April 2020

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APRIL 2020


In this issue Boilers & Burners Building Energy Management Systems CPD Module: Data Centre Management Compressed Air

The future of heating Boilers or heat pumps?

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Beyond building control Getting more from a BEMS

Compressed air systems Top tips to boost efficiency

03/04/2020 11:06

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Intelligent cooling. No cold drafts. # $ # " #" # $# ! # ! !"% # cool without any cold drafts. It provides intelligent home % # ! !"%#% $#%!#$ "%# ! %"! $#% %# %#%!# your personal preferences, automatically maintaining optimal conditions.


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

The front panel opens, and Fast Cooling mode cools the room # "! # !" "#%!# !" "

The set temperature is reached in Fast Cooling mode, and the front panel closes.

Wind-Free™ mode spreads fresh air uniformly through thousands of micro-holes.

Wind-Free™ Cooling

Smart Operation

Energy Efficiency

Wind-Free™ Cooling technology uses thousands of micro-holes to disperse fresh air evenly without having residents experience any unpleasant blasts of cold wind. In Wind-Free™ mode air is spread softly and silently, creating a ‘Still Air’ environment1 that provides residents total well-being during day and night.

AI Auto Comfort2 introduces you to an intelligent way of living. It analyses your room conditions and usage patterns3, and then automatically adjusts the temperature. Temperatures can also be managed remotely using the SmartThings App4. Turning it on and off, selecting the cooling mode or scheduling its operation is just one touch away.

Samsung’s compressor with Digital Inverter Boost technology helps you to save on energy consumption. &%$#$%"! # ! # %$# # # "# " $ # # # !! # # % ! %# $% # " # # # " % ! $# # ! $ # $#%!# # # # cooling, the compressor optimises power usage which allows to minimise energy consumption.


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APRIL 2020


In this issue Boilers & Burners Building Energy Management Systems CPD Module: Data Centre Management Compressed Air

The future of heating Boilers or heat pumps?

Beyond building control Getting more from a BEMS

Compressed air systems Top tips to boost efficiency

EIBI_0420_001(T).indd 1

03/04/2020 11:06

APRIL 2020

Contents 29





Boilers & Burners Where are the opportunities to decarbonise heating and what are other considerations that help us to achieve this target? Andrew Dabin takes a look at the future Safety Integrity Level (SIL) is a topic that comes up with increasing regularity. Martin Thirsk explains why it is needed (12) Mark Ferris outlines the key three areas to be addressed if condensing boilers are to remain a product suitable for use in modern heating systems (13)


Winner of the Performance Champion accolade at this year’s CIBSE Building Performance Awards was The Engine Shed. Sara Kassam explains how a BEMS contributes to sustainability (28) Choosing the right BEMS can make the difference between saving many thousands of pounds. Adrian Barber examines why there are more agile options to the traditional system (29)

30 Compressed Air

New series of commercial boilers launched while a Dorset school sees benefits from heating system upgrade (14)

Compressed air is essential for so many sectors. Marius Breusers outlines how those operating compressed air systems can enhance the efficiency of their installation

Building Energy Management Systems

Although not yet popular in the UK heat recovery from compressed air systems holds huge potential for energy savings. Alexander Pavlov explains how energy managers can take advantage (31)

Are organisations overcomplicating energy monitoring ? Pete Burbidge, explains how to keep things simple There is a growing awareness that the quality of the air we breathe has an impact on our health, says Ian Ellis (26)

33 Smart Buildings

Making buildings as smart as they can be is not an easy process, says Michael Kirkland.

REGULARS 06 News Update A new digital tool for UK businesses to report energy; US bill would make massive savings in energy; Minister backs zero-carbon homes in five years

09 The Warren Report For many organisations it was merely a box-ticking exercise. So what more needs to be done to make ESOS the game changer many hoped it could be?

17 The Fundamental Series: CPD Learning Adetunji Lawal takes a look at how the burgeoning use of energy in

data centres can be effectively controlled

21 View from the Top Gareth Davies and David Cox examine the potential value of distribution system operators and how to keep costs low as we move towards a flexible electricity system

22 ESTA Viewpoint Two Prime Ministers, Extinction Rebellion, Brexit, and now lockdown. Mervyn Pilley looks back at the highs and lows of his first year at the helm of ESTA

23 New Products New to the market this month are a heat recovery ventilation unit developed for classrooms as well as software to offer programless configuration of lighting systems

32 Products in Action Among the energy-saving products at work are an innovative air conditioning system at a London hotel, and variable speed drives at a Durham sixth form college

34 Talking Heads Dan Shields has successfully made waves in the telecoms industry. Now he’s hoping that his technology can shake up facilities management, as he explained to EiBI

Follow us, ‘like us’ or visit us online to keep up to date with all the latest energy news and events www.eibi.co.uk APRIL 2020 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | 03

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06/04/2020 17:02

Editor’s Opinion

Follow us on @ twitter.com/energyzine and twitter.com/markthrower1

A chance for change



The EiBI Team Editorial

uring the last couple of weeks of

their noisy, busy selves. And air quality will probably

lockdown I have ventured out in the early

deteriorate. But many companies will re-evaluate the

evening for my state-approved exercise.

way they work and reduce office space by allowing

Managing Editor Mark Thrower tel: 01483 452854 Email: editor@eibi.co.uk Address: P. O. Box 825, Guildford GU4 8WQ

The main roads have been eerily quiet

employees to work from home. And none of us want


air quality to deteriorate again.

Sales Managers Chris Evans tel: 01889 577222 fax: 01889 579177 Email: chris@eibi.co.uk Address: 16-18 Hawkesyard Hall, Armitage Park, Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1PU

and fellow walkers very thin on the ground. But get away from streets and houses and the most notable

Throughout the crisis energy managers will

thing is how much easier it is to hear bird song. And

have been preparing for full or partial shutdowns,

with the plummeting use of transport the improved air

considering what equipment can be turned off

quality has received much attention.

completely or what the need for heating and lighting

Many of the policies and projects that were at

might be. But there will be many companies out there

the top of the agenda even a few short weeks ago

who will have made no provision for managing their

now seem second-order concerns, compared to the

energy use. Offices and production facilities may

twin priorities of getting through the crisis and then

have been standing idle for many weeks but still

recovering as best we can.

consuming energy unnecessarily. Once businesses are

Millions of us are now confined to their homes,

back up and running energy managers will have the

resorting to teleworking to do their jobs, e-commerce

chance to make a strong case for energy management

sites to do their shopping, and streaming video

technologies. Now may be a good opportunity to

platforms to find entertainment. A reliable electricity

prepare the ground for future discussions. .

supply underpins all of these services, as well as

Let’s hope that there is a change of attitude once

Russ Jackson tel: 01704 501090 fax: 01704 531090 Email: russ@eibi.co.uk Address: Argyle Business Centre, 8 Leicester Street, Southport, Lancashire PR9 0EZ Nathan Wood tel 01525 716 143 fax 01525 715 316 Email nathan@eibi.co.uk Address: 1b, Station Square Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 1DP

powering the devices most of us take for granted such

we emerge from this crisis that leads to a greater

as fridges, washing machines and light bulbs. The UK’s

appreciation of not only the energy we depend on but

collective weekly energy bills for domestic users are

also the benefits on the natural world of using energy

likely to be up to £52m higher now than in 2019, as

more wisely.

Sharon Nutter Tel: 01889 577222 Email: classified@eibi.co.uk



Mark Thrower

Sue Bethell Tel: 01889 577222 Email: circulation@eibi.co.uk

around 16.8m people are working from home. Of course, when this crisis has passed most things may return to normal and the roads will return to

Classified sales

Administration/ production Fran Critchlow Tel: 01889 577222 Email: info@eibi.co.uk

THIS MONTH’S COVER STORY ENGIE has signed an agreement with Heathrow Airport to replace natural gas with 100 per cent green biomethane from anaerobic digestion to all meter points, across all terminals until March 2022. This agreement builds on an existing partnership where ENGIE has been supplying biomethane to Heathrow’s Energy Centre, as well as natural gas to other areas. The agreement represents the largest forward green gas contract ever signed by ENGIE. In addition, Heathrow Airport has the option to purchase more green gas if their requirements exceed the estimated consumption over the contract period. See page 7 for more details Cover photo courtesy of ENGIE

Publishing Directors Chris Evans Russ Jackson Magazine Designer Tim Plummer For overseas readers or UK readers not qualifying for a free copy, annual subscription rates are £85 UK; £105 Europe airmail; £120 RoW. Single copies £10 each. Published by: Pinede Publishing Ltd 16-18 Hawkesyard Hall, Armitage Park, Nr. Rugeley, Staffordshire WS15 1PU ISSN 0969 885X This issue includes photographs provided and paid for by suppliers

Printed by Precision Colour Printing Origination by Design and Media Solutions ABC Audited Circulation Jan-Dec 2019 12,175


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06/04/2020 18:36

EIBI_0420_002-0 Edit_Layout 1 07/04/2020 11:29 Page 5

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news update For all the latest news stories visit www.eibi.co.uk

Project to assess old housing stock The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) has appointed Professor Ken Gibb, director of the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence, to lead a 12-month demonstration project evaluating the energy and carbon reduction secured by a high-quality Enerphit retrofit of an eight-property, pre-1919 tenement block in Glasgow. The property had previously been privately rented. The project forms a key part of the SFC’s new Climate Emergency Collaboration Challenge. Critical to this project will be assessing the scalability and replicability of the lessons learned for Glasgow’s wider pre-1919 tenement stock. According to Gibb, “The timing of the call is closely related to the climate emergency stance of the Scottish Government but also, of course, the United Nations COP26 conference which is due to take place in Glasgow in November.” The project is aiming to raise the energy efficiency of the property to an EnerPhit standard, a recognised PassivHaus refurbishment standard. The project will evaluate its replicability and feasibility for other models of older tenements. First, Gibb will undertake an assessment of the building performance, carbon and thermal efficiency changes brought on by the retrofit. Potential energy savings of 75 per cent have already been identified. This will be followed by an assessment of the project from a finance and public policy perspective, focusing on the costs and benefits of the demonstration project. Then, Gibb will consider the scalability and replicability of the project, linking this to new and emerging models of delivering and funding retrofit of older tenements. Finally will come a major programme of knowledge exchange and dissemination to different landlords, consumers, and policy makers. Professor Gibb said: “The research project is an ambitious and multi-dimensional, multidisciplinary one. It is an exciting opportunity to work on something that can make a genuine difference.”


Easier route to carbon reporting A new digital tool will make it easier and more convenient for businesses to comply with energy and carbon reporting rules. Businesses can now digitally report such data in the same way as financial information. The Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) taxonomy allows businesses to report their energy and carbon data when they file digital accounts with Companies House. SECR now covers almost 12,000 UK businesses. The taxonomy has been developed by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in collaboration with Companies House and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). It enables businesses to report information in XBRL, a format already used by many companies submitting accounts, but this is the first time it has been utilised to capture environmental data in annual reports. SECR legislation, which came into force on 1 April 2019, requires all

large UK companies and large LLPs, as well as other quoted companies, to report on their annual energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, detailing all energy efficiency actions they have taken. Other businesses can also include the disclosures on a voluntary basis. Companies House and the FRC are responsible for ensuring businesses comply with the SECR reporting requirements. Director of Digital at Companies House, Ross Maude said: “This is a fantastic example of

cross-government working to deliver a digital service that addresses an important issue. Understanding the role businesses have in reducing energy and carbon emissions is central to delivering the UK’s ambition to reach net zero carbon by 2050. Through effective collaboration, we can make it easier for businesses to play their part.” Project director for taxonomies at the FRC, Jennifer Guest, said: “Enabling companies to file their SECR reports digitally within their annual financial report is an important step in improving transparency of companies’ energy reporting.” Companies that fail to comply with the new SECR requirements may have to resubmit their annual company accounts to Companies House, or pay fines if missing filing deadlines. Failure to file confirmation statements or accounts is a criminal offence which can result in directors being fined personally in the criminal courts.

Waste heat from Underground to heat homes Waste heat from the London Underground network is now capable of providing heating and hot water to more than 1,350 homes, a school and two leisure centres in Islington thanks to a recently opened pioneering energy centre. The Bunhill 2 Energy Centre – the first of its kind in the world – provides a blueprint for decarbonising heat in potential future schemes in London and around the world, reducing heating bills and carbon emissions while improving air quality and making cities more selfsufficient in energy. The new energy centre uses state-of-the-art technology on the site of the disused City Road underground station that commuters have not seen for almost 100 years. During the winter months, a fan in the ventilation shaft extracts warm air from the tube which travels over a series of water-filled pipes, heating the water inside by a few degrees. The water temperature is then increased to about 80oC using heat pumps, which is suitable for domestic and commercial central heating systems. The fan also has the potential to operate in reverse to supply cooler air to the Tube tunnels during the summer months. The hot water is pumped around a network of insulated underground pipes, and the heat is again transferred to communal heating system loops on housing estates using heat exchangers. The heating bills for council tenants connected to the network will be cut by 10 per cent compared to other communal heating systems, which themselves cost around half as much as standalone systems heating

individual homes. The nearby Moreland Primary School is the first school to be connected to the network, which already serves the pool and facilities at Ironmonger Row Baths and Finsbury Leisure Centre. The remains of the station, once known as City Road, have been transformed to house a huge underground fan which extracts warm air from the Northern line tunnels below. The warm air is used to heat water that is then pumped to buildings in the neighbourhood through a new 1.5km network of underground pipes.


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06/04/2020 11:51

news update For all the latest news stories visit www.eibi.co.uk



Zero-carbon homes ‘in five years’ “Zero-carbon homes should be built as standard in England within the next five years, as we learn again how our built and natural environments can work in harmony,” Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick has said, as he welcomed the findings of a government-appointed commission into the future of housing. The Secretary of State’s comments came in response to the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission’s final report. The Commission’s role has been to focus upon health, well-being and sustainable growth. It has made a series of recommendations for realising the government’s ambition to build 1m new homes by the end of the current Parliament. The Commission has called for a new ‘fast track for beauty rule’ for local authorities, to ensure speedier planning approval for developers that create proposals for well-designed, more energy-efficient buildings. They also suggested levying zeroor low-VAT on work to improve the energy performance of existing

buildings, and said communities should have greater say over local developments, with planning authorities encouraged to prioritise projects which are future-proofed and enhance adaptability for potential future uses. “The greenest building is one that is already built,” the report states, joining the chorus of campaigners urging the government to come forward with more ambitious plans to support green upgrades to the current building stock. Jenrick welcomed the Commission’s findings, to which the government plans to issue a full

response “ in due course”, and stressed that “beautiful, high-quality homes must become the norm, not the exception”. He also signalled his interest in the Commission’s recommendations for implementing a ‘fast track for beauty’ standard, and building net zero homes. “I want to see zero carbon homes being built as standard within five years as we learn again how our built and natural environments can work in harmony,” he said. The built environment currently accounts for around 40 per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. The government has promised to introduce a Future Homes Standard that would ensure all new homes are built without fossil fuel heating from 2025. Initial improvements to parts L and F of the building regulations will be issued in December. However, Ministers are facing criticism for failing to mobilise increased investment in energy efficiency upgrade programmes for existing homes.

Biomethane to be used to heat Heathrow ENGIE has signed an agreement with Heathrow Airport to replace natural gas with 100 per cent green biomethane from anaerobic digestion to all meter points, across all terminals until March 2022. This agreement builds on an existing partnership where ENGIE has been supplying biomethane to Heathrow’s Energy Centre, as well as natural gas to other areas. The biomethane is certified under the Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGOs) Scheme as being wholly derived from anaerobic digestion. The agreement represents the largest forward green gas contract ever signed by ENGIE. In addition, Heathrow Airport has the option to purchase more green gas if their requirements exceed the estimated consumption over the contract period. The biomethane will be injected into the grid by a number of producers using a variety of different feedstocks – all within the UK – delivering a number of

Huge need for chargers by 2035 Up to 40,000 chargers would need to be installed per month between now and 2035 for every motorist without private parking to have access to a dedicated charger, according to a new report from EV charging company Connected Kerb. However, the report states that a more realistic measure would be one charger for every four of these motorists, requiring 10,000 chargers to be installed per month within that time frame. This is dramatically contrasted by the number of EV chargers installed at the end of 2019, which Connected Kerb said was standing at 19,000.

EV charging network sold Vattenfall has continued refocusing its business in the UK, with the sale of its electric vehicle (EV) charging network to Statkraft. The move follows the company’s announcement that it was selling its supply side business, iSupply Energy, to EDF. It is looking to invest in developing its core UK businesses: renewable power generation, heating, B2B sales and distribution, said the company.

New president for controls body

benefits to Heathrow and the wider environment. These include reduced carbon emissions compared to natural gas, support for local biomethane production sites and support for wildlife at these sites. In addition, as the gas is produced in the UK, this supports UK energy resilience with accredited and traceable guarantees of origin and reduces Heathrow’s reliance on traditional routes for energy sourcing. Matt Gorman, Heathrow’s director

of sustainability, said: “The UK aviation industry has made a firm commitment to get to net zero by 2050, at the very latest. On our journey to rapidly decarbonise every aspect of the industry, we are proud to be partnering with ENGIE to significantly remove carbon from our gas supply, a move that has also helped us to gain carbon neutral status. We urge other companies to join us in making the switch.”

The Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) has announced Terry Sharp as its new President. Sharp takes over from Jon Belfield who has held the role for the past two years. Sharp has worked in the controls industry for over 35 years and is an associate at NDA Consulting, the specialist BEMS and energy consultancy practice. His previous experience includes UK and European leadership roles at Johnson Controls, Sontay and Satchwell Control Systems. After re-joining the BCIA management committee in 2017 Sharp was appointed vice-president of the BCIA in January 2019. APRIL 2020 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | 07

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06/04/2020 14:53

news update For all the latest news stories visit www.eibi.co.uk

UK’s carbon footprint falls 21% The UK’s total carbon footprint used to cover consumption-related emissions wherever in the world they occur - fell by 21 per cent between 2007 and 2017, new Government data has revealed. In order for GHG emissions to be classed as consumption-related, they must be either directly attributable to UK households; generated by the value chain of UK-produced goods and services used by UK residents; or embedded in the value chain of imported goods and services that were ultimately used in the UK. The data reveals that the national carbon footprint stood at 772m tonnes of CO2e in 2017, down 21 per cent from the 2007 peak of 977m tonnes and down 9 per cent from 1997, when the current series of records began. Defra analysts broadly attribute this trend to the decarbonisation of energy used to manufacture products; the ongoing shift to service-based models; and efficiency improvements. On a shorter-term basis, the report also documents a 3 per cent year-on-year reduction in the UK’s carbon footprint from 2016 to 2017. According to Defra, this is in line with the year-on-year trends throughout the rest of the decade and is largely the result in reduced domestic travel, and of the use of renewable electricity by UK manufacturers. As well as providing a broad overview, the report breaks down trends in emissions from each of the three sources classed as consumption-related. Emissions generated by the value chain of UK-produced goods and services used by UK residents fell by almost one-third (31 per cent) between 1997 and 2017, as businesses invested in energy efficiency, resource efficiency and renewable energy. But emissions directly attributable to UK housing stagnated. Every year since 1997, they have stood at between 140 and 160m tonnes of CO2e. While the UK’s housing stock has grown over this 20-year period, green groups including the Government’s own Committee on Climate Change (CCC) have repeatedly pointed out that policy action surrounding energy efficiency and low-carbon heat for homes has not been ambitious enough to meet key climate targets.


US bill would cut energy bills by $51bn A pending bipartisan energy efficiency bill would over time cut carbon dioxide emissions by an amount equal to removing all cars and light trucks from US roads for a year, according to analysis presented to the US Congress by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act would cut energy bills by $51bn, save 32 quadrillion BTU of energy, and avoid 1.3bn tons of carbon dioxide emissions cumulatively for measures by 2050. The bill was approved by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee with bipartisan support. Chairman Lisa Murkowski (above) has confirmed she is preparing a package of energy-related bills that have

advanced through her committee for a full Senate vote. The bill, introduced in an updated form last year, is supported by a host of business associations and energy efficiency leaders. The analysis shows that the bill’s provisions on building energy regulations would have by far the largest energy-saving impact.

These provisions would direct the Department of Energy to work with states, Indian tribes, local governments, code and standards developers, and others through a rule making process to develop energy savings targets for model building energy codes. The Department would also assist state adoption of these codes and implement a new grant programme to help homebuilders, contractors, trades, code officials and others to cost-effectively implement updated codes. States and localities would continue to decide which codes to adopt. “ This would be the biggest cut of energy waste from any new federal law in a decade,” said ACEEE senior policy advisor, Lowell Ungar.

Sustainable offices ‘can offer higher rents’ The latest research from Jones Lang LaSalle has revealed the tangible financial benefits that sustainable office buildings can deliver to investors through a combination of higher rents and stronger leasing velocity. The report, The impact of sustainability on value, also demonstrates the growing occupier demand for sustainable offices in central London that will need to be met in the next decade. JLL has looked forward to the next wave of office development and the strong impetus for it to deliver net zero carbon buildings. On this basis, JLL has calculated that the next wave of office development and major refurbishment will need to accommodate at least 744,000m2

of highly sustainable demand from occupiers across central London by 2030. This demand assessment for central London office stock is based on the space currently occupied by companies which have signed

up to science based targets (1.11m/ m2) who have lease events before 2030, clearly demonstrating the increasing demand and need for highly sustainable buildings within central London. The research also identified demand from companies signing up to net zero carbon commitments, who currently occupy over 140,000m2 of space across central London. JLL’s research found that, based on historical leasing activity, the future development and redevelopment pipeline of offices incorporating sustainability would deliver tangible financial benefits for developers in addition to strong levels of demand.

ECO measures increase, but still way below peak Figures from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) show nearly 220,000 energy efficiency measures were installed through the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and the Green Deal framework in 2019 - a 5 per cent year-on-year increase. However, installations remain well below the peak of nearly 800,000 in 2014. As of December, around 2.8m measures had been installed in 2.1m properties, mostly through ECO. For its third phase beginning in

2018, ECO was refocused on tackling fuel poverty, meaning all of the 221,800 measures installed last year were delivered through the Affordable Warmth strand of the scheme. Installations were concentrated towards the North West and North East, central Scotland and parts of the West Midlands and Wales. By the end of the year, BEIS said 70 per cent of properties with a cavity wall (14.1m) had cavity wall insulation, two-thirds of those with a loft (16.4m) had the relevant insulation and so did

9 per cent of those with solid walls (764,000). There was a sharp rise in the number of new boilers being fitted under ECO. They accounted for 30 per cent of installations during the year – up from 16 per cent in 2018. Cavity wall insulation, which was previously the most common measure, saw its share of installations drop from 38 per cent to 19 per cent. The second most common – solid wall insulation – fell from 19 per cent to 12 per cent.


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06/04/2020 14:54


04.20 Andrew Warren is chairman of the British Energy Efficiency Federation

The slow route to changing the game For many organisations it was merely a box-ticking exercise. So what more needs to be done to make ESOS the game changer many hoped it could be?


hen the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) was launched, I headlined my column: “Is this a game changer, or is it just the same old game?” Now two rounds of the scheme have been completed, I think sufficient evidence is emerging that enables that question to be answered. Involvement with ESOS makes it mandatory for all larger enterprises both private and non-profit - to have a detailed energy audit covering every aspect of its activities. The first set of audits had to be completed by December 2015. But ESOS was deliberately designed not to be a oneoff, box-ticking exercise. The requirement is that such audits must be repeated every four years. So the second round was completed last December - and the third round is due before the end of 2023. The philosophy behind the repetition is simple. It is not only that pertinent technologies, and techniques, change radically across a four-year period. Legislators had obviously learned from the foolishness of building audits (the Energy Performance Certificate) being valid for an entire decade. It is also that an energy audit, like a financial audit, should be undertaken regularly, so that the information used is as up-to-date as possible. This is for the benefit both of management and all other stakeholders in the enterprise. Incidentally, the continuing use of the word “enterprise” in this context is deliberate, and not just an apparent literalistic translation from the French

word for business; ESOS originated from requirements to comply with Article 8 of the 2012 European Energy Efficiency Directive. Because while the scheme does apply to every single business employing more than 250 people or turning over above £250m a year, it also covers the entire “third sector” as well. Any not-for-profits or charities that fulfil these two characteristics must comply.

Drive the take-up of energy efficiency measures ESOS was launched by then Climate Change Minister Greg (now Lord) Barker. He christened it the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme, because he maintained that implementing it “will help drive the take-up of cost-effective energy efficiency measures by participants.” Doing so would, he argued, be “benefitting their competitiveness and contributing to the wider growth agenda.” Barker stated that an average larger enterprise taking up identified recommendations from energy-saving assessments could, by investing £15,000 per year in measures, enjoy lower annual bills of £56,400. The potential benefits to the economy were estimated to be up to £3bn in Net Present Value between 2015 and 2030. Subsequently, the Government set a target in its 2017 Clean Growth Strategy to reduce corporate energy use by 20 per cent by 2030. The Energy and Clean Growth Minister, Kwasi Kwarteng, is now saying that reaching the 2030 goal could save firms as much as £6bn a year in costs, while also reducing CO2 by 22m tonnes, roughly equal to the annual emissions of 4.6m cars. “Evidence shows that reporting energy use saves businesses on their bills, can boost productivity, and attract increasingly green-minded customers by showing they are committed to fighting climate change,” he states. His department has undertaken detailed evaluations of the actual impact of ESOS activities to date. The aim has been to understand how effectively it is being implemented, how both enterprises and auditors are responding to it (503 separate interviews have been undertaken), and to reveal any unexpected burdens and costs. It is clear that the benefits of ESOS have usually been as

‘There are undoubtedly some enterprises that have prospered from implementing their audit recommendations’

part of a larger programme of energy efficiency action: only 6 per cent of enterprises reported that they had undertaken any investment entirely because of the audits. But 38 per cent maintained that the audit had led to some energy efficiency investment. Critically, over one-quarter (29 per cent) reckoned that a more comprehensive investment package had been undertaken stimulated at least in part by ESOS. Of these, the investments most attributed to ESOS were in processrelated measures (48 per cent) and lighting (46 per cent). Internal admin costs are proving on the whole rather lower than anticipated. But external survey costs soared for those who waited until the last few weeks before final December deadlines to comply: supply and demand in action! One of the main criticisms of ESOS has been the lack of compulsion to implement a single one of the recommendations made. The fact remains that the majority of participants still seem to be ignoring all information. That said, those that are opting to comply just by signing up with ISO 50001 are finding that this international scheme certainly now mandates recommended investments. But many second-time-round auditors were seeking explanations as to why their predecessors’ recommendations - all will have been cost-effective - have been ignored. After all, that is precisely what financial auditors require. Equally, there really should be greater transparency with the audit. Perhaps with recognition and prizes for those who deliver the greatest (audited) savings? So is ESOS the “game changer” Greg Barker claimed it would be? Set in isolation, a truthful answer would have today to be rather negative. Too many still regard it as simply a bureaucratic burden. But there are undoubtedly some enterprises that have really prospered from implementing their audit recommendations. I really do think that with purposeful implementation co-ordinated with other related public policy initiatives - together with serious compliance checking - the ESOS may yet eventually merit that proud “game-checking” epithet.  APRIL 2020 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | 09

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03/04/2020 17:05

Boilers & Burners

Andrew Dabin is product manager for Hamworthy Heating

For further information on Hamworthy Heating visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 125

What will heating look like? Where are the opportunities to decarbonise heating and what are other considerations that help us to achieve this ambitious target? Andrew Dabin takes a look at how heating may look in the future


ithout a doubt, our industry has to change to deliver the ambitious goals set by the Government. Heat pumps are high on the agenda especially after the Government announced natural gas boilers should not be installed in new builds after 2025. Hydrogen also has a great buzz and is gaining momentum within the industry to become a viable alternative in the future. We need to find ways to decarbonise our heating systems. One of the obvious solutions is looking at assets we already have, such as our gas network, and see what we can do to reduce the carbon emissions that are being produced when gas is burnt. One of the options to replace natural gas in our gas network is hydrogen. The only byproduct of the combustion process is water, which would therefore be delivering decarbonised energy. What we need to work on is finding a cost-effective way to produce hydrogen. While the element is found everywhere on our planet, to make it into a usable form for us to heat our buildings is a different matter. It can, however, be gained from a diversity of sources. Critics say that hydrogen production can be CO2 intense via methods such as Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) in which natural gas is converted. However, processes using renewable electricity such as electrolysis from water is the promising future of carbon-neutral hydrogen production. While not using 100 per cent hydrogen, there are already tests carried out using a natural gas hydrogen mix such as in the HyDeploy programme at Keele University in Staffordshire. Natural gas and hydrogen (up to 20 per cent) are blended and run in a private gas network (in the first stage) to provide evidence that this mixture can run in current cooking or heating appliances. Furthermore, there are currently

Trials of a natural gas and hydrogen mix are underway at Keele University in Staffordshire

works underway to replace pipes in the gas network to make it ready for hydrogen use. For us as manufacturers, it is about developing appliances that can deal with both, natural gas and hydrogen. The challenge is to make all new appliances hydrogen compatible, so we can switch them from natural gas to hydrogen at a later point. We’re working with industry bodies on hydrogen feasibility.

Heat pumps a key technology Heat pumps are one of the key technologies that have been identified to help achieve carbon reduction targets. Groupe Atlantic – the parent company that Hamworthy belongs to – already has heat pumps in

its portfolio. While they are a promising technology for the future and especially for new builds, they are not without their own requirements which, if not addressed, will cause issues with some customers. F gases are used as refrigerants in heat pumps which have different regulations to natural gas or LPG. They also have a high global warming potential and need to be handled with care throughout their lifespan. Additionally, our industry already suffers from a skills gap. It requires upskilling engineers and the facilities to conduct the training. The same will be needed for hydrogen which will also have a skills gap. Funding needs to start to generate the infrastructure

required. So, decarbonising does not come without additional cost and other potential risks. Furthermore, it is easier to deploy heat pumps in new properties where they can be considered during the building design stage. If they are a retrofit option (most commercial projects) the rest of the existing heating system needs looking at. Due to different system temperatures, heat pumps require bigger radiators which equates to higher costs for the consumer when they are being replaced. Good insulation in an existing building is also vital to achieve advertised efficiencies of heat pumps. A hybrid heat pump option (in combination with a gas boiler) can be the solution. A smart heat pump system where the heat pump is linked up to a gas boiler network can then bring the best savings. With all the talk about ‘electrifying’ and ‘decarbonising’ heating, we shouldn’t forget to look at where we’re losing heat: in our buildings. The lowest carbon heat we can achieve is the one we don’t need in the first place. The Future Homes Consultation 2025 ended in February and we would hope that any future legislation which will result from this consultation will consider the impact of the building fabric on energy use as a priority. Our homes and businesses need to be adequately insulated and ventilated to offer an energy-efficient and healthy environment. For the foreseeable future, we can make use of renewable energy, such as from photovoltaic and store the energy in batteries to use it when no solar energy is present. More hot water cylinders should be charged during the day with (renewable) electricity or solar thermal panels. Other options include heat pump water heaters, phase change material to preheat water and even forms of heat recovery are starting to take their place in the big scheme of things. 


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Boilers & Burners For further information on Energy Technology and Control visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 127

Measure the impact Safety Integrity Level (SIL) is a topic that comes up regularly when discussing the development of safety-critical systems. Martin Thirsk, explains why it is needed


afety Integrity Levels (SILs) are a measure of the impact that a Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) has over the risk associated with a specific hazard. The higher the SIL level is, the more efficient that function will be at reducing the risk it mitigates. In other words, SIL can be seen as an indicator of the acceptable failure rate for a security function. SIL rating is a fundamental parameter to consider when comparing products; it is also an increasingly important requirement in various public and private tender invitations for the supply of mechanical systems and electrical and electronic products. SIL standards, developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), focus on functional safety. IEC standards define four SILs - 1 to 4 - a SIL is determined on the base of both quantitative and qualitative factors based on several methods used in combination, these include risk matrix, risk graphs and Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA). The higher the SIL, the more serious the potential impact of a failure is,

therefore the lower the acceptable failure rate is. SIL certification, within a given system, depends on multiple factors, these include: • type of technologies; • system architecture; • number of system components; • probability of failure on demand (PFD) of each component; and • diagnostic test intervals. A product with SIL certification is deemed “suitable for use within a given SIL environment”; in this

way the entire system is taken into account.

Increase T-proof test time It is worth noting that a device suitable for use in SIL 3 may be redundant if placed in a SIL 2 environment. However, using a product with a SIL level higher than requested can be useful as it automatically increases the T-proof test time intervals up to 10 times. T-proof test time refers to the periodic interval between two proof

Martin Thirsk is managing director of Energy Technology and Control

tests. If reduced, for example from two years to one year, SIL capability can be improved and hidden failures can be detected faster. SIL 3 is one of the SILs defined by the IEC 61508 standard. SIL 3 is defined by a risk reduction factor of 1.000 – 10.000 of failure on demand and 10-8 – 10-7 for probability of failure per hour. It is a quantitative assessment of the acceptable failure level for a security function. The SIL of a Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) in a Safety Instrumented System (SIS) is based on a number of methods such as Safety Layer Matrix (SLM), Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA) or Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). The above methods take into account the types of accident that can occur, their probability, the way they are related and their consequences in terms of cost. The recommended SIL level is therefore the appropriate level for the risks that your organisation faces. If SIL 3 is deemed the appropriate SIL, it means that SIL 3 is the minimum integrity level that can reduce the risk - that is, the cost per unit of time - associated with a particular hazard to an acceptable level. SIL 3 is not designed to give a rating of a specific device, but of the function that a device (or a set of devices) performs. Evaluating the cost of a safety function is a difficult task. You need to be mindful that it is not just the upfront cost of implementing it, but also the cost associated with the risk that it mitigates. Implementing and maintaining SIL 3 will incur additional operating costs, it requires a specific skill set to be developed within the operating team and devices rated for SIL 3 use can be more expensive. Therefore, SIL 3 is only recommended under critical and specific circumstances. However, the cost of not implementing the appropriate SIL significantly outweighs the cost of implementing it. SIL 3 is recommended only under special circumstances. Nevertheless, where it is deemed appropriate, SIL 3 is critical to ensuring the adequate safety of an operation. If you would like further clarification speak to Energy Technology and Control. 


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Mark Ferris is specification manager at ELCO Heating Solutions

Boilers & Burners For further information on ELCO Heating Solutions visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 126

The heat exchanger, burner and controls are the three areas that need careful consideration when specifying a commercial condensing boiler

Fit for the future

Mark Ferris outlines the key three areas to be addressed if condensing boilers are to remain a product suitable for use in modern heating systems


hoosing a commercial condensing boiler as the main heat source for a system has been the custom for two or more decades. In recent years, there has also been wider integration with sustainable technology, such as heat pumps and combined heat and power (CHP). Yet regardless of how a commercial boiler is utilised, there are key areas to be addressed to ensure they remain a product fit for the future. There are three main areas relating to a commercial condensing boiler that need careful consideration when specifying a unit for a modern heating system: the heat exchanger, the burner, and controls. Starting with the heat exchanger, the construction material is crucial – and is usually a choice between aluminium and stainless steel; cast iron having been the common choice for decades. Each material has its pros and cons, but it is their ability to maintain efficiencies throughout the lifecycle of a boiler that should be the principle criterion. Cast iron is incredibly durable and offers good heat transfer, but it is not suitable for prolonged periods

of condensation, which limits its place in today’s heating systems and its ability to adapt to the needs of modern standards. Aluminium once again offers high thermal conductivity and a lightweight construction. However, the acidic nature of combustion bi-products (with a pH of 5 for natural gas) can affect it over time and damage the casting details, while any pH range outside 4-9 removes its protective alumina layer, allowing heavy corrosion of the heat exchanger to take place.

Stainless steel limitations Stainless steel versions also have their limitations, including higher production costs and additional fabrication and machining. However, where they more than make up any economic penalty is their resistance to corrosion during the lifetime of a boiler. This is thanks to an extremely thin passive chromium oxide layer, which does not react with or influence other materials and is self-renewing. So, if it is damaged, more chromium from the steel is exposed to the air and it forms a new protective layer. Stainless steel also has a higher tensile strength than aluminium,

‘The construction material of the heat exchanger is crucial’ allowing for thinner heat exchanger walls, which counters any reduced thermal conductivity concerns. Moving the focus to burner types, it is important to realise the influences this component has on a boiler; namely both the combustion and thermal efficiencies. The combustion efficiency relates to the optimum balance of air to fuel in the combustion process and is a measure of how effectively the energy from a fuel is transferred into useable heat. Thermal efficiency, on the other hand, relates to the thermal transfer of energy contained in the fuel to the water in the boiler. Atmospheric boilers, for example, are poor performers in both categories, and can also be difficult to modulate. Forced draught burners show an improvement in the efficiency stakes and offer a degree of turndown on larger units. However, premix burners offer the

most advancements, delivering reliable, quiet and efficient combustion with minimal heat lost through the flue system, while maintaining these advantages down to typically 25 per cent of full boiler output. It’s worth noting too that a well-designed premix burner will stop the flame temperature from rising to excessive levels; this helps to keep NOx emissions in check, allowing for additional benefits to the client and to the atmosphere. The third element to ensure best use of commercial boilers is an effective controls strategy, which is especially important when considering the heating load on most buildings is less than 15 per cent for majority of the heating season (CIBSE AM14). With this in mind, it’s imperative to have control systems that are capable of managing the demand. There are two main types of multiple boiler control: step control (where individual boilers are switched on or off to match the demand, so that the minimum number of boilers are operating) and unison control (where the load is shared between the maximum number of boilers). So how can specifying condensing commercial boilers with the most suitable components influence system design? After all, simply because a unit can deliver extremely high efficiencies over the heating season, there is no guarantee that it will! To a large extent, this is dictated by thoughtful system design and, importantly, proper commissioning of the entire system. One of the most important aspects is to design the system to utilise the lowest practical flow and return temperatures, as well as find ways to maintain a wide system delta T at all times to be assured of consistent low return temperatures for maximum boiler condensing potential and, subsequently, optimum efficiency. Designing a commercial heating system with condensing boilers that offers the best energy efficiencies over its lifetime is not always an easy task. Nevertheless, by carefully considering the heat exchanger material, burner type and controls strategy during specification, delivering a successful system design can be confidently assured – plus keep the UK on its path to a low carbon, low greenhouse gas future. 


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Boilers & Burners

For further information on products and services visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter the appropriate online enquiry number

Boilers form part of complete heating system replacement Remeha condensing boilers have been installed at Corfe Hills School in Broadstone, Dorset, as part of a complete heating replacement scheme, due to their proven robust reliability and high performance. Following a successful Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) grant bidding, the school undertook a full heating upgrade to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the heating system. The refurbishment presented a number of challenges due to the works needing to be carried out with minimum disruption within a live school environment, limited project timescales and space restrictions within the plant room. Project consultants Smith Consult specified two Remeha Gas 610 Eco Pro 6-section condensing boilers to serve space heating throughout the main part of the school via a mixture of radiators and fan convector heaters. Steve Preston, projects director at Accolade Building Services Ltd, the appointed contractors, said: “The Remeha boilers met all the project requirements

and were selected for their high efficiency, compact design, ease of installation and, more importantly, their known reliability.� The Remeha Gas 310/610 Eco Pro range has been specially designed for improved ease of installation.

Its compact dimensions and ability to be installed side-to-side in a modular arrangement provide extended, flexible, space-saving design options. Where access is restricted, this boiler model can be dismantled into parts, for reassembly once inside the plant room. Preston continued: “The installation went very smoothly. As the Gas 610 Eco Pro boilers are provided with integrated wheels, this allowed the plant to be manoeuvred into position relatively effortlessly without the need for specialist movement equipment. Given the budget and time constraints on this project, this was a huge benefit.� Accolate Building Services have installed Remeha floor standing condensing boilers on numerous school heating refurbishment projects over the years. “As usual the Remeha process was seamless from procurement through to commissioning,� added Preston. ONLINE ENQUIRY 128

New boiler range with integrated zone management ATAG Commercial has launched the QR Series of boilers replacing the existing Q Series range. The new units have a stainless steel heat exchanger, a new burner control unit with LCD display, builtin pump and an integrated zone management system for up to three central heating zones. In addition, each boiler benefits from multiple cascade configurations, as well as numerous flue options suitable for a wide range of applications. There are four models of system boiler in the new QR Series range, beginning with the Q25SR, which offers outputs of 4.4-25kW. The Q38SR has outputs of 6.1-38kW, while the Q51SR is

capable of 8.8-51kW. Finally, the Q60SR can achieve outputs of 8.8-60kW. For light commercial applications, system models can be fitted in cascade, with up to eight units on a rig combining to offer an impressive output up to 500kW. Complementing these units are three combi boilers, with the Q25CR offering outputs of 6.1-25kW for central heating and DHW. The Q38CR can achieve 6.1-38kW for both heating and hot water, while the range is completed by the Q51CR, which boasts outputs of 8.8-51kW. The introduction of the new, built-in LMS controller removes the need for an additional, external control. The


new device features a backlit display and easy to use push buttons and control dial. It also has two OpenTherm connections and allows for up to three mixed or unmixed central heating zones, each of which can be independently controlled. Another innovation sees the nonreturn valve now built in to every unit as standard, so it no longer has to be added to the flue. This allows the boilers to be linked into a communal flue using either a twin or concentric system. It also reduces costs, as installers no longer need to purchase the valve separately. In addition, all QR Series boilers have a special adaptor allowing them to be joined to an

existing cascade arrangement, making the units easy to install as part of a retrofit or replacement project. ONLINE ENQUIRY 129

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Environmentally responsible, low cost heating: Vitocal 200/222-A

One of the quietest monobloc units of its kind thanks to Advanced Acoustic Design Heating and cooling with a single appliance thanks to reversible circuit Up to 40% CO2 and 20% fuel saving compared to a gas condensing boiler Energy efficiency class: A++ / A (Type 221.A04: A+ / A) Internet-enabled with Vitoconnect (accessory) and free ViCare App Easy to operate Vitotronic control unit with plain text and graphic display No minimum distances between indoor and outdoor unit High DHW convenience thanks to 220-l integral DHW cylinder (222-A) For more information please see www.viessmann.co.uk/vitocal222

Viessmann Limited Hortonwood 30, Telford, TF1 7YP Telephone: 01952 675000 E-Mail: info-uk@viessmann.com

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Transformer Technology

For further information on Wilson Power Solutions visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 136

Decarbonisation more important than ever amidst Covid-19 crisis


he World Health Organization has declared Covid-19 a global pandemic and many countries have opted for total lockdown in an attempt to beat the virus. It is becoming clear that the resilience of the energy sector is vital to support everyone in such crises. Energy will be affected in three major ways: surge of demand; shift of demand; and global recession. It is unclear yet how electricity topology will look like, but grids need to be prepared to adapt from generation onto distribution. Hospitals and medical clinics are operating on full capacity. This might even extend to using new facilities as medical centres to increase the number of beds available for patients that need extensive care. Some manufacturers have had to increase their production capacity to cater for bulk buying.

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All this causes a surge of demand in some sectors over others. Similarly, we will see a shift in demand as more people work from home or self-isolate. The new curve of electricity consumption over the course of a day might be different than usual. Instead of using shared heating systems in offices and classrooms, people will start heating their homes separately. Communication will shift from physical meetings to online and will need more electricity at different times than usual. With the global recession, decarbonisation and energy efficiency should be at the heart of every conversation. In the UK, we can no longer ignore the fact that most electricity distribution transformers in use nowadays were manufactured in the 1950s. With the Ultra-Low Loss Amorphous Transformer technology from Wilson Power Solutions, energy waste of these transformers can be reduced by 60 per cent. Wasting electricity and money can no longer be justified in the times of a crisis given that the technology to stop that has already been rolled out a decade ago and has proven to be effective.

“ Energy in Buildings and Industry and the Energy Institute are delighted to have teamed up to bring you this Continuing Professional Development initiative ” MARK THROWER MANAGING EDITOR


Energy-efficient data centres By Adetunji Lawal, Associate at BSSEC


n 2019, over 57 per cent of the world’s population had internet access. With 4.3bn active internet users an enormous volume of internet activity occurs daily. In a second, 63,000 searches are conducted by internet users on Google, accounting for 90 per cent of the search engine market worldwide. Our internet activity is made possible by millions of servers worldwide, much of which are housed in data centres, best described as warehouses of racks containing servers and computer systems through which our online activity flows. Data centres are one of the most energy-intensive building types, consuming 10 to 50 times the energy per floor area of a typical commercial office building1. Global data centre electricity demand in 2018 was an estimated 200TWh of electricity, or almost 1 per cent of global final electricity demand2. As the world becomes increasingly digitalised, data centres and data transmission networks are emerging as an important source of energy demand. Maintaining uptime is a core deliverable for data centre operators, sometimes leading to a desire for reliability over energy efficiency. To meet the carbon reduction target of governments, energy efficiency in data centres must become a core objective. This presents considerable difficulties in ensuring that energy-efficient operation is considered and maintained. In an ideal world, all data centres would be new with the most up-todate equipment. They would be designed to maximise free cooling, be fully monitored and controlled and have integrated renewable energy installations. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Establishing a data centre’s energy efficiency is a key first step towards reducing power consumption and related energy costs. PUE (power usage effectiveness) is a widely used metric that provides a basic guide to the energy efficiency of a data centre. PUE was published in 2016 as a global standard under ISO/IEC 30134-2:2016. Power usage effectiveness is the ratio of total energy used by a data centre facility (IT load, cooling, lighting, security, electrical systems), to the energy delivered to computing equipment (IT load). An ideal PUE is 1.0.

plant can achieve a PUE as low as 1.2, while the UK average is approximately 1.8. However, older data centres should be able to attain a PUE of 1.4 by adopting best practice measures. The key to energy efficient operation is to understand what type of equipment you have, how and when it operates, the operating parameters and how you manage environmental conditions to maintain the equipment’s performance. Implementing a robust energy audit can identify where energy is being used, how the environment is being managed and how energy can be saved. An energy audit survey methodology should include: • a review of IT and HVAC installations including emergency back-up; • failed assets replacement policy;

PUE = Total Facility Energy (kWh) IT Equipment Energy (kWh) New data centres with the latest high-efficiency power and cooling Table 1 : Efficiency Inefficient


Definition Old plant or poorly managed



Mix of old and new plant with some best practice



Well managed using best practice

Very Efficient


Newly built with high efficiency plant

Some PUE figures have been suggested as indicative of performance levels3

Produced in Association with


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03/04/2020 16:57


• equipment arrangement, rack location, size, obstructions such as columns; • the existing cooling and ventilation arrangement. Is there an existing hot/ cold aisle arrangement? • investigate conflicting hot/ cold separation such as wrongly positioned floor grilles, cold-on-cold or hot-on-hot installations; • configuration of Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC); • aisle width, ceiling heights, obstructions, floor plenum depths; • lighting types (LED preferred), positions and switching; • fire detection and suppressions systems; • review energy use data, policies, procedures and guidance; • check control operating setpoints; and • review electrical distribution infrastructure such as utility feeds, transformers, to PDUs, to racks, with a view to reducing loses. A basic package of metering, monitoring and control should include: • total facility power; • facility environmental controls setting; • security; and • IT rooms, racks and specific equipment. Monitoring and metering should be carried out by submetering or on-board measurement of energy use, power monitoring, power alarming and analytics. These functions support critical activities such as notification of and response to electrical network problems, maintenance (planned and unplanned), facility expansion/ retrofit projects, and power reliability analysis. Providing hot and cold aisle containment greatly improves the efficiency of the cooling system and should be the starting point when designing installations and when replacing IT equipment. A ducted hot aisle containment system (Ducted HACS) (see Fig. 1) can be used with a hard floor or raised floor installation. This method isolates the hot aisle with end-of-row doors and a ceiling structure that encloses the top of the entire row. The rest of the room acts as a large cold air plenum. Ducted HACS are suitable for rooms where:

Fig 1: Ducted hot aisle containment system. Image courtesy of Dnipro4

• the rooms are frequently occupied with staff; • there is a uniform distribution of racks; and • there are stand-alone equipment installations at the perimeter. The cold aisle containment system (CACS) is perhaps the most widely used method. It utilises the raised floor and isolates the cold aisle with end-of-row doors and an aisle ceiling that covers the entire cold row. The rest of the room acts as a hot-air return plenum. CACS are suitable for rooms where: • there is an existing hot/cold aisle configuration; and • there is a raised floor with cold air in floor plenum in place and uniform distribution of racks. A ducted rack is suitable for installations with distributed racks or high-density racks where the hot aisle is ducted into a dropped ceiling arrangement. Ducted rack is suitable for rooms where: • there is front to back airflow;

• an existing drop ceiling air return plenum or where additional ducting runs at ceiling level can be installed; • retrofitting existing rooms; • different types of racks exist; • variation of ventilation is required throughout the room, and • obstructions prevent other methods of containment. Rack air containment systems (RACS) integrate rack-based cooling units within the racks to circulate air in the containment area. RACS are suitable for rooms where; • there is high-density, stand-alone equipment; • space for additional ductwork is not available; • complete isolation is required, and • where security is required such as multi-client rooms.

Reductions in PUE Aisle systems have delivered significant reductions in PUE, as well as cost savings to data centres. In one example, it reduced the facilities PUE from 1.85 to 1.55, with a financial

Fig 2: Cold Aisle Containment System (CACS) Image courtesy of Dnipro5

pay back less than six months. A data centre with segregated hot and cold aisles can expect energy savings of around 25 per cent compared to systems which do not segregate hot and cold air flows. Best practice for aisle containment includes: • a raised floor ‘plenum’ of at least 500mm so that air being pushed by air conditioning equipment can pass through; • use of cabinets rather than open racks which cannot easily be sealed to prevent cool air escaping from the aisle. • installing self-closing doors at the ends of the cold aisle; • ensuring isolation partitions are installed to prevent hot air recirculation and ensure appropriate ventilation rates/air pressure. • deploying high cubic feet per minute (CFM) rack grills that have outputs in the range of 600 CFM. • considering ceiling heights, rack size, access, security and fire suppression provisions. This may require airflow and pressure modelling. IT equipment is designed to operate efficiently within temperature and humidity ranges. Understanding these and how the cooling and ventilation installation maintains these is critical in an energy-efficient operation. Temperature sensing either on board equipment or remote sensing should be installed and monitored. Since 2015, ASHRAE has recommended rack intake temperature range of 18 to 27OC, and humidity of 8 to 60 per cent. For most new devices, recommended operating temperature ranges are as wide as 15 to 32OC, although some data centre operators run at higher temperatures. This saves energy and opens new possibilities for data centre operators, allowing for higher densities in server rooms without expensive air-conditioning upgrades. It also increases the duration of year when free cooling is possible, further improving the PUE6. In reality, most are set too low, wasting energy by over cooling. There are multiple case studies and strategies available, indicating that for each 1OC increase in inlet temperature an energy saving of up to 4 per cent can be achieved. However, it is important to fully

For details on how to obtain your Energy Institute CPD Certificate, see entry form and details on page 20 18 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | APRIL 2020

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understand airflow and where hot spots may occur through temperature sensing and modelling. IT equipment drawing more than 10kW per rack enclosure is considered high density. Populated racks of servers can draw from 6kW to 35kW per rack. Yet the majority of data centres today are designed for a power density of less than 6kW per rack. Installations that exceed the design density of the facility is one of the greatest risks to efficient operation, causing stresses on the power and cooling systems, downtime from overloads, overheating, and loss of redundancy. A process should be in place to assess density implications during equipment replacement.

Redundant racks of servers Legacy data centres can have racks of servers which have become redundant yet still consuming energy. In some cases, servers are standing as triplicates or quadruplets of old data sets, but actively contributing to the energy demand of the data centre every minute, alongside the electrical distribution serving them. Ensuring that redundant equipment is periodically removed will realise a reduction in energy consumption. Other technology options include: • renewable energy: technology companies have sought to reduce their carbon impact. Google, for example, has said it has been a carbon-neutral company since 2007. In reality, the neutrality is via carbon offsets by purchasing credits and plugging into renewable tariffs. The key though would be for a data centre’s claim of carbon neutrality to be viewed at location i.e. onsite power generation accounting for 100 per cent of its energy consumption. This is possible via a mix of renewable energy technologies such as solar PV on the roof, wind turbines, and renewable hydrogen fuel cells. If renewable technologies are maximised on-site, some data centres could be 100 per cent renewable energy powered, thus being zero carbon. • underwater data centres: some far reaching measures have been taken by the industry to reduce energy consumption and cooling, one of which is an underwater data centre in the ocean, where the environment

is cooler. Water and electricity are not natural friends so the longterm integrity of such installations in the face of tides and other marine activities is a consideration. The concept will no doubt save energy, but the heat dissipated by such centres ultimately ends up warming the oceans. So, overall, this could have a less favourable environmental impact. • free air cooling: this is where colder external air is drawn in as a cooling source. It reduces or eliminates the need for refrigerant air conditioning. This has been used by some technology giants who have set up data centres in Scandinavian countries, benefitting from the lower ambient temperatures. • chilled storage: this is a method of storing energy in a reservoir for later use and is particularly useful in facilities with high cooling loads including data centres. In climates with cool, dry night-time conditions, cooling towers can directly charge a chilled water storage tank into ice; then release that in the day, using a small fraction of the energy otherwise required by chillers. It can result in peak electrical demand savings and improve chilled water system reliability. An ice storage tank can also be an economical alternative to additional mechanical cooling capacity. • central versus modular air handling systems: a centralised system offers many advantages over the multiple distributed unit system, some of which evolved as easy, drop-in cooling systems. Centralised systems use larger motors and fans that tend to be more efficient. They are also well suited for variable volume operation through the use of VSDs and maximise efficiency at part-loads. A US study7 compared

two similarly sized and loaded data centres in adjacent buildings, but with different air handling systems. The pie charts in Fig 3 show the performance of both, with the central air handling system using more energy for revenue generating computing work. • lower energy servers: blade servers are an easy-to-use, power-efficient modular solution which provides performance, equal to or greater than, standard rack-mounted servers. It is essentially a modular server design to allow multiple servers to be housed in a small area, minimising physical space and energy. While standard rack-mounted servers run on a power cord and a network cable, a blade chassis houses multiple blade servers, supplies power, networking, cooling, etc. together, blade servers and blade chassis form the blade system. • implement cable management: under-floor and over-head obstructions often interfere with the distribution of cooling air, impacting free airflow as well as air distribution. Cable congestion in raised-floor plenums can sharply reduce the total airflow as well as degrade the airflow distribution through the perforated floor tiles; promoting the development of hot spots. A data centre should have a cable management strategy to minimise air flow obstructions caused by cables and wiring. This strategy should target the entire cooling air flow path, including the rack-level IT equipment air intake and discharge areas as well as under-floor areas. Instituting an ongoing cable mining programme (i.e. a programme to remove abandoned or inoperable cables) will help optimise the air delivery performance of cooling systems.

Fig. 3 Central versus modular air handling system

Energy managers should consider following the 2016 Best Practice Guidelines for the EU Code of Conduct on Data Centres, setting objectives for replacement of legacy equipment including: • the inclusion of energy efficiency as a specified requirement for new or replacement installations. This may be through the use of Energy Star, SERT, SPECPower or a bespoke performance specification, considering the full system efficiency including power supply; • the calculation of data centre inventory and aim for PUE of 1.0; and • the setting of specific operating temperature and humidity ranges for existing and new installations. Design features should include renewables such as roof top solar photovoltaics, energy storage systems, high efficiency UPS systems, low energy LED lighting with automatic controls (reducing heat gains), free cooling, high CoP (coefficient of performance) chillers with heat recovery (to provide heating and hot water to administrative areas or neighbouring buildings), low energy air handling units with low specific fan powers using heat recovery technology, and premium efficiency motors. There are opportunities for improving the energy efficiency of data centres that form the backbone of an increasingly digital world, via technology, making use of nature and careful design. Embedding a programme of monitoring enables a clearer view of energy use and leads to an insight into where energy is being wasted and where over cooling is occurring.

References 1) https://www.energy.gov/eere/buildings/ data-centers-and-servers 2) https://www.iea.org/reports/trackingbuildings/data-centres-and-datatransmission-networks 3)https://www.ait-pg.co.uk/library-andresources/cost-saving-calculators/datacentre-pue-calculator/ 4) https://www.dcimpro360.com/air-flowcontainment/ 5) https://www.dcimpro360.com/air-flowcontainment/ 6) tps://www.apl-datacenter.com/en/ increasing-server-room-temperatureto-improve-data-center-energyperformance/ 7) https://www.energy.gov/ sites/prod/files/2013/10/f3/ eedatacenterbestpractices.pdf

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03/04/2020 16:57



DATA MANAGEMENT SPACECENTRE HEATING Please Pleasemark markyour youranswers answersbelow belowby byplacing placingaacross crossin inthe thebox. box.Don't Don'tforget forgetthat thatsome some questions questionsmight mighthave havemore morethan thanone onecorrect correctanswer. answer.You Youmay mayfind finditithelpful helpfulto tomark markthe the answers answersin inpencil pencilfirst firstbefore beforefilling fillingin inthe thefinal finalanswers answersin inink. ink.Once Onceyou youhave havecompleted completed the theanswer answersheet, sheet,return returnititto tothe theaddress addressbelow. below.Photocopies Photocopiesare areacceptable. acceptable.

QUESTIONS 1. should a modernheating data centre 1.What WhichPUE is the most common media in aim wetfor? systems? 3.0 temperature hot water ■ High ■ 2.0 ■ Steam ■ 1.0 temperature hot water ■ Low ■ 3.8 water ■ ■ Cold 2. What would be considered as a high2. Whatrack? is the most common space heating density fuel in the UK? ■ 2kW ■ 4kWoil ■ Fuel ■ 6kW ■ Electricity ■ 10 kW gas ■ Natural ■ Coal 3. What does HACS mean in terms of containment? 3. What is a typical dry bulb space temperature for aHeating home? Arrangement Containment ■ 160C ■ System ■ 190C Access Containment System ■ Heated ■ 220CAir Containment System ■ Hot ■ 240CAisle Containment System ■ Hot 4. of global electricity is 4.What What percentage is currently the most common consumption is used infor data centres? construction material panel radiators? ■ 15 per cent Cast iron ■ 10 per cent ■ ■ Pressed steel ■ 0.02 per cent ■ Cast aluminium ■ 1.0 per cent ■ Copper 5. How much energy can be saved for each 5. Which is a key component of a 1°C upliftof inthese inlet temperature? mechanical ventilation Up to 6 per cent system? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

A fan Up to 4 per cent An to atrium Up 2 per cent A chimney All the above Opening windows

6. PUE? 6.What Whichisisthe themeaning ‘deliveryof end’ of a vapour compression heat pump system? Pass utility enterprise ■ unit effectiveness ■ The evaporator ■ Power usage effectiveness ■ The condenser ■ Power urban ecolie ■ The compressor ■ Potential ■ The slinky 7. What containment system is most suitable for complete isolation of a rack? 7. Which of these factors is used by a weather ■ HACS compensation control system? ■ CACS ■ Building thermal inertia ■ RACS ■ Time of day ■ Row-cooled HACS ■ Outside air temperature Dateequipment should be specified that ■ 8. What does not require cooling in itself during normal operation 8. Which of these factors is used by an optimum start system? Equipment ■ ITcontrol M&E Equipment of building occupancy ■ Level Blade server air temperature ■ Outside Cable capacity trays ■ Boiler ■ Boiler flow temperature 9. The use of LED lighting with automatic controls dataofcentres can help achieve 9. Whichin types space heating system canwhich of the following? building management systems be used to control? ■ Lower heat gains ■ Any ■ High wind velocity ■ Wet systems ■ X-ray pollution ■ Air handling plant ■ Liquid damage ■ Boilers 10. What is considered to be the optimum rack 10. What is a thermostat? inlet air temperature? ■ A temperature sensitive switch ■ 12°C ■ A temperature sensor ■ 20°C ■ A proportional control device ■ 38°C ■ A digital display device ■ 27°C

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How to obtain a CPD accreditation from the Energy Institute Energy Energyin inBuildings Buildingsand andIndustry Industryand andthe theEnergy EnergyInstitute Instituteare aredelighted delightedto to have haveteamed teamedup upto tobring bringyou youthis thisContinuing ContinuingProfessional ProfessionalDevelopment Development initiative. initiative. This Centre Thisis isthe thetenth ninth module in the seventeenth series and focuses on Data Space Management. It is accompanied byof a set of multiple-choice questions. Heating. It is accompanied by a set multiple-choice questions. To Toqualify qualifyfor foraaCPD CPDcertificate certificatereaders readersmust mustsubmit submitat atleast leasteight eightof ofthe the ten tensets setsof ofquestions questionsfrom fromthis thisseries seriesof ofmodules modulesto toEiBI EiBIfor forthe theEnergy Energy Institute Instituteto tomark. mark.Anyone Anyoneachieving achievingat atleast leasteight eightout outof often tencorrect correctanswers answerson on eight eightseparate separatearticles articlesqualifies qualifiesfor foran anEnergy EnergyInstitute InstituteCPD CPDcertificate. certificate.This Thiscan canbe be obtained, obtained,on onsuccessful successfulcompletion completionof ofthe thecourse courseand andnotification notificationby bythe theEnergy Energy Institute, Institute,free freeof ofcharge chargefor forboth bothEnergy EnergyInstitute Institutemembers membersand andnon-members. non-members. The Thearticles, articles,written writtenby byaaqualified qualifiedmember memberof ofthe theEnergy EnergyInstitute, Institute,will willappeal appeal to tothose thosenew newto toenergy energymanagement managementand andthose thosewith withmore moreexperience experienceof ofthe the subject. subject. Modules Modulesfrom fromthe thepast past16 16series seriescan canbe beobtained obtainedfree freeof ofcharge. charge.Send Send your yourrequest requestto toeditor@eibi.co.uk. editor@eibi.co.uk.Alternatively, Alternatively,they theycan canbe bedownloaded downloaded from fromthe theEiBI EiBIwebsite: website:www.eibi.co.uk www.eibi.co.uk



MAY MAY2018 2018--APR APR2019 2019

MAY MAY2019 2019--APR APR2020 2020

11 BEMS BEMS 22 Refrigeration Refrigeration 33 LED LEDTechnology Technology 44 District DistrictHeating Heating 55 Air AirConditioning Conditioning 66 Behaviour BehaviourChange Change 77 Thermal ThermalImaging Imaging 88 Solar SolarThermal Thermal 99 Smart SmartBuildings Buildings 10 10 Biomass BiomassBoilers Boilers

11 Batteries Batteries& &Storage Storage 22 Energy Energyas asaaService Service 33 Water WaterManagement Management 44 Demand DemandSide SideResponse Response 55 Drives Drives& &Motors Motors 66 Blockchain BlockchainTechnology Technology 77 Compressed CompressedAir Air 88 Energy EnergyPurchasing Purchasing 99 Space SpaceHeating Heating 10 10 Data DataCentre CentreManagement Management*

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03/04/2020 03/03/2020 16:58 22:44


Gareth Davies is a director and David Cox is a senior consultant at AFRY Management Consulting

The changing landscape of electricity distribution Gareth Davies and David Cox examine the potential value of distribution system operators and how to keep costs low as we move towards a flexible electricity system


ecarbonisation and technological advances are transforming our electricity system, driving growth in distributed energy sources and making demand-side response a more accessible and flexible energy resource. As we move towards a net-zero energy system, we are seeing two broad trends asserting themselves in the electricity sector: firstly, the demand for flexibility is on the rise as renewables are contributing more and more to the energy mix. Secondly, more of this flexibility will be located at lower voltage levels as the flexible, “on demand” resource is provided by distributed generation and storage, electric vehicles and smart heat solutions. In a recent study for the Energy Systems Catapult in the UK, AFRY analysed how to efficiently and effectively manage this changing system in order to minimise operation costs. As electricity systems evolve, we found that there is potential for electricity costs to rise for consumers. This is a result of a divergence in the timing of local and national electricity demand peaks which lead to an increased risk of an inefficient system. In this system, there will be more competition between the transmission and distribution system operators for flexibility services which may only be operational for short time periods, for example, as batteries take time to recharge. Without effective coordination between TSOs and DSOs, this divergence may increase overall network and generation investment requirements, generation costs and

system balancing costs, ultimately increasing costs for consumers. AFRY contrasted the effect of prioritising the use of distributed flexibility resource to meet national peaks, local peaks and having a fully integrated system. Our outcomes showed that frameworks which enable a more

reinforcement as there are limited close alternative flexibility options at the distribution level. It’s clear that there are large potential savings to be had; it’s just a question of how to get there. Any new arrangements should transparently reveal and respond to the true value (and

Davies: 'harnessing the opportunities from electrification of heat and transport will be an important part of the innovation'

Cox: 'as electricity systems evolve there is the potential for electricity costs to rise for UK consumers'

‘It's clear that there are large potential savings - but how do we get there?’ coordinated use of resources could reduce system costs by up to £7bn by 2050. When considering how best to manage new grid systems, we also found that the largest savings arise in frameworks where distributed flexibility sources are used primarily to address local network issues. This enables DSOs to avoid a greater level of costly network replacement and

cost) of using flexibility on the transmission and distribution systems. As we transition to a more decentralised energy system and active distribution system operator model, this means fundamental changes in the roles and responsibilities of transmission system operators (TSO) and distribution system operators (DSOs) and the frequency and extent of information and

data exchange between system operators and users to keep system costs down. Such changes can be introduced gradually reflecting the evolution in the TSO-DSO relationship over time. In the short term the transition should focus on establishing a framework where the TSO can coordinate more effectively between the needs of local DSOs and the national system, improving information flows from DSOs on the local effects of national actions. Then, in the longer-term, wider changes, such as the emergence of local or regional flexibility markets, may emerge naturally as greater transparency and understanding of the value and accessibility of flexibility emerges. Within this framework, it remains important to encourage more flexible resource use. Regulatory incentives should continue to encourage DSOs to consider innovative non-asset solutions to network issues. Harnessing the opportunities from electrification of heat and transport will be an important part of this innovation. For example, smart charging for electric vehicles could help to manage increases in demand and will help to balance the grid. All in all, a managed and considered shift towards a more coordinated transmission and distribution system, will ensure that we shield consumers from expensive, and inefficient systems. By moving towards new models of interaction there is opportunity for significant savings, but we recommend a careful and phased shift in the roles and responsibilities for DSOs and TSOs.  APRIL 2020 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | 21

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06/04/2020 10:41


For further information on ESTA visit www.estaenergy.org.uk

A roller coaster year Two Prime Ministers, Extinction Rebellion, Brexit, and now lockdown. Mervyn Pilley looks back at the highs and lows of his first year at the helm of ESTA


have mentioned in previous columns the perils of writing on current activity which, by the time of publication, can seem very out of date. As I started writing about COP26 the event was postponed before I had completed the sentence! So, one year at ESTA completed and, as I survey the past 12 months it seems more like five years of activity crammed into one. A cast of thousands led by Greta Thunberg, Sir David Attenborough and supported by Extinction Rebellion appeared, all ramping up public expectations about the urgency of taking action to mitigate climate change. The CCC report was published with subsequent ramifications appearing in terms of how the Government was going to meet its targets. Three ESTA conferences have been held one causing huge concern when Extinction Rebellion threatened to shut down the rail network. Two Prime Ministers served during the year. Theresa May appeared desperate to enact the net zero by 2050 into law as her legacy while Boris Johnson doesn’t appear to fully understand how to best achieve the target. In the course of the year I’ve met lots of interesting and dynamic ESTA members, talked to a lot of like-minded organisations about collaboration, and made a lot of new and interesting contacts in the sector.

Climate emergencies have been declared left right and centre, and by a swathe of organisations of all types. However, a common running theme, and one shared with the Prime Minister, is just how to achieve the target. No one can seem to agree on the target date. I have learned a lot about the differences between Net Zero in terms of carbon and Net Zero in relation to greenhouse gases. ESTA has been driving forward its behaviour change programme which has now been rebranded as the Energy Conscious Organisation. Our aim has been to persuade the Government of the great potential that behaviour change. However, we haven’t succeeded yet in getting them to fully support the approach. We haven’t given up. The much-postponed Brexit departure happened albeit with the minor issue of agreeing a new trade deal with the EU and the rest of the world. Linked to Brexit the December general election came and went meaning we started the new year and decade with a little more clarity on the economic and policy front. The budget was very frustrating in terms of supporting energy efficiency measures. It is surely clear to all that energy efficiency should form a major part of the net zero strategy, but the bulk of the announcements in the budget, with major

Mervyn Pilley is executive director of ESTA (Energy Services and Technology Association)

spends on EVs, CCS and tree planting are not of great direct assistance to ESTA’s members. Yes, there is an infrastructure plan to come along with a white paper and the postponement of COP26 gives the Government more time to get urgently needed policies in place. The danger of postponing events is that it can cover up a lack of real action to get ready for the original date. The message to Government is clear – time is very short. And then to cap it all along came the Coronavirus. Clearly this is a major health emergency with public health having to be put first before all other considerations. That said, many are linking the effects of the pandemic to a positive effect on the climate and a debate is just starting as to whether one aspect of the crisis will be a refocusing of the human race on just what is needed to save the planet. When we come out of the tunnel and everyone can return to feeling safer, I hope that the debate continues apace with energy efficiency efforts returning to everyone’s agenda. I have spent more than twenty years of my working life working from home, so the lockdown isn’t a totally new experience for me, but the current situation seems very different. Trade events have been cancelled, and suddenly, those projects that I have planned, launched and been working hard to get underway have become harder to move forward. Of greater and more immediate concern as I pen this column is how many businesses may struggle to survive the crisis. Cash is king for so many businesses and where there is so much disruption to supply chains the knock-on effect all the way down the line can be devastating. There have been unprecedented business support measures from the Government but there are still gaps to be addressed, at least at the time I am writing this in early April. In between the urgent day-to-day challenges ESTA planning is still needed. We are more than 30 years old and, as previously mentioned in so many columns, the need for energy efficiency globally is not going away. With a greater urgency coming at the end of the pandemic and hopefully a huge pent up demand for action to be satisfied our role is going to be needed more than ever. Here’s to the next twelve months! 


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03/04/2020 16:59

EIBI_0420_002-0 Edit_Layout 1 06/04/2020 19:00 Page 23

New Products

For further information on products and services visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter the appropriate online enquiry number

Ventilation unit heads for the classrooms Dunham-Bush’s Classmaster heat recovery ventilation unit has been developed specifically for classrooms and fully complies with the very latest BB101 and BB93 guidelines. Key features include a patented variable air mass flow heat exchanger, which maintains thermal efficiency at both 100 and 50 per cent airflow levels by keeping turbulent velocity airflow across the heat exchanger. A configuration of low-resistance heat exchangers, used in conjunction with long life low energy EC fans, delivers minimal sound levels and an impressive heat reclaim efficiency up to 89 per cent. Complying with the latest Building Bulletin (BB)101 guidance bulletin, Classmaster units have the option of ePM 2.5 (F7) filters for inner city installations. The factory-fitted controller offers individual and adjustable fan speeds on trickle and boost settings in all modes of operation. Frost protection, automatic summer by-pass and night time cooling options are standard. Full integration with BMS BACnet or Trend systems for energy management and monitoring is available with filter monitoring via built-in DP switches. Additional ultralow energy summer trickle mode and a full space heating facility using a re-circulation damper and LPHW coil are included in the programming.


Programless configuration of lighting Beckhoff’s TF8050 Lighting Solution software is a ready-made PLC application library for its PC-based control system. Offering easy configuration, control and monitoring of DALI/DALI2 devices, TF8050 is decentrally scalable and supports limitless DALI lines each with a combination of up to 64 ballasts and switching devices. Fast functional changes, address changes, system expansions and cross-DALI line groupings can be carried out without operational interruptions. Based around the “human-centric” control concept, TF8050 provides simple, programless configuration of complex lighting systems. With features such as colour temperature control, daylight control, constant light regulation and scheduler/holiday setting, a web browser is all that’s required to configure, define functionality and commission the system. Alternatively, configuration can be achieved via an Excel spreadsheet which provides a secure way of backing up and restoring lighting projects. TF8050 supports the latest generation of DALI2 sensors, including motion and Lux sensors from the likes of Steinel and B.E.G


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Building Energy Management Systems For further information on Pressac Communications visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 130

Pete Burbidge is managing director of Pressac Communications

To future proof your energy monitoring system, it’s wise to invest in robust sensor hardware

Focus on data, not technology Are organisations overcomplicating energy monitoring projects and as a result not using data wisely? Pete Burbidge, explains how to keep things simple but make the most of good, accurate, real-time data


ne of the biggest challenges in energy management can often be avoiding complexity. A ‘too-much-too-soon’ focus on the technology is often the catalyst for projects failing, as we quickly get lost in the hype instead of beginning with clear objectives. In fact, a key question to ask upfront is: Why do we want the data and what are we actually going to do with it? If your answer is simply to comply with energy monitoring legislation by reporting on consumption and putting in place plans to reduce energy consumption, then you won’t really be using the data wisely. You’ll likely just collect a large amount of data and scratch the surface of what’s possible. Combining data to achieve insights is where the biggest savings will be made and where companies will gain competitive advantage. For example, using energy monitoring alongside environmental data

such as temperature, occupancy, door and window to detect waste can inform changes to building operations. Temperature control, ventilation, air quality and comfort level, for example, can all be optimised for the workforce. Where previously smart building technology was considered as the outer shell, it now encompasses the interior, too.

Planning for the future Continuous monitoring in real time is a huge advantage of smart technology. Live data can tell us where, when and how energy is being used – not just how much. Companies can make instant changes, deliver cost savings and more effectively plan for the future. But while it’s quite straightforward to collect energy usage data using sensors, changing behaviours and mindsets can be more difficult. To really get the best from their data, organisations need

‘Better energy data will not automatically generate savings’ to make a solid commitment and shift thinking and assumptions around smart technology. Making minimal changes without really embedding them into company culture is like going on a crash diet for a month and then reverting back to eating fish and chips every day. Not healthy. Good, accurate, real-time data is invaluable. But what you do with it is even more important. Better energy data will not automatically generate financial savings. And swapping from expensive gas to renewable electricity will only get companies so far. Commercial benefits will instead come from informed decisions – using the data to drive these – about how to make

sustained changes. An increasing number of companies are making energy savings of up to 30 per cent in their first year using live data tracking. A clear and granular understanding of energy usage can direct them to the best ways to make efficiencies. The first place to start is by establishing a building’s current energy consumption and then selecting testing zones before investing in a whole energy management system. From here, organisations can start to make informed decisions, such as switching off air conditioning in a closed loop system for a while – occupants wouldn’t notice any difference. Decision making can be as fluid as the data, with incremental improvements always a possibility.

Increased number of sensors It’s a given that there will be more sensors in buildings in the future. Demand pricing will become more prevalent and the ability to seamlessly switch large, consuming devices like air conditioning, on and off without affecting building performance will be key. Migration to multi-sensor or even multiprotocol sensors is also quite possible. To future proof your energy monitoring system, it’s wise to invest in robust sensor hardware which lasts and is platform agnostic, making it flexible for use in multiple channels. To avoid maintenance and the need for battery changing, avoid hard-wired solutions and go for wireless, energy-harvesting or lowenergy sensors, which are cheaper to run. Look for easy-to-install, portable sensors and consider what data you want – with a view to combining sensors into one piece of robust and efficient hardware. Technology is fantastic. But in isolation, it doesn’t really give us much more than a headache. By shifting our attention to the data, we can really start to make sense of how we can bring about changes for better efficiencies. Flexible, accurate sensor hardware combined with a software solution that provides meaningful, easy-to-understand answers is ultimately the winning combination. 


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03/04/2020 17:00

EIBI_0420_002-0 Edit_Layout 1 02/04/2020 19:53 Page 27

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Building Energy Management Systems

Ian Ellis is marketing manager Siemens Building Products

For further information on Siemens Building Products visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 131

A BMS to create well-being Today, there is a growing awareness that the quality of the air we breathe has a significant impact on our health, well-being and productivity. Ian Ellis looks how a BEMS can go beyond energy management


ommercial buildings are becoming clean in order to maintain the health of the people who live, work and play in them. So why is healthy air so important and what can be done about it? The result of work by Usha Satish1 et al. published in 2012 makes for interesting reading. The productivity of students was tested for tasks that required different levels of involvement under various exposures to CO2. It was found that even for simple tasks, such as listening and absorbing information, the performance of the students increased by a significant factor of 1.5 when the air quality was improved. For tasks requiring higher levels of involvements, such as taking initiative, the measured performance increased by a sheer factor of 10. Keep in mind that these high-value tasks are what make people stand out and advance their career and are generally speaking what make a workforce more productive. A BEMS can be used to measure CO2 levels and delivering demandcontrolled ventilation so that the exact amount of fresh air that is needed to make sure occupants stay productive is introduced. Natural light from dusk to dawn decreases depression and improves mood, energy, alertness and productivity. Therefore, lighting systems that mimic the change of light temperature (i.e. colour) during the day are not just “nice to have” but a driver for productivity and occupants’ health. Siemens support the productivity of occupants with our offerings for Total Room Automation (TRA). TRA takes room control to the next level by integrating advanced parameters such as CO2 and light colour, in an overall concept of HVAC and lighting control. TRA relies on highly accurate selfcalibrating sensors to keep people productive and healthy.

issue is fine dust, particulate matter with less than 2.5 microns in diameter (short: PM2.5). It is of great importance to make sure indoor air is clean and healthy. In emerging markets but also metropolitan areas in Europe like Paris or London fine dust concentrations can be dangerously high.

Anticipating pollution levels

A BMS can be used to measure CO2 levels and deliver demand-controlled ventilation to occupants

Companies who know how to drive productivity get the most out of their people’s talent, produce fewer failures and bring better products and services to the market, which in turn drives revenue and profits. Staff are the most valuable asset of any organisation.

Sick building syndrome There is an understanding that buildings can give you a headache and/or irritation of eyes and throat in what has been called sick building syndrome (SBS). One major cause of SBS are the gases from building materials such as carpets, paints or furniture. These are summarised as volatile organic compounds (VOC). Recent laws on energy saving require wellinsulated and draught-proofed buildings to minimise the need for heating and cooling. The resulting air tightness of buildings, however, also keeps the VOC gases inside, creating SBS among occupants. Humid air as well can indirectly contribute to SBS by promoting the growth of fungi and mould. Besides devaluing the building value, exposure to mould spores represents a hazardous health risk. The number one measure to prevent SBS is proper ventilation. In cases where HVAC is not fully

automated, it is all about knowing when to open the window. We are increasingly getting used to what is called “quantified life”: We measure our heart rate, record the number of steps taken during the day and want to know the likelihood that it is going to rain today. Similarly, a BMS can be used for monitoring and quantifying remotely not only the SBS indicators of VOC and humidity, but also temperature and CO2 levels, by using one single wall mounted multi-sensor device. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor environments are two to five times more toxic than outdoor environments. A major

Studies suggest that nextgeneration HVAC control systems will incorporate measuring capabilities for pollution factors such as fine dust, and a room mounting fine dust sensor is now available from Siemens with either DC0-10V or Modbus communication. This enables a trade-off between providing fresh air (thus reducing indoor CO2) and the introduction of pollution from outside. Smart algorithms also anticipate pollution based on weather forecast: A building is ventilated in the middle of the night, when pollution is typically low, or before an inversion weather situation occurs that typically comes with high fine dust concentration. The air that we breathe has a significant impact on our health and productivity. Since we spend most of our time in buildings it is of great importance to make sure indoor air is clean and healthy and controlled properly. Sufficient ventilation helps to keep people productive and avoid unhealthy conditions. The BMS is key to ensuring you create perfect places for your health as well as your productivity. 

Reference 1) Usha Satish et al., Is CO2 an Indoor Pollutant? Direct Effects of Low-toModerate CO2 Concentrations on Human Decision-Making Performance. Environ Health Perspect; DOI:10.1289/ehp.1104789, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ ehp.1104789


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03/04/2020 17:00

EIBI_0420_002-0 Edit_Layout 1 06/04/2020 15:00 Page 25

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Building Energy Management Systems

Sara Kassam is head of sustainability development at CIBSE

For further information on CIBSE visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 132

The attraction of a BEMS

Winner of the Performance Champion accolade at this year’s CIBSE Building Performance Awards was The Engine Shed, a Scottish visitor attraction. Sara Kassam explains how a BEMS contributes to sustainability


istoric Environment Scotland (HES) wanted a facility in which to create a visitor attraction and a space where the public could learn about, and engage with, traditional buildings and the skills and materials required to build, conserve and maintain them. It wanted this new attraction to be sustainable, so the scheme brought a disused building back to life and incorporated a variety of low-energy technologies. The client was also looking for low running costs and low CO2 emissions, which meant the BEMS was critical to its operation. The location was an old steam engine shed in Stirling, Scotland. Built in the 19th century to accommodate steam engines at the Forthside military ordinance depot, the Shed was later used by the MoD as a truck repair workshop until 1976 when the site was abandoned. HES wanted the old engine shed to be the centrepiece of its new facility. Working with architect Reiach and Hall, HES developed a scheme to extend the building’s floor plan with the addition of two new wings, one on each side of the existing shed. The new wings were designed with high levels of insulation, while the thermal performance of the original shed’s lightweight roof was improved without significantly adding to its weight with the addition of Aerogel insulation. The building opened in July 2017. The original engine shed is now home to a new, freestanding lecture theatre; the new West Shed accommodates a reception desk, seminar rooms, offices and toilet; while the new East Shed houses a studio, equipment room, laboratory, kitchen, offices and the plantroom. To keep running costs to a minimum engineer Max Fordham has designed the main areas of the building to be naturally ventilated. In the existing Shed, fresh air enters through windows in the gable end and exits through original ventilation openings, known as hoppers, in the clerestory

Low-energy technologies have contributed to revitalising The Engine Shed in Stirling, Scotland

glazing that runs both sides of the roof ridge. The hoppers are inward-sloped panes of glass with a hinged and weighted lid, which was originally opened and closed manually using a system of ropes and pulleys. Now these operate automatically using a wall-mounted actuator under control of the BEMS, but with a manual override. The offices and seminar rooms in the east and west extensions are also naturally ventilated. Air enters through ventilation panels in the walls and exits through openable roof lights. In the west shed, this solution caused problems initially because the roof lights close completely when it rains along with the BEMS-linked ventilation panels, which meant the offices got stuffy, particularly on days when it is warm and wet. Mechanical ventilation with heat

recovery is used for the laboratory and digital studio, with airflow rates controlled on CO2 levels; these spaces also incorporate fan coil units (FCUs) to provide cooling.

Underfloor heating system A ground source heat pump provides heat to the building via an underfloor heating system. The heat comes from three 180m deep boreholes. Four sensors located in the main shed control the underfloor heating flow rate to this space. The temperature set point in the main shed is lower than for the other spaces to save energy because the building fabric is not very airtight and, conveniently, because visitors will be wearing outdoor clothes when they enter the building. In summer the heat pump is turned off but water is still The Engine Shed demonstrates how a once energy-inefficient building can be turned into an energyefficient visitor attraction

circulated through the borehole ground loop to provide cooling to the FCUs. The FCUs have been designed to operate at a raised flow temperature of 12°C and a return temperature of 17°C. Because the circulating pumps are the only power-consuming element in the circuit, Max Fordham says the cooling system has a CoP of 20. Another advantage of this solution is that the heat removed from the building is stored in the ground, raising its temperature so the heat pumps do not have to work quite so hard in winter to provide heat. The employer’s requirement document for the BMS included a clause for it to be “continuously commissioned over the first year of occupancy to ensure correct operation over a range of weather conditions”. After the building’s July 2017 opening, the building’s in-use performance has been addressed primarily through monthly aftercare meetings. These involved Max Fordham, the main contractor, subcontractors and controls specialists. The meetings included walk-arounds with the building users. The findings from the aftercare meetings are summarised in the quarterly aftercare reports. The final report was produced on 4 July 2019 at the end of the second year of the building’s operation. The report shows that gas consumption is down 30 per cent compared with year 1. This was primarily down to initial problems with the heat pumps, which meant the gas boilers had to run to provide heat. Electricity consumption has also reduced Year 1 to Year 2, in response to lighting and plant control improvements. Teething problems aside, the Engine Shed shows that with thoughtfully designed building services and ongoing postoccupancy evaluation, it is possible to turn an energy inefficient exindustrial building into an energy efficient contemporary visitor attraction. 


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03/04/2020 17:01

Adrian Barber is marketing manager at Prefect Controls Ltd

Building Energy Management Systems For further information on Prefect Controls Ltd visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 133

Horses for courses

Choosing the right BEMS can make the difference between saving many thousands of pounds. Adrian Barber examines why there are more agile options to the traditional system


hen businesses view energy as a service in the same way they view logistics, for example, the sooner they will appreciate the benefits of maximising the use of that service rather than simply buying it cheaper. Cutting waste by only using energy when it is required; monitoring use; and controlling supply; combined with effective procurement; simply adds up to good business sense. Businesses could be missing out on tens of thousands of pounds of savings simply by using inefficient methods of control. An image of a Scrooge-like miserly boss walking around offices switching off lights and heat in unoccupied rooms springs to mind. But today, clever control can be completely invisible. Using smarter technology cuts waste and provides the ability to measure, monitor and manage our living and working environments more than ever before. While developers and builders aim to yield maximum profits by installing minimum control requirements, it is up to energy managers to insist that buildings continually use only the minimum energy required. Building energy management systems make the control of equipment and therefore efficiencies easy to manage. A typical system will control and monitor the mechanical and electrical equipment including ventilation, heating, lighting and power systems. Lifts, conveyors and other machinery can also be controlled. The building’s plant is connected to a central computer to enable control of on/off times. The plant being controlled is connected via data cables where supervisors can access all they need to monitor activity. For airports, hospitals and other large complex buildings BEMS are a necessity. However, in other situations where there isn’t such complexity or the need to control heavy mechanical equipment, a

Student accommodation is one area where a small, agile BEMS can be used

bespoke and agile BEMS is more appropriate and less costly. Think of them in terms of a sledgehammer and a nutcracker - a similar outcome but unnecessary effort and cost is avoided.

Purpose-built accommodation Student accommodation is a good example of where this is the case. There are 2.3m students in higher education establishments throughout the UK with around 600,000 of them living in purposebuilt accommodation. Almost 70 per cent of current stock is owned by universities but they are increasingly becoming dependent on the rapidly growing private sector for new

rooms. By the end of 2020, 74 per cent of purpose-built rooms will come from the private sector. Providers of accommodation on this scale must ensure they are running efficiently but not at the expense of comfort. Take a typical 500-bedroom block with 50 hot water tanks and around 60 kitchens. This is home to a population with unorthodox occupancy patterns. Keeping students comfortable while managing their use of energy is a major task for the accommodation/energy manager. Their lifestyles often do not comply with routine norms. Nocturnal comings and goings, sleeping in until lectures beckon and extended periods away from Using smarter technology cuts waste and provides the ability to manage our working environment

campus for getting the washing done - contribute to the need for flexible monitoring and managing of energy supply to living spaces. Heating control that switches on at 7am for two hours and then again at 6pm for four hours takes no notice of whether the energy input is being used effectively. Likewise, a continuous flow of hot water for student demand can prove expensive. What is required for the unique conditions of student accommodation is a control that can ‘see’ when a room is occupied, whatever time of day or night - adjust heat input accordingly, then reduce it when it’s empty again or windows are opened. Giving the students control to raise the temperature to suit their comfort level but ensuring predetermined temperatures cannot be exceeded or prevail when no longer required. In the case of hot water, heating when tariffs are low and avoiding Triad warnings can make the RoI of the BEMS considerably quicker. Mark Comerford was the mechanical and electrical consultant for an accommodation project in Bath and comments on the distinction between a BEMS system and alternatives that have more dedicated and specific functions. “Pretty much every job we work on involves a full building energy management system. They tend to have a more holistic approach to building management, but they don’t drill into particular control strategies that are needed for each of the services.” The university encouraged Comerford to investigate Prefect Irus control and he quickly identified the benefits of the system. “Irus is more bespoke and sits in this marketplace better than traditional BEMS,” Comerford added. “Its focus is on heating and ventilation and offers all the functions required.” A central control system that uses the buildings existing electrical wiring (mains borne signalling) negates the need for trunking and laying of data cabling with all the inherent disruption and interference to a buildings infrastructure that that entails, making it quicker and cost effective to install. Saving energy is part of this story but ensuring the correct type of BEMS is specified will add up to a more efficient method for control.  APRIL 2020 | ENERGY IN BUILDINGS & INDUSTRY | 29

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06/04/2020 16:03

Compressed Air

Marius Breusers is product manager, aftermarket – EMEA at Gardner Denver

For further information on Gardner Denver visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 135

Top tips to boost efficiency Compressed air is essential for so many sectors. Marius Breusers outlines how those operating compressed air systems can enhance the efficiency of their installation


ompressed air is often referred to as the fourth utility, so essential is it to a wide range of sectors for a variety of applications. However, compressed air requires a considerable amount of energy, so any improvements that can be made to a system’s overall energy efficiency can reap real rewards. It should go without saying that servicing and maintenance is necessary to make sure equipment runs reliably and efficiently. Investing in a full-service maintenance contract with a proven and trusted compressed air supplier will help provide assured peace of mind, who can ensure regular maintenance and servicing is carried out to the highest standards. The energy used by a compressor is driven by many different factors, but one of the most important is operating pressure. Therefore, minimising pressure drops should be a key consideration to help reduce the energy consumption of equipment. Shortening piping distance and ensuring smooth piping bends are just two ways that pressure drops can be avoided. Damaged parts can also influence pressure drop. For instance, if a clogged filter is not replaced, then operating pressure will be adversely affected, resulting in the compressor using additional energy to compensate. All compressed air systems will require components such as filters, valves, seals and oil to be replaced. To assure the efficiency of a compressor, however, it is critical to stress the importance of investing in genuine spare parts and lubricants, rather than non-genuine alternatives. Non-genuine filters, for instance, are more likely to have reduced dust and dirt-holding capacities, which means contaminants can easily enter a system. Alternatively, a non-genuine lubricant can place extra demands on the filter element, resulting in dust and other particles coming into contact with internal compressor components, invariably leading to performance

Servicing and maintenance are essential to make sure equipment runs reliably

deterioration. Be sure to manage pipework leaks, as air leaks are the leading cause of energy loss in industrial air systems, wasting as much as 20 to 30 per cent of the system’s output. There are many reasons for leaks in a compressed air system, including shut-off valves and manual condensate valves being left open, as well as leaking hoses, couplings, pipes, flanges and pipe joints. In fact, the Carbon Trust reports that a leak as small as 3mm can cost over £700 in wasted energy. One solution is a simple leak detection survey, which can identify any problems quickly so remedial action can be taken. Alternatively, a flow meter is a reliable means of evaluating compressed air generation and downstream inefficiency costs. Indeed, finding and repairing one 3mm leak could potentially save

enough money to cover the cost of purchasing one. Another solution is an energy audit, which can help identify any leaks and ensure these are managed effectively. An energy audit can also be used to quantify a compressor’s possible heat potential. As 94 per cent of compressor-generated heat is recoverable, this can prove invaluable for businesses looking to make efficiency gains.

Recirculating warm air Heat can be recovered through a variety of processes. This includes installing an energy recovery unit that is fitted to the oil circulation system, or through space heating – recirculating warm air from the compressor to a local area. This energy can also heat water supplies in manufacturing processes where heated water is required, such as central heating, hot water washing

It is critically important to use genuine spare parts to ensure the best possible compressor performance

and steam systems. A key means of reducing a compressor’s total lifecycle costs is to ensure it is sized correctly for the job it’s required to perform. Overspecifying is unnecessary and can be costly in terms of the initial outlay and any on-going maintenance. Instead, the compressor’s performance can be improved by appropriately sizing it for the demands placed upon it. Engineers need to know the maximum and minimum air pressures, and the compressed air flow required by the system. On existing systems, this information can be measured by installing a data-logging device, which audits and saves the required data. This data can then be used to select the right compressor for the job, eliminating the risk of specifying under or over the system’s requirements. The Internet of Things and data analytics can help operators to understand how efficiently a compressor is running, and whether any improvements can be made. These insights will not only help highlight any potential issues now, but also enable operators to forecast any potential future problems, based on deteriorating machine performance. Predictive maintenance models based on real-time data can be established to help reduce energy consumption, improve process efficiencies and minimise any risks. Generating compressed air accounts for 10 per cent of total energy costs in industry, so ensuring wastage is kept to an absolute minimum should be a key concern for all operators. And with industry averages suggesting energy costs account for more than 80 per cent of a compressor’s total cost of ownership, steps – such as the above – that can help identify inefficiencies and improve a system’s performance should be welcomed. By following these tips, operators can expect to considerably improve the efficiency of their compressed air system. 


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03/04/2020 17:02

Alexander Pavlov is general manager, Atlas Copco Compressors UK

Compressed Air For further information on Atlas Copco Compressors UK visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 134

The hidden value of heat recovery Although not yet popular in the UK, heat recovery from compressed air systems holds huge potential for energy savings. Alexander Pavlov explains how energy managers can take advantage


ne area that offers manufacturers an opportunity for energy recovery is the waste heat from air compressors. While this approach has gained some traction in Europe, the adoption of compressed air energy recovery has been slower in the UK. The perceived complexity of heat recovery systems has contributed to the slow uptake. Nevertheless, research shows that significant benefits can be gained. The experience of those already pursuing this strategy confirms this data. Compressed air typically accounts for about 12 per cent of the total energy costs for industrial manufacturers. For some facilities, the figure may reach as high as 40 per cent. However, 70-94 per cent of energy consumed by air compressors is recoverable. Without any form of recovery, this energy is lost through radiation to the atmosphere or through cooling systems. The pound value of every kW of energy makes this operating cost a viable target for cost-savings measures. Compressing air generates heat. This is a natural consequence of forcing more air molecules into the same space. The problem is that the air must be cooled before it can be used. In many systems, the air is cooled between compression stages and then again at the end. Intercoolers remove heat between the first and second stage and after-coolers remove heat after the second stage.

Energy transfer requirements Coolers remove heat from compressed air using air, water or oil. They work on a system of heat exchange. The air transfers heat to the cooling medium in a cooler designed for the compressor flow rate and energy transfer requirements. There are different types of cooling systems used in air compressors. Each one has advantages and disadvantages, and some can recover up to 94 per cent of the supply energy to the air compressor. Air-cooled systems are common

The perceived complexity of heat recovery systems has contributed to the slow uptake

in small and medium compressor systems. They cool compressed air using a lower pressure air stream. This warmed air can then be used to heat buildings. The energy saving comes from a reduction in heating purchased from external sources.

Unfortunately, this saving can only be realised in the colder months of the year. Oil-cooled systems use a flow of oil to remove heat from the compressed air. In a closed system, the oil can be routed back into the manufacturing

Continuous hot water for textiles manufacturer By using an oil coolant in their ER-S5 energy recovery unit, a Midlandsbased automotive textiles manufacture was able to recover heat from its air compressor outlet. Hot oil from the air cooler transferred energy into the process via a steel plate heat exchanger. This gave them a continuous supply of hot process water without any extra energy purchase. As a result, the company was able to generate £37,000 and reduce CO2 emissions by 260,000 tonnes per year by using this recovery method. Meanwhile, a packaging plant in Northern Ireland found a different use for recovered energy. Greiner Packaging uses its excess heat to contribute to the central heating system of a local secondary school. Dungannon Integrated College has 600 pupils and uses £40,000 of heating on an annual basis. In this case, Atlas Copco installed Z-range oil-free screw compressors with water coolers for energy recovery. Up to 80 per cent of the electrical input energy is recovered as hot water. The school also reduced its CO2 footprint by 200 tonnes through reduced energy purchase.

process. Heat is transferred into the manufacturing process in a heat exchanger, thus reducing the need for electric or gas heating. Water-cooled systems can be open or closed and circulating or non-circulating. The most useful is a closed-loop system with circulating water. Water circulates between the air compressor cooler and a process heat exchanger. The net result is a transfer of excess compressor heat into the manufacturing process, thus reducing the need for heating. In a closed-loop system water quality is strictly controlled using additives, which prevents the build-up of mineral deposits. As such, the system is efficient and clean and can remain operational for a long period without intervention. In every case, recovering heat from compressed air reduces the need for purchasing energy. It is this reduction that results in lower operating costs and lower CO2 emissions. Due to the high cost of energy, these savings can be significant in terms of manufacturing plant profitability and help companies meet their carbon reduction targets. Most industrial companies in the UK are still yet to embrace and realise the benefits of the technology. Indeed, it is estimated that 90 per cent of all industrial air compressors used in the UK could be equipped with heat recovery systems. And, as stated above, 70-94 per cent of the supply energy to an air compressor can be recovered. To illustrate the vast untapped potential of compressed air heat recovery, it is calculated that the technology could save 1.99 per cent of the total industrial electricity consumption in the UK. If that statistic isn’t compelling enough, it is the equivalent of removing the emissions from 913,000 diesel/ petrol cars per year, or recovering the energy required to power 1.544m households’ electricity consumption per year. Now, if that isn’t a compelling case for compressed air heat recovery, it’s difficult to say what is. 


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03/04/2020 17:03

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Products in Action

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College enjoys savings thanks to VSDs Danfoss Drives together with its HVAC partner Digicon, is helping New College Durham, a higher education and sixth form college in County Durham, to enjoy impressive energy savings. Following discussions with Danfoss business partner, Digicon Solutions, the college decided to install Danfoss VLT FC102 HVAC Drives in 30 air handling unit fan (AHU) applications. The drives were integrated into the existing Cylon BMS with kWh consumption data being analysed over the entire site. Prior to installation of the drives, all the AHU fans on the college’s sites operated at full speed all the time, wasting a lot of energy. To remedy this, carbon dioxide sensors were installed in the AHU return air ducts and connected through the BMS, which enabled the actual occupation level of each individual area being served to be measured and controlled. The speed of the fans was then automatically reduced or increased by the drives to provide the exact rate of air exchange needed to maintain a healthy and comfortable environment. In the 12 months since the project was implemented, the energy savings produced by the drives have been reflected in the improvement in the College’s already outstanding Energy Performance Operational Ratings, which are included in the building’s DEC (Display Energy Certificate). The rating for the main building has improved from 60 to 55, while the sports and music building has improved from a ONLINE ENQUIRY 102 rating of 57 to 54.

Innovative A/C for top London hotel An innovative, efficient air conditioning system has been chosen to provide cooling and comfort to guests at the Strand Palace Hotel in London. The hotel, which is walking distance from some of London’s most famous theatres and has been welcoming guests since 1909, needed to modernise its heating and cooling systems to ensure a quality experience for guests. High levels of energy efficiency and minimal disruption to the hotel’s operation during installation were also key considerations. The solution came in the form of the unique Hybrid VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) system from Mitsubishi Electric, which offers simultaneous heating and cooling with full heat recovery. The combination of refrigerant and water used in Hybrid VRF also delivers a much lower global warming potential (GWP) than traditional VRF systems and saves around 30-40 per cent in refrigerant use in comparison. The fit-out was designed by Elementa Consulting and installed by Working Environments and has seen units fitted across the hotel’s 790 rooms. The project started in September 2018 and is due for completion in April 2020, making the project the biggest of ONLINE ENQUIRY 101 its kind in Europe.

Glazing systems cut energy costs at Passivhaus leisure centre Work is expected to start shortly on the installation on the world’s first Passivhaus leisure centre of architectural glazing systems by UK manufacturer Kawneer. The systems – two types of curtain walling, three types of doors, windows and brise soleil – will be installed by Kawneer-approved specialist sub-contractor AB Glass for main contractor Kier at St Sidwell’s Point in Exeter. The 4,850m2 project will replace an ageing swimming pool with an eight-lane national/ county-standard pool and four-lane learner pool, both with movable floors, together with dry sports facilities including gym, café and

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crèche, and health and spa amenities. Benefits of the Passivhaus design include a 70 per cent saving on energy costs when compared to a current good practice pool, a 50 per cent reduction in water use, outstanding internal water and air quality, excellent daylight levels and lower maintenance costs due to a high-quality building fabric. The flagship in Exeter City Council’s £330m regenerating city centre masterplan, which also includes housing, offices, restaurants and retail, is expected to open to the public, alongside a new bus station, in the spring of 2021, and attract more than 500,000 visits a year.


Michael Kirkland is managing director at Forest Rock

Smart Buildings For further information on Forest Rock visit www.eibi.co.uk/enquiries and enter ENQUIRY No. 137

Make smart buildings smart Making buildings as smart as they can be is not an easy process, says Michael Kirkland. But how smart is ‘smart’ and how complex is the process?


ith the growth of IoT deployment, it means more and more systems are coming online. This is good for the development of the industry but if they operate independently the benefits are not reaped and they are not in essence creating a smart building. For example, if an air-conditioning system and over-door heater in a retail unit operates smartly it will run with performance and efficiency and maintenance in mind. However, if run in silos, the AC may cool to 21oC but the overdoor heater maybe adding unnecessary heat and causing the AC to work harder to maintain the 21oC. This inefficiency creates excess energy consumption and cost. This is just one example of the need to ensure interconnectivity and operation of systems and IoT-enabled devices. The next, sometimes overlooked issue in making a smart building smart, is interoperability. This is when different systems all have different makes and models and ages. Each will have either closed or open protocols meaning they all talk different languages. To connect to the variety of systems, you need a variety of different technology at your fingertips. This issue is also applicable to older systems such as standard BEMS, many of which need to be brought to latest specification that requires software and drivers to be written or new systems to be installed. This is also true of sensors and systems that are already in situ are they fit for purpose in the IoT world? Do they communicate and provide the level of information and controls needed for smart buildings and smart operations? The omission of middleware is also a concern when making buildings smart. The central/middleware platform that connects all the systems and sensors and devices within a building that is part of the design specification is sometimes

removed from the specification at points of build or refurbishment. Often this is because there is a lack of understanding for the need for such systems which can then be seen as surplus to requirements. However, their removal renders the newly refurbed or built building as no longer smart. It is because of these complexities in the creation of smart buildings that the role of the Master Systems Integrator (MSI) is growing. Master Systems Integrators coordinate between the different system suppliers, and glue all the systems together to make not only the buildings smart but the systems smart.

Attention to visibility Attention should also be given to visibility, particularly when it comes to data and analytics. If thought has not been given to what the building occupiers or managers want from the data first, then connected systems won’t deliver the desired insights. The data needs to come together into a central platform to deliver the output of the connected systems and the smart building. We call these platforms Digital Landscapes. Once all devices are communicating in harmony, no longer working in silos, and there is interoperability within the building,

‘The omission of middleware is a worry when making buildings smart’ site or estate, the next consideration is the need for visibility. Platforms like the Forest Rock Digital Landscape provide this visibility. Data is taken from many sources, from SCADA to CADFM, HVAC to BEMS, renewables to security systems and IT networks to weather feeds. These data sources are seamlessly linked together through middleware to allow for interoperability and to eradicate processes being conducted in silos. Interoperability of connected systems linked with cloud-based software and an integral analytical framework provides the backbone for our Digital Landscape Platform. This provides visibility of building and system operations to make The Procon Melco Jace is an interface device to provide connectivity to AC controllers

informed decisions, to change the way our clients’ buildings operate and use energy; providing a more granular level of utility control. Technology and data-driven actionable insights are undoubtedly key drivers to achieving peak performance in energy, business process and operational efficiency. A truly connected building sees improvements in equipment performance, process management and facilities maintenance. Recently, we have worked in partnership with a top-six utilities company to deliver a suite of IoT solutions for one of the UK’s largest hotel groups. The deployed devices will deliver energy and operational efficiency savings for the hotel group through the effective and central management of the group’s individual air conditioning systems. Each hotel has approximately 100 air conditioning units throughout each of its hundreds of hotels. The efficient and centralised operations of these air conditioning systems is imperative to reduce the hotel group’s carbon footprint and aid its drive for operational and energy efficiency. We installed our Procon Melco Jace 8000 which is an interface device that works with the Mitsubishi Air Conditioning Systems providing connectivity to M-NET centralised controllers. A single Melco Jace, or multiple units, dependent upon hotel size, is being installed in each of the hotel chain’s sites. The Melco Jace system will provide the utilities company with cost-effective connectivity and centralised operation of the Mitsubishi air-conditioning units. This allows for changes to temperature from a remote location and also remote monitoring from a single seat. The hotel group has enjoyed significant key benefits since installation such as improved fault detection, energy reduction, and the ability to control environmental conditions remotely. 


EIBI_0420_033(M).indd 1

06/04/2020 17:16


Dan Shields is CEO of Shields Energy

Making waves in the FM market Dan Shields has successfully made waves in the telecoms industry. Now he’s hoping that his technology can shake up the facilities management market, as he explained to EiBI’s Mark Thrower


t was pretty difficult interviewing Dan Shields. Not because he had nothing interesting to say but because of the surroundings. The CEO of Shields Energy has created a stunning office from a derelict pontoon that juts out into the Thames Estuary in Essex. By the time the interview had finished the tide had come in surrounding the office on three sides. The office is typical of Shields’ entrepreneurial spirit. “This is our third technology business,” he said. “The two previous businesses were centred on the asset management of retired telecoms equipment and the substances in them. The first business concentrated on wiping the phones and setting up recycling programmes. The refurbished phones were then sent overseas. Our second business focused on the telecoms infrastructure found at the bottom of masts that companies didn’t want to send to landfill.” Having built up and sold these businesses, Shields looked around and realised that “energy is the No. 1 challenge facing humanity over the next 50 years.” Shields Energy was born out of selling a portfolio of other companies’ products including voltage optimisation and boiler controls. “I just thought that they weren’t too exciting so we went out to our customers to find out the challenges they were facing,” Shields added. “We started out with the train operators and created a lighting controller. They also had the problem of copper earths being stolen and only being discovered when an inspection was made.”

Creating modular IoT solution Shields Energy’s answer was to create a modular IoT solution. CODA is a nextgeneration building management system that offers a fully integrated building solution with a data analytics platform for industrial and commercial building and estate digitalisation. The company says it will deliver reduced utility costs, provide granular data, building health diagnostics, asset condition monitoring and safety

industry has been incentivised to go to site rather than remedy the situation. We hope we are putting power back in the hands of the customers. We are interrupting the FM market.”

Corporate social governance

Shields: 'end users are more demanding as they are looking for more than energy savings'

‘We are aimed at small to medium sites as well as large estates’ improvements. “Everything we have done has been customer led,” commented Shields. “We haven’t made a black box and then said ‘would you like to buy this.’ ” By using the company's system train operators have been able to reduce sites visits. “In many instance it has gone from 10 to none per month,” added Shields. “So the benefit lies not only in the immediate carbon reduction but the downstream carbon reduction. What we started to see was a return on investment thanks not only to the energy savings but also a quicker return thanks to maintenance and safety savings. In bus depots, for example, we can monitor carbon monoxide levels. What we learnt is that the benefits of IoT go way beyond energy savings. "End users are more demanding as they are not just looking for energy savings but the savings in ‘truck roll’ far outweigh energy saved. Reduced telecoms costs enable you to get a realtime view of the efficiency of your estate from an iPad.” A further advantage of CODA is the wide range of sites where it can be used. “Most systems are focused on single sites,” stated Shields. “We are aimed at small to medium sites as well as large estates. But we don’t want to be just a control system. We also want to centralise the intelligence for the ease of use of our customers. The information has to be presented in such a way that you don’t need a degree in mechanical engineering. In that way the finance director can get some of the benefits. The FM

Shields firmly believes that environmental corporate social governance will come to the fore in the coming years. “We are starting to see it kick in now, “ he stated. “Institutional investors aren’t backing the ugly ‘vice stocks.’ It’s a really exciting time as people are becoming aware of climate change.” Shields is hoping the business can follow the same path as his two previous businesses and expand beyond the UK. “They have started in the UK and gone to Western Europe and North America and become small global businesses. However, I don’t think there is such a need to go to Europe yet as there is so much opportunity here. Many organisations have been focused on economic growth and not had a chance to look at whether their operations are as efficient as they could be. There are companies who have undertaken initiatives but what has happened is that there has been little quantification of the results. So by bringing a very granular examination of savings we can reassure the customer.” This process can be helped by better use of the smart meter deployment. “Although legislation demanded a roll out, connectivity was not," he added. “We went to one site at a railway station where they had 56 meters and they weren’t connected to anything. A lot of organisations are missing a trick. "Also, over the next ten years manufacturers will build in more intelligence to devices but customers aren’t going to want to log on to many different platforms. So it’s essential that data is centralised and easily shared.” Whatever the future holds Shields is adamant that the philosophy of the company will not alter. It will continue to be driven by what the customer wants – and stir up the FM market on the way. 


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06/04/2020 16:49

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EMT resolve issues with meters and aM&T systems that have been badly fitted and are inappropriate or wrongly installed, systems that have never functioned properly and unsuitable or wrongly configured software. We have considerable knowledge and can help assess, recommission or replace any aM&T system to render them as useful tools for your utility management needs.

ring Sharon on 01889 577 222 or email classified@eibi.co.uk *12,175 ABC circulation January-December 2019

For more information on how we can help, Tel: 01628 664056 Email: enquiries@meteringtech.com www.energymeteringtechnology.com


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