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Over the years, Endeavour Magazine has had the privilege to follow the changing fortunes of the African business world. Suffice to say, this has given us a great vantage point from which to observe this remarkable continent’s transformation in recent years.
Isn’t it wonderful that Africa is finally beginning to realise it’s almost limitless potential? The change has been a sight to behold, as lights turn on across every corner of the continent. While the global economy has spluttered through a decade which has been characterised by stagnant growth rates and stubbornly high unemployment, the African continent has undoubtedly been one of the world’s brightest economic hotspots.
What is there to say? Africa, with its increasingly prosperous people and markets, is the future. It has finally succeeded in shedding its reputation in the eyes of the international community as a place synonymous with poverty and conflict.
Of course, there is still work to do. Challenges and threats are never far away and will continue to emerge – particularly in light of the threat posed by populist revolts against free trade and globalisation in the developed world, and rising national debt levels closer to home. In order for the continent to maintain its upward trajectory, investment must continue. If this happens, job creation will continue, trade between nations will rise, and high growth rates will likely be maintained.
Anglo American South Africa Limited
Anglo American has long been a leading player within the global mining market, with projects spanning its century of operations within some of the most valuable metal markets in the world including, copper, platinum-grade materials (PGMs), iron, diamonds and nickel. In South Africa particularly, its iron, diamond and PGM market has brought significant value to the company. These materials are vital to help develop the future of many industries and look to be vital in decarbonizing the global economy. Therefore, Anglo American is positioning its company to be a vital player building towards a decarbonized world as a global mining company passionate about building a cleaner, greener and more sustainable world.
Anglo American has been in operations across 26 sites in South Africa for many years, with vital mining projects focused primarily on the mining of diamonds, PGMs and iron ore. Across these sites, Anglo American is responsible for the exploration, planning, building, processing, moving and then marketing of its mining projects. Throughout all of these stages, Anglo American focused on unlocking the value of each metal deposit to deliver significant benefits to its customers, the local community and its stakeholders. Anglo American operations in South Africa have long played a key role in the country’s continued mining development over the last century since its founding in 1917.
One of the most significant operations under Anglo American in South Africa is the De Beers Group which is responsible for mining diamonds. Anglo American currently holds 85% ownership in De Beers Group, with the remaining 15% held by the Government of the Republic of Botswana. Through jointventure operations with Ponahalo Holdings, De Beers’ operations span the Venetia mine in the Limpopo Province. The De Beers Group under Anglo American has long played a vital role across almost every part of the diamond pipeline from the initial exploration and mining of diamonds to the midstream operations including sales and technology, and then the downstream consumer-facing retail operations and research which extends beyond. Ultimately, De Beers is the world’s leading diamond company which has been operating in South Africa for more than 135 years. Today, its diamonds are considered to be some of the world’s finest and are now present in 16 markets around the world.
However, following press releases made in May 2024, Anglo American looks set to break up its diamond business, which would see De Beers divested or demerged. According to the press release, the separation of the company’s diamond operations is hoped to improve strategic flexibility for both Anglo American and De Beers and comes as part of a larger restructuring operation which aims to radically simplify the company’s portfolio of world-class assets and focus on copper, premium iron ore, and crop nutrients.
Developed by CDC, the company used the CSIR Aerotech Division’s computer simulation programs. This helped to design a high efficiency, low inertia axial fan driven by a custom-built water-cooled electric motor. This motor is its key differentiator, focusing on high start/stop applications, which allows for the inrush of currents. With a choice of side or rear outlets, the range is available in 5 variations (CDC 550, 600, 700, 760 & 825) to suit customers’ power, air volume and flow requirements.
The 30kW jet-fogga is a self-supporting dust suppression and prevention unit that has a throw radius of up to 30m. The unit is easy to assemble, relocate and maintain. It features a rugged design that’s built for maximum performance, reliability and easy operation. The unit comes on a trailer/ skid support structure depending on client requirements. Nozzles can be replaced easily to switch between dust suppression, prevention and evaporation provided sufficient water pressure is available.
CDC auxiliary fans are used for boosting fresh air supply to the coal face or areas where conventional ventilation cannot reach. Depending on the end-user’s requirements, these fans can either be employed as standalone fans (c/w a jet nozzle for directing the flow to a desired point) or be connected to a ventilation duct. The units come complete with an easy-drag skid for ease of transportation or lifting points for hanging from the roof. The design is robust for the harsh underground mining environment and can be easily customised to client’s requirements through CDC’s in-house engineering design capabilities. CDC auxiliary fans offer optimal performance at low noise levels.
to a CDC expert
In a similar way to De Beers, Anglo American’s Chief Executive Duncan Wanblad announced that the “demerger of Anglo American Platinum is expected by mid-2025 and we have seen strong interest in our nickel business with the sale process well progressed”. Much like the separation of De Beers from Anglo American, the company also looks set to demerge its platinum subsidiary Anglo American Platinum, as well as its nickel operations.
Anglo American Platinum is the world’s leading primary producer of PGMs and provides a complete resource-to-market service. Through Anglo American Platinum, the company has been supporting the global potential for a hydrogen economy for quite some time, as it quickly recognised its role in enabling the shift to greener energy and cleaner transport for a more sustainable future. As the leading producer of PGMs, Anglo American Platinum mines materials for a variety of markets with a diverse range of applications across many industries. In South Africa, Anglo American Platinum has 75% ownership in the Mogalakwena mine and 49% ownership in the Bokoni mine delivering vital PGMs for the company. These projects remain vital to the future of a carbon-reduced society for Anglo American Platinum. However, following recent announcements made by Anglo American, the global company will be focusing its portfolio on copper primarily going forward which is widely used across the renewable energy industry as a vital metal for energy conduction.
Iron is also a key mining operation in South Africa. Much like PGMs, steel is used in a whole host of products, industries, and services, therefore, making it a crucial mining material across the globe. A key operation for Anglo American is in Sishen, South Africa, where there is the largest open pit mine in the world, boasting 14 kilometres in length and is at the centre of the South African iron ore business. With a 69.7% share in Kumba Iron Ore, the largest iron-ore mining company in Africa, Anglo American’s operations aim to provide its customers with high-grade iron ore to help, which they hope will aid its steel customers in achieving even tighter emission standards.
Anglo-American partnered with H2 Green Steel in 2023 to reduce carbon production across the steelmaking industry. The company announced in April 2023, that it had signed a memorandum of understanding with the Swedish hydrogen and steel producer to work together on the advancement of low-carbon steel-making processes. They are
Redefining the Future of Mining
CDC is a global provider of dust suppression technologies for the mining and industrial sectors. As a Level 2 B-BBEE company, we are the only firm in Africa with the specialized expertise to ensure effective dust management for both continuous miners and road headers.
We offer practical and powerful dust suppression solutions for conveyors, transfer points, and other applications across Africa’s mining and industrial facilities - including both above-ground and underground operations. Demonstrating our specialized capabilities, CDC Dust Control has collaborated with the Department of Minerals & Energy (DME), the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), and recognized South African universities to establish dust suppression requirements for South African mines.
In addition to manufacturing and distributing our specialized dust control systems globally, we provide comprehensive maintenance and repair services for all equipment in our product range, including services like, mine ventilation and underground air flow surveys. All of our dust control and suppression solutions are backed by dedicated customer support and service offerings.
Anglo American South Africa Limited
currently undergoing a research and trialling period taking the premium quality iron from the Anglo American Kumba mines in South Africa (as well as iron from their other mines in Minas-Rio in Brazil) and taking them to H2 Green Steel’s Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) production process at its plant in Sweden.
As Anglo American sets itself up for the future, it has focused its portfolio through its Sustainable Mining Plan which sets out a series of goals that Anglo American aim to achieve in the coming years. These goals will help deliver a future where the company is contributing towards a healthy environment and supports communities so they can thrive, whilst building its reputation and trust as a corporate leader. This focus on sustainability has long been a key factor in Anglo American’s operations, as it has been operating with FutureSmart Mining™ strategies for many years which are designed to develop and deploy sustainable technologies to fundamentally change the way the company extracts and processes its products.
Consequently, sustainability is a crucial concern through all operations under the Anglo American name, in which they are aiming to become a responsible producer of diamonds, copper, PGMs, premium quality iron ore, steel-making coal and nickel. Chief Executive of Anglo American, Duncan Wanblad, said in a recent sustainability update press release that “With our diversified product portfolio,
we are well-placed to responsibly deliver many of the critical metals and minerals the world requires to transition to a cleaner, greener world. Our commitment to being part of the solution begins in our own business by meeting our carbon neutrality goals, while recognising that partnerships are vital to deliver our shared endeavour of a low carbon future”. Therefore, Anglo American is committed to sustainable mining plans which work towards a healthy environment, whilst helping communities to thrive, build trust in their brand and position the company as a global leader for sustainable operations. As part of this, Anglo American plans on being carbon-neutral across all its operations by 2040.
By utilising these strategies, Anglo American continue to aim to improve the safety of its operations and produces major capital cost savings. This focus on protection, safety and savings has long positioned Anglo American as a globally diversified mining business home to a world-class portfolio committed to delivering the vital metals and minerals needed for a cleaner, greener and more sustainable world. With so much change on the horizon for the company in the next few years, we look forward to seeing how Anglo American will simplify its portfolio to continue to deliver resources vital to the establishment of a more sustainable future.
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On a mission to be a leader in value creation among its diverse portfolio of mining and metal processing operations, Sibanye-Stillwater is a multi-national mining and metal processing group delivering projects that focus on responsibility, sustainability and accountability. The company is one of the largest primary producers of platinum group metals (PGMs), as well as, a toptier gold producer, serving global markets. In South Africa, SibanyeStillwater’s PGM operations are vast, delivering significant economic and developmental growth for the country and local economies.
Sibanye-Stillwater’s operations as a leading mining and metals processing group focus largely on safeguarding the global sustainability of metals, by ensuring that every project is underpinned by the company’s commitment to delivering positive social and environmental impacts across every decision, investment and operation. By maintaining this focus, Sibanye-Stillwater creates shared value for all of its stakeholders by ensuring that every mining and processing project supports its vision to deliver responsibly derived metals and minerals that will bring economic, social and environmental benefits to society on both local and global scales. It achieves this by ensuring that every single project is working towards the company’s overall purpose, vision and values.
South Africa is a key country for SibanyeStillwater with a large portion of its PGM operations in the country and in the neighbouring Zimbabwe. Sibanye-Stillwater primarily produces platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium and ruthenium in South Africa, alongside its gold projects. Other significant metals are often produced as byproducts of its PGM operations including chrome, copper and nickel. These metals are growing in demand thanks to the global call for battery metals which are used to create sustainable alternatives such as electric vehicles. For this reason, Sibanye-Stillwater continues to diversify its asset portfolio to include battery metals, whilst also being one of the world’s foremost global recyclers of PGM autocatalysts.
Sibanye-Stillwater’s Southern African PGM operations focus primarily on underground mining operations, across its Rustenburg, Marikana, and Kroondal sites. In addition to this, SibanyeStillwater carried out similar operations close by with the Mimosa mine in Zimbabwe, under a 50:50 joint venture with Implats. The Rustenburg mine is shallow to intermediate-level PGM operation, with both surface sources and concentrators located on the western limb of the Bushveld Complex. The site contains three intermediate depth vertical shafts, that utilise conventional mining methods, whilst another mechanised shaft utilises a shallow included board and pillar method. The Rustenburg Platinum Operation was acquired from
Enhancing South Africa’s Mining and Mineral Sector
Anglo American Platinum in 2016. As of the end of December 2023, the site had produced 658,417 ounces (oz) of 4E PGM, with 9.3 million ounces (Moz) of Mineral Reserves and 60.4 Moz of 4E PGM Mineral Resources.
Within the Rustenburg lease area is the Platinum Mile tailings retreatment facility, adjacent to the company’s Kroondal operation. The facility is responsible for recovering PGMs and chrome from the Rustenburg operations and has delivered 51,801oz of 4E PGM as of December 2023. The facility is held in 100% ownership by Sibanye-Stillwater following its acquisition from Aquarius Platinum for US $292 million in 2016 giving Sibanye-Stillwater 91.7% owning interest, and the purchase on the remaining 8.3% from non-controlling shareholders in 2021.
Adjacent to the Platinum Mile facility, is the Kroondal project which features a shallow, lowcost, mechanised underground PGM mine with two concentrators located on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex. The site reached a production of 186,252oz of 4E GM as of the end of December
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2023, with 07Moz of Mineral Reserves and 4.4Moz of Mineral Resources.
The final key PGM operation for SibanyeStillwater in South Africa is the Marikana Complex, formed from Western Platinum Limited and Eastern Platinum Limited. The site is a large, established shallow to moderate-depth PGM mining complex, just 40km east of Rustenburg. The complex spans 5 operating shafts, including the K3, K4, Rowaland, Saffy and E3. These shafts mine both the Merensky and UG2 reefs, which make up part of the Bushveld Complex, simultaneously at an average depth of 500 metres. These are accessed through a shallow incline and deeper vertical shaft infrastructure and the K3, K4 and Rowland shafts accessing the Meresky Reef account for the largest portion of the mineral resources. As of the end of December 2023, Marikana has 4E PGM Mineral Reserves of 16.5 Moz, and 111.1 Moz of Mineral Resources, with these estimates including tailings.
However, Sibanye-Stillwater also works across the Mimosa mining operation located in the Wedza sub-chamber of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe. The
project is part of an equal joint venture between Sibanye-Stillwater and Implats. The site is a shallow, mechanised PGM and base metal mining operation, with 4 mineralised areas separated by major faults and erosional surfaces. These mineralised areas include the North Hill, South Hill, Far South Hill and Mtshingwe Block. The Mtshingwe Block is the focus of ongoing development, with expansion of the Mtshingwe shaft and further evaluation of the block underway.
Aside from PGMs, gold is another key metal for Sibanye-Stillwater, and was the first metal the company ever mined in South Africa. In South Africa, Sibanye-Stillwater has 4 gold operations including Beatrix, Driefontein, Kloof, and Cooke. In addition to this Sibanye-Stillwater also has some key gold projects underway. The Beatrix complex was one of the original assets acquired when Gold Fields International completed its unbinding transaction in 2013, however, gold has been produced at the mine since 1983.
The Beatrix mine adds to the existing output of gold across the Witwatersrand Basin alongside Driefontein, Kloof, and Burnstone. As of December 2023, the Beatrix project has a total surface and underground gold Mineral Reserve of 0.7Moz, and a Mineral Resource of 7.6Moz. However, Beatrix is not just known for its gold reserves, the mine is also home to 27Mlb of uranium resources which are contained within the Baisa Reef. With such valuable gold deposits across South Africa, Sibanye-Stillwater’s operation across the country contributes significantly towards the local economy by bringing the gold to market and providing employment opportunities throughout its projects.
Sibanye-Stillwater announced in December 2024 that it would be unlocking further value through the Beatrix complex, focused on Beatrix Shaft 4. The announcement outlines that the company is advancing its uranium strategy, and has agreed to sell its Beatric 4 shaft, inclusive of the Beisa uranium project, to Neo Energy Metals Pls. The transaction will allow Neo Energy to develop the Beisa uranium project, whilst Sibanye-Stillwater will retain exposure to future uranium production. Beatrix 4 Shaft has been on care and maintenance under Sibanye-Stillwater since 2023, due to the declining gold reserves and depressed uranium
Enhancing South Africa’s Mining and Mineral Sector
price. However, with uranium prices recovering, the transaction will help continue the development of the Beisa uranium project whilst providing Sibanye-Stillwater with key exposure to any uranium production.
Neal Froneman, CEO of Sibanye-Stillwater outlines in the announcement of the Beatrix Shaft 4 that “The sale of this strategic uranium asset is in line with Sibanye-Stillwater’s strategy to unlock value from our uranium assets. The sales of Beatrix 4 shaft and the Beisa uranium project realises immediate value for the Group. Through our direct shareholding in Neo Energy, we retain exposure to the uranium price and the future development of the project, while prioritising allocation of capital form the group Balance sheet for projects currently under development”. Froneman’s comments highlight Sibanye-Stillwater’s commitment to delivering value through the vital development of metals for use across the globe by partnering with leading exploration and development companies to enhance the mineral potential of its projects, whilst delivering economic value for its stakeholders and the local community.
Across every metal project currently being developed in South Africa, Sibanye-Stillwater’s commitment remains firm on delivering positive
social and environmental value for those across the country. From the development of key green metals including PGMs and battery metals, SibanyeStillwater is leading the way towards the future supported by its South African projects, where these demands are growing in demand to curb global carbon emissions in a drastic way. By delivering such vital metals in an environmentally conscious way, Sibanye-Stillwater goes one step further to ensure that every operation continues to drive results that benefit society, the economy and the environment on a local and global scale.
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The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) is a government institution that hinges on its mission to deliver economic development across Rwanda through private sector growth. By delivering this growth, RDB aims to transform the country into a dynamic hub for business, investment and innovation. Therefore, across almost every sector in operation in Rwanda from manufacturing to agriculture to healthcare, RDB is working to provide standards-based solutions that promote trade both locally and internationals, whilst protecting consumers and supporting the country’s overall strategic development goals. For this reason, it is hard to find an industry where RDB is not at work, and for this reason, the Board continues to be a vital pillar of Rwanda’s ongoing development.
RDB was first established in 2002, under the title of Rwanda Bureau of Standards which was tasked with developing national standards, conducting conformity assessment and providing metrology services across Rwanda. However, in 2013 the company was restructured and given the new name of Rwanda Development Board to help enhance its productivity and efficiency. Today, RDB has set out over 4000 standards across Rwanda’s key sectors, all in an effort to deliver the Board’s overall goals to advance technological progress, deliver accessible healthcare services, and protect the environment, all whilst fostering economic growth through the delivery of quality infrastructure to help keep all of these industries going.
The development board began as a merger of 8 government institutions, which came together to become a One Stop Shop for business and investments. Governed by a board of directors, overseen by supervision of the Office of the President, RDB has continued to expand the country’s reputation through expertise and has transformed the country into a hub for leading economic development open for international business. The current key services under RDB include business and investment registration, visa facilitation, EIA, tax incentives management, as well as investment promotion and negotiation.
In addition this this, RDB oversees all imports and exports, special economic zones (SEZ) development, tourism and conservation initiatives, and private sector skills development. These services are provided to the country’s vital industries including agriculture, education, energy, financial services, health services, infrastructure, manufacturing, mining, real estate, construction and tourism. Therefore, under the guidance and expertise of RDB, almost every industry in Rwanda is being transformed to position the country as a thriving hub for business, to encourage further investment into the country.
Agriculture is a major economic sector for Rwanda employing over 60% of the population. As such a vast industry, it is responsible for contributing 25% to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and for this reason, the agriculture and Agri-processing sector has long been a focus for development under RDB. This is particularly important as these products
A Dynamic Hub for Global Development
account for a significant part of Rwanda’s foreign exchange earnings with products such as coffee, tea, livestock products, cereals, grain, hides, skins, pyrethrum, and horticulture being frequently exported. One of the main reasons agriculture continues to thrive in Rwanda is because of the rich fertile soil that covers 61% of the country.
Therefore, Rwanda’s agricultural industry is ripe for investment to help continue to expand its infrastructure to deliver even greater productivity across fields and utilise tools to make crops more resilient. By building up the sector, Rwandan crops will have even crater competitiveness in global marketing bringing continued economic development to the farmers and the country as a whole. To further encourage development within the agricultural sector, RDB has established incentives including duty-free importation of all inputs, tax exemption for agricultural equipment, a 50% reduction in corporate tax as a registered investor exporting 50% of the Rwandan turnover products produced, and a 7-year tax holiday for export-oriented registered investment projects. These measures encourage greater investment and adoption of Rwandan agricultural products across the world.
Manufacturing is also a growing industry in Rwanda, with the industry accounting for 22% of the
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Rwanda Development Board
country’s GDP in 2023. During 2023, the country’s manufacturing industry grew by 10%, as the sector continued to diversify its manufacturing industry to add in more value-adding activities and other subsectors. Common manufactured goods produced in Rwanda include fast-moving consumer goods such as detergents and body care, construction materials including granite tiles, cement, or roofing sheets, furniture laboratory equipment, electronic goods and automotive products. With such a vast manufacturing industry, Rwanda and its economy are very dependent on the growing manufacturing sector for primary and fully manufactured exports, which have found key markets in the East African Community (EAC).
The mining industry of Rwanda has been valuable to the country’s economy for more than 100 years. Rwanda is home to rich deposits of tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, as well as rare earth elements such as beryl, lithium-bearing minerals, phosphate minerals, gemstones, and even industrial minerals such as amphibolite, granite and quartzite – to name just a few. With such a rich metal and mineral deposit, mining has long been a valuable industry for Rwanda. Since mining began in the country in the early 1930s the industry has seen significant reform and expansion, with the sector generating $1.1 billion in export earnings for the country in 2023.
With such a significant mining industry, Rwanda is now home to three state-of-the-art mineral valueaddition facilities including a gold refinery, a tantalum refinery and a tin smelter. The sector has seen continuous investment thanks to the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board which works alongside RDB to oversee, regulate and develop the country’s mining operations to deliver resources primed for export markets. However, the industry still uses many traditional techniques, and so continued investment is needed to modernise the technology used and upgrade the sector to a semi-mechanised and later industrial-level operation to meet the growing production demands from across the globe.
In the development of the country’s health care services, RDB announced at the end of 2024 that it was partnering with Bio Usawa to establish Rwanda’s first manufacturing plant for affordable treatment for serious eye diseases. The partnership hopes to develop a first-of-its-kind facility in Rwanda that will manufacture MAB biosimilars which are used to treat diseases such as Diabetic Macular Oedema (DMO). Roughly 7-10% of people living with diabetes will develop DMO, which can result in permanent vision loss or blindness. MAB biosimilar for DMO have been approve for many high-income countries, but their availability in African nations has been limited despite a rise in cases.
Therefore the facility aims to manufacture biosimilars that are affordable, high-quality and accessible to all. In the announcement of the partnership, Francis Gatar, Chief Executive Officer of RDB, outlined “This partnership with Bio Usama represents a significant step in advancing Rwanda’s healthcare sector and regional innovation. By establishing the first facility for monoclonal antibody-based biosimilars in the country, we are addressing critical healthcare challenges, including access to life-saving treatments like those for Diabetic Macular Oedema. This collaboration reaffirms Rwanda’s commitment to improving healthcare access and building local capacity, ensuring sustainable solutions for Africa by Africans”. Gatar’s comments highlight RDB’s commitment to helping Rwanda deliver the best possible health services to support of people of Rwanda. By enhancing its role within the country,
A Dynamic Hub for Global Development
it can develop Rwanda into a leading hub for manufacturing and heather services development across the continent.
Across every aspect of RDB’s operations, there is a firm commitment to developing Rwanda into a thriving global hub primed for investment thanks to the promotion, support and development that RDB provides to the various industries to support the country’s people and economy. Rwanda remains a growing force in global markets for a variety of services and exports, and with the help of the RDB, it is smashing GDP targets. Consequently, Rwanda remains among the most competitive African countries due to the efficient goods and labour markets which they facilitate, which when combined with the country’s stable political situation, sees Rwanda set to be a hub for steady and reliable economic growth for many years to come.
TotalEnergies EP Uganda
TotalEnergies is a global multi-energy company that produces and markets energy across 130 countries worldwide. The main purpose of TotalEnergies is to provide as many people as possible with affordable, sustainable, reliable, and accessible energy offerings which can lead the energy industry into a future where sustainability inhabits every aspect of the energy sector. As energy demand has grown over the last few decades, TotalEnergies has continued to expand its offering to find ways to meet these needs whilst implementing sustainable infrastructural development in the process. .
Akey area of TotalEnergies’ current development as an integrated and balanced multi-energy company is in Uganda, where the company has been in operation since 1955. The original role of TotalEnergies in Uganda was under TotalEnergies Marketing Uganda Ltd, which is its marketing and services affiliate. This oversees the more than 200 service stations across the country catered towards delivering consumer products. However, it is from this firm foundation in the downstream petroleum market that the global company established the exploration and procurement division of its operations under TotalEnergies EP Uganda (TEPU) which leads its operations towards the development of upstream oil and gas potential for Uganda.
TEPU vitally works with CNOOC Uganda and the Uganda National Oil Company (UNOC) in a joint venture partnership with TotalEnergies holding 56.67% interest, 28.33% to CNOOC and 15% to UNOC. The partnership is focused on developing Uganda’s upstream oil and gas market in the Lake Alberta region, which is known for its rich oil resources. At present, the petroleum resources of Uganda are estimated to be at 6.5 billion barrels of Stock Tank Oil-Initially-In-Place (STOIIP), with between 1.4 and 1.7 billion barrels estimated to be recoverable. Therefore, vital companies such as TotalEnergies, CNOOC and UNOC are working together to bring this potential to life to develop the region’s energy sector towards the future.
A central project under this partnership is the Tilenga Project. Tilenga is located across the Bulisa and Nwoya districts covering 6 fields of operations. Within these fields, the project aims to drill over 400 wells and 31 well pads aiming to produce 190,000 barrels per day (bopd) at its peak. Across the project, there are 6 pumping stations which ensure that this high level of oil production is possible. This
high expected production rate aims to help meet the growing global energy demand, and so the oil produced from the project will be transported to the Port of Tanga in Tanzania via pipeline and can be delivered to international markets.
The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) is responsible for taking the oil from the Tilenga project to the port in Tanzania where the oil reserves are stored in a terminal ready for loading onto the jetty for distribution to end markets. The pipeline is connected to the central processing facility, flow lines, lake water abstraction facility, and feeder lines, as well as construction camps and support bases. The pipeline is operated by EACOP Ltd. and shareholders TotalEnergies East Africa Midstream has a 63% share, with UNOC, CNOOC and the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) having 15%, 8 % and 15% shares respectively. Across the Tilenga project and EACOP, 80,000 jobs have been created with 11,000 direct jobs, many of which are available to those in the local community. Therefore, the pipeline, buried 1,433km between Kabaale and the port, plays a valuable role in
Leading Uganda’s Energy Development
supporting TotalEnergie’s Tilenga project with a transporting capacity of 216,000 bopd.
However, what underlines all of TotalEnergie’s operations is its commitment to implementing sustainability throughout every aspect of its operations. This is seen across the Tilenga project with TotalEnergies’ implementation of solar panels, as well as the development of community and biodiversity initiatives. These collectively are working to ensure that all of the company’s operations are supporting the future development of Uganda whilst protecting the land as much as possible in
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and Environment
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the process. A key area where this is evident is in Murchison Falls Park where TotalEnergies has set out a strategy for protecting and conserving large parts of the park where its operations interact with it. This focus on protecting the environment is so key to TotalEnergies’ operation in Uganda as the company remains aware of the impact its operations can have on the environment, local communities, and the biodiversity of the land. Therefore, whilst the company is working to enhance the rich deposit potential of the region, it also remains committed to ensuring that every development is made with all of these factors in mind. This was seen with the development of EACOP where the route in which
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Leading Uganda’s Energy Development
it was developed was rigorously reviewed taking environmental, biodiversity and social constraints into consideration. In May, TotalEnergies announced it was in the process of working with the government in Uganda and Tanzania to improve the management of protected areas across the regions whilst working closely in partnership with local communities and conservationists to remain committed to the company’s focus on reducing its impacts as much as possible.
TotalEnergies aims to continue to scale up its conservation activities across the Murchison National Park, by continuing to invest in research and development projects which monitor the specific species within the park. This will be in partnership with the Uganda Wildlife Authority with a joint mission to improve the management of protected areas. A key part of this will be focusing on education, habitat monitoring, and corridor restoration – all of these will be in partnership with Ecotrust and the Communal Land Associations as the company launches the second phase of its corridor restoration program across the Murchison Falls Protected Area.
As we have seen, TotalEnergies is a globally integrated energy company which is promoting the development of the energy industry across the world by implementing vital infrastructure and projects to produce energy for today and for the future. In Uganda, this role is crucial to enhance the rich deposits of the region to bring vital economic development and highlight the country’s role in international markets as a key energy facilitator. However, what remains crucial about every project and development under TotalEnergies is that it ensures the protection and promotion of the local communities and rich biodiversity of each specific region.
SAField (UG) LTD
SAField is a Ugandan industrial work wear and woven fabrics manufacturer dedicated to producing high-quality products, tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses and organizations. Additionally, we are an authorized distributor of safety equipment from our trusted partner, JSP-UK.
Aiming to be a leading manufacturer of industrial work wear, woven fabrics and cooperate uniforms in Uganda and beyond, fostering trade and innovation through sustainable and high-quality products.
At SAField, we are passionate about delivering reliable and affordable products while upholding sustainability at the heart of our operations. As part of our sustainability efforts, we are actively working towards sourcing cotton directly from smallholder farmer organizations, integrating locally grown raw materials into our production processes.
Our Products:
• Industrial Workwear: High-performance garments designed and customized for various industries, ensuring durability and comfort.
• Safety Equipment: Sourced from our trusted partner, JSP- UK.
• Woven fabrics: Tailor-made designs to fit unique organizational requirements.
Our Reach
Based in Uganda, SAField serves both the local and regional markets, ensuring businesses across East Africa and beyond.
Why Choose SAField:
• High-quality and durable products designed to meet your needs.
• Commitment to affordability without compromising standards.
• Focus on sustainability and empowering local communities.
• Proven reliability in delivering solutions for diverse industries.
At SAField, we don’t just create garments—we create solutions for your business.
As the leading provider of smart endto-end supply chain logistics solutions, DP World Dakar is focused on enabling the flow of commerce around the world through future-focused technology that is designed to have a positive, sustainable impact on the economy and local community. As a division of the global DP World, based in Dubai, DP World Dakar harnesses the global network of the company’s reputation and utilises it to develop innovative trade solutions designed to enhance the economy and shipping logistics of Senegal. With a strategic focus on the Port of Dakar, DP World Dakar has continued to invest in the port to position it as West Africa’s highestperforming container terminal providing essential cargo offerings to its customers, business partners and governmental figures across Africa.
DPWorld Dakar labels itself as a ‘trade enabler’ thanks to its simple focus of keeping cargo moving so that its customers can fulfil supply chains which help businesses and in turn economies to grow. With this as a central focus, DP World Dakar provides complete end-toend solutions to reimagine Africa’s supply chain by connecting its customers to deliver faster, smarter and more sustainable delivery of goods as possible. Through the company’s global network of 128 business units located strategically across the world, DP World Dakar can connect customers on both a local and international scale with technology-driven solutions that are proven to be successful across the world. To achieve this, DP World Dakar offers solutions that span from maritime and inland terminals to marine services and industrial parks. Across all of these industries and operation hubs, DP World Dakar’s solutions are constantly anticipating change and development in the sector to produce digital solutions that disrupt world trade by creating the smartest, most efficient and most innovative solutions possible. Therefore, these solutions are present across logistics terminals, mariner services, ports and economic zones worldwide.
Across the Port of Dakar, DP World Dakar works with the port authority and local stakeholders to help enhance its operations through integrated technological logistics solutions. This is particularly focused on the port’s import and export cargo for which the port has seen a growing demand across the region. Across the port, DP World Dakar implements its solutions to keep this cargo moving to help maintain the efficiency and sustainability of supply chains. One of the major ways DP World Dakar achieves this is through the Dakar Container Terminal, which is designed by the company to help develop Senegal’s leading port into one that will serve cargo owners now and in the future. Across the terminals, DP World Dakar provide end-to-end logistics and supply chain solutions concerning cargo handling, window berthing, clearing, forwarding, packing house, and cold storage facilities. In addition to this, the company also helped implement long and short-haul freight transportation arrangements, as well as first and last-mile haulage. Across all of these solutions, DP World Dakar is committed to helping enhance the port’s role in global supply chains and add yet
2HL Group has specialized in project cargo, aid and relief, NGOs, military, and dangerous goods logistics. With headquarters in Dakar, Senegal, and branch offices in Mali, Benin, and Niger, we offer comprehensive shipping, logistics, clearing, forwarding, and warehousing services across West Africa.
Our facilities include a 2,226 sqm secured yard near Dakar port, capable of storing various cargo types such as TEUs, breakbulk, rolling stock, bagged cargo, pipes, and mining equipment. Our experienced team, fleet of trucks, and forklifts ensure tailored solutions for each client’s needs.
We provide inland turnkey solutions to neighboring countries, facilitating final deliveries via our natural hub at Dakar port. Our services extend to Guinea Bissau, Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, and Guinea Conakry, with specific delivery routes to Bamako, Timbuktu, Mopti, and Gao.
At 2HL Group, we pride ourselves on accountability, trustworthiness, reliability, transparency, and delivery performance. Our team is dedicated to providing tailored solutions for each request, ensuring efficient and effective logistics services across West Africa.
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Located right across the Port Autonome de Dakar, we can ensure swift delivery and unmatched convenience. As a company with 100% local content standing, we take pride in serving as the trusted Service Provider in the maritime sector.
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another seamless port operation into its growing technology-driven logistics portfolio.
However, the port has recently been experiencing congestion caused by the continuing demand for importing and exporting cargo across Senegal, and so the need for new solutions to meet this demand was essential. To meet the growing demand for cargo imports and exports at the Port of Dakar, the local port authority began work with external companies to develop the port and implement the new Port of Ndayane. In December 2024, DP World Dakar announced that it was commencing $1.2 billion in maritime works at the Port of Ndayana. The works will see the Willem Van Robroeck of Jan De Nul Group begin the construction, which includes the dredging of a 5km long shipping channel and the development of an 840-meter quay. This phase of the project aims to help the port expand its offering to accommodate some of the world’s largest container ships, and in turn, create a capacity to handle 1.2 million twenty-equivalent units of cargo.
The entire development project for the Port of Ndayana builds on DP World Dakar’s existing work at the Port of Dakar and provides an essential solution to the expansion limitations the Port of Dakar has due to its location in a densely urban area of Senegal. Therefore, through the development of the Port
of Ndayana, DP World Dakar can provide strategic support solutions that will enhance Senegal’s long-term trade and economic growth ambitions through the development of a new hub for shipping close to the existing Port of Dakar. Following the announcement of the project, DP World Chairman and CEO, Ahmed bin Sulayem, outlined, “We believe in Senegal’s economic potential and fully support the government’s ambition for the nation. The Port of Ndayana will elevate Senegal and impact trade across the African Continent. We are proud of our achievements with the Port of Dakar, and Ndayana marks the next level – positioning Senegal as a key trade hub for the region”.
Sulayem continues, “Our plans extend beyond the port. We will develop an economic zone near the port and Blaise Diagne International Airport which is expected to create even more employment than the port itself”. Sulayem’s comments here highlight the vital relationship DP World Dakar has with the port, as it continues to enhance its existing operations whilst
developing the Port of Ndayana towards the future with employment and community development as a priority. Ultimately, the Port of Ndayana will be vital for the economic transformation of Senegal and position its regional trade industry as a leader in the global shipping sector, supported by DP World Dakar’s innovative solutions that position economic growth, employment and global connectivity at the forefront of every development.
Ultimately, DP World Dakar’s operations are underpinned by its firm commitment to transforming Senegal into a regional trade leader, which aims to unlock valuable new opportunities for the country’s economic growth, whilst focusing on employment and global connectivity. Throughout all of this, DP World Dakar are leading the way providing vital technology-backed end-to-end solutions that keep cargo moving, and ensuring Senegal can maintain its growing reputation as a hub for cargo operations along the west coast of Africa.
A.P. Møller – Mærsk (Maersk) is one of the largest shipping companies in the world, committed to delivering efficient logistical solutions supported by its shipping network spanning all corners of the world. Across these operations, Maersk strives to deliver integrated transport and logistical solutions to meet even the most specialised cargo needs for its customers. Maersk has long been vital to the delivery of cargo across the African continent, as many ports, port authorities and local shipping companies come together to enhance Maersk’s operations in delivering agile and reliable shipping solutions across Africa.
The global Maersk name needs little introduction in the world of shipping, as it has long been a leader in the global shipping solution market, as it leverages its innovative solutions and global network to unlock economic potential across international markets. Across its entire operation, Maersk is committed to delivering transportation solutions no matter the industry, commodity or market. To facilitate such operations, Maersk operates one of the largest shipping companies in the world, which is responsible for delivering close to 12 million annual containers spanning all corners of the globe. However, Maersk’s role doesn’t end when its fleet of cargo ships reaches their destination ports, instead, the company provides full inland services which then move the cargo from these major terminals and onto their end markets through roadways, railways and riverways.
As we can see from Maersk’s integrated solution offerings, every aspect of cargo movement is covered from one end of the supply chain to the other, and this complete delivery of logistics solutions spanning supply chains that Maersk has been delivering in Africa for many years. Africa is home to vast natural resources and is at the heart of many shipping links, so it has long played a valuable role in the global shipping industry. The demand for goods from Africa across the world has continued to rise, particularly in the demand for African goods in Asia. Therefore, with such vital shipping links to the world, Maersk’s operations in Africa are essential as it continues to enhance its global network.
One location that is pivotal to Maersk’s operations in Africa is Kenya, where Maersk has been in operation since 1987. With almost 40 years of expertise in Kenya’s shipping sector, Maersk plays a key role in helping connect Kenyan businesses with international markets through its weekly services to and from the country. Maersk has two offices in Kenya, with one located in Nairobi
Supporting Africa’s Supply Chains
and the other in Mombasa. These offices oversee Maersk’s operations in Kenya, focused on the shipping of standard, refrigerated and oversized cargo. With specialised cargo as part of its offering in Kenya, Maersk is able to help customers deliver vital commodities across the country and into neighbouring countries, to support the role of Kenya as a hub for cargo shipping. This focus on delivering specialised cargo is what has long separated Maersk from its competitors as the company is committed to helping customers deliver cargo no matter the size or end market. Therefore, Maersk provides a range of innovative yet integrated services that are primed for even the most challenging of cargo or shipping routes.
A key port that is vital to Maersk’s delivery of shipping solutions from Kenya is the Port of Mombasa which is regarded as the gateway to East and Central Africa for its long role in connecting the region with the Far East. The port’s strategic location has made it one of the busiest ports along the East African coastline as it is positioned halfway between South Africa and the Gulf of Aden. The Port of Mombasa, run by the Kenya Port Authority, provides direct connectivity from Kenya to more than 80 ports worldwide, as is crucially linked to its surrounding hinterlands comprising Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Eastern Democratic Republic of
Congo, Northern Tanzania, Sothern Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia. All of these are linked to Kenya by land, and so through rail and roadways, Maersk can make use of the port’s infrastructure to help keep its cargo operations moving from sea to land.
The Port of Mombasa has a combined 20 berths that have an annual cargo capacity of 2.2 twenty-equivalent tons (TEUs), so the port has the facilities and equipment that help move cargo faster and more efficiently. Thanks to the infrastructure of the port, and its great connectivity with neighbouring countries, it’s a vital stopping point for Maersk’s shipping lines as it is invaluable to helping cargo move across the continent. Plus, the port is home to the Inland Container Depot (ICD) Nairobi, which spans 4 warehouses and 3 sheds which helps the port with high-end soft and hard infrastructure, ICT systems, and equipment to further help with the movement, handling and storage of containerized and loose cargo.
In addition to this, ICD Naivasha offers similar storage facilities as ICD Nairobi, however, ICD Naivasha is strategically located close to transmit markets along the northern corridor making it an ideal storage and warehousing space for
international shipping companies such as Maersk to access markets in Uganda, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Northern Tanzania and South Sudan, as well as customers across the rift valley agricultural hinterlands. What we can see from the vital infrastructure at the Port of Mombasa is that it is vital to helping Kenya’s shipping industry, and so it is a valuable port of call utilised by Maersk to facilitate its global shipping operations from Africa.
As Maersk looks towards the future of its operations in Kenya, the company continues to expand its international network making it the shipping company of choice focused on meeting its customers’ needs every day. By working with and across vital transportation links, Maersk continues to enhance the role of Kenya’s ports to better serve cargo and logistics on both a local and international scale for an all-round better delivery of goods. With this network in place across Kenya, it is no surprise that the company is known as a leading shipping company providing greater flexibility and security to its customers in Kenya.
Supporting Africa’s Supply Chains
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The Port of Casablanca provides a vital gateway to Morocco, handling more than 21.3 million tons of traffic annually, which accounts for roughly 38% of all maritime traffic travelling to Morocco. For this reason, the Port plays a vital role in supporting Morocco’s economy through its work across the country’s commercial, cargo and fishing industries. Thanks to its vital location close to the Strait of Gibraltar, the port is vital in enhancing global supply chains, with a key part of its trade relations going to Spain, Portugal, France, the UK and other various Nordic countries. Therefore, the Port of Casablanca is a vital hub for shipping and logistics, with global shipping companies such as Maersk and CMA CGM utilising the port to carry out efficient maritime, inland, and logistics operations.
The Port of Casablanca has long played a vital role in Morocco’s economic development spanning back to the 19th century when the population of Casablanca began to grow. As it grew, the Port became a key supplier of wool to the booming textile industry, particularly in Britain, and so shipping traffic rapidly increased. As its role expanded, the Moroccan administration entrusted the Compagnie Morocaine with the construction of a small port in 1906. The port would consist of 2 small piers and a wet dock. By 1938 the port spanned to 125 hectares and included the vital infrastructure to meet the needs of trading ships. However, with the continued expansion of shipping between Morocco and the rest of the world, there was a need for a more sophisticated and established port that could meet the growing needs of Morocco’s import and export industry. With the addition of a large dock, water plane, embankment, harbour and container terminal by 1996, the port is now able to accommodate 35 ships simultaneously.
Today, the Port of Casablanca is operated by Marsa Maro and provides essential shipping with containers, steel products, wood and wood products, coal, petroleum coke, cereals, animal feed, vehicles and even machinery. These products are vital to the Moroccan economy and are served by 4 terminals helping maintain the efficient importing and exporting of these products. Across these terminals, the port has a 700,000 twentyequivalent units (TEUs) capacity for handling domestic container traffic. In addition to this, the port is home to a large covered multistory area spanning 100,000 meters squared, that is dedicated to vehicles and offers a range of value-added services for operators.
The port’s vital role in global shipping lines is largely thanks to its strategic location close to the Strait of Gibraltar. For this reason, many major shipping lines use the Port of Casablanca as a vital stopping point. These shipping lines include Maersk who has 3 vital offices across Morocco, including its Moroccan head office in the Port of Casablanca. Maersk currently runs weekly departures from the Port of Casablanca, as well as from Agadir and Tangier. Across these shipping operations, Maersk is helping connect Morrocco to the world.
CMA CGM is also a key shipping company that serves the Port of Casablanca. CMA CGM offers
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Port of Casablanca
a wide range of shipping services to the ports of Casablanca, Tangier and Agadir. Across these solutions, CMA CGM is committed to providing smarter and more efficient services across its 27 vessel lines operating between Morocco and the rest of the world. The Port of Casablanca therefore makes up a vital part of CMA CGM’s global network to help make shipping across the globe more seamless. For this, CMA CGM runs weekly departures from Agadir, Casablanca and Tangier via its global fleet. Across both Maersk and CMA CGM’s operations, they help enhance Morocco’s position within global supply chains and in turn, enhance Morocco’s economic development.
As the port looks towards the future, Global Ports Holding (GPH) announced in April that it was awarded preferred bidder status for the cruise terminal at the Port of Casablanca. The Port has long been a vital stopover for cruises spanning the Canary Islands and West Mediterranean Cruises, as well as many operating between Europe and the Caribbean. GPH is the world’s largest independent cruise port operator, and so the announcement following a public tender process outlines that in April 2024, the majority-owned consortium between GPH (51% ownership) and local shareholder Steya (40%) and Ocean Infrastructure Management (9%) were awarded a preferred bidder status for a 15year concession agreement with Agence Nationale des Ports (ANP) which will operate the Port of
Casablanca’s cruise terminals. The consortium and ANP, are therefore set on enhancing the cruise port for the continued expansion of Morocco’s tourism sector.
The cruise port recently underwent a 60-millioneuro investment to develop its restructure, with the investment led by ANP. This infrastructural development included the construction of a new cruise pier, cruise terminal and maritime station so the port can now handle ships of up to 350 meters long. Consequently, the cruise port is set on enhancing the Port of Casablanca’s economic stability and further extending Morocco’s position as a vital stopping point for international travel. Ultimately, the Port of Casablanca plays a vital role in connecting Morrocco to the world. Its vital location is at the heart of many shipping lines traversing the Strait of Gibraltar and connecting European shipping lines with a vital gateway into Africa. With all of these operations spanning Morocco’s cargo, fishing and tourism sectors, the port remains committed to ensuring that all of its operations are for the benefit of Morocco and support its economy as a primary mission. As we have seen, the port has continued to develop with the help of local and international stakeholders, and so we look forward to seeing how the Port of Casablanca will continue to support the development of Morocco and transform it into a vital hub for global shipping operations.
Connecting Morocco to the
TotalEnergies E&P Angola
TotalEnergies is an international integrated energy company on a mission to develop its energy portfolio spanning from oil to biofuels, natural gas, green gases, renewables and even electricity. With more than 100,000 employees across its 120 countries of operation, TotalEnergies works to strategically develop vital energy resources to ensure that people across the world have access to reliable, affordable and more sustainable energy options. A key area for development in recent months has been in Angola, where TotalEnergies has a diversified portfolio of deep offshore operated assets which account for almost 50% of the country’s oil production. The global giant has set out on a range of partnerships with leading local and international energy brands to bring the offshore potential of Angola into economic benefits.
The Kwana Basin in Angola is home to rich and economically lucrative hydrocarbons which are vital for the production of petroleum. The basin is the first to have undergone vital exploration and development, and so has played a vital role in the continued expansion of the energy sector for Angola and the surrounding countries of west southern Africa. Across this area, TotalEnergies operates several deep and ultra-deep offshore oil licences in production, including Block 17 containing 4 major oil fields including the Girassol, Dalia, Paxflor and CLOV which combined have developed the block into a thriving hub for Angola under TotalEnergies. Other key development includes Block 32 with the Kaombo Development, and Blocks 0, 14 and 14K. All of these operations take place across the Lower Congo Basin and Kwanza Basin.
The Kaombo project in Block 32 is an innovative ultra-deepwater offshore project in Angola spanning the Gengibre, Gindungo, Caril, Canela, Mostarda, and Louro oil fields. The project, in which TotalEnergies has a 30% stake, is unique and complex as its operations take place in water depths of up to 1950 metres, and so is subject to extreme temperature and pressure conditions. This requires a specialised type of technology to achieve, however, the entire project aligns with TotalEnergies’ strategy of developing ultra-deep offshore projects. The project’s reserves are estimated to produce 658 million barrels, with 230,000 barrels per day capacity. However, to access all of the oil deposits across the 6 fields under the project it required TotalEnergies to install 59 wells. These wells make it one of the largest subsea well systems in Angola, and a great technical achievement for TotalEnergies.
To manage the capacity and control the cost of the operations, TotalEnergies built two new floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels; Kaombo Norte and Kaombo Sul. Production began from Kaombo Norte in 2018 across the Gengibre, Gindungo and Caril fields, with Kaombo Sul producing oil just eight months later from the remaining Canela, Mostarda and Louro fields. Each vessel can produce 115,000 barrels per day and continues to develop the oil industry for Angola every day. A recent development for TotalEnergies in Angola is the Kaminho Project which is the first
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TotalEnergies E&P Angola
large deepwater development to take place in the Kwanza Basin. The project will take place in Block 20/11 to develop the Cameia and Golfinho fields which are located just 100km off the coast of Angola at a depth of 1700 metres. The project just saw a Final Investment Decision announced between TotalEnergies (40%), Petronas (40%) and Sonangol (20%). The project would see a very large crude carrier (VLCC) converted to a FPSO to be connected to the two oil fields. However, the FPSO has been designed to be sustainable, with its role to process large capacities of oil underpinned by a system which would minimise greenhouse gas emissions and eliminate routine flaring throughout the operations. The project is expected to start production in 2028 and deliver a plateau of 70,000 barrels of oil per day from the oil fields onboard the FPSO.
However, the development of the Kaminho project will do so much more than just deliver significant oil potential for the region, instead, it will bring with it significant employment with over 10 million man-hours of construction and development needed to get the project running. This will provide significant employment and business opportunities to local people and yards across the country and add economic benefits to those in Angola in the process.
Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies, Patrick Pouyanné, highlighted in the press release that “Building on our pioneering spirit and our longterm partnership with Angola, we are pleased to launch the Kaminho project along with our strategic partners, Sonangol and Petronas, and with the strong support and confidence of the Angolan authorities. This project, which leverages innovation to fit our investment criteria - breakeven under 30 $/b and carbon intensity of 16kg CO2 –will become our seventh FPSO in the country and the first to ever develop in the Kwanza Basin”. Pouyanné’s comments here highlight the vast and expansive role the project will play in Angola, and the first of its kind to develop in this rich deposit basin. Its strategic partnerships with these other giant energy companies signify a joint commitment to developing the energy industry towards a future of accessible and reliable energy access.
However, Pouyanné continues “We look forward to joining forces with Sonangol in technology to promote innovation and low-carbon technology for the energy industry in Angola, in particular to slash methane emission and contribute to the diversification of Angola’s energy mix”. Here Pouyanné highlights the push towards sustainability that underpins all operations facilitated by TotalEnergies. Throughout every operation, the company is focused on delivering energy facilities in the most sustainable way possible, and here in Angola, this is the same with the strategic signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Sonangol EP. Sonangol will share its expertise in research and technology in order to deliver the FPSO for the project that focuses on decarbonizing the oil and gas industry. In particular, the pair will focus on reducing methane emissions and developing renewable energies to continue to develop the Kaminho project and Angola’s energy industry towards a sustainable future.
TotalEnergies EP Angola has spent the last 70 years developing Angola’s energy industry towards a sustainable and economically viable future thanks to its work to develop the upstream oil and gas industry. With multiple key offshore licenses across the coast of Angola, TotalEnergies has formed itself as a leading offshore operator in the country and along the African coastline. As it continues to work towards a future where sustainability and energy security can go hand in hand, TotalEnergies continues to expand Angola’s oil and gas industry with the help of strategic partners and its teams of employees across the country.
Ghana’s ports play a vital role in supporting the country’s economy through a steady stream of trade moving through the country’s main ports. Currently, 85% of the country’s trade passes through the country’s main ports; the Port of Tema and the Port of Takoradi. These ports, situated on the east coast of Ghana, provide the perfect location for shipping and logistics operations to shipping lines traversing the western coast of Africa, and so the ports today are a thriving hub for trade and logistics in West Africa. Due to its vital positions along the African coastline, many major shipping companies such as Maersk, CMA CGM, MSC and Delmas utilise Ghana’s ports today, to help facilitate a range of vital international trade lines.
The development of Ghana’s shipping industry can be traced back to 1928 with the construction of the Port of Takoradi. The port was established to help facilitate Ghana’s international trade network, aided by the introduction of Ghana’s transportation network. The port played a vital role in the initial regional and international shipping development for Ghana. Following Ghana’s independence in 1957, even more road infrastructure was implemented, and with this, the Port of Tema was constructed.
In the following years, the port and harbours industry of Ghana saw a vast overhaul with the construction of these two ports, the introduction of a shipyard complex, the construction of accommodation for port workers, the dredging of turning basins and berths, and the development of quays and buildings dedicated for the container terminals. Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) are vital to the development of Ghana’s ports, as they are the sole party involved in overseeing all projects with a central focus on developing the infrastructure of Ghana’s ports to establish it as a thriving hub for trade and economic development in the region.
The Port of Tema is the largest in the country and covers over 5.5 million square meters (sq m) of land area, just 30 kilometres (km) from the capital of Ghana. Typical calls at the port include those from container vessels, general cargo vessels, tankers, Roll-on/Roll-off vessels, and cruise vessels. The port sees over 1500 vessel calls a year, which are met with the reliable services of GPHA and then passed on through its network of warehouses, transport and haulage companies, freight forwarders, factories, or various related centres.
The Tema Port is also home to GPHA’s Golden Jubilee Terminal (GJT) and Transit Terminal. GJT is an inland clearance depot strategically located on the western end of the Port of Tema. The facility includes a container freight station, state warehouse, car park, an open stuffing/unstuffing area, banking services, customs, security, and container storage/delivery services. This terminal allows vessels travelling into Ghana’s ports to pass through customs clearances efficiently and then on to either storage or delivery methods.
Then, the Transit Terminal is designed to extend the Authority’s services beyond Ghana and into Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger; by providing a onestop procedure for clearance so cargo can pass through ports and towards end markets much more
BAJ Freight and Logistics Limited (BAJ), a fully Ghanaian owned company was registered as a business in 2009. BAJ has grown rapidly to become one of the key companies in the freight forwarding industry and a leader in providing customs brokerage, freight forwarding and logistics support in various sectors including the oil and gas sector.
We are on a mission to provide excellent and swift logistics, freight forwarding, ship agency and allied services by employing safe and best practices with the most modern technology to satisfy our customers and stakeholders.
Port of Tema and Port of Takoradi
quickly. The terminal also supports the port’s Reefer Terminal, which has over 1550 reefer plugging points and caters for the inflow and outflow of cargo which needs temperature regulation such as fresh produce and frozen foods.
Following the rapid expansion of the Port of Tema, the Port of Takoradi pivoted away from more general cargo trade and became the dominant oil and gas hub for West Africa. The port’s new aim was to provide efficient services to its customers in an environmentally sustainable way to stimulate growth in the economy and sub-region.
Much like the Port of Tema, GHPA works across the Port of Takoradi to provide efficient services to customers by delivering efficient pilotage, towage, mooring/unmooring, berthing, stevedoring, fresh water supply, storage, and warehousing services –to name only a few. Therefore, the port continues to play an increasingly important role in the oil and gas sector as it takes vital energy products entering
or leaving the region and aids in their movement to both local and international markets.
Both the Port of Tema and the Port of Takoradi are served by leading global shipping lines. CMA CGM is committed to fostering strong relationships with customers across Ghana, to facilitate the shipping of goods via the country’s main ports. For this, it has developed a range of digital tools, which help customers better track their shipping information, to ensure that it can provide the best transportation and logistics needs for any type of cargo.
Maersk has offices in Tema, Takoradi and Kumasi which are strategically located to help Ghanaian businesses to connect with the world. Maersk is passionate about ensuring that whether shipping standard, refrigerated or oversized cargo, it is ready to provide the best solutions to and from the Port of Tema and Port of Takoradi, supported by its local and global networks of experts. The presence of such global shipping companies operating to and from the Port of Tema and Port of Takoradi signifies their vital role in enhancing the connectedness of Ghana with the world.
The interconnected nature of the Port of Tema and Port of Takoradi with the rest of the world was further enhanced in January 2024, when Meridian Port Services Ltd. (MPS) began utilising the Port of Tema as its first port of call in West Africa. The shipping line under the Maersk-CMA-CGM West African Express (WAX) service line, will add to the existing calls made to the port by the companies. This continued expansion reflects the ongoing relationships that GPHA and the operations at the Port of Tema have built with major shipping lines to support Ghana’s expanding role across the international shipping landscape.
GPHA, along with vital international shipping companies, has cemented Ghana’s place as a vital trade hub along the West African coast. The Port of Tema and Port of Takoradi now play a vital role in enhancing shipping and trade operations, to meet the growing cargo and oil and gas markets that are vital to sustaining Ghana’s economy. We look forward to seeing how GPHA continues to develop both ports in the coming years, as it positions the Port of Tema and the Port of Takoradi as the modern ports of choice in West Africa.
Tsogo Sun Limited
The casino tourism market in South Africa has continued to grow in recent years, with reports that in 2022 the industry was estimated to be worth US$2,947 million, with a projection that this figure could reach US$5,130 million by 2032. With such a vast industry that brings millions of tourists to South Africa every year, companies such as Tsogo Sun Limited are working to provide top-quality hotels, casinos and entertainment facilities to maintain the economic development of the country’s tourism and leisure sector and reinforce their reputation as the largest casino, hotel and entertainment company in the country.
Tsogo Sun Limited is a premier entertainment company, committed to ensuring that every visitor is met with top-quality customer service, luxury accommodation, and entertainment facilities suited to all the family. For its expansive role in South Africa’s entertainment sector, Tsogo Sun is now listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) with a market capital of roughly R14 billion, making it one of the top 80-ranked companies on the JSE today. The company, which is directly and indirectly owned 49.5% via shares by Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited (HCL), currently has 14 casinos and entertainment venues and 19 hotels across South Africa. Within these facilities, the company offers a range of options spanning from leisure to business, perfect to suit visitors for both casino and resort stays, or even conferences and seminars.
A key part of Tsogo Sun’s operations is its casino offerings. Across its hotels and venues, Tsogo Sun offers a variety of casino games including VSlots in the Limited Payout Machine (LPM) markets, as well as multi-coin, multi-line and a choice of several progressive jackpot options. This is also seen across its tables, with games such as blackjack and roulette having minimum and maximum bet offerings to suit a wide variety of players from beginners to high-end players. However, for its high-end players, Tsogo Sun also provides dedicated areas away from the main gaming floor where high-end games can take place. This range of options is designed to suit every kind of player and ensure that throughout all experiences, customers are met with its topquality facilities.
This commitment to excellent customer experience extends into its hotel offerings. Tsogo Sun has long been a leader in the South African hospitality industry and is committed to offering hotel facilities that are comfortable, in great locations and filled to the brim with entertainment experiences for the whole family. Its hotels include the Palazzo Hotel Montecasino, Pivot Hotel Montecasino, Piazza Hotel Montecasino, Hotel Perte Montecasino, Gold Reef City Hotel, Emerald Hotel, Silverstar Hotel, Emerald Bush Lodge, and Emerald River Resorts. These hotels are strategically located in Gauteng and are joined by Tsogo Sun’s Gold Reef City Theme Park.
Leading South Africa’s Entertainment
The Gold Reef City Theme Park is the largest of its kind in South Africa and is a much-loved destination for tourists and locals alike. The park brings together 16 thrilling rides, 7 family rides, 21 kid-friendly rides, and a trampoline park. The park is completed with an underground mine tour, and 15 other attractions great for a family fun day out. Plus when customers are ready to eat or shop the park has 12 dining locations and multiple retail locations great for snacks and to shop for a souvenir to remember the day by. If a thrill-seeking adventure is not a preferred pastime, Tsogo Sun also has the Montecasino Bird Gardens, which offer a serene haven where families can see the rich biodiversity of birds, reptiles, fauna and flora.
Other hotels under Tsogo Sun are Golden Horse Hotel, Blackrock Hotel, Suncoast Towers, and Suncoast Hotel in KwaZulu-Natal, Garden Route Hotel, The Caledon Hotel and Spa, The Ride Hotel and The Ridge Point in Western Cape, and the final Hemmingway’s Hotel in the Eastern Cape. Across many of these hotels, guests can make the most of its extensive restaurants, casinos, laser tag,
Hospitality Excellence Across Africa
Established in 1963, W.L. COLE has established itself as the premier supplier to the hospitality industry in Southern Africa. With a proven track record of supplying the leading hospitality brands with superior quality products it is the go-to partner for hotels throughout Africa. W.L. COLE is a third-generation family business which operates with family values. Its unrivalled position in the market is built on long term relationships both internally, with an experienced staff complement, as well as with its loyal customers. It is through these successful partnerships that W.L COLE continues to create the synergies of success.
Tsogo Sun Limited
cinemas and even bowling alleys. Tsogo Sun is also proud to be home to some of South Africa’s best theatres including the Teatro at Montecasino, The Lyric at Gold Reef City, and Barnyard Theatres in Silverstar and Suncoast. These provide a vital insight into the country’s top up-and-coming performers and artists, lending its venues to host comedy, live music, festivals and concerns.
What we have seen across Tsogo Sun’s hotels, casinos, theme parks, and theatre venues is a commitment to delivering top-quality customer experiences, as Tsogo Sun prides itself on being a hub for entertainment in South Africa. It is this reputation for excellence, that has seen many larger brands partner with Tsogo Sun for sponsorships and product adoption across its hotels. A notable partnership was announced earlier this year between Tsogo Sun and Van Loveren. Van Loveren is one of South Africa’s foremost family-owned and operated wine businesses, which prides itself on offering a variety of quality wines. In its partnership with Tsogo Sun, Van Loveren’s wine will now be utilised as the house wine across all of Tsogo Sun’s properties. The huge collaboration will put Van Lovren’s wines, which are known for their innovation and commitment to excellence, before Tsogo
Sun’s expansive customer base to bring continued success for both companies. For Tsogo Sun, the partnership also supports its commitment to utilising and promoting local brands among guests to keep economic growth within the region and show people from across the world the great local brands that South Africa has to offer.
In July, Tsogo Sun also announced that it has begun a partnership with the DSTV Premiership Club, Stellenbosch Football Club. The club has risen to success in the last 8 years and has even gained promotion in 2019. The partnership announcement was welcomed by Chief Executive of Tsogo Sun Chris du Toit, who outlines “We are delighted to partner with Stellenbosch F.C. – a club with great potential and one that epitomises the spirit of football in the western cape. He continues “Sporting is an integral part of Tsogo Sun’s vision, from hosting and accommodating various sporting teams and their supports at our complexes with world-class entertainment facilities to the excitement of our own online betting offerings”. Chris du Toit’s comments highlight the growing role Tsogo Sun’s facilities play in the tourism sector, and it is its venues that many teams choose to stay at when playing games in South Africa. Therefore, by supporting the local
Leading South Africa’s Entertainment
team, Tsogo Sun can tap further into the sporting market, and further enhance its presence in the sports betting scene.
Ultimately, Tsogo Sun Limited is a company at the heart of South Africa’s entertainment industry. With each aspect of its operation from casinos and hotels to theme parks, theatres, cinemas and even bowling, its reputation for excellence and ensuring that its guests are getting the best experience possible cannot be understated. The company is in a pivotal position to take the country’s entertainment opportunities to the next level, whilst underpinning every strategic partnership with a commitment to supporting local and homegrown talent and brands. We look forward to seeing how Tsogo Sun continues to enhance the leisure and tourism sector and bring continued economic growth to South Africa’s economy in the process.
Mota-Engil Central Europe
The global Mota-Engil Group has long been a leading multinational organisation focused on developing the infrastructure of countries worldwide through its engineering, management and construction of vital roads, buildings, bridges and railways. The global company has now consolidated its position as one of the largest construction groups headquartered in Europe, which is currently in operations across 3 continents and 27 countries. However, a key division of the global group is Mota-Engil Central Europe, one of the largest Polish construction companies in the world, which provides its customers with over 60 years of experience in developing the infrastructure of central Europe. With a dynamic global network behind it, Mota-Engil Central Europe today offers a wide range of services to develop buildings, railways, electrical power works, roads and real estate for the future.
Mota-Engil began its operations in Poland in 1997 following a construction and reconstruction contract for 142 bridges to be located at the A4 motorways sections of Wrocław–Prądy and Prądy–Nogawczyce. From this first construction project, Mota-Engil Central Europe began to build up its reputation across the region, and by 2004 has formed Mota-Engil Polska S.A. in 2004. However, by 2013 the company had continued to thrive and expand its offerings, along with the purchasing of a granite quarry in 2007, and so by 2009, Mota-Engil Central Europe S.A. was formed. Over the next 6 years, the company would continue to grow significantly, and by 2015 MotaEngil Central Europe was ranked among the world’s top 100 largest construction companies.
To best understand Mota-Engil Central Europe’s operations we must look at its role within the construction industry. Across the construction sector, Mota-Engil has gained extensive experience in the construction of a whole variety of buildings spanning from commercial, to governmental and even residential properties. This also includes the development of large building projects and structures such as airports, shopping centres and car parks. Mota-Engil Central Europe prides itself on its implementation of complex construction projects, which it can achieve using state-of-theart technology backed by its extensive industry knowledge. When completing these projects, MotaEngil Central Europe brings together its 60 years of experience in the Polish tradition of road and bridge construction to make infrastructure that will solidify the region’s infrastructural development both now and in the future.
One of the most essential aspects of MotaEngil Central Europe’s operations is roadway infrastructural development, as this is one place that every person living and working across Poland and Central Europe will encounter every day. Roads, railways, bridges, and motorways are all vital in keeping people moving, businesses operating and countries developing. Therefore, Mota-Engil Central Europe deploys its specialised personnel across the country to deliver state-of-the-art equipment to achieve top-quality infrastructural projects supported by the company’s reputation for efficient, reliable, and on-schedule project delivery.
In fact, Mota-Engil Central Europe has more than 10 years of expertise in performing concrete works on freeways and expressways across Poland, with a portfolio exceeding 500km of various sewage
Mota-Engil Central Europe
forms, kerbs and edges. This large-scale presence along the nation’s roadways highlights the valuable but often unseen role that Mota-Engil Central Europe continue to play in the everyday functioning of Poland’s roadways.
A key driver for Mota-Engil Central Europe’s continued success is due to its equipment and transport depot which provides and supports its projects with the necessary equipment to deliver construction projects. Through the depot, MotaEngil has a range of extensive equipment offerings that feature the latest technological advancements to optimize its equipment fleet and get every job, project and development goal reached more costeffectively and efficiently.
A key example of this optimization is through the development of monitoring devices to feedback on working parameters and telemetry systems. These provide work sites with a greater understanding and optimisation of their equipment in order to accelerate the execution of work in the process. Across the company’s fleet are equipment and machinery from some of the world’s leading construction equipment manufacturers, including machinery from CAT, Komatsu, Volvo and Wirtgen. Supported by such a reliable fleet, Mota-Engil Central Europe can continue to meet and exceed project timelines for the delivery of projects sooner.
One project currently in operation under MotaEngil Central Europe is the design and construction of the S19 road at the Białystok Południe junction. The company took over the design and construction of two dual-carriageway roads, as well as the reconstruction of roads feeding into the expressway. Mota-Engil Central Europe also completed the construction of service and access roads as part of the project. In total, the project
spans 16 engineering structures including 8 road viaducts, 4 bridges, and animal crossings. The development is part of the larger international Carpation route, which connects the Baltic States with Southern Europe, and so plays a vital role in the infrastructure development of the country, and in connecting the city with Białystok. The project is currently in process and expected to be nearing completion this year.
Another development for Mota-Engil Central Europe is the construction of a housing estate in Szmaragdowy Park. In March, Mota-Engil announced the signing of two contracts with Polish real estate developer, Develia. The first contract covers the execution and renovation of a section of Niepołomicka Street, providing residents with a more comfortable access to their apartments.
Then, the second contract outlines Mota-Engil’s work for the development of the Szmaragdowy Park estate, with the building of a 4-story building, with apartments of various sizes. The contracts were signed with Develia, a large Polish real estate
Building Infrastructure for the Future
development company that is the main investor in the housing development project. The signing of such a large project between the two companies highlights the stellar reputation that MotaEngil Central Europe has continued to achieve throughout its real estate development work, to now be chosen to bring the vital Szmaragdowy Real Estate Park development to life.
Ultimately, as a construction company focused on delivering the design, engineering and construction of vital infrastructural developments across Poland and the surrounding regions, MotaEngil Central Europe has earned itself a reputation as a reliable, optimized and technologically supported company that plays a valuable yet often overlooked role in the everyday functioning on roads, businesses and housing. With Mota-Engil Central Europe’s operations spanning so many vital construction developments across Central Europe, it now plays a vital role in developing the region via infrastructure towards a more infrastructurally developed future.
Strategically located on the coast of Mozambique, Porto De Maputo (Port of Maputo) is a vital gateway for global trade that has seen a growing demand for cargo and as a result, has brought significant economic benefits to the city. Today, the port is under the operation of the Maputo Port Development Company (MPDC), which is striving to meet these growing demands through investment into the region to make it an attractive, competitive, and efficient port service operating in the Indian Ocean.
The origins of the port date back many years and have long played a vital role in the development of Mozambique and its thriving cargo industry. The cargo industry was vital in helping the establishment of the city of Maputo, and today a vast number of industries make use of the port infrastructure to facilitate the movement of key cargo from the mining, industrial, manufacturing, petrochemical, and coal sectors. Cargo from these industries is then moved across the country, and beyond into international markets, through the port’s vital links with rail and road access. This transportation network is vital in securing the port’s role at the heart of the country’s transportation corridor.
With a growing industry behind it, the port has seen many port operators, and in 2003 this role was given to the MPDC. MPDC is a national private company, formed out of a vital partnership between the Mozambican Railway Company (Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique) and Portus Indico. These are comprised of Grindrod, DP World and the local Mozambique Gestores. Following the granting of the port concession to MPDC in 2003, the company was given 15 years to develop and maintain the port for the benefit of the people and industries of Mozambique.
However, due to its key work in developing and investing in the port, the MPDC received two extensions awarded by the Government of Mozambique and now will have control of the port until 2058. Today, the Port is a thriving hub that has seen major developments over the last 10 years under MPDC and has continued to grow the port industry of Mozambique, whilst working closely with the municipality in the city to ensure that every operation from cargo to tourism brings significant economic benefits to the region.
The Port of Maputo encompasses two main port areas, which are accessed from a channel extending from the Indian Ocean and into Maputo Bay. The first of the major port areas is the Maputo Cargo Terminal, which includes three container terminals with a combined 129 hectares of space covering 3,000 continuous wharves. This terminal then joins with the Matola Bulk Terminal location slightly further along the channel. The Matola Bulk Terminal is a deep-water bulk terminal that works closely with the export and manufacturing industries
Handling various types of cargo, from minerals to perishables, ensuring proper consolidation and storage, securing compatible transport, and managing cargo shipment through excellent maritime freight management has made us unique for 12 years.
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Whether it’s bulk cargo or partial shipments, we are the solution to ensure your peace of mind as a trader.
OCL Group - One Corridor, One Motto, One Integrated Solution.
Porto De Maputo
across the coastline, with a particular emphasis on the new Mozal Aluminium Terminal and Oil Terminal. Across the port complex, MPDC operates as port authority and oversees all maritime operations, whilst delivering vital pilotage, anchorage, and tug services to the vessels travelling into the Port of Maputo. In addition to the container and bulk terminals, the port also has a range of port services including dry dock and repairs, ship chandlers, bunkering, fresh water, telephone, electricity supply, waste removal, sludge removal, and various boat launch services.
Across all of these operations, MPDC is working to enhance the productivity of the port and continue to invest in the future of its operations in the maritime industry. In fact, MPDC has set out a master plan which outlines how the port authority aims to expand the port to meet the growing cargo needs of today, whilst setting it up with the infrastructure for the future. The port is projected to see 42 million tonnes passing through the port by 2033, and to then grow even further with an estimated 54 million tonnes of cargo moving through the port by 2043.
MPDC’s commitment to investment and development of the port played a key role in the extension of its operation of the port. This was outlined in February when MPDC signed for an additional 25 years to be added to the planned end date of its port management. The company’s bid to maintain its control of the port came with a commitment to make a major investment into the capacity of the port’s container terminals, increasing their size to deal with 1 million twenty equivalent units (TEU) per year. In addition to this, MPDC is committed to expanding the coal terminal to 18 million tons a year, and the general cargo terminals to 13.6 million tons a year.
The total expected development of the port is thought to bring close to 2.06 billion dollars of investment, 600 million of which is expected to be invested over the next few years. In addition to the investment into the port, a key aspect of the extension negotiation included MPDC contributing to various social investment and infrastructural projects across Mozambique. This will include their contribution towards the construction of the Kanyaka Docking Bridge and the acquisition of a second passenger vessel for Kanyake. It will also include education development, through the rehabilitation of the School of Nautical Sciences and the modernisation of the Practice School of the Navy in Katembe.
These vital investments into the port and the wider Mozambique social sector position MPDC as a company that is looking to enhance, develop and position the Port of Maputo as a key stopping point for vessels travelling along its shipping corridors. The port development will help it meet its capacity goals for the future, whilst ensuring that the people of Mozambique are benefitting from its operations today.
The investment into the port has already been largely successful with MPDC announcing in January that the port handled 31.2 million tons in 2023, much of which was made up of various ores from the mining industry. In addition to this, 61% of cargo was handled by road, and 39% by rail highlighting a new record for rail movement of cargo for the port. These findings highlight the diversified cargo moving through the port, and also the vital position it holds within the local infrastructural network to make the movement of cargo efficient. The efficient movement of cargo is essential for supply chains, and so the port continues to cement its place as a vital stopping point in Mozambique.
As MPDC moves towards the future, it has continued to invest in the port. The company recently announced that it was acquiring a third pilot boat for its maritime service fleet. The vessel aims to increase the efficiency of pilotage operations through its delivery of greater speed and safety in the process of berthing and unberthing ships. The acquisition of the vessel highlights how MPDC continues to invest in the port, and in the process continues to develop the Port of Maputo’s ability to meet cargo demands now and in the future. What underpins MPDC’s continued success across the Port of Maputo is its commitment to investment. Through these investments, the port maintains its reputation for efficient operations supported by the necessary infrastructure developments to meet the growing cargo demand of Mozambique. As the port looks set to expand under MPDC over the coming years, the company’s commitment to regional growth and positioning the Port of Maputo as an attractive and competitive hub for port services will continue to serve it well for many years to come.
The Liebherr Group is one of the largest construction equipment manufacturers in the world, which, since 1949, has continued to offer its customers across the world high-quality and useroriented products and services. As the family-owned company has developed into a vast international network, it plays a critical role across many industries as a pioneer for technical development which is set to reshape the future. The company began its major global expansion in the late 1950s and now comprises over 140 companies across every continent. Therefore, divisions of the company such as Liebherr-Africa Pty Ltd. are working to bring German-engineered machinery, products, and services to the African continent as it continues to extend the overarching company’s reach across the world.
Liebherr-Africa was founded in 1958 in South Africa, in the city of Springs as one of the first expansions of the Liebherr company outside of Germany. The first location in South Africa was established to bridge the expensive transport routes from Europe to Africa, as it allowed Liebherr machinery to be supplied on the continent to neighbouring countries rather than shipping them across from Europe. It began with responsibilities surrounding the manufacturing and sales of tower cranes, specialised cranes, and concrete mixers. However, today, Liebherr-Africa plays a vital role in selling and supporting the company’s construction equipment and working across mining and material handlining industries to provide them with equipment from the Liebherr Group.
Liebherr-Africa is headquartered in Springs, Gauteng, and has 5 branches across the country in Cape Town, Durban, Richards Bay, Brits, and Middleburg, as well as various agencies, depots, and mine sites across other regions of the country and its neighbouring states. Consequently, for the last 65 years, this division of Liebherr-Africa has been serving the needs of the local construction, civil engineering, and mining industries, and now the brand is fully equipped to provide local backup services and spare parts for Liebherr machinery and equipment across the country. Furthermore, this range of extended support is immediately available from the Springs head office.
Liebherr-African provides high-quality Germanengineered products backed by the Liebherr Group to provide the best possible standard of equipment for South Africa. The division manufactures and supplies a range of earth-moving, construction and port equipment. It even developed its offerings further in 2015, by introducing domestic appliances to its South African division. This continued commitment to development exemplifies the global role that the Liebherr Group plays in developing global industries through innovation and an uncompromising commitment to quality. This commitment is carried out to ensure that its customers benefit from top-quality Liebherr products across all product areas.
As an acknowledged supplier of products and services in numerous fields, Liebherr-Africa brings direct links with various operations overseas. Offering service and support for mining and earth moving equipment, mobile and crawler cranes, construction cranes, mixing technology and port equipment. However, a key role of Liebherr-Africa is through its service workshops which are structured to respond quickly and effectively through its fully qualified staff and trained technical specialists. Therefore, using Liebherr-Africa’s service, you can be sure you are receiving a wealth of experience, more reliability, and the maximum availability of machines, which means higher production, and reduced operation and maintenance costs.
These services work to supply immediate spare parts, on-site repairs, and even major overhauls of machinery through its workshops to ensure that all Liebherr products can be maintained under the Liebherr Group. The African sub-division also uses its workshops to remanufacture parts and even has a painting plant to ensure that all products sold and purchased from Liebherr are kept running with
a longstanding commitment by Liebherr to keep their machinery operational through easy access to remanufacturing and maintenance of parts and services.
Liebherr Africa’s Spare Parts Warehouse operates 24 hours a day providing a stand-by service to ensure there is immediate availability of spare parts. The round-the-clock service ensures that delivery of parts can be rapidly facilitated, whilst using modern storage and material handling techniques to keep its operations running smoothly. Consequently, Liebherr-African is able to ship spare parts efficiently, timely and reliably to both local and international markets. Furthermore, through its workshops, Liebherr-African provides a wide range of services and activities.
The major workshop facilities of the division are located at its head office in Springs and provide Liebherr-Africa with the flexibility and capacity to undertake a range of inspections, servicing, rebuilds, repairs and pre-delivery activities. As part of the workshops it also provides welding facilities through the welding shops which seek to repair and
Liebherr-Africa Pty Limited
remanufacture buckets and other components to maintain the functionality of customers’ Liebherr products.
The final major function of Liebherr-Africa is its Remanufacturing Centre. The centre provides highquality products which meet original equipment manufacturer (OEM) standards at a reduced cost. Consequently, these OEM products are available at a significantly reduced price to reduce waste and keep perfectly functional equipment working. The repair and rebuilding services under the Remanufacturing Centre include a washing bay, cylinder section, gearbox section, pumps, motor sections, and an engine section.
These sections allow Liebherr-Africa to work on all ranges of its machinery across all industry activities, therefore along with its machine shop area, Liebherr-Africa continues to maintain the functionality of Liebherr products so you can be sure that when you are buying from Liebherr you are receiving a continual service of excellence to make every machine or piece of equipment have a much longer life span through the regular service or maintenance of parts under the Liebherr-Africa division.
Ultimately, as we can see Liebherr-Africa has worked over the last 65 years to be a leading division under the global Liebherr Group that is providing crucial links between Europe and the African continent with its top-quality machinery and equipment. With development into domestic home goods and its continued commitment to servicing the company’s machinery, Liebherr-Africa has adopted the pioneering spirit of its overarching company. Liebherr Group has more than 50,00 employees globally who work together to play a decisive role in shaping the technological progress in numerous industries which are already shifting to meet the growing demands of customers as they face new struggles in their own industries. Consequently, it is this spirit that can be clearly seen in Liebherr-Africa which shows the company’s goal to continue to provide excellent service and continue the expansive and fundamental role that Liebherr products play across numerous industries on a global scale. Therefore, as Liebherr-African continues to expand we see the global group’s expansive network develop, to continue to lead the sector as one of the biggest construction equipment manufacturers on an international scale.
Macsteel South Africa
For over 116 years, Macsteel has been leading the steel industry across South Africa providing manufacturing, merchandising and distribution of steel and value-added steel products. Through its strategic network of service centres, branches and warehouses, Macsteel is leading the industry across the continent by providing its customers with exceptional levels of personal services and products across a whole range of industries. Therefore, through its robust infrastructure, technical development and striving to continually improve, the company has solidified its reputation as the pre-eminent supplier of steel across the African continent.
As a leading manufacturer, merchandiser and distributor of steel, the company is leading the way in providing products such as general steel, coil processing, tube and pipe, roofing, special steels, stainless steel, VRN, fluid control pipes, fittings, and flanges, as well as a range of Harvey Roofing products. These products are available across a whole range of industries from construction, mining and manufacturing to food and beverage or consumer/retail industries. The company’s operations are vast and with this, the services that Macsteel provides are equally as expansive, to process, cut, treat, and deliver highquality and reliable steel solutions for its customers’ every need.
Macsteel has adapted its operations since it was established in 1904, now it is an expansive operation across South Africa and has become a household name due to its powerful brand and great reputation. It continues to promote success throughout the company by operating as a wider nationally run business, which instils matching strategies throughout all its 40 service centres, branches, and warehouses. By adopting an overhead structure, Macsteel can ensure that its operations remain customer focused. Macsteel is committed to adapting and innovating in line with its customer’s needs and demands, and as the world moves towards a more sustainable future, we can see throughout the company’s services and operations they are implementing and creating new solutions to meet these demands.
One of the noticeable qualities of Macsteel is its desire to constantly be evolving to meet the growing steel needs of the customers and their respective industries, whilst paying close attention to developments towards a more sustainable future. A key way Macsteel have been doing this is through its divisional business, Harvey Roofing Products, which under the Macsteel Group name has recently announced the development of a new roofing title which will provide more sustainable and reliable roofing lightweight steel roofing products. The subdivision is known for using only the best materials available in its manufacturing to deliver products that are consistently high quality and
Macsteel South Africa
suitable for a wide range of roofing applications including commercial, domestic, and industrial settings.
The Harvey EcoTile™ was announced in July and has been developed to be a lightweight yet superior in strength roof title, which is easily installed and boasts top quality weatherproofing, whilst being lower in cost for roof structure and transportation. The tile reimagines roofing, which conventionally uses titles made of clay, cement, and steel profiles.
The conventional tiles are known for their excessive weight, fragility, and high price point, whilst requiring continual maintenance. The conventional tiles are also not great for the environment either, whereas the EcoTIle™ is made of 98% recyclable waste material, provides excellent weatherproofing, and is virtually unbreakable with a significantly longer lifespan compared to other options.
Mike Benfield, CEO of Macsteel, said in the press release on the Harvey EcoTile™ that “It is a very exciting product, not only for the market that is waiting in anticipation for it to drop in full force but also for Harvey Roofing products diversifying their well-known band. It de-risks us from the volatility of the steel price and moves our business to sustainability with the promise of new ground-
breaking product”. Although the tiles are still being developed by Harvey Roofing Products under Macsteel, the EcoTile™ provides great potential for the future of sustainable roofing as the company works to revolutionize the market towards more efficient, cost-effective, and durable steel roofing solutions.
Macsteel has a long history of supporting its local communities through sports development, donations to community organisations and NGOs, as well as a range of contributions towards other corporate sponsorships. The company is working to connect, nurture relationships, collaborate and impact the surrounding communities positively. Its central focus has been to develop the economies of its communities through education, building, health, wellness, engagement, and welfare projects to ensure that throughout every aspect of its operations, Macsteel is leaving a positive legacy of developmental success.
We can see that throughout Macsteel’s operations, and even sub-divisions, the corporate social responsibility of the company is always at the forefront. CEO of Macsteel Mike Benfield outlined this focus as “Our new positioning statement is ‘Pursuing Reinvention’, this is very appropriate to both the steel industry and South Africa. We at Macsteel are very proud to be part of the transformation journey in South Africa and being
a good corporate citizen”. He continues, “Our investments in our corporate social responsibility program is part of this journey of reinvention and transformation”. Benfield’s comments show how committed Macsteel are to promoting a future of sustainability whilst invigorating the regions that it operates within, to ensure they are playing an active role as a good corporate citizen.
Overall, Macsteel is a massive company which is leading the way across the South African steel landscape to provide its customers with highquality, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions suitable for a wide range of industries and vast uses. We can see their development across industries, and through their sub-divisions, that sustainability and working towards a wider community-supportive goal is paramount. The company’s long terms goals are looking to grow its market share and diversify its product portfolio, whilst bringing improved shareholder returns to establish itself as a singular constant supplier of steel. It plans to do this by establishing rich and beneficial relationships across the industry in Africa and towards its everincreasing global network.
South African Steel Success
Unica Iron and Steel is a fully integrated mini steel plant, manufacturing light and medium structural steel from iron scrap.
Established in Babelegi 2006, the company manufactures quality light structural sections (window sections, square bar and angle iron) commercially. The company boasts a state of the art straight line rolling mill which allows it to produce bigger sections.
The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals
Tanzania’s landscapes are rich with vital mineral deposits which today, thanks to the country’s key mining industry, is the 4th largest gold producer in Africa. With an abundance of minerals and natural resources such as gold, diamonds, gemstones, coal and natural gas at its disposal, the country’s economy has grown rapidly in line with mining operations to retrieve these resources. Therefore, mining operations in 2020 accounted for roughly 7% of Tanzania’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures, highlighting the prominent role the mineral sector plays in sustaining the country’s economy alongside the energy sector.
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As such a prominent industry bringing vital investment to the country, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania established the Ministry of Minerals as its own entity to promote, regulate and support the mineral sector to maintain its prominent role within the country in 2017. The United Republic of Tanzania’s Ministry of Mineral’s role will now be to formulate and monitor the implementation of mining policies, mine, geophysical and geological surveys, and mining commission affairs. In addition, the Ministry will work to bring value to the mining industry through local content, small-scale mining development, performance improvement, and cooperation with other ministerial departments, agencies, stakeholders, programmes, and projects. This vast role as a governmental body continues to provide the ministry with a stellar reputation for its management of these resources which provide substantial contributions to the national economy and the well-being of Tanzanians thanks to employment opportunities.
The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals
Therefore, it is the Ministry of Minerals’ mission to effectively manage Tanzania’s mineral resources through sound policy and legal frameworks to play a vital role in bringing investment to the country and its mining industry. A crucial way that these investments are achieved is through networking to show the geological and infrastructural potential of a region to make investing in mining operations more attractive. Just last month Tanzania attended South Africa’s Mining Indaba Conference in collaboration with the Tanzania Chamber of Mines, which is one of the largest conferences in the sector. The Conference annually brings together about 900 key investors, 40 sectorial institutions and roughly 1000 executives from large companies. The conference serves as a platform for participating countries and organisations to build and strengthen their relationships and business networks across the international mining sector. The conferences provide an essential opportunity for organisations, such as the Ministry of Minerals to seek investment capital, learn about technological advancements in the sector, form partnerships for trade, and
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The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals
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The Ministry of Minerals’ main focus at the conference was on advancing investment in mining to help accelerate prosperity for the country. This focus remains consistent with the government of Tanzania’s commitments set out in its ‘Vision 2030’ project which aims to facilitate more geoscientific surveys to uncover the country’s mineral potential. Therefore, a large part of the Ministry’s time at the conference was spent promoting investment opportunities in the country’s mining sector in things such as exploration, extraction, and value-added activities. The government-owned Ministry hopes the conference will lead to further investment over the coming year. The conference was also the first time it has collaborated with the private sector to facilitate its participation at the conference. For this, the Ministry thanked its sponsors, which include some of the world’s leading mining companies such as Barrick Gold, Anglo Gold Ashanti, Tembo Nickel, Shanta Gold, TRX Gold, Mantra Tanzania, Petra Diamonds, Orica, City Engineering and AUMS. |
Providing environmental, social and sustainability solutions to the resources sector globally.
Providing environmental, social and sustainability solutions to the resources sector globally.
Environmental Legal Services
Environmental Legal Services
Social and Heritage Services
Social and Heritage Services
Rehabilitation, Closure and Soils
Rehabilitation, Closure and Soils
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
Biodiversity and Nature
Biodiversity and Nature
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Water Geosciences
Water Geosciences
Climate Change Services
Climate Change Services
GISTM Compliance and Alignment
GISTM Compliance and Alignment
Your Environmental and Social Solutions Partner.
Your Environmental and Social Solutions Partner. | |
However, a key part of the Ministry of Mineral’s operations outside of the private sector is through strong relationships and partnerships with other vital mining industries within Africa. An example of this keen commitment to partnering with other governmental operations was seen in July last year when the United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar. This agreement continues the two ministries’ cooperation towards making key developments and investments in the relevant mining sectors to bring continuous benefits for both parties. Therefore, the Ministry’s role across the region’s mining sector is to ensure that it continues to bring vital investment that will help shape the future of the country and its citizens for the future through economic development and plentiful job creation.
As we have seen, the United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Minerals highlights the crucial value that the mining industry provides to the country, and so throughout its operations, it works to ensure that this value continues to expand and with it comes significant investment for Tanzania. With
Harnessing Minerals for the Future
this investment, Tanzanian mining can continue to support and uplift the country by ensuring that the regulation, promotion and investment into the country’s natural mineral resources remains steady for future generations.
National Bank of Rwanda
On a mission to become a world-class central bank, National Bank Rwanda (NBR) provides robust monetary tools to ensure Rwanda’s financial stability and sound financial systems are maintained with innovation, diversity, inclusiveness, and economic integration. Through a framework which fosters a culture of transparency, integrity, accountability, teamwork, and respect, NBR is focused on protecting and enhancing the economic performance of Rwanda and providing greater financial empowerment to people across the country.
NBR was founded in 1964 with the mandate to ensure the price stability of Rwanda and provide a sound financial system for the country. Today, this mission remains its central focus as it works to continuously build sustainable macroeconomic stability for Rwanda through monitoring the financial system’s performance. The financial system for NBR covers the banking, insurance, pensions, micro-finance institutions, and payment sectors. NBR carefully monitors these systems and is ready to adopt the appropriate policies and measures needed to protect the stability of the Rwandan economy.
NBR is governed by a Board of Directors which includes 2 executive members who are the governor and deputy governor, and then 7 non-executive members. The Board is responsible for providing the strategic direction of the Bank and ensuring that throughout its operations the central mandate of the company, to maintain price stability and a sound financial system for Rwanda, is achieved. Then through this strict management, NBR hopes to develop into a world-class bank making key moves towards vital financial development in both the local and international financial sector.
NBR was one of the original 17 regulatory institutions which was formed to implement national measures and commitments to ensure financial inclusion under the Maya Declaration founded at the 2011 Global Policy Forum held in Mexico. The Maya Declaration is a global initiative focused on delivering responsible and sustainable financial inclusion to reduce poverty and increase financial stability. Therefore, with NBR playing a key role at such a vital international conference, we can see that NBR is already a key player in the international market for financial stability, inclusion, and regulation.
A key part of NBR’s operations is the development of the Financial Stability Reports (FSR) which provides a detailed and synthesized report on the current state and changes to the financial system. The report provides a close analysis of the exogenous and endogenous risks that face the sector whether from local or international factors, and asses the current resilience of the sector to these risks. This close monitoring of the financial system of Rwanda allows NBR to ensure that it can overcome any shocks or provide measures to mitigate any potential constraints that it may face. NBR publishes this report annually and it is a vital document to understand how policy will be implemented going forward to ensure the stability and security of the financial sector.
Ensuring Financial Stability for Rwanda
A key part of the financial world is insurance, and NBR is in charge of assessing the financial sphere which covers the insurance and pension sectors to again ensure that it is continuing towards its overall goals to build a sound and stable financial sector. The insurance branch of NBR’s operations spans a legal and regulatory framework, which it utilises to work closely with insurance companies for the betterment of the financial economy. Across the insurance division, NBR follows the international standards laid out by governing bodies such as the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS). These standards have allowed Rwanda’s insurance industry to maintain a competitive edge in international markets and therefore bolster the economic reputation of NBR in the process.
To ensure that NBR is continuing to develop towards the benefit of Rwanda, the Bank holds a quarterly meeting to assess the current performance and state of the financial sector. The last meeting was held in February this year and shared the key findings from its 2023 FSR report. The
report outlines that the financial sector for Rwanda across 2023 remained stable and experienced slight growth despite challenges faced by global tensions. The report outlines that the capital and liquidity buffers held by NBR remain strong and ensure the country can be resilient to shocks. The financial sector grew 20% in terms of assets, which is estimated at FRW 10,687 billion, compared to the previous year’s assets at FRW 8,909 billion. The report outlined that Rwanda’s financial sector was in a good and healthy position moving into the next year with many sectors, including the banking sector, making significant growth over 2023.
Overall, NBR is a vital operation that is working within both local and international markets to ensure that Rwanda’s financial sector remains stable and secure for future generations. With measures to ensure that people across Rwanda can access diverse and reliable financial services, especially those in the insurance sector, NBR is well on its way to being a world-class central Bank working tirelessly to maintain price stability and a sound financial system for Rwanda.
Vulcan International
With a diverse portfolio spanning across the globe, Vulcan International is a leading mining company which is utilising its commitment to growth and development for the benefit of Mozambique. Vulcan is a privately owned company which is part of the global Jindal Group, which is focused on building Africa’s mining industry via a rich and profitable portfolio of product assets across the continent. Vulcan achieves this by implementing cutting-edge technology and efficient logistical operations to ensure that every mine site delivers significant economic benefits for the surrounding region, whilst bolstering the role of African mines in international markets.
To best understand the valuable role of Vulcan, we must look at the Moatize Coal Mine in Mozambique which is one of the largest coal mines in all of Africa. Vulcan’s operations in Mozambique span 25,000 hectares of land encompassing the open-cut mine and coal processing plant which makes up the Moatize Mining Concession. The Moatize Coal Mine is located in the Tete Province of Mozambique. The mine was previously owned by mining giant Vale, however, in 2021 Vale sold the Moatize Coal Mine and the Nacala Logistics Corridor to Vulcan for the total proceeds of USD 270 million, comprised of USD 80 million at Closing and USD 190 million from the existing business until Closing. The sale to Jindal Group came following Jindal’s experience within Mozambique with its existing Chirodzi Mine operation also located in the Tete Basin. Therefore, with this expertise behind them, Vulcan took on the Moatize Coal mine which then became one of the main coal assets for the company with an estimated reserve of 1.9 billion tons of coal.
The Moatize Mine produces two central types of coal: metallurgical and thermal. Metallurgical coal is vital to the steel-making industry, which for Vulcan has long played a central role across its operations. Therefore, with the asset of a key metallurgical coal producer under its ownership, Vulcan can continue to build its portfolio across the steel-making industry and place Mozambique in great competition with other metallurgical mines across the world. Thermal coal, as the name suggests, is used primarily for generating heat and power through thermoelectrical plants. Burning coal has long been a central process for many industries worldwide, therefore the coal produced at the Moatize mine further develops Mozambique’s reputation within the thermal coal market.
To ensure that these vital coal resources are available for both local and international markets, Vulcan also operates the Coal Processing Plant within the Moatize Mining Concession. The processing plant has the capacity for 22 million tons of raw coal a year, which is then split into two thermal and metallurgical types. The processing is facilitated through four modules, which are capable of feeding thousands of tons of coal every single hour, with a total feed capacity of 4,000 tons.
Alongside the processing plant, Vulcan utilises state-of-the-art technology which sees top-ofthe-range excavators, wheel loaders, as well as auxiliary equipment including crawler tractors, tore tractors, motor graders, drilling machines and tanker trucks utilised to serve the Moatize Mine. This machinery includes those from leading brands such as Caterpillar, Komatsu, Le Tourneau and Volvo. By utilising this leading machinery, Vulcan ensures that every mining operation remains efficient, costeffective and productive for continued production rate and subsequent economic benefits.
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However, what separates Vulcan’s operation from traditional mine operators is that through the purchase from Vale, the company also now has the Nacala Logistics company. Nacala Logistics is a railway port company that manages the Nacala Corridor with logistical transportation services. The company specialises in connecting Mozambique with Zambia by providing efficient transportation services to the coal and general cargo industries. By utilising the vital infrastructural links of the Nacala Logistics company, Vulcan can move coal from its processing plant and onto end markets making it more competitive than other coal mines in the region for not only mining and processing but delivering its products to customers and industries too. Therefore, the entire operations of Vulcan at the Moatize Coal Mine work cohesively together to bring such vital resources to life through its mining operations, and then they are processed and moved along the country’s infrastructure onto end and customer markets.
However, it is impossible to talk about Vulcan’s coal operations at Moatize without highlighting its community efforts to show how the company works to ensure that its operations positively
impact those in the surrounding areas. Vulcan has established a network of partnerships across the region with local communities and stakeholders, to ensure that the mine’s positive economic impact is felt down the supply chain. For Vulcan, this is in the form of fostering generational income and social inclusions as a way of supporting families and communities, often through educational and training programs. These educational programs aim to support local development and ensure that the mine brings with it positive employment and entrepreneurship opportunities.
In terms of sustainability, the mining industry has long played a balancing act between delivering significant economic development to a region whilst also working to remain respectful and conscious of the environmental impact its operations are having. For Vulcan, this balance is essential and with every operation, it accesses the environmental, social and economic aspects before it begins any operation. In the Moatize Industrial Complex, Vulcan has implemented environmental management programs which are working to ensure that all regulations of environmental management are upheld to ensure things such as air quality, noise, vibrations, water
quality, and waste management are monitored. These measures ensure that all operations carried out are meeting strict regulations and are working to protect, preserve and make value from the mined resources Moatize produces as much as possible.
The Moatize Coal Mine is a valuable asset which is enhancing the coal mining industry of Mozambique and providing the country with a significant role within global metallurgical and thermal coal markets. For Vulcan, the mine signifies a key project which has allowed it to expand its mining business, and enhance the existing infrastructure of the region to bring economic growth on both a local and international scale. However, it is Vulcan’s operations towards education and community development which highlight the sustainable role it hopes to continue to play across all of its operations in order to bring socio-economic to the people and places its operations encounter.
Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority
The shipping industry plays a vital role in the Ghanaian economy, with 85% of the county’s trade currently passing through the Port of Tema and Port of Takoradi. Therefore, Ghana’s ports play a vital role in maintaining a steady economy, and thanks to the smooth movement of operations throughout the country’s ports and harbours, it is now a leading trade and logistics hub across West Africa. These smooth operations are made possible by the Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority (GPHA), which was established to oversee the vital port services along the country’s coast and waterways. GPHA’s goal is to provide efficient port facilities which continue to establish Ghana as a vital shipping hub across the entire continent.
GPHA was established as a statutory corporation under Ghana’s Provisional National Defence Council Law of 1996, to develop, manage and promote maritime operations across all ports in Ghana. However, the port’s origins extend back to the 16th to 18th century, when there were roughly 40 locations across the Gold Coast of Ghana used as landing points. However, by the 1900’s these had been consolidated to just 6 main points, which by the end of the 1940s had been joined by an integrated network of road and rail links which would support the port’s operations going forward. With the introduction of these transport networks, the Takoradi Port was developed as a new hub for regional and international shipping. Then, following the independence of Ghana in 1957, even more, road infrastructure was implemented, and Ghana’s second port ‘Tema’ was constructed.
In the following years, the port and harbours industry of Ghana saw a vast overhaul with the construction of these two ports, the introduction of a shipyard complex, the construction of accommodation for port workers, the dredging of turning basins and berths, and the development of quays and buildings dedicated for the container terminals. Today, GPHA oversees all these operations with a central focus on developing the infrastructure at Ghana’s ports to ensure that trade can continue to bring vital economic development to the region.
GPHA’s daily activities encompass a variety of operations from clearance procedures, and cargo delivery systems, to reducing risks and increasing safety, as well as focusing on reducing the environmental impact of all port and harbour operations. To achieve this GPHA has maintained a strong network which brings ship owners and their agents, freight forwarders, cargo handlers, importers, exporters, haulage companies, ship chandlers, terminal operators, warehouse companies and dock operators together, to produce a cohesive network for which customers’ cargo can travel through efficiently.
Whilst GPHA’s management covers a vast array of ports and harbours spanning the coast and waterways of Ghana, the two prominent ports of the country include the Port of Tema and the Port of Takoradi. The Port of Tema is the largest in the country and covers over 5.5 million square meters (sq m) of land area, just 30 kilometres (km) from the capital of Ghana. Typical calls at the port include those from container vessels, general cargo vessels, tankers, Roll-on/Roll-off vessels, and cruise vessels. The port sees over 1500 vessel calls
BAJ Freight and Logistics Limited (BAJ), a fully indigenous Ghanaian company has been in operation since 2009, and has grown rapidly over the years to become a leader in providing customs brokerage, freight forwarding, ship agency, and endto-end logistics solutions (including local and cross-border haulage, transportation of dangerous goods [explosives, radioactive sources, and cyanide], heavy lift, rental of light duty vehicles, and yard & warehouse rental) to clients in various sectors including Oil and Gas, Mining, Power, and Manufacturing.
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Ghana Ports & Harbours Authority
a year, which are met with the reliable services of GPHA and then passed on through its network of warehouses, transport and haulage companies, freight forwarders, factories, or various related centres. Therefore, GPHA’s operations are the frontfacing services which every customer using the port will see first, and so its focus on excellence, efficiency and development is what continues to ensure that customers continue to move cargo through Ghana’s ports and throughout the shipping industry across the West African region.
The Tema Port is also home to GPHA’s Golden Jubilee Terminal (GJT) which is an inland clearance depot strategically located on the western end of the Port of Tema. The facility includes a container freight station, state warehouse, car park, an open stuffing/unstuffing area, banking services, customs, security, and container storage/delivery services. This terminal allows vessels travelling into Ghana’s ports to pass through customs clearances efficiently and then on to either storage or delivery methods. The Port of Tema is also home to the GPHA Transit Terminal, which extends the
Authority’s services beyond Ghana and into Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger. The terminal provides a onestop procedure for clearance so cargo can pass through ports and towards end markets much more quickly. The terminal supports the port’s Reefer Terminal, which has over 1550 reefer plugging points and caters for the inflow and outflow of cargo which needs temperature regulation such as fresh produce and frozen foods.
The Port of Takoradi’s operations span the oil and gas side of Ghana’s cargo industry and is set on a vision to be a leading port serving West Africa’s lucrative energy industry. Much like the Port of Tema, GHPA works across the Port of Takoradi to provide efficient services to customers by delivering efficient pilotage, towage, mooring/ unmooring, berthing, stevedoring, fresh water supply, storage, and warehousing services – to name only a few. Therefore, the port continues to play an increasingly important role in the oil and gas sector as it takes vital energy products entering or leaving the region and aids in their movement to both local and international markets.
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However, the mining industry of Ghana is also a lucrative economy, and so the port also moves manganese, bauxite, clinker, quicklime, containerized cargo, and equipment. All of these operations have allowed GPHA to maintain a strong relationship with the mining industry in Ghana which already brings such vital economic benefits to the country. Therefore, as a vital player in the movement of this type of cargo for the mining industry, the Authority hopes to see equal economic benefits for the maritime industry as it works to take the cargo from these mines and towards international markets via the ports and harbours of the country.
In January, the most decent development for GPHA’s operations was announced with the commission of two new Damen tugboats. The tugboats are designed to berth any post-Panamax vessel in the hope of fortifying the efficiency of the ports across Ghana. The tug boats will allow GPHA to bring greater efficiency and safety to its maritime activities, whilst speeding up operations with more accessible tug boating services to maintain a steady stream of operations for the prosperity and progress of the nation.
GPHA has spent the last two decades developing the ports of Ghana, with the implementation of new terminals, and upgraded IT systems, whilst expanding existing port infrastructure. These
operations have allowed Ghanaian ports to widen their operational network, which continues to bring increasing numbers of cargo through its ports every year. Therefore, GPHA’s operations unite the maritime industry of Ghana and have helped it to develop key partnerships with the energy, mining, and tourism industries – all of which are collectively helping to boost Ghana’s position as a vital hub for international trade. We look forward to seeing how GPHA continues to develop the ports and harbours of Ghana over the coming years, as it continues to unite the country, reduce the cost and trade and position Ghana as the modern port of choice in West Africa.
City of Cape Town
As the oldest city in South Africa, Cape Town is the country’s legislative capital and is home to more than 4 million residents. With such a diverse population spanning the city, it is no surprise that its everyday functioning, success, and development play a vital role in keeping it as a rich and thriving hub for South Africa. Therefore, the government-run City of Cape Town is responsible for ensuring that the city’s services, infrastructure, and development are designed to meet the needs of today whilst building on the needs of the future.
The City of Cape Town’s central role is to work together with vital stakeholders, governmental officials and the local community to ensure that it is always working towards building Cape Town into a prosperous, inclusive and healthy city for all those who live and work in it. To achieve this, The City is entrusted to distribute public resources to help achieve these goals over a 5-year term, each one outlined with a central mission for what that term hopes to do for Cape Town.
The current June 2022 to June 2027 term is well underway, with the central vision being ‘A City of Hope for All’. This vision is utilised by The City to formulate a strategic plan underlined by policies, objectives, initiatives and programs which provide a roadmap for how the current term aims to make this vision a reality. This roadmap is called the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) which is required by law to outline the strategic framework for how it aims to develop Cape Town over the coming years. However, rather than simply being a legal document with a goal, The City utilises it as an almost step-by-step guide to how it is going to achieve every single step and, as a result, its overall vision.
The IDP is split into 2 vital parts, with the first being a strategic plan which comprises community needs and stakeholder inputs, as well as a full contextual analysis and evaluation of the existing state of Cape Town. By fully assessing the position of Cape Town and its existing infrastructure, resources and needs, the IDP can more effectively identify which areas are in need of vital development in order for the ‘City of Hope’ vision to be achieved. Once this had been established, The City began outlining the second stage of the IDP which is the implementation plan. The implementation plan takes the identified points or challenges facing the city and devises key strategic programmes, projects and initiatives which will take place over the 5-year term. Once these have been identified, the development projects are then divided between the relevant departments of The City to ensure that each one is focused and responsible for their role in developing the city.
The thorough process of the IDP development plan is what allows The City to be so successful in achieving a clear vision and providing an evidential
basis from which resources are dispersed. The ultimate goal of the IDP is to speed up the delivery of development in vital areas, whilst attracting investment into Cape Town, to establish it as a city that is constantly developing towards a more successful infrastructure where prosperity and community are at the forefront. In the current IDP, the central priorities are economic growth, safety and basic services, and then housing, public space environment and amenities. The development of Cape Town’s economic growth however is its central priority in the existing IDP period, with many of the projects and initiatives playing a role in developing the city towards greater economic prosperity in all aspects. Then, the focus on services ensures that citizens have access to essential things such as water, energy, and sanitation, whilst upholding a firm level of safety for all across the city. The final main goal of The City is to bring more development across public spaces, with environmental issues and transport infrastructure playing a vital role in ensuring a more hopeful future for Cape Town.
City of Cape Town
These central goals are supported by three vital foundational goals which help ensure the main projects and initiatives of these 5 years can be achieved. These foundations include building a resilient city that is more spatially integrated and inclusive, with the support of a capable and collaborative-focused government. To achieve the main goals set out in the IDP, The City has set out 16 objectives to make these a reality, all of which are broken down into programs and projects. The objectives cover the three main goals looking to increase jobs and investment, making access to basic services more reliable, improving infrastructure, working with the community to strengthen partnerships, refurbishing recreational facilities and making a more spatially integrated city. All of these objectives are then broken down into specific projects or initiatives which aim to achieve these objectives, and as a result, meet the overarching goal of the IDP.
Some key projects under the current IDP 20222027 are the desalination project, groundwater project, catchment management project and water
reuse project. These are working to make Cape Town more water resilient, and so reduce the need for severe water restriction which has been seen across the country during periods of drought. It aims to achieve this by utilising catchment and groundwater collection, as well as working with the vital infrastructure and water systems to clean and reuse water more efficiently. These projects have been enhanced in recent months with the establishment of 3 more Catchment Management Fora (CMF). The introduction of three new CMFs will promote the sustainability and resilience of water resources across the city and develop a more integrated water management system. The project brings together vital stakeholders across governmental, private and business sectors, as well as working directly within communities. By fostering a unified and cohesive approach to water resilience, The City aims to make water flow more freely across the city.
The significant impact of the CMF announcement was highlighted by Councillor Zahid Badroodien with
“The establishment of these mark a significant step forward in our strategic commitment to preserving and enhancing Cape Town’s water resources”. The Councillor’s comment highlights how vital water as a resource is for the country and the role it will continue to play in the security of water resources for its future.
In fact, in the last year, natural disasters have brought widespread devastation across South Africa with wildfires, droughts and even flooding causing threats to life and livelihoods. Therefore, alongside its development projects, The City has also been working to ensure that its preparedness for extreme weather is in place. Following significant rainfall earlier last month, The City issued more than 10,000 flood kits to vulnerable areas such as informal settlements which are often prone to flooding in the wetlands. The kits help families better protect themselves and their homes from flooding and highlight The City’s mission to help its citizens
better protect themselves from natural disasters throughout every aspect of its operations.
Ultimately, The City of Cape Town continues to be developed towards a future where there is no poverty or hunger, and where good health, education, and gender quality are promoted for a better living environment for all of its citizens. With the establishment of a new IDP every 5 years, The City remains focused on ensuring that the management of the city and its resources are always meeting the current and future needs of the people of Cape Town. As we have seen, the current push is towards economic growth, with vital works in place to develop infrastructure, the environment, and service management. We look forward to seeing how The City will continue to carry out more of its operations under the current IDP term as it works to continue to establish Cape Town as a thriving hub primed for continued investment.
AngloGold Ashanti Ghana
AngloGold Ashanti Plc (AngloGold Ashanti) is one of the largest mining companies in the world focused on delivering a range of diverse, high-quality portfolio operations, projects and exploration activities spanning 9 countries across the globe. Throughout its operations, AngloGold Ashanti has been set on a mission to utilise mining to empower people and communities and ensure that all of its operations are working towards the collective goal of bringing economic and social development to vital regions across the globe.
AngloGold Ashanti’s operations predominantly work to turn vital gold resources across the world into economically viable assets that bring stable economic benefits across the world. This goal to develop vital assets is something that began the company in 1998 when it was just called AngloGold Limited as a consolidation of AngloAmerican Plc. In 2004, AngloGold combined with the Ashanti Gold Fields Company Limited, under the new name AngloGold Ashanti Limited, where the company we know today took full shape. In 2023, the company experienced vital restructuring and formed AngloGold Ashanti Plc and changed domicile due to its new registration in the United Kingdom. Today, AngloGold Ashanti has established a rigid strategy to ensure that it can generate sustainable cash flow improvements across its gold assets and bring long-term benefits to the communities and stakeholders with which each mine site interacts. Currently, AngloGold Ashanti has vital gold projects in Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, the United States, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia. However, one of the current key countries for development is Ghana, where AngloGold Ashanti has two key mining operations.
Africa has long been a vital continent for AngloGold Ashanti, with Ghana’s Iduapriem and Obuasi projects adding key gold reserves to the company’s portfolio. Obuasi is a underground mining operation located in the Ashanti region. The mine consists of a single access decline with interlevel development between 15 and 30 metres, as well as various shafts. The mining operations encompass the existing infrastructure including a 2.4Mtpa processing plant with flotation and bacterial oxidation, hoisting shafts with associated infrastructure, and power and water reticulation facilities.
Production at the Obuasi complex began in 1897, however, this was brought to an end in 2014, with only a very limited portion of the mine’s facilities functioning under limited operational conditions. One of these limited operations was the development of an underground mine decline, which following a feasibility study in 2017 indicated a strong technical and economic case for the mine and would suggest a possible 20-year life of mine operation for Obuasi. The feasibility study received strong approvals from the AngloGold Ashanti Board,
and so in 2019, the current project at Obuasi began with a projected three-phase approach.
The first phase of the current operations began in September 2020 with the conceptualisation and planning of the site. The second phase included the construction of the mine and its development which was completed in 2021 bringing a capacity of 4,000tpd of gold a day. The current and final phase of the project is working on establishing the infrastructure necessary to ramp up production of the Obuasi mine to an intended 5,000tpd capacity. This final phase is scheduled for completion by the end of 2024.
The second vital project for AngloGold Ashanti is the Iduapriem mine site located in the west of Ghana. Much like Obuasi, the project is 100% owned by AngloGold Ashanti and spans 137km2 inclusive of the Ajopa southwestern region of the country. The initial feasibility of the mine was completed in 1990, with the original owners (Golden Shamrock Limited) beginning construction in 1991 utilising a semiautogenous million circuit and carbon-in-pulp (CIP) plant. Official construction began the following year in 1992, when it also poured its first gold. By
Economic and Community Development
AngloGold Ashanti Ghana
2000, AngloGold had purchased the site and began upgrades which saw the mine’s operation output capacity increased to 4Mtpa following the merge of Ashanti with AngloGold in 2002. Today AngloGold Ashanti has continued to expand the plant and it now has a current 5.2 Mtpa capacity.
As the Iduapriem Mine operation looks towards the future, AngloGold Ashanti has begun a joint venture with Gold Fields which aims to merge the existing Tarwa mine in Ghana. This merge would create one of the largest gold mines in Africa, and highlight even further the vital role that Ghana has continued to play in gold production and marketing worldwide. In fact, developing the Iduapriem Mine towards the future has been a central mission for AngloGold Ashanti’s current daily operations as it has set out plans to open a trial farm on part of the Old Tailing Storage Facility (OTSF), a rehabilitated area of the mine, which would look to enhance the ecological processing on the site and support growth in the local community through training and employment across the farming land.
The farming land on the previous OTSF site highlights AngloGold Ashanti’s commitment to ensuring that the community surrounding its
operations are provided with vital socio-economic benefits from the mine site. Therefore, the proposed rehabilitation of part of the Idupriem site would see vital employment across the local community as they oversee farming and crop production. This aims to provide both economic development to those in the local community and provide long-term skills and benefits to support the workers going forward. Furthermore, the work to rehabilitate the land will play a vital role in understanding how the mine can be utilised and redeveloped when it is one day closed.
AngloGold Ashanti recently announced that the company has partnered with Absa Bank Ghana Limited in conjunction with the MasterCard Foundation, to bolster local economic growth and empowerment of local businesses. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlines 4 main projects which are planned to support the sustainable expansion of small and medium businesses in Obuasi and provide the impetus for future economic development across the region. The project includes the Business Acceleration and Sustainability initiative which is aimed at providing SMEs with organisation systems and models to
increase operational capacity and secure financing. This will allow businesses across the region to bring more investment into Obuasi and access new and international markets. Across the various projects outlined by Absa Bank Ghana and AngloGold Ashanti, they aim to bring more entrepreneurial opportunities for local operations and enhance the role of local businesses in stimulating the Ghanaian economy for many years to come.
As we have seen across AngloGold Ashanti’s operations in Ghana it is working to enhance the existing mining potential of the region and strategically place them as vital producers for the company and for Ghana as a whole. However, throughout these projects and initiatives hoping to develop the mines of Ghana, it is also working to bring significant economic development for the country and their respective communities. Through vital work and partnerships, AngloGold Ashanti aims to continue to bring investment into the region and position the local communities of Ghana as a priority in the development of AngloGold Ashanti’s mining operations going forward.
Economic and Community Development
Africa Global Logistics
As a leading logistic operator across Africa, Africa Global Logistics (AGL) provides innovative and customised solutions to suit every one of its customers spanning the continent and beyond across the globe. Having recently joined the MSC Group, AGL has continued to expand its network and now is the major transport and logistics company at the heart of Africa’s shipping industry pushing towards the development of the continent’s logistics sector. With 250 maritime and logistic operations under its management, AGL thrives on providing tailor-made solutions which are strengthened by its competitively connected network bringing speed, efficiency and expertise across all transport and logistics operations.
Shipping and logistics are such a vital part of many businesses’ operations, whether that be transporting goods on a local or international scale. However, to achieve these operations, companies rely on logistical services to make the transportation and delivery of goods seamless. Across Africa, this is ever present as the demand for goods continues to increase, and so more logistical services are required to get these goods to their end markets. Consequently, AGL has been a major player in Africa’s logistics industry since 1986, having established a rich and skilled network across the continent and into international territories. However, at a time when global supply chains are facing increasing pressure as the demand for goods has stepped up, AGL became part of the MSC Group to strengthen its relationship across Africa and bring together the two company’s vast networks. MSC Group is a privately owned global shipping company that is a world leader in providing container shipping throughout its international network. Therefore, AGL brings its expertise across Africa and MSC its global network, the result is a company that is positioning Africa as a transformative hub for global logistical solutions.
AGL’s span covers 25 logistics and maritime agencies. 23 port and rail concessions, 66 dry ports and 2 river terminals, serviced by a workforce of over 23,000 strong and operations across 49 countries worldwide. Therefore, AGL’s reach across the globe is expansive and ensures that Africa remains well connected to the rest of the world as a hub for global cargo movement. However, to achieve its operations across such an expansive area, AGL relies on its 250 subsidiaries across Africa, Haiti and Timor which provide port, ocean, logistics and railway solutions to keep cargo moving seamlessly. These subsidiaries highlight the vital partnership and investment that AGL places across Africa to ensure import and export goods can reach even the most remote areas thanks to its expertise in cargo transhipment.
A key area for development for AGL in recent years has been in Namibia as it works to implement its port, shipping, logistics and rail networks to enhance the Namibian economy and positively contribute towards its role as a key logistics hub in Africa. For the last 14 years, AGL has been in operation
in Namibia offering innovative and complex logistic solutions to meet the needs of all sectors requiring logistic solutions for their operations. AGL’s role is to bolster the Namibian economy by ensuring that shipment in and out of the country is made seamless and is supported by its global network. This network utilises internationally recognised operations which are designed to make shipments more efficient to save time and money - in turn helping to support local and international businesses so they can grow within Africa and provide the country with even more economic development thanks to its logistics operations. Currently, logistic services in operation include clearing, forwarding, warehousing, vessel agency and husbandry, all of which have been playing a strategic role in the socio-economic development of Namibia as a whole.
Namibia’s vital location on the West African coast makes it a vital location for cargo coming into Africa, and then moving into neighbouring countries who do not have such a vital connection to the sea.
In Namibia, Port Walvis Bay is the most prominent port on the country’s coast which is responsible for handling container imports, exports, and transhipments. These include bulk and break-bulk commodities, and so AGL plays a vital role in working with key organisations within the country to help deliver this cargo to the port and take it beyond into neighbouring countries for the economic benefit of Namibia. A key organisation AGL works with in Namibia, is Namport (Namibian Port Authority), the state-owned entity responsible for overseeing the ports of Namibia and ensuring its trade meets the current and future demand of the country’s cargo and maritime sector.
Therefore, Port Walvis Bay is essential for AGL’s operations and so often works alongside Namport to facilitate state-of-the-art maritime, port and logistical solutions. All of these solutions are working towards ensuring that the port remains a vital shipment hub along the West African coast. The work to develop and maintain Namibia as a
Africa Global Logistics
hub for international trade is vital to its role under the Southern African Development Community, in which 16 countries/states come together to provide strategic expertise and organisations to strengthen the economic development, peace, security, and growth of the region to alleviate poverty and enhance the quality of life in Southern Africa.
In fact, in April this year, AGL signed a contract to manage Walvis Bay’s Multipurpose Bulk Terminal to offer local businesses and communities with opportunities to promote employment and deliver sustainable development of the country’s logistics industry. The contract was signed in the presence of Tony Stenning, regional director of South Africa for AGL and Andrew Kanime CEO of the Namport. The signing highlights the confidence of Namibia’s local authority in AGL to deliver top-of-the-range logistic and container solutions at the Multipurpose Bulk Terminal thanks to its stellar reputation across Africa.
Therefore, the signing of the contract for AGL at Port Walvis Bay highlights the company’s commitment
to delivering the best possible services throughout its warehousing and container terminal operations. However, a vital role of the Walvis Bay Multipurpose Bulk Terminal is for use by the energy, mining and industrial projects industry, as AGL will also be providing these industries with integrated services of the highest industry standards to ensure these vital sectors for Namibia are supported by a trusted and reliable shipping partner to ensure global trade remains flowing for the knock on benefits for the country.
Olivier de Noray, Director of Ports and Terminals at AGL highlighted the vital contract signing for AGL as, “We are honoured by the trust that the Namibia authorities have placed in us. Our vision is to make the Port of Walvis Bay a model of international connectivity, sustainable development and economic growth. Together, we will build a strategic hub for global trade, which will serve the prosperity of Namibia and Africa as a whole”. These comments highlight the reputation AGL has established for itself
as a vital logistics company that the authorities of Namibia can entrust with the vital job of developing the Multipurpose Bulk Terminal and bring significant economic development for the country spanning across all aspects of global trade.
Ultimately, AGL’s operations span the globe but in Africa its reputation for excellence across the shipping, transportation and logistics industry is incredibly evident. Each operation and solution is designed to deliver the best-in-class solutions for its customers, and in turn bring significant economic development for each respective region going forward. The contract awarded to AGL across Walvis Bay highlights the valuable role AGL continues to play in developing Africa as a global hub for trade, and as we look towards the next few years, we look forward to seeing how AGL continues to develop operations across the continent to bring continued
Rental Support Services
Rental Support Services, 100% Namibianowned and operated company, was founded in 2004 in Walvis Bay, Namibia. Initially established to provide shore-based logistics support to the offshore industry along Namibia’s coast, the company has significantly expanded over the years. Today, Rental Support Services caters to various industries, including Shipping, Ship Repairs, Construction, and the Oil and Gas sector in Namibia. Recently, RSS entered a joint venture with Swire Energy Services, the world’s largest supplier of DNV offshore containers, to deliver safe, cost-effective, and reliable services to the Namibian market. | +264 64 284 800 | Walvis Bay, Namibia the “Authority” in equipment rental
Kenya National Shipping Line Ltd.
The shipping industry of Kenya has seen a sharp increase in recent years with global companies utilising it as a key hub for cargo movement between Africa and other international markets. The country is home to one of the busiest ports along the East African coastline, the Port of Mombasa, which is vital for bringing cargo in and out of Kenya, and to neighbouring countries. To ensure this movement of cargo runs smoothly across international waters and within Kenya, the Kenya National Shipping Line Ltd. (KNSL) offers a vital and comprehensive shipping service which aims to bring national economic development through the facilitation of cargo on a global scale.
For over 35 years, KNSL has been a leading and reliable shipping and logistics company that services the maritime and cargo industries moving both within the African continent and across international markets. The company began in 1987 under the Companies Act, to be Kenya’s national carrier, formed through a joint venture between the Kenyan Government (via the Kenya Ports Authority) and strategic partnerships with Unimar and DEG in Germany. This joint venture set out on a mission to provide a competitive shipping and logistics service that would bolster the national economy and contribute towards its role across global shipping markets.
Pioneering Excellence In Logistics.
FOCUS CFS is a premier Container Freight Station offering toptier logistics services for cargo through the Port of Mombasa, serving East Africa. As a market leader, we specialize in handling containers, loose cargo, motor vehicles, reefer containers, export cargo, warehousing, and project cargo.
Exceeding customer expectations with our professional, efficient, and reliable services.
Today KNSL continues this mission, and in 2022, following some restructuring of its shareholders, outlined a set of strategic objectives which would enhance the shipping, clearing, forwarding, warehousing, and consolidation of cargo, as well as provide essential recruitment and placement services to seafarers. These objectives include the growth of cargo volume handled by the company to meet the increasing demand for products in Kenya and across Africa, whilst also bringing vital economic development to the region because of this. In addition, KNSL is working to enhance the efficiency of its logistics values chains, ship management and terminal operations through vital investments, as well as in partnership with local suppliers to bolster its operations across the coast. These objectives hope that with good governance and continual institutional growth, it will enhance its logistics delivery service and be the shipping line of choice for its customers. Additionally, through its crewing and manning services, its final objective is to promote and facilitate the placement of Kenya within the global maritime labour markets.
KNSL’s objectives here highlight the allencompassing role KNSL plays in supporting the shipping industry of Kenya so it can continue to function smoothly. The shipping line works closely with Kenya Ports Authority, as well as with vital logistical services across the country to ensure that the shipping line brings the vital cargo to the shores and then works with those on the ground to make the movement of this cargo to end markets seamless. Therefore, KNSL is primarily known for providing world-class shipping services catered towards the containerized and conventional cargo sector.
To move this cargo, KNSL operates an ocean freight service which works directly with its
Kenya Ports Authority:
Improved efficiency boosts performance at the Port of Mombasa
The Port of Mombasa has defied global economic challenges, compounded with heavy rains in 2023 to achieve its targets and solidify its position as the Port of choice.
One of our notable achievements was the successful commencement of night pilotage of oil tankers courtesy of the operationalization of the new Kipevu Oil Terminal (KOT). We are optimistic that the 24/7 service for oil tankers is progressively reducing ship turnaround time and attendant costs.
Additionally the Port of Lamu is steadily gaining business muscles and global recognition owing to our continued marketing efforts. Recently, the Port received its first hinterland bound cargo from World Food Programme (WFP) followed by a cruise ship and a naval ship calls. All along, the Port has been handling transshipment consignments.
We have also made strides in capacity expansion initiatives that include expansion of container handling berths, increased automation of services, acquired modern ship and cargo handling equipment and improved partnerships with key government agencies and stakeholders to enhance synergy. Acquisition of the new equipment is expected to double berth productivity and reduce ship working time.
Moreover, the procurement for the construction services of Dongo Kundu Berth 1 (DK 1) is almost complete with construction expected to commence soon. The facility is strategically important in catalyzing the development of the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone which upon completion, will not only boost the economy of the Country but, through enhanced trade, drive major business growth for Mombasa Port.
We are now back on a steady recovery path having witnessed remarkable improvement in port performance. This year, our total cargo throughput grew by 1.587 million tons or 5.1% recording 32,950,000 tons between January and
November 2023, compared with the same period in 2022. By the close of 2023, we expect to have handled 35 million tons.
Total container traffic recorded 1,470,754 TEUs in January – November 2023, which is an increase of 145,702 TEUs or 11% compared with the same period in 2022. We expect to reach 1.6 million TEUs by end of the year.
Transshipment traffic registered 177,144 TEUs in January – November 2023 which is a drop of 11% compared with the same period in 2022. However, we expect transshipment traffic to grow further due to the congestion currently being experienced in other regional ports. Transit traffic grew by 10.8% registering 10,425,000 tons in January – November 2023. The annual forecast for 2023 is expected to reach 11 million tons.
Recently we launched our five-year Strategic Plan 2023/24 – 2027/28 which provides a roadmap in furtherance of our mandate towards realizing our vision - world class ports of choice. This strategy is driven by four strategic directions: customer focus, operational excellence, business growth and good governance. We are optimistic that the initiatives that we pursue will not only positively impact on our customers’ experiences but will exceed their expectations.
According to the latest Africa Ports Productivity 2023, the Port of Mombasa is ranked second in Africa pointing to improved efficiency. This is also supported by the new shipping lines making maiden calls to the port to deliver transshipment cargo destined for other regional ports and a vote of confidence to the port.
As the Port continues to make strides in enhancing its operational capabilities, stakeholders within the maritime industry are optimistic about the prospect of sustained growth and heightened competitiveness for the Port of Mombasa
Official Authorized Dealer of Kalmar
Powerparts(K) Ltd stands at the forefront of container and industrial material handling, offering an unparalleled range of equipment and services.
As a premier supplier and maintainer of port equipment, we cater to the largest ports in East Africa, including the Kenya Ports Authority, Tanzania Ports Authority, Zanzibar Port Authority, and Société de Gestion du Terminal à Conteneurs de Doraleh (SGTD).
Our services cover all operational sections, including: • Container Terminals • Conventional Cargo Equipment • Dockyards • Forklift Sections • Mobile Plant Units
We extend our top-tier services and parts sales across East Africa, ensuring reliable repairs and availability of equipment and spare partsfor all Kalmar equipment.
We deliver comprehensive cargo handling solutions and services to: Ports and Terminals • Intermodal Terminals • Distribution Centers • Metal Industries
customers to provide integrated logistics supply chains through its agency network spanning the globe. These services look to ensure that dry bulk, liquid bulk, project and specialised cargo reaches end markets, and is moved through bunkering husbandry and protective agency services across the logistics chain to achieve the best operational efficiency possible. The comprehensive role of KNSL is known for providing intermodal solutions for forwarding - specifically designed to provide a one-stop shop for inland shipping requirements which work with local stakeholders to move cargo across the road, rail and inland waterway networks of Kenya with the help of local and international shipping networks.
However, just a few years ago it was a different scene for KNSL as it did not have its own vessels and containers to be able to compete with some of the larger shipping lines operating across the African coast. Therefore, to revive KNSL, the Kenyan government unveiled plans that would help KNSL play an even larger role in developing the Kenyan economy and expand its role across the country’s shipping industry. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the Kenyan government along
Competitive Global Shipping
with the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) outlining a plan which would see KNSL allocated cargo slots at the Port of Mombasa, and an amendment to the Merchant Shipping Act 2019 to facilitate KNSL and MSC to jointly run the port’s second container terminal (CT2). This would give both companies greater priority in their shipping lines across the main port of Kenya and highlight the valuable role they both play in delivering vital cargo to Kenya. Phase one of the CT2 project increased the port’s annual capacity to 550,000 TEU, and the second phase completed in 2022 would bring the capacity to 1 million TEUs. The MoU hoped to see the company contribute a further $3 billion annually to the economy and create 6,000 new jobs. Therefore, the government’s vital investment in KNSL through the Port of Mombasa highlights the valuable role KNSL will continue to play as the national shipping company for Kenya.
Consequently, a key aspect of KNSL’s operations is in working with the Kenya Port Authority (KPA) across the country’s most vital ports. The Port of Mombasa has continued to defy global economic challenges, and following heavy rains in 2023, was still able to achieve its targets and solidify its position as the Port
Kenya National Shipping Line Ltd.
of Choice for Kenya under KPA’s management. The Mombasa port was ranked second in the 2023 Africa Ports Productivity report, highlighting its improved efficiency and the increasing number of new shipping lines making maiden voyages to the port each year. Therefore, as a leading shipping line in operation at the port and alongside KPA, KNSL ensures that the shipping and cargo industry of Kenya remains profitable and effective to meet the growing demand for goods and highlight Kenya as a key hub for shipping activity along the East African coastline.
What sets KNSL apart from its rivals is its role in the crew and manning of seafarers to vessels throughout its agency network. Through KNSL’s network, it can pair employer and employee in mutually beneficial partnerships that will continue to benefit Kenya’s shipping industry going forward. KNSL utilises recruitment matrixes which outline the travel arrangements, visas, supply of work gear and other services to ensure that the employee is well matched to the employer, and both parties continue to be supported by KNSL to build a reliable and integrated global network.
A key part of the crew and manning division of KNSL is its work with international cruise lines and vessel management companies, who utilise the company’s global network to access a thorough and well-updated database of potential crewing
candidates which are ready for employment and deployment. Therefore, KNSL’s reputation across global cargo, cruise and vessel management networks makes it the go-to destination to find skilled employees and employers to continue to develop shipping operations across the globe. This reputation for providing only the best employers and employees further supports Kenya’s reputation as a vital shipping port within global markets which is supported by the best in the business.
Ultimately, KNSL plays a vital role in maintaining the reliable movement of cargo from overseas and into Kenya and then beyond through the company’s vital shipping network. This network works in partnership with vital stakeholders spanning local and global supply chains to ensure that Kenya’s shipping and logistic industry maintains its worldclass reputation. With the development of its crew and manning division, KNSL goes one step further and is working to pair skilled workers across the country with essential roles within its global network to highlight the skilled workforce supporting shipping in Kenya. We look forward to seeing how KNSL continues to expand its role across the shipping and maritime industry, and as it continues to position itself as a world-class company offering integrated and reliable shipping solutions to Kenya and beyond.
Barrick Gold Corporation: Mali
Barrick Gold (Barrick) has long been one of the most prolific gold and copper producers in the world, that is focused on delivering high-margin and longlife assets from across its portfolio. Throughout every development, Barrick is committed to giving back to the local communities in which it operates to ensure that all its projects continue to deliver tangible benefits and mutual prosperity for the company and the people affected by its mining operations. In Mali, Barrick has its Loulo-Gounkoto Mine Complex a key gold-producing asset, bringing continued economic prosperity to Mali and the local community.
The Loulo-Gounkoto Mine Complex, situated in western Mali, comprises two district mining permits: Loulo and Gounkoto. Both Loulo and Gounkoto are owned by Barrick (80%), with the State of Mali holding the additional 20% ownership. Production at the Loulo mine site began in 2005 and comprises an open-pit operation and two underground mines. The Gounkoto mine is an open-pit operation as well as a number of satellite deposits. Gounkoto poured its first gold in 2011 and began developments in 2020 on a new underground mine which delivered its first ore in 2021.
The combined sites make up The Loulo-Gounkoto Complex, and as of 2022 had 6.7 million ounces of proven probable gold reserves combined, which positioned Barrick Gold as one of the top 10 gold producers in the world and the biggest in terms of enterprise value in the whole of Africa. Therefore, when combined with the production at another of Barrick’s gold operations in Mali, the Morila Mine,
Investing in Mali’s Economy: The Loulo-Gounkoto
the two projects collectively contributed $9.3 billion to the Malian economy and accounted for 5-10% of the country’s GDP over the past 10 years. This highlights the significant economic impact of Barrick’s operation across the region for the last decade, providing it with the essential foundation to continue to develop towards the future.
The complex has continued to create major value for Barrick, and in March announced that over its 27-year lifetime had contributed almost $10 billion to the Malian economy, 1 billion of which was delivered in the last 12 months in the form of taxes, royalties, salaries and payments to local suppliers.
However, almost 70% of the economic benefits seen by the mine project, have been reinvested back into the country through the State. This maintains LouloGounkoto’s record as one of the country’s largest and most consistent revenue generators. However, Barrick continues to expand the development and implemented a solar field, which it announced in March, would see the commissioning of the second phase of this project to extend its output by a further 60 megawatts. This development hopes to make its operations more sustainable and bring fresh growth opportunities to the region for the next generations of mining exploration.
Love of Nature
Barrick Gold Corporation: Mali
The development of the solar field has been a key step in the sustainable development of the Loulo-Gounkoto complex and a significant milestone in Barrick’s global Green Energy Strategy. Since the commission of the power plant in 2020, it has significantly cut emissions by 57 kilotons (kt) and has led to the continued development of the plant, which directly feeds the microgrid of the mine. It is expected that the second phase of the solar field will be commissioned ahead of its planned 2024 timeline.
Throughout every aspect of Barrick’s operations, it aims to deliver value, whilst also taking the social, environmental and economic impact of its operations into consideration. It achieves this through 4 key pillars: contributing to the social and economic development of its host countries and communities, protecting the safety and health of its people, respecting human rights, and minimising its impact on the natural environment.
According to Mark Bristow, President and Chief Executive Officer of Barrick, “We continue to work
constructively towards a global resolution of our difference and finding common ground on the key issues of sharing the economic benefits of our operations without damaging the future viability of these valuable contributors to the economy”. This follows his previous comments a few months before that outlines that “In our 29 years in Mali, we have seen multiple changes in government and administration. We have worked with each of these administrations for the mutual benefit of all stakeholders and, in the spirit of partnership, we continue to invest in the extension of LouloGounkoto’s life. It is worth noting that, in line with Barrick’s policy of supporting local businesses, Malian contractors have been appointed to extend Gara West and re-open the Babotot open put where drilling has confirmed a potential high-grade extension of the mineralization structure”.
Bristow’s comments really highlight the focus throughout the Loulo-Gounkoto project on developing for the benefit of those local to its projects. By ensuring that the majority of its operations are supported by Malian contractors and suppliers, Barrick can deliver significant mining
Investing in Mali’s Economy: The Loulo-Gounkoto
resources that directly benefit the economy and citizens of Mali. In addition to this, Barrick is enhancing its sustainable development to position the Loulo-Gounkoto project as a development that is constantly evolving towards a more responsible future.
Ultimately, as a key player in the global gold and copper fields, Barrick Gold Corporation continues to develop projects that bring vital economic and social development to every region and community in which it operates. In Mali, Barrick has long been the leading gold-producing company, that is focused on delivering significant benefits for all those who interact with the Loulo-Gounkoto project. In recent years, as Barrick has moved towards the future of the project, we have seen the implementation of sustainable initiatives and developments such as the solar field, to ensure that its operations in Mali remain effective both now and for many years to come.