Disappointment Many of us have been there, in high
both seen and felt in these challenging
anticipation of THE BIG DAY. The venue
selected, invitations sent, the photographer and DJ under contract, bridal attire on order
Of course there are always those who say
and the cake maker chosen. THE cake!
unhelpful things. “Why are you so upset?”
YOUR cake. The one like no other ever
“It’s just a wedding.” “Nobody died!” “Pick
displayed and shared at a reception. All the
another day.” Now all of those statements are
months of planning, spending, deciding,
true, but that doesn’t ease the
done, and at last there is an appointment on
disappointment. In fact, it sounds downright
the calendar, “our wedding day.” Then
“Bam!” COVID-19 strikes! The appointment on the calendar turns into
When disappointment comes, we can
disappointment...crushing disappointment.
support those we love with some very simple
How can you have a wedding when the
orders are social distancing and no public
1. Listen
gatherings until further notice. That hurts.
2. Affirm 3. Sympathize
Hundreds of thousands of couples are in this situation right now and with them all the folks
When someone is hurt, a listening ear is a
who make a wedding happen, wedding
gift. Listening deeply carves out a path for
planners, caterers, florists, venue owners....
pain to be expressed and not internalized. If
you get the picture. The trickle down
someone trusts you to hear their problem,
economic impact of a canceled wedding is
reserve opinions and suggestions until they