中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會 111年度秋季會學術研討會 日期 : 111 年 10 月 2 日 ( 星期日 ) 09:50-16:30 地點 : 台南 香格里拉飯店 (B2: Ballroom 遠東廳 ) 時間 主 題 演講者 主持人 09:20-09:50 (30 min) 報到 09:50-10:00 (10 min) Opening 致詞 黃建寧理事長、劉鳳炫理事長 10:00-10:30 (30 min) Heart failure: an underappreciated complication of diabetes: a consensus report of the ADA Prof. James Januzzi 許惠恒醫師 10:35-10:45 (10 min) Live Q&A Prof. James Januzzi 許惠恒醫師 10:45-11:25 (40 min) The hidden face of hypertensionAldosteronism Lisa 吳允升醫師 曾芬郁醫師 11:25-11:35 (10 min) Break ( 全體大合照 ) 11:35-12:40 (65 min) Meta topic Debate: blood pressure goal in patients with diabetes (< 140/90 or < 130/80 mmHg) 演講時間各 25 分鐘,15 分鐘討論。 王威傑醫師 (<140/90mmHg) 林冠宇醫師 (<130/80 mmHg) 陳榮福醫師 12:45-13:35 (50 min) 臨床新知 (I) Pfizer 地點 : 府城廳 + 安平廳 Pneumococcal Diseases Vaccination and Prevention for Diabetic Patients 林景翰醫師 楊宜瑱醫師 臨床新知 (II) GSK The New Era of Shingles Prevention – Myths and Facts 地點 : 遠東廳 杜思德 醫師 陳榮福 醫師 13:35-13:40 (5 min) Break 13:40-14:45 (65 min) Endocrine topic microPTC AS or Surgery or RFA 王舒儀醫師 李宇璇醫師 黃子晏醫師 陳思達醫師 王治元醫師 14:45-15:00 (15 min) Break GOAL 50 成果展示 黃建寧理事長、楊宜瑱秘書長 15:00-15:40 (40min) Harnessing Obesity Medicine Principles to Treat Diabetes 林思涵醫師 莊立民醫師 15:40-16:20 (40 min) Pathophysiology of Insulin Secretion Diseases Focus on ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels 林景翰醫師 張慶忠醫師 16:20-16:30 (10 min) Closing 致詞 黃建寧理事長、劉鳳炫理事長
1 理事長致詞 ........................................................................................2 會場平面圖 ........................................................................................4 主持人介紹 .........................................................................................6 演講者介紹 .......................................................................................16 Lunch symposium 摘要 ......................................................................35 目 錄 目 錄
2 理事長致詞 各位會員女士先生大家好: 歡迎大家蒞臨台南參加本兩學會所共同舉辦的 111 年度秋季學術研討 會!今年的秋季會因疫情緩和,以實體會議安排。準備精彩演講內容,讓學 員拓展新知也可溫故知新:其中糖尿病部份,我們邀請王威傑醫師、林冠宇 醫師進行 Meta topic Debate: blood pressure goal in patients with diabetes;林思 涵醫師闡述 Harnessing Obesity Medicine Principles to Treat Diabetes;臨床新 知則邀請林景翰醫師、杜思德醫師、陳榮福醫師分享疫苗注射相關訊息,另 外特別邀請 Prof. James Januzzi 連線直播主講 Heart failure: an underappreciated complication of diabetes: a consensus report of the ADA,歡迎會員踴躍提問。 因應疫情影響,這三年秋季會沒有安排旅遊,若有時間會員可自行探訪 台南,您會發現,走進古都,像是踏入一處活歷史,在全臺首學驚嘆發揚臺 灣教育之地;踏入各大廟宇探看古今信仰的傳承;漫遊古蹟運河見證文明故 事更迭,還可品嚐傳統美食饗宴……。如同臺灣文學耆老葉石濤所言『臺南 是一個適合人們作夢、幹活、戀愛、結婚、悠然過活的地方。』感謝各位會 員的參與,敬請各位會員平時在關懷病人、精進專業知識之餘,也能適時地 調整步閥,照顧自己的健康,並多與家人相處。祝福各會員身心靈健康,本 次秋季會圓滿成功。 社團法人中華民國糖尿病學會 理事長 敬上 中華民國 111 年 10 月 2 日
3 理事長致詞 各位女士先生會員們大家好: 社團法人中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會共同籌劃的秋季會今年選擇在台 南舉辦。連續三年反覆的疫情期間,大家在臨床的照顧真是辛苦了,也拜疫 情之賜,線上會議的興盛,讓我們不出門也能盡知天下事。大家對於研究的 工作也毫不懈怠,才能蘊釀出秋季會精彩的節目。不過我們也知道大家不能 出國關在家裡悶壞了,因此在疫情稍露曙光時,選擇了實體會議的進行。 這次的秋季會由糖尿病學會主辦,感謝黃建寧理事長、楊宜瑱秘書長精 心 規劃,安排了許多精彩的學術節目,包括 Professor James Januzzi 的大會 演講、林思涵醫師的主題演講及一題新陳代謝的辯論由王威傑醫師與林冠宇 副秘書長擔綱。內分泌學會則由陳維健秘書長籌劃,邀請吳允升教授擔任大 會演講、林景翰醫師主題演講,及由王舒儀理事、李宇璇副秘書長、黃子晏 醫師擔綱的內分泌辯論。演講者與主持人都是學養豐富的專家學者,討論內 容必定精彩可期,值得您的蒞臨。 最後,感謝秘書處同仁的付出、全體會員的支持、廠商對於學術活動的 不遺餘力,讓秋季會能夠順利圓滿成功。 祝大家身體健康,平安喜樂 ! 社團法人中華民國內分泌學會 理事長 敬上 中華民國 111 年 10 月 2 日
4 遠
5 Moderator 黃建寧 理事長 黃建寧 理事長 現職 Current Position 中山醫學大學 校長室 校長 中山醫學大學 醫學系 / 醫研所 教授 中山醫學大學附設醫院 內科部 主治醫師 中華民國糖尿病學會 理事長 臺中市醫師公會 理事 社團法人台灣健康服務協會 顧問 學歷 Education 中山醫學大學 醫學研究所 醫學博士 私立中山醫學院 醫學研究所 碩士 私立中山醫學院 醫學系 醫學士 經歷 Positions and Employment 中山醫學大學附設醫院 院長室 總院長 中山醫學大學 校長室 副校長 中山醫學大學 醫學研究所 所長 中山醫學大學附設醫院 醫學研究部 副院長 中山醫學大學附設醫院 內科部 主任 台灣大學醫學院附設醫院 代謝內分泌科 研究員
1. Yueh-Hsiang Huang, Szu-Tah Chen, Feng-Hsuan Liu, Yi-Hong Wu. The efficacy and safety of concentrated herbal extract granules, YH1, as an add-on medication in poorly controlled type 2 diabetes: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial. PLOS ONE 2019, Aug. 15.
2. Feng-Hsuan Liu, Deng-Huang Su, Wei-Yih Chiu, Wan-Chen Wu, Hsuan-Ju Huang, Hsin-Yu Su, Fen-Yu Tseng. Quality of the multiple-choice questions of the written tests for Endocrinology and Metabolism specialist board exams. Journal of Medical Education 2019;23:125-32.
3. Ming-Hsien Wu, Feng-Hsuan Liu, Kun-Ju Lin, Szu-Tah Chen. I-131 NP-59 scintigraphy as a useful diagnostic tool for primary aldosteronism at a medical center in North Taiwan: a retrospective study. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2019;40:568-75.
4. Chiung-Ya Chen, Szu-Tah Chen, Bie-Yu Huang, Jawl-Shan Hwang, Jen-Der Lin, Feng-Hsuan Liu. The effect of suppressive thyroxine therapy in nodular goiter in postmenopausal women and 2 year' s bone mineral density change. Endocrine Journal 2018;65:1101-9.
5. Feng-Hsuan Liu, Jawl-Shan Hwang, Chang-Fu Kuo, Yu-Shien Ko, Szu-Tah Chen, Jen-Der Lin. Subclinical hypothyroidism and metabolic risk factors association: a health examination-based study in northern Taiwan. Biomedical Journal 2018; 41:52-8.
6 劉鳳炫 理事長 現 職 林口長庚醫院新陳代謝科主任 職 稱 林口長庚醫院學術組助理教授級主治醫師 部定暨長庚大學助理教授 華民國內分泌學會理事 (2019 04~2022 03) 台灣皮質醛酮症學會理事 (2021.03~2023.02) 學 歷 私立中山醫學大學醫學系學士 資 歷 林口長庚醫院內科住院醫師 林口長庚醫院新陳代謝科研究員 林口長庚醫院新陳代謝科主治醫師 中華民國內科專科醫師 中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病專科醫師 中華民國超音波學會超音波專科醫師 經 歷 中華民國內分泌學會副秘書長 (2001 04~2010 03) 中華民國內分泌學會秘書長 (2016.04~2019.03) 台灣皮質醛酮症學會常務監事 (2019.03~2021.02) 中華民國內分泌學會理事長 (2022 03~ 至今 ) 著 作
Moderator 劉鳳炫 理事長
7 Moderator 許惠恒 醫師 許惠恒 醫師 e-mail: whhsheu@vghtpe.gov.tw;whhsheu@gmail.com 學 歷 國防醫學院醫學科學研究所 博士 臺灣大學醫療機構管理研究所 碩士 國防醫學院醫學系 醫學士 現 職 臺北榮民總醫院 師一級主治醫師 中華民國公立醫院協會 常務監事 中華民國糖尿病學會 常務監事 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會 常務監事 亞洲糖尿病學會 (AASD) 監事 國立陽明交通大學醫學系 兼任教授 國防醫學院醫學系 兼任教授 國立中興大學生命科學院 兼任教授 經 歷 臺北榮民總醫院 院長 臺中榮民總醫院 院長 世界糖尿病聯盟 (IDF) 西太平洋區 (WPR) 主席 中華民國公立醫院協會 理事長 中華民國糖尿病學會 理事長 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會 理事長 臺中榮民總醫院 副院長 臺中榮民總醫院內科部 主任 臺中榮民總醫院醫療品質暨病人安全委員會 執行長 臺中榮民總醫院教學研究部 主任 臺中榮民總醫院新陳代謝科 主任 美國史丹福大學臨床研究中心 研究員 專長及著作 糖尿病、高血脂症、血管硬化疾病、胰島素阻抗性、醫務管理 已有 478 篇刊登於國際醫學 SCI 相關雜誌期刊
8 曾芬郁 醫師 學 歷 國立台灣大學醫學系醫學士 美國哈佛大學公共衛生學院公共衛生碩士 國立台灣大學公共衛生學院公共衛生博士 國立台灣大學管理學院商學碩士 現 任 台大醫學院醫學系兼任內科教授 台大醫院內科部兼任主治醫師 台東基督教醫院內科部主治醫師 中華民國內分泌學會常務監事 經 歷 美國德州貝勒醫學院內分泌科研究員 省立台北醫院家庭醫學科主任 署立台北醫院內科部主任 臺大醫院內科部副主任、代理主任 臺大醫學院醫學系副主任、代理主任 台大醫學院共同教育及教師發展中心小班教學組組長 中華民國內分泌學會理事長、秘書長、理事 Moderator 曾芬郁 醫師
9 Moderator 陳榮福 醫師 陳榮福 醫師 高雄長庚醫院內科部主治醫師 高雄長庚醫院內分泌暨新陳代謝科專任主治醫師 曾 任 高雄長庚醫院一般內科主任 高雄長庚醫院營養治療科主任 高雄長庚醫院健康診療科主任 高雄長庚醫院內科部副部長 高雄長庚醫院內分泌暨新陳代謝科主任 中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會理事長 中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會理事 中華民國糖尿病學會理事 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會理事 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會健康檢查品質認證委員 現 任 高雄長庚醫院糖尿病中心主任 中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會常務理事 (2011 年起 ) 中華民國糖尿病學會常務理事 (2010 年起 ) 中華民國糖尿病學會降血糖工作小組召委 (2018 年起 ) 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會常務理事 (2017 年起 ) 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會學術委員會總召 (2017 年起 ) 中華民國血脂及動脈硬化學會理事 (2011 年起 ) 台灣骨鬆肌少關節防治學會常務理事 (2016 年起 ) 台灣骨鬆肌少關節防治學會學術委員會 (2016 年起 ) 台灣腦下垂體學會理事 (2017 年起 ) 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會糖尿病疾病照護品質認證委員 (2020 年起 ) 科技部研究計畫審查委員 (2005 年起 ) 高雄長庚醫院研究計畫審查委員 (2000 年起 ) 高雄長庚醫院醫學教育委員會委員 (2015 年起 ) 高雄長庚醫院醫療品質暨病人安全委員會委員 (2019 年起 ) 高雄長庚醫院院區醫師資格審查委員會委員 (2019 年起 )
論文 (5 important publications – latest sequence)
1. Chou CA, Lin CN, Chiu DTY, Chen IW , Chen ST. Tryptophan as a surrogate prognostic marker for diabetic nephropathy. J Diabetes Investig 2017 doi: 10.1111/jdi.12707
2. Hu S, Chen WC, Hwang GS, Chen ST, Kuo SB, Chen YF, Idova G, Wang SW. Changes in plasma steroids and cytokines levels in betel chewing patients in Taiwan. Steroids 111 (2016) 134–138
3. Li YR, Chen ST, Hseuh C, Chao TC, Ho TY, Lin JD. Risk factors of distant metastasis in the follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. J Formos Med Assoc. 2015 Jul 31. pii: S0929-6646(15)00239-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2015.07.002.
4. G.S. Hwang, S. Hu, Y.H. Lin, S.T. Chen, T.K. Tang, P.S. Wang, S.W. Wang. Arecoline inhibits interleukin-2 secretion in jurkat cells by decreasing the expression of alpha7nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and prostaglandin E2. J Physiol & Pharm 2013, 64, 5, 535-543
5. Chung, SY, Huang, WC, Su, CW, Lee, KW, Chi, HS, Lin, CT, Chen, ST, Huang, KM, Tsai, MS, Yu, HP and Chen, SL (2013) FoxO6 and PGC-1α form a regulatory loop in myogenic cells. Biosci. Rep. 33(3), art:e00045.doi:10.1042/BSR20130031
10 Moderator 陳思達 醫師 陳思達 醫師 學歷 高雄醫學大學醫學士 長庚大學臨床醫學研究所博士 經歷 林口長庚紀念醫院內科住院醫師 1985- 1988 林口長庚紀念醫院內分泌新陳代謝科研究員 1988- 1990 林口長庚紀念醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師 1990 迄今 林口長庚紀念醫院內分泌新陳代謝科科主任 2014 迄今 研究領域 1. 甲狀腺疾病 2. 糖尿病 3. 內分泌疾病
1982~1989 M.D. Chung-Shan Medical University, Taiwan
1999~2003 Ph.D. National Taiwan University, Taiwan (Physiology)
2005~2007 EMBA Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Current Position:
1. Deputy Director, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
2. Professor, Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
3. Attending Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital No. 7, Chung – Shan South. Road, Taipei, Taiwan 100, R.O.C.
1993~ Specialty, Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine, Taiwan
1995~ Specialist, Endocrinology and Metabolism, The Endocrinology Society and Diabetes Association of the Republic of China
2005~ Certified Diabetes Educator, Taiwan Association of Diabetes Education, Taiwan
Public Careers:
1995~1998 Secretary General, The Endocrinology Society of the Republic of China
2005~ present Education Committee, The Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, Taiwan
2007~ present Board of Directors, Endocrine Society, Taiwan
2008~ present Editor, Journal of Medical Ultrasound (West Pacific)
2010~ present Board of Directors, Taiwan Association of Diabetic Educator, Taiwan
2012~ present Executive Editor, Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan, Taiwan
2014~ 2020 Secretary General, Taiwan Association of Diabetic Educator, Taiwan
2020~ present President, Taiwan Association of Diabetic Educator, Taiwan
11 Moderator 王治元 醫師 王治元 醫師
1991-1993 Harvard Medical School
1991-1993 Joslin Diabetes Center 1995- 迄今
2007- 迄今 2015- 迄今 講座教授
2015-2022 臺大醫院內科部代謝內分泌科 科主任 2010-2012)
12 莊立民 醫師 現 任 臺大醫學院內 科特聘講座教授 臺大醫院代謝內分泌科 主治醫師 學 歷 國立臺灣大學醫學院 醫學士 國立臺灣大學臨床醫學研究所 醫學博士 經 歷
國立臺灣大學醫學院 專任副教授
國立臺灣大學醫學院 專任教授
國立臺灣大學醫學院 特聘教授
學術獎勵 中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會陳芳武教授傑出研究獎 (1987, 1988, 1998) 中華民國行政院國科會傑出研究獎 (1999~2001; 2002-2004;
第二屆有庠科技講座教授獎 ( 生技醫藥類 ) (2004) 第十六屆王民寧獎『國內醫藥研究成果對國民健康有傑出貢獻獎』(2006) 中華民國行政院國科會 95 年度績優技轉獎 (2007) 臺灣醫學會 第 100 屆總會學術演講獎 (2007) 國立臺灣大學特聘教授 (2010~ tenure) 中華民國教育部第 56 屆學術獎 [ 生物及醫農科學類科 ] (2012) 中華民國教育部第 18 屆國家講座主持人 [ 生物及醫農科學類科 ] (2015-2018) 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會第 20 屆傑出成就獎 (2015) 國立臺灣大學講座教授 (2015-2023) 科技部 106 年度傑出特約研究員獎 亞洲糖尿病學會 The Yutaka Seino Distinguished Leadership Award of the AASD (2018) 科技部未來科技突破獎 (2019) 專 長 肥胖,糖尿病,代謝症候群,分子生物學,遺傳學 學術著作 Chuang LM - Search Results - PubMed (nih.gov) Moderator 莊立民 醫師
13 張慶忠 醫師 學 歷 國立台灣大學醫科畢業,醫學士 國立台灣大學醫學院臨床醫學研究所畢業,醫學博士 經 歷 中華民國內分泌學會第 10 屆理事長 ( 民國 96 年至 99 年 ) 中華民國內分泌學會第 11 屆理事長 ( 民國 99 年至 102 年 ) 台大醫院內科主治醫師 台灣大學醫學院內科副教授 台大醫院病歷室主任 中國醫藥大學附設醫院內科部顧問主治醫師 現 職 台大醫院內科部兼任主治醫師 中國醫藥大學附設醫院內科部兼任顧問主治醫師 遠東聯合門診內科部兼任主治醫師 台灣大學醫學院內科兼任副教授 中華民國內分泌學會監事 專科醫師資格 中華民國內科專科醫師 中華民國內分泌新陳代謝科專科醫師 中華民國心臟學會專科醫師 專 長 1. 內科學、2. 內分泌學 Moderator 張慶忠 醫師
演講者介紹 中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會 111年度秋季會學術研討會
James Louis Januzzi, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.C., F.E.S.C.
Current Position
Attending physician, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Taipei City Hospital, Zongxiao branch Education
08/1984-05/1988 BA Biology College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
08/1990-05/1994 MD Medicine New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
Postdoctoral Training
07/1994-06/1995 Intern Medicine Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA
07/1995-06/1997 Assistant Resident Medicine Brigham and Women's Hospital
07/1997-06/1999 Clinical and Cardiology Massachusetts General Research Fellow Hospital, Boston, MA
07/1999-06/2000 Clinical and Cardiac Massachusetts General Hospital Research Fellow Ultrasound
Faculty Academic Appointments
06/1994-06/1997 Clinical Fellow Medicine Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
07/1997-06/2000 Clinical and Medicine, Harvard Medical School Research Fellow Cardiology
07/2000-01/2002 Instructor Medicine Harvard Medical School 01/2002-12/2006 Assistant Professor Medicine Harvard Medical School 01/2006-00/2013 Associate Professor Medicine Harvard Medical School 10/2013-Present Hutter Family Professor Medicine Harvard Medical School
Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions
07/2000-01/2004 Assistant in Medicine Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Cardiology
01/2004-06/2010 Assistant Physician Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Cardiology
06/2010-11/2016 Associate Physician Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Cardiology
05/2011-12/2015 Roman W. Desanctis Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Endowed Distinguished Cardiology Clinical Scholar in Medicine
01/2014-Present Senior Faculty Cardiometabolic Harvard Clinical Research Trials Group Institute 11/2016-Present Physician Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Cardiology James Januzzi
Speaker Prof.
17 Heart Failure: an underappreciated complication of diabetes: a consensus report of the ADA James Louis Januzzi, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.C., F.E.S.C. 近年來,隨著藥物的發展、臨床試驗的發表,各領域國際主要治療指引也持續 更新,不論是糖尿病的 ADA、心臟的 AHA/ACC、ESC、或是腎臟的 KDIGO,都 有個共通點 「個人化醫療」,對於醫師來說,其實從來都不是在治療「疾病」, 而是在治療「病人」,所以治療指引的演進也反應出這點,對於共病的照護地位逐 漸上升,以糖尿病的治療來說,在 ADA 的治療指引 2018 年開始納入心血管共病症 風險,到 2022 年已將共病、血糖評估優先於直接一線使用 metformin。而在 2022 年 6 月,ADA 與 AHA/ACC 亦聯合發表了一份針對糖尿病合併心衰竭的共識文獻。 文獻指出,糖尿病在全世界盛行率持續增加,其中合併心衰竭的患者產生非常高的 醫療負擔,平均五年會有超過一半的致死率,而心衰竭患者平均 90 天有 30% 的再 次住院率,因此如何延緩糖尿病合併心衰竭的病程以及降低患者醫療負擔至關重 要,甚至,預防重於治療,如何找出擁有心血管風險的糖尿病患者,並及早介入治 療更是治療糖尿病的醫師心中重要的課題。 Speaker Prof. James Januzzi
吳允升 醫師
Associate Professor of Internal medicine, NTUH Section of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
Vin-Cent conductes the Taiwan Primary Aldosteronism Investigation (TAIPAI) database, which is a registry about primary aldosteronism in Chinese people. This project is to improve the diagnosis of aldosteronism and aldosterone-related cardiovascular, psychosocial morbidity and mortality. I also involved in the analysis of a database of acute kidney injury in the National Taiwan University Study Group on Acute Renal Failure (NSARF) and Consortium for Acute Kidney Injury and Renal Diseases (CAKs) strive to advance high-quality care in acute kidney injury (AKI) and aspires to plunge the worldwide increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) from the perspective of AKI-CKD transition.
Honor / Award
2012 Best oral presentation of the annual meeting, Taiwan Society of Internal Medicine.
2013 Best abstract of EDTA
2014 Travel grand and best abstract of APCH, Korea
2014 Honorary Award of APCN, JAPAN
2015 Travel Award of APCH, Bali 2016 Travel Award of RAAS. Tokyo
2015 Travel grand and best abstract of APCH(Asia Pacific Congress of Hypertension),
2016 Invited speaker, 2015,1st International Congress of Chinese Nephrologists (ICCN) HK
2016 Great wall Hypertension forum Invited speaker, Xia Jaing
2016 ISH official satellite symposium RAAS 2016 Invited speaker, Tokyo,
2017 The 5th Seoul International Congress of Endocrinology and Metabolism invited speaker, Seoul 2017 Asia-Pacific adrenal bank promotors.
2017 Invited speaker,2nd Invited speaker of ICCN, Taipei.
2018 The top 10% poster of ISN frontier of Tokyo.
2018 The Deputy secretary general of Asian- Pacific AKI-CRRT 2018, Taipei (http://www.apcrrt2018.com/)
Member of KDIGO Controversies Conference on Acute Kidney Injury, ROME
2019 Chairperson of international symposium “Aldosterone and related substances in hypertension 2019 (ISARSH 2019)
2020 invite speaker of SICEM, Korea
Brief Publications [SCI] more than 230 SCI, about aldosteronism , in brief
18 Speaker 吳允升 醫師
The hidden face of hypertension- Aldosteronism Lisa 醫師
Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common secondary form of arterial hypertension, with a particularly high prevalence among patients with resistant high blood pressure. (Wu. J Hypertens. 2012). I chair the Taiwan Primary Aldosteronism Investigation (TAIPAI) group, which is the largest and comprehensive registry about primary aldosteronism all over the world. Utilizing a physician-focused approach, we designate to furnish up-dated information on the etiology, diagnosis, and the management of PA. (Wu. Ann Med. 2013). Till now, I have cared more than 2,400 PA patients.
Subclinical hypercortisolism is common in clinical aldosterone-producing adenoma patients without KCNJ5 mutation or with a relatively larger adrenal tumor. The presence of serum cortisol levels >1.5 μg/dL after 1 mg DST may be linked to a lower clinical complete success rate. (Peng, Wu, Hypertension. 2020). Aldosterone-producing adenoma patients with KCNJ5 mutations had higher left ventricle mass index (LVMI) and ieLVMI and a greater regression of LVMI and ieLVMI after adrenalectomy than those without mutations. (Chang ,Wu, Hypertension. 2021). There was 51.3% of the unilateral PA patients with classical adenoma harboring co-existent surrounding multiple aldosterone-producing nodules or micronodules (mAPN/mAPM). These patients were more likely to have hypertension-persistence after adrenalectomy. The functional signatures of adenomas showed attenuated HTR2B- mediated PLC/IP3/Ca2+ pathway. (Wu, Hypertension . 2021) Two-thirds of unilateral PA patients had concomitant mAPN/mAPM; 1/3 of uPA patients had concurrent ACS. Steroidogenic HSD3B7/CYP11B1 signaling was associated with uPA adenomas with surrounding multiple aldosterone-producing nodules or micronodules (mAPN/mAPM). (Wu et, al. Endocr Relat Cancer . 2022) PCR-based target enrichment followed by long-read sequencing is an efficient and precise approach to dissecting complex genomic regions, such as those involved in GRA mutations. (Wu, BMC Bioinformatics . 2022) Via combined cNGS and Sanger sequencing aldosterone-driver gene mutations were detected in altogether 186 of our 240 (77.5%) uPA samples in Taiwan. (Wu, Biomedicines, 2021) The ATP2B3 K416_F418delinsN mutation is a functional mutation in APA. (Wu, Cancers ,2021). The KCNJ5-G387R mutation needs to be distinguished from functional KCNJ5 mutations during genomic analysis in APA evaluation because of its functional silence. (Chueh, Wu. J Mol Endocrinol, 2021). We further demonstrated that macrolide antibiotics, roxithromycin, could not interfere the aberrant electrophysiological properties and gain-of-function aldosterone secretion induced by KCNJ5 157-159delITE mutation. (Peng, Wu. Biomedicines , 2021) Adrenalectomy was associated with lower all-cause mortality of unilateral PA patients, compared to that of EH patients. We further documented a more beneficial effect of adrenalectomy over mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist treatment on long-term mortality, major cardiovascular events, and congestive heart failure in unilateral PA patients. (We, Eur J Endocrinol. 2021) These results show the recently achievement of Taiwan Primary Aldosteronism Investigators group.
19 Speaker 吳允升 醫師
神秘的醛固酮麗莎 吳允升
20 王威傑 醫師 現 任 中山醫學大學助理教授 2019/8 迄今 中山醫學大學附設醫院內科部主治醫師 2013/2 迄今 學 歷 中山醫學大學醫學系醫學士 2000/09~2007/06 中山醫學大學博士醫學博士 2015/6~2018/6 經 歷 中山醫學大學附設醫院內科部總醫師 2010-2013 中山醫學大學附設醫院內科部住院醫師 2007/08 至 2010/7 專 長 內分泌疾病,甲狀腺疾病,糖尿病 授課科目 內分泌疾病,糖尿病 Speaker 王威傑 醫師
Blood pressure goal in diabetic patients (<140/90 mmHg)
王威傑 醫師
Hypertension is a common disease in diabetic patients, which also known as a major risk factor for both atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and microvascular complications. Several studies have shown that reducing blood pressure (BP) reduces ASCVD events, heart failure and microvascular complications. Although the benefit of BP control has been well documented in diabetic patients, however, the treatment goal of blood pressure is a matter of controversy, whether it should be lowering to <140/90 or <130/80 mmHg. Therefore, in this session, I will review the clinical evidence and benefit of BP lower than 140/90 mmHg.
Speaker 王威傑 醫師
論 文 (4 important publications – latest sequence)
1. Tung-Yen Lin, Kuan-Yu Lin, Hung-Yang Kuo, Kuo-How Huang, Chih-Yuan Wang, Yu-Lin Lin, Shyang-Rong Shih, Po-Chin Liang. Yttrium-90 Selective Internal Radiation Therapy Plus Cryoablation for Recurrent Adrenocortical Carcinoma With Liver Metastases. J Endocr Soc. 2022;6(8):bvac091
2. Shyang-Rong Shih, Kuan-Hua Chen, Kuan-Yu Lin, Pan-Chyr Yang, KuenYuan Chen, Chun-Wei Wang, Chun-Nan Chen, Chih-Feng Lin, Chia-Chi Lin. Immunotherapy in anaplastic thyroid cancer: Case series. J Formos Med Assoc. 2022 Jun;121(6):1167-1173
3. Kuan-Yu Lin, Wen-Hui Hsih, Yen-Bo Lin, Chen-Yu Wen, Tien-Jyun Chang. Update in the epidemiology, risk factors, screening, and treatment of diabetic retinopathy. J Diabetes Investig. 2021 Aug;12(8):1322-1325
4. Kuan-yu Lin, Shyang-Rong Shih, Jih-Hsiang Lee. SUN-480 An Unusual Clear Cell Carcinoma in the Thyroid. Where Is the Primary? J Endocr Soc. 2020 May 8; 4(Suppl 1): SUN-480
22 林冠宇 醫師 現 任 國立台大醫院雲林分院新陳代謝科主治醫師 學 歷 國立臺灣大學醫學系學士 1997~2014 經 歷 臺大醫院內科部住院醫師 2016~2021
Speaker 林冠宇 醫師
Blood Pressure Goal in Patients with Diabetes (<130/80 mmHg)
林冠宇 醫師
It is previously believed that the J-curve phenomenon exists, which means that cardiovascular risk increases when we treat blood pressure to the target below a certain level. However, the existence of the J curve phenomenon is questionable. Epidemiological studies suggested that SBP can be safely reduced to 100-110 mmHg without increasing cardiovascular diseases. SPRINT trial revealed that intensive treatment to SBP less than 120 mmHg reduced 27% CV endpoints and 25% all-cause death compared to standardized treatment (<140 mmHg). Most prospective RCTs did not observe any J-curve phenomenon.
In the ACCORD trial, there were no statistically significant differences in cardiovascular events between the intensive systolic blood pressure treatment group (< 120 mmHg) versus standard treatment (< 140 mmHg) in patients with type 2 diabetes. However, the result showed favorable trends towards intensive treatment, and the beneficial effects on individual outcomes were similar between the ACCORD trial and SPRINT. The exclusion of advanced age, dyslipidemia and chronic kidney diseases were important limitations to make the result of the ACCORD trial generalizable. The number of participants in the ACCORD trial may just be not enough to reach statistical power.
In a meta-analysis involving 40 large-scale randomized controlled trials, targeted blood pressure to less than 130 mmHg in patients with type 2 diabetes led to lower risk of stroke (28% risk reduction), retinopathy and albuminuria progression. Since Taiwanese population had higher stroke risk than Western population, it is reasonable to set a lower systolic BP target to 130 mmHg in patients with type 2 diabetes. This year, Lancet published an individual participantlevel data meta-analysis including 103,325 patients with type 2 diabetes. A 5 mm Hg reduction of systolic blood pressure decreased 6% risk of major cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes, irrespective of the baseline systolic blood pressure, even in normal or high-normal blood pressure values. No blood pressure threshold was found to be ineffective or harmful for the use of antihypertensive therapy. The study implies that the degree of blood pressure reduction rather than baseline blood pressure affords cardiovascular risk reduction.
Different guidelines had recommended different targets for blood pressure control in type 2 diabetes patients. In 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines and recently updated 2022 TSOC/THS guidelines, universal blood pressure targets for patients with type 2 diabetes were 130/80 mmHg, based on home BP measurement or standardized office BP. On the other hand, 2022 ADA guideline suggested BP target of 130/80 mmHg in diabetic patients with established cardiovascular diseases or 10year ASCVD risk > 15%. Until further evidence and updated guidelines developed, encouraging patients to have home BP measurement, assessing cardiovascular risk during first visit and then annually, shared decision making with individualized BP targets, and finally ensuring patients tolerability of new BP targets were very important in our clinical practice.
Speaker 林冠宇 醫師
24 王舒儀 醫師 現 職 彰化基督教醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師 中華民國內分泌學會理事 學 歷 高雄醫學大學醫學系學士 1992 ~ 1999 中山醫學大學臨床醫學研究所碩士 2013 ~ 2015 經 歷 彰化基督教醫院內科部住院醫師 1999/08 ~ 2003/06 彰化基督教醫院內分泌新陳代謝科臨床研究醫師 2003/07 ~ 2004/12 彰化基督教醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主任 2019/07 ~ 2022/06 彰化基督教醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師 2005/01 ~ 迄今 研究領域 甲狀腺癌、一般甲狀腺疾病、糖尿病 Speaker 王舒儀 醫師
Active surveillance in low risk micropapillary thyroid carcinoma
王舒儀 醫師
There is growing concern for overdiagnosis and overtreatment of small papillary thyroid cancers. Small thyroid cancer can grow slowly or not at all. Risk of thyroid surgery is low, but it is not zero. Including temporary or permanent hoarseness, hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism. Active surveillance is a safe alternative to surgery for patients with low risk microPTC. With proper patient selection and strict monitoring, more than 85% of such cases remain indolent no meaningful clinical growth over at least 10 years. Moreover, delayed intervention in patients requiring conversion surgery when needed has not led to unresectable disease or higher risk of complications. Active surveillance of low risk microPTC is a safe management offering favorable outcomes and preserves quality of life at low cost. A proper selection of candidate patients is key for the success of AS. This is based on the characteristics of the patient, tumor and medical team. Further investigation is needed regarding the impact of other factors (i.e., TSH levels, ultrasound, and molecular patterns). Effective communication between physician and patient is an essential tool to improve acceptance.
Speaker 王舒儀 醫師
1. Li, Y. H., Sheu, W. H., Chou, C. C., Lin, C. H., Cheng, Y. S., Wang, C. Y., Wu, C. L., & Lee, I. T. (2021). The Clinical Influence after Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Software for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection in the Primary Care Setting. Life (Basel, Switzerland), 11(3), 200. https://doi.org/10.3390/ life11030200
2. Li, Y. H., & Lee, I. T. (2020). Hyperthyroidism and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 are associated with a low ankle-brachial index. Scientific reports, 10(1), 17076. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-74267-7
3. Li, Y. H., Sheu, W. H., & Lee, I. T. (2020). Use of the ankle-brachial index combined with the percentage of mean arterial pressure at the ankle to improve prediction of all-cause mortality in type 2 diabetes mellitus: an observational study. Cardiovascular diabetology, 19(1), 173. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12933-020-01149-7
26 李宇璇 醫師 經 歷 台中榮民總醫院新陳代謝科主治醫師 國立陽明交通大學助理教授 學 歷 臺北醫學大學醫學系 (2010/9-2017/9) 臺北醫學大學大數據及管理研究所 (2019/9-2020/7) 台大資訊工程博士班 (2020/9-now) 論 文 (3 important publications – latest sequence)
Speaker 李宇璇 醫師
李宇璇 醫師
The efficacy of thyroid radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is well-established in benign thyroid goiters. However, thyroid RFA for thyroid cancer is still controversial. Different from thyroid RFA for benign goiters, thyroid RFA for mPTC are treated with curative intention. Ablative margins beyond the nodule are necessary, a factor that is considered during patient selection and procedure planning.
The major contraindications include presence of extrathyroidal extension, presence of cervical adenopathy, genetic basis for thyroid malignancy (eg, Cowden syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis, Carney complex), and limited visualization by ultrasound. Whether a subcapsular location of the tumor is a contraindication to ablation is debatable and depends on the experience of the operator with hydrodissection techniques. Additional concerns are raised by limited neck mobility, prior surgical scars over the area or prior radiation therapy.
Speaker 李宇璇 醫師
Education Background
2018-2022 Ph.D., Department of Biological Science and Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
2003-2010 M.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Professional Career
2011-2016 Resident, Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2016-Present Attending Physician, Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Field of Research
Thyroid surgery, Intraoperative Neuromonitoring, Head and Neck Ultrasonography, Ultrasound-guided Thyroid Ablation Procedures, Post-thyroidectomy Dysphonia, Remote Thyroid Surgery, Head and Neck Cancer and Surgery
Publications (the latest 5 articles)
1. Kuan-Lin Chiu, Ching-Feng Lien, Chih-Chun Wang, Chien-Chung Wang, Tzer-Zen Hwang, Yu-Chen Shih, Wing-Hei Viola Yu, Che-Wei Wu, Gianlorenzo Dionigi, Tzu-Yen Huang*, Feng-Yu Chiang* (2022). Intraoperative EMG recovery patterns and outcomes after RLN traction-related amplitude decrease during monitored thyroidectomy. Frontiers in endocrinology (accepted).
2. Hsin-Yi Tseng, Tzu-Yen Huang, Jia Joanna Wang, Yi-Chu Lin, I-Cheng Lu, Feng-Yu Chiang, Gianlorenzo Dionigi, Gregory W. Randolph, Che-Wei Wu* (2022). Investigation of the Electrophysiological and Thermographic Safety Parameters of Surgical Energy Devices during Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery in a Porcine Model. Journal of Visualized Experiments (accepted).
3. Hsiao-Yu Huang, Ching-Feng Lien, Chih-Chun Wang, Chien-Chung Wang, Tzer-Zen Hwang, Yu-Chen Shih, Che-Wei Wu, Gianlorenzo Dionigi, Tzu-Yen Huang*, FengYu Chiang* (2022, Jun). Necessity of Routinely Testing the Proximal and Distal Ends of Exposed Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve During Monitored Thyroidectomy. Frontiers in endocrinology, 13(923804):1-11
4. Hsin-Yi Tseng, Tzu-Yen Huang, Yi-Chu Lin, Jia Joanna Wang, How-Yun Ko, ChengHsun Chuang, I-Cheng Lu, Pi-Ying Chang, Gregory W. Randolph, Gianlorenzo Dionigi, Ning-Chia Chang*, Che-Wei Wu (2022, Jun). Safety Parameters of Quantum Molecular Resonance Devices During Thyroid Surgery: Porcine Model Using Continuous Neuromonitoring. Frontiers in endocrinology, 13(924731):1-8
5. Shih-Wei Wang , Leong-Perng Chan, Ling-Feng Wang, Che-Wei Wu, Sheng-Hsuan Lin, Tzu-Yen Huang*, Ka-Wo Lee* (2022, Feb). Secondary primary malignancy in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: 27-year experience from the perspective of diagnostic tools. PLoS One, 17(2):e026377
28 黃子晏 醫師
Speaker 黃子晏 醫師
Surgical Treatment of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma – In the Quality-of-Life era
黃子晏 醫師
With the improvement of examination tools and health awareness, an increasing number of thyroid cancers have been diagnosed, and the number of patients who require thyroid cancer surgery has also increased each year. However, because of the favorable prognosis of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) and the high patient expectations for postoperative quality of life, surgeons tend to reduce the extent of surgery (total thyroidectomy and central neck dissection) or choose alternative treatments other than surgery. Because the thyroid gland is close to recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN), external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (EBSLN) and parathyroid glands, patients often experience various degrees of postoperative dysphonia and hypocalcemia. When performing surgery is still the most effective treatment to eradicate tumors and free patients from the psychological burden of having possible cancer, surgeons should make the best efforts to reduce the incidence of surgical complications. In this presentation, we summarize standardized intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM) procedures, nearinfrared autofluorescence (NIRAF) techniques, and remote thyroid surgeries as useful tools to reduce surgical complications for PTMC treatment in the quality-of-life era.
Speaker 黃子晏 醫師
30 林思涵 醫師 現 任 2019 雲林基督教醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主任 2020 雲林基督教醫院糖尿病中心主任 2022 骨質疏鬆學會第 13 屆副秘書長 學 歷 2006 ~ 2013 台北醫學大學醫學系 2020 ~ 2022 陽明交通大學公共衛生研究所碩士 ( 流行病學組 ) 經 歷 2014 ~ 2017 彰化基督教醫院內科部住院醫師 2017 ~ 2019 彰化基督教醫院內分泌新陳代謝科總醫師 2020 糖尿病衛教人員合格證書 Speaker 林思涵 醫師
Harnessing Obesity Medicine Principles to Treat Diabetes
Obesity is a risk factor of developing prediabetes and Type 2 DM. In The Diabetes Prevention Program(DPP) and The Da Qing IGtand Study found that a 7% decrease in body weight was associated with a 58% reduction risk of diabetes. The commonalities between patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes could be useful as list individual treatment plan.
BMI increase and visceral adipose tissue increases may induce diabetic development, which lead hyperinsulinemia, reduced insulin sensitivity or increase inflammation.
A weight loss of 5% to 10% improves glycemic control, and a 20% weight loss can potentially reverse T2D. Not only glucose level and Hba1c, but also obesity factor, such like body weight, BMI, waist circumference, were treatment goal during diabetic control. Via anti-diabetic medications that benefit weight control, lower carbohydrate diet and exercise, can have a dual benefit with obesity and diabetes.
林思涵 醫師
Speaker 林思涵 醫師
1. Lin CH, Lee SY, Zhang CC, Du YF, Hung HC, Wu HT, Ou HY. 2016 Nov. Fenretinide Inhibits Macrophage Inflammatory Mediators and Controls Hypertension in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats via the Peroxisome Proliferatoractivated Receptor Gamma Pathway. Drug Des Devel Ther. 10:3591-3597.
2. Ou HY, Wu HT, Lin CH, Du YF, Hu CY, Hung HC, Wu P, Li HY, Wang SH, Chang CJ. 2017 Jul. The Hepatic Protection Effects of Hepassocin in Hyperglycemic Crisis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 102(7):2407-2415.
3. Lin CH, Lin YC, Yang SB, Chen PC. 2022 May. Carbamazepine Promotes Surface Expression of Mutant Kir6.2-A28V ATP-sensitive Potassium Channels by Modulating Golgi Retention and Autophagy. J Biol Chem. 298(5):101904.
4. Wu HT, Lin CH, Pai HL, Chen YC, Cheng KP, Kuo HY, Li CH, Ou HY. 2022 May. Sucralose, a Non-nutritive Artificial Sweetener Exacerbates High Fat Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis Through Taste Receptor Type 1 Member 3. Front Nutr. 9:823723.
32 林景翰 醫師 現 任 成大醫院內科部內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師 自 2014/08 迄今 成大醫院臨床試驗中心執行秘書 自 2018/08 迄今 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會副秘書長 自 2020/11 迄今 學 歷 成功大學臨床醫學研究所碩士在職專班碩士 自 2014/08 至 2018/02 高雄醫學大學醫學系醫學士 自 2001/09 至 2008/06 論 文 (4 important publications – latest sequence)
Speaker 林景翰 醫師
Pathophysiology of Insulin Secretion Diseases: Focus on ATPSensitive Potassium Channels
林景翰 醫師
Glucose regulates the secretion of insulin, by augmenting the action of other insulin secretagogues. Beta cells take up glucose via glucose transporters (GLUT2). The subsequent metabolism of glucose increases cellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations. Hence, closure of ATP-dependent potassium (KATP) channels in the beta cell membrane, leads to membrane depolarization and influx of calcium by opening voltage-gated calcium channels. The rise in intracellular free calcium promotes margination of the secretory granules, and release of their contents into the extracellular space.
The KATP channel is a functional complex of the sulfonylurea 1 receptor (SUR1) and an inward rectifier potassium channel subunit, Kir6.2. Mutations in either the SUR1 gene or the Kir6.2 gene lead to gain of function or loss of function. Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy is one syndrome due to persistent depolarization of cell, causing calcium influx, and release of insulin. Some proportion of neonatal diabetes have been identified with mutations in the Kir6.2 and, to a smaller extent, SUR1 genes. Insulin sensitivity can be restored under the treatment of sulfonylurea medication.
Speaker 林景翰 醫師
Lunch symposium
中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會 111年度秋季會學術研討會 12:45-13:35
2003/07/01 ~ 2005/06/31
2003/07/01 ~ 2005/06/31
2006/07/01 ~ 2013/06/31
2005/07 ~
2013/07 ~ 2022
35 Moderator 楊宜瑱 醫師 楊宜瑱 醫師 主要學歷 中山醫學大學醫學系 1991/09 ~ 1998/06 中山醫學大學醫學研究所碩士 2005/09 ~ 2007/06 中山醫學大學醫學研究所博士 2007/09 ~ 2014/07 中山醫學大學醫學系副教授 2020/07 ~ 現 職 中山醫學大學附設醫院內科部部長 經 歷 中山醫學大學附設醫院內科部住院醫師 1998/07/01 ~ 2002/06/31 中山醫學大學附設醫院內科部住院總醫師 2002/07/01 ~ 2003/06/31 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院臨床研究醫師
內科部內分泌新陳代謝科 國立台灣大學醫學院附設醫院研究醫師
內科部內分泌新陳代謝科 中山醫學大學附設醫院主任
內科部內分泌新陳代謝科 專科部分 內科專科 內分泌新陳代謝科專科 老人醫學專科
1. Lin CH, Lee SY, Zhang CC, Du YF, Hung HC, Wu HT, Ou HY. 2016 Nov. Fenretinide Inhibits Macrophage Inflammatory Mediators and Controls Hypertension in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats via the Peroxisome Proliferatoractivated Receptor Gamma Pathway. Drug Des Devel Ther. 10:3591-3597.
2. Ou HY, Wu HT, Lin CH, Du YF, Hu CY, Hung HC, Wu P, Li HY, Wang SH, Chang CJ. 2017 Jul. The Hepatic Protection Effects of Hepassocin in Hyperglycemic Crisis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 102(7):2407-2415.
3. Lin CH, Lin YC, Yang SB, Chen PC. 2022 May. Carbamazepine Promotes Surface Expression of Mutant Kir6.2-A28V ATP-sensitive Potassium Channels by Modulating Golgi Retention and Autophagy. J Biol Chem. 298(5):101904.
4. Wu HT, Lin CH, Pai HL, Chen YC, Cheng KP, Kuo HY, Li CH, Ou HY. 2022 May. Sucralose, a Non-nutritive Artificial Sweetener Exacerbates High Fat Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis Through Taste Receptor Type 1 Member 3. Front Nutr. 9:823723.
36 林景翰 醫師 現 任 成大醫院內科部內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師 自 2014/08 迄今 成大醫院臨床試驗中心執行秘書 自 2018/08 迄今 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會副秘書長 自 2020/11 迄今 學 歷 成功大學臨床醫學研究所碩士在職專班碩士 自 2014/08 至 2018/02 高雄醫學大學醫學系醫學士 自 2001/09 至 2008/06 論 文 (4 important publications – latest sequence)
Speaker 林景翰 醫師
Pneumococcal Diseases Vaccination and Prevention for Diabetic Patients
林景翰 醫師
Diabetic population have relatively poor immunity toward infection. Higher morbidity and mortality are noted among diabetic patients with pneumonia, either community-acquired or nosocomial. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most frequently isolated pathogen in cases of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) worldwide. In adults, pneumococcal disease manifests as pneumonia, meningitis, or bacteremia. Many patients experienced a worsening of existing comorbid conditions following a diagnosis of CAP.
There are currently 2 pneumococcal vaccines available for adults: conjugate vaccine and polysaccharide vaccine. Generating antibody production against most polysaccharideencapsulated bacterial infections with vaccines is a complex challenge. Either one vaccine could provide diabetic patients more protective ability against pneumococcal disease resulting from Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Speaker 林景翰 醫師
1. CH Wu1, YF Chang2,CH Chen 3,EM Lewiecki4, C Wüster5, I Reid 6, KS Tsai7, T Matsumoto8, LB Mercado-Asis9, DC Chan10, JS Hwang11, CL Cheung12,K Saag13, JK LEE14,ST Tu15,W Xia16,W YU17,YS Chung18,P Ebeling 19, A Mithal20, SL Ferrari21, C Cooper 22, GT Lin23, RS Yang24.Consensus Statement on the Use of Bone Turnover Markers for Short-Term Monitoring of Osteoporosis Treatment in the Asia-Pacific Region. J Clin Densitom. 2019 Mar 20.
2. PC Cheng1,SR Hsu1,JC Li2,CP Chen2, SC Chien2, ST Tu1,YC Cheng3,YH Liu4,JF Kuo1.lasma Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Correlates With Heart Function in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Study. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2019 Apr 11;10:234.
3. CH His, ST Tu, WH Sheu 2019 Diabetes Atlas: Achievements and challenges in diabetes care in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc. 2019 Nov(11).130-134
4. CH Chu 1, CC Hsu 2, SY Lin 3, LM Chuang 4,JS Liu 2, ST Tu 5.Trends in antidiabetic medical treatment from 2005 to 2014 in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc.2019 Nov;118 Suppl 2:S74-S82.
5. HK Sia1,2, ST Tu1, PY Liao1, KH Lin2, CT Kor3, LL Yeh4 A convenient diagnostic tool for discriminating adult-onset glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody-positive autoimmune diabetes from type 2 diabetes: a retrospective study. PeerJ. 2020 Feb.
38 杜思德 醫師 學 歷 中國醫藥大學中醫學系學士 1979.09~1986.07 經 歷 彰化基督教醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師 1992.07~ 迄今 鹿港基督教醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師 2005.07~ 迄今 鹿港基督教醫院院長 2005~2017 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會第九屆理事 2020.07 ~ 迄今 中華民國骨質疏鬆學會第十三屆理事 2021.10~ 迄今 彰化基督教醫院糖尿病健康 e 院院長 2018.10~ 迄今 漢銘醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師 2019.04~ 迄今 中華民國糖尿病學會第十五屆常務理事 2022~ 迄今 科技專長 糖尿病、甲狀腺疾病、 腦下垂體疾病、 腎上腺疾病、 副甲狀腺疾病 性腺疾病等 期刊論文
Moderator 杜思德 醫師
39 Moderator 陳榮福 醫師 陳榮福 醫師 高雄長庚醫院內科部主治醫師 高雄長庚醫院內分泌暨新陳代謝科專任主治醫師 曾 任 高雄長庚醫院一般內科主任 高雄長庚醫院營養治療科主任 高雄長庚醫院健康診療科主任 高雄長庚醫院內科部副部長 高雄長庚醫院內分泌暨新陳代謝科主任 中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會理事長 中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會理事 中華民國糖尿病學會理事 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會理事 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會健康檢查品質認證委員 現 任 高雄長庚醫院糖尿病中心主任 中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會常務理事 (2011 年起 ) 中華民國糖尿病學會常務理事 (2010 年起 ) 中華民國糖尿病學會降血糖工作小組召委 (2018 年起 ) 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會常務理事 (2017 年起 ) 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會學術委員會總召 (2017 年起 ) 中華民國血脂及動脈硬化學會理事 (2011 年起 ) 台灣骨鬆肌少關節防治學會常務理事 (2016 年起 ) 台灣骨鬆肌少關節防治學會學術委員會 (2016 年起 ) 台灣腦下垂體學會理事 (2017 年起 ) 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會糖尿病疾病照護品質認證委員 (2020 年起 ) 科技部研究計畫審查委員 (2005 年起 ) 高雄長庚醫院研究計畫審查委員 (2000 年起 ) 高雄長庚醫院醫學教育委員會委員 (2015 年起 ) 高雄長庚醫院醫療品質暨病人安全委員會委員 (2019 年起 ) 高雄長庚醫院院區醫師資格審查委員會委員 (2019 年起 )