EUA Annual Report 2012

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EUA Annual Report 2012

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

Our Mission Using our wealth of expertise and over 100 years of experience, we act to further the best interests of our members and the wider community in working towards a sustainable, secure and energy efficient future. About EUA


Founded in 1905, the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) - formerly known as SBGI - is a not-for -profit trade association that provides a leading industry voice to help shape the future policy direction within the energy and utilities sector.

Each member belongs to EUA as a whole but is principally served by one of its divisions. Full members participate in one or more member groups covering the specific industry sector(s) relevant to their business. Associate and Corporate membership is available for companies whose activities do not fall within the scope of any of those groups.

EUA has three organisational divisions - EUA Utility Networks, the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC) and the Industrial & Commercial Energy Association (ICOM). It also provides secretariat services to several other organisations within the sector.


Development of strategic partnerships across the energy and utility sector will become more important in the future as EUA seeks to maximise its influence with policymakers both within the UK and further afield.



EUA has a strong track record of working in partnership with other trade associations and professional bodies. This is most visibly demonstrated through joint organisation of major events, but close co-operation with other key players is an on-going activity, as it is vital to progressing members’ interests. Development of strategic partnerships across the energy and utility sector will become more important in the future as EUA seeks to maximise its influence with policymakers both within the UK and further afield.

Despite a challenging economic environment faced by its members, EUA delivered a financially robust performance in 2012. A balanced budget was achieved whilst investing in additional areas that strengthen EUA’s ability to support its membership.

EUA represents the interests of the energy and utilities sector to Government, statutory bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive, Ofgem and in its involvement in a variety of important Parliamentary groups. It operates across political divides, valuing access to Ministers and the Opposition alike and is increasing its presence in the regions where energy-related policy has been devolved. Resources EUA services are delivered to its three divisions by a team of experienced people with a wide range of complementary skills. Many have had extensive experience in the relevant industry sectors. As well as servicing its own membership, EUA staff also provide comprehensive services for several other trade organisations operating within the energy and utilities sector.

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

“ Our public profile is rising, backed up by our excellent technical representation, and I want this to continue throughout next year too�

Mike Foster Introduction by the Chief Executive Energy and utility issues were rarely out of the headlines in 2012. Green Deal, energy price rises, the future of gas, renewable power generation and the Energy Bill are just a few issues headlining in one month alone! Combining this with a very difficult economic backdrop in which our members operate means 2012 will not be forgotten. Last year I wrote that the future of gas as an energy source came sharply into focus. Towards the end of this year we started to get a little more clarity and certainty about its future not only as a generator of power but a provider of heat and hotwater systems. I am genuinely grateful to the many member companies that hosted my visits during the year, from gas storage facilities to contractors connecting mains gas in rural East Midlands; from gas testing facilities to boiler manufacturers, these visits help me position EUA to better serve and represent our membership. I hope to do many more such visits in 2013.

Our public profile is rising, backed up by our excellent technical representation, and I want this to continue throughout next year too. The more policy makers respect our work the more likely it is they will listen when we speak out on issues. All of what you read in this review is down to a first-class team of people who work with me at Camden House, so thanks to them and I hope you enjoy reading our 2012 Annual Report.


Carl Arntzen Introduction by the President The first task of my year as President was to chair our Annual General Meeting which unanimously agreed the name change from SBGI to Energy and Utilities Alliance. This was a culmination of an extensive consultation amongst members and stakeholders and paves the way for the organisation to really represent what our members do. As the debate around the future energy policy for the UK is becoming more critical, the EUA Board has drafted a series of position papers that clearly represent the views and interests of our Members, whilst at the same time articulating a clear position from which EUA can engage with Government on this incredibly important topic. It was a privilege to take over as President from Stuart Godfrey, and with my fellow Board members oversee the work of the Secretariat. During 2012 EUA has once again organised a series of events that have supported, informed and entertained its members. From technical seminars, to the massively popular Gas Awards Lunch and the perennially entertaining Dinner Dance, EUA and its membership has shown what is good about our industry.

I’ve no doubt it has been said before, but the strength of membership organisations like EUA is the engagement and contribution of individual members. Throughout this Annual Report you will see many examples of successful engagement in what has been a challenging economic environment to work in. So on behalf of the EUA Board, thank you for your efforts in 2012 and I look forward to working with you in 2013.

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

Utility Networks The Utility Networks Division promotes the interests of the UK energy and utility networks industry and provides a range of value-adding services to its 100 member companies. Its core services are in representation, information, provision of networking opportunities, and support to business development. 2012 saw the Division re-brand under the Energy and Utilities Alliance name. The Utility Networks Division was created in 2006 to give greater focus to its activity and reflect the new gas industry structure. In 2012, we changed to EUA, to reflect the natural evolution the Division is undergoing with our representation extending to other parts of the energy and utility industry, led by members’ wider business interests in related sectors. The Division continued to work effectively across the utility sectors as evidenced by our seminar programme during the year which embraced utility regulation, street works and utility asset management conferences.

2012 saw the Division re-brand under the Energy and Utilities Alliance name. This reflects the natural evolution the Division is undergoing with representation extending to other parts of the energy and utility industry, led by members’ wider business interests in related sectors.


Energy Policy – Unconventional fuels supporting gas beyond 2020 As the government strives to put in measures to achieve its medium to long term carbon reduction targets, it continues to review and update its thinking and views on fuels going forward. In 2012, it has committed to gas not only as a transitional fuel but as a sustaining fuel, giving confidence to investors whilst continuing to ensure that renewable sources of energy play a major role. 2012 has seen the rise in awareness of alternative fuel sources. Biogas, the subject of an EUA Position Paper in September, is produced when methane-rich gases are produced by the anaerobic decay of organic matter. Sources of biogas include landfills, sewage sludge and manure - by way of anaerobic digesters. The resulting biogas, or biomethane, generated from bio-degradable waste can be upgraded to an appropriate specification for pipeline distribution and injected into the gas grid. It is an ideal renewable, reliable and secure source of energy, delivering the potential for near-zero carbon heat. National Grid has reviewed the potential contribution of biogas to domestic heat and suggests it could support some 17% of demand (300 TWh) in 2030 (National Grid Gone Green Scenario 2011). EUA has held meetings with Parliamentarians to discuss the role of unconventional gas and this work will be further developed in coming months.

Shale gas is rapidly increasing globally as a source of natural gas. Led by new applications of hydraulic fracturing technology and horizontal drilling, development of new sources of shale gas has led to major increases in reserves, particularly in the US, and has changed the energy landscape considerably. Shale gas technology will enable the US to provide all of its own energy by 2035 (IEA World Energy Outlook 2012) and studies show there could be significant Shale gas reserves in other countries with operations commencing in Poland, China, and South Africa. In December, UK Government gave the green light for Shale gas development to progress in the UK, following suspension of fracking in the summer of 2011 while the cause of two small earthquakes in Blackpool were investigated. Responding to this news EUA recognises the role that shale gas can play in the future energy mix particularly helping to diversify supply, improve security and provide downward pressure on prices, but we do not see it as the game changer it is in the US. The Department of Energy and Climate Change commissioned the British Geological Survey to produce a detailed estimate of the UK’s reserves, the results of which are likely to be available in early 2013. EUA will continue to monitor developments to ensure that member views are represented and that any opportunities are maximised.

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

Gas Storage – An essential component of supply security... Ofgem’s Significant Code Review and its work on proposed ‘Further Interventions’ has given members of the Gas Storage Operators Group (GSOG) much food for thought during 2012. Coupled with a wide range of other commercial issues, this has resulted in the group continuing to lobby hard throughout the year. DECC’s long awaited Energy Security Strategy Paper in November said Government will now consider the case for further support for gas storage Working groups looking at SCR/Support Mechanisms, REMIT and Exit Reform have met regularly both to better understand regulatory issues and to share best practice. Islandmagee Storage (formerly Infrastrata) gained planning approval for its £400m natural gas storage facility at County Antrim. The facility, when operational will have the capability to store 500 million cubic metres of natural gas - enough to satisfy Northern Ireland’s peak demand for around 60 days - in Permian salt beds almost a mile beneath Larne Lough. The project has the potential to create around 200 construction jobs during its seven-year development, and 20-30 long-term operational posts which would provide a much needed economic boost for the East Antrim area. Further positive news came from Gateway Storage Company who received sign off from DECC on their storage development plan and Cheshire Cavity Storage in Cheshire (part of EDF Energy) which is now flowing gas.


Transmission and Distribution – Countdown to RIIO The year has been dominated by the price control reviews for both energy transmission (RIIO-T1) and gas distribution (RIIO-GD1). At the heart of RIIO lies an extensive stakeholder consultation exercise, much more extensive than in previous RPI-X reviews, and members and secretariat have devoted many hours to the numerous consultation documents. As the new price control gets ever closer – commencing in April 2013 - the Division has contributed significantly to the review of gas distribution price controls. We have met with Networks to distil relevant issues for the supply chain as well as organising stakeholder meetings at Camden House. Ofgem failed to fast-track any of the plans in October (it had been anticipated that one or two might be) and final plans were agreed on 17 December. The proposals include £8.7bn of investment to help ensure Britain’s low pressure gas networks remain safe and reliable. Following the joint Ofgem/HSE review of iron mains replacement policy, a revised 3-tier model (determined by pipe diameter) for mains replacement was accepted by the network companies; the model calls for a mix of risk and benefit/cost approaches for the different diameter classes. EUA has expressed a consistent message to regulators that safety must continue to be the primary determinant of expenditure – only then could the excellent safety record of the industry be maintained.

“ EUA has expressed a consistent message to regulators that safety must continue to be the primary determinant of expenditure – only then could the excellent safety record of the industry be maintained’’

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

Smart Metering – Only two years until mass roll-out We continued to move through the Foundation Phase of the smart metering programme with the commencement date on track for 2014 – and deployment by 2019. Some energy suppliers continued with early installation strategies, ahead of the 2014 mandated roll-out, to gain information and feedback from consumers about the smart installation experience and of course the performance of smart energy meters. DECC has also started carrying out ongoing evaluation research into public awareness, attitudes and the experience of Smart Meters which will conclude in April 2013. We continued to work closely with DECC on the Smart Metering Implementation Plan (SMIP) through representation on all senior level steering committees and the many working groups (both the secretariat and members) on all aspects of the meter specification, security requirements and all companion specifications for in home displays, Home Area Network (HAN) technology and protocols etc. 2012 has seen two of the critical path outputs for the programme produced. Firstly, following on from the 2011 hothouse sessions, SMETSv1 (Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification) was submitted to the EU in April and approved. Secondly, SMETSv2 and the various companion specs, which included considerable input from EUA members and secretariat, was completed. However although scheduled to be submitted to the EU in late December it was delayed until mid January.

The SMIP continued to evoke much media attention and EUA, along with much of the industry, have applied pressure on DECC to ensure that negative articles are swiftly corrected. Positive consumer engagement is essential for the ongoing success of the programme and EUA continues to work with the many stakeholders - manufacturers, installers, consumer groups, other trade bodies in the sector - to get both gas and electricity smart meters onto the wall effectively, safely and to the right standards. We continued to raise with Ofgem and DECC the issue of the role of the Network companies in smart deployment and whether they have made adequate contingencies in their plans. It is essential that the whole energy industry - Networks, Suppliers, DECC and Ofgem - recognise the importance of fully accommodating the Networks’ requirements in the Smart Metering Programme to ensure an efficient transition into Smart Grid. EUA has also been very active in the various working groups to ensure that the Smart Energy Code (SEC) is properly developed and governed to ensure that all industry parties are part of the governance process. This must include suppliers but also Meter Operators, Meter Asset Managers and Meter Asset Providers as without their full participation and support the programme will inevitably be less effective and more costly.


“ We continued to work closely with DECC on the Smart Metering Implementation Plan (SMIP) through representation on all senior level steering committees and the many working groups” Metering Services – Great changes to MAMCoP This year has seen the management of MAMCoP (Meter Asset Management Code of Practice) transfer from Ofgem to SPAA Ltd (SPAA Ltd is the corporate vehicle responsible for administering the Supply Point Administration Agreement - SPAA). It is fair to say that some EUA members had some concerns initially as to whether this was the correct body to manage the MAMCoP but we all agreed the management needed to change to allow MAMCoP to properly develop and change. EUA secretariat and members maintained presence at all industry meetings to represent members’ views and ensure that the appropriate foundations were laid in SPAA management processes to allow full representation by MAMs. The metering services industry experienced many changes to its practices and regulatory framework and these processes will continue throughout the Smart Metering Implementation Programme.

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

Introduction The Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC) is a division of the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA). HHIC focuses on supporting and promoting the growth of the UK domestic heating and hot water industry. This year has been a very busy period with some significant achievements from members of the team. From influencing government, Benchmark online, planning a national energy efficiency campaign, annual conference to all our technical work, we aim to deliver our members results. Green Deal – The Government’s flagship retrofit scheme

Carbon Monoxide – Why the changes?

According to Greg Barker, Climate Change Minister, the Green Deal will be the biggest home improvement programme since the Second World War shifting our draughty homes from the past to the future. The Green Deal will also have a major impact on the heating industry.

Carbon Monoxide is called the ‘silent killer’ and for good reason. New research reveals that at least 35 million people are still at risk from carbon monoxide poisoning. In many cases, this is likely to be because people mistakenly think that their smoke alarm will detect carbon monoxide.

This is why our work through political and media campaigning has established heating at the heart of the Green Deal. The government has now recognised that replacing a heating system is probably the most important trigger to stimulate a Green Deal project. During the course of the year, HHIC stepped up its political campaigning for boiler replacement cashback as part of the £200m funding to stimulate the Green Deal. One of our major achievements this year has been our successful campaigning to persuade government to bring forward the cashback scheme by a few weeks so that the struggling heating industry can get more support and market stimulus. We had already made it clear that there were sensitivities about the timing of this announcement and so further robust representations were made to DECC. These resulted in a meeting with Greg Barker at which an offer to bring forward the launch of the cashback to 4 January 2012 was agreed. We have subsequently continued to work with DECC officials on the marketing of this scheme, particularly to installers so that it can help stimulate heating sales. The government has agreed to provide instant incentives that will help consumers replace inefficient boilers just in time for those cold winter months and this will make a real difference to their energy bills. The industry is delighted that DECC has taken action following feedback from the heating industry and HHIC will use its lobbying expertise to pursue further projects in 2013.

HHIC and our industry partners are always working together to ensure that safety is paramount and that is why we have finalised the guidance to support the introduction of checks for CO on all new boiler installations. This follows concerns over a very small number of incidents in recent years involving newly installed condensing gas boilers fitted with air/ gas valves. These checks will become a recommendation from 01 April 2013 and a requirement from 01 April 2014. The guidance was presented to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and the Health & Safety Executive along with Gas Safe Register and CoGDEM. The method and timing was agreed and HHIC are working towards the implementation deadlines.


Hole in the Roof campaign The UK has one of the oldest stocks of residential buildings in Europe. The energy efficiency of these dwellings will need to be improved to reduce carbon emissions. To pursue these objectives, the government has developed and implemented a range of policies, including regulation, information and market incentives to influence people’s energy behaviour. To support raising energy efficiency awareness, HHIC launched a national campaign called Hole in the Roof. This is supported by leading environmentalist Tony Juniper, BBC’s DIY SOS Charlie Luxton, financial expert and daily newspaper columnist Jasmine Birtles, and Saga. Hole in the Roof is an innovative and quirky campaign and it will raise the awareness of energy efficiency by encouraging people to make changes in their homes that will save money, improve their living conditions and reduce greenhouse gases too. Through Hole in the Roof, HHIC’s message is that consumers can change their behaviour and stop wasting energy that is metaphorically disappearing through the roof, as well as hitting them in the pocket. The second phase of the campaign was to target MPs so that they could promote our campaign online and in the local press to help their constituents save money.

Evaluating the first few months of the campaign, we have gained much trade and online coverage. Gas Safe Register and Business Green were first to publish our campaign story and this resulted in continued interest. There was a very positive response from MPs and some tweeted, blogged and put the campaign details on their website. This resulted in some local media coverage. Using social media especially Twitter enabled our campaign message to have a Twitter Reach of 500,000. Twitter is also giving us greater website traffic to the campaigning and consumer website. We also commissioned for the first time two animations by talented animator, Adam Bailey to kick-start our campaign and create interest. These animations can be viewed on our Hole in the Roof You Tube channel. For further details about Hole in the Roof go to:

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

Greater recognition for Benchmark Benchmark is the nationally-recognised scheme that places responsibilities on both manufacturers and installers to ensure best practice in the installation, commissioning and servicing of domestic heating and hot water products in line with Building Regulations in England and Wales. We are constantly developing our scheme to build greater recognition. We now have a new operational Benchmark site. The aim of the site is to allow installers to complete the Benchmark Commissioning Checklist online. Copies of the completed checklist will be sent to both the installer and the consumer with a duplicate kept on a central database. Please visit HHIC Journal The award-winning magazine continues to be an important PR vehicle to raise our profile to a much wider pool of leading thought leaders and experts. Themes of the magazine included the topical Green Deal and Community Energy. This year contributors included, thought leader Prashant Vaze, Chief Economist at Consumer Focus, Greg Barker MP, Dr Dan van de Horst from University of Birmingham , Caroline Flint MP and Professor Ekins from UCL Energy Institute.


ICOM Energy Association is the UK’s leading trade association representing the industrial and commercial heating industry. Working with our members we strive to promote growth within the sector, representing the industry’s interests at both UK Government and European levels. Our work has been influential in securing both safe and reliable standards and regulations and promoting the benefits of improvements in energy efficiency. Integration with EUA

Standards and Regulations

The first year as a division of EUA has presented a number of challenges that has affected both commercial and domestic heating. Our integration with EUA has brought about a closer working relationship with HHIC and where issues have crossed over both domestic and commercial sectors; joint meetings have allowed us to respond with a collective voice for the total heating industry voice. Joint workshops and meetings have been held to respond to the Recast of the Gas Appliance Directive, Building Regulations 2013 consultation and Gas Quality issues.

A technical focus remains a high priority for ICOM, influencing the development of standards and regulations. 2012 has proven a particularly challenging year for our sector, especially with regards to the Building Regulations 2013 consultation which has proposed significant changes to the minimum efficiencies of commercial heating equipment, changes that can’t currently be met by the majority of product or current manufacturing capabilities. ICOM has worked hard to compile a robust and accurate response to the consultation and we are hopeful that our work will be taken into account in the published Regulations. Throughout the year we have responded to consultations on the Energy Related Products Directive Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 15 Lot 20 and Lot 21. We have fed back information to the Recast of the WEEE Directive and provided information for a number of Enhanced Capital Allowance Technology Reviews. We have continued our work on both British and European Standards groups and represented the industry at a European level through the European Heating Industry Association.

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

Dinner Dance, Hilton Birmingham Metropole, 10 February

Gas Industry Awards Lunch, Hilton Hotel, London, 9 May 2012

• Safety Award : “BEYOND ZERO” programme, M1 Corridor Alliance

The Dinner Dance 2012 was attended by over 450 guests. After enjoying the champagne reception and the sumptuous five course meal, guests were entertained by comedian Simon Evans and danced to the top band Hot Stuff. The charity raffle raised £6,000 for the Urological Fund of the Derbyshire Hospitals Charity.

The event, which was jointly organised with IGEM, was attended by over 700 senior company representatives and distinguished guests. Once again, the Awards Lunch provided a most enjoyable and effective networking opportunity.

• Company of the Year: Fusion Group

Utility Street Works, Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 26 April Organised jointly with the Energy Networks Association (ENA), this seminar gave an annual update to utility companies, contractors, Highways and Local Authorities, Government, trade bodies and other stakeholders. Transport Minister Norman Baker MP launched the Safe Dig Charter, which has been compiled by the sector to ensure safety and best practice when carrying out maintenance work on utility services for homes and businesses. 200 Years of Gas, Windmill Hotel Coventry, 26 April This year witnessed the 200th anniversary of gas. To recognise this significant occasion, EUA - together with the Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) and the Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG) - jointly hosted an event attended by over 200 delegates. Following an intensely contested golf competition, Chris Murray gave a highly amusing and entertaining presentation on the gas business whilst Cedric Brown shared his experiences of working within the industry. Companies from across the spectrum of the gas supply chain exhibited and the event concluded with Les Dawson’s memoirs from the gas industry. ICOM Annual Luncheon, RAF Club, London, 3 May Many members and their guests attended the Annual Luncheon at the RAF Club, London. The highlight of the day was a talk from the well known TV celebrity Dick Strawbridge on his career and interests as an eco-engineer.

The keynote address was given by the late Rt Hon Malcolm Wicks MP. In his last public speech, before his sad passing, his address focused on European energy security (in a world living dangerously) and he delivered a comprehensive and thought provoking speech. Looking at the challenges facing the industry he remarked on the “myriad of issues…We meet in the wake of the BP Gulf of Mexico disaster, the Fukushima nuclear reactors’ crisis in Japan, at a time when oil is again more than $100 a barrel and when shale gas is a loud new kid on the block. We also await the electricity market reform. Moreover, numerous technologies, from nuclear to renewable to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), jostle for attention….The future of gas certainly needs to be viewed against this complex and compelling backcloth”. “The geopolitics of energy insecurity will be a key theme of the 21st century”, he concluded. “This presents new challenges. There is no exact science on this, more a question of risk assessment and judgement. But the loss of relative energy self-sufficiency takes place at a time of rapid energy change and challenge”. He summed up “I believe that gas has a vital role to play well into this century, but the industry has to become a more responsible one and must therefore move fast to develop and implement science and technologies that make a difference.” Thirteen awards recognising significant achievement within the gas industry were then presented by Malcolm Wicks, IGEM President David Morgan, EUA President Carl Arntzen and the individual Award Sponsor.

• Chief Executive of the Year: Jeff Randles, Managing Director, Symonds • Customer Service Award: Wales and West Utilities • Leadership Award: Kutty Prabakaran, UK & Europe Director, Enzen Global • Energy Efficiency Award: Wirral Council – Community Insulation Scheme • Manager of the Year Award: Paul Williams, National Grid, UK Construction • Innovation Award: North London Gas Alliance • Engineer of the Year Award: John McIntosh, Scotia Gas Networks • Business Skills Award: Morrison Utility Services • Young Person’s Achievement Award: Jointly awarded to Paul Griffiths, Morrison Utility Services and Nicola Shand, Scotia Gas Networks • Climate Change Award: Skanska UK • International Business Development Award : J Murphy & Sons Data & Communications for Smart Metering, Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, 30 May This brand new addition to the calendar for 2012 shared latest news, developments, industry views and opinions on challenges in the smart metering/communications sector with senior-level representatives from utilities, telecoms and service providers. The London event examined key issues and requirements the industry is facing, including smart metering implementation, data security, data privacy, HAN and smart homes, consumer services opportunities and the evolution of data and communications services.


An Audience with Nick Winser, IBM Forum, London, 18 June

Gas Industry Awards Lunch winners

EUA held an ‘Audience with Nick Winser’ in London on 18 June 2012. Nick spoke with great candour, sharing his views and insights on issues affecting National Grid and the industry as a whole. The format of EUA’s ‘An Audience with...’ events is highly interactive and delegates took full advantage of the opportunity to raise questions on a wide range of issues. The event was hosted by IBM and chaired by Michael Valocchi, VP/ Partner- Global Energy and Utilities Industry Leader at IBM. It was attended by over 80 delegates from a wide range of companies including Ernst & Young, Morrison Utility Services, CMS Cameron McKenna LLP and AMT Sybex. Delegate feedback was extremely positive, with the overwhelming majority of delegates describing the event as either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’. Utility Regulation, Hogan Lovells, London, 28 June The eighth annual Utility Regulation seminar gave a strategic update on gas, electricity and water regulation and addressed how best to deliver sustainable investment in supplies, smarter systems, and greater reliability for stakeholders. In an open forum discussion session, delegates heard the opinions of heads of leading utility companies (Basil Scarsella, CEO, UK Power Networks; Mark Horsley, CEO, Northern Gas Networks; Stephen Kay, Managing Director, Cambridge Water; Chris Harris, Head of Retail Regulation, RWE npower; Dr Tony Balance, Director of Strategy & Regulation, Severn Trent and Tony Smith, CEO, Consumer Council for Water) on whether the UK has the right strategic direction. Utility Metering, National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham, 20 September September’s flagship Midlands based Smart Metering seminar proved as popular as ever this year. The line up of influential speakers included policy makers, senior industry executives, consumer body representatives and regulators. The event highlighted that the smart metering programme continues to make good progress as it heads towards mass roll-out from 2014. The Q&A sessions prompted some great audience participation and lively discussion.

Utility Asset Management, PwC, London, 2 October

HHIC Conference and Parliamentary Reception, London, 28 November

Sponsored and hosted by PwC this year at their fantastic London office location at More London Riverside, this event brought together asset management practitioners from water, gas and electricity sectors. Key discussion was around how an enhanced focus on consumer outcomes is affecting (and will continue to impact) the asset management of regulated utility assets. A top line up of industry speakers from Thames Water, UK Power Networks, Anglian Water, PwC, Scotia Gas Networks, EA Technology, National Grid, Southern Water, ESRI UK, GL Noble Denton, Severn Trent Water, North West Gas Alliance, British Gas Smart Homes, Saatchi & Saatchi and the Institute of Asset Management attracted over 100 delegates.

Putting Policy into Practice – HHIC Annual Conference And Parliamentary Reception.

Gas 2012, Holywell Park, Loughborough, 31 October Around 70 delegates gathered at the IMAGO conference facility in Loughborough and gained insight into the topics currently shaping the sector at this highly anticipated industry update. Tom Greatrex, Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change, provided the keynote address with views on the forthcoming Energy Bill and the UK energy mix.

The HHIC annual conference is always a popular event and presents an opportunity for members to engage with government ministers concerning recent policies that will affect their industry. The diverse selection of speakers ranged from Andrew Warren from the Association of the Conservation of Energy, discussing financial and other incentives with the Green Deal to Peter Smith from National Energy Association who explored the social dimensions of heating. The Parliamentary Reception is always well attended and this year David Thomas, Deputy Director, Green Deal Demand spoke along with Laura Sandys, PPS to Minister of State, Greg Barker. ICOM Energy Association Winter Conference, Science Museum, London, 4 December In December ICOM’s first winter conference was held at the Science Museum. Members were updated on key changes to regulations, and directives, directly from high profile government and industry officials. Both days were a great success and we look forward to similar events in 2013.

Serving the energy and utilities sector

Annual Report 2012

Utility Networks Board

Sector Groups

Distribution and Transmission Equipment


Network Engineering


Gas Storage Operators


Metering Services

Controls and Installation

Metering Technology

Low Carbon Technologies

Data & Communications Management

Mirco CHP

Member Groups

Water treatment

Merchants & Dist

Installers and Service Providers

Director (ICOM)

Director (Utility Networks)

Robert Burke

David Jones

Administrator Natalie Flay

Services Manager Vanessa Webster Services Manager Gary Cottrell Marketing & Comms Manager Caroline Taylor


Administrator Ana Ray


Management Board

Audit Commitee

HHIC Board

ICOM Board

Functional Groups

Sector Groups

Functional Groups

Marketing & Communications

Commercial Boilers

Finance & General Purposes

Industrial Boilers


Air Heaters

Radiant Heaters

Industrial Process Burners

Package Burners


Chief Executive Mike Foster Events & Projects Manager Claire Pitt Campaign Manager Jo Preston Business Development Manager Anne Holz Administrator / Receptionist Susanne Shepherd Facilities Manager Alan Chambers Accounts Manager Sue Houghton Deputy Accounts Manager Sarah Smith Deputy Accounts Manager (Maternity cover) Margaret Clarke Accounts Administrator Jenny Dewar

Deputy Chief Executive & Director (HHIC)

Deputy Director (HHIC)

Roger Webb

Chris Yates

Communications Manager Jodie Wiltshire Membership Services Manager Isaac Occhipinti Administrator Natalie Flay

Technical Manager Glyn Thomas

Thank you to all our members...

A O Smith Water Products Company BV, A.C.Wilgar Ltd, ACV UK Ltd, Adey Professional Heating Solutions, Advanced Combustion Engineering Ltd, Aeon International Ltd, Alcatel Lucent, Alpha Therm Ltd, Altecnic Ltd, AmbiRad Ltd, AMEC Group Limited, Anton Industrial Services, Ariston Thermo UK Ltd, Arqiva, Atag Heating Ltd, Atmos Heating Systems, AVK UK Ltd, Axiom Metering Ltd, Babcock Wanson UK Ltd, Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions, Baxi Commercial Division, BDR Group Ltd, Be Modern Group, BES Ltd, BFM, BG Group plc, BGE Ltd (Bord Gais Eirann), Bglobal Metering Ltd, Biasi UK Ltd, Bosch Thermotechnology UK Ltd, Bowbros Ltd, BPEC Services Ltd, British Gas, Broag Ltd, Bureau Veritas, Burley Appliances Ltd, ByBox, Calor Gas Ltd, Calvin Asset Managment, Capita Symonds Ltd, Carillion Energy Services, Carillion Utility Services, Centrica Storage, CEVA Logistics Limited, Charlton & Jenrick Ltd, Cheshire Cavity Storage Group Ltd, Clancy Docwra Limited, Clyde Energy Solutions Ltd, CNG Services Ltd, Cochran Ltd, Crane Ltd t/a WASK, Crosslee plc, Crystal Fires, D I UK Limited, Daikin Airconditioning UK Ltd, Delta Energy & Environment, Denholm Pipecare Ltd, Develop Training Ltd, DHL Exel Supply Chain, Dimplex UK Ltd, DNV KEMA Ltd, Domestic & General Group plc, Domestic Water Treatment Association (DWTA), Drain Center, E.ON Energy Solutions, E.on ENT, E.ON Gas Storage UK Ltd, Ecoflame, Ecuity Consulting LLP, EDF Energy Customer Field Services, EDF Trading Gas Storage Limited, Electralink, Electric Heating Company, ELEXON, Elster Metering, Encore Personnel, Energetix Genlec Ltd, Energy Assets Ltd (was Pulse 24), Energy Technology & Control Ltd, Enertek International Ltd, Engage Consulting, Eni Uk Ltd, Enterprise plc, Enzen Global Ltd, EOGB Energy Products Ltd, Fabdec, Fernox, Cookson Electronics, Ferranti Computer Systems, Ferroli Ltd, Fiorentini UK Limited, Fondital Helpline UK, Fulcrum , Fusion Provida Limited, Future Energy Group, G P Burners (CIB) Ltd, G4S Utility Services Ltd, Gas Contract Services Ltd, Gas Fired Products Ltd, Gas Measurement Instruments Ltd, GASTEC at CRE Ltd, Gateway Storage Company Ltd, GAZCO Ltd, Generis Technology Ltd, Gentrack, George Fischer Sales Limited, George Wilson Industries Limited, GL Noble Denton, Glowarm Central Heating Ltd, GPS, Grafton Group, Graham Group plc, Grant Engineering(UK) Ltd, Grundfos Pumps A/S, Gtc, Halite Energy Group, Hamworthy Combustion Engineering Ltd, Hamworthy Heating Ltd, Harvey Water Softeners, HeatSol Technology Ltd, HETAS Ltd, Hewlett Packard, Honeywell, ACS Control Products, Hot Water Association, Hoval Ltd, Humbly Grove Energy Ltd, Ideal Heating Ltd, IE-CHP (UK Eire) Ltd, INEOS Enterprises Ltd, InstaHeat & Plumbing Ltd, Intergas Heating Ltd, Islandmagee Storage Ltd, Itron Metering Solutions, J Murphy & Sons, Johnson & Starley Ltd, Kamco Ltd, Kane International Ltd, King Street Energy, Kingsley Plastics Ltd, Landis+Gyr, Lettergold Water Treatment Solutions LLP, Lightsout Computer Services, Lochinvar Ltd, Logic Certification, Lomax Training Services Ltd, Lowri Beck Services Ltd, Mechline Developments Ltd, MHG Heating Ltd, MHS Boilers Ltd, Mikrofill Systems Ltd, Morgan Lambert Ltd, Morland Utilities Ltd, Morrision Utility Services, Myson Radiators, NAPIT, National Grid, NIBE Energy Systems, Northern Energy Connections Ltd, Northern Gas Networks Ltd, npower Home Team, nrg2, Nu-Flame, Nu-way (Enertech Ltd), OFTEC, P N Daly Limited, Pektron plc, Pentair Thermal Management, PLCS Limited, Power Plus Communications AG, Powrmatic Limited, Providor, PTS Plumbing & Heating Supplies, Pump House Pumps Ltd, Radiant Bruciatori Spa, Radius Systems Ltd, Rangemaster, Ravenheat Manufacturing Ltd, Rhead Group Ltd, Riello Ltd, Rinnai UK Ltd, Roberts Gordon Europe Ltd, SARCO Stopper Ltd, Schwank Ltd, ScottishPower Energy Management Ltd, Secure Meters, Sensus Conservation Solutions, Sentinel Performance Solutions Ltd, Serck Controls Ltd, SHBV Ltd, Siemens Metering, Communications & Services, Sime Ltd, Simply Marcomms Ltd (SMPR), SIT Controls Ltd, Solar Trade Association, Spirotech, Squire Energy Ltd, SSE Hornsea Ltd, Statoil, Stokvis Industrial Boilers (International) Ltd, Storengy, Strebel Ltd, Sustainable Power Ltd, Syddal Engineering Limited, Synthotech Special Products Limited, TACMA, Teddington Controls, Thermoserv Ltd, Tuffentech Services Ltd, UKLPG, Vaillant Group UK Ltd, Veolia Water Outsourcing Ltd, Viessmann Ltd, Vokera Limited, Weishaupt (UK) Ltd, Widney Leisure Ltd, Wilcock Consulting, WINGAS Storage UK Ltd, Wolseley Centres Ltd



Utility Networks


Telephone Number: +44 (0)1926 513777

Telephone Number: +44 (0)1926 513747

Telephone Number: +44 (0)1926 513765

Telephone Number: +44 (0)7920 496677

Fax Number: +44 (0)1926 511923

Fax Number: +44 (0)1926 855017

Fax Number: +44 (0)1926 857474





EUA AR2012 ED002

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