Cover photo by Dave Afrika
encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 1
hodgepodge| WhAt’s InsIDE thIs WEEk
DECk thE trOusErs Occupy Your Pants seeks to ornament the 99% with original art
The owners of Drifted, Dan and Lisa Nez, are a belt buckle and jewelry design team who take the three R’s seriously: reduce, reuse, recycle. Each of their handcrafted pieces contain at least one element from something that once was, from surfboard materials to old skate decks, and even recycled parts from an independent performance race car shop and reclaimed hardwood from a local cabinet maker. Each piece thrives upon movement and artistry—the perfect reason to debut 28 one-of-a-kind buckles from 14 different American artists. On Friday, November 25th, the Nezes say forget perpetuating the corporate Black Friday greed, and instead shop from brilliantly hip artists who hand-painted each unique piece. From the delicate and whimsical to the bold and provocative, Lisa affirms the buckles will be sure to remain true to the individual. Cleverly named ‘Occupy Your Pants,’ the sale opens at One Wicked Gallery for one night only, and Bethany Turner offers up all the details in this week’s issue of encore. Courtesy photo
If you’re not already an encore fan on Facebook, you should be! We have ongoing contests on encore’s Facebook page, as well as on our home page, www.encorepub.com. You can win a pair of tickets to concerts all over the area, such as from House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, Soapbox Laundro-Lounge, downtown Wilmington and more! We’ll be
randomly selecting winners from comments and contests one week prior to said dates unless otherwise noted. Don’t forget to tell your friends either. If you don’t have Facebook, then log on to www.encorepub.com, click on “Web Extras,” and enter the contests for a chance to win!
Late night funnies Editor-in-Chief: Shea Carver // shea@encorepub.com
is published weekly, on Wednesday, by Wilmington Media. Opinions of contributing writers are not necessarily the opinions of encore.
P.O. Box 12430, Wilmington, n.C. 28405 email@encorepub.com • www.encorepub.com Phone: (910) 791-0688 • Fax: (910) 791-9177
“Occupy Wall Street protesters are planning to occupy the subway in New York City. Because if there’s one place to confront the nation’s wealthiest one percent, it’s the subway.” —Conan O’Brien “Vice President Biden was in New York today for the second time in less than a week—just to see if he left his wallet at the M&M’S store.” —Jimmy Fallon “Cain’s only real foreign policy experience is from when he ran the National Restaurant Association and had to deal with the manager from the International House of Pancakes.” —Jay Leno “President Obama is in Australia. When he’s in Australia, his approval ratings go down the toilet in a counter-clockwise motion.” —Craig Ferguson “One by one the Republican candidate potentials have been shooting themselves in the foot making huge, horrible gaffes, and they just look silly. It’s gotten so bad that President Obama is now worried he may actually be reelected.” —David Letterman “Today Rick Perry introduced a new plan to overhaul all three branches of government. Just as soon as he comes up with a plan to remember all three branches of government.” —Jimmy Fallon “Ron Paul’s campaign is upset because during last week’s Republican presidential debate, he only got to speak for 89 seconds. Meanwhile, Rick Perry’s campaign is upset because during last week’s debate, he got to speak.” —Conan O’Brien
word of the week chicanery: shi-key-nuh-ree, noun; 1. trickery or deception by quibbling or sophistry. General Manager: John Hitt // john@encorepub.com
Editorial Assistant: Bethany Turner // music@encorepub.com
Art Director: Sue Cothran // ads@encorepub.com
Interns: Sarah Richter, Veronica Cisneros
Advertising sales: John Hitt // Downtown // john@encorepub.com
Chief Contributors: Gwenyfar Rohler, Anghus Houvouras, Ichabod C, Jay Schiller, Tiffanie Gabrielse, Tom Tomorrow, Chuck Shepherd, Christina Dore, Alex Pompliano, Fay Meadows, Kim Henry
Kris Beasley // Wrightsville Beach, N. Wilmington // kris@encorepub.com
Office Manager: Susie Riddle // susie@adpakweekly.com
Jennifer Barnett // Jacksonville
Distribution Manager: Boykin Wright
// jennifer@encorepub.com
2 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
vol. 28/ pub. 21 / november 23-29, 2011 www.encorepub.com
news & views ....................4-7 4 live local: Gwenyfar Rohler gives a behind-the-
on the cover
win tickets!
Shea Carver // Midtown, Monkey Junction //shea@encorepub.com
scenes look into Small Business Saturday.
6 news of the weird: Chuck Shepherd shares the latest odd stories.
7 news: Linda Grattafiori tells us who to be thankful for in the NHC Board of Commissioners’ decision to require special use permits of industrial businesses.
artsy smartsy ............. 8-23 8-9 theatre: Shea Carver reveals how City Stage gets holly jolly with ‘Santaland Diaries’ and review’s Brown Coat’s ‘Tape’, a look at the repercussions of decisions we make.
10-13 art: Sarah Richter details how artists MJ Cunningham and Katherine Webb find beauty in the unconventional; Bethany Turner decks the trousers with hand-painted belt buckles from Drifted; Alex Pompliano shares the good news: Wilmington’s getting an arts council!
14 gallery listings: Check out what’s hanging in area art galleries.
15 film: Anghus revels in the action orgy that is ‘Immortals.’
17 music: Shea and Bethany offer up two great shows this week: NC Symphony’s Holiday Pops in both JAX and ILM, and Carolina Chocolate Drops at Kenan Auditorium.
20-23 soundboard: See what bands and performers are playing in venues from Wilmington to Jacksonville.
grub & guzzle............... 26-29 26-29 dining guide: Need a few suggestions on where to eat? Flip through our dining guide!
extra! extra! ..................32-47 32 island of lights: Kim Henry is all lit up about Pleasure Island’s electrified holiday celebration.
34 JAX drag race: Tiffanie Gabrielse is looking for big money at Coastal Plains Dragway, where a total of $50,000 is up for grabs—even for soccer moms in mini-vans.
35 crossword: Brain game by Stanley Newman. 36-47 calendar/‘toons/horoscopes/corkboard: Find out what to do in town with our calendar; check out Tom Tomorrow and the annual ‘toons winner, Jay Schiller; read your horoscope; and check out the latest saucy corkboard ads.
encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 3
where will you shop for the holidays?
Small Business Saturday touts local monies and big-business fees hler
by Gwenyfar Ro
uts,’ with procee Promise of Pean Author of ‘The ect Fully Belly Proj benefiting The
elcome to the black friday count-
down. This is the day retailers look forward to more than any other day of the year. It is the day that many merchants move out of the red and into the black. Officially considered the biggest shopping day of the year, stores open at ridiculously early hours; this year many won’t close at all the night before. Several spinoffs have come from this. Unfortunately for Live Local, Cyber Monday—the Monday immediately following Black Friday—is one. It encourages people to shop online and send their money out of their communities. Another day I feel torn about is Small Business Saturday, launched by American Express. It should come as no surprise that I am completely thrilled to see the TV ads running nationally, touting the importance of supporting small businesses. But that it is sponsored by a credit card company is really disheartening. Here’s the good news: A national television advertising campaign has been launched to promote shopping at small businesses in America. It’s on Facebook, Twitter, radio—“the works,” as the saying goes. All of this brings attention to the importance of small business in America, and because this advertising campaign has been paid for by American Express, it has a slick, high-production value, is emotionally evocative, and ends with a call to action. In essence, it has everything a good commercial should have. Here’s the bad news: It is sponsored by a credit card company! Just a recap for those who are still unaware of how credit card processing works: Merchants rent the machines, pay a monthly fee for the provision of processing cards, pay a per transaction fee and a per4 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
centage for the transaction. American Express has one of the higher processing fees of credit cards, so fewer small businesses accept them. For example, my book store does not accept American Express. American Express is offering a $25 statement credit to customers who shop at a small business on November 26th, provided they register their card in advance. American Express is going to win both ways on this: They assume that consumers will spend more than the $25 they will refund; thus, they will still be charging the merchant a percentage of the full amount—not the full amount minus $25! I am so conflicted I am unsure how to express it. On one hand, I am thrilled that someone is at least giving lip service to small businesses. FedEx signed on as a corporate sponsor and gave away $1 million in American Express gift cards to FedEx customers and through Facebook promotions. (Oh, but we can bet the merchant will still pay a processing fee when they are used!) From the FedEx press release: “A vibrant small business community is critical to the health of the U.S. economy and the cornerstone of the thousands of cities and towns FedEx serves every day,” T. Michael Glenn, executive vice president of market development, says. “Through this commitment, FedEx is able to help raise awareness for Small Business Saturday, as well as put money directly into the pockets of consumers while reminding them to support their local businesses during the holidays.” Full disclosure: I have an American Express card and registered it for Small Business Saturday (hey, no one said this Live Local commitment would take away my credit card debt—only prevent me from getting
in deeper). As soon as there are some concrete answers about the statement credit and the experience, I will report back to you. The National Retail Federation conducted a survey last year for the post-Thanksgiving Day weekend; it reported 212 million shoppers and that spending per shopper (both in stores and online for cyber deals) averaged $365.34. If we get really honest, most of what sells at the big retailers for Black Friday (and most days) is cheap, plastic crap from China. Instead of over 2 million people sending $300 overseas, imagine $63 billion spent on American manufacturing. Markets respond to demand—we will never re-build a manufacturing base here if we do not ask for it. So while you have a cheap plastic electronic in your hand that will be obsolete in 18 months, ask yourself how you really feel about the American economy and our long-term security. Couldn’t we make a better version of that product right here? Couldn’t $63 billion create jobs? In the past I have reported our Black Friday numbers at the bookstore—$500—which for us were astounding. (And I let my employees take holidays off to see their family; I work rather than keeping them or, worse, forcing them to work overnight like Walmart and Target.) Still, our sales wouldn’t rival one day of bad receipts for Barnes and Noble in March. It is not so much that I dream with greed of all the money spent on Black Friday flowing from a corporate giant to us; rather, I dream of the tremendous impact it could have on our city and county if it stayed here. Instead of sending nearly $0.80 of every dollar spent on Black Friday out of here, please—consider investing in the Cape Fear region. Shop small businesses every day of the year!
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encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 5
NewsoftheWeird with Chuck Shepherd
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LEAD STORY At press time, Melinda Arnold, 34, was waiting to hear whether her mother would be accepted as an organ donor for her daughter with the organ being the mom’s womb. Melinda (a nurse from Melbourne, Australia) was born without one (though with healthy ovaries and eggs), and if the transplant by Swedish surgeon Mats Brannstrom of Gothenburg University is successful, and Melinda later conceives, her baby will be nurtured in the very same uterus in which Melinda, herself, was nurtured. (Womb transplants have been performed in rats and, with limited success, from a deceased human donor.) Government in Action A British manufacturer, BCB International, is flourishing, buoyed by sales of its Kevlar underwear, at $65 a pair, to U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, soldiers and Marines must buy them directly; the “Bomb Boxers” are not supplied by the Pentagon even though nearly 10 percent of battlefield explosive-device injuries result in sometimescatastrophic genital and rectal damage. According to an October report in Talking Points Memo, the Pentagon’s currently issued protection is inferior to BCB’s but is less expensive. (Although the Pentagon fully funds post-injury prostheses and colostomies, it could purchase about 7,700 Bomb Boxers for the price of a single Tomahawk missile.) In what a cement company executive said is “one of those bureaucratic things that doesn’t make any sense,” the city of Detroit recently built wheelchair ramps at 13 intersections along Grandy Street, despite knowing that those ramps are either not connected to sidewalks or connected to seldom-used, badly crumbling sidewalks. The ramps were required by a 2006 lawsuit settlement in which Detroit pledged to build ramps on any street that gets re-paved, as Grandy was. (No one in city government thought, apparently, to attempt a trade of these 13 intersections for paving 13 more-widely used ones in the city.) A Chicago Tribune/WGN-TV investigation revealed in September and October the astonishing result that Illinois laws passed in 1997 and 2007 at the behest of organized labor have given at least three former union leaders lifetime government pensions as if they had been city or state employees, totaling an estimated drain on public budgets of about $7 million. Two teachers’ union officials were allowed to
teach exactly one day to qualify, and an engineers’ union official was hired for exactly one day, with the remainder of the service of the three having been on the payroll of the respective unions. A September Tribune report estimated that perhaps 20 other union officials might have been eligible under similar provisions. Great Art! It was haute couture meeting haute cuisine at the Communication Museum in Berlin in November, as prominent German chef Roland Trettl introduced his fashions (displayed on live models) made from food, including a tunic of octopus, a miniskirt of seaweed, a trouser suit made with lean bacon, a scarf of squid ink pasta, and a hat woven from lettuce. The museum director (presumably without irony) said the items were “provocative” and “raise(d) questions.” Veteran New York City performance artist Marni Kotak, 36, gave birth to her first child, Ajax, on Oct. 25 and that was her “art,” as the birth took place at the Microscope Gallery in Brooklyn, N.Y., after Kotak had moved into the space two weeks earlier to interact with visitors. Previously, Kotak had “re-enacted,” as her “art,” both her own birth and the loss of her virginity in the back seat of a car. (A New York Times report suggested that Kotak may not be the most extreme performer in her family. Her artist-husband, Jason Martin, makes videos in which he dresses as a wolf or dog and “conducts seance-like rituals intended to contact the half-animal, half-human creatures that visited him in dreams as a child.”) Police Report Cutting-Edge Policing: Officials in Prince George’s County, Md., reported that crime had fallen as much as 23 percent during the first nine months of 2011 the result, they said, of holding meetings with 67 of the most likely recidivist offenders in five neighborhoods and sweet-talking them. The 67 were offered help in applying for various government and volunteer programs, but were told they would be watched more closely by patrols. Milestone: Joseph Wilson, 50, was chased by police and arrested in Port St. Lucie, Fla., in October and charged with shoplifting from a Beall’s department store. It was his 100th arrest although prosecutors are batting only .353 against him (35-for-99). (Wilson’s getaway was delayed when he jumped into the passenger seat of an idling SUV and ordered the driver to “Take off!” but the driver did not.)
keeping our waters clean: Shawn Ralston, a local for whom to be thankful
n thIs tIme of thanksgIvIng, wIlm-
ingtonians should count Shawn Tatum Ralston as one of their most important blessings. Her flawless doggedness in defining the bones of the special use permit at last month’s commissioner’s meeting has been remarkable. During an effective Power Point demonstration, Ralston quietly stunned the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and a courtroom chock full of concerned citizens about the need to strictly regulate the pollutants of heavy industry in the Wilmington area. A graduate of UNCW’s class of ‘98, Ralston interned her senior year at the Department of Environmental Protection in Charlotte. Her boss, Rusty Rozzelle, mentor and model of working with local governing bodies, recognized Ralston’s talent and immediately offered her a job. Before she accepted, she took a gift from her maternal grandmother, Miriam Meyers, and spent a month with Outward Bound on the Pacific Coast. “I was the youngest person of 15 in the group,” Ralston says. “We had to pack all our food in a very tight compartment in a kayak, and we slept under the stars every night. The most amazing thing I did was spend 36 hours alone without books, a phone or electronic device . . . . I wrote in my journal, collected seashells as souvenirs for my family, and spent several hours figuring out how to pitch my tent. When the 15 of us came back together, you could tell we’d all had this incredible internal experience.” Ralston returned to Charlotte to work under Rozzelle and was impressed by his ability to acquire funding for various projects. After a few years, she found a joint program, which offered a masters degree in marine affairs and coastal policy from the University of Rhode Island. She also got her law degree from Roger Williams University. The summer before her third year of law school, Ralston started the first Environmental Law Society at Roger Williams University. “We didn’t have one,” she says. “I thought we needed one. So I started it.” Three students from the Environmental Law Society, who had honed their skills in the Socratic method of public speaking, were sent to the National Environmental Law Moot Court competition at Pace University in New York. Seven years later, the society is still viable and continues to finish in the semi-finals at the annual competitions. However, Rhode Island’s winters and Ralston’s husband, Cary, persuaded her to return to Wilmington. She accepted a posi-
tafiori by Linda C. Grat r to encore contribu
tion as environmental planner for New Hanover County Planning and Inspection Department. She will celebrate her sixth year of employment at the end of this month. One of her first big projects was developing a low-impact manual with boss Chris O’Keefe. They worked with realtors, home builders, engineers, Cape Fear River Watch and the NC Coastal Federation. Again, Ralston’s mastery of debate paid off in helping her negotiate varying points of view. Many perspectives were considered before final agreements were made. A couple of years ago, she helped create the Exceptional Design Zoning District or EDZD. “That was a really big deal,” she says. “The intent of the EDZD is to provide the opportunity for mixed-use or high density residential projects within the unincorporated areas of the county, where appropriate urban features are in place to support such projects without the negative impact of urban sprawl.” Essentially, there are six core requirements developers have to meet to promote a greener environment. For example, a new building must be 100 feet away from wetlands. Low-impact storm-water techniques must be in place. No building can harm the habitat of an endangered species. “The whole premise,” Ralston said, “is based on the LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating System.” In part, this system “integrates the principles of smart growth, urbanism, and green building into the first national system for neighborhood design.” Last January the Wilmington area was cited by the Environmental Protection Agency
LADY OF DOGGED HONOR: Shawn Ralston was a compelling source for the commissioner’s board to agree to requirements of special use permits for industrial businesses to build in our region. Courtesy photo
as the one area in the entire state that was not in compliance with sulfur dioxide emissions. New Hanover County Commissioner Rick Catlin, an environmental engineer, initiated his concerns to the entire board. “It took months and months and months of talking back and forth among many diverse factions—environmental groups, industry, our planning board and the commissioners— before we came to an agreement on how to present the requirements for the special use permit,” Ralston says. “We’ve experienced only positive feedback because we really did involve the existing community throughout the process.” Now New Hanover County wants to develop a comprehensive plan to work with the city toward becoming a more sustainable community. There’s also a regional plan in the works for Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender counties. “It’s really about taking a long-range look into our future,” Ralston says.
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encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 7
17-23 MUSIC
10-13 ART 8-9 THEATRE
by Shea Carver es Santaland Diari 1 N. Front St # 50 21 • City Stage . m p. 8 , -4 & 9-11 11/25-27, 12/2 4 Tickets: $12-$1 nc.com ge ta ys http://cit
twisted prism:
‘Santaland Diaries’ returns with Zach Hanner at its helm
f davId sedarIs’ acerbIc protagonIst had
a Christmas list, Zach Hanner is sure it would include improved employment. And a saucy something something, too. “I think the number one item on Crumpet’s list is a better job—maybe a date with the flirtatious Snowball!” Hanner, who plays the elf in City Stage’s upcoming run of “Santaland Diaries,” says. “Working at Macy’s during Christmas might be OK for a few weeks, but just imagine if you had to do it all the time! So, yeah: a new, better job. Probably a bottle of booze. Being an elf is a tough gig, y’know?” David Sedaris read his essay on NPR during the Christmas season in 1992. Rightfully, its firstperson account brings to humorous light the horrendously overcapitalized holiday season as seen from a someone working as an elf in Macy’s flagship store. “I found [Sedaris’] humor quirky and eminently entertaining,” Hanner remembers of first hearing “Santaland Diaries.” “I loved the fact that he was a Northerner displaced in the South, and [how] that experience informed his humor. I think anyone who has found themselves frustrated and annoyed by the commercialism that has overtaken the Christmas holiday can relate to this show. I certainly did.” It wasn’t until 1996 the essay took over the stage, thanks to Joe Mantello who adapted it for the Atlantic Theater Company in New York. For many years now, Wilmington’s very own City Stage has brought the monologue to life every holiday season, with revolving leaders putting on the pointy toed shoes and hat. It was Michael Granberry’s inaugural perfor8 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
Zach Hanner as Crumpet, with Chiaki Ito, Katherine Vernon and Katherine Rudeseal as the Ho Ho Hos. Courtesy photo.
mance that impacted Hanner. “Michael and I had worked together on a number of shows,” Hanner says. “I loved the energy he brought to Crumpet. In fact, Michael’s and Sedaris’ sense of humor were very similar. He set the bar really high for all the Crumpets that followed.” And many have: Steve Vernon, Justin Smith, Jason Hatfield and Cullen Moss, all but name a few. Each have brought their own interpretation to light, whether in the break room of Macy’s, a rundown apartment or even in an alleyway; the setting changes each year. Since coming off of their puppet-hit “Avenue Q,” City Stage’s brownstone settings along a New York street make a perfect, eco-friendly transition into the holiday routine. “With just a few minor tweaks, we’ve been able to recycle the set, and it should work perfectly for our purposes,” Hanner says. Though the local actor has nailed Hank Williams in “Lost Highway” in years past, and is beckoning the Frank Booth in the 2012 slated production of “Blue Velvet: The Musical,” this will be his first time taking on the sardonic cartoon-dressed Crumpet. He takes to the fact he relates to the elf’s plight and especially his outlook in overcoming his current slate in life. “He views life, as well as his time in Santaland, through a twisted prism of sorts,” Hanner expresses. “The best part is that he’s not afraid to break politically correct barriers. Sedaris’ probably couldn’t get the show published today as a new, young writer due to the fact that it breaks a number of taboos. But that is an inherent part of his charm.” Oppositely so, Crumpet is also quite loquacious.
Though the show is almost an hour, it’s a feat for any actor to overcome, seeing as all lines—every, single last one—fall from his lips. He must carry the show and its underlying, clever vernacular solo. “There are 27 pages to memorize,” Hanner says, “which is a pretty heady undertaking even for an experienced actor. Fortunately, once you have show memorized, being funny simply comes natural due to the content.” Hanner will be relieved only by the angelically devilish Ho Ho Hos, which have become as much a part of City Stage’s rendition of “Santaland Diaries” as Crumpet himself. Headed by Chiaki Ito, Katherine Rudeseal and Katherine Vernon, the ladies croon six or seven carols indicative of the season. Only, they bring a much welcomed twist. “Having the Ho, Ho, Hos not only breaks up the show and allows me a moment to change and grab a drink of water, but they are a force unto themselves,” Hanner explains. “Their songs are wonderful, and we do have a little bit of interaction, mostly them molesting me onstage. Eh, things could be worse than getting harassed by these three adorable ladies!” Each year brings a new flame of enlivenment to stage, as “Santaland Diaries” comes fa-la-la-ing to life, just in time for the glittery days ahead. Surprises are in store, maybe even a ukulele according to Hanner. It only makes sense, as this year’s Crumpet also happens to be a musician for The Noseriders and Da Howlies. Though we won’t hear him belting out holly jollies, we can absolutely expect a few hiccups. It’s the holidays, after all. “Thanks to shows like this, my love for them has warmed again,” Hanner says.
regret and redemption: ‘Tape’ offers a thought-provoking look at life choices
o people ever change? it’s an ongoing philosophical debate through the ages. We’re born into a personality and we thrive or suffer from our own varied environments, all of which shape us into who and what we are. We make decisions, good and bad; we live with those decisions. But do we ever learn from them, truly? Better yet, can we learn from them without facing them forthright? These are all underlying questions which come to the surface in Stephen Belber’s play, “Tape.” Having first shown as part of the Humana Festival of New American Plays, produced by the Actors Theatre of Louisville, in 2000, it was made into a movie starring Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman and Robert Sean Leonard in 2001. Locally, Guerilla Theatre is staging it at the Brown Coat Pub and Theatre for one final weekend run. The show follows a sour reunion of two highschool buddies, which plows into testosterone overdrive as its main players, 28-year-olds Vince and Jon, are still arguing over the same gal, Amy, 10 years after graduation. Vince once was her boyfriend, but Jon slept with her shortly after they split. As they meet in Lansing, Michitesy photo. gan, at a film festival, at which budding filmmaker Jon has a screening—and in the same town for which Amy now serves as assistant DA— old demons and rehashed memories make the reunion anything but jovial. Played by Shane Bates, Vince embodies the 18-year-old partier (turned man-child) everyone knows. He lives his life on a high and is more concerned with free-for-all appearances (hence, pouring out beer at the opening of the show and scattering empty cans around the room to suggest a party had been ongoing) than positive betterment of his own life. Cocaine, Mary Jane and booze are the main ingredients—one that’s narrowing its path to Loserville rather quickly. Though Vince is a volunteer firefighter, selling dope pays the bills—sometimes even to his fire chief. Within
by Shea Carver hen Belber “Tape” by Step
and Theatre Brown Coat Pub et 111 Grace Stre p.m. m.; Sunday at 5 11/25-27, 8 p. • 910-341-0001 Tickets: $8-$15
10 minutes of meeting his character, he’s immediately unlikable. Bates—who convinced director Nick Smith to do “Tape”—brings a cartoonish villian to life with half-smiles, cocky in venom and dressed in innocent mire. He’ll laugh in jest one minute before maniacally threatening evil the next— all to frame his old pal, Jon, into admitting he date-raped Amy during a high-school party. It’s a macabre scene hidden in “great to see you again” cheer before evolving into “get the hell out of dogde” entrapment. Bates is almost bipolar at the beginning. By the end, his true colors shine as merely clueless, maybe harmless. Jon is the opposite of Vince: a grad student filmmaker, who wears fancy shoes while riding his moral high horse only to combat his own secret skeletons. Played by Kevin Wilson, he’s tall, lanky and quick-voiced, burdened by philosophical do-rights, which overcompensate a questionable better-man mentality. He talks in circles, vacillating between self-help (“I just want better for you, Vince!”) and bullshit (“I forced her with excessive linguistic pressure!”). Wilson is weaselly in his portrayal of Jon, believable in mass-manipulation but not in strength or candor. Not to say Vince is either, but according to the show’s dialogue, Vince is expected to be violent; Jon, more well-rounded. But violence comes in multiple actions: verbally and physically. Each actor parallels this nicely. Oddly, Bates’ Vince comes across more as a hippie stoner than an anarchist, which makes the inevitable fight scene question-
able at best. The audience sees it coming; it is evident from the static energy permeating the room, but the fellas need to portray more rooted anger preceding it. It all feels more like lip-service than actuality. However, when Susan Auten enters as Amy, a different pathos takes over the play. Her pent-up pain emanates effortlessly. Auten is piercing in the role: beady, shifting eyes, monotone voice, reserved and protective stance. She’s more open to Vince; guarded toward Jon, and every move Auten makes nonverbally shows this. Her rigidity as a victim and a woman who wants vindication is flawless. That she gets the final say in a scenario she had no hand in creating makes the story more worthwhile. In the end, she’s the star of the show, figuratively and literally. The set of “Tape” is excellent and spot-on. Immediately, the audience feels the seedy mien of the entire situation; they know nothing good will come of it, but the ride they take to get there is thought-provoking nonetheless. The Motel 6 room is the setup of the show, and contains mismatched bedding, dated decor—from the alarm clock to the floral and seascape paintings—and
a sterile white bathroom, all topped off with a half window by the door. Even the props are perfect,, down to the drug dealer’s lunch meat container holding all paraphernalia. The technical staff also keep the show on track with every lighting switch and sound effect. Choices to set up the show are thoughtful, especially with the opening of Tom Waits’ “You Can’t Unring a Bell,” a perfect foreshadowing of events to come when he sings, “Take it like a man/get it through your head/suffer.” At only an hour long, the play does well at proving how our choices shape and define us, inspite of our guilty admissions—or omissions, as the case may be. No façade will change the heart, regardless of varied truths and perceptions. It reminds me of Neil Young’s “One of These Day,” where he croons “I’m gonna sit down/and write a long letter/To all the good friends I’ve known.” Somehow, if we all fessed up our good and bad to those who’ve encountered them, maybe we could find it within ourselves to move forward without regret. Then again, regret is as probable to growth in life as redemption. If “Tape” does anything, it proves such as true.
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encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 9
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unconventional beauty: Complementary art on view at Acme r by Sarah Richte inations, aka Passionate Illum Hot Flashes e. s • 711 N 5th Av Acme Ar t Studio 9 p.m. • Free 11/25, 6 p.m. 12/8 Hangs through
abi-sabi is an ancient japa-
nese saying that describes finding beauty in imperfection, impermanence and incompleteness. A beauty of things unconventional,” local artist MJ Cunningham states. This is Cunningham’s artistic mantra and in a way the ethos of the upcoming exhibition at Acme Art Studios, which features her work alongside Katherine Wolf Webb’s. Their art work complements the other, despite dissimilar methods of production. It also possesses a beauty by depicting subject matter not automatically textbook crowd-pleasing. The combined exhibition of their work emerged from “an endless discussion of dates [and] rearranging shows, so we decided to just do a show together,” Cunningham says. Entitled
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10 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
“Passionate Illuminations a.k.a. Hot Flashes,” “the idea for naming the show was a joint effort of what described us best,” Cunningham says, laughing with Webb. “Passionate illuminations is a sophisticated way of saying hot flashes.” Their depictions of diverse subject matter illustrates their different paths to artistic enlightenment. Cunningham has traveled with her husband and five children, thanks to military life. “One winter we were living up north, and there was an endless amount of snow,” she remembers. “Stuck inside the house, the children, one by one, began to get chicken pox, and I had to do something to keep myself sane, so I started painting.” Having worked with a variety of mediums, Cunningham is currently fixated on the cold wax method. Created by mixing oil paint and wax, layered on top of each other, she uses palette knives and other sharp objects to apply the paint. She scratches the surface to create lines that dance across the canvas. Cunningham’s abstract color field paintings, evocative of Mark Rothko’s introspective work of the 1960s, are simple in utilizing the rich tones of fall or a setting sun. One piece in particular, “Spirit Source,” is a canvas divided into cream and burnt orange, fused together with a darker line. With no particular point of focus, the image can be digested as a whole, allowing the viewer to interpret it at will. Appearing at once as an abstract landscape of red earth and pearlescent sky, the image without traditional subject matter has a surface, which upon closer inspection has been etched and carved to provide depth, movement and insight. In keeping with the theme of the show, there is something burning about Cunningham’s oeuvre. The fiery feeling maintains urgency, and counterbalances a stillness and peacefulness that the paintings incite in the viewer. There is a sense of transition, from one plane of color to the other, and something mysterious and entrancing in this evolution. Webb on the other hand was born an artist, and nothing could stop her. “I am inspired by anything and everything,” she says of her varied mediums of work. Her collection of collages are created with whatever materials she can find to re-energize new life. Webb arranges these scraps of materials in a skillful manner, as if she is solving a puzzle and reconfiguring the discarded elements. Her acrylic work is figurative with one notable piece, “Girl With a Pearl Earring.” Her own in-
SPIRITED CANVAS: MJ Cunningham’s “Spirit Source” will hang as part of ‘Passionate Illuminations’ this weekend at Acme. Courtesy photo
terpretation of the iconic 17th century Vermeer painting places a contemporary interpretation on the intriguing portrait. Webb’s subject is an African American girl who is casually looking over her shoulder. Compositionally similar to the Vermeer, she wears a singular pearl earring and is dressed in a rich tone of gold. Holding a crow, she sits poised in an armchair, as if casually being addressed. Her stare is piercing and unflinching, making the gaze unavoidable and bewitching. The style in which she is dressed and sits is reminiscent of the early part of the 20th century. Evoking her knowledge, as well as evidence of her extensive travels, Webb calls upon history for inspiration but is entirely contemporary. It conjures ideas of change. Much like Vermeer’s, they are young girls— their youth evident, along with their impending transition from childhood to adulthood. Transitional states are mystifying and complex. Although experienced by all, there is something uncertain about their outcome, which provokes a sense of anxiety. In depicting this, the artists return to the idea of wabi-sabi, finding beauty in everything. The show is exemplary of both Webb and Cunningham’s divergent styles but also of how their work seamlessly fits together. United in more than just hot flashes, this show allows for introspective reflection— occupying opposite ends of the spectrum, effortlessly merging together to create a show of complimentary pieces. An opening reception will be Friday, November 25th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and the show will be on display until December 8th at Acme Art Studios. Admission is free, and there will be refreshments and live music on opening night.
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am’s “Spirit te Illuminahoto
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FURNITURE COLLECTIBLE encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 11 JEWELRY ANTIQUES GL ASSWARE GREAT FOOD
deck the trousers: Occupy Your Pants seeks to ornament the 99% with original art
hough noT officially members
of the Occupy Wilmington movement, Dan and Lisa Nez are doing their part to stick it to “The Man.” As the owners of the Wilmington-based line Drifted, the pair hand make belt buckles and resin jewelry from surfboard-grade materials, recycled skate decks and reclaimed and re-purposed knotted woods. On Friday, November 25th, the Nezes will set up shop in One Wicked Gallery and unleash the belt buckles they’ve asked artists from the area and around the states to design—all in an effort to raise sales for the little guy and combat corporate retail. “We have handed two buckles [each] over to 14 artists total and asked them to work their magic,” Lisa explains. “The outcome is outrageously unique and far cooler than imagined.” The two-hour shop for these one-of-a-kind buckles is open only on Black Friday, and Dan and Lisa believe it’s the best shopping day to hit the mega stores where it hurts. The event is designed to do three things:
er by Bethany Turn s Occupy Your Pant m. - 11 p.m. • 8 p. Fri., Nov. 25th ry One Wicked Galle . St 205 Princess (910) 960-7306 m e.co www.driftedstor support local business, ensure fair trade for American artists and stimulate our local economy. “We say, ‘Screw the mall!’” Lisa asserts. “This is our way of protesting corporate greed. We are not a part of the Occupy Wilmington movement; although the protestors intentions are good, we believe the way to hit ‘below the belt’ is by affecting these corporations’ incomes.” Featured artists from around the U.S. include Shay Davis of San Diego, David W. Tripp and Douglas Bucci of Philadelphia, April Romo de Vivar of Tucson, Lance Vargas of New Orleans, and Jen McKee of
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12 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
BANG FOR YOUR BUCK-LE: Handmade belt buckles by Drifted are made with recycled materials and have been designed by American artists. They’ll be on sale for one night only at One Wicked Gallery on November 25th. Courtesy photo
Birmingham. Locals like Gabriel Lehman, Candy Pegram, Samuel Guin and Luke Worley—artists who have graced the pages of encore for their work in the past—designed their own buckles as well. Christina Cole, the owner of Wicked and a master of delightfully gory artwork, as well as Sarah Peacock and Dave Tollefson of Artfuel Inc., will offer specially crafted buckles. Shoppers can expect New York City flair from newcomer JP Guarino, a transplant to Wilmington, who will deliver work inspired by his hometown. “I am so excited about all these artists,” Lisa beams. “Their enthusiasm and drive have been a great inspiration to Dan and I. All 28 pieces are so different to ensure the individual remains the individual. No two
brush strokes are alike.” From graphic flaming skulls reminiscent of sailors’ tattoos to a wispy, dream-like owl whose illuminated gaze will capture the attention of all, the artists fashioned original art for jeans and corduroys alike. And contrary to the big box stores, these items won’t have extras hidden in back storage, they aren’t “as seen on TV,” and they won’t ever be available again. There are no copies for these bad boys! Even if folks aren’t avid buckle lovers, Dan and Lisa will bring their hand-crafted Drifted jewelry made of old skate decks, leather and delicately fine fabrics to Occupy Your Pants. As well, YoSake, a downtown sushi restaurant, and Satellite Bar and Lounge from the North 3rd Street area will cater the event with delectable hors d’oeuvre and drinks. The store opens at 8 p.m. and runs until 11 p.m. One Wicked Gallery is located at 205 Princess Street. To catch a sneak peek of Drifted’s jewelry or to check out their regular line of buckles, clothing and leather belts, visit www.driftedstore.com.
finally, an ILM arts council: Rhonda Bellamy details the city’s return on investment
hree monThs ago i wroTe an article about re-litigating the strange reality of Wilmington being the only major city in North Carolina without an arts council. It seemed glaringly apparent that our Port City could greatly benefit from having one——culturally and economically! Honestly, it seemed embarrassing that we lacked one in the first place. However, the wheels are now in motion: a commitment has been made allowing Wilmington to launch a council on December 7th. The announcement is timely enough, just days after the curtains closed on the 17th Cucalorus Film Festival, which drew over 10,500 attendees and brought nearly 300 filmmakers and performers to downtown Wilmington. The independent film showcase has an estimated economic impact of more than $5.5 million on the local economy during its four-day span, according to festival organizers. If that doesn’t exemplify a framework for a synergistic marriage of culture and business, then I’m not sure what does. Aspirations to re-launch a local arts council for the first time in a decade looked bleak in March, when the New Hanover County Commissioners unanimously voted not to fund the agency. Both the commissioners and the Wilmington City Council previously rejected a request for an annual commitment of $50,000 for up to five years. The Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear, founded in 1972, fizzled out in 2002 after losing funding, and it seemed the newly proposed arts council would meet a similar fate before it even began. So it begs the question: What’s changed since March? Well, the steering committee has managed to pull money from other sources and a three-year budget has been established. Funding for the organization will come from the North Carolina Arts Council and the Brooklyn Arts Council board. Keep in mind the Brooklyn Arts Council is not affiliated with
Casual fine dining at its best! 115 South Front Street Downtown Wilmington (910) 763-7773 www.aubrianas.com facebook.com/AubrianaS
no by Alex Pomplia r to encore contribu the event space on N. 4th Street, the Brooklyn Arts Center at St. Andrews. However, the venue will provide office space for the fledgling arts council in its manse next door. In its start-up year, the new arts council has many top priorities. It will be expected to conduct a search for an executive director, recruit a diverse board of directors, develop a formal identity and begin a fund-raising campaign to increase the overall level of philanthropic giving to the arts. A former radio personality in Wilmington and now a steering committee member, Rhonda Bellamy will run the council during a nationwide search expected to take six to nine months. A founding board member of the Black Arts Alliance, Inc., Bellamy serves as president and chairs the organization’s North Carolina Black Film Festiva. She is also set to release her third book, “Meet The Help: An Anthology of True Stories,” in December. I spoke with Bellamy about the long struggle in establishing an arts council and what it holds for Wilmington’s future. encore: Your name is synonymous with the arts council efforts. How long have you been pushing for one? Rhonda Bellamy: Since 2002 when we lost our last arts council. Susan Dankel, former general manager for [public radio station] WHQR, and I co-chaired the Mayor’s Task Force on Arts and Cultural Affairs shortly after. We knew then that [by] having lost the arts council, [Wilmington] was behind in terms of attracting some of the foundation support and branding for the area as an arts destination because there was no coalition force. Three years ago [we were] convened by the NC Arts Council [and] we asked them to facilitate a process whereby we could
have a sustainable plan in place to re-establish an arts council and be certain that it wouldn’t run into the same problems as before. e: What changed this time around? RB: It’s a daunting challenge trying to come up with funding, especially when we received a firm ‘no’ from the county commissioner. But we decided to persevere. [City councilwoman] Laura Padgett was quite instrumental in setting up arrangements with Brooklyn Arts Center, which created an endowment when they bought the St. Andrews manse and parish. We [have] a commitment from the state in the way of grants and salary assistance. We also were bequeathed, from the now-defunct Creative Wilmington, roughly $20,000 that they had left when they dissolved. We’d also begun receiving pledges from people through Cape Fear Future. All those elements worked together for us to be able to craft a three-year budget plan for the arts council to sustain itself.
e: It’s been said that the arts council could help brand Wilmington as an arts destination like Asheville, and attract events that generate additional tax revenue and tourism dollars. How does this process work? RB: We have an opportunity to brand ourselves as an arts destination by [utilizing our] theatre companies, dance companies, visual artists, filmmakers, actors . . . whoever we have. When we [the North Carolina Black Film Festival] host a festival, we make use of and partner with many of the institutions in town. We attract hundreds of people each year . . . they eat at local restaurants; buy souvenirs, popcorn and T-shirts; we have printing that needs to be done—all of these things are job generators. These are the types of things that factor into the return that you get on an investment in an arts council, because people go for the whole experience, not just one place or event. I believe once we get an arts council up and running, people will see more tourists come into town.
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Poplar Grove Plantation
10200 US Hwy 17, Wilmington poplargrove.com • (910) 686-9518 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 13
galleryguide| Holly, Angels and more! Menorahs, Mezuzahs and Dreidels add to our holiday ideas. Remember Gift Wrapping is always FREE. 332 Nutt Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: 910762-4207 www.crescentmoonnc.com Hours: Monday- Saturday 10am-5:30pm and Sundays 12pm-4pm. Located in The Cotton Exchange where parking is FREE while shopping or dining. Follow us on twitter or become a fan on Facebook by searching Crescentmoonnc!
2165 Wrightsville Ave • (910) 343 5233 Monday-Saturday, 12-7 p.m. www.artfuelinc.com Artfuel.inc is a multimedia studio and art gallery, now located at the intersection of Wrightsville Avenue and Dawson Street. Our 29th art show features the folk art of Candy Pegram, photography by Tammy Haraga and Realyn Oliver, and graffitti art by Switch. Find some early Christmas gifts!
new eleMents GAllery
22527 Highway 17N, Hampstead, NC 910-803-0302/ 910-330-4077 Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. or by appointment www.artexposure50.com From Wilmington, drive north on Highway 17 and you will encounter an art center unique to our area. Look for the big red barn! A large open space hosts 2nd Friday Opening Receptions each month at 6p.m. We represent over 40 local and regional artists in our member’s gallery and offer local arts and crafts in our gift shop ArtExposure presently has studio space rented to four working artists. In addition, there is a frame shop and art supply store. ArtExposure is available for receptions, weddings, meetings and the like. Along with its large open space downstairs, there is a loft area up-
dancing red: by Wilmington artist Mio Reynolds now showing at Caffe Phoenix.
stairs suitable for smaller gatherings. Our show in November and December, “Small Treasures”, will feature smaller works under 300.00 and will run through December 24th. Our annual “Art of the Car” is an invitational to all NC artists. Information about this show and registration can be found on the website. Click on the “Opportunities for Artists” page. The deadline to register is February 29th and the show opens on March 9th, 2012. This is a juried show and awards will be presented. Along with our regular art classes and studio time, yoga classes meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 p.m. and Saturday at 9 a.m. in the loft. Walk-ins are welcome to this gentle yoga class.
cAffe phoenix
Serving South Indian Cuisine on the Buffet 2 for
Choose two entrees for $20 from our menu. Excludes platters and specialties.
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1620 South College Road • (910) 794-4545 14 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
35 N. Front Street • (910) 343-1395 Monday-Saturday: 11:30 a.m. – 10 p.m. Sunday Brunch: 11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Currently showing paintings by local bellydancer Samra (Kelly Hawes) and Mio Reynolds. Join them for an opening reception Wednesday November 30 from 7-10 pm for complimentary light fare and generous wine specials. Live music by Perry Smith and Transtrum. The show will close with a second reception Wednesday January 11th from 6-9. For more information, visit www.kellyhawes.com or www.caffephoenix.com. Special thanks to Roy Clifton and Joel Finsel.
crescent Moon
332 Nutt Street In the Cotton Exchange (910) 762-4207 Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sunday noon – 4 p.m. www.crescentmoonnc.com Crescent Moon – want the unique gift for him? Or her? Come see the Drinking Dog Lying Down enjoying a Bud Light, one of many Yardbird’s junkyard dogs, cats and critters here. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah too! Wonderful hand-crafted ornaments are arriving daily from artists throughout the USA. Trees, Santas,
216 N. Front Street • (919) 343-8997 Tues.-Sat.: 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. or by appointment www.newelementsgallery.com The 27th Annual Holiday Show opens Friday, November 25th at New Elements Gallery featuring recent works by over forty of our talented gallery artists. Join us from 6 to 9 pm and discover an eclectic mix of paintings, ceramics, glass, jewelry, fiber work, wood and sculpture just in time for the holiday season! Artists featured include Bruce Bowman, Betty Brown, Ann Conner, Jeffrey N. Davies, Warren Dennis, Donald Furst, Vicki Gates, David Goldhagen, Kyle Highsmith, Fritzi Huber, Rebecca Humphrey, Catherine Lea, Susan Mauney, Ann Parks McCray, Hiroshi Sueyoshi, Sally Sutton, Janet Triplett, Michael Van Hout, Owen Wexler, Dina Wilde-Ramsing and Kee Wilde-Ramsing. This is a great opportunity to find one-of –a kind gifts and original artwork created by artists from within our local community and region. The opening night reception will be held in conjunction with Fourth Friday Gallery Nights, and the 27th Annual Holiday Show will remain on display through January 7th, 2012.
sunset river MArketplAce
10283 Beach Dr., SW (NC 179) • (910) 575-5999 Tues.- Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Closed Mon. in winter sunsetrivermarketplace.com This eclectic, spacious gallery, located in the historic fishing village of Calabash, N.C., features fine arts and crafts by some of North and South Carolina’s most creative, successful artists. Almost every genre is represented here—oil, pastel and watercolor, clay and glass art, fiber art, turned wood, metal works, artisan-crafted jewelry and more. Classes, workshops, pottery studio, custom fra.m.ing, Creative Exchange lecture series and Coffee With the Author series are also offered on-site.
river to seA GAllery
225 S. Water St., Chandler’s Wharf (FREE parking) (910)-763-3380 Tuesday–Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 1p.m. - 4 p.m. River to Sea Gallery showcases the work of husband and wife Tim and Rebecca Duffy Bush. In addition, the gallery represents several local artists. The current show is sure to enthrall visitors with its eclectic collection of original paintings, photography, sculpture, glass, pottery and jewelry. Our current exhibit “Morning Has Broken” features works by Janet Parker. Come see Janet’s bold use of color and texture to reveal local marsh creeks and structures. Experience Wilmington through the eyes of a local!
no skimping on brutality: Join the action orgy of ‘Immortals’
o help me, god! i loved thiS
freakish and super violent action film to a ridiculous degree. Seeing as the new film “Immortals” tells a story of ancient Greek mythology, perhaps I should have said, “So help me, gods!” This movie is bananas—and I mean that in the best possible way. It’s the most beautifully rendered bloodbath ever put to film. The entire movie was birthed from the aftermath of “300,” another highly stylized historical epic that was heavy on blood and violence. The model is very much the same as “300,” though it doesn’t take itself so seriously. This allows for a far more mental movie that takes the crazy up a notch or two, and delivers a cinematic experience that has no rival. The story is based in Greek mythology. King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) has declared war on humanity after his prayers to the gods have gone unanswered. He raises an army and begins to search for the legendary Epirus Bow, a weapon forged by Ares, the God of War (Daniel Sharman). With this weapon, he can release the imprisoned Titans from Mount Tartarus and destroy the human race. Hyperion begins to attack holy places in search of the bow. He kidnaps a young Oracle (Freida Pinto) to aide him, and, eventually, his bloody quest brings him to the village of young Theseus (Henry Cavill), a brave young peasant who excels in the most important skill set one can have in ancient Greece: kicking ass. Yet, his fighting skills are not enough to save his mother from King Hyperion. After her murder, Theseus vows to avenge her and do whatever it takes to stop Hyperion from succeeding. The story of “Immortals” is typical fantasy/ adventure fare. Greek gods, belligerent kings, the young peasant who must rise up from his meager surroundings to try and save the world. It’s the presentation that makes this movie so undeniably awesome. Director Tarsem Singh (“The Cell,” “The Fall”) is one my favorite working filmmakers. The man has a talent for creating surreal worlds with lavish details. He’s known more for style than substance, which is why a movie like “Immortals” is tailor-made for him. The action is staged perfectly. The visuals are mind-blowing. The wardrobe is ludicrously garish in the best way possible. Singh’s choices favor the uninhibited. In a normal film, this might not work, but in a movie like “Immortals,” it seems like an inspired choice. During Theseus’ quest, we meet the Greek gods. Instead of the old, bearded, robe-wearing caricatures we usually see in these movies, Singh has cast the gods as supermodels. It’s an interesting choice but makes perfect sense. An omniscient deity could make him-
by Anghus Immor tals
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ urke, Freida Pinto arring Mickey Ro St and Henr y Cavill
ROURKE ROYALTY Mickey Rourke plays King Hyperion, lord of light and the Titan of the east, in Tarsem Singh’s ‘Immortals.’ Courtesy photo.
self look any way he wanted; thus, would one expect him to pick David Beckham or Old Man Beardy? The gods play fast and loose with the rules. At first there’s a lot of talk about how they can’t help mankind. Then, they basically do a 180 and join the fray. The final half hour is an action orgy, which has to be seen to be believed. Violence and carnage rarely has seemed so aesthetically pleasing. When the final battle takes place
reel reel
this week in film and a half dozen gold lamé-clad gods show up and begin Kung Fu fighting, we almost have to pause for a moment and marvel at the sheer audacity of an epic like “Immortals.” I applaud the studio responsible for letting a director like Singh go bat-shit crazy, and make the kind of strange and wonderful adventure film that hasn’t been seen in ages. I would rank “Immortals” up there with movies that carved their own identity and redefined art direction—like Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil” and Ridley Scott’s “Blade Runner.” There are also shades of less successful but equally defined films like “Flash Gordon” and “Tron.” Every generation there is a movie that takes the unconventional route and makes something truly unique. In spite of a rather predictable narrative, “Immortals” rises up to become a true example of style trumping substance. This is a masterpiece of art direction, and the very basic story is saved by some very compelling young actors. Henry Cavil is destined for stardom, going from playing a Grecian warrior to the “man of steel” in the upcoming Superman movie. He’s got the chops and commands attention onscreen. While the role of Theseus isn’t exactly the most nuanced, it could have devolved into parody. So much of this movie easily could have turned into something laughable, but the cast and crew expend so much energy trying to entertain that only the most jaded film fan will find something to complain about. Not everyone will buy it. I’ll admit that seeing a grotesque Mickey Rourke playing an ancient king took a serious suspension of disbelief. But “Immortals” isn’t a movie that’s banking on realistic depictions. This is fantastic oldschool storytelling with a fresh coat of paint— a sprawling, stunning action film that doesn’t skimp on the brutality.
Maybe Logic
Subversive Film Series Juggling Gypsy •1612 Castle St. (910) 763-2223 Sundays, 8pm • Free
11/27: “Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson”—Guerrilla ontologist. Psychedelic magician. Outer head of the Illuminati. Quantum psychologist. Discordian Pope. Robert Anton Wilson is undeniably one of the foundations of 21th Century Western counterculture. “Maybe Logic” is a cinematic alchemy that conjures it all together in a hilarious and mind-bending journey. Robert Anton Wilson is a man who has passed through the trials of chapel perilous and found himself on wondrous ground where nothing is for certain, even the treasured companionship of a sixfoot-tall white rabbit.
Sholem Aleichem, My Afternoons With Margueritte
Cinematique Thalian Hall Studio Theatre 310 Chestnut Street 7:30pm, $7 11/23: “Sholem Aleichem: Laughing in the Darkness”—A riveting portrait of the great writer (pictured) whose stories became the basis of the Broadway musical “Fiddler on the Roof.” “Sholem Aleichem” tells the tale of the rebellious genius who created an entirely new literature. Plumbing the depths of a Jewish world locked in crisis and on the cusp of profound change, he captured that world with brilliant humor. 1 hr. 33 min. Not rated. In English and Yiddish with English subtitles. 11/27-29: “My Afternoons with Margueritte” (Sun. at 3pm, Mon./Tues., at 7:30pm)—In a small French town, Germain (Gérard Depardieu), a nearly illiterate man in his 50s, considered to be the village idiot by his friends, takes a walk to the park and happens to sit beside Margueritte (Giséle Casadesus), a little old lady who is reading excerpts from her novel aloud. She’s articulate, highly intelligent and frail. Afternoons spent reading aloud on their favorite bench transform their lives and start them both on a new journey. Directed by Jean Becker. 82 minutes. Not Rated. In French and Flemish with English subtitles. All AreA movie listings And pArAgrAph synopses cAn be found At encorepub.com.
encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 15
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16 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
pop to drop!
Two shows worth seeing this week
ear tHe season go pop ! pop !
pop! And drop! This week two concerts well worth admission price will have music lovers and holiday revelers in a jolly good mood. The NC Symphony Holiday Pops will play in Jacksonville on November 27th ($12-$23) at the Northside High School Auditorium and will return to UNCW’s Kenan Auditorium on December 13th ($28-$52). Music Director Grant Llewellyn and conductor William Henry Curry will lead the helm of the North Carolina Symphony Holiday Pops. The annual showcase puts Christmas classics, Hanukkah masterpieces and holiday merriment at the forefront of sonic enjoyment. While every note is played to pristine rhapsody, the audience may even be asked to join in on the fun— musician or not! A sing-along of carols could be in the cards for all ages, youth, adults and seniors alike. Founded in 1932, our state’s symphony annually performs 175 shows in the tradition of classical enjoyment (Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart), as well as pop-cultural references, like their Pops series which highlights singers-songwriters such as Billy Joel and Art Garfunkel during the regular season. The holiday tradition, however, focuses on the classics like “Angels We Have Heard On High,” “O Tannenbaum” and “The Nutcracker.” The symphony travels across the state between November and December, from Lincolnton to Kinston, to perform and enliven the spirit of the season. Tickets can be purchased to either NC Symphony Pops performance at www.ncsymphony.org. From pops to drops, slated to hit Wilmington’s Kenan Auditorium on Tuesday the 29th is the Carolina Chocolate Drops. Their funky down-home rhythms are steeped in folk stylings and world-music traditions. Like many pacts between friends, one promise made by Don Flemons, Rhiannon Giddens and Justin Robinson proved life-altering. During the warmer months of 2005, the three ventured to Mebane, North Carolina, every Thursday evening to visit with Joe Thompson, an 80-yearold fiddler. Thompson tailored his craft to mimic the musical stylings of many family generations before him. What started as a weekly music lesson turned into a jam band, and then a fullfledged old-time string band—with a twist. The Carolina Chocolate Drops revived the fiddle, banjo and even the jug to create their own unique sound in the new millennium. Still, the members keep to their roots
rner and Bethany Tu by Shea Carver ps NC Symphony Po $12-$23 • 11/27, 3 p.m. um, JAX School Auditori Northside High ate Drops Caroline Chocol • $6-$22 11/29, 8 p.m. um, UNCW Kenan Auditori
Carolina Chocolate Drops. Courtesy photo
by honoring the history of black fiddlers, spreading tales of instruments made from gourds and, eventually, a marriage with the European violin. They not only share the stories of their musical ancestors, but they pay homage by playing traditional folk tunes—just as Thompson taught them. Since its inception, Carolina Chocolate Drops has added beatboxer and tambourinist Adam Matta, as well as Hubby Jenkins (guitar, five-string banjo, bones) and lost Robinson. They earned a spot at Shakori Hills GrassRoots Festival in 2006, became the first black string band to play the Grand Ole Opry in 2007, performed at Bonnaroo in 2010, and their release from the same year, “Genuine Negro Jig,” won a Grammy Award for Best Traditional Folk Album. Guests at the show can expect to hear Piedmont-inspired tunes that are rich with country twang like in “Cornbread and Butter Beans.” They also cover pop tunes, like their spicy string rendition of Blu Cantrell’s R&B single, “Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!),” in which Giddens lets her sultry vibrato loose. Their unbridled passion for music is evident in the way their sounds ebb and flow. The beat pulses through them, and transcends time and location. Tickets to the show are $6 to $22, and are available at Kenan’s box office or by calling (910) 962-3500. For more information on the Carolina Chocolate Drops, visit their website at www.carolinachocolatedrops.com.
Blue Pear Salad Mixed Field Greens, Sliced Fresh Pears, Danish Blue Cheese, Grapes, Candied Pecans and Raspberry Poppy Seed Dressing. 3501 Oleander Dr. • Hanover Center • 910-763-6662 8207 Market St. • Porter’s Neck Center • 910-686-9343
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WWC WILD World of
— D R 3 E2 H T Y DA J Dance S E N ED ke & D rty W — Karao key Pa ur T e E r P B J D with OVER! NO C
$3.00 20oz. Stadium Cups & $12 Buckets of Miller Lite & Coors Light WILD CARD: Win 2 Tix to The National Championship
$3.00 22oz Bud Light Drafts $12 Bud & Bud Light Buckets Weekly Pick’em Trivia WILD CARD: Win 2 Tickets to the Super Bowl
"no turkey" weekend lineup. Wednesday - Pre-Turkey Bash with DJ Be Thursdays - Happy Thanksgiving! (closed) Black Friday - Post-Turkey Party with Machine Gun Saturday - College Gameday • Live Music with Bird Cage Bandits Sunday - NFL Football all day Monday - DJ Battle Dance Party • 2 Fer Tuesday - plus live acoustic music Landfall Center ◆ 1331 Military Cutoff Road ◆ 910-256-3838 ◆ w w w. w i l d w i n g c a f e . c o m 18 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 19
soundboard a preview of tunes all over town this week
Oceanfront Terrace 7-10pm
the t a lo F ’t n Do m! Mainstrea
Friday, November 25
OVERTYME Saturday, November 26
Friday, December 2
—Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington,
BACK TO BACK Saturday, December 3
MIKE O’DONNELL 1706 North Lumina Ave. (910) 256-2231 877-330-5050 • 910-256-2231
Acoustic JAzz PiAno with JAmes JArvis 762-2091 oPen mic night
—Genee’s, inside America’s Best Value Inn, 4903 Market St.; 799-1440 rob ronner —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 steven comPton —The River Rat, 1 S. Front St.; 763-1680 DJ JAy —Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 Josh solomon & cAry benJAmin —Black Sheep Tavern, 21 N. Front St. (base-
MONDAY $10 Bud/Light Buckets $4 Jack Daniels, $4 Capt. Morgan TUESDAY $1 tacos 4-close, $3 Dos XX Amber Pints, $3.50 Mexican Bottles, $4 Jose Cuervo Margaritas, $5 Premium Tequila Shots WEDNESDAY $3 Pints, $5 Martinis, and 1/2 Price wine THURSDAY $2 Domestic Pints w/HK Mug, $4 Jack Daniels, Sailor Jerrys, Jim Beam, and Jager,$5 Bombs FRIDAY & SATURDAY $4 Shooters, $5 Hell’s Cocktails $6 House Wine, $7 Martinis $10 Party Pitchers SUNDAY Service Industry Night $2.50 Domestic Draft, $4 Bloody Mary’s $4 Crown, Jack Daniels and Jager $5 Bombs, 1/2 Price apps after 9pm DUELING PIANOS EVERY THURS , FRI & SAT NIGHT 1/2 Priced Select Apps M-F 4-7pm Check out all your favorite sports teams on 10 HDTVS and HD Big Screen Now showing: NFL Sunday Ticket
Nightly Food Specials starting at 5:00pm
ment); 399-3056 the get Down JAm with mike FrushA AnD FrienDs
$5 appetizers
—Port City Theatre, 127 Princess St.;
EVERY WEEKDAY 5:00-7:00!
NIGHTLY SPECIALS MONDAY Pulled Pork Nachos $5 $2 Draft - $3 Well Drinks TUESDAY Eat Spot Burger $7 Bottle Beer $2 Domestic - $3 Imports & Micros WEDNESDAY Tacos $5 $4 Margaritas THURSDAY Ribeye Special $12 1/2 price bottle of wine FRIDAY Draft Day- $2- $3-$4-$5 SATURDAY Carolina Brews $3 SUNDAY Steak & Eggs $8 (all day) Bloody Mary – Mimosa $4
TheEatSpot.com 34 North Front Street (corner of Front and Princess)
20 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
772-2424 gAry Allen’s Acoustic oPen mic —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 kArAoke with hellz belle
SYNTHESIZE ME: Future Islands, composed of three men from Baltimore, Maryland, offer up high-energy new wave synthpop to Soapbox Laundro Lounge on Monday, November 28th. Photo Credit: Frank Hamilton.
—Marina Cafe, 110 S. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 938-2002 kArAoke with DJ brewtAl —Liquid Room, 23 Market St.;910-343-3341 DJbe eXtreme kArAoke —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 DJ rAy chArlez —The Loft, 121 Grace St.; 467-7417 benny hill —Sweet & Savory Cafe; 1611 Pavilion Plc.,256-0115 live JAzz —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910509-2026 Jeremy norris —Buffalo Wild Wings, 206 Old Eastwood Rd.; 798-9464
DJ —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 live Acoustic —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 roger DAvis AnD ron wilson —Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.; 763-3737
DJ lorD wAlrus —reD Dogs, 5 n. luminA Ave., wrightsville beAch; 256-2776 DJbe eXtreme kArAoke —lAzy PirAte sPorts bAr AnD grill, 701 n. lAke PArk blvD., cArolinA beAch; 458-5414 oPen mic with Jeremy norris —kAty’s, 1054 s. college rD.; 395-6204
toP 40 DJ —ibizA, 118 mArket st.; 251-1301 FireDAnce & Drums @ DArk, DJ mit PsytrAnce (11Pm) —Juggling gyPsy cAFe, 1612 cAstle st.; 763-2223 Dueling PiAnos —hell’s kitchen, 118 Princess st.; 763-4133 DJ bAttle —Fibber mcgee’s, 1610 PAvilion Pl; 509-1551 DJ —chArley brownz, 21 s Front st.; 254-9499 kArAoke with DJ DAmon —yosAke sushi lounge, 31 s. Front st.; 763-3172
—Dirty Martini, 1904 Eastwood Rd, Suite 109 Dueling PiAnos —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 DJ Dr. Jones —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776 DJ willie stylez —Toolbox, 2325 Burnette Blvd.; 343-6988 kArAoke with Ashley —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 Acoustic JAzz PiAno with JAmes JArvis —Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington, 762-2091 DJbe eXtreme kArAoke
—Lazy Pirate Sports Bar and Grill, 701 N.
DJ cHomp
—Marina Cafe, 110 S. Marine Blvd., Jackson-
Lake Park Blvd., Carolina Beach; 458-5414 KaraoKe
—The Loft, 121 Grace St.; 467-7417 DJ sweat
ville; (910) 938-2002 DJ battle
—Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd.,
—Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd.,
—Fibber McGee’s, 1610 Pavilion Pl; 509-1551
Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 artist symposium
Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 DJ
—Drifters Bar & Grill, 108 Walnut St.; 762-
—Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910-
steven compton
1704 House/tecHno DJ
509-2026 DJbe extreme KaraoKe
—Barbary Coast; 116 S. Front St., 762-8996 KaraoKe
—Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301
—The Harp; 1423 South 3rd St.,763-1607 DJ
—Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd.,
Live Music —Projekte, 523 South 3rd St., 352-0236 DJ
—Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.;
—Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910509-2026 macHine Gun
—Palm Room, 11 East Salisbury St.; 503-3040 miKe FrusHa
—Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff;
—Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace),
256-3838 neil cribbs
1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231 slim anD tHe Genius
—The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 overtyme
—Firebelly Lounge, 265 N. Front St.; 763-0141 Justin tinKler
342-0872 DJ ricHtermeister
—Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace),
—Bottega Gallery, 208 North Front St.;
—Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff;
1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231 marK seGul trio
763-3737 little Dirty meGa Dance party (unDer 21)
256-3838 penGo witH beau Gunn
—Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.;
452-3773 brett JoHnson’s Jam
—Drifters Bar & Grill, 108 Walnut St.; 7621704 KaraoKe witH DJ @-Hole —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.;
—Mellow Mushroom, 4311 Oleander Drive;
251-8500 millenia FunK’n
Dr., Jacksonville, (910) 346-2086 DJ cHomp
—The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 House/tecHno DJ
—The Loft, 121 Grace St.; 467-7417 DJ
—Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 wretcHeD, tHe browninG, serpents
—Liquid Room, 23 Market St.;910-343-3341 Future islanDs, eD scHraDer’s music beat, lonnie walKer
—Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 KaraoKe
—Hooligans Pub & Music Hall; 2620 Onslow
—Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.;
Dr., Jacksonville, (910) 346-2086 birD caGe banDits
—Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff;
tuESday, NOVEMBEr 29
328-4090 DJ p FunK —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 Jazz witH benny Hill —Caffe Phoenix, 9 S Front St.; 343-1395 cHillinG Dixie (8pm-12am); DJ Dane britt (10pm-2am) —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219
256-3838 DJ Dane britt —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219
SuNday, NOVEMBEr 27 James Jarvis
—Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St. pianist James Jarvis
—Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 open mic witH JosH solomon
KaraoKe witH miKe norris
—Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 inDie music niGHt —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 cape Fear blues Jam —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 KaraoKe witH DJ party Gras —Fox and Hound Pub & Grille, 920 Town
—Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St. susan savia
Center Dr.; 509-0805 tHe DeaD pHisH panic —Port City Theatre, 127 Princess St.;
—Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 DJ sir nicK blanD
—Elijah’s, 2 Ann St.; 343-1448 open mic niGHt witH Jeremy norris anD Jason JacKson
—Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville
—Port City Theatre, 127 Princess St.;
Beach; 256-2776 KaraoKe
772-2424 DJ Jay
—The Coastal Roaster, 5954 Carolina Beach
—Gilligan’s; N.C. Hwy. 50, Surf City 910-
—Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd.,
328-4090 DuelinG pianos
Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 perry smitH (bruncH 12-2)
—Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 DJ battle
—Aubriana’s; 115 S. Front St., 763-7773 benny Hill anD FrienDs
—Dirty Martini, 1904 Eastwood Rd, Suite 109
—Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 KaraoKe witH Hellz belle
Saturday, NOVEMBEr 26 DJ
MONDAY 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6pm $2 Budweiser • $225 Heineken $3 Gin & Tonic TUESDAY 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6pm $2 White Wolf $250 Redstripe $350 Wells 35¢ Wings at 8pm WEDNESDAY 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6pm, 1/2 Priced Wine Bottle $250 Blue Moons $250 Corona/Corona Light LIVE MUSIC: ROB RONNER THURSDAY $250 Domestic Bottles, $3 Import Bottles, $3 Rum and Coke LIVE MUSIC: MIKE O’DONNELL 50¢ Steamed oysters and shrimp after 6pm FRIDAY ROOFTOP OPEN! DJ Sir Charles 2nd floor $3 Landshark • $3 Kamikaze $5 Bombs SATURDAY ROOFTOP OPEN! DJ Sir Charles on 2nd floor 10pm $2 Coors Light • $3 Fruit Punch shots SUNDAY $250 Corona Clay Crotts at 8pm
—The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 open mic niGHt
—Hooligans Pub & Music Hall; 2620 Onslow
—Gilligan’s; N.C. Hwy. 50, Surf City 910-
100 S. Front St. Downtown 251-1832
Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 Dance party witH DJ p FunK anD cHeDr seleKt
342-0872 b-walK anD wl2F
—Firebelly Lounge, 265 N. Front St.; 763-0141 tantric, man maDe macHine, eve to aDam
772-2424 trivia witH DutcH From 94.5 tHe HawK Rd.; 399-4701 colleGe niGHt KaraoKe —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666 tHe travelers —Rucker John’s, 5564 Carolina Beach Rd.; 452-1212 carolina cHocolate Drops
karaoke night with dj be!
Happy Thanksgiving! (closed)
11.25 FRIDAY
machine gun 11.26 SATURDAY
bird cage bandits
Landfall Center • 1331 Military Cutoff Rd
910-256-3838 wildwingcafe.com
Play for FREE during Monday Night Football!
Monkey Junction 910.392.7224
ON RS TE PE ow sh s h’ ac co LIVE!
Monday Nov. 28 Monday Dec. 12
LIVE TEAM TRIVIA 8PM - 10PM 206 Old Eastwood Rd. (by Home Depot)
MONDAY 22oz. Domestic Draft ALL DAY $5 Pizzas TUESDAY LIVE JAzz IN THE BAR Half Price Bottles of Wine Absolut Dream $5 • Pacifico $250 WEDNESDAY Miller Light Pints $150 Coronoa/ Corona Lite Bottles $250 Margaritas/Peach Margaritas $4 THURSDAY Appletinis $4, RJ’s Painkiller $5 Red Stripe Bottles $250 Fat Tire Bottles $250 FRIDAY Cosmos $4, 007 $350 Guinness Cans $3 Island Sunsets $5 SATURDAY Baybreeze/Seabreeze $4 22oz. Blue Moon Draft $3 Select Domestic Bottles $2 SUNDAY Bloody Marys $4, Domestic Pints $150 Hurricanes $5 5564 Carolina Beach Road, (910) 452-1212
encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 21
—Kenan Auditorium UNCW Campus; 3132584 Cary bEnjamin —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 dj danE britt —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219 livE aCoustiC
NFL SuNday TickeT
—Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff;
$3 Domestic Schooners $2 Domestic Drafts $9.99 All You Can Eat Wings at the Bar 1/2 Priced Select Appetizers at the Bar
Moxology Sun. & Mon. $5 Specialty Cocktails 1/2 Price Apps (with entree purchase excludes carpaccio and mussels)
256-3838 Piano rECEPtion —Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace),
MoNday NighT FooTbaLL $3 Domestic Schooners $3.50 Margaritas TueSday-kidS eaT Free NighT $3.50 LIT’s • $2.00 Domestic Drafts WedNeSday $3 Domestic Schooners $3.50 Margaritas ThurSday $3.50 LIT’s • $2.00 Domestic Drafts Friday-TgiF $3.50 Cosmos $2.00 Domestic Drafts SaTurday-coLLege FooTbaLL $3 Domestic Schooners MoNday- Friday 1/2 Priced Appetizers from 4-7 pm & 9 pm -close at the bar Free Appetizer of the Day with purchase of a non-refillable beverage from 5-7 at the bar. 4126 Oleander Dr. (910) 792-9700
TueSday Choice $5 Wines by the Glass 1/2 Price Apps (with entree purchase excludes carpaccio and mussels)
WedneSday Ladies Day and Night! $5 Specialty Ladies’ Cocktail 16 Choices of Wine at $5 1/2 Price Apps (with entree purchase excludes carpaccio and mussels)
ThurSday $30.00 4-Course Prix Fixe! Selections vary weekly. Enjoy a dining adventure! Friday & SaTurday All Desserts are $5! Open Until Midnight with Full Service until 11. 35 n. FronT ST. doWnToWn WilMingTon
(910) 343-1395
1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231
—The River Rat, 1 S. Front St.; 763-1680 aCoustiC jazz Piano With jamEs jarvis —Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington, 762-2091 KaraoKE With hEllz bEllE —Marina Cafe, 110 S. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 938-2002 thE gEt doWn jam With miKE Frusha and FriEnds —Port City Theatre, 127 Princess St.; 772-2424 josh solomon & Cary bEnjamin —Black Sheep Tavern, 21 N. Front St. (basement); 399-3056 oPEn miC night
—Genee’s, inside America’s Best Value Inn, LINCOLN
Bar & Comedy Room
WedNeSdAY Nutt House Improv 9pm
ThurSdAY Open Mic Stand-up 9pm
Fri. & SAT. NATIONAL HEADLINERS november 25-26
stand up showcase december 2-3
marc price (Skippy from Family Ties)
december 9-10
cLean GetawaY comedY dec. 16-17
charLes waLden (BET, Martin Lawrence)
www.nuttstreet.com (910) 520-5520 22 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
4903 Market St.; 799-1440 dj jay MONDAY Military Appreciation
WEDNESDAY Military Nutt retired House Improv TUESDAY 9pm Ladies Night Out: THURSDAY $25 person four-course Open Mic Stand-up WEDNESDAY 9pm wines by glass FRI. &theSAT. SATURDAY NATIONAL Lunch Menu: 12pm - 3pm HEADLINERS SUNDAY
AUG. NUTT HOUSE 19 Menu: Lunch 12pm-3pm IMPROV KIDS EAT FREEwith adult AUG. THE PENGUIN purchase of our Big Night 20Out for SHOWCASE twoALL DAY!
JOIN US ON TUESDAY Karaoke @ 9pm All 36 drafts only $2.50 All day long! From Weeping Radish OBX to Rogue Dead Guy Ale $5 Monster Bombs
$3 Bombs $3 SocoLimes $3 Whips N Kicks $3 PinkParty Cocktails $2 Bud Light
$5 RedBull/Vodka $2 Miller Lt.
$6 Buckets(PillowTalk) $2 Kamikazes
SEPT. JOE DEROSA SUNDAY! 2-3 (Chelsea Lately, Comedy Central) DOGS SEPT. JOEWELCOME ZIMMERMAN ON(Rooftop THEComedy PATIO 9-10 CD recording) 885 Town Center Drive www.nuttstreet.com MAYFAIRE TOWN CENTER (910) 520-5520 (910) 256-1187
920 Town Center Dr. Mayfaire Town Center (910) 509-0805
121 Grace St.
—Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 rob ronnEr —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 jErEmy norris
126 E. Cab (919) 821-4 11/23: Who’ 11/25: GWA 11/28: Piece fliction
—Buffalo Wild Wings, 206 Old Eastwood Rd.; 1423 south 798-9464 livE jazz —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910509-2026 djbE EXtrEmE KaraoKE —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff;
(704) 377-6 11/23: We C 11/25: Sunn 11/26: Seve Candlelight R 11/29: The W
THE FILLM 1000 sEab —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 (704) 549-5 dj 11/23: The A —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 11/25: Bass 11/29: Stain gary allEn’s aCoustiC oPEn miC —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 11/30: Antho 256-3838 livE aCoustiC
KaraoKE With dj brEWtal
—Liquid Room, 23 Market St.;910-343-3341 1921 W. lE sai Collins —Sweet & Savory Cafe; 1611 Pavilion Plc.,256-0115
(336) 373-7 11/29: 311,
ampus; 313-
Concerts outside of Southeastern NC
219 Market St.;
910.251.8500 FOR MORE INFO
y Cutoff;
nt terrace),
; 763-1680 h jamEs
t. Wilmington,
Blvd., Jackson-
DOORS: 7:30 $10/ADV $12/DOS
DOORS: 9:00 $5 (+$3 Under 21)
miKE Frusha
ess St.;
ront St. (base- DIRTY LAUNDRY: Alternative hard rock outfit Staind will perform at The Fillmore in Charlotte on Tuesday,
November 29th. Courtesy photo
arine Blvd.,
126 E. Cabarrus strEEt, ralEigh, nC (919) 821-4111 11/23: Who’s Bad, DJ Fatz 11/25: GWAR, Every Time I Die, Warbeast 11/28: Piece the Veil, Miss May, Letlive, The Amity Affliction
AMOS’ SOUTHEND Eastwood Rd.; 1423 south tryon strEEt, CharlottE, nC (704) 377-6874 11/23: We Came as Romans, Falling in Reverse d Rd.,910- 11/25: Sunny Ledfurd 11/26: Sevendust, Eye Empire, Seven Day Sonnet, Candlelight Red 11/29: The Wailers, Duane Stephenson, DJ Ceez
y Cutoff;
THE FILLMORE 1000 sEaboard strEEt, CharlottE, nC St.; 763-4133 (704) 549-5555 11/23: The Airborne Toxic Event St.; 254-9499 11/25: Bass Church 11/29: Staind PEn miC ; 251-1888 11/30: Anthony Hamilton
GREENSBORO COLISEUM 1921 W. lEE st., grEEnsboro, nC (336) 373-7400 11/29: 311, DJ Soulman
NEIGHBORHOOD THEATRE 511 E. 36th strEEt, CharlottE, nC (704) 358-9298 11/25: Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band, Simplified 11/26: Little King Records Showcase HOUSE OF BLUES 4640 hWy. 17 south, n. myrtlE bEaCh, sC (843) 272-3000 11/23: Unearth, Chimaira, Skeletonwitch, Molotov Solution CAT’S CRADLE 300 E. main strEEt, Carrboro, nC (919) 967-9053 11/25: Greg Humphreys, Mark Simonsen, Stu Cole, Lizzy Ross, SONiA from Disappear Fear, Jon Shain Trio, Tom Maxwell and the Minor Drag 11/27: Future Islands, Ed Schrader’s Music Beat, Lonnie Walker
THE ORANGE PEEL 101 biltmorE avEnuE, ashEvillE, nC (828) 225-5851 11/25: Acoustic Syndicate 11/25: MiMOSA, Kraddy, Bitch Please 11/29: Mastodon, Dillinger Escape Plan, Red Fang
WWW.THESOAPBOXLIVE.COM encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 23
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Oceans Re is a wonder a fresh Sea overlooking you to expe cent setting Wrightsville
Enjoy spectacular panoramic views of sailing ships and the Intracoastal Waterway while dining at this popular casual American restaurant in Wrightsville Beach. Lunch and dinner are served daily. Favorites include jumbo lump crab cakes, succulent seafood lasagna, crispy coconut shrimp and an incredible Caribbean fudge pie. Dine inside or at their award-winning outdoor patio and bar, which is the location for their lively Waterfront Music Series every Sun. during the summer months. Large parties welcome. Private event space available. BluewaterDining. com. 4 Marina Street, Wrightsville Beach, NC. (910) 256.8500. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Fri 11am - 11pm; Sat & Sun 11am – 11pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Waterfront dining ■ MUSIC: Music every Sun. in Summer ■ WEBSITE: bluewaterdining.com
Serving the Best Seafood in South Eastern North Carolina. Wilmington’s Native Son, 2011 James Beard Award Nominee Chef Keith Rhodes explores the Cape Fear Coast for the best it has to offer. We feature Wild Caught & Sustainably raised Seafood. Organic and locally sourced produce & herbs provide the perfect compliment to our fresh Catch. Consecutively Voted Wilmington’s Best Chef 2008, 09 & 2010. Dubbed “Modern Seafood Cuisine” we offer an array Fresh Seafood & Steaks, including our Signature NC Sweet Potato Salad. Appetizers include our Mouth watering “Fire Cracker” Shrimp, Crispy Cajun Fried NC Oysters & Blue Crab Claw Scampi, Seafood Ceviche & Conch Fritters to name a few. Larger Plates include Plancha grilled Painted Hills Steaks, Blackend Red Drum Filet, Charleston Crab Cakes, Tempura OBX Scallops, Flounder Escovitch & Pan roasted Queen Trigger fish. Custom Entree request gladly accommodated for our Guest. (Vegetarian, Vegan & Allergies) Hand Crafted seasonal desserts from Alan DeLovely. Full ABC Permits. 6623 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28405. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Fri
26 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
11am-2pm and Mon. Sat. 5pm-9pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: North Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Acclaimed Wine List
If you’re looking for good food and an atmosphere that’s fun for the whole family, Buffalo Wild Wings is the place! Award winning wings and 20 signature sauces and seasonings. Plus…salads, wraps, flatbreads, burgers, and more. Tons of Big screen TVs and all your favorite sports. We have daily drink specials, a HUGE draft selection, and Free Trivia all day every day. Come in for our Weekday Lunch Specials, only $5.99 from 11am-2pm. Visit us for Wing Tuesdays with 50 cent wings all day long, or Boneless Thursdays with 60 cent boneless wings all day long. Buffalo Wild Wings is a great place to dine in or take out. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: Mon-Sat 11am-2am and Sun 11am-2am ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: 2 locations-Midtown (910-798-9464) and Monkey Junction (910-392-7224) ■ MUSIC: Live music every Friday and Saturday in the Summer ■ WEBSITE: www.buffalowildwings.com
For great traditional New York style eats with Southern charm look no further than C.G. Dawgs. You will be drawn in by the aroma of fine beef franks served with witty banter and good natured delivery from the cleanest hot dog carts in Wilmington. Sabrett famous hot dogs and Italian sausages are the primary fare offered, with a myriad of condiments for all of your mid-day or late night cravings. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 11am– 5pm. Sat. at the farmers market. Thurs.- Sat. nights on Market St. between Front and 2nd St. from 10pm – 3:00am.Fibbers on Sun. nights Until 3am. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD Downtown ■ FEATURING: Lunch time delivery downtown
Drop your anchor at The George on the RiverWalk, your destination for complete sense indulgence. Watch the historic Cape Fear River unfold before you while you enjoy the best
in Southern Coastal Cuisine. The menu combines elegance, Visit us in ou creativity and diverse selection of steak, pasta, salad and and Racine fresh seafood, including the best Shrimp n’ Grits in town. the people Warm in the sun on the expansive outdoor deck sipping an warm and fr exotic, colorful martini, or unwind at the spacious bar inside cooked, fre boasting extensive wine and martini lists along with weekCafe. Servi day appetizer specials from 4:00pm-6:30pm. Don’t forget cluding daily to try downtown’s best kept secret for Sunday Brunch from and dinner. 11am-3pm. You are welcome to dock your boat at the only They offer dock’n’dine restaurant downtown, grab a trolley, or enjoy popular Hot our free, front door parking (ask for pass!) Why satisfy when They also o you can indulge? Find the George on the Riverwalk at 128 salad, crabc South Water Street, 910-763-2052. cious Mont ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Tues. – Sat. 11am – 9 pm. K’s also offe Enjoy Sunday Lunch and Brunch 11am – 3pm. a great vari ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown they offer a ■ FEATURING: Sunday Brunch / Wilmington’s only ery week. A dock’n’dine restaurant. such as Sh ■ WEBSITE: www.thegeorgerestaurant.com and Master won’t be so HALLIGAN’S “Failte,” is the Gaelic word for “Welcome,” and at Halligan’s Public House it’s our “Motto.” Step into Halligan’s and enter a world of Irish hospitality where delicious food warms the heart and generous drink lift the spirit. Be sure to try Halligan’s house specialty, “The Reuben,” number one with critics and of course our customers. One bite and you’ll understand why. Of course, we also serve a full selection of other delicious entrees including seafood, steak and pasta, as well as a wide assortment of burgers, sandwiches(Halligan’s Cheese Steak), and salads. And if you are looking for a friendly watering hole where you can raise a glass or two with friends, new and old, Halligan’s Public House boasts a comfortable bar where funloving bartenders hold court daily and blarney fills the air. Stop by Halligan’s Public House today, “When you’re at Halligan’s.... you’re at home.” With 12 beers on tap and 16 flat screen TVs, you can watch your favorite game and enjoy your favorite drink. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:
7 Days a Week Mon-Wed 11:30 am - 2:00 am Thurs-Sun 11:30 am - 2:00 am
■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Masonboro Loop ■ FEATURING: THE Best Rueben in Town!, $5.99
lunch specials, Outdoor Patio ■ WEBSITE: www.halligansnc.com
A local favorite, Henry’s is the ‘place to be’ for great food, a lively bar and awesome patio dining. Henry’s serves up American cuisine at its finest that include entrees with fresh, local ingredients. Come early for lunch, because its going to be packed. Dinner too! Henry’s Pine Room is ideal for private functions up to 30 people. Henry’s is home to live music, wine & beer dinners and other special events. Check out their calendar of events at HenrysRestaurant.com for details. 2508 Independence Boulevard, Wilmington, NC. (910) 793.2929. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun. –Mon.11am10pm; Tues.- Fri.: 11am – 11pm; Sat.: 10am – 11pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Daily blackboard specials. ■ MUSIC: Live Music beginning at 5:30pm ■ WEBSItE: www.henrysrestaurant.com.
HolidaY iNN RESoRt
Oceans Restaurant located in this oceanfront resort is a wonderful find. This is the perfect place to enjoy a fresh Seafood & Steak dinner while dinning outside overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Chef Eric invites you to experience his daily specials in this magnificent setting. (910) 256-2231. 1706 N Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach. ■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER:
Sun.-Sat.. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Waterfront dining ■ WEBSItE: www.holidayinn.com
K’S CafE
Visit us in our new location on the corner of Eastwood and Racine - 420 Eastwood Rd, Unit 109. “Where the people make the place” If you’re looking for a warm and friendly atmosphere with awesome homecooked, freshly prepared meals, you can’t beat K’s Cafe. Serving Breakfast (from $3.50) and Lunch (including daily entree-and-two side specials for $6.95), and dinner. K’s Cafe is the best deal in Wilmington. They offer chargrilled burgers, including their most popular Hot Hamburger Platter smothered in gravy! They also offer great choices such as fresh chicken salad, crabcake sandwich, soups, and even a delicious Monte Cristo served on French toast bread. K’s also offers soup, sandwich and salad combos and a great variety of homemade desserts. On Sundays they offer a great brunch menu which changes every week. A variety of choices will be on the menu such as Shrimp and Grits and Eggs Benedict. Visa and Mastercard accepted. Give K’s Cafe a try...you won’t be sorry. 420 Eastwood Rd., Unit 109, 791-
6995. Find us on Facebook or on our website, www. ks-cafe.net. ■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER: 7 DAYS A WEEK ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Ever-changing brunch
tHE littlE diPPER
Wilmington’s favorite fondue restaurant! The Little Dipper specializes in unique fondue dishes with a global variety of cheeses, meats, seafood, vegetables, chocolates and fine wines. The warm and intimate dining room is a great place to enjoy a fourcourse meal, or indulge in appetizers and desserts outside on the back deck or in the bar while watching luminescent jellyfish. Reservations are appreciated for parties of any size. Located at the corner of Front and Orange in Downtown Wilmington. 138 South Front Street. (910) 251-0433. ■ SERVING DINNER: Tues.- Sun. 5pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: 70s menu every Friday ■ MUSIC: Fri. & Sat. in summer ■ WEBSItE: www.littledipperfondue.com
Pine Valley Market has reigned supreme in servicing the Wilmington community for years, securing encore’s Best-Of awards in catering, gourmet shop and butcher. Now, Kathy Webb and Christi Ferretti are expanding their talents into serving lunch in-house, so folks can enjoy their hearty, homemade meals in the quaint and cozy ambience of the market. Using the freshest ingredients of highest quality, diners can enjoy the best Philly Cheesesteak in Wilmington, along with numerous other sandwich varieties, from their Angus burger to classic Reuben, Italian sub to a grown-up banana and peanut butter sandwich that will take all diners back to childhood. Served among a soup du jour and salads, there is something for all palates. Take advantage of their take-home frozen meals for nights that are too hectic to cook, and don’t forget to pick up a great bottle of wine to go with it. 3520 S. College Road, (910) 350-FOOD. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:
Mon.-Fri.10am-7pm; Sat. 9am-6pm. Closed Sun. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South ■ FEATURING: Daily specials and take-home frozen meals ■ WEBSItE: www.pinevalleymarket.com
Temptations Everyday Gourmet draws diners in by droves thanks to their creative menu selections, an extraordinary inventory of fine wines (over 300 varieties all without restaurant markups) and trained staff that go beyond culinary excellence. Recognized as Best Lunch Spot by WWAY in 2011, as well as
910-343 -1722
having its chef, Michael Comer, touted among the top three best chefs in Wilmington, according to StarNews’ Taste of Wilmington 2010, Temptations offers two locations to serve Wilmingtonians. Located in Hanover Center for 25 years, signature items include their Homemade Chicken Salad and Turkey, Brie and Apple Sandwich, as well as their Porter’s Neck location’s Pimiento Cheeseburger. The Porter’s Neck location also serves an expanded dinner menu, which changes weekly. Their daily features, including specialty soups, salads, quiche and paninis, keeps patrons busy choosing healthy, fast foods whether dining onsite or back at the office. in fact, ask Temptations about their Office Party Menu for your next gathering. Their gourmet retail shop provides unique gourmet gift items featuring many locally made specialty foods, chocolates and goodies. ■ SERVING LUNCH: Hanover Center, 3501 Oleander Dr., Ste 13. Mon.-Sat., 11am – 6pm (Closed Sundays) ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Porter’s Neck Center, 8207 Market St., Ste F. Mon. Wed., 10am8:30pm; Thurs.-Sat., 10am-9pm. Dinner features begin at 5pm. (Closed Sundays) ■ NEIGHBORHOODS: Midtown & North Wilmington ■ WEBSItE: www.temptationseverydaygourmet.com ■ FEATURING: An expanded dinner menu, at the Porter’s Neck location, which changes weekly.
tRollY StoP
Trolly Stop Hot Dogs is a family owned franchise with six locations. Since 1976 they specialize in homemade chili, slaw and sauces, and as of more recent – a variety of gourmet sausages and burgers (at participating locations). The types of hot dogs include Beef & Pork, All Beef, Smoked Sausage, 98% Turkey, and Soy. Sausages include Bratwurst, Mild Italian, Spicy Beef and Polish Kielbasi. Locations are: 126 N. Front Street Open seven days from 11am-4pm, late night hours are Thurs., Fri., and Sat. night from 10pm-3am; (910) 343-2999, 94 S. Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach 11-5pm 7days a week, 6pm-9pm Sun-Wed, and 6pm-3am Th-Sat. (910) 256-1421; 4502 Fountain Dr., 452-3952. 11am-7pm Mon-Sun; South Howe St. in Southport, (910) 4577017 (CLOSED FOR THE SEASON UNTIL EASTER WEEKEND); 103A Cape Fear Blvd in Carolina Beach, (910) 458-5778; 1250 Western Blvd., Unit L-4 Jacksonville, (910) 228-0952, opened Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. Catering cart available all year from $300. (910) 297-8416. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Throughout the Port City ■ FEATURING: Dog friendly locations
at Wrightsville Beach and Downtown Wilmington. Buy a hot dog, we’ll throw in an extra for your pooch. (Without bun.)
■ WEBSItE: www.trollystophotdogs.com
aSIaN BiG tHai aNd BiG tHai tWo
Now with two convenient locations to serve you, Big Thai features authentic Thai cuisine in a fun, relaxing atmosphere. Their delectable menu includes items such as Pineapple Fried Rice with Cashews, Roasted Duck in Red Curry, and several options for vegetarians and vegans. And don’t forget to try their famous Coconut Cake, made fresh in-house. You won’t regret it. Big Thai One (1001 N. 4th St. in the Brooklyn Arts District; 763-3035): Lunch M-F, 11-2. Dinner M-Th 5-9, F-Sa 5-10, Closed Sun.. Big Thai Two (1319 Military Cutoff Rd. inside Landfall Center; 256-6588) ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Open for Lunch M-F 11-2:30; Dinner M-Th 5-9; F-Sa 5-10; Sun. 5-9. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown and North Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Vegetarian/vegan options.
Craving expertly prepared Chinese food in an elegant atmosphere? Szechuan 132 Chinese Restaurant is your destination! Szechuan 132 has earned the reputation as one of the finest contemporary Chinese restaurants in the Port City. Tastefully decorated with an elegant atmosphere, with an exceptional ingenious menu has deemed Szechuan 132 the best Chinese restaurant for years, hands down. 419 South College Road (in University Landing), (910) 799-1426. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Lunch Specials
What better way to celebrate a special occasion or liven up a dinner out than to dine in a place where every meal is an exciting presentation. Knowing that a meal should be more than just great food, Hiro adds a taste of theatre and a amazing atmosphere to everyone’s dinning experience. Also serving sushi, Hiro surprises its guests with a new special roll every week and nightly drink specials to complement it. From 4-7pm enjoy half-priced nigiri and half-priced regular makimono. Nigiri makimono combos are only $7.50, while early-bird specials last from 4-6pm, where diners can choose two: shrimp, chicken or steak. Located at 222 Old Eastwood Road (910) 794-1570. ■ SERVING DINNER: Open Mon. thru Thurs. 4pm-10pm; Fri. and Sat. 4pm-10:30pm and Sun. 11am-10pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Hibachi style dining.
Become a Delihead member and enjoy Daily Specials! BREakfaSt SERVED aLL Day At the corner of 2nd and Grace, Downtown Wilmington • Open Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
1930 Castle Hayne Rd., Ste 5 (Corner of N 23rd St and Castle Hayne Rd. in Cape Fear Plaza) • (910) 392-3955 www.rmservicesandsales.com encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 27
■ WEBSITE: hirojapanesesteakhouse.com/hibachi
Kava is a tropical shrub with large heart-shaped leaves that originates from the Western Pacific. Its thick roots are mashed or ground and made into a cold beverage. Above all other things, kava is drunk for primarily one reason; to relax. Not only does kava seem to relax the mind, it also relaxes the muscles. It has similar effects to alcohol but without disrupting mental clarity. Kava has been enjoyed for thousands of years by the Polynesian culture and is also used in traditional ceremonies. Best of all kava can be consumed by people of all ages. So come on in and get a shell!
Local Art Priced $300 and below Sat., Dec. 3rd, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 1108 Princess Street
Admission: $3 (Children FREE)
Featuring Local and Regional Artists, Designers & Crafts people just in time for the Holidays. Music, Food and Affordable Local Art!
If you’re ready to experience the wonders of the Orient without having to leave Wilmington, join us at Indochine for a truly unique experience. Indochine brings the flavors of the Far East to the Port City, combining the best of Thai and Vietnamese cuisine in an atmosphere that will transport you and your taste buds. Relax in our elegantly decorated dining room, complete with antique Asian decor as well as contemporary artwork and music. Our diverse, friendly and efficient staff will serve you beautifully presented dishes full of enticing aromas and flavors. Be sure to try such signature items as the spicy and savory Roasted Duck with Red Curry, or the beautifully presented and delicious Shrimp and Scallops in a Nest. Be sure to save room for our world famous desert, the banana egg roll! We take pride in using only the freshest ingredients, and our extensive menu suits any taste. After dinner, enjoy specialty drinks by the koi pond in our Asian garden. Located at 7 Wayne Drive (beside the Ivy Cottage), (910) 251-9229. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:
Tues.- Fri. 11am- 2pm; Sat. 12pm – 3pm for lunch. Mon.- Sun. 5pm – 10pm for dinner. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Balinese dancer every Fri. night. ■ WEBSITE: www.indochinewilmington.com
Wilmington’s finest French cuisine can be found at Caprice Bistro, a small informal neighborhood restaurant, serving hearty food in generous portions at affordable prices. Simple is the atmosphere in the bistro, as plain white plates and tables dressed in white paper make up the decor. However, the food is far from simple, as a combination of fresh ingredients and innovative preparation delight the taste buds with a plethora of unique appetizers, entrées and desserts. The service is fast, efficient and non-intrusive, and the ambience is friendly and unpretentious. After dinner, be sure to venture upstairs into their cozy and relaxing sofa bar for an after-dinner martini, or enjoy your meal there, as a light-fare and full menus are served. Art is always on display in the sofa bar, so be sure to inquire frequently about their artist show receptions. Voted “Best French Restaurant” three years in a row! 10 Market Street, downtown Wilmington, (910) 815-0810. ■ SERVING DINNER: Sun.- Thurs. 5:00 – 10pm.; Fri. and Sat., 5pm – Midnight. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Upstairs sofa bar serving cocktails and lighter fare. ■ WEBSITE: www.capricebistro.com
The Crêperie of Wilmington! Our Crêpes & More a family owned and operated French Crêperie, is serving authentic, homemade French cuisine to dine in or to go. Everything on their menu is under $10, and is a healthy alternative, while eating a savory meal or sweet treat. Open at 7 am Tuesday through Friday, Our Crêpes & More offers a delicious variety of breakfast combos, quickly served or to go. On the Savory side, the Uzès, Quebec, Forestiere Royale or Tahiti are among the most popular. Their homemade Ratatouille, South France type Sub like the Pain Bagnat are worth the detour too! On the sweet side, The Versailles, St- Tropez or Crazy Nutella (with homemade Nutella ice cream) will make you come back for more! They also serve Fresh Salads or Soups
28 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
depending on the seasons, amazing all natural Homemade Sorbet & Ice Cream, Croissants & Chocolate Croissants. Open all day with free WiFi and live French radio, Our Crepes & More is a pleasant yet casual place to unwind. Our Crepes & More can accommodate large parties! ■ OPEN: TUESDAY – FRIDAY 7AM – 3 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAYS 8AM – 3PM! (Monday Closed.) ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Vegetarian and gluten-free options. Free Wi-Fi.. ■ WEBSITE: www.ourcrepesandmore.com
Located on College Road, just opposite Hugh MacRae Park, Tandoori Bites offers fine Indian cuisine at affordable prices. Try one of 74 dishes on their lengthy menu, featuring a large range of side dishes and breads. They have specialties, such as lamb korma with nuts, spices and herbs in a mild creamy sauce, as well as seafood, like shrimp biryani with saffron-flavored rice, topped with the shellfish and nuts. They also have many vegetarian dishes, including mutter paneer, with garden peas and homemade paneer, or baingan bharta with baked eggplant, flamed and sautéed with onions, garlic and ginger. Join their cozy eatery, where a far east escape awaits all diners, among a staff of friendly and helpful servers, as well as chefs who bring full-flavored tastes straight from their homeland. Located at 1620 South College Road, (910) 794-4540. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Thu 11am2pm, 5pm-10pm; Fri 11am-2pm, 5pm-11pm; Sat 11:30am-2pm, 5pm-11pm; Sun 11:30am-2pm, 5pm9pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown. ■ FEATURING: Lunch buffet, which now serves South Indian cuisine ($7.95 daily) ■ WEBSITE: www.tandooribites.net.
is a family-friendly, casual Italian American restaurant that’s been a favorite of Wilmington locals for over 16 years. Its diverse menu includes Italian favorites such as Mama Romanelli’s Lasagna, Baked Ziti, Rigatoni a la Vodka and, of course, made-from-scratch pizzas. Its American influences include tasty burgers, the U.S.A. Salad and a 16oz. Marinated Rib Eye Steak. Romanelli’s offers patio dining and flat screen TVs in its bar area. Dine in or take out, Romanelli’s is always a crowd favorite. Large parties welcome. 503 Olde Waterford Way, Leland. (910) 383.1885. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun.- Thurs. 11am – 10pm.; Fri. & Sat. 11am – 11pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South. ■ FEATURING: Weekly Specials ■ WEBSITE: RomanellisRestaurant.com.
A Wilmington favorite since 1987! At Elizabeth’s you’ll find authentic Italian cuisine, as well as some of your American favorites. Offering delicious pizza, salads, sandwiches, entrees, desserts, beer, and wine. Elizabeth’s is known for their fresh ingredients, where even the bread is baked fresh daily. A great place for lunch, dinner, a late night meal, or take out. Elizabeth’s can also cater your event and now has a party room available. Visit us 4304 ½ Market St or call 910-251-1005 for take out. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:
Open 10am-Midnight every day
■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown (Corner of Market St
and Kerr Avenue). ■ WEBSITE: www.epwilmington.com
Giorgio’s is a locally owned, one-of-a-kind restaurant. Offering age-old traditions and timeless recipes, perfection is accomplished by combining the perfect cuisine and atmosphere for a dining experience that is not soon forgotten. With over 50 years of cooking experience under one roof, the smells of old-fashioned home cooking float through the air creating that comforting feeling of home-away-from-home! From old world style dishes to modern day creations, the menu showcases multiple flavors that will tempt the palate of the most discriminating connoisseurs. A Monkey Junction landmark for over 12 years! 5226 S College Rd.,Wilmington (910) 790-9954. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:
Mon.- Thurs. 11am. – 9:30am; Fri. 11am-10:30pm; Sat. 12pm-10:30pm Sun. 11:30am – 9:30pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South ■ FEATURING: Daily specials, kids menu and online coupons. ■ WEBSITE: www.giorgios-restaurant.com.
“Slice” has become a home away from home for tourists and locals alike. Our menu includes salads, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, homemade soups, subs and, of course, pizza. We only serve the freshest and highest-quality ingredients in all of our food, and our dough is made daily with purified water. Voted “Best Pizza” and “Best Late Night Eatery.”All ABC permits. Visit us downtown at 122 Market Street, (910) 251-9444, in Wrightsville Beach at 1437 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 101, (910) 256-2229 and our newest location in Pine Valley on the corner of 17th and College Road, (910) 799-1399. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT:
11:30am-3am, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown, Downtown and Wilmington South. ■ FEATURING: The largest tequila selection in Wilmington ■ WEBSITE: www.grabslice.com
Offering the most authentic, gourmet Latin American cuisine in Wilmington. With dishes from countries such as Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Cuba you’ll be able to savor a variety of flavors from all over Latin America. Located at 3314 Wrightsville Avenue. 910.790.8661 Follow us on Facebook/Twitter for live music updates! ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon Sat. 11am2:30pm and from 5-10pm. Closed Sunday. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Nightly specials ■ WEBSITE: www.sanjuancafenc.com
Lovey’s Market is a true blessing for shoppers looking for Organic and Natural groceries and supplements, or a great place to meet friends for a quick, delicious and totally fresh meal or snack. Whether you are in the mood for a Veggie Burger, Hamburger or a Chicken Caesar Wrap, shoppers will find a large selection of nutritious meals on the a la carte Lovey’s Cafe’ menu.
The Food Bar-which has cold salads and hot selections can be eaten in the newly expanded Lovey’s Cafe’ or boxed for take-out. The Juice Bar offers a wide variety of juices and smoothies made with Organic fruits and vegetables. Specializing in bulk sales of grains, flours, beans and spices at affordable prices. Lovey’s has a great selection of Local produce and receives several weekly deliveries to ensure freshness. Lovey’s also carries Organic Grass-Fed and Free-Range meats and poultry. Wheat-Free and Gluten-Free products are in stock regularly, as are Vegan and Vegetarian groceries. Lovey’s also carries Wholesome Pet Foods. Stop by Lovey’s Market Monday through Friday 9am to 7pm; Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm. Located at 1319 Military Cutoff Rd in the Landfall Shopping Center; (910) 509-0331. “You’ll Love it at Lovey’s!” ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Café open: Mon.Fri., 11am–6pm; Sat. & Sun., 11am-6pm(salad bar open all the time). Market hours: Mon.-Fri., 9am7pm; Sat., 9am-6pm; Sun., 10am-6pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Organic Salad Bar/Hot Bar, New Bakery with fresh, organic pies and cakes. Newly expanded. ■ WEBSITE: www.loveysmarket.com.
Voted Best Oysters for over 10 years by encore readers, you know what you can find at Dock Street Oyster Bar. But we have a lot more than oysters! Featuring a full menu of seafood, pasta, and chicken dishes from $4.95-$25.95, there’s something for everyone at Dock Street. You’ll have a great time eating in our “Bohemian-Chic” atmosphere, where you’ll feel just as comfort able in flip flops as you would in a business suit. Located at 12 Dock St in downtown Wilmington. Open for lunch and dinner, 7 days a week. (910) 762-2827. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 7 days a week. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Fresh daily steamed oysters. ■ WEBSITE: www.dockstreetoysterbar.net
The Blockade Runner offers an array of seasonal seafood specials, certified Angus beef, lobster menu on Fri. evening plus a spectacular Sun. brunch. Romantic al fresco dining is available on our dinner deck located in the center of a lush garden overlooking the ocean far away from the traffic and noise. Our lounge is eco-friendly and offers light fare nightly. 275 Waynick Blvd. Wrightsville Beach. (910) 256-2251. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & SUNDAY BRUNCH ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach. ■ FEATURING: Lobster menu on Fri. ■ MUSIC: Live music on Sat. evening and Sun.
■ WEBSITE: www.blockade-runner.com
Hieronymus Seafood is the midtown stop for seafood lovers. In business for over 30 years, Hieronymus has made a name for itself by constantly providing excellent service and the freshest of the fresh in local seafood. It’s the place to be if you are seeking top quality attibutes in atmosphere, presentations, flavor and ingenuity. Sugnature dishes include Oysteronymus and daily fresh catch specials. Hieronymus has all ABC permits and also provides catering services.
Voted “Best Seafood” in 2011. 5035 Market Street; 910-392-6313; hieronymusseafood.com
■ WEBSITE: fortunateglasswinebar.com
■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Fireside oyster bar. ■ WEBSITE: www.hieronymusseafood.net
Voted best seafood restaurant in Wilmington, Oceanic provides oceanfront dining at its best. Located in Wrightsville Beach, Oceanic is one of the most visited restaurants on the beach. Choose from a selection of seafood platters, combination plates and daily fresh fish. For land lovers, try their steaks, chicken or pasta dishes. Relax on the pier or dine inside. Oceanic is also the perfect location for memorable wedding receptions, birthday gatherings, anniversary parties and more. Large groups welcome. Private event space available. Family-style to go menu available. 703 S. Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach. (910) 256.5551. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Dining on the Crystal Pier. ■ WEBSITE: OceanicRestaurant.com
In Wilmington, everyone knows where to go for solid country cooking. That place is Casey’s Buffet, winner of encore’s Best Country Cookin’/Soul Food and Buffet categories. “Every day we are open, somebody tells us it tastes just like their grandma’s or mama’s cooking,” co-owner Gena Casey says. Gena and her husband Larry run the show at the Oleander Drive restaurant where people are urged to enjoy all food indigenous to the South: fried chicken, barbecue, catfish, mac‘n’cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, chicken‘n’dumplings, biscuits and homemade banana puddin’ are among a few of many other delectable items. 5559 Oleander Drive. (910) 798-2913. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 11am to 9pm and on Sundays from 11am to 8pm.Closed Mon. and Tuesdays. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING:For adventurous palates, pig’s feet and chitterlings.
The Fortunate Glass Wine Bar focuses on wines from all regions, with 50 wines by the glass and approximately 300 wines available by the bottle—from some of the best boutique and cult wines to everyday values that work with any budget. We use a stateof-the-art wine preservation system—the N2Vin system—to keep our wine fresh and at the perfect temperature. The wine bar also features some of the most outstanding craft beers and sparkling wines. In addition to an abundant drink menu, The Fortunate Glass Wine Bar presents a small menu of fine cheeses, Italian cured meats, small plates and decadent desserts to accompany and compliment any wine selection. The serene ambiance of The Fortunate Glass, created by the beautiful wall murals, the elegant copper and glass tile bar, castle rocked walls and intimate booths enhances the experience of any selection you choose. ■ SERVING EVENINGS: Tues.-Thurs. 4pm-12am Fri. 4 p.m. - 2 a.m. Sat. 2 p.m. - 2 a.m. Sun. 2 p.m. - 12 a.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Free Wine Tasting: Tues. 6-8 p.m. Sparkling Wine Specials & Half Price Select Bottles : Wed. & Thurs. Monthly Food & Wine Pairing Events
SPORTS BAR Voted best new restaurant AND best sports bar of 2010 in Wilmington, Carolina Ale House is the place to be for award-winning food, sports and fun. Located on College Rd. near UNCW, this lively sports-themed restaurant. Covered and open outdoor seating is available. Lunch and dinner specials are offered daily, as well as the coldest $2 and $3 drafts in town. 317 South College Road, Wilmington, NC. (910) 791.9393. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: 11am-2am daily. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: 40 HD TVs and the biggest HD
projector TVs in Wilmington. ■ WEBSITE: CarolinaAleHouse.com
Serving up the best bar food for any local sports fan, Fox & Hound has appetites covered. Located next to Mayfaire Cinema 16, it’s no question that Fox is a great place to go on date night, or to watch the big game on one of the restaurant’s six large projection screens and 19 plasma televisions. Guests can also play pool, darts or video games in this casual-theme restaurant. For starters, Fox offers delicious appetizers like ultimate nachos, giant Bavarian pretzels and spinach artichoke dip. In the mood for something more? Try the hand-battered Newcastle fish ‘n’ chips or chicken tenders, or the grilled Mahi-Mahi served atop a bed of spicy rice. From cheeseburgers and sirloins to salads and wood oven-inspired pizzas, Fox has plenty to choose from for lunch or dinner.
Finish the meal with a 6-inch Great Cookie Blitz, a chocolate chip cookie baked fresh to order and served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and Hershey’s syrup. 920 Town Center Drive, (910) 509-0805. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 11am– 2am, daily ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: $5.99 lunch specials and free pool until 2p.m. and $5 cheese pizzas after 10 p.m., both Mon.-Fri. ■ MUSIC: Trivia with Party Gras Entertainment DJ every Thursday at 9pm ■ WEBSITE: foxandhound.com
This is downtown Wilmington’s Sports Pub! With every major sporting package on ten HDTVs and our huge HD projection screen, there is no better place to catch every game in every sport. Our extensive menu ranges from classics, like thick Angus burgers or NY-style reubens, to lighter fare, such as homemade soups, fresh salads and vegetarian options. Whether meeting for a business lunch, lingering over dinner and drinks, or watching the game, the atmosphere and friendly service will turn you into a regular. Open late 7 days a week, with free WiFi, darts, and did we mention sports? Free lunchtime delivery on weekdays; we can accommodate large parties. (910) 763-4133. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: 11am – late. Sun. at noon. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Dueling pianos Thurs., Fri., and
Sat. nights. and 1/2 priced select appetizers M-TH 4-7pm ■ WEBSITE: www.hellskitchenbar.com
Downtown Business Alliance PRESENTS
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AnnuAl tree lighting At riverfront PArk DBA/City of Wilmington (Media event) Mayor Pro-Tem Earl Sheridan does the countdown to tree lighting Battleship light up/Thalian Association Carolers/Roger Davis Band Santa Station/Candy canes for children/Art and Craft Vendors Friday, November 25
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by Kim Henry Island of Lights , NC Pleasure Island hts.org www.islandoflig
bedazzling lights: Pleasure Island goes electric this season Courtesy photo
he island of lighTs commiTTee, which
is now in its 22nd year, has plenty to be feeling shiny about. This non-profit organization, with a core group of 20 dedicated volunteers, has such a diverse array of events lined up for the holiday season that there is something for everyone to get all lit up over! Their original inspiration for the holiday attraction was to bring tourists to Pleasure Island during the off season, to help support local trade and businesses throughout the winter months. Frances Massey, the current president of the Island of Lights committee, grew up on the island and has been a member of the board from day one. Massey explains the activities were designed to encourage people to enjoy the festive season. “It used to be like a ghost town once summer was over,” she says. “However, because there are so many more people and families living [here] now, our entire program serves the dual purpose of bringing in lots of people from around the state and serving the local community. It’s really wonderful.” The itinerary of events is no mean feat. The volunteers work the entire year round in order to get the show on the road, all of which takes off on Friday November 25th at 7 p.m. The Lighting of the Lake takes place around the Carolina Beach Lake; this year will be the first time they feature 20 different illuminated displays through New Year’s Eve. 32 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
There will be free hot cocoa and cookies, a highly anticipated visit from Santa and an opening ceremony attended by the mayor. Local children will contribute to the family event, too, as the Carolina Beach Elementary school choir will sing Christmas carols. Also, The Pleasure Island Dance Company will perform a dance routine. “They’ve worked really hard,” Marie Whitely, who has been running the dance group for the last three years, says. “So it’s wonderful to be able give them the opportunity to perform for their families and community.” The island’s beloved Christmas Parade will take place on December 2nd at 7:30 p.m., proceeding from Atlanta Avenue down Lake Park Boulevard to Federal Point. It lays claim to being the biggest and only night-time parade in the area, with around 80 various groups featured. Snow’s Cut Bridge will be closed, and the streets will be flooded with floats and brimming with dance troupes, marching bands, tiger cubs, Santa and dozens of other dressed-up folk who contribute to the carnival atmosphere. This year’s grand marshal is Sergeant Kim Munley who has been acknowledged for her heroic actions at the tragic Fort Hood massacre in 2009. On Saturday, December 3rd, the Island of Lights will host another parade at 6 p.m., only this time it’s on the water! Between 10 and 15 boats and their crew will deck themselves out and sail from Snow’s Cut past the judges, who sit at Harbor Mas-
ters restaurant. There are cash prizes for the most innovative flotilla decor and theme, awarded by an array of local TV and radio presenters. Afterward a Captain’s Party will be held at Michael’s Seafood Restaurant, 1206 N. Lake Boulevard, where winners will be announced. Though the Island of Lights usually includes a holiday home tour annually, they had to cancel the event in 2011. There simply weren’t enough participants to sign up. However, the New Year’s Eve gala will still take place on Saturday, December 31st at the gazebo on the Carolina Beach Boardwalk. “Everything we do is family-oriented,” Massey explains. Again, hot chocolate, fresh coffee and light refreshments will be available; however, they will not be selling alcoholic beverages. A DJ will spin tunes and a huge firework display will take place before the lit up beach ball drops, courtesy of the fire department, to bring in 2012. “We receive calls from all over North Carolina and beyond asking about our activities, so although we can’t quantify exactly how many people the Island of Lights attracts, we are more than confident that it’s a substantial amount!” Massey declares. “When we see how many people enjoy what we do, it makes it all worthwhile!” The committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Carolina Beach Community Center, and they are always open to receiving new members.
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Call UNCW Athletic Ticket Office at 910-962-3233 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 33
drivers, start your engines: Coastal Plains Dragway hosts its largest cash payout footbrake race
mericAn grAffiti,”
Without a Cause,” and “The Fast and the Furious” are all staples when it comes to featuring adrenalinepumping drag-racing scenes incorporated into a film plot. But these movies are nothing in comparison to experiencing the real deal at Coastal Plains Dragway in Jacksonville. The smell of melted rubber, exhaust and gas mingling with the odor of seasoned hot dogs and burgers, combined with the sounds of a cheering crowd, live band and roaring horsepower—it’s enough to make any driver ready to put the pedal to the metal at the sight of a green light. This weekend Anthony Walton and Michael Beard are bringing this exact thrill to the Thanksgiving table as they’ll host the biggest cash payout footbrake race in Coastal Plains Dragway history. November 25th through 26th marks the Fall Footbrake Frenzy III, a bracket competition in which the driver chooses not to use a transbrake, instead keeping his foot on the brake pedal, revving the gas with the other foot, and letting off the brake to race. With a $50,000 total cash payout, Walton and Beard have definitely set the racing stripes
ielse by Tiffanie Gabr enzy Fr e Fall Footbrak 26 5Fri.-Sat., 11/2 agway Coastal Plains Dr Hwy., JAX, NC 4744 Richlands 0/day Spectators: $5-1 23 (910) 382-67 high. This Footbrake Frenzy already has confirmed racers attending from as far as Florida, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina. Welcoming every type of street car, from pick-up trucks to race cars running in the five-second range, Walton says he hopes to see between 180 to 200 racers. However, their anticipated crowd is nothing in comparison to the size of the effort that went into planning the event. An admitted die-hard drag race fanatic, Walton and his son, 12-yearold Will, say it’s their need not just for speed but for good, honest fun that’s a huge part of their family business and their reason for planning the Footbrake Frenzy. A year spent pro-
NEED FOR SPEED: Michael Walton and son, Will, are looking forward to the third Fall Footbrake Frenzy in Jacksonville. Courtesy photo
moting the race, Walton admits it’s not without risk, but witnessing a happy crowd and the smile of accomplishment and pride spread across a racer’s face makes for an even bigger reward. Best yet, they aim to bring more races of this magnitude to Jacksonville in the future. For Walton, the sky is the limit when it comes to events centered on footbrake racing. A Jacksonville native, Walton remembers spending Saturday nights at the raceway with his dad, even as young as 8 years old. “When I was 16 to 18, I’d pay my entrance fee and barely have enough cash to make it home,” he recalls. “We are racers putting on an event for racers, and there is a difference. A racer putting on an event for a racer thinks like a racer, not a track owner.” Significantly, by putting on this year’s race, Walton and Beard hope to show the network of drag racers and their families in the area to prove racing truly is a family-friendly night out that doesn’t involve fighting, drunken behav-
ior or stealing cars. Though danger is obviously involved, contrary to movies like, “The Fast and the Furious,” drag racing isn’t always illegally revved up. It is a true sport that takes patience and passion. In Walton and Beard’s quest to prove the stereotype wrong and show their love of the sport, if the pair meet their 200 race car entry goal, they will refund $80 to each competitor. Another goal of the twoman team is to entice local military to come out to the race track and flaunt well deserved and hardearned toys—their BMWs, Mustangs and Corvettes. “The military keeps Jacksonville running,” Walton urges. “The thousands of guys coming in—it’s what keeps all of our businesses alive.” With 10 separate events behind him, Walton is looking forward to this particular race. “[It’s] going to be exciting because of the sheer number of different people, different attitudes and different personalities that you see on race night,” he says. “If you’re interested in bracket racing, and if you have a valid license, a car, truck or van, and a helmet—you can race and you can win. You can have a good time.” Racers’ fees are $380 for the entire weekend. For those who would just like to watch, adults’ tickets are $10 per day, active duty military with ID are $5 a day, and kids under 12 get in free. Parking is open Thursday evening. Gates open Friday at 10 a.m. and time trials begin at noon, followed by a racers’ appreciation BBQ. Saturday’s main event gates open at 8 a.m. and time trials start at 9 a.m. Contact Anthony Walton at (910) 382-6723 for more information and rules.
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THE NEWSDAY CROSSWORD Edited by Stanley Newman (www.StanXwords.com)
INSIDE STORIES: Of six different varieties by Gail Grabowski ACROSS 1 Fill with dismay 7 Sharp knock 10 Tries out 15 Singer Guthrie 19 Dorm sharer 20 Half-rectangle shape 21 Hilo howdy 22 Flow slowly 23 Linen location 24 Take wing 25 Some French nouns have it 27 Military-medal recipient 28 Agile 30 Freezing cold 31 Take another shot 32 Competent 33 Used to be 34 Meet the Parents parent 36 “Stop sassing me!” 42 Montana hrs. 45 Comparatively cold 46 Treasure holder 47 Printing error 48 Mexican munchie 49 Untroubled 51 Heating unit 53 Saturn’s largest moon 54 You can’t stand to have it 55 June honoree 56 “This is what I’m thinking . . .” 60 Sleep obstacle 62 Least satisfactory 63 Vowel quintet 64 GPS reading 65 Enthusiastic 67 Business envelope abbr. 68 Not neg.
71 73 76 79 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 93 95 96 97 100 102 103 104 106 108 109 113 115 116 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
Arrived Cake portion Without a contract Takes care to avoid Dr. __ (rap artist) Approx. landing hour Spherical Green sauce University officers Widespread John Irving title character Spring flower Designer Simpson Pampering, for short Some aerial photography Bullfight chant Exist Farmland parcel Kuwaiti currency Without an escort Region Lying atop “Make the World Go Away” singer Unreturned serve Flourish Beat a hasty retreat Chopin genre Lower, as headlights Predatory hatchling Yukon, for one: Abbr. Predestined Verse of praise Is in the driver’s seat
DOWN 1 Semicircular entrance 2 Vaulter’s need 3 Low-quality 4 Kid’s retort 5 Alibi, maybe
6 Doesn’t interfere with 7 Invigorate 8 Comrade in arms 9 Practice, as a trade 10 Most docile 11 Mideast airline 12 Without a doubt 13 Peter Benchley thriller 14 Lose firmness 15 Seven-Emmy actor 16 Popular salad ingredient 17 Impolite look 18 Grand Ole __ 26 Composer Satie 29 In position 30 Sock supports 32 Chafe 33 Household appliance 35 Sgt., for one 36 Dashboard array 37 Gas rating 38 Japan, to the Japanese 39 Collarless shirt 40 Orderly system 41 PIN requesters 43 Lasting mark 44 Stylish 48 Traffic jams 50 Emerald measures 52 On a pension: Abbr. 53 Howe’er 57 Crew member 58 Up to now 59 Bolivian export 61 Wish undone 62 Building add-on 66 By way of 67 Play starter 69 Kitchen-drawer item 70 Reach an agreement
72 73 74 75 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
Unmatched Chart shape Fill with confidence Posh property Cancel out Legal jobs Part of 90 Down River of Russia Person on the run Part of N/A It may keep ice cream cool
88 www.cornell.__ 90 Fed. audit agency 91 1996 Summer Olympics site 92 Extend, as a fishing line 94 “Too much information!” 97 Immunization fluids 98 Touched the tarmac 99 Shipping containers 101 Tier
104 Nimble-fingered 105 Just hanging around 107 Ye __ Shoppe 108 Corrosive compound 109 Suggest strongly 110 Carpet surface 111 In excess of 112 Ends up with 114 Athletic arbiter 115 Commotion 117 Part of Frosty’s outfit
Reach Stan Newman at P.O. Box 69, Massapequa Park, NY 11762, or at www.StanXwords.com
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holiday events MAYFAIRE’S POLAR EXPRESS Mayfaire’s Polar Express Outdoor Train rides for just $3 per person. Every day is a different route, so there are many chances to experience all the holiday joy Mayfaire has to offer. Pick-up/drop-off location in front of the Santa Village on Inspiration Drive (beside Belk). Hours: 11/24-12/11: Fri., 2:30-7pm; Sat., noon-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. 12/12-12/23: Mon-Fri, 2:30-7:30pm; Sat., 11am-8pm; Sun., noon-6pm. 12/24: Sat., 10am-2pm. ISLAND OF LIGHTS CELEBRATION See page 32. ENCHANTED AIRLIE 11/25-12/21: Enchanted Airlie will present its spectacular LEGO display, featuring more than 250,000 LEGO bricks. The gardens look to place an exclamation point on the entire experience by rolling out LEGO trains constructed by Airlie LEGO campers. Also showcases a Poinsettia Paradise with more than 400 holiday plants; an elaborate setting of more than 300,000 festive lights; live musical entertainment; three massive model train exhibits and a meet and greet with Santa. Complimentary coffee by Port City Java and concessions including hot chocolate, popcorn and cookies from the folks at David’s Deli and delicious wine from Noni Bacca Winery. Dates: 11/25 and 26, 12/1-3, 8-10, 15-17 and 19-21 in two time slots: 5-7pm and 7-9pm. Tickets: (910) 798-7700, airliegardens.org. NC HOLIDAY FLOTILLA 11/25-26: Celebrating its 28th year, the NC Holiday Flotilla is a Wrightsville Beach tradition that kicks off the holiday season the weekend after Thanksgiving.
It’s the most illuminous time of year, for sure. Per the holiday tradition of enjoying our historical gardens, bedazzled by tons of lights, Enchanted Airlie opens to the public on the 25th! They will feature a spectacular LEGO display made of 250,000 plastic bricks, along with 300,000 festive lights draping foilage across its 67 acres. The Southern gardens will have musical entertainment, model train exhibitis, concessions and more throughout the season! Tickets are available now for two nightly slots: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. or 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. On Friday night (5:45pm) the island’s official Christmas tree is lit, followed by visits with Santa at Town Hall. At 7pm, there’s an Anchor’s Away Launch Party at the Blockade Runner Beach Resort with music by The Central Park Band (admission charge). On Saturday, a full day of entertainment begins with a free Festival in the Park from 10am-4pm at Wrightsville Beach Park featuring arts and crafts vendors, a classic car show, kids’ activities, food, music, inflatable amusements and the Arab Shrine Club’s choo-choo train. Then, at 6pm, the main attraction—the holiday flotilla—gets underway along Banks Channel, beginning with a fireworks volley and followed by a fantastic fireworks show. Fvisit www.ncholidayflotilla.org. 910-256-2120. HOLIDAY LIGHTING CEREMONY The 4th annual Holiday Lighting Ceremony: May-
faire’s lighting ceremony Fri., 11/25, 6:30pm, Mayfaire 16 Cinemas Theater. Be greeted by the Thalian Association with holiday carols everyone can sing along to or entertained by the Wilmington Glee Club with a special holiday performance. The Nutcracker performed by The Wilmington Ballet Company before Santa magically arrives! Santa counts down the lighting of Mayfaire’s 16-ft Christmas tree. • Visit Santa’s Village at Mayfaire for kids to have their photos taken by Mayfaire’s professional photographer. Located beside Belk and Reeds Jewelers on Inspiration Drive. Hours: 11/25-12/11: Fri., 2:30-7pm; Sat., noon-7pm; Sun., noon-6pm. 12/12-16, Mon-Fri., 2:30pm-7pm. 11/17-23: Mon-Fri., 11am-7:30pm; Sat., 11am-8pm; Sun, noon-6pm.12/24: Sat., 10am-2pm. LIGHTING OF DOWNTOWN TREE Fri., 11/25, 5:30pm: Annual tree lighting at Riverfront Park, DBA/City of Wilmington. Pro-Tem Earl Sheridan speaks and countdown to tree lighting, with Battleship light up. Also on hand: Thalian Association Carolers, Roger Davis Band (Holiday background music and caroling), horse and carriage brings Santa on site, Santa Station (decorated tent for photo opts), candy canes for children, art and craft vendors in Santa’s Shop, hot chocolate and children holiday ornaments display.
WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH TREE LIGHTING Tree lighting ceremony and visit with Santa, Wrightsville Beach Town Hall, 321 Causeway Dr., 11/25, 5:45pm. Free community event will include a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, hot Cchocolate will be available and donations will be accepted by the United Methodist Church Youth Group. The Salvation Army will also be present to accept donations of unwrapped toys. Wrightsville Beach Parks and Recreation: 910-256-7925 SANTA AT COTTON EXCHANGE 11/26: Santa arrives at the Cotton Exchange via Fire Engine (photo op for parents). Photo ops weekends through holiday: 11/27, 12/3-4, 12/10-11 and 12/24. WORSHIP/SPECIAL EVENTS 11/30, 7pm: World’s Aids Day Candlelight Vigil, St. Jude’s MCC. • 12/1, 7pm: Special worship service sponsored by CARE at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on 5th Street. • 12/9-10, 7pm: Christmas Cantata, combined St. Jude’s MCC and Pearsall Memorial Church Choirs. Friday & Saturday, December 9-10 @ 7:00pm Christmas Cantata, combined St. Jude’s MCC and Pearsall Memorial Church choirs THALIAN HALL MAIN ATTRACTIONS SERIES Thalian Hall Main Attractions Series. Schedule: • 12/1-2, 7pm: Ballet for Young Audiences: The Nutcracker. A different take on a holiday classic, feat. ballet’s favorite characters and highlights in a condensed, narrated 60-min. version perfect for the whole family. One-hour treatments of classical ballets, narrated by company founder Harriett Kinter. www.byanyc.org www.ThalianHall.org Box Office 910-632-2285; 800-523-2820. Thalian Hall, 310 Chestnut St. Events subject to change. All tickets subject to $1 historic restoration fee added at time of purchase. CANDLELIGHT TOURS 12/3, 4pm: This prestigious historic two-day event ushers in the holiday seasonwith a festive tour of the finest private homes, churches and historical sites in
36 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
the dowtown Wilmington area. www.latimerhouse. org or 910-762-0492 POPLAR GROVE CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Poplar Grove’sChristmas Open House andHoliday Craft Fair, 12/4, noon-5pm.Self-guided tours and hot cocoa and cookies in the Cultural Arts Center—free. Santa at the tenant house and Mrs. Claus reads stories by the fireplace. Christmas music and live craft demonstrations. Holiday Craft Fair in the Cultural Arts Center for eautiful, locally, handmade jewelry, ornaments and pottery, as well as books, foods, and presents for those hard-to-shop-for loved ones. Hayride with Christmas music, $5/person. Historic Poplar Grove Plantation, 10200 US Highway 17 North. (910) 686-9518 ext. 27. www.poplargrove.com HENRIETTA’S SANTA CRUISE FOOD DRIVE 12/10, 9:30am: The Henrietta’s Annual Santa Cruise Food Drive - The price of admission is 6 cans of nonperishable food per guest. Reservations are required for the 2 hour cruise, 10 am departure time. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL OF HOMES 12/10-11, 2-5PM: Welcome Home Angel’s 3rd Annual Christmas Festival of Homes Tour at Landfall. $25/person. Tickets available: 910-392-2700, or at NoFo Market and Cafe, Realty World Cape Fear, Landfall Realty, La Bella Forma, and Schaeffer BMW. Groups of 10 or more may purchase group-discounted tickets ($20 each) by calling 910-392-2700 (group tickets must be purchased together and in advance of the event.) Welcome Home Angel, Inc. is a nonprofit 501c3 organization that brings joy and comfort to children in the Southeastern North Carolina area suffering from devastating illness or injury. THE OFFICE HOLIDAY PARTY The beautiful Brooklyn Arts Center at St. Andrews is thrilled to announce its presentation of Porch Theatre Company’s all new, interactive, dinner theater comedy extravanganza, The Office Holiday Party, on Thurs., 12/15. Break out your best holiday sweater and join the wackiest holiday party in town. The Office Holiday Party is loads of fun for everyone and includes singing, dancing—how about an office dance contest—some most unusual office party games, the cast kicking out Karaoke, and an audience singa-long! Catering by Middle of the Island and Brooklyn Arts Center cash bar. Tickets are $50 at brooklynartsnc.com or 888-512-SHOW. Doors open at 6pm; show at 7om. Seating is limited. 520 North 4th Street. (910)232-6611. www.porchtheatre.com.
events FARMERS’ MARKETS Weekly Farmers’ Markets feat. plant, food and crafts vendors;: Riverfront Farmer’s Market Sat., Downtown Wilmington, Water St., 8am-1pm. April-Dec. www.wilmingtonfarmers.com • Poplar Grove Plantation Farmer’s Market Wed., 10200 US 17 N., Wilmington, through 12/14. Live music w/Cindy Rhodes; Pender County Master Gardeners clinic 2nd Wed/ ea. mo. FREE HIV/AIDS TESTING Free HIV/Aids testing takes place 12/1 at Student Health Center UNCW Campus, 10am-3pm, and on 12/2, at Health Department/UNCW CARE Students and the General Public Outside UNCW Warwick Center, 9am-3pm. WINTER FLEA AT BAC
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Murder Boat By Stuart Anderson December 2-3, 9-10, & 16-17 at 8pm December 4, 11 & 18 at 5pm A classic, sometimes campy “Who Done it?” sure to please audiences of all ages!
Tickets: $15/ $10 students 111 Grace St. Wilmington, NC. 910-341-0001 Presents:
Join us for the eighth month of the Women in Business Speaker Series.
‘Women in Business’ Favorite Things Thursday, December 14 11:30am - 1:00pm Press 102 • 102 South Second Street
For more information call
538-6223 or visit
Saturday, Dec. 3
Saturday, Dec. 3
November 26 & 27
Cape Fear Festival of Trees
The Riverfront Farmers’ Market is a curbside market featuring local farmers, producers, artists & crafters. • Fruits • Vegetables • Plants • Herbs • Flowers • Eggs • Cheeses • Meats
Cape Fear Festival of Trees & Nutcracker Ballet
tape by stephen belber
november 24-26 at 8pm and november 27 at 5pm
Tape is a meaty drama about lies, half-truths, jealousy and obsession Tickets: $15/ $10 students 111 Grace St. Wilmington, NC. 910-341-0001
Rocky Horror Picture Show
The 2nd Thursday of every month at 10pm tickets $5
BEACH PARTY By Charles Busch
January 19-22 & 26-29 at 8pm January 23 & 30 at 5pm
MARC PRICE Friday Dec. 2nd Saturday Dec. 3rd
Comedy Central • Comic Relief • Ricki Lake • MTV & CNN • The Nashville Network • American Journal • Showtime 8pm Show | Doors 7pm | Admission: $12/$15
255 North Front Street
Wilmington, NC 28401 • 910-251-7881
Stone Soup Concerts Presents:
RICHARD SMITH Fingerstyle Guitar Champion
Wednesday, January 18 Tickets: $15/ $10 students 111 Grace St. Wilmington 910-341-0001
at 7:30 p.m.
Press 102 Verdana Ballroom 102 S. Second Street, Downtown Tickets: $15.00
Call Lori Harris at 910.343.2307 or email Lori.Harris@StarNewsOnline.com for more information. encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 37
12/2, 3-9pm: The Brooklyn Arts Center at St. Andrews, “The Winter Flea at BAC”—Brooklyn Arts Center at St. Andrews (516 North 4th Street—the corner of Campbell and North 4th streets). Twice the amount of vendors, twice the array of vintage treasures—from antique furniture and chic clothing, to one-of-a-kind jewelry, glass, and tableware—and twice the fun, include the awesome Long Island Eatery serving fantastic gourmet food, and the BAC cash bar keeping everybody happy. To sign up as a vendor: Sarah Murphy at sarah@brooklynartsnc. com or 919-818-6406.
here in Greenville NC. Our branch expects to ship about 800 packages, with each package containing enough items for 12-20 members to share. Your financial contributions are also needed to help with postage costs which will be about $18,000. Barbara Whitehead: 252-321-8227. Give2thetroops.org ABILITY GARDEN GREENHOUSE SALE 12/2, 10am-4pm, and 3, 11am-4pm. Ability Garden Greenhouse Sale featuring tons of plants, raffles and more! Ability Garden supports service, companionship and achievement in our region. The Greenhouse at the New Hanover County Arboretum, 6206 Oleander Dr. 910-798-7677.
CAPE FEAR GREEN BUILDING ALLIANCE 12/3, 11:30am: Cape Fear Green Building Alliance free seminar with WILMA Expo Admission. Booths for holiday shopping, moms and kids, health and wellness, business and careers, green living and home and decorating. Free seminars; great giveaways! Register to attend! Wilmington Convention Center room 105. Taylor Cox: taylor.c@cfgba.org PEARL HARBOR DAY 12/7: Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club will honor Pearl Harbor Day, by making Morse code, and voice contact with Pearl Harbor. All this will occur on board the Battleship North Carolina, in Wilmington. Attempts will be made to use the WWII style radio equipment that is onboard the battleship North Carolina and is maintained by the members of the Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club, and has been for several years. Both the old style radios and newest style radios will bein use during this time. Glenn M. Cox: 910-431-3875.
charity/fund-raisers POST-TURKEY TOUR 17th Annual Post-Turkey Tour, Wright-Rehder House, 308 North 15th St. Craftsman style house
WILMINGTON FUR BALL The 6th annual Wilmington Fur Ball will take place on 12/3, 7-11pm, at Cape Fear Country Club. Admission is $85, with proceeds benefitting the Pender County Humane Society and Adopt-An-Angel. Black-tie, red-carpet gala, with heavy hors d’oevre, wine, beer, champange, live music and silent and live auctions. Artwork donated by George Popcheptsov. www.wilmingtonfurball.com. 910-279-5530.
built for Eleanor Gilchrist (1890-1965) and husband, Thomas Henry Wright (1876-1956), partner with his father in J.G. Wright & Son real estate; developers of Winoca Terrance. Purchased in 1921 by C.F.W. (Will) Rehder (1872-1945), florist; and wife, Jessie Stewart (1883-1961), native of Iowa. Remained in the family for forty-eight years. Lecture and tour presented by Ed Turberg, Architectural Historian, Sun., 11/27, 2-4pm. Historic Wilmington Foundation Members, free. Guest, $5. Refreshments pro-
vided. RSVP 910-762-2511 NC GIVE 2 THE TROOPS HOLIDAY DRIVE The NC branch of Give2theTroops announces the 2011 Holidays for the Troops Care Package Collection Drive. Holiday decorations, foods, cards, holiday CDs and DVDs, and gifts for deployed military are being collected and sent in care boxes to troops serving in combat areas. Items will be collected until 11/30 and can be shipped or delivered to us
Monday: Tequila Tasting $2.50 Mexican Beers • $5 Burrito and Brew
Friday, November 18th Tuesday: 5:30 - 8 p.m. $2 Tacosp.m. • $2 Tequila Shots
VOTE FOR A CAUSE Vote for a Cause! Children draw a fall picture and we will display it at Teacher’s Aid through the end of November! You can either bring one in or create one at the store! Adults vote for your favorite picture, $2 vote. All entries by 12/17. The funds that are raised will go to Oasis, an autism support and intervention service. You can learn more by visiting www.oasisnc. org. 831 South Kerr Ave.
theatre/auditions CITY STAGE See page 8. TWO
Join us as Wednesday: we explore the realm of premium tequilas andAllthe 1/2 Price Lunch Menu & Apps Daycraft $3 Casa Margaritas $2 Corona Lt. that makes each one unique
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38 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
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WE WIll bE clOsEd FOR ThaNksgIvINg
but never fear, here is our schedule gOT cOMPaNY IN TOWN FOR ThE hOlIdaYs aNd NOWhERE TO gO, WE’vE gOT ThE cRuIsEs FOR YOu! WEDNESDAY 1 & 2pm Eagles Island Cruise- 50 minute narrated cruise $10/$5 kids
4pm Best of Both Worlds 2 1/2 hour narrated cruise- Eco/History & Sunset—added bonus is you come back in to town and can see the Riverwalk sparkeling with lights!
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BAR ON BOARD WITH ALL ABC PERMITS encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 39
Wilmington writer John Grudzien will premiere two plays slated to open Friday evening, 12/2, at the (Big Dawg) Cape Fear Playhouse, 613 Castle St. “Two” features “Still Learning” and “Looeyville.” “Still
with writer’s block who joins group therapy. There, he meets a group of misfits who help him solve a mystery. Grudzien will be directing both new plays, each running an hour, feat. Suzanne Nystrom, Caleb
Learning” is a contemporary drama about a young man who finds the grandmother he never knew – an eccentric actress with a lot to teach him. “Looeyville” is a wacky modern comedy about a sports columnist
THE SOUND OF MUSIC Thalian Association presents the Rodgers & Hammerstein classic The Sound of Music. The production, directed and choreographed by Debra Gillingham with music direction by Jonathan Barber, runs 12/8-18 at historic Thalian Hall. When a postulant proves too high-spirited for the religious life, she is dispatched to serve as governess for the seven children of a widowed, Austrian naval Captain. Her growing rapport with the youngsters, coupled with her generosity of spirit, gradually captures the heart of the stern Captain, and they marry. “My Favorite Things,” Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “Do-Re-Mi,” and more.; Thurs/Fri/Sat at 8pm, and Sun at 3pm. $25 with senior, student and group discounts. 910-6322285 or etix.com. • Join Maria and the von Trapp Children for “Tea with Jam and Bread,” a pre-matinee reception on Sunday, 12/11 at 1:30pm in the ballroom at Thalian , featuring refreshments, finger foods and deserts. $10 toward supporting Thalian Association programming. RSVP at 910-341-3939.
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OPERA HOUSE THEATRE COMPANY 12/17, 11am: Opera House Theatre Company announces auditions for the first show of the 2012 Season, “The Producers.” Roles are available for women and men in a wide range of ages; no roles for children. Everyone should bring a prepared song and sheet music; an accompanist will be provided. Also, come prepared for a dance audition. Auditions will be held at the Lucile Shuffler Center, 2011 Carolina Beach Rd. Rehearsals begin Sat., 1/14. (910)7624234 or operahousetheatre@yahoo.com. Production dates: 2/24-26.
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40 encore |november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com USC-PRD-11-227 USC-PRD-11-246
Andrew Ward, Sarah Chambers, Kilby O’Rourke, Terrie Batson and Matt Warzel. Proceeds from the shows will benefit Big Dawg Theatre group in bringing new and classic plays to the stage in Wilmington. $12-$15. www.bigdawgproductions.org or 910-3675237. Runs 12/2-4 and 9-11, 8pm, with Sun. matinees at 4pm. Marita Bon: mts1049@aol.com. John Grudzien: jmgsmc@bellsouth.net.
USC-PRD-11-229 USC-PRD-10-149
BURST_4_Upper_V3_News ACCENT_3_5483_White_V1_News
RED BARN STUDIO AUDITIONS Imaginary Theater Company and Red Barn Studio Theater announce auditions for Boston Marriage by David Mamet, Mon/Tues, 12/5-6, at the Red Barn Studio at 1122 S. Third Street, 7-9pm. Production will run February/March 2012. One role is available for a woman 18-29. Scottish accent needed. Mike O’Neil: 232-6132. FRAKTURED FAERY TALES “Fraktured Faery Tales for a Mid-Winter’s Eve: Part Deux,” written by Zach Hanner; directed by Cherri McKay. Auditions: Sat., 12/10, 11am-1pm and Mon., 12/14, 5-7pm. HBHUSO Community Arts Center. Casting before the Holiday * Rehearsals begin in Jan. Run dates: February 2/16-26. 910-399-2878 BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Brunswick Little Theatre will hold auditions for Neil Simon’s Barefoot in the Park at Playhouse 211, 4-6pm, Sun., 12/11, 7-9pm, 12/12. Playhouse 211 is on Hwy 211 across from BEMC. Small cast play with five characters. Open: Corie Bratter, early 20’s and newly married to Paul. Paul Bratter, also early 20s, a rather straight-laced, practical, up and coming lawyer, who loves Corie dearly and tries to go along with her wild schemes. Ethel Banks, 40’s, Corie’s well-off, widowed mother. Victor Velasco, 40s, loves the ladies, refuses to grow old and act his age, and, like Corie, likes life and lives it fully. Harry Pepper; minor role, good-hearted telephone repairman who likes to give advice to “help out. Cold reading of scenes in the play. Paul Bertelsen at ptelsen@atmc.net . TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Thalian Association will hold auditions for the adult roles in the play “To Kill a Mockingbird” on 12/1213, 7-9:30pm, Community Arts Center, 120 S. 2nd St. No prepared material required; you will be asked
s ’ b u D B
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’s B I Nub GO
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Pass Interference
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For Touchdown
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Personal Foul
Night Foot
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Kickoff Returned
For Touchdown
Fair Catch
QB Kneel Timeout
Completed pass
Miller Lite Bucket
Night Foot ball
Interception Challenge
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encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 41
Enchanted Airlie Nov. 25–Dec. 21 Tickets on sale now and must be purchased in advance. For dates and times call 910.798.7700 or visit
42 encore | november 23-29, 2011 | www.encorepub.com
display featuring a record 250,000 bricks, including a surprise Wilmington attraction!
to read from the script. Adapted for the stage by Christopher Sergel from the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Harper Lee and directed by Tom Briggs, the production runs 2/2-5 at Thalian Hall. Full character breakdown visit www.thalian.org. NUTT ST. COMEDY ROOM Tickets; $8/$10. Schedule: 11/18-19 Debra Cole • 12/2-3: Marc Price from Family Ties (Skippy) will be returning to the Nutt St Comedy Room . Tickets are now on sale @ www.nuttstreet.com or www.wilmingtontickets.com. • Every Wed. Nutt House Improv Troupe, doors 8pm, showtime 9pm, no cover charge. • Every Thurs. Open Mic Stand Up, doors 8pm, showtime 9pm, no cover. 255 N. Front St, basement of Soapbox. www. nuttstreet.com. 910-520-5520
11/25: OLD-SCHOOL SOCK HOP Travel back in time this Friday at Williston Middle School, as the celebrate the ‘50s through the ‘70s at the Sock Hop! Attendees are encouraged to dress up in their favorite era’s stylings and enjoy the sounds and moves, too! Music, dancing, mingling and even prizes, and special mementos will be awarded throughout the evening. Tickets are only $10 a person and can be purchased by calling (910) 762-8285. For more information, email Barbara Davis at bed1468@aol.com; dance starts at 8 p.m. with innovative settings of your holiday favorites.
music/concerts HOLIDAY POPS See page 17. ILM SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 12/3, 8pm; 12/4, 4pm: A Gospel Christmas! Wilmington Symphony accompanies the Girls’ Choir of Wilmington performing songs of Hanukkah and Christmas, and Marva Robinson and the Williston Alumni Choir as they exhilarate the audience with A Gospel Christmas! Kenan Auditorium: (910) 9623500. www.wilmingtonsymphony.org CHAMBER MUSIC ILM All tickets at Kenan Box Office, 910-962-3500. www. chambermusicwilmington.org. 12/4, 6:30pm at St. James Parish Episcopal Church, 25 S. 3rd St. Philadelphia Brass as the finale for the Candlelight Tour. From the majestic Baroque of Bach to the modern sophistication of Ellington, this program will delight many different musical tastes, and will conclude
STONE SOUP CONCERTS PRESENTS Kyle Lindley at The Reel Café, Second Floor Ballroom, 12/8, 7:30pm. Also performing shorter sets: Kim Dicso, Fortch, Mike O’Donnell, Greg McDowell, Christopher DiBfijani, TBA. Tickets at www.WilmingtonTickets.com. www.stonesoupconcerts.com VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS Susan Savia will perform a Victorian Christmas Parlor Concert, Fri. 12/9, 9-6:30pm. Mulled cider and Christmas sweets. All proceeds benefit Bellamy Mansion. Limited seating! RSVP: (910) 251-3700. TALLIS CHAMBER ORCHESTRA The Tallis Chamber Orchestra will present a “Baroque Christmas Concert”, 12/19, 7:30pm, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, to benefit the Good Shepherd Center of Wilmington. The concert will feature Wilmington soprano, Sara Westermark singing the Handel Gloria and some traditional carols. The TCO will also perform the Christmas Symphony by Gaetano Schiassi, Noels by Marc Antoine Charpentier and the Torelli Christmas Concerto. Free, with donations
Nails The Right Way
going to the Good Shepherd Center. Philip Singleton: 620-7207. tallischamberorchestra.com
dance HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR 12/17, 2-7pm: The second annual Holiday Spectacular at The Dance Element of Wilmington will feature a show/sale of fine art from Wilmington artists as well as live music and a dance performance. Winter Open House, admission is free and the public is welcome. Additional Open House and Art Gallery viewing hours 12/14, 15, 16, 1-5pm. Ashley Barnes: fun@thedanceelement.com OLD-SCHOOL SOCK HOP 11/25, 8pm: Celebrate the hits of the 50s, 60s, and 70s at the Sock Hop at Williston Middle School gymnasium, South 11th St. Wear your favorite era outfit and trip the light fantastic with your best swing dance. Great prizes and special momentos awarded. Tickets: $10/person. 910762-1088 or 910-762-8285 for further information. Benefit sponsored by the Williston Alumni Assoc. Inc. Barbara E. Davis: bed1468@aol.com SURFER TANGO Waterford Tango at the Clubhouse, Fri. at 7:30 • Magnolia Greens Tango, Thurs, 7:30pm, Aerobics Room • Cape Fear Country Club Tango, Sun., 5pm. All classes are $10 per couple per class fun, professional, positive instruction. surfertango.com
art/exhibits HERE TO THERE AND BACK AGAIN Here to There and Back Again: A Retrospect by Artist Diane Hause, a selection of paintings, drawings, woodcuts, collages and assemblages created over 32 years. New works such as “As the CrowFlies” are included and consists of sixteen, 11-in. recycled
metal ceiling tiles painted and collaged. 621N4TH Gallery. 621 N. 4th St. Hangs through Dec. FALL SENIOR EXHIBITION Fall Senior Exhibition at the Art Gallery at the Cultural Arts Building; on display through 12/17. Features artwork by 10 graduating UNCW studio art majors. Commencement reception will be held Satu., 12/17, 3:30-5pm. Receptions are free and open to the public. Culmination of study in studio art. The exhibition is juried by the studio art faculty and mounted by graduating seniors. WILMINGTON ART AND CRAFT SHOW Wilmington Art & Craft Show, Sat., 11/26, 10am5pm, 11/27, 11am-5pm, at Wilmington Convention Center. A juried art and fine craft show, feat. artists and craftsmen locally and around the country, exhibiting side by side. Paintings, pottery, glass, metal, jewelry, mixed media, fiber art, photography, wood working and much more! Featured local Wilmington artists will include painter Fleetwood Covington, jewelry designer Sara Westermark, photographers Mike Bryand and Curtis Krueger, glass artists Bernard Iovine and Cindy Richardson, digital artist Cheryl Snyder and potter Cindy Weaver. www.WilmingtonArtShow.com PASSIONATE ILLUMINATIONS See page 10. FREEDOM, SACRIFICE, MEMORY Heroic tales and valiant feats are depicted in images that reflect North Carolina’s dedication to the war in the “Freedom, Sacrifice, Memory: Civil War Sesquicentennial Photography Exhibit” (www.nccivilwar150.com). Onslow County Public Library will host the exhibit through 11/29, sharing images and stories that capture the history and people of the Civil War (1861-1865). Between April 2011 and May 2013, 50 libraries will showcase “Freedom, Sacrifice, Memory” offering visuals that present gallant women, African American triumph and the perse-
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762-4354 FREE PARKING www.paddyshollow.com www.encorepub.com |november 23-29, 2011|encore 43
verance of Confederate soldiers. A notebook will accompany the exhibit with further information and seeking viewer comments. (910) 455-7350. Closes 11/11 and 23-25 for holidays. FOURTH FRIDAY GALLERY NIGHT Now organizing 2012 series of Fourth Friday Gallery Nights; searching for any and all galleries, studios and art spaces in the downtown Wilmington area that would like to be involved in this monthly event. Agree to open your doors to the public on the fourth Friday of every month, 6-9pm. Participation includes a nominal, one-time fee, of which has been consistently low each year. Business is added to all posters and 10,000 maps/brochures distributed throughout the year. Print and radio ads included. Fourth Fridays are free self-guided tours, taking place monthly, where local galleries and studios open their doors to the public in an after-hours celebration of art and culture. .art-soup.org or wilmingtonfourthfridays.com RAWL COLOR Art Soup and Tidal Creek Coop present RawlColor: an art exhibition featuring Emily Rawl, December 2011-February 2012, with opening reception on 12/9, 6pm, atTidal Creek Coop Community Center. Emily Rawl focuses on color and motion, with work that seems to dance across the canvas with delight. Her unconventional use of surrealism and form, capture a unique perspective that pushes the viewer into the work. Also an accomplished saxophone player, Rawl’s talent is showcased throughout her work, both audibly and visually. . 5329 Oleander Drive, Suite 204; 910-799-2667. www.art-soup.org CALLING ARTISTS! Calling all artists! Be a part of The Last Minute Art Show 12/3. Open to all local and regional artists to sell art in one place for the Holidays. Saturday, 12/3, 9am-6pm, Located at 1108 Princess St. All work priced $300 and below; partial proceeds go to local initiatives! Food, music, fun. Fee: $75. www.
thelastminuteartshow.com MINIATURES 2011 12/3-4, 10-11, 17-18. Sat., 6-11pm; Sun., 1-7pm. Opening reception, 11/19 and closing, 12/18, w/food and drinks. An exhibition of pint-sized, accessible,affordable art from more than 18 talented local artists. Everything in the show is 12” x 12” x 12” or smaller, and everything is $50 or under. Items run the gamut from originals and prints, to stickers, photographs, postcards, gloves/scarves, and more. It is a great way for Wilmingtonians to do their holiday shopping without spending tons of money at a corporate megastore. Show hangs for 4 weeks. Free admission. 6622 Gordon Rd, Unit N. Gaeten Lowrie: 919-696-4345. ThriveStudios@gmail.com. www. ThriveStudiosNC.com PROJEKTE Blue & Velvety” a group exhibition that includes 23 international and regional artists coming together to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of David Lynch’s cult classic, Blue Velvet. This exciting exhibit is also in collaboration with Wilmington’s Cucalorous Film Festival, which will pre-screen “It’s a Strange World...the filming of Blue Velvet “ (incomplete). Hangs through 11/30. • Opening 12/2, 6-9pm: “Heavy Metal,” a group exhibit showcasing works in metal. Participating artists include Doug Campbell, Michelle Connolly, Carolyn Foland, Brandon Guthrie, Melissa Manley, Veronica Plankers and Ashley Roderick. Each artist uniquely shapes and forges metal into either jewelry, wall art, mixed media painting, floor sculpture, assemblage and decorative designs. Hangs through 1/15/2012 • Now open: Coffeehaus and Antiques, w/assortment of homemade sweets and specialty brewed java. Opens 1pm Tue-Sat. • EVENTS: Mon/ Tues/Sat/Sun: Yoga, PWYC, 6.30-7.30pm. Wed: Figure Drawing, $10/class, 6-8pm. First Wed of each Month: DivaMade Collective, a meet n greet for creative women, 7.30-9.30pm. Every other Thur: UNCW Film Nite, sometimes political, always con-
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troversial, 7.30-11pm. Second Sat of each month: The Creative Exchange, local artists sale and swap, 2-5pm. • Every 3rd Friday: Live Bossanova w/Raphael Name, 7p-11p. • Every Fri/Sat: Live Music, 8-12am. Free unless noted otherwise. 910-7631197, theprojekte@gmail.com, www.theprojekte. com. 523 S 3rd St.
in the U.S. Army. Tickets 910-798-4362. • Hours: 9am-5pm through Labor Day, Tues-Sat; 1-5pm, Sun. $7 for adults; $6 for students with valid ID and senior citizens; $6 special military rate with valid military ID; $4 for children 3-17; and free for children under 3. Museum members admitted free. 814 Market St. 910-798-4367. www.capefearmuseum.com.
BOTTEGA EVENTS Next art opening: Fri., 12/2, 6pm—photography exhibit with Jason Hudson, Keith Ketchum and Ross Rogers. • Mon: Closed through winter • Tues (4pm-midnight): Starving artist night • Wed (4pmmid.): Weekly wine tastings, 7pm • (Sat 1pm-2am; Sun., 1pm-mid.) • Closed Thanksgiving • 11/25: Fourth Friday Gallery Night: opening reception for new show, 6pm. • 11/27: Buy You a Drink Comedy Night • bottegaartbar@gmail.com. • 208 N. Front St. 910-763-3737, www.bottegagallery.com.
WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH MUSEUM The Wrightsville Beach Museum of History, housed in the turn of the century Myers Cottage, exists to preserve and to share the history of Wrightsville Beach. Visitors to the cottage will find a scale model of Wrightsville Beach circa 1910, exhibits featuring the early days of the beach including Lumina Pavilion, our hurricane history and information about the interaction between the people and our natural environment which have shaped the 100 year history of Wrightsville Beach. 256-2569. 303 West Salisbury St. wbmuseum.com. (910)256-2569
museums BURGWIN WRIGHT HOUSE 18th century Burgwin-Wright House Museum in the heart of Wilmington’s Historic District, is the oldest museum house in NC, restored with 18th and 19th century decor and gardens. Colonial life is experienced through historical interpretations in kitchenbuilding and courtyard. 3rd and Market St. Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm. Last tour, 3pm. Admission rqd. (910) 762-0570. www.burgwinwrighthouse.com. CAPE FEAR MUSEUM EXHIBITS: Through 2/2012: B.W. Wells: Pioneer Ecologist: Explore the breathtaking nature photography of ecologist B.W. Wells and discover his passion for the flora and fauna of the Lower Cape Fear region. • Cape Fear Treasures: Rememberingthrough 1/15/2012: Glimpse a selection of souvenirs and mementos from Cape Fear Museum’s permanent collection. Discover some of the objects people have treasured to remind them of the past. • Down Home: Jewish Life in North CarolinaDiscover how Jews, through a process of struggle and negotiation, became integrated into Southern society and helped build a New South. • EVENTS: Volunteer Open House held first Wed. of mo. Opportunities are available in museum store, working with the historic collection, and as an education docent. • New Hanover County Resident’s Day: Residents admitted free first Sun. ea. mo. • Community Conversations: Listen to different viewpoints from panelists then engage in discussion about Civil War history. Mix and mingle before and after the 7pm. presentation. The Combatants: 12/13, 6:308:30pm. Dr. Joseph Glatthaar, author and professor at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and Dr. Chris Fonvielle, author and professor at University of North Carolina Wilmington, discuss how Southerners of both races made the choice to fight, and what their experiences were in the Confederate Army and
LATIMER HOUSE Victorian Italiante style home built in 1852, the restored home features period furnishings, artwork and family portraits. Tours offered Mon-Fri, 10am4pm, and Sat, 12-5pm. Walking tours are Wed and Sat. at 10am. 126 S. Third St. Adults $8, children $4. 762-0492. www.latimerhouse.org BELLAMY MANSION One of NC’s most spectacular examples of antebellum architecture, built on the eve of the Civil War by free and enslaved black artisans, for John Dillard Bellamy (1817-1896) physician, planter and business leader; and his wife, Eliza McIlhenny Harriss (1821-1907) and their nine children. After the fall of Fort Fisher in 1865, Federal troops commandeered the house as their headquarters during the occupation of Wilmington. Now a museum, itfocuses on history and the design arts and offers tours, changing exhibitions and an informative look at historic preservation in action. www.bellamymansion.org. 503 Market St CAMERON ART MUSEUM EXHIBITS: Three exhibitions opening in the Hughes Wing at the Cameron Art Museum on 11/29, 6-9pm, are “Murrinis Within a Crystal Matrix: The Poetic Glassworks of Richard Ritter,” “Mark Peiser: Reflections on the Palomar Mirror” and “Penland School of Crafts: Evolution and Imagination.” Both Richard Ritter and Mark Peiser are honored as 2011 North Carolina Living Treasures. Thematically tied, both Ritter and Peiser attended Penland School of Crafts. The school is an international leader in the evolution of craft education located in western NC. This exhibition explores Penland then and now, featuring examples of some of the finest work from the school. Hangs through 4/1/2012 • William McNeill: My Life as a Handheld Church Fan A Rhapsody on Sweat, Sweet Tea and Salvation, Brown Wing. Through 1/15/2012. Feat. hundreds of church fans with images religious and secular, collected over
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40 years by musician and performative assemblage artist William McNeill. McNeill emphasizes their cultural importance, “This collection is really about a vanishing Americana and a way of life that we won’t WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH SCENIC CRUISES 11/26, 6pm: 2011 Holiday Flotilla Firework Boat ever have again.” • Through 1/15/2012: Crowns: Charter. Wrightsville Beach Scenic Tours will be takPortraits of Black Women in Church Hats, Brown ing reservation for the 2011 Flotilla /Firework boat Wing. 25 black and white photographs by Michael ride on November 26 at 6:00-8:00pm at Wrightsville Cunningham featured in his book, Crowns: Portraits Beach. Friends and family are welcome to board the of Black Women in Church Hats (2000: Doubleday) Shamrock and view the fireworks from Banks Chanare highlighted in this exhibition. • Hattitude: A Connel. $30/passenger. RSVP: Capt. Joe at 910-200vergence of Fashion and Faith, Brown Wing; through 4002. www.capefearnaturalist.com 1/15/2012. Hats from public and private collections, hats of our own and our mothers’, hats by leading WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH REC CLASSES and unknown designers comprise this bountiful exTennis lessons for youth & adults, cotillion for youth, hibition, including generous loans from Dr. Yvonne kids’ night out, yoga, pilates, boot camp, tone & Watson, Rep. Alma Adams, Guilford County and stretch, and low impact aerobic classes. For more inthe Gregg Museum of Art and Design, NC State formation call 910-256-7925 or www.townofwrightsUniversity. • Theatre: “Crowns” by Regina Taylor, villebeach.com. adapted from the book by Michael Cunningham and Craig Marberry, 11/25-27, 7pm Fri/Sat; 3pm Sat/Sun. $15/person at the Community Arts Center, 2nd and Orange Streets, 910.341.7860The Cameron Art Museum Cape Fear Community College’s Portals Literary and Arts in association with Techmoja Dance and Theatre Company present the stage play Magazine is looking for current students, faculty and “Crowns,” a musical tribute to and celstaff to submit their work in poetry, nonfiction, fiction ebration of hats in African American culture. Performances held at the Community Arts and 2-D visual art for their 2012 edition. There are cash Cente. wilmingtoncac.org. • 12/3, 2pm: prizes involved from $25 to $350. All entries must be Discussion and Signing: Meet the Help — submitted online at www.cfcc.edu/portals. They’re only An Anthology of True Stories by Rhonda Bellamy and Bertha Boykin Todd; free and considering unpublished work which adheres to their open to the public. Offers rare glimpses into publishing guidelines, again found on their website. The the lives of domestic workers and their emdeadline is Tuesday, November 29th. ployers through the eyes of 40 different people from 10 states. Narratives compiled and written by veteran journalist Rhonda Bellamy and community leader Bertha Todd. http://meetthehelp.webs.com. • 12/4: Hattitude Holiday Tea, Fashion Show and Spoken Word, 12/4, 2-4pm. Dress CINEMATIQUE See page 15. up in holiday finery to celebrate CAM’s “Hattitude” exhibition. Victorian tea will include refreshments, SUBVERSIVE FILM SERIES rare hat fashion show and performance. Seating limSee page 15. ited: $25-$35. • Wilmington Choral Society: “Christmas at CAM V,” Thurs., 12/8, 7:30-8:30pm; CAM REEL AGING: REAL CHANGE Working Films announces Reel Aging: Real Change, members/students, $5; non, $10. Holiday music an initiative that will tie compelling documentary films with the Wilmington Choral Society; song selections and transmedia projects that explore aging to ongoinclude, Good King Wenceslas, The Little Druming policy work and grassroots campaigns supportmer Boy, White Christmas, ‘Twas The Night Before ing older populations globally. Applications by 1/6; Christmas, Carol of the Bells and more. • Kids at four-day residency begins 3/23—eight to ten media CAM, 12/10, noon-3pm; $3/child, members. $5/ teams will sharpen their strategies for audience and child, non; adults, free. Santa Claus visits from North community engagement. 3/27: Teams will present Pole; special guest musicians from the Wilmington their projects to regional, national and global NGOs, School of Music will perform holiday tunes, while you funders, government agencies, activists, and policy and your family create art gifts and decorations you makers, with a goal to embed the film and media can take home. Take a tour of our exhibitions or exprojects into on-the-ground efforts by the advoplore on your own. No pre-reg necessary. Parental cates in the room. Hosted in Washington, DC. Apsupervision required. • CLASSES, ETC: Drawing plications due from media makers for participation in and Painting from the Museum’s Permanent CollecReel Aging: Real Change, for $500 fee. Due upon tion w/Martha Burdette and Donna Moore Tuition: acceptance into the residency—includes lodging, $180 Members/ $210 Non-members. Tuesdays: meals, and materials. Participants responsible for 11/29; 12/6, 13, 20, 10am-noon. Location: Studio 1 own travel; limited stipends available. workingfilms. (located just inside museum entrance. • Life Draworg/reelaging ing every Tues., 6-9pm. Group meets in Reception
kids stuff MARINE QUEST MarineQuest’s Saturday-morning scientific fun at the UNCW Center for Marine Science. Explore sea creatures, marine habitats and ocean phenomena through lab experiments, field activities, games and more. • 12/10:Christmas Island (Register by 12/8) Explore island formations and discover what makes places like Christmas Island so unique! Witness one of the wonders of the natural world as the Christmas Island Red Crab migrates from their forest canopy homes to the edge of the sea. HAPPY LITTLE SINGERS Affordable Creative Early Childhood Music and Movement Program—learning through fun, play and music for kids 9mo.-7yrs. Drop ins welcome. Downtown: Tuesday, 9:15am at Community Arts Center; Tuesday, 11:30am, 2pm, 4:30pm at Carolina Beach Park and Rec Center; Wednesday 10:30am and Saturday, 9:30am at Porter’s Neck Yoga and Spa. happylittlesingers.com 910-777-8889
literature/readings CFCC’S PORTALS LITERARY AND ARTS 11/29: CFCC’s Portals Literary and Arts Magazine is calling all current CFCC students, faculty, and staff to submit poetry, creative non-fiction, short fiction, and 2-D visual art to be considered for the 2012 issue. Cash prizes include a $350 Louise McColl Award for Literary Excellence, a $100 Cover Art Prize, and a $100 Faculty/Staff Literary Award, as well as $100, $50, and $25 awards for first through third-place winners in all three writing categories. All entries must be submitted online at http://www.cfcc.edu/portals. Only previously unpublished work that adheres to the Portals formatting guidelines will be considered for publication. prizes.portals@cfcc.edu. POMEGRANATE WRITING GROUP READING The Pomegranate Writing Group has met bi-monthly at Pomegranate Books, 4418 Park Ave. Comprised of an eclectic assembly of authors writing in diverse genres. This year they have compiled their first collaborative book, Amaryllis, A Holiday Anthology—a collection of short stories and poems that tackle both the bitter and the sweet. Contributors include: Betty Brown, Brad Field, John M. Grudzien, Susan Hance, Pat Walters Lowery, Jeanne Mullins, Kay Pugh, David A. Stallman, and Donna Treolo. Reading on Thurs., 12/1, 6-8pm. Light snacks will be provided. Parking is available. Signed copies will be on hand. 452-1107.
future scopes
with Fay Meadows
ARIES (21 March – 20 April) Deep emotional experiences could mean a really great time for romance or a really bad one— not likely to be in between. Don’t use this one encounter as a gauge to measure the entire relationship. TAURUS (21 April – 20 May) Emotions are at the surface, so self-analysis is likely but not a good idea. Clear thinking is vital as your emotions war with your logic. This is a good time to trust your judgment. GEMINI (21 May – 20 June) Reasoning on sound principles and facts, or face the embarrassing consequences. This is a good time to get along with the opposite sex ... maybe a little too well! CANCER (21 June – 21 July) A new understanding of the world follows a period that tested your personal beliefs. This is a great time to accomplish many things and tackle problems you have avoided. LEO (22 July – 22 August) Self-analysis will be beneficial if you can do so objectively, but playing the could-have-shouldhave game leaves no one a winner. Getting stuff done proves to be difficult with so much on your mind. VIRGO (23 August – 22 September) Your ego is determined to get in the way. Being brash and argumentative is not entirely unavoidable, but will be difficult to do. Go ahead and get your apologies ready. LIBRA (9/24 – 10/23) This is a good time to work on a large and complicated project, but “taking over” should be avoided. A team effort will produce a much better result for everyone. SCORPIO (23 Oct. – 21 November) Being single-minded doesn’t necessarily men narrow minded as well. Dismissing others’ ideas without getting all the facts could mean missing out on a great opportunity.
Creators syndiCate
Hall. Participants provide own dry drawing materials and watercolors. $70/6-wks. • Museum School: Fall classes going on now! More info online for adult education programs. • Tai Chi, 11/30, 12/14, 28, noon; $5, members; $10, non. • Yoga, Thurs., noon; $5, members; $10, non. • Zumba classes, Mon/Wed/ Fri, members, $8; non, $10. Packages: $32/4; $52/8; $65/10. Energetic movement class, Latininspired dancing w/Wendy Joyner. Corner of South 17th St. and Independence Blvd. Tues-Sun,11am5pm; Thurs: 11am-9pm. Museum members free, $8 non-members, $5 students with valid ID, $3 children age 2 -12. www.cameronartmuseum.com or 910395-5999.
COME HIGH OR HELL WATER 12/1, 6pm: Wilmington premiere for Keith Malloy’s new movie about body surfing called, “Come Hell or High Water.” Music will be provided by End Of The Line, we’ll have food as well, plus a raffle. All proceeds to benefit Surfers Healing and Stronger Together. The Brooklyn Arts Center. $25 at sale at SideArm Surf & Skate, 8258 Market St. or at BAC box office. 910.686.2969 FILMMAKER’S SOCIAL Filmmaker Social every 2nd Friday of the month, 7pm! Connect with other filmmakers, as well as discuss topics such as fundraising, production and trends in the industry. 16 Taps, 127 Princess St., downtown Wilmington. Sponsored by CFIFN.
LUNCH WITH AN AUTHOR 12/8, 1130am: The only event of its kind in the area, Lunch with an Authorcelebrates local and statewide authors while providing scholarships to qualified students at Cape Fear Community College. 11:30am
SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov. – 21 Dec.) Y o u want peace and quiet but will settle for just being able to finish everything you start. You are very receptive now to the mood of others; use this recent ability to mend some fences. CAPRICORN (22 Dec. – 20 Jan.) More, more, more—seems like there is not enough of you to go around. Maybe a little delegation could make the situation easier. AQUARIUS (21 Jan. – 19 February) Ambition is a welcome trait right now, with you trying to make everything perfect. Dealing with others is easier than normal but be cautious of being envious about others accomplishments. PISCES (20 February – 20 March Making things too easy for others is not the way to make things easier for yourself! Try offering advice but not your services to everyone that comes to you.
www.encorepub.com |november 23-29, 2011|encore 45 Specifically, a THERM (51 Across) is equivalent to 100,000 BTUs. TITAN (53 Across), Saturn’s largest moon, is the only moon known to
-1:30pm, McKeithan Center at the CFCC North Campus, appx 15 authors from across the Carolinas and a keynote speaker will be in attendance. Proceeds from this Lunch With an Author will establish $1,000 scholarships, which include the cost for books, to qualified students in the creative writing department at Cape Fear Community College. www.lunchwithanauthor.com OLD BOOKS ON FRONT ST. You know that novel you keep thinking about and planning to write? We are going to be a hot spot for the National Novel Writing Month, including twice weekly support groups on Mon/ Thurs, 6:30pm. • 12/12, 2-5pm: One year anniversary in new location and 30 years serving the public! Old Books celebrates with music by the Cosmic Groove Lizards, a birthday cake and more! • In the New Year we will be launching a “Local Authors Book Club” the idea is that the book club would read a book by a local author every month and invite that author to come speak, sign autographs, etc. Our first honoree will be Clyde Edgerton and his book “The Night Train.” Reoccurring dates and times on our website along with a list of the first year’s titles. Clyde’s books should arrive this week. 249 N. Front St. (910) 76-BOOKS (26657). OldBooksOnFrontSt.com
The station that makes ya feel
GOING GREEN ENVIRO BOOK CLUB Cape Fear’s Going Green is sponsoring a new book club to encourage discussion of environmental topics, meeting the first Tues. ea. month at Old Books on Front Street. Future meeting dates: 12/1. Upcoming titles posted: www.goinggreenpublications.com/calendar.html
clubs/notices CFCC EUROPEAN RIVER CRUISE 11/29, 5pm CFCC Foundation Announces Luxurious European River Cruise on the Danube. All-new leisure travel program which debuts with an October 2012luxury cruise on the Danube river from Passau, Germany to Budapest,Hungary. The 8-day, 7-night excursion will depart by air from the United Stateson 10/27. The cruise will depart from Passau, Germany and will take place aboard the Uniworld Boutique River Cruises ship The River Beatrice, which has been voted “#1 River Ship in the World” by the readers of Condé Nast. Info session for prospective travelers on Tues., 11/29, 5-6:30pm, in the CFCCBoard Room, 101 of Building G, at the corner of Walnut and Front streets. Representatives from Uniworld Cruises and AAA Vacations will be on hand to fully explain the amenities of the cruise. www.cfcc.edu/travel or contact KarenPittman at AAA vacations (910) 7638446 ext 17513 and mention “CFCCEuropean River Cruise” to book a cabin. CANINE 5K AND ONE-MILE TURTLE CRAWL 12/3, 8am: Canine 5k & One-Mile Turtle Crawl. info@ mccoll-associates.com. Runners are welcome to compete with or without their four-legged companions. Mayfaire Town Center TrySports Event Field. Register at: www.its-go-time.com/canine-5k. Portion of proceeds to benefit the Carolina Canines for Veterans and the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center. WINTER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION Annual Winter Solstice Celebration Humanists and Freethinkers of Cape Fear, Sun, 12/11, 5:30-8pm. Bridge Center at the Market Place Mall 127-40 S. College Rd. We’ll look back to 2011 and look forward to all that is coming in 2012. Bring a dish and a bottle; raffle with prizes. Also holding annual board elections. All paid up members will have a chance to vote. www.capefearhumanists.com
WINE CLASSES All classes Thurs, 6:30pm at Taste the Olive; must be at least 21 years of age w/ID. Space limited; RSVP rqd. Schedule: 12/1: G-S-M- Grenache, Syrah, and Mourvedre are three noble grape varietals that are widely planted throughout the world, yet underappreciated by most budding wine drinkers. We will explore them individually and blended from Taste the Olive, located in the Forum, is offering wine various countries, with an eye toward classes to help folks explore their palates and enjoy identifying the components of each varieverything the vino has to offer! Headed by Brian ety in the blends. $35/person • 12/15: Bubbles, Oh How We Love Bubbles!— Victor, on the 1st, they’ll focus on Grenach, Syrah and We will explore the different methods Mourvedre as three of the grape varietals planted used to add the sparkle to the wine that throughout the world. And just in time for New Year’s, we love tickling our tongue and how it is classified.$25/person. Reservations they’ll have a “Bubbles—Oh! How We Love Bubbles” are accepted on a first-come/first-serve course on December 15th! Classes are $25 to $35 basis, and are non-refundable. 910-256and require reservations: 910-256-OILS OILS(6457).
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