ‫واحم خبزهم «من شر ّ حاسد إذا حسد»‪ ..‬يا اهلل‪ ..‬حتى على‬ ‫رغيف اخلبز هناك من ينظر بعني احلقد واحلسد‪ ..‬إحم خبز‬ ‫الفقراء يا اهلل‪..‬يا اهلل!!‬


‫‪Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan‬‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan



Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫أغروم إمازيغن ( خبز األمازيغ )‬ ‫ناردين دمون‬ ‫في منطقة القبائل في الجزائر هناك مقولة متداولة و هي‬ ‫ْ ُ ْ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ ْ‬ ‫« ذ َغروم ِإديسكارن ِإرقازن» ( الخبز هو الذي ينشء الرجال)‪،‬‬ ‫و كل األمهات يحرصن أن يضعن في طبق كبير مصنوع من‬ ‫الحلفاء « أغروم ( الكسرة أو الخبز ) في مكان يكون في متناول‬ ‫أطفالهن كي ال يشعروا بالجوع أبدا فبيت فيه « الخبز و الزيت‬ ‫« لن يشعر بمذلة العوز أبدا‪.‬‬ ‫و الخبز األمازيغي معروف منذ العصور القديمة شأنه شـان‬ ‫الكسكسي ‪،‬فاألول يحضر للغذاء و الثاني للعشاء ‪،‬‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫و يصنع عادة من ‪:‬‬ ‫ـ القمح ‪.‬‬ ‫ـ الشعير ‪.‬‬ ‫و لم يدخل الطحين ( الفرينة ) كمادة لصناعته إال في القرن التاسع عشر على‬ ‫األرجح‪...‬و باالضافة للقمح يدخل في مكوناته زيت الزيتون بكميات متباينة‬ ‫( حسب نوع الخبز الذي سيحضر ) و الملح و كذا الماء ‪،‬و في بعض أنواع الخبز‬ ‫الخميرة التي تحضر منزليا و ذلك بأخذ القليل من الدقيق و خلطه بالماء إلى‬ ‫أن تصبح عجينة لينة جدا و تترك في مكان دافئ لتتخمر ( لليوم الموالي أو‬ ‫الذي بعده ) ‪،‬و لكن في وقتنا الحالي تكتفي النساء بشراء خميرة الخباز بدل‬ ‫تحضير الخميرة في البيت‪.‬‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan


‫‪Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan‬‬

‫أنواع الخبز‪:‬‬ ‫أغروم ( الكسرة )‪:‬‬ ‫أكثر أنواع الخبز شيوعا و يصنع من دقيق القمح الذي يضاف له القليل من‬ ‫زيت الزيتون و الملح و يدلك للحصول على عجينة متماسكة ‪ ،‬يصنع منها‬ ‫قرص دائري يطهى في الصاج الساخن ‪.‬‬ ‫أغروم تمزين ( خبز الشعير)‪:‬‬ ‫و يحضر بخلط دقيق الشعير و الماء مع قليل من الملح ‪،‬و يدلك للحضصول‬ ‫على عجينة لينة ‪،‬و هذا الخبز نوعان‪:‬‬ ‫ـ أغروم تفوري ‪ :‬توضع العجينة التي تشكل على شكل قرض بارتفاع ‪3‬‬ ‫سنتيمترات تقريبا و تدفن داخل الدقيق حتى تتشكل طبقة جافة ( لحوالي‬ ‫ساعتين تقريبا) ‪ ،‬ثم يخرج القرص و يحل برفق حتى نحصل على قرص دائري‬ ‫بسمك ‪ 1‬سم و يطهى في الصاج ‪...‬‬ ‫و النوع الثاني ال يوضع في الدقيق بل يحل و يطهى مباشرة و يسمى «‬ ‫أغروم أرخساس» ‪.‬‬ ‫أغروم إقرذان( خبز دقيق القمح الكامل )‪:‬‬ ‫يستخدم كل دقيق القمح و جزء من النخالة و يحضر بنفس الطريقة تحضير‬ ‫خبز القمح العادي و لكن يعتقد الكثيرين أنه أفيد للصحة و طعمه ألذ من‬ ‫الخبز الدقيق‪.‬‬

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan



Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan


Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫‪Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan‬‬

‫ثمضلوحث (المطلوع )‪:‬‬ ‫يحتل المرتبة الثانية من حيث االنتشار في منطقة القبائل‬ ‫في الجزائر ‪،‬و يحتاج لتحضيره لدقيق من النوع الجيد و لخميرة‬ ‫الخباز و الماء الدافئ و القليل جدا من زيت الزيتون‪.‬‬


Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan


‫‪Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan‬‬

‫و يحضر بالطريقة اآلتية‪:‬‬ ‫في قصعة يوضع الدقيق المنخول جانبا و في‬ ‫الجهة الفارغة يوضع القليل من الملح و يصب‬ ‫عليه كمية من الماء ‪ ،‬يحرك جيدا حتى يذوب الملح‬ ‫‪،‬ثم يخلط الدقيق معها و يدلك باليد حتى نحصل‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫على عجينة ناعمة مع إضافة الماء بالتدريج ‪ ،‬ثم تضاف‬ ‫الخميرة التي وضعت في القليل من الماء الدافئ و‬ ‫يدلك العجين مرة أخرى و عندما نحصل على عجينة لينة‬ ‫( تبدأ بااللتقاق بالقصعة ) يضاف إليها ملعقتين أو ثالث‬ ‫من زيت الزيتون و تدلك حتى يتداخل مع العجينة ‪،‬و‬ ‫نستععين بالفرينة لتشكيل أقراص دائؤية و توضع كي‬ ‫تختمر و تغطى بوطة نظيفة ‪ ،‬و عند اختمارها تطهى‬ ‫ُ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ‬ ‫العجينة في صاج طيني خاص ( بوفراح تمظلوعث) على‬ ‫نار قوية ‪.‬‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫‪Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan‬‬

‫لبسيسي‪:‬‬ ‫يطهى في الصاج الطيني الذي يطهى فيه‬ ‫المطلوع لكن الفرق في العجينة إذ تحضر بخلط‬ ‫كمية ال بأس بها من الدقيق بزيت الزيتون و‬ ‫تدع حتى يختلط الزيت بالدقيق ( يقال تبسس‬ ‫الدقيق أي يدخل فيه الزيت جيدا ومن هنا أخذ‬ ‫اسمه لبسيسي) ‪ ،‬و يعجن بماء دافئ و يضاف‬ ‫له الخميرة لكن العجينة ال تكون لينة جدا بل‬ ‫متماسكة و يشكل منها أقراص دائرية تترك‬ ‫لتختمر و تطهى ‪...‬لون هذا الخبز ذهبي و‬ ‫يقرمش و يكون لذيذ جدا مع كوب من القهوة‬ ‫و الحليب ‪ ،‬كما يؤكل مع أي مرق أو طبق آخر‬ ‫‪،‬و يحتفظ به أليام الحتوائه على كمية ال بأس‬ ‫بها من الزيت ما يجعله ال يجف بسرعة‪.‬‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan


Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan



Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan


Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫أنواع أخرى من الخبز‪:‬‬ ‫ـ أرغوم أرخساس ‪ :‬نفس عجينة الخبز العادي يضاف لها القليل من‬ ‫الخميرة و تطهى في صاج الخبز‪.‬‬ ‫ـ أغروم تفوري‪ :‬هو نفسه أغروم أرخساس لكن يترك ليستريح داخل‬ ‫الدقيق لمدة حتى تتكون قشرة خارجية جافة ‪،‬و يشكل منه قرص‬ ‫يطهى في صاج الخبز أيضا‪.‬‬

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ÂŤLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Âť 139

‫ـ ثحبولت لغليع‪:‬‬ ‫يصنع قرصان من الخبز العادي على أن يكون سمكهما‬ ‫رقيقا و يوضع على أحد األقراص خليط من البصل و‬ ‫الفلفل األحمر و البهارات ‪ ،‬حبة طماطم ( ثوم ‪ ،‬كسبرة‬ ‫جافة ‪ ،‬بابريكا) ‪ ،‬و تدق كل المواد في مهراس خشبي‬ ‫‪،‬و توزع فوقه قطع من القديد ( و يستخدم قديد لحم‬ ‫الخروف ) و تغطى بالقرص الخبز الثاني ‪،‬و تطهى في‬ ‫الصاج بحذر كي ال يخرج الحشو ‪ ،‬يحضر هذا الخبز في‬ ‫عاشوراء عادة ‪.‬‬ ‫ْ َ ْ‬ ‫أغروم نفليو ( خبز بالفليو ( النعناع البري )‪:‬‬ ‫عجينة أغروم العادية يضاف لها النعناع البري كتابل‬ ‫للخبز‪ ،‬و هناك مناطق تستخدم النعناع العادي بدل‬ ‫البري و يسمى بكل بساطة « أغروم ننعناع» ( خبز‬ ‫بالنعناع )‪....‬‬

‫‪Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan‬‬

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‫في الثقافة األمازيغية الخبز سيد‬ ‫لذا هناك مقولة تظهر مكانته‬ ‫المتميزة إذ ترددها العجائز عندنا‬ ‫َ ُ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ‬ ‫دوم‪ »:‬أغروم ذزيث ربي إع ِزث» (‬ ‫الخبز بالزيت الله نفسه يعزه ( يعز‬ ‫هنا بمعنى يحبه )‪...‬‬

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

‫و لكل منطقة خبزها الخاص و لكل أسرة أسرارها الخاصة‬ ‫لتحضيره و لكنه يظل الوصفة األولى التي تتعلمها الفتاة‬ ‫األمازيغية فالمرأة التي تجيد تحضير الخبز لن تجوع أسرتها‬ ‫أبدا‪.‬‬

‫‪Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan‬‬



Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Ahora siento el aire , la brisa del mar, este olor entrañable, cuando has dejado caer sobre mi esos cristales de sal, ellos reforzarán mi sabor, ellos me ayudarán a tener un color dorado en mi caparazón. Ahora noto calor, un crujidos a mi alrededor, una luz que me hipnotiza, ahora me siento realmente diferente, ahora entiendo lo que querías hacer conmigo, puedo olerlo, puedo sentirlo, puedo verlo, puedo tocarlo puedo probarlo, ahora llegaré a ti en uno solo, pero yo te haré llegar, el trigo de aquel trigal, a través de la tierra que pudiste oler, te haré llegar el agua de aquel manantial que pudiste ver, te haré llegar la sal del mar que pudiste tocar en el aire, ahora te hare llegar el sonido de mi corteza al romper que pudiste oír con el fuego, ahora te devolveré todo lo que me hiciste sentir para que puedas sentirlo tu también. Ahora es cuando te saboreo

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

consistencia final. Querré más o menos agua y así la absorberé dependiendo del cereal que espolvorees sobre mi. Siénteme como yo te siento a ti, a través de tus manos te comunico todo lo que quieres saber de mi, ahora que estas remojándome recuerda que si el agua es ácida me endureceré pero si el agua es alcalina me suavizaré, ahora deja que me hidrate unos minutos, quiero descansar, tanto ir y venir, tanto estimulo no me deja concentrarme y recuperar mi verdadero ser, quien soy yo ahora en que me he convertido, no puedo reconocerme. Descansaré para que puedas volver a sentirme, pero esta vez de otro modo, como tu quisiste crearme.

Yo el pan

Cuando espolvoreaste sobre mi el trigo, me dijo que provenía de una finca a orillas de un pueblecito costero, cayó sobre mi finamente molido pero pude sentir como agujas las espigas sobre mi, entonces lo vi allí erguido en la tierra, moviéndose con su arquitectura tan increíble, que hermoso el trigal, quiero que lo espolvorees sobre mi porque su gluten me aporta la consistencia que necesito para no caer pero su almidón me aporta el aroma que necesito para comunicarme después El agua activa las proteínas de la harina y entonces yo me torno blando y moldeable, necesito el agua para fermentar. Mis cualidades dependerán de la composición química del agua que me das, y la proporción influirá en mi

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan


Alimento que activa los sentidos tacto oído gusto olfato vista Aroma que impregna el lugar, dejando un rastro en el camino que no puede borrarse, salvo con el tiempo. Un olor que caprichosamente busca su camino, una rendija para saludar y despertar los sentidos de aquellos que no se muestran indiferentes ante sus estímulos. Entonces nos recuerda que esta horneándose, tostándose suavemente al fuego, no puedo evitar, como hago con todo lo que me rodea, desgranar ese pan y pensar en todas esas partes que forman un todo. El pan no es lo que conozco , el pan es todo lo que existe para su nacimiento entonces es cuando veo el agua la tierra el fuego y el aire entonces es cuando vuelvo a sentir los 4 elementos que rodean el arte

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Du bist der Nährboden menschlicher Geburt. Du bist die Mutter Erde! In deinem Leib wird Korn zum reifen kommen, um sich in aller Welt dann zu vermehren.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Mutter Erde Du reife Frucht der Erde – Du Form der Mutterschaft. Der Leib des Lebens – neues Menschensaatgut schafft.

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Teil es mit mir – denn Hunger schmerzt uns alle. Vergesse nie, dass Reichtum dieser Welt – das Teilen sicherlich nicht schafft.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Der Hände Brot Alle Hände dieser Welt, formen Brot – mit ihren Händen. Sähen Samen - Früchte Kraft Ernte reich – kein Hunger schafft. Trag hinaus die Samen in die Welt fang sie auf denn Brot gibt Leben ohne Machtvoll Geld.

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Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Foamea arde pântecul... chinuie precum iadul sufletul omului. Pâine, tu eliberezi chinul , aduci speranţă şi liniste. Pâine divină, cine te mănâncă în veci nu v-a mai flamanzi. Omului i-ai fost daruită chiar de Dumnezeu. Unii te savurează... alţii te aruncă...însă tu taci. Te dărui mereu cu aceeaşi iubire, chemi la viaţă , ne chemi să fim zei... Pâine pentru suflet ... pâine pentru trup, una cu alta se îmbină în armonie, totul se împarte ca tot să fie Una. Ce taină divină, plină de har şi lumină... coajă crăpată de foc modelată, curcubeu de senzaţii... Pâine şi Trup , ancestrală comoară te-au descoperit strămoşii, artă sublimă din duh şi ţărână... . formă şi suflet... poartă divină... miracol, unime. Totul în toate... pâine divină! Ce forţă ascunde o firmitură din Tine... ea schimbă fiinţa, clădeşte voinţa, ucide dorinţa dar naşte crediţa. Minune sublimă... plătită cu sânge... eşti viaţă. Şi viaţă ne dai! Bogăţie de forme... totul e artă!

Monica Mihon

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Îmi aduci aminte de şoapta mamei care murmura o rugăciune, iar dragostea ei o împletea în fiecare pâine. O priveam cu duioşie cum de sub năframa înodată picura câte un strop de sudoare care se prelingea pe tamplă şi obraji rosii... ochii îi străluceau... iar bunătatea şi iubirea erau gustul painii. Ohhh ce gust... Mă porţi către cei dragi care nu mai sunt... dar mereu vor fi. Mă învârt într-un labirint ... nu pot să ies ... trăiesc mereu şi mereu ultima zi în care te-am împărţit cu un înger... durere sau alinare... pieptul imi arde de dor... îngerul meu... vino inapoi! Moarte şi viată, una se naşte din alta ... veşnicul dans al existenţei îl găseşti într-o fărâmă de pâine. Pâine... explozie de formă şi culoare... Maestre... ce mâini dibace ! Degetele tale se împletesc în aluat precum degetele Creatorului la facerea Omului! Te privesc cu admiraţie cum îţi afunzi degetele in făină şi începi să frămânţi incet cu fermitate , picuri ulei şi apă, presari şi sare, adaugi maie, le amesteci cu răbdare pană când aluatul prinde consistenţa în mâinile tale. Te joci... cum se joacă un copil cu sânul mamei care îl alăptează. Câtă frumuseţe! Prin mâinile tale parcă insăşi Isis ia formă ... zeiţă şi mamă, femeie şi artă, creaţie... putere... iubire... formă... divin ... Pâine coborată din cer... mană... cuvânt... dumnezeire... lipsa ta produce foame. Foame de viaţă ... foame de tărâmul divin, de casă!

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Eşti bucuria tuturor... a gospodinelor care se trezesc în zori să coacă pîinea ...pâine care sa fie caldă , aburindă pe cand glasul copiilor umple dimineaţa. Iar seara, când în jurul mesei pâinea se frânge , dupa o sfântă rugăciune şi un semn al crucii se celebrează multumirea şi pacea după o zi de trudă. Veselia se învârte in jurul tău... noapte sau zi, mereu primită cu recunoştinţă Coaptă în cuptor de piatră, ai gust de cenuşă , mă porţi în moarte... înviere...viaţă. Îmi deschizi Calea... îmi atingi simţurile, mă arunci în spirala existenţei , stârneşti pofta...aţâţi mirosul ... te topesti în gură, aluneci în maruntaie şi cu viteză nebună circuli prin releele trupului. Hrănesti. Vindeci. Transformi. Azimă în post , dulce-n sărbătoare, mereu eşti prezentă , martor tăcut al curgerii timpului prin om. Găseşti memorii de mult uitate prin cotloanele prăfuite ale minţii. Îmi aminteşti de mâinile zbârcite ale bunicii care te frământa cu iubire, curăţenie şi sfinţenie; cum seara în jurul focului te impărţeam, spuneam poveşti de viaţă, lacrimile sau râsetele se împleau cu fumul, iar gustul tău devenea deliciul tuturor.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Ai gustul pământului, al florilor, al cerului şi al divinităţii. Pământul sărută şi încleştează bobul de grâu, îl ucide ca să îl renască mai târziu, punând toată viaţa într-un firicel firav, taina vieţii care creşte spicul şi se experimentează pe sine însăsi în razele soarelui, schimbând culorile de la verdele crud al creşterii la galbenul auriu al roadei. Spicele leganate de vântul străbunilor daci ce ocrotesc ţara se apleacă intro sfântă închinare, se unduiesc precum şoldurile voluptoase al dansatoarelor cu văl, si se ridică semeţe către soare. Toate se transformă... vine timpul cănd spicele aurii devin boabe marunte, pline de sevă şi viaţă, apoi boabele măcinate la moară , strivite precum omul trecut prin furtună,ca să fie prefăcut în lumină aşa şi bobul strivit devine făină. Cu apă şi sare apoi frământată, făina cernută prin sită curată, devine amestecul care viaţa în sine ascunde.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Pâine... dar divin cu miros de tămaie şi viaţă; miros de ţară şi de tradiţie, formă împletită cu iubire, dospită cu credinţă, servită cu daruire... binecuvâtare.. Te găsesc pretutindeni cu alt chip, mereu aceeaşi esenţă. Aroma dătătoare de viaţă, îmi umple nările şi îmi desface pieptul cuprins de fierbinţeala poftei. Te privesc proaspătă, fierbinte şi aburindă. Mă seduci să îmi întind mâna să te rup, să mă înfrupt cu tine. Tu, pâine, tu porţi în tine taina vieţii, mă ameţesti şi mă porţi în trecut şi viitor; în lumi de mult uitate, în vise şi dorinţe...

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

ου ανατέθηκε στον μη κερδοσκοπικό οργανισμό «Κέντρο Λόγου & Τεχνών Τεχνοδρόμιο». Το μουσείο μεταφέρθηκε σε μεγαλύτερο και καταλληλότερο χώρο, εμπλουτίστηκε με σύγχρονο οπτικοακουστικό εξοπλισμό κατάλληλο για διαδραστική παρουσίαση ολοκληρωμένων προγραμμάτων μουσειακής αγωγής για άτομα κάθε ηλικίας με δυνατότητα παρουσίασης σε διάφορες γλώσσες και αποτελεί σήμερα εστία πλούσιας πολιτιστικής δραστηριότητας που δεν περιορίζεται στον μαγικό κόσμο του ψωμιού που παραμένει εν τούτοις η δική μου πρώτη πολιτισμική αγάπη. Δωρίτα Βοσκαρίδου

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Το βιβλίο «Το πλουμιστό ψωμί της Κύπρου» αποτέλεσε την πρώτη απόπειρά μου να εκφρασθώ για τον θαυμαστό κόσμο του ψωμιού της Κύπρου, να αποτυπώσω σε ένα κομμάτι χαρτί κάτι που για μένα ήταν η ίδια μου η ζωή, η δική μου αλήθεια, η ιστορία, ο πολιτισμός και οι παραδόσεις του τόπου μου. Αυτήν την αλήθεια θέλησα να μοιραστώ με άλλους ανθρώπους, ιδιαίτερα με τη νέα γενιά, με τα παιδιά που αποτελούν το μέλλον του τόπου μου. Γι’ αυτό προέκυψε σαν φυσική εξέλιξη της δουλειάς μου η δημιουργία το 2011 σε ένα μικρό χώρο στο κέντρο της Λεμεσού ενός μουσείου που θα φιλοξενούσε κατ’ αρχή τα αντίγραφα των πλουμιστών ψωμιών που δημιουργήθηκαν για τις ανάγκες του βιβλίου. Η μια εξέλιξη οδηγεί στην άλλη, η διαχείριση του μουσεί-

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Ψωμιά πλουμιστά της γέννησης, της βάφτισης, του αρραβώνα, του γάμου, του θανάτου. Ψωμιά πλουμιστά για την εκκλησία για τις μεγάλες γιορτές των Αγίων, για τα Χριστούγεννα, το Πάσχα, το δεκαπενταύγουστο, όλα φτιαγμένα με την αγάπη των χεριών της μάνας. Τόσα πολλά ψωμιά ζύμωσε που αν τα έβαζες το ένα πάνω στο άλλο θα έφταναν ως τον ουρανό και θα έμοιαζαν με αστέρια. Μικρά πλουμιστά αστέρια που δοξολογούν τον Δημιουργό.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

της νοικοκυράς ένα κομμάτι ζυμάρι μεταμορφωνόταν σε ένα πραγματικό έργο τέχνης της λαϊκής μας παράδοσης και του πολιτισμού μας. Κάθε τόπος, κάθε χωριό είχε τις δικές του γυναίκες που ασχολούνταν με το πλούμισμα και το στόλισμα των ψωμιών με τα δικά τους σχέδια και πλουμίδια κάνοντας το κάθε ψωμί ξεχωριστό, με πολλά κοινά στοιχεία που προσδιόριζαν την περιοχή από την οποία προερχόταν. Η Κύπρια νοικοκυρά αποτύπωσε σε ένα κομμάτι ζυμάρι, σε ένα ψωμί, όλη την ευγένεια και την αρχοντιά της ψυχής της, σε καιρούς μάλιστα δύσκολους για τον τόπο και την οικογένεια της, για να το χαρίσει στα παιδιά της, στους φίλους, τους συγγενείς, για να το προσφέρει στην εκκλησία στις μεγάλες γιορτές.

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Αυτό λοιπόν το πολύτιμο διατροφικό αγαθό, το ψωμί, η νοικοκυρά στην Κύπρο το στόλισε και το πλούμισε με λογής-λογής σύμβολα όπως σταυρούς, μαργαρίτες, σταφύλια, φύλλα, περιστέρια, κάβουρες, βάτραχους, γεωμετρικά σχήματα και σχέδια, φτιαγμένα πότε με το ζυμάρι και πότε χαραγμένα με το μαχαίρι ή το καλάμι. Σχέδια αποτύπωσε πάνω στο ψωμί με τη βοήθεια δυο πιρουνιών και μιας καθαρής κτένας που αποτελούσε εργαλείο χρησιμοποιούμενο μόνο για το πλούμισμα των ψωμιών. Με το ψαλίδι στόλισε περίτεχνα τον γύρο κάθε ψωμιού κάνοντας το να μοιάζει με πραγματικό έργο τέχνης. Στα έμπειρα χέρια

Στο μυστήριο της Θείας Ευχαριστίας οι πιστοί κοινωνούν ψωμί και κρασί που μεταβάλλονται σε σώμα και αίμα Χριστού. Από την αρχαιότητα ήταν πασίγνωστα τα εξαιρετικής ποιότητας σιτηρά της Κύπρου. Οι Κύπριοι άρτοι, ζυμωμένοι από τα περίφημα Κυπριακά σιτάρια, δεν μπόρεσαν να αφήσουν αδιάφορο τον Αθήναιο (αρχαίο Έλληνα συγγραφέα) που γράφει στο έργο του «Δειπνοσοφιστές»: «Μα είναι φοβερό να δεις και να προσπεράσεις της Κύπρου τα ψωμιά και καβαλλάρης να ’σαι γιατί σαν τον μαγνήτη τους τραβούν τους πεινασμένους.»

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Προαιώνιο αρχετυπικό σύμβολο το ψωμί. Ο άρτος ο επιούσιος. Απουσία του ψωμιού από το σπίτι σημαίνει πείνα. Για μας εδώ στην Κύπρο το ψωμί είναι «ο βασιλιάς του σπιτιού», το ψωμί είναι ο ίδιος ο Χριστός. Σε πολλά χωριά της Κύπρου κανένας από τους συνδαιτυμόνες δεν σηκωνόταν από το τραπέζι αν δεν σήκωναν πρώτα το ψωμί, τον Χριστό. Γι’ αυτό το ψωμί για μας τους Ορθόδοξους Έλληνες περιβάλλεται με ιδιαίτερο σεβασμό. Η προσφορά του άρτου στην εκκλησία για τις ανάγκες της Θείας Λειτουργιάς καθιστά το ψωμί ιερό.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Η μυρωδιά του φρεσκοψημένου ψωμιού, η ανάμνηση της ζεστασιάς που διαπερνούσε όλο σου το είναι, σαν το κρατούσες για να πάρεις δώρο στο γείτονα, στο φίλο την πρώτη ξεφουρνιά από το φούρνο της γιαγιάς αποτελούν ανεξίτηλα αγγίγματα στη ψυχή μου. Το ψωμί προσφερόμενο ως δώρο στο φίλο ή στο συγγενή αποτελεί έκφραση τιμής, αγάπης και εκτίμησης και αυτός που αποδέχεται το δώρο τιμά τον δωρητή. Έτσι το ψωμί γίνεται ο συνδετικός κρίκος ανάμεσα τους για να στερεώσει η φιλία, η αλληλοεκτίμηση και ο σεβασμός.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Η παρουσίαση στο ραδιόφωνο εκπομπής σε τοπικό κανάλι της Λεμεσού με τίτλο «Λαογραφικά», την οποία γράφω και επιμελούμαι, με βοήθησε να συστηματοποιήσω όλες τις καταγραφές και να τις εμπλουτίσω με νέες. Από όλα όσα παρουσίαζα με γοήτευσε, με μάγεψε ο κόσμος του ψωμιού της Κύπρου, άλλοτε μέσα από τη μεταφυσική του διάσταση και άλλοτε μέσα από την κοινωνιολογική και καλλιτεχνική του αξία. Το ψωμί για μας τους Έλληνες ξεπερνά με πολλαπλούς τρόπους τη χρηστική του υπόσταση που ο σύγχρονος τρόπος ζωής και η καταναλωτική μας κοινωνία προβάλλει, καθιστώντας το αυτό που πραγματικά είναι, η ουσία της ίδιας μας της ζωής.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Πριν περίπου μια εικοσαετία ξεκίνησα να καταγράφω τα ήθη και τα έθιμα της Κύπρου, τους μύθους και τα παραμύθια της, τα τραγούδια και ποιήματα, τα μαγειρέματα του λαού μας. Η παράδοση του τόπου μου με συνεπήρε. Ένας μικρός τόπος και οι άνθρωποι του να έχουν τόσες παραδόσεις και πολιτισμό αιώνων.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Der Alte wird gar ernsthaft und wiegt sein Haupt und spricht: „Was hast du angerichtet? Das ist kein Spielzeug nicht! Wo du es hergenommen, da trag es wieder hin, der Bauer ist kein Spielzeug, was kommt dir in den Sinn? Sollst gleich und ohne Murren erfüllen mein Gebot; denn wäre nicht der Bauer, so hättest du kein Brot; es sprieSt der Stamm der Riesen aus Bauernmark hervor, der Bauer ist kein Spielzeug, da sei uns Gott davor“ Burg Niedeck ist im ElsaS der Sage wohl bekannt, die Höhe, wo vor Zeiten die Burg der Riesen stand; sie selbst ist nun verfallen, die Stätte wüst und leer, und fragst Du nach den Riesen, du findest sie nicht mehr.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

er fragt das Töchterlein: „Was Zappeliges bringst du in deinem Tuch herbei? Du hüpfest ja vor Freuden; laS sehen, was es sei.“ Sie spreitet aus das Tüchlein und fängt behutsam an, den Bauer aufzustellen, den Pflug und das Gespann; wie alles auf dem Tische sie zierlich aufgebaut, so klatscht sie in die Hände und springt und jubelt laut.

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Wie jetzt zu ihren FüSen sie spähend niederschaut, bemerkt sie einen Bauer, der seinen Acker baut; es kriecht das kleine Wesen einher so sonderbar, es glitzert in der Sonne der Pflug so blank und klar. „Ei! artig Spielding!“ ruft sie, „das nehm’ ich mit nach Haus!“ Sie knieet nieder, spreitet behend ihr Tüchlein aus und feget mit den Händen, was sich da alles regt, zu Haufen in das Tüchlein, das sie zusammenschlägt, und eilt mit freud’gen Sprüngen, man weiS, wie Kinder sind, zur Burg hinan und suchet den Vater auf geschwind: „Ei Vater, lieber Vater, ein Spielding wunderschön! So Allerliebstes sah ich noch nie auf unsern Höh’n.“ Der Alte saS am Tische und trank den kühlen Wein, er schaut sie an behaglich,

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Das Riesenspielzeug Burg Niedeck ist im ElsaS der Sage wohlbekannt, die Höhe, wo vor Zeiten die Burg der Riesen stand; sie selbst ist nun verfallen, die Stätte wüst und leer, du fragest nach den Riesen, du findest sie nicht mehr. Einst kam das Riesenfräulein aus jener Burg hervor, erging sich sonder Wartung und spielend vor dem Tor und stieg hinab den Abhang bis in das Tal hinein, neugierig zu erkunden, wie’s unten möchte sein. Mit wen’gen raschen Schritten durchkreuzte sie den Wald, erreichte gegen Haslach das Land der Menschen bald, und Städte dort und Dörfer und das bestellte Feld erschienen ihren Augen gar eine fremde Welt.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Das Brot Keine Geschichte, ich sage Dir, keine Geschichte die ich gelesen habe, über Brot,hat mich so berührt wie dieses wunderschöne Gedicht. Es basiert auf einer alten Legende, die vor langer Zeit erzählt wurde. Das Brot, der Bauer, das Leben. Erzählt hier in Gedichtform von Adelbert von Chamisso.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Now it isn’t just about profit anymore. You just have to look around closely. Recently, in old town, of all places, a little bakery opened. Fresh Bread, all natural ingredients. Big,round loaves as well as the familiar shapes. No fluff. Just good, old fashioned Bread. This is not a curiosity. No. The place is busy and the Bread stays good and fresh for days. “Holds longer than most Hollywood marriages” is the light, fun motto printed on on the paper bags. Good. I bought and enjoyed. Right they are. He has broken bread with the homeless as well as ambassadors. Has loved the blueberry muffin as well as the brioche. The black bread with the brown,flour dusted crust of his youth can still be had. He is a fortunate person. And his truest lover will, with Gods grace, be always you. Bread.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

The joy of Bread was simply obtained, then. And simply,gratefully consumed. Like the time, not too long ago, in the North of Vienna, the wine-quarter. Friend Ernst, a small acreage farmer, had a few rows of vines. A joyful side-line, not even two thousand bottles a year. After the harvest, in the evening, out came a whole loaf of bread, a few rounds of cheese, a knife for each of the helpers. And wine, of course. I still have all the tastes in my memory. Black, crusty, dense, fragrant Bread,you. His wife wanted to show the citydweller (twinkling at me) the way she made the bread in this old farm house. Down we went into the basement with earthen walls and floors. The stone oven puzzled me. Just one opening, no hearth or fire grate underneath? She gently patronized me, smiling. You see, I built a good, hot fire with wood, right in there. The ashes I later push far into the back, in goes the the formed dough, door is closed, and then I wait. How long? My nose tells me. Happy were both, she having taught the educated city man, me having, once again, learned something truly useful.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

There was uncle Fritz. A master baker, short, wide, with a jumbling laugh. I was a little boy when he did show me the place where milled grain was transformed into the many, tasty shapes of bread. In the basement was magic. Large ovens with big, foreboding doors. Tables with shiny tops, long,wooden staffs with flat boards at the end. The big, still wooden troughs, three of them, contained the essence of you, Bread. Wheat,rye,corn. Each trough is filled again, daily. These were fresh and I noticed a shiny piece of wood, formed in the shape of a simple cross. See here, uncle Fritz said. The surface of each tub had the marks of three crosses. It is from God we have received Bread. Now I knew why my mom always made the sign of the cross, three times, on a new loaf of bread, at home, before she cut the first slice. The two journeyman bakers and the apprentice arrived and went to work, measuring, kneading, forming. All under the watchful eye of the master. No machines. Kaiser rolls, a staple in Vienna, were still formed by hand. Many of the, and many loaves were placed just so by the long-handled boards,and, retrieved at the right time, gave me, as little as I was, the sense of miracle. His shop was on the ground floor, opened at five in the morning. And all the products waited for the eager buyers. Fresh,fresh,fresh. Nothing was wasted. Day-old bread was ground in to bread crumbs, an important ingredient for Wiener Schnitzel, the landmark of Viennese dishes. Still more Kaiser rolls left? Cubed they were, and made the basis for Bread dumplings. See? Uncle Fritz and his wife knew what amount of this and that they would sell. Nothing wasted. Not even sometimes. The farmer came by thrice a week to bring fresh eggs. A little money exchanged hands, the rest of the payment due he took in old bread, to feed his swine. And the circle continued in a wholesome way.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

FARMER, MILLER, BAKER Is this not the holy trinity made flesh? Those who help bring you about, Bread? The farmer walks with measured steps, the bag of grain slung across his shoulders, a step, he reaches for a handful, next step he reverently, with a sweeping arm, distributes it just so amidst the furrows in the earth. He prays that this tenth of the previous harvest will grace, will justify his existence once more. Now there are the giants who, in sin, have altered the holy morsels so they produce much more, to fill the already bloated bellies and accounts of all of us. Not one of these grains can fulfill its purpose, for they are dead, cannot bring again the miracle of growth. The little African boy sits in a metal trough, his head too large for the emaciated body. His look is an indictment of the grossness of the full belly of the man behind the lens. A handful of flour only. He is dead now, perhaps he died a few moments after the shutter clicked. And the old man cried. Long sobs, thick tears running down the kind, loving face. I love you,my children, but what have you done? Just one, one handful of flour.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Here, with a loaf of Bread beneath the bough, a flask of wine, a book of verse and though, beside me singing in the wilderness. And wilderness is paradise anow. O.K/E.F.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

BREAD AND LOVE I behold you, Bread, and let my eyes touch all of you and your message fills me with longing. Can this be greedy lust or gentle desire? I beg you, let it be the latter. Are you, Bread, like my lover, whose fragrance I oft gently, oft passionately, breathe into myself? Do you, Bread, rouse up my heartbeat when I touch you and feel your beauty waiting inside? How many sounds, Bread, do you make when I brake you, gentle moans or joyful crackles, just to please my adoring ears? Now that I taste you, Bread, you are truly mine and I am truly yours. We nourish one another Sated are we both, with gratitude in every way, you in fulfilling your purpose and I for being once again one with mother earth. M.E.R.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Did not Manna rain from heaven, after the people asked the Lord? Was it not Bread? Of course it was. More than was needed. Much more. So many more images conjure up in the mind. Bread is life, and art the salt. Was bread not lifted to express divinity? Christians today celebrate mass and are given Bread as a symbol of the body of Christ, the redeemer. Bread, we have learned so much. We now have you come to us in manifold shapes and tastes. We bake you soft,crunchy,crisp,semi hard. We form the elongated, the round or square loaf. The hard roll, soft roll, pretzel,crescent or braid. Toppings, oh, so many, so fragrant! From the simple flat Bread to those of your kind which are filled with old and new ingredients, eggs,sugar, butter, oil, fruits, vegetables, seeds, grain and spices. From humble beginnings you, Bread, kept changing through the ages and are still changing today. Let it be so, I say, with gladness in my heart. And, once again, as I behold the images in this work, I am glad that we continue.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

The painting is small and unobtrusive. A rough table top, a cup and a loaf of bread, whole. The old man sits, his hands folded, his eyes closed. He never has had much. But what he received, he is thankful for. For what I am about to receive, Lord, I give thee thanks. Can we not delight in all the art man has created with Bread? From early on to now, in fresco, painting and sculpture, mankind has, with joy and reverence depicted you in many a context, in many shapes and forms. From early on you are with us, you have imbued us with respect and holiness.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

ART AND BREAD Bread in art, art in life, salt in Bread. Can we live a graceful life without them? I think not. Here, the masters of the lens and of the brush have captured many of you, Bread, in happy compositions, touching upon the multitude of you. Can we resist a smile coming upon our face when thumbing through these pages? Can we not catch a smell, or hear the sound of a piece being separated, or-joy!- the taste swirling in our mouth? Sure we can. And memories. So many images of you,Bread.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Ubiquitous the world over. Is there not one place on this blue planet, where there you are not on the table? A stack of flat Bread, a basket of rolls, a loaf of any sort? Maybe. But in this, our world, the one we are most familiar, comfortable with, no. You have evolved, Bread. So it is fitting, altogether, that we should see you as you are and dedicate this work to you. Bread. How many shapes, tastes and forms. How much joy.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

BREAD You arrived late, well after your siblings vegetable,fruit and animal. But arrive you did and are so much more than nourishment now. From the divine spark that brought grain, water and fire together, to the celebration, the joy and the art which you are today. Bread.

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

The book «The decorated bread of Cyprus» was my first attempt to express myself on the wonderful world of Cyprus bread, to capture on a piece of paper what to me was my own life, my own truth, the history, culture and tradition of my country. This truth I wanted to share with other people, especially the younger generation, the children who are the future of my country. So, it came as a natural progress of my work that in 2011, in a small space in the centre of Limassol, a museum was created to house initially the replicas of decorated breads created for the needs of the book. One development leads to another; the management of the museum was commissioned to the non-profit organization «Center for Literature & Arts Technodromio». The museum moved to a larger and more appropriate space, enriched with modern audiovisual equipment suitable for interactive presentation integrating museum education programs for people of all ages, with possible presentation in several languages and is now hosting rich cultural activity not limited to the magical world of bread, which remains, however, my own first cultural love. Dorita Voskaridou Writer – Researcher – Museum manageress The story behind the facts

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

women dealing with bread decoration with their own shapes and designs, with many common elements indicative of the bread’s origin. The Cypriot housewife imprinted on a piece of dough the kindness and nobility of her soul in times indeed difficult for the country and her family, which she consequently presented as a gift to her children, friends, relatives, or the church on major holidays. Decorated breads for every occasion; the birth, the christening, the betrothal, the marriage, the death. Breads specially decorated for the ritual needs of the church in major holidays and feasts of the Saints, for Christmas, Easter, mid-August, all made with loving hands of the housewife. So many breads she has kneaded that if you pile them on top of each other, they would reach the sky and look like stars; small decorated stars in praise of our Creator.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Khaldoon Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

So this precious staple food, the bread, was adorned and decorated by the housewife in Cyprus with various symbols, crosses, daisies, grapes, leaves, pigeons, crabs, frogs, geometric shapes and designs, made of the dough or engraved with the knife and the pole. Designs were imprinted on the bread with the help of two forks and a clean comb, a tool exclusively used for bread decoration. Scissors were used for decorating the edge of each bread, making it look like a real work of art. In the hands of the skilful housewife a piece of dough was turned into a real work of art of our tradition and culture. Every place, every village had its own

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

From ancient times the high quality grains of Cyprus were famous worldwide. Cyprus loaves kneaded from famous Cypriot grains, could not remain indifferent for Athenaeus (Ancient Greek author) who writes in his «Deipnosofistes› “But it is awesome to see and overtake Cyprus breads, even riding a horse’s back, as they attract the hungry like a magnet”

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

The smell of freshly baked bread, the memory of warmth running through my whole being, when holding the first bread out of my grandma’s wood oven, taking it as a gift to our neighbor or our friend have indelibly touched my soul. The bread, offered as a gift to a friend or relative becomes an expression of love and respect, and the recipient honors the donor by accepting the gift. So the bread becomes the link between them and clinches friendship, and mutual respect. Bread is an eternal archetypal symbol. Our Daily Bread. Absence of bread from home means famine. For us here in Cyprus bread is «the king of the house», bread is Jesus Christ himself. In many villages none of the diners would leave the table before the bead was taken away first. For this reason, bread for us Orthodox Greeks is surrounded with great respect. The offering of bread for the ritual needs of the church makes bread sacred. In the sacrament of the Eucharist the congregation takes the Holy Communion as bread and wine changed into the body and blood of Christ.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

About twenty years ago I started recording the mores and customs of Cyprus. Myths and legends, songs and poems, cooking habits and recipes of our people. The elegance of this area captivated me. Such a small place and yet people with so rich traditions and culture maintained and enriched through centuries. The presentation of this work through a radio programme that I produced for a local radio broadcasting station in Limassol, entitled “Laography”, helped me to systematize all the recordings and the data that I had collected and to enrich my collection with new staff. Of all the material that I had collected, I was charmed by the world of the bread, occasionally through its metaphysical dimension and in other occasions through its sociological and artistic value. The bread for us Greeks in many ways surpasses its utilitarian status that the modern way of life and our consumers’ society imposes, making it what it really is; the essence of our life itself.

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Bread for the World! As a company of bakers for bakers, we, at backaldrin Arab Jordan, felt

it is a must to participate in this valuable Book. Bread with all its shapes, beauty, smells and multiples tastes needs an appreciation from us. Bread for the World! Therefore we decided to support as joint patrons this remarkable work. As a company of bakers for bakers, we, at backaldrin Arab Jordan, felt Today, we recognize that this amazing book is celebrating beauty and it is a must to participate in this valuable Book. Bread with all its shapes, grandeur of Bread and as art give life a shape…bread give life a meaning, beauty, smells and multiples tastes needs an appreciation from us. this is the bases of our contribution in this Book as we realized that in Therefore we decided to support as joint patrons this remarkable work. all forms of Bread there is an artistic handcraft which is very much so As a company of bakers for bakers, we, at backaldrin Arab Jordan, felt linked to art . it is a must to participate in this valuable Book. Bread with all its shapes, Today, we recognize that this amazing book is celebrating beauty and beauty, smells and multiples tastes needs an appreciation from us. grandeur of Bread and as art give life a shape…bread give life a meaning, We hope by this joint work with Rowaq Al‐Balqa Foundation for Arts, Therefore we decided to support as joint patrons this remarkable work. this is the bases of our contribution in this Book as we realized that in we deliver to the local and international community our sincere all forms of Bread there an World artistic handcraft which is end very much so gratitude to the Bread of is the and having faith to hunger in Today, we recognize that this amazing book is celebrating beauty and linked to art . the world. grandeur of Bread and as art give life a shape…bread give life a meaning, this is the bases of our contribution in this Book as we realized that in We hope by this joint work with Rowaq Al‐Balqa Foundation for Arts, all forms of Bread there is an artistic handcraft which is very much so we deliver to the local and international community our sincere linked to art . gratitude to the Bread of the World and having faith to end hunger in the world. We hope by this joint work with Rowaq Al‐Balqa Foundation for Arts, we deliver to the local and international community our sincere gratitude to the Bread of the World and having faith to end hunger in Mahmoud Khader Vice President the world.

Mahmoud Khader Vice President “backaldrin is widely known to be the leading manufacturer in Austria of baking ingredients. The company operates

successfully in more than 90 countries. Founded in 1964 and family-owned, backaldrin produces more than 400 baking ingredients and mixes for bread, baked goods and pastries. The company’s headquarters is located in Asten, Austria. From it, backaldrin exports products to the entire world. backaldrin employs more than 740 people. “Kornspitz®” is one of backaldrin’s brands. It is the most successful trademarked baked good in Europe. In 2006, the company set up another production facility. It is located in Amman/Jordan and serves the Near and Middle East countries and the African markets. From the beginning backaldrin Arab Jordan Ltd developed to the most important representation of the backaldrin group worldwide.” “backaldrin is widely known to be the leading manufacturer in Austria of baking ingredients. The company operates successfully in more than 90 countries. Founded in 1964 and family-owned, backaldrin produces more than 400 baking ingredients and mixes for bread, baked goods and pastries. The company’s headquarters is located in Asten, Austria. From it, backaldrin exports products to the entire world. backaldrin employs more than 740 people. “Kornspitz®” is one of backaldrin’s brands. It is the most successful trademarked baked good in Europe. In 2006, the company set up another production facility. It is located in Amman/Jordan and serves the Near and Middle East countries and the African markets. “backaldrin is widely known toArab be the leading manufacturer in Austria of baking ingredients. The company operates From the beginning backaldrin Jordan Ltd developed to the most important representation of the backaldrin group successfully worldwide.” in more than 90 countries. Founded in 1964 and family-owned, backaldrin produces more than 400 baking ingredients and mixes for bread, baked goods and pastries. The company’s headquarters is located in Asten, Austria. From it, backaldrin exports products to the entire world. backaldrin employs more than 740 people. “Kornspitz®” is one of brands. It is the most successful trademarked baked good in Europe. In 2006, the company set up another backaldrin’s production facility. It is located in Amman/Jordan and serves the Near and Middle East countries and the African markets. From the beginning backaldrin Arab Jordan Ltd developed to the most important representation of the backaldrin group worldwide.”

Mahmoud Khader Vice President

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Bread for the World! As a company of bakers, we, at Backaldrin Arab Jordan, felt it is a must to participate in this valuable Book. Bread with all its shapes, beauty, smell needs an appreciation from us therefore we decided to come on board as joint patrons of this remarkable work. Today, we recognize that this creative book is celebrating beauty and grandeur of Bread and as art give life a shape‌bread give life a meaning, this is the bases of our contribution in this Book as we realized that in all forms of Bread there is an artistic handcraft which is very much so linked to art . We hope by this joint work with Rowaq Al-Balqa Foundation for Arts, we deliver to the Local and International community our sincere gratitude to the Bread of the World and having faith to end hunger.

Mahmoud Khader Vice President

Fadi Daoud . Painting . Jordan

Bread for the World! As a company of bakers, we, at Backaldrin Arab Jordan, felt it is a must to participate in this valuable Book. Bread with all its shapes, beauty, smell needs an appreciation from us therefore we decided to come on board as joint patrons of this remarkable work. Today, we recognize that this creative book is celebrating beauty and grandeur of Bread and as art give life a shape‌bread give life a meaning, this is the bases of our contribution in this Book as we realized that in all forms of Bread there is an artistic handcraft which is very much so linked to art . We hope by this joint work with Rowaq Al-Balqa Foundation for Arts, we deliver to the Local and International community our sincere gratitude to the Bread of the World and having faith to end hunger.

Mahmoud Khader Vice President

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