2008 Annual Report

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Engineers Australia Northern Division

Annual Report 2008 Survey House, 14 Shepherd Street Darwin GPO Box 417 Darwin NT 0801 Director Bronwyn Russell Telephone 08 8981 4137 Fax 08 8981 3449 Email nt@engineersaustralia.org.au Website: www.engineersaustralia.org.au

President’s Report My first extremely pleasing duty is to congratulate our immediate Past President Owen Peake on his recognition as an Honorary Fellow. This is a very great honour and I was privileged to be at the Engineers Australia AGM last week in Canberra when this honour was bestowed. Owen well done. After four decades in the Territory, Owen has decided to relocate to country Victoria. I wish Owen

neers Australia Presidents’ meetings. While no solutions are to hand it is a work in progress. Encouraging youth to study mathematics and science and open the door to engineering is an important role. Having Rosemary Carson on board as a consultant certainly helped in this endeavour. I wish to acknowledge the hard work of committee members juggling busy work lives with the needs of Engineers Australia. Thankyou.

and Helen all the best. This year has continued to be busy. Cranes on the skyline, mining and oil and gas developments and of course a shortage of engineers typify our division. Despite this workload many members continue to support Engineers Australia as volunteers and I thank them. As well as many activities in Darwin the Gove and Alice Springs regional groups also ran programs and participated in the management of the Division. I have been involved in judging Northern Division Engineering Excellence Awards and I’m impressed with number, quality and range of projects put forward in this small division year after year. The challenges faced, the ingenious solutions adopted and the application of good engineering is evidence of the quality of our engineers.

I must commend our small team at Northern Division for their tireless work in bringing not only services to members but representing the interests of Engineers Australia on the broader stage. One issue of particular note was the brokering of external funding to establish an inaugural Chair of Structural Engineering at Charles Darwin University. I would like to thank Bronwyn and her changing team, Justine, Karen, and Macgregor for their support and diligence. Peter Hagan Northern Division President

The Year of the Engineering Team has been one of our main focuses with events and activities. This year saw the appointment of Len Chappell a fellow Engineering Technologist to the Electrical College Board as the Northern Division representative. Len and Bob Calaby represented the Division on the Engineering Technologists and Associates national committees and were commended on the work of the Division in embracing technologists and associates. Further to the recognition of the heritage significance and magnificent efforts of the past particularly during World War of construction of the Stuart Highway between Darwin and Alice Springs by the unveiling of a plaque at the RAAF Gates Darwin in December last year a further plaque was unveiled at the Tropic of Capricorn in May this year. Small numbers of members and a huge geographical spread poses real difficulties in providing services. This issue has been the subject of discussion at various forums including the Engi-

Engineers Australia Northern Division Team wishes all our members a merry Christmas and a very happy 2009

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Director’s Report 2008 sees Northern Division expanding its activities again even though each year we think it is impossible to increase our output. During the year Justine went on maternity leave when she and Harley welcomed Li into their lives and transformed their activities. We have been fortunate to find an extremely capable replacement in Karen Relph who has brought many new skills and ideas to the Division. Macgregor Cookson joined the team in January as a trainee and no doubt you have all had reason to communicate with him during the year. Rosemary has continued to work with us, particularly in the Youth Program area and we have been a good team to match with the Year of the Engineering Team.

We have become the secretariat for the NT Business Council during 2008. This group is a coalition of Industry organizations that we have been a part of for 5 years and it provides many opportunities to liaise across industry and with Government to promote the issues facing the engineering profession. We continue to have representation on committees and boards that affect members for example the Building Practitioners Board, Building Advisory Council etc and on various Government advisory groups. Thank to those members who donate their valuable time to these functions that assist other members of the Division. Next year is Engineers Australia’s 90th birthday and we will be planning events to highlight this occasion during the year starting with the Gala Dinner in March. We look forward to seeing you supporting these activities. Bronwyn Russell

Northern Division has a history of embracing Engineers Australia “Years of” and 2008 has been no exception with its enthusiastic response to the Year of the Engineering Team. Thanks to Len Chappell and Bob Calaby who led the way with activities during the year. The Darwin Gala Dinner was rated one of the best national events of the year, an accolade to be proud of. It was with great pride that I was able to be present at the National Engineers Australia AGM to see Owen Peake receive his Honorary Fellow Award. There are only 150 of these awards in Australia at any given time and it is awarded for life, so it is a rare and prestigious award.

1. Public Role and Professional Standing National Engineering Excellence Awards The National Engineering Excellence Awards were held on Thursday, 19 November 2008 in Canberra. The Northern Division Award winners were well represented. Our finalists were competing against international projects such as Wembley Stadium in London and Water Cube in Beijing and so competition was fierce. The Northern Division was not successful at the Awards however all who attended had a good time.

Volunteers Volunteers are critical to the success of the Northern Division and it is only with their efforts that we can continue to provide educational and important programs to our members and young people. We know that sometimes it is difficult to juggle your time, however, we are most appreciative of the contribution by our volunteers. We thank you for your continued efforts and look forward to working with you in 2009. Bronwyn, Karen, Rosemary and MacGregor

Youth Partner

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1. Public Role and Professional Standing Engineering Excellence Awards in the Year of the Engineering Team The 2008 Engineering Excellence Awards dinner was held on Friday, 5th September with a record number of projects submitted for consideration by the judging panel This year’s entries included:

Project Title


Darwin Convention Centre, Civil Fire and Mechanical

Connell Wagner Pty Ltd, Sitzler Laing O’Rourke JV and AE Smith and Son Pty Ltd Nilsen Electric (NT) Pty Ltd

Darwin Convention Centre, Electrical Installation Planning Investigation—Raising Darwin River Dam Main Embankment & Spillway Fabrication and Construction Training Frances Bay Zone Substation Resurfacing of Runway 11/29 Darwin International Airport and RAAF Base

Power and Water Corporation Marrara Christian College GHD Pty Ltd and Power and Water Corporation NT Airports

Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) Rapid Admission and Planning Unit (RAPU)

Airducter in conjunction with Peter Phillips and David Chin

High Voltage Electrical Upgrade for Alice Springs Airport

HV/LV Solutions Pty Ltd

Lyons Subdivision Stage 1

Connell Wagner

Darwin Middle School Roadworks

Department of Planning and Infrastructure

Installation of Passenger Boarding Bridge and Apron Works at Darwin International Airport

NT Airports

Judging Panel Thank you to our team of judges for 2008 - Peter Hagan, Fiona Chamberlain, Sina Vafi and Alan Grove People in Engineering Award winners:

Kevin Blake

Len Chappell

2008 Winners Engineering Excellence Award 2008 —Joint Winners

Connell Wagner Pty Ltd, Sitzler Laing O’Rourike & AE Smith & Son Pty Ltd and Nilsen Electric (NT) Pty Ltd- Darwin Convention Centre

Engineering Excellence Award for Reports, Procedures & Systems

Power and Water - Planning Investigation - Raising Darwin River Dam Main Embankment & Spillway

Engineering Excellence Award for Small Business Venture & Projects

Marrara Christian College - Fabrication and Construction Training

Highly Commended

GHD Pty Ltd and Power and Water Corporation Frances Bay Zone Substation

Highly Commended

Airducter in Conjunction with Peter Phillips and David Chin - Rapid Admission and Planning Unit (RAPU), Royal Darwin Hospital

Highly Commended

NT Airports - Resurfacing of Runway 11/29 Darwin International Airport and RAAF Base

ANZSES Sustainability Award

Airducter in Conjunction with Peter Phillips and David Chin - Rapid Admission and Planning Unit (RAPU), Royal Darwin Hospital

Professional Engineer of the Year

Kevan Blake

Engineering Technologist of the Year

Len Chappell

Engineering Associate of the Year

Noel Hinschen

Young Professional Engineer of the Year

Benjamin Hawkes

Young Engineering Associate of the Year

Dayne Tierney

Noel Hinschen Ben Hawkes Dayne Tierney

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1. Public Role and Professional Standing Division Liaison The President, Director and members of Northern Division represented Engineers Australia at many events and meetings on many occasions during the year. These include

• Charles Darwin University Industry Engagement Committee, Curriculum Committee, Prize Giving, Graduation and Thesis Presentations, Science & Engineering Challenge

• Vice Chancellor, New Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Head of the School of Engineering and IT at Charles Darwin University

• Northern Territory Climate Change Forums • The Hon. Tom Pauling the Administrator of the North-

• Department of Planning and Infrastructure CEO, Building Branch, Construction Industry Reference Group, NT Building practitioners Board

• • • • • • •

Power and Water Corporation Department of the Chief Minister NT Building Advisory Committee NT House Energy Rating Industry Reference Group NT Procurement Advisory Board National Engineers Registration Board Climate Change

ern Territory

• Defence Liaison, Army & Navy • Defence Support Industry Skills Network • Media exposure through NT News, Mining Advocate, Imparja Television, ABC Television and ABC Radio

• Northern Territory Business Council meetings • Minister Marion Scrymgour, Minister for Employment, Education and Training

• Minister Delia Lawrie, Minister for Planning and Lands and Infrastructure and Transport

2. An Inclusive Professional Team Membership Northern Division Honorary Fellow Congratulations to Owen Peake Northern Division’s newest Honorary Fellow

Fellows Congratulations to Northern Division newest fellows John Brears Reg Connors John Linton Bryan Stapley Colin Van Eck Steven Walker and to our division’s newest

Campanion Jules Darras

Division membership has increased from 548 to 566 in 2008. The greatest increase being in our student numbers. Our female to male ratio is still low with less than 11.3% of our membership base being female. We had a total of 68 division transfer losses in 2008 however we still increased our numbers in membership. Congratulations once again to Owen Peake on achieving Honorary Fellow.

Honorary Fellow Fellow Member Companion

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Tech Fellow


Tech Member


Tech Graduate


Tech Student


Officer Fellow


Officer Member


Officer Graduate


Officer Student



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2. An Inclusive Professional Team Colleges Civil College

The Board visited the Warman Design and Built Student Competition Grand Final on Sunday 28th September 2008. Stefanie Fikus

The purpose of the Civil College Board is to:

• • • • •

Conduct technical conferences, symposia and meetings

• • • • • • • •

Coastal & Ocean Engineering

Prepare learned and other papers

Building Advisory Committee & Structural College

Award prizes Promote research and development.

Northern Division was represented on both panels by Peter Russell. Peter took over from Col Pascoe at the BAC on 17 July 2008 and has attended 4 meetings and several sub-committee meetings since. The BAC is a statutory body established by the Building Act whose role is to advise the minister on appropriate technical standards. Amongst other things, the committee maintains industry input into the building control process and considers new building products and methods for inclusion into the NT Deemed to Comply Standards. Structural engineer and builder members should note the website (http://www.nt.gov.au/bac/) and in particular the useful links. Did you know the DTC manual was available on line? The Structural College Board met on two occasions in 2008 with a third teleconference meeting in early September. Ben Hawkes stood in for Peter at the June meeting and reported on our CPD for the first half of the year. The last meeting of the year was held on 6th November. The focus of the SCB is on the provision of CPD to all states and territories, ASEC conference, nominations for standards committees, Journal of Structural Engineering, relationships with IStructE and IABSE, structural engineering brochures, code rules disputation, website, eminent speaker program, NPER audits and awards such as the R W Chapman and John Connell medals. Peter Russell

Encourage ongoing professional development and learning of engineers, technologists and associates. During the year the College had two face to face Board meetings and number of teleconferences. Much of the energy of key board members has been focused on the planning for the 5th Civil Engineering Conference for the Asian Region (CECAR) in Sydney in 2010. The Chairman and Secretary General for the Asian Civil Engineering Conference Committee (ACECC) are Civil College Board members – former Chairmen of the College. CECAR is a major civil engineering conference that will provide the opportunity for all engineers to participate, learn and network with their colleagues. College Board Members are encouraged to support learned societies and national committees in arranging the submission of suitable papers. At the face to face board meeting on 23 and 24 October 2008 the representatives from the National Committees of: Construction Transport Water Engineering Australian Tunnelling Society Geomechanics Society

Electrical College

Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia The Civil College Board Representatives from each Division all presented papers for discussion highlighting the activities in their groups including reports on conferences and learned papers developed in their fields of interest. The Civil College made the following awards this year:

Sir John Holland Award for Civil Engineer of the Year – Associate Professor Ron Cox

• •

The Warren Medal – Brendon Hyde

Rod McGee Medal – Christopher Paxino There is another face to face meeting of the Civil College Board on 13 March 2009. Dave McHugh

Mechanical College The Mechanical College Board nationally met twice during 2008 and discussed mechanical engineering issues. On-going concerns to the board is shortage of skills in mechanical engineering, various issues faced by universities and variations in teaching subjects. The Board discussed the current state and the way forward in educating students in mechanical engineering and related areas. Other Board activities:

• • • •

The Electrical College Board was thrilled this year to have a Northern Division Representative after a long absence. Len Chappell was elected to the Board in April of this year, as the Northern Division member, and attended a meeting in Sydney on the 6th and 7th of June. The Electrical College has a new web which is still in its infancy and being refined but is up and running. The site will focus on CPD and all other functions will be based on various means of achieving CPD. Various electrical papers and articles will also be published on the site and we recommend all of our electrical engineers, technologists and associates make use of the site and visit www.engineersaustralia.org.au and go to the link learned groups. The Electrical College Board sponsors a number of awards for the electrical engineerinf fraternity including:

• •

The MA Sargent Medal for long standing eminence or highly

The NHP Graduate Electrical Power Award – Open to all power engineering graduates within 6 years of training.

National Professional Electrical Engineer Award – This is a new award which will be awarded to eminent electrical engineers who are still currently practicing.

significant contribution through technical innovation as an electrical engineer.

Contribute to review of Engineers Australia policies On-going monitoring and tasking of National Committees and Panels with forming policy positions on various topics in mechanical engineering Implement Research Price in Mechanical Engineering Identify cross divisional speakers and organise presentations

Emeritus Membership Award – Open to all retired electrical engineers in recognition of their dedication and contributions to electrical engineering over a long period of time. We would like to see some Northern Division nominations for some of these awards next year as we know our electrical engineers are just as prominent and worthy of these awards as any of the southern engineers Len Chappell Northern Division ECB Representative

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2. An Inclusive Professional Team Regions Alice Springs 2008 was again a relatively quiet year for activities of the Group, although everyone is busy. In July, the Engineering Excellence Judging Panel visited to assess entries from the region and at an excellent dinner function at Madigans, presentations were made to local members of some of the entries. Model Boat winners On Friday 18th July, an unveiling cerewith Presenter mony was held at the Tropic of CapriJean Luc Revel corn on the Stuart Highway commemorating the engineering aspects of the construction of the highway. The plaque was unveiled by outgoing local member of Parliament Lorraine Brahams with a overview of the history given by Division President Peter Hagan. In August, members participated in the annual Science and Engineering Challenge at Centralian Senior Secondary College to help develop interest in these areas in our upcoming youth September’s highlight was another Youth program, Sunchase, a model Solar Car and Boat Challenge where school students build solar powered cars and boats and race them. This leads to a National Cham-

pionship, this year it is being held in Hobart in late November. This promotes an interest in science and engineering as well as renewable technologies. In 2009 we hope to have more events so helpers and suggestions are most welcome.

Steve Sawyer Alice Springs Representative

Nhulunbuy Rio Tinto visit by Keith Collins to discuss CPEng applications, Mentorship etc. Keith gave a number of presentations to leaders and to graduates about how best to prepare Career Episode Reports, with specific feedback from individuals. He also discussed mentorship, and how mentorship systems should work. Visits by Lizzy Skinner from Engineers Without Borders. Lizzy has done some groundwork with establishing relationships in remote communities and meeting local organisations. She also held a meeting at the Rio Tinto Alcan Refinery with several engineers, discussing EWB and potential for involvement in local projects. Cam MacDiarmid Gove Representative

Membership Groups Associates


I continued as Associates Representative on the Northern Division Management Committee during 2008, The Year of the Engineering Team. Luccio Cercarelli from Palmerston City Council is the National Associates Representative on Civil College. A successful ‘Meet and Greet’ Technologists/ Associates function was held at Survey House on 10 April. Current and prospective members were able to talk on matters relating to the institution and socialize over a beer. At Skycity Casino on 01 May the Year of the Engineering Team Gala Dinner was well attended by 95 members, guests and politicians. A feature was a team exercise constructing marshmallow flinging catapults. On 16 May a Joint Technologists/ Associates meeting and dinner was held in Adelaide. Outcomes from the meeting included development of a business case for registration of Associates by our NERB Representative CAPT Keith Chambers. In August the National Engineering Associates Register was approved so there is now a truly unified Engineering Register. The Year of the Engineering Team was promoted in Engineers Australia magazine throughout the year. Mine and Dayne Tierney’s stories were featured in the June issue. We were pleased that WGCDR Noel Hinschen, Commanding Officer RAAF Base Darwin was named Engineering Associate of the Year at the Northern Division Excellence Awards in September. The National Committee for Engineering Associates Australia meeting will be held in Melbourne on 28 November. We thank the Division President, Peter Hagan, Director Bronwyn Russell and Administrators Karen Relph and Macgregor Cookson for their fantastic support to the Associates. Robert Calaby OFIEAust NT Division Representative

This is the year of the Engineering Team and as such our national committee, together with the Engineering Associates national committee, has been very busy lifting the profile of both Technologists and Associates within the engineering family and within the general public. Areas which have been addressed include: Understanding, Attitudes and Perceptions, Disenfranchisement, Articulation, Internal Accords, Accreditation, Registration and Membership Value. A select sub-committee has been working all year on the above ensuring that Technologists will enjoy a higher profile within Engineers Australia. Areas employed to raise our profile included profiling selected Technologists and Associates in each State and Territory which included submitting stories and profiles both nationally, in Engineers Australia magazine, and in local newsletters and publications; trying to encourage more Technologists and Associates to become more active at divisional and national levels; convincing as many Technologists as possible to seek chartered status; and arranging special functions for both Technologists and Associates. A joint national meeting, of Technologists and Associates was held in Adelaide on 16 May this year to discuss strategies for the coming year. A the next national meeting fro Technologists will be held in Sydney on 21 November. Our Technologists have been quite active this year at a local level also with a very successful Meet and Greet evening back in April, together with the Associates, which pulled around 15 people. The Gala dinner in May of this year had the theme of the Engineering Team and profiled a number of Technologists and Associates. Both the Technologists and Associates were well represented in the Engineering Excellence awards and in articles which featured in the Engineers National magazine.

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Len Chappell

2. An Inclusive Professional Team Engineering Heritage Committee (Northern Division)Without Borders Women in Engineering Engineers 2008 has been a year of consolidation and building on the success of “Year of Women in Engineering”. Women engineers exceeded 10% of members of Engineers Australia for the first time in March 2008. Northern Division has a total of 51 women members. Women in Engineering groups across all Divisions have recognized the need to deliver networking and professional development programs to rural and regional areas of Australia. The GENX program promoting gender and generational exchanve between women engineers and young engineers was established nationally in 2007 and continued during 2008. A GENX function was held at Char Restaurant in May 2008 with many of the keynote speakers representing women. WIE National developed a career breaks for engineers, technologists and associates who have achieved Chartered Status and/or NPER registration was approved by Engineers Australia Council in September 2008. This provides for a reduction in Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities for members taking a career break. A CD was also produced in 2008 with WIE activities, strategies, publications and video interviews and was distributed widely. WIE also participated in Engineers Australia Environmental Scan and Benchmarking as preparation for development of the Engineers Australia Strategic Plan.

Louise McCormick Women in Engineering Representative

2008 has been a busy year for Engineers Without Borders. In May 2008 we hosted a Fairtrade Beach Party at Casuarina Beach. Etiko sports balls were available for purchase at the event (and following the event) which help support a community in Pakistan which develops their own sporting products to ensure that they get a fair deal. The event was well attended. In early July EWB delivered their contribution to Equal Australia/ Reconciliation Australia with a touring Indigenous Art Exhibition which was hosted at Browns Mart. The display featured works from all over Australia and included a family of artists from Katherine, the Kings. The opening night was successfully attended by 50 people. In the last week of August, EWB participated in the National Science Week event at CSIRO to introduce development to children in schools, demonstrating sustainable and appropriate technologies. The children got their hands dirty by making clay water filters. The objective was for them to understand how vital their filter was to the developing world. In November, Charles Darwin University sponsored me to present a paper at a conference in New Zealand, called Hard Water Influences on Water Pipes in Domestic Communities, Northern Territory. The knowledge I have gained from this research has enhanced my knowledge for my role with EWB and gained more experience in engineering in water pipes and remote communities. EWB is hosting their National Conference in Melbourne this year on 26th – 29th November. This conference will be the hub of learning and inspiration for people diversifying into, or already working in, international and local underdeveloped communities. Thank you to Power and Water sponsoring the Elements Arts Exhibition and to Engineers Australia Northern Division for their ongoing support and sponsorship. Rana Everett Engineers Without Borders and Student Representative

Engineering Heritage Committee

Engineering heritage has mad mixed success in its activities this year. Items of interest were:Owen Peake left the Northern Territory after a life time of work. Owen had performed many roles within the Institution of Engineers, the final one being Chairman of the Northern Territory Engineering Heritage Committee (EHC). Owen also represented the Northern Territory On the National Engineering Heritage Committee. It is good to see that Owen has been recognised nationally by Engineers Australia with the recent award of Honorary Fellow. Owen completed several heritage projects before he left the Territory, some were on behalf of the EHC others were on heritage items owned by other organisations. The EHC activities were:-

compilation of information and printing of our second brochure on engineering heritage sites around Darwin.

preparation of the plaquing nomination for the wreck of the Young Australian. Heritage works were:-

Restoration of the Hudswell Clarke locomotive for FNAR. The machine recently moved under its own power, (provided by compressed air) on 7 November.

Restoration of the rail axle / wheel lathe for FNAR at Adelaide River. This machine also now works under its own electric power.

Replacement of sleepers on the No4 Bridge on the NAR at the Narrows

Relocation of a Sidney Williams hut from Winnellie to Adelaide River for FNAR. Trevor Hormans work on preserving the engineering heritage of the Northern Territory was recognised by the presentation to him by HH The Administrator Mr Tom Pauling of an Award of Merit at the Engineering Week cocktail party at Government House. Trevor works continuously on preserving our engineering heritage and “other heritage” Other members of EHC have been involved in the resleepering of the No 4 bridge and the relocation of the Sidney Williams hut. The second plaque for the Stuart Highway was unveiled by Lorraine Brahams the then Member for Braitling , plaques at Katherine and Tennant Creek remain to be installed and unveiled. The plaqing nomination for Manton Dam and the WWII water supply remains a work in progress Peter Poole

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2. An Inclusive Professional Team Gala Dinner - Year of the Engineering Team

2008 - The “Year of the Engineering Team”

The task of “Testing the Catapult” was extremely competitive with the greatest distance being won by Charles Darwin University. Macmahons took honours for the most accurate and the most innovative design and construction was won by by NT Airports Australia. Marshmallows were sticking to the floor by the end of the evening. Minister Lawrie took the task of building her team’s catapult with great gusto. Len Chappell and Bob Calaby were the Year of the Engineering Team hosts for the Gala Dinner at SKYCITY recently. Over 95 people attended the dinner during which the tables were given an EngQuest task to build a catapult. Steve Brown was the guest speaker at the dinner and is is one of Australia’s most respected event designers, producers and marketers, with a wide range of events to his credit in most states of Australia.

2008 was nominated as the “Year of the Engineering Team”. The theme was consistently used throughout 2008 at a number of Engineers Australia events including the Gala Dinner and Excellence Awards. The Gala Dinner featured Keynote Speaker Steve Brown. Those attending the dinner were instructured to show their team skills in the design and building of marshmallow hurling catapults. The Engineering Excellence Awards also continued with the theme. Entertainment included a circus act by “Di’slocate” highlighting the necessity to work together as a team.

Young Engineers Australia Northern Division Young Engineers Australia (Northern Division) has enjoyed another successful and fun year that included numerous social, technical and educational events. The year began with a ‘meet and greet’ at the Beach Front Hotel in February, which unfortunately became a little flooded after a huge wet season deluge! However, the wet weather couldn’t dampen the spirits of those that attended. In May we hosted a meeting for the YEA National committee with some of the members also giving presentations for a GenEx event at Char restaurant. Due to the departure of Jason Mackinlay (Chair) and Haley McNair (National Rep) the AGM was called in June, a little earlier than usual, to elect some of the YEA committee to new positions. This was held at Nirvana Restaurant and was well attended with several new young engineers also joining the committee. Towards the end of July the YEAND’s (and possibly Darwin’s!) premier social event, the ‘Golf Day’, was held at the Palmerston Golf Course. Beautiful Darwin dry season weather prevailed and the chance of a ‘round of 9’ with an early knock off and a few casual beers meant engineers and others attended in abundance. In the end, the golf side of things was dominated by players from SKM, but all had an enjoyable day no matter how many shots it took some of us to get around the course! With August came the CSIRO ‘Top End Science Fair’ and our chance to excite budding young engineers from Years 3 to 8 about some of the more interesting and exciting problems engineers deal with on a day to day basis. Not the easiest gig! But with a few keen committee members we managed to entertain the young ones and may have even influenced a few to become Darwin engineers! And this month is Movember!! Movember is held in the month for-

mally known as November and involves growing a Mo to raise money for men’s health. YEA support this event nationally by encouraging engineers, work colleagues and pretty much anyone else to grow a Mo and join the YEA team. Our last event of the year will be a sunset cruise Movember Party on Darwin Harbour aboard ‘The Tumlaren’. Tickets for this event are still available but going quickly, so to avoid missing out get in touch with Karen (karenrelph@engineersaustralia.org) quickly! The year ahead will see a few changes with committee members so any young engineers out there interested on joining and getting involved, please feel free to get in touch at andrew.gane@douglaspartners.com.au. On behalf of YEA I’d like to express thanks to all our sponsors for the year, as many of our events wouldn’t be possible without your support. We look forward to your continuing cooperation in 2009 and hope to see you all at our events in future. I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank the YEA and Engineers Australia committee members plus other volunteers throughout the year for all their support, ideas and help!

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2. An Inclusive Professional Team National Committees Centre of Engineering Leadership and Management - Northern Chapter

Water/Coastal & Ocean Engineering

The CELM Chapter has not been as active as it would have liked to be this year due to the interstate demands of both the past and present Chairs. This meant that the CELM meeting held in Sydney on 27 February was not attended by the Northern Chapter as no other committee members were available at the time. Despite every effort on the parts of CELM and Engineers Australia, the much awaited combined activity with Woman In Engineering, the “Women & Leadership Seminar” booked for 17 June at Sky City unfortunately had to be cancelled due to lack of committed numbers. In June, the previous Chapter Chair, Cpt Jason McKinlay, had to resign his post during the year due to an extended placement in the USA. We wish Jason well with his studies. As of July, Kevan Blake has taken over the reigns. Kevan represented the Northern Chapter at the CELM joint national board meeting on 9th September in Perth. This was followed by the Engineering Leadership Conference from 10 to 12 September, which was also attended by a number of the Young Engineers delegates who had their national meeting at the same time. The proceedings of the conference are available on line at www.CELM2008.com and make stimulating reading. In November Mr Greg Haigh of RANms was invited to speak at a breakfast meeting at Moorish Cafe. Although numbers were lower than hoped, the 15 attendees all agreed that Greg’s talk was inspiring and well worth getting up half an hour earlier than usual. We hope to hold at least four of these in the new year. Kevan Blake MIEAust CPEng CELM Chapter Chair

2008 was a busy year and I am pleased to advise that I have been appointed as a full member of the National Committee on Water Engineering. The 9th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Hydraulics2008 was held in Darwin from September 23rd -26th. . The meeting attracted over 85 delegates and 56 papers were presented in two parallel sessions over 3 days. The standard of the papers and their delivery was very high. The four invited keynote speakers each delivered substantial lectures on issues in hydraulics which were themed around interdisciplinarity. Engineers in the modern world work with many more disciplines than in the past and we must learn to get the greatest benefit from this association. Eric Valentine

Transport Committee The National Committee on Transport (NCTR) met twice during the year with some intervening teleconferences. I’m a member of the Marketing and Communications WG. One of the main focuses has been to provide policy advice to the EA policy group. Issues looked at this year include the Federal Government’s National Transport Plan, the EA policy position on Energy Efficiency in Transport, the CSIRO Alternate Fuels Forum and the Garnaut Climate Change Report. This year the eminent speaker is Professor David Henscher and it is hoped he will visit the Division early next year. The committee also oversights the production of the journal Transport Engineering in Australia. An issue facing the committee is how to get broader modal representation as well as geographical representation. Peter Hagan

3.0 Youth Appeal Sunchase - Darwin Forty competing Larrakeyah Primary School students and a crowd of one hundred onlookers witnessed the 2008 SunChase Solar Kit Car Challenge. Twelve volunteer Engineers were also on board to ensure the event was a big success. Conditions were ideal when the track was laid ready for the races to begin. Major sponsors Power and Water Corporation assisted with the track setup. Volunteers included staff from Engineers Australia Northern Division (EANT), Nortruss Builders Supplies, GHD, Worley Parsons and Douglas Partners. With Larrakeyah Principal Graham Chadwig and his staff, and the assisting SunChase volunteers on the day, students learnt from experienced members about the current research and application of solar energy in the Northern Territory. The day ended with Trevor Horman (Power and Water Corporation representative) presenting prizes to the winners, runners up and third place. Then it was time to enjoy a morning tea of muffins and juice provided by EANT.

Rosemary Carson Youth Program Coordinator

GET SMART (Science Maths and Real Technology) This year, six Alice Springs, nine Darwin and four Arnhemland primary schools were visited by Engineers Australia NT and The University of Newcastle’s SMART (Science, Maths and Real Technology) program. The remote component of the tour was made possible by the generous support of Arnhemland Progress Association (ALPA) and Engineers Australia Northern Division. Two interactive science shows were presented. The Sounds Good science show, conducted by Terry Burns, was a very practical look at the physics of sound and music. SMARTbots Inc, presented by Monica Howard, introduced the audience to the fascinating science behind robots. An expanded program is being planned for 2009 to involve a more extensive date line in the remote re- Monica Howard shows the touch gion. sensors in the mouth of ‘RoboSponsors for this program in- raptor’ at Shepherdson College, cluded: Engineers Australia, The Elcho Island. University of Newcastle, the Australian Government and ALPA Rosemary Carson

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3.0 Youth Appeal Science & Engineering Challenge With the assistance of fifty volunteers, five hundred, year eight, nine and ten Northern Territory students attended this year’s Science and Engineering Challenge. The 3 days of events were conducted in Darwin and Alice Springs Each school constituted a team and each team was divided into eight groups where eight activities were offered. These involved four full day and four half day activities; Gold Fever, War Machine for Austium, Mission to Mars, Hover Frenzy, Who Gets the Water, Leprechaun Cannon, ElectraCITY, Crypto Cracking Cronies. Taminmin High was the Darwin winning school and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School (OLSH) excelled in Alice Springs. Overall, OLSH won the right to represent the Territory at the National Science and Engineering Challenge held in early October on the Gold Coast. OLHS initiated fund raising and their team travel to Queensland for the Event. Hosted by Engineers Australia Northern Division, with the support of Newcastle University, Charles Darwin University and Centralian Senior Secondary the event was also supported by Rotary Club of Darwin North. Rosemary Carson Youth Program Coordinator

4. Chartered Status/Professional Development Program Gemco made a commitment to its Graduate Engineers by signing a Professional Development Program contract with Engineers Australia during the visit by National President, Julie Hammer. Graduate members were flown to Darwin to meet the National Assessor during Keith Collins visit in May and were given guidance on how to proceed to Chartered Status.

Congratulations to the following members on achieving Chartered Status during the year. Adam James Hon Woo Simon Ballantyne Tissa de Silva Mark Lackenby

5. Continuing Professional Development Division Activities Month




February March

Meet and Greet Night – Young Engineers Welcome New Students Chales Darwin University BBQ


Science & Engineering Challenge—Darwin




Young Engineers Golf Day


SMART Program Darwin, Arnhemland


Gala Dinner—Guest Speaker Steve Brown

May May May

Sponsors/Supporters Cocktail Function National Presidents Visit—Darwin/Groote Eylandt Students Thesis Presentations


Science & Engineering Challenge—Alice Springs


Dept of Infrastructure & Planning Student BBQ

May May

Charles Darwin University Prize Giving Young Engineers AGM


2008 Engineering Excellence Awards


GenX - Char Restaurant



Elements Indigenous Art Exhibition - EWB

Sunchase Model Solar Car Challenge—Alice Springs


Hydraulics Conference


Fellows Luncheon


Launch of Engineering Week


Sunchase Model Solar Car Challenge - Darwin


SMART (Science, Maths & Real Technologu) Program Alice Springs


Charles Darwin University Students Thesis Presentations


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5. Continuing Professional Development Technical Sessions/Seminars/Site Visits Month




Charles Darwin University Engagement Cooperative Program

Friso De Boer


Professional Development Program

Rick Brooks


CER Hint and Tips

Alex Sparvell


Technologists Meet and Greet

Len Chappell & Bob Calaby


Hydromatics and the Chamber of Secrets

Professor Eric Valentine



Professor Gus Nathan


CPEng Information Seminars Darwin/Gove

Keith Collins


Women In Engineering Luncheon

Christine Fletcher


National President Visit— Signing Professional Development Program Gemco

Julie Hammer/Peter Taylor


Why Bridges Don’t Last

Dr John Fenwick


Precast Concrete

John Woodside



Brian Stanborough


Climate Change

John Stanford



Sean Kildare


Evolution Site Visit

Neil Sunners


Contaminated Site Auditing/Challenging Geotechnical Problems

Michael Nash & Fiona McGregor


Professional Indemnity and Risk Management

Chris Bovill


Heritage Plaquing Ceremony—Tropic of Capricorn Bypass

Lorraine Brahms


10 Year Infrastructure Plan

Richard Hancock


Timor Leste Visit

Bronwyn Russell


3D Steel

Anthony Pollard


2007 Young Engineer of the Year

Patrick Hill


Meet N Greet— Proposed Chair of Structural Engineering

Professor David Lilley


Site Visit SEDCO Oil Rig

Philip Campbell


Environmental Scan—Strategic Planning Engineers Australia

Leanne Harwicke


CELM Breakfast

Greg Haigh, RANms

6. International Reach & Influence Our Executive Director travelled to Dili in July 2008 and met with the current Minister of Infrastructure, Pedro da Silva. The Minister keenly outlined the plans for the Year of Infrastructure in 2009. A meet ‘n greet was also held with some of the young

engineers in Timor Leste during this visit. The Minister also suggested training opportunities in Australia for staff to enable them to bring new skills back to this developing country.

7. Internal Communications Our new look newsletters are thanks to the purchase of a new photocopier in November 2007. The Northern Division newsletter continues to grow and is now a standard 12 page

document. We have reached our target of 6 bi-monthly newsletters and annual report. We have managed to keep costs to minimum by producing the newsletters inhouse.


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8. A Capable Organisation 2008 Committee We would like to say thanks to our committee. We would not be able to function without your assistance.





President/Transport Committee

Peter Hagan

Young Engineers President Northern Division

Andrew Gane

Women in Engineering

Louise McCormick

Centre for Engineering Leadership & Management

Kevan Blake

Past President/Civil College/Congress Representative

Dave McHugh

Engineering Technologist National Representative

Len Chappell

Committee Member

Jaya Koirala

Robert Calaby

Committee Member

Sumesh Dhir

Engineering Associate National Representative

Committee Member

Capt Micheal McMillan

Ocean & Coastal Committee/Water Engineering National Committee

Eric Valentine

Engineering Heritage Australia /Heritage Committee ND

Peter Poole

Past President/Engineering Heritage Australia

Owen Peake

Structural College/Building Advisory Committee

Peter Russell

Engineers Without Borders/CDU Student Representative

Rana Everett

Mechanical College National Representative

Stefania Fikus

Alice Springs Representative

Steve Sawyer

Young Engineers National Representative

Adam James

Nhulunbuy Representative

Cameron MacDiarmid

Congress Report - Dave McHugh - National Congress Member The purpose of the National Congress is to provide an annual forum for elected representatives of divisions, colleges, learned societies and special interest groups to:

Elect representatives to the National Council—the Board of Directors for Engineers Australia

Elect the National Deputy President who becomes the next National President of Engineers Australia

• • • • •

Consider and accept reports from Council Members Propose and approve motions that give directions to the Council Members on policy and operational issues of Engineers Australia Note the presentation on Annual Report and Annual Financial Statements Attend the National Engineering Excellence Awards

Attend the Annual General Meeting of Engineers Australia to formally approve the elected representatives and acceptance of the Annual Report and the Annual Financial Statements National Congress was held in Canberra on 19 and 20 November 2008. During the Congress meeting the following people were elected to Council:

• • • •

National Deputy President—Professor Doug Hargreaves Council Member - Mr Bruce Howard Council Member - Mr Barry Tonkin

Council Member - Mr Merv Lindsay These Council members will join the following people to make up the National council, namely:

• • • • •

National President - Mr Peter Godfrey Council Member - Ms Gunilla Burrows Council Member - Dr Marlene Kanga Council Member—Mr Bronte Strout Past National President- Julie Hammer

Also during the Congress meeting the following papers were presented:

• •

Complaints against members—Rolfe Hartley

Report on EngQuest - Jamie Penrose

Update on Marketing Review Findings—Jamie Penrose and Marlene Kanga


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• • • •

Standards of Australia Business Model - John Tucker

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Committees and Council Reports

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Women in Engineering - Marlene Kanga Proposed 90th Anniversary Commemorations - Peter Godfrey Strategic Planning Update—2010 to 2015 - Les Wallace and Peter Godfrey 2008 - The Year of the Engineering Team - Peter Godfrey Sustainability - Rolf Hartley Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council Peter Cockbain Young Engineers Report - Anny Joseph Engineering Practice and CPD - Gunilla Burrowes International and National Policy - Barry Tonkin Division Liaison - Mervyn Lindsay Communication and Marketing - Marlene Kanga Finance - Bruce Howard Education and Assessment—Bronte Strout Other issues raised by Congress delegates included: Motion on Communication - Raymond Dixon Promotion and Innovation - Sam Fernando Newly Migrated Engineers - Sam Fernando Congress Effectiveness - Amal Hanna Electronic Service Delivery by Engineers Australia—Peter Hitchiner Graduate Engineers to CPENG—Peter Hitchiner Code of Ethics - comparison to WFEO Model Code—Peter Hitchiner Engineers Australia—Annual Report - Peter Taylor

Engineers Australia - Annual Finance Statement s—Bruce Howard In general discussions, the main topic at Congress was the Engineering Team and the relevant engineering education developments and ways to attract more people into the engineering profession to include Engineers, Technologusts and Associates. It was also determined that the current bylaws of EA would be given a substantial review to improve inclusion of Technologists and Associates in the decision making process.

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