June 8, 2011

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freakin’ hot summer fashion: Blazing trends of the season with Freaker USA!

encore | june 8-14, 2011Cover | www.encorepub.com 1 by: Justin Mitchener

hodgepodge| WhAt’s InsIdE thIs WEEk

pgs. 21-29

on the cover And, so, during sweltering hot temps last week, we paired up with local photographer Justin Mitchener and the cool Freaker USA kids—you know, the group who makes stretchy cozies that dress our beverages in super funky designs?—to hold a summer fashion shoot. We paired hot duds from local fashion houses with Freakers (available exclusively at Edge of Urge, downtown, for $8), and thanks to our models Brittany Wilson, Emily Bunn and Oliver Mellan, we freaked the city! Now, we’re ready to freak you! Check it out inside, along with editorial coverage on the best looking trends for summer 2011. • Cover model: Lauren Lassiter, sporting swimwear design by Chanel DuPare (www.Minxbikinis.com) and Freaker in neon striped design. • Above: Belt buckles made from recycled resin from local surfboard fiberglass factory and reclaimed hardwood from local cabinet maker, available at http://driftedstore.com.

To Shea Carver and whom it concerns, I have never been so appalled by a cover of a magazine in my entire life. Being a member of the GLBTQIA community and having a degree in journalism, I am absolutely shocked by the photograph of TR Nunley being associated with Pride Week. Pride Week is supposed to be inviting to everyone. In my opinion, all this cover has managed to do is make people

uncomfortable. This photo creates the exact same paradox as a photo of an African American with a noose around his neck during Black History Month. Ignorant people across Wilmington are looking at the cover of encore right now. It seems to me they are more likely scratching their heads with confusion, following this by throwing this week’s edition away, choosing not to read about all the good things that are taking place during Pride Week. Educated Editor-in-Chief: Shea Carver // shea@encorepub.com

is published weekly, on Wednesday, by Wilmington Media. Opinions of contributing writers are not necessarily the opinions of encore.

Editorial Assistant: Bethany Turner // music@encorepub.com Interns: Shannon Rae Gentry, Danielle Dewar

P.O. Box 12430, Wilmington, n.C. 28405 email@encorepub.com • www.encorepub.com Phone: (910) 791-0688 • Fax: (910) 791-9177

vol. 27/ pub 49 / June 8-14, 2011 www.encorepub.com

news & views ....................4-6 4 live local: Gwenyfar Rohler talks infill


LEttERs tO thE EdItOR


people across Wilmington are probably doing the same, simply because they know symbols of violence (i.e. duct tape across someone’s mouth) breed negativity. I was at work when this week’s edition was dropped off. Two seconds later, a coworker was in my face, asking me how this encore made me feel. Asking me if I knew the person with the duct tape on her face. I’m not sure how this escaped the creative minds over at your publication, but what would have been so wrong with a nice, inviting, smiling portrait of TR Nunley, making gay and straight people in Wilmington realize that Pride Week is a good thing? The movement has evolved from “we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it,” to “we’re here, we’re queer, let’s be friends.” It’s completely unfair that the GLBTQIA community doesn’t have the same rights as heterosexual couples. However, we aren’t going to be granted the right to marriage based on one week in Wilmington. In order to change laws, we need the majority of Americans on our side, not a small group of angsty people causing a scene in a fairly tolerant city. Pride Week is about bridging a gap, one that, in my opinion, this week’s encore has only made wider. I think this publication owes its readers an apology for the representation of Pride Week they’ve put together. I think TR Nunley owes Wilmington an apology for allowing this photograph to hit the stands. I will be contacting Wilmington Pride to share my distaste as well. In the future, I suggest you use a little more discretion when you are about to represent an entire community, especially ones as controversially as the article accompanying the cover makes us out to be. With deep disappointment, Meghann Childers

[Ed note: Please, read our response online at www.encorepub.com, along with other Letters to the Editor from last week’s edition; we regret not having space to print them all.]

Building Corp.

6 news of the weird: Chuck Shepherd shares the latest odd stories.

artsy smartsy ................. 8-28 8-11 theater: Bethany Turner previews two shows opening this week; Shea Carver reviews ‘The Hallelujah Girls’; Gwenyfar Rohler gives her thoughts on ‘Lady.’

12 art: Lauren Hodges discusses the importance of funding the arts and how the latest grant cut could affect our local programs, like DREAMS.

13 gallery listings: Check out what’s hanging in local art galleries.

14-15 music: Bethany Turner interviews the band, Lubriphonic, opening for Galactic at Brooklyn Arts Center on Wednesday, June 15; Shannon Rae Gentry gets the scoop on the Battleship’s Beach Music Festival.

16-19 soundboard: See what bands and performers are playing in venues all over town.

20 film: Anghus finds more hilarity in a sequel: ‘The Hangover II.’

22-29 cover story: Fashion is all over our lips this week. Check out our Freakin’ Hot Summer Fashion spread on pages 20-25, and read about the hottest trends and Style Girl’s latest Style Swap on pages 26 and 27.

grub & guzzle .............31-35 32-35 dining guide: Need a few suggestions on where to eat? Flip through encore’s dining guide!

extra! extra! ..................36-47 32 books: Tiffanie Gabrielse dishes her suggestion for one of the best American Western novels ever, ‘Hondo.’

37 crossword: Brain teaser with Stanley Newman.

General Manager: John Hitt // john@encorepub.com

38 fact or fiction: Ichabod C. delves into

Art director: Sue Cothran // ads@encorepub.com

Me Wonder,’ winner of encore’s 2011 Fact or

Advertising sales: John Hitt // Downtown // john@encorepub.com

40-47 calendar/‘toons/horoscopes/corkboard:

Chief Contributors: Gwenyfar Rohler, Anghus Houvouras, Ichabod C, Jay Schiller, Lauren Hodges, Tiffanie Gabrielse, Tom Tomorrow, Chuck Shepherd, Christina Dore, Joselyn Neon, Evan Folds

Kris Beasley // Wrightsville Beach, N. Wilmington // kris@encorepub.com

Office Manager: Susie Riddle // susie@adpakweekly.com

distribution Manager: Boykin Wright

encore | june 8-14, 011 | www.encorepub.com

development with Dave Spetrino of Plantation

Shea Carver // Midtown, Monkey Junction //shea@encorepub.com

his ongoing fictitious piece, ‘And It Makes Fiction contest. Find out where to go and what to do about town with encore’s calendar; check out Tom Tomorrow and encore’s annual ‘toons winner, Jay Schiller; read your horoscope; and check out the latest saucy corkboard ads.

Are you prepared for Bloomsday? June 16th 9am - 9pm

Join us as we celebrate the day on which the action of James Joyce’s novel ‘Ulysses’ takes place, 16 June 1904. We are going to stage a reading at the Bookstore with food, beer with celebrity readers including: Shea Carver of encore, George Schribner, Cleve Callison & Bob Workmon of WHQR, Richard Davis of The Browncoat, Ben Steelman of The Star News, Anthony Lawson, Joel Finsel, Gina Gambony, Marlowe Moore,Suzanne Nine Swanson, Karen Bender & Robert Siegle, Ken Cressman of Big Dawg, & many, many more!

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by Gwenyfar

new & views|


uts...’ available Promise of Pean Author of ‘The profits Front St., with at Old Books on t. ec oj Pr Full Belly benefiting the

live local. live small. Tackling growth and development


t has been an InterestIng

Dave Spetrino is the president of Plantation Building Corp, the group responsible for developing the Tanyard Parish building.


months In

the Live Local journey. I get a tremendous amount of feedback about this column—pro and con. What I hope to achieve with this is to stimulate dialogue and discussion, which includes disagreement. Over the next two weeks, I would like to address two charges that have been leveled. The first: that the column is antigrowth and -development. I will personally say that the exact opposite is true; what I am completely in favor of is local growth and development, which includes bringing industry, manufacturing, jobs and spending here. (Here being our county, state and, ultimately, country.) Growth and development are both fairly nebulous concepts that get tossed around in conversation and have taken on many different connotations for different groups of people. For example, not all development is sprawl; infill development is the exact opposite. According to the Municipal Research and Services Center of Washington, “Infill development is the process of developing vacant or under-used parcels in otherwise built-up areas where infrastructure is in place. . . . Infill development results in a more efficient use of land and existing infrastructure such as streets and public utilities. Ideally, it achieves compact land use patterns and densities high enough to support improved transportation choices and public services, as well as a wider variety of commercial services, cultural events and other amenities. Maximizing use of existing public facilities should lower the per capita costs of providing and maintaining services.” The infill-development model has been used successfully by Habitat for Humanity for years. In our area, Habitat houses have gone up on vacant lots on Mears

encore | june 8-1 , 2011 | www.encorepub.com

Street and the north side of town. Here, infill development is not limited to Habitat for Humanity. We might not be aware of it, but we have quite a bit of infill development occurring in Wilmington—some of it for profit. According to Dave Spetrino, president of Plantation Building Corp., infill is a vital part of our urban growth pattern. “[Plantation has] built over 120 housing units downtown in the last 10 years,” he says with a grin. It’s an interesting portfolio, which includes mixed-use development at the New York Hattters building (the first floor has Dynamic Images Salon & Spa, and the upper floors are residential), the Tanyard Parish building on Front Street by Chandler’s Warf, and an assortment of single-family houses from Church Street to the North Fourth area. Spetrino, himself a resident of the Historic District, wants to see old homes protected. More so, he’d like to see even more people move to downtown living. He espouses a “build it and they will come” mentality toward the interplay with mixed-use neighborhoods. “Once you get the critical mass of people, the commercial comes quickly,” he says. “Business people will race to fill that need. Business people are good at sighting needs and finding ways to meet them. With that will come much more stability with retail traffic.” Infill development is far from simple. City lots are 30 feet wide, with no room to spread out, and usually come with existing power lines to work around, old plumbing and sewer to connect to, and occasionally site contamination with which to deal. “Invariably we dig up stuff and find stuff we wish we hadn’t found,” Spetrino explains. “Kerosene tanks in the front of the yard for fuel delivery is common in residential areas.

The issue in the central business district is unsuitable soils—of foundations buried over time.” In order to support a building like the New York Hatters, concrete piles (for bridges or piers) were sunk 20 feet into the ground. Spetrino chuckles and adds, “The four things we have to worry about first with a big downtown project like New York Hatters or Tanyard Parish are stormwater, parking, pet waste and trash.” In spite of challenges, Spetrino and many others across the country are committed to the long-term advantages of infill development. “It adds value to the community,” he says. “It increases our local tax base [and] is an attractive use of the existing infrastructure. You are building more sensibly downtown because you are building with an existing streetscape. I’ve never had to build a sidewalk.” He continues by excitedly reciting one of his favorite quotes by James Nicholas: “Infill development is publicly cheap but privately expensive, while sprawl is publicly expensive but privately cheap.” His point is well-taken for developments like Brunswick Forest. Public services must be brought to the neighborhoods: utilities, roads, sidewalks, to name but a few—and all with a big price tag. Working with existing infrastructure eliminates those expenses for municipalities, but still creates jobs in construction, revenue from fees and permits and increases the tax value of the property. The potential that infill development has to create jobs and drive growth in the core of our American cities and to re-vitalize potentially economically viable areas is very real.

NewsoftheWeird with Chuck Shepherd

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encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

LEAD STORY In Chinese legend, tea leaves picked by fairies using not their hands but just their mouths yielded brewed tea that would bring prosperity and cure diseases, and now the historic, picturesque Jiuhua Mountain Tea Plantation (in Gushi, Henan province) has promised to hire up to 10 female virgins to provide the equivalently pure and delicate tea leaves, picked with the teeth and dropped into small baskets worn around the women’s necks. According to an April report in London’s Daily Mail, only virgins with strong necks and lips (and a bra size of C-cup or larger), and without visible scars or blemishes, will be considered for the equivalent-$80-a-day jobs (an almost unheard-of salary in China, especially for agricultural field work). NOTE: Last month, News of the Weird reminded readers, with examples, that bizarre human adventures repeat themselves again and again. Here are a few more recent selections of previous themes: Cliche Come to Life: The person in the news most recently for slipping and falling on a banana peel might be Ida Valentine, 58, who filed a lawsuit in February against the 99 Cents Only chain after slipping on one while shopping in its store in Fontana, Calif., in April 2010. The fall, she said, left her with a herniated disk and tissue damage. News of the Weird has reported several times on the confusion many art gallery visitors reveal in evaluating “abstract impressionist� pieces when they compare them to random scribblings of toddlers (and animals, such as chimpanzees and elephants). In April, academic researchers at Boston College reported that, indeed, gallery patrons correctly differentiated serious works from squiggles only about 60 percent to 70 percent of the time. Commented one survey subject, apparently realizing his confusion: “The chimpanzee’s stuff is good. I like how he plays with metaphors about depth of field, but I think I like this guy (Mark) Rothko a little bit better.� The powerful suction of swimming pool filters can trap not only toddlers against the drain but a grown man in excellent physical condition, according to a lawsuit filed in May by the family of the late John Hoy Jr., who drowned when unable to pry himself loose from the vacuum drain of a hot tub at the Sandals resort in Nassau, Bahamas, in 2010. (The most notorious drainpegging of all time was perhaps a 1994 incident at a Scottish Inn motel in Lakeland, Fla., when a 33-year-old guest’s penis became stuck in the drain, apparently as he was testing the filter’s suction. That story did not appear in News of the Weird, but several sources cite a July 1994 story in the Sarasota Herald Tribune.) British welfare benefits are being reduced in two years, but for now, work-shunning parents who blithely navigate a series of government “support� payments can make a nice living for themselves. Kathy Black, 45, of East Hanningfield, Essex, with 16 children by six fathers thus qualifies for the equivalent of at least $1,000 a week (the take-home pay of someone earning the equivalent of $68,000 a year), and child support from one of the fathers adds even more to her account. Black’s second husband, her 17-year-old son and her 22-

year-old daughter spilled secrets of her irresponsibility to a Daily Mail reporter in February. In May, a man exploring rural property in Lebanon, Ore., came across what appeared to be a classic World War II-era bomb, but, unfamiliar with the ordnance, he became only the most recent person to make the completely unwise decision to load it into his vehicle and drive to a police station (in Corvallis). Officers at the station reacted predictably and logically: They fled the room, closed down the streets around the station, and called the nearest bomb squad (which later detonated it safely). Least Competent DIY Homeowners: Reports still frequently emerge of homeowners battling household pests, yet only creating an even worse problem (as if the pests ultimately outsmart them). In recent cases, for example, Robert Hughes tried to oust the squirrels from his townhome in Richton Park, Ill., in March, but his smoke bomb badly damaged his unit and his neighbor’s. (Firefighters had to rip open the roof in the two units to battle the blaze.) Two weeks after that, in Mesa, Ariz., a man set his attic on fire trying to get rid of a beehive with brake fluid and a cigarette lighter. Beauty contests for camels are very big business in Saudi Arabia, as News of the Weird reported in 2007, but the first one in Turkey (in Selcuk) was held in January and featured considerably lower-market camels. (The Turkish winner had been purchased for the equivalent of $26,000; a Saudi camel once won $10 million in a single show.) Judges supposedly look for muscle tone, elegance of tail wag and tooth quality, according to a January Wall Street Journal dispatch. Charisma is also important, according to one judge. “Camels,� he said, “realize that people are watching them (and) are trying to pose.� “Some will stop, open their back legs, and wave their tail, or (throw) their head back and moan ... this is the kind of posing we (judges) are looking for.� From time to time, someone visiting his bathroom looks down and finds eyes of a critter staring back at him from the toilet bowl. In March, Dennis Mulholland, 67, of Paisley, Scotland, encountered a 3-foot-long California king snake hiding in the bowl after escaping from elsewhere in the building. In December a woman in Edmond, Okla., had a similar experience with a squirrel, which, hypothesized police, might have crawled through a sewer drain. “Personal body orifices,� as storage units for contraband, seem more than ever in vogue. Recent inventories made by police of suspects’ vaginas included LSD in aluminum foil and marijuana in two sandwich bags (woman in Englewood, Fla., January); pills (woman in Manatee County, Fla., February); heroin (woman in Scranton, Pa., March); a fraudulent driver’s license and credit card (woman in Lee County, Fla., May); and pills and a knife (woman in Fort Myers, Fla., May). Rectal safe-keeping included a man with a baggie of marijuana (Louisville, Ky., March); a man with a marijuana pipe (Port St. Lucie, Fla., May), and a man with 30 items inside a condom (Sarasota, Fla., February), including a syringe, lip balm, six matches, a cigarette, 17 pills and a CVS receipt and coupon.



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encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com


8-11 THEATER 12-13 ART 14-19 MUSIC 20-27 FASHION 28 FILM

er by Bethany Turn t editorial assistan

theatre for every age:

Guerilla Theatre and Opera House open new shows this week Bradley Barefoot and Kendra Goehring-Garrett play Louis and Anne Leonowens in ‘The King and I.’ Courtesy photo.


his week in TheaTre, Two shows from

local female directors open. Susan Auten of Guerilla Theatre presents the heartwarming story of a circus down-on-its-luck in “Django Salvatori’s Awe-inspiring, Death-defying, Big Top Spectacuganza... Featuring Ralph!” From Opera House Theatre Company, Suellen Yates directs the classic musical “The King and I.” Both shows run through the month of June, and should delight audiences of all ages. Django Salvatori’s Awe-inspiring, Deathdefying, Big Top Spectacuganza... Featuring Ralph! June 9-12, 16-19, 23-25 Thurs.-Sat., 8 p.m. • Sun., 5 p.m. Browncoat Pub and Theatre $10-15 • www.browncoattheatre.com From Wilmington playwright Justin Cioppa comes “Django,” a story that follows a circus that’s seen its fair share of tragic bad luck. “For starters, it occurs during WWII, so times are hard for everyone,” director and actress Susan Auten says. “I play T.C., the owner of the rival circus in town that is thriving. T.C. has opened her circus and stolen all of Django’s best acts. A string of unfortunate events [also takes place for Django], such as their fortune teller being hit by a bus and the bearded lady being eaten by the half-man, half-gator. Crowds at this point have been reduced to a handful.” Django Salvatori, played by Brendan Carter, is joined by a few off-the-wall characters. Within his circus there are: a pair of clowns, Murray and Agnes

encore | june -14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

(Nick Smith and Amanda Young), who have a few self-esteem issues; Dignon (Hank Toler), the strong man who’s gotten rather weak; and Knives (Charles Auten), the nearly blind knife-thrower who speaks little-to-no English. The gang is joined by Barnes (Beth Raynor), a rough-around-the-edges homeless girl hoping to get a job with the circus and to find a family. Kameron King plays the role of Ralph, a great act that may be able to save Django’s big top. Ralph brings not only a talent that might salvage the circus but a wonderful gift: hope. “I think it’s one of the most well-rounded shows I’ve ever been a part of,” Auten says. “There’s something for everyone, and [it’s] definitely entertaining.” Presented by Guerilla Theatre, “Django” runs Thursday through Sunday at Browncoat Pub and Theatre. Tickets are $10 in advance, available at www.browncoattheatre.com, or $15 at the door. The King and I June 8-12, 17-19, 24-26 Wed.-Sat., 8 p.m. • Sun., 3 p.m. Thalian Hall • $23-25 www.thalianhall.com A classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical, “The King and I” is a love story disregarding age and ethnicity. Set in 1862, the King of Siam (Robin Dale Robertson) realizes the Western culture is closing in on his country. His many wives and children need an understanding of this new, impending world in order to survive the inevitable changes it will bring. Thus, he hires Anna Leonowens (Kendra Goeh-

ring-Garrett), an English widow, as a tutor for his family. Despite the cultural differences the king and Anna face, they develop a mutual adoration for one another. “The king and Anna especially have a non-traditional story,” director Suellen Yates says, “a love story, yes, but a love based on mutual respect and regard, with just a touch of romance.” Opera House Theatre Company had over 140 people audition for their summer season. Yates was able to cast the absolute best, old and young. “I cannot say enough about the children of the king,” she divulges. “The children steal Anna’s heart and keep her bound to Siam. Believe me, the audience will also quickly lose their hearts to our adorable, talented young actors.” The theatre company pulled out all the stops for “The King and I,” as well. Debbie Scheu is a regionally renowned costumer, and she managed to depict the traditional dress of 19th century Siam. Judy Greenhut is the choreographer, and she created an Asian ballet for act two, which Yates raves about. Finally, the company organized 20 musicians—the most ever in an Opera House show—under the direction of Lorene Walsh. The story hits close to home for Yates, too. “As a mother of two beautiful and talented Asian daughters, I hope the audience will see, hear and feel my love for this fascinating and beautiful people and culture.” The play runs Wednesday through Sunday for the opening week, and Friday through Sunday thereafter at Thalian Hall. Tickets for “The King and I” are $23 to $25, available at www.thalianhall.com.

Be adventurous!



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encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com


overzealous humor: ‘The Hallelujah Girls’ leans heavy on laughter


f laughter Is any IndIcatIon of a

comedy’s success, Big Dawg Productions’ latest show, “The Hallelujah Girls,” has achieved it. If ticket sales also determine a hit, then Big Dawg has one on their hands. The show sold out through its opening weekend, and from what director Michele Seidman says, tickets for its last two weekends are going quickly, too. “The Hallelujah Girls” follows a group of middle-aged women and a youngster through the death of their friend, Vonda Joyce. According to the ladies, Joyce always put off living with one promise: “After I lose 20 pounds, I am going to...” Following a time span of one year, the audience gets to see the changes affecting the friends’ lives, as their lead cheerleader, Sugar Lee, takes Joyce’s death to heart and decides to not put off following her dream any longer. She sinks her life savings into a dilapidating church and turns it into Eden Falls, Georgia’s house of puddy and wax, also known as Spa-Dee-Dah. Filled with zippy quips, pun-filled songs, met-

by Shea Carver rls The Hallelujah Gi

H H 1/2 H H Huse • 613 Castle St.

Cape Fear Playho 9, 8 p.m., 6/9-12 and 16-1 Thurs.) • $15-$18 ($10 or Sun., 3 p.m.

aphors and similes out the wazoo, the adventures of “The Hallelujah Girls” are, if anything, down-right silly—something many will appreciate when considering the real world’s otherwise serious state. Still, the dialogue is expectant, chock full of Southern colloquialisms (“makes me as mad as a bee stinging a mule’s ass”), and the characters are exaggerated, possessing typical drawls of enunciation and overdramatization. Though it often reaches Soap Opera status, people from the South will recognize the characters tenfold. Front and center is Charlotte Hackman as Mavis. She’s wise-cracking and tells it like it is. Seemingly, she would rather stay out partying

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10 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

CAST OF plAyerS (l TO r): Emily Graham, Ron Hasson, Suzanne Nystrom, Jane McNeill-Balter and Monnie Whitson in ‘The Hallelujah Girls.’ Photo by Michele Seidman.

in her September years than be with her predictable, blasé spouse (her hangover scene is a standout). It begs many laughs, one husband joke after another—that is when talks of gravity-stricken body parts aren’t at the forefront of discussion. Hackman brings a much-praised entitlement to her performance, as if making it clear she has reached an age where Mavis is owed a life of excitement. She has the right amount of that “rock ‘em, sock ‘em” mentality many strive to achieve throughout their lives. Monnie Whiston as Carlene certainly commands the stage with the most natural Southern charm. She plays a three-time widow and becomes the bunt of many jokes throughout the show. Her comedic grace is joyful. Somewhat new to Wilmington’s acting scene, folks should look forward to seeing more from her. Jane McNeill-Balter’s Sugar Lee is at ease throughout her performance, bringing to light not only a very young-looking middle-aged woman (we can all wish, right?) but someone who clearly thrives in the caretaker role. She constantly eggs her cohorts into believing in themselves—befitting to her name nonetheless. It’s clear her intent is awfully sweet, but sometimes too much saccharine causes a toothache. The cynic in me wanted her to find her inner Mavis each time her nemesis Bunny (Suzanne Nystrom) entered a scene. Nystrom has been in quite a few shows locally, presenting many roles due with praise. But her transformation as the villian needs more pungency and venom; otherwise, she gets lost as someone completely unaware of her bold company. Holli Sapperstein as Nita gives naiveté its own meaning. While she plays the character with appropriate blissful bewilderment , her escape into romance novels gets tired after the second goround. Though it could have been as trying to

watch Emily Graham’s Crystal sing about every calendar holiday to the tune of Christmas carols, it wasn’t—ever. Graham brings cooky to life with flamboyant flair. Her character—the youngest of them all, which at first seemed an odd fit—was perfect in every heightened eye roll and lanky, boisterous entrance. The two men in the show don’t get overshadowed by their estrogen-filled cast. Carter McKaughan’s Porter was as animated as a cartoon, gripping laugh and all. Ron Hasson’s Bobby Dwayne braved the terrain with magnified ego, often buoyed with hard-to-believe regret. In the end, “The Hallelujah Girls” cannot be watched without extreme comparisons to all-female, Southern sitcoms, like “Designing Women” and “The Golden Girls.” However, the most obvious parallel is to the 1989 movie “Steel Magnolias”: Mavis would be akin to Ouiser; Sugar Lee would be M’Lynn; Carlene would be Clairee and Truvy combined; and Nita and Crystal would fight for Annelle. In fact, the parallels throughout the show are obvious: the setting in a salon, the women’s repartee, a death-inspiring change. Yet, in my opinion, the writers of “The Hallelujah Girls,” Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten, lack the finesse that breathe subtle depth to its cast. Sure, the laughs are aplenty and very obvious, but by the end, lack of nuance led to lack of compassion. And the small-town gossip divulged from it all proved stereotypical and cliché. Still, Big Dawg pulled it off, not only with a cast who clearly had a ball acting the show, but with an applaudable set design, thanks to Doug Dodson. With the help of local salons, Salon Looks and Paradigm, the show was dressed with the right amount of hair, nails and facial essentials to transform the church, faux stainedglass window and all, into Spa-Dee-Dah. The only downfall from it were the few, long scene changes endured from the sheer amount of movement needed on stage. However, the blues and R&B music playing overhead kept the audience entertained—and in the end, they all laughed their way out the door.


politically charged: Cape Fear Arts presents ‘Lady’


ape fear theatre arts’

sophomore effort, “Lady,� by Craig Wright, is an interesting choice as a follow up to last month’s “True West.� Both are macho shows. “True West� is an experimental, psychological drama that has a timeless quality about it, though it is set in the 1970s, the brothers and the struggle they represent could be anywhere or anytime. “Lady,� however, is about a very specific point in history and is written to be a realistic play. The show opens with two fortysomething buddies in the woods just before dawn. Kenny (Justin Smith) and Dyson (Gil Johnson) are waiting on Graham (Jon Stafford), all of whom have been friends for 30 years. They pulled a major coup a few years ago, getting Graham elected to Congress as a Democrat in a Republican district. Kenny provided the cash and the love; Dyson, the strategy and Graham, the candidate (a slightly more mature version of Bill McKay). But that was before 9/11. Not only has the world changed, they have changed. Graham’s depth of gratitude to his friends has shrunk, no longer does he seriously listen to Kenny, a bumbling but good-hearted everyman. Graham’s also engaged in an outright war with Dyson, whom he sees as representative of his morally corrupt opposition. As act one unfolds, Kenny and Dyson tell us their story, culminating with the revelation that as they stand in the woods, Dyson’s son is on his way to enlist in the Marine Corps. Holding Graham personally responsible for this tragic turn of events— something that mirrors similar scenes across the county—Dyson informs Kenny that he plans to kill Graham. The cast really deserves high praise for making this show work. The script is pretty whiney and tedious, but they flesh it out and make it pulsate. All three friends for many years and all three fathers, they bring a shared feeling to the stage that is palpable. Johnson, in particular, lamenting the impending loss of his only child to something he sees as senseless and stupid—a loss that is voluntary and unnecessary—which he is powerless to prevent. It moved me to tears before intermission. It is a universal experience for teenagers to make choices with their lives which infuriate their parents and endanger themselves. But Johnson’s anguish was so raw, one couldn’t help but feel it. Stafford has manifested Graham as a person who no longer converses with

by Gwenyfar Lady


io Theater Thalian Hall Stud reet 310 Chestnut St $17 9, 8 p.m. • $14-1 15 d an 12 96/

people, but rather delivers speeches. Not to say that he has been written to only speak in monologues, but rather his cadence and body language make it clear that he has become a person used to orating in Congress and at political gatherings. He shuffles dissenting views into another pile of papers. He ends thoughts and sentences as closing the subject in the way a person controlling the microphone at a forum would. Smith’s portrayal of Kenny is heartrending. Stoned and busy with daily life—his printing business, his three girls, training his dog and the impending loss of his wife to cancer— he remembers what he calls the important things: to return phone messages and the birthdays of his family friends. He doesn’t engage in the high-minded political debates of Dyson and Graham, each of whom disregard him anyway. Still, that painful daily struggle they forget during debate is what he faces. Smith makes him truly kindhearted and likeable. He would be an easy character to lose to parody, but Smith avoids that pitfall and tries to remind us that while we may disagree, we still need each other. As a very tall man, it can be hard to see Smith as vulnerable. It would have been an obvious and simple choice to cast him as the politician, using his height to emphasize his high-minded views. That director Dan Morris chose the less obvious path is to the audience’s benefit. The visual challenges us a bit more but makes the realism of Smith’s soft nature shine. He is instead the elephant in the room: the voters that Graham and Dyson argue about but rarely notice. Together these three have great chemistry: they push, they pull, they swing the balance of power, and they all respond. Wright has received recognition for his writing with “Six Feet Under� and “Lost.� Not unlike “Six Feet Under,� this script is burdened with ongoing catharsis. When we left the theatre my companion, gentleman of 60-plus years turned to me and said, “That’s not the way guys talk to each other. Were it not for such great acting, this script could wear thin quickly.� The Studio Theatre is an intimate space, consequently it requires a set that is func-

MALE BONDiNg: Jon Stafford, Justin Smith and Gil Johnson play lifelong buddies in Cape Fear Theatre Arts’ ‘Lady.’ Courtesy photo.

tional but not overpowering and that holds up to close visual scrutiny. Terry Collins and

Scenic Asylum created it beautifully, with gnarled and twisted tree trunks, boulders and winding paths, which allowed the actors to create violence and react to it without having to produce the corpse. The goal of a welldesigned set is to enhance the production and give the actors additional tools with which to work. Scenic Asylum has come through yet again taking us into the woods of Southern Illinois on a chilly morning, away from the sweltering summer in North Carolina.

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on the chopping block...again:


House votes to eliminate arts education programs s by Lauren Hodge Family Ar ts Day 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sat., June 11 • Hanover Center Oleander Drive ington.org www.dreamswilm


n may


the hOuse cOm -

mittee on Education and the Workforce passed The Setting New Priorities in Education Spending Act (HR 1891) to eliminate the U.S. Department of Education’s arts education program. Among the program’s largest services are grants meant to promote creativity in the classroom. Countless arts and education organizations across the country have come to rely on these grants and the measure, if passed through the Senate, would certainly hit home for Wilmington kids. “We are supported in large part by grant funding,” Emily Colin, associate director of DREAMS Center for Arts Education, says. “We have wonderful private donors, but the program derives a substantial component of support by grant sources.” Colin, who handles most of the grant writing for DREAMS, is busy with her colleagues this week as they put together DREAMS Family Day at the Hanover Center, scheduled for June 11th. “It’s kind of a school’s out celebration,” she says. Several of the center’s art teachers will be there to engage the community in activities like pottery, recycled art, drum circles and more. The event is a display of the center’s mission, which is to engage the public, mainly children, in creative passions that make them feel connected and inspired. Naturally,

WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF: Teachers at DREAMS work closely with students on art appreciation in all genres. Photos by DREAMS.

the event is free, making it accessible to anyone. DREAMS and programs like it function largely under the wing of the NC Arts Council, along with the Department of Public Instruction and the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program. Partners like these would also be threatened, as the bill aims to eliminate around 40 education-related departments altogether. The bill’s sponsor, Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), says it would go after programs he has identified as “inefficient and unnecessary.” Though Representative Rush Holt (D-NJ) attempted to amend the bill to restore the funding to arts and other education programs, his additions were removed before the bill passed. The Democratic-controlled Senate will ultimately decide the initiative’s fate, but Colin says the House actions are enough to get her fired up.

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“Useless?” she questions in response to Representative Hunter’s comments. “Arts education is far from useless. I can’t speak for all of the programs out there, but DREAMS is not just art for art’s sake. We use the arts as a tool to reach out to youth in need. Just take a look at our results. Over the past five years, 100 percent of the high-school seniors at our center have gone to college, as opposed to New Hanover County’s average. It’s well below our number.” Colin goes on to say that the programs they offer go beyond the classroom, reaching further corners of the kids’ lives, like family relationships and social skills. “Parents feel that the center has improved the behavior of their kids and brought them closer together,” Colin says. “Come spend a day at the center and see if you still believe it’s a waste of money. I think the programs speak for themselves.” As for the funding, Colin says she “shudders to think” about the consequences for DREAMS if the bill was signed into law. “It’s more than accepting a check,” she says. “It’s entering a collaboration and a partnership. The City of Wilmington continues to fund us becase they believe in us.” Yet she says they haven’t gone without their share of sacrifices already, having received less and less money from the city as the budget belts were tightened over the years. DREAMS runs its own fundraising efforts, participating in everything from bake sales to fashion shows, but the public funding is their financial foundation. “It’s a tough world out there,” she says. “I don’t know what would happen if that support went away.”

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and low rates on commissioned work. Owner Charles Turner invites all artists and art lovers to just hang out in our new Artist Lounge any time. Look for our upcoming Expos and Open House. Hampstead Art Gallery is located in Hampstead on the corner of Factory Road next to CVS Pharmacy.


1701 Wrightsville Ave (910) 343 5233 Mon-Sat, 12-9pm; Sunday, 1-6pm www.artfuelinc.com www.myspace.com/artfuel_inc Artfuel.inc is located at the corner of Wrightsville Ave and 17th street. Housed in an old gas station, we offer resident artists working in studios alongside a gallery space used to exhibit other artists work. We hope to connect artists with each other and offer many styles of work to fuel the public’s interest. Vol. 27: Works by Mike Brown, Eli THompson, Carissa Iris, Kit Furderer and Tiffany Walls.

new eleMents GAllery

216 N. Front St. • (919) 343-8997 Tues-Sat: 11am-5:30pm www.newelementsgallery.com “Capturing the Light” featuring the works of local artists Ann Parks

cAffe PHoenix

35 N. Front Street (910) 343-1395 Sunday-Thursday: 11:30am - 10pm Friday & Saturday: 11:30am - midnight Sunday Brunch: 11:30am - 4pm In our commission-free gallery, we are proud to feature Mark Bannerman. When not teaching the children well in Whiteville, Mark creates stunning multi-media works. Currently on display are 20 great fish from King Mackerel to Rainbow Trout made into startlingly life-like quality from common ordinary objects like pins, yarn, a dissected alarm clock, paint, glitter and a whole host of background documents paying homage to each species of aquatic wonder. Join him for a reception Thursday June 2nd from 6-9 pm for complimentary light bites and generous wine specials. For more information, please visit www.caffephoenix.com. The show will hang through June 24.

crescent Moon

332 Nutt Street (910) 762-4207 In the Cotton Exchange Monday-Saturday: 10am-5:30pm Sundays: noon-4pm www.crescentmoonnc.com Crescent Moon is a retail gift gallery specializing in fine hand-crafted art glass and metal sculpture has new art and new artists premiering for the spring season. Introducing platters by glassblower, Jennifer Nauck, of AZ and fabulous fun fused glass jewelry from Laurel Yourkowski of OR. Local artist Ron Consalvo is premiering his wickedly welded motorcycle sculptures and Bobby Fuller adds his Bonsai tree sculpture or copper and stainless to our gallery of local hand-made craft. Remember: gift wrapping is free! Think of us for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and your own décor. The Cotton Exchange offers free parking while shopping or dining. Follow us on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook by searching Crescentmoonnc!

McCray and Brooks Pearce opens on Friday, May 27th at New Elements Gallery. The show is an exploration of the southeastern landscape from opposing interpretations. McCray’s bold colors and tactile surfaces emphasize texture and light. Her collection of naturescape abstractions celebrates the longer days of spring and sunny skies. Pearce exercises supreme control in her detailed examination of the coastal subjects she loves to portray. She captures a moment in time with the graceful glide of a pelican or gentle breeze through the marsh grasses. Meet Ann Parks McCray and Brooks Pearce at our reception on Friday, May 27th from 6 until 9 pm. The exhibition will remain on display through June 18th.

sunset river MArketPlAce

10283 Beach Dr., SW (NC 179) (910) 575-5999 Tues- Sat. 10am-5pm sunsetrivermarketplace.com myspace.com/sunsetrivermarketplace This eclectic, spacious gallery, located in the historic fishing village of Calabash, N.C., features fine arts and crafts by some of North and South Carolina’s most creative, successful artists. Almost every genre is represented here—oil, pastel and watercolor, clay and glass art, fiber art, turned wood, metal works, artisan-crafted jewelry and more. Classes, workshops, pottery studio, custom framing, Creative Exchange lecture series and Coffee With the Author series are also offered on-site.

ON EXHIBIT: Best of Times, by Books Pearce; oil, 36” by 30.” On display at New Elements Gallery, downtown

HAMPsteAd Art GAllery

14712 Hwy. 17 N. • (910) 270-5180 Mon.-Sat. 11am-5pm, or by appt. Hampstead, NC “Beautiful; lots of variety.” “Love the place.” “Beautiful art work.” “Very nice.” “Art rocks your socks, and you know that.” These are just what a few customers had to say about Hampstead Art Gallery. Come and tell us what you think. Affordable prices on prints and originals. Local artists with various styles and taste are just excited about having the opportunity to share their work with all art lovers. Our artists offer different sizes from what we have on display

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dancing wallflowers:


Lubriphonic’s funky rhythyms entice even timid listeners


roove: to enjoy oneself

intensely; to interact harmoniously.” So goes the definition from Merriam-Webster. The members of Chicago band Lubriphonic know how to revel in their own funky rhythms. Their energy ravishes audiences, and there’s no escaping the desire to dance. Comprised of talented musicians, the members have worked with many greats, such as Otis Rush, Chuck Berry and Widespread Panic. But it all started when frontman Giles Corey arrived in Illinois at the age of 18. His first gig consisted of playing guitar for blues artist Buddy Scott. Eventually, he formed Lubriphonic with Chicago-bred Rick King (drums). “Elementally, I guess our music is quintessentially Chicago,” Corey says. “King and I started in the blues scene here, and we played with legends like Koko Taylor. We came to this project with a background in Chicago R&B and soul.” Pennal Johnson, bassist, grew up in the city’s West Side and was influenced by gospel from the area. The band is rounded out by Leon Q. Allen (trumpet, percus-

er by Bethany Turn ing for Galactic en op c, Lubriphoni 15 Wednesday, June er • 7:30 p.m. nt Brooklyn Ar ts Ce m rooklynartsnc.co $20-25 • www.b sion), Ron Haynes (trumpet), Charles Prophet (saxophone) and Norman Palm (trombone). “The horns add the funk,” Corey explains. “So, we have gospel, R&B, jazz and soul driving this rock band.” Lubriphonic will open for Louisiana outfit Galactic on Wednesday, June 15 at Brooklyn Arts Center. The two have never performed together, but Corey believes it is a good pairing. “There are a lot of parallels between New Orleans and Chicago music,” he says. “There was a lot of movement through the 20th century between the two cities. Legends went back and forth, and I think [Galactic and Lubriphonic] speak the

PLAY THAT FUNKY MUSIC: Lubriphonic, hailing from Chicago, will offer soulful tunes as they open for Galactic on Wednesday, June 15. Photo by Paul Natkin.

same sort of blues-y, funky language. We get what they’re doing, and they get what we’re doing.” Lubriphonic makes music that is best served live. In fact, the band prefers to perform for people rather than play in a stuffy recording booth. “Music is supposed to be heard and presented,” Corey says. “The studio is a fantastic artistic palette, and you can do a lot of things with recording, but there’s isolation. The separation of the band is not a very natural environment. When live, there’s a free flow of energy between the band and between the band and the audience.” Brooklyn Arts Center’s audience can expect a soulful mix, festive and kinetic in the sense that no one’s feet will be able to stay sedentary. Thanks to the horns, the instrumental portions are reminiscent of modern ska, like that of Reel Big Fish. Yet Corey’s voice, coupled with Johnson’s bass, creates a much deeper, soulful mien. King’s percussive style keeps everything

moving along at a steady-rockin’ pace. It’s a relationship of sound which works in harmonic cadence. “We’ve been touring [in this line-up] for a couple years,” the singer divulges. “We’ve merged together as one. There’s not a lot of planning to a show, we just improv on stage. We can hear each other and know. There’s an advantage in getting along and being comfortable together.” A treat of attending one of Lubriphonic’s concerts is the array of instruments they introduce in one setting. And when the members’ solos strike, the outcome always remains impressive. King wields his drumsticks like musical weapons, and Johnson’s fingers move quicker than an average bassist could ever dream. To hear the horns cackle with force is both exhilarating and gratifying. Two of the bands most recent, as-yet-tobe-recorded tracks, “Whiskey and Chicken Wings,” provide lively jams. “The audience will get into it,” he says. “Even the wallflowers will start dancing. When they smile, and it makes us want to smile, too.” Tickets to the Lubriphonic show are $20 in advance, available at www.brooklynartsnc.com, or $25 at the door. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the show begins at 7:30 p.m. Galactic headline the show.

• • • •

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14 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

battleship days:




Celebrating 50 years with beach music festival


n AmericAn veterAn, pArt of

an elite class and still in prime fighting condition, the Battleship NC (BB55) is celebrating 50 years moored in Wilmington. Everyone is invited to the Battleship Bash this weekend for their Beach Music Festival. The Battleship considered many different options of events to hold over the summer, but

with the best view of downtown Wilmington, an outdoor music fest seemed to suit the occasion. “The thought was to get people both on a local, regional and state level enthusiastic and passionate about [the Battleship],” promotions director Heather Loftin says. “Beach music is a staple in the Carolinas, and music in general is a great way for generations of all ages to come together and have a great time.” To keep the Battleship NC looking young and spry, she requires lots of maintenance and care. Since the BB55 is self-supported, using no public tax dollars, her preservation relies principally on the ship’s tour admissions, sales within the gift shop and donations. “To maintain the historical integrity and continue to keep the ship in great condition, we [need] special events like the Beach Music Festival for the funds,” Loftin reveals. “For example, painting the Ship can cost over $200,000.” The Battleship Beach Music Festival offers a chance to show support and boogie down to the hottest tunes in town. With high expectations of the festival line-up, Loftin says the best of the best in Carolina beach music have been invited: Mark Roberts and Breeze, Jim Quick and the Coastline Band, Band of Oz, The Tams, Chairmen of the Board and The Embers. “They each have unique sounds and bring individual entertainment that will create excitement through the day,” she notes. The gates open at 10 a.m., but the first show

Gentry by Shannon Rae h Music Festival Battleship Beac Battleship Park 9 p.m. 6/11, 10 a.m. 2 Tickets: $18-$2 c.com www.battleshipn







Face 2 Face - Elton John & Billy Joel Tribute


Good Charlotte & Yellowcard


Face 2 Face - Elton John & Billy Joel Tribute


Jason Michael Carroll

with Tyler Reeve

with Runner Runner

QUICK TO SHAG: Jim Quick and the Coastline Band will play beach music and other tunes at the 50 year celebration of the Battleship NC. Put your shaggin’ shoes on! Courtesy photo.

will be at 12:30 p.m. Loftin insists there’s a lot to occupy festival goers, still. “It is going to be a great experience. Not only will we have a 20 x 28 dance floor, but we will have bounce houses, tiki tents, a Corona lounge, plus food and craft vendors galore.” All of the music and activities of the day inspire appreciation of what Wilmington offers its community and visitors. The Battleship welcomes blankets and beach chairs to relax in between shag breaks offering all sorts of dancing fun. All concert-goers can park for free in one of three designated Cape Fear Community College Parking Decks downtown, as the Battleship parking lot will be closed. For no additional charge, guests will be shuttled over to the ship via Wilmington Trolley or Cape Fear Riverboats. Rain or shine, the fun will wind down the last band ends around 9 p.m. Gates will open at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 11. Tickets are $18 in advance, available at www.battleshipnc. com, or they can be purchased for $22 at the Visitor’s Center ticket window the day of the festival. During the event, the Battleship and Visitor Center Store will remain open. The Battleship NC is located at the junction of Highways 17/74/76/421 on the Cape Fear River.

Affordable Fun Fashions Misses and Juniors Almost Everything under $100 The Cotton Exchange Parking Lot Level • Downtown Wilmington • 910-772-2302 www.shopcottonexchange.com

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 15


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16 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

soundboard a preview of tunes all over town this week at the Don’t Flo m! a Mainstre WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 Gary allen’s acoustic open Mic —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 acoustic Jazz piano with JaMes Jarvis —Circa 1922, 8 N. Front St.; 762-1922 DJ —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 Daniel parish —Halligan’s Public House, 3317 Masonboro Loop Rd.; 791-1019 rob ronner —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 the Get Down JaM with the casserole —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616 Jazz JaM —Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington, 762-2091 Kinlaw & Johnson banD —Remedies, Market Street; 392-8001 Kersten capra —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666 roGer Davis & ron wilson —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737 aDaM wooD —Tangerine’s Caribbean Grill, 300 N. Lake Park Blvd., Carolina Beach; 707-0202 rap on the river —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 sai collins —Sweet & Savory Cafe; 1611 Pavilion Plc.,256-0115 reD city raDio, captain we’re sinKinG, white tiGer anD the beD of roses, blacKs, the local systeMs —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 DJbe eXtreMe KaraoKe —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 live Jazz —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910509-2026 live acoustic

GrOOVE IN thE PArK: Central Park brings Bluewater Grill to life on Sunday, June 12. Their catchy covers, from Journey to Kylie Minogue, make everyone want to get up and dance. Courtesy photo.

—Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 KaraoKe with MiKe norris —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 open Mic niGht —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 JereMy norris —Buffalo Wild Wings, 206 Old Eastwood Rd.; 798-9464 Johnnie acoustic —Live on Grace, 121 Grace St; 399-4390

thUrSDAY, JUNE 9 DJ battle —Fibber McGee’s, 1610 Pavilion Pl; 509-1551 DJ —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 live Jazz —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910509-2026 frieD lot —Sweet & Savory Cafe; 1611 Pavilion

Plc.,256-0115 acoustic Jazz piano with JaMes Jarvis —Circa 1922, 8 N. Front St.; 762-1922 trivia with DJ —The Harp; 1423 South 3rd St.,763-1607 DuelinG pianos —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 trivia with party Gras DJ —Fox and Hound Pub & Grille, 920 Town Centre Dr.; 509-0805 DJbe eXtreMe KaraoKe —Banks Channel Bar & Grille, 530 Causeway Drive; 256-2269 top 40 DJ —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 sea pans —Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace), 1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231 Jet life tour: curren$y anD frienDs —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 ron etheriDGe

—Goat and Compass, 710 N. 4th St.; 772-1400 travis shallow —Barbary Coast; 116 S. Front St., 762-8996 MiKe blair anD others —Live on Grace, 121 Grace St; 399-4390 fish out of water —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 Mac & Juice —Lagerheads, 35 North Lumina Avenue Wrightsville Bch; 256-0171 fireDance & DruMs @ DarK, DJ Mit psytrance (11pM) —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 KaraoKe —Yosake Sushi Lounge, 31 S. Front St.; 763-3172 open Mic with JereMy norris —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 MiKe o’Donnell —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 Machine Gun


—Carolina Beach Boardwalk; 910-458-8434

fRIdAy, JUNE 10

DJ —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 DJ —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910509-2026 KaraoKe —Gilligan’s; N.C. Hwy. 50, Surf City 910-3284090 MaDonna nash —Harbor Masters, 315 Canal Dr., Carolina Beach; 458-28200 house/Techno DJ —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 Jazz wiTh Benny hill —Caffe Phoenix, 9 S Front St.; 343-1395 DJ P FunK —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 Dueling Pianos —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 DJ willie sTylez —The Toolbox, 2325 Burnette Blvd.; 343-6988 live Music —Projekte, 523 South 3rd St., 352-0236 DJ BaTTle —Dirty Martini, 1904 Eastwood Rd, Suite 109 live BaiT —Fort Fisher Military Recreation Area, Pleasure Island, 458-8434 KaraoKe —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 DJ —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776 The roseBuDs; onwarD, solDiers —Brooklyn Arts Center, 516 N. 4th St.; Their catchy538-2939 susan savia —The Coastal Roaster, 5954 Carolina Beach Rd.; 399-4701 The FusTics —Duck & Dive, 114 Dock Street, 399-2866 Daniel Parish Trio —Firebelly Lounge, 265 N. Front St.; 763-0141 Tyler siMMons —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737 BlinD leMon PleDge (8PM-12aM, TiKi sTage); DJ Dane BriTT (10PM-2aM, insiDe) —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219 FronTiers —Downtown Sundown; riverfront downtown, 763-7349 cicaDas —Live on Grace, 121 Grace St; 399-4390 aPPeTiTe For DesTrucTion (guns n’ roses TriBuTe) —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616 l shaPe loT —Goat and Compass, 710 N. 4th St.; 772-1400

100 S. Front St. Downtown 251-1832

ESPIRIT-dE-CORPS: The United States Air Force presents Langley Winds at Cameron Art Museum this Sunday, June 12. The show begins at 3 p.m. and is completely free! Courtesy photo.

overTyMe —Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace), 1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231 weeDeaTer, golluM, MaKe, no ToMorrow, sKullsTorM —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 sevenTh vessel —The Blend; 5226 S. College Rd. Unit 8, 799-8899 hiPslacK —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 DuBsTeP ParTy wiTh DJ BrewTal —Soapbox Lounge, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 MysTic river BanD —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 raT BaBies —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 Travis shallow —Palm Room, 11 East Salisbury St.; 503-3040 MiKe waDDell & BoB russell —Bellamy Mansion; 503 Market St., 251-3700

SATURdAy, JUNE 11 DJ —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 DJ —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910509-2026 house/Techno DJ —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 Beach Music FesTival —USS Battleship NC, 251-5797 KaraoKe

—Gilligan’s; N.C. Hwy. 50, Surf City 910-3284090 KaraoKe wiTh FreDDie —Remedies, Market Street; 392-8001 Dueling Pianos —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 DJ BaTTle —Dirty Martini, 1904 Eastwood Rd, Suite 109 KaraoKe wiTh DJ MicK —The Harp; 1423 South 3rd St.,763-1607 BliveT —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 DJ —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 DJ —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776 a Full Dish —Sweet & Savory Cafe; 1611 Pavilion Plc.,256-0115 MaDonna nash

win tickets to area events visit


Monday Monday $2.50Budweiser BudweiserDraft Draft•• $4 $4 Wells Wells $2.50 ½ Priced Select Appetizers, 4-7pm pm ½ Priced Select Appetizers, 4-7 Tuesday Tuesday $2.50 All Drafts $2.50 All Drafts $4.50 Absolute Lemonade $4.50 Absolute Lemonade ½ Priced Select Appetizers, 4 - 7pm ½ Priced Select Appetizers, 4 - 7pm Wednesday Wednesday $2.50 Yuengling Draft $2.50 Draft $2.50Yuengling Domestic Bottles $2.50Select Domestic Bottles4 - 7pm ½ Priced Appetizers, ½ Priced Select Appetizers, 4 - 7pm Friday $3Friday Pint of The Day $3Saturday Pint of The Day $5 Sangria Saturday $5 Sangria Sunday $5 Bloody Mary’s Sunday * Drink specialsMary’s run all day, $5 Bloody but food specials from * Drink specialsshown run allare day, -7pm only. but food 4specials shown are Certain appetizers are from 4 -7pm only. excluded from special.

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—Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 Phoebe Legere —Playhouse 211, 4320 Southport Supply Rd. Ste 1, St. James; 200-7785 Cris Cab —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 PJ bond, brian MCgee, Mourning is for suCkers —Soapbox Lounge, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 souL to sea —Shell Island Resort, 2700 N. Lumina Ave., 256-8696 usaf LangLey Winds —Cameron Art Museum; 3201 South 17th St., 395-5999

monday, JUnE 13 karaoke With dJ @-hoLe —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 oPen MiC With Josh soLoMon —Liquid Room, 23 Market St.;910-343-3341 the seLekt —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 oPen MiC night —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 kurt reifLer —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 dJ riChterMeister —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 Pengo With beau gunn —Mellow Mushroom, 4311 Oleander Drive; 452-3773 brett Johnson’s JaM —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 kersten CaPra —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666

tUEsday, JUnE 14 CaPe fear bLues JaM —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 karaoke With Mike norris —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 aCoustiC Jazz Piano With JaMes Jarvis —Circa 1922, 8 N. Front St.; 762-1922 CoLLege night karaoke —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666 Live aCoustiC —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 trivia With dutCh froM 94.5 the haWk —The Coastal Roaster, 5954 Carolina Beach Rd.; 399-4701 indie MusiC night —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 karaoke —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616

shinobi ninJa, WaX LiPs, brody + ChoCh, kyLe raPPs —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500

WEdnEsday, JUnE 15 gary aLLen’s aCoustiC oPen MiC —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 aCoustiC Jazz Piano With JaMes Jarvis —Circa 1922, 8 N. Front St.; 762-1922 danieL Parish —Halligan’s Public House, 3317 Masonboro Loop Rd.; 791-1019 rob ronner —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 dJ —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 Jazz JaM —Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington, 762-2091 kinLaW & Johnson band —Remedies, Market Street; 392-8001 the get doWn JaM With the CasseroLe —16 Taps, 127 Princess St.; 251-1616 dJbe eXtreMe karaoke —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 gaLaCtiC, LubriPhoniC —Brooklyn Arts Center, 516 N. 4th St.; 538-2939 MaC & JuiCe —Duck & Dive, 114 Dock Street, 399-2866 rootsouL ProJeCt —Dockside; 1308 Airlie Rd., 256-2752 Live Jazz —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910509-2026 JereMy norris —Buffalo Wild Wings, 206 Old Eastwood Rd.; 798-9464 kersten CaPra —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666 Live aCoustiC —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 karaoke With Mike norris —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 oPen MiC night —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 JessiCa dunnheiMer —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737

All entertainment must be sent to music@encorepub.com by Wednesday for consideration in the weekly entertainment calendar. Venues are responsible for notifying encore of any changes, removals or additions to their weekly schedules.

ShowStoppers: Concerts outside of Southeastern NC

TRUCKIN’ ALONG: Tedeschi Trucks Band brings rootsy American rock, rhythm and blues to the stage of Durham Performing Arts Center on Sunday, June 12. Courtesy photo.

HOUSE OF BLUES 4640 Hwy 17 sOUTH, n. myrTle beacH, sc (843) 272-3000 6/10: Hell’s Bells (AC/DC tribute), Power Born Rebellion 6/14: Willie Nelson CAT’S CRADLE 300 e. maIn sTreeT, carrbOrO, nc (919) 967-9053 6/8: Curren$y, Trademark, Young Roddy, Fiend, Corner Boy P 6/9: Sondre Lerche, Nightlands, Kishi Bashi 6/11: Brice Randall Bickford, Lee Waters, Django Haskins 6/12: Joe Purdy, The Milk Carton Kids 6/14: Jonny, Apex Manor AMOS’ SOUTHEND 1423 sOUTH TryOn sTreeT, cHarlOTTe, nc (704) 377-6874 6/9: Furnace Road, Bullitproof 6/10: Crave More, DJ Soden, Mr. Invisible, Dan Wall 6/11: Appetite for Destruction (Guns N’ Roses tribute)

THE ORANGE PEEL 101 bIlTmOre avenUe, asHevIlle, nc (828) 225-5851 6/9: Portugal The Man 6/11: Somni Suite, Don Winsley, Silver Machine, Graviton Project 6/12: Tiempo Libre LINCOLN THEATRE 126 e. cabarrUs sTreeT, raleIGH, nc 919) 821-4111 6/12: Porter Robinson, Kevin Focus, Resolutionz DJs RALEIGH AMPHITHEATER 500 s. mcDOwell sT., raleIGH, nc (919) 831-6400 6/8: Mumford & Sons DURHAM PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 123 vIvIan sT., DUrHam, nc (919) 680-2727 6/12: Tedeschi Trucks Band

RBC CENTER 1400 eDwarDs mIll rD., raleIGH, nc (919) 861-2300 6/11: Josh Groban 6/14: Katy Perry

NORTH CHARLESTON PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 5001 cOlIseUm Dr., n. cHarlesTOn, sc (843) 529-5000 6/9: Primus, The Dead Kenny G’s

THE FILLMORE 1000 seabOarD sTreeT, cHarlOTTe, nc (704) 549-5555 6/10: Mindelixir

TIME WARNER CABLE ARENA 333 easT TraDe sT., cHarlOTTe, nc (704) 688-9000 4/28: Amos Lee



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handicap accessible

swapping styles:


Style Girl’s coveted fifth event takes place at Mayfaire


can’t count how many tImes I’ve

spotted someone strutting around town and thought to myself, I’ve got to have that outfit! The same can be said for my insatiable urge to peek into the closets of some of Wilmington’s most fashionable women. Now, with Style Girl Jess James’ highly successful Style Swap on hand, dreams are becoming reality for everyone who thinks like me. Held on June 9 and presented by Bijuju Jewelry, the fifth Style Swap will take place from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. at Homewood Suites in Mayfaire. The motto for the evening is rather simple: “Fashionista Style in Recessionista Times!” To participate, ladies need to simply bring a gently used designer or vintage item they would like to trade, as well as one accessory. James suggests items that reflect what participants hope to take from the swap. The idea of a Style Swap came to James after reading an article about the growing trend of “swishing” parties in England. “I imagined an event where women of all ages, sizes, and with a range of styles could come

ar by Danielle Dew encore intern together to share their closets, while they economize and socialize,” she says. Style Swap gives us a chance to clean out our closets and make room for some new items straight from other fashion mavens. After all, every fashionista knows she has to mix it up to keep her outfits fresh. The swap works by using personalized tags, given to each guest, to mark her favorite items. The new owner of the coveted garment or accessory is then chosen through random drawings. People will also be able to donate $5 to participate in a raffle, with all proceeds going to Good Shepherd Homeless Shelter. Raffle prizes include a Rag & Bone indigo denim romper from Beanie + Cecil (valued at $360), as well as a bold Stella & Dot collar chain necklace (valued at $98). Thus, it’s phil-

anthropically stylish. “We’ve always had a non-profit partnership with the Style Swap,” James says. “In Raleigh we’ve worked with Dress for Success, and donated the clothing and encouraged women to bring more business appropriate attire. The same thing in Charleston: We worked with The Center for Women. We’ve worked with Women Making a Difference. In Wilmington, I’m currently working with Bargain Box [a thrift store boutique, operated under the aegis of the Church of the Servant, Episcopal]. I love to help them out in any way I can.” Games are also on the bill, including musical chairs. Anticipation is sure to run high as the chances of winning or losing are heightened with each pause of the music, especially due to the caliber of gifts the swap has in store for guests. Prizes are continuously being added to the list, but Cocobelle has sponsored two crave-worthy bohemian chic looks. The first consists of a genuine leather high-waist belt (my personal favorite!), a mother-of-pearl necklace on suede and a

paisley bangle. The second look includes a suede thong sandal with a cinched front and back, with a covered heel, a thick leather bracelet and a satin headband. Other sponsored prizes include He & Me Apparel’s raspberry “Silhouette,” a La Bella Forma periwinkle pajama set, a re-purposed Remnant bag, leather chevron earrings by designers Amy Shannon Layton and Erin Shannon, and an StC asymmetric, one-shoulder, harem “pant” dress. With an event that keeps giving and giving, guests are expected to enjoy a plethora of other activities while swapping and shopping. There will be light bites and sweets from Homewood Suites and Hot Pink Cake Stand, as well as massages with Hannah Simmons and Lash Dip from Seagrass Salon. The first fifty people to purchase tickets online get the opportunity to shop 10 minutes before everyone else, a.k.a. VIP swapping status! Tickets are only $15 at www.styleswap. net or $25 cash at the door. For questions, e-mail styleswappinginfo@gmail.com.

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 21

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22 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com



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feeling hot!


Local fashionistas assess trends and styles for summer 2011


here are Two Things in This

world my heart absolutely sings for: lace and sky-high Jeffrey Campbell’s (bonus points when pairing them). Luckily, it looks like we’ll be seeing plenty of both this summer. With the temperatures sky-rocketing and outfits becoming less about coverage and more about staying cool, what’s a girl to do other than prepare for the inevitable changes in fashion? Not to fret. Four of Wilmington’s most prominent fashion mavens have answered some of the critical questions concerning summer 2011 style. From hemlines to turban[d]s, “Style Girl” Jess James, Caroline Castles (founder of Castles Couture), Lauren Lassiter (employee of Edge of Urge) and Aileen Haugh (creator of Dance for Liberation) suggest ways to follow the changing trends. encore: What has inspired your summer ‘11 style? Caroline Castles: I get style inspiration from what I see other people wearing, locally and in magazines, on blogs, etc. Things that inspire me regardless of trend or season are design, art, music, movies and nature. Jess James: The heat! Living in such a hot climate, I’m always trying to keep in mind the temperature when I dress. I have a friend who calls me “the human thermometer.” For summer, I really like easy, breezy bohemian styles. This season, we are certainly seeing a seventies’ boho revival. e: How would you describe the overall style/look for this summer? And how can we achieve this look and with what key pieces? Aileen Haugh: I would describe my overall style for the summer as urban comfort with a boho twist. I like matching different patterns (like Native American designs and florals) with high-waisted skirts, skinny jeans or acidwashed jean shorts. JJ: For summer, I love the play on varying hemlines for tops and bottoms. If you follow Style Girl’s Fashion Fix (http://stylegirljessjames.com), you may already know I’m smitten with the high-low look—particularly in maxi skirts. It’s kind of like the reverse of a mullet. Party in the front, business in the back. This style of skirt lets you test out the maxi skirt but still shows some skin while keeping you covered in the back. e: What trends are you looking forward to this summer?

ar by Danielle Dew rn encore inte AH: I have been seeing lots of lace! Lace is awesome because it can be either sexy, pretty or stylish as a street dress. I have also noticed different shapes and cut-outs in clothing. For instance, the balance of a modest front with a low back is in. JJ: Neutrals with neon. I just got a Bretonstyle striped shirt (from Banana Republic) with hot pink stripes that looks great paired with neutrals—gives any look a nice jolt of color. I also love that colored jeans are having another moment. I just got a pair of candy red J Brand skinny jeans from Beanie + Cecil, and I’m hooked on wearing them a million different ways. e: What are some of the go-to colors and patterns this season? CC: My go-to colors are white, nude, peach and light pink, black, turquoise, bright blue, coral and yellow. As far as patterns, I like floral, stripes and geometric. JJ: Orange is getting a second look this season; although, it tends to be a tougher color to pull off. It’s never been my favorite. I always love tribal prints (and they seem to be everywhere right now). I like anything Aztec and batik, paired with more classic staples to balance out the look. Give tie-dye or ombre a try this season. I’m really into the handdyed T-shirt I got from Wilmington designer Russ Roe, especially since I share his fascination with pyramid and triangle shapes. I’m also having fun adding bold saturated color and some neon with last summer’s neutrals. e: How will your summer style change from daytime to a night on the town? JJ: It’s all in the accessories. Sometimes I

won’t change from day to night. But at night I usually dress it up by changing into heels. e: What about shoes and accessories: What’s “in” this summer? JJ: Chunky platforms and wedges are everywhere, but I tend to favor perforated vintage heels, lace-up boots and oxfords. For jewelry, I have two triangle shaped necklaces that will be in heavy rotation this summer— one from J.Crew (a super sweet birthday gift from my husband) has rose quartz crystals, which is my power stone, and the other, a necklace by Fallon, incorporates leather, mixed metals and multi-colored rhinestones. I also really like the crystal and pyramid-shaped metal jewelry Jessie Yeager is creating now for Edge of Urge. Her kaleidoscope necklaces are a must-have! And, I can’t get enough of turbans! I typically create my own from vintage scarfs but I recently picked up a two-toned “tur-band” from local fashion designer Caroline Castles that also does the trick! LL: Heels—especially the Jeffrey Campbell platforms. I’m not really one to follow what’s “in” because I’m just now figuring out what I prefer in fashion for myself. I think that’s the most important part of it. e: For the broke, yet fashionable, what staple pieces would you recommend investing in this summer? AH: A pair of bottoms you can

I have a friend who calls me “the human thermometer.” For summer, I really like easy, breezy bohemian styles. This season, we are certainly seeing a seventies’ boho revival. will wear the same thing day to night, but I’ll put on a pair of higher heels, bolder accessories and a saturated lip color (“Lovelorn” lipstick from MAC has become my hotweather staple). Lauren Lassiter: If I like an outfit enough, I

HOT STUFF: Style Girl Jess James shows off a two-tone “Tur-Band” from Wilmington fashion designer Caroline Castle of Castle Coutures (sold at Edge of Urge), Loeffler Randall lace-up booties from Beanie + Cecil, Catherine Malandrino high-waisted shorts from Gilt Groupe and vintage studded belt from Cavortress Vintage. Courtesy photo.

wear all summer that can be easily mixed and a high-low or asymmetrical top or skirt and matched. I recently got a pair of acid-washed statement accessory that speaks to your shorts from Urban Outfitters. Although they own summer style. were a little more pricey than I hoped, they go with everything! JJ: A striped Breton-style shirt for layering,


encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 23


hot summer fashion:

Blazing trends of the season with Freaker USA!


o much more exists in fashion then mere colors, patterns, styles and cuts of fabric. It’s all about attitude as much as anything, and we’re thrilled to have teamed up with some of the coolest kids on the Wilmington block to shoot our 2011 summer fashion edition. Say, it with me, folks: It’s Freakin’ Hot!

The Freaker America team—made up of Freakmaster and founder Zack Crain, along with Laura Krakauskas, PR/management; Justin Mitchener, art director; and Oliver Mellan, video creator—and encore were able to cull a few hot duds from local fashion houses for a peek into what’s trendy this season. We paired each look with a super stylish Freaker, of course. Oh, wait? What’s that, encorian? You don’t know about the Freaker? Well, well, well! Let’s put it this way: Freakers are only the coolest drink cozies on the face of the planet. They dress up every beverage in colorful style, and they garner as much paparazzi attention as any celebrity. Exclusively sold for $8 at Edge of Urge in downtown Wilmington, readers can scoop up a few and keep the Freakin’ magic alive. Last week, we headed over to the Freaker studio in the Castle Street Art and Antique District to collaborate with Freaker photog Justin Mitchener and capture the hotness of our models, Emily Bunn, Brittany Wilson and Oliver Mellan. The three showcased looks from some of Wilmington’s boutiques and designers, including Lula Balou, Edge of Urge, Hot Threads, Scarz, Precious Gems, Oliver, MOD, Bloke, Drifted, Torri/Belle and Castles Couture. Time flew by as we hung around the talented, eccentric motley crew and their two precious pups, Pete and Nelson. By the end of the day, we weren’t just sweating sweet juice out of our pores from the freakin’ heat, we were dancing in the studio and planting design ideas for new Freakers in Mr. Crain’s brilliant noggin’.




Oliver takes his art to the streets in Skarz “They Make Us Who We Are” tee ($20) and trucker hat ($15).

Freakers available in geometric designs.

24 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

From maxi dresses to denim cut-offs, graphic tees to bold jewelry, fun prints to wicked patterns, and, yes, even a little boho chic, we present the summer fashion edition, all with a Freaker on top.

Go ahead: Get your freak on.


250 (910 www



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LULA BALOU 250 Racine Drive #7 (910) 799-9991 www.lulabalou.com


Brittany Wilson turns the maxi dress—worn one of 10 ways—into something rather regal in coral. Also available in navy, black, red, cobalt and pink, as well as in a shorter version; $110.

Freakers available in floral pattern.





18 Market Street (910) 762-1662 www.edgeofurge.com

Oliver Mellan takes over America with his sizzling hot made in the USA AMBSN swimming shorts; $66.

Freakers available for Democrats and Republicans.

1125-J Military Cutoff Rd. (910) 679-4081 www.torribelle.com Emily Bunn radiates in the neon animal print dress by Bellidol ($84) and House of Harlow wedges in tan and gold ($68).

Freakers vary from a striped blue and green to a zebra design in yellow and purple.

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 25

Hot tHReads

Castles CoutuRe

310 Nutt street (910) 772-2302 www.shopcottonexchange.com


Clothing and accessories



Brittany shines even in the scorching heat, with a Castles Couture bikini and Boho Beach Sheer; $56.

Freaker available in Banana.

Emily freaks the world in a strapless, jeweled, taupe, pleated chiffon dress by KUDU; $109.


1427 Mil (910) 67 www.blo

{ 26 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com


1427 Military Cutoff Rd. (910) 679-4137 www.blokeapparel.com


Oliver heats up the streets even more thanks to sharp digs from Bloke, including the Civil Society black button-up; $65.

Freaker in tribal yellow.

dRifted www.driftedstore.com • 910-616-7230


Repurposed leather necklace (call for price) and Whiskers earrings ($38) made by Lisa Nez of Drifted, out of Wilmington, NC.

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 27


3030 Market Street (910) 815-3455 www.wilmingtonjewelryappraisal.com/


Emily cools off her beverage in a striped green and pink Freaker, while sporting a turquoise and amethyst ring in 18k gold; $795.


1055 Military Cutoff Rd # 103 (910) 256-2233 www.oliverclothing.com

{ 28 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

Oliver stays pumped up in patriotism, wearing a Norton tee-shirt ($39) and Bobby Jeans ($210).

Freakers in striped blue and purple, and retro pyramid.

EDGE OF URGE 18 Market Street (910) 762-1662 www.edgeofurge.com


1055 Military Cutoff Rd # 103 (910) 256-2233 www.oliverclothing.com

DRIFtED www.driftedstore.com • 910-616-7230



Brittany stays cool in the heat with a Camilla Siwy cutoffs ($149), available at Oliver; a red Motel Rocks sheer red tank ($44) and Gentlefawn black tube in black ($20), available at Edge of Urge; with “The Rogue” belt buckle made from recycled surf boards from Drifted ($87). Freakers are so green because they’re reusable—and available in all sorts of styles!

4306 Market Street (910) 264-9213 www.modeastcoast.com


The American Freaker gets dolled up in

a multi-chain, sapphire-colored pendant necklace; $29.95.

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 29


a sequel worth seeing:

reel reel

‘The Hangover II’ makes it work


arly last wEEk i participatEd in

an epic discussion. The parameters were simple: Name the 10 best comedies since the year 2000. This will no doubt be the subject of much debate and consternation. Here’s what I came up with: 1. “Anchorman” 2. “Idiocracy” 3. “Old School” 4. “Walk Hard” 5. “Sideways” 6. “The Royal Tenenbaums” 7. “Team America: World Police” 8. “40 Year Old Virgin” 9. “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” 10. “Bridesmaids” Notice there aren’t any sequels on the list. Comedy sequels are always risky propositions. They aren’t like action films. Filmmakers rarely get their original gang back together and successfully put them through the paces. There’s something so rewarding about a good comedy, and something so redundant about an inevitable sequel: “Caddyshack 2,” “Wayne’s World 2” and “Ghostbusters 2” are all good examples. The sequels rarely do anything to enhance the stature of the original. If anything, they detract from it. I always use “Meet the Parents” as a perfect example. I like “Meet the Parents.” It’s a harmless, amusing and generally entertaining comedy with some great awkward moments. It’s a little more saccharine than most comedies I like, but I have no problem admitting I found it funny. Then we get “Meet the Fockers,” a tired and hackneyed excuse, a carbon-copy of the original, which feels like an extension of the first film. There’s no new territory covered, no attempt at creating something fresh. It’s a retread of a successful formula—and this is why most comedy sequels fail. “The Hangover Part II” is the first movie that somehow manages to buck this trend despite being identical to the original. The plot is remarkably similar to the 2009 buddy comedy that grossed almost $500 million worldwide. Stu (Ed Helms) is getting married in Thailand. His buddy Phil (Bradley Cooper) is hoping for some drinking and debauchery, and in tow is Alan (Zach Galifianakis), the slightly mental man-child responsible for drugging them in Vegas, leading to a series of hilarious events. Very little has changed since the first film. Stu is still uptight and perpetually afraid that someone is going to drug him before his wedding. Phil is desperate for a few days away from the family where he can act like a jack-

by Anghus The Hangover II


lifianakis, Starring Zach Ga ley Cooper and Ed Helms, Brad Ken Jeong

“Hangover” is a little more mean-spirited. It’s also a much better story. The first movie felt like a series of gags with very little connective tissue. “The Hangover II” feels much more like a complete story, and the “stranger in a strange land” motif greatly helps sell the bizarre circumstances in which the Wolfpack finds themselves encroached. Vegas was an amusing and appropriate background, but

this week in film Inside Job

Subversive Film Series Juggling Gypsy •1612 Castle St. (910) 763-2223 Sundays, 8pm • Free 6/12: A documentary about the financial crisis of 2007–2010, directed by Charles H. Ferguson. Ferguson has described the film as being about “the systemic corruption of the United States by the financial services industry and the consequences of that systemic corruption.” In five parts the film explores how changes in the policy environment and banking practices helped create the 2008 financial crisis.

In a Better World

Cinematique Thalian Hall Studio Theatre 310 Chestnut Street • 7:30 p.m., $7

BROMANTIC COMEDY: “The Hangover II” fellas—(l to r) Bradley Cooper, Ken Jeong, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis—continue churning out the laughs. Courtesy photo.

ass and live consequence-free if only for the long weekend. Alan is strange as ever, obsessed with their weekend in Vegas and has developed an almost stalker mentality toward the fellow members of “The Wolfpack.” The night before the wedding, the friends get together for a drink. The next morning they wake up in a seedy hotel with no memory of the prior night’s events. Once again, the guys have a limited amount of time to work backward to try and find out what happened. The twisted tale takes them through the dingy streets of Bangkok where they deal with angry monks, Asian gangsters and a drug-running, chain-smoking monkey. The film is note-for-note, beat-for-beat, the exact same movie as “The Hangover.” Replace Vegas with Bangkok, and the same plot gets summed up in a tidy package. Though, this

30 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

Bangkok feels dirty, dark and dangerous. Yes, it’s a formula, but the formula works. This is a damn funny movie. While it’s not quite the total comedic experience of “Bridesmaids” (see last week’s review at www.encorepub.com), it’s still an excellent example of the importance of well-executed comedy. Most of the credit goes to the actors who really do a marvelous job of making these guys likable enough to want to go on another two-hour ride. Ed Helms plays such a marvelously high-strung nerd. Zach Galifianakis’ Asperger-inspired idiot savant is far funnier than he has any right to be. Bradley Cooper is a gifted straight man. The real treasure here is Ken Jeong as the international crime lord, Chao. He steals every scene he’s in and generates the biggest laughs the film has to offer. This is one of the few comedies that actually improves on the original. It’s almost the exact same movie, but for some reason it works better the second time around. I’ll be damned if I can explain it, but I sure as hell did enjoy it.

6/13-15: Winner of the Academy Award and Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film, Swedish actor Mikael Persbrandt plays Anton, a doctor who commutes between his home in an idyllic town in Denmark and his work at an African refugee camp, where he witnesses daily acts of violence at the hands of warlords. 94 min; R.

Movies at the Lake: Megamind

Carolina Beach Lake Park Sundays, free • At dusk Bring lawn chairs and blankets and nonperishable food donations to benefit a local charity. Popcorn, candy, soft drinks, cotton candy and other popular concessions for sale. An alien supervillian and his rival fight for world domination in this animated comedy, featuring the voices of Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt and Tina Fey. All AreA movie listings And pArAgrAph synopses cAn be found At encorepub.com.

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what’s for dinner? Find it in the premier dining guide for the Port City

TROLLY STOP 3-2999 Street •(910) 34 121 North Front 3952 2Drive • (910) 45 4502 Fountain 6-3421 enue • (910) 25 1 S. Lumina Av

ALWAYS FRESH: Battleship dog with deli mustard, mild salsa, onions & diced tomatoes and batter dipped, fried to order french fries. Stop by any of their dog friendly locations and buy a hot dog and they will throw in an extra for your pooch. (Without bun.)

AMERICAN BLUEWATER Enjoy spectacular panoramic views of sailing ships and the Intracoastal Waterway while dining at this popular casual American restaurant in Wrightsville Beach. Lunch and dinner are served daily. Favorites include jumbo lump crab cakes, succulent seafood lasagna, crispy coconut shrimp and an incredible Caribbean fudge pie. Dine inside or at their award-winning outdoor patio and bar, which is the location for their lively Waterfront Music Series every Sun. during the summer months. Large parties welcome. Private event space available. BluewaterDining.com. 4 Marina Street, Wrightsville Beach, NC. (910) 256.8500.

■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Fri ■ ■ ■ ■

10am - 11pm; Sat & Sun 10am – 11pm. NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach FEATURING: Waterfront dining MUSIC: Music every Sun. in Summer WEBSITE: bluewaterdining.com

CATCH Serving the Best Seafood in South Eastern North Carolina. Wilmington’s Native Son, 2011 James Beard Award Nominee Chef Keith Rhodes explores the Cape Fear Coast for the best it has to offer. We feature Wild Caught & Sustainably raised Seafood. Organic and locally sourced produce & herbs provide the perfect compliment to our fresh Catch. Consecutively Voted Wilmington’s Best Chef 2008, 09 & 2010. Dubbed “Modern Seafood Cuisine” we offer an array Fresh Seafood & Steaks, including our Signature NC Sweet Potato Salad.

32 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

Appetizers include our Mouth watering “Fire Cracker” Shrimp, Crispy Cajun Fried NC Oysters & Blue Crab Claw Scampi, Seafood Ceviche & Conch Fritters to name a few. Larger Plates include Plancha grilled Painted Hills Steaks, Blackend Red Drum Filet, Charleston Crab Cakes, Tempura OBX Scallops, Flounder Escovitch & Pan roasted Queen Trigger fish. Custom Entree request gladly accommodated for our Guest. (Vegetarian, Vegan & Allergies) Hand Crafted seasonal desserts from Alan DeLovely. Full ABC Permits. 6623 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28405.

■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Fri 11am-2pm and Mon. Sat. 5pm-9pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: North Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Acclaimed Wine List BUFFALO WILD WINGS

If you’re looking for good food and an atmosphere that’s fun for the whole family, Buffalo Wild Wings is the place! Award winning wings and 16 signature sauces and seasonings. Plus…salads, wraps, flatbreads, burgers, and more. Tons of Big screen TVs and all your favorite sports. We have daily drink specials, a HUGE draft selection, and Free Trivia all day every day. Come in for our Weekday Lunch Specials, only $5.99 from 11am2pm. Visit us for Wing Tuesdays with 50 cent wings all day long, or Boneless Thursdays with 60 cent boneless wings all day long. Buffalo Wild Wings is a great place to dine in or take out.

■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: Mon-Sat 11am-2am and Sun 12pm-2am ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: 2 locations-Midtown (910798-9464) and Monkey Junction (910-392-7224)

■ MUSIC: Live Music on Thursday and Friday nights at Old Eastwood Rd. location and Friday nights at Monkey Junction location

■ WEBSITE: www.buffalowildwings.com C.G. Dawgs For great traditional New York style eats with Southern charm look no further than C.G. Dawgs. You will be drawn in by the aroma of fine beef franks served with witty banter and good natured delivery from the cleanest hot dog carts in Wilmington. Sabrett famous hot dogs and Italian sausages are the primary fare offered, with a myriad of condiments for all of your mid-day or late night cravings. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 11am– 5pm. Sat. at the farmers market. Thurs.- Sat. nights on Market St. between Front and 2nd St. from 10pm – 3:00am.Fibbers on Sun. nights Until 3am. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD Downtown ■ FEATURING: Lunch time delivery downtown

THE GEORGE ON THE RIVERWALK Drop your anchor at The George on the RiverWalk, your destination for complete sense indulgence. Watch the historic Cape Fear River unfold before you while you enjoy the best in Southern Coastal Cuisine. The menu combines elegance, creativity and diverse selection of steak, pasta, salad and fresh seafood, including the best Shrimp n’ Grits in town. Warm in the sun on the expansive outdoor deck sipping an exotic, colorful martini, or unwind at the spacious bar inside boasting extensive wine and martini lists along with weekday appetizer specials from 4:00pm-6:30pm. Don’t forget to try downtown’s best

kept secret for Sunday Brunch from 11am-3pm. You are welcome to dock your boat at the only dock’n’dine restaurant downtown, grab a trolley, or enjoy our free, front door parking (ask for pass!) Why satisfy when you can indulge? Find the George on the Riverwalk at 128 South Water Street, 910-763-2052.

while dinning outside overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Chef Eric invites you to experience his daily specials in this magnificent setting. (910) 256-2231. 1706 N Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach.


■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Waterfront dining ■ WEBSITE: www.holidayinn.com

Tues. – Sat. 11am – 9 pm. Enjoy Sunday Lunch and Brunch 11am – 3pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Sunday Brunch / Wilmington’s only dock’n’dine restaurant. ■ WEBSITE: www.thegeorgerestaurant. com

HALLIGAN’S “Failte,” is the Gaelic word for “Welcome,” and at Halligan’s Public House it’s our “Motto.” Step into Halligan’s and enter a world of Irish hospitality where delicious food warms the heart and generous drink lift the spirit. Be sure to try Halligan’s house specialty, “The Reuben,” number one with critics and of course our customers. One bite and you’ll understand why. Of course, we also serve a full selection of other delicious entrees including seafood, steak and pasta, as well as a wide assortment of burgers, sandwiches(Halligan’s Cheese Steak), and salads. And if you are looking for a friendly watering hole where you can raise a glass or two with friends, new and old, Halligan’s Public House boasts a comfortable bar where fun-loving bartenders hold court daily and blarney fills the air. Stop by Halligan’s Public House today, “When you’re at Halligan’s....you’re at home.” With 12 beers on tap and 16 flat screen TVs, you can watch your favorite game and enjoy your favorite drink.


7 Days a Week Mon-Wed 11:30 am - 2:00 am Thurs-Sun 11:30 am - 2:00 am ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Masonboro Loop ■ FEATURING: THE Best Rueben in Town!, $5.99 lunch specials, Outdoor Patio ■ WEBSITE: www.halligansnc.com

HENRY’S A local favorite, Henry’s is the ‘place to be’ for great food, a lively bar and awesome patio dining. Henry’s serves up American cuisine at its finest that include entrees with fresh, local ingredients. Come early for lunch, because its going to be packed. Dinner too! Henry’s Pine Room is ideal for private functions up to 30 people. Henry’s is home to live music, wine & beer dinners and other special events. Check out their calendar of events at HenrysRestaurant. com for details. 2508 Independence Boulevard, Wilmington, NC. (910) 793.2929.


Sun. –Mon.11am-10pm; Tues.- Fri.: 11am – 11pm; Sat.: 10am – 11pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Daily blackboard specials. ■ MUSIC: Live Music beginning at 5:30pm ■ WEBSITE: www.henrysrestaurant.com.

HoLIdAY INN RESoRt Oceans Restaurant located in this oceanfront resort is a wonderful find. This is the perfect place to enjoy a fresh Seafood & Steak dinner



Wilmington’s favorite fondue restaurant! The Little Dipper specializes in unique fondue dishes with a global variety of cheeses, meats, seafood, vegetables, chocolates and fine wines. The warm and intimate dining room is a great place to enjoy a four-course meal, or indulge in appetizers and desserts outside on the back deck or in the bar while watching luminescent jellyfish. Reservations are appreciated for parties of any size. Located at the corner of Front and Orange in Downtown Wilmington. 138 South Front Street. (910) 251-0433.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

SERVING DINNER: Tues.- Sun. 5pm NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown FEATURING: 70s menu every Friday MUSIC: Fri. & Sat. in summer WEBSITE: www.littledipperfondue.com


Pine Valley Market has reigned supreme in servicing the Wilmington community for years, securing encore’s Best-Of awards in catering, gourmet shop and butcher. Now, Kathy Webb and Christi Ferretti are expanding their talents into serving lunch in-house, so folks can enjoy their hearty, homemade meals in the quaint and cozy ambience of the market. Using the freshest ingredients of highest quality, diners can enjoy the best Philly Cheesesteak in Wilmington, along with numerous other sandwich varieties, from their Angus burger to classic Reuben, Italian sub to a grown-up banana and peanut butter sandwich that will take all diners back to childhood. Served among a soup du jour and salads, there is something for all palates. Take advantage of their take-home frozen meals for nights that are too hectic to cook, and don’t forget to pick up a great bottle of wine to go with it. 3520 S. College Road, (910) 350-FOOD.


Mon.-Fri.10am-7pm; Sat. 9am-6pm. Closed Sun. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South ■ FEATURING: Daily specials and takehome frozen meals ■ WEBSITE: www.pinevalleymarket.com


Mellow out and relax in the comfortable atmosphere that Mellow Mushroom offers. From the giant psychadelic ‘shroom located in the bar area to the Cadillac hanging on the wall, this restaurant is far from ordinary. The open kitchen brings live entertainment as pizza dough flies in the air. Their hand-tossed, spring-water dough brings new meaning to pizzas and calzones—healthy!! With 20 drafts and an array of microbrews, domestic and import bottles, Mellow Mushroom has an extensive beer list and full bar. 4311 Oleander Drive, (910) 452-3773.


encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 33

Mon-Sat,11am-10pm; Sun., 12pm-9pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: lunch specials, a variety of sandwiches and vegetarian items. ■ MUSIC: Live jazz on Wednesdays. ■ WEBSITE: www.mellowmushroom.com


Temptations Everyday Gourmet draws diners in by droves thanks to their creative menu selections, an extraordinary inventory of fine wines (over 300 varieties all without restaurant markups) and trained staff that go beyond culinary excellence. Recognized as Best Lunch Spot by WWAY in 2011, as well as having its chef, Michael Comer, touted among the top three best chefs in Wilmington, according to StarNews’ Taste of Wilmington 2010, Temptations offers two locations to serve Wilmingtonians. Located in Hanover Center for 25 years, signature items include their Homemade Chicken Salad and Turkey, Brie and Apple Sandwich, as well as their Porter’s Neck location’s Pimiento Cheeseburger. The Porter’s Neck location also serves an expanded dinner menu, which changes weekly. Their daily features, including specialty soups, salads, quiche and paninis, keeps patrons busy choosing healthy, fast foods whether dining onsite or back at the office. in fact, ask Temptations about their Office Party Menu for your next gathering. Their gourmet retail shop provides unique gourmet gift items featuring many locally made specialty foods, chocolates and goodies.

■ SERVING LUNCH: Hanover Center, 3501 Oleander Dr., Ste 13. Mon.-Sat., 11am – 6pm (Closed Sundays)


Porter’s Neck Center, 8207 Market St., Ste F. Mon. Wed., 10am-8:30pm; Thurs.-Sat., 10am9pm. Dinner features begin at 5pm. (Closed Sundays) ■ NEIGHBORHOODS:: Midtown and North Wilmington


www.temptationseverydaygourmet.com ■ FEATURING: An expanded dinner menu, at the Porter’s Neck location, which changes weekly.


Trolly Stop Hot Dogs is a family owned franchise with six locations. Since 1976 they specialize in homemade chili, slaw and sauces, and as of more recent – a variety of gourmet sausages and burgers (at participating locations). The types of hot dogs include Beef & Pork, All Beef, Smoked Sausage, 98% Turkey, and Soy. Sausages include Bratwurst, Mild Italian, Spicy Beef and Polish Kielbasi. Locations are: 126 N. Front Street Open seven days from 11am-4pm, late night hours are Thurs., Fri., and Sat. night from 10pm-3am; (910) 343-2999, 94 S. Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach 11-5pm 7days a week, 6pm-9pm Sun-Wed, and 6pm-3am Th-Sat. (910) 256-1421; 4502 Fountain Dr., 452-3952. 11am-7pm Mon-Sun; South Howe St. in Southport, (910) 457-7017 (CLOSED FOR THE SEASON UNTIL EASTER WEEKEND); 103A Cape Fear Blvd in Carolina Beach, (910) 458-5778; 1250 Western Blvd., Unit L-4 Jacksonville, (910) 228-0952, opened Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. Catering cart available all year from $300. (910)





Port City

■ FEATURING: Dog friendly locations

at Wrightsville Beach and Downtown Wilmington. Buy a hot dog, we’ll throw in an extra for your pooch. (Without bun.) ■ WEBSITE: www.trollystophotdogs.com


Now with two convenient locations to serve you, Big Thai features authentic Thai cuisine in a fun, relaxing atmosphere. Their delectable menu includes items such as Pineapple Fried Rice with Cashews, Roasted Duck in Red Curry, and several options for vegetarians and vegans. And don’t forget to try their famous Coconut Cake, made fresh in-house. You won’t regret it. Big Thai One (1001 N. 4th St. in the Brooklyn Arts District; 763-3035): Lunch M-F, 11-2. Dinner M-Th 5-9, F-Sa 5-10, Closed Sun.. Big Thai Two (1319 Military Cutoff Rd. inside Landfall Center; 256-6588)


Open for Lunch M-F 11-2:30; Dinner M-Th 5-9; F-Sa 5-10; Sun. 5-9. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown and North Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Vegetarian/vegan options.


Craving expertly prepared Chinese food in an elegant atmosphere? Szechuan 132 Chinese Restaurant is your destination! Szechuan 132 has earned the reputation as one of the finest contemporary Chinese restaurants in the Port City. Tastefully decorated with an elegant atmosphere, with an exceptional ingenious menu has deemed Szechuan 132 the best Chinese restaurant for years, hands down. 419 South College Road (in University Landing), (910) 799-1426.


What better way to celebrate a special occasion or liven up a dinner out than to dine in a place where every meal is an exciting presentation. Knowing that a meal should be more than just great food, Hiro adds a taste of theatre and a amazing atmosphere to everyone’s dinning experience. Also serving sushi, Hiro surprises its guests with a new special roll every week and nightly drink specials to complement it. From 47pm enjoy half-priced nigiri and half-priced regular makimono. Nigiri makimono combos are only $7.50, while early-bird specials last from 4-6pm, where diners can choose two: shrimp, chicken or steak. Located at 222 Old Eastwood Road (910) 794-1570.

■ SERVING DINNER: Open Mon. thru

Thurs. 4pm-10pm; Fri. and Sat. 4pm-10:30pm and Sun. 11am-10pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Hibachi style dining.


34 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

If you’re ready to experience the wonders of the Orient without having to leave Wilmington, join us at Indochine for a truly unique experience. Indochine brings the flavors of the Far East to the Port City, combining the best of Thai and Vietnamese cuisine in an atmosphere that will transport you and your taste buds. Relax in our elegantly decorated dining room, complete with antique Asian decor as well as contemporary artwork and music. Our diverse, friendly and efficient staff will serve you beautifully presented dishes full of enticing aromas and flavors. Be sure to try such signature items as the spicy and savory Roasted Duck with Red Curry, or the beautifully presented and delicious Shrimp and Scallops in a Nest. Be sure to save room for our world famous desert, the banana egg roll! We take pride in using only the freshest ingredients, and our extensive menu suits any taste. After dinner, enjoy specialty drinks by the koi pond in our Asian garden. Located at 7 Wayne Drive (beside the Ivy Cottage), (910) 251-9229.


Tues.- Fri. 11am- 2pm; Sat. 12pm – 3pm for lunch. Mon.- Sun. 5pm – 10pm for dinner. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Balinese dancer every Fri. night.



CARIBBEAN JAMAICA’S COMFORT ZONE Wilmington’s Authentic Caribbean Restaurant conveniently located at 417 S. College Road in University Landing. We offer exquisite Caribbean cuisine to satisfy your taste buds, whether they are for spicy Jamaican jerk chicken, mellow flavors of our curry chicken, curry goat or our ox tail skillfully flavored by our Jamaican chefs. Come in and enjoy our many menu selections, our warm décor, smoke-free atmosphere, excellent service and our smooth reggae music. Jamaica’s Comfort Zone is family owned and operated. Call us 910-399-2867.

■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER: Sun., 3pm.– 8pm; Tues.- Sat. 11:45am – 9pm. Closed Mon. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Breakfast served all day. ■ MUSIC: Live Music every First Fri.



EURO FUSION PRESS 102 Espresso. Panini. Martini. Rome and Paris meet Manhattan and San Francisco in this new EuroAmerican eatery and martini bar in the heart of historic downtown Wilmington. Nestled inside the Hotel Tarrymore on the corner of Second and Dock streets, Press 102 offers the finest espresso and French press coffee made ex-

clusively from locally roasted beans and more Panini creations this side of Tuscany. Boasting more than a hundred different wine labels and an endless variety of freshly pressed fruit and herb inspired martini cocktails foodies also enjoy a sophisticated evening menu that includes shrimp and grits made with red-eye gravy and a perfectly grilled New York strip bathed in a basil caramel and white balsamic reduction. Glass tile and eclectic mirrors make for a cozy bar and bistro seating at Press 102 and up to 60 guests can also enjoy outdoor patio seating surrounded by flowers and passersby. Large parties of up to 120 are welcome in the Veranda Room overlooking Dock Street. (910) 399-4438.

■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER: Wed. - Sat. 8am - until and Sunday brunch from 9am-3pm, ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Wilmington’s Best Panini, according to encore readers ■ WEBSITE: www.Press102.com


Wilmington’s finest French cuisine can be found at Caprice Bistro, a small informal neighborhood restaurant, serving hearty food in generous portions at affordable prices. Simple is the atmosphere in the bistro, as plain white plates and tables dressed in white paper make up the decor. However, the food is far from simple, as a combination of fresh ingredients and innovative preparation delight the taste buds with a plethora of unique appetizers, entrées and desserts. The service is fast, efficient and non-intrusive, and the ambience is friendly and unpretentious. After dinner, be sure to venture upstairs into their cozy and relaxing sofa bar for an after-dinner martini, or enjoy your meal there, as a light-fare and full menus are served. Art is always on display in the sofa bar, so be sure to inquire frequently about their artist show receptions. Voted “Best French Restaurant” three years in a row! 10 Market Street, downtown Wilmington, (910) 815-0810.

■ SERVING DINNER: Sun.- Thurs. 5:00 – 10pm.; Fri. and Sat., 5pm – Midnight. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Upstairs sofa bar serving cocktails and lighter fare. ■ WEBSITE: www.capricebistro.com OUR CRÊPES & MORE

Try something different to eat! Our Crêpes & More, a family owned and operated French Crêperie, is serving authentic, homemade French cuisine to dine in or to go. Everything on their menu is under $10, and is a healthy alternative, while eating a savory meal or sweet treat. Whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, or an afternoon treat, everything on the menu is available. On the Savory side, the Uzès, Quebec, Tahiti or Provencale are among the most popular. Their homemade Ratatouille, South France type sub like the Pain Bagnat or Croque-Monsieur are worth the detour too! On the sweet side, The Versailles, St- Tropez or Crazy Nutella (with homemade Nutella ice cream) will make you come back for more! They also serve Fresh Salads or Soups depending on the seasons, amazing all natural Homemade Sorbet & Ice Cream,

Croissant & Chocolate Croissant. Open all day with free WiFi and live French radio, Our Crepes & More is a pleasant yet casual place to unwind. Our Crepes & More can accommodate large parties! STARTING JUNE 5th OPEN SUNDAYS FOR BRUNCH!

■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER: Monday, 9am to 5pm, Tuesday through Saturday 9am-8pm. Sunday brunch ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Vegetarian and glutenfree options. Free Wi-Fi..




is a family-friendly, casual Italian American restaurant that’s been a favorite of Wilmington locals for over 16 years. Its diverse menu includes Italian favorites such as Mama Romanelli’s Lasagna, Baked Ziti, Rigatoni a la Vodka and, of course, made-from-scratch pizzas. Its American influences include tasty burgers, the U.S.A. Salad and a 16oz. Marinated Rib Eye Steak. Romanelli’s offers patio dining and flat screen TVs in its bar area. Dine in or take out, Romanelli’s is always a crowd favorite. Large parties welcome. 503 Olde Waterford Way, Leland. (910) 383.1885.


Sun.- Thurs. 11am – 10pm.; Fri. & Sat. 11am – 11pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South. ■ FEATURING: Weekly Specials ■ WEBSITE: RomanellisRestaurant.com.


A Wilmington favorite since 1987! At Elizabeth’s you’ll find authentic Italian cuisine, as well as some of your American favorites. Offering delicious pizza, salads, sandwiches, entrees, desserts, beer, and wine. Elizabeth’s is known for their fresh ingredients, where even the bread is baked fresh daily. A great place for lunch, dinner, a late night meal, or take out. Elizabeth’s can also cater your event and now has a party room available. Visit us 4304 ½ Market St or call 910-251-1005 for take out.


Open 10am-Midnight every day ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown (Corner of Market St and Kerr Avenue). ■ WEBSITE: www.epwilmington.com


Giorgio’s is a locally owned, one-of-a-kind restaurant. Offering age-old traditions and timeless recipes, perfection is accomplished by combining the perfect cuisine and atmosphere for a dining experience that is not soon forgotten. With over 50 years of cooking experience under one roof, the smells of old-fashioned home cooking float through the air creating that comforting feeling of home-away-from-home! From old world style dishes to modern day creations, the menu showcases multiple flavors that will tempt the palate of the most discriminating connoisseurs. A Monkey Junction landmark for over 12 years! 5226 S College Rd.,Wilmington (910) 790-9954.


Mon.- Thurs. 11am. – 9:30am; Fri. 11am-10:30pm; Sat. 12pm-10:30pm Sun. 11:30am – 9:30pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South ■ FEATURING: Daily specials, kids menu and online coupons.




“Slice” has become a home away from home for tourists and locals alike. Our menu includes salads, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, homemade soups, subs and, of course, pizza. We only serve the freshest and highest-quality ingredients in all of our food, and our dough is made daily with purified water. Voted “Best Pizza” and “Best Late Night Eatery.”All ABC permits. Visit us downtown at 122 Market Street, (910) 251-9444, in Wrightsville Beach at 1437 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 101, (910) 256-2229 and our newest location in Pine Valley on the corner of 17th and College Road, (910) 799-1399.

■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: 11:30am-3am, 7 days a

week, 365 days a year.


Downtown and Wilmington South. The largest tequila selection in Wilmington ■ WEBSITE: www.grabslice.com



Offering the most authentic, gourmet Latin American cuisine in Wilmington. With dishes from countries such as Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Cuba you’ll be able to savor a variety of flavors from all over Latin America. Located at 3314 Wrightsville Avenue. 910.790.8661 Follow us on Facebook/Twitter for live music updates!


to ensure freshness. Lovey’s also carries Organic Grass-Fed and Free-Range meats and poultry. Wheat-Free and Gluten-Free products are in stock regularly, as are Vegan and Vegetarian groceries. Lovey’s also carries Wholesome Pet Foods. Stop by Lovey’s Market Monday through Friday 9am to 7pm; Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm. Located at 1310 Military Cutoff Rd in the Landfall Shopping Center; (910) 5090331. “You’ll Love it at Lovey’s!”


Café open: Mon.-Fri., 11am–6pm; Sat. & Sun., 10am-6pm.

■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: New bakery, fresh organic

pies, cakes and bread. Newly expanded.




Tidal Creek Co-op Kitchen offers a wide array of exceptional and unusual organic foods, all of which taste as good as they are for you. The salad bar and hot bar incorporate flavors from around the world. Each item is prepared by hand, using fresh and local ingredients. The chefs are constantly experimenting to create new and exciting dishes, with many vegan and gluten-free selections available. Choose from made-to-order smoothies with ingredients like almond butter and hemp milk, salads with locally grown greens, and special event cakes made from scratch to your specifications. Dining in is always welcomed, but you will also find freshly prepared entrees, salads, and sandwiches in the grab and go case. Whatever your tastes, The Co-op Kitchen is a place to rejuvenate the mind and body, while enjoying the company of a friendly and relaxed organic community. Located at 5329 Oleander across from Jungle Rapids, (910)799-2667, indoor and outdoor seating is available. Like Tidal Creek on Facebook for a daily post of “What’s for Lunch!”





The Blockade Runner offers an array of seasonal seafood specials, certified Angus beef, lobster menu on Fri. evening plus a spectacular Sun. brunch. Romantic al fresco dining is available on our dinner deck located in the center of a lush garden overlooking the ocean far away from the traffic and noise. Our lounge is eco-friendly and offers light fare nightly. 275 Waynick Blvd. Wrightsville Beach. (910) 256-2251.


■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach.

■ FEATURING: Lobster menu on Fri. ■ MUSIC: Live music on Sat. evening and Sun.brunch.

■ WEBSITE: www.blockade-runner.com HIERONYMUS

Proving that excellent seafood isn’t just for the eateries at Wrightsville Beach, Hieronymus Seafood is the stop for midtown Wilmington seafood lovers. In business for 27 years strong, Hieronymus has made a name for itself by consistently providing excellent service and the freshest of the fresh in oceanic cuisine. It’s the place to be if you are seeking top-quality attributes in atmosphere, presentation, flavor and ingenuity. Signature dishes include Oysters Hieronymus and the Scallops Fra Diavlo. Hieronymus has all ABC permits and also provides catering. Voted “Best Seafood” in 2007. 5035 Market Street; (910) 392-6313.

■ ■ ■ ■


& DINNER: Mon-Sat 8am-8pm, Sun 9am


■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Hot Bar 11am-3pm, Salad

Voted best seafood restaurant in Wilmington, Oceanic provides oceanfront dining at its best. Located in Wrightsville Beach, Oceanic is one of the most visited restaurants on the beach. Choose from a selection of seafood platters, combination plates and daily fresh fish. For land lovers, try their steaks, chicken or pasta dishes. Relax on the pier or dine inside. Oceanic is also the perfect location for memorable wedding receptions, birthday gatherings, anniversary parties and more. Large groups welcome. Private event space available. Family-style to go menu available. 703 S. Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach. (910) 256.5551.

Mon Sat. 11am-2:30pm and from 5-10pm. Open Sun from 5pm-10pm.


■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Nightly specials ■ WEBSITE: www.sanjuancafenc.com

Bar & Smoothie/Juice/Coffee Bar all day





Lovey’s Market is a true blessing for shoppers looking for Organic and Natural groceries and supplements, or a great place to meet friends for a quick, delicious and totally fresh meal or snack. Whether you are in the mood for a Veggie Burger, Hamburger or a Chicken Caesar Wrap, shoppers will find a large selection of nutritious meals on the a la carte Lovey’s Cafe’ menu. The Food Barwhich has cold salads and hot selections can be eaten in the newly expanded Lovey’s Cafe’ or boxed for take-out. The Juice Bar offers a wide variety of juices and smoothies made with Organic fruits and vegetables. Specializing in bulk sales of produce, grains, flours, beans and spices at affordable prices. Lovey’s has a great selection of Local produce and receives several weekly deliveries


■ WEBSITE: www.tidalcreek.coop.

Voted Best Oysters for over 10 years by encore readers, you know what you can find at Dock Street Oyster Bar. But we have a lot more than oysters! Featuring a full menu of seafood, pasta, and chicken dishes from $4.95-$25.95, there’s something for everyone at Dock Street. You’ll have a great time eating in our “Bohemian-Chic” atmosphere, where you’ll feel just as comfort able in flip flops as you would in a business suit. Located at 12 Dock St in downtown Wilmington. Open for lunch and dinner, 7 days a week. (910) 762-2827.


days a week.

■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Fresh daily steamed


■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Dining on the Crystal Pier.

■ WEBSITE: OceanicRestaurant.com


In Wilmington, everyone knows where to go for solid country cooking. That place is

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 35

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2 Locations To Serve You

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Casey’s Buffet, winner of encore’s Best Country Cookin’/Soul Food and Buffet categories. “Every day we are open, somebody tells us it tastes just like their grandma’s or mama’s cooking,” co-owner Gena Casey says. Gena and her husband Larry run the show at the Oleander Drive restaurant where people are urged to enjoy all food indigenous to the South: fried chicken, barbecue, catfish, mac‘n’cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, chicken‘n’dumplings, biscuits and homemade banana puddin’ are among a few of many other delectable items. 5559 Oleander Drive. (910) 798-2913.


Open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 11am to 9pm and on Sundays from 11am to 8pm.Closed Mon. and Tuesdays. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING:For adventurous palates, pig’s feet and chitterlings.

screens and 19 plasma televisions. Guests can also play pool, darts or video games in this casual-theme restaurant. For starters, Fox offers delicious appetizers like ultimate nachos, giant Bavarian pretzels and spinach artichoke dip. In the mood for something more? Try the hand-battered Newcastle fish ‘n’ chips or chicken tenders, or the grilled Mahi-Mahi served atop a bed of spicy rice. From cheeseburgers and sirloins to salads and wood oven-inspired pizzas, Fox has plenty to choose from for lunch or dinner. Finish the meal with a 6-inch Great Cookie Blitz, a chocolate chip cookie baked fresh to order and served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and Hershey’s syrup. 920 Town Center Drive, (910) 509-0805.

■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 11am– 2am, daily

■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: $5.99 lunch specials and


free pool until 2p.m. and $5 cheese pizzas after 10 p.m., both Mon.-Fri.


■ MUSIC: Trivia with Party Gras Entertain-

Voted best new restaurant AND best sports bar of 2010 in Wilmington, Carolina Ale House is the place to be for award-winning food, sports and fun. Located on College Rd. near UNCW, this lively sports-themed restaurant. Covered and open outdoor seating is available. Lunch and dinner specials are offered daily, as well as the coldest $2 and $3 drafts in town. 317 South College Road, Wilmington, NC. (910) 791.9393.

■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: 11am-2am daily. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: 40 HD TVs and the biggest HD projector TVs in Wilmington.

■ WEBSITE: CarolinaAleHouse.com FOX & HOUND PUB & GRILLE Serving up the best bar food for any local sports fan, Fox & Hound has appetites covered. Located next to Mayfaire Cinema 16, it’s no question that Fox is a great place to go on date night, or to watch the big game on one of the restaurant’s six large projection

ment DJ every Thursday at 9pm

■ WEBSITE: foxandhound.com HELL’S KITCHEN This is downtown Wilmington’s Sports Pub! With every major sporting package on ten HDTVs and our huge HD projection screen, there is no better place to catch every game in every sport. Our extensive menu ranges from classics, like thick Angus burgers or NYstyle reubens, to lighter fare, such as homemade soups, fresh salads and vegetarian options. Whether meeting for a business lunch, lingering over dinner and drinks, or watching the game, the atmosphere and friendly service will turn you into a regular. Open late 7 days a week, with free WiFi, darts, and did we mention sports? Free lunchtime delivery on weekdays; we can accommodate large parties. (910) 763-4133.

■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: 11am – late. Sun. at noon.


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Edited by Stanley Newman (www.StanXwords.com)

SURPRISING SINGERS: Oscar winners all by Fred Piscop ACROSS 1 Roll-call count 5 Breaks, in a way 10 Ones at hand 15 Oodles 19 Cartoonist Goldberg 20 Gladiator’s locale 21 Navel variety 22 Ruin, as hopes 23 Oscar winner who sang in High Society 25 Oscar winner who sang in Idiot’s Delight 27 Fly’s metaphorical place 28 Bottle parts 30 English racing town 31 Smidgen 32 PBS Emmy winner 33 Barely 35 Pilot light, e.g. 39 Jazzman’s cue 40 Separate, as laundry 41 ASPCA part: Abbr. 44 Vocally 45 Oscar winner who sang in Racing With the Moon 47 Prefix for skeleton 48 Kissers 49 Slangy suffix 50 Traffic marker 51 Judge’s setting 52 Shade of gray 53 Oscar winner who sang in Everyone Says I Love You 57 Post-lecture session, for short 58 Reputation ruiners 61 Boneheads 62 Boneheads 63 Get up 64 Trivial amount 65 Capital near the Equator 66 Lose rigidity

68 Elaborate accommodations 69 Off-key 72 Split to unite 73 Oscar winner who sang in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? 76 Gun rights org. 77 Tucker out 78 Go like a hummingbird 79 French diarist 80 Potatoes partner 81 “__ been had!” 82 Oscar winner who sang in Annie Hall 86 More severe 87 Prime-time time 88 Casino tool 89 Little Mermaid title character 90 Archer’s supplier 91 Lo-cal 92 Tough to crack 93 Pal in the ’hood 94 Autumn month in Auckland 97 Tie up, as a turkey 99 Blocks access to 104 Oscar winner who sang in My Sister Eileen 107 Oscar winner who sang in The Grapes of Wrath 109 High point 110 Arboreal Aussie 111 State one’s view 112 Etcher’s supply 113 Ones on the sales team 114 They may be dominant 115 Exhausted, so to speak 116 Chest muscles, for short DOWN 1 Jason’s ship 2 Doctor Zhivago 3 Israeli statesman 4 Shia or Sunni


5 “Try this” 6 Does not exist 7 Disappear, as a snowman 8 Blowup: Abbr. 9 Turn down 10 Classical music piece 11 Unwieldy ship 12 LAX listings 13 Title for Edmund Hillary 14 Comics cry 15 Modify to fit 16 Experiment sites 17 Nobel Peace Prize city 18 Ones yonder 24 Plant firmly 26 Legionnaire of film 29 Sermon topic 32 Battery type 33 Actress Pflug 34 Arm-twist 35 Major parties 36 Select invitees 37 Oscar winner who sang in Houseboat 38 Roast beef au __ 39 Highway sign 40 Trash haulers 41 Oscar winner who sang in Darby O’Gill and the Little People 42 Rust, for one 43 Drinks with burgers 45 Lariat loop 46 Oodles 51 Swahili’s language group 53 [I’m shocked!] 54 Clinch a deal 55 Make giddy 56 Put an edge on 57 Pack it in 59 Betray crabbiness 60 Street performer 62 Presses for payment 64 Mesa kin

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65 “Medicine woman” of TV 66 Understand 67 Oil source 68 River near the Sorbonne 70 Wipe out 71 Office stamp 73 British mystic poet 74 Chipped in 75 “Bass” instrument 78 Italian auto

80 82 83 84 85 86 90 91 93 94 95

Tend to the greens Practice session Hawaiian big shots Memorable times Blue Angels performance Mrs. Dalloway author Heehawed Takes a shine to European capital Open a bit Rate of progress

96 North of the border gendarmerie: Abbr. 97 Certain Fed 98 Function 99 Salon sound 100 Hotel freebie 101 In times past 102 Bank acct. guarantor 103 Briefly hot stuff 105 Heart chart 106 Simpsons bartender 108 Prefix for center

The Lost Colony of Roanoke found? The Lost Rocks, by David La Vere, is a rollicking story of the Lost Colony found, carved stones, last messages, and extortion. And it’s all true. Read the book. Two Sisters Bookery & Pomegranate Books

Burnt Mill Press Ebook on Kindle, Nook, iTunes, and others. www.burntmillpress.com

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 37



wild, wild west: A classic read for any military personnel ielse

by Tiffanie Gabr

Courtesy photo


nce in a while, i’ll receive an e-

from a loyal encore book worm that really motivates and touches me to the core. Last week was such an occasion. Avid reader Sgt. Davis of the 1st Battallion 9th Marine Division, now deployed to Afghanistan, took a few moments from his 30-minute allotted recreational period to log online and drop me a note. “My favorite books to read are of the wild, wild west,” Sgt. Davis said in his message. “I don’t have much time to watch a movie here—‘Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid’ is one of my favorites—but I can take a book with me no matter which post I stand at. You know good reads, and you don’t cater just to women, so which Western novels would you suggest I write home for next?” First and foremost, Sgt. Davis, I have a FedEx box ready and waiting to go your way, filled with a few personal selections. Consider it a gift from within the tightknit fabric we call “The Marine Corps Family.” May it show you my appreciation for not only your compliments, but for serving our country. Among the reads, I’ve included a writer I feel is very poignant in covering the American West. He is also a decorated veteran of our armed forces: the late Louis L’Amour. Raised in the waning times of the American frontier, L’Amour was born Louis Dearborn LaMoore on March 22, 1908. The youngest of seven children, he lived in the farming community of Jamestown, North Dakota, until the age of 15. A skilled boxer, whom observed the mail

38 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

dingy realm of hardcore fighters, opportunistic managers, formidable mobsters and high rollers across cities within the West, L’Amour later took on the role of vagabond. He hopped freight trains across the country, and eventually in the summer of 1942 enlisted into the U.S. Army. After making 1st Lt., commanding a platoon of gas tankers, which supplied planes and tankers through the war in France and Germany, he was discharged. He then returned stateside and moved to Los Angeles to begin his writing career. It is there he gave birth to arguably the greatest best-selling Western novel of all time, “Hondo.” “Hondo” tells the dramatic and heroic (yet methodic) love story of quick-gun American Army dispatch rider, Hondo Lane, as he falls for pioneer woman Angie Lowe, who happens to be raising her son alone on a secluded Arizona farmstead. Between Hondo and Angie is an Apache warrior, Vittoro, whose people are preparing to wage war against the white man. Set in the Wild West of the 1800s, “Hondo” truly captures the story of a man who lives by his own code of integrity, rectitude, and depicts what it means to live and die with righteousness. Likewise, “Hondo” amplifies great moralistic fiction. In short, it’s perfect for those now serving honorably within the wild, wild deserts of the Middle East. Paul Odell, a friend of the L’Amour estate, oversees the author’s website, www.louislamour.com. Odell explains the appeal of the author quite emphatically. “I was a science fiction fan, but Louis’ books struck

a chord with me because of his vivid detail in describing the environments, his first-hand knowledge of Western lore and the sense of honor and valor his characters portray. Over half a million copies of Louis L’Amour’s hero-laden novels have found their way into the hands of military recruits—a gift from the author’s family and his longtime publisher, Bantam Dell, to the armed services.” Odell says it’s the estate’s “thank you” for all the military does for our country. L’Amour’s widow, Kathy L’Amour, began planning the donation a year before September 11, 2001. There are 300 million copies and counting of her husband’s books in print, ensuring his continued legacy. “It will educate and inform readers around the world,” Kathy says. Despite L’Amour’s honest depiction of a ruthless frontier, many confidently feel he stays within respectful confines when portraying the Apache tribe. Seemingly, he validates the American Western as a distinct genre, unique and beautiful all on its own. Translated into over 15 foreign languages, “Hondo” was adapted for the big screen in 1953 and starred John Wayne, Geraldine Page and Ward Bond. By the time of L’Amour’s death in 1988, he had sold over 200 million novels. Among his devout readers, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan rank the list. Perhaps most impressively, “Hondo” is quoted by John Wayne to be “the best novel I’ve ever read.” And, taking a cue from another infamous Western, “The Shootist,” it’s not wise to dispute The Duke.

it makes me wonder, part 12:


No turning back


ou ’ re a son - of - a - bitch ,

you know that?” “Yeah, well, what can ya do,” I retorted. I’d never been one to fare well with conflict, and so my way of dealing has always been a stern practice of avoidance. And I’ve found over time that, if avoidance doesn’t work, humor often provides distraction enough. The Titty-Twister worked to perfection as an icebreaker, and the better part of the next two hours were spent reminiscing and drinking our beverages of choice. I tried chiseling at the ice more by talking shop. Here was a man who achieved his dream, a success story, a do-it-yourself-er that works for no other, and being so close I was hoping for some of the mystique to rub off. Turns out, though, it was just the opposite, and Mongo wasn’t much for details. “The dream isn’t so much a dream as it is a façade,” he told me with antipathy. And how my dear friend longed for those days of delivering pizzas while driving around smoking bowls, cash in hand at all times and little to worry about, save the STD’s he may have

Mason & Rutherford Attorneys at Law

by Ichabod C

re’s annual Winner of enco contest creative writing

contracted by bringing home multiple bar sluts later in the evening. Seems that Mongo’s still Mongo after all. Through the free-flowing alcohol he also loosely discussed the desires of other old habits: to wake and bake with giant bong rips, to go camping with large bags of psilocybin and seclusion, and taking tequila shots from in-between firm breasts of bombshell twenty-somethings. All those wants from long-gone days were still there, but Mongo satiated those cravings with memories. As he said, “I just have to bury Mongo deep beneath the exterior of Bartlett.” And, as if to make the point clear, he held up his left hand, fingers spread, and wiggled his ring finger, the platinum band dancing just a tad too uneasily on that appendage. They met on a crisp April day at Mongo’s second restaurants’ grand opening. He’d been

touring a walkthrough with the health inspector when he saw her nestled in a corner eating alone. Mongo claims that everything beyond that moment became tunnel vision. He immediately excused himself from the inspector and hurried to the kitchen, ordering two of his busboys to dash to the rooftop and set up a dining table complete with candles, a bottle of Mondovi, and the house dessert of cheesecake made from scratch using great granny’s recipe. In jest, Mongo claimed that this was the clincher. He pulled aside Founda’s waitress and told her to trump up some story about how Founda had been chosen as the grand prize winner of a behind-the-scenes tour of one of the hottest new restaurants in lower California. Every local magazine and newspaper critic had been raving about his first store. How could she resist? According to Mongo, Founda was a little more than reluctant to accept, but by the time they’d made it to the roof, she was smitten. “She said I was in her head. She’d always loved that famous scene from Lady and the Tramp with the spaghetti and this was her moment. I hadn’t seen it at that point and didn’t

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really care. This was more than tryin’ to get in some chick’s pants. From the moment I saw her, I felt like I’d always known who she was and what our future would be.” He’d found Founda and their worlds instantaneously meshed. They knew each other without really knowing each other, and after just three months she was more than happy to give up her attempt at going back to school for a degree in Childhood Development to work behind the scenes and run the books for Mongo’s chain. She’d been an office manager in her previous working life and so made a smooth transition to this new job, which left Mongo free to concentrate on management. And blah blah-blah blah-blah, or at least that’s what I heard because that’s when the epiphany struck like lightening charging through a drunken haze straight to the core of recognition. What had been off-kilter between the two of us hadn’t been miles or years, but instead, maturity. On the flight west, Matthew taught me that knowing what one doesn’t like is just as good as knowing what one does. Now, most likely without even realizing it, Mongo was imparting his own wisdom. I suddenly realized that I’m not lost because I’m alone, but instead, I’m alone because I’m lost. My job, bungalow and East Coast—none of it suited me, not because those things weren’t good enough, but because I was always comparing contemporary life with the past. Memories were the best liars, as we look upon our pasts with fondness, seldom remembering negative events. Modern life seemed to not stand a chance compared to ancient glories. But Mongo’s moved beyond, and like Napoleon, Constantine, or Alexander the Great, he’s trying to conquer new worlds. His acceptance of the past allowed Mongo to move ahead and rise to the challenges of life and those challenges invigorated him. He wasn’t looking to become something he’d already been, and because of that he lived freely. Although the dream wasn’t what it seemed, it was what he made it. He seemed OK with that. One as astute as myself can learn from that. I want to grow too, but before I can there’s one last door I have to close… It was almost six o’clock by the time Mongo downed his last girlie-tini, and we were halfway to Drunkville. To Founda’s credit, she hadn’t hunted us down to hound us yet, but we were both acutely aware of our overstay. The last thing that Mongo wanted was to spend this rare day off getting bitched out for the remainder of it. We left Oasis Club, stumbling and staggering through the park. Luckily by that time we blended with the rest of the park-goers who were swooning and swaying from heat and exhaustion of the day.

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 39

weekly calendar| Events STYLE SWAP See page 26.


From 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. every Sunday, folks can troll the Historic Downtown Wilmington Marketplace in the parking lot at the corner of 2nd and Market Streets for handmade arts and crafts. Local artisans will be showcasing their goods, and musicians will be performing, too. Artists who would like to participate can call Kim Adams at (910) 254-0907.

HISTORIC ILM MARKETPLACE Historic Downtown Wilmington Marketplace, at corner of Market/2nd street every Sunday, 4-8pm. City-supported event in conjunction with the Riverfront Park Sales Vendors Program. Artists, crafters and other vendors will join together each week to showcase original handcrafted arts and crafts and locally grown produce. Musicians will also be on hand to perform. June-Aug. $50, sales permits are granted to artists, crafters and musicians who create and sell and their art in Riverfront Park throughout the year with the exception of Sundays and festivals. To learn if you qualify for an annual Riverfront Park permit or if you wish to participate in the Historic Downtown ILM Marketplace: Kim Adams, (910) 254-0907.

FARMERS’ MARKETS Weekly Farmers’ Markets feat. plant, food and crafts vendors;: Riverfront Farmer’s Market Sat., Downtown Wilmington, Water St., 8am-1pm. April-Dec. www.

wilmingtonfarmers.com • Carolina Beach Farmer’s Market Sat., Carolina Beach Lake, through 9/3; 910-458-7490 • Wrightsville Beach Farmer’s Market Mon., Causeway Dr., through 9/5, 8am-1pm. 910-256-7925 • Poplar Grove Plantation Farmer’s Market Wed., 10200 US 17 N., Wilmington, through 12/14. Live music w/Cindy Rhodes; Pender County Master Gardeners clinic 2nd Wed/ea. mo. Family Day:

6/15, w/special activities for children and the whole family. Grillin’ in the Grove cooking classes 4th Wed. ea. mo.(chefs: 6/22, Alexander Fouros; 7/27: Susan Boyles, Seasoned Gourmet); $30 pre-reg; 9:30am12:30pm. RSVP: 917-969-2430. www.poplargrove. com. TASTE THE OLIVE WINE TASTINGS Free Friday wine tasting, Fri., 6-8pm. Tastetheolive. com. Taste The Olive, 1121-G Military Cutoff Rd. The Forum Shops. 910-256-OILS(6457)

Charity/Fund-raisers GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT BENEFIT Flow Fitness Studio’s Girls’ Night Out Benefit, 6/10, 7-10pm. 7946 Market St. Proceeds go to Maggie Weaver, the owner’s sister, who was recently diagnosed with stage three colon cancer. She is a single mother of two and needs help with medical bills and living expenses. $10. Silent auction, raffles, demos and performances. 2011 SUSAN G KOMEN RACE FOR THE CURE 6/11: Susan G Komen Race for the Cure in Raleigh NC. Interested runners can register: http://nctriangle. info-komen.org/site/TR/RacefortheCure/DUR_ NCTriangleAffiliate?team_id=169253&pg=team&fr_ id=2137 Or consider “Sleep in for the Cure” and

contribute $20 to be a part of the team effort of Wilmington KARE, w/ Sleep-In for the Cure team captain Sheila Evans, who’s recently been diagnosed w/breast cancer. Race team captain: Dr. Damian Brezinkski. FAMILY ARTS DAY See page 12. WORLD ELDER ABUSE MONTH Elder Abuse can be prevented through education and awareness. 6/15: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the period of time between Mother’s and Father’s Day is Elder Abuse Awareness Month in NC, as declared by Governor Beverly Purdue. Cape Fear Elder Abuse Prevention Network, professionals and volunteers from Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover and Pender counties, are dedicated to providing education and training on elder abuse and fraud/scams prevention. • 6/15: 11am, the Cape Fear Elder Abuse Prevention Network, Pender County DSS and Pender Adult Services host an Elder Abuse Prevention Day at Heritage Place Senior Center in Burgaw. Walk, cook-out, educational materials and vignettes depicting different forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation. In October, an Elder Abuse training event for Law Enforcement Officers will take place in Southport. Network trains both the public and professionals on how to recognize and report a suspected case of Elder Abuse and is available to make a presentation to any organization in the area. Cape Fear Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging: (910) 395-4553. WILMINGTON SYMPHONY GOLF TOURNEY 14th annual Wilmington Symphony Golf Classic: Mon, 6/20, top-ranked Eagle Point Golf Club. www. wilmingtonsymphony.org . Exclusive 18-hole course designed by Thomas Fazio, 9am w/breakfast and registration at 8am. Brief awards ceremony follows play (approx. 1:30pm). $250/player if registering as part of a foursome; or $275/player for individual; taxdeductable. Includes carts and caddied round of golf at Eagle Point, continental breakfast, beverages and snacks during play, luncheon, prizes and gratuities. Limited to 20 teams N. BRUNSWICK AWARDS BANQUET N. Brunswick Chamber’s Awards Banquet, 6/23, at Magnolia Greens Clubhouse. Awarding Business of the Year, New Chamber Member Business of the Year, Non-Profit of the Year, Ambassador of the Year and many more. Trophy Sponsor: $75 and company name will appear on the trophy along with the award recipient’s name. Table sponsor: $200 w/company name listed on invitations to event, sponsor board, aloud at banquet, on website, w/inclusion of two tickets to banquet. (910) 383-0553. RAISE THE ROOF GALA Raise the Roof Gala & Auction, Fri., 6/24, 7pm. Country Club of Landfall. Celebrate Affordable Housing Month and support the mission of the Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, Inc. volunteers. Auction items include a jacuzzi with installation, a plane ride around Wilmington, golf and vacation packages, dinner with Linda Lavin and Steve Bakunas and more. Entertainment includes saxophonist Benny Hill, Celia Rivenbark reading an excerpt from her new book (to be released in August), and a “Survivor” game with the winner receiving several hundred dollars. www. warmnc.org. JC Skane: 910-540-5326. CAPE FEAR HOSPICE VOLLEY TOURNEY 6/25, noon-6pm: Volleyball Tournament to benefit Lower Cape Fear Hospice. Join hosts Port City Ruritans in their 3rd annual volleyball tourney, Captain Bills on Market St. Silent auction, raffle giveaways, and 4 person coed tournament, $80 adv/$100 day of, up to 8 person roster. Corporate sponsorships. www.pcruritan.org or president@pcruritan.org for details.

40 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

SHRIMPFEST 6/25, 11am-3pm: 4th annual Shrimpfest: Delectable calabash style shrimp courtesy of Cape Fear Presbyterian Church at Wilmington’s 4th annual

Shrimpfest. Portion of the proceeds will benefit the Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth and Families (formally Presbyterian Home for Children.). Cape Fear Presbyterian Church, corner of Shipyard and 17th St. Shrimp plates: $7/adv and $8 day of. Drive thru open, and deliveries are also available for orders of 20 or more plates. Wet and dry bounce houses, local mascots, and horse rides for the kids. Randy Hawse Bluegrass, The Max Levy Jazz Combo, and Karaoke with Wayne Taylor. 910-5384295, capefearshrimpfest@gmail.com or www. capefearshrimpfest.com CHARITY VOLLEYBALL TOURNEY 3rd annual Charity Volleyball Tournament on Sat., 6/24, noon-6pm, t Captain Bill’s Backyard Grill, located at 4240 Market Street in Wilmington. 4-person coed beach volleyball tournament, silent auction, raffle giveawaysand more. Proceeds from this year’s tournament will support Lower Cape Fear Hospice, a non-profit offering individualized, compassionate healthcare assistance and education to support patients and their families facing the challenges of a life-limiting illness. at www.hospiceandlifecarecent. 80/adv. or $100/day of, with up to eight players per roster. Tourney starts at noon.Trophies will be awarded to the winning teams in each division. Spectators are encouraged to attend. www.pcruritan.org. AMERICAN RED CROSS The Cape Fear Chapter of the American Red Cross will host a Volunteer Recruitment Event, Sat., 6/25, 11am-3pm. 1102 S. 16th St. Free and open to the public. Seasonal decline in volunteers and the increase in national disasters along with the start of hurricane season, the Red Cross exceedingly needs additional volunteer support. Refreshments, door prizes. www. CapeFearRedCross.org

Theatre/Auditions OPERA HOUSE THEATRE CO. See page 8. SHAKESPEARE YOUTH CO. Shakespeare on the Green Youth Co. presents “The Tempest.” Free at Greenfield Lake Amphitheater,


art equipment and a song list of more than 150,000 songs! No cover! 111 Grace St. 910-341-0001. THE LEGACY THEATRE CO. 6/10-11, 17-18, 7pm: The Legacy Theater Company will open their doors with our inaugural performance. “The Higgins’ Train to Georgia” is a hilarious, original comedy that promises to have you rolling in the aisles. Meet General Walter and Esther Higgins. Two elderly, patriotic New Yorkers who find themselves in Augusta, Georgia. Out of place, culturally confused and dying for a good New York pizza, Walter and Esther meet their younger, energetic, Southern neighbors McKayla and Harrington Carrington. Hilarity ensues as these two couples get tonow each other while dealing with a bratty niece, a Yenta mother-in-law, and a kind-hearted good ‘ol boy. Tickets: $12/adults and $10/seniors/students under 17/military with ID. General Admission, 7pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Concessions will be sold. Kingdom Life Fellowship, 111 Kinston Highway, Richlands NC. ROAD RAGE Sneads Ferry Community Theatre presents “Road Rage “ 6/10-11, 7pm; 6/12, 3pm. Doors open 30 minutes before show. Dessert and show: $12. RSVP: 910-327-2798. Sneads Ferry Community Center, 126 Park Ln. www.sneadsferrycommunitytheatre.com PEFORMANCE ARTIST NIGHT Performing Arts Night 2011, hosted from Carolina Beach Arts and Activities , to provide opportunities for local performing arts to reach the public, 6:309pm, first Fri. of month through October 2011 on the Carolina Beach Boardwalk. Local talent holds free performances that include acting, singing, various instruments and dancing. People who want to share their talents with our community, contact p.a.n.carolinabeach@gmail.com or Facebook PAN Carolina Beach. Admission always free. SHAKESPEARE ON THE GREEN 6/8-26, Fri-Sun., 8pm: Shakespeare on the Green festival, in association with the City of Wilmington, presents “Much Ado About Nothing,” a romantic comedy directed by Steve Vernon, for free. Gates at 6:30pm. 6/23: Actor Appreciation Night! Come early, picnic or enjoy a snack from our concession. Take Carolina Beach Rd to Tennessee Ave. 910 -3992878 or shakespeareonthegreen03@ yahoo.com

It’s opening this week! The annual Shakespeare on the Green festival showcases the classic romantic comedy, “Much Ado About Nothing.” Directed by Steve Vernon, the show is free and runs Friday through Sundays, with an Actor Appreciation Night on Thursday the 23rd! Bring a picnic and the family; shows start at 8 p.m. in the Greenfield Lake Amphitheater.

PORCH THEATRE DINNER THEATRE Clue! Mystery Dinner Theatre: 6/9, 16, 23; 9/1, 15, 22, 29, 6:30pm. Join in the farce whodunit cocktail party turned homicide that will leave you guessing! An adaptation of the popular board game, featuring suspicious characters, deadly weapons, sinister rooms. All shows presented while audiences eat a 3-course meal at Front Street Brewery, 9 N. Front St. Reservations req., (910)232-6611. www.porchtheatre. com. CAPE FEAR THEATRE ARTS See page 11.

Comedy 6/8-9; and 6/13-16. Directed by Cherry McKay, an enchanted tale filled with mystery, magic, love, friendship, suspense and comedy for all ages. Gates at 6:30pm; performances at 8pm. Take Carolina Beach Rd to Tennessee Ave. 910-399-2878 or shakespeareonthegreen03@yahoo.com BIG DAWG PRODUCTIONS See page 10. BROWNCOAT PUB AND THEATRE See page 12. • CFIFN presents Sunday Cinema exclusively at the Browncoat: Sunday at 7:30pm. Browncoat partners with the Cape Fear Independent Film Network to bring you the finest in independent cinema from around the world. Each week, we will screen a new independent film along with an accompanying short. Admission: $3 and proceeds will benefit local filmmakers and the Cape Fear Independent Film Festival. • Browncoat Jeopardy Trivia: Sunday at 9:30pm. Test your knowledge in Wilmington’s best team trivia experience. No cover charge. Great prizes every week. • Browncoat Karaoke: Fri/Sat/Sun at 10pm for downtown Wilmington’s best karaoke experience. Be a star on our stage with genuine theatre lighting, state of the

FATHER’S DAY COMEDY SHOW 6/18: Wilmington Sportsmen’s Club feat. comedian Steve Wannamakeralong with Wendell Hansley. $10 early bird through 6/10; $15 adv or $20 at door. Doors at 9pm; show at 10pm. Free chicken wings until 10pm. Tickets: Wilmington Sportsmen’s Club, 1111 Castle St., 910-343-8977 and Johnson’s Grocery, corner of 10th and Dawson St., 910-254-0350. Contact: 910-200-3683 NUTT ST. COMEDY ROOM Every Wed. Nutt House Improv Troupe, doors 8pm, showtime 9pm, no cover charge. • Every Thursday Open Mic Stand Up, doors 8pm, showtime 9pm, no cover charge. 255 N. Front St, basement of Soapbox. www.nuttstreet.com. 910-520-5520

Music/Concerts STONE SOUP CONCERTS Stone Soup Concerts Songwriter Showcase featuring Mike Blair (of Stonewalls fame), Thurs. 6/9 at 7:30 pm at Live on Grace, 121 Grace Street. Original

music, mostly acoustic, listening-room setting. Other musicians include: Paul Obernesser, Jessic Donnheimer, Papa Froosh, Rob Bocchino w/Meredith Jones, Jim Ashley and Paul Knotz. Free! (910) 5411274 or info@stonesoupconcerts.com. DOWNTOWN SUNDOWN Downtown Sundown takes place in front of Fedearl Building every Friday throughout the summer. Concerts are free; concessions sold on premise; no coolers, no pets, no chairs. 6/10: Frontiers: A Tribute to Journey • 6/17: Funky Monks: he Ultimate Red Hot Chili Peppers Experience • 6/24: SRVT: Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute. MELVIL DEWEY Melvil Dewey, International Library Hip Hop Superstar, is celebrating his CD Release Party at Wilmington Children’s Museum, Sat., 6/11, 11am. Containing 14 tracks of superfly library hip hop songs for kids, Melvil’s debut album teaches children the importance of libraries in our communities, advocates reading and introduces basic library skills such as using the Dewey Decimal System. Complete with book turntables, a rapping book drop and golden library card souvenirs, this high-energy, interactive hip hop show is sure to knock your socks off! An album like this one has been long overdue. Show up early and design your own library card! www.storyYELLER. com. 116 Orange St. CAMERATE PHILADELPHIA 3rd annual Port City Chamber Music Festival takes place 6/12-14. Feat.: violinist Tim Fain, cellist Stephen Framil, pianist Daniel Lau, and mezzo-soprano Kyle Engler. Programming icnl. Schubert, Glickman, Mendelssohn, Back, Schumann, Ravel and Dvorak. All performances free: 6/12, 5pm at Frank Kenan Chapel in Landfall. Tickest at NE New Hanover County Library. • 6/13: 7:30pm, First Presbyterian Church, 125 S. 3rd St., no ticket needed • 6/14, 7:30pm: Windemere Presbyterian Church, 104 Windemere Rd, off Eastwood. No ticket needed. www.portcitychambermusicfestival.com BATTLESHIP BEACH MUSIC FEST See page 14. MUSIC INSTRUCTION Music instruction at Modern Music with Lucian Rowland,whohas20yearsexperienceasaprofessional recording and performing musician. Private lessons available for guitar, mandolin, banjo, and bass. (910) 508-1111 or rockinrowland@hotmail.com. WECT SOUNDS OF SUMMER Wrightsville Beach Parks and Recreation hosts WECT Sounds of Summer Concerts at Wrightsville Beach Park, 321 Causeway Dr, Wrightsville Beach. Bring picnics, blankets and lawn chairs to enjoy music in the park Thurs, 6:30-8pm; 6/23, 7/7, 7/21 and 8/4 (in the event of inclement weather, concert rescheduled for the following Thursday). 910-256-7925 or townofwrightsvillebeach.com.

Dance TECHNIQUES IN MOTION Summer 2011 classes and camps: through 7/29. Dance Camps: Mon-Fri,9am-noon.$125/student/ camp. 6/13-17: “I’m A Ballerina,” ages 3-6; Hip Hop, co-ed, ages 6-10. • 6/20-24: Drama, co-ed, ages 6-10; “Primpin’ Princess,” ages 2-5; 7/11-15: “Primpin’ Princess,” ages 2-5; Pop Star, ages 6-10. • 7/18-22: “American Girl,” ages 6-10. • Classes: Mon-Thurs, afternoons and evenings. Recreational summer programs offer the opportunity to try a new discipline without a full-year commitment, make new friends and stay in shape. Schedules at front desk.799-3223 or via email.799-3223 or www.techniquesinmotion.com. CONTRA DANCE The Cape Fear Contra Dancers hold their regular Tuesday night dance at the 5th Ave United Methodist Church on South 5th Ave at Nun, 7:30-9:30pm.Social dance for all levels; singles and couples, families, college and high school students and folks of all dancing abilities are invited to come. $4. (910) 538-9711. 76’ERS SQUARE DANCE CLUB Modern Western Style Square Dance. Club meets Thurs. nights at 7pm at the Senior Center for a new workshop on square dancing. Info: 270-1639

CAROLINA SHAG CLUB DJs play favorite beach music and shag tunes every Sat, 8pm to close. $4/members; $6/guests. Carolina Shag Club, 103 N. Lake Park Blvd. Carolina Beach, NC 620-4025

Art ART SHOW AT DELUXE 6/10, 8pm: Opening of a special exhibition featuring artist Clark Hipolito’s original artwork on handcrafted Lichty guitars and ukuleles and Will Allison surfboards. Deluxe: 114 Market St. Live music will be performed by Sai Collins.http://lichtyguitars.com/2011/04/25/ birds-of-a-feather-art-exhibit-hipolito-lichty-allison/ SEBAN KANE Saben Kane’s passion for finding unseen art within a natural environment started at a young age. He continues his endless pursuit to discover the beauties around us which so often go unseen or ignored. “Light Paintings” capture the soft glow of light against nature, creating an out of focus world. He was inspired to share the subtle natural lighting changes that occur seasonally all around us. His work is included in numerous private and corporate collections. dwalsak@modularmedia.com. 621 N. 4th St. 910-763-2012 HARRELSON CENTER COURTYARD SALE 6/18, 7am: Jo Ann Carter Harrelson Center Courtyard Sale to benefit the nonprofit center and its nonprofit partners. Great deals on office and home furniture, household items, clothes, kitchen appliances, and much more! Delicious treats and coffee to sell along with great raffle prizes from local businesses. Corner of 4th and Princess; free parking in our parking deck located on 4th Street. 910) 343-8212 or ajygourlay@ gmail.com if you have items to donate or if you have any questions. CAPTURING THE LIGHT “Capturing the Light” feat. the works Ann Parks McCray and Brooks Pearce. Show offers a juxtaposition of abstraction and realism as we explore the southeastern landscape. On display through June 18th. 216 N. Front St.www. newelementsgallery.com WINE AND DESIGN Sip Up—bring wine or beer or beverage of choice, along with a friends, and paint! Wine and Design is a great alternative to the “usual” night out. Weekly sessions with a local artist-instructor available every Wed-Sat, 6:30-8:30pm. Schedule special event, kid’s birthday, fundraiser, corporate team building, shower, or let us come to you with Wine and Design on Wheels. Summer Kids Classes/Camp starts June 20th. 910-313-2600 or wineanddesignwilmington@ gmail.com. www.winanddesignnc.com 4949 New Centre Dr. FOURTH FRIDAY GALLERY NIGHTS Free monthly event feat. downtown galleries, studios and art spaces open after-hours in celebration of art and culture. Dates: 6/24, 6-9pm, fourth Friday of each month. Self-guided tour; exhibitions of all types, opening receptions, demonstrations, artist discussions, live music, wine, food and other traditional and non-traditional art-activities. www. wilmingtonfourthfridays.com CALL FOR ARTISTS Call For Artists: WHQR 91.3fm Public Radio is currently accepting submissions from artists for the next six shows in the WHQR Gallery that will run from 10/2011 through early 2013. Artwork must be two dimensional and able to hang on a wall. Juried artist selection will take place in July and artists will be notified by August. Interested artists must electronically submit three examples of artwork by email to webintern@whqr.org by 6/27. Include an artist statement or resume and any suggestions and/or ideas for an exhibit at the WHQR Gallery. A jury will meet in July to select the artists. Art exhibits rotate every three months. WHQR hosts opening reception and two additional receptions on Fourth Friday nights; artist is expected to pay for 50% of the reception costs. The majority of the pieces will be available for purchase. WHQR will retain 35% of the sale price as a commission. The Gallery has approximately 900 square feet of total floor space. There is roughly 66 feet of linear wall space, and the ceiling height is approximately 12 feet. Mary Bradley: 910-343-1640

encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com


CALL FOR ARTISTS Artists wishing to participate in the Wilmington Art & Craft Show, Nov. 26-27, should contact Lynn Wettach at Holiday Art Shows, Inc. lynn@holidayartshows. com. HolidayArtShows.com

4(% (!--%2(%!$3 !2% "!#+ UPCOMING HOME GAMES Friday, June 10 @7:30PM


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AQUATIC SYNTHESIS WHQR 91.3FM Public Radio is pleased to announce Aquatic Synthesis, feat. new work by two gifted local artists, Charmaine Ortiz and Abby Spangel Perry. On display through 7/1. A portion of the proceeds from any sale of art benefits WHQR Public Radio. 254 N. Front St. BOTTEGA EVENTS An Exhibition of Industrial Art: Work by Edgardo Bianchi, Jeff Bridgers, Michelle Connolly, Amy Guthrie, Brandon Guthrie, Clair Hartmann, Dunkin Hill, Charles Kernan, Grey Pascal, Kayla Peterson, Nickolas Phillips, Ryan Stokes, Mark Taylor, Brian Turner and Karen Wiles. Hangs through 7/23. • EVENTS: Mon: Open Paint and Game night • Tues: Starving Artist night • Wed.free weekly wine tastings, 7pm. • 6/14: Atlantis open-mic • 6/18: “Wine to Water” Fundraiser w/ musical guests, 8pm • 6/23: 4th Thurs. Poetry Slam showcase. bottegaartbar@gmail.com. • 208 N. Front St. 910-763-3737, www.bottegagallery.com. PROJEKTE EXHIBIT: CUMULONIMBUS, a sky themed art exhibit reaching your stratosphere 6/10. • Call to artists: “Downtown” images; 2D art of the people, faces and places that reflect our Port City. Deadline June 30. 3) “Once Upon a Dream” images; 2D and 3D art that interprets dreams. Deadline June 30. Please send 3-6 .jpeg images to theprojekte@gmail.com. EVENTS: Mon/Tues/Sat/Sun: Yoga, PWYC, 6.307.30pm. Wed: Figure Drawing, $10/class, 6-8pm. First Wed of each Month: DivaMade Collective, a meet n greet for creative women, 7.30-9.30pm. Every other Thur: UNCW Film Nite, sometimes political, always controversial, 7.30-11pm. Second Sat of each month: The Creative Exchange, local artists sale and swap, 2-5pm. • Every 3rd Friday: Live Bossanova w/Raphael Name, 7p-11p. • Every Fri/Sat: Live Music, 8-12am. Free unless noted otherwise. 910-763-1197, theprojekte@gmail.com, www.theprojekte.com. 523 S 3rd St.

Museums NC MARITIME MUSEUM Rice Creek Kayak Tour with the Adventure Company 6/11, 8:30-noon. Paddle Rice Creek. Tour includes basic kayak lesson, 2-2.5 hr guided tour, kayak paddle and life jacket rental. Fee: $45/person or bring your own kayak and gear, $15 for single and $30 for double. Advance reg.required. Call The Adventure Company at 454-0607. • 2nd Sat.—“Plantations of

the Cape Fear” 6/11, noon-4pm. Learn about the Lower Cape Fear’s pine plantations and colonial cash crops of indigo and rice. Discover the history of local plantations and the enslaved African workers who brought their technology, agrarian skills and traditions to the area. Participate in fun family activities include dying with indigo, planting and processing rice, and more. Free. www.ncculture.com. • Historical Bicycle Tour with the Adventure Company 6/18, 9 am: Take a guided tour through the live oak-canopied streets and along the waterfront, and pedal by Fort Johnston, Brunswick Inn, the Old Brunswick Jail and more. Bikes are single-speed, pace is slow, and all participants must wear helmets. Fee: $20 for bike/helmet rental and tour or bring bike only fee $15. Space is limited. Advanced reg.: the Adventure Company, (910)4540607. • Children’s Summer Series-Breaking the Blockade! 6/14, 10 am-noon. Learn about Blockade Running during the Civil War, practice your own stealthy sneaking skills! $3/child. Ages: 6-12. Space is limited. Must pre-reg. • Something Fishy 6/15, 10 am-noon. Find out how fishermen tracked schools of fish, what nets and equipment they used, what they were hunting, and what they sometimes caught instead. $3/child. Ages: 6-12. Space is limited. Must pre-reg. • Myths of Mermaids and Monsters 6/21, 10 am-noon. Hear tales of tails and what sailors thought they saw at sea. Make a mythological craft, too! $2/child. Ages 3-7. Space is limited. Must pre-reg. • Kids on Deck! River Boat Tour aboard the Solomon T 6/22, 10 am-noon. Do science experiments, bird watch at Battery Island and learn the history of the river. Instructor: Capt. Bert Felton. Ages 8-12. $10/per child. Space is limited to 5 children per trip. Must pre-reg. • Low Tide River Exploration 6/24, 10 am-noon. Search for seashells, sea glass. amd more. Learn a little history of Southport and shipwrecks. Wear shoes that can get messy. Ages 5-12. Free. Must pre-reg. CHILDREN’S MUSEUM OF ILM Exhibit opening: Forest Friends Toddler Treehouse. Dress up like forest animals and explore the museum’s latest exhibition w/puzzles and challenges. • Mon: Trash to Treasues, 10am; Muddy Buddies, 3:30pm. • Tues: 10am: Leading to Reading Literacy Classes; 3:30 Going Global Cooking Club • Wed. 10am Preschool Science; 3:30pm, Fetch! Challenge. • Thurs: 10am, Cooking Club; 3:30pm, Book Club. • Fri: 10am, Toddler Time; 3:30pm, Adventures in Art. 6/17: 9am-1pm: Splash into Summer • Sat: 10am, Music Club; 3:30pm, Cardio Class. 6/11: Melvil Dewey CD release party. 6/18: 9am-1pm: Splash into Summer. Sun., 6/19: Father’s Day Special Programming. • Art Studio: 6/13-19 and 20-27. • Science Counter: 6/11-17 and 18-31. • Language Immersion Camps: One week, half-day for 3-8 year olds; French or Spanish. Playgroup approach. Spanish: 6/13-17, 1-4; French: 6/20-24, 8:30-noon; French: 7/27-7/1,

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44 encore | june 8-14, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

Sports/Recreation AUDOBON BIRDING TOURS 6/17: Audubon NC Birding Tours. A free guided tour (9am) of the Mason Inlet Waterbird Management Area is sure to impress. Wrightsville Beach. 910-686-7527; www.ncaudubon.org WILMINGTON SEA DAWGS 6/17-19: Wilmington Sea Dawgs Basketball Game. Wilmington Sea Dawgs take on Savannah and on June 19 they play against Cary. Admission charge. Cape Fear Community College Schwartz Center (610 N. Front St.). 910-791-6523; goseadawgs.com. NARRATED RIVERBOAT SIGHTSEEING CRUISE 6/17-19: Board an authentic riverboat and treat Dad to a relaxing day on the water during a narrated scenic tour of the Cape Fear River. Boarding begins at 2:00pm. Cruise from 2:30pm-4:00pm. Lunch and dinner cruises also available on Friday and Saturday. Admission charge. Henrietta III Riverboat; Boards riverfront at S. Water & Dock sts, Wilmington. 910-343-1611; 800676-0162; www.cfrboats.com INLAND BOTTOM FISHING 6/18-19: Father’s Day Inland Bottom Fishing. Take Dad fishing in Masonboro Inlet! 10am12pm. Rod, tackle, bait, license included. $35/person; fathers free w/2 paid family members! Boards across from Blockade Runner Resort (Waynick Blvd.), Wrightsville Beach. Reservations. 910-200-4002; www. capefearnaturalist.com. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH SCENIC TOURS WrightsvilleBeachScenicToursandMasonboro Island Shuttle. www.capefearnaturalist.com. 910-200-4002 • Masonboro Island Tours and Shuttle, Departs Daily and Weekends On The Hour, Sunset at 6:30pm,$25 per passenger • Drift Fishing (everything included)-Departs Daily and Weekends at 9am, $30 per pass • Pirate Tresure Hunt or Cruise, Daily and Weekends On the Hour at 4pm, or any time by reservation,$30 adult, $20 kids • Eco-Birding Excursion, Daily On The Hour,and Weekend,$35 per

passenger. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH REC CLASSES Bridge lessons and workshops, shag lessons, Bridge workshops, tennis lessons for youth and adults, yoga, pilates, boot camp for adults and youth, tone & stretch, low impact aerobic classes and youth camps, 910256-7925 or www.townofwrightsvillebeach.com.

Film/Auditions PINK SHEEP FILM FESTIVAL 6/10, 7pm-1am: Pink Sheep Film Festival as part of Wilmington Pride, 815 Princess St. Films start at 7pm; $10 at door and $7 in advance. Tickets at Edge of Urge (18 Market St.); $5 for Pride pass holders. Short Films: Bedfellows, Punch Me, Back to Life, Pay No


The local film “11:11” by Meg Lansaw is currently accepting head shots and résumés from interested folks. Needed are roles for males and females, 18 to 39, and identical twins, 18 to 21. Shooting takes place mid-July, with photography in September. Additional casting calls coming soon. All information can be found online at: http://kissincousinsproductions.blogspot.com. Attention to the Man in a Bear Suit, Cappuccino and The Love Permit. Features: Put This on The Map and Whistlin’ Dixie. Afterparty in the backyard of Jengo’s Playhouse, with queer music videos projected and curated by HOMOGROUND. Free admission to the after party. $5 to drink.

SUBVERSIVE FILM SERIES See page 28. MOVIES AT THE LAKE See page 28. CINEMATIQUE See page 28. “11:11” CASTING CALL Roles for males and females, 18-39. Seeking identical twin females 18-21—no audition date confirmed yet. Send head shots; no any phone or email inquiries. All information needed listed on the blog, http://kissincousinsproductions.blogspot.com. To be filmed in mid-July. Actors will also need to be available for Principal Photography in September. Mail to: Eleven Eleven Productions LLC, PO Box 2026, Wilmington, NC 28402. Additional call for head shots and résumés for a wide age range of characters for Principal Photography in late July/early August. CUCALORUS FILM FESTIVAL ENTRIES Cucalorus wants your film, especially if you live in Wilmington. New this year, no entry fee for artists living within the city limits. Local filmmakers can submit up to three films for free! 17th Cucalorus Film Festival seeks submissions from independent filmmakers and video artists. Festival is a noncompetitive showcase of features, shorts and documentaries from around the world held each November in the historic port city of Wilmington. Cucalorus was just recognized in the Spring 2011 issue of Move MakerMagazine as “One of the 25 Best Film Festival Investments.”Films welcome from all genres. Artists must submit 2 dvds, one inappropriate collage, entry form and fee. Contact our office to find out how to submit your film in an online format. Entry fee otherwise: $25 if postmarked by 6/14; $35 if postmarked by 7/14, and $45 if postmarked by 7/28. Submit online: www.cucalorus.org” cucalorus.org or go to withoutabox.com. Send your stuff to: Cucalorus, 815 Princess Street, Wilmington, NC 28401. (910)343-5995. Questions, notions and dreams should be emailed to: programming@cucalorus.org SEX AND DRUGS 6/23, 7pm: Independent filmmaker Daniel Joseph

Gonzalez presents the world premiere of “Sex and Drugs.” Chronicles the lives of five adults over the course of one night at a drug dealers party. Admission: $7 w/discounts for students and seniors. Free for press with advanced notice to producer. Semi-formal/ business casual attire preferred. Q&A with the cast and director to follow. Thalian Hall, 310 Chestnut St. www.DestinationMatters.net SUMMER KID MOVIE SERIES 6/23, 10am: Carmike Cinema 16 presents the 2011 Summer Kid Movie Series, Thursdays. $1/person. 6/23: Hotel For Dogs. 6/30: How To Train Your Dragon. 7/7: Kung Fu Panda. 7/14: Madagascar. 7/21: Madagascar 2. 7/28: Megamind. 8/4: Monsters vs Aliens. 8/11: Shrek. 8/18: Shrek 2. 8/25: The Last Airbender. Carmike Cinema 16, 111 Cinema Dr. (910) 815-0266 or www.Carmike.com

Kids Stuff PERFORMANCE CLUB Join the performance fun at The Performance Club Studio Theater with summer camps and classes every week starting 6/13. Find out more information, meet teachers and sample a class at our Open House Wednesday, June 1st from 125pm. Camps and classes for students ages 4-18. Teaching all aspects of performance--acting, voice, improv, dance, Shakespeare, Glee and more! www. PerformanceClubKids.com or 910-338-3378. GREENFIELD GRIND SKATEPARK Greenfield Grind Skatepark at Greenfield Lake, located behind 302 Willard St. Pre-reg rqd: 362-8222. Beginner clinics for youth ages 7-12. Class split into small groups to facilitate personalized instruction. Each clinic will be taught by Skatepark staff. $15/ participantp; includes a pass to skate free for that day plus two free day passes. 6/18, 10:30am-noon. COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER CAMP Orange St. Arts Stars: Fine Arts Camp w/Andrea Wlodarczyk—week-long, half-day summer fine arts camp, led by licensed. Discover fine art techniques including mixed media, painting, bookmaking, batik,

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paper making, fibers, plaster cast and sculpture. Ea. session culminates w/exhibition of campers art work on Friday. Snack provided. $150/week; all materials included.Ages 5-12, 9am-12:30. Schedule: 6/2024, 6/27-7/1. 7/11-15, 7/18-22, 7/25-29, 8/1-5 and 8/8-12. • Broadway on Second St. Performing Arts Camp: Dance, paint, build, sing and act each day, and at end of the week, do your own Broadway musical! Designed for children who are rising kindergarteners through rising seventh graders. All materials are supplied including afternoon snack; you provide morning snack and lunch. Camp Fee: $125. Schedule: 9am-4:30pm: “Tangled/Repunzel”: 6/20-24; “Camp Rock,” 6/27-7/1; “Peter Pan”: 7/5-8; “Princess & The Frog”: 7/11-15;“Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs”: 7/18-22; “Beauty & The Beast”: 7/2529; Teen Week 7 open to ages 10 to 17 only! “Glee”: 8/1-5. *Week 3 is a short week due to July 4th holiday. Camp tee shirt will be free that week. • Mini Monets Illustrators & Designers Camp: Introduction to the graphic arts. Projects will focus on graphic design, illustration, storyboards, character design and animation. $60, ages 10+; 6/20-24, 7/18-22nd and 8/15-19, 3:15-4:15pm. • Mini Monets Summer Art Camp: Projects are designed to emphasis the use of various types of lines, the 6 color wheel and fun! Mixed media, sculpture, drawing and painting. $60ages 3-5; 6/20 -24; 7/18-22; and 8/15-19, 4:305:15pm. Arts Center at 910-341-7860. ART CAMP 6/20, 9am: Sign up for our week-long summer art camp. Sessions for ages 5-7 and 8-11 run Mon-Fri, 9-Noon. • 6/20-24 “Beach Bum,” • 6/27-7/1 “SuperSizedFun,” • 7/11-15 “Live, Dream, & Rock on!” • 7/18-22 “Coastal Dreams,” • 7/25-29 “By the Sea,” • 8/1-5 “Gardens & Bugs” • 8/8-12 “A Whimsical Garden!” $150 (1/2 deposit due at sign-up) $25 off for additional child. Lots of creative fun! Wine and Design: 910-313-2600, wineanddesignwilmington@ gmail.com or www.wineanddesignnc.com. Kirah Van Sickle: kirahart@yahoo.com FRIENDS SCHOOL SUMMER CAMPS 6/20-24, 8:30am-12:30pm, $150: Lights, Camera, Action! Ages 9-14. Filmmaking Camp teaches young people to work with cameras and learn fundamentals of filmmaking. Popcorn and screening for camper, family and friends! • 6/27-7/1, 2, 8:30am-2:30pm, $225: Spotlight! Theatre Camp! Ages 7-14. Involves all aspects of theatre with a presentation at the end of the week. Technical training in music, drama, voice and dance. Friends School of Wilmington 350 Peiffer Ave. (910) 792-1811 CAMP AFRIK Kids African drum camp w/Cheick Sissoko. Creativity, confidence and team work; kids learn to build their own drum, mask and custom, which they use to perform at the end of camp. Classes: Mon-Thurs, 9am-noon, 30-min. snack and break. $300 before 6/1. Cheicksoko@yahoo.com or 910-398-1701. ARTSEA CAMP UNCW hosts ArtSea, a week-long summer camp, ages 12-16. Two sessions: 6/27-7/1 and 7/18-22. A variation of the popular MarineQuest summer camps uses the marine environment as artistic inspiration while also teaching students about conservation and stewardship. Students learn different artistic interpretations of marine plants, animals and

habitats and then work in the studio to create their own masterpieces. Field excursions on foot and by kayak, including trips to the beach, marsh, maritime forest and barrier islands; sketching of marine wildlife, watercolor painting of coastal landscapes, surf art and more. Guest artists will instruct in different mediums, including Virginia Wright Frierson, Michael Van Hout and Peggy Cleary. Housing available for residential students, but students may also commute. Tuition for residential: $725; commuter: $495. Includes lunch, transportation, studio fees and supplies. http://uncw. edu/dpscs/marinequest/ArtSea.htm. KIDS SUMMER CAMP Upper Room Theatre and Kids’ Musical Theatre operate independently of any particular church. Our programs are built on Christian love and values. To provide a positive and encouraging venue for onstage experience as a part of an ensemble, where everyone plays an important role in the development, rehearsal process and final product of a musical theatre performance. Sanctuary of Gateway Church, corner of Wrightsville Ave. and MacMillan Ave., near Cape Fear Hospital. www.upperroomtheatre.org CUCALORUS SUMMER FILM CAMP Summer Film Camp, ages 10-14. Behind the camera training, exploration of music video production and editing. 4-day intensive camp w/industry professionals at the helm, students will spend one week working in tight knit groups creating music videos for local bands. Local bands will be performing live at Jengo’s Playhouse so that campers can experiment with concert style filming and meet the members of the bands. Red Carpet Screening Party at Jengo’s Playhouse. Camp, 9am-3pm, 8/1-4. $495, incl. lunch and snacks, DVD copy of the finished music video, and 5 tickets to the Red Carpet Screening Party at Jengo’s, 8/6. Jill Tefft: development@cucalorus.org or 910-343-5995. HAPPY LITTLE SINGERS An early childhood music and movement program for children ages 6 months to 6 years w/parent. Learn through song, dance and play! $10/family, drop-ins welcome. Carolina Beach Parks and Rec Bldg, Mon., 5pm; Tues., 11:15am and Thurs., 5pm. Community Arts Center/Hannah Block Historic USO, Tues. and Thurs., 2pm, starting 6/20. Ogden by appt only. info@ happylittlesingers.com or 910-777-8889.

Lectures/Readings OLD BOOKS ON FRONT STREET “Knit Wits, the crafting group open to all,” Wed nights, 6:30pm. • Story Teller’s Open Mic on Sunday evenings • Art on display as part of Fourth Friday Gallery stop downtown, the fourth Friday every mo. with new exhibitions and artist receptions. Katherine Wolf Webb’s art show. • 6/16, 9am-9pm: Bloomsday Celebration, with food, beer, coffee, cakes and of course a marathon reading of Ulysses! Celebrity readers; slots still available. E-mail if you have a time of day you would like to volunteer for 10 minutes to be part of this wonderful literary tradition. • “Shaun Mitchell Show “—a late-night format talk show (Read: NOT “G- Rated”) hosted by Wilmington’s renown poet & playwright, Shaun Mitchell , 7:30pm. All episodes will be posted on YouTube, but seating

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will be set up for a live audience. www.youtube. com/user/OldBooksonFrontSt Old Books on Front St: 249 N. Front St. (910) 76-BOOKS WOMEN IN BUSINESS SPEAKER SERIES 6/23, 11:30am, Michele Little, Style and Self Image Expert, author and speaker. The Women in Business Speaker Series will meet once per month fromApril to December, 2011. Each month, a speaker is brought in to share their expertise and provide insight to our local Women In Business. Each month, a different guest speaker known as an “expert” in her field will lecture or lead a workshop on a topic related to women in business. Tickets: $40, 910-350-1211. Press 102: 102 South 2nd Street

Classes/Workshops LOIS DEWITT June Art Classes, $80/four session: Art Appreciation, Mon, 11am-1pm. Intro to historic and contemporary art and how painting and drawing styles developed from cave paintings to modern art. • Collage and Mixed Media, Mon., 3-5pm. Magazines, wallpaper, shells, feathers, beads, photos and much more! Learn collage/assemblage skills to create beautiful collages or journalized scrapbooks. • Paint From A Photo, Tues, 3-5pm. Bring a favorite photo or printed image and learn the basic painting skills to turn it into your own beautiful painting using the media of your choice: oils, watercolors or acrylics. • Watercolor, Wed., 11am-1pm. Wet and dry brush, expressive brushstroke, light and shadow washes, spray and splash! Learn watercolor basics or refresh your painting skills. • Basic Drawing, Wed., 3-5pm. Learn line, shading, composition and how to draw what you see. Learn drawing basics or refresh your drawing skills. • Pen and Ink Drawing, Sat., 11am-1pm. Learn crosshatching, dot and line techniques. Emphasis is on exploring the dynamics of black and white composition. Learn drawing basics or refresh your drawing skills. • Oil and Acrylic Painting, Sat, 3-5pm. Learn how to mix colors, brushwork and create color gradations. Work towards your own personal style. Learn the basics or refresh your painting skills.

members. If you have an interest in magic or currently perform magic, please come share your talents. Celebrating 30 years in Wilmington. Teaching sessions and magic performances at each meeting. Members include Beginners to Semi Professionals. 910-520-4026. CAPE FEAR RIVER WATCH 6/11: CFRW organizes a clean-up of our watershed on the second Sat. each month. We have not finalized our location yet for June but we will be doing a clean-up and we will send out location details next week. You may know of an area that needs some special attention, if so let us know and we will see about adding it to our list. Since it is getting hot we will start meeting at 8am through August to try and beat the heat. • 6/17, 7-8:30pm: Cape Fear River Watch, in partnership with the Southeast Coastal Plain Office of The Nature Conservancy, presents special presentation by Dr. David Stahle on the ancient cypress trees found along the Black River, one of the major tributaries of the Cape Fear River. Reg. in advance. Cape Fear River Watch Headquarters, 617 Surry St. 910-762-5606 • 6/18: Paddle: Smith Creek and NE Cape Fear River. www.cfrw.us HUMANISTS AND FREETHINKERS Sun., 6/12, 5-7:30pm, “Google without God “ w/Han Hills, current president of Humanists and Freethinks and owner of Internet design co. Presentation on what the Internet has to offer Humanism, Atheism and Freethinking today. Covers basic knowledge to start gaining from the very best of the info and social opportunities. Potluck dinner to follow. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Dobkin Hall. 4313 Lake Ave.


Lois DeWitt is offering art classes throughout the month of June for $80 per four-week session. From Art Appreciation to Collage and Mixed Media to Painting from a Photo to Watercolo and even Basic Drawing, all mediums are covered. Classes differ from morning to afternoon everyday except Sundays. Sign up now by calling 910-547-8115 or check out www.free-online-art-classes.com.

THE STORY PROJECT 6/18, 9am: CFCC pesents The Story Project. Free workshop offered to the public in a two-part series. Create your own digital story with photos, voice narration and music! Basic computer and Internet skills required. Workshop will be held at the Cape Fear Community College Library. Part I: The Drawing Board Saturday, June 18th 9am-2pm. Part II: Story Production Saturday, June 24th 9am-2pm. www.capefearstoryproject.net. bwinzeler@cfcc.edu or (910) 362-7038.

Clubs/Notices WILMINGTON MAGIC CLUB Wilmington Magic Club is now accepting new



RSVP: www.humanism.meetup.com/182. CAPE FEAR ROWER CLUB Cape Fear River Rowing Club’s classes for beginners: Two, three-hour morning sessions, 811am, on Sat/Sun. Students become familiar with the boats and equipment, learn proper technique on a rowing machine, and then experience onthe-water rowing instruction. No previous rowing experience is necessary, but students must know how to swim. 6/25-26. Wilmington Marine Center, 3410 River Rd. $60/two sessions. Limited to five students. Reg: Morris Elsen, morris.elsen@gmail. com. 910-343-3381.

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