January 13

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T h e C a p e F e a r ’ s A l t e r n a t iv e Vo i c e f o r o v e r 2 5 y e a r s !


25 / pub 28 / FREE / JanuaRy 13-19, 2010


)88-2+ )6732%0 Singer/songwriter Jeremy Aggers returns to Port City

Photo by: Zack Arias/UsedFilm

encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

hodge podge

contents vol.

What’s inside this week

25 / pub 27 / January 6-12, 2010


news & views.....................4-6 4 op-ed: Gwenyfar Rohler cranks out another installment of her “Live Small. Live Local”

COVER STORY: Jeremy Aggers


6 news of the weird: Chuck Shepherd

The Port City welcomes with open arms the return of singer/songwriter Jeremy Aggers, playing at The Whiskey on Wednesday, January 20th. Aggers has an unassuming yet powerful stage presence and has already released his debut EP, What

It Comes Down To (left). Joining him for this return performance will be local artists Jackson Avenue and Andy Bilinski. Read Adrian Varnam’s interview with Aggers on page 17, and clear the calendar for the night of the 20th. The doors open at 8pm, and admission is only $3.

finds the oddities of crime.

artsy smartsy ...................8-23 8 theater: MJ Pendleton reviews Red Barn’s “The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife.”

11 art preview: Lauren Hodges gets the details on “Where the Lines Cross,” a new installation exhibit at UNCW.

13 gallery guide: See what local galleries are hanging.

best of 2010

The time is upon us! There is less than week until the voting for Best Of 2010 ends: Tuesday, January 19th. Go to www. encorepub.com to make your voices heard! Categories range from Best Hair Salon to Best Steak, Best Women’s Clothing Store to Best Real Estate Agency. Tell us what you love best in our fabulous Port City!

spring wilmington restaurant week

Be prepared for our second Wilmington Restaurant Week: April 28th-May 2nd. Locals will have the amazing opportunity to indulge in outstanding cuisine that our best restaurants serve. Get details at www. wilmingtonrestaurantweek.com!

late-night funnies

“There’s a rumor floating around that we were cancelled. I heard it coming in this morning. So far, nobody’s said anything to me. But Kev, if we did get cancelled, give us time to maybe do some traveling. In fact, I understand FOX is beautiful this time of year.”—Jay Leno “Do you folks know anything about the Skull and Bones society? It’s like a fraternal organization, at Yale University. Well, they’re auctioning off a human skull. And I was thinking about this. I believe this is the first empty skull to come out of Yale, well, I think since George W. Bush, actually.”—David Letterman “Now, some people are really upset because President Obama has decided to redecorate the Oval Office, and he got rid of former President Bush’s bust of Winston



Editor-in-ChiEf: Shea Carver

Art dirECtor Sue Cothran

AssistAnt Editor: Emily Rea

AdvErtising sAlEs:

intErn: Zach McKeown

John Hitt: Downtown, Carolina Beach

ChiEf Contributors: Adrian Varnam, Nicki Leone, Anghus Houvouras, Carolyna Shelton, Rosa Bianca, MJ Pendleton, Ashley Cunningham, Robert Blanton, Lauren Hodges, Tiffanie Gabrielse, Tom Tomorrow, Chuck Shepherd

Kris Beasley: Wrightsville Beach, N. Wilmington Shea Carver: Midtown, Monkey Junction Promotions mAnAgEr: John Hitt distribution: Reggie Brew, John Hitt

encore is published weekly, on Wednesday, by Wilmington Media. opinions of contributing writers are not necessarily the opinions of encore.

encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

CorrespondenCe: p.o. Box 12430, Wilmington, n.C. 28405 email@encorepub.com • www.encorepub.com phone: (910) 791-0688 • Fax: (910) 791-9177

Churchill. When he heard about it, Bush was furious and said, ‘Winston Churchill? I thought that was Higgins from ‘Magnum P.I.’”—Conan O’Brien “Hey, a man in Washington, D.C., was apprehended by Secret Service yesterday for taking off his clothes and jogging naked near the White House. In related news, I say that’s probably the last time Biden ever takes Ambien.”—Jimmy Fallon “I guess the CBO is the ‘Congressional Badonkadonk Office.’ ... Ladies, put your husbands to bed and hide your ovaries [on screen: footage of Orszag on talk shows]. Maybe you couldn’t feel it through the TV screen, but I am telling you! I interviewed this guy. He’s got the kavorka.”—Jon Stewart “Folks, I fear we are headed back to those dark days between 1972 and 1976 when a liberal Supreme Court outlawed the death penalty just because it was being ‘wantonly and freakishly imposed.’ Come on! If we outlawed everything that was wanton and freakish, what would happen to Lady Gaga?”—Stephen Colbert, on reports the death penalty is “fading from use”

word of the week

o•nus [OH-nuhs] noun. Origin: mid 17th-century Latin. 1. A burden; an obligation; a disagreeable necessity. 2. a: A stigma. b: Blame. 3. The burden of proof. Synonyms: responsibility, liability, obligation, duty, weight, load, charge, mantle, encumbrance; cross to bear, millstone round one’s neck, albatross. Sentence: “The onus is on you to show that you have suffered loss.

15 film review: Anghus gives a rare five stars to new movie The Road.

16-17 music previews: Shea Carver interviews the mastermind behind the new Mixtape Grotto, Aaron Harvey; Adrian Varnam interviews singer/songwriter Jeremy Aggers for his return to the Port City.

18-21 soundboard: Find out what bands and solo musicians are playing shows in venues all over town.

grub & guzzle..................20-23 22 dining review: Shea Carver indulges in three ocal bakeries.

24-27 dining guide: Need a few suggestions on where to eat? Flip through encore’s dining guide for the scoop on the Port City’s finest.

extra! extra! ...................28-35 28 creative writing: Claude Limoges presents the second installment of her fiction series, “An Involuntary Intimate.”

29 creative writing: Carolyna addresses the Snuggie and New Year’s resolutions.

30-35 calendar/’toons/corkboard: Find out where to go and what to do about town with encore’s calendar; check out Tom Tommorow

and encore’s annual ‘toons winner, R. Blanton; read the latest saucy corkboard ads.

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encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

below Live Local. Live Small.

6 News of the Weird

Live Local. Live Small. Film Incentive now in effect in North Carolina


ith the new year arriving comes the new Film Incentive Package for the state of North Carolina. Though some may disagree with me, this is a fabulous long-term investment in our local economy. [Personal Disclaimer: The love of my life, Jock Brandis, worked in the film industry for well over 30 years as a gaffer before he invented the peanut sheller. His son is now earning a living following in his father’s foot steps, so, yes, we are biased in favor of film incentives. Read on to find out just how biased.] Allow me to tell a story about a movie Jock worked on in Arkansas in the 1980s. A film company shows up in a small town to make a movie, and during the first week the locals are star-stuck with the idea. By the second week, life has begun to get interrupted, and

by: Gwenyfar Rohler it has become clear that none of them are going to be given the lead. By the third week, people are complaining about having streets blocked off and traffic delayed, etc. The production manager came in to work on Monday of week four and made the announcement that henceforth all money that the company spent—pay checks, per diem, gas, rentals of tents, chairs, port-o-johns trucks and cars; food, set dressing purchases, props purchases; basically, everything—would be paid for in cash, and every bill would be stamped with the title of the production. And within a week, the grumbling stopped. Because cash registers throughout out town were stuffed with these bills, stamped with the produc-

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tion company’s name—a very visual display of how much money the movie was bringing into the town. For local retailers (such as myself), both the immediate and long-term benefits are enormous. We have made a name for ourselves as a “go-to” place for set dressers. Face it: Having someone call and say, “I need 40 feet of hardback books, circa 1945, bindings in brown, black and red, in two hours” is very helpful if found locally and sent to by a couple of guys with a truck rather than having to order them from a props house out of state and await delivery. Instead they rent them from us, spending money locally. There are days that our entire month of expenses are covered by one visit from “One Tree Hill.” But the long-term benefits are enormous as well—even if harder to measure. We are the book store in the Margaret Mitchell Story. We have tourists come from Japan to see it (and they all buy a souvenir). They also all need a place to stay and food to eat while they are here. We have not had a week go by without someone walking in the door to say they are visiting Wilmington because they are huge fans of “One Tree Hill” or “Dawson’s Creek”—and, again, they buy souvenirs and need a place to stay and food to eat while they are here. And just in case readers forgot, we have had a couple of cult

encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

classics filmed here, like Blue Velvet, Dream a Little Dream and Katherine Hepburn’s last role, Truman Capote’s A Christmas Story, which still bring people into our town. An even tougher benefit to measure—but a very real one—is our incredible performing-arts community. It is virtually impossible to go a day of the year without the opportunity to see live theater in the Wilmington area. This is a direct result of the film industry. During its boom in the ‘90s, it attracted not only crew members and fans who were hoping to rub shoulders with the famous, but also an incredible pool of talent hoping to launch performance careers. Is it an accident? We have over 20 active theater companies in town (that number gets close to 30 when including children’s theater). We have free Shakespeare on the Green every summer! We also have a nationally recognized independent film festival that grew up right here. From Twinkle Doon, a group of filmmakers and actors working to make independent films, Cucalorus has grown, bringing people from all over the globe to Wilmington every fall. And guess what? They, too, all need a place to stay and something to eat while they are here. Happy New Year, North Carolina; enjoy the Film Incentives Package and the longterm investment in our local economy.

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encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 5

d r i e w e h t f o s w e n Chuck Shepherd digs up the strangest of the strange in world news

LEAD STORY Big-time traffickers who smuggle illegal immigrants into the U.S. from Mexico rely on GPS devices to evade the Border Patrol, but starting in June, borderjumpers who travel on their own can have protection, too. Three University of California, San Diego faculty members have designed inexpensive cell phones with special software to locate water, churches and medical facilities in the treacherous Southwest desert (while avoiding law enforcement) and will give the devices to Mexican charities. The phones, which will also feature “welcome to the U.S.” poetry, are expected to save the lives of many of the hundreds who die each year on their dangerous journeys, but illegal-immigration protesters are demanding that the academics be arrested for assisting in crimes.

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encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

The Continuing Crisis A man identified in China’s Chongqing Evening News in November as Mr. Zhang, 32, admitted he is competitive with his wife and “never wants to lose an argument,” but inevitably his contentiousness leaves him with “bruises and scars all over” because Mrs. Zhang is a kung fu master. After negotiations led by Mrs. Zhang’s parents, she agreed by contract to limit any beatings to no more than once a week, with a parentadministered penalty for exceeding that. American Jonathan Littell was awarded the 2009 “Bad Sex in Fiction” award by Britain’s prestigious Literary Review, having written passages like these in his novel “The Kindly Ones”: “I [climaxed] suddenly, a jolt that emptied my head like a spoon scraping the inside of a soft-boiled egg.” Later: A woman’s genitalia resembles “a Gorgon’s head ... a motionless Cyclops whose single eye never blinks. If only I could still get hard, I thought, I could use my [organ] like a stake hardened in the fire, and blind this Polyphemus who made me Nobody. But my [organ] remained inert, I seemed turned to stone.” The Kirklees (West Yorkshire, England) Environmental Health department cited farmer Ronald Norcliffe, 65, in 2008 for inadequate lighting in his barn, which inspectors said failed to meet the “psychological needs” of his one cow and her calf. In his formal appeal, heard in October 2009, Norcliffe noted (unsuccessfully) that he has had a clean record as a farmer for 30 years and that in fact, he still lives fine without electricity in his own house. After his defeat, Norcliffe’s lawyer sighed. “I still have no idea how much lighting is appropriate for a cow.” In December, a court in Istanbul, Turkey, found 39 people guilty of trying to overthrow the government after a trial that lasted, on and off, for 28 years. More than 1,000 defendants had been rounded up after challenging a 1980 military coup. The original trial lasted 10 years, but the case languished in an appeals court for 13 years while judges awaited 100 folders of evidence that had somehow gone missing. The 39 were given life sentences, but were immediately released based on time already served. The European Union has urged that Turkey upgrade its judicial system as a precondition for membership. Intelligent Design: As with all copulating species, female Muscovy ducks battle male Muscovy ducks over which controls fertilization. Patricia Brennan of Yale, writing in a recent Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, found that the female Muscovy avoids forced sex by having evolved a clockwise-spiraled corkscrew vagina that

foils male intruders (but relaxing it for preferred mates, so that they don’t get stuck in vaginal “cul-de-sacs”). Brennan’s team worked with high-speed video and mock-up glass tubing of the respective organs. News That Sounds Like a Joke Plastic surgeon Mark Weinberger, who skipped town in Merrillville, Ind., in 2004 to avoid mounting malpractice lawsuits and Medicare fraud charges, was finally cornered living in a tent on the southern slopes of Italy’s Mont Blanc in December. As authorities approached to arrest him, Dr. Weinberger grabbed a knife and plunged it into his neck, but perhaps owing to his rusty skills (or incompetence, if the malpractice claims are accurate), missed the major artery and was captured. The Great Yarmouth Sea Life Centre in Norfolk, England, lowered the water level in its giant aquarium for Christmas because the big turtles (which are herbivores) were scheduled to receive their annual holiday treat of brussels sprouts. Officials know from experience that if they fail to lower the water level, the gas bubbles from the powerful turtle emissions will lift the water high enough to trigger the emergency tank-flooding buzzers. Just Can’t Stop Myself! In November, Oprah Winfrey’s mother, Vernita Lee, and the luxury fashion store Valentina Inc. announced a settlement of the latter’s lawsuit over Lee’s $155,547 outstanding tab. On a previous tab of $174,285 in 2002, Lee had agreed to make periodic repayments, but the store apparently allowed her to open another account, and as the new balance swelled, Lee sued, claiming the store should not have re-extended credit to her. In December, pedophile Theodore Sypnier (the first-ever New Yorker to turn 100 years old while behind bars) was released from prison even though he continues to deny that he has done anything wrong. He was sent once again to a halfway house near Walden, N.Y., run by Rev. Terry King, who took Sypnier in twice before and warns that Sypnier is still highly dangerous. “As a father,” said King, “I would not want my child anywhere near him.” Noting that Sypnier continues to reject counseling, King said, “He’s been adamant that, ‘I’m 100, and I’m not gonna change.’” Least Competent Criminals Failed to Keep a Low Profile: (1) A news summary of traffic stops on Christmas Eve in Alice Springs, Australia, noted that 11

people were charged with DUI, including one man who was spotted driving despite his car’s hood being broken in the “up” position and having smashed through his windshield. The driver maneuvered down the street by craning his neck out the side window. (2) Two weeks earlier, in Trumbull, Conn., police arrested Christopher Frazao, 27, after watching him drive despite a windshield full of snow (except for a small opening he could peer though). A search of the car revealed marijuana and other drugs, as well as items believed to have been stolen in recent burglaries. Having Fun Now! On the heels of the “Balloon Boy” fiasco in which a super-ambitious father exploited his child to win a reality TV job, Jim Dunn of North Vancouver, British Columbia, submitted a demo reel to reality-show producers featuring him and his entire family turned into gasoline-soaked fireballs. Dunn, one of Canada’s leading film stunt men, and his wife and three kids, ages 15, 12 and 9, have all performed as stunt doubles (though it was the first fire for the youngest, who was 7 when the video was shot), and abundant safety precautions were taken (with no resulting complications). In his career, Dunn has suffered six leg fractures and a cracked skull, and needed two bowel resections. A News of the Weird Classic (April 1993) Psychology professor Russell Carney of Southwest Missouri State University told the Associated Press in August 1992 that he had developed a technique for improving memory and told the reporter how he could facilitate the recall, say, that a particular painting was done by Degas in 1865. First, think of an object that sounds like “Degas” (day-GAH), for example, “dagger,” and then memorize the last two digits of the year by learning the sentence “Twin new moons rose low, just clearing four pine saplings,” in which the first word begins with a T and stands for “1,” the second, N, stands for “2,” and so on. Thus, 1865 becomes “65,” which becomes “just” “low,” which could translate to J-L, which could be “jelly,” which would produce a “jelly dagger,” to which the subject tries to find a resemblance, somewhere, in the Degas painting. Simple as that! Read News of the Weird daily at www.WeirdUniverse.net. Send your Weird News to WeirdNews@earthlink.net or P.O. Box 18737, Tampa Florida, 33679.

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below Theater 11-13 Art 15 Film

16-21 Music

Poop and Circumstance: Red Barn Studio Theatre presents high and low humor with ‘The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife’


he Tale of the Allergist’s Wife� is a relatively innocuous play title for playwright Charles Busch who also wrote “Vampire Lesbians from Sodom,� “Psycho Beach Party� and “Die Mommie Die.� Busch, an infamous drag queen, has often played the principal female role on stage and screen, but the main character in this play was created for Linda Lavin, who was nominated for a Tony Award. Busch won the Outer Critics Circle John Gassner Award for Outstanding Playwrighting. In the Red Barn production, Barbara Weetman plays Marjorie and Lavin assumes the role of Frieda, her mother. Though Red Barn has produced several serio-comic plays, “The Allergist’s Wife� is the first ubiquitous comedy. As usual, the production is perfection.

by: MJ Pendleton

The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife

HHHHH Red Barn Studio Theatre, 1122 S. Third Street January 13-February 20 Wednesday-Saturday, 8pm Sunday matinees, 3pm Tickets: 762-0955 The plot focuses on desperate New-York housewife Marjorie, who is rendered directionless and depressed following the death

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encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

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HILARIOUSLY WONDERFUL: Linda Lavin and Barbara Weetman play opposite one another as mother and daughter in the Red Barn Studio production of “The Allergist’s Wife.�

of her therapist. She vacillates between ennui and angst, ignoring her good-natured, egomaniac husband (Jason Hatfield) and her decidedly annoying mother. Relief arrives in the persona of a childhood friend, Lee Green (Rachel Lewis) whose life appears to be the antithesis of Marjorie’s. Apparently intimate with the rich and famous, Lee has led an exciting, fulfilling life. Alarmingly, this alter ego may be a figment of Marjorie’s imagination. Director Steve Bakunas has assembled a terrific cast. Tall, willowy Weetman is gracefully languid in bored despair and confidently sophisticated in action. She is also funny, funny, funny. The repartÊe between Weetman and Lavin is impeccably timed and liberally sprinkled with comic mugging. Weetman does so much with those big eyes! Lavin somehow elevates the repetitive scatological humor to an art form with vocal inflection, toss-away lines and such faces! She plays a much older woman with a walker, a bit of palsy and an endlessly irritable bowel. Every time her daughter tries to eat something, Frieda grosses her out with too much information. Lavin delightfully and ex-

pressively shares her triumphant glee with the audience. The two actors are hilariously wonderful together. Lewis is also brilliant as the effervescent, name-dropping femme fatale. She energizes the stage as she injects drama into the lives of the other characters. Hatfield’s role as Ira is not as exciting or humorous, but he somehow remains likable despite his pomposity. Like he did in his role as Boolie in “Driving Miss Daisy,� Hatfield conveys warmth that transcends the dialogue. The comedy is both high and low humor, and the audience on opening night responded enthusiastically to it all. It is difficult to imagine dozens of poop references being funny, but the skill of the delivery somehow sustained the humor, which also included clever, snappy one-liners. There is an underlying feel-good message in the play, which champions family solidarity, so it is simply impossible to walk away without a smile. Bakuna’s fixed set design of an upscale New-York apartment is gorgeous, and the properties and set decorations by Shane Fernando are precisely detailed and meticulously chosen. “The Allergist’s Wife� is the perfect entertainment for this cold, cold joyless January. Laughter is a necessity, not a luxury, and this play will make even the crankiest curmudgeon laugh.


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Puzzle Pieces: UNCW art students connect at Boseman Gallery by: Lauren Hodges

Where the Lines Cross An installation, featuring the work of UNCW art students Ann Flack Boseman Gallery January 20th artist reception, 6-7:30pm


hen Meredith Connelly, a junior at UNCW, began working at the Ann Flack Boseman Gallery, one of her assignments was to design an installation for the space. As a studio-art major, part of her internship was to coordinate an original exhibit. Most interns before her had used the opportunity to showcase their own works. Connelly, however, had a different idea. “I decided to make the show about the art community here at the school,” she says. “We put out a call for work from students.” Although, this won’t be just another student art show. The theme of the exhibit is connectivity; each piece will be incorporated into another, creating a chain installation throughout the gallery. Connelly’s job was to figure out where each selected work belonged in the project. “It was as if I was solving a visual puzzle,” she says. “While designing, my goal was to find connections between the submitted forms. By finding the connections, I was able to suspend the forms and position them so that they created a visual relationship with one another.”

RELATIONAL ART: “Where the Lines Cross,” a new installation exhibit at Boseman Gallery, will feature the work of the art community at UNCW.

The project was a challenge, mostly because there were no regulations on material or medium. All shapes and textures were welcome. As a result, the gallery wound up with a room full of wax, wood, metal, bass strings and wire, newspaper, and even trash bags. “I was so excited about the talent we had participating in the show,” Connelly. says. “There was such a diverse collection, which is great, but finding a way to relate them to one another was going to take some creative thinking.” One string of harmony among the sub-

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missions was a color requirement. Connellly decided to keep the installation in blacks, grays and whites. “Choosing a pallette definitely helped to unify everything,” she says. As Connelly and her cohorts spent hours transforming the Boseman Gallery into a large-scale sculpture, they had one more project in the works: Aaron Blakely, a UNCW alumni, filmed and edited a lapsed-time video of the whole process. “It’s going to be projected onto the wall through the sculpture during the exhibit,” Connelly informs. “I’ve seen the film, and it’s so incredible. It really adds to the atmosphere of connectivity.” This aspect of the show is particularly important to Connelly. Instead of featur-

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Anne McCombie is offering new techniques acquired and inspired by HIROSHI, “North Carolina‘s Living Treasure” and the UNCW Art Department

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ing her own work or work that she admires, she was inspired to show the public a representation of the community she loves. “I really felt that it was important to show the work connected and working together to create the sculpture,” she says. “It’s a metaphor for how artists lean on each other and draw from one another.” Mostly, she hopes that the visual will inspire others to support local artists. “We have a lot of talent in Wilmington,” she continues, having lived here since she was a little girl. “So much of it comes from this school, and I think all of us hope that it will be fostered outside of the university setting.” UNCW’s Ann Flack Boseman Gallery presents “Where the Lines Cross,” featuring the work of Meredith Connelly, Diana Brenson, Tricia Chacon, Kristen Cheshire, Danielle Dewar, Stella Duplass, Sean Klein, Elizabeth McAdams, Randy Seller, Maggie Sumney, Alexandra Widman, and Anne Marie Wilson. An artist reception will be held on January 20th from 6-7:30pm. The Boseman Gallery is located in the Fisher University Union on the UNCW campus. Hours are Monday through Saturday from 10am-8pm. Call 910.962.7972 for more information.

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1701 Wrightsville Ave 910 343 5233 Mon-Sat, 12-9pm; Sunday, 1-6pm www.artfuelinc.com www.myspace.com/artfuel_inc Artfuel.inc is located at the corner of Wrightsville Ave and 17th st. Housed in an old gas station, we offer resident artists working in studios alongside a gallery space used to exhibit other artists work. We hope to connect artists with each other and offer many styles of work to fuel the public’s interest. Currently, Artfuel, Inc. will showcase Volume 22, a graffiti extravaganza, featuring Stevie Mack, Kid Mike, Mathew Curran, Camden Noir and Eye Dee. Live tagging will be done throughout the evening on a wall built specially for the event. All are welcome.

Crescent Moon

332 Nutt St, The Cotton Exchange (910) 762-4207 Mon.-Sat., 10am-5:30pm; Sun., 12-4pm www.crescentmoonnc.com Keeping it local…Crescent Moon has partnered with Old Growth Riverwood on Castle Hayne Road to supply hand-made shelving crafted from reclaimed wood from The Cape Fear River for our new display area in the gift gallery. The new display area will be primarily dedicated to the promotion of local glass and metal artists at Crescent Moon. We now have ten local glass artists associated with us. Old Growth Riverwood reclaims lost pieces of history and transforms them into unique and beautiful wood products for home or business. Old Growth Riverwood is committed to being environmentally responsible and does not cut down any living trees to produce their products. This project partnership speaks to a mutual philosophy, of buying and using hand-made and environmentally conscience work when possible. One reason we love our location within The Cotton Exchange is the reuse of the wonderful historic buildings that have been so much a part of the downtown area. Hours: Monday- Saturday 10am-5:30pm and Sundays 12pm-4pm. Crescent Moon is located in The Cotton Exchange where parking is free while shopping or dining. Follow us on twitter as CrescentMoonNC or become a fan on our Facebook page!

FastFrame Gallery

1319 Military Cutoff Rd. ª Landfall Center (910) 256-1105 Mon.-Fri.., 10am-6pm • Sat., 10am-4pm www.fastframeofwilmington.com FASTFRAME Gallery is pleased to present the Second Annual Fill the Cupboard Art Show: “Ordinary View, Extraordinary Vision,” November 13 through December 31, featuring Terry Rosenfelder’s sophisticated oils, M. Matteson Smith’s unique paper sculptures, and Sara Westermark’s original jewelry designs. Again this year, FASTFRAME cheerfully encourages and will be delighted to accept food and financial contributions to help several of our local food banks. Come meet the artists at the Opening Reception on Friday, November 13, from 5:00 until 7:30 p.m., with wine tasting by WineStyles and appetizers by The Sandwich Pail.

Hampstead Art Gallery

14712 Hwy. 17 N. • (910) 270-5180 Mon.-Sat. 11am-5pm, or by appt. Hampstead, NC “Beautiful; lots of variety.” “Love the place.” “Beautiful art work.” “Very nice.” “Art rocks your socks, and you know that.” These are just what a few customers had to say about Hampstead Art Gallery. Come and tell us what you think. Affordable prices on prints and originals. Local artists with various styles and taste are just excited about having the opportunity to share their work with all art lovers. Our artists offer different sizes from what we have on display and low rates on commissioned work. Christmas is very close, and a family portrait would be a great gift. Owner Charles Turner invites all artists and art lovers to just hang out in our new Artist Lounge any time. Look for our upcoming Expos and Open House. Hampstead Art Gallery is located in Hampstead on the corner of Factory Road next to CVS Pharmacy.

New Elements Gallery

216 N. Front St. • (919) 343-8997 Tues-Sat: 11am-5:30pm or by appointment www.newelementsgallery.com New Elements Gallery is celebrating 25 years in downtown Wilmington! Featuring fine art and

contemporary craft by regional and nationally recognized artists, the gallery offers changing exhibitions each month. Join us on January 22nd from 6-9 PM for New Beginnings, a collection of recent works by our gallery artists. Enjoy the variety available by over fifty artists, which includes choices in paintings, sculpture, ceramics, glass, jewelry, wood and mixed media. New Beginnings will be on display now through February 20th. New Elements Gallery offers custom framing and art consultation services by appointment.

pattersonbehn art gallery

511 1/2 Castle Street (910) 251-8886 Tues.-Sat. 11am-5pm (Winter: closed Monday) www.pattersonbehn.com pattersonbehn picture framing & design has added an art gallery to their space, featuring several local artists. Currently on display are works by Bob Bryden, Michelle Connolly, Karen Paden Crouch, Virginia Wright-Frierson and Pam Toll. The gallery offers a large selection of works on paper in numerous media. In addition there are many different gift ideas, such as hand-gilded table-top frames and oneof-a-kind keepsake boxes. The gallery offers something for everybody.

Sunset River Marketplace

10283 Beach Dr., SW (NC 179). (910) 575-5999 • Mon.-Sat. 10am-5pm (Winter hours: closed Monday) www.sunsetrivermarketplace.com myspace.comsunsetrivermarketplace This eclectic, spacious gallery, located in the historic fishing village of Calabash, N.C., features fine arts and crafts by some of North and South Carolina’s most creative, successful artists. Almost every genre is represented here—oil, pastel and watercolor, clay and glass art, fiber art, turned wood, metal works, artisan-crafted jewelry and more. Classes, workshops, pottery studio, custom framing, Creative Exchange lecture series and Coffee With the Author series are also offered on-site.

Wanna be onthe gallery page?

Wilmington Art Association Gallery

616B Castle St. (910) 343-4370 www.wilmington-art.org tart the New Year off right! Our January member’s meeting is an opportunity to sign up for classes, workshops and monthly Gallery Special Events (open to all WAA members!) Schedules and information regarding several offsite shows and all the benefits of being a WAA member will be presented. We invite all members and the general public to attend the Wilmington Art Association January Meeting on Thursday, January 14th at 6:30 pm. It’s at the Arboretum starting with social time at 6:30 followed by the year’s events presentation at 7pm and business meeting following that. Join us for a great start to the New Year! RESALE AT THE GALLERY of artists’ materials, frames, beautiful papers, assorted paints and other media, frame lights, anything you want to bring in to sell or buy that you haven’t used in a while. January 22nd and 23rd 10am to 5pm. CALL TO ARTISTS for our 28th Annual Spring Show. See the Prospectus on our website or drop by the Gallery to pick one up.

Go ahead: Call the armies, schlepp the campaign signs around town, pass on the message:

VOTE! Log onto

www.encorepub.com and cast your ballot Hurry! VOTING ENDS JANUARY 19

Call Shea Carver by Thursday, noon, at (910) 791-0688, ext 1004, to inquire about being included. encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 13

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People are talking... about where they received the best service or the best cup of coffee. It’s time for the best of the best!

YOU DECIDE. WE RECOGNIZE. Go online now and vote!


“My king�dom for a voice

Post-Apocalyptic Greatness:

reel to reel

The Road marks 2009’s greatest film


by: Anghus

The Road Starring Viggo Mortensen, Charlize Theron and Kodi Smit-McPhee


CourteSy of the WeinStein Company

here are few films in recent memory that have such an open wound. A movie that cuts deep, digs in and hollows out its viewers. I spent the better part of my holidays debating sugarcoated treacle like Avatar and its legion of brainwashed Cameron addicts who believe the man can do no wrong. But

while technical hucksters are spending time and money on prettier packages, there are filmmakers out there who can make a more compelling film without the use of smoke and mirrors. The Road is easily the best film released in 2009. Hands down, this is a movie that will chill audiences down to the marrow. It is as bleak as the prospect of a Sarah-Palin presidency and as hopeless as a vegetarian in a hot-dog-eating contest. This is a dark, dark movie—the kind of story where hope is nothing more than a word, and a happy ending seems as likely as a Sarah-Palin presidency. The story introduces us to a father and son who are making their way through a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The Earth has been scorched. The animals are dead. What few people remain fight for scraps and have to contend with bloodthirsty cannibals making their way across the landscape, looking to turn our heroes into man sandwiches. The father (Viggo Mortensen) is beaten and broken by the harsh reality in which he exists. The only thing that keeps him going is his son (Kodi Smit-McPhee), a young man who knows little more than the sparse nothingness of a muddy hell.

DISMAL EXISTENCE: Viggo Mortensen and Kodi Smit-McPhee play a father and son in the scorched wasteland of post-apocalyptic Earth.

We see glimpses of the world before mass extermination. Flashbacks featuring his wife (Charlize Theron) give us a narrow window into the circumstances behind their voyage south. Almost every moment in the film is a study in suffering. Even the radiant, glowing Charlize Theron is able to reduce herself to a shell. As the nebulous end nears, hard choices are made, and our two outcasts take to the open road. There’s a deafening silence that hovers over them, unexplained fires torching the landscape around them, dying trees falling over toppling century-old forests. With shopping cart in tow, father and son forage for supplies. At times they are forced to eat seeds and crumbs. Other times, they go without. Their lives barely qualify as existence—so much so that the father teaches the son how to use a gun for the sole purpose of

committing suicide. In concept, it’s such a simple device. A limited number of bullets, the last two left for yourself and a loved one. Rather than suffer mutilation, torture and rape at the hands of cannibals, insert the barrel of the gun in mouth and pull the trigger. But when told from a father to a son, in the hands of an actor worth his weight in gold, it is heartbreaking. The two stars of this film are Viggo Mortensen and the art/production design team. Mortensen defines himself once again as one of the best actors working today. His performance is flawless, in a role that requires little of him in terms of dialogue. This is a physical performance, using subtle nuance that eludes most modern actors. Much of the work requires little more than a look, a frown, the hint of a smile. But to pull off such a performance with so little to do, there are so few working actors capable of the task. I mentioned the production design: It is phenomenal. So much is done with so little. The washed-out colors, the disgusting, mud-soaked hovels. The world they exist in seems so infinite yet so claustrophobic. This dying world is practically a character unto itself. Those familiar with my work know what a fan of post-apocalyptic drama I am. The Road may be the best example of the genre ever put to film. It’s the kind of movie that makes audiences wonder what kind of people they would be were their circumstances the same. Would I be a brave and honorable soul taking to the road and facing the cruelties of an unfair world? If I’m being intellectually honest, I would probably end up a nameless cannibal, carrying a crudely made weapon fashioned out of plastic sporks, screaming “brains!” while charging into an old folks’ home. The Road is one of those movies that sneaks into theaters without much notice. It’s worth seeking out. For me this is the best picture of the year. Whether it gets a nomination or not is irrelevant. There is more emotion in one reel of The Road than in the entire saccharine-dripping Avatar experience. I find myself desperate for engaging cinema. I’m practically begging for filmmakers to deliver movies that do something other than assault my senses. I crave real human drama, even if it’s in an unreal scenario. In other words: See this movie.


a few must-sees this week Cinematique 310 Chestnut Street • 910-343-1640 Wed.-Sat., 7:30pm; Sundays, 3pm •January 20-24th, 2010, $7 Diva, 123 min. When Diva debuted in the early ‘80s, audiences were ready to abandon the French realism of the previous decade and embrace cinema du look. This reprinted and retranslated version is even more suited today. The appeal of director Jean-Jacques Beineix’s fastpaced thriller relies on its look: slick, sensual and expertly photographed. The story of the opera singer who never allowed herself to be recorded, the postman who secretly recorded her, and the mix-up when the recorded tape is mixed up with one confirming criminal activity make for an energetic story line. Yet, when Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez sings the aria from La Wally, we are as transfixed as the postman. Rated R

Carmike 16 111 Cinema Drive • 910-815-0266 Up in the Air Juno helmer Jason Reitman’s next directorial project will be an adaptation of Walter Kirn’s book. George Clooney will play an unapologetic corporate downsizer whose untethered life is consumed by collecting air miles. R

Mayfaire 16 900 town Center Drive • 910-256-0556 The Young Victoria The film will focus on the first, often turbulent, years of the monarch’s rule. She became queen at 18, and her legendary romance and marriage to Prince Albert. Devastated by her husband’s death in 1861, she wore black for the rest of her life and remained largely secluded. Broadbent will play King William, Victoria’s uncle, while Richardson has been cast as the Duchess of Kent, Victoria’s mother. They join Emily Blunt as Victoria and Rupert Friend as her husband, Prince Albert. Not rated. All AreA movie listings And pArAgrAph synopses cAn be found At encorepub.com.

encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 15

Herding the Musical Masses: Aaron Harvey and friends release January’s Mixtape Grotto e: Give me some insight into your live performances; what do you gain from it personally, and how does it stand apart from other shows around town? AH: I play music just for the sake of sharing it with others. Everyone in Renouncer, Justin, Eric, Nate, we all have put so much into it, I guess that you could describe it as “cathartic.” But I’d also guess that you’d have to come and see us to see how we were different.

by: Shea Carver

Mixtape Grotto Featuring a bevy of local musicians 16 Taps • Princess and 2nd streets January 14h; 9pm • $3 http://mixgrotto.com Dance 4 Liberation, [a philanthropic movement currently headed up by Aileen Haugh and Jeph Hinshaw,] to help sponsor a different charity for every album.” Harvey, a guitarist, pianist and singer in his own right, began a love affair with music at a very young age. It was at a second-grade Christmas party in Virginia that sparked he first musical memory. “[We were] singing ‘Feliz Navidad,” he informed. “Man, those were the days.” Fast forward a decade-plus later, and he’s replaced the crooning of “prospero año y felicidad” for his own poetry in motion. But the celebratory spirit to which music still shapes his life has not waned—nor has his sense of humor. “I wish that I knew what shape music was,” Harvey quipped. “Then I could draw you a picture of it.” The Mixtape maestro was kind enough to answer questions for encore last week in regards to January’s Mixtape Grotto Release Party, taking place this Thursday, the 14th [ed. note: shared birthdays of encore editor Shea Carver and Aaron Harvey, nonetheless] at 16 Taps.

People are talking... about where they received the best service or had the best breakfast.

It’s time for the best of the best!

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16 encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com



ultivating Wilmington’s creative land comes quite naturally for local musician, writer and artist Aaron Harvey. Harvey, in some ways, is the farmer to Wilmington’s musical herd, shepherding the artists toward one common goal: Get inspired, get active and get original sounds into the ether—and help out a charity in the process. As the story goes, Mixtape Grotto began glimmering during a brainstorm session last summer but was “conceived in a glass of whiskey and birthed from [founders Aaron Harvey, Trevor Brown and their] friends, after countless hours of intense labor.” Harvey and Brown wanted to preserve the creative energy swooning around them and decided Mixtape could provide a framework to harness it best. The outcome has allowed a bevy of local musicians to convene once a month, have their songs pressed onto a Mixtape Grotto CD and play a live show which showcases some of the CD’s songs. Perhaps the most worthwhile aspect to it is, starting this month, they will also be raising monies for charities. In fact, Mixtape is a complete nonprofit organization, wherein putting out and giving back goes hand in hand, and includes everyone who wishes to partake. “Upon the advice of contributor Sam Brown,” Harvey wrote encore last week, “Mixtape will evolve to resemble more of a democracy. The next selections will be chosen by those performing at the live show so that the process is more collaborative. Also, we are going to work with the people from

MIXING IT UP: Aaron Harvey (pictured) and Trevor Brown, along with their friends, founded Mixtape Grotto last summer to harness the creative energy swooning around them. Currently, they’ve manifested it into a celebration of our local music scene and its impressive scope of talent.

encore: Tell me who all is involved in Mixtape, and define their roles for me. Aaron Harvey: There are many that are involved in the production of Mixtape Grotto. Firstly, the people that have enough faith in us to send in their content deserve a great thanks. The way that it works is everyone comes over to my house. And then they get to pick what they want to contribute. It is very much a collaborative endeavor in every sense of the word. That way, all of the angles get covered. Will Wharton does the Web site. Nate Oxenfeld’s been doing the artwork for the last two albums. David Adusei has been integral to the process. In many ways, it seems like no one is running the show. But there is a lot of hard work behind the scenes; most of us are full-time students. e: How many shows have you performed around town, and what has the audience reaction been like? AH: We’ve performed enough to know that we should play more shows. We love the response from the crowd; it keeps the whole process going. The only exception is my cats and my plants, who seem to prefer silence.

e: From what are you currently gaining inspiration? AH: I really am inspired by Micah Kolk’s band Rio Bravo and Sarah Kinlaw’s band. Those are both bands that put on spectacular shows. Also, I had so much fun at Benji Hughes concert on New Years— such stage presence! (I very much regret grabbing that bottle of champagne that you handed to me.) e: If you only had one suggestion for someone who asked what he or she should be listening to currently, what would you suggest? AH: Hmmm. Check out Atlas Sound’s cover of “Doctor” on YouTube. Joel Fernando did a great video for them. Also, I happen to be making silly faces in it. e: Tell readers the details about January’s Mixtape Grotto Release Party. What artists are featured? And what’s coming up in February? AH: That’s a secret! We aren’t done with the selection process yet. But I can say Renouncer is going to play. [And the 14th,] our mutual birthday, is a day that is astrologically unique, as it is a new moon. I think that a Solar Eclipse is expected as well. Coup De Grace is going to play there, as well, Kara Daly, James Ethan Clarke, David Adusei, and 100 percent of the profits will go to the Philippine Red Cross. February is actually cover month, so all the musicians out there should definitely send in their favorite cover songs (see http://mixgrotto.com for submission requirements). But please, keep it clean. No Jonas Brothers.

Getting Personal: Singer/songwriter Jeremy Aggers returns to Port City own and encouraging him to take a more personal approach to building his reputation. For Aggers it’s an agreement that he’d actually prefer at this stage. “They’re pretty much seeing what I can do on my own, which I think is great, because the more money they sink in now the more money they’ll have to recoup later,” he says. “So my manager and I have been doing some booking and recently began working with a publicist. We’ve been doing most of it ourselves, without a booking agent, to see how far we can go, especially here in the Southeast, so we’ll have some places to play when the full-length comes out and Brash is behind us a little more. For now, it’s been a toe in the water, a foot in the water, then a shin and a knee.” From seeing him perform and listening to his record, it won’t be long before Aggers is fully immersed, from head to toe, in a career as honest and inspiring as his music. Don’t miss the singer/songwriter perform with local artists Jackson Avenue and Andy Bilinski, Wednesday, January 20th, at The Whiskey in downtown Wilmington. Doors open at 8pm and the show starts at 9pm. Admission is only $3.

by: Adrian Varnam

Jeremy Aggers Also featuring Jackson Avenue and Andy Bilinksi The Whiskey •1 South Front Street January 20th; 8pm • $3

But Atlanta-based indie label Brash Music must have had enough faith that Aggers would be able to balance the joy of a hobby and the grind of a job in music. They signed him in late 2008 to a two-album deal and helped put out his already recorded EP this past year. Although Brash is fairly wellknown in the industry as a Christian music label, Aggers doesn’t see his relationship with them having much to do with his beliefs. In fact, he says, the topic has never even come up as part of their direction for him. For now he writes about his own journey, and if it aligns with the philosophy of Brash’s other artists, so be it. “I don’t think any sort of spirituality was the reason they decided to go with me,” he says. “My music definitely has some spiritual undertones to it, but for the most part, it’s secular. But that spiritual part of me has always been present and is reflective in what I write. Sometimes in the song it takes over a bit and turns out to be what the song is all about, but it’s not always about that. I’ve never written a ‘praise song,’ if you wanna call it that. I just write to sort of answer my own questions.” Although he has less questions now about the security of his next two full-length albums, Brash Music is taking a back seat when it comes to micro-managing his ca-

Photo by: Zack arias/UsedFilm


fter seeing him perform in Wilmington last year, it’s clear that singer/songwriter Jeremy Aggers is a captivating performer in the most unusual sort of way. He has no bravado and doesn’t demand attention. He doesn’t dance around or bang on his guitar. He simply performs. And through the power of his calm presence, and by the strength of his music, rooms quiet, heads turn, and people listen. Perhaps his ability to draw in listeners comes from his former life as an actor, but in talking with Aggers last week, it became clear that it comes from somewhere much deeper and has little to do with what he’s learned. It comes from a place that best expresses itself through his music and is an honest representation of who he really is. And therein lies the power. “I don’t really have any interest in acting anymore,” he says. “Songs are a lot more fun. People have asked me, since I acted quite a bit, if it was easier to get up there onstage, but they’re really just two different things for me. With acting you’re just up there saying lines that someone wrote as opposed to being up there singing your diary.” The physical manifestation of that diary is his debut EP, What It Comes Down To, a seven-song introduction into the mind and musical catalog of the singer’s journey from his native North Carolina to his current home in Atlanta. At times reminiscent of Tom Waits, but more often recalling the material of a young and reflective James Taylor, Aggers’ songs echo a maturity and timelessness found in most great American music but still manages to be a personal testament of his own. Altogether gothic, reflective, complex, yet still hopeful, the music of What It Comes Down To is less a snapshot and more of a study of Aggers’ life and imagination over the past several years, carefully crafted and meticulously detailed. “I’m definitely not that prolific, because I tend to self-edit a lot,” he says. “Sometimes I think it makes for a better song. You can have 10 really great songs as opposed to having 30 pretty good ones. I tend to write in spurts, usually, but I try to write a little every day; although, it’s hard to do. Especially recently, with the release of the EP and getting signed on with Brash, I’ve been trying to regiment myself and treat it more like a job. But it’s tough because you love it like a hobby, but you don’t wanna turn it into this thing that you dread doing.”

CALM PROWESS: Jeremy Aggers has an onstage presence all his own; experience it live this coming Wednesday, January 20th, at The Whiskey.

reer. While treating him just like any other artist on their roster, the label is allowing him to do a lot of artist development on his

Hampstead Arts

s! New Clas

Memberships • Classes

parent & child handbuilding & sculpture

Sat. mornings 11am-1pm studio tiMe Tue. Nights, 6-8p & Sat.

Visit cwilmington.com for Class Schedules!

Mornings, 10am-1pm

Kids on Wheels

Wednesday 3:30-5pm

Watercolor With Jan

Wednesday Nights 6-8pm

potterY With anne

Anne McCombie is offering new techniques acquired and inspired by HIROSHI, “North Carolina‘s Living Treasure” and the UNCW Art Department

Wednesday Nights 6-8pm 14663 Highway 17 North (at the intersection of Hwy. 210 & Hwy. 17) OPEN: Tues.-Fri., 10am-4pm,Sat. 10am-1pm 910-270-3003 encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 17

soundboard WEDnESDAY, jAn. 13 eric and carey B. —El Zarrape, 103 Lake Park Blvd.; 458-5255 dJ Jeph caulter —Carolina Lounge, 5001A Market St.; 791-7595 classy KaraoKe with mandy clayton —Katy’s, 1054 South College Rd.; 395-6204 live music —The Whiskey, 1 South Front St.; 763-3088 KaraoKe with BoB clayton —Midtown Seafood, 4106 Oleander Dr.; 792-6880 KaraoKe with dJ BiKer roB —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219 dJ —Shanty’s Beach and Blues Club, 103 North Lake Park Blvd.; 599-3366 piano show —Rum Runners, 21 N. Front St.; 815-3846

dJ p. FunK —Fibber McGee’s, 1610 Pavilion Pl; 509-1551 live music —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616 KaraoKe w/ dJ urBan —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 open mic night —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 dJBe eXtreme KaraoKe —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff Rd.; 256-3838 open mic night with gary allen —Rusty Nail, 1310 South 5th Ave.; 251-1888 Jeremy norris and tommy Brothers —Reel Cafe, 100 South Front St.; 251-1832 roger davis, ron wilson —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737

photo By amy schlatter

a preview of tunes all over town this week

RED, WHITE AnD WET ALL OVER: American Aquarium plays the Soapbox January 14th.

THURSDAY, jAn. 14 live music —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776

117 Grace St. Downtown 910-763-3456

wed 1.13

dj be karaoke thurs 1.14

team trivia plus

dj richtermeister fri 1.15

mighty mcfly sat 1.16

live music with


Photo... Scott Sain of Plane jane

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18 encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

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classy KaraoKe with mandy clayton —Remedies, Market Street; 392-8001

dJ richtermeister —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff Rd.; 256-3838

serving full food menu 6am-10pm 7 dAYs A WeeK BAr oPen ‘TIL 2am Monday-Friday Working Men’s Lunch under $6 bucks

Family KaraoKe —Alfie’s, 2528 Castle Hayne Rd.; 251-5707 live acoustic —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219 tom rhodes —Front Street Brewery, 9 N. Front St.; 251-1935 KaraoKe with BoB clayton —Midtown Seafood, 4106 Oleander Dr.; 792-6880 dJ compose —Port City Pub, 121 Grace St.; 251-3791 dJ —Shanty’s Beach and Blues Club, 103 North Lake Park Blvd.; 599-3366 open mic with Jeremy norris —Katy’s, 1054 South College Rd.; 395-6204

LIVE MUSIC Gabby’s Lounge Fri., January 15


Sat., January 16

MIKE O’DONNELL 8-11PM Fri., January 22

OvErtyME 8-11PM

Sat., January 23

FOrtcH 8-11PM

877-330-5050 910-256-2231 wrightsville.sunspreeresorts.com

Guitarist Perry smith —Caffe Phoenix, 9 S Front St.; 343-1395 DJ Don’t stoP —Slick and Reds, 2501 South College Rd.; 798-5355 hiP-hoP niGht —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 fire anD Drum Jam; DJ mit, Psytrance —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 Groove camPaiGn —The Whiskey, 1 South Front St.; 763-3088 live music —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616 KaraoKe —Yosake Sushi Lounge, 31 South Front St.; 763-3172 KaraoKe KonG —Orton Pool Room, 133 North Front St.; 343-8878 DJ stretch —Trebenzio’s, 141 N. Front St.; 815-3301 DJ scooter fresh —The Rhino Club, 125 Market St.; 762-2206

KaraoKe with Jason JacKson —Wrightsville Grille, 6766 Wrightsville Ave.; 509-9839 american aquarium, annuals, lonnie walKer, mac leaPheart —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500

friDAY, jAnuArY 15 robbie berry —Mexican Viejo Bar and Grill, 2013 Olde Regent Way, Leland; 371-1731 DJ stretch —Trebenzio’s, 141 N. Front St.; 815-3301 live music, DJ —The Sandbar, 417 South College Rd.; 791-6080 reDwooD —Reel Cafe, 100 South Front St.; 251-1832 DJ time —Fibber McGee’s, 1610 Pavilion Pl; 509-1551 DJ will clayton —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219 DJ —Yosake Sushi Lounge, 31 S. Front St.; 763-3172

JUNCTION PUB AND BILLIARDS 5216 Carolina Beach Road MONDAY MADNESS: Domestic Pints: $225 Well Vodka Drinks: $350 FREE POOL AFTER MIDNIGHT TASTY TUESDAYS: CALL NIGHT All call liquors: $400 Drinks or Shots WET WEDNESDAYS: Smirnoff Flavor Liquors $400 Drinks or Shots LATE NIGHT!!! Domestic Light Beer $225

(Bud Light, Miller Light, Natural, Coors Light)

THIRSTY THURSDAYS: 22 Oz. Domestic Beers $400 FINALLY FRIDAYS: Cream Drinks $450 Blue Moon Draft $325 SATURDAYS: Corona & Corona Lts $250 Cuervo Silver Shots $300 Dox Equix Draft $300 POOL HAPPY HOURS 3pm-6pm $5 per player SUNDAYS: Service Employees Night Jager Shots $325 Jager Bombs $425 Coors Light Bottles $225 FREE POOL AFTER 10pm Every Mon-Wed-Fri Happy Hour Pool! FREE POOL from 3-5pm!

Every Saturday, Sunday and Monday $3.50 25oz. Draft Special .0/%": 5.99 Cheeseburger & Fries All Day


56&4%": Double Lunch Punch from 11am - 3pm 8&%/&4%": 10 Boneless Wings & Domestic Draft for $ 5.99 All Day or 10 Boneless Wings, Curly Fries & Dressing for $ 5.99 All Day 5)634%": $2.50 Wells

5112 Market Street (910) 791-0799

classy KaraoKe with manDy clayton —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 latino niGht with DJ —Carolina Lounge, 5001A Market St.; 791-7595 Piano show —Rum Runners, 21 N. Front St.; 815-3846 KaraoKe with bob clayton —Midtown Seafood, 4106 Oleander Dr.; 792-6880 bobstocK Party weeKenD —Palm Room, 11 East Salisbury St.; 503-3040 tom anD Jane —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666 DJ —Shanty’s Beach and Blues Club, 103 North Lake Park Blvd.; 599-3366 melvin anD sayer —El Zarrape, 103 Lake Park Blvd.; 458-5255 KaraoKe KonG —Slick and Reds, 2501 South College Rd.; 798-5355

Tuesday & Wednesday Martini Madness $2 Martinis Music by DJ TiMe Thursday ILM Electrotheque $2 Shots Music by GUeiCe & DST Friday & Saturday Discotheque $4 infused Vodkas Music by DJ DUSTiN CooK Sunday Open Mic $3 Drafts MUSiC BY YoU (instruments provided) 23 N. FroNt St. DowNtowN wilmiNgtoN

hiP-hoP DJ —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776 live music —Port City Pub, 121 Grace St.; 251-3791 DJ biG Kahuna —The Rhino Club, 125 Market St.; 762-2206 steve Gibbs, bryan GaleKi, soultron —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737 onwarD solDiers —The Whiskey, 1 South Front St.; 763-3088 DuK tan, yesterDay’s Gravy —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 miGhty mcfly —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff Rd.; 256-3838 the Genuine imitations —Soapbox Lounge, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 the fustics —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 General Johnson anD the chairmen of the boarD, the executives —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500

1/2 priced select apppetizers m-f 4-7pm MONDAY $10 Bud/Light Buckets $4 Jack Daniels • $3 Capt. Morgan TUESDAY $1 Tacos 4-7pm • $3 sauza $15 margarita pitchers $3 Mexican Beers $5 Top Shelf Tequila • $7 Patron WEDNESDAY $3 Pints (10 Drafts) $5 Jager Bombs • $2 wells THURSDAY Mug Night $2 Domestic Drafts w/HK MUG $5 Bombers • $4 Jim Beam $3 pinnacle flavored vodkas $3.50 MicroBrews FRIDAY $3 Select Draft $4 Fire Fly Shooters $5 Red Bull Vodka SATURDAY $2.50 Miller Lt or Yuengling Draft $8 Pitcher • $3 Kamikaze $4 Well Drinks SUNDAY $2.50 Bud/Light Draft $8 Pitcher • $5 Crown Royal $4 Bloody Mary

CATCH ALL THE ACTION WITH NFL SUNDAY TICKET ON 10 HDTVs and HD big screen Your Team - Every Game, Every Week 118 Princess St • (910)763-4133

steven Gossin —Goat and Compass, 710 N. 4th St.; 772-1400 no Dollar shoes —Duck & Dive, 114 Dock Street friDay niGht follies —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 DJ mitch —Odessa, 23 N. Front St.; 251-8814 DJ scooter fresh —Rox, 208 Market St.; 343-0402 DJ —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 biG fish —Holiday Inn Resort, 1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231 Dane britt —Front Street Brewery, 9 N. Front St.; 251-1935 soul Power Posse —Ronnie’s Place, 6745-B Market St.; 228-8056 Graves of valor, bearD of antlers, Dim the DarKlit, Death of an iDol —Lucky’s, 2505 South College Rd.; 792-1812

Feature your live music and drink specials! It’s a low-cost high-impact way to send encore readers your way! Call


SAturDAY, jAnuArY 16 Guitarist Perry smith —Caffe Phoenix, 9 S Front St.; 343-1395 KaraoKe with bob clayton —Midtown Seafood, 4106 Oleander Dr.; 792-6880 steve toDD anD sam melvin —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 DJ —Yosake Sushi Lounge, 31 South Front St.; 763-3172 KaraoKe with val —Katy’s, 1054 South College Rd.; 395-6204 live music —The Sandbar, 417 South College Rd.; 791-6080 salsa with DJ lalo —Carolina Lounge, 5001A Market St.; 791-7595 bibis anD blacK —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666 DJ —Ronnie’s Place, 6745-B Market St.; 228-8056

WE ARE A 100% SMOKE FREE RESTAURANT AND BAR Monday MNF All Pizzas $5 in the bar after 6 22oz Domestic Draft Kona Longboard Bottles $250 White Russians$4 Tuesday Live Jazz in the Bar Half Price Bottles of Wine Absolut Dream $5 22oz Yendgling Draft $2 Pacifico $2.50 Wednesday Corona\Corona Light $250 Margarita\Peach Margaritas $4 10 oz domestic draft $1 Thursday Gran Martinis $7 • Red Stripe $250 Friday Cosmos $4 • 007 $350 saTurday Baybreeze\Seabreeze $4 22oz Blue Moon Draft $3 ( Live Music Every Weekend) sunday 16oz Domestic Draft $150 Bloody Marys $4 Mojitos $3 • Appletinis $3 5564 Carolina Beach Rd 452-1212

encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 19

DJ Foxxy —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 DJ —Shanty’s Beach and Blues Club, 103 North Lake Park Blvd.; 599-3366 BoBStock Party WeekenD —Palm Room, 11 East Salisbury St.; 503-3040 DJ time —The Rhino Club, 125 Market St.; 762-2206 Piano ShoW —Rum Runners, 21 N. Front St.; 815-3846 live muSic —Port City Pub, 121 Grace St.; 251-3791 DJ —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 claSSy karaoke With manDy clayton —Remedies, Market Street; 392-8001 DJ Stretch; live Jam With Benny hill —Trebenzio’s, 141 N. Front St.; 815-3301 the Flannel reBellion (‘90S grunge) —The Whiskey, 1 South Front St.; 763-3088

Silver Dagger —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 little miSS SaBotage —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737 live muSic With 23-19 —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff Rd.; 256-3838 Jill anDreWS, michael ForD Jr. anD the aPache relay —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 5th annual hitcha oFF/north cack WeekenD With DJ mike lang —Soapbox Lounge, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 ron ethriDge —Goat and Compass, 710 N. 4th St.; 772-1400 FreD Flynn —Duck & Dive, 114 Dock Street DJ eDie —Odessa, 23 N. Front St.; 251-8814 hiP-hoP DJ —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776

DJ P. money —Rox, 208 Market St.; 343-0402 DJ Will clayton —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219 the groove camPaign —Front Street Brewery, 9 N. Front St.; 251-1935 mike o’Donnell —Holiday Inn Resort, 1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231 Will revo —Francesco’s, 839 South Kerr Ave.; 793-5656

sunday, january 17 DJ Big kahuna —The Sandbar, 417 South College Rd.; 791-6080 DJ Big kahuna —Rum Runners, 21 N. Front St.; 815-3846 DJ —Shanty’s Beach and Blues Club, 103 North Lake Park Blvd.; 599-3366 Jam With Benny hill —Rusty Nail, 1310 South 5th Ave.; 251-1888 DJBe extreme karaoke —The Whiskey, 1 South Front St.; 763-3088


1 Tacos


2 Beers


3 Wells


Call to hear our daily specials DBMM UP QMBO ZPVS GSFF QSJWBUF QBSUZ UPEBZ 1610 Pavilion Place 910.256-0102

(Bud Light, Miller Light, Natural, Coors Light)

THIRSTY THURSDAYS: Import Beers $300 (Red Stripe, Heineken, New Castle)

FINALLY FRIDAYS: Cream Drinks $450 Blue Moon Draft $325 SATURDAYS: Corona $250 Cuervo Silver Shots $300 POOL HAPPY HOURS 3pm-6pm $5 per player SUNDAYS: Service Employees Night Bloody Marys $300 Jager Shots $325 Jager Bombs $425 Coors Light Bottles $225 FREE POOL AFTER 10pm

20 encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

oPen mic night —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616 colBy Wahl anD FrienDS —The Whiskey, 1 South Front St.; 763-3088 karaoke —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 DJ P. Funk —The Sandbar, 417 South College Rd.; 791-6080 oPen mic night —Port City Pub, 121 Grace St.; 251-3791 Sara Blacker —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737

monday, january 18

tuesday, january 19

oPen mic With viva —El Zarrape, 103 Lake Park Blvd.; 458-5255 DJ —Shanty’s Beach and Blues Club, 103 North Lake Park Blvd.; 599-3366 DJ richtermeiSter —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff Rd.; 256-3838 DJ Big kahuna —The Rhino Club, 125 Market St.; 762-2206 100 S. Front St. Downtown 251-1832

RACK ‘EM PUB 415 South College Road MONDAY MADNESS: Domestic Pints: $225 Miller Light, Yuengling: $350 Well Vodka Drinks: $350 FREE POOL AFTER MIDNIGHT TASTY TUESDAYS: CALL NIGHT All call liquors: $400 WET WEDNESDAYS: Smirnoff Flavor Liquors $400 Drinks LATE NIGHT!!! Domestic Light Beer $225

DJ P. money —Rox, 208 Market St.; 343-0402 SunDay night Fever —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 galen on guitar (Brunch) —Courtyard Marriott, 100 Charlotte Ave., Carolina Beach; (800) 321-2211 Dale “Fully automatic SounD machine” DJS —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737 FlutiSt nikki WiSnioSki —Caffe Phoenix, 9 S Front St.; 343-1395 Blair crimmonS anD the hookerS —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223

Weekly SpecialS

.0/%": $2.50 Budweiser Draft $4.00 Well Liquor FROM 4 UNTIL CLOSE $.50 Wings Buffalo, BBQ, or Teriyaki 56&4%": $2.50 Miller Lite Draft, $4.00 Hurricanes FROM 4 UNTIL CLOSE $6 Buffalo Shrimp or Chicken Tenders 8&%/&4%": $2.50 Yuengling Draft, $2.50 Domestic Bottles FROM 4 UNTIL CLOSE $2 Sliders 5)634%": $3.00 Coronas, $4.00 Margaritas FROM 4 UNTIL CLOSE $5 Cajun Shrimp or Fish Tacos '3*%": $3.00 Select Pint 4"563%": $5.50 Cosmos, Dirty Martinis or Apple Martinis 46/%": $5 Bloody Marys Half Priced Appetizers After 9:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

.0/%": 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6PM $2 Budweiser $2.25 Heineken $3 Gin & Tonic Live music w/ JEREMY NORRIS AND FRIENDS MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL TAILGATE PARTY 25¢ Wings / $5 Sausage and Kraut $4 Tailgate Burgers $4 BBQ Plate PITCHERS OF YUENGLING OR MICH ULTRA $7 PITCHERS OF BLUE MOON OR FAT TIRE $8.50 56&4%": 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6PM $2 White Wolf $2.50 Redstripe $3.50 Wells 35¢ Wings at 8pm Live music w/ ROB RONNER 8&%/&4%": 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6PM Live music w/ JEREMY NORRIS / TOMMY BROTHERS $2.50 Blue Moons • $2.50 Corona/Corona Light 1/2 Priced Wine Bottles 5)634%": $2.00 Coors Light • $2.50 White Wolf Draft Doors open @6pm $15 cover Limited menu Live music from MIKE O’DONNELL 2 DJ’s, 1 band, food and drink specials. Why go anywhere else? '3*%": LIVE MUSIC IN THE COURTYARD $3 Landshark • $3 Kamikaze • $5 Bombs 4"563%": LIVE MUSIC IN THE COURTYARD Rooftop open by 6pm Dance floor open by 10pm 46/%": Live music w/ L SHAPE LOT 3-7 / MEDUSA STONE 8-12 $5 Tommy Bahama Mojitos $2.75 Corona $3.50 Bloody Mary’s • $3 Mimosas ROOFTOP KARAOKE

raDio hayeS anD echoPoint21 —Goat and Compass, 710 N. 4th St.; 772-1400 DJ time —The Rhino Club, 125 Market St.; 762-2206 live acouStic —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff Rd.; 256-3838 karaoke —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616

5001 Market Street (attached to the Ramada Inn)



SHAG LESSONS @7:30 with Brad & Dancing with DJ

Lee Pearson $2 DOmEStic BOttLES WEDNESDAYS college Night with DJ JEPH c $1 DOmEStic BOttLES $3 JAGER BOmBS THURSDAY LADiES NiGHt-1/2 PRicE wiNE & $5 mARtiNi LiSt - $2 DOmEStic FRIDAYS ARGENtiNE tANGO LESSONS WITH INSTRUCTION at 7:30 and

SALSA LESSONS at 9:30 with live DJ $2 Tequilla - $3 Corona - $4 Margarita’s

SATURDAY SALSA witH DJ LALO Private Parties are available for booking 791-7595

DJ —Shanty’s Beach and Blues Club, 103 North Lake Park Blvd.; 599-3366 karaoke With BoB clayton —Midtown Seafood, 4106 Oleander Dr.; 792-6880 claSSy karaoke With manDy clayton —Ultra Classics Pool and Bar, North Hampstead caPe Fear BlueS Jam —Rusty Nail, 1310 South 5th Ave.; 251-1888 live muSic —Henry’s, 2806 Independence Blvd.; 793-2929 root Soul ProJect —Duck & Dive, 114 Dock Street SiSta otiS —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 BiBiS elliSon anD the SPare change BanD —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 karaoke With DJ Biker roB —Katy’s, 1054 South College Rd.; 395-6204 Shag DJ —Carolina Lounge, 5001A Market St.; 791-7595

Feature your live music and drink specials! It’s a low-cost high-impact way to send encore readers your way! Call


WEDNESDAy, jANUARy 20 eric anD carey B. —El Zarrape, 103 Lake Park Blvd.; 458-5255 DJ JePH caulter —Carolina Lounge, 5001A Market St.; 791-7595 claSSy KaraoKe WitH ManDy clayton —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 KaraoKe WitH BoB clayton —Midtown Seafood, 4106 Oleander Dr.; 792-6880 DJ —Shanty’s Beach and Blues Club, 103 North Lake Park Blvd.; 599-3366 KaraoKe WitH DJ BiKer roB —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219

live MuSic —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 Piano SHoW —Rum Runners, 21 N. Front St.;815-3846 DJ P. FunK —Fibber McGee’s, 1610 Pavilion Pl; 509-1551

live MuSic —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616 KaraoKe W/ DJ urBan —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 oPen Mic nigHt —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223

JereMy norriS anD toMMy BrotHerS —Reel Cafe, 100 South Front St.; 251-1832 uPStartS anD rougeS —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737

DJBe eXtreMe KaraoKe —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff Rd.; 256-3838 oPen Mic nigHt WitH gary allen —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888

All entertainment must be turned in to encore by noon every Thursday for consideration in the weekly entertainment calendar. Venues are responsible for notifying encore of any changes, removals or additions to their weekly schedules.

Show Stoppers: Concerts around the region HOUSE OF BLUES 4640 HWy 17 S., Myrtle BeacH, Sc 843-272-3000 1/16: Blues-A-Palooza: Electric Gypsie 1/22: Willie Nelson AMOS’ SOUTHEND 1423 SoutH tryon St., cHarlotte • 704-377-6874 1/14: Days of the New, Run Away City, Drop D 1/15: Who’s Bad? (Michael Jackson tribute) 1/16: Appetite For Destruction (Guns ‘N’ Roses tribute), Poison’d (Poison tribute), Red, White and Crue (Motley Crue tribute)

1/21: Cowboy Mouth, Juinor Brown THE ORANGE PEEL 101 BiltMore avenue, aSHeville 828-225-5851 1/14: The Machine (Pink Floyd tribute) 1/15: Alejandro Escovedo (right), Roman Candle 1/16: Local Metal Showcase feat.: Burnstitch, Temptation’s Wings, Broken Mercy 1/20: Rjd2, The Constantines, Happy Chichester 1/21: Who’s Bad? (Michael Jackson tribute)

ALABAMA THEATRE 4750 HWy 17 SoutH, n. Myrtle BeacH, Sc 843-272-1111 1/16: Eddie Miles (Elvis tribute) LINCOLN THEATRE 126 e. caBarruS St., raleigH 919-821-4111 1/13: Zappa Plays Zappa 1/14: Raekwon the Chef, TYG, Cool Kid Collective, Almost Kings 1/15: Carbon Leaf 1/16: General Johnson and The Chairmen of the Board, The Executives 1/17: Mothers Finest, Jam Pain Society

Jackson tribute) 1/17: Dirty Dozen Brass Band 1/22: The Last Waltz Ensemble courteSy oF artiSt

KaraoKe —Yosake Sushi Lounge, 31 South Front St.; 763-3172 DJ DouBleclicK —The Sandbar, 417 South College Rd.; 791-6080 tHe colBy WaHl ProJect —Rucker John’s, 5564 Carolina Beach Rd.; 452-1212

1/20: Levi Lowrey Band, Sonia Leigh Band CAT’S CRADLE 300 e. Main St., carrBoro 919-967-9053 1/14: Elliott Yamin 1/15: The Old Ceremony, Dex Romweber Duo 1/16: Who’s Bad? (Michael

CAROLINA THEATRE 309 W. Morgan St., DurHaM 919-560-3030 1/14: The Smithereens 1/17: Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle GREENSBORO COLISEUM COMPLEX 1921 WeSt lee Street, greenSBoro 336-373-7400 1/21: Greensboro Symphony Masterworks Concert: Time For Three


www.halfoffdepot.com/wilmington encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 21

below A Baker’s Dozen

17-20 Dining Guide

A Baker’s Dozen: Sweet eats throughout Wilmington land


aturday was a day of indulgence. Yes, while most people were hitting the gyms hardcore in an attempt to work off that final slice of pumpkin pie from the holidays, my best friend Mandy and I headed to three local bakeries to continue our quest of delighting in all of life’s sweet goodness. To be quite blunt, we just don’t believe in only enjoying pie over Thanksgiving or pastries on Christmas morning. Life’s too short to pass over creamy custard and sweet bread with a hot, steamy cup of coffee; or pistachio cream-filled puffs and an espresso; or a cinnamon streusel muffin with a cup of the finest blend of tea. It was our mission to test the goods at three of Wilmington’s latest hotspot bakeries: La Gemma Fine Italian Pastries on 17th Street, Panaderia La Imperial on Kerr Avenue and Market Street, and Hot Pink Cake Stand on Front Street, downtown. While the research was quite excruciating (to our hips), the outcome was worth it. After all, somebody has to do the dirty work for Wilmington diners—we don’t mind living up to the task (or the increased hours spent on the eliptical thereafter). And we’re sure all pastry-loving purists will find each of the three very different bakeries a nice stop on Wilmington’s ethnically evolving food tour. Panaderia La Imperial 4330 Market Street (910) 763-8228 I’ve had my eye on the corner spot of the plaza where Elizabeth’s Pizza resides for quite some time. It doesn’t seem so long ago that Panaderia La Imperial opened its doors, releasing a divine waft of sugary scents and savory heartiness to the streets of Wilmington. It was the end of ‘08 when they began kneading their pico loro, a spectacular cream-filled round of dough sprinkled with confectioner sugar. The bread proved mellow against the custard-style filling, which, as it turns out, tasted great on practically everything. We couldn’t stop dipping the marranito (chocolate bread) in it either. In fact, the chocolate bread was so slight in its flavor—nutty and not heavy on the cocoa as one would imagine—we felt it left something to be desired on the palate. With a nice crusty topping, it was only semisweet; although, the bread was dense yet

by: Shea Carver moist, we decided it would be best enjoyed for breakfast, slathered in butter and perhaps dunked into coffee. However, the real winner from Panaderia wasn’t anything sweet. One bite into the bolinachos kept Mandy and I reeling in its hypnotic flavor. The bread was buttery and cushion-y, topped with sesame seeds, and filled with queso, jalapeños and jamon. The gustatory reaction from each of us remained tried and true: Our taste buds were in piquant heaven. Everything hit the right notes altogether; and again we agreed this would wake up all the senses rather pleasantly for breakfast. Although, enjoying it for lunch or dinner would not pose a problem. Upon nosey-ing about the bakery, we found homemade tortillas, cakes and cookies awaiting purchase, and even tamales tantalizing our noses with the aroma of rich, sweet mole sauce and chiles. To overlook this corner of Market Street is a waste. And to beat it all: We only dropped $3.75 for three treats, which came in very large servings. La Gemma Fine Italian Pastries 2323 South 17th Street (910) 338-1885 Put anything with pistachio cream in front of me, and I’ll whimper and maybe even beg like a pooch being antagonized by a ribeye bone. I’ve recently learned that the pistachio-nuttransformed-into-anything-cream-or-gelato has become a staple in my “things that are treasurable in life” sack. La Gemma makes one desirable pistachio cream puff. Their pastry dough is handmade, as is every single dough in house, at this charming stop along 17th Street. The pistachio cream sandwiched between the delicate, flaky rounds has a satin-y finish, richly subtle in its sweetness. It was by far my favorite sweet pastry from the smorgasbord of bakeries at which we ate on Saturday.

22 encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

SWEET GOODNESS: Bakeries around Wilmington are in overdrive, like La Gemma Fine Italian Pastries (above) and Hot Pink Cake Stand (next page), producing decadent sweets like the pico loro from Panaderia La Imperial (left).

Mandy adored their Millefoglie Alla Crema—translated to “1,000 layer cake.” It was rather lovely, as the fresh cream stacked a slight almond flavor between each crumbly round. Topped with a raspberry, I decided it would be even better if the fruit aligned the layers; it gave a punch of tartness that made the dulcet taste come alive. While we overindulged in sweets at La Gemma—from strawberry, apricot and nutella tarts, to the torta della nonno to eclairs—we also couldn’t pass up their caramalized-onion focaccia. It beckoned every one of our senses and hit all the right sensors, as we enjoyed it with a cheese plate and salami for dinner that evening. In fact, to overlook their hearty bread would be a fatal oversight; it’s a meal in itself when dipped in the right olive oil and balsamic

vinegar (which La Gemma also sells). And the focaccia comes in a variety of flavors: They had a loaf brazen with zucchini slices atop its perfectly soft surface; but we couldn’t make room for another bite. The folks at the hospital and all surrounding residents have no idea how good they have it to be located so close to heaven’s pearly gates. I mean, should they really exist, I imagine they look like La Gemma’s front door. Hot Pink Cake Stand 114 N. Front Street (910) 338-1885 Literally having opened a short few weeks ago, Hot Pink Cake Stand will completely seduce its visitors with its trendy aesthetic: hot pink feathers fill jars that are positioned just so on beautiful ornate banquet tables and chest of drawers. Colorful, bright flowers and fruits fill vases throughout the black, white and pink decor of the establishment. It’s no surprise that owner Jody Carmichael has such vivacious style; after all, she once was an interior designer. Now trying her hand at cake designs, Carmichael’s latest venture will titillate the

palates of all saccharine connoisseurs quite profoundly. Upon our visit last Saturday, it was late in the afternoon, so much had been scoured through already in the bakery case. It didn’t stop Mandy and I from finding something to enjoy. With blackberry-sour-cream muffins among the mix, I knew we’d be in for a hefty treat. From a mix of mint-chocolate cupcakes, streusels and the like, we settled on a mini, double-chocolate cupcake with chocolate butter-cream icing, cinnamon streusel and the aforementioned blackberry muffin. What we found out from Carmichael is that the Hot Pink Cake Stand will also throw a bone to the eclectic palates (she mentioned mango-chili cupcakes!) and even the finicky (vegan cupcakes abound!). A colorful pink fondant cake was resting in the open-air kitchen, expressing two large numbers (3-0), obviously awaiting its birthdaymonger’s celebration. A wall of teas called for perusal in flavors as subtle as green and as robust as black, mixed with flavors and scents succulently tempting.

Our favorite indulgence from Hot Pink Cake Stand was the cinnamon struesel. Its crumbly top was perfect against the aromatic warmth and sting of the spice, making it a hit among their light breakfast choices (which also includes a famous banana nut variety, from what we heard). The chocolate cupcake was simple and heavenly, just as any chocolate cupcake should be. Next time, we decided we’d come early enough to score the large one, though, as the mini was just enough to punch our chocolate craving into overdrive. The blackberry-sour-cream muffin, while sounding exactly up our alley of flavor, made us want to perfect the recipe on our own. We found that eating these fresh out of the oven would be best suited for optimal enjoyment. When left out, they weren’t as delectable. Yet, downtown’s newest color can’t be overlooked nor over-enjoyed. Carmichael is sure to have her hands full with happy, colorful customers, too, who will be beating down her stylized door for a touch of sweet, sweet goodness.

t s o m e h t r o f k e e w s u o i c i del of spring! Spring 2010

Some of the Port City’s finest restaurants will offer awe-inspiring, pre-fixe meals prepared especially for this week. Sign up for more information or to receive email updates for Restaurant Week 2010

encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 23

e u ito eatdand d i n i n g gwhere drink in the port city american Black Horn Bar & kitcHen Enjoy an extensive selection of gourmet soups, salads, sandwiches and specialty Americana in this rustic chic setting. From the dry-rubbed and slow-roasted Better Buffalo Wings to the hardwood smoked Duck Quesadilla, Black Horn offers unique twists on traditional foods. Always family friendly with smoke-free dining, a large arcade gaming area, 23 Hi-Def TV’s and Nintendo Wii. Live music every weekend. 7 days a week, 11am–2am. 15 Carolina Beach Avenue North, “the boardwalk,” Carolina Beach. www.blackhornbarandkitchen.com. (910) 458-5255.

Brixx Wood Fired Pizza A short drive from the beach, Brixx Wood Fired Pizza in Mayfaire Town Center is a fun, friendly neighborhood restaurant. Serving the best brick-oven pizzas around, Brixx also offers a fine selection of signature focaccia sandwiches, pastas, fresh salads and desserts. Stop in for a quick lunch, or kick back on the patio with one of 24 beers on tap or 14 wines by the glass. Brixx is also a latenight destination, serving 2-for-1 pizzas and appetizers after 10 p.m. Open until 1 a.m. Monday through Saturday and 11 p.m. on Sunday.6801 Main Street, Wilmington, NC 28405. 910-256-9677. www.brixxpizza.com.

BlUeWater A sprawling two-story restaurant located on the Intracoastal Waterway, Bluewater offers spectacular panoramic views. Watch all types of boats cruise past your table, and relax to the sound of sail masts lightly touching at the nearby marina, all while enjoying the casual American menu. Dinner mainstays include baby back ribs, char-grilled steaks, fresh fish, and delicious homemade desserts. BluewaterDining.com. 4 Marina Street, Wrightsville Beach, NC . 910.256.8500.

c.G. daWGs

Then they finish the week off at Fibbers on Sunday nights until 3am. To busy to leave the office? Ask about their lunch time delivery service for downtown!!

tHe GeorGe on tHe riVerWalk Drop your anchor at The George on the RiverWalk, your destination for complete sense indulgence. Watch the historic Cape Fear River unfold before you while you enjoy the best in Southern Coastal Cuisine. The menu combines elegance, creativity and diverse selection of steak, pasta, salad and fresh seafood, including the best Shrimp n’ Grits in town. Warm in the sun on the expansive outdoor deck sipping an exotic, colorful martini, or unwind at the spacious bar inside boasting extensive wine and martini lists along with weekday appetizer specials from 4:00pm-6:30pm. Don’t forget to try downtown’s best kept secret for Sunday Brunch from 11am-3pm. You are welcome to dock your boat at the only dock’n’dine restaurant downtown, grab a trolley, or enjoy our free, front door parking (ask for pass!) Lunch and Dinner Tues-Sunday. Why satisfy when you can indulge? Find the George on the RiverWalk at 128 South Water Street. 910-763-2052 or online at www.thegeorgeontheriverwalk.com

Hells kitcHen This former Dawson’s Creek stage set has been turned into a lively pub in the heart of Downtown Wilmington. Their extensive menu ranges from classics like a thick Angus burger or NY style reuben to lighter fare such as homemade soups, fresh salads, and vegetarian options. Whether meeting for a business lunch, lingering over dinner and drinks, or watching the game on the big screen, the atmosphere and friendly service will turn you into a regular. Open late 7 days a week, with a pool table, darts, weekly trivia, and live music on the weekends. Offers limited lunchtime delivery during the week and can accommodate large parties. M-Sat 11am until late, opens Sundays at noon. 118 Princess St, (910) 763-4133

For great traditional New York style eats HenrY’s A local favorite and must-see for visiwith Southern charm look no further than C.G. Dawgs. You will be drawn in by the tors, Henry’s award-winning decor features aroma of fine beef franks served with witty beautifully hued stacked sandstone, a hand banter and good natured delivery from the painted ceiling and a gorgeous 100-year-old cleanest hot dog carts in Wilmington. Sa- Brunswick-style tiger oak bar. At dinner, modbrett famous hot dogs and Italian sausages ern American offerings include slow roasted are the primary fare offered, with a myriad prime rib, rotisserie chicken, signature crab of condiments for all of your mid-day or late cakes, and delectable seafood dishes. Lunch night cravings. You may find them daily at features include deli sandwiches made with their new location on the boardwalk of Mar- fresh Boars Head cold-cuts, delicious salads, ket and Water St. from 11am to 5pm. Satur- and fresh bread. Save room for the homedays at the farmers market. Thursday-Satur- made strawberry shortcake! HenrysRestauday nights they are on Market St. between rant.com. 2508 Independence Boulevard, Front and 2nd St. from 10pm to 3:00am. Wilmington, NC. 910.793.2929. 24 encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

HolidaY inn resort The Verandah Café Restaurant located in this oceanfront resort is a wonderful find. This is the perfect place to enjoy a fresh Seafood & Steak dinner while dinning outside overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Chef Eric invites you to experience his daily specials in this magnificent setting. Open daily for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. 256-2231 Wrightsville Beach

keFi Kefi, founded in 1981 by a group of friends, has a long-standing tradition as a favorite local watering hole. This Wrightsville-Beach eatery is open at 6am for breakfast, offering everything from omelets and pancakes, to shrimp and grits. Take a break from the beach and visit Kefi’s, where their menu features a variety of salads and sandwiches. There is even a “working man’s lunch,” served Monday through Friday, all for under $6. At night Kefi comes alive by serving dinner with a Southern flare. From the fried pickles appetizer to their the shrimp or oyster Po’boy to their nightly dinner specials, there is something that will make your taste buds sing. Then stick around for live music on Friday, Saturday and Sunday; nightly drink specials are offered. Go online at www.kefilive.com for more info and full music schedule. Open 6am-2am, seven days a week, with full ABC permits. Lunch deliveries available in the Wrightsville Beach area. Located at 2012 Eastwood Road, 910-256-3558.

tHe little diPPer Wilmington’s favorite fondue restaurant! The Little Dipper specializes in unique fondue dishes with a global variety of cheeses, meats, seafood, vegetables, chocolates and fine wines. The warm and intimate dining room is a great place to enjoy a four-course meal, or indulge in appetizers and desserts outside on the back deck or in the bar while watching luminescent jellyfish. Open Tuesday-Sunday, serving dinner at 5pm. Reservations are appreciated for parties of any size. Located at the corner of Front and Orange in Downtown Wilmington. 138 South Front Street • (910) 251-0433

Pine ValleY market Pine Valley Market has reigned supreme in servicing the Wilmington community for years, securing encore’s Best-Of awards in catering, gourmet shop and butcher. Now, Kathy Webb and Christi Ferretti are expanding their talents into serving lunch in-house, so folks can enjoy their hearty, homemade meals in the quaint and cozy ambience of the market. Using the freshest ingredients of highest quality, diners can enjoy the best

Philly Cheesesteak in Wilmington, along with numerous other sandwich varieties, from their Angus burger to classic Reuben, Italian sub to a grown-up banana and peanut butter sandwich that will take all diners back to childhood. Served among a soup du jour and salads, there is something for all palates. Take advantage of their take-home frozen meals for nights that are too hectic to cook, and don’t forget to pick up a great bottle of wine to go with it. Mon.-Fri. 10am-7pm; Sat. 9am-6pm; closed Sunday. 3520 S. College Road, (910) 350-FOOD.

melloW mUsHroom Now a smoke-free restaurant, mellow out and relax in the comfortable atmosphere that Mellow Mushroom offers. From the giant psychadelic ‘shroom located in the bar area to the Cadillac hanging on the wall, this restaurant is far from ordinary. The open kitchen brings live entertainment as pizza dough flies in the air. Their hand-tossed, spring-water dough brings new meaning to pizzas and calzones—healthy!! With 20 drafts and an array of microbrews, domestic and import bottles, Mellow Mushroom has an extensive beer list and full bar. Also, check out their lunch specials and variety of sandwiches. Their menu also caters to everyone and offers many vegetarian dishes. Live jazz on Wednesdays. Hours: Mon-Sat, 11am10pm; Sun., 12pm-9pm. 4311 Oleander Drive, 452-3773.

stickY FinGers riB HoUse Sticky Fingers is known for the best authentic Memphis-style ribs, wings and barbecue in town. It’s no secret that slow, low-temperature smoking produces mouthwatering, tender ribs, chicken and pork. Sticky Fingers smokes everything right here in the restaurant and has received national praise for award-winning ribs. The restaurant was recently featured in Bon Appetit, Southern Living and Food and Wine, and had fantastic television exposure on CNBC’s “The Today Show,” and the Food Network. Locals voted Sticky Fingers “Best Ribs” in Wilmington. Sticky Fingers Catering has become an obvious choice for company picnics, office meetings or social gatherings for parties of 15 to 5,000 people. They offer both full service and simple drop-off options to meet anyone’s catering needs. 5044 Market Street, (910) 452-7427.

trollY stoP Trolly Stop Hot Dogs are family owned with six locations. Since 1976 we specialize in homemade chili, slaw and sauces. Dogs include Smighfield (beef & pork), Southern Dog, Sabrett (all beef), Northern Dog, Carolina

Packers Pork Dog (smoke sausage), Oscar Mayer 98% Fat Free Dogs (turkey) and Light Life Veggie Dog (soy). Locations are: 126 N. Front Street Open six days including Thurs., Fri., and Sat. night from 10pm-3am; 343-2999, 94 S. Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach, 2561421; 4502 Fountain Dr., 452-3952. Open at 11am on Sat.; South Howe St. in Southport, 457-7017; 103A Cape Fear Blvd in Carolina Beach, 458-5778. Catering cart available all year from $300. 910-297-8416.

asian Double Happiness Double Happiness offers the Port City fine Asian dining at reasonable prices. We prepare flavorful dishes inspired by the cultural richness of Malaysia, Thailand and authentic China. We’re now serving traditional dim sum, and good health special vegetarian dishes, such as Soy Peking Ribs, homemade tofu and homemade Malaysian sponge cake. We are dedicated to branding the exotic flavors of fresh ingredients and a romantic spice in all of our cooking techniques. Our friendly staff is always willing to help customers, and we serve beer and wine for lunch and dinner. Banquet and tatami rooms are available for large parties. Open Monday through Saturday, 11am-10pm; and Sunday 3pm-10pm. 4403 Wrightsville Avenue; 910-313-1088. www.doublehappinessrestaurant.com.

sZeCHuan 132 Craving expertly prepared Chinese food in an elegant atmosphere? Szechuan 132 Chinese Restaurant is your destination! Szechuan 132 has earned the reputation as one of the finest contemporary Chinese restaurants in the Port City. Tastefully decorated with an elegant atmosphere, with an exceptional ingenious menu has deemed Szechuan 132 the best Chinese restaurant for years, hands down. 419 South College Road (in University Landing), 799-1426.

Hiro japanese steakHouse What better way to celebrate a special occasion or liven up a dinner out than to dine in a place where every meal is an exciting presentation. Knowing that a meal should be more than just great food, Hiro adds a taste of theatre and a amazing atmosphere to everyone’s dinning experience. Also serving sushi, Hiro surprises its guests with a new special roll every week and nightly drink specials to complement it. From 4-7pm enjoy half-priced nigiri and half-priced regular makimono. Nigiri makimono combos are only $7.50, while early-bird specials last from 4-6pm, where diners can choose two: shrimp, chicken or steak. Open Monday thru Thursday 4pm-10pm; Friday and Saturday 4pm-10:30pm; and Sunday 11am-10pm. Located at 222 Old Eastwood Road (910) 794-1570. Please visit the Web site at hirojapanesesteakhouse.com.

inDoCHine restaurant anD lounge If you’re ready to experience the wonders of the Orient without having to leave Wilmington, join us at Indochine for a truly unique experience. Indochine brings the flavors of the Far East to the Port City, combining the best of Thai and Vietnamese cuisine in an atmosphere that will transport you and your taste buds. Relax in our elegantly decorated dining room, complete with antique Asian decor as well as contemporary artwork and music. Our diverse, friendly and efficient staff will serve you beautifully presented dishes full of enticing aromas and flavors. Be sure to try such signature items as the spicy and savory Roasted Duck with Red Curry, or the beautifully presented and delicious Shrimp and Scallops in a Nest. Be sure to save room for our world famous desert, the banana egg roll! We take pride in using only the freshest ingredients, and our extensive menu suits any taste. After dinner, enjoy specialty drinks by the koi pond in our Asian garden, or be entertained every Friday night with a Balinese dancer. Located at 7 Wayne Drive (beside the Ivy Cottage), 251-9229. Indochinewilmington.com.

Yo sake Located on the second floor of the historic Roudabush building in downtown Wilmington, Yo Sake features the best sushi along with a full pan-Asian menu served amid fabulous Tokyo vogue décor. Entrees include Sake Bombed Duck, Tea Rubbed Salmon and Grilled Beef Tenderloin. The bar boasts an extensive wine list including 16 sakes and fantastic specialty drinks like the Wilmington-famous Pomegranate Ginger Mojito. Don’t forget to try the Fresh Mango Cheesecake or the scrumptious Coconut Banana Ice Cream, and, if you ask nicely, they just might drop a scoop of the Lychee Sorbet into a glass of champagne for you. Open everyday 5pm-2am. Dinner served 511pm. Ask about our late night menu. Live entertainment nightly Tuesday -Saturday beginning at 10:30pm. 33 South Front Street, downtown Wilmington. (910) 763-3172. Visit us at www.yosake.com.

Caribbean jaMaiCa’s CoMFort Zone Jamaica’s Comfort Zone is Wilmington’s Authentic Caribbean Restaurant conveniently located at 417 S. College Road in University Landing. We offer exquisite Caribbean cuisine to satisfy your taste buds, whether they are for spicy Jamaican jerk chicken, mellow flavors of our curry chicken, curry goat or our ox tail skillfully flavored by our Jamaican chefs. Come in and enjoy our many menu selections, our warm décor, smokefree atmosphere, excellent service and our smooth reggae music. Operating hours are: Sunday 3:00pm – 8:00pm; Wednesday – Saturday 11:45am – 9:00pm (Closed Mon-

day and Tuesday). Jamaica’s Comfort Zone is family owned and operated. Check us out at www.jamaicascomfortzone.com or call us 910-399-2867.

FrenCH CapriCe bistro Wilmington’s finest French cuisine can be found at Caprice Bistro, a small informal neighborhood restaurant, serving hearty food in generous portions at affordable prices. Simple is the atmosphere in the bistro, as plain white plates and tables dressed in white paper make up the decor. However, the food is far from simple, as a combination of fresh ingredients and innovative preparation delight the taste buds with a plethora of unique appetizers, entrées and desserts. The service is fast, efficient and non-intrusive, and the ambience is friendly and unpretentious. After dinner, be sure to venture upstairs into their cozy and relaxing sofa bar for an afterdinner martini, or enjoy your meal there, as a light-fare and full menus are served. Art is always on display in the sofa bar, so be sure to inquire frequently about their artist show receptions. Voted “Best French Restaurant” three years in a row! 10 Market Street, downtown Wilmington, 815-0810.

italian antonios piZZa anD pasta Antonio’s Pizza and Pasta, simply known as Antonio’s, is anything but simple. From scrumptious appetizers to signature pizza to some of the best traditional Italian pasta dishes in town, it’s the perfect place to enjoy a cozy dinner for two or bring the whole family in for pizza and fun. Offering beer and wine at their Monkey Junction and Porter’s Neck location and live music Friday and Saturday nights with all ABC permits at their Leland location, Antonio’s has thought of everything for you to enjoy your dining experience with them. Monkey Junction across from Super Walmart off South College Road (910) 7920000, Porter’s Neck Shopping Center next to Kiva Grill off Market Street (910) 6867774, Cross Creek Commons across from Magnolia Greens (910) 383-0033. www.antoniospizzaandpasta.com

giorgio’s italian restaurant Giorgio’s is a locally owned, one-of-a-kind restaurant. Offering age-old traditions and timeless recipes, perfection is accomplished by combining the perfect cuisine and atmosphere for a dining experience that is not soon forgotten. With over 50 years of cooking experience under one roof, the smells of old-fashioned home cooking float through the air creating that comforting feeling of home-away-from-home! From old world style dishes to modern day creations, the menu showcases multiple flavors that will tempt the palate of the most discriminating connoisseurs. A Monkey Junction landmark for over 12 years! www.giorgios-restaurant.com. 5226 S College Rd.,Wilmington 910-790-9954.

sliCe oF liFe “Slice” has become a home away from home for tourists and locals alike. Our menu includes salads, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, homemade soups, subs and, of course, pizza. We only serve the freshest and highest-quality ingredients in all of our food, and our dough is made daily with purified water. We have the largest tequila selection in Wilmington. Voted “Best Pizza” and “Best Late Night Eatery.” Stop by for lunch dinner, or a late-night treat, open from 11:30am until 3am, seven days a week, 365 days a year, all ABC permits. 122 Market Street between Second and Front, downtown Wilmington. 251-9444. Visit our 2nd location at 1437 Military Cutoff rd., next to PT’s! 256-2229 www.grabslice.com.

organiC loVeY’s Market

Lovey’s Market is a true blessing for shoppers looking for natural and organic groceries, or just a great place to meet friends for a quick, delicious, and totally fresh snack. Whether they are in the mood for a veggie burger, a bean burrito or a chicken Caesar wrap, shoppers will find a large selection of nutritious meals on the a la carte café menu at Lovey’s. The food bar—which has cold salads and hot selections that can be eaten in the café seating or boxed for take-out—can be enjoyed all day long, while the juice bar offers a wide variety of juices and smoothies made with organic fruits and vegetables. eDDie roManelli’s Specializing in bulk sales of produce, grains, A marvel of architecture with an open dis- flours, beans and spices at affordable prices, play kitchen that adds to the stunning ambi- Lovey‘s also carries grass-fed and free-range ance of the dining room. Eddie Romanelli’s meats and poultry. Wheat-free, gluten-free, offers lunch (Oleander Dr), dinner and late products are in stock regularly, as are vegan night menu (Oleaner Dr). The diverse menu and vegetarian groceries and wholesome pet is casual American with Italian influences, foods. For anything shoppers want that is not in featuring favorites such as 16oz. Marinated stock, Lovey‘s will be happy to find it. Rib Eye Steak, Stuffed Pork Chop, Mama Stop by Lovey’s Market Monday through Romanelli’s Lasagna, Shrimp and Crabmeat Friday, 9am to 7pm; Saturday, 9am to 6pm; Cannelloni, unique California-style pizza and and on Sundays, 10am to 6pm. Café hours: more. RomanellisRestaurant.com. 5400 Monday-Friday, 11am–6pm; Saturday & SunOleander Drive, Wilmington. 910.799.7000 day, 10am-6pm. Located at 1319 Military and 503 Olde Waterford Way, Leland. Cutoff Road; 910-509-0331. Online at www. 910.383.1885 loveysmarket.com. encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 25

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26 encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

3"$*/& %3*7& (next to Home Depot) 910-392-3999

1035&3Âľ4 /&$, 910-686-1766

TIDAL CREEK CO-OP Tidal Creek Deli offers a wide array of exceptional and unusual organic foods, all of which taste as good as they are for you. The salad bar and hot bar incorporate flavors from around the world; each item is prepared by hand using only fresh and local ingredients. The chefs are constantly experimenting to create new and exciting dishes. Choose from made to order smoothies with almond butter and hemp milk, salads with locally grown greens or, special order a wedding cake made from scratch to your specifications. Whatever your tastes, Tidal Creek Deli is a place to rejuvenate the mind and body while enjoying the company of a friendly and relaxed organic community.

SEAFOOD DOCK STREET OYSTER BAR Voted Best Oysters for over 10 years by encore readers, you know what you can find at Dock Street Oyster Bar. But we have a lot more than oysters! Featuring a full menu of seafood, pasta, and chicken dishes from $4.95-$25.95, there’s something for everyone at Dock Street. You’ll have a great time eating in our “Bohemian-Chic” atmosphere, where you’ll feel just as comfortable in flip flops as you would in a business suit. Smoke Free! Located at 12 Dock St in downtown Wilmington. Open for lunch and dinner, 7 days a week. 762-2827 www.dockstreetoysterbar.net.

EAST AT THE BLOCKADE RUNNER HOTEL The Blockade Runner offers an array of seasonal seafood specials, certified Angus beef, lobster menu on Friday evening plus a spectacular Sunday brunch. Romantic al fresco dining is available on our dinner deck located in the center of a lush garden overlooking the ocean far away from the traffic and noise. We offer live entertainment on Saturday evening and Sunday brunch. Our smoke free lounge is eco-friendly and offers light fare nightly. 275 Waynick Blvd. Wrightsville Beach. 910-256-2251.

HIERONYMUS Proving that excellent seafood isn’t just for the eateries at Wrightsville Beach, Hieronymus Seafood is the stop for midtown Wilmington seafood lovers. In business for 27 years strong, Hieronymus has made a name for itself by consistently providing excellent service and the freshest of the fresh in oceanic cuisine. Complete with a full-service bar and a fireside oyster bar, it’s the place to be if you are seeking top-quality attributes in atmosphere, presentation, flavor and ingenuity. Signature dishes include Oysters Hieronymus and the Scallops Fra Diavlo. Hieronymus has all ABC permits and also provides catering. Voted “Best Seafood” in 2007. 5035 Market Street; 392-6313.

CATCH MODERN SEAFOOD When Wilmingtonians think of fresh, flavorful seafood, they flock to Catch. Couples enjoy

wine and hors d’oeuvres at the bar, professionals meet for business meetings and locals come for their favorites. The understated décor and friendly service create a warm and relaxing atmosphere. In this quaint bistro, Catch serves New American seafood with Asian influences. Customers enjoy unique flavors and modern creations, matched with the best local seafood and organic produce in the Cape Fear. Some seasonal offerings include softshell crabs, grouper nuggets, summer flounder, N.C. shrimp and Carolina catfish. House specialties range from broiled miso-glazed wild salmon to crispy fried oyster platters. No reservations accepted. Open Mon-Fri., 11am – 2pm for lunch and now open for dinner Wed-Fri. only from 5:30pm – 9pm (BYOB). 215 Princess Street, downtown Wilmington. Catch is chefowned and -operated. (910) 762-2841 or www. catchwilmingtonnc.com.

OCEAN GRILL Located next to the Golden Sands hotel in Carolina Beach, the Ocean Grill offers three distinct dining experiences: a spacious dining room with wonderful views of the Atlantic Ocean, a patio bar in the covered patio area, and a open-air Tiki Bar on the pier. You will find a full menu inside, and appetizers, sandwiches and a full selection of beverages on the Tiki Bar menu. Serving lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and brunch on Sundays from 10am-2pm. Lunch 7 days a week beginning May 22nd. Live music calendar: www.oceangrill.us. Tiki Bar open at 11am 7 days a week. 1211 S. Lake Park Blvd, Carolina Beach; (910) 458-2000.

OCEANIC Breathtaking panoramic views. Oceanic’s third floor private banquet room provides a spectacular lookout over the Atlantic Ocean, Wrightsville Beach and Masonboro Island. With its own restroom & bar facilities, it is perfect for wedding receptions, birthdays and corporate functions. Oceanic is a classic seafood house specializing in local seafood. Choose from a selection of seafood platters, combination plates and daily fresh fish. For land lovers, try steaks, chicken or pasta. OceanicRestaurant.com. 703 S. Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach. 910.256.5551

also available for banquets and private parties. Call for details: 251-1832.



Hall’s is a Wilmington tradition! Originally opened in 1901 as a drug store, Hall’s has been serving the Downtown community for over 100 years. We serve traditional Southern fare, including a classic breakfast with the accompaniments you’ve grown to love. Lunch includes a Southern buffet MondayFriday with pork, chicken, all the fixin’s, and a special addition every day! Don’t forget our unique menu, which includes everything from specialty sandwiches to fried seafood. Most importantly, at Hall’s everything is fresh! Open Monday-Friday, 7am-2pm (buffet 112), and Saturday from 7am-12:30pm with breakfast and menu items only. 421 Castle St. 910-762-2210.

PINK PIG CAFE Downtown Wilmington’s newest dining option has arrived! Serving breakfast and lunch all day, the Pink Pig offers a full menu featuring good ol’ fashioned cookin’ along with a few of our own innovations. For breakfast, try one of our tasty country plates or a sandwich stacked high with your favorite items. For lunch, try our already-famous Redneck Reuben, and you can’t go wrong with our real pit-smoked barbecue sandwiches. C’mon in try for yourself! Open Tues-Sat, 8am-8pm, and Sun., 10am-6pm. 124 Princess St, Downtown. 910-399-6096 other sporting events. We have plenty of seating and a fun atmosphere for the whole family. In Racine Commons, 910-409-9860.





Some of the Port City’s finest restaurants will offer awe-inspiring, pre-fixe meals prepared especially for this week.

REEL CAFE For eight years, the Reel Café has been Wilmington’s premier restaurant and nightlife location, because it has something for everyone. Enjoy dining in our restaurant, live music in our courtyard Oyster Bar, dancing in the second-floor danceclub or cocktails on the Rooftop Bar overlooking the Cape Fear River. We offer lunch, dinner and a late-night menu. Lunch has a variety of salads, sandwiches and steamers. Our dinner menu has a wonderful variety of burgers, sandwiches, pastas and steaks. We also have delicious seafood entrées and salads, or try the specials prepared daily by our chef. Whether it’s a delightful meal, live music or the downtown nightlife, The Reel Café is the place to be. Located at 100 S. Front Street, the Reel is

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below Fact or Fiction

30-35 Calendar / Toons / Corkboard

An Involuntary Intimate, Part 2: Moveable Parts


eorge was certain of this much: The camera had to come out of the ladies room. He looked through the glass wall of his office and watched Ruth Oglesby swipe her index finger across her incisors. Get up off your can, George thought. Go into the ladies room, and while you’re checking your teeth, look on the floor. There, Cheri, the receptionist, lay losing pints into the drain. Hard for George to get his head around what he’d seen, now that Cheri was off his screen. Surely dead by now. Ruth glanced his way, startled to find him startled to find her looking at him. As he returned to shading a slice of piechart pistachio, the urge to yet again pull the

by: Claude Limoges camera’s footage up on his screen was broken by a scream—short, muffled, but through the bone. It came from far off in the atrium, followed by chairs wheeling, peeks over cubicles in the rhythm of a Whack-A-Mole game, and then scurrying along the incognito pearl polyester corridors. Rising, George left open the pie chart—evidence of his usefulness— took the breath of which he had deprived himself all morning, and measured his steps out of his office, Ruth Oglesby following. Joining the gathering before the ladies room, George echoed the gist of the chorus: “What?” Ed, the marketing director, said, “Cheri. Passed out in there.” “Jesus,” George murmured, and then as he waited out the minutes before he could return to his desk, he planned the end-ofday extraction of the camera. Simple, really. The sole object was not to get caught. The ones planted around the apartment to spy on Melissa needed to go, too—all tossed in a fire, built in the middle of a field where he would stand warming himself like the homeless he would be if he got caught. That very night, he would turn each camera to ash— then send flowers either to the hospital or funeral home, an apology to Cheri and a secret, fond farewell to the mole on her left ass cheek. All this would be easy compared to having watched her miscarry, drop off the toilet, curl and bleed. A siren, the injunction to step out of the way, and the gurney with its EMTs rolled in. Watching the UPS man slouch over the stairwell’s brass banister and bawl, George thought, Save the sap, you dweeb. If that had been Melissa in there, George would already have been covered in her blood, trying to stop the flow. He entered the exact middle of the trickle of people returning to their desks, and after some deliberation, he shut his door. From his desk George peered from around his monitor and watched fan-eared, squidhaired Ruth Oglesby try not to watch him.

28 encore | january 13-19, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

What had hatched her? And what was his due to give so that expedient to move her far across the cubicle farm could be found? An old question nagged him. His father had been a master at finagling these sorts of things, had even a knack for putting together feel-good, apple-pie words that could make a Chicano from the Bronx think back wistfully on an Aunt Betty he never had. What, George was wishing more than anything to ask, would his father, the late great Blue Devils Jack the Cannon, have done? Outside the window, the siren’s wail faded. Then peace. George swiveled his chair around and stared out the window to the workings of a crane. Cheri, Cheri, Cheri, with her vanilla scent, her brick-colored lipstick, her yen for Earl Grey, the photo of her spaniel on guard by the switchboard, her lilt when she said, “Hold one moment please”—each trait endearing by the sheer force of its banality. What misery, the world without its Cheris. That afternoon, George looked up from painting the last slice of the pie-chart persimmon and watched the bald head of Ed, the marketing director, work its way through the maze just before his door—knocking, then opening, without a word from George. “Hi-ya. Just wanted to let you know,

we’ll be having a little ceremony after work today.” “Yeah?” George responded. “For Cheri? That’s nice.” “And her ... the ... well, you know.” “Come again?” “There was a stillborn, George.” George pulled back from his desk, as if he’d touched an adder. In all of the turmoil of that day, he had not taken into account that particular loss of life, and he wondered why anyone would have taken pains to flesh the notion out. Corporations were supposed to be safe from drama, trauma, messes that made funny things happen in the viscera. It delayed him for some seconds in getting words out. “Yeah.” He was nodding. “Right. OK.” “In the ladies room. Five-thirty sharp.” “Ho, hold on there, Ed.” “It’s all right. Cleaning service already notified, cleared with security, called in a Father Ralph from St. Martha’s.” “Don’t you think that’s a little—eh . . .” “Baptism of the unborn. Glenda’s sister had to have it done. More like a blessing, really. Soul’s already up there, you know. Poor little guy.” “Boy?” Ed shrugged. “Figure of speech. A shaman will be there, too. Ruth’s idea. So, will you?” “Ed. The women’s restroom?” Ed scratched the shine on his scalp. “Can’t help where it happened.” George needed most of all to get out of that office building, for he was wrestling down a breath-robbing sort of vertigo, and even as he was saying, automatically, “Melissa’s expecting me home. Otherwise, sure I’d go. You know that,” he was scrambling frantically for plan Bs to removing the camera that night. All he could come up with at that moment was nothing his father would have done: Even the score by planting one in the men’s room.

Claude Limoges has a book out and new poems published. Learn more at http:// claudelimoges.blogspot.com/

Resolutions 2010:


Resisting the Snuggie’s siren call and other stuff...


ometimes, I’m so hot I can barely stand to touch myself. I thought this when I awoke this morning and stumbled, disheveled and disoriented, toward the coffee pot. My son started laughing and pointing at my hair, which looked like Don King had mated with a wildebeest. The dog tried to roll in my breath. The hair on my legs was collecting wayward socks and lint. It is really a burden to be a goddess such as this. Many glam goddesses, like myself, experience low points like these, so I shouldn’t let these slumps discourage me. Everyone knows Heidi Klum has eye boogers; Jennifer Aniston squeezes zits when she’s nervous; and Angelina Jolie picks her nose with bone fragments from discarded lovers. Plus, all of them fart like overheated sows. Still, it seems that perhaps I could make more of an effort. Though, the temptation to give into the Snuggie (“The blanket with sleeves!”) frump is nearly irresistible. I fear if I buy one at my local convenience store (where I get all of my quality lounge-wear), I will show up defiantly at work, wearing the Snuggie (“The blanket with sleeves!”), scuffs and curlers. If I do that, I’m mere days away from dabbing on my new anti-goddess fragrance: “Eau de Icy Hot.” From there, it’s an easy transition into watching “Golden Girls” reruns while wearing “suntan” reinforced-toe hose and the kind of panties I hope one would wear if she were stuck on a life raft with nothing but a stick and a good idea. Perhaps I should set a few resolutions for myself for the upcoming year, to renew the inner goddess. I don’t want to proclaim all the usual resolutions because, let’s be honest: We have more of a chance of seeing Bin Laden in a cameo on “Two and a Half Men” (cut to a naked Bin Laden waking up between Charlie Sheen and a random hot blonde, saying, “I am the mittle of dis evil, Godless sandweech”) than most Americans do of keeping their resolutions.

by: Carolyna Shelton

Helpfully, the U.S. Government has posted a list of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions right on their Web site, as if most of us couldn’t figure out we need to be less fat, stressed and broke. Oddly, they list one of the most common resolutions as the apparent desire to send “Health e-cards,” which are e-cards from the Centers for Disease Control (this unlikely entry seems a mite self-serving to me). The CDC, being touchingly sincere, declares, “Each CDC Healthe-Card features health and safety messages, and provides links to more information. CDC has more than 200 free Health-e-Cards available to send to friends, family and co-workers on a variety of health and safety topics, including: Diseases & Conditions, Environmental Health, Travelers’ Health, Emergency Preparedness & Response, Healthy Living, [and] Injury, Violence & Safety.” I’m sure many folks lifted their thricefilled glasses of champagne at the stroke of midnight and declared, “I’m gonna drink lessh thish year, and I’m gonna shend shome e-cardsh to shome of my friendsh, family, and co-workers with diseashes and conditionsh.” What a fabulously thoughtful way to kick

off the new year! One can send these helpful e-cards to show how much he really cares (not so much). Just think of the hearts he’ll lift when he sends: “Thinking that you really must/do something about that nasty pus.” Or, “Bummer about that guinea worm; I bet it really sucks/to have something living in your leg. You have the worst of luck!” Or how about: “If you’re overcome with pestilence, and all you can do is cry/take heart, my dear but luckless friend! You’re probably going to die!” Wow, helping others really does make me feel more goddess-like already! But I probably should think of a few personal resolutions besides the helpful ecards. So, here goes. This year, I resolve: 1. To end human suffering and misery. 2. Failing that, I vow not to leave my toenail polish on until it cleaves off the nail in chunks and looks like something from a Rorschach test 3. Not to wax my upper lip before an important event, thus helping me look less like Rocky Balboa after a round with Mason “The Line” Dixon (but at least the stache is gone) 4. To look behind me before I blow my nose when I run, so after a good snot eviction, I don’t hear as I did yesterday, “Hey Neighbor!” as I’m guiltily wiping my nose on my sleeve (hey, it was 29 degrees—don’t yew judge me!) 5. To refrain from saying things like, “Somebody smells ‘not so fresh’! Oh. Wait a minute. I think my bra is rancid!” 6. And, finally, I resolve to resist the siren’s call of the Snuggie’s (“The blanket with sleeves!”) dark side. And if I succumb, I resolve to at least wear it commando. Granted, there’s probably an e-card that warns: “Failing to properly cover one’s twat can lead to catching God-knows-what./ So when you’re nekked in your Snuggies, you’re courting crud upon your uglies.” I’d write more, but I have some human suffering and misery to end. Happy New Year.

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where to be, what to do in Wilmington and beyond

Events I SURVIVED “I Survived 2009” Party, 1/14. Celebrate the end of the decade at Wilmington’s “I Survived 2009” Party on Thurs., 1/14, 6-9pm, Coastline Convention Center, 501 Nutt St with proceeds benefiting Phoenix Employment Ministry (www.phoenixwork.org). Tickets: $35 and include a free “I Survived 2009” t-shirt, food, fun, wine, beer and dancing. Best Western Coastline Inn is offering the special rate of $69/room for the attendees of the “I Survived 2009” Party. 910-763-2800 or contact@ isurvived2009guide.com. FORT FISHER SITE COMMEMORATION 2010 marks the 145th Anniversary of the end of the Civil War. To commemorate the Second Battle of Fort Fisher (the largest land-sea battle of the Civil War), the Fort Fisher State Historic Site will stage a three-day anniversary event 1/15-17, 2010. Kicks off 1/15, 6pm at UNCW’s Fisher Student Center, panel discussion entitled “Black Men Bearing Freedom: U.S. Colored Troops and their impact on North Carolina” that explores the experiences of the U.S. Colored Troops. Continuing with this theme, Dr. Richard Reid, author of “Freedom for Themselves: North Carolina’s Black Soldiers in the

Civil War Era,” will present a talk on Saturday at Fort Fisher State Historic Site. • Saturday, appx 300 costumed soldiers will clash in a Civil War re-enactment of the 2nd Battle of Fort Fisher. Lantern light tours and evening firing of the site’s 32-pound rifled and banded cannon will highlight this anniversary program. Visitors can see artillery and infantry demonstrations and walk through Union and Confederate camps established on the fort’s grounds beginning at 1am. Earplugs for noise


protection may be needed. Tickets for nighttime vignettes (seen on guided tours) will be $5 for adults and $3 for children. 30-minute tours start at 7pm; the last tour leaves at 8:30pm. Daytime activities are free and open to the public. • A second recreation of the Battle of Fort Fisher on Sunday will begin at 2pm Sunday’s event will also showcase musicians performing popular period music throughout the day. Local authors will present their work and sign books before and after the battle scenario. The event concludes at 4pm. 1610 Fort Fisher Blvd. S., along US Highway 421 South. www.gocapefearcoast.com.

Legacy. Built locally by New Hanover Iron Work, depicts a journey of 22 slaves who escaped to freedom via the Cape Fear River from the Orange Street Landing—recorded by William B. Gould in a diary he kept from October 13, 1863 through September 5, 1864. Unveiling will feature William B. Gould IV, the great-great-great grandson of one of the escapees, as well as his two sons, rofessor emeritus at Stanford University Law School. Coffee reception and the opportunity to meet the Gould family will follow at e Hannah Block Historic USO Community Art Center, 120 S. 2nd Street (at the corner of Orange& 2nd). (910) 254-0907.

UNVEILING OF INFO KIOSK Fri. 1/15, as part of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday celebration, the City of Wilmington, in partnership with the African American Heritage Foundation, Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau and New Hanover County Public Library will unveil a new information kiosk at the site of Orange Street Landing located at the foot of Orange Street downtown. entitled “Orange Street Landing on Cape Fear,” will mark the location dedicated in 2005 by the National Park Service as part of its National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program. This program marks historic sites, facilities and other programs associated with the Underground Railroad

HOME EXPO 2010 HomeEXPO, Remodeling & Living Green! 1/16, 10am-5pm, and 17, noon-4pm. Schwartz Center at Cape Fear Community College, 601 N. Front St. $3/door. The Wilmington-Cape Fear HomeEXPO and Remodeling Show is a one stop-shop with over 70 exhibit spaces offering the latest in home improvement products and services including the latest tips to make your living space more eco friendly. Free seminars will also be offered both days w/information on reducing energy costs, gardening advice from Dr. Bruce Williams of “Grow Your Own with Dr. Bruce” and more. Chances to win several prizes, including a K9 Crooked House for your four-legged friend valued over $500! Admission: $3; children, free. www. wilmingtonhomeexpo.com or (910) 799-2611.

Another decade gone to the wayside. We’re in 2010, and it’s time to celebrate with a “I Survived 2009” Party, held at the Coastline Convention Center on Thursday the 14th. From 6-9pm, folks will enjoy food, wine, beer and dancing, along with complimentary T-shirts, for only $35 a ticket. Proceeds benefit the Phoenix Employment Ministry, making it an even greater celebration. Call (910) 763-2800 for all the details.

WHERE THE LINES CROSS “Where the Lines Cross” exhibition on display through 2/4, with artist reception on Wed., 1/20, 6-7:30pm. Boseman Gallery transformed into a large-scale sculpture! Installation art describes an artistic genre of site-specific, three-dimensional work designed to transform the perception of a space. The basis of this installation is to break down barriers between fields of design and use aspects from each field to create a collaborative, site-based work—compilation feat. work of student artists made of diverse materials, from newspaper to plastic bags to wood to wax, etc. Artists include: Diana Brenson, Tricia Chacon, Kristen Cheshire, Meredith Connelly, Danielle Dewar, Stella Duplass, Sean Klein, Elizabeth McAdams, Randy Seller, Maggie Sumney, Alexandra Widman, and Anne Marie Wilson. Gallery Hours: Mon.- Sat., 10am8pm, Closed Sunday910-962-7972 or www.uncw. edu/presents PRE-FESTIVAL AZALEA PARTY Pre-Festival Party tickets are on sale: 1/22, 7pm, Hilton Wilmington Riverside. ncazaleafestival. org/Tickets/tabid/91/Default.aspx or at the festival office, Oleander Oaks, 5725 Oleander Dr., Ste B-7. Tickets: $25/each; a Hotel Package (2 party tickets and a hotel room for night of the party) is $125. BATTLESHIP Behind the Scenes at the Battleship NC. Hidden Battleship, 1/31, 8:30am-12:30pm and 1:305:30pm. http://www.battleshipnc.com/mailer/ eLetters/ereleases/100107_hiddenShip.html. Join us for a unique, behind-the-scenes tour of un-restored areas of the Battleship. 4-hour tour consists of small groups with guides. Guests explore the bow (officers’ country and boatswain locker), third deck (Radio II, brig, after gyro, storage rooms, ammunition handling, Engineer’’s office, torpedo area), engine room #3, the reefers, and up inside the fire control tower to the top of the ship. The Azalea Coast Radio Club will be in Radio II to explain their work on the ship’’s radio transmitters. Tour limited to ages 12 and above with no exceptions and includes climbing over many knee-high hatches and going up and down narrow ladders, so be prepared. Time slots: 8:30am-12:30pm or 1:30-5:30pm. Group size limited so everyone has a great experience! Price: $45 regular, $35 friends member or active duty military. 910-251-5797, ext. 3001. Reg: 1/15. No

30 encore | january 13th-19th, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

walk-up tickets available.

SILVER COAST WINERY The Silver Coast Winery is proud to announce the opening of a new art show feat. the artistry of Joanne Geisel and Phil Meade. Both of these fine artists will have award-winning selections on exhibit. Joanne’s landscapes and still life paintings capture beautiful locations, changing moods and have a unique perspective. While Phil’s inspiration is derived from the weathered dune fences, wild flowers, the ocean, inland Iron Work, waterways and formal gardens. Collectively escaped to these two artists will captivate you with beautiful the Orange compositions. 1/23-4/15. • Celebrat Valentine’s B. Gould in Day with Wonderful Silver Coast, award -winning 63 through wines and handmade, gourmet chocolates by Lake ure William Champlain Chocolates out of Burlington, Vermont. dson of one Lake Champlain chocolates produces all-natural, ns, rofessor preservative-free chocolates, and supports overall hool. Coffee human health and wellness. They champion efforts t the Gould to eliminate any form of exploitation connected storic USO to the production of cocoa products and share reet (at the the belief that no one should be harmed in cocoa farming. Sat., 2/6: 5 eatings throughout the day beginning at noon w/last seating at 4pm. RSVP rqd, $15/person. (910) 287-2800. www. ing Green! silvercoastwinery.com or 910-287-2800. . Schwartz ollege, 601FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS -Cape Fear Lower Cape Fear Hospice Foundation presents w is a one Festival of Flowers, from 9:30-11:30am, 1/27, es offering at Hilton Wilmington Riverside, 301 N. Water St. oducts and Fiore Fine Flowers Lead Designer Lonnie Taylor e your living will demonstrate how to create beautiful household ars will also arrangements and discuss latest design trends in n reducing flower arranging and help participants create a floral m Dr. Bruce arrangement to take home. Mimosas, coffee, fresh Bruce” and fruit and croissants will be served. Don’t forget to cluding a K9 bring your clippers. Individual tickets: $30. Hostess end valued reserved tables of eight: $300. Proceeds benefit free. www. Lower Cape Fear Hospice & LifeCareCenter. hospiceandlifecarecenter.org or 796-8099, x6.


on display Wed., 1/20, med into a escribes anDONATE FISHING EQUIPMENT imensional Old rods and reels and other fishing gear will be eption of a donated to Big Buddy, Community Boys and is to break Girls Club, the Brigade Boys and Girls Club, and gn and use St. Mary’s Social Ministry. Drop gear off at NC llaborative, Aquarium Visitors Service Desk, 9am-5pm, daily. k of student Please ensure that the rod and reel is in somewhat newspaper workable order and has no missing parts. South sts include: of Kure Beach, near the mouth of the Cape Fear n Cheshire, River, on U.S. 421; ncaquariums.com/fort-fisher. la Duplass,RELAY FOR LIFE ndy Seller, 2010 New Hanover County Relay For Life held and Anne Fri.and Sat., 4/23-24, at the Ashley High School Sat., 10am- Stadium. A team captain’s meeting will be held at www.uncw. 6:30pm, Thurs., 1/14, at Roland Grise School, 4412 Lake Ave. All former team captains and anyone wishing to have a team in the 2010 Relay For Life 1/22, 7pm, are invited. www.newhanoverrelay.org leafestival.OYSTER ROAST t the festival Wilmington-Cape Fear Home Builders Association’s Dr., Ste B-7. Annual Oyster Roast and general membership party tickets meeting will be held 1/21, at the Professional y) is $125. Builders Supply, 111 Military Cutoff Rd. Social will begin at 5:30pm, followed by dinner from 6NC. Hidden 7:30pm. This indoor heated event is a great way to and 1:30- network with the more than 350 people who came om/mailer/ last year. $25/person and $30 at door. Lindsay Ship.html. Fletcher, (910) 799-2611. nes tour ofMUGS FOR JUGS 4-hour tour Front Street Brewery’s 2nd Annual Breast Cancer es. Guests Awareness Fund-raiser, Mugs for Jugs, takes place boatswain 1/23, to raise funds for The Pink Ribbon Project and after gyro, New Hanover Regional Medical Center’s Coastal Engineer’’s Care Van. Proceedswill provide care packages the reefers, to women recently diagnosed with breast cancer o the top of and to help provide mammograms for local lub will be women that, otherwise, could not afford them. At the ship’’s 11:30am, 16oz. Mugs for Jugs will go on sale at ges 12 and Front Street Brewery for $9.99. At 7pm, there will es climbing be live music, a silent auction with items provided ing up and by local sponsors, a photo booth provided by Time slots: Framed Productions, door prizes and giveaways Group size throughout the night, and great beer and food ence! Price: specials! Non-Black Tie event; open to the public. active duty Groove Jet will be dying Brewery staff’s hair pink; g: 1/15. No

any tips received goes to Pink Ribbon Project and Coastal Care Van. Ellie Craig: 910-251-1935, or FrontStreetBrewery@gmail.com. RIVERBOAT LANDING FOOD DRIVE Through January, the Riverboat Landing Restaurant (www.riverboatlanding.com) is hosting a winter food drive benefiting the Salvation Army and NC Food Bank. Guests who bring in a donation of a canned food item (limit 1 per couple) to the Riverboat Landing will receive a substantial discount on their lunch/dinner check. During Lunch, 1 can = $2 off any entree. During Dinner, 1 can = 50% off an entree (between 5-6 pm), 25% off an entree (between 6-7 pm), or 10% off an entree (after 7pm). 2 North Market St FIRST BOOK First Book-New Hanover County is organizing a fund-raiser to be hosted by Children’s Museum of Wilmington. Art work created by young people at Community Boys & Girls Club of Wilmington will be sold to benefit First Book—New Hanover County. 116 Orange St., Fri. evening through Sunday afternoon 2/7. Kickoff Coffee & Dessert held at 6:30-8:30pm Friday to honor artists and sponsors (RSVP requested). First Book-New Hanover County works to promote and facilitate the distribution of new books to children in literacy programs in New Hanover County. Carol Barre: Cbarre1250@ec.rr. com HEART STRINGS Heart disease awareness and outreach campaign, “From Our Hearts to Yours.” Our goal has been to raise awareness that heart disease and related illnesses of the vascular system (such as high blood pressure and stroke) are the number one killers of women. tatistics prove that African-American women continue to be at very high risk. 2/7: Heart Strings, Music for the Soul features members of the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra, the Stanley Baird Group, the Fayetteville State University Choir, and Guest Artist and Conductor Dr. Marvin Curtis, Dean Earnestine M. Raclin School of the Arts, Indian University in South Bend, Indiana. Held at Historical St. Stephen A.M.E. Church on Redcross St., 4pm. Net proceeds re-distributed to “at-risk” women in the community to provide them with gift cards to local pharmacies and grocery stores. Caroline Nunley: (910) 762-1177 ext. 209 WINTER WILMINGTON OLYMPICS Wilmington Area Hospitality Association (WAHA) hosts 1st Annual Hospitality Olympics at the Blockade Runner Resort on Sun., 2/28, which coincides w/last day of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC. noon-4pm (reg. at 11:30am) and will feature teams from hospitality and tourism businesses throughout the Wilmington area including New Hanover, Pender & Brunswick counties. Proceeds will fund a scholarship to the Hospitality Program at the Cape Fear Community College. Open to public, free admission. Area businesses will be donating prizes to be raffled, with raffle ticket sales funding the scholarship. Refreshments available for purchase; events will be moved indoors if it rains. http://wilmhospitality.blogspot.com/

or park. All nominations must be submitted by 12/31/09. www.Workonwilmington.org. Jennifer Caslin 612-3757 or jcaslin@foodbankcenc.org

Theater/Auditions SNEAD’S FERRY DINNER THEATRE Sneads Ferry Community Theatre presents “The Neglected Husbands’ Sewing Club” by Peg Lynch& “Ada Gives First Aid” by Eunice Merrifield (Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc) Directed by Karen Sota. Staged Readers Dinner Theatre. Sat., 1/16. Dinner at 6:30; curtain at 7:15pm. Sun., 1/17. Dinner, 1:30pm; curtain at 2:15pm. Dinner, dessert and two one-act comedies for only $25./person. Serving: Braised Angus Beef Brisket, Potato Gratin, Sautéed Mixed Vegetables, Tomato DemiGlace, White Chocolate Crème Brulee, w/tea and coffee. RSVP: 910-327-2798. 126 Park Lane. www. sneadsferrycommunitytheatre.com DESSERT THEATRE There’s a new taste sensation coming to Wilmington in January: a treat for the taste buds and the funny bone. It’s ‘Dessert Theater,’ at New Hanover County Senior Resource Center on four Friday afternoons. Think dinner theater, only smaller: a combination of coffee, sweet treats and live theater, feat. two bite-sized comedies by award-winning playwright Kathryn Martin, 2pm. $8/person. Seating limited; RSVP (required): 910-398-7871. On 1/22, “CyberLies” and “Driving My Daddy” will be performed. On1/15 and 29 it’s “Date Night” and “Murder at Teatime” will be performed— all done by Wilmington actors. 2222 S. College Rd., 910-398-7871 or www. kathrynmartin.net. LOVE ON THE ROCKS “Love on the Rocks,” the first show of our 2010 season., consists of four short plays about the difficult (and sometimes comical) search for love. Show dates are 2/4-7, 11-14 and 18-21. Plays include: “Fixing Up Mom” by Kathryn Martin—A daughter arranges a meeting between her widowed mother and a widower, both of whom have definite ideas (and a list!) about what they are looking for in a prospective mate. “Ships” by Jay Hanagan—A man and a woman, each married to other people,


Comedy improv and sketch classes will kick the new year off nicely and with bouts of laughter, thanks to the help of Brooklin Green. Green will be teaching the classes at CFCC beginning with Improv and Sketch on the 18th and Stand-Up on 19th. Students will learn to think creatively, on their feet, and create new material while gaining feedback. Research on auditions and submissions will take place too. Cost is $120; (910) 362-7319.

HOME TOUR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Home Tour spotlights beautiful properties around Wilmington, exploring a range of styles and periods. Volunteers are needed to give our visitors the best experience possible. Two shifts available on Sat, 12:45-3:30pm and 3:15-6pm, or Sun., 12:45pm-3pm or 2:45-5pm. Docents and House Captains needed to take a role and make this event succeed. aimee@historicwilmington.org or call (910) 762-2511. WORK ON WILMINGTON An annual community service event in which hundreds of volunteers complete in just four hours projects that make Wilmington a better place to live, has been scheduled for 4/17. On this day, volunteers will gather at various locations in the city and work from 8am-12pm on projects of lasting value to the community. Organizers are now soliciting projects of lasting benefit to the community that could be finished in four hours and are unlikely to be done without Work on Wilmington. Examples might include installing playground equipment, small construction projects, painting and landscaping or cleaning up a neighborhood

meet by chance and discover that they have more in common with each other than they do with their respective spouses. “The Marriage Proposal” by Anton Chekhov—A middle-aged bachelor comes to his neighbor’s house to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Comic misunderstandings and arguments ensue. “Not Since Baltimore” by Bert Sherman—A widower explores the bewildering world of internet dating.Ken Cressman: 910-4710242; Cape Fear Playhouse, 613 Castle St. THE TALE OF THE ALLERGIST’S WIFE Red Barn Studio Theatre presents “The Tale of the Allergist’s Wife,” a comedy by Charles Busch. Directed by Steve Bakunas, feat. Jason Hatfield, Linda Lavin, Rachel Lewis, Barbara Weetman and Rachid Zermani. Through 2/20, Wed-Sat, 8pm, and Sun, 3pm. Tickets: $25/students and seniors and $27/GA. 1122 S. Third. 762-0955 THE TAFFETAS Thalian Association presents the musical The

Taffetas: A Musical Journey Through the Fabulous Fifties.Drected and choreographed by David T. Loudermilk with music direction by Jonathan Barber, runs 2/4-14 at the Hannah Block 2nd Street Stage, 120 S. 2nd St., downtown Wilmington; Thurs/Fri/Sat, 8pm, and Sun, 3pm. A delightful revue taking us back to the 1950’s where the girl group of the title “four sisters from Muncie, Indiana” is making its national television debut. A tribute to the sounds of The McGuire Sisters, The Fontane Sisters and The Chordettes nd more! $20 w/senior, student and group discounts. 910-251-1778. A FUNNY THING... AUDITIONS Brunswick Little Theatre will present A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum at 7:30pm, 2/1820, and 3pm, 2/21 at Odell Williamson Auditorium on the campus of Brunswick Community College. For tickets call 1-800-524-4869. Ticket prices: $15 for adults;$10 for students 12 and over w/ school ID’s; $10 Brunswick Community College Staff; $6 for children under 12. www.brunswicklittletheatre. com or brunswicklittletheatre.blogspot.com. SNEADS FERRY AUDITIONS Snead’s Ferry holds open auditions, Wed., 1/13, 7pm. Need 4 men and 2 women for March production of Everybody Loves Opal by John Patrick. Attempted murder wouldn’t seem to be funny, but in Mr. Patrick’s magic hands it is uproarious.126 Park Lane. Cold reading. Gaylene Branton: branton@att.net or 910/389-8776. www. sneadferrycommunitytheatre.com FIDDLER ON THE ROOF The Upper Room Theatre Company, the first Christian community theatre company in Wilmington, will hold open auditions for the musical “Fiddler on the Roof” on Mon, 2/8, 7pm., with call backs on 2/9, at 7pm. Candidates for vocal parts should come with a prepared musical number from the show. 8 year olds to adults; held at Lutheran Church of Reconciliation’s Ministry Center, 7500 Market St. Performances on 4/23-30 and 5/1-2.

Comedy COMEDY CLASSES Comedy Improv & Sketch for Beginners: $120. Learn to be a kid again! Learn the basics of Improv you may recognize from Who’s Line Is It Anyway, and the basis of shows like SNL, Mad TV, SCTV, and Best in Show. Great fun for performers, non-performers, public speakers, teachers and others who are interested in learning to think creatively and quickly on their feet. Mon., 6-9pm, 12 weeks beg. 1/18. Wilmington Campus CFCC. • Stand up Comedy, 1/19: Tues., 6-9pm, 12 wks. $120: Gain confidence, get feedback, writing exercises, and the open mike experience. This workshop is focused on getting you to your first open mike. Open forum to try out your material, create new material, gain feedback and overcome performance anxiety. Nationally headlining comedian Basile scheduled as a guest speaker! We will also research national/regional stand-up auditions and submissions. Brooklin Green: (910) 362-7319 CABINEER’S PROMOTIONS Comedy show at Wilmington Sportsmen Club, featuring comedians from Comic View, Def Comedy Jam and HBO: TP Hearn, Preacher Man and Grave Digger. 10pm; doors at 9pm. Early bird tix, $10 thru 1/31; $15 thereafter or $20 at door. www.etix. com. Location: 111 Caste Street. 910-200-3683 or daddycabineers@aol.com. NUTT ST. COMEDY ROOM Tues/ Wed. Improv with the Nutt House troupe ($5 cover and $1 Front St draft beer), Thurs. Open Mic Stand-up, Fri/Sat Nationally Touring Comedians. All shows 9pm, 8pm doors. 255 N. Front Str. 910251-7881

Music/Concerts SOUP TO NUTS LIVE WHQR’s Soup to Nuts Live! on Thurs., 1/14, 7:30pm features the band The Frog Project and will benefit ailing local musician and WHQR friend William “Paco” Strickland. 6:30pm pre-concert reception so folks can meet the musicians and

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staff, and enjoy wine, beer and snacks. Tickets are complimentary but as seating is limited and we record the show for later broadcast, reservations are required by calling (910) 343-1640 or emailing tventimiglia@whqr.org (please include your name, phone number, and the number of tickets you’d like). $5 donation suggested at the door to be given to Paco Strickland (pacostrickland.com). LATIN FIESTA NC Symphony Young People’s Concert Series offers a Latin Fiesta w/ Director Grant Llewellyn and special guests Mariachi Cobre. Hour-long musical tour of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Peru, at Meymandi Concert Hall at downtown Raleigh’s Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts, Sa., 1/16, 11am. www.ncsymphony.org or c 919733-2750, Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm. MUSIC ON MARKET The Oleander Chamber Orchestra presents Igor Strvinksy’s ‘The Soldier’s Tale.’ Portrayed by actors and orchestra, 1/16, 7:30pm in sactuary of St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1416 Market St. Sharon Miller: (910) 762-9693, 212. SARAH HICKS CLASSICAL SERIES NC Symphony Associate Conductor Sarah Hicks makes her Classical Series debut with “Old World Elegance,” a challenging and engaging mix of works by three romantic masters: Liszt, Mahler, and Dvo?ák. The evenings will feature solos by acclaimed baritone Randall Scarlata. Held at Meymandi Concert Hall, downtown Raleigh’s Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts, Fri/Sat, 1/22-23, and at Memorial Hall on the campus of the UNC-Chapel Hill, Sun., 1/23, 8pm. Tckets: www.ncsymphony.org or call 919-7332750, Mon-Fri, 10an–5pm. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Music instruction at Modern Music with Lucian Rowland, who has 20 years experience as a professional recording and performing musician. Private lessons available for guitar, mandolin, banjo, and bass. (910) 508-1111 or rockinrowland@hotmail.com.

Dance BALLROOM DANCING Silver Coast Winery feat. award-winning Ballroom Dancers Jim Sterner and Donna Rosen, from Myrtle Beach, to give a series of four classes: 4 consecutive Sun. afternoons, through 1/31, 2-4pm. First hour will be instruction and the second hour will be dance with individual help from Jim and Donna. $45/person for all classes, prepaid. (910) 287-2800 www.silvercoastwinery.com. 6680 Barbeque Rd., Ocean Isle Beach SINGLE’S CLUB Wilmington Singles Club meets at American Legion, Post 10, 8-11pm. Members $8 and guests, $10. 1/15: DJ Robert Clemmons • 1/22: DJ Baby Boomer. No shorts, miniskirts or denim jeans. Kathleen Abbott, 232-3315 or www. wilmingtonsingles.blogspot.com TECHNIQUES IN MOTION Still accepting enrollment in classes offered in Adult Stretch & Sculpt (morning and evening class options), Hippity Hop Preschool Hip-Hop Classes, Jazz ages 5-6, Hip-Hop ages 5-7, and many more. Also: evening beginner preschool tap & ballet classes. $10 reg. fee. Techniques In Motion School of Dance, 5202 Carolina Beach Rd. (910) 799-3223; www.techniquesinmotion.com. FIREHOUSE STUDIO BELLY DANCING Beginning and mixed-level bellydance classes every Mon. 6:30pm-8pm. $12. Firehouse studio, 1702 Wrightsville Ave. CAROLINA SHAG CLUB DJs play favorite beach music and shag tunes every Sat, 8pm to close. $4/members; $6/guests. Carolina Shag Club, 103 N. Lake Park Blvd. Carolina Beach, NC 620-4025 76’ERS SQUARE DANCE CLUB Modern Western Style Square Dance. Club meets Thurs. nights at 7pm at the Senior Center for a new workshop on square dancing. Info: 270-1639 ARGENTINE TANGO 7:30pm, every Friday. $5 cover at the door, includes

beginners lesson. Ramada Inn, New Carolina Lounge, 5001 Market St. Details: 790-8597. WILMINGTON SALSA CLUB Salsa Lessons, 8:30pm, Wed., Garibaldi Night Club, 4418 Market St., Wilmington, NC • 8pm, Fridays, Sywanyk’s Night Club 222 Henderson Ave., Jacksonville, NC. Dawn: (910) 471-6809 DANCE LESSONS AT CAROLINA LOUNGE Tues, 7:30pm, shag lessons with Brad and DJ Lee Pearson. • Fri., 7:30pm, Tango workshop with Paula. 9:30pm, salsa lessons with DJ Lalo. Cover charge $5, lesson free. • Sat., Latin ryhthm. Doors open 9pm. 5001-a Market St, (910) 790-8598

Art ARTISTS FOR CHARITY Octogenarian Paula C Faraday (Washington Gallery of Art ) and Roslyn Hancock, formerly of South Africa, announce a show of their work through 1/23 at the Caffé Phoenix, 9 South Front Str. Exhibition is the first presentation to the public. Mrs. Faraday foresees an annual exhibition with two purposes: to raise funds for a specific charity and to promote the artistic creations of local artists. Sales from the show of January 2010 will go to: St Mary Catholic School for Mrs. Faraday and to Breast Cancer for Mrs. Hancock. BOTTEGA ART BAR EXHIBITS: Jazz Rode: A Solo Exhibition, Through 3/7, w/ opening reception on Fri, 1/15, 6-8pm. Designing surf art is just one of this local artists amazing talents—also includes; Intaglio, Lithography, Mixed Media and Painting and will all be displayed in this eclectic exhibit at Bottega Gallery. EVENTS: Start 9pm unless noted; free. • 1/13: Weekly Wine Tasting 7pm (Roger Davis & Ron Wilson music) • 1/14: 7-9 Poetry workshop 9-11 Jean Jones • 1/15: Steve Gibbs Bryan Galeki and Soultron perform • 1/16: Little Miss Sabatoge CD release party • 1/17: Dale “Fully Automatic Sound Machine” DJ’s • 1/18: Open Paint & Create (bring your art in progress and have some drinks) Sara Blacker performs • 1/19: Starving Artist night $2 wine & beer • 1/20: Weekly Wine Tasting 7pm (upstarts and Rogues perform) • 1/21: Open-mic night (music, poetry, comedy, etc..) 1st & 3rd Thurs. 8pm-midnight • 1/22: 4th Friday is Back! Spider Mike performs 6pm • 1/23: Summerset • 1/24: Dale “Fully Automatic Sound Machine” DJ’s • 1/25: Open Paint & Create (bring your art in progress and have some drinks!) • 1/26: Starving Artist night $2 wine & beer • 1/27: Weekly Wine Tasting 7pm (Roger Davis & Ron Wilson music) • 1/28: Eric Metts • 1/29: Kim Dicso • 1/30: Live Music • 1/31: Miss Tess performs. 208 North Front St.; 910-763-3737. www.bottegagallery.com A CONCRETE OF IMAGES: BACK FROM IRAQ UNCW’s Randall Library will showcase photography of Iraq War veteran Sgt. Eric Edmundson during the month of January. “A Concrete of Images: Back From Iraq” collects photographs of civilian and military life in Iraq captured during the wounded veteran’s tour of duty. Edmundson’s photography has been on display at the National Veterans Art Museum in Chicago, at the Pentagon, the Russell Senate Building and at VA hospitals and colleges across the nation. ENVISAGE STUDIOS Envisage Gallery and Studios is now open. We are seeking artists and art to fill this unique art/ theatre space. We have Artist studio, display, and consignment space available. Whether you need a little space or a lot of space we can fill your needs. Located in the historic Friendly’s Department Store building at 615 Castle St. and open to the Cape Fear Playhouse. Susan or Scott Oakley: 910-3521070 or envisagegallery@ec.rr.com. BIANNUAL FACULTY ART EXHIBITION Bi-Annual Faculty Art Exhibition: 1/14-2/19. Artist reception is 1/14, 5-7pm. The Art Gallery: in the Cultural Arts Building at UNCW. Carlton Wilkinson, Gallery Director, Dept. of Art & Art History University of North Carolina Wilmington, 601 South College Ave. 910-962-7958 or e-mail: wilkinsonc@uncw. edu. Next exhibition: Photographing America: 2008-2009, 2/26-4/2. WAWA STUDIO CRAWL

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Wrightsville Ave Working Artists Studios (http:// wawaswilmington.com), featuring Jan Wutkowski; jewelry artist, Mitzy Jonkheer; metalsmith, Melissa Manely;painters Deborah Cavenaugh, Hanna Mathis, E. Francisca Dekker and Gail Powell. Studio Crawl: 1/22. WALL’S GALLERY “A Painter’s Voice,” feat. paintings by Larry Moore: “The voice of the artist comes from these things: color, shape, edge, brush work, composition and concept. It’s the individual voice of the artist that


the north end of downtown at 505 Nutt St. 910763-2634 or www.wrrm.org. NC MARITIME MUSEUM AT SOUTHPORT The North Carolina Maritime Museum at Southport hosts regular Monthly Adult Programs on the 3rd Tues. of each month at 7pm at the Southport Community Building. Free to members and $5 for non-members.116 N. Howe St. / 910-457-0003. PENDERLEA HOMESTEAD MUSEUM Depression-era farmstead that promotes local farm history of NC. Sat., 1-4pm. 10 mi. west of Burgaw, off NC Highway 11. 284 Garden Rd., Willard/2853490/www.penderleahomesteadmuseum. org.

Head over to downtown’s most artsy hangout and enjoy their latest surf art, as designed by area talent. “Jazz Rode: A Solo Exhibition” features intaglio, lithography, mixed-media and paintings. After checking out what’s hanging, stick around for a cocktail and their poetry workshop, helf from 7-9pm. Then, Jean Jones goes on from 9-11pm. It will be a night full of creative immersion. 208 N. Front Street. separates him/her from the rest.” Hanging through 12/31. 2173 Wrightsville Ave., (910) 343-1703 PORT CITY POTTERY & FINE CRAFTS Port City Pottery & Fine Crafts, Cotton Exchange in downtown Wilmington, w/ handmade, one-ofa-kind, 3-D art, crafts and more by jury-selected coastal North Carolina artisans. Open: Mon.-Sat., 10-5:30pm; Sun., 11-4pm. 307 N. Front St./7637111, portcitypottery.com

Museum CAPE FEAR SERPENTARIUM Cool down in front of “Anaconda Splash” exhibit in the indoor tropical jungle. See, photograph and even touch rare animals assembled from all over the planet in beautiful simulations of their natural environments. Meet colorful jungle birds, crocodiles, king cobras, black mambas and many more. Open from 11am-5pm, Sat. from 11am-6pm. 20 Orange Street at Front Street on historic downtown riverwalk. (910) 762-1669 or www.capefearserpentarium.com. BELLAMY MANSION Bellamy is one of NC’s premier architectural and historic treasures, built as city residence of prominent planter, Dr. John D. Bellamy. Antebellum architecture: a mix of Greek Revival and Italianate styles. Open for tours Tues.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm; closed Mons. Guided tours on the hour; self-guided audio-tours also available. Current Exhibit: “Walking in the Footsteps of: Gen. William T. Sherman.” Adults, $10; children 5-12, $4; group tours, $8 (20+ requires reservations). 251-3700 ext. 104; www.BellamyMansion.org. LATIMER HOUSE Victorian Italiante style home built in 1852, the restored home features period furnishings, artwork and family portraits. Tours offered Mon-Fri, 10am4pm, and Sat, 12-5pm. Walking tours are Wed/Sat. at 10am. 126 S. Third St. Adults $8, children $4. 762-0492. www.latimerhouse.org WILMINGTON RAILROAD MUSEUM Explore railroad history and heritage, especially of the Atlantic Coast Line, headquartered in Wilmington for more than 130 years. Interests and activities for all ages including historical exhibits, full-size steam engine and rolling stock, lively children’s area, and spectacular scale models. Housed in an original 1882 freight warehouse, facilities are fully accessible and on one level. Groups receive special guided tours. Facilities can also be booked for meetings or mixers, accommodating groups of up to 150. Admission only $6 for adults, $5 for seniors/military, $3 for children 2-12, and free under age 2. Located at

CAPE FEAR MUSEUM EXHIBITS: Going to the Movies: Experience the history of a century of movie-going in the Lower Cape Fear region. Explore where people went to the movies. Discover how the theater experience has changed over the years. Watch some of the first films local residents may have seen.Free w/admission. • Conservation Matters. Explore the art and science of artifact conservation. Discover what it is, who does it, and why it matters to museums. A selection of beautifully conserved furniture and other wooden objects from the Museum’s permanent collection will be on display. • Cape Fear Treasures: Drink. Glimpse a selection of drinking vessels, as you explore treasures from Cape Fear Museum’s collection. From 18th-century bottles, to fancy teapots, to modern-day souvenir mugs, discover objects that help tell the stories of liquid consumption through time. Going to the Movies • EVENTS: Learning Center: Playing With Math, 1/16, 30. Measure, estimate, identify, reason, plot, and predict your way through interactive mathematics activities. Come play with math to discover how it figures into your everyday life. Design your own math button to take home! Open Sat, 10am-4pm. Free w/admission. Ages 5 to 12. Parental participation is required. • New Hanover County Residents’ Day: Residents are admitted free to the Museum the first Sunday of every month. • Volunteer Open House is held the first Wednesday of every month. • Winter Jazz held one Friday a month, NovemberApril, 6-8pm; free for Museum members; $8 for nonmembers. Bring your own chair. Food and drink are encouraged, no glass please. • Cape Fear Skies: Winter Constellations 1/17, 1:30, 2:30 & 3:30pm. Venture into Cape Fear Museum’s portable planetarium and explore the night sky in the daytime. Investigate winter constellations and determine how to locate these “seasonal pictures” in the Lower Cape Fear night sky. Free w/admission • Mystery at the Museum: 1/23: Local wildlife are the suspects in an ecosystem photo shoot gone awry. Inspect the “crime scene,” collect trace evidence, examine forensic clues, and use scientific equipment and methods to “track” down the animal culprit. Put on your detective hat and join other families to solve this museum mystery. 10am-4pm. Last ticket sold at 2:30. Free for members; $5 per nonmember. Children 5 to 12. Parental participation is required. • Family Workshop: Shipwrecks: 1/24, 2:30pm. Explore the “Graveyard of the Atlantic.” Learn the basics of underwater archaeology. Create your own quadrant to navigate the high seas. Experimentation, discovery and exploration for the whole family. Hands-on workshops are $4/person plus Museum admission and are appropriate for children ages 5 to 12. Parental participation is required. Museum open Mon. through Labor Day 2009. Hours: 9am5pm Tues-Sat. and 1-5pm, Sun. Admission is $6 for adults; $5 for students with valid ID and senior citizens; $5 special military rate with valid military ID; $3 for children 3-17; and free for children under 3. Museum members are always free. New Hanover County residents’ free day is the first Sunday of each month. 814 Market St.

CAMERON ART MUSEUM EXHIBITS: Toying with Art is an exhibition of toys designed and fabricated by more than 50 artists. Remains open through 3/28. Brings together several different kinds of toys: games, robots, plush toys, puppets and action figures all come together in this exciting exhibition. • Kaleidoscope: Changing Views of the Permanent Collection. Feat. art from the Cameron Art Museum’s collection: paintings,

prints, drawings, sculptures, photographs, furniture, decorative arts, from the museum’s permanent collection. Configuration will change through the year as individual works are rotated.• EVENTS: Music w/Teddy Burgh Trio, 7-8pm, $5. Evening of cool jazz with the Teddy Burgh Trio—Burgh on saxophone and flute, Kevin Kolb on piano and Lee Venters on drums. Teddy Burgh has shared the stage with Ray Charles and Yolanda Adams among others, Kevin Kolb is a jazz and contemporary keyboardist and composer, and Lee Venters is a multi-instrumentalist recording artist, producer and founder of the Music School of Wilmington. Refreshments are available by donation. • CLASSES: Couples Tango w/Kent Boseman, Sat., 6 session: 1/23, 30 and 2/6, 13 and 27, 11am-1pm. $90/couple. Size is limited, pre-reg by Tues., 1/5: daphne@ cameronartmuseum.com www.surfertango. com. • Hand and Wheel Pottery Techniques, Mon/Wed., 1/25-3/17, 9am-noon, $250. Evenings: Tues/Thurs., 1/26-3/18, 6-9pm, $250. Hiroshi Sueyoshi teaches handbuilding, wheel throwing, glazing and finishing techniques. Class size is limited. Open to all skill levels, ages 16+. • Yoga: Every Tues. at 6pm and Thurs. at 12pm; $5/members; $8/non-members. Exercises to enhance relaxation, breath control and meditation with Sara Jo Nelson. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a yoga mat. Beginners welcome. • Tai Chi, Wed. 12pm. $5/members, $8/nonmembers. A slow, meditative form of exercise designed for relaxation, balance and health taught by Martha Gregory. Wear comfortable clothing. Beginners welcome • South 17th Str. and Independence Blvd. Regular museum hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri.: 11am-2pm, Saturday and Sunday: 11am-5m. Members free;$8 non-members; $5 Students with valid student ID card; $3 Children age 2 -12 www. cameronartmuseum.com or (910)395-5999. NC AQUARIUM EVENTS: Aquarist Apprentice: 1/23, 30, 2pm. Find out what it is like to be responsible for the aquarium critters. Join staff on a behind-the-scenes tour, learn about our animals and their diets, and assist our staff in the preparation of food and feeding of some of our animals. For ages 10 and up. Ages 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult. $2/participant. Aquarium admission included.• Behind the Scenes Tour: 1/13, 3:30pm; 17, 2pm; 21, 11:30am; 23, 11am; 24, 2pm; 31, 2pm. Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at an Aquarium? Space for animal holding, husbandry, life support systems, and access to exhibits is hidden behind the aquarium walls. Children between 8 and 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.$15/participant. Aquarium admission included. • Children’s Discovery Time: 1/21, 10am, Crabs. Creatures come alive in this story-telling and critter-creating program. For preschool children. $5/child. Parents pay admission only. • Daddy and Me: 1/16, 9am. Dads and their children interact and learn together about aquarium animals. After, enjoy free playtime in our Freshwater Wonders Room. Different animal topics offered each date. For adults and kids ages 1-3. $13/adult and one child ($1 ea, additional child) Admission included. • Mommy and Me: 1/26, 30, 9am. Moms and their children interact and learn together about aquarium animals and then enjoy free playtime in our Freshwater Wonders Room. Different animal topics will be offered each date. For adults and kids ages 1-3. $13/one adult and one child ($1 ea. additional child) Admission to Aquarium is included.• Sea Squirts Breakfast and Playtime with the Fishes: 1/22, 8am. Toddlers and parents invited to come explore the Aquarium from 8-9am before we open our doors to the general public. Kids ages 1-3 will get to meet some of our animal friends up-close, hear a fishy story, and have playtime in our Freshwater Wonders Room.Also enjoy a breakfast surrounded by our aquatic friends. $15 (includes the admission for the day). $5/children ages 2-3. Members pay $7/ participant. • Aquacamp: Reptiles and Amphiians: 1/18, 8:30am-3pm. Up close look at reptiles and animals including, turtles, salamanders, and alligators. Learn about the similarities and differences between these two types of animals. Live animal presentations and more are all part of

recognized program taught by YMCA trained instructors. Weekday and weekend offerings. Winter session runs through 3/31. Did you know that modern swim instruction was invented at the YMCA? Maybe that’s why so many people have learned to swim at the Y, and continue to come back to enjoy our outstanding facilities. National YMCA Aquatics programs are designed to teach personal water safety, stroke development, rescue and personal growth skills to children. Our program is divided by age and skill levels. Aquatics Director Joe Herzberg: 251-9622, x254 or joe. herzberg@wilmingtonfamilyymca.org. HALYBURTON NATURE PROGRAMS Free, pre-reg rqd. 4099 S. 17th Street 910341-0075 or www.halyburtonpark.com. Ages 16 and up! Winter Birds ID Workshop: 1/14, 9am-4pm. Explore a variety of habitats in the Carolina Beach, Ft. Fisher and Wilmington area to identify shorebirds, waterfowl, sparrows and other winter residents. Led by eduator Mike Campbell of N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission and park naturalist Andy Fairbanks. Fee but pre-reg. is rqd. (910)3410075. 2010 STRIPER TOURNEY On 1/15-16 Cape Fear River Watch will host the Second Invitational Striper Tournament and Banquet. This unique celebration of our river focuses on fish restoration, while benefiting Cape Fear River Watch. The pre- ournament banquet will feature great company, terrific food, and an array of stunning auction items including the work of many local artists. The doors open at 6pm and tickets are $50. CFRW: 762-5606. this exciting program. Snacks provided. Kids will need to bring a bag lunch. $40/participant. Offering limited transportation from the Monkey Junction area to and from Aquacamps—accommodates 13 children per day. A fee and pre-registration is required! • Scout Days: 1/23, 9am-4pm, Boy Scouts-Reptiles and Amphibians Program. Each date will focus on programs in which the scouts can complete some of their patch or badge requirements. Scouts can attend with a parent or with their troop, but must have adult supervision. Space is limited. $1/Boy Scout, $8/adult. U.S. 421, less than a mile from the Ft. Fisher ferry terminal. Hours: 9am-5pm daily. Admission: $8 adults; $7 seniors; $6 ages 6-17. Free for children under 6; registered groups of N.C. school children, and NC Aquarium Society members. www.ncaquariums. com. Closed Christmas and New Year’s days. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH MUSEUM The Wrightsville Beach Museum of History, housed in the turn of the century Myers Cottage, exists to preserve and to share the history of Wrightsville Beach.Visitors to the cottage will find a scale model of Wrightsville Beach circa 1910, exhibits featuring the early days of the beach including Lumina Pavilion, our hurricane history and information about the interaction between the people and our natural environment which have shaped the 100 year history of Wrightsville Beach. 303 West Salisbury Street. wbmuseum.com. BURGWIN WRIGHT HOUSE 18th century Burgwin-Wright House Museum in the heart of Wilmington’s Historic District, is the oldest museum house in NC, restored with 18th and 19th century decor and gardens. Colonial life is experienced through historical interpretations in kitchen-building and courtyard. 3rd and Market streets. Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm. Last tour, 3pm. Admission rqd. (910) 762-0570. www.burgwinwrighthouse.com.

Sports/Recreation BIRD TOURS 100-acre lake within a larger city park is one of the great birding destinations of the Southeast and a featured portion of the NC Birding Trail. See Wigeon, Gadwall, Cormorants and Egrets roost in and around the Bald Cypress, and more! Traditionalists walk their way the 5 miles around the lake, guidebook in

hand. Or do a guided 1-hr tour on the lake itself comfortably seated in River Watch’s electric canoe. Led by trained and experienced birders, River Watch offers birding tours of aboard an electric boat that can fit 6 passengers comfortably. Tours on Wed/Thurs/Sundays through March, weather permitting, or by special app. The one-hour tours leave the dock at 10am, 11am, noon and 1pm with a special “roosting hour” tour leaving appx 3:30pm. Group prices available; RSVP recommended. $15/person. 910-762-5606 or 910-200-4002. IN BALANCE Group Class Schedule: Mon—8am, Advanced Reformer Class with Carrie; 9am, Tower Class with Carrie; 12pm, Tower Class with Natalie; 6:30pm, Mat Class with Nicole; 6:30pm, Tower Class with Paula • Wed—8am, Tower Class with Carrie; 12pm, Mat Class with Kristen • Thurs—7 pm, Tower/Reformer Class with Kristen • Fri— Advanced Chair/ Reformer Class with Carrie; 1pm, Tower Class with Natalie • Sat.—9am, Mat Class with Kristen • Gentle Pilates with Heather Till—Focuses on form, breathing and stretching. The series lasts 4 weeks and is appropriate for beginners and experienced students looking to work at a slower, more controlled pace. $100.


BIRDING TRAIL HIKES NC has diversity of bird habitats and over 440 bird species throughout the year, making it a great place hike bird trails. Each hike is apx. 2 miles; transportation from Halyburton Park included. 1/21: Howell Woods Environmental Ctr, 8am-5pm, $10 • Cabin Lake County Park, 2/18, 8am-noon, $10/person www.halyburtonpark.com CFFA TOURNAMENT Cape Fear Fencing Association (CFFA) will host the North Carolina Fencing League’s (NCFL) 1/23 tournament at the lower level of St, Mary’s Tileston Gym, corner of 5th and Ann streets Hosts youth fencers from around the state as they as they arrive to compete in the NCFL tournament. Free to the public, and spectators are encouraged to stop by for a chance to learn more about the sport It is a great opportunities to get an up-close look at a traditional Olympic sport. www.capefearfencing. com or 910 799-8642. CAPE FEAR HISTORY BOWL Enter the first Cape Fear History Bowl. For adult contestants. 2/11, 7pm at the Historic New Hanover County Court House. $200/team. 10/2 reg. deadline. The winner will recieve a name engraved Cape Fear History Bowl trophy. Teams should include 4 members plus one alternate. Contact Bill Holt: 910.791.1602 or Candace McGreevy at The Latimer House, 3 & Orange Streets: 910.762.0492 or cmcgreevy@latimerhouse. org.

Always been interested in wigeon, gadwall, cormorants and egrets? Well, indulge those interests with a bird tour, given by trained and experienced birders of Cape Fear River Watch. They hold tours of Greenfield Lake, a 100acre lake and city park, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, weather permitting. The one-hour tour leaves the dock at 10am, 11am, noon and 1pm. $15 a person is cost, and RSVP, (910) 762-5606. Mon, 4:30; Thurs, 12:30. 3828 Oleander Drive. info@pilatesinbalance.com YMCA SWIM LESSONS YMCA Swim Lesson Program is a nationally

POLAR PLUNGE Polar Plunge for Special Olympics takes place Sat., 2/20, at Pleasure Island’s Carolina Beach Boardwalk, next to Marriott, 11am-3pm. Plunge into the Atlantic Ocean to support Special Olympics New Hanover County. Also: live music, art, food, a silent auction, classic car show and much, much more. In order to plunge you must raise a minimum of $50 ($30 for students w/proper ID). Costume Contest judging begins at 1pm www.plungenhc.com. polarplunge@plungenhc.com or 910-3415876 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH PARKS & REC Beginner shag lessons on Sun., Fran Russ Recreation Ctr, no partner needed. Next class starts 2/7 • Beginner II Bridge Lessons, Thurs, 10am-noon, 3/11-4/8. • Intermediate II Bridge Lessons, Thurs, 12:30pm–2:30pm. 3/11-4/8 • Currently registering for group tennis lessons, adult, youth, and tots. Classes meet Mon/Wed,

encore | january 13th-19th, 2010 | www.encorepub.com 33

at tennis courts at Wrightsville Beach Park. Adult, Youth ages 9-12, and Tots ages 6-8. • Yoga: Tuesd/Wed, 6:30pm. Classes meet in the Fran Russ Recreation Center. • Pilates. Mon/Wed/Frid, 10:15-11:15am. Beginner Pilates on Tues/Thurs, 7:30-8:15am. • Low Impact Aerobics. Mon/Wed/ Fri, 8-9am and 9-10am. All ages welcome, catered toward ages 60+. • Tone & Stretch. Tues/Thurs, 8:30-9:15am. All ages welcome, catered towards Ages 60+. • Boot Camp fitness class meets Tues/ Thurs, 6-7am. 910-256-7925; pre-registration rqd. Wrightsville Beach Park.

Film CINEMATIQUE Cinematique of Wilmington, a series of classic, foreign and notable films co-sponsored by WHQR and Thalian Hall Center for the Performing Arts, Inc., proudly announces its upcoming slate of films. Admission: $7. All films are screened in Historic Thalian Hall. • 1/13, 2010 (Sun– Wed) Crude Joe Berliner, the director of Brother’s Keeper, Paradise Lost and Some Kind of Monster, turns his attention to what may be the most important environmental lawsuit of our time. This cinémavérité documentary takes us from villages in the Amazon to NYC skyscrapers as two lawyers bring a class action lawsuit against Chevron for polluting an area in Ecuador causing cancer, water pollution and death. 105 Minutes. Unrated. In English, Spanish, A’ingae and Secoya with English subtitles. • 1/2024, 2010 (Wed-Sun) Diva—When Diva debuted in the early 80’s, audiences were ready to abandon the French realism of the previous decade and embrace cinema du look. This reprinted and retranslated version is even more suited today. The appeal of director Jean-Jacques Beineix’s fast-paced thriller relies on its look—slick, sensual and expertly photographed. The story of the opera singer who never allowed herself to be recorded, the postman who secretly recorded her, and the mix-up when the recorded tape is mixed up with one confirming criminal activity make for an energetic story line. Starring Frederic Andrei, Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez and Dominique Pinon. 123 Minutes. Rated R. French with English subtitles. 910-343-3664. thalianhall.org or etix.com SUBVERSIVE FILM SERIES All movies are free at Juggling Gypsy on Castle Street, Sundays, 8pm. 1/17: Toxic Avenger 2 • 1/24: Canibal the Musical: The sole survivor of an ill-fated mining expedition tells how his taste for gold was replaced by that of human flesh. • 1/31: Plan 9 from Outerspace: Aliens resurrect dead humans as zombies and vampires to stop human kind from creating the Solaranite. the worst movie ever made. 763-2223

Kids Stuff Y KIDS ZONE Transforming the current Teen Center, the new “Y Kids Zone” will provide a safe and fun environment for youth ages 6-12 with over 25 pieces of age-appropriate fitness equipment, in addition to Wii systems, Dance Dance Revolution, game bikes and an obstacle course. Free and open to the public, 1/18, 8:30-11:30am and 4:30-7:30pm. Come check out the new equipment, learn more about the YMCA and its various youth and adult programs, take advantage of the big Grand Opening discounts, and sign up for the raffle prizes being given away.www. wilmingtonfamilyymca.org. FIT FOR FUN CENTER Dinosaur Dance! Fri., 1/15, 10am-noon, doors at 9am. $5 child/adults free! One big dinosaur party with age appropriate activities for all. There will be fun music, games, a special snack, and crafts! • Teddy Bear Picnic, Fri., 2/12, 10am-noon, doors at 9am. $5 child/adults free! Bring your favorite teddy bear to this fun event. We will dance, play games, and more! 302 S. 10th St. 910-341-4630. MLK COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Join us for the MLK Day Community Celebration w/ entertainment, face painting, food, and more. The event is free to the public, Sat., 1/16, 11am-

2pm. 401 S. 8th St. 341-7866. HALYBURTON PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Nature programs for preschoolers, ages 2-5: ABCs of Nature, Mon., 1/25, 10-11am; Tues, 1/26, 10-11am • Winter in the Forest, Mon/Tues, 2/8-9, 10-11am • Nocturnal Animals, Mon/Tues, 2/22-23, 10-11am • Radical Reptiles, Mon., 3/1 and 3/2, 10-11am • Camouflage in Nature, Mon/Tues, 3/15-16, 10-11am • Signs of Spring, Mon/Tues, 3/29-30, 10-11am. Cost: $3/child; pre-reg rqd. 4099 S. 17th St. (910) 341-0075.

Lectures/Readings DR. MARY ANN CAWS Dr. Mary Ann Caws, professor of lit, English and French at City University fo NY, will speak on “Some Varieties of Religious Representation, from the Pieta of Avignon to Dali and Warhol.”, 1/29, 7pm. Free and open to publish. St. James Episcopal Parish, 25 S. 3rd St., in the Great Hall. Market Street, between 3rd and 4th streets. Gail Jackins: gail@stjamesp.org GREAT PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH Captain Charlie Moore, founder of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, will speak at 8pm on Thurs. 1/14, in UNCW’s Lumina Theater on plastic pollution in the North Pacific Ocean. Referred to as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” Moore first observed a concentration of plastic pollution in the North Pacific Gyre while sailing from Hawaii to California twelve years ago. “Research and Discovery in Our Synthetic Sea,” will focus on the amount of plastics in the Pacific and the consequences it has for our oceans, our planet, and our selves. Free event.; donations are welcome. www.algalita.org. RICHARD KAGLIC Cape Fear Chapters of The NC World Trade Association and the American Red Cross will host keynote speaker Richard Kaglic at a lunch forum meeting on 1/20, noon-2pm, the Country Club of Landfall’s Nicholas Banquet Room. Kaglic will weigh in on the current economic climate and how these trends will play out nationally and regionally in 2010. He will also talk about the long-term growth prospects for the US economy, international trade, and the continued resources needed over the coming months to bolster the recovery. In conjunction with a fund-raising effort for the Cape Fear Chapter of the American Red Cross. Open to the public. Seated lunch w/beverages provided; $18 for NCWTA members and their guests and $25 for non-members, which includes attendance of the event and full meal. Voluntary donation in support of the humanitarian work of


Make positive strides to better living with the help of life coach Alice Canup, MSW. Canup will be giving a talk at Myrtle Grove Library on the 19th, offering advice on setting personal goals, making changes that last and leading a more satisfying life. The program begins at 6:30pm, and space is limited, so pre-register today at (910) 798-6323.

the Cape Fear Chapter of the American Red Cross is greatly appreciated. www.capefearworldtrade. org/events/?event_id=6 POMEGRANATE BOOKS A Telling Experience: Uniquely True Tall Tales, Richard M. Trask Reading and Booksigning: 1/23, 3pm. Collection of uniquely true tales, from the one about the neighborhood terrorist on the Bald Head Island ferry to the Piranhas at the Pond of Arbor Creek, in Southport, leading up to the spookiest

34 encore | january 13th-19th, 2010 | www.encorepub.com

story you ever heard: The Ghost Crab of Trinity Center, at Salter Path near Emerald Isle. North Carolina is the setting, in one way or another, for about one-third of the stories in the book. • Life & Times of the Fort Fisher Hermit, through the lens of Fred Pickler, 1/29, 7pm. Robert E. Harrill, known as the Fort Fisher Hermit, lived for 17 years under the stars, subsisting off the land, and visited by thousands. Hear stories of the Fort Fisher Hermit, whose enigmatic life and tragic death captivated locals and tourists for decades. • Canned Food Drive: 1st/3rd Sun, 3-5pm. Bring canned good or non-perishable food item and get a free book (publisher’s advanced copy)! Sponsored by Grandmothers for Peace, and all food goes to local food banks. • Mother Earth Circle: “Gather the Women, Save the World!” 1/12, 6pm, and 1/26, 6pm. Women-centered community-involvement and book-discussion group inspired by Jean Shinoda Bolen’s Urgent Message from Mother. Hosted by Deb Bowen. Please bring canned goods for Grandmothers for Peace! 4418 Park Ave.; 910-452-1107. www.pombooks.net OLD BOOKS Knit Wits, an ongoing crafting group open to all skill levels every Tues., 6pm - 8:30pm • Whodunnit? Wedunnit! New Mystery Thriller Book Club Forming. Meetings once a month. 22 N. Front St. • (910) 763 4754 • www.OldBooksOnFrontSt.com

Classes/Workshops HEALTH AND WELLNESS “Health & Wellness” on Wilmington Business Online w/Cortney Shallow. 1/13, 6pm, to 3/24, 7pm. Natural Therapies Institute. Join Shallow, Holistic Health Counselor, and a team of like minded individuals who are ready willing and able to help you learn how to lose weight naturally to achieve your optimal weight, get to the root of your weight loss issues, and get the personal one on one attention you deserve through individual consultations. Holistic Living is the “art of living in balance,” so not only will we look at what foods you are putting into your body, but we will also look at the environment in which you live: career, personal relationships, spirituality, and physical well being are all foods for the mind, body, and spirit. Group classes will meet every other wednesday starting Jan 13 and time slots will be given to select your one on one consultations twice per month. Total of 6 group classes and 6 individual consultations. Who ever loses the most percentage of weight gets money back in full at end of challenge! events@ wilmingtonbusinessonline.com CREATE YOUR LIFE FOR 2010 Explore the areas of your life that are the foundation of happiness. Create a roadmap for getting your life on track and making it the life you really enjoy living.Groups forming; individual sessions also available. Alice Canup, M.S.W., Life Enhancement Coach, 910-686-5090, alice. dreamlife@gmail.com. • Alice Canup, MSW, talks visualizing change and setting personal goals, making changes that last, and leading a more satisfying life, at a free program at 6:30pm, 1/19, Myrtle Grove Library. Space is limited so please preregister on the Library’s online calendar. (910) 798-6323 FREE YOGA 220-hr Yoga Teacher Training beginning 1/29; all donations collected during the Yoga-thon will benefit Kunga Yoga programs for underserved populations. Past recipients include St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital, American Cancer Society, local Red Cross Center, the Boys and Girls Club of Wilmington, local HIV organizations and globally for orphans from Jamaica, Rwanda and India. 910-350-0234 or wilmingtonyogacenter.com ASTROLOGY CLASSES Beginner’s class. Knowledge is power; fun, entertaining and enlightening. (910) 473-1155. PILATES BODY CHALLENGE Pilates Body Challenge at Body Aligned, through 3/4. Take as many Pilates private lessons, semiprivate lessons, and/or classes as you can. We take

participant’s measurements at start of challenge. Gift certificates given to winner of most inches lost and most classes taken! Schedule: Mon., 12-1pm Level 2 Intermediate; Mon., 6-7pm Level 1 Beginner; Tues., 7-8 Level 2 Pilates Playground Prop Class; Wed., 12-1pm Level 2 or 6-7 Level 1; Thurs, 7-8pm Level 3 Advanced; Fri, 12-1pm Level 2; Sat., 9-10am Level 2. 910-279-7294

Clubs/Notices BUILDING RE-ENTRY COALITION Building a Re-Entry Coalition, feat. guest speaker: Rufus Huffman, Re-entry Case Manager, Wilmington Police Dept, 1/13, 11am-1pm. (Mr. Huffman will be providing us information from the recent Re-Entry Conference that was held in Baltimore, MD). The Re-Entry Task Force is designed to form partnerships with community organizations and individuals that provide, or who may be interested in providing, resources to men and women released from prison, as well as those preparing for release. Lunch provided. RSVP (Curtis McMillon) : cmcmillon@lincnc.org (910) 762-4635. Wilmington Police Department, 615 Bess St.P. O. Box 401 ? Wilmington, NC 28402 Phone (910)762-4635 ? Fax (910)7633937501(c) 3 nonprofit organizationAll donations are tax deductible & greatly appreciated!EMBED AcroExch.Document.7 TRIP TO ITALY WITH JAMES LEUTZE James Leutze, noted war historian and chancellor emeritus at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, will lead a unique 11-day trip to Sicily and Rome, Italy, 5/16-27. Sponsored by UNCW’s Division for Public Service and Continuing Studies, the trip begins with the ancient sites of Sicily, including Palermo, the Greek Theatre and the extinguished craters of Mount Etna. Leutze will offer his expertise on the historic sites of World War II and the Italian campaign led by General Patton in 1943. Trip ends w/2days in Rome, including guided tours of the classic monuments. Cost: $3,599/person includes roundtrip airfare, all accommodations and most meals. 910-962-4034 or www.uncw.edu/pathways. MILITARY FAMILY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Wilmington, North Carolina now has two Military Family Assistance Centers at 2412 Infantry Road and 3114 Randall Pkwy, as part of the North Carolina National Guard. Family Assistance Centers assist servicemembers and their families with benefits and services they are eligible for such as counseling, tax preparation, financial planning and free or low cost child and youth programs. Supports service members of the Guard, Reserve Active Duty and their families with benefits and services they are eligible to receive. “www.nc.ngb. army.mil or (910) 343-1775. SAPONA GREEN BUILDING CENTER Sapona Green Building Center: Thurs., 1/21, 5-6pm . “Learn How Improve the Building Performance of Your Home: Energy Saving Tips”—presented by: Mark Jabaley, Owner of Above and Beyond Energy and Robbie Sutton, Engineer with Sapona Green Building Center. 716 S. 17th, 910-762-1505 www.saponagreen.com GAMBLER’S ANONYMOUS Wilmington Gambler’s Anonymous Meeting, 6:30pm, Cape Fear Presbyterian Church. 2606 Newkirk Ave. Casey F.: (910) 599-140 YWCA YWCA Bridge club, Mon: 12:30-3:30pm. Open to all players new to duplicate and those with less than 50 points. Marie Killoran: 452-3057 or Shirley Dail: 799-4287 • Aquatics, adult and kids exercise programs available • Scrabble Club meets Thurs.at 6:30pm, YWCA Bridge Center in Marketplace Mall. Bruce Shuman: 256-9659 or Gary Cleaveland: 458-0752. www.scrabble-assoc. com • Chess Club meets Thurs.at 6:30pm. David Brown: 675-1252 or 343-8002; at the Bridge Center, 41 Market Place Mall. www.wilmingtonchess.com • Mommie-Preneurs, a network/support group of women entrepreneurs, meet the 1st Wed. of month at YWCA. 2815 S. College Rd; 910-799-6820. www.ywca.org


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