2 minute read
From Outdated to Opulent
When owners Ron and Debbie stepped into their newly bought, Westside home in the Poplar Grove area, they knew they had a daunting task before them. The sweet deal that landed them the two-story Victorian-era house also meant they had the unenvied task of unburdening it with decades of outdated stuff.
Clearing out towering piles of boxes, furniture and past belongings became their first priority before they could tackle room by room renovations. Always up for a challenge, these two DIYers literally dove right in and spent weeks clearing, cleaning, and repainting each room. When they were done, they were left with a house of large spacious rooms, a charming sunroom, huge upstairs living space, a butler’s pantry and a vintage kitchen.
Over the past 8 years they have tackled literally every space and renovated them to reflect their love of French Country Style and of course, chandeliers. Their children jokingly call it their Chandelier Palace and with over 10 chandeliers, it certainly sparkles.
Renovations included a massive list of tasks not for the faint of heart. Stripping and staining wooden floors, tile-laying, whole-house painting of both the interior and exterior, new landscaping, a lush vegetable garden, a completely renovated bathroom and new antique light fixtures for each room are just some of the renovations they have taken on to create a home that exudes vintage, romantic vibes.
They both say it has been worth every bit of work to create a home that is so uniquely theirs.