Safety First At this point in the pandemic, COVID-19 related
A few of the major points to include are:
restrictions will likely to continue to vary by state
• Social Distancing: How large is your event
and location.
space and how much can you spread your
The reality of it is that this is unavoidable and
attendees out? Does your ceremony space
likely for some time.
allow for seats to be left open between family
What was supposed to be the happiest time of
groups? Are you going to do a receiving line
your life is constantly hanging by a few threads
after the ceremony? If so, plan to have hand
that are fraying due to things you cannot control
sanitizer ready!
- to say it’s tough to handle would be an understatement. Your mental health is SO
• High Contact Surfaces: Doorknobs, bathrooms,
important right now, especially given all the
or any other high traffic areas need to be
extra stress you’re now taking on as you plan a
sanitized frequently. Guest books are great,
COVID wedding. If you’re like me at all,
but consider having a basket of pens stationed
situations out of your control just give you the
with your book so guests can keep the pen
heebie-jeebies, so let’s focus on a few things you
they use to sign, rather than everyone touching
can control.
the same pen. Is your dinner being served or are you doing a buffet? If you’re doing a buffet,
A safety plan is a great way to get ahead of
consider having one person filling plates so
future unforeseen issues - and it’s easier than
everyone isn’t touching the utensils.
you think to put one together! There are many templates online that guide you through the
• Masks: It’s a hotly debated topic, but you can
process according to your state and county's
make the decision on requiring or suggesting
requirements. Even as people are becoming
masks. Enforcing mask wearing is a whole
vaccinated and restrictions are starting to lift, it’s
other ballgame, but if you are intent on doing
still a good idea to have a plan. As we’ve seen
so, enlist the help of your wedding party and a
over the last year, things can change
few guests to remind others of your wishes.
dramatically in a short period of time - staying ahead of the issues is just one more thing you
To help you communicate with your guests ENGAGED! RIVER VALLEY