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THYROID NODULES: CONSENSUS & CONTROVERSY HOSSEIN GHARIB, M.D., MACP, MACE Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine; Past President, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; Past President, American Thyroid Association

This presentation includes a critical review and commentary on the recently published guidelines by the AACE (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) & ATA (American Thyroid Association), as well as, a discussion of a recent survey on management of thyroid nodules. We will GLVFXVV ULVN RI PDOLJQDQF\ DVVHVVPHQW E\ KLVWRU\ SK\VLFDO H[DP 86 XOWUDVRXQG )1$ ¿QH QHHGOH aspiration biopsy). The AACE uses a 3-tier system for US risk assessment vs a 5-tier system by ATA. We shall FRPSDUH WKH FRQYHQWLRQDO FODVV F\WRORJLF FODVVL¿FDWLRQ YV D FODVV %HWKHVGD &\WRORJLF 5HSRUWLQJ System, and their impact on nodule management. Several molecular markers are now available for use in indeterminate cytology; the guidelines differ in recommending their application. We shall discuss criteria on how to select nodules for FNA. Recently, some advocate active surveillance for nodules <1 cm with suspicious US appearance, whereas others favor performing FNA and proceeding with surgery if malignant. Follow up of benign thyroid nodule and note that thyroxine suppressive therapy is no longer recommended. Finally, we will compare the risk of cancer in solitary vs MNG and alcohol ablation for cystic lesions.


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