The Head To Toe Experience If you have ever wanted to explore a new
you more than YOU! As the information age
way to heal, live and be well, visiting Head
has evolved, so must our health care. We
To Toe Health & Wellness is a great place to
have come to rely on Western Medicine to
start! They specialize in mineral body wraps
fix us when we are broken, but we have
and share that their goal is “to spread
forgotten how to stay whole in the first
wellness, create awareness and inspire
place. We see more and more people
awakening. We define health awakening as
seeking out natural resources to bring
to explore new ways to heal, think, live and
themselves back to optimal health.”
be well. At Head To Toe, we will continue to deliver information, services and modalities
Their promise is that their services will
to help you live a healthier and happier
“assist your body to detoxify, release, relax
life.” In terms of a philosophy, they “believe
and restore in a healing and safe
that healing and health maintenance is a
environment.” They “believe in community
multifaceted approach. There is not a quick
and collaboration and realize that the
fix, one-size-fits-all approach to healing that
services we provide are just one piece of
our culture has led us to believe. The foods
the puzzle. Our goal is to provide
we eat, the self care we prioritize, the
resources, educational opportunities and
thoughts we think and our body movement
introductions to other practitioners and
result in the state of our well being.”
modalities so that our clients can find their own individual recipe for what makes them
They go on to share, “We believe you need
to put your health into your own hands. Nobody is going to know your body, have
They go on to share that you will see
your best interests in mind or advocate for
improvement from the receiving of