October 7, 2011

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Riverfest celebrates ‘Reflections on the River’ this weekend COVER ART BY: JOAn CROfT-JOnES

encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 1

hodgepodge| RIVERsIdE ROMP pg. 8-10 Riverfest celebrates ‘Reflections on the River’ this weekend

Now in its 32nd year, Wilmington’s annual three-day autumn soirée will again line the banks of the Cape Fear. Featuring the classic fun of an arts and crafts street fair, tons of live music and explosive fireworks, this year’s Riverfest will also see authentic schooner ships in the Invasion of the Pirates and a high-flying acrobatic dancer named Riot. Folks of all ages won’t want to miss the fun, as youngsters can play in the free Kidz Zone while adults admire the antique cars along Market Street. Read about all there is to do on pages 8 and 9, then head to page 10 to see what bands will be playing the main stage. Courtesy photo.

Wilmington and more! We’ll be randomly selecting winners from comments and contests one week prior to said dates unless otherwise noted. Don’t forget to tell your friends either. If you don’t have Facebook, then log on to www.encorepub.com, click on “Web Extras,” and enter the contests for a chance to win!

2 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

news & views .................. 4-11 say about the charge.

5 reader op-ed: Mark Basquill discusses planting

Late night Funnies “Republicans are having trouble luring Governor Chris Christie into the presidential race. They should try pie.” —David Letterman “Hallmark has launched a line of recessionthemed cards that say, ‘Sorry you lost your job.’ The good news is the cards come preaddressed to your congressman.” —Conan O’Brien “A group of politicians want to replace the dollar bill with a coin. Rappers would be out of business. You can’t make it rain with coins. People would get hurt. Strippers would have to wear fanny packs. You can’t fill up a thong with coins. Get rid of the penny. If it’s not worth bending over for, it’s not worth making.” — Jimmy Kimmel “Police in Los Angeles are looking for vandals who broke into the Obama campaign office. They said it was probably done by someone who was angry at the president. Well, that narrows it down.” —Craig Ferguson

LEttER tO EdItOR/CORRECtIOn I applaud the article on censorship in America. But Lawrence and Boroughs may be disappointed to learn that Henry Miller penned their naughty novels as well as his own, as he didn’t write “Lady Chatterley” or “Naked Lunch.” Think he was more interested in Pernod and France than steely dans. —Kent Hobson


WIn tICkEts!

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use their debit cards—read what Gwenyfar has to

on the cover

is published weekly, on Wednesday, by Wilmington Media. Opinions of contributing writers are not necessarily the opinions of encore.

vol. 28/ pub 14 / October 5-11, 2011

4 live local: Bank of America is imposing a fee to

WhAt’s InsIdE thIs WEEk

If you’re not already an encore fan on Facebook, you should be! We have ongoing contests on encore’s Facebook page, as well as on our home page, www.encorepub.com. You can win a pair of tickets to concerts all over the area, such as from House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, Soapbox Laundro-Lounge, downtown


Thanks, Kent, for reading. It was a typo on our end, as we left off the word “books” after “Miller’s” in the following sentence. “Grove Press, under the leadership of Barney Rosset, launched a series of court battles to get Miller’s [books], ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ and ‘Naked Lunch’ cleared for sale and publication in America.”

his own veggies and his feelings about Titan.

8-10 cover story: Shea Carver previews all the fun of Riverfest 2011; Shannon Rae Gentry has the festival’s music line-up covered.

11 news of the weird: Chuck Shepherd shares the latest odd stories.

artsy smartsy ................12-29 12-13 theatre: City Stage offers the Wilmington premiere of ‘Avenue Q’; Bethany Turner speaks with Dorothy Rankin, the director of Red Barn Studio’s ‘Yankee Tavern,’ in anticipation of the play’s opening.

14 art: Sarah Richter interviews Cammeron Batanides, the artist whose mural will adorn the walls of Pour House Music Hall to be unveiled on Thursday.

15 gallery listings: Check out what’s hanging in local art galleries.

16-20 music: Soapbox Laundro-Lounge celebrates its ninth anniversary with a slew of shows; Jimmie Vaughan headlines the Seafood, Blues and Jazz Festival in Pleasure Island; Shea Carver lists a few of this week’s great concerts, including Dr. John on Wednesday night!

22-25 soundboard: See what bands and performers are playing in venues all over town.

29 film: Anghus checks out the star-studded new release ‘Killer Elite.’

grub & guzzle ...............30-40 30-36 dining guide: Need a few suggestions on where to eat? Flip through our dining guide!

38 grub: Alex Pompliano has the scoop on the Back Door Kitchen Tour.

40 guzzle: Taste the Olive offers a series of classes—the topic: vino.

extra! extra! ..................45-63 45-46 books: Tiffanie Gabrielse explores two kinds of collections with ‘The New River Anthology’ featuring art from Coastal Carolina Community College students and ‘Through a

Editor-in-Chief: Shea Carver // shea@encorepub.com

General Manager: John Hitt // john@encorepub.com

Editorial Assistant: Bethany Turner // music@encorepub.com

Art director: Sue Cothran // ads@encorepub.com

Intern: Sarah Richter, Veronica Cisneros

Advertising sales: John Hitt // Downtown // john@encorepub.com


Chief Contributors: Gwenyfar Rohler, Anghus Houvouras, Ichabod C, Jay Schiller, Tiffanie Gabrielse, Tom Tomorrow, Chuck Shepherd, Christina Dore, Justin Emery, Alex Pompliano, Fay Meadows, Joselyn McDonald

Kris Beasley // Wrightsville Beach, N. Wilmington // kris@encorepub.com

50-63 calendar/‘toons/horoscopes/corkboard:

Office Manager: Susie Riddle // susie@adpakweekly.com

Shea Carver // Midtown, Monkey Junction //shea@encorepub.com distribution Manager: Boykin Wright

Weymouth Window,’ an ode to The Weymouth Center by Sandra Ervin Adams.

48 extra: The Cape Fear Museum opens a new exhibit, ‘Down Home: Jewish Life in North

49 crossword: Brain game by Stanley Newman. Find out what to do in town with our calendar; check out Tom Tomorrow and the annual ‘toons winner, Jay Schiller; read your horoscope; and check out the latest saucy corkboard ads.

encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 3


take back our cities:

Living local protects us from corporate giants


by Gwenyfar Ro



uts,’ with procee Promise of Pean t he ‘T of or th Au ec Fully Belly Proj benefitting The


e are interrupting our regularly

scheduled election coverage to bring you an important update. Last week, Bank of America announced they would be charging fees for customers to use debit cards. This came less than a month after an announcement of over 30,000 layoffs. ABC News reported it “the largest U.S. layoff this year, according to global outplacement firm Challenger Gray and Christmas.” An unfortunate week to choose to announce this, possibly. The Take Back Boston movement has gained momentum recently, culminating in a parallel protest with Occupy Wall Street last weekend. They got underway by cleaning up a derelict property that Bank of America had foreclosed upon and consequently owned. The activists removed the trash to the front of the home of Robert Gallery, president of Bank of America, Massachusetts; at the same time, they served a nine day “Notice to Quit” informing the bank that the harmful practices must end or further action would be taken. The coaltion states on its website that big banks are destroying communities, swiping many clean of funds and jobs. “The banks took billions of our tax dollars, yet we’re the ones being forced out of our homes,” the Occupy Wall Street website states. “The banks’ greed is costing our neighborhoods millions every year—cutting services and closing schools and community centers. And it’s only getting worse. Big Businesses are killing our jobs and our environment. While the CEOs rake in millions in salary and bonuses, major corporations are laying off thousands of workers each month. All the while, these companies raise our rates, pump toxic chemicals into our water and air, and endanger our families’ lives. Enough is enough. It’s time to take back our city!”

4 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

Occupy Wall Street made news this weekend with the arrest of 700 people on the Brooklyn Bridge. Online Time mentioned one of its demonstrators, Christine Velez, holding a sign geared toward Republican presidential contenders: “I Won’t Believe a Corporation Is a Person Until Texas Hangs One.” The movement had 300 protestors involved, all of whom had been living in a park for 21 days, “protesting income inequality and corporate greed, with Wall Street as the central villain,” according to Time. The protest has grown from initial urgings by AdBusters, a nonprofit that seeks to raise awareness about the perils of mindless consumption and Anonymous a “hacktivist” non-organization that provided the initial communication infrastructure to launch the Occupy Wall Street movement. Since its inception, especially with the surge following the mass arrests, the movement has swelled and is spilling into cities around the country. It is at the core of the founding principles of this country to speak truth to power, and for the people to have a voice. Yes, we must vote—and hopefully vote critically—but the First Amendment protects our rights to freedom of assembly and speech for times just such as these. The AP reports over 700 people were arrested in the Occupy Wall Street protest. Many reporters and pundits are quick to say, “What has changed? To what good end?” I would personally say the fact that national attention has finally been drawn to the issue of corporate welfare and that the attention has been directed by the people—not by a candidate running for office. “The protestors have found the target,” Steve Fox, a Wilmington area real estate agent drastically affected by the mortgage meltdown and downturn in the economy, says. “We stood with our toes over the abyss in 2008, and we narrowly averted that disaster.

Now it’s business as usual. What course of events is required to put us on a path to real reform? It’s going to be a popular movement or a popular uprising or it’s going to be disaster.” It reminds me of the Poor People’s Campaign, complete with encampments set up for long haul protests. Only the message of this movement is that the middle class is now sinking into poverty. Not asking for help from above, rather calling attention to abusive practices by our financial institutions. It would be impossible for the Live Local column not to take notice of the protests occurring around the country. This is a large-scale recognition of what I have been trying to formulate over the last two years: We have big problems and make decisions everyday about how to respond to those problems. Putting our heads in the sand and continuing with business as usual is not going to solve them. Continuing to trust that off-shoring industry and sending our money to faceless corporate giants is going to fix things is just not going to work. How can buying local help? It circulates money here instead of immediately lining the pockets of the too-big-to-fail. It’s important that we spend cash with our neighbors, and get returns that far outshine the momentary joy from a purchase that has not saved a job here but rather sent one overseas. Every fiber of my being cries out to go to New York at this moment—but the reality is that with my current financial situation, the only way I could is by using a credit card. In other words, to borrow money from the exact institutions the protest is trying to call attention to; thus, it’s an unreasonable level of hypocrisy. From my vantage point, the things I can do are: pay cash, buy local, keep my money here instead of sending it over the Internet to these people. And if I had an account at Bank of America, closing it would be at the top of the list—right next to not using a debit card.

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cool as a cucumber:


Veggies, books and Titan, in that order


ating my vEgEtablEs nEvEr

tasted so good. Until last night I’ve eaten the Jolly Green Giant’s peas, Food Lion’s beans, and even my wife’s tomatoes, but never MY vegetables. As I crunched my cucumber, it struck me as criminal that a decent person could live 50 years without eating one vegetable he planted in his backyard. Is it “progress” that generations now live and die without eating anything they themselves have planted? In my defense, my childhood backyard was a 12 x 9 section of cement with cinderblock walls 6 feet high—nearly cellblock specs. A lone, caged oak grew through our front sidewalk. I still wonder what crime the tree committed to deserve solitary confinement. This commentary began as a rambling chat with Gwenyfar Rohler at Old Books on Front Street. We spoke of banned books [during last week’s Banned Books Week and about] how important her [Live Local] column is to the region. How, especially, in the Amazon. com age, her bookstore is a vital, local physical nexus of good people and ideas. We waxed philosophical about how important deriving physical and intellectual nourishment from our own backyards will be in “saving the planet.” Actually, we talked more about survival than saving the planet, but sometimes we lose sight of one in search of the other. I rambled about the elegance of Beinhocker’s “Origin of Wealth” and raised questions about our valuation of imports. I’ve got nothing against the Chinese, but the cost of imports from the Far East once reflected their distance and rarity. Walk into any store today, and you’d think Beijing was beside Burgaw. I got really bugged at Burgaw’s Blueberry Festival last June when Jersey’s blueberries cost less than Burgaw’s. (I bought Burgaw’s best.) Shouldn’t cost reflect distance traveled?

6 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

ll by Mark Basqui er encore read On a recent Monday night, I listened to David Gessner speak at WHQR. If the Patriots weren’t playing, he would have said a little more about his books, “My Green Manifesto” and “The Tarball Chronicles,” and a lot more about how to save the planet without being so serious. He touched on at least a few of the issues that have bugged me since Uncle Ronnie saved us from Professor Carter. Like why is Cowboy Capitalism cool but environmental activism and eating your own vegetables criminal? (A Michigan woman and a Kentucky teacher face fines and maybe hard time for growing vegetables in their front yards. “Crimes against nature” used to mean unmentionable sexual offenses but apparently planting vegetables where nature intended a pesticide-rich putting green of a lawn now qualifies.) And why are so many left-leaners paralyzed by ordinary hypocrisies? Al Gore’s jet fuel bills shame many ‘Chicken Little’ lefties to silence about the realities of climate change. Cite 10,000 righties for fraud, drug abuse, “crimes against nature”; oceans will rise, economies will fall, and they’ll continue to shamelessly mount the “moral high ground.” Which brings me to Reagan’s “shining city on the hill.” Perched on moral high ground, above rivers of refuse (Gessner’s Charles, my Schuylkill, our Cape Fear), it’s got a “Star Wars” missile defense system and a border fence that separates us from them. It’s a city with putting green manicured lawns and without sidewalks. A shining sterile city of steel and cement. No, I’m not going to turn a cool cucumber commentary into a hot-headed Stop Titan rant. I will say if we needed a new cement plant, if it would bring substantial profit to both the local economy and environment, I’d be for it. The necessity is nil, job growth minimal, environmental and health impact potentially large, and the financial fruits enjoyed on Wall Street and in bankrupt Greece (Titan’s HQ), not here. I’ll say my HOA may have to contend with zucchini beside zinnias next spring; and though I’m not inclined to hug a tree, I’ve learned the names of 83 trees in the habitat around my house (among them, Athena, Vonnegut, McCartney, Darwin, Kurosawa, Salinger, and of course, Hammerin’ Hank Thoreau). Nothing in my backyard habitat grows through cement or in a cage. In my view, there are far better materials with which to rebuild the local economy and bind us to a fruitful future than cement. See, concise and cool as a cucumber.

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encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 7

riverside romp: Riverfest celebrates ‘Reflections on the River’ this weekend


t’s our favorIte tIme of year here

at encore. The heat index finally cools off to breathable temperatures. Sunsets on the river take on darker, yet beautifully rich tones of orange and red. Sitting on the Riverwalk and enjoying the outdoor delight of our historic downtown can be breathtaking. October welcomes Riverfest, the official fall kick-off in the Cape Fear region, beckoning tons of events and entertainment aligning downtown streets. While it offers a lot to our locals in the vein of street dances, live music, arts and craft vendors, and even paddle-board races, it also brings with it camaraderie and community pride. With more than 20 committee members and over 300 volunteers helping make Riverfest happen, it proves how powerful a community can be when people come together to celebrate all they love about the place they call home. Better yet, the Riverfest committee gives back to Wilmington in the form of education, offering a portion of its proceeds to award Cape Fear Community College student scholarships for marine-related studies. With its ultimate goal to raise funds each year, Monica Caison, board member for Riverfest, says, they’ve seen $220,000 given away to date. Kicking off Friday, October 7th, encore has the low-down on all events taking place this weekend, including live entertainment in the form of concerts, dance competitions, demonstrations and sports happenings. It’s a family affair, so pack up the kids, and ready yourself for funnel cakes, fireworks and even an Invasion of the Pirates! The official Riverfest Guide is inserted in this edition of encore, so you can grab-andgo with a quickness. But to study up on the events, read ahead.

by Shea Carver -9 Riverfest • 10/7 ington ilm W Downtown riverfest.com on gt www.wilmin

Located Exchange the Kidz Z They’ll be ruffling quite a few feathersout Riverf during Riverfest. On Saturday, beginningactivities, at dusk (approximately 7:15 p.m.), bewarepainting, b of the scallywags rousting about at theare in sto River Water Way. They’ll be steering theirp.m. and S

Invasion of the Pirates, Children’s Pirate Treasure Hunt

Live music takes place all over downtown this weekend. But during its evening hours, between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m., the nightly headliners welcome movers and shakers of all types. With a beer garden close at hand, those moves are sure to be grooving, too! Headllners on Friday are Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute Band, while Saturday welcomes local cover act The 360 Degrees (full coverage on bands on next page).

Street Fair

Classic Car Display

They rev and roar their hotrods and classic rides along Market Street every year during Riverfest. This year will be no exception as


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Kidz Zo

Street Dance

Isn’t it always the biggest draw? Meandering throughout downtown’s closed streets, gi-normous turkey leg in one hand and a funnel cake in the other, while checking out art, jewelry, outdoor knick-knacks and the like? This year over 200 vendors will align downtown, pushing their wares and food goodies to the masses. With population topping 250,000 througout the weekend in downtown Wilmington alone, prepare to share the streets, folks! Bring your manners—ya know, “excuse me” and “thank you.”

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8 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

two days Wrestli from the likes of T Ivan Kolo ley, Jim place at matches noon, 3:3 day at no Parking Lot, off Water Street. Folks who wishdefended to participate can download a contest application form on the official Riverfest site.

WINE-A-RACE: The Great Waiters Wine Race pits local service-industry folk against one another in a battle against time and spillage. Courtesy photo.

the Sun Coast Cruisers set up shop on Saturday, October 8th, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Check out the Port City’s finest rides here.

Celebrity Tug-Of-War

It’s a match of the highest caliber—OK, OK, at least the strongest muscles! Riverfest embarks on their 2nd annual Celebrity Tug of War, bringing together recognizable locals who are ready to test their endurance. (Word on the street: encore folks may be in the mix, too.) The event takes place at 2 p.m. on Sunday at the Cape Fear Community College

vessels along the Cape Fear River, lit and decorated to a breathtaking view. Skate B If the little ones want some rumble-tum- Olly olly ble fun before the flotilla begins, then take OK, ma them to the Cotton Exchange at 12:30of ollie, he p.m. In the parking lot, a tent and smallThe skate booth will be set up for parents to pick upprove itse treasure maps (only 400 available) so theteurs and little ones can scour about town to find Registra the loot between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Piratedepending Booty will be given to children with maps!games on line at rive beginners Fireworks Yep, they’ll be exploding all over theSaturday downtown skyline come Saturday evening$5, along at 9:05 p.m. Any time Wilmington pres-open until ents blasts of color and sound, multitudes Beginne of people show up to watch. So come ear-and “halfly for a parking space—and a good spotbeginning takes plac along the Cape Fear River. titiors/par to 7 p.m. UPWA Wrestling On Sun The Southeast’s number one profes-vanced cl sional wrestling division has been growingnoon), and throughout South Carolina, North Caro-along with lina and Virginia. Now, during Riverfestplace thro weekend, the United Pro Wrestling Asso- To dow ciation will bring five shows to stage overerfest onl ed—also

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Through of perform the mystic robatics! R be perform at Cape F lot throug note from theatrical hula hoop combined Open for 10:45 a.m 3:45 p.m.

two days, October 8th and 9th. Wrestling fans can expect their faves from the past and present, including the likes of Tito Santana and Nikolai Volkoff, Ivan Koloff, The Barbarian, Spike Dudley, Jim Powers and The Patriot. Taking place at the CFCC East Parking Lot, the matches are free! Be there Saturday at noon, 3:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., or on Sunday at noon and 3 p.m. All titles will be who wishdefended! st applicae.

Kidz Zone

Located in the parking lot of the Cotton Exchange, on the north end of downtown, Hunt the Kidz Zone provides family fun throughfeathersout Riverfest. There will be rides, games and beginningactivities, open to the public for free. Face), bewarepainting, bouncy houses and lots of laughs ut at theare in store on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 ering theirp.m. and Sunday, 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

er, lit and w. Skate Board Competition mble-tum- Olly olly oxen-free! then take OK, maybe we’re talking a different kind at 12:30of ollie, here, but still: Let the games begin! and smallThe skate board competition at Riverfest will o pick upprove itself a must-attend for all skating amae) so theteurs and pros. n to find Registration fees range from $5 to $40, m. Piratedepending on how many exhibitions and ith maps!games one enters (full schedule of fees online at riverfestwilmington.com). There will be beginners and intermediate classes, too, on over theSaturday (register 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) for y evening$5, along with advance classes on Sunday ton pres-open until 3:30 p.m. multitudes Beginners and intermediate “flat ground” come ear-and “half-pipes” in various heats take place ood spotbeginning at noon, and the game of SKATE takes place at 4 p.m. Open skate for competitiors/participants will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for $5 (must sign a waiver). On Sunday the fun continues with an ade profes-vanced class (registration at 10:30 a.m. to n growingnoon), and more half-pipe and trick contests, rth Caro-along with games and open skating taking Riverfestplace throughout the day, closing at 5 p.m. ing Asso- To download a registration form, visit Rivtage overerfest online. Cash prizes and gear awarded—also viewable online.

Riot Hooping & Aerial Dance

Throughout the weekend a different style of performance will be going on, captivating the mystical wonder of circus tricks and acrobatics! Riot Hooping and Aerial Dance will be performed by Kayla Dyches, a.k.a. “Riot,” at Cape Fear Community College’s riverside lot throughout the weekend. She takes a note from many of her past experiences in theatrical performing, including gymnastics, hula hooping, burlesque and aerial arts, all combined with a passion for punk music. Open for free, showtimes are: Saturday at 10:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 2:45 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 4:45 p.m. and 5:45 p.m.; Sunday

at 10:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 12:45 p.m.,1:45 p.m., 2:45 p.m. and 3:45 p.m.

8K Run the River Race

The Wilmington Roadrunners, our port city’s oldest running club since 1978, holds an annual 8k race during the celebration of the Cape Fear River. 2011 is no exception. Starting Sunday morning, with registration from 6:30 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., the run begins in the CFCC parking lot next to PPD parking deck at 8 a.m. Trailing throughout downtown and its outskirts, the 4 miles will be welcome to all ages, with awards given to male and females in top three overall, top three masters and top two in each age group. There is a $35 fee to run, and race results and times will be posted on http://wilmingtonroadrunners.org.

PIRATES’ BALL Friday, October 7th 7pm

Antique Car Display

The classic cars made their debut on Saturday; on Sunday the vintage and antique come out of the woodwork—err, garage. The Cape Fear Chapter Antique Automobile Club of America will showcase rides dedicated to preservation and renovation of automobiles across decades of innovation, as long as they’re 25 years or older. And they’re all restored to showroom condition. Founded in 1972, the CFCAACA has over 90 members, all of whom showcase models ranging from a 1915 Model T to a 1978 Corvette silver anniversary model. Stop by Market Street on Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. to catch a glimpse.


Music by


Heavy hors d’oeuvres buffet


The Great Waiters Wine Race

It has become one of the most fun events to take place throughout Riverfest weekend. The Great Waiters Wine Race pits together various service industry personnel from Wilmington restaurants. They compete through an obstacle course against time and wine spillage, all for cash awards (top three place), a trophy cup and bragging rights! Registration is $70 ahead of time or $80 if late; there will be a Best Costume and Spirit Award given as well. Last year’s defending champions, Pilot House, are awaiting their match. The event takes place at the CFCC parking lot, east side, at 2 p.m. Spectators can watch for free; contestants can register at 1:30 p.m. the day of, or sign onto http://wilmingtonriverfest.com to download the form.

Paddle Board Races

It’s the hottest water sport taking over the nation and it will return to Riverfest at the George on Saturday at 8 a.m. when registration begins. The first heat will take to the water at 10 a.m., with groups consisting of 12.6 men’s and women’s, 14 men’s and women’s and unlimited men’s and women’s. A $35 entry fee applies and race results will be posted after the showdown. The Geoge is located at 128 S. Water Street, downtown Wilmington.

Coastline Conference and Events Center

501 Nutt Street

next to the Best Western Coastline Inn. Tickets will be available to the public starting on September 23rd at

www.invasionofthepirates.com 910-777-2888

Invasion of the Pirates Flotilla Saturday October 8th 7:20 pm on the riverfront

encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 9


rockin’ on the river: Riverfest music takes over downtown all weekend long


iveRfest, peR usual, offeRs fRee

family entertainment on the main stage throughout the weekend of October 7th through 9th. Set up in front of the Federal Building on Water Street, with a beer garden quite literally on tap closeby, dancing is sure to take place daily and especially into the night throughout the weekend. To complement those stellar moves, grade-A music will accompany events on two main stages at various times. Here are some of the bands to look forward to:

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7TH The Sound Down Shore, 7 p.m. The Sound Down Shore will take to the stage with band members Dylan Holton (vocals/guitar), Ryan Grubb (bass guitar), Mike Kelsey (keyboard) and Phillip Roseberry (drums). In a past encore interview, as Holton was just joining the band, Patti Wilson described Holton’s writing “from the heart—[where he] looks for those everyday moments that inspire...” In this case, it makes for a perfect Friday sundown. Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute Band, 9 p.m. After seeing Stevie Ray Vaughan play Austin City Limits, Justin Fox picked up a guitar and never looked back when he decided to form a Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute Band. With his cousin Jeremy and “brother from another mother,” Dave, the trio only had one thing in mind: “Paying respect to the music of Stevie Ray Vaughan and to love every second of it.” SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8TH Though the music isn’t stopping ‘til well into Sunday afternoon, Saturday’s schedule flourishes most of all with performances starting at noon with Daniel Parish, followed by 40 East, Timi Lrie and Velcro taking the stage throughout the afternoon. All leading up to the headlining act... The 360 Degrees, 8 p.m. Serving the Wilmington area for almost 20 years, the 360’s are known as a number-one party band, premiering at weddings, corporate functions, private parties and clubs. They offer diverse music genres and high-energy performances. The original three members of the 360’s, Buddy Thomley (lead vocals/guitar), Brad Dean (vocals/drums) and Phil Maynard (former vocals/bass guitar), have since adopted Travis Price (guitar/vocals), Jason Moore (bass), Jane Houseal (lead vocals/percussion) and Bert Linton (keyboard/guitar/vocals). Almost a century’s worth of experience rolled into one group, they all have been in the music business for most of their lives.

Gentry by Shannon Rae Riverfest Music Main Stage deral Building Water Street Fe -9 • Free! Fri. - Sun., 10/7 onriverfest.com http://wilmingt Bert Linton has performed professionally since the age of 16 and presently manages Modern Music in Wilmington while performing with the band. As a recording artist and producer, Linton has performed with the likes of Jon Byrd and Abandon Reason and co-produced Jeff Reid’s “Roman Holiday.” encore caught up with Linton to get a few details about the band’s evolution and his thoughts on being a part of one of the most popular cover bands in town. encore: What garners your place as Wilmington’s number one party band in your opinion? Bert Linton: Probably the wide variety and styles of music that we play, as well as getting involved with the crowd while performing. We have two lead singers with wireless mics [who] think nothing of getting out in the crowd and getting them involved; dancing, singing or even bringing them back up onstage. After all, the sole purpose of our performance is to make our audience feel as if they are attending a great party. e: How have the band members been collected since 360’s inception? BL: We have always talked to other musicians in the area, as well as placed ads in the classifieds or bulletin boards. Then we have auditions, not only looking for someone talented but also someone who fits a similar priority profile. That and the person’s work ethic is as important to us as the talent, if not more so! e: What are your favorite types of events/ venues to perform? BL: There are very few venues that we don’t enjoy. However, any venue where we are able to make a connection with the crowd and feed off of each other’s energy are by far the best. We really enjoy some of the outdoor venues—Mayfaire, Sounds of Summer and Airlie Gardens. People are enjoying not only the music but also the beauty of the area. These venues offer the ability for you to bring your own food, grills and drinks. Kids are running around, dancing, playing and having fun. It’s just good old-fashioned fun for not only the crowd but us as well.

10 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

PLAYING FOR FUN: The 360 Degrees cover songs that keep the audience engaged and having fun. The band headlines Riverfest on Saturday evening at 8 p.m.. Courtesy photo.

e: At what point and why was the name The 360 Degrees adopted? BL: The name has always been The 360 Degrees. The premise of the name was a group of three members playing mostly 60’s music, realizing that they had come full circle with the music that they use to love to listen to and play in their first bands, and we’re now back playing pretty much the same music. We refer to ourselves mostly as ‘The 360’s’ [and] not The Three Hundred Sixties, because most announcer’s for radio and TV pronounce it that way. But the truth is, we’re just happy to know that they are saying our name in some form or fashion. e: Why cover songs? Have you ever been tempted to create originals? BL: We’ve all played in other bands that wrote and performed original music, hoping to make it on a more commercial level. Sometimes you have to weigh the pros and cons, the effort versus the reward and, most of all, the odds of success. I think all of us in our own way decided that this band would be a way to just have fun, like golfing or surfing. Playing covers relieves a lot of the stress and work involved in the day-to-day grind of self-promotion. After all, the music is written and arranged for us. All we have to do is play it and do justice to both the song and the artist. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9TH Sunday wraps up the weekend of the Riv-

erfest romp but not without a few shows throughout the afternoon to help bid the festival adieu. From contemporary Christian rock to acoustic heart and soul, it’s a musical ending worth many notes of praise. Bella Vita, 12 p.m. Consisting of Nathan Storey (guitar/ vocals/keyboards), Matthew Stevenson (guitar/vocals/piano) and Kim Price (bass/guitar/vocals), Wilmington’s Bella Vita has gotten a lot of attention in a short period of time. After the group debuted its “Flight Patterns” EP on iTunes, positive reviews came pouring in for their future as an Indie/folk/gospel band. The soft harmonies throughout “Flight Patterns” provides easy-listening with lulling heartfelt lyrics, perfect for a Sunday afternoon romp down the river. Luminosity, 2 p.m. Formed in June 2009, this quartet of Nathan Purifoy, Michael Graham, Daniel Purifoy, Matt Dudley–with several others on occasion–has been known to blend multiple styles to create unique forms of Christian rock. Expect to hear jams from their 2010 album, “Between Us and the Infinite,” plus the occasional acoustic 80’s cover. Matt Blair, 4 p.m. Husband, father, blogger, singer and songwriter, Matt Blair wraps up Sunday afternoon with music he hopes speaks to the heart and soul with modern Christian rock. Songs like “Still Amazing” and “Forgive Me” from his album “Broken and Redefined” come off as uplifting with a hint of electric edge that reflects his faith.

NewsoftheWeird with Chuck Shepherd LEAD STORY Risky Business Models: Orlando-area cosmetic surgeon Jeffrey Hartog inaugurated Liquid Gold, a storehouse for patients’ frozen liposuctioned fat, charging $900 to safekeep a coffee-cup-sized portion and $200 per year storage (in case the fat is needed later, as for smoothing facial wrinkles). A Massachusetts General Hospital physician shook his head, telling the Orlando Sentinel, “(F)rozen fat doesn’t hold up as well as fresh fat.” German biochemist Peer Bork told the journal Nature in September that he and his partners built the not-for-profit MyMicrobes.com social network so that people with similar stomach bacteria can commiserate over diet and gastrointestinal woes. The $2,100 signup fee includes a full gut-bacteria sequencing.

The Continuing Crisis Wild Things: Motorist Clyde White of Corbin, Ky., was charged with attempted murder in August after police finally collared him following a road-rage chase that reached ew showsspeeds of over 100 mph. White, who had repeatedly rammed his two siblings in their d the fesvehicle, is 78 years old, and in that other vestian rock hicle were his brother, 82, and his sister, 83. cal ending According to a recent report from Britain’s Office of National Statistics, there are 297,000 households in the country in which no adult has ever held any kind of job. The (guitar/number of individuals who thus may never Steven-have developed the “habit of work,” and Kim Pricewho instead have grown accustomed to the n’s Bellacountry’s generous welfare payments, might in a shorttotal 700,000. (In an example cited by the ebuted itsDaily Mail, one such couple in their late 30s, , positiveand their children, “earn” the equivalent of eir futurealmost $1,100 per week in income support The softand disability payments.) Patterns” Chicago massage therapist Liudmyla Kseng heart-nych, testifying for the prosecution in August afternoonin a sex-trafficking trial, happened to notice from the witness stand that the defense lawyer, Douglas Rathe, was formerly a client of hers. The judge immediately declared a uartet ofmistrial. Rathe later said he visited Ksenych four times in 2009 but that “nothing inapm, Daniel propriate” happened. al others to blendFine Points of the Law forms of What Year Is This? In August in Lubbock, ams fromTexas, Carl Wade Curry, 44, was sentenced s and theto 99 years in prison for cattle rustling. ustic 80’s(Said one of the victims, Curry tried to be a smooth-talking, handshake-dealing cattle seller, but “he wasn’t capable.”) In Jackson, Minn., in March, Andrew Espey was sentenced to 90 days in jail for improperly nger and shingling the roof of his house. Complained unday afEspey, “(A) drunk can drive down the highway aks to the and get a lot less (of a sentence).” (He had tian rock.affixed new shingles without first removing “Forgivethe old ones.) nd Redea hint ofOops! Larry Stone, jailed on property crimes in .

Tavares, Fla., because he could not make the $1,250 bail, posted the bond in July by earning $1,300 in telephone-company money after discovering a management error that credited his jail account $46 for every international call he pretended to make. (The company figured out the problem a day later and recovered all the payouts from the accounts of Stone and 250 other prisoners who had learned of the glitch. Stone’s bond was revoked, of course, and he was returned to lockup.) “Sorry, Honey. I Was Aiming at the Dog”: Betty Walker, allegedly firing at the pit bull that she saw lunging at some children, hit the dog with one shot and her husband, 53, with a second shot, killing him (Jackson, Miss., July). Brent Bader, allegedly firing at the family dog, instead hit his wife once in the head, killing her (Twin Peaks, Calif., February). Samuel Campos, 46, allegedly firing to put away the family Chihuahua after having inadvertently wounded it the day before, instead hit his girlfriend, 41, killing her (Willits, Calif., March). News of the Self-Indulgent While too many children in Third World countries die from starvation or lack of basic medicines, the preschoolers of the TLC TV channel’s “Outrageous Kid Parties” reality show celebrate birthdays and “graduation” (from or to kindergarten) with spectacular events that may cost their parents $30,000 or more. Typical features, according to an August ABC News report, included a Ferris wheel, a roller coaster, a dunking booth, animal rides and a cotton candy machine, as well as the obligatory live music and limo or horseback (for grand entrances).

ened and that others were “greatly disturbed,” and besides, Falkingham sometimes wore a tutu with the bunny outfit. Redneck Chronicles Lon Groves, 40, was arrested in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., after a brief standoff with police in July following an incident in which he allegedly held a handgun to the head of his wife in an argument over which of their granddaughters was the wife’s favorite. Pastor Daryl Riley of the New Welcome Baptist Church in St. Elmo, Ala., was tased, allegedly by the church’s music minister, whom Riley had just fired in August (which led another parishioner to pull a knife and begin stabbing wildly in a melee). Said the music minister’s mother, “He done cut (me) before anything started.” Recurring Themes Anecdotes have surfaced over the years about an alleged sexual fetish of purposely pumping air into the rectum, and the Snopes. com “urban legends” website accepts that at least one instance has been reliably reported (in 1993 in Thailand, although that involved not self-gratification but a prank that got out of hand, resulting in the death of the victim). In July 2010, in Hull County, England, electrician Gareth Durrant, 26, was the victim of a prank that mirrored the 1993 case except that a quick-acting colleague removed the air hose, which had been inserted by co-workers as Durrant lounged on a break. Durrant said his body felt like it was inflating. In August 2011, as his lawsuit went to Hull Crown Court (as he has been unable to work ever since), he said that he still suffers headaches and stomach pains.

Kava is a tropical shrub with large heart-shaped leaves that originates from the Western Pacific. Its thick roots are mashed or ground and made into a cold beverage. Above all other things, kava is drunk for primarily one reason; to relax. Not only does kava seem to relax the mind, it also relaxes the muscles. It has similar effects to alcohol but without disrupting mental clarity. Kava has been enjoyed for thousands of years by the Polynesian culture and is also used in traditional ceremonies. Best of all kava can be consumed by people of all ages. So come on in and get a shell!


! n w o t n i Best

Bright Ideas Strategies: Alicia Bouchard, 41, was arrested in Jackson County, Fla., in August, accused of hatching a plot with her husband to impregnate a 12-year-old girl for the purpose of producing a baby that would eventually earn an additional welfare check. In August, the Japanese construction firm Maeda Corp. ordered its 2,700 employees to adopt standard, short hairstyles (a “bob” for women with a longer fringe that could be swept to the side, and a routine short-back-and-sides cut for men with a slightly longer cut on top). Maeda said it was responding to the government’s plea to reduce energy usage (less water, less hair dryer time). People Different From Us Travis Keen, 28, was arrested in Ouachita Parish, La., in August and charged with indecent exposure while driving around the parking lot at a Walmart. According to the police report, Keen explained that, based on experience, “when he comes to Walmart, he gets aroused.” William Falkingham, 34, was warned by police in Idaho Falls, Idaho, in August that he’d better stop wearing his large, black bunny-rabbit suit in public. One resident complained that his son had been fright-

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762-4354 FREE PARKING www.paddyshollow.com encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 11

29 FILM 16-25 MUSIC


12-13 THEATRE 14-15 ART



a f know the can gover the attack the Apollo Hollywood from any seem silly ment is in ning total secrecy w face beca in power— trusted. T across the er rv by Shea Ca end, don’t Avenue Q 1 50 For play # St Nor th Front theme beh . City Stage • 21 m p. 8 21-22, 28-30, trust for 10/6-9, 14-16, 2 nized by t Tickets: $18-$2 one of the om .c nc www.citystage in Americ ries that f (l. to r.) Anna Gamel, Bad Idea Bears, Adam Poole, Princeton and Jason Aycock in ‘Avenue Q.’ Courtesy of City Stage. deception of 9/11, h Q” and the John Henson franchise). It follows a cookie monster,” Day explains. “Instead of being conspirac group of young adults living in an outer-outer bur- obsessed with cookies, he is obsessed with Interter, and th rough of the city, learning to take on the world and net porn!” result was live their lives independently, through their own deSet to music, honest material carries the show’s at what m cisions and values. Throughout their progression in enlightenment. The cast sings of drinking (“Long IsSet in the show, they sing about careers, love, and every- land Iced Teas”), neighbor sex (“You Can Be as Loud years afte day encounters that add to the spirited fun and hi- as the Hell You Want (When You’re Makin’ Love)”), Adam, his larity of young adulthood. The show gets an added break ups (“There is Life Outside Your Apartment”), Ray and P dose of color as the actors portray their characters homosexuality (“If You Were Gay”) and dreams ultimate g as puppets. (“School for Monsters/The Money Song”). the tavern “Avenue Q” expects audiences to suspend dis“It’s clever, melodic, catchy and very demanding While the belief over seeing the puppeteers live onstage. The for singers,” Day says. “We spent a lot of time on of an unex theatrical context adds another element of creative the music . . . The script moves fast, and the rhythm old friend impact to a show that could be just another genera- of the show is very important.” the bar’s tional tale, like that of “Rent.” Instead, it becomes an There is even an underlying joke throughout the Janet com homage not just to the children’s show so many were show, with a superintendent named Gary Coleman. around), r reared on, but it extends beyond childhood and into a The “Diff’rent Strokes” actor originally was asked to spouting fantasy world of maturity that’s inevitable in the face perform in the debut of the play but wasn’t able to do our gover of growth. On top of it all, the actors have to impart so. He threatened to sue the company for use of his to know. emotions and body language of the puppets live. name but nothing came of it. Creators Robert Lopez theories to “[It’s] interesting and unique that you get to watch and Jeff Marx find him pertinent to the story’s plot. Palmer, a the puppets and the actors portraying them,” Day “It’s one of the most important themes in ‘Avenue bar. He se notes. “Even with puppets, the themes are very Q,’” they once said—“that life isn’t as easy as we’ve about the real and poignant. The most important theme of this been led to believe, and who better to symbolize the story mak show is to live your life on day at a time. Don’t let the oh-so-special-as-a-kid/but-not-so-special-as-an-adult strangely stress of everyday life get you down. And no matter thing we all faced than Gary Coleman? He’s practi- of a consp what, there’s humor in everything.” cally the poster child.” On Thu With names like Trekki Monster or the camaraCity Stage’s set is done by Scenic Asylum and ern” will derie of Rod and Nikky, obvious connections to the Terry Collins, lighting by Dallas Lafton and mu- Red Barn Big Bird gang become clear. Yet, their language and sic by Chiaki Ito. The show’s cast includes Anna Morsbach the content is definitely for mature audiences, often Gamel, Adam Poole, Tracy Byrd, Jason Aycock Lee Lowr peppered with profanity. and Bradley Evans. “‘Avenue Q’ is hilarious,” Day Palmer, th “There are two characters similar to Burt and assures. “We’re lucky to have actors that are also through S Ernie, and there’s also a character that resembles gifted comedians.” rector Do

adult puppetry:

‘Avenue Q’ tips its hat to ‘Sesame Street,’ opens City Stage’s new season







show but with exquisite music and a story to which everyone can relate,” William Day, director of City Stage’s season opener, “Avenue Q,” says. In essence, audiences unfamiliar with the work can think “Sesame Street” meets “South Park.” Day, a veteran on the local scene who’s directed “Godspell” and last acted in “Hair,” moved to New York in 2001. A professional actor, he often would hang out at a watering hole in his neighborhood, located on West 45th Street. “I remember coming out of the bar one evening and looking across the street, [where] they were putting up the ‘Avenue Q’ banner and posters in front of the John Golden Theatre.” he recollects. Written by Jeff Whitty, “Avenue Q” scored big at the Tony Awards after its debut in 2003. Winning Best Musical, Best Book of a Musical and Best Original Score, it also caught the eye of the GLAAD Media Awards, which awarded it Best Outstanding Theatre Production (Los Angeles). Better yet, it’s accolades are backed by fanatical audiences. Day agreed it was the best thing he had ever seen and still credits the show’s magnifying power to entertain and affect audiences. “Everyone can relate to ‘Avenue Q,’” he says, “especially if you’re a young adult who recently graduated from college. I remember being in my midtwenties and moving to a very sketchy neighborhood in Brooklyn. It’s all I could afford at the time, and I literally had to find a job within a week so I could pay my rent and eat.” Thus is the backbone of this Muppet-like tale (though, there is no connection between “Avenue

12 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com


searching for the truth: ‘Yankee Tavern’ considers the reality within conspiracy theories




absurd they may appear, they are formed from one common desire: to know the truth. From rumors that the American government had advance knowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor, to the idea that the Apollo moon landings were filmed in a Hollywood studio, questions inevitably rise from any major historical event. They may seem silly (for instance, that the U.S. government is in cahoots with extraterrestrials, planning total global domination, thanks to the secrecy within Area 51), but the inquiries surface because some people believe that those in power—even in a free country—cannot be trusted. The frightening notion for citizens across the world is that some theories, in the end, don’t seem so far-fetched. For playwright Steven Dietz, the common theme behind conspiracy theories—a lack of trust for authority—was intriguing. Recognized by the magazine American Theatre as one of the top 10 most produced playwrights in America, Dietz is known for penning stories that focus on the effects of betrayal and deception. Just a few years after the tragedy of 9/11, he considered the astounding list of conspiracy theories surrounding the disaster, and then sat down to write a play. The result was “Yankee Tavern,” a sobering look at what may have really happened in 2001. Set in a lower Manhattan bar only five years after 9/11, the tale follows the owner, Adam, his fiancée, Janet, and two customers, Ray and Palmer. Adam, a grad student whose ultimate goal is to work for the CIA, inherited the tavern after his father committed suicide. While the young man grapples with the pain of an unexpected and confusing loss, Ray, an old friend of Adam’s father, downs drinks as the bar’s only regular. Ray keeps Adam and Janet company (or perhaps the other way around), revealing that he’s an avid theorist, spouting off all sorts of ideas about what our government does and does not want us to know. Although the couple waves Ray’s theories to the wayside, the plot twists when Palmer, a mysterious newcomer, enters the bar. He seems to know more than he should about the details of 9/11, and his unfolding story makes the rest of the characters feel strangely threatened as they become a part of a conspiracy themselves. On Thursday, October 6th, “Yankee Tavern” will begin its run in Wilmington at the Red Barn Studio Theatre. Starring Rylan Morsbach as Adam, Isabel Heblich as Janet, Lee Lowrimore as Ray and Mike O’Neil as Palmer, the play will be shown Thursdays through Saturdays until November 6th. Director Dorothy Rankin of Imaginary Theater

er by Bethany Turn Yankee Tavern Theatre Red Barn Studio 1122 S. 3rd St. . urs.-Sat. 8 p.m 10/6-11/6 • Th 2-25 Sun. 3 p.m. • $2 (910) 762-0955 Company sat down with encore prior to opening night to provide some insight into Dietz’s story. encore (e): What about this play fascinates you? Dorothy Rankin (DR): What makes ‘Yankee Tavern’ so interesting is the line it walks. Steven Dietz combines humor and intrigue in a very interesting way. He’s skillful. There are moments that are reminsicent of Hitchcock, and there are also a lot of ideas to consider. e: Is it painful to watch in the aftermath of 9/11, specifically in its 10th anniversary? DR: It’s hard to believe, but we honestly didn’t think about this being the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy until we were beginning rehearsal. Initially, I was concerned about the subject matter because no one wants to revisit the pain the nation felt 10 years ago. What changed my mind was the realization that while this play deals with 9/11, that’s not what it’s about. That’s the impetus for the action, but the real issue is trust—and that’s an idea that continues to be relevant. e: Do you think the conspiracy theories presented will open doors for conversation, or are they merely comical? DR: We’re hoping the play opens the door to conversation. While Ray’s conspiracy theories are often a source of the play’s humor, he’s not crazy. He may be a little obsessive, and some of his ideas are certainly farfetched, but he’s also both smart and wise. It’s hard to just dismiss him. Ray echoes the concerns that some people continue to have about what really happened 10 years ago. Dietz didn’t make this stuff up. e: What do you hope the audience takes away from “Yankee Tavern”? DR: Most people like thrillers. You don’t see many onstage and, first of all, I hope this is a play audiences will enjoy. But I also hope it’s a play people will continue to think about after they leave the theater. It’s a script that continues to unfold for us as we’ve worked

CONTAGIOUS CONSPIRACY: Lee Lowrimore and Rylan Morsbach star in ‘Yankee Tavern,’ a play in which one man’s conspiracy theories may just become real life danger. Courtesy photo.

on it, and I think that’s a good sign. There’s fun to be had, but there’s also some meat on the bone. Tickets for “Yankee Tavern” are $25 for general admission and $23 for students and seniors. Those interested may call the Red Barn Studio Theatre’s box office at 7620955 to charge tickets over the phone, visit the Wilmington Tickets box office within the StarNews Media building (1003 S. 17th St.) or the Red Barn box office (1122 S. 3rd St.). Tickets are also available through Wilmington Tickets’ website, www.wilmingtontickets.com. A convenience fee of $5 per ticket is added to online purchases; phone and in-person ticket purchases are subject to a $1.50 convenience fee per ticket.

October just got a little tastier. EncoreRestaurantWeek.com encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 13


from canvas to wall: Cammeron Batanides unveils mural at new music venue downtown


imitations no Longer exist in the

art world. The edges of the canvas do not signify the end of an image but simply the continuation of art into life. Art and life are no longer separate—and in a way that is what a mural signifies. Life becomes the extension of the canvas, and the viewer becomes a part of the art itself. Before the birth of the open art market, murals and images painted in public spaces were the only access that the masses had to creative ideas and intellectual thought. When these views needed to reach a majority of the public, they weren’t sequestered to small, private canvases but created in public areas on a large scale. For centuries murals have provided artistic freedom from the confines of the canvas to expand into the world of reality. Murals are no strangers to this country, and after loosing favor within the art world for some time, they have re-emerged as a viable form of artistic production. During the Great Depression, it was murals that saved this country as artists were employed by the


r by Sarah Richte al Unveiling Pour House Mur tanides by Cammeron Ba a Name Collins & Rafael i Sa : ic us m ve Li p.m. 10/6 • Doors, 8 reet • Free! 127 Princess St government to artfully adorn local establishments. Although in this postmodern world, the art of painting seems to be forgotten, artists are keeping the tradition alive. Local painter Cammeron Batanides is finding her artistic calling on walls and slabs across many platforms. Having resided for eight years in Wilmington, she will be creating her sixth mural in the Port City at The Pour House Music Hall at 127 Princess Street (the old 16 Taps), from Sunday through its unveiling on Thursday evening, October 6th. Batanides is no stranger to artistic innovation. She has been drawing and painting since she was 2,

and notes the constant that art has been throughout her life. “I always wanted to be an artist,” she says. While attending UNCW for studio art, she notes Ann Conner a major influence in her maturation, inspiring a passion for watercolor. “She was responsible for assisting me with my career,” Batanides says. Her watercolor work is something that she pursues with enthusiasm equal to her mural production—she designs dresses painted with fluidity and innovation. These fashion designs are currently being exhibited at Groove Jet Salon on Princess Street. A self-proclaimed lover of mural work, Batanides only began coddling this newfound passion over the past couple of years. It may seem alarming to go from painting canvas to walls, most notably in adjusting the subject’s scale, but she views mural work simply as “a big canvas.” Having painted other murals in downtown businesses—Copper Penny and the Italian Gourmet Café are but two— Batanides is given artistic freedom, either of her own design or within the confines of the patron’s wishes. “[Murals] and art enhance local businesses, which does a lot for the community, from the spectator, the artist and the business owners,” Batanides notes. Murals, like the ones during the Great Depression, provide artists with jobs and an outlet to express themselves on a large14 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

WRITING’S ON THE WALL: Batanides works on a colorful display to grace the walls of downtown’s newest concert venue, Pour House. Photo by Sarah Richter

scale when they run out of their own wall space. When 16 Taps became the Pour House Music Hall, the management immediately approached Batanides about producing permanent art for the venue. Having previously freehanded their logo, she has been given complete freedom to create as she sees fit. The subject matter will be live music, seeing as the venue houses concerts throughout the week. Her preliminary sketches on canvas serve as the blueprint, which will be freehanded onto the wall using acrylics. Her work possesses a piece of her exuberance for life, her passion for her lifelong craft and her aesthetic perception. “Murals are important because [they] remind the public about the importance of art,” she notes simply. “It can get someone thinking in a different direction—and enhance their day.” Batanides wil unveil the Pour House mural on October 6th at 9:30 p.m., with doors opening at 8 p.m. There will be live music by local musicians Sai Collins and Rafaela Name. There is no cover charge, but there will be a $5 raffle to win a preliminary study of the mural.

galleryguide| watercolor, clay and glass art, fiber art, turned wood, metal works, artisan-crafted jewelry and more. Classes, workshops, pottery studio, custom framing, Creative Exchange lecture series and Coffee With the Author series are also offered on-site.


1701 Wrightsville Ave 910 343 5233 Mon-Sat, 12-9pm; Sunday, 1-6pm www.artfuelinc.com Artfuel.inc is located at the corner of Wrightsville Ave and 17th street. Housed in an old gas station, we offer resident artists working in studios alongside a gallery space used to exhibit other artists work. We hope to connect artists with each other and offer many styles of work to fuel the public’s interest. Vol. 28: Works by Jason Jones, Michelle Connelly, Greg Whaley and Drew Swinson.

river to seA GAllery

cAffe Phoenix

35 N. Front Street (910) 343-1395 Monday-Saturday: 11:30am – 10pm Sunday Brunch: 11:30am – 4pm Currently showing Debra J Napp’s Retro & Whimsy a collection of large photographs on canvas featuring old neon signs, Highway 66 landmarks and capricious carnival images. DJ managed photo studios in New York City before moving to Wilmington in 1993. Her photos have been published in Environmental Magazine, The WECT Calendar, and a photo of wild ponies won secides worksond place in a photo contest in Southport. downtown’sThe show will hang until October 9th with to by Sarahan artist’s reception Sunday October 2nd from 4-7 pm. own wall

crescent Moon

ur House332 Nutt Street mediatelyIn the Cotton Exchange ucing per-(910) 762-4207 previouslyMonday-Saturday 10 am – 5:30 pm een givenSunday noon – 4 pm e sees fit.www.crescentmoonnc.com usic, see- A retail gift gallery specializing in fine hands through-crafted art glass and metal sculpture. Rick etches onSatava, known worldwide for his blown glass ch will be“jellyfish” has introduced a new line of petro glyph and gold nautilus “baskets”. Layered ylics. f her exu-with intricate design these small to large vesher life-sels are an art collectors must have. Introerception.duced to glass blowing in 1969, Rick opened [they] re-his own studio in 1977. Well known for his rtance ofvivid colors and unique portrayal of nature, et some-Satava’s works are included in numerous tion—andpublic and private collections throughout the world. Remember Gift Wrapping is free. use muralThink of us for weddings, anniversaries, birthoors open-days and your own décor. ic by local The Cotton Exchange offers free parking me. Therewhile shopping or dining. Follow us on Twitter a $5 raffleor become a fan on Facebook by searching Crescentmoonnc! al.

ON DISPLAY: Green Mountain—Ornament— DragonFly Cobalt stained glass design with cobalt blue tail Cresent Moon.

new eleMents GAllery

216 N. Front Street (919) 343-8997 Tuesday-Saturday: 11am-5:30pm or by appointment www.newelementsgallery.com “Color Infusion” features the recent works of local artist Bruce Bowman and Sally Sutton of Pittsboro. Bowman shares his distinctive vision, employing exaggerated perspectives with his skillful use of color and form. A commercial architect, Bowman engages us with his interpretation of familiar subjects, making them new and exciting. Sutton’s impressionistic style and palette offer the viewer a beautiful array of flora and fauna as she carefully selects her subjects. Sutton is particularly drawn to the graceful movement and tranquility of aquatic life forms, with her koi pond series representing a major part of her work for the show. Color Infusion” will remain on display through October 22nd. New Elements Gallery, now celebrating 26 years, is located at 216 North Front Street in historic downtown Wilmington. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 11 am until 5:30 pm or by appointment.

in the historic fishing village of Calabash, N.C., features fine arts and crafts by some of North and South Carolina’s most creative, successful artists. Almost every genre is represented here—oil, pastel and

Dear friends,

My old man used to tell me: “Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.” These beautiful words need no explanation. We want to thank all of our friends from New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick and surrounding counties for making the last 23 years in business very special, pleasurable and exciting. Your never-ending encouragement, support, and love make our lives a lot more fun, joyful and meaningful. We look forward to sharing another 23 years of our lives together! Your friendship is one that we’ll always treasure. Joseph and Szechuan 132 staff

23 Year Anniversary Special:

2 people, 3 courses: $32 Shared appetizer, two entrées and shared dessert. Valid through 10/31/2011 Does not include tax or gratuity

sunset river MArketPlAce

10283 Beach Dr., SW (NC 179) (910) 575-5999 Tues- Sat. 10am-5pm Closed Mon. in winter sunsetrivermarketplace.com myspace.comsunsetrivermarketplace This eclectic, spacious gallery, located

Chandler’s Wharf (FREE parking) 225 South Water Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910-763-3380 Tues – Sat 11-5 • Sun 1-4 River to Sea Gallery showcases the work of husband and wife Tim and Rebecca Duffy Bush. In addition, the gallery represents several local artists. The current show is sure to enthrall visitors with its eclectic collection of original paintings, photography, sculpture, glass, pottery and jewelry. Our current exhibit “Morning Has Broken” features works by Janet Parker. Come see Janet’s bold use of color and texture to reveal local marsh creeks and structures. Experience Wilmington through the eyes of a local!

419 South College Rd. (910) 799-1426 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 15

happy birthday, dear soapbox:


Nine years going strong and counting!


he soapbox laundro-lounge has

introduced me to some amazing bands over the past few years. I can still remember the first time I watched the men of Seqouyah (formerly Seqouyah Prep School) rock out their hardcore Georgia folk on the third floor stage. Now, they’re one of my favorite live acts. I’m sure such is the case for many Wilmingtonians. Through Soapbox, the people of our fair port city are able to sample some of the greatest up-and-coming local (or touring) acts of each genre. Those stages have hosted everything from reggae to death metal, Americana to hip-hop, indie rock to doo-wop and everything in between. On top of spreading their musical love, Soapbox also features the chillest laundromat in the tri-county area (and maybe the nation), as well as Nutt Street Comedy Room, which brings in nationally renowned comedians that have been featured on Comedy Central, “Last Comic Standing” and beyond. With all the instrumental talent, laughs and freshly laundered clothes to be had, what’s not to love? This year marks the ninth anniversary of one of our favorite local spots. As a way of saying thank you to the community, the Soapbox is offering nine very special nights of concerts through October 14th. In addition, the venue created a pass that includes admission to all of the shows, as well as a Soapbox t-shirt, for only $99. As a way for encore to say thank you to the Soapbox, we’re giving free tickets to quite a few shows. It sure beats cake and ice cream! To enter, head over to our Facebook page and tell us which tickets you’d like. We’ll throw you in the hat for a drawing or at least keep you updated on how to win! Wednesday, OctOber 5th Trevor Hall and Sai Collins Although Trevor Hall hails from Hilton Head, South Carolina, Sai Collins is a well-known Wilmington act who regularly plays the Soapbox and Sweet and Savory Bake Shop and Café. Hall recorded his first album at the age of 15 and studied classical guitar at Idyllwild Arts Academy in California for his sophomore through senior years of high school. He’s toured with folks like The Wailers, Ben Harper, Colbie Caillat, Steel Pulse, Matisyahu, Stevie Nicks and Ziggy Marley. Hall and Collins both play tunes reminiscent of these artists, although Hall cites Björk as an influence as well. Doors open at 8 p.m. and tickets are $10 in advance or $12 on the day of the show. thursday, OctOber 6th Bonnie Prince Billy Phantom Family Halo

er by Bethany Turn Celebration! y ar rs Ninth Annive o Lounge Soapbox Laundr reet 255 N. Front St long! Music all week m undrolounge.co www.soapboxla

Green’s School of Rock and Berklee College of Music in Boston. Now, Diaz resides in the city of music, also known as Nashville, although she tours the country, playing folk festivals and venues alike. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are $10. MOnday, OctOber 10th Bear Hands This group is gaining recognition across the Southeast as they present their post-punk, experimental and indie rock to fans all around. Formed in 2006, the band includes members Dylan Rau, Ted Feldman, Val Loper and TJ Orscher. Since releasing their first LP in 2007 (“Golden”), they toured as the opening act for MGMT, the XX, Vampire Weekend and Les Savy Fav. In November of last year, Bear Hands released their first full-length LP, “Burning Bush Supper Club.” Doors open at 8 p.m. Admission is $10 in advance or $12 on the day of the show.

The artist formerly known as Palace, Palace Songs, Palace Brothers and his own name, Will Oldham, Bonnie Prince Billy performs slow guitar strummings, paired with an amazingly piquant age-hardened voice. He’s released several albums from 1992 through today, and collaborated with guitarist Matt Sweeney, Rob Mazurek, Azita Youseffi and Jon Langford. He’s worked with legends across the board and has even had legends perform his hauntingly beautiful music (i.e. Johnny Cash, “I See a Darkness”). To miss his performance would be a fundamental no-no on the scale of outstanding performers coming to Wilmington. Oh, and did we mention he’s an actor, too? (“Junebug,” “Jackass 3D”). Tickets for this show are $15 in advance and $18 on the day of; doors open at 8 p.m. Friday, OctOber 7th Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band Singlefin Two crowd pleasers will join together for a fun, rump-shakin’ romp. Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band, performing tunes like “W.T.F.,” which features the groove of the trombone and saxophone, round out their sound with fast-paced guitar riffs and pounding drums and bass. Doors are at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 in advance or $12 on the day of the show.

Man OF POWer: Bonnie Prince Billy, a.k.a. Palace and Will Oldham, brings his beautifully crafted Americana to Soapbox on Thursday evening. Courtesy photo.

their rhymes at the Soapbox. Tickets are $5 in advance or $7 on the day of the show, and the doors to the upstairs stage will open for this show at 9 p.m.

First Friday Hip-Hop Showcase Hitcha Off Entertainment presents live performances in the laundro-lounge from J-Sales, Evolewtion, Roddy J, Grady Watts and Dax Viator of Hip Hop Co-op. As well, Last Ones Left will perform along with Jordan Brown. All of the artists strive to provide innovative hiphop in comparison to the raps being played on the radio. They are continuously collaborating and creating. Doors open at 9 p.m. and tickets are $5, or $3 with a valid college ID.

Apollo on Fire Jackaroe Byrzenix Apollo on Fire, consisting of Alex Beatty (guitar, lead vocal), Garrett Ward (drums, backing vocals), Chris McKee (guitar) and Logan Greeson (bass), are Wilmingtonians who tinge on the rock sound embodying The Killers. Although the combination of Beatty and Ward’s vocals creates a haunting, whispery audio. Doors to the laundro-lounge open at 9 p.m. and admission is free.

saturday, OctOber 8th White Boy Wasted: Keaton, Jake G, Austin B, Drake Murphy, Eulogy This hip-hop show will be hosted by Mr. Neva Dedd of AYP Magazine. White Boy Wasted is a group of white MCs from across North Carolina, and they are eager to present

sunday, OctOber 9th Madi Diaz, Keegan Dewitt Offering a blend of roots, pop and indie, Madi Diaz is a singer from Lancaster, Pennsylvania who went on to study music at Paul

16 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

tuesday, OctOber 11th Iration Tomorrow’s Bad Seeds Through the Roots Iration features a blend of reggae, rock and pop by mixing keyboard and synthesizer with melodic vocals. Having been placed in TV and radio, the band has opened for Kings of Leon, 311 and George Clinton. They love performing at festivals such as Cypress Hills Annual Smoke Out Festival and West Beach Music Festival. Their Hawaiian-inspired tunes will surely please fans of the surf culture. Doors open at 7 p.m. and tickets are $12 in advance. Friday, OctOber 14th The Black Dahlia Murder All Shall Perish Cannabis Corpse Finishing up the anniversary festivities will be The Black Dahlia Murder, a hardcore metal band that debuted in 2007 at #72 on the Billboard 200 with their third album, “Nocturnal.” Having released “Majesty” in 2009, a documentary DVD with live footage of their Summer Slaughter tour, they debuted at #4 on Billboard’s Top Hard Music Album Charts with 2009’s album, “Deflorate.” Doors for this show open at 7 p.m., and tickets are $14 in advance and $16 on the day of the show.

Tickets can be purchased on the Soapbox’s website or at the door of the venue the night of the show. Those under 21 may be subject to an additional $3 admission charge.


OCTOBER 7-9, 2011

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encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 17

bonified blues master:


Jimmie Vaughan headlines the Seafood, Blues and Jazz Festival


he blues genre is, in iTself, legendary. Like a hall of fame, it is a style of music that is home to a multitude of talented artists. Of the ilk is Jimmie Vaughan, a guitarist who spawned a revival of the blues in the early ‘90s through his sweet slides and rockin’ riffs. The older brother and mentor of the equally skillful Stevie Ray, Vaughan is a man who finds solace in his craft and will affect generations of musicians for decades to come. Vaughan received his first guitar at the age of 13, when he suffered a football injury and a family friend gifted him the instrument to play during his recovery. Growing up in Oak Cliff, Texas, just south of Dallas, he savored the Top 40 hits on the radio as well as older blues and early rock ‘n’ roll. Within two years, he formed his first band, The Swinging Pendulums, and the group frequented downtown Dallas venues. At 16, Vaughan joined The Chessman, a band which opened for Jimi Hendrix. Eventually he became a member of the group Texas Storm, furthering his own career and catapulting that of his younger brother’s, the band’s bass player.

er by Bethany Turn n ha ug Jimmie Va and Jazz Festival Seafood, Blues er 8-9 Sat.-Sun. Octob ea ry Recreation Ar Ft. Fisher Milita Rd., Kure Beach 118 Riverfront org leasureislandnc. .p w w w • 30 5$1 While opening concerts for rockstars before he was old enough to even vote or drink, Vaughan discovered and fell in love with the music of blues masters Muddy Waters and Freddie King. He was deeply rooted in the genre from then on. In the ‘70s, he started The Fabulous Thunderbirds, a group that went on to share the stage with Waters, Buddy Guy and B.B. King. “One time when we were opening for Muddy,” Vaughan remembers, as reported on his website (he did not respond to encore interview requests). “I thought, OK, I’m going to do this Muddy Waters-style slide thing and

Let us introduce

The new face of in

JACKSONVILLE encore magazine will expand into the “Marine Hub of the South” on August 31st to attract a new market of readers and active community members. Tiffanie Gabrielse, encore’s book critic, is also the advertising sales representative of the JAX area (as well as author “DWARF a memoir,” due out fall 2012). To submit story ideas of the area, or to find out about the special sections and advertising offers we have for JAX merchants, contact Tiff at (508) 667-1332 or tiffanie@encorepub.com. Wilmington merchants/advertisers can continue to contact Shea at (910) 791-0688 or shea@encorepub.com

18 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

INSTRUMENTAL ICON: Jimmie Vaughan, who has performed with Muddy Waters, B.B. King and more, is a renowned blues guitarist. Photo by Greg Giannukos.

see if I can get a reaction from him. And the next night I did it again. He came out behind me, grabbed me around the neck and said he liked it. And he told me, ‘When I’m gone, I want you to do that, and show everybody that’s what I did. I want you to do it for me.’” The Fabulous Thunderbirds went on to record eight albums, including the platinum “Tuff Enuff.” The group garnered two Grammy nominations, and by the end of the 1980s, Vaughan’s iconic look of slicked back hair and solemn face was as famous as their singles. Still, he isn’t the type to forget where he came from. In 1990 he recorded the album “Family Style” with Stevie Ray, but in August, just a few weeks before the release of the record, Stevie Ray perished in a helicopter crash in Wisconsin. Vaughan stopped recording and touring. He left The Fabulous Thunderbirds altogether. The only thing he did keep up with is playing guitar every single day. Three years later, Eric Clapton invited Vaughan to open a 16-concert series at Royal Albert Hall in London. The feeling of performing live again, a dynamic that he had not felt in so long, was what pushed Vaughan to record his first solo album, “Strange Pleasure.” It debuted at number one on the Billboard Heatseeker Chart and earned a Grammy nomination for Best Blues Album. His 1998 sophomore solo record, “Out There,” saw another nomination for Best Rock Instrumental Performance for

the song “Ironic Twist.” In 2001, “Do You Get The Blues?” was nominated for Best Traditional Blues Album. Now in 2011 with two more albums out, Jimmie Vaughan will headline the Seafood, Blues and Jazz Festival in Kure Beach on Saturday, October 8th at 8 p.m. Vaughan will be joined by the Tilt-A-Whirl Band, featuring songstress Lou Ann Barton and rounded out with drums, bass, rhythm guitar, tenor saxophone and two baritone saxophones. Held at the Fort Fisher Military Recreation Area, the festival runs through Sunday, October 9th, showcasing 16 bands between the blues and jazz stages. Acts include El Jaye Johnson and the Port City Allstars, The Willie Painter Band and, fittingly, the Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute. Of course, what is a seafood festival without great eats? Fresh and local shrimp, fish and the like will be prepared on-site for attendees to enjoy along with the music. For the tots there will be a free kids’ zone, and for grown-ups, an art and wine garden offering tastings. A craft exhibition will also take place, including works like that of Southern Digital Art which produces large canvas prints of photographs of Pleasure Island, Wilmington and surrounding area. Tickets for the event are $30 for Saturday, $15 for Sunday or $15 for both in advance, available on www.wilmingtontickets.com or by calling the Pleasure Island Chamber of Commerce at 458-8434. Children 12 and under are free. Gates open each day at 11 a.m. Coolers and pets are not allowed. The recreation area is located at 118 Riverfront Road in Kure Beach. More information about the festival is available at www.pleasureislandnc.org.

October just got a little tastier.

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onstage this week: Tons of great music plays throughout the port city






many superb concerts this week all over the city. Whether looking for a big-name act or the underground indie kids to provide a more intimate show, we’ve got it covered. Wednesday, October 5th Dr. John and the Lower 911 Greenfield Lake Amphitheatre $35 before/$40 at gate Originally named Mac Rebennack who transformed in to the Night Tripper before becoming simply Dr. John, the pianist’s amazing score of music for over 50 years pays homage not just to his love of New Orleans but for the funky and jaunty rhythms of blues and jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and pop, and all mise en place of timbre and sound in between. Dr. John covers Zydeco music in a fashion suited for the most eclectic form of musical gumbos, wherein his piano keys become the foundation for colorful roustings. The legend’s debut at Greenfield Lake Amphitheatre takes place Wednesday evening.

Iver after kicking off their tour’s debut to a packed house in Wilmington’s Brooklyn Arts Center last spring. It’s a fitting return to celebrate the indie-rock darlings along downtown’s cobbelstone streets. Tickets are only $10 in advance and $13 at the door, which opens at 8 p.m. Show starts at 10 p.m. Pour House Music Hall is located at 127 Princess Street.

by Shea Carver He’ll play from a catalog of music destined by legendary creation, from his 1968 debut “Gris-Gris” up to “Desitively Bonnaroo” (yes, the inspiration for the world-famous festival taking place annually in Tennessee) and “Gumbo” (ranked among Rolling Stone’s top 500 albums of all time). He’s collaborated with the most influential artists, from Ringo Starr to The Band, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2011. He and his band, the Lower 911, will perform with verve unprecedented on the Greenfield stage. Folks can expect a spectacle of a theatrical performance as the Grammy-award winner likely will bring “Right Place, Wrong Time,” “Gris-Gris Gumbo Ya Ya,” “Iko, Iko” and other hits to life. Tickets are available at Gravity Records, thepenguin983.com or at the gate, which open at 5:30 p.m. Eric Lindell, the opening act, goes on at 6 p.m. and Dr. John fol-

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www.driftersofWilmington.com 20 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME: Dr. John and the Lower 911 play Greenfield Lake Amphietheatre tonight, Wednesday, Oct. 5th. Courtesy photo.

lows around 7 p.m. The show is on a 9 p.m. curfew. It’ll be the best $35 spent all week long—guaranteed. Friday, October 7th The Rosebuds, with Mount Moriah Pour House Music Hall $10 - $13 Nothing provides a better show than welcoming a Merge Records-signed band back home to stage. The pop-infused sounds of The Rosebuds will make their way to downtown Wilmington’s newly opened Pour House Music Hall for a romp with fans. Joining them: the mellow rock of Durham’s Mount Moriah featuring Heather McEntire, also of local fame from her Bellafea days. Together, this dual bill will plaster downtown with unmatched tunes, as The Rosebuds play from their latest release, “Loud Planes Fly Low.” Ivan Howard (vocals/guitar/drums/bass/keyboards/programming) and Kelly Crisp, once a married team but now only relegated to music partners, have developed sweetly infectious songs, as heard on “Go Ahead” and “Limitless Arms.” They’ve been touring all summer with Bon

Saturday, October 8th Machine Funk The Whiskey, 10 p.m. They hail from Florence, SC, but they bring with them the jammedup and funked-out sounds of Georgia’s Widespread Panic. Sean Mills, Trent Severance, Michael Araujo, Greg Buie, Andy Branan and Adam Brown keep the noodling alive as they play from WP’s massive catalog, changing their set nightly so fans never hear the same show twice. Having shared the stage with the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Machine Funk also cover the likes of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Talking Heads. The show is for 21 years and older and sells out practically every time they play. Come early; admission charged. Monday, October 10th John Prine’s Birthday Celebration, various artists Reel Cafe, free He’s a legendary songwriter, bringing simple acoustic rhythms to light with a penchant for stalwart storytelling. John Prine has dedicated his career to breathing impressive country/folk/Americana after gracing openmics with his song-dabbling hobby in the 1960s. Today, he has released more than a dozen records, secured a Lifetime Achievement Award for songwriting by the UK’s BBC Radio 2 in 2003, an Artist of the Year award at the Americana Music Awards in 2005 and continues inspring the greats. Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson and even Roger Waters all tout his indispensable songwriting talent. Susan Savia’s Stone Soup Concerts celebrates Prine’s 65 years of life and his contribution to music at Reel Café at 7:30 p.m. She and 25 musicians take to the stage to perform two songs each from Prine’s catalog of music. Though the man himself won’t be there, the tribute payed to him will be magnificent. Oh, and the event is free!




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the t a lo F ’t n Do m! Mainstrea WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 ACouStIC JAzz PIAno wIth JAmES JArVIS —Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington, 762-2091 oPEn mIC nIght —Genee’s, inside America’s Best Value Inn, 4903 Market St.; 799-1440 roB ronnEr —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 StEVEn ComPton —The River Rat, 1 S. Front St.; 763-1680 DJ JAy —Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 thE gEt Down JAm wIth mIkE FruShA AnD FrIEnDS —Pour House Music Hall, 127 Princess St.; 772-2424 gAry ALLEn’S ACouStIC oPEn mIC —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888

Back of the Boat tour

loody niels,

a preview of tunes all over town this week

LIVE MUSIC Oceanfront Terrace 7-10pm

mber les, as, ts Y s, s

ottles RDAY ails, $6 s,


October 16th

October 23rd

MachINe GuN October 30nd

ceNtraL Park Complete schedule available at BluewaterDining.com/music or fan us on Facebook! Complete schedule available at BluewaterDining.com/music or fan us on Facebook! 22 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

kArAokE wIth hELLz BELLE —Marina Cafe, 110 S. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 938-2002 kArAokE wIth DJ BrEwtAL —Liquid Room, 23 Market St.;910-343-3341 DJBE EXtrEmE kArAokE —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 AngELA EAStErLIng, BrAnDon turnEr —Press 102, 102 S. 2nd St.; 399-4438 SAI CoLLInS —Sweet & Savory Cafe; 1611 Pavilion Plc.,2560115 trEVor hALL, SAI CoLLInS (9Pm) —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 LIVE JAzz —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910-509-2026 JErEmy norrIS —Buffalo Wild Wings, 206 Old Eastwood Rd.; 798-9464

ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME: The Rosebuds could go by any other name and they’d still sound as sweet. The duo will headline at Pour House Music Hall on Friday, October 7th. Mount Moriah will be the opening band. Courtesy photo.

ThuRSDAY, OCTOBER 6 ForrESt tABor (6-9Pm); trIVIA wIth DJ PArty grAS (9Pm) —Fox and Hound Pub & Grille, 920 Town Center Dr.; 509-0805 DJ LorD wALruS —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776 trIVIA wIth DJ —The Harp; 1423 South 3rd St.,763-1607 DJ BAttLE —Fibber McGee’s, 1610 Pavilion Pl; 509-1551 kArAokE wIth SCott —Toolbox, 2325 Burnette Blvd.; 343-6988

DJ SwEAt —Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 DJ —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 mIkE o’DonnELL —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832

DuELIng PIAnoS —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 DJBE EXtrEmE kArAokE —Lazy Pirate Sports Bar and Grill, 701 N. Lake Park Blvd., Carolina Beach; 458-5414

SAI CoLLInS —Pour House Music Hall, 127 Princess St.; 772-2424

toP 40 DJ —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301

BonnIE PrInCE BILLy, PhAntom FAmILy hALo —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500

kArAokE —Banks Channel Bar & Grille, 530 Causeway Drive; 256-2269

DJ —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499

FrIED Lot —Sweet & Savory Cafe; 1611 Pavilion Plc., 256-0115

John gLoVEr, LEon FELton —The Coastal Roaster, 5954 Carolina Beach Rd.; 399-4701

SEA PAnS —Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace), 1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231

FrAnk BongIorno AnD FrIEnDS —Cameron Art Museum; 3201 South 17th St., 395-5999

Dr. John —Greenfield Lake Amphitheater

BrEnt StImmEL —Wilmington Water Tours Catamaran, 212 S. Water St.; 338-3134

LIVE JAzz —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910-509-2026

DJ SIr nICk BLAnD —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776

LIVE ACouStIC —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133

gyPSy FIrE —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088

oPEn mIC wIth mIkE norrIS —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204

FIrEDAnCE & DrumS @ DArk, DJ mIt PSytrAnCE (11Pm) —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 kArAokE wIth DJ DAmon —Yosake Sushi Lounge, 31 S. Front St.; 763-3172

fRiDAY, OCTOBER 7 JASon hIBLEr —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 DuELIng PIAnoS —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133

KaraoKe with ashley —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204 DjBe extreme KaraoKe —Lazy Pirate Sports Bar and Grill, 701 N. Lake Park Blvd., Carolina Beach; 458-5414 house/techno Dj —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 Dj Battle —Dirty Martini, 1904 Eastwood Rd, Suite 109 Dj Dr. jones —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776 live music —Projekte, 523 South 3rd St., 352-0236 philip Furia, jacK KrupicKa, cinDy hospeDales —Bellamy Mansion; 503 Market St., 251-3700 KaraoKe —Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 artist symposium —Drifters Bar & Grill, 108 Walnut St.; 762-1704 acoustic jazz piano with james jarvis —Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington, 762-2091

701 N. Lake 414

Dj mit psy-

KaraoKe with Dj micK —The Harp; 1423 South 3rd St.,763-1607 Dj sweat —Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 Dj Battle —Dirty Martini, 1904 Eastwood Rd, Suite 109 Dj —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 DuelinG pianos —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133 house/techno Dj —Ibiza, 118 Market St.; 251-1301 ranDy mcQuay —Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace), 1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231 johnnie acoustic —Firebelly Lounge, 265 N. Front St.; 763-0141

40 east —Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington, 762-2091

Blivet Duo —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219

mOnday, OCTOBEr 10 open mic niGht —Drifters Bar & Grill, 108 Walnut St.; 762-1704 steven compton —Barbary Coast; 116 S. Front St., 762-8996 ian c. parKer —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 Dance party with Dj p FunK anD cheDr seleKt —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 KaraoKe with Dj @-hole —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 KaraoKe —Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 open mic with josh solomon —Liquid Room, 23 Market St.;910-343-3341

the roseBuDs, mount moriah —Pour House Music Hall, 127 Princess St.; 772-2424

Drew smith —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832

john prine’s BirthDay celeBration FeaturinG 25 various artists (rooFtop, 7:30pm) —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832

loosewheel BlueGrass jam —Ted’s Fun on the River, 2 Castle St. the mantras —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 KaraoKe —Gilligan’s; N.C. Hwy. 50, Surf City 910-328-4090 Dj p FunK —Level 5/City Stage, 21 N. Front St.; 342-0872 jazz with Benny hill —Caffe Phoenix, 9 S Front St.; 343-1395 crashBox —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838

Dj sir nicK BlanD —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776 live acoustic —Drifters Bar & Grill, 108 Walnut St.; 762-1704

machine FunK —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 white Boy wasteD —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 apollo on Fire, jacKaroe, Byrzenix —Soapbox Lounge, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 Blivet (8pm-12am, tiKi staGe); Dj Dane Britt (10pm-12am, insiDe) —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; 689-7219

Sunday, OCTOBEr 9 KaraoKe with hellz Belle —Marina Cafe, 110 S. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 938-2002

Dj richtermeister —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 penGo with Beau Gunn —Mellow Mushroom, 4311 Oleander Drive; 452-3773 Brett johnson’s jam —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 40 east —Uncle Vinny’s Pizzeria & Ristorante, 1012 S. Lake Park Blvd., Carolina Beach; 458-2018

TuESday, OCTOBEr 11 inDie music niGht —Juggling Gypsy Cafe, 1612 Castle St.; 763-2223 KaraoKe with miKe norris —Katy’s, 1054 S. College Rd.; 395-6204

Dj jay —Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677

KaraoKe with Dj party Gras —Fox and Hound Pub & Grille, 920 Town Center Dr.; 509-0805

open mic niGht with jeremy norris anD jason jacKson —Pour House Music Hall, 127 Princess St.; 772-2424

trivia with Dutch From 94.5 the hawK —The Coastal Roaster, 5954 Carolina Beach Rd.; 399-4701

Benny hill anD FrienDs —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 perry smith (Brunch 12-2) —Aubriana’s; 115 S. Front St., 763-7773

MONDAY 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6pm $2 Budweiser • $225 Heineken • $3 Gin & Tonic OPEN MIC NIGHT TUESDAY 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6pm $2 White Wolf $250 Redstripe $350 Wells 35¢ Wings at 8pm LIVE MUSIC WEDNESDAY 1/2 PRICE APPS. 4-6pm, 1/2 Priced Wine Bottle $250 Blue Moons • $250 Corona/Corona Light LIVE MUSIC: ROB RONNER THURSDAY $250 Domestic Bottles, • $3 Import Bottles, $3 Rum and Coke LIVE MUSIC: MIKE O’DONNELL 50¢ Steamed oysters and shrimp after 6pm FRIDAY ROOFTOP OPEN! DJ Sir Charles 2nd floor $3 Landshark • $3 Kamikaze • $5 Bombs SATURDAY ROOFTOP OPEN! DJ Sir Charles on 2nd floor 10pm $2 Coors Light • $3 Fruit Punch shots SUNDAY $250 Corona Live Music L Shape Lot at 3pm Clay Crotts at 8pm

Dj Battle —Fibber McGee’s, 1610 Pavilion Pl; 509-1551

purple school Bus, BareFoot waDe —Pour House Music Hall, 127 Princess St.; 772-2424

travis shallow —Firebelly Lounge, 265 N. Front St.; 763-0141

100 S. Front St. Downtown 251-1832

l shape lot (3pm, patio); roBert liGhthouse (6 pm, 2nD Floor Ballroom); clay crotts (8pm, patio) —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832

yo mama’s BiG Fat Booty BanD, sinGleFin —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500

project: cash (johnny cash triBute BanD) —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838


john craiGie, leiGh —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088

Bear hanDs, Fractal Farm, museum mouth —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500

SaTurday, OCTOBEr 8


Dj —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499

susan savia —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666

BalD Fury (8pm-12am, tiKi staGe); Dj Dane tle St.; 763-2223 Britt (10pm-2am, insiDe) —Beach House Bar ‘n’ Grill, 7219 Market St.; nt St.; 763-3172 689-7219


soul power posse —Bluewater Grill, 4 Marina St.; 256-8500

Dj willie stylez —Toolbox, 2325 Burnette Blvd.; 343-6988

l shape lot —Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace), 1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231


Dj —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910-5092026

jim QuicK anD the coastline BanD —Carolina Lounge, 5001A Market St.; 791-7595

First FriDay hip-hop showcase —Soapbox Lounge, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500

ran, 212 S.

maDi Diaz, KeeGan Dewitt —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500

Dj —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910-509-2026

Dj —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499


KaraoKe —Gilligan’s; N.C. Hwy. 50, Surf City 910-328-4090

cape Fear Blues jam —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 colleGe niGht KaraoKe —Costello’s Piano Bar, 211 Princess Street; 362-9666


karaoke night with dj be!


trivia night plus

live acoustic 10.7 FRIDAY



project cash

Landfall Center • 1331 Military Cutoff Rd

910-256-3838 wildwingcafe.com




Fri. 10/7 LIVE MUSIC!




Pass Interferen

Pass Interferen




For Touchdown


Miller Lite Bucket


Kickoff Returned


For Touchdown

QB Stop Clock

Tie game after 0-0




15 Yard Penalty

Any Appetizer FREE

Monda Field


QB Stop Clock

Tie game after 0-0



2 Point Conversion

Completed pass



Personal Foul

y Night Footba

2 Point Conversion

CARD 2 6 Wings

Pass Interferen







Personal Foul


15 Yard Penalty


6 Wings


4 Down Conversion


3 down conversion


B-D B I NuGb’s Field

Fair Catch

3 rd down conversion

Miller Lite Bucket

4 Down Conversion


Any Appetizer




Fair Catch





Kickoff Returned


QB Kneel

QB Kneel


Kennedy Park

B I NuGb’s O


B I NuGb’s O


Kickoff Returned


For Touchdown

Fair Catch

QB Kneel Timeout

Completed pass



y Night Footba


Miller Lite Bucket





Fumble Any Appetizer


FREE Field 3 down conversion


2 Point Conversion


4 Down Conversion

QB Stop Clock

Tie game after 0-0

6 Wings

Personal Foul


15 Yard Penalty

Monda CARD 2

Completed pass



y Night Footba






Sat. 10/8


Jeremy Norris

Live Music On The Patio

Monkey Junction 910.392.7224

206 Old Eastwood Rd.


8pm - 10pm followed by


(by Home Depot)


MONDAY 22oz. Domestic Draft ALL DAY $5 Pizzas TUESDAY LIVE JAzz IN THE BAR Half Price Bottles of Wine Absolut Dream $5 • Pacifico $250 WEDNESDAY Miller Light Pints $150 Coronoa/ Corona Lite Bottles $250 Margaritas/Peach Margaritas $4 THURSDAY Appletinis $4, RJ’s Painkiller $5 Red Stripe Bottles $250 Fat Tire Bottles $250 FRIDAY Cosmos $4, 007 $350 Guinness Cans $3 Island Sunsets $5 SATURDAY Baybreeze/Seabreeze $4 22oz. Blue Moon Draft $3 Select Domestic Bottles $2 SUNDAY Bloody Marys $4, Domestic Pints $150 Hurricanes $5 5564 Carolina Beach Road, (910) 452-1212

encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 23


Benny Hill —Rucker John’s, 5564 Carolina Beach Rd.; 452-1212 4126 Oleander Dr. (910) 792-9700

Everyday 1/2 PRICE APPS 4-7pm

Moxology Sun. & Mon. $5 Specialty Cocktails 1/2 Price Apps


(with entree purchase excludes carpaccio and mussels)

TueSday Choice $5 Wines by the Glass 1/2 Price Apps

TUESDAY TEAM TRIVIA WEDNESDAY Ladies Night 1/2 Bottle of Wine KARAOKE 9pm 39¢ WINGS (bar only)

(with entree purchase excludes carpaccio and mussels)

WedneSday Ladies Day and Night! $5 Specialty Ladies’ Cocktail 16 Choices of Wine at $5 1/2 Price Apps

THURSDAY Irish Pint Night, $3

(with entree purchase excludes carpaccio and mussels)

ThurSday $30.00 4-Course Prix Fixe! Selections vary weekly. Enjoy a dining adventure! Friday & SaTurday All Desserts are $5! Open Until Midnight with Full Service until 11.


35 n. FronT ST. doWnToWn WilMingTon

3317 MASONBORO LOOP RD. 910-791-1019 Open Daily 11:30am-12am

(910) 343-1395

920 Town Center Dr. Mayfaire Town Center (910) 509-0805

Bar & Comedy Room

WedNeSdAY Nutt House Improv 9pm ThurSdAY Open Mic Stand-up 9pm


GeoFF tAte (Comedy Central)

october 14-15


october 21-22

trAcY smItH (Comedy Central)

october 28-29

GLenn wooL (Comedy Central)

Sunday-nFL Sunday TickeT $3 Domestic Schooners $2 Domestic Drafts $9.99 All You Can Eat Wings at the Bar 1/2 Priced Select Appetizers at the Bar Monday nighTFooTbaLL $3 Domestic Schooners $4 Glasses Norton Malbec Wine $5 Hemingway Daiquiris $6 Ultimate Margaritas TueSday-kidS eaT Free nighT $3.50 LIT’s • $2.00 Domestic Drafts WedneSday $3 Domestic Schooners $4 Glasses Norton Malbec Wine $5 Hemingway Daiquiris $6 Ultimate Margaritas ThurSday $3.50 LIT’s • $2.00 Domestic Drafts Friday-TgiF $3.50 Cosmos $2.00 Domestic Drafts SaTurday-coLLege FooTbaLL $3 Domestic Schooners $4 Glasses Norton Malbec Wine $5 Hemingway Daiquiris $6 Ultimate Margaritas Monday- Friday 1/2 Priced Appetizers from 4-7 pm & 9 pm -close at the bar Free Appetizer of the Day with purchase of a non-refillable beverage from 5-7 at the bar. SaTurday & Sunday All You Can Eat Wings $9.99 all day at the bar

THe DeaD PHisH Panic —Pour House Music Hall, 127 Princess St.; 772-2424 iraTion, Tomorrow’s BaD seeDs, THrougH THe rooTs —Soapbox Upstairs, 255 N. Front St.; 251-8500 cary Benjamin —The Whiskey, 1 S. Front St.; 763-3088 live acousTic —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838 Piano —Holiday Inn Resort (oceanfront terrace), 1706 N. Lumina Ave.; 256-2231

Wednesday, october 12 acousTic jazz Piano wiTH james jarvis —Calico Room, 107 S. Front St. Wilmington, 762-2091 oPen mic nigHT —Genee’s, inside America’s Best Value Inn, 4903 Market St.; 799-1440 sTeven comPTon —The River Rat, 1 S. Front St.; 763-1680 Dj jay —Sharp Shooters, 2109 N. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 346-2677 THe geT Down jam wiTH mike FrusHa anD FrienDs —Pour House Music Hall, 127 Princess St.; 772-2424 roB ronner —Reel Cafe, 100 S. Front St.; 251-1832 karaoke wiTH Hellz Belle —Marina Cafe, 110 S. Marine Blvd., Jacksonville; (910) 938-2002 gary allen’s acousTic oPen mic —Rusty Nail, 1310 S. 5th Ave.; 251-1888 jeremy norris —Buffalo Wild Wings, 206 Old Eastwood Rd.; 798-9464 live jazz —Cameo 1900; 1900 Eastwood Rd.,910-509-2026 DjBe eXTreme karaoke —Wild Wing Cafe, 1331 Military Cutoff; 256-3838

sAturDAY octoBer 8

live acousTic —Hell’s Kitchen, 118 Princess St.; 763-4133

Live acoustic on the patio

Dj —Charley Brownz, 21 S Front St.; 254-9499 karaoke wiTH Dj BrewTal —Liquid Room, 23 Market St.;910-343-3341

Best seats in town for the Riverfest fireworks!

Dj sir nick BlanD —Red Dogs, 5 N. Lumina Ave., Wrightsville Beach; 256-2776 Benny Hill —Sweet & Savory Cafe; 1611 Pavilion Plc., 256-0115

100 oz. Bud Light for $12 $5 LIts

www.nuttstreet.com (910) 520-5520 24 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com


All entertainment must be sent to music@encorepub.com by Wednesday for consideration in the weekly entertainment calendar. Venues are responsible for notifying encore of any changes, removals or additions to their weekly schedules.

ShowStoppers: Concerts outside of Southeastern NC

127 Princess St. • 910-772-2424 • LIVE MUSIC

every tuesday DeADPHisHPANic every wednesday THe geT DowN JAm w/ mike FRusHA & FRieNDs

every sunday oPeN mic NigHT

MOO-VIN’ AND GROOVIN’: The Avett Brothers will play their hometown of Greensboro, when they take on the Coliseum on Saturday, October 8th. Courtesy photo

LINCOLN THEATRE 126 E. Cabarrus strEEt, ralEigh, nC (919) 821-4111 10/5: Conspirator, Mindelixir, Sci Fi 10/6: The Blind Boys of Alabama 10/7: JJ Grey and Mofro, Whitey Morgan and the 78’s 10/8: Audio Rush, Cry Wolf, Symbiotik, Danusha, Genki AMOS’ SOUTHEND 1423 south tryon strEEt, CharlottE, nC (704) 377-6874 10/7: Firefire, Luminoth, Bred for Disaster 10/8: Frontiers (Journey tribute) 42 (Coldplay tribute) 10/12: Iration, Through the Roots, Tomorrow’s Bad Seed THE ORANGE PEEL 101 biltmorE avEnuE, ashEvillE, nC (828) 225-5851 10/7: The Blind Boys of Alabama, Jim Lauderdale 10/8: Burnstitch, As Sick As Us, Maylay 10/11: Junior Boys, Egyptrixx HOUSE OF BLUES 4640 hwy. 17 south, n. myrtlE bEaCh, sC (843) 272-3000 10/7: Trey Anastasio 10/8: Steve Miller Band ALABAMA THEATRE 4750 hwy. 17 s., n. myrtlE bEaCh, sC (843) 272-1111 10/8: Ray Stevens

GREENSBORO COLISEUM 1921 w. lEE st., grEEnsboro, nC (336) 373-7400 10/8: The Avett Brothers VERIZON WIRELESS AMPHITHEATRE 707 Pavilion blvd., CharlottE, nC (704) 549-5555 10/7: Toby Keith, Eric Church, JT Hodges 10/8: Chris Brown, Bow Wow, T-Pain, Tyga CAT’S CRADLE 300 E. main strEEt, Carrboro, nC (919) 967-9053 10/5: Tune Yards, Pat Jordache 10/6: Jay Clifford, Haley Dreis, Small Town Gossip 10/7: The Gourds, Patrick Sweany 10/8: Boyce Avenue, Green River Ordinance, Gary Ray 10/10: Junior Boys, Egyptrixx 10/11: Thrice, La Dispute, O’Brother, Moving Mountains 10/12: Stars, North Highlands DURHAM PERFORMING ARTS CENTER 123 vivian st., durham, nC (919) 680-2727 10/5: Peter Frampton 10/8: Adele 10/9: Weird Al Yankovic OVENS AUDITORIUM 2700 E. indEPEndEnCE blvd., CharlottE, nC (704) 372-3600 10/7: Brian McKnight 10/8: Weird Al Yankovic 10/9: Big Head Todd and The Monsters, John Hiatt and The Combo


Thirsty Thursday

$3.50 All NC Pints!!

$2 PBR Tall Boys!

$6 tall vodka energy drinks


Wednesday $5.50 tall/double well whiskey drinks

Well Vodka $5.50 (tall/double)

Saturday Long Island Iced Tea (LIT) $5.50 (tall/double)

www.the-pour-house.com encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 25

26 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

Wilmington’s World-Class Concert Venue L i V e @ Ba C

Sunday, October 16th

For Tickets and more information

BrooklynArtsNC.com 910-538-2939 There is abundant Free parking on north 4th St., or you can park in Historic Downtown Wilmington, two minutes away, and take the free trolley.

PHANTOM PLAYBOYS DEADLY LO-FI ASG RURAL SWINE THE NOSERIDERS KINGS OF THE WEEKEND GLOW IN THE DARK SCARS POSSUM CREEK DA HOWLIES THE BARNRAISERS REGGAE INTERNATIONAL and more! Doors open at noon $12 ages 18 and up, $10 ages 6 to 18, under 6 free Tickets available online at www.brooklynartsnc.com

516 North 4th Street | Historic Downtown Wilmington, NC encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 27

Limited Edition T’s TM


a brea



EAT a w




100% of Profits donated to the Pretty In Pink Foundation.

Stop by either location today to purchase!




’s B I Nub GO


’s B I Nub GO

Pass Interference

Pass Interference



For Touchdown

Miller Lite Bucket


Kickoff Returned


For Touchdown

Miller Lite Bucket

QB Stop Clock



15 Yard Penalty

Monday Field


QB Stop Clock

15 Yard Penalty

Tie game after 0-0


2 Point Conversion


6 Wings

Personal Foul


2 Point Conversion

6 Wings



Challenge 4 Down Conversion

Any Appetizer




Tie game after 0-0






Fair Catch

3 down conversion rd

3 down conversion

Fair Catch


Any Appetizer



4 th Down Conversion

Kickoff Returned


QB Kneel



QB Kneel

Completed pass



Personal Foul


Night Foot

Pass Interference



ball Rushing


Kickoff Returned


For Touchdown

Fair Catch

QB Kneel Timeout

Completed pass




Night Foot

Miller Lite Bucket


Interception Challenge



Any Appetizer FREE Field 3 down conversion


2 Point Conversion


4 Down Conversion

QB Stop Clock

Tie game after 0-0

6 Wings


15 Yard Penalty



Personal Foul

Completed pass




Night Foot



Play for FREE during Monday Night Football!

Win Gift Cards and Prizes!

28 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com


Old Eastwood Rd. 910.798.9464

Monkey Junction 910.392.7224


d to ation.


unction 2.7224

gone slumming: Star-studded cast flatten ‘Killer Elite’


ave you ever Had a movie bore

you to the point of mental abandonment? The kind of film where you check out midway through? That was exactly what happened while I watched the new action thriller “Killer Elite.” At some point the plot of the movie and the fate of the characters turned into white noise. I began to wonder what I was going to have for dinner. I thought about political turmoil in Palestine. I started “head-checking” my grocery list. “Killer Elite” didn’t just assault my attention span, it murdered it in cold blood. I’ve been apologetic in the past for sub-standard action films. I’ve been giving passes to lackluster movies for far too long. I don’t know if the movies are getting worse or I’ve just been turned off by the redundant product. Either way, “Killer Elite” felt like the breaking point. Maybe my malaise falls on the shoulder of Jason Statham. I realize that most action icons have certain limitations with their acting. No one ever accused Stallone, Van Damme or Schwarzenegger of being ranged thespians. Statham’s gritty, monotonous delivery has started to lose impact—especially in more “serious” action movies grounded in reality. In his more ridiculous action outings, like the “Transporter” films and the “Crank” movies, a subtle inexpressive style seems to work because he’s the most serious man in a crazy scenario. In a typical, run-of-the-mill spy movie, he’s kind of a bore. “Killer Elite” is just that: a bore. It’s an emotionless, plodding mess. Statham plays Danny, a mercenary who will kill anyone for the right price but still has values. This is established at the start of the film when Danny slaughters a car full of people but seems downright shocked when a young girl is in the car. He stares at her blood-stained face and hesitates. He can’t pull the trigger. This is intended to let the audience know that even though Danny is a savage-killing machine, he still has a heart of gold. Danny’s mentor is a grizzled old hit-man named Hunter (Robert DeNiro). The two are very close. They share a bond that can only be formed when two men spend a lot of time murdering people for money or herding cattle in Montana. Danny takes some time away from contract killing but is abruptly brought back into the cloak-

by Anghus Killer Elite


atham, Clive Starring Jason St o Nir Owen, Robert De

reel reel


this week in film Most of the time, when I review a movie like “Killer Elite,” I bag on the acting and the predictable plotting but find a way to excuse the gaping flaws because of a couple of well-choreographed action scenes. Not today. This is junk—a total waste of everyone’s time involved with the produc-

The Hand

Subversive Film Series Juggling Gypsy •1612 Castle St. (910) 763-2223 Sundays, 8pm • Free 10/9: Jon Lansdale is a comic book artist who loses his right hand in a car accident. The hand was not found at the scene of the accident, but it soon returns by itself to follow Jon around, and murder those who anger him. Directed by Oliver Stone and starring Michael Caine.

The Guard

Cinematique Thalian Hall Studio Theatre 310 Chestnut Street 7:30pm, $7 10/3-5: “The Guard”—A comedic fishout-of-water tale of murder, blackmail, drug trafficking and rural police corruption. Two policemen must join forces to take on an international drug-smuggling gang, starring Brendan Gleeson and Don Cheadle. 1 hr. 36 min. Rated R.

KILLER TRASH: , Jason Statham, Robert DeNiro and Clive Owen don’t save the latest pile of action garbage that is ‘Killer Elite.’ Courtesy photo.

and-dagger shenanigans after Hunter is kidnapped and held hostage. Danny is informed by a terminally ill Sheik that he must exact revenge on a team of killers in the British military, all of whom murdered his sons. There are conditions: Not only must he kill these crafty assassins, he must get them to confess and make their deaths appear to be accidents. Everything about “Killer Elite” feels manufactured. There isn’t an honest or inspired moment in the entire film. I was roped into thinking this would be a highcaliber film due to the casting of legitimate actors like Clive Owen and Robert DeNiro. Let me dispel that rumor right now. Sometimes good actors do bad movies for no other reason than collecting a paycheck. “Killer Elite” might have just reset the bar for how low-talented actors are willing to sink for some cold, hard cash. Is there anything worse than watching good thespians saddled with bad material, giving the bare minimum of effort? Actually, there are probably a lot of things worse than that. War. Famine. Poverty. Anything featuring Zooey Deschanel.

tion and a total waste for anyone who had to pay 10 bucks to sit through it. I’ve seen so many average films starring Jason Statham that I’m beginning to resent his existence. And I’ve seen Robert DeNiro in so many forgettable roles over the past 10 years that I’m starting to forget what a great actor he used to be. “Killer Elite” shouldn’t have been such a disappointment, but all the signs are there. A tired action star. Good actors slumming in a film that should be beneath them. This is a boring pile of emotionless trash.

Bag It

Lumina Theater, UNCW campus Fisher Student Center 7 p.m. Free! 10/4, 7pm: “Bag It”(pictured) —An average guy makes a resolution to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store. Little does he know that this simple decision will change his life completely. 74 mins. Free

All AreA movie listings And pArAgrAph synopses cAn be found At encorepub.com.

encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 29



Enjoy spectacular panoramic views of sailing ships and the Intracoastal Waterway while dining at this popular casual American restaurant in Wrightsville Beach. Lunch and dinner are served daily. Favorites include jumbo lump crab cakes, succulent seafood lasagna, crispy coconut shrimp and an incredible Caribbean fudge pie. Dine inside or at their awardwinning outdoor patio and bar, which is the location for their lively Waterfront Music Series every Sun. during the summer months. Large parties welcome. Private event space available. BluewaterDining.com. 4 Marina Street, Wrightsville Beach, NC. (910) 256.8500. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Fri 11am - 11pm; Sat & Sun 11am – 11pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Waterfront dining ■ MUSIC: Music every Sun. in Summer ■ WEBSITE: bluewaterdining.com


Serving the Best Seafood in South Eastern North Carolina. Wilmington’s Native Son, 2011 James Beard Award Nominee Chef Keith Rhodes explores the Cape Fear Coast for the best it has to offer. We feature Wild Caught & Sustainably raised Seafood. Organic and locally sourced produce & herbs provide the perfect compliment to our fresh Catch. Consecutively Voted Wilmington’s Best Chef 2008, 09 & 2010. Dubbed “Modern Seafood Cuisine” we offer an array

30 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

Fresh Seafood & Steaks, including our Signature NC Sweet Potato Salad. Appetizers include our Mouth watering “Fire Cracker” Shrimp, Crispy Cajun Fried NC Oysters & Blue Crab Claw Scampi, Seafood Ceviche & Conch Fritters to name a few. Larger Plates include Plancha grilled Painted Hills Steaks, Blackend Red Drum Filet, Charleston Crab Cakes, Tempura OBX Scallops, Flounder Escovitch & Pan roasted Queen Trigger fish. Custom Entree request gladly accommodated for our Guest. (Vegetarian, Vegan & Allergies) Hand Crafted seasonal desserts from Alan DeLovely. Full ABC Permits. 6623 Market Street, Wilmington, NC 28405. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Fri 11am-2pm and Mon. Sat. 5pm-9pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: North Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Acclaimed Wine List


If you’re looking for good food and an atmosphere that’s fun for the whole family, Buffalo Wild Wings is the place! Award winning wings and 20 signature sauces and seasonings. Plus…salads, wraps, flatbreads, burgers, and more. Tons of Big screen TVs and all your favorite sports. We have daily drink specials, a HUGE draft selection, and Free Trivia all day every day. Come in for our Weekday Lunch Specials, only $5.99 from 11am-2pm. Visit us for Wing Tuesdays with 50 cent wings all day long, or Boneless Thursdays with 60 cent boneless wings all day long. Buffalo Wild Wings is a great place to dine in or take out. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: Mon-Sat 11am-2am and Sun 12pm-2am

■ NEIGHBORHOOD: 2 locations-Midtown (910-798-9464) and Monkey Junction (910-392-7224) ■ MUSIC: Friday and Saturday nights at both locations. ■ WEBSITE: www.buffalowildwings.com


For great traditional New York style eats with Southern charm look no further than C.G. Dawgs. You will be drawn in by the aroma of fine beef franks served with witty banter and good natured delivery from the cleanest hot dog carts in Wilmington. Sabrett famous hot dogs and Italian sausages are the primary fare offered, with a myriad of condiments for all of your mid-day or late night cravings. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 11am– 5pm. Sat. at the farmers market. Thurs.- Sat. nights on Market St. between Front and 2nd St. from 10pm – 3:00am.Fibbers on Sun. nights Until 3am. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD Downtown ■ FEATURING: Lunch time delivery downtown


Drop your anchor at The George on the RiverWalk, your destination for complete sense indulgence. Watch the historic Cape Fear River unfold before you while you enjoy the best in Southern Coastal Cuisine. The menu combines elegance, creativity and diverse selection of steak, pasta, salad and fresh seafood, including the best Shrimp n’ Grits in town. Warm in the sun on the expansive outdoor deck sipping an exotic, colorful martini, or unwind at the spacious bar inside boasting extensive wine and martini lists along with weekday appetizer specials from 4:00pm-6:30pm. Don’t forget to try

downtown’s best kept secret for Sunday Brunch from 11am-3pm. You are welcome to dock your boat at the only dock’n’dine restaurant downtown, grab a trolley, or enjoy our free, front door parking (ask for pass!) Why satisfy when you can indulge? Find the George on the Riverwalk at 128 South Water Street, 910-763-2052. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Tues. – Sat. 11am – 9 pm. Enjoy Sunday Lunch and Brunch 11am – 3pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Sunday Brunch / Wilmington’s only dock’n’dine restaurant. ■ WEBSITE: www.thegeorgerestaurant.com


“Failte,” is the Gaelic word for “Welcome,” and at Halligan’s Public House it’s our “Motto.” Step into Halligan’s and enter a world of Irish hospitality where delicious food warms the heart and generous drink lift the spirit. Be sure to try Halligan’s house specialty, “The Reuben,” number one with critics and of course our customers. One bite and you’ll understand why. Of course, we also serve a full selection of other delicious entrees including seafood, steak and pasta, as well as a wide assortment of burgers, sandwiches(Halligan’s Cheese Steak), and salads. And if you are looking for a friendly watering hole where you can raise a glass or two with friends, new and old, Halligan’s Public House boasts a comfortable bar where fun-loving bartenders hold court daily and blarney fills the air. Stop by Halligan’s Public House today, “When you’re at Halligan’s....you’re at home.” With 12 beers on tap and 16 flat screen TVs, you can watch your favorite game and enjoy your favorite drink. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:

7 Days a Week Mon-Wed 11:30 am - 2:00 am Thurs-Sun 11:30 am - 2:00 am ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Masonboro Loop ■ FEATURING: THE Best Rueben in Town!, $5.99 lunch specials, Outdoor Patio ■ WEBSITE: www.halligansnc.com


A local favorite, Henry’s is the ‘place to be’ for great food, a lively bar and awesome patio dining. Henry’s serves up American cuisine at its finest that include entrees with fresh, local ingredients. Come early for lunch, because its going to be packed. Dinner too! Henry’s Pine Room is ideal for private functions up to 30 people. Henry’s is home to live music, wine & beer dinners and other special events. Check out their calendar of events at HenrysRestaurant.com for details. 2508 Independence Boulevard, Wilmington, NC. (910) 793.2929. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun. – Mon.11am-10pm; Tues.- Fri.: 11am – 11pm; Sat.: 10am – 11pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Daily blackboard specials. ■ MUSIC: Live Music beginning at 5:30pm ■ WEBSITE: www.henrysrestaurant.com.


Oceans Restaurant located in this oceanfront resort is a wonderful find. This is the perfect place to enjoy a fresh Seafood & Steak dinner while dinning outside overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Chef Eric invites you to experience his daily specials in this magnificent setting. (910) 256-2231. 1706 N Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach. ■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER:


■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach

■ FEATURING: Waterfront dining ■ WEBSITE: www.holidayinn.com


Wilmington’s favorite fondue restaurant! The Little Dipper specializes in unique fondue dishes with a global variety of cheeses, meats, seafood, vegetables, chocolates and fine wines. The warm and intimate dining room is a great place to enjoy a four-course meal, or indulge in appetizers and desserts outside on the back deck or in the bar while watching luminescent jellyfish. Reservations are appreciated for parties of any size. Located at the corner of Front and Orange in Downtown Wilmington. 138 South Front Street. (910) 2510433. ■ SERVING DINNER: Tues.- Sun. 5pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: 70s menu every Friday ■ MUSIC: Fri. & Sat. in summer ■ WEBSITE: www.littledipperfondue.com


Pine Valley Market has reigned supreme in servicing the Wilmington community for years, securing encore’s Best-Of awards in catering, gourmet shop and butcher. Now, Kathy Webb and Christi Ferretti are expanding their talents into serving lunch in-house, so folks can enjoy their hearty, homemade meals in the quaint and cozy ambience of the market. Using the freshest ingredients of highest quality, diners can enjoy the best Philly Cheesesteak in Wilmington, along with numerous other sandwich varieties, from their Angus burger to classic Reuben, Italian sub to a grown-up banana and peanut butter sandwich that will take all diners back to childhood. Served among a soup du jour and salads, there is something for all palates. Take advantage of their takehome frozen meals for nights that are too hectic to cook, and don’t forget to pick up a great bottle of wine to go with it. 3520 S. College Road, (910) 350-FOOD. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:

Mon.-Fri.10am-7pm; Sat. 9am-6pm. Closed Sun. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South ■ FEATURING: Daily specials and take-home frozen meals ■ WEBSITE: www.pinevalleymarket.com


Temptations Everyday Gourmet draws diners in by droves thanks to their creative menu selections, an extraordinary inventory of fine wines (over 300 varieties all without restaurant markups) and trained staff that go beyond culinary excellence. Recognized as Best Lunch Spot by WWAY in 2011, as well as having its chef, Michael Comer, touted among the top three best chefs in Wilmington, according to StarNews’ Taste of Wilmington 2010, Temptations offers two locations to serve Wilmingtonians. Located in Hanover Center for 25 years, signature items include their Homemade Chicken Salad and Turkey, Brie and Apple Sandwich, as well as their Porter’s Neck location’s Pimiento Cheeseburger. The Porter’s Neck location also serves an expanded dinner menu, which changes weekly. Their daily features, including specialty soups, salads, quiche and paninis, keeps patrons busy choosing healthy, fast foods whether dining onsite or back at the office. in fact, ask Temptations about their Office Party Menu for your next gathering. Their gourmet retail shop provides unique gourmet gift items featuring many locally made specialty foods, chocolates and goodies.

■ SERVING LUNCH: Hanover Center, 3501 Oleander Dr., Ste 13. Mon.-Sat., 11am – 6pm (Closed Sundays) ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Porter’s Neck Center, 8207 Market St., Ste F. Mon. Wed., 10am-8:30pm; Thurs.-Sat., 10am-9pm. Dinner features begin at 5pm. (Closed Sundays) ■ NEIGHBORHOODS: Midtown & North Wilmington ■ WEBSITE: www.temptationseverydaygourmet.com ■ FEATURING: An expanded dinner menu, at the Porter’s Neck location, which changes weekly.


Trolly Stop Hot Dogs is a family owned franchise with six locations. Since 1976 they specialize in homemade chili, slaw and sauces, and as of more recent – a variety of gourmet sausages and burgers (at participating locations). The types of hot dogs include Beef & Pork, All Beef, Smoked Sausage, 98% Turkey, and Soy. Sausages include Bratwurst, Mild Italian, Spicy Beef and Polish Kielbasi. Locations are: 126 N. Front Street Open seven days from 11am-4pm, late night hours are Thurs., Fri., and Sat. night from 10pm-3am; (910) 343-2999, 94 S. Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach 11-5pm 7days a week, 6pm-9pm Sun-Wed, and 6pm-3am Th-Sat. (910) 256-1421; 4502 Fountain Dr., 452-3952. 11am-7pm Mon-Sun; South Howe St. in Southport, (910) 457-7017 (CLOSED FOR THE SEASON UNTIL EASTER WEEKEND); 103A Cape Fear Blvd in Carolina Beach, (910) 4585778; 1250 Western Blvd., Unit L-4 Jacksonville, (910) 228-0952, opened Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. Catering cart available all year from $300. (910) 297-8416. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Throughout the Port City ■ FEATURING: Dog friendly locations

at Wrightsville Beach and Downtown Wilmington. Buy a hot dog, we’ll throw in an extra for your pooch. (Without bun.) ■ WEBSITE: www.trollystophotdogs.com


Now with two convenient locations to serve you, Big Thai features authentic Thai cuisine in a fun, relaxing atmosphere. Their delectable menu includes items such as Pineapple Fried Rice with Cashews, Roasted Duck in Red Curry, and several options for vegetarians and vegans. And don’t forget to try their famous Coconut Cake, made fresh in-house. You won’t regret it. Big Thai One (1001 N. 4th St. in the Brooklyn Arts District; 763-3035): Lunch M-F, 11-2. Dinner M-Th 5-9, F-Sa 5-10, Closed Sun.. Big Thai Two (1319 Military Cutoff Rd. inside Landfall Center; 256-6588) ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Open for Lunch M-F 11-2:30; Dinner M-Th 5-9; F-Sa 5-10; Sun. 5-9. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown and North Wilmington ■ FEATURING: Vegetarian/vegan options.


Craving expertly prepared Chinese food in an elegant atmosphere? Szechuan 132 Chinese Restaurant is your destination! Szechuan 132 has earned the reputation as one of the finest contemporary Chinese restaurants in the Port City. Tastefully decorated with an elegant atmosphere,

with an exceptional ingenious menu has deemed Szechuan 132 the best Chinese restaurant for years, hands down. 419 South College Road (in University Landing), (910) 799-1426. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Lunch Specials


What better way to celebrate a special occasion or liven up a dinner out than to dine in a place where every meal is an exciting presentation. Knowing that a meal should be more than just great food, Hiro adds a taste of theatre and a amazing atmosphere to everyone’s dinning experience. Also serving sushi, Hiro surprises its guests with a new special roll every week and nightly drink specials to complement it. From 4-7pm enjoy half-priced nigiri and half-priced regular makimono. Nigiri makimono combos are only $7.50, while early-bird specials last from 4-6pm, where diners can choose two: shrimp, chicken or steak. Located at 222 Old Eastwood Road (910) 794-1570. ■ SERVING DINNER: Open Mon. thru Thurs. 4pm-10pm; Fri. and Sat. 4pm-10:30pm and Sun. 11am-10pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Hibachi style dining. ■ WEBSITE: hirojapanesesteakhouse.com/ hibachi


If you’re ready to experience the wonders of the Orient without having to leave Wilmington, join us at Indochine for a truly unique experience. Indochine brings the flavors of the Far East to the Port City, combining the best of Thai and Vietnamese cuisine in an atmosphere that will transport you and your taste buds. Relax in our elegantly decorated dining room, complete with antique Asian decor as well as contemporary artwork and music. Our diverse, friendly and efficient staff will serve you beautifully presented dishes full of enticing aromas and flavors. Be sure to try such signature items as the spicy and savory Roasted Duck with Red Curry, or the beautifully presented and delicious Shrimp and Scallops in a Nest. Be sure to save room for our world famous desert, the banana egg roll! We take pride in using only the freshest ingredients, and our extensive menu suits any taste. After dinner, enjoy specialty drinks by the koi pond in our Asian garden. Located at 7 Wayne Drive (beside the Ivy Cottage), (910) 251-9229. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:

Tues.- Fri. 11am- 2pm; Sat. 12pm – 3pm for lunch. Mon.- Sun. 5pm – 10pm for dinner. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Balinese dancer every Fri. night. ■ WEBSITE: www.indochinewilmington.com


Wilmington’s finest French cuisine can be found at Caprice Bistro, a small informal neighborhood restaurant, serving hearty food in generous portions at affordable prices. Simple is the atmosphere in the bistro, as plain white plates and tables dressed in white paper make up the decor. However, the food is far from simple, as a combination of fresh ingredients and innovative

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32 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com


OCTOBER 7-9, 2011

on the waterfront in Downtown Wilmington • www.WilmingtonRiverfest.com












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$2 Tacos, Tecate, Tequila shots, and Modelo Especial Draft

Live Latin Music returns to Mixto Fridays 6-9pm

9-23 and 9-30 with The Tiki Torch Trio 5 South Water Street Downtown Wilmington 910-399-4501





On Our Open Air Dec Every Tuesday

Dog, Dine & Wine

Bring your dogs, eat or just meet and greet $5 glass pours on featured wines, weekly drink specials and dog treats. Leashes required and HAPPY DOGS welcomed!! Friday and Saturday live music - listing the musician every week, 7-10pm Sunday 1/2 price wines great spot to come out and enjoy the outdoors!! Cheese, chocolate and wine - mighty fine!!



Select Sushi and Appetizers


choose from more than 20 options

OCT. 7




Karaoke starting at 9:00pm

OCT. 8

$5 Sapporo 22oz cans


$2 Sake Shots

138 South Front Street 910.251.0433 www.littledipperfondue.com

PORTER’S NECK 7979 Market St. • 910-686-1766 LONGLEAF MALL 4310 Shipyard Blvd. • 910-350-8289

33 S. Front St. 2nd Floor (910) 763-3172 www.yosake.com

RACINE (NEXT TO HOME DEPOT) 200 Racine Drive • 910-392-3999

34 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com



99 /month


No payment for 90 days


preparation delight the taste buds with a plethora of unique appetizers, entrées and desserts. The service is fast, efficient and non-intrusive, and the ambience is friendly and unpretentious. After dinner, be sure to venture upstairs into their cozy and relaxing sofa bar for an after-dinner martini, or enjoy your meal there, as a light-fare and full menus are served. Art is always on display in the sofa bar, so be sure to inquire frequently about their artist show receptions. Voted “Best French Restaurant” three years in a row! 10 Market Street, downtown Wilmington, (910) 815-0810. ■ SERVING DINNER: Sun.- Thurs. 5:00 – 10pm.; Fri. and Sat., 5pm – Midnight. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Upstairs sofa bar serving cocktails and lighter fare. ■ WEBSITE: www.capricebistro.com


Try something different to eat! Our Crêpes & More, a family owned and operated French Crêperie, is serving authentic, homemade French cuisine to dine in or to go. Everything on their menu is under $10, and is a healthy alternative, while eating a savory meal or sweet treat. Whether it’s for breakfast, lunch, or an afternoon treat, everything on the menu is available. On the Savory side, the Uzès, Quebec, Forestiere Royale or Tahiti are among the most popular. Their homemade Ratatouille, South France type Sub like the Pain Bagnat are worth the detour too! On the sweet side, The Versailles, St- Tropez or Crazy Nutella (with homemade Nutella ice cream) will make you come back for more! They also serve Fresh Salads or Soups depending on the seasons, amazing all natural Homemade Sorbet & Ice Cream, Croissants & Chocolate Croissants. Open all day with free WiFi and live French radio, Our Crepes & More is a pleasant yet casual place to unwind. Our Crepes & More can accommodate large parties! Located at 3810 Oleander Dr. NOW OPEN EVERY SUNDAY FROM 8am – 3pm! ■ SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER:

Thursday - Friday 9 am – 8 pm. Saturday & Sunday 8 am – 3 pm. Monday Closed. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Vegetarian and gluten-free options. Free Wi-Fi.. ■ WEBSITE: www.ourcrepesandmore.com


Located on College Road, just opposite Hugh MacRae Park, Tandoori Bites offers fine Indian cuisine at affordable prices. Try one of 74 dishes on their lengthy menu, featuring a large range of side dishes and breads. They have specialties, such as lamb korma with nuts, spices and herbs in a mild creamy sauce, as well as seafood, like shrimp biryani with saffron-flavored rice, topped with the shellfish and nuts. They also have many vegetarian dishes, including mutter paneer, with garden peas and homemade paneer, or baingan bharta with baked eggplant, flamed and sautéed with onions, garlic and ginger. Join their cozy eatery, where a far east escape awaits all diners, among a staff of friendly and helpful servers, as well as chefs who bring full-flavored tastes straight from their homeland. Located at 1620 South College Road, (910) 794-4540. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon-Thu 11am2pm, 5pm-10pm; Fri 11am-2pm, 5pm-11pm; Sat

11:30am-2pm, 5pm-11pm; Sun 11:30am-2pm, 5pm-9pm. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown. ■ FEATURING: Lunch buffet, which now serves South Indian cuisine ($7.95 daily) ■ WEBSITE: www.tandooribites.net.


is a family-friendly, casual Italian American restaurant that’s been a favorite of Wilmington locals for over 16 years. Its diverse menu includes Italian favorites such as Mama Romanelli’s Lasagna, Baked Ziti, Rigatoni a la Vodka and, of course, made-from-scratch pizzas. Its American influences include tasty burgers, the U.S.A. Salad and a 16oz. Marinated Rib Eye Steak. Romanelli’s offers patio dining and flat screen TVs in its bar area. Dine in or take out, Romanelli’s is always a crowd favorite. Large parties welcome. 503 Olde Waterford Way, Leland. (910) 383.1885. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Sun.- Thurs. 11am – 10pm.; Fri. & Sat. 11am – 11pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South. ■ FEATURING: Weekly Specials ■ WEBSITE: RomanellisRestaurant.com.


A Wilmington favorite since 1987! At Elizabeth’s you’ll find authentic Italian cuisine, as well as some of your American favorites. Offering delicious pizza, salads, sandwiches, entrees, desserts, beer, and wine. Elizabeth’s is known for their fresh ingredients, where even the bread is baked fresh daily. A great place for lunch, dinner, a late night meal, or take out. Elizabeth’s can also cater your event and now has a party room available. Visit us 4304 ½ Market St or call 910-2511005 for take out. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:

Open 10am-Midnight every day ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown (Corner of Market St and Kerr Avenue). ■ WEBSITE: www.epwilmington.com


Giorgio’s is a locally owned, one-of-a-kind restaurant. Offering age-old traditions and timeless recipes, perfection is accomplished by combining the perfect cuisine and atmosphere for a dining experience that is not soon forgotten. With over 50 years of cooking experience under one roof, the smells of old-fashioned home cooking float through the air creating that comforting feeling of home-away-from-home! From old world style dishes to modern day creations, the menu showcases multiple flavors that will tempt the palate of the most discriminating connoisseurs. A Monkey Junction landmark for over 12 years! 5226 S College Rd.,Wilmington (910) 790-9954. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER:

Mon.- Thurs. 11am. – 9:30am; Fri. 11am-10:30pm; Sat. 12pm-10:30pm Sun. 11:30am – 9:30pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wilmington South ■ FEATURING: Daily specials, kids menu and online coupons. ■ WEBSITE: www.giorgios-restaurant.com.


“Slice” has become a home away from home for tourists and locals alike. Our menu includes salads, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, homemade soups, subs and, of course, pizza. We only

serve the freshest and highest-quality ingredients in all of our food, and our dough is made daily with purified water. Voted “Best Pizza” and “Best Late Night Eatery.”All ABC permits. Visit us downtown at 122 Market Street, (910) 251-9444, in Wrightsville Beach at 1437 Military Cutoff Road, Suite 101, (910) 256-2229 and our newest location in Pine Valley on the corner of 17th and College Road, (910) 799-1399. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT:

11:30am-3am, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown, Downtown and Wilmington South. ■ FEATURING: The largest tequila selection in Wilmington ■ WEBSITE: www.grabslice.com


Offering the most authentic, gourmet Latin American cuisine in Wilmington. With dishes from countries such as Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Cuba you’ll be able to savor a variety of flavors from all over Latin America. Located at 3314 Wrightsville Avenue. 910.790.8661 Follow us on Facebook/ Twitter for live music updates! ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Mon Sat. 11am2:30pm and from 5-10pm. Closed Sunday. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Nightly specials ■ WEBSITE: www.sanjuancafenc.com


Voted Best Oysters for over 10 years by encore readers, you know what you can find at Dock Street Oyster Bar. But we have a lot more than oysters! Featuring a full menu of seafood, pasta, and chicken dishes from $4.95-$25.95, there’s something for everyone at Dock Street. You’ll have a great time eating in our “Bohemian-Chic” atmosphere, where you’ll feel just as comfort able in flip flops as you would in a business suit. Located at 12 Dock St in downtown Wilmington. Open for lunch and dinner, 7 days a week. (910) 762-2827. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 7 days a week. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Fresh daily steamed oysters. ■ WEBSITE: www.dockstreetoysterbar.net


The Blockade Runner offers an array of seasonal seafood specials, certified Angus beef, lobster menu on Fri. evening plus a spectacular Sun. brunch. Romantic al fresco dining is available on our dinner deck located in the center of a lush garden overlooking the ocean far away from the traffic and noise. Our lounge is eco-friendly and offers light fare nightly. 275 Waynick Blvd. Wrightsville Beach. (910) 256-2251.


■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & SUNDAY BRUNCH ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach. ■ FEATURING: Lobster menu on Fri. ■ MUSIC: Live music on Sat. evening and


■ WEBSITE: www.blockade-runner.com


Lovey’s Market is a true blessing for shoppers looking for Organic and Natural groceries and supplements, or a great place to meet friends for a quick, delicious and totally fresh meal or snack. Whether you are in the mood for a Veggie Burger, Hamburger or a Chicken Caesar Wrap, shoppers will find a large selection of nutritious meals on the a la carte Lovey’s Cafe’ menu. The Food Barwhich has cold salads and hot selections can be eaten in the newly expanded Lovey’s Cafe’ or boxed for take-out. The Juice Bar offers a wide variety of juices and smoothies made with Organic fruits and vegetables. Specializing in bulk sales of grains, flours, beans and spices at affordable prices. Lovey’s has a great selection of Local produce and receives several weekly deliveries to ensure freshness. Lovey’s also carries Organic Grass-Fed and Free-Range meats and poultry. Wheat-Free and Gluten-Free products are in stock regularly, as are Vegan and Vegetarian groceries. Lovey’s also carries Wholesome Pet Foods. Stop by Lovey’s Market Monday through Friday 9am to 7pm; Saturday 9am to 6pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm. Located at 1319 Military Cutoff Rd in the Landfall Shopping Center; (910) 509-0331. “You’ll Love it at Lovey’s!” ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Café open: Mon.-Fri., 11am–6pm; Sat. & Sun., 11am6pm(salad bar open all the time). Market hours: Mon.-Fri., 9am-7pm; Sat., 9am-6pm; Sun., 10am-6pm ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Organic Salad Bar/Hot Bar, New Bakery with fresh, organic pies and cakes. Newly expanded. ■ WEBSITE: www.loveysmarket.com.


Hieronymus Seafood is the midtown stop for seafood lovers. In business for over 30 years, Hieronymus has made a name for itself by constantly providing excellent service and the freshest of the fresh in local seafood. It’s the place to be if you are seeking top quality attibutes in atmosphere, presentations, flavor and ingenuity. Sugnature dishes include Oysteronymus and daily fresh catch specials. Hieronymus has all ABC permits and also provides catering services. Voted “Best Seafood” in 2011. 5035 Market Street; 910-392-6313; hieronymusseafood.com ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: Fireside oyster bar. ■ WEBSITE: www.hieronymusseafood.net


Voted best seafood restaurant in Wilmington, Oceanic provides oceanfront dining at its best. Located in Wrightsville Beach, Oceanic is one of the most visited restaurants on the beach. Choose from a selection of seafood platters, combination plates and daily fresh fish. For land lovers, try their steaks, chicken or pasta dishes. Relax on the pier or dine inside. Oceanic is also the perfect location for memorable wedding receptions, birthday gatherings, anniversary parties and more. Large groups welcome. Private event space available. Family-style to go menu available. 703 S. Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach. (910) 256.5551. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Wrightsville Beach ■ FEATURING: Dining on the Crystal Pier. ■ WEBSITE: OceanicRestaurant.com

encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 35

Nightly Food Specials starting at 5:00pm

$5 appetizerS eVerY WeeKDaY From 5:00-7:00! DRINK & NIGHTLY FOOD SPECIALS

MONDAY Pulled Pork Nachos $5 $2 Draft - $3Well Drinks

TUESDAY Eat Spot Burger $7 Bottle Beer $2 Domestic - $3 Imports & Micros

WEDNESDAY Tacos $5 $4 Margaritas

THURSDAY Ribeye Special $12 1/2 price bottle of wine

FRIDAY Draft Day- $2- $3-$4-$5

SATURDAY Carolina Brews $3 SUNDAY Steak & Eggs $8 (all day) Bloody Mary – Mimosa $4

www.TheEatSpot.com 34 North Front Street, Downtown Wilmington (corner of Front and Princess) 910-763-5366 36 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com





In Wilmington, everyone knows where to go for solid country cooking. That place is Casey’s Buffet, winner of encore’s Best Country Cookin’/ Soul Food and Buffet categories. “Every day we are open, somebody tells us it tastes just like their grandma’s or mama’s cooking,” co-owner Gena Casey says. Gena and her husband Larry run the show at the Oleander Drive restaurant where people are urged to enjoy all food indigenous to the South: fried chicken, barbecue, catfish, mac‘n’cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, chicken‘n’dumplings, biscuits and homemade banana puddin’ are among a few of many other delectable items. 5559 Oleander Drive. (910) 798-2913. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: Open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 11am to 9pm and on Sundays from 11am to 8pm.Closed Mon. and Tuesdays. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING:For adventurous palates, pig’s feet and chitterlings.


The Fortunate Glass Wine Bar focuses on wines from all regions, with 50 wines by the glass and approximately 300 wines available by the bottle— from some of the best boutique and cult wines to everyday values that work with any budget. We use a state-of-the-art wine preservation system— the N2Vin system—to keep our wine fresh and at the perfect temperature. The wine bar also features some of the most outstanding craft beers and sparkling wines. In addition to an abundant drink menu, The Fortunate Glass Wine Bar presents a small menu of fine cheeses, Italian cured meats, small plates and decadent desserts to accompany and compliment any wine selection. The serene ambiance of The Fortunate Glass, created by the beautiful wall murals, the elegant copper and glass tile bar, castle rocked walls and intimate booths enhances the experience of any selection you choose. ■ SERVING EVENINGS: Tues.-Thurs. 4pm-12am Fri. 4 p.m. - 2 a.m. Sat. 2 p.m. - 2 a.m. Sun. 2 p.m. - 12 a.m. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Downtown ■ FEATURING: Free Wine Tasting: Tues. 6-8 p.m. Sparkling Wine Specials & Half Price Select Bottles : Wed. & Thurs. Monthly Food & Wine Pairing Events ■ WEBSITE: fortunateglasswinebar.com

October just got a little tastier. EncoreRestaurantWeek.com

Voted best new restaurant AND best sports bar of 2010 in Wilmington, Carolina Ale House is the place to be for award-winning food, sports and fun. Located on College Rd. near UNCW, this lively sports-themed restaurant. Covered and open outdoor seating is available. Lunch and dinner specials are offered daily, as well as the coldest $2 and $3 drafts in town. 317 South College Road, Wilmington, NC. (910) 791.9393. ■ SERVING LUNCH, DINNER & LATE NIGHT: 11am-2am daily. ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: 40 HD TVs and the biggest HD

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Serving up the best bar food for any local sports fan, Fox & Hound has appetites covered. Located next to Mayfaire Cinema 16, it’s no question that Fox is a great place to go on date night, or to watch the big game on one of the restaurant’s six large projection screens and 19 plasma televisions. Guests can also play pool, darts or video games in this casual-theme restaurant. For starters, Fox offers delicious appetizers like ultimate nachos, giant Bavarian pretzels and spinach artichoke dip. In the mood for something more? Try the hand-battered Newcastle fish ‘n’ chips or chicken tenders, or the grilled Mahi-Mahi served atop a bed of spicy rice. From cheeseburgers and sirloins to salads and wood oven-inspired pizzas, Fox has plenty to choose from for lunch or dinner. Finish the meal with a 6-inch Great Cookie Blitz, a chocolate chip cookie baked fresh to order and served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and Hershey’s syrup. 920 Town Center Drive, (910) 509-0805. ■ SERVING LUNCH & DINNER: 11am– 2am, daily ■ NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown ■ FEATURING: $5.99 lunch specials and free pool until 2p.m. and $5 cheese pizzas after 10 p.m., both Mon.-Fri. ■ MUSIC: Trivia with Party Gras Entertainment DJ every Thursday at 9pm ■ WEBSITE: foxandhound.com


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Call Lori Harris at 910.343.2307 or email Lori.Harris@StarNewsOnline.com for more information. encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 37


gastronomic workspaces: A tour that titillates the foodies and historians in us all


host walks and hollywood

location tours may be a main attraction in Wilmington among tourists, but October brings forth an event more suited for locals. The Back Door Kitchen Tour is ideal for area residents who would like to see more of picturesque houses in our Historic Downtown District—or simply for those with a certain predilection toward gastronomic workspaces. The much-celebrated Back Door Kitchen Tour is back in its sixth year for one weekend, when the residents of the historic district genially open their homes to hundreds of visitors to show off their kitchens. Hosted by the Residents of Old Wilmington (ROW), this event offers the opportunity to tour the interiors of decades and centuriesold dwellings. The tour provides a unique opportunity to look inside Wilmington’s history and inspire ideas for one’s own kitchen décor. Some of the kitchens represent the earliest days of our community, while others feature chic and modern options. Each year the event

no by Alex Pomplia ur Door Kitchen To 6th Annual Back noon - 5 p.m. Saturday, 10/8, n Wilmington Historic Downtow .com w.rowilmington $10 - $20 • ww features a new set of houses, and this time around, there are nine. Several of the homes on the tour will illustrate how its homeowners modeled and renovated the interiors into contemporary designs, while holding onto the rustic spirit of the historic architectures. Particular kitchens remain close to the original design—some of which date back to the 1800s—aside from modern updates in the appliances. Kitchen-spectating most assuredly will trigger the appetite. Thus, several gourmet treats will be prepared by local restaurants and served in select homes, including dishes from New York Pasta House, The Little Dipper, Yo Sake, Elijah’s, Coastal Cupcakes and Dairy Queen. There will also

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New Patient Special

GASTRONOME VOYEURISM: Folks will be able to tour kitchens throughout historic homes in downtown Wilmington this weekend only, with proceeds benefitting the Residents of Old Wilmington. Photo by Alex Pompliano

be a raffle to win an original watercolor by resident artist and owner of The Golden Gallery, Mary Ellen Golden. The walking tour is self-guided so attendees can go at their own pace. Most of the homes have stairs upon entry, so durable walking shoes are strongly encouraged for both safety and comfort. However, this year a complimentary trolley service will run between each of the houses on the tour, provided by Wilmington Trolley Company. ROW will put all funds earned from the tour toward several downtown projects, which include the purchase and installation

of the “Southern Hospitality” sculpture at Market and Water streets, the Ann Street Pedestrian Crossing and new display cases for Thalian Hall. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under; carried babies are free. Restroom facilities, complimentary bottled water and will-call tickets all will be available at the Hannah Block Historic USO Community Arts Center (120 S. 2nd Street). Participating homes include: Linda Graham, MD, at 224 S. 3rd Street; Joyce Gerbe at 423 S. Front Street; Barbara and Paul Mason at 116 S. 4th Street; Chris and Dean May at 318 S. Front Street; Diane and Charles Conner at 307 S. 2nd Street; Marsha and Donnie Dorn at 519 S. 3rd Street; Helen and Jim Paliouras at 112 Ann Street; Cate and Ron Falcone at 607 Dock Street; Sherry and Ron Demas at 305 S. 3rd Street.

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OdU/rIChMONd 10:00am encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com 39


verify the vino: Taste the Olive offers wine classes in enlivening, educational format


ymberlei and scott dinapoli

opened Taste the Olive at The Forum a little over a year ago. Their specialty shop welcomed a healthy gourmand’s dream: to taste the world through finely pressed artisanal olive oils, one sip (or dip of bread) at a time. With a sampling bar expanding surprising infusions of blood orange, bold butter, basil and chipotle, from France to Italy to Greece, the humble shop started garnering a following for their olive oils and vinegars. It only made sense for the DiNapolis to expand. “We felt [it] was necessary to offer all of the services and products, from artisan cheese to wine,” Kymberlei says. “I wanted our community [to have] a unique place where you could learn and have an experience not just [shop at] another store.” Now offering hard-to-find cheeses, decadent olives, local marinades and cookbooks, along with fine wines, Taste the Olive launched wine classes in August. They hope to expand knowledge and excitement with gastronomes across the community. “I myself moved from a major metropolitan area, and there was a class for anything you could possibly want to learn about,” Kymberlei shares. “Being a foodie and oenophile, I feel sharing the knowledge of wine is something many people can appreciate and are eager to experience.” Most importantly, she wants to bridge the “business” gap between retail owner and customer. Thus, she’s not as concerned with turning a profit on her inventory as much as making the wine classes a communal, engagging event. “Many times classes are offered by salesdriven [wine] representatives who host the classes,” she says. “At Taste the Olive, our primary focus is a real education by a certified instructor, which is beneficial to each [person] who attends.” The instructor Kymberlei chose is Brian Vector, an associate vice chancellor for student affairs at UNCW. Vector received his Wine Captain’s license after taking a class offered by the Sommelier Wine and Food Society in Washington, D.C. “I decided the best way to learn was from the folks who were training the sommeliers,” he says of his hobby. When Vector met Kymberlei at Taste the Olive one evening while shopping, they immediately hit it off. They learned how each shared a passion for creating new recipes, and cooking for friends and family. “I grew up knowing where all of our food came from,” Kymberlei, who was born in the Appalachian mountains, says. “We grew our own vegetables and had fruit

by Shea Carver , 6:30 p.m. Wine 101 • 10/6 ating! $30 • Limited se Taste the Olive Cutoff Rd. 1125-D Military live.com www.tastetheo trees; there was a local butcher and dairy nearby where we purchased our food as well.” An instant friendship blossomed between them among endless conversations. “We were like aliens speaking to those around us,” Kymberlei says. “We are convinced we must have been related in a past life or something.” It wasn’t long before Vector, Kymberlei and her husband, Scott, were planning to turn Taste the Olive’s new space, still located in The Forum, beside what used to be Grand Union Pub, into a classroom. From teaching the basics of wine, to the regions from which they’re grown and their classification systems, all while refining palates, they desihned the courses with a penchant for making them relatable. “Brian has the best dinner parties,” Kymberlei gushes one evening at the “Hey, French, you don’t scare me!” class. The course focused on nine varieties of wine from Bordeaux to Rhone Valley to Provence to Alsace and places in between. Vector graciously engaged the class not as mere lecturer and listener, but like a well-informed friend who depended on learning as much about each individual’s palate as to relate to their flavors of choice. iPad in hand, he showcased the regions much like a modern-day geography class, indicating a vine’s capacity to grow grapes up or down riverbanks, at altitudes closer or further away from the sun (closer to provides a richer flavored grape). With every swirl and taste, people gushed over their tongue’s messages. “Too sweet,” one lady mentioned of the Vouvray. “Too dry,” another said of the Alsace— ”but the first dry Riesling I’ve every tasted!” (Alsace wines, as I learned, are the most affordable dry whites out there for quality; plus, it’s the only wine in France that uses grapes similar to German wines—mainly because it’s right at the Germany border). “Perfect,” a gentleman noted of the Rhone.

40 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

BRIAN VECTOR’S VINO OF CHOICE: Chateauneuf-du-Pape, a hearty red wine from the Rhone region of France, made from a blend of grapes, most predominantly Grenache. Courtesy photo.

Accompanying every taste was an array of cheese selected from Kymberlei, a certified cheese monger who worked under Max McCalman, dean of curriculum, maître fromager and director of affinage at the Artisanal Premium Cheese (APC) Center in New York City. It all added up to an enlivening evening—especially when coming across wines that at first tasted too strong, sweet or acidic but changed after a subtle addition from the right sliver of cheese. A pungent Roquefort paired with a very acidic Rhone equalled a perfect balance. Vector talked through the flavors, the history, the Appellations d’Origine Contrôlées (AOC) system and its various levels, to ensure the class a comfortable learning experience without being informationally overloaded. “I myself have taken several wine classes in the past, but I can say I have really learned a lot from Brian,” Kymberlei notes. “The French classification has always been a challenge for me in the past, but now I really get it, and it makes it much easier for me to choose wines for the store and myself.” Vector clarified his knowledge without intimidating students by the swirls, sniffs and sips inevitably prefacing each new flavor. He dug deep into the “hows” and “whys” of the wine without the pomposity many would assume from a wine lover. “Wine is meant to be something to be enjoyed with friends, especially over a meal,” he says. “The most important thing is that

it tastes good to you, and you enjoy sharing it. So just jump in—no matter where you start. Pay attention to your taste memories, and really savor the flavors and aromas.” Having explored many regions throughout the world to study winemaking—Provence, Rhone, La Rioja, Basque Country, Tuscany, Napa Valley and beyond—Vector brought not only a license to teach but first-hand experience and passion. Most importantly, he started the class by making one thing clear: French wine is meant to be enjoyed with food. “Each region has its own unique things to love,” he says of the multitude of vineyards. “My favorite, if I had to pick one, is the southern Rhone area and Provence. The dedication to great food and wine is so deeply ingrained in the people of that region. They have amazing local food and craft markets that rove from village to village, and the restaurants serve food ranging from simple to sublime. Seems like every product is artisinal, and they appreciate the fact that it isn’t mass produced. Plus, they make my all-time favorite wine there: Chateauneuf-du-Pape.” Kymberlei DiNapoli and Brian Vector plan on expanding the courses they currently offer into food and cheese pairings, pronunciations for food and wine (like an abridged version of the rules of French, Italian and Spanish language), how-to cheese-plate designs, Fondue- and mozzarella-making and more. Their wine classes have received great response thus far, from covering the basics in Wine 101 (another class is scheduled for October 6th) and 102, to specialty classes. “Let’s Take a ‘Cab’ to California” will take place October 27th, while sweet wines will be talked over in “Sweet and Sticky” on November 12th. Just in time for the New Year will be “Bubbles—Oh, How We Love Bubbles!” on December 12th. A flight of fancy— without a hefty plane ticket—can be enjoyed by traveling to Argentina and learning about the Malbecs, or zeroing in on Spain’s Tempranillos come March 2012. All classes are listed online under “events” at www.tastetheolive.com; reservations are required.

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ielse by Tiffanie Gabr g of Student Readin Anthology’ r ve ‘The New Ri EE 12:30 p.m. • FR tio Thurs., 10/6 • ge, cafeteria pa lle Co y it un m m a Co Coastal Carolin vd., JAX, NC Bl rn 444 Weste lina.edu www.coastalcaro

collection of talent:

Coastal Carolina Community College produces its third student anthology Cover of ‘The New River Anthology.’ Courtesy photo.


n a recent trip tO the lOcal bOOk

store, my husband and I strolled over to the children’s books. As we perused the aisles, we found ourselves acting like big kids ourselves. We found editions and reprints of books we used to have, and lost ourselves in the excitement and bought way too much for our impending little one. Among the tiny tot tomes was Dr. Seuss. “Oh the places you’ll go!” it read. And much like the random absurd food cravings I’ve been having at odd hours (pasta fagioli is like crack to my inner preggos addict), this aforementioned declaration spread across the page made me arbitrarily crave the taste for something a bit different in literature. Something I feel all too often goes underlooked: the anthology. Anthologies provide a range in theme, prose styling and have nearly no limit in their meaning or their destination. Yet they are short enough in length that it’s a wonderful way to escape one’s afternoon. It’s impossible not to appreciate the way anthologies bring together diverse voices in poetry, non-fiction and fiction in a unified way. Now English instructors and co-chairs Mary Ellen Martino and Kelly Cannon at Coastal Carolina Community College debut another great addition, “The New River Anthology.” On Thursday, October 6th at 12:30 p.m. all are welcome to stop by and hear Coastal’s talented students read their original works located on the cafeteria patio. The reading is free.

44 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

“This is the third anthology we’ve done together,” Cannon explains. “It’s been going strong. It’s an annual publication that features student writing, and now we’re featuring artwork created by students as well. Everyone loves to hear the students read. It’s a big step to get up there in a room of strangers, peers and faculty. We teach in such a diverse culture that it’s more than interesting for them to share their stories in this setting. It’s wonderful to hear them as well.” Perspective is exactly what great anthologies are known for. With “The New River Anthology,” Meghan McGrath pays a playful homage to ordinary things that many would otherwise disregard. For those who are familiar with my articles, you may already know appreciating the simple things in life is a string for which my heart listens. It is a sentiment Cannon agrees with. “Sometimes I feel some don’t find the playfulness in poetry or know that poetry can [even] be playful,” she says. “This liveliness was exciting to see in this anthology...so many genres, ideas, passions and levels. That’s a benefit for all who enjoy the art of writing. I looked at some old editions of our anthologies in our library. They were old and torn and that’s a good thing. People are picking them up and enjoying them.” Unfortunately, there is a broad misconception among many (not necessarily only in Jacksonville, but beyond the city limits as well) that a community college is merely a point of transit. “The New River Anthology” is a gentle nudge to

disprove this and to remind everyone that Coastal Carolina is different. The college strives to change this negative, ignorant attitude, and within every innovative project they focus on, they achieve their goal to change a little more daily. Hands on from birth to publication, students and faculty have taken “The New River Anthology” and made it among the many inventive aspects Coastal Carolina continues to offer, not just to its students but for the community as well. Martino says both the faculty and the students of the college are excited about producing and sharing the anthologies each year. Plus, contributions aren’t just from the English department but the science and math departments, too. “It’s about celebrating the students’ work and sharing with the community,” she notes. “It’s a [way for] first-time writers to get their words out and to hold something in their hand. It’s a stepping stone. We’re doing great things here at Coastal Carolina and I’d love for everyone to recognize we do have talent in the community—and this anthology is one of the many ways for us to show it.” Students, faculty and staff of Coastal Carolina can find the full anthology on the Campus Cruiser, the school’s online portal. Otherwise, folks can visit Coastal Carolina’s website, www. coastalcarolina.edu, for more information about the work. New submissions for the next edition of “The New River Anthology” will be accepted in late January.

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helping walls talk:


Sandra Ervin adams celebrates the Weymouth Center in her new book of poems


o say norTh carolina has a

deep, rich writing history is a real understatement. And this opulent literary heritage is exemplified where else but in the North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame. The hall is housed in the Boyd Room at the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities in Southern Pines, NC, inside the former study of James Boyd, a steel and railroad mogul from Pennsylvania whom later wrote “Drums,” published in 1925. It displays plaques, pictures, books and other mementos and collectables of inductees, such as Charles W. Chesnutt, Paul Green, Bernice Kelly Harris, George Moses Horton, Randall Jarrell, Gerald Johnson, Guy Owen and Thad Stem Jr. Once the meeting place for writers, Jonathan Daniels declared it “launched the Southern Literary Renaissance” in the 1920s and 30s. The NC Literary Hall of Fame appreciates the soul and the dream of those whom over eras have garlanded North Carolina with valuable and influential literature. Today its history grows stronger with each passing moment as The Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities is thriving as a full-fledged cultural center with a reputable Chamber Music Series, Ragan Writers Series and Arts and Humanities Lecture Series. Most graciously, the center’s Writers-in-Residence Program offers writers a stay of up to two weeks per year in the Boyd home to pursue their work. It is a home where many famed writers have said their most artistic and inventive days transpired. It is here that Jacksonville local author, columnist and poet Sandra Ervin Adams gathered inspiration for her latest work, “Through A Weymouth Window.” Crafted from Adams’ many residencies at the center, “Through A Weymouth Window” demonstrates how she felt while


by Tiffanie Gabr

writing there and gives those unfamiliar with The Weymouth Center a true minitour of the grounds through the vibrant and effervescent eye of a poet’s perspective. Consider it a way for those (like myself) who have not yet had the honor to stay at the Boyd home to become inspired and enriched. “I’d take my pen and paper, handheld recorder and all, and I’d go through the house and walk through and look at the gardens,” Adams remembers. “Oh, Tiffanie, they have so many beautiful gardens! And I sat out and wrote and wrote. Weymouth Center is a wellspring for all of those who love to write and who love literature. Being there is just like being in a little world for a little while, and who doesn’t need that? I hope every writer, at some point in their life, gets a chance to visit and to become a part of it.” Born by the old brick hospital that’s now part of the health department in Jacksonville, Adams is a graduate from Jacksonville High School and also a former military wife who spent two years in Germany before returning to her roots in 1972. Within her work, “Through A Weymouth Window,” avid poetry readers will find gems, such as “Ghosts,” “Writer’s Bedroom” and odes to Katherine and James Boyd that exemplify not just Adams’ appreciation, but the appreciation all writers should have for the trailblazers that paved the way—especially those at The Weymouth Center. A true detailed and dedicated writer, Adams sleeps with a pile of notebooks and folders by her bed to ensure she doesn’t miss a single moment that may strike her or inspire others. “[Writing at Weymouth



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INSPIRED BY HISTORY: Sandra Ervin Adams signs copies of her new book of poems, ‘Through a Weymouth Window.’ Courtesy photo.

Center] has been my dream, and I wanted it recorded,” she shares. “Weymouth Center and my poems tie in with history, because I talk about the people who lived there and about what they did that continues to speak to us all. It’s like you become a part of the house.” She notes that while Wilmington is

steeped in culture, history and education, The Weymouth Center is another place in which those themes run rampant. “In my mind, Jacksonville and Onslow County would benefit from more poetry and more people looking at our history through the eyes of a poet.” “Through a Weymouth Window” is available at The Jacksonville Council for the Arts (826 New Bridge Street) in downtown Jacksonville or at Two Sisters Bookery (318 Nutt Street) in Wilmington.

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the southern jewish experience:


New exhibition opens at Cape Fear Museum October 7th








Atonement, is probably the most important day of the Jewish year. Occurring on the 10th day of Tishri—October 7th in 2011—Jews set aside 25 hours to fast and repent for the sins they have committed in the past year. This is the day when they become absolved by God. Suitably, October 7th also marks the open of the Cape Fear Museum of History and Science’s “Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina,” which will run through December 4th. “Down Home” is a project launched by the Jewish Heritage Foundation of North Carolina (JHFNC) and includes not only our local exhibit, but a documentary film by Steven Channing, and an accompanying book edited and primarily written by Leonard Rogoff, Ph.D., JHFNC’s historian and research director. Part of the goal of this work is to create a permanent archive, “The North Carolina Jewish Collection,” to be housed at UNC and made available as a resource to scholars not only of Jewish history but also of American studies and Southern cultures. “It is a good American story,” Beverly Tetterton, the unofficial historian of the Temple of Israel and special collections librarian at New Hanover County Public Library, says. “All stories are important, and this one had not been told in this expansive way.” “‘Down Home: Jewish Life in North Carolina’ is a wonderful exhibit about an often under-appreciated part of the region’s history,” Amy Kilgore, Cape Fear Museum’s public relations specialist, adds. “North Carolina’s Jewish population dates back to the 18th century, and the Lower Cape Fear has been home to a small but significant Jewish presence since the colonial period. The ‘Down Home’ story is, in part, Wilmington’s story: North Carolina’s first synagogue, the Temple of Israel, was dedicated here in 1876.”

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hler by Gwenyfar Ro n Home: Jewish w 10/7-12/4: Do rolina Life in Nor th Ca m Cape Fear Museu et re St t 814 Marke useum.com www.capefearm Tetterton served on the planning board for ‘Down Home.’ She got involved with the project over a decade ago. “I was contacted by the fledgling Jewish Heritage Foundation,” she says. “They wanted to know about the history of the state’s oldest synagogues. I joined their organization and was often their contact person in Wilmington. I helped with all aspects of Wilmington Jewish history, including video recordings of local scenes and personalities. Each of the stories I heard were amazing. I also started collecting images of Jewish families, businesses and houses. It was like eating peanuts—I couldn’t stop!” The exhibit was designed by Darcie Fohrman, most well known for creating “Daniel’s Story: Remember the Children” at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. The Cape Fear Museum exhibit will include walk-through environments where visitors can relive the over 300-year Jewish experience in North Carolina and learn about Jewish culture, beliefs, religious practice and family life. It will explore the commonalities and differences between Jews and the largely Christian population of the state. The centerpiece of the exhibit is a model of Temple of Israel, Wilmington’s synagogue, with a replica of the original ark from the former B’nai Jacob Congregation in WinstonSalem. A Jewish home setting will feature an original antique oak table where the Goldsmith family of Mount Airy observed the Jewish Sabbath and other holidays in the early 1900s. A kitchen will present Jewish ethnic foods and recipes, too. Other Jewish-related objects from the Cape Fear Museum’s collection will be on exhibit in conjunction with “Down Home” and will include a cane commemorating the opening of the Temple of Israel in 1876, yarmulkes and other religious items. Also, there will be military objects, business and commercial materials, educational items and personal artifacts. “It is difficult for most Americans [who] are not Southern to believe there is such a thing as Southern Jewish history,” Tetterton observes. “I think everyone who visits this

48 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

SACRED SPACE: Temple of Israel, 1890; Gift of Sara G. Ludlum. Courtesy photo from the Cape Fear Museum of History and Science.

exhibit will reflect on some connection they have with Jewish life in North Carolina.” When asked about any surprising information she learned during the course of her research, Tetteron responds: “I learned how small-town Jewish life is close to non-existence in 2011. Most synagogues have closed except in cities in North Carolina. The good news is that in these larger towns, Jewish life is vibrant and making history.” Cape Fear Museum has a long relationship with the North Carolina Jewish Heritage Foundation. The museum collaborated with the foundation to produce and pres-

ent “Migrations: Jewish Settlers in Eastern North Carolina” in 2000. “In keeping with Cape Fear Museum’s mission to explore the history and cultures of the region, we are pleased to be able to share stories of the state’s Jewish community with the public,” Kilgore remarks. The Cape Fear Museum welcomes visitors for free the first Sunday of every month as part of the initiative New Hanover County Residents Day (also offered at Airlie Gardens and the Arboretum). Cape Fear Museum of History and Science is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. General admission is $7 for adults; $6 for students with valid ID and senior citizens; $6 special military rate with valid military ID; $4 for children 3-17; and free for children under 3. Museum members are admitted free.




THE NEWSDAy CROSSWORD Edited by Stanley Newman (www.StanXwords.com)

FLOUR POWER: No baking required by Norma Steinberg ACROSS 1 Sounds of regret 6 Overinquisitive one 11 Fast flyers of yore 15 White-hat wearer 19 Sneeze sound 20 Wood shaver 21 “Hold it right there!” 22 Intern, for one 23 Stern boss 25 “A cinch!” 27 Satirical sketches 28 Barber’s concerns 30 Fine sprays 31 Nautical direction 34 Printing widths 35 Basic element 36 Stewart of The Daily Show 37 Places for valuables 39 Equestrian sport 40 Midwest region 44 Lots of land 45 Party-decor material 49 Wordsworth work 50 Strong flavor 51 Spoken 52 Simple shirt 53 Skylit lobbies 55 Word often following “further” 56 Livelihood 60 Terrier, at times 61 Minister’s title 64 Neighborhoods 65 Star in Canis Major 66 Online party notice 67 Viewpoint 68 Make some mountain music 69 ) and ( 71 First to move in chess 72 Cabbage concoction 75 Works for

76 Poster photos of a sort 78 Live and breathe 79 Speak from the podium 80 Be situated 81 Rock group 82 Common sweetener, for short 83 “__ another word!” 84 Aerial spinning maneuver 88 Dances at a luau 89 Enter on the sly 92 Film holder 93 Italian cheese 94 Went first 95 Three-note chords 97 Silent 98 Lacrosse team complement 99 Part of a flight 102 Familiarize (oneself) 103 Celebrations 105 With little depth 107 Copenhagen cash 112 Turkey neighbor 113 Shaving mishap 114 Heroic works 115 Web business 116 War of the Worlds foe 117 Bathwater testers 118 Discharge, as debts 119 Outlandish tales DOWN 1 Wood cutter 2 I, as in Innsbruck 3 Alphabetic trio 4 Beer ingredients 5 Places for plugs 6 Minor arguments 7 World Series precursor: Abbr. 8 Furniture wood

9 Convenient, as shopping 10 Pillowcase material 11 Bloat 12 Physical condition 13 Throw out 14 Utter 15 Cruise-ship amenity 16 Shorts supports 17 Check prose 18 Airline ticket add-ons 24 Tire holders 26 Frenzied 29 Each 31 Video gamer’s “self-portrait” 32 False front 33 Personnel Department stat 35 Hex 36 Shake up 38 Part of a journey 40 Real estate document 41 Steinbeck novel 42 “Ta-ta!” 43 Kmart merger partner 45 Hoisting machine 46 Police action 47 Annoyed 48 Kiddy ammo 51 Golden Boy playwright 53 Tolerate 54 Needs a break 57 Connecticut collegian 58 Day-care challenges 59 Actress Zellweger 62 Caterer’s gig 63 Washer cycle 65 Foot parts 67 Unmitigated

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 76 77 82 84

Backwoods bumbler Lowly workers Brother of Moses Sound of a fan Financier Icahn Esoteric Partner of Horace Smith Extended family Becomes less friendly Droning sound Attempt

85 Niagara River’s source 86 Hero’s mythical beloved 87 Bureaucratic tangle 88 Backspace neighbor 90 Green-card holders 91 The King and I actress 93 __ Bader Ginsburg 95 Short time 96 Places to skate 97 Disorderly

99 Do the backstroke 100 Gone With the Wind setting 101 At a distance 102 Home of Columbus 103 Pay-stub letters 104 Sp. miss 106 Basic cable station 108 Cold-air quality 109 Sculling implement 110 French diarist 111 Golf pro Ernie

Reach Stan Newman at P.O. Box 69, Massapequa Park, Ny 11762, or at www.StanXwords.com

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events FALL BOOK SALE Friends of New Hanover County Public Library’s Fall Book Sale, Through 10/5, at Northeast Regional Library, 1241 Military Cutoff Rd. Used hardback and paperback books for adults and children, as well as CDs, DVDs, and videos in the large meeting room and lobby; $1-$3, and will drop every two days. On the final day of the sale all items will go for a dime apiece, or you can buy stacks of books at fifty cents a foot. Books of special interest and value are individually priced. 10/1, 9am-5pm; 10/2, 11am-5pm; 10/2, 11am-5pm; 10/3-5, 9am-6pm. www. nhclibraryfriends.org. MAIN ATTRACTIONS SERIES Thalian Hall Main Attractions Series. Schedule: 10/7, 8pm; 10/8, 3pm and 8pm. The Capitol Steps: Three performances from America’s most astute and hysterical collective of singing political satirists who skewer every candidate running for anything anywhere. With more recorded albums than the U.S. Constitution has amendments, the nation’s #1 political and celebrity equal-opportunity-offenders will unveil all their birth certificates at Thalian Hall. www. capsteps.com • 10/22, 8pm: NY Gilbert and Sullivan Players: I’ve Got a Little Twist. The talented seven-person ensemble celebrates the G&S legacy in American musical theater and includes classics from Rodgers & Hammerstein, Bernstein, Sondheim, Lerner & Lowe, Meredith Willson, Jerry Herman and more. www.nygasp.org. www.ThalianHall.org Box Office 910-632-2285; 800-523-2820. Thalian Hall, 310 Chestnut St. Events subject to change. All tickets

10/7: THE CAPITOL STEPS It’s election year—which means we could all use a little humor in the face of candidacy absurdity. The Capitol Steps provides just that at Thalian Hall on Friday night at 8 p.m., as well as on Saturday at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. The show consists of singing political satirists who poke fun at anyone running for anything, anywhere. As their motto goes: “We put the MOCK in democracy.” Made up of Senate staffers, the group’s been together for over 20 years, recording over 30 albums. Tickets to the show are $20-$38.

subject to $1 historic restoration fee added at time of purchase. KATRINA EXPLORATION UNCW presents exploration of Hurricane Katrina and injustice. Schedule: 10/5, 6:30-8pm: Synergy Panel Discussion: “Living in the Century of Disasters,” Kenan Hall 1111. Panel of professors and experts will shed light on what we have learned from the political, social and personal aspects of recent catastrophic events and how we might prepare for and respond to such events in the future. • 10/18-24: Art Exhibition: “The Katrina Collection” by Lori K. Gordon, 7am-11pm. Warwick Center Lobby Artist Gallery Talk 4-5pm, 10/18, Cultural Arts Building 2033. Gordon was doing work on the Mississippi Gulf Coast when her studio and artworks were destroyed by a storm

surge from Hurricane Katrina. She returned a few weeks later and began creating new collages of art using rubble and objects found in the destruction that remained and the mixed media “The Katrina Collection” was created. • 10/20, 11:30am: New Orleans Lunch in Wagoner Hall. Students, faculty and staff will enjoy New Orleans-inspired food, music and festivities at Wagoner Hall. RIVERFEST See pages 8-11. HISPANIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 10/7, 8am-4pm, and 8, 8am-noon: Third annual Hispanic Business Development Conference at UNCW w/more than 150 Hispanic and non-Hispanic attendees the opportunity to connect, diversify their business opportunities and enhance their business plans. UNCW Warwick Center. Registration is $25, with an optional additional cost of $25 for an exhibit table. Conference will feature educational resources (best practices, marketing tips and networking sessions), a business panel including local and regional business leaders and a luncheon featuring keynote speaker Astrid Chirinos from the Latin American Chamber of Commerce in Charlotte. www.uncw.edu/centrohispano.Friday,10:30am, during a presentation that will include hands-on activities and discussion, and a networking reception at 3pm. BACK DOOR KITCHEN TOUR See page 38. BARK IN THE PARK 10/8, 11am: A local championship for the 2011 Hyperflite Skyhoundz Canine Disc Champions will be held oat Wrightsville Beach Park, 321 Causeway Drive, where athletic canines can be seen, literally, jumping for joy. No entry fee for competitors; free for all spectators. Novice and veteran competitors alike are encouraged to compete. All competitors will receive a free official Hyperflite K-10 Competition Standard flying disc and the top three teams will receive awards 910-256-7925 NC FOOD AND WINE WEEKEND 10/14: NC Uncorked kickoff party, 5-11pm. • 10/15: NC Open-Air market, w/local and state cuisine, wine, beer, art, seminars and more! 11am-5pm • 10/15 Childress Wine Dinner, 6pm, at Shoals Club. • 10/16: NC Wine Brunch, noon-2pm, at River Pilot Cafe. Rental packages available w/discount accomodations on Bald Head Island. www.ncfoodandwine. com. www.baldheadisland.com. Ferry to Bald Head from Southport, NC. AUTUMN WITH TOPSAIL 10/15, 7:30am-8pm; 10//16, 8am-4pm: Autumn with Topsail, Missile Assembly Building, Topsail Beach . Features a juried Artists’ Court with many regional artists displaying and selling their work, live musical entertainment, a variety of food vendors, games and rides for children, & more. 800-626-2780 or www.autumnwithtopsail.com LIGHTHOUSE BEER AND WINE FESTIVAL Tickets on sale now to the Lighthouse Beer and Wine Festival, 10/15, 1-5pm. Over 90 international breweries all in one place! There is no better way to try all the best beers available. Admission includes a glass to sample many different beer styles; free shuttle service available to the greater Wilmington area after the festival; live music from Langhorn Slim; food vendors onsite. A portion of the festival proceeds will benefit The Carousel Center. www.lighthousebeerfestival.com

50 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com

POPLAR GROVE HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL 10/14-31: Poplar Grove Plantation Halloween Festival, Fri., 6-9pm Sat. and Sun, 2-9pm. Haunted barn and hayride, $8. Proceeds will be shared with Topsail High School Music Department, Hoggard AVID Group, Hoggard High School Latin Club and Hampstead Volunteer Fire Department. Festival otherwise free w/inflatable rides, games, food, prizes, fortune tellers, non-scary hayrides and activities. Costume contest 10/23. 910-6869518 www.poplargrove.com SCHOOL OF FIRE School of Fire will feature Iron Chef-like cook-offs between chefs Jameson Chavez (manna) and Alex Morgan (previously Caffe Phoneix, Port Land Grille, Tango du Chat). The local chefs create three dishes using five secret ingrendients (revealed at beginning) and judged by three local judges, with 25 percent of the vote coming from the audience. Audience voting will be based on a dish created from: Cornish gens, ginger, white chocolate, coconut milk and fennel. Hosted by manna’s executive chef Jacob Hilbert and Circa 1922’s Kyle McKnight, as well as “live correspondant” Billy Mellon, also of manna. Live audio and video interaction throughout the competition, provided in the dining room of manna, courtesy of Parallelogram. Tickets: $45 ahead; $50 day of. manna, 123 Princess St. http://mannaavenue.com. Part of proceeds benefit CFCC Culinary Technology Program. LEATHER HISTORY CONFERENCE 10/21, 3pm: Register now for fantastic savings! Only $75 entry for three fulldays immersed in Leather History with Leather Folk. Leather History Conference 2011, 10/21-23, Wilmington, NC. http://www.leatherhistoryconference.com FALL FESTIVAL 10/22, 6:30am-2pm: Hampstead United Methodist Church Hampstead, NC. The big day is almost here! On Saturday, October 22, from 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., rain or shine, there will be free parking and free admission to the annual big fall festival at Hampstead United Methodist Church. UNCW PRESENTS UNCW Presents Arts in Action Series. Subscriptions are on sale now through Kenan Box Office at 962-3500 and online, www.etix.com. Choose-YourOwn subscribers who purchase tickets to three or more performances save $4 off regular prices. Single tickets go on sale 8/24, with savings for UNCW students, faculty/staff, and senior citizens. Shows at Kenan Auditorium unless otherwise noted. www.uncw. edu/presents. Schedule: 10/29, 8pm: David Dorfman Dance, Prophets of Funk: Dance to the Music FARMERS’ MARKETS Weekly Farmers’ Markets feat. plant, food and crafts vendors;: Riverfront Farmer’s Market Sat., Downtown Wilmington, Water St., 8am-1pm. April-Dec. www.wilmingtonfarmers.com • Poplar Grove Plantation Farmer’s Market Wed., 10200 US 17 N., Wilmington, through 12/14. Live music w/Cindy Rhodes; Pender County Master Gardeners clinic 2nd Wed/ ea. mo. UNCW 2011-12 PERFORMING ARTS SEASON The UNCW Office of Cultural Arts announces its 2011/12 season, which includes a schedule of internationally-acclaimed artists, encompassing a wide range of styles and genres, with performances by luminaries in classical and jazz music, dance and

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drama. Tickets at the Kenan Auditorium Box Office, Mon-Fri, noon-5PM, 910-962-3500 or 800-7323643. At Kenan Auditorium unless otherwise specified. Schedule: • 10/22: Liszt200: A Finale with Fireworks Wilmington Symphony Orchestra

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charity/fund-raisers NHRMC VOLUNTEERS New Hanover Regional Medical Center’s Hospitality House is looking for volunteers. Various openings on the schedule, but our areas of greatest need are weekend and evening shifts. Individuals can volunteer weekly or every other week and provide coverage for a 4-hour shift. Hospitality House is a home-awayfrom-home for the family of critically ill patients at NHRMC. Also, out of town patients stay at Hospitality House while receiving outpatient treatments. Volunteers provide new guests with a tour and information about the house. They assist guests by answering questions and listening to their worries. Volunteers also provide help with household chores. Nancy Applewhite: 815-5312 or nancy. applewhite@nhrmc.org GOLF FORE LITERACY 10/10, 1pm: Golf FORE Literacy Tournament; Captain’s Choice Shotgun Start at Cape Fear National at Brunswick Forest w/Pig Pickin’ ticket, snacks, contests including a chance to win a million dollars or a new car. Pig Pickin’, 5:30pm; tickets $25 each. 910-251-0911. 18TH ANNUAL JEDREY OPEN 10/14-16: 18th Annual Jedrey Open hosted by the nonprofit Jedrey Family Foundation, which raised over $18,000 last year to assist local families suffering from cancer and enduring financial burdens. The





WEEKNIGHTS @ 7:30 & 11:05 52 encore | october 5-11, 2011 | www.encorepub.com



events this year will be held on Oct 14-16thth. 10/14: Kick off Celebration at Buffalo Wild Wings at Monkey junction, 7pm • 10/15: Washer tournament and Pig Picking Raffle to be held at the Wilmington Moose Lodge from 2-10pm. Live music with Johnny Acoustic and DJ by Global DJ Entertainment, food and raffle. $10/person • 10/15: Shotgun Golf Tournament at Wilmington Municipal. Teams of 4, $100/person. Paul Jedrey: 910-619-8745 or www.jedreyopen.com TRICK OR TROT 3rd Annual Trick or Treat Trot, Sat., 10/15, 9am. Cape Fear Communities in Schools – WIRE, downtown Wilmington. 20 N. 4th St. $25/5k ir 10k; $10/1-mileReg. closes: 10/13, 8:59pm. 5k-loop course, 2 laps of same course will be the 10k. isa Brewster: 910-343-1901 or LisaB@ciscapefear.org. www.ciscapefear.org

10/6: TAKE BACK THE NIGHT October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and our very own local chapter of Domestic Violence Shelter and Services Inc. prepare for their annual rally and march along the streets of downtown Wilmington come Thursday evening. At 7 p.m., folks will meet at the Alton Lennon Federal Building on Front Street to march for “Building a Better Community.” Kim Ratcliff will be the mistress of ceremonies, and April Burgess-Johnson will be the keynote speaker. Music performed and refreshments served. 3RD ANNUAL SALTY PAWS FESTIVAL 10/15, 11am-5pm (rain date, 10/16): Salty Paws Festival will be at Carolina Beach Lake Park. Saving Animals During Disasters (SADD) presnts an animal rescue-welfare education, entertainment, and fundraising festival. All funds are used directly for animal welfare. Event for pawed pets, children, and people of all ages. Music, pet contests, raffles and gifts, microchipping for $30 and animal rescue adoption. $5 and children under 10 free; at door. www.savinganimalsduringdisasters.org. FRIENDS OF THE RESERVE 10/16, 5-9pm: Second annual FOR (Friends of the Reserve) Masonboro Island fundraiser at the Blockade Runner. Live bands, heavy hors d’oeuvre, a live and silent auction and educational activities. Proceeds will go toward the establishment of an endowment to ensure the sustainability of the preservation and monitoring of marine and wildlife on the island we all love. We are in need of sponsors, silent and live auction items. info@formasonboroisland.org. www. formasonboroisland.org A TOUCH OF BROADWAY 10/19-20: B-Walk and Soul Power Posse are honored to perform live at the 2nd annual Military Tribute Show, A Touch of Broadway. Honoring Purple Heart recipients and widows of service members. Cocktail hour and dinner, 6pm; two-hour musical, 7pm. Alexander’s Night Club, Blue Creek Rd, Jacksonville. Portion of the proceeds benefit the USO and The Fisher House, which provides a home away from home for military families of hospitalized servicemen and women. Businesses, organizations, and groups may become table sponsors for $500/table; receives 6 tickets with the other two being presented to Purple Heart recipients or widows. Individual tickets: $50. John Reed: (910) 353-9300. KI SPA 10/20, 6-9pm: In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Ki Spa Salon is once again opening its doors to breast cancer survivors and offering them a complimentary spa treatment. Breast cancer survivors can schedule a manicure, a half-hour massage or a

mini-facial at no charge. Complimentary refreshments served, and all guests will have the opportunity to be included in a drawing to win a gift basket and other great prizes from local businesses. 910-509-0410. 1125 Military Cutoff Rd Ste Q. TAKE BACK THE NIGHT RALLY In an effort to raise awareness about domestic violence, “Take Back the Night March and Rally” will be held on Thurs., 10/6., 7pm, at the Alton Lennon Federal Building on Water St., downtown Wilmington. The march will proceed through historic downtown, returning to the federal courthouse for the rally portion of the evening. “Building a Healthy Community.” Kim K. Ratcliff, News Anchor for WECT and WSFX Fox 26, will serve as mistress of ceremonies. Keynote speaker will be April Burgess-Johnson, coexecutive director of the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Music by Laura McLean and refreshments available courtesy of Port City Java. REBUILDING LIVES FUND-RAISER 10/20, 6:30pm: Celebration of the 214 men, women, and children whose lives were rebuilt as they transitioned from homelessness to housing last year. Guests will enjoy food, wine and live jazz by the FROG Project. Tickets are $50 each (2 for $90). 763-4424 x106. Takes place at Brooklyn Arts Center, 516 North 4th St. WINE TASTING FUND-RAISER 10/21, 6pm: 4th annual Red and White Taste and Toast Reception at Beau Rivage Clubhouse. Tickets: $25 each. www.CapeFearRedCross.org Proceeds benefit the Cape Fear Chapter of the American Red Cross. Enjoy tasting wide variety of wines, accompanied by gourmet cheeses and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Bid on quality items donated by local businesses in the silent auction. Live music performed by traditional, local jazz artists. Discounts on bottles and bulk wine. WOMEN OF HOPE GOLF TOURNEY 10/21: Golf Tournament benefiting Women of Hope will be held at the award winning Cape Fear National Golf course at Brunswick Forest. Registration begins at 11:30 am with a shotgun start at 1pm, and the format is Captain’s Choice. The entry fee includes green fees, cart, lunch, post game hors d’oeuvres, raffle ticket, 20% discount in Pro shop day of event and tournament gift bag. We are looking for golfers, sponsors and volunteers to help us raise money for this worthy cause. www.WomenOfHopeNC.org. Event and sponsorship information: Mills, 910-7997178 or penny@womenofhopenc.org. THE VINTAGE EVENT Brooklyn Arts Center holds The Vintage Event, featuring auction of fine wines and vintage finds, with tastes from finest restaurants and caterers in Wilmington, along with open bar. Fund-raiser for the Historic Wilmington Foundation. Cocktail attire; music by Savoire Faire—singer Susan Savia, jazz pianist William Gerald and stand up bass player Ken Merritt. 10/21, 6:30pm. Sponsors needed; ticket prices announced soon. (910) 762-1551 or trivett@historicwilmington.org WILMINGTON ARTHRITIS WALK 2011 Wilmington Arthritis Walk, Sat., 10/22, Hugh MacRae Park. Reg. at 9am; walk begins 10am. Feat. 1 and 3-mile walks, prizes, raffles, kids’ activities and live music from the Use-to-Be’s! Come celebrate National Make a Difference Day with the Arthritis Foundation!Register: ArthritisWalkWilmington.org DAY OF EMPOWERMENT FOR TEENS 10/22: A day for teens to join together and say, “No!” to bullying, low self-esteem, and feeling alone in a crowd! Interact with totally cool people like makeup artist to stars (Bradd Pitt), casting director, NY author, inspirational speaker from Tony Robbin’s leadership Team, professional actors and singers!

Enjoy art, music, movement and amazing food. Healing, Inspiring, Revitilising, EMPOWERING! You don’t want to miss this day to “Get Real” in Wilmington! (910)-540-7194 for all the rest. TIN CUP TOURNEY 10/25: Tin Cup Tournament to benefit the Wilmington Interfaith Hospitality Network. Tee time, 9am, at CF National, Brunswick Forest in Leland. 18 holes, trophies, food, beverages, prizes, shotgun start, Captain’s choice play, awards and more. No cost, but must have sponsor ($1 a stroke or flat donations welcome) to compete in King of the Tin Cup grand prize honored from most monies raised. Sandy Collette: 910-793-1987. ACUPUNCTURE HAPPY HOUR Wed., 5-6:30pm, Center for Spiritual Living, 5725 Oleander Dr., F1-1, in Oleander Oaks. 100 percent of proceeds benefit the Wounded Warriors Battalion at Camp Lejeune. (910) 392-0870.

theatre/auditions YANKEE TAVERN See page 13. DEAR EDWINA JR 10/7-9, 14-16, 7pm, or Sundays, 3pm: Thalian Association Children’s Theater (TACT) presents the musical Dear Edwina, Jr at the Hannah Block 2nd Street Stage, 120 S. 2nd Street in downtown Wilmington. $10 general admission. 910-341-7860. Feat. a cast of nearly 50 of Wilmington’s brightest young talents, is directed by Mike Thompson with music direction by Karri Compton and choreography by Julia Pleasants. 13 year-old Edwina Spoonapple would do just about anything to be a part of the Kalamazoo Advicea-palooza Festival. While her siblings both have proof “up on the fridge” of their accomplishments, poor Edwina has nothing. When a talent scout from the convention visits her hometown of Paw Paw, Michigan, she trots out her musical advice giving shows live from the family garage in hopes of finding her place in the spotlight. THALIAN ASSOCIATION AUDITIONS Thalian Association will hold auditions for the adult roles in “The Sound of Music,” Mon/Tues., 10/1011, 7-9:30pm. Prepare a song to sing a cappella and preparE to dance (no sandals or flip flops). Auditioning for the roles of Liesl and Rolf, singing “Sixteen Going on Seventeen.” Directed and choreographed by Debra Gillingham with music direction by Jonathan Barber, runs at Thalian Hall, 12/8-18. • Children’s auditions: 10/8, 10am. Prepare to sing the song “Do-Re-Mi” and prepare to dance (no sandals or flip flops). Must be 6 years old; production, directed and choreographed by Debra Gillingham with music direction by Jonathan Barber, runs at Thalian Hall , 12/8-18. • Auditions for the children’s roles in “To Kill

a Mockingbird” will be held on the same day. No child can be cast in both productions as the rehearsals will overlap. You are welcome to audition for both productions, or you may audition for only the production you are interested in. 10/8, noon. Seeking one girl to play age 9, one boy to play age 12, and one small boy to play age 11. No prepared material rqd, you will be asked to read from the script. Directed by Tom Briggs, runs at Thalian Hall, 2/2-5.Adults auditioned at a later date. For full character breakdown: thalian. org. All auditions at Community Arts Center, 120 S. 2nd St., downtown Wilmington. CHARLIE BROWN THE MUSICAL 10/15-16 anmd 22-23, 2pm & 5pm: See “Charlie Brown the Musical” w/Charlie Brown, Snoopy and all the Peanuts Gang live at The Performance Club Studio Theater! Tickets $10 at Learning Express Toys on Military Cutoff Rd. or online at PerformanceClubKids. com. 338-3378. 6624 Gordon Rd. Studio B. THE MIZRABEL KIDS Journey Productions presents “The Mizrabel Kids— Another Gothic Tale of Epic Woe and Sorrow in Monster Mash.” A dark, daring, dismal, dastardly, yet mostly funny musical. Directed by Cherri McKay The evil Baron Von Rashke Zach Hanner regaining custody of the Mizrabel children forces them on a trip to the Monster Hunter Convention in Blargistan. Led by local favorites Melissa Stanley, Caylan McKay, Tamara Mercer, Aimee Schooley, Michael O’Shaughnessy and The P.E.T. Project company we follow the Mizrabels as they are forced to survive in yet another strange, gothic, and bleak world. Proceeds to benefit Cape Fear Shakespeare on the Green 20th Season Anniversary Family night, Wed., 10/26, 7:30, $7 • GA, $11, 10/20 & 27, 7:30pm; Fri-Sat, 10/21, 28-29, 8pm; and Sat-Sun, 10/23, 29-30, matinees at 3pm. Thalian Hall, 310 Chestnut Street910-362-2285. www.ThalianHall.org NEW RIVER PLAYERS Drama instructor/artistic director for New River Players, Eric S. Kildow, debuts their first show, “MacBeth,” 11/3-5, 8pm, at the Bodenhamer Auditorium in the Fine Arts Building at Coastal Carolina Community College in Jacksonville, 444 Western Blvd. $5 GA or $2 student/senior/military admission. (910) 938-6234. kildowe@cc.coastalcarolina.edu PORCH THEATRE CO. Murder in the Library: 10/13, 20, 6:30pm. The characters in the books come alive at night and frolic till the sun rises. Annie Oakley may have had too much fun. Sherlock Holmes said the game is afoot, especially when Huck Finn has disappeared. There are multiple colorful characters, which could have murdered Huck, but It is up to the audience to decide who did it! • Mulligan’s Home for the Holidays Comedy Dinner Theatre: 12/1, 15, 22, 6:30pm. The Mulligan’s family reunions are never a dull event. How could they be? You have the Irish Catholic Mulligan’s and the Italian Southern in-laws- the Kelly’s. Once a year,

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the Mulligan’s and the Kelly’s try to bury the hatchet in the hopes of gaining a little holiday cheer. But this year, they may want to bury the hatchet in Fiona, the new bride, who wants the perfect holiday dinner. This festival of dysfunctional fun includes singing, dancing, and mistletoe. • All shows presented while audiences eat a 3-course meal at Front Street Brewery, 9 N. Front St. Reservations req., (910)232-6611. www. porchtheatre.com. BROWNCOAT PUB AND THEATRE CFIFN presents Sunday Cinema exclusively at the Browncoat: Sunday at 7:30pm. Browncoat partners with the Cape Fear Independent Film Network to bring you the finest in independent cinema from around the world. Each week, we will screen a new independent film along with an accompanying short. Admission: $3 and proceeds will benefit local filmmakers and the Cape Fear Independent Film Festival. • Browncoat Jeopardy Trivia: Sunday at 9:30pm. Test your knowledge in Wilmington’s best team trivia experience. No cover charge. Great prizes every week. • Browncoat Karaoke: Fri/Sat/Sun at 10pm for downtown Wilmington’s best karaoke experience. Be a star on our stage with genuine theatre lighting, state of the art equipment and a song list of more than 150,000 songs! No cover! • Every Wed, 10pm, Open Mic Comedy Night at the Browncoat Pub and Theatre 111 Grace St. Anyone welcome to come out and tell all your best jokes because at this comedy club. You can tell however many jokes you like and stop whenever you like. Hosted by local actor and

comedian Kameron King. 910-612-1018. 111 Grace St. 910-341-0001 or browncoattheatre.com.

comedy CABINEER’S PROMOTIONS 10/8: Cabineer’s Promotions presents R&B and Comedy Show at the Wilmington Sportsmen’s Club with comedian Nick Lewis from BET’s Def Comedy Jam, along with Elijah’s Best band. Afterward: Birthday celebration for host Rina Mckinney. Cookout/in, 7-8:30pm; showtime 10pm. $10 early bird through 10/1; $15/adv and $20 at door. 50/50 cash raffles, and free ticket give away to next event! 910-2003683 or daddycabineers@aol.com NUTT ST. COMEDY ROOM Every Wed. Nutt House Improv Troupe, doors 8pm, showtime 9pm, no cover charge. • Every Thurs. Open Mic Stand Up, doors 8pm, showtime 9pm, no cover. •Stand Up Comedy workshops: Learn the art from the stage of Wilmington’s only full time comedy club. A beginners/intermediate class formed every 6 wks, covering basics, incl. public speaking and a comedy showcase in a professional comedy club at end of 6-wk. classes. Ages 16 and up. 910-5205520 for slots. $100/6-wk. commitment. Taught by Timmy Sherrill, club owner/working comedian. 255 N. Front St, basement of Soapbox. www.nuttstreet. com. 910-520-5520

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music/concerts DR JOHN AND THE LOWER 911 Dr. John, one fthe greatest piano players, who has inspired countless musicians, was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and won 5 Grammies, will play Greenfield Lake on 10/5 at the amphitheeater. Tickets available at Gravity Records or online at www.983thepenguin.com. STONE SOUP CONCERTS PRESENTS 10/5, 7:30pm Angela Easterling at Press 102, 100 S Second Street, Veranda Ballroom. $15 GA. Appearing with guitarist, Brandon Turner. A Troubadour Finalist at the Telluride Festival. www.angelaeasterling. com • 10/9, 6pm: Bluesman Robert Lighthouse at The Reel Cafe, 2nd Floor Ballroom $15 GA. Amazing blues performer from Sweden with a cult following. www.robertlighthouse.com • 10/10, 7:30pm: John Prine’s 65th Birthday Celebration at The Reel Café, Rooftop Bar, free. 25 local musicians singing two John Prine songs each (all different) to celebrate the life and songwriting of John Prine. • 10/13, 7:30pm: Songwriter showcase feat. Jim Ashley, Reel Cafe, 2nd floor ballroom. Shorter sets by Taylor Chadwick Bryan, Brent Stimmel, Kenny Reeves, Zeke Roland, Dave Meyer, and Mike Eakens. Live original music from Wilmington’s finest musicians. Free. www. stonesoupconcerts.com SEAFOOD, BLUES AND JAZZ FEST See page 18. BENNY HILL AND WESSELL ANDERSON Rescheduled date: Benny Hill and Wessell Anderson Concert, Sat., 10/8. UNCW Kenan Auditorium, 601 College Rd. Doors at 7pm; concert at 7:30pm. $20 adv. or $25 at door. Kenan Auditorium Box Office at 910-962-3931. (Refunds available for those who can’t attend new concert date.) CHAMBER MUSIC ILM All tickets at Kenan Box Office, 910-962-3500. www. chambermusicwilmington.org. 10/9, 7:30pm, Beckwith Recital Hall, UNCW. Voxare String Quartet, joined by English clarinetist Jonathan Holden and CMW artist in residence, pianist Barbara McKenzie. They will present masterpieces of Prokofiev, Copland, and Tchaikovsky. THE RUSTY NAIL 10/9, 2pm: The Rusty Nail, 1310 South 5th St., presents a musician’s social mixer in a private setting in The Green Room at The Rusty Nail. Get to know your fellow musicians, discuss the challengesand plans for your band, or just network at a club that continuallysupports live music in Wilmington! circagirl4@yahoo.com THE MET LIVE IN HD 10/15, 1p.m.: The Met: Live in HD, the New York Metropolitan Opera’s award-winning series, returns to UNCW for 2011-12 season with the Met premiere production of Donizetti’s Anna Bolena, featuring Anna Netrebko in the title role. The opera is based on the final, tragic days of Anne Boleyn and has been a dramatic and vocal showcase for some of the greatest sopranos in operatic history. $15 student, $20 OLLI member, $30 non-member. www.uncw.edu/metopera or 910-962-3195. ORGAN DEDICATION RECITAL Organ Dedication Recital to celebrate the newly installed Rodgers organ now residing in the historical sanctuary during the week of the church’s 145th Anniversary. Presbyterian Church, Sun., 10/16, 4pm. Feat. Bill Glisson, Gregory Gore, Douglas Leightenheimer and C. Justin Smith, with Kevin P. Thompson, director of music and organist. 714 Chestnut St. ROCK FOR THE CURE 10/21, 7pm: As a part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Communication Studies Society, a student organization at UNCW, will host the 5th annual

Rockfor the Cure breast cancer benefit concert. Second floor of the Reel Cafe. Cost ofadmission to the event is $5 and all proceeds go to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center’s Pink Ribbon Project. The Schoolboys, UNCW’s unofficial faculty rock band, will provide entertainment at he event with a mix of modern and classic rock music. There will also be a silent auction and raffle to raise money. http://student.uncw.edu/rockforthecure. WILMINGTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 10/22, 8pm: Happy Birthday, Liszt! Franz Liszt was born on October 22, 1811, and we light all 200 candles with a monster concert including four fabulous pianists and a dazzling display of Lisztian virtuosity. All concerts at Kenan Auditorium. For tickets call Kenan Auditorium: (910) 962-3500. www.wilmingtonsymphony.org CAROLINA COURTYARD A series of free outdoor concerts will be offered in the Carolina Courtyard Park next to the Main Library at 12 noon every Tuesday in Oct. Bring a lunch and a blanket or folding chair and enjoy the music! Corner of 3rd and Chestnut, downtown Wilmington. Free parking for concerts/library visits, available in the deck. 910-798-6301 ACOUSTIC SPOTLIGHT ON RIVER Wilmington Water Tours, Acoustic Spotlight on the River, held Thursdays, 6:30pm. Featuring different musicians weekly. $25 wilmingtonwatertours.com

dance SURFER TANGO Waterford Tango at the Clubhouse, Fri. at 7:30 • Magnolia Greens Tango, Thurs, 7:30pm, Aerobics Room • Cape Fear Country Club Tango, Sun., October. All classes are $10 per couple per class fun, professional, positive instruction. www.surfertango.com PORT CITY TANGO Hosting Group Argentine Tango Classes on Wed. nights 8-9:30pm. All levels welcome, no partner needed. Come and enjoy the intimate and elegant dance of Argentina! See www.portcitytango.com for more info. AZALEA COAST NC USA Join us for our Social Dance and lesson, hosted by Azalea Coast NC USA Dance chapter, on Sat., 10/8, at the New Hanover Senior Center, 2222 S. College Rd. Our social dance group lesson taught by Davis Canady of Wilmington, NC, begins at 6:45pm, then dance to our custom mix of ballroom and Latin music from 7:30-10pm. Your admission price includes group lesson, no partner needed; $8 members, $10 nonmembers, $5 military with ID, $3 students with ID. (910)799-8566, AzaleaCoastDance@aol.com. azaleacoastncusadance.org

art/exhibitions YOUTH ARTISTS NEEDED Our second annual Youth Art Exhibition is issuing a Call To Artists for high school and college students, age 14-29, in New Hanover County whose work will be selected to appear in a juried exhibition at UNCW in July and August 2012. Anyone who would like to express his or her opinion on “Addiction and/or Recovery” through two-dimensional art is encouraged to submit. No entry fee and artists retain ownership of their original artwork. Monetary awards will be given for the top three submissions; deadline is 5/1/2012. Submission form: LCWarden@Yahoo.com CALL TO ARTISTS Looking for 2D art, paintings, drawings, collage, with the themes of farming, fishing, baking, family, community, the Carolinas and Cape Fear region. They will hang in Carolina Farmin’ on Market Street for 5-6 month shows and must be for sale. Up to 3 works per artist. Good exposure and chance to make some money. Can be any size. HarborIslandArts@hotmail. com for application form and attach an example of your work. Harbor Island Arts is a local non profit arts organization committed to bringing local art into the community. MURAL UNVEILING Thurs., 10/6: Unveiling of a mural by local artist Cammeron Alekzandra Batanides. Enjoy original music by local musician Sai Collins. There will be a $5 raffle, prizes to include preliminary paintings and drawings for the mural.Doors are at 8pm. Free entry. The Pour House Music Hall, 127 Princess St. Cammeronb@ yahoo.com. ARTFUL LIVING GROUP Candy Pegram is Artful Living Group’s featured artist for October, with opening reception 10/6, 6:308:30pm in the upstairs gallery. Public is welcome to come meet Candy and enjoy her whimsical characters: comical donkeys, chickens, monkeys, robots, owls, rockets, aliens and weird old men, among others, all on wooden blocks for canvas with a bright color palette. 910-458-7822, info@ArtfulLivingGroup. com. 112 Cape Fear Blvd, Carolina Beach WENDY KOWALSKI Wendy Kowalski’s Amplify in the WHQR Gallery. Amplify features visionary figural paintings of contemporary circus aerialists, hoop dancers and trapeze artists in a classical style with concern for movement. On display through 10/7. 254 N. Front St. third floor. CALL FOR ARTISTS Art in the Arboretum, 10/8-9, 10am-4pm, . Dozens of new and returning sculptors, painters and artisans. 6206 Oleander Dr. Arboretum: New Hanover County Cooperative Extension complex. Indoor-outdoor exhibit and sale takes place, feat. live performances by popular local musicians, artists’ demos and a plant sale to benefit the Ability Garden program. Help sup-

future scopes

with Fay Meadows ARIES (21 March – 20 April)

It is all about you! Self-image is important, perhaps you are obsessing a little but you will find that someone else is noticing, and making note.

TAURUS (21 April – 20 May)

Disappointments and failures from your past must be confronted. This is a period of determining what hidden motivation propels you.

GEMINI (21 May – 20 June)

A new facet of your character is visible after the introduction of a new person in your life. Individuality is important; others may not see the issues you are experiencing and you have difficulty explaining them.

CANCER (21 June – 21 July)

Intense encounters regarding money or sexual situations are likely to occur. Caution should be applied to avoid being overly critical of others or too demanding.

LEO (22 July – 22 August)

Brutally honest, your influence over others is not diminished when you speak your mind. You may be inclined to abandon a relationship rather than accept halfway status.

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

Whether looking for a job or trying to make an existing one better, organization and planning should be your focus. Cooperation and compromise may be harder to come by than expected.

LIBRA (9/24 – 10/23)

What’s important? You will have to decide whether losing something valuable to you is worth the choice that you are or have made. Your manner of handling money will be a consideration.

SCORPIO (23 Oct. – 21 November)

A desire for freedom in relationships may be yours or your partner’s, and may be as simple as spending more time apart. Your high expectation of others’ may be unrealistic and brings disappointment.

Creators syndiCate

DANCE AT MIXTO Dance for free at Mixto Latin Cuisine RestaurantWater St, downtown, every Thursday, 9:30pm-midnight (salsa, merengue, bachata, cumbia, cha-cha) with Babs McDance. TANGO Tango classes and social dancing, Fridays, Carolina Lounge of Ramada Inn. 5001 Market Street (between College and Kerr). 7:30-9:30pm. $5 lounge entrance includes beginners’ lesson, 7:30. • 10/2730: Raleigh/Durham Workshops with Brigitta Winkler CONTRA DANCE Tuesday night dances, 5th Ave United Methodist Church on South 5th Ave at Nun, 7:30-9:30pm.Social dance for all levels; singles and couples, families, college and high school students and folks of all dancing abilities are invited to come. $4. (910) 538-9711.

SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov. – 21 Dec.)

Family and home are the focus for you; a break from the past is just the push you need for your influence to be visible in your home life.

CAPRICORN (22 Dec. – 20 Jan.)

Communication is highlighted in your life, maybe some new electronics? Your charm and sense of humor will foster many conversations, most of them in your own neighborhood.

AQUARIUS (21 Jan. – 19 February)

Complete honesty about what you want is vital. Personal principles and values are important as you may be faced with losing money due to false pride.

PISCES (20 February – 20 March-

Getting the recognition and reward you deserve for your hard work is likely, but added responsibility comes with it. Focus on a direction is important; life has a way of meandering when you don’t take the lead.

Technically a binary star system, www.encorepub.com |october 5-11, 2011|encore 55 SIRIUS (65 Across) is the brightest star in the night sky. HFCS (82 Across) is short for “high-fructose

port the Arboretum’s wide range of educational and public service programs. $5 entry, available at the Arboretum. Members and children under 14 are free. (910)798-7670. BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL 10/13, 6pm: “Big, Bold, Beautiful,” artist reception showcasing new works by Francisca Dekker. Come and enjoy the gorgeous, bold, lively acrylic paintings by the Dutch artist at Caffe Phoenix, 35 N. Front St. Artist Reception from: 6-9 p.m. MAYFAIRE FINE ARTS AND CRAFT SHOW Wilmington Art Association calls artists to showcase work at fine art and craft show at Mayfaire, 10/22, 10am-5pm. Located on Main St., a block from the cinema, it will be closed to car traffic. Large tent with booth space and art panels set up. Free to the public. Paintings, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, photography and fabric art welcome. Interested artists: www.wilmingtonart.org for details and registration materials. COLOR INFUSION “Color Infusion” features recent works of local artist Bruce Bowman and Sally Sutton of Pittsboro. Bowman shares his distinctive vision, employing exaggerated perspectives with his skillful use of color and form. A commercial architect, Bowman engages us with his interpretation of familiar subjects, making them new and exciting. On display through 10/22. New Elements Gallery: 216 N. Front St. www.newelementsgallery.com 621N4TH GALLERY On display at 621N4TH Gallery is Jennifer Page. With a concentration on monochrome photogravure prints, Page takes in nature and its mysteries through simple observation. She feels the photogravure process is similar in this way, as it is a demanding process which reveals much about itself over time. Page received her BFA at East Carolina University in 1989 with a concentration in printmaking and etching. She

has exhibited in NYC, NC, SC and internationally. 621 N 4th Street. SPECTRUM ART AND JEWLERY 10/12, 9am: Spectrum Art & Jewelry will be hosting a two-day plein air paintingworkshop with Mike Rooney at Wrightsville Beach, 10/12-13, 9am-4pm. Mike Rooney is one of NC’s top plein air painters. Plein air is painting outdoors so as to capture the quality of light and atmosphere in painting. He will teach techniques for painting with a loose, quick, impressionistic style. Workshop will include the following: equipment needed for plein air painting, the importance of color values, capturing light effects, tips for working quickly, color and composition theory and color palette choices. It is open to all skill levels. The fee is $200, a deposit of $100 is required to reserve a space. The workshop is limited to 15 people, early registration is encouraged as Mike’s workshops typically sell-out! RSVP: nancy@spectrumartandjewelry.com CALL FOR ARTISTS Coastal Community College’s 34th annual Public Art Exhibition in Jacksonville, NC. Open 11/3-12/9 in the Fine Arts Building (FAB) on campus, with opening reception on 11/3, 5-7pm. Awards ($300$350) announced at 6pm. To enter, artists must be from Onslow County, 18 years or older and hasn’t participated in any CCCC art exhibition. All mediums in 2D (dry, framed, wired) or 3D free-standing with stands/pedestals provided (CCCC has locked display for sculptures) accepted through 10/24-27, 8am-4pm at FAB, 106. May submit up to 3 works, free. Work must be picked up 12/12-14, 8am-4pm. EVENING OF AESTHETICS 10/26, 7pm-midnight: An Evening of Aesthetics “Halloween Edition” returns! 20 local artists gather with large variety of unique and amazing art! Each

artist vends their own table with displays of fantastic paintings, photography, sculpture, hand made jewelry, clothing items, custom plush toys, and more. Ranging from new comers to the Wilmington art scene to established local artists, there is a little of everything for everyone at the event. Raffle tickets: $1 each throughout the night to raise money for Southern Reptile Saviors Rescue group as well as the chance to meet and greet some of their education rescue reptiles. $3 admission @ door but in the spirit of Hal-

10/12: PLEIN-AIR WORKSHOP Spectrum Art and Jewelry will be hosting a two-day workshop with Mike Rooney on the 12th and 13th at Wrightsville Beach. Folks will be able to enjoy plein-air painting (oudtoors) and learn how to capture light and atmosphere, along with loose, quick and impressionistic techniques. The workshop is open to all skill levels; tuition is $200 and limited to 15 people. RSVP by e-mailing nancy@spectrumartandjewelry.com

loween if you come in costume $1 will be knocked off admission! Paint-n-Play Ceramics Studio, 1021 S. Kerr Ave. STONES UNTURNED 10/28, 6pm: “Stones Unturned”, an exhibit of sculptures in clay, bronze and other media by Karen Paden Crouch and Virginia Gibbons. Opening reception on Friday, 10/28, 6-9pm. Exhibit will be up until 11/18. ACME Art Studios, 711 N 5th Ave. ART SOUP PRESENTS MARK HERBERT Art Soup and Tidal Creek Coop present “Naturally Inspired: an art exhibition” with Mark Herbert through Oct, Tidal Creek Coop Community Center. Herbert creates original art, music and poetry for over twenty years in a variety of styles ad mediums. Studying the art of comic book design as a youth, Herbert’s college art career was heavily influenced by the cubism, dada, and surrealist movements, and incorporates recycled material projects. This series draws from the beauty of the natural world, derived entirely from impressions of nature, done with reference only from memory of the subject matter—insects, flowers, fish, birds and other creatures. Mark Herbert: Mark@artwasteland. com. 910-228-6210. www.art-soup.org JOHN GUNN COLLECTION Randall Library will debut an exhibit focused on sports history and memorabilia from, during and after World War II. The John Gunn Collection will be on display in Special Collections through 12/15. Acquired from

former Wilmington residents John and Joan Gunn, the collection is primarily focused on college and professional football and basketball, but also includes publications related to professional baseball and military sports programs. It includes books, magazines, periodicals, game-day programs, rule books and statistics, clippings, newspapers, correspondence, photographs and other associated sports memorabilia. Mon.-Thurs.y, 9am-5pm; Fri., 9am-noon. BOTTEGA EVENTS Mon: Open paint and create; Nintendo game night • Tues: Starving artist night • Wed: Weekly wine tastings, 7pm • Thurs., 9/22: Poetry Slam Showcase. • Call to artists: Currently taking submissions for our 3rd annual Halloween Horror Shorts. Please email submissions to bottegaartbar@gmail.com. Films must be less than 15 minutes, on DVD and of evil, horrific, disgusting or disturbing content. Submissions taken until midnight on Oct. 23rd. • bottegaartbar@gmail.com. • 208 N. Front St. 910-763-3737, www.bottegagallery.com. PROJEKTE The National Alliance on Mental Health, Wilmington Chapter, will exhibit “Flowers and Volcanoes: Raising Awareness of Mental Illness,” drawings and a short film by three local artists. A portion of proceeds made from sales of artwork go to NAMI. Reception: 9/30, 6-8pm. Refreshments and live drumming! Continues through October 8th. • EVENTS: Mon/Tues/Sat/Sun: Yoga, PWYC, 6.307.30pm. Wed: Figure Drawing, $10/class, 6-8pm. First Wed of each Month: DivaMade Collective, a meet n greet for creative women, 7.30-9.30pm. Every other Thur: UNCW Film Nite, sometimes political, always controversial, 7.30-11pm. Second Sat of each month: The Creative Exchange, local artists sale and swap, 2-5pm. • Every 3rd Friday: Live Bossanova w/Raphael Name, 7p-11p. • Every Fri/Sat: Live Music, 8-12am. Free unless noted otherwise. 910-7631197, theprojekte@gmail.com. www.theprojekte. com. 523 S 3rd St.

museums/programs CIVIL WAR SESQUICENTENNIAL Freedom, Sacrifice, Memory: Civil War Sesquicentennial Photography Exhibit at the New Hanover County Public Library. The exhibit will remain on view through 10/29 on the first floor of the Main Library, 201 Chestnut St. Organized by the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources (www.ncculture.com) in observance of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War (1861-1865). It is traveling to 49 public libraries across the state between April 1, 2011, and spring 2013. • 10/15, 1pm: Panel discussion on Civil War Medicine with Don Johnson, UNCW History Dept, Jodi Koste, Archivist, VCU Health Sciences Library,

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and Charmaine Orton, UNCW Nursing Dept. Celebrates classic children’s author Louisa May Alcott, who served as a Civil War army nurse. Sponsored by American Library Assoc Public Programs Office with support from NEH. Fhttp://library.uncw.edu/alcott or Margaret Miles at 910-798-6361. BURGWIN WRIGHT HOUSE 18th century Burgwin-Wright House Museum in the heart of Wilmington’s Historic District, is the oldest museum house in NC, restored with 18th and 19th century decor and gardens. Colonial life is experienced through historical interpretations in kitchenbuilding and courtyard. 3rd and Market St. Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm. Last tour, 3pm. Admission rqd. (910) 762-0570. www.burgwinwrighthouse.com. CAPE FEAR MUSEUM EXHIBITS: Through 2/2012: B.W. Wells: Pioneer Ecologist: Explore the breathtaking nature photography of ecologist B.W. Wells and discover his passion for the flora and fauna of the Lower Cape Fear region. • Cape Fear Treasures: Rememberingthrough 1/15/2012: Glimpse a selection of souvenirs and mementos from Cape Fear Museum’s permanent collection. Discover some of the objects people have treasured to remind them of the past. • Down Home: Jewish Life in North CarolinaOpens 10/7. Discover how Jews, through a process of struggle and negotiation, became integrated into Southern society and helped build a New South. • EVENTS: Volunteer Open House held first Wed. of mo. Opportunities are available in museum store, working with the historic collection, and as an education docent. • New Hanover County Resident’s Day: Residents admitted free first Sun. ea. mo. • Cape Fear Skies: Fall Constellations, 10/9, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30; all ages. Free for members/museum admission for nonmembers. Investigate fall constellations and discover how to locate these “seasonal pictures.” • Learning Center: Weird Science, 10/8, 15, 29, 1-4pm. Ages 5-12. Free for members/free w/admission for nonmembers. Explore strange and sometimes slimy science with fun, hand-on experiments. Make your own “bouncy blubber” and use mud to discover how craters form on the moon. • Museum Carts: Handle artifacts, conduct experiments, and play fun games at facilitated carts stationed throughout the Museum. Activities and locations vary, Sun., 10/2, 1-3pm. All ages; free with admission • Grab your family and friends and visit the Cape Fear Museum to explore, discover and have fun together. SciFest – What secrets are hidden in your DNA? 10/22, 10am-4pm. $3//members; $6/ nonmembers • Community Conversations: Listen to different viewpoints from panelists then engage in discussion about Civil War history. Mix and mingle before and after the 7pm. presentation. Tickets 910798-4362. Changes, Compromises, Conflict, Secession, and War, 10/13, 6:30-8pm. $5/members; $7/ nonmembers • Hours: 9am-5pm through Labor Day, Tues-Sat; 1-5pm, Sun. $7 for adults; $6 for students with valid ID and senior citizens; $6 special military rate with valid military ID; $4 for children 3-17; and free for children under 3. Museum members admitted free. 814 Market St. 910-798-4367. www.capefearmuseum.com.

CHILDREN’S MUSEUM OF ILM Exhibit: Toothasaurus Dental Exhibit—learn about oral health in a very un-intimidating environment. First, brush the huge model teeth and inspect for cavities. Then, look at the x-rays for hiddle decay! Hop into one er offer. of the two real dentist chairs to examine the teeth of a ,2011 Tooth-a-Saurus. Floss the huge teeth with dino-sized floss. Complete the food pyramid puzzle! • 10/22: olina 5:30-9:30pm: YachtVenture: Waterside rendezvous at MarineMax on Wrightsville Beach, 130 Short St. mington Dinner, drinks, music and explore 10 yachts, all to Monkey benefit Children’s Museum. Tix: $75, members/$100, m Walgreens non. Ties optional; no spike heels. • 10/28: Kooky Spooky Jam Boo Read: 10/28, 5-7pm: Come enjoy some fall festivities at the museum—reading


scary and not so scary stories. Goodies and games throughout the museum. Come dressed in your favorite Halloween costume and get ready to have lots of fun! $2-3. • Mon: Trash to Treasues, 10am; Muddy Buddies, 3:30pm. • Tues: 10am: Leading to Reading Literacy Classes; 3:30 Going Global Cooking Club • Wed. 10am Preschool Science; 3:30pm, Fetch! Challenge. • Thurs: 10am, Cooking Club; 3:30pm, Book Club. • Fri: 10am, Toddler Time; 3:30pm, Adventures in Art. • Sat: 10am, Music Club; 3:30pm, Cardio Class. • Hrs: Mon-Fri., 9am-5pm; Sun., 1-5pm. 910763-3387. www.playwilmington.org NC AQUARIUM NEW EXHIBIT! Exotic Aquatics Gallery has added white-spotted jellyfish (Phyllorhiza punctata) to its collection.The Exotic Aquatics Gallery traditionally features non-native marine species. Guests can learn more about the life cycle of a jellyfish while viewing these beautiful animals. Educates the public on the importance of well-balanced ecosystems. • Events: Aquarist Apprentice, Behind the Scenes Tour, Breakfast with the Fishes, Mommy and Me, Canoeing the Salt Marsh, Surf Fishing Workshops and more. Prereg. classes. www.ncaquariums.com. 900 Loggerhead Rd, Kure Beach. (910) 458-8257 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH MUSEUM The Wrightsville Beach Museum of History, housed in the turn of the century Myers Cottage, exists to preserve and to share the history of Wrightsville Beach. Visitors to the cottage will find a scale model of Wrightsville Beach circa 1910, exhibits featuring the early days of the beach including Lumina Pavilion, our hurricane history and information about the interaction between the people and our natural environment which have shaped the 100 year history of Wrightsville Beach. 303 West Salisbury St. wbmuseum.com. (910)256-2569 WILMINGTON RAILROAD MUSEUM Explore railroad history and heritage, especially of the Atlantic Coast Line, headquartered in Wilmington for more than 130 years. Interests and activities for all ages including historical exhibits, full-size steam engine and rolling stock, lively children’s area, and spectacular scale models. Housed in an original 1882 freight warehouse, facilities are fully accessible and on one level. Groups receive special guided tours. Facilities can also be booked for meetings or mixers, accommodating groups of up to 150. • Story Times designed for younger visitors first and third Mon, 10:30am. $4 per family is charged to cover program costs and includes access to the rest of the Museum. Museum admission only $6 for adults, $5 for seniors/ military, $3 for children 2-12, and free under age 2. Located at the north end of downtown at 505 Nutt St. 910-763-2634 or www.wrrm.org. LATIMER HOUSE Victorian Italiante style home built in 1852, the restored home features period furnishings, artwork and family portraits. Tours offered Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm, and Sat, 12-5pm. Walking tours are Wed and Sat. at 10am. 126 S. Third St. Adults $8, children $4. 7620492. www.latimerhouse.org CAPE FEAR SERPENTARIUM Cool down in front of “Anaconda Splash” exhibit in the indoor tropical jungle. See, photograph and even touch rare animals assembled from all over the planet in beautiful simulations of their natural environments. Meet colorful jungle birds, crocodiles, king cobras, black mambas and many more. Open from 11am-5pm, Sat. from 11am-6pm. 20 Orange Street at Front Street on historic downtown riverwalk. (910) 762-1669 or www.capefearserpentarium.com. BELLAMY MANSION One of NC’s most spectacular examples of antebellum architecture, built on the eve of the Civil War by free and enslaved black artisans, for John Dillard Bellamy (1817-1896) physician, planter and business leader; and his wife, Eliza McIlhenny Harriss (1821-

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1907) and their nine children. After the fall of Fort Fisher in 1865, Federal troops commandeered the house as their headquarters during the occupation of Wilmington. Now a museum, itfocuses on history and the design arts and offers tours, changing exhibitions and an informative look at historic preservation in action. • Bellamy Ball, 10/8, 6:30pm. Black tie, w/cocktails and hors d’ouevre, silent auction, seated dinner and a musical program with Philip Furia, Jack Krupicka and Cindy Hospedales, “Carolina in the Evening.” Tix: $150/person. Proceeds benefit museum. www. bellamymansion.org. 503 Market St CAMERON ART MUSEUM EXHIBITS: Through 10/20: Henry Jay MacMillan: The Art of Public ServiceFilm Room, Brown Wing. From painter to interior designer to artist illustrator (assigned to the 62nd Engineer Topographic Company of the XIX Corps) documenting war-torn Europe during 1944-45, Wilmington native Henry Jay MacMillan used his artistic talents in service both to his community and country. • Opening reception for three new exhibitions: 10/21, 5:30-8pm. Nonmem, $10; Cam mem, free. William McNeill: My Life as a Handheld Church Fan A Rhapsody on Sweat, Sweet Tea and Salvation, Brown Wing. Through 1/15/2012. Feat. hundreds of church fans with images religious and secular, collected over 40 years by musician and performative assemblage artist William McNeill. McNeill emphasizes their cultural importance, “This collection is really about a vanishing Americana and a way of life that we won’t ever have again.” • Through 1/15/2012: Crowns: Portraits of Black Women in Church Hats, Brown Wing. 25 black and white photographs by Michael Cunningham featured in his book, Crowns: Portraits of Black Women in Church Hats (2000: Doubleday) are highlighted in this exhibition. • Hattitude: A Convergence of Fashion and Faith, Brown Wing; through 1/15/2012. Hats from public and private collections, hats of our own and our mothers’, hats by leading and unknown designers comprise this bountiful exhibition, including generous loans from Dr. Yvonne Watson, Rep. Alma Adams, Guilford County and the Gregg Museum of Art and Design, NC State University. • Closing reception, 10/30, 1-5pm: State of the Art/Art of the State. CAM Members and SoA artists, free. • Jazz at the CAM Series, in partnership with the Cape Fear Jazz Society, through 4/2012, 6:30-8pm. CAM/ CFJS Members: $3/non-members: $55, students: $20. Indv seats: $7 for members, $10, nonmembers and $5 students w/ID. 10/6: Frank Bongiorno and Friends offering jazz with strings • 10/13, 7-8pm: Duo Sureño, classical voice and guitar; CAM members/students, $5; non-members, $10. Featured works by Britten, Rodrigo, Argento, Villa-Lobos and Handel create an intimate performance experience reminiscent of the 19th century musical gatherings in the salons of Vienna and Paris. • 10/19, 1-1:30pm 10/20, 6-6:30pm: ONE4$1 lecture: Seated Woman with Bonnie England, 1-1:30pm. Artist and Projekte Gallery owner Bonnie England offers a closer look at Seated Woman (c. 1940) by Willem de Kooning (1904-1997). • 10/22: 8:30am: Save the Date, Gary Shell Cross-City Trail—Run, Ride & Roll! Registration, Halyburton Park, noon-1pm. Trail Reception, Cameron Art Museum. Opening of the Gary Shell Cross-City Trail w/inaugural rideat Halyburton Park to Ann McCrary Park, ending at the CAM. Games, music, food, family programs and more! • Kids at CAM, 10/22, noon-3pm; $3/child; $5/child; adults free. Day of creativity and imagination. Make art you can take home, explore our exhibitions. No pre-reg necessary. • CLASSES, ETC: Life Drawing every Tues., 6-9pm. Group meets in Reception Hall. Participants provide own dry drawing materials and watercolors. $70/6wks. • Museum School: Fall classes going on now! More info online for adult education programs • Hand and Wheel Pottery Techniques, Mon/Wed, 10/1712/14, 8am-noon; or Tues/Thurs, 10/18-12/15, 5:30-8:30pm. Members, $250/non, $300. Hiroshi

Sueyoshi teaches handbuilding, wheel throwing, glazing and finishing techniques. Class size limited; all skill levels, ages 16+. RSVP. • Tai Chi, Wed., 10/6, 19, noon; $5, members; $10, non. • Yoga, Thurs., noon; $5, members; $10, non. • Zumba classes, Mon/Wed/Fri, members, $8; non, $10. Packages: $32/4; $52/8; $65/10. Energetic movement class, Latin-inspired dancing w/Wendy Joyner. • Corner of South 17th St. and Independence Blvd. Tues-Sun., 11am-5pm; Thurs: 11am-9pm. Museum members free, $8 non-members, $5 students with valid ID, $3 children age 2 -12. www.cameronartmuseum.com or 910-395-5999.

sports/recreation TENNIS CLINICS Althea Gibson Tennis Complex, Empie Park, 3405A Park Ave. Pre-reg. rqd. 341-4631. • Intermediate Doubles Clinic: Fast-paced doubles positioning/strategy clinic that will elevate your game to the next level. $10/clinic. Mon, 10am. (Sept - Nov); Wed., 10/5, 12, 19 & 26, 6:30pm. • Cardio Tennis (all levels). Improve your overall fitness and endurance in this fast-paced clinic! $10/clinic. Mon, 9am; Wed., 5:30pm • Serving Clinic (all levels): 30-min.serving clinic will greatly improve your technique, overall consistency, placement, and help you generate more power. $5/clinic, Wed., 7:30pm. • Beginner Tennis Clinics: Hour-long clinic focuses on using correct technique for your volleys and overheads and learn how to make them major strengths. $40/4 clinics. Session 2: 10/10, 17, 24 & 11/7, 6:30pm. • Forehand/Backhand Clinic ($10/ clinic) Wed., 11/2, 9, & 16 • Tennis Clinics for Kids: Little Aces, ages 4-6. Session 2: 10/5, 10, 12, 17 & 19 • Session 3: 10/31, 11/ 2, 7, 9, 14 & 16, 3:454:30pm. $40/6 clinics. Focus on the intro of basic strokes such as forehands, backhands, volleys and overheads. • Super Aces, ages 7-9. Session 2: 10/3, 5, 10, 12, 17 & 19. Session 3: 10/31, 11/2, 7, 9, 14 & 16, 4:30-5:15pm. $40/6 clinics. General stroke mechanics will be reinforced w/introduction to Quick Start score keeping , games and some match play. Get your kids ready for Quick Start tournaments. www.empiepark.com IN BALANCE PILATES Two weekend, 50-hr. classical Pilates mat certification program teaches the traditional Pilates method up to an intermediate level while also covering teaching techniques, basic anatomy, advancements, modifications and fundamentals to enhance your teaching abilities. The two weekend design gives the student the opportunity to better retain the information learned, and this program will be geared toward teaching groups. Program Dates: 10/7-9: Fri., 6pm-9pm; Sat., 10am-6pm; and Sun., 8am-12pm. 10/28-30: Fri., 6pm-9pm; Sat., 10am-6pm; and Sun., 8am-12pm. $450 due on 10/7 or $225/ea. weekend. In Balance, 3828 Oleander Dr. pilatesinbalance.com KAYAKING Full Moon Kayak—Rice Creek, 10/11, 4:30-9pm. $50 Paddle the blackwater of Rice and Town Creek during the full moon. We’ll make a stop for a campfire and s’mores, discover the many creatures of the night and then paddle back under the moonlit skies. (910)-341-0075 BROOKLYN GREENS DAY TRIP 10/15, 9am: Day trip to Brookgreen Gardens in Murrells Inlet, SC. Private guided tour of historic site and sculpture collection. After lunch, local artist Niki Hildebrand will host open air studio time. Bring your own supplies and draw, paint, take photos, journal... or find a place to rest and appreciate Mother Nature’s peace. $75 each includes transportation, garden admission, tour and studio support as desired. (910) 524-7770 or www.exitlanetours.com. REDBONE CELEBRITY TOURNEY

10/21-23, Blockade Runner Resort: Prepare to wet a line and reel in a prize-winning red drum or speckled trout during the only NC leg of the international Redbone Celebrity Tournament Series that benefits the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.Cape Fear Red Trout Celebrity Classic, Oct. 21-23 stationed at the Blockade Runner Beach Resort in Wrightsville. Seasoned local and celebrity fishing guides are teamed with anglers based on skill level. Individual anglers may be paired with Redbone founder Gary Ellis. Ninety percent of the $1,125 per person entry fee benefits Cystic Fibrosis. Registration fees includes the guided vessel and gear, attendance for two at the Catch the Cure kickoff banquet, receptions and meals, T-shirt, fishing shirt and gift bag. Grand Champion will qualify to compete in the three-day Rolex/IGFA Inshore Tournament of Champions in the Florida Keys. Other tournament awards include beautifully framed original works of art and bragging rights, plus the reward of a personal contribution to fight Cystic Fibrosis, a progressive disability that affects approximately 30,000 Americans. 10/21: Dinner and auctions at 5:30pm at the Blockade Runner. 10/22: 6:30am breakfast; fishing at 7am and concludes at 4pm. 10/23: Fishing resumes at 7am and concludes at 3pm. Awards party at the Blockade Runner’s oceanside lawn at 4pm. www.cfredtrout.com SEAGROVE AND YADKIN RIVER VALLEY TRIP 10/21: Three day/two night escape to explore the artisan community of Seagrove and go wine tasting in the Yadkin River Valley. Accomodations at historic Tanglewood Manor House B & B outside of Winston-Salem. Guided small group tour limited to 12 travelers. $440 per person (double occupancy) includes transportation, museum admissions, meals, wine tastings and vineyard din-

10/8: SCENIC TOURS Take an eco-cruise with Captain Joe, as he steers about Masonboro Island and Bradley Creek, in search of our coastal habitat’s most interesting birds. The low-tide tour will allow birders of all ages a chnace to see herons, brown pelicans, terns, American oystercatchers and more. Capt. Joe will discuss salt marsh function, wetland plants, and shorebird/water bird ecology and identification. Tickets are $35 a person, and tours take place throughout October. ner. Sunday visit to Reynolda House & Museum of American Art concludes weekend of activities. (910) 524-7770. www.exitlanetours.com POISONOUS PLANTS AND ANIMALS Poisonous Plants & Animals Program: Sat., 10/29, 9:15am-10:30am. Temptations Everyday Gourmet (in Hanover Center). Join Carla Edwards, Carolina Beach State Park ranger, as she describes poisonous plants and animals found in our region of NC, such as venus fly traps. This program is educational for people of all ages and will give participants a better understanding and appreciation for North Carolina’s natural world. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH REC CLASSES Shag lessons, tennis lessons for youth & adults, cotillion for youth, kids’ night out, Bark in the Park, Movies in the Park, yoga, pilates, boot camp, tone & stretch, and low impact aerobic classes. 910-256-7925 or www.townofwrightsvillebeach.com.

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WRIGHSTVILLE BEACH SCENIC TOURS Join Capt. Joe, orinthologist and bird watching aficionado, on a cruise around Masonboro Island and Bradley Creek in search of local shore and water birds. This low-tide tour is perfect for birders of all ages. Other dates: 10/8, 10/10, 10/21, 10/24 and 25. $35/person. Group discounts/private charters available. Contact Joe today at 910-200-4002 to make reservations. • Avast me hearties, come and relive the tales of the legendary pirates of North Carolina, Capt. Kidd, Black Beard, and Steade Bonnett. Come adventure the waters like the pirates to Money Island, the island that blinks in the sunlight and tries to hide its secrets. Costumed pirate storyteller on a narrated voyage on the Intracoastal Waterway in Wrightsville Beach. 2 hrs. Call for rates: Capt. Joe, (910) 200-4002. www.capefearnaturalist.com.

film CINEMATIQUE Plays weekly at Thalian Hall main stage, 7:30pm, $7 (unless otherwise noted) • 10/5: See page 29. • 10/17-19: The Whistleblower—A ripped-from-theheadlines thriller is inspired by actual events. Kathy Bolkovac (Rachel Weisz) is a Nebraskan police officer who takes a job working as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia. 1 hr. 58 min. Rated R. • 10/24-26: Sarah’s Key—Paris, July 1942: A 10-yr-old girl is taken with her parents by the French police as they go door-to-door arresting Jewish families in the middle of the night. Desperate to protect her younger brother, Sarah locks him in a bedroom cupboard—their secret hiding place—and promises to come back for him as soon as they are released. 1hr. 51 min. Rated PG-13.

LUMINA THEATER SCREENINGS 10/6, 7pm: Les Amours Imaginaires (Heartbeats)— ”Heartbeats” is a comical and highly-stylized story centered around three close friends who become romantically linked in a menage-a-trois. French with English subtitles. Directed by Xavier Dolan. 95 mins. Free • 10/15, 8pm: “Spike & Mike’s Festival of Animation: Sick and Twisted” (adult content)—The Sick and Twisted Festival began in 1990 as a home for animated short films which are simply too revolting or adult in nature for the prestigious and tasteful classic show. Birthplace of Beavis and Butthead and tie-ins with other well-known shows such as South Park. Free • 10/16, 7pm: “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold”—With humor and insight, this documentary unmasks the world of product placement and marketing processes to bring audiences behind closed doors directly into the pitch meetings and marketing presentations which ultimately inform our everyday entertainment decisions. Directed by Morgan Spurlock. 90 mins. Free. UNCW campus, Lumina Theatre. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Each Friday, through 10/7, Wrightsville Beach Parks and Rec will host a free family movie night in the park, sponsored by various local churches, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. Activities begin at dusk. Picnic baskets and coolers are welcome, but no alcoholic beverages are allowed in the park. In the event of inclement weather, the movie will be cancelled.www.townofwrightsvillebeach.com SUBVERSIVE FILM SERIES See page 29. • 10/9: “The Hand”—Jon Lansdale is a comic book artist who loses his right hand in a car accident. The hand was not found at the scene of the accident, but it soon returns by itself to follow Jon around, and murder those who anger him. Directed by Oliver Stone and starring Michael Caine. • 10/16:

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“Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers”—When private detective Jack Chandler tries to track down a teenage runaway, he runs into a cult of Egyptian chainsaw-worshipping prostitutes led by “The Master” (played by Gunner Hansen, aka: Leatherface). • 10/23: Zombie Film Festival—To follow up Wilmington’s 3rd Annual Zombie Walk on Saturday, The Juggling Gypsy will be holding a free Zombie Film Festival, featuring “Zombie Strippers”, “Night of the Living Dead” and “Dead and Breakfast.” • 10/30: The Rocky Horror Picture Show—Cult classic starRing Susan Sarandon, Barry Boswick and Tim Curry, a newly engaged couple have a breakdown in an isolated area and must pay a call to the bizarre residence of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a crossdressing alien from Transsexual, Transylvania. Free! Juggling Gypsy, 1612 Castle Street MORGAN SPURLOCK 10/17, 7pm: American documentary filmmaker, humorist, screenwriter, television producer, journalist and bounty hunter, Morgan Spurlock, is best known for his immersive explorations of social issues, making his documentaries personal, political and deeply empathetic (“Super Size Me”). “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” targets the consumer industry by examining the issue of marketing, product placement and brand integration in movies. To further illustrate his point, his film is funded entirely by product placement. His lecture at UNCW will mimic the themes of the film. Scathingly funny, subversive and deceptively smart, Morgan’s newest lecture shines the definitive light on our branded future. 910-962-3500. www.etix. com. Overflow in Lumina Theatre (Fisher Student Center); tickets required and distributed at 5:30pm day of lecture, first come, first served basis. $9 CARNAGE FILM FESTIVAL The Patrick Crawford Foundation announces it’s first annual Carnage film festival. It will showcase horror films from all over the world. Come out to Thalian Hall on Sun., 10/23, day full of horror blocks. Visit our

website for film schedule and tickets. www.carnagefilmfestival.com FILMMAKER’S SOCIAL Filmmaker Social every 2nd Friday of the month, 7pm! Connect with other filmmakers, as well as discuss topics such as fundraising, production and trends in the industry. 16 Taps, 127 Princess St., downtown Wilmington. Sponsored by CFIFN. CALLING ALL YOUTH! The 17th annual Cucalorus Film Festival is searching for films of all genres made by kids and for kids under the age of 18. Selected films will be showcased at a special youth screening during the annual festival 11/10-13. Films must be 7 minutes or shorter. Entries, free, and should include a DVD copy of the film and a list of the title, runtime, description of film, director’s name, age and contact information. Submission must be postmarked by Fri., 10/10: Cucalorus Film Festival Youth Screening, 815 Princess St., Wilmington, NC 28401.

kids stuff MARINE QUEST MarineQuest’s Saturday-morning scientific fun at the UNCW Center for Marine Science. Explore sea creatures, marine habitats and ocean phenomena through lab experiments, field activities, games and more. • 10/22 Tickling Tentacles (Register by 10/20). “Sting of things”—learning all about octopuses, jellyfish, anemones and more! Discover the many forms and functions of tentacles. • 11/12: A Whale of Thanks (Register by 11/10) Discover how man has benefitted from whales and why we should protect these amazing animals! Learn about whale migration, feeding behavior and take a deep breath as you walk inside the belly of a life sized Right Whale! •

12/10:Christmas Island (Register by 12/8) Explore island formations and discover what makes places like Christmas Island so unique! Witness one of the wonders of the natural world as the Christmas Island Red Crab migrates from their forest canopy homes to the edge of the sea. HAPPY LITTLE SINGERS Lots of fun for you and your little one! An early childhood music and movement class for kids 9 months to 6 years. One hour sessions on Tues, 9:15am, at Hannah Block USO/Community Arts Center; Carolina Beach Parks and Recreation Building Tues, 11:30am, 2pm and 4:30pm. Drop ins welcome! $10 one child with parents, $5 for each additional child. www.happylittlesingers.com 910-777-8889. FIT FOR FUN CENTER Fit for Fun Center offers a great place for you and your kids ages 5 and under to cool off and have some fun. Join us for free play, art activities, music and an outdoor age-appropriate playground. Mon-Fri, 9am-

10/11: MIXED MEDIA October brings with it a host of new art classes to enjoy, taught by Lois DeWitt, MFA, a professional instructor for over 30 years. Four weeks of classes costs $80 and includes materials. On Tuesdays, DeWitt teaches mixed media courses from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., wherein she explores working with found materials. Texture, color dynamic, power of content and evocative imagery all become a part of the learning experience. Contact loislight@bellsouth.net to register. noon & 1-4pm; Sat., 9am-noon. $4/child (ages 5 and under)/adults free. 302 S. 10th St. (910) 341-4630. www.fitforfuncenter.com

readings/lectures LOUISA’S BOOK CLUB A series of stimulating discussions about the life and lesser-known writings of Louisa May Alcott! Faculty members UNCW will lead these sessions at Northeast Library, at 6 pm on four Wed. evenings: 10/5: Louisa May Alcott on Race, Sex, and Slavery, w/ Kathleen Berkeley, associate dean of arts and Sciences • 10/26: Work —19th century American women’s rights and roles, w/Katie Peel, assistant professor of English. Pre-reg., arrive a few minutes early: http://library.uncw.edu/alcott/forms/rsvp-event or by calling 910-798-6323. POETRY READING

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Poets and CFCC Creative Writing instructors Jada Ach and G.S. Gulliksen will give a poetry reading Tues., 10/18 at Old Books on Front, 6:30-8pm. Ach was a first place award winner with UNCW’s Talon last year. Poetry was just published in Blast Furnace and will be appearing soon in “Weave” magazine. She will be reading some new poetry written while work shopping with poet Kim Addonizio in Lisbon this past summer. Gulliksen was also an award winner last year with Talon. He has had numerous poems published in various periodicals throughout the country and has been rejected by most of the finest periodicals in the world. He will be reading from his current collection Custody/Cancer. PARENTING BOOK CLUB A new book club is forming with a focus on enhancing family life through an exploration of the science behind child development. Meetings held the first Thurs. ea. month, 6-7pm. Old Books on Front St. Objective is to engage the community in meaningful discussion about ways to foster healthy family living and to inspire personal growth and connection. Jessica: 336420-2887 or jesscooper1@yahoo.com GOING GREEN ENVIRO BOOK CLUB Cape Fear’s Going Green is sponsoring a new book club to encourage discussion of environmental topics, meeting the first Tues. ea. month at Old Books on Front Street. Future meeting dates: 11/1 and 12/1. Upcoming titles posted: www.goinggreenpublications.com/calendar.html

classes/workshops OCTOBER ART CLASSES Professional instruction with Lois DeWitt, MFA. Over 30 years of art teaching experience. Small classes, individual tutoring available. loislight@bellsouth.net. Four weeks, $80. Watercolor: Mon, 11am-1pm: Learn color washes, expressive brushstrokes, creating light and shadow and more. For beginners or experienced painters that want to refresh their skills. • Collage: Mon, 3-5pm: Create beautiful collages from found papers in a series of fun collage lessons including textures, color gradation, paper dynamics, photo portrait and more. • Mixed Media, Tues., 3-5pm: Learn how to use found materials to create mixed media collages exploring textures, color dynamics, power of content, evocative images and more. • Acrylic Painting, Wed., 11am-1pm. Learn acrylic painting basics: brushstrokes, mixing colors, painting light and shadow and how to choose and paint subject matter. For beginners or experienced painters that want to refresh their skills. • Oil Pastel, Wed, 3-5pm. Learn basic oil pastel skills including overlay, light and shadow, color dynamics and making subject matter vibrant as content. For beginners or those experienced in other media that want to learn about oil pastels. • Basic Drawing,

Sat., 11-1pm: Learn line, shading, composition, how to draw what you see, and more. Fun exercises and individual guidance. For beginners or those that want to refresh their drawing skills. WINE CLASSES See page 40. OWLS AND HAWKS Owls & Hawks: Bird of Prey Day! 11:30am: Join Wild Bird & Garden to see live birds of prey from OWLS, Outer Banks Wildlife Shelter. This free program will allow you to learn about owls and hawks. Bring your friends and cameras!. The birds will be outside of Wild Bird & Garden, off Oleander in Hanover Shopping Center. Jill Peleuses: wildbirdgardeninc@gmail.com MILLER MOTTE COLLEGE PROGRAMS Miller Motte College Workshops/Classes: “How to Balance Your Budget” free workshop on 10/7, noon-1pm. Room #A115 • 10/17, noon-1pm— “Finding Balance in Your Budget” free workshop. Guest speaker will be Stephanie Williams. 5000 Market St Wilmington, NC 28405 Room #A115. www.miller-motte.edu or 910-442-3400. COOKING CLASSES Chef Alexis Fouros of Creative Market Place: 10/5, 19. Pre-registration is required by calling 917-969-2430 (Betsy) or e-mail: boyden2@aol. com TAI CHI Tai Chi, Mon., 6:30pm, Scottish Rite Temple, 1415 S. 17th St. Taught by Karen Vaughn, LAC, 3rd gen. Tien Shan Pai disciple. $15/class. (910) 392-0870

clubs/notices CAPE FEAR HOME BUILDERS Fall Hammers & Nails Golf Tournament, 10/6. Get out of the office & join us at Cape Fear National for our annual Fall golf tournament. • NC Coastal Symposium, 10/13: Save the date for our inaugural NC Coastal Symposium taking place at Sunspree Holiday Inn Resort. Sponsorship opportunities available. www.wilmingtonhomebuilders.com ONSLOW PUBLIC LIBRARY Page Turners Book Club, (grades 2-5) talk about your favorite books, characters, stories and more. Meets monthly. Jacksonville: 1st Thurs, 4:30pm; Sneads Ferry: 3rd Thurs, 4:30pm; Swansboro: 2nd Thurs, 4:30pm • American Girl Book Club (grades 2-5). A different American Girl book each month, enjoysnacks & have fun with crafts & other activities. Meets monthly. Jacksonville/Main: 3rd Tues, 4:30pm. • Legos in the Library (grades K-12)Express creativity and learn new Lego building techniques from simple to advanced! Meets monthly. Jacksonville: 2nd Sat, 10am; Richlands: 3rd Sat, 10am; Sneads Ferry: 3rd Sat, 10am; Swansboro: 3rd Sat, 10am • Milk and Bookies! Family Pajama Story Night to celebrate National Family Literacy Day. Wear pajamas to the library for a fun evening of stories, crafts, milk and cookies! Jacksonville, Richlands, Sneads Ferry & Swansboro: Tues, 11/1, 6pm • Laptime Storytime (0-23 mos.). Imaginative rhymes, songs, stories & free play for infants & their caregivers. Jacksonville/Main: Weds, 9:30 and 10:30am • Time for Twos (2 yr. olds). Books, action songs, music, movementand interactive fun for 2 yr. olds and their caregivers. Jacksonville/ Main: Thurs, 10 and 11am • Mother Goose Time (up to age 3): Rhymes, songs, music and movement for toddlers & their caregivers. Richlands Branch: Thurs, 10am; Swansboro Branch: Weds & Thurs, 10am • Preschool Storytime (ages 3-5)A galaxy of books, stories and fun activities for 3-5 yr. olds. Jacksonville/Main: Tues, 10am; Sneads Ferry Branch: Tues, 10am; Richlands Branch: Thurs, 11am; Swansboro Branch: Thurs, 11am

• Kids’ Creations (grades K-5). School-age kids express imagination and creativity during our afterschool story and craft hour. Meets monthly. Sneads Ferry Branch: Weds, 4:30pm; Richlands Branch: Thurs, 4:30pm • Free Family Film Fridays (bring entire family). Main Library in Jacksonvile, every month for a free, family-friendly movie. Free popcorn!Shows monthly. Jacksonville: Fri, 4pm • Monthly Genealogy Meeting Network and get genealogy and local history tips from other researchers and guest speakers. Meets monthly. Jacksonville: 2nd Tues, 10am; Jacksonville Friends. • Swansboro Friends Used Book Sale: Swansboro, 2nd Sat monthly, 9am-1pm. Book Club Social (teens and adults). Meet bestselling author James Rollins via Skype! Join our quarterly social for book lovers and book clubs. Meet and discuss your favorite reads, enjoy refreshments, and meet some of your favorite authors via Skype. • Freedom, Sacrifice, Memory: Civil War Sesquicentennial Photography Exhibit Courtesy of the N.C. Dept. of Cultural Resources, visitors to OCPL during the month of Nov. will see images of Civil War soldiers, battles and much more. The battlefield, homefront, African Americans and women all are reflected in this traveling exhibit. • Jacksonville: 10/13, 6pm. Paint the Town Red, (Grades 6-12) Teens who love the Twilight series won’t want to miss this party! Play Twilight trivia and other games, make Edward-inspired jewelry and quench your thirst with refreshments.• Teen Volunteers (grades 6-12): Teens are encouraged to volunteer at their local OCPL library branch. Earn SAT & Junior Honors Society volunteer hours! Please call your local branch library for more information. Orientation for new volunteers is held monthly: Jacksonville: 2nd Weds, 4pm Swansboro: 1st Weds, 4pm. www.onslowcountync.gov/library POETRY OUT LOUD High School teachers across NC have until Fr., 10/14, to register for a national poetry recitation competition, Poetry Out Loud. Grades nine through 12 in public, private and home schools enter; winners go to state level and nationals in D.C., 5/13–15. Students learn about great poetry through memorization and recitation. Helps master public speaking skills, build self-confidence and learn about their literary heritage. Teachers can register: www.poetryoutloud.org.

Breakfast at Nite at Nicks

HUMANIST AND FREETHINKERS 10/16, 5-7:30pm: Humanist and Freethinkers of Cape Fear meeting, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall, 4313 Lake Ave. www.humanism.meetup. com/182. A Non-theistic ‘Modern Synthesis’ of Humanism and Naturalism with John Hooper— celebrating the awesome epic of biological evolution. Hooper is a retired scientist and Research & Development executive (Ph.D., 1969, Carnegie Mellon U). Since his retirement in 2003, he has pursued interests in science & naturalism, humanism, Unitarian Universalism and public policy. WRITERS AND WELLNESS GROUP Life Writers and Wellness Group, (formerly “Grace in the Word”) meets 3rd Tues., 7-8:30pm, 10/18, 5041 New Centre Dr, Ste 122. 910-2624454. www.meetup.com/Life-Writers-WellnessGroup/910-262-4454 or mountainbirdministry@ yahoo.com. CAPE FEAR ROWER CLUB classes for beginners: 2, 3-hr morning sessions, 8-11am, on Sat/Sun. Students become familiar w/ boats and equipment, learn proper technique on a rowing machine, and experience on-the-water rowing instruction. No previous experience necessary, but students must know how to swim. 10/22-23. Wilmington Marine Center, 3410 River Rd. $60/ two sessions. Limited to five students. Reg: Morris Elsen, morris.elsen@gmail.com. 910-343-3381

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