World of
Wonder The path towards cleaner oceans to help protect our beautiful blue planet
Inspired by nature
Beautiful Cornish sculptures mimicking natural geometry
under canvas
Get back to nature by camping on the Lizard
rwater world Discover an unde th life teeming wi
Wild LIZARD COVER 2018--AW.indd 2
02/03/2018 11:55
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27/02/2018 17:22
INTRODUCTION E d ito r H a n n a h T a p p in g h a n n a h .ta p p in g @
e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k
E d ito r ia l M a n a g e r F e lix R o w e e d ito r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k D e s ig n M a n a g e r C h lo e S e a r le D e s ig n J a m ie C r o c k e r – S p e n c e r H a w e s M e d ia & M a r k e tin g A s s is ta n ts D a n W a r d e n – J a s o n F le tc h e r - M e g a n S e a r le p r o d u c tio n @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k
For all editorial, production, marketing or design enquiries: 01326 574842 C r e d it C o n tr o l T ra c y D a rt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 tr a c y .d a r t@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k A c c o u n ts M a n a g e r C h a r lo tte F o r s te r – 0 7 7 1 4 7 1 8 4 7 1 c h a r lo tte .fo r s te r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t M a n a g e r s S a m R o b e rts – 0 7 9 4 6 4 9 1 3 5 8 s a m .r o b e r ts @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k G e o ff P u llin – 0 7 5 3 5 5 8 5 6 1 3 g e o ff.p u llin @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k Ia n G ra n t – 0 7 5 0 4 0 0 7 9 4 1 ia n .g r a n t@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k M e d ia S a le s E x e c u tiv e s N ia m h T h o m a s – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 0 n ia m h .th o m a s @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k B e n W o r m in g to n – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 3 2 b e n .w o r m in g to n @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k D e s G lo v e r – 0 1 3 2 6 3 6 9 4 2 1 d e s .g lo v e r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k S a le s S u p p o r t A s s is ta n t A d a m P a rro tt O p e r a tio n s M a n a g e r M ig u e l B e le r t C o m m e r c ia l D ir e c to r J o n a th a n P e r k in s – 0 7 5 8 7 0 7 2 7 0 6 jo n a th a n .p e r k in s @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k M a n a g in g D ir e c to r B e n P ra tc h e tt – 0 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 8 4 2 b e n .p r a tc h e tt@ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k G r o u p D ir e c to r A n d y F o rs te r – 0 7 7 1 1 1 6 0 5 9 0 a n d y .fo r s te r @ e n g in e h o u s e m e d ia .c o .u k
Welcome to Wild Lizard… The Lizard Peninsula is a wonderful, magical and utterly unique place; blessed with a mild climate, extraordinary scenery and some amazing places to visit and explore. The landscape is defined by the serpentine that is the bedrock of the peninsula and the countryside that has grown from these rocks has been shaped by centuries of farming giving the Lizard a unique natural wildlife prized for centuries by botanists and naturalists. The whole of the Lizard Peninsula is designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, it has eight Sites of Special Scientific Interest and its own recently extended National Nature Reserve. Over the coming pages we take a look at the rich biodiversity and unique flora, fauna and wildlife that can be found at every turn. In order to protect this incredible area, sustainability and ecologically sound practices are at the forefront of the minds of those who live here. The Lizard Peninsula’s own war on plastic, respecting the ocean for generations to come, is very apparent in the plethora of beach cleans that are happening all around the Lizard (from page 18). It’s not just the shoreline that is getting the eco-treatment, farmers, fishermen, producers and growers across the region are all doing their bit to protect the environment. From cows grazing on coastal heathland helping to manage the landscape (page 39) and the sustainable production of Cornish lavender (page 40) to pasties (page 16) and organic beauty products (page 41), we visit some of the people, places and events that make the Lizard so special. This magazine is put together with the help of the Welcome to Wild Lizard Group. A group of local businesses, organisations and people who are passionate about the place they live and work in. Working as volunteers, they help to produce this magazine and run a website to help spread the word about the Lizard and all it has to offer.
Welcome to Wild Lizard!
Special thanks to all of our fantastic contributors, including: All members of the Welcome to Wild Lizard Group, especially Hannabeth Johnson and Sandy Pulfrey; Alastair Cameron, Rachel Holder, Catherine Lee, Steve Cook and all at the National Trust; Steve Townsend at Natural England; Abigail Crosby from Cornwall Wildlife Trust; Martin Stroud, Diane Viljoen, David Roberts and Caroline Beadle.
Wild Lizard is published by: ENGINE HOUSE MEDIA LTD H o lb r o o k , T h e M o o r s , P o r th le v e n , C o r n w a ll T R 1 3 9 J X
w w w . e n g i n e h o u se m e d i a . co . u k w w w . l e ve n m e d i a g r o u p . c o . u k E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td is a m u lti- p la tfo r m m e d ia b u s in e s s w ith a p a s s io n fo r e v e r y th in g Cornish. Visit to find out more. Our mission is to create R E A D - W A T C H - E X P E R IE N C E m e d ia o p p o r tu n itie s m a r r y in g to g e th e r c o n s u m e r s w ith th e fa b u lo u s b u s in e s s e s a c r o s s C o r n w a ll. O u r p u b lis h in g a n d m a r k e tin g te a m s a r e s p e c ia lis ts in c r e a tin g p r in t a n d o n - lin e c o m m u n ic a tio n s , d e v is e d to a c h ie v e a r a n g e o f m a r k e tin g o b je c tiv e s . W ith o v e r 2 0 y e a r s o f m a r k e tin g , b r a n d m a n a g e m e n t a n d m a g a z in e e x p e r ie n c e w e d e v e lo p e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n s th a t d e liv e r y o u r m e s s a g e in a c r e d ib le a n d c r e a tiv e w a y . W e o p e r a te a c r o s s a ll m e d ia c h a n n e ls , in c lu d in g : p r in t, o n lin e a n d v id e o .
On the cover: The beach at Coverack by Martin Stroud
ISSN 2049-8462
© A ll r ig h ts r e s e r v e d . M a te r ia l m a y n o t b e r e - p r o d u c e d w ith o u t th e p e r m is s io n o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . W h ile C o r n w a ll L iv in g w ill ta k e e v e r y c a r e to h e lp r e a d e r s w ith r e p o r ts o n p r o p e r tie s a n d fe a tu r e s , n e ith e r E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td n o r its c o n tr ib u to r s c a n a c c e p t a n y lia b ility fo r r e a d e r d is s a tis fa c tio n a r is in g fr o m e d ito r ia l fe a tu r e s , e d ito r ia l o r a d v e r tis in g fe a tu r e d in th e s e p a g e s . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td s tr o n g ly a d v is e v ie w in g a n y p r o p e r ty p r io r to p u r c h a s in g o r considerations over any financial decisions. E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia r e s e r v e s th e r ig h t to a c c e p t o r r e je c t a n y a r tic le o r m a te r ia l s u p p lie d fo r p u b lic a tio n o r to e d it s u c h m a te r ia l p r io r to p u b lic a tio n . E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td c a n n o t ta k e r e s p o n s ib ility fo r lo s s o r d a m a g e o f s u p p lie d m a te r ia ls . T h e o p in io n s e x p r e s s e d o r a d v ic e g iv e n in th e p u b lic a tio n a r e th e v ie w s o f th e in d iv id u a l a u th o r s a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a r ily r e p r e s e n t th e v ie w s o r p o lic ie s o f E n g in e H o u s e M e d ia L td . It is s u g g e s te d th a t fu r th e r a d v ic e is ta k e n o v e r a n y a c tio n s r e s u ltin g fr o m r e a d in g a n y p a r t o f th is m a g a z in e .
Image courtesy of: Chris Hunt
LZ--18--ED-Feature-Intro Page.indd 3
BECOME A MEMBER Do you have business on the Lizard? Sign up to become a member of the Welcome to Wild Lizard Group, for a nominal fee. For all the details and benefits, contact:
02/03/2018 12:04
LZ 18 004 Contents.indd 4
8 11 13 14 16 8 18 20 24 27 31 13 32 35 39 40 43 49 31 50
UNDER THE SEA Discover a world of wonder beneath the waves
CAMPING ON THE LIZARD Nothing beats a night or two under canvas
THE GLORY OF THE GARDEN We find out about Penrose’s Walled Kitchen Garden
COVERACK KEEPS ON SMILING Discover the beautiful Cornish village
FOOD & DRINK Producers with quality and sustainability on the mind
KEEP IT CLEAN Get involved to keep our beaches free from pollution
ON THE WATER Exhilarating activities for exploring the coast
HIDDEN GEMS Two wonderful walks, taking in coast and countryside
SAND AND SHINGLE It’s time for a day at the beach!
LIZARDS ON THE LIZARD Some reptiles to look out for on your explorations
BARKS ON THE BEACH Our guide to dog-friendly beaches
INSPIRED BY NATURE Designers and makers producing stunning pieces
FARMING FOR THE FUTURE Grass-fed Devon Ruby Red cattle overlooking the ocean
LIZARD TALES We visit a lavender farm and meet the Inlight team
WHAT’S ON Event listings and highlights throughout the year
THE PERFECT STORM The magic of the Lizard out of season
SIGNS OF LIFE Flora and fauna unique to the Lizard
02/03/2018 13:42
Sit and gaze out at the beauty of Coverack Bay and harbour from our licenced terrace and gardens or lounge. Open for breakfast, morning coffees, light lunches and Cornish cream teas. Our conservatory restaurant offers sea view dining every night with the best local produce, fish and Lobsters landed from the Bay a speciality. Vast selection of Cornish gins, beers and wines. Non-residents are welcome, ample private parking.
Check out our webcam at 01326 280464 @Bayhotelc
Ride the Segway, On & Off Road at Goonhilly Nr Helston & Clowance Country Estate*
Take control of your own Segway and glide around our exhilarating trails, from easy routes to more technical off road sessions.
• Great for individuals, couples, families and groups • Bespoke courses - easy & fun • Full training & instruction • Games & races • All weather activity • Book to avoid disappointment * Clowance 1 (midweek) day per week - please call in advance
05.indd 1
Min 7 stones or 44.5kgs. Max 18.5 stones or 118kgs. Other terms apply, call or see website for details! *Calls to our 0844 number cost 5p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge
28/02/2018 09:55
Godolphin Cross
Carleen Germoe Sithney Trewennack Helston
Praa Sands Rinsey
Gweek Porthleven
Loe Pool
8 Garras
Gardens 1
Godolphin House and Garden
Bonython Estate
Penrose Walled Kitchen Garden
Beaches 8
Loe Bar
Porthoustock Beach
10 Church Cove
Gunwalloe Cross Lanes Cury
10 Goonhilly
11 Mullion
The Lizard Heritage Coast
11 Poldhu Beach 12 Mullion Cove 13 Coverack Beach 14 Kennack Sands
12 Mullion Cove
15 Cadgwith Beach 16 Kynance Cove 17 Housel Bay
Ruan Major
Predannack Wollas
Places of interest
18 Seal Sanctuary
Ruan Minor
19 Goonhilly Earth Station Cadgwith
20 Roskilly’s 21 Poldhu Marconi Centre
22 Windmill Farm Nature Reserve
23 The Lizard Lifeboat Station
Kynance Cove
24 Lizard Point Wildlife Watchpoint 25 Marconi Lizard Wireless Station
23 Lizard
Bus stops Lizard National Nature Reserve (NNR)
Lizard Point
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02/03/2018 12:08
5 Mawnan Smith
Constantine Helford Passage
Port Navas
The Lizard Peninsula
6 Helford
St Anthony in Meneage Flushing
Roskorwell Porthallow Newtown in St Martin
Porthoustock Lanarth
St Keverne
13 Trelan Gwenter
Kuggar Poltesco uan Minor
006 - Map--2.00.2.indd 7
02/03/2018 12:08
A world of wonder ĂŠ MAIN Enjoying a spot of sunbathing on the beach
Charles Hood
BELOW Playtime with a friendly seal
Every year, thousands of visitors from around the world flock to the Cornish coast, drawn to the beautiful blue sea. If you are lucky enough, you might spot a few of the wonderful creatures that frequent our waters, from seals, dolphins, whales, basking sharks and blue sharks, among other amazing wildlife.
Tom Young
Surrounded by the sea, the Lizard is the perfect place to discover amazing marine wildlife and explore how we can work towards healthier oceans.
With the recent success of David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II,, interest in all things ocean, has boomed. The final episode of which took a fearless look at the impact of human activity on marine life, with David himself delivering a rallying request to do more to protect the environment. This prompted a huge wake up call for many to do more and care more about our oceans and coastlines. At the beginning of January this year, the use of microplastics in cosmetics and personal care products was banned in the UK. While a fantastic step in the right direction towards healthier oceans, there still remains plenty to be done. There are an estimated 51 trillion microbeads currently in our oceans, and these tiny plastics are consumed by marine life. As well as being ingested, these plastics, along with other rubbish and waste, are washed up on our shores; creating further danger to other animals and people too. There are some excellent initiatives and activities around the Lizard that you can get involved in to help our wildlife and clean up the coast, such as organised
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02/03/2018 12:16
Charles Hood
Charles Hood
Charles Hood
“With the recent success of David Attenborough's Blue Planet II, interest in all things ocean, has boomed”
beach cleans and relinquishing single-use plastics. Head to page 18 to find out more.
Charles Hood
Cornwall Wildlife Trust does a great deal of essential work in marine conservation to ensure that our beloved sea creatures are protected. The organisation collects data on marine wildlife and creates awareness surrounding threats as well as campaigning for better protection for our marine species and habitats. The team are passionate about nature conservation and work exclusively in Cornwall, so all the money raised, by donations and memberships, stays in Cornwall.
é MAIN A cuckoo wrasse
é ABOVE LEFT The coast off the Lizard is home to a whole host of fascinating and brightly coloured creatures just beneath the surface
TOP DIVE SITES Loe Bar / Porthleven: Huge steel ship, with giant boilers; protected wreck off Loe Bar. The Manacles (off Porthoustock): A plethora of wrecks to explore here. Kennack Sands: Situated close by are two known wrecks; the Carmarthen and the Gunvor. Gunwalloe Church Cove: The resting place of the San Salvador shipwreck, reputed to be carrying two tons of Spanish coins; giving the nickname ‘Dollar Cove’. Cadgwith: Home to the wreck of Bellucia, a 4368-ton British steamer ship. Broken up and spread over a wide area, with bows and boilers mostly intact.
If you’d love to experience the deep blue and get up-close and personal to some of Cornwall’s amazing marine life, a great place to start your exploration is with Kennack Diving. You’ll discover hundreds of species of fish and wonderfully vibrant coral. Turn to page 22 to learn more.
Respected underwater photographer, Charles Hood organises shark and sea life safaris is a keen and welltravelled diver. With no barriers and no cages, these expeditions are true one-to-one encounters, with amazing photo opportunities.
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02/03/2018 12:16
01326 240421 or email £5.70 per person. tennis court - day membership from swimming pool, hot tub, gym and including an indoor and outdoor to our Leisure Club, with facilities The perfect seaside retreat £17.95. Non-members are welcome 2Relax courses £14.95, courses andfrom enjoy one of3the most from not treat yourself to Sunday Lunch spectacular living rooms in England, views, from £7.50 per person. Or why with breathtaking views of Mounts Bay Vista Lounge, taking in the spectacular and the Atlantic Ocean beyond.While Enjoy our amazing Cream Tea in the this stunning backdrop provides a feast for the eye, our wonderful food will delight even the most jaded of palates.
Polurrian Bay Hotel
Polurrian Bay Hotel A contemporary coastal retreat perched on the cliffs of the Lizard Peninsula. Polurrian Bay Hotel invites you to enjoy the finer things in life. Kick the sand off your feet and enjoy sea-view rooms, divine Cornish cuisine, spa treatments, swimming pools, crèche facilities and activities. We have been awarded two AA Rosettes for culinary excellence.
Our boutique seaside rooms are styled to suit children, dogs and grown-ups, so whatever you choose we’ve got the perfect accommodation to meet your family’s needs. Cornish Food is the heart of our hospitality and our team of chefs take pride in creating seasonal menus to showcase the finest local ingredients from land and sea. If you feel the need to rejuvenate, options include a stroll on our private beach or perhaps a relaxing treatment in the spa.
delight even the most jaded of palates. Mullion, Cornwall for the eye, our wonderful food will this stunning backdrop provides a feast Enjoy our amazing Cream Tea in the and the Atlantic Ocean beyond.While Vista Lounge, taking in the spectacular with breathtaking views of Mounts Bay views, from £7.50 per person. Or why spectacular living rooms in England, not treat yourself to Sunday Lunch Relax and enjoy of the most 2 courses from one £14.95, 3 courses from
01326 240421 or email
£17.95. Non-members are welcome The perfect seaside retreat
to our Leisure Club, with facilities Motor Boats, Sail Boats, Rowboats including an indoor and outdoor and Kayaks available swimming for hire on the Helford. pool, hot tub, gym and Creekside holiday cottages tennis court - day membership from available to rent all year £5.70 per round. person.
Polurrian Bay Hotel
01326 240421 or email Mullion, Cornwall
SatNav: TR12 6JW • Tel: 01326 231357
10.indd 1
28/02/2018 09:35
Cornwall under canvas Nothing beats camping in well-kempt fields overlooking the Atlantic, or in pretty glades surrounded by trees and the sounds of nature.
While staying in luxurious accommodation certainly has its upside, there’s no better way to immerse yourself into the Lizard’s natural landscape than with a camping holiday. If this sounds like you, then you’re in luck as there’s an array of different campsites to choose from. Here’s just a small selection to whet your appetite for a holiday spent close to nature. Located near the Helford river, Gear Farm is a fantastic place to pitch up for those looking to get out on the water, with ready pitched family tents available. There are also plenty of creekside walks here, so you can lace up your boots and unleash your inner explorer. é ABOVE Gear Farm
Firstly, fresh local fish is sold at Cadgwith, which you can enjoy on your evening barbeque. Secondly, for anybody who fancies venturing to the UK’s most southerly point, Henry’s Campsite is less than a mile away! It’s a wonderful spot for walks and bike rides, and just five minutes away you can enjoy a leisurely round of golf, or an afternoon’s horse riding at Newton Equestrian!
Owned by the National Trust, Teneriffe Farm at Predannack near Mullion is simply a stunning place to pitch up. Hemmed by farmland, with flashes of Atlantic blue peeking above the hedges, Teneriffe has no obvious frills, other than the swings and slides of the children’s play area, and that’s precisely the point. It has been designed for a camping experience that’s focussed on nature, so expect starry nights, lots of time spent in the great outdoors and dizzying views of the sea from the nearby South West Coast Path.
Located in Lizard village and just five minutes from Cadgwith Cove, Henry’s Campsite has plenty to offer.
é ABOVE Henry’s Campsite
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02/03/2018 12:18
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01326 389272
12.indd 1
28/02/2018 09:44
The glory of the garden
n The Walled Kitchen
Garden at Penrose before its regeneration
è INSET National Trust volunteers helping to restore the garden
With vibrant splashes of colour in countless hues from across the spectrum, the gardens of the Lizard are well worth a visit. The Lizard is well recognised as one of the UK’s top botanical sites, thanks to its unique southerly position and geological composition. Together, these make it a hotspot for horticulture, and whether you’re blessed with green fingers or not, the estate gardens of this enigmatic peninsula make for some fascinating exploring. One such site is the Walled Kitchen Garden on Penrose estate. Dating back to the 1700s, the Walled Kitchen Garden was built by John Rogers, who inherited Penrose estate in 1772. John worked tirelessly on the garden and grounds, and his work – which redefined the character of this wonderful space – is still clearly evident today.
Bonython Estate: Expect magnificent shrubs, a walled garden, lakes and a woodland walk. Dogs on leads are welcome!
é ABOVE The perfect spot for visitors to relax and take in the Cornish countryside
Trebah Garden: A stunning valley garden stocked with subtropical plant, leading down to the Helford river. Glendurgan Garden: From wonderful wildflowers in the spring to exotic plants in the summer, this valley garden is stunning all year round. Potager: A small but wonderfully tranquil haven near Constantine. Bosahan: A real gem on the coast near St Anthony-in-Meneage.
a onal ru t
So what does the future hold for the walled garden? Well, the broad vision is a simple one: the borders will gradually be cultivated once again and used for productive growing – vegetables, fruit, flowers, perhaps a tree nursery in time. The central grass area will remain, partly as a wildflower meadow protecting what nature has restored, and partly as lawns for people to sit, picnic, snooze. The garden will continue to develop and change, presenting regular opportunities for local communities and visitors to get involved in shaping the garden’s future, learning valuable new skills along the way.
Godolphin: This ancient and atmospheric estate’s diverse medieval gardens make for an intriguing exploration.
LEFT Produce grown in the garden
The National Trust is gradually breathing life back into the space, with the aim of creating a productive communal garden and a special place for visitors to enjoy. The Trust has created a vegetable bed along the south-facing wall and installed a polytunnel, thus thrusting the garden into the next stage of its history.
I a e ourte
The gardens once provided Penrose House with fruit, vegetables and flowers. However, now, only the foundations of the orginal greenhouses remain. In 2010, the Rogers family passed responsibility for the lower part of the garden to the National Trust and, over the next couple of years, the conifers there were felled and in spring 2012 the gates were opened to the public to enjoy this beautiful spot.
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02/03/2018 12:27
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02/03/2018 12:32
Mar n trou
Matthew Burtwell Aerial Cornwall
A village with spirit Coverack is a true hidden gem, a beautiful Cornish village that thrives, even in the face of adversity, largely thanks to its strong community spirit. Coverack is the kind of place you’re unlikely to simply stumble across; tucked away and off the main throughroad, you really have to seek it out. But those that do are instantly rewarded with a beautiful vista as they descend the road – the archetypal Cornish village made up of pretty cottages hugging the cliffs and looking out over the bay, complete with its own beach, life boat house (now converted into an excellent fish and chip shop) and a historic Serpentine harbour housing a small fishing fleet.
Mar n trou
Yet, for all its feel of timeless beauty, 18th July 2017 is a date likely to be etched in the memories of the Coverack community for many years to come – the day when, between 1.30pm and 4.30pm, the rains came down relentlessly, resulting in flash floods and great devastation to the village. What was particularly unusual about this freak downpour is not only how unremitting it was (about eight inches of rainfall in three hours), but also how localised it was to the immediate area around Coverack. Now, a year later, we find Coverack bouncing back, testament to the strong community values and tenacity of spirit of Coverack’s inhabitants. Indeed, as Caroline Beadle of community group Coverack Space 2000 tells us, events of this magnitude often help to galvanise the spirit, highlighting people’s resilience in the face of adversity. “Coverack was already a close community but the flood did show how people really pull together,” says Caroline. “A number of local builders rescheduled jobs to help out and people helped in any way that they could. The number of people who came from out of the area to help our little village was truly amazing.”
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While it’s now a part of the village’s history, the flood certainly won’t define it. As Caroline explains, it’s onwards and upwards for the village. “We plan to have a ‘Flood Anniversary Day’ with a Duck Race (to celebrate the river in a more positive way!) and an exhibition and refreshments in St Peter’s Hall so we can all get together and see how far we have come!” The village plays host to regular events and activities throughout the year, for both the community and visitors, including everything from monthly beach cleans (see page 18) and guided topical walks to art, crafts and theatre workshops, a writers’ group and ju-jitsu. There’s also a pisky trail. “It’s a great way to explore Coverack, finding lots of quiet paths and tracks and is surprisingly educational; it appeals to a wide age range and is a fun family walk – with a difference!” Finish your walk with a visit to one of the excellent cafés, pubs and restaurants for some refreshments.
LEFT The fishing fleet at Christmas time ABOVE An aerial view of the village and harbour é ABOVE
Coverack’s beach at low tide, revealing a rock known locally as the ‘Giant’s Fist’
It’s a wonderful place to discover out of season too. “Whatever the time of year Coverack looks beautiful with the South West Coast path running right through the village, stunning cliff walks towards Blackhead on one side and out towards Lowland Point and the Manacle Reef on the other side,” says Caroline. So the next time you’re exploring the Lizard, why not discover what this little gem has to offer, all for yourself?
02/03/2018 12:32
Matthew e o – i it Cornwall
A bounty of produce The countryside and coastline of the Lizard is a natural pantry, rich with delicious produce and inspiring people at the heart of it all.
As with all stunning locations like the Lizard, the beating heart derives not just from the landscape or coastline, but the inspiring people who inhabit them. This applies wholeheartedly to the Lizard’s food producers. What connects the three featured here – aside from the high-quality produce that’s in huge demand, of course – is their huge respect for the produce and natural resources, acting responsibly and sustainably so that this wonderful bounty can be enjoyed for years to come. BELOW Caro and Tim of The Cornish Seaweed Company, foraging on the coast
THE CORNISH SEAWEED COMPANY This award-winning company headquartered in Gweek is the perfect example of a venture putting the environment at the forefront. The company was founded by Tim van Berkel and Caro Warwick-Evans, who share a deep respect and passion for nature and the environment. Seaweed is responsibly foraged from the Cornish coast – it’s an organic, sustainable and environmentally friendly food, low in carbon and naturally rich in nutrients. Focus is very much on quality and responsible sourcing, and the team are true pioneers of this area; they helped to write and establish the ‘Code of Conduct for Seaweed Harvesting’ to promote best practice and longevity.
Tim tells us: “At The Cornish Seaweed Company we sustainably harvest a range of Cornish seaweeds from the Lizard Peninsula. The Lizard is such a fabulous place to work for its beautiful and bountiful seas but also the very high water quality, which is reflected in our products.” Together Tim and Caro have written a wonderful book crammed with delicious recipes, The Seaweed Cookbook. You may have seen Caro cooking sea spaghetti and spaghetti with king prawns alongside Jamie Oliver on Jimmy & Jamie’s Friday Night Feast earlier this year on Channel 4.
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02/03/2018 12:33
Fresh fish is caught from boats operating out of Helford, Coverack, Cadgwith and the Lizard
ABOVE RIGHT Delicious pasties from Gear Farm BELOW Kernowsashimi at a local farmers’ market
Kernowsashimi is the product of father and son team, Chris and Dylan Bean, based in St Martin, in the heart of the Lizard Peninsula, landing fish from working boats on the Helford, Coverack, Cadgwith and the Lizard.
Of course, we couldn’t discuss food without a mention of the beloved Cornish pasty! Gear Farm has been steadily building a reputation for its tasty pasties produced here on the Lizard for some time. So popular they have proved, that many are sent up-country on the train to be devoured across the UK. This avid national following keeps the pasties in high demand, ensuring that production is a continuous, year-round concern.
“We are privileged to have a wide variety of different fish and shellfish around us,” Dylan tells us, “due to the unique position of the peninsula protruding out into deep Atlantic water and the sandy, muddy bottoms of Falmouth Bay. One of my customers said he has put 57 different species of fish and crab on his menu that have come from Kernowsashimi!” Dylan continues: “It always amazes me that, although the culture between Japan and Cornwall is very different, the climate has many similarities and so we have many fish and plants in common. This means we can do exciting things with our Cornish fish and wild plants, like three-cornered leek and burdock, just by applying some Japanese methods.” Look out for Kernowsashimi at weekly farmers’ markets, on Truro’s Lemon Quay on Saturday and Wednesday, and Falmouth’s The Moor on Tuesday.
You can sample the delights yourself by popping into the farm shop, where they are stocked alongside a whole host of fresh, seasonal vegetables grown on the farm. They can also be ordered directly for delivery, so you needn’t ever be out of delicious pasties! So what’s the secret to the perfect pasty? For owner David Webb, farming is truly in the blood, wherever possible keeping traditional methods alive. Following the maxim that less is more, the pasties are made to a very simple recipe with quality produce grown and reared on the farm, or nearby, without unnecessary additives. If you haven’t tried one yet, you seriously don’t know what you’re missing! GearFarmOrganicPastyCo
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02/03/2018 12:34
Keep it clean The array of beautiful beaches, miles of coastline and marine wildlife are some of the Lizard’s greatest assets. Many inspiring initiatives are being set up to help keep it that way.
Daring to dream – together we can make a difference
A visit to the Lizard wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the beach to unwind, admire the sea and watch the surf! Whether you’re spending the day there, taking a stroll or having a barbeque on a summer evening, a beautiful beach is the perfect spot to spend your time.
BELOW Every year, thousands of plastic items wash up on our shores, but the people of the Lizard are fighting back!
According to Surfers Against Sewage, approximately 5000 items of marine plastic pollution have been found per mile in the UK and over 150 plastic bottles litter each mile of UK beaches. 63% of people consider the coast to be important to their quality of life. This being the case, we should do more to make sure that our beaches are well looked after.
One way of doing so is by getting involved in one of the many beach cleans happening around the Lizard. These are a great way to spend a couple of hours or an afternoon giving back to the coast! It can also be interesting to see what kind of things you can find washed up. Some past finds include: Spanish washing up liquid, an unbroken light bulb, a telegraph pole weighing 1 tonne, a French medicine container, a window frame and some old rusty keys. Beach cleans are regularly organised by Surfers Against Sewage, The National Trust and by individuals too. The Surfers Against Sewage website is a great place to start if your looking to get involved. Easy to use maps are available listing beach clean boxes, regional reps, events and upcoming beach cleans as well as past beach cleans including how much was collected and how many volunteers were involved. Of course, we also have to work on preventing waste ending up there. There are some excellent campaigns on the Lizard Peninsula that you can get involved in and support, to help protect and reduce further damage to our marine environment.
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02/03/2018 12:41
“We’re really pleased with the community’s response…individuals are supporting us by buying our products and businesses are on-board selling the products, filling people’s water bottles, offering discounts to people with re-usable coffee cups…”
Refresh Porthleven has been part of the ReFILL Cornwall movement since the start of 2018 and is collaborating with other related campaigns such as: ‘The Final Straw’, ‘Cornwall Plastic Pollution Coalition’ and the ‘Surfers Against Sewage’s Plastic Free Coastlines’ campaign, with hopes that Porthleven will achieve ‘Plastic Free Coastline’ status in 2018.
INSET Reusable bamboo cups, helping to reduce the volume of disposable plastic cups Refresh Porthleven
A great example is REFRESH PORTHLEVEN, a smart new initiative, sponsored by Arc Live, set up by a group of volunteers “developing practical everyday solutions to help reduce the consumption and waste of single use plastics”. They’ve created a range of reusable bamboo cups and aluminium water bottles to help encourage people to refill rather than to buy single use products. Spokesperson, Dai Lawton, tells us that after meeting Deb Rosser in Bude in 2016, he was inspired by her positive ideas about reducing single-use plastic and getting the community involved. “We’re really pleased with the community’s response,” says Dai, “individuals are supporting us by buying our products and businesses are on-board selling the products, filling people’s water bottles, offering discounts to people with re-usable coffee cups and many are already committing to reducing their single-use plastic products, such as plastic straws.” By continuing to sell reusable cups, water bottles and bags, and increasing the range of products, they hope to put profits towards a drinking fountain.
Dai also organises beach cleans around the area, currently tying them up with Surfers Against Sewage’s ‘Big Spring’ and ‘Big Autumn’ campaigns. Dai is encouraged by the amount of holidaymakers getting involved. Look out for posters around the village for upcoming beach cleans, as well as on the Surfers Against Sewage website. Coverack has its own beach clean on the first Tuesday of every month. Friends of Poldhu beach cleans are held on the first Friday of every month, 10am to 11am (October to March) and 7pm to 8pm (April to September) . Look out for regular events organised by Friends of Polurrian and Friends of Kennack Sands too. By lending a helping hand, whether by reducing the amount of single use plastic you buy or by getting involved in one of the many beach cleans, you could really relieve the golden sands by removing the stuff that’s not so golden.
GET INVOLVED To find your nearest beach clean visit: Surfers Against Sewage also promote ‘Mini Beach Cleans’. More info at
020 - Beach clean--2.00.indd 19
02/03/2018 12:42
Take to the water
“My escape is to just get in a boat and disappear on the water” – Carl Hiaasen
CHARTER A BOAT OR LEARN TO SURF Boat trips: From the Helford River, Blue Pointer Charter offers private hire with the angler in mind. From Cadgwith Cove, skipper Nigel Legge has plenty of seafaring stories to enthral adults and children alike as he takes them to spots including the Devil’s Frying Pan and Church Cove. Hit the waves: Learn to surf on one of the Lizard’s most beautiful beaches with Kennack Surf School! Or at the equally stunning Polhdu, with Dan Joel Surf School. Dive in!: Want to dive into Cornwall’s magnificent underwater world? Kennack Diving can help! Turn over to page 22 to find out how.
n Stand-up paddle-boarding is becoming a
popular way of exploring the Lizard
Some of the Lizard’s greatest allures are its opalescent waters, craggy coastlines and remote sandy beaches and thankfully, there are many ways to make the most of all of them, from learning to windsurf at Coverack Windsurfing Centre to exploring the beautiful coves and quiet beaches of the Helford river with a rented boat from Helford River Boats n Coasteering is a great way to explore
the coast for the adrenaline seekers
In recent years, however, stand-up paddle boarding (SUP) has seriously caught on as a means of exploring the coast. Holding its roots in Hawaii, stand-up paddle boarding is an offshoot of surfing, where a rider stands (or kneels) on the board and uses a paddle to move around, waiting for a wave to come before paddling into it and standing. It has since evolved into a much more leisurely pursuit, where riders use a (normally) bigger, more stable board in calm waters, standing atop and paddling along the fringes of the coastline. Lizard Adventure, which offers a whole array of activities including coasteering, kayaking and surfing, also runs SUP sessions, allowing you to get out on the water, enjoy the magnificent scenery and even (if you’re lucky enough) observe rare species such as basking sharks and seals! The team works closely with the National Trust and the local community. Lizard Adventure also works with Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust and RSPB to ensure their activities do not threaten or disturb wildlife. It also supports Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) and co-founder Annette, who is also a regional SAS rep organises regular beach cleans and fundraising events, helping raise awareness and promoting the importance of protecting our incredible but delicate coastline. And then there’s Vertical Blue Adventures Based in Porthleven, Vertical Blue specialises in personalised adventures exploring the best that Cornwall has to offer. From its base in Porthleven, founder and guide Ian offers a variety of kayak and paddleboard tours, including private hire and group sessions.
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02/03/2018 12:45
The Cadgwith Cove Inn We have newly refurbished bedrooms with sea views on a B&B basis. We specialise in seafood, which is caught by our a gwith fishermen an serve to the table the same day.
Weekly events
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Dates for the di ar y Annual Folk Day
Thursdays – Steak Night
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We offer a full range of PADI courses for divers of all levels, from Open Water to Assistant Instructor, as well as many specialist dive qualifications, bespoke guided dives, professional advice, air fills and equipment hire. Try Scuba Diving for the first time with a beginners session for all ages from 8 years old.
Email: mail@ or call 07816 903260
12.indd 1
28/02/2018 10:11
Dive into another world Sink beneath the waves to discover a whole new whole word, rich with colour and teeming with life. As our opening feature highlights, while many of us flock to the coast to experience its enchanting scenery, we often forget about the paradise that awaits us underwater. But leaving the locks of land to explore the Lizard’s magical waters is easier than you might think. Kennack Diving, based in Sea Acres Holiday Park overlooking Kennack Bay, is owned and run by David Roberts and Des Glover, a Master Instructor and Master Scuba Diver Trainer, respectively. Between them, these two Cornish divers have more than 40 years’ experience, having completed more than 8,000 dives! Kennack Diving offers a full range of PADI courses for all levels. David and Des offer bespoke dives, utilising their intimate knowledge of the local waters, and combined love for photography and the environment to bring these tours to life. In the right conditions, you might find yourself diving with dolphins, basking sharks and seals – something you won’t forget in a hurry! So, if you want to splash into another world, you needn’t travel half the way around the globe to do so. Simply head to Kennack Diving and prepare to be astonished. 07816 903260
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02/03/2018 12:47
024--GTGT--Kennack Diving--2.00.indd 23
02/03/2018 12:47
Mark Tripconey
Hidden gems One of the best ways to explore the Lizard Peninsula in undoubted on foot, as we highlight with two beautifully scenic walks.
THE LIZARD Goonhilly
St Keverne
Mullion Coverack Lizard
AMENITIES Nearby refreshments: Visit nearby Roskilly’s Farm for a delicious ice-cream, followed by a stroll around to meet all the animals. The Croust House Restaurant serves a range of tasty hot and cold meals. Public transport: First Bus Co No 36 goes from Helston to Coverack throughout the year, passing Goonhilly Downs. For timetable information visit Travelline or phone 0871 200 2233 Parking: Parking is available at the Goonhilly Downs National Nature Reserve car park. SatNav: TR12 6LQ
SUMMARY A three-mile circular walk, exploring the captivating landscape and varied terrain of Goonhilly Downs, with historic ruins to be discovered along to way. The route is fairly flat and paths are clear, although the ground can be a little uneven. After spells of bad weather it may be a bit muddy, but can be walked at any time of the year. Dogs are welcome.
ROUTE DESCRIPTION Starting from the National Nature Reserve car park, take the path west, away from the main road and towards the satellite dishes, follow it along, keeping to the main track. You will soon arrive at an old receiver block building (associated with the RAF DryTree, used during World War Two) featuring steps up to its roof. You can venture up the steps to experience remarkable views over the downs. A great photo opportunity. From the receiver block building, head south, away from the satellite dishes and follow the grass track towards Croft Pascoe Pool. The track turns west, then follow the path along as it turns northwards (towards the satellite dishes), along a boardwalk before passing through a gate and onto the track again. When you come to a track ‘T-junction’, turn west into a wooded area, look out for the ruined 19th Century buildings of Croft Noweth on your left.
As you leave the woods, head north again and follow the track as it bends northeast (towards the satellite dishes again). As you approach another wooded area, you will see Cruc Draenoc barrow, dating back to the Early Bronze Age, which bears an Ordnance Survey ‘trig point’ since it’s the highest point of Goonhilly Downs. Continue through the wooded area and you will see the standing stone that dates back 3,500 years. A significant point for the area in ancient times, as it would have marked where all five parishes of the Lizard Peninsula meet. Follow the path from the stone and you will come to a wide track, which leads you back to the car park.
Adam Gibbard – Visit Cornwall
River Helford
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02/03/2018 12:53
Mark Tripconey
Always plan your route in advance, and come prepared for all eventualities. If walking the South West Coast Path, check the official website for the latest updates and any recent re-routing of the path.
Jennifer Rowlandson
SUMMARY This walk, which reopens this spring following repairs to the coast path, starts from the idyllic beach at Kennack Sands and leads uphill onto the coast path guiding you to picturesque Poltesco. Featuring breath-taking views over the sea along the way.
ROUTE DESCRIPTION This is a beautiful, picturesque coastal walk that begins at Kennack Sands; a great spot to sit and watch the surfers or search for life in the wonderful rock pools that are exposed at low tide.
River Helford
Once you approach the beach, a path on your left will lead you down to the shore where you can enjoy a rest. Before making your way back to Kennack Sands, make sure to check out the old serpentine factory and pilchard store, once the site of a successful pilchard fishery and processing plant and later a waterpowered factory for working serpentine. It’s just a little bit further along the original path, and definitely a great photo opportunity.
St Keverne Kennack Coverack Lizard
AMENITIES Nearby refreshments: The Beach Hut Café at Kennack Sands serves everything you could need to keep refreshed, from ice-creams to pasties. Look out for the popular Friday night barbeques over the summer months.
Matthew Burtwell – Aerial Cornwall
Continue to follow this path along, admiring the scenery as you go. This path will eventually lead onto and through some fields. Follow the tracks along here, which will guide you back onto more of the obvious path again, the sea always on your left. As you remain following the path along, you will notice the path moving gradually to the left all the time as you near Poltesco.
Starting from the from the car park and beach shop at Kennack Sands, follow the south-east facing road, up hill. As you walk up a little way, you’ll see a gap in the hedge on your left hand side, exposing gorgeous views of the sea. After passing a small car park on your left, you will soon reach a coast path signpost, leading into the hedgerow. Follow this along until you come to the main path, then turn left.
Public transport: First Bus Co No 37 goes from Helston to Lizard village hourly throughout the year, stopping at Kuggar. For timetable information visit Travelline or phone 0871 200 2233 Parking: Parking at Kennack Sands car park. SatNav: TR12 7LZ
026--Walking--Hidden Gems--2.00.indd 25
02/03/2018 12:53
Book online for fantastic savings -
Cornwall’s unique performance space open May to September set against the stunning backdrop of an award-winning sub-tropical garden.
Check out our full #Amph2018 Season at | 01326 252200 Trebah Amphitheatre - Wild Lizard Half Page (horizontal).indd 1
26.indd 1
03/02/2018 15:03
28/02/2018 10:15
Sand and shingle Like charms of a bracelet, the Lizard’s beaches are each completely unique, shaped over millennia to become unequivocally beautiful. After a day spent on the sand, the Paris Inn, just up the road from the beach, is the perfect place to enjoy a bite to eat, with wonderful views over the harbour and coast beyond.
From summer to winter; barbeques on the beach as the sun sets, to brisk walks over the coast path before stopping for a hot chocolate, time spent on the Lizard’s many beaches is always time well spent. The peninsula is lucky enough to pay host to a vast array of wildlife too, so sightings of dolphins, basking sharks and an array of bird life are by no means uncommon!
KENNACK SANDS Kennack Sands is made up of two beaches, divided by a small hill and a shore rock feature called Caerverracks. To the east, Kennack Sands is a nature reserve, accessible by a footpath running along the back of the beach and over the hill.
COVERACK This archetypal Cornish fishing village has a small but beautiful sand and pebble beach that’s great for families. Located on the eastern coast of the Lizard it’s also ideal for anglers, so if you fancy trying to catch your supper, this is as good a place as any! The best part is that dog walkers are welcome, however they are asked to keep dogs on leads.
BELOW LEFT Coverack beach BELOW RIGHT Kennack Sands
The main beach is popular among surfers around the Duchy. Thanks to its unique underwater topography, this beach break regularly produces waves of up to five feet, and Kennack Surf School has everything for those who are itching to learn. Similarly to Coverack, Kennack Sands is home to a number of wrecked vessels, some of which are believed to reside in the shallow waters just off the shoreline.
Coverack is a popular spot for divers thanks to the Manacles, a set of treacherous rocks just off the coast that’s infamous for causing a number of shipwrecks.
Nilfanion CC-BY-SA 4.0
Nilfanion CC-BY-SA 4.0
é ABOVE The harbour and beach at Coverack
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02/03/2018 12:58
Tim Green CC-BY-SA 2.0
Matthew e o – i it Cornwall
Church Cove, Gunwalloe
BELOW Poldhu
CHURCH COVE, GUNWALLOE Known locally as Church Cove thanks to the tiny church that sits right next to the sand, this charming National Trust owned beach welcomes dogs, except between Easter Sunday and 30th September. All year round, it’s a magical spot for a sunny afternoon barbeque or simply a stroll by the sea. Take the path up the headland above the church and drink in the most exceptional views of the coast, before stopping at Dollar Cove, the shingly beach next door, for a game of skimmers. Just up the road in Gunwalloe the Halzephron Inn is the perfect place to quench your thirst and satisfy that seaair appetite, and al fresco dining here offers the added promise of sea views.
A short walk over the coastal path from Gunwalloe you’ll find Poldhu and its open-all-year beach café. You can often find decent surf rolling in here, which makes it a great spot to stop, indulge in a sumptuous hot chocolate and enjoy some top-notch spectator sport. Next to the café, you can hire wetsuits and surfboards, and even sign up for surf lessons with Dan Joel’s surf school. The beach is also open to dog walkers, except between Easter Sunday and 30th September.
Nilfanion CC-BY-SA 4.0
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02/03/2018 12:58
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29.indd 1
28/02/2018 10:18
Experience the magic of the Lizard Peninsula with this fantastic prize bundle! If Welcome to Wild Lizard has inspired you to explore the penisula, why not enter our competition for a chance to begin your own adventures. This bumper prize includes a two-night stay at National Trust campsite ‘Teneriffe Farm’, worth around £40, and a wonderful ‘Discover Scuba Diving’ experience for two people, worth £50, courtesy of Kennack Diving. Enjoy a swimming pool session – the perfect opportunity to learn some basic skills and techniques for safe diving in a controlled environment, should you wish to head beneath the waves. The winner will also enjoy Sunday lunch for two adults and two children at Polurrian Bay Hotel, worth £66, plus a family leisure club day pass at Polurrian Bay for two adults and two children, worth £18.50. To enter visit
TERMS AND CONDITIONS No purchase necessary. Prize draw open to anyone in the UK age 18 years or over excluding employees of Leven Media Group, Welcome to Wild Lizard Group, The Polurrian Bay Hotel, National Trust, Kennack Diving or agents and anyone else connected with this promotion. One entry per household. The prize is non-transferrable and non-exchangeable. No cash alternative available. Campsite stay must be redeemed between 1st May and 30th June 2019 (excluding 4th to 7th
032 - Competition--1.00.indd 2
May 2019 inclusive, and 25th May to 3rd June 2019 inclusive). Winners must be willing to provide their name and country of residence for publicity if required. The promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The winners will be drawn at random after 7th January 2019. The winner will be notified by email within 14 days after the draw closes. Subject to availability. For full terms and conditions, see the online entry form.
Matthew Jessop and Visit Cornwall
02/03/2018 13:01
WILDLIFE From basking adders to the common lizard, discover a host of scaly creatures inhabiting the peninsula.
The Lizard Peninsula is home to some stunning wildlife, from the Cornish chough, otters and butterflies, to migrating birds and insects, with common sightings of seals, dolphins and the infamous basking shark. But one group we tend to hear less about is our reptiles.
the compost heap. Like other reptiles, the slowworm hibernates, so is prone to be spotted in the warmer months.
There are several species of reptiles inhabiting the region, from the adder to the common lizard. Here we take a look at a few that you might spot when you’re out and about.
ADDER One of the most commonly known resident reptiles is the adder. Britain’s only venomous snake, the adder is a small but stocky reptile with a v-shaped mark on its triangular head and distinctive zigzag markings along its back. Hibernating in October and emerging in the first warm days of March, the adder is most likely to be spotted basking on a log or under a warm rock in the spring and summer months.
SLOW-WORM Often mistaken for a snake is the slow-worm. Despite their name and appearance, slow-worms are neither worms nor snakes, but are in fact lizards; the clue for this is in their ability to shed their tails and blink with their eyelids. Much smaller than snakes and with smooth, golden toned skin, slow-worms are often found in allotments and mature gardens where they enjoy hunting around
Alastair Rae CC-BY-SA 2.0
Lizards on the Lizard
n Slow-worm
The abundant heaths and grasslands on the peninsula n Common lizard provide the perfect habitat for the UK’s most prevalent native reptile, perhaps unsurprisingly known as the common lizard (or viviparous lizard). This lizard, however, is particularly unusual for reptiles in that it gives birth to live young, DISCOVER MORE rather than eggs. Typically seen between March and October, look out for the distinctive markings on its back. Dog walkers note – adder bites can be dangerous for your dog. Whether strolling along the coast path, walking the hills If you think it has been bitten, or trudging through woodland, there is a good chance or it's acting strangely, contact a you might discover something you have never seen vet immediately. before on the Lizard. So, why not go exploring and see For more information on wildlife, what you can find? visit the Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s official website.
n Adder
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02/03/2018 13:03
Barks at the beach With an abundance of glorious beaches, coastal walks and rugged countryside, the Lizard is the perfect location to explore with your pup. For dog lovers, no holiday is complete without the four-legged friend by your side. With its coastal walks, sheltered coves sandy beaches and shady wooded valleys the Lizard Peninsula is ripe for exploring (responsibly!) with the pooch.
BELOW Kennack Sands RIGHT Cadgwith Cove
Beaches are the perfect place to take the dog on a long walk, but it can be tricky to work out which ones we can and can’t be on, especially at the height of the summer season. So, to give you a helping hand, we’ve compiled a list of just a few of the beaches that you’re able to explore, all year round.
KENNACK SANDS Kennack Sands, split into Kennack Sands East and Kennack Sands West, is made up of two sheltered coves with plenty of impressive rocks to explore. It’s a great place for your pups to run, however it is to be noted that only the east beach is dog friendly all year round. The west beach has a seasonal dog ban: Easter day to 30th September, although it’s only 7am to 7pm, so if you fancy an early morning or a late evening walk, you are more than welcome.
Cadgwith is an idyllic little Cornish fishing village with cottage-lined streets, the perfect location for those with the photography bug. Luckily for our pooches, it’s ideal for taking them for a long walk and enjoy the stunning scenery that abounds at every turn.
Adam Gibbard – Visit Cornwall
Adam Gibbard – Visit Cornwall
LZ--18 - 034 - Dogs.indd 32
02/03/2018 13:13
Matthew Burtwell – Aerial Cornwall
n Polpeor Cove
Loe bar is a lovely stretch of beach to walk across, especially if you are planning to walk through Penrose woods or from Porthleven. Although Loe Bar is dog friendly, there are warnings in place because of the dangers of the waters there. On one side the sea has strong waves and currents, and ‘The Loe’ pool on the other side can be equally as dangerous because of its steep, slippery banks. It’s a beautiful spot but one to be enjoyed with caution. Definitely not a place to cool off with a quick dip in the sea, especially with no life guard on duty, but still a place of natural beauty and one your dog is sure to enjoy.
POLPEOR COVE, LIZARD With lots of rocks and rock pools to explore, Polpeor Cove is the perfect place to adventure whilst spending an afternoon on the Lizard Peninsula. Even though it doesn’t feature the golden sands of a lot of Cornish beaches, it makes up for it with its beautiful views. It’s even got the bonus of a dog friendly café, excellent for a cup of coffee and slice of cake on a cold day. The beach is best accessed at mid to low tide to make the most of the beach and rock. Long walks and days spent on the beach can be pretty thirsty work as well as working up quite an appetite. Luckily, just about every pub on the Lizard not only allows dogs but positively welcomes them, with dog biscuits on the bar and bowls of water at the door. From all four pubs in Porthleven down to the Top House Inn, Lizard village, round to the Cadgwith Cove Inn and back up to the Ship Inn in Mawgan-in– Meneage and all the pubs in-between, you and your four-legged friend will be made more than welcome. Out of season there can often be more dogs in the pub than people!
Matthew Burtwell – Aerial Cornwall
DID YOU KNOW? Even during the height of the season, dogs are allowed on nearly all beaches between 7pm and 7am. For more information visit: and search ‘dogs on beaches’.
Cocker spaniel Lev enjoys a run around the beach at Porthleven é ABOVE
Loe Bar on the outskirts of Porthleven
So bring your dog to the Lizard with you, they are sure of a great welcome and will almost certainly gain you a few new friends along the way.
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02/03/2018 13:13
Fresh seafood and dishes inspired by Rick’s travels around the world. Harbour views | Al fresco dining Open every day for lunch and dinner | 01326 56 56 36 Mount Pleasant Road, Porthleven
Visit Lizard Lighthouse and Heritage Centre
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34.indd 1
Applicable to Heritage Centre and Lighthouse tour tickets. Visitors cannot buy a tour only ticket. *On production of this advert. Electronic images not accepted. Not in conjunction with any other offer. WLG 18
28/02/2018 10:22
Inspired by nature From wildflowers and craggy coastlines to turquoise seas, natural beauty inspires a wealth of creativity on the Lizard. As a landscape, the Lizard is simply breathtaking. A plethora of species roam land, sea and sky, while all along the fringes of the coastline wildflowers paint their seasonal tapestry, changing from year to year so that one never looks the same. Here, you feel close to nature, and it quickly becomes apparent that we have a shared responsibility to protect the magnificent environment that surrounds us. It’s with this in mind, the notion of being close to nature, that we take a look at two very different creative innovators, both heralding from this most enigmatic peninsula.
CLAYWORKS Originally named Cob in Cornwall, Clayworks was born in Manaccan in 2011, through a commitment to naturally abundant building materials and a natural, healthier style of living. Founders Adam Weismann and Katy Bryce recognised the beauty of clay plasters, the huge potential for them to solve more problems than they create, as well as their unrivalled health benefits, and so decided to create a plaster that’s ready made and available to anyone. Clayworks’ building products do less harm than gypsum cement and lime-based plasters, and the breathtaking beauty and aesthetic opportunities that they represent have captured the attention of some of the world’s leading designers and architects. Indeed, since its launch, Clayworks has been in demand by an array of global brands, and even by HRH Prince of Wales himself! The plasters are mixed in St Keverne, and the company is set to move to Mullion this year, continuing a long history of Cornish association with clay. What’s more, in a world where it’s becoming all the more important to look for greener solutions to everyday aspects of our lives, Adam and Katy tell us: “We believe that with ingenuity, passion, dedication and creativity the creation of sustainable products – and brands – can make people feel excited about the green agenda.”
é TOP Intricate patterns can be created
LEFT A beautifully natural and rustic finish at Wagamama é ABOVE Clayworks lends itself perfectly to contemporary shopfitting
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02/03/2018 13:21
SAMVADO SCULTURE CORNWALL Similarly to Clayworks, Deva Samvado uses materials that are both naturally and abundantly available on the Lizard to create fascinating sculptures that represent nature and natural energy, and our inevitable connection to them. He tells us: “Woodturning and carving reveal life’s tide line in the grain of wood, the story of its growing in one place, in all weather.” He describes “shades of brown like an old photo from before you were born,” and it’s clear that his appreciation for the language of wood, “the grainy story of the annual rings,” is at the heart of every piece he creates.
Earth can move and was once liquid; cracking, cooling, grinding surfaces under enormous pressure.” He also works in cast metals, largely bronze and stainless steel. “Metal in its very making is a work of imagination. It arrives as molten, so needs a mould to form a shape as it cools.” According to the heart sutra of Buddha, “Emptiness is precisely form and form is precisely emptiness.” In other words, the only way to show form is with the presence of emptiness, without which, no form is possible. Find Deva at work at Wood Studio, Goonhilly TR12 6DZ.
The same energies can be found in Cornwall’s rock formations of serpentine and granite, cooled and hardened to the ground beneath our feet. “Stone carving is slower work, yet these shapes remind us that
LEFT Samvado creates wonderfully fluid sculptures from natural materials found on the Lizard, exploring ideas of form and emptiness
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02/03/2018 13:21
ê EAT ê DRINK ê STAY ê Trenance Chocolate Shop and Factory The Coffee Shop – delectable home-made food Gallery Anthony – a welcoming artists’ studio Honey Cosmetics – Cornish honey skincare products Serendipity – gifts, toys, books and crystals Rock Paper Scissors – jewellery, stationery and other gifts Mullion Mades – wonderful wool and woollies! Crafty Cornish Comforts – recycled jar and bottle magic Mullion Glass Studio – a beautiful shop and workshop Cornish Cottages – book your next holiday!
Mullion Meadows, Mullion, Helston, Cornwall TR12 7HB There’s a large free car park Open 350 days a year, 10am until 5pm 01326 241311
A warm welcome awaits from James & Donna Glosby & the team
Centrally located for Lizard Point, The Lizard Lighthouse, Kynance Cove and within minutes of stunning cliff top walks.
Open all day, every day Delicious homecooked food using local ingredients from local suppliers wherever possible. Daily fresh local fish specials • Informal relaxed dining Handpicked local crab • Top quality ensuite accommodation Pretty patio garden • Range of barista style coffees and tea Traditional log fire • Great selection of wines Dogs on leads welcome in the bar • Sunday roast lunch Family friendly • St Austell Brewery real ales and Cornish cider FREE Superfast Broadband WIFI
The Lizard, Cornwall, TR12 7NQ Telephone: 01326 290974 TopHouseInn
Steve Slimm L A N D S C A P E
A single beam of light Suddenly From behind a cloud this morning Brings me home Visit:
37.indd 1
28/02/2018 10:30
A selection of holiday cottages on the Lizard peninsula
all ye round 7 days a week
Immerse yourself in nature with a wide range of activities STAND UP PADDLE BOARDING COASTEERING KAYAKING CLIMBING SURVIVAL SKILLS Book online at: or call 07845 204040
Beautiful cliff top walks, long sandy beaches, gentle rolling countryside mixed with fascinating fishing villages and picturesque harbours make this a truly wonderful holiday destination.
Working with the
For more information call: 01326 290162 e-mail: Website:
the perfect combination Located on the beautiful Lizard peninsula, surrounded by top quality producers who help create mouth watering dishes for the evening menu. At prices that won’t break the bank!
e s s h h . c o. u k
Open Tuesday - Saturday 6pm - 11pm, Food 6pm - 9pm Takeaway Fish & Chips available Tuesday - Saturday 6pm - 9pm • Tel: 01326 221240 Mawgan-in-Meneage, Helston, Cornwall TR12 6AD
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28/02/2018 10:33
Rearing Devon Ruby Red cattle on coastal heathland and pasture presents a whole host of benefits to the many rare species of flora and fauna that abound the Lizard.
Farming for the future Being home to vast stretches of open heathland and coastal pasture, the Lizard Peninsula has a variety of rare plant and wildlife that depends on the careful management of this delicate environment. Livestock grazing is crucial in managing many of England’s most important wildlife habitats, helping maintain species-rich areas by controlling more aggressive species of plant which would otherwise take over.
Emma tells us: “Our cattle are just as important in the management of the farm as they are for the delicious meat that they produce. They’re reared slowly and are completely free to forage for the natural offerings that are in abundance on our farm’s coastal pastures, heathland and woodland.”
By grazing on these areas, cattle can reap the rewards of a wholly natural diet, without needing to be fed on any form of grain or manufactured feeds. This is important to Pasture for Life, a nationwide organisation that promotes the unique quality of beef raised exclusively on pasture, recognising the wider environmental and animal welfare benefits that it represents. Devon Ruby Reds are famed for their ability to thrive in a low energy input system like this and are favoured by a number of farms on the Lizard.
And then there’s Tregaminion Farm in St Keverne. James Richards, who owns and runs the farm tells us: “Red Devon meat is special because of its intramuscular marbling, which gives it more moisture and makes it much more flavoursome. The cows can be reared on coastal heathland, turning low-quality forage into high quality meat, which makes them perfect for here on the Lizard. They have lovely characters too, which means we can leave them to graze in public access areas without the worry of them being bothered by visitors as they explore the coast and public footpaths”
DID YOU KNOW? The trampling of the ground by cows on the Lizard creates the perfect environment and conditions for certain rare species of flora to thrive!
BOTTOM LEFT Ruby Red cattle grazing on the luscious coastal pasture of the Lizard BELOW Andy, farming cattle the way it should be done – grass fed, sustainable and respecting the environment
Boscarnon Farm, near Coverack is a Pasture for Life supported farm, and you can see Andy and Emma’s herd of Ruby Reds grazing atop the cliffs looking over the iconic Cornish village. The farm is composed largely of speciesrich grassland, heathland and grazed woodland, all of which is managed sustainably without any external inputs.
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02/03/2018 13:22
“I swapped my stilettos for wellies to become a real life land girl!”
A new life on the land We meet Sam and Mark Hall-Digweed, proprietors of Cornwall’s glorious Lavender farm, Roskorwell.
The lavender fields in full bloom è RIGHT
Sam harvests the flowers by hand
Mark Hall-Digweed always held fond memories of being raised on his family’s farm with his grandparents, living a hard-working subsistence lifestyle. Inevitably, this bred a deep-seated desire to farm in his own right – to carry forward his skills and intimate respect for the environment. Eventually, Mark and wife Sam made the decision to turn the page and begin a new chapter, trading in their old life for one on the land, and as Sam puts it: “I swapped my stilettos for wellies to become a real life land girl!” The couple’s vision is based on an integrated landscape that works with nature to develop the platform for sustainable production, without diminishing or unbalancing the neighbouring ecosystems. Mark explains: “We firmly believe in sustainability, lowimpact production, giving back to the community and using traditional methods.” Indeed, in a bid to keep traditional methods alive, the pair run workshops for visitors who want to understand how their products are made. These workshops really demonstrate the quality of the Roskorwell brand, but not just that; they clearly show how important it is to create quality produce that both respects nature and achieves a low carbon footprint, and watching how it’s all made is simply fascinating.
If you’re hoping to pay a visit, you’re in luck! This is the first year that the farm will be open to visitors, and Sam recommends coming between June and July, when you’ll get to see the rows of lavender in full bloom. Nothing beats strolling through the indigo fields and breathing in the distinct, heady aroma of lavender, while listening to the humdrum of busy bees as they pollenate the crop. After a tour of the farm, you’re bound to want to take home a momento. Sam tells us: “At the moment we’re selling fresh lavender (in season), essential oils, homemade soaps, confetti bags and bunches, and we’re developing new products all the time, from bath salts and lavender melts to wedding favours.” So, what’ll it be?
DISCOVER MORE Sam and Mark can be found selling their produce at Helston Farmers Market on the first Saturday of every month, and at St Keverne Farmers Market on the last Saturday of every month.
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02/03/2018 13:25
Mariano in his laboratory at Roskilly’s Organic Farm
Seeing the light Tucked away in the courtyard of a dairy farm, we discover husband and wife team Mariano and Loredana Spiezia, who are leading the way in organic skincare. Both Mariano and Loredana were born and brought up in Italy, far from the Lizard Peninsula. Mariano practiced as an Emergency Doctor in his home country, but always had an interest in complimentary medicine. A chance visit to Cornwall to see a friend sparked a love for the region and so Mariano, Loredana and their family moved to the Lizard Peninsula for a trial period, and the rest, as they say, is history.
n A selection of Inlight’s
products, resplendent in their new branding
Mariano began making remedies and creams for friends during their first year in Cornwall that proved so popular they decided to go into business. Inlight products are organic, chemical and water free and are still made by hand in small batches by Mariano and his team of assistants in the laboratory that can be found at Roskilly’s Organic Farm. The base of all Inlight skincare are the herbal extracts that Mariano creates by infusing a selection of 100% organic herbs, flowers and roots into cold pressed vegetable oils. You can see the extracts at the laboratory, slowly releasing their magic in large, glass bottles that are exposed to the sun and moon over a number of weeks. The ethos behind Inlight is to create products that work both on the skin and with it. The absence of water in the skincare range means that no
preservatives are needed and as Mariano explains: “As our skin is waterproof, water-based products mostly evaporate rather than sink in. The oils we use, rich in Omega 3 and 6, have the ability to transfer the beneficial ingredients into the skin.” Inlight’s Line Softener Intensive is proof of this theory, receiving much critical acclaim – the Lizard’s natural answer to botox! The company took a major turn last year with a re-brand, to really reflect the efficacy of the products whilst maintaining an artisan feel. Inlight’s worldwide customer base shares the company’s ethos and passion for eco-luxury products. You can order online or if you’re in the area then why not pay a visit to Roskilly’s where you can see the magic in motion?
DISCOVER MORE Discover more Lizard tales from yesteryear within the archives of Helston Museum, available online, and bursting with fascinating images and stories.
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02/03/2018 13:25
There’s something for everyone during the 2018 Minack season. When there is no performance just explore the sub tropical gardens and learn how the theatre was created in our Exhibition. See our website for What’s On, Visiting Times & Prices. on the cliffs at Porthcurno, Penzance, TR19 6JU Box Office and information 01736 810181
Saturday clubs from 10am-1pm and 1.30-4.30pm. £25 per person from the age of 5 years. All abilities.
Pony Club Centre. Use our ponies and earn over 30 achievement badges along with certificates for your riding.
Private and group lessons.
Pony days every school holidays on Monday and Thursday from 10-4pm £40 per person (need to bring a packed lunch).
Beach rides for all abilities.
Please also see our website for more details and our facebook page.
MULLION | HELSTON | TR12 7JF | TELEPHONE: 01326 240388
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28/02/2018 10:38
Season to season A quick guide to what’s on across the Lizard in 2018.
DISCOVER MORE Remember that dates and details can (and often do) change, so for more details and the latest news of upcoming events on the Lizard, see the online ‘What’s on’ guide:
Amy Lewis
There’s a whole host of fabulous things to see and do this year on the Lizard Peninsula, from guided walks to festivals, food and farmers’ markets to flower shows and duck races. Here are just some of the highlights to look out for when planning your visit. The Lizard is particularly magical over the Christmas season – look out for details of specific events on our website and local listings. We hope to see you there!
First Saturday of the month
Helston, The Old Cattle Market
Helston Farmers Market
Fourth Sunday of the month
Godolphin House, near Helston
Trust10 free trail running event at Godolphin House. 8.30am to 11am. Call 01736 763194 or email for further information.
Every Tuesday
Lizard, The Reading Room
Local Craft Market every week on a Tuesday in The Reading Room. Refreshments available. 10am to 12 noon.
Monthly - see website for details
Porthallow Film Night. 7.30pm, tickets. £4
Every day from 1st April to 16th Sept
Wildlife Watchpoint, Lizard Point (TR12 7NU)
To see and learn more about the abundance of wildlife that lives at this special place visit the wildlife watchpoint anytime between 10am and 4pm (weather permitting). Free of charge but donations are always appreciated.
Every Wednesday from 2nd May to 12th Sept
Wildlife Watchpoint, Lizard Point (TR12 7NU)
Guided wildlife walk with National Trust rangers. Meet at 10am at the wildlife watchpoint for a guided coastal wildlife walk. £3 per adult and children free. Addittional parking charges apply to non NT members. Walk along coastal path and fields from 10am to 12pm (approx). Please wear walking boots and outdoor clothing. Dogs welcome on leads. Booking not essential.
Various dates from April to September
Sue Lewington Art Courses. All profits form these courses go back into CS2000 community group. For more information, brochure and booking form visit
Every Tues, Thurs and Sat from Easter to Oct
Porthleven Harbour Head
Porthleven Harbour markets, artisan food and craft stalls, from 10am to 5pm.
Most Sundays from April to September
Coverack Harbour
Spring and summer medicinal plant walks. Departing 11am, duration 2 hours, £10 per person. Wear sturdy shoes and weather appropriate clothing. Booking and details from or email
Mon 18th June to Sat 20th Oct
Helston Museum
Costume Exhibition. A showcase of some of the best costume that Helston Museum has to offer.
Every Wed from Wed 25th July until Wed 29th August
Kennack Sands Beach
Rockpool Rummage hosted by Friends of Kennack Sands. Discover fantastic creatures living in the rock pools. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Adults go free. Please wear beach shoes or wellies. For further information including start time and cost please ring 01326 240808.
Wed 25th July and every Wed in August
Cadgwith Cove
Charity barbequess. Starts 6pm.
Mon and Wed throught August commencing August 8th
Flambards, Helston
Flambards Fireworks Spectacular.
Every Fri during August
Mullion Harbour
Sea Shanties and Cornish songs 7pm. Every Friday in August.
Thurs 1st to Fri 30th
Helston Museum
Those that Served and Survived. Helston WW1 Heritage projects final exhibition celebrating the centenary of the end of WW1, looking at Helston men and women that served and survived.
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02/03/2018 14:17
Mon 2nd
St Mellanus Church, Mullion
Easter Coffee Morning, chocolate tombola and egg hunt from 10am.
Mon 2nd
Internationally Renowned Porthallow Duck Race.
Wed 4th
The Stables Cafè, Penrose
Tree Time. Wild time in the woods, identifying different trees and investigating what wood is good for the campfire and having a go at lighting a small campfire without matches. Unaccompanied children, 7 years old and over. £8.50 per child, including hot drink and snack cooked over the fire. 10am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 4pm. Pre-booking essential, email:
Thurs 5th & 12th
Helston Museum
Flora Day Themed Krafty Kids. The popular Krafty Kids sessions are back for 2018. Making Flora Day themed crafts.
Mon 9th
Porthallow Film Night Showing Murder on the Orient Express. 7.30pm Tickets £4.
Tues 10th
Heron Count and Dawn Chorus (with a Trengilly Breakfast) 6.30am to 9am. Booking essential. or call Sue Scott on 01326 340961.
Wed 11th
The Stables Cafè, Penrose
Tree Time. Wild time in the woods, identifying different trees and investigating what wood is good for the campfire and having a go at lighting a small campfire without matches. Accompanied children, under 7 years. £8.50 per child, including hot drink and snack cooked over the fire. 10am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 4pm. Pre-booking essential, email:
Thurs 19th
Carne Creek
Wild Flower Walk. Carne Creek to St Anthony and return. 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Meet at Head of Crane Creek SW 770 249. Donations for CS2000 welcome.
Fri 20th
Tolmen Centre, Constantine
Critically acclaimed band, Wurlitza presents a Cottage on Dartmoor. for further information and tickets.
Fri 20th to Sun 22nd
Porthleven Harbour Head
Porthleven Food & Music Festival. Visit for more information.
Wed 25th
Tolmen Centre, Constantine
Leviathan. Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £10 (£8 concessions). to book or for more information.
Sun 29th
Mullion Methodist Chapel
Helston School Jazz Orchestra. 7pm. £6 entry fee including refreshments.
Thurs 3rd
Goonhilly Downs
Wild Flower Walk across Goonhilly Downs. Meet at Traboe Crossroads Car Park. SW 735 206 or Nature Reserve car park SW 730 211. Donations for CS2000 Coverack community fund welcome.
Sun 6th
Bosahan Woods, Constantine
A guided walk through Bosahan Woods. 10am to 1pm. Meet at the junction of Fore Street / Well Lane, Constantine SW 731 291. £4 per person. Free for under 18s and HMCG members. Booking not required.
Bank Holiday Mon 7th
St Mellanus Church, Mullion
Gilbert & Sullivan singers concert on May Bank Holiday Monday at St Mellanus Church. Run by friends of St Mellanus Church. Call 01326 240762 for further details.
Tues 8th
Helston Flora Day Historic festival. Starts at 7am with traditional street performances and processions.
Tues 8th
Spring Flowers on The Lizard. A guided botanical walk along the cliffs at Kynance. £3 per person (additional car parking charges apply to non NT members). 10am to 12pm.
Wed 9th
Predannack Wollas NT Car Park
Celebrating 50 years since The National Trust acquired Predannack Wollas. Join the Lead Ranger for a guided walk. £5 per person including birthday cake and tea. Booking essential. Call 01326 222170. 2pm to 5pm. Car park postcode TR12 7EZ.
Sun 13th
Ferryboat Inn, Mawnan Smith
Conservation Cruise down the Helford river. 3.30pm to 5.30pm. Adults £12 Children £6. Meet at the Ferryboat Inn Jetty (TR11 5LB SW 764 269). Warm clothes and waterproofs essential. Booking essential or call 01326 340961.
Thurs 17th
Chyvarloe and Loe Bar
Wild Flower Walk. 1.30pm to 4.30pm Meet at NT Car Park through Chyvarloe Farm SW65216 23658. Donations welcome for CS2000.
Wed 23rd & Wed 30th
Wildlife Watchpoint, Lizard Point (TR12 7NU)
Chough and wildlife walk with National Trust rangers. £3 per adult, children free. Additional parking charges apply to non NT members. Walk from 10am to 12pm (approx). Please wear walking boots and outdoor clothing. Dogs on a lead welcome. Booking not essential.
Thurs 24th May to Mon 4th June
Coverack Village May half term Pisky Trail. Coverack Village. Come and find the hiding Pisky Pals. Pisky Trails £2.50
Fri 25th to Sun 27th
The Masked Ball. Go to for further information.
Sat 26th to Mon 28th
Ruan Recreation Ground
May Festival Weekend. A weekend of live music and family fun.
Tues 29th
Helford Village Car Park
Wild Foods Walk. 10am to 12pm. £4 per person. Meet at Helford Village carpark. Free for under 18s and HMCG members. Booking essential. or call 01326 340961.
Thurs 31st
Coverack Beach
Coverack Beach Scavenger Hunt. 12.30 to 2pm. Can you find the objects in the allocated time and make a display from your finds?
Sat 9th
Ruan Minor Village Hall
Midsummer Music, a concert in the Village Hall starring Penzance Musical Society. Starts 7pm. Tickets £10. For more information and tickets call Jane Spalding on 01326 290450 or email
Sun 10th
Tregullas Farm, The Lizard & Penventon Farm, near Porthleven
Open Farm Sunday. Visit a working farm. Events for all the family. 12 noon until 4pm. Free Event.
Sun 10th
Coverack Open Gardens.
Sun 10th
Service at Mawgan Memorial followed by Gweek Band.
Sun 10th to Sat 16th
Mawgan Feast Week
Mon 11th
Mawgan Church
Music event as part of Mawgan Feast week. Starting at 7.45pm
Weds 13th
Mawgan Recreation Hall
Quiz at Mawgan Recreation Hall 7.30pm
Thurs 14th
Wild Flower Walk: Cadgwith to Poltesco. 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Meet at Cadgwith Car Park. TR12 7JZ SW 719 147. Donations for CS2000.
Sat 16th
Sunset Paddle Board up The Helford. 5pm to 8pm. Booking essential call Jenn on 07973 728775.
Sat 16th
Mawgan Recreation Ground
Feast Saturday. Car boot sale plus many other activities and events.
Sun 24th
Porthleven School
Armed Forces Day. A day of family activities and fun events. All day.
Sun 24th
The Garden Safari Trail around Mullion followed by a cream tea. For more information call Mary on 01326 240203.
Thurs 28th
Wild Flower Woodland Walk. Check for the exact start location and times of this walk.
Sat 30th
St Mellanus Church, Mullion
Strawberry tea from 2.30pm.
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02/03/2018 14:17
Early July
Mullion Cricket Field
Mullion Horticultural Show.
Wed 11th
Mullion Cricket Field
77th Mullion Horticultural Show. Admission £1 and children free. Starts 2.30pm. Lots of displays.
Thurs 12th
Mullion Cricket Field
Cornish Evening. Starts 7.30pm. Performances by St Keverne Band and others.
Thurs 12th
Kennack Sands
Walk at Kennack Sands. 1.30pm to 4.30pm. Meet at Kennack Sands car park SW 734 165. Donations for CS2000 community fund.
Fri 13th
Coverack Primary School
Coverack School Obstacle Race. On the school field from 6pm. Everyone welcome. Fundraising for Coverack primary school.
Sun 15th
Prisk Cove, Mawnan
The Big Seaweed Search. 12 noon to 2.30pm. Meet at Mawnan Church, Old Church Road, Mawnan, TR11 5HY. SW 788 272.
Wed 18th
St Peter’s Hall, Coverack
One Year On! Flood Exhibition & Duck Race. Ducks available from outside St Peter’s Hall from 3pm. Duck racing approximately 4.30pm
Thurs 19th July to Tues 14th August
Coverack Village
Coverack Village Early Summer Pisky Trail. Pisky trails £2.50.
Fri 20th
Coverack Village
Coverack Carnival. 6.30pm meet and judging on Bay Hotel lawn, then procession to the harbour.
Tues 24th
Lizard Point
Shipwrecks, signals and the strange tale of the undersea bell. Guided walk along the coastpath, ending with a tour of Marconi’s Lizard Wireless Station. 10am to 12pm. £3 per person. Booking not necessary. Car park charges apply to non NT members.
Thurs 26th
Poltesco – Pilchards, Mills and Serpentine. National Trust guided history walk around Poltesco Valley, now a wooded haven for wildlife, but once the centre of a thriving Victorian industry. £3 per person. 1pm to 3pm. Booking not necessary. Meet NT carpark TR12 7LR.
Sat 28th
Port Navas, near Constantine
Port Navas Regatta. Events and fun for all the family. All day.
Sat 28th
Cadgwith Cove
Buller Day. Gig racing with many teams, BBQ, refreshments and fun for all the family.
Sun 29th
Near Constantine
Wildlife Treasure Hunt. 10.30am to 1pm. Bring a picnic. Near Constantine. For more information and to book contact the Cornwall Wildlife Trust
Tues 31st
Coverack Beach
Sand Castle and Sand Sculpture competition. Register from 1pm, judging from 2.30pm. £2 minimum donation per structure. Funds going to CS2000 community fund.
Tues 31st
The Stables Café, Penrose
Squashbox Theatre performance, 11am.
Wed 1st
St Keverne
St Keverne Ox Roast. Ox Roast, events and stalls. All day.
Wed 1st & Thurs 2nd
Children’s Theatre Workshop. Childrens drama workshop & production. 10am to 4pm. Booking essential.
Thurs 2nd
Coverack School Field
Children’s Theatre Production. 3pm. Open air performance from The Childrens Theatre Workshop. Donations for CS2000 welcome.
Sun 5th
Treveddan Farm, near Ruan Minor
Vintage Rally at Treveddan Farm. A great family day out with classic cars, shire horses, lots of family entertainment including bouncy castles, dog show, bar and food.
Sat 4th & Sun 5th
Porthallow Scarecrow Trail.
Mon 6th
Coverack Village
Pirate & Mermaid Day. Treasure trail £2. Fund raising for CS2000 community fund.
Mon 6th to Sun 12th
Coverack Village
Pirate & Mermaid Week. Including an afternoon Summer Fete at Lambeage Hall on Monday 6th August. Events happening in Coverack all week. Decorated windows and businesses.
Tues 7th
The Stables Café, Penrose
Performance of ‘The Midnight Gang’ by David Walliams 4.30pm
Tues 7th
Mullion Cricket Field
Summer Fete from 2.30pm
Tues 7th to Sat 11th
Helston, The Old Cattle Market
Hellys Guitar Festival.
Wed 8th
The Stables Cafè, Penrose
Tree Time. Wild time in the woods, identifying different trees and investigating what wood is good for the campfire and having a go at lighting a small campfire without matches. Unaccompanied children, 7 years old and over. £8.50 per child, including hot drink and snack cooked over the fire. 10am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 4pm. Pre-booking essential, email:
Thurs 9th
St Peter’s Hall, Coverack
Seaside Crafts as part of Pirate and Mermaid Week. 2pm to 4pm. Drop in make and take activities for children £3 per child.
Sat 11th
Mawgan Church
Mawgan Church Summer Fete 2pm
Sat 11th
St Keverne
St Keverne Gardeners’ Society Summer show
Sun 12th
Coverack Harbour
Songs of Praise Harbour Service. 4pm at Coverack Harbour.
Mon 13th
Coverack Beach
Rock Pool Safari. Coverack Beach 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Donations to attend for CS2000 community fund.
Tues 14th
The Stables Café, Penrose
Squashbox Theatre 11am. Call 01326 562353 for further information.
Tues 14th
Coverack Beach
Tide Challenge. Last flag flying when the tide comes in wins the event! 2pm start. £2 per family for the CS2000 community fund.
Wed 15th
The Stables Cafè, Penrose
Tree Time families. Wild time in the woods, identifying different trees and investigating what wood is good for the campfire and having a go at lighting a small campfire without matches. Accompanied children, 7 years and under. £8.50 per child, including hot drink and snack cooked over the fire. 10am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 4pm. Pre-booking essential, email:
Thurs 16th
The Stables, Penrose
Batty about Bats. Spend a summer’s eve in the woods at Penrose and watch the bats emerge to feed. 8.30pm to 10pm. £3 per person. Run by Cornwall Bat Group. Booking essential. Contact Cornwall Bat Group on:
Thurs 16th to Tues 4th Sept
Coverack Village
Coverack Village late summer Pisky Trail.Trails £2.50.
Sat 18th
Lambeage Hall, Coverack
Coverack Horticultural Show. Exhibits taken between 8am and 10am. Show opens to the public at 2.30pm
Sat 18th
Porthleven Gig Day. Gig racing and entertainment for all the family.
Sun 19th
Porthleven RNLI Lifeboat Day. RNLI demonstrations, family fun, stalls, bars and live music into the evening.
Tues 21st
The Stables Café, Penrose
The Reluctant Dragon’ Theatre Performace 11am. Call 01326 562353 for further information.
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02/03/2018 14:17
The Galleon Churchtown, Mullion TR12 7BZ
Fish & Chip Restaurant & Takeaway Telephone orders welcome 01326 240540 Farm produce & Award winning meat Cream teas & light lunches Open daily 9am - 6pm
tregullasfarm k 01326 290122 Tregullas Farm Shop and Tearooms Lighthouse rd kThe Lizard k TR12 7NL
GALLEN-TREATH GUEST HOUSE A peaceful village location on the Lizard peninsula with spectacular coastal views We offer a warm welcome; complete relaxation; home cooking for all diets; comfy en-suite bedrooms and a guest lounge. Your pet’s welcome too. Tel: 01326 280400 web: email: gallentreathguesthouse Porthallow, St Keverne, Cornwall TR12 6PL
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02/03/2018 11:03
A U G U S T (cont’d)
Wed 22nd
The Stables Cafè, Penrose
Tree Time. Wild time in the woods, identifying different trees and investigating what wood is good for the campfire and having a go at lighting a small campfire without matches. Unaccompanied children, 7 years old and over. £8.50 per child, including hot drink and snack cooked over the fire. 10am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 4pm. Pre-booking essential, email:
Fri 24th
Coverack Beach
Night of Twinkling Lights. From 8.30pm. Candle bags and tea lights available from Coverack Information Point (beside The Old Mill Shop) on the night. Fundraising for CS2000 community fund.
Fri 24th to Tues 28th
Mullion Village
‘Beauty or Beast’ Scarecrow competition in and around Mullion village. Starts Friday 24th with a Scarecrow procession through Mullion village from 2pm. Food and craft stalls in Mullion Chapel. Hunt for scarecrows until Tuesday 28th.
Sat 25th
Coverack Harbour
Coverack RNLI Lifeboat Day. Event starts 12 Noon. Fundraising fro RNLI.
Sat 25th to Mon 27th
Big Cream Tea Weekend.
Sun 26th
Cadgwith Cove
Cadgwith Regatta, weather permitting, otherwise 27th August. Family Fun.
Thurs 30th
Prisk Cove
Rockpool Ramble. 1.30pm to 3.30pm. Meet at Mawnan Church, Old Church Road, Mawnan, TR11 5HY. SW 788 272. Booking essential or call Sue Scott 01326 340961
Thurs 30th
Coverack Beach
Sand Castle and Sand Sculpture Competition. Register from 1pm. Judging from 2.30pm. £2 min donation per structure for CS2000 community fund.
Tues 28th
The Stables Café, Penrose
‘The Railway Children’ Theatre performance, 4.30pm. Call 01326 562353 for further information.
Sat 1st
Mawnan Church
Bats of The Helford, 7.30pm. Mawnan Church, Old Church Road, TR11 5HY (SW 788 272). Free for under 18s and HMCG members. £4 for others.Booking essential via or call Sue Scott 01326 340961
Sat 1st
Ruan Minor Village Hall
MG Car Mania and Marine Watch. Assemble at 11am. Tickets £12 per head including morning coffee, afternoon tea, buffet lunch and a film/talk on The 1992/3 British Steel Challenge Around The World Yacht Race (East to West). Tickets booked through MG owners club or Richard and Pat Palmer 01326 290150 or email
Sun 2nd
Helston Harvest Fair
Sat 15th to Sun 23rd
Lambeage Hall, Coverack
Coverack Art Society Autumn Exhibition. Free Entry. Open daily.
Sun 16th
Lizard Wireless Station, near Housel Bay (TR12 7AP)
Free Heritage Open Day, 12 to 3pm. Step back in time at the Lizard Wireless Station and learn about Marconi’s life and his revolutionary work in communication technology. No need to book. For more information visit:
Fri 21st to Sun 23rd
Lizard Village, Henry’s Campsite
Little Big Gig. A three day family fun and music festival. See website for tickets and further information.
Sat 15th
Durgan Beach, Helford
Snorkel Safari and BBQ. 3pm to 6pm. Durgan Beach on The Helford River SW 773 272. BBQ £5. HMCG end of summer BBQ. Booking essential via or call Sue Scott 01326 340961.
Thurs 4th
Mullion WI Hall
Harvest Supper starts 6.30pm. For more information call Mary on 01326 240203.
Sat 13th
Gweek Village Hall
All at Sea – seals, cetaceans and seabirds. 7.30pm. Free for under 18s and HMCG members. £4 for others. Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust talk to illustrate their amazing encounters.
Sat 13th
Ruan Minor Village Hall
Ruan Minor Autumn Show. Starts 2.30pm. Admission 50p.
Wed 24th
Flambards, Helston
Flambards Halloween Trick & Treats Firework Spectacular. Fun for all the family.
Late October
Porthleven School
Fireworks display and family activities. Please check for event date, times and full details.
Late October/ early November
Mullion Comprehensive School, Mullion
Grand Music Hall performance. Please call 01326 240762 for exact date, times and further information.
Sat 27th
Flambards, Helston
The Halloween Masked Ball. Go to for further information.
Sat 10th
Ruan Minor Village Hall
A Film Night – a 2018 major release. Inlcudes a two course evening meal. Contact Jane Spalding 01326 290450 or for further information.
Sat 10th
Gweek Village Hall
How we do it: The Work of The British Divers Marine Life Rescue in Cornwall. 7.30pm. Free for under 18s and HMCG members £4 for others.
Fri 23rd to Sun 25th
Craft Fair Weekend. Various times including Friday evening.
Sat 24th
Helston, Old Cattle Market
Hellys Craft Fair
Late November/early December
Helston Christmas Lights switch on.
Late November/early December
Porthleven School
Narnia Christmas family event. Check for event date, times and full details.
Various locations across the Lizard Peninsula
The Lizard is a truly magical place in December. Every village and town holds wonderful Christmas events including lights switch ons, Christmas markets and carol services. For more information on individual events and activities across the Lizard Peninsula over Christmas, please check the website and local listings.
National Trust
National Trust
LZG 18-ED-What's On--4.00 v5.indd 47
02/03/2018 14:17
A wide selection of highly appointed, luxury self-catering accommodation in the Porthleven area of Cornwall. Open all year.
01326 563198
Mich elin guide 2018
6 High Street • St Keverne TR12 6NN • 01326 280800 Open Wednesday to Saturday evening all year (excluding January) from 6.30pm • On Sunday, Monday & Tuesday you can hire us for a private dining experience in your home or holiday cottage from £40 per person for a 3 to 4 course locally sourced meal tailored to your specifications.
Hellarcher Farm the most southerly farmhouse bed and breakfast in the UK
Wake up to panoramic views of the sea, the smell of fresh bread and the excitement of the day ahead, in one of the most stunning spots in Cornwall. 01326 291188 | |
A quiet, family owned park with just 40 pitches and 12 privately owned caravans and chalets. Just a short drive to Mullion and nearby sandy beaches.
Café ping Wild Cam Gallery Events
ays Open 7 d e a we k er End Octob Easter to r fo ng (please ri ening) p o r te in w
2 T: 01326
Tel. 01326 240301, Email or just call in You’ll find us just off the A3083 Helston to Lizard road.
Harbour Lights Cafe Coverack New recipes & ideas! Breakfasts, lunches, afternoon delights
Quirky takes on plates
Kynance garage THE LIZARD
01326 290368
48.indd 1
02/03/2018 13:36
The perfect storm
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass... It’s about learning to dance in the rain” – Vivian Greene
Geoff Squibb – Cornish Pixels
The thrill of witnessing a storm roll in from the Atlantic helps provide perspective of our place in nature.
Stormy seas raging on the coastline surrounding the Lizard
Geoff Squibb – Cornish Pixels
While we all love a bit of sunshine – and who would rather be anywhere than Cornwall on a glorious sunny day? – this enigmatic county is equally captivating in its other moods, albeit for different reasons. Take, for example, those occasional stormy days. There’s something wildly dramatic and atmospheric – even biblical in nature – about watching a Cornish storm as it comes rolling in from the Atlantic. When you’re tucked up in the warmth and safety of indoors, mug of steaming cocoa in your hands, you can experience something quite spectacular. Porthleven resident Geoff Squibb, who has captured a few of these storms himself on camera, tells us: “When out in the midst of a storm, there can be moments when the wind really picks up with that eerie howl and it makes you realise on the grand scheme of things, how insignificant we really are compared to the full force of nature.” There are many great spots for some storm watching on the Lizard. Mullion Cove Hotel, Coverack Bay Hotel, and the Polurrian Hotel are just some of the hotels perched above the water, with great views over the coast – perfect for a spot of storm watching. Or perhaps you could book yourself into a holiday cottage to witness the spectacle by the warmth of the log-burner, playing board games and tucking into some hearty food. There are many waterside pubs and cafés dotted across the Lizard too – the Cadgwith Cove Inn, The Shipwrights Arms in Helford, Harbour Lights Café in Coverack, and The Ship Inn in Porthleven, to name just a few. You might just meet a few local fishermen with a tale to tell of their own encounters with Cornish storms.
TAKE CARE Needless to say, storms can be dangerous too, so keep well away from harbour walls and piers in bad weather, preferably enjoying the spectacle from the comfort of a warm building, well away from the water’s edge.
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02/03/2018 13:25
Signs of life Discover the rich biodiversity that’s unique to the heaths of the Lizard Peninsula. BELOW, L to R Pygmy rush, chives, yellow centaury – some of the plants you might spot on the Lizard Peninsula
By now, you’ll no doubt have gathered that we think the Lizard is a pretty special place – unique even. But leaving aside our entirely impartial view of the subject for just a moment, this distinctiveness has actually been generally recognised scientifically! It’s no coincidence that scientists, wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers from a range of disciplines flock to the Lizard Peninsula every year – environmentalists, biologists, geologists, horticulturists, bird watchers, and so on – precisely because of its unique attributes. Thanks to certain environmental and geographical conditions, such as the abundance of serpentine rock, the peninsula is rich with a biodiversity of flora and fauna that is largely unique to this small and very specific region of the British Isles. You’ll find, for example, chives (Allium schoenoprasum), dwarf rush (Juncus capitatus), and land quillwort (Isoetes histrix) native to the Lizard, growing on the thin-soiled rocky outcrops that abound this region. Spring is awash with colour on the Lizard, with vibrant and dazzling flowers dotted across the peninsula from April to July. Yet much of this floral abundance is the result of a phenomenon occurring over the colder, wetter months:
the formation of a type of ‘Mediterranean temporary ponds’ or ‘ephemeral ponds’, which, in the UK, are, by and large, exclusive to the Lizard. Indeed, out of season, you discover a different landscape altogether. In winter, the heaths on the Lizard often flood resulting in pools of water forming in bare scrapes and old trackways criss-crossing the downs. These temporary pools provide the perfect conditions and habitat for certain rare species of plants to flourish, which then flower in the spring, such as the wonderfully named three-lobed crowfoot (Ranunculus tripartitus), pigmy rush (Juncus pygmaeus), and yellow centaury (Cicendia filiformis). But it’s not just plantlife; these pools are often bursting with frogspawn, also playing host to water beetles and other invertebrates. If you’d like to discover more about the array of wildlife on the Lizard, the National Trust organises guided wildlife walks, while a visit to the Wildlife Watchpoint is a must too. Visit the website for more information: For all things wildlife related on the Lizard, visit:
Hans Hillewaert
Take to the heaths of the Lizard to discover these fascinating species. Yet, while it’s exciting to locate rare flora, please remember to respect the habitat and leave it as you find it! For more information on doing your bit to help protect this beautiful, but carefully balanced, environment for generations to come, visit: cornwall-marine-and-coastal-code
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02/03/2018 13:35
bespoke stone design + supply
We have a large selection of stone and quartz slabs and samples, tiles, setts and reclaimed Cornish granite at our workshop. For friendly, expert advice come and visit us at: 7a & 19 Rural Workshops, Higher Bochym, Cury Cross Lanes, Helston, TR12 7AZ or give us a call on: 01326 241111 e-mail: LZ--2018--AD--Duke Stone of Cornwall--0.25.indd 1
28/02/2018 10:39
Did you know?
We rely on your support to help us look after special places around the Lizard When you visit, donate, volunteer or join the National Trust, your support helps us to look after special places such as Lizard Point, Kynance Cove and Penrose for ever, for everyone.
Š National Trust 2017. The National Trust is an independent registered charity, number 205846. Photography Š National Trust Images\Layla Astley.
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#nationaltrust 27/02/2018 17:24