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Cuzcatlán Mining Company, a development axis in Oaxaca
The subsidiary of Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. reaffirms its commitment to the generation of shared value in the communities of the municipality of San José del Progreso in Oaxaca.
Twelve years after the start of operations of Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán in Oaxaca, the San José Mining Unit has consolidated its position as one of the leading primary silver producers in Mexico.
The San Jose mine was commissioned in July 2011 and began commercial production in September 2011 with 1,000 tons per day. With strategic investment over the years, the company increased plant capacity to 3,000 tons per day in mid-2016. In 2022, the mine produced 5.8 million ounces of silver and 34,124 ounces of gold.
With a historic investment of US$400 million in the state of Oaxaca, efficient production, environmental protection, and social responsibility, the mine is establishing itself as an asset that generates shared value in San José del Progreso.
From the perspective of Luiz Camargo, Director of Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán, the consolidation of the mine has been achieved thanks to the joint work of employees, suppliers, communities, and authorities.
“We are proud to say that the company works in an integrated manner with the communities where it operates. It generates shared value, which translates into many benefits for the communities. I can list several of them. Most importantly, we take great care of the environment,” Luiz emphasizes.
Luiz Camargo adds that another critical point to remain as a reference in
La generación de valor no solo es de manera monetaria, sino también de manera comunitaria, social, institucional y familiar.
“The generation of value is not only in a monetary way, but also in a community, social, institutional and family way.” integral development in San José del Progreso town is guaranteeing optimal working conditions.
“Igual cuidamos el entorno para que las condiciones de trabajo de las comunidades sean las más adecuadas; porque seguimos los más altos estándares de la industria, con lo que se genera una riqueza que se queda en la comunidad”, valida.
Agrega que operan con base a una política en derechos humanos y un robusto esquema de integridad. Los cuales han sido esenciales para lograr el éxito operativo y la aceptación de las comunidades.
“Nosotros somos muy aceptos en las comunidades. Eso se entiende el por qué antes de llegar a San José del Progreso existía un fenómeno de migración. Muchos salían para otras entidades o Estados Unidos para buscar trabajo. Cuando llega la empresa, entiende este fenómeno y logra detener a muchas estas personas, generando empleos y apoyando la integración de la familia”, recalca.
Concluye que la disciplina ha sido otro factor para lograr la excelencia operativa y comunitaria. “Estamos gestionando bajo los más estrictos estándares de seguridad. Igualmente, priorizamos el cuidado al medio ambiente y el respeto a las comunidades donde nosotros operamos”.

“We also take care of the environment so that the working conditions of the communities are the most adequate; because we follow the highest industry standards, which generates wealth that stays in the community,” he validates.
He adds that they operate based on a human rights policy and a robust integrity scheme. These have been essential to achieving operational success and community acceptance.
“We are very well accepted in the communities. Many left for other entities or the United States to look for work. That is why there was a migration phenomenon before arriving in San José del Progreso. When the company arrives, it understands this phenomenon and manages to detain many of these people, generating jobs and supporting the integration of the family,” he emphasizes.
He concludes that discipline has been another factor in achieving operational and community excellence. “We are managing under the strictest safety standards. We also prioritize care for the environment and respect for the communities where we operate.