Getting Married in Unprecedented Times
In these unprecedented times, how to
We don’t know realistically when this will
handle what the Corona virus situation is
end. Scientists and doctors are doing their
doing to weddings and events is not a one-
best to curb this global pandemic, but
size-fits-all solution. How you choose to
the news is showing that we are short on
proceed should in all likelihood involve a
medical supplies and the rate of the spread
good amount of conversation and
is fast. Johns Hopkins Medical shared a
consideration before any major decisions
phenomenal article called Coronavirus,
are made to your event's regard.
Social and Physical Distancing and SelfQuarantine that dives into flattening the
The CDC offers the following website to
curve, how we do it, and what that means (
education the general public on the
virus: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/
2019-ncov/index.html - With that said,
right now, it’s safe to say that we are in time
quarantine) / However, many large
of limbo. If your event is not scheduled out
(and even small) cities are showing that not
for another 6-18 months, you are probably
everyone is playing by the rules of
OK to hold off making any major decisions.
sheltering in place and social distancing.
However, if your wedding is coming up in
The analogy of us all being in detention
the near to moderate future, postponing is
because a handful of kids can’t behave
likely a wise decision. Have you called your
themselves has been floating around social
vendors yet to have a discussion? Don’t
media, and to me, it hits the nail on the
hesitate to start those talks. The sooner you
head! Until we all do our part, this won’t
start making new arrangements, the better
end, and COVID-19 will continue to infect
off you’ll be in terms of alternate dates!
people and put not only our at-risk