Northern Division Annual Report 2011

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ANNUAL REPORT December 2011

This year is the culmination of my two years as president of the Northern Division. The past two years have literally flown by and I'm personally happy with the achievements that have been made both nationally and locally during those two years including the Infrastructure Report Card , the new by-laws, the new Code of Ethics, the provision of new Stage 1 and 2 Competency standards, and the push for a National Registration Scheme. This year's theme, Humanitarian Engineering, was another great success, with humanitarian themes and topics being highlighted in all of our events this year. The year started with the Queensland floods and cyclone together the bushfires in Perth and other areas of Australia fostering many opportunities for us to witness and become involved with many humanitarian projects to help all the unfortunate people caught up in these events. I personally enjoyed learning about many of the humanitarian works our Defence forces are engaged in both here in Australia and overseas. Our defence force engineers work in some of the most inhospitable areas of the world designing and constructing new roads, bridges, water supplies and sewerage plants to enhance the lives of many people, with little backup and in some cases much danger. We should all be very proud of these people. National president Merv Lindsay visited the Northern Division in June this year and visited projects in Darwin, Groote Eylandt and McArthur River. It was a pleasure to accompany him on his visit through the Territory and to showcase to him the high quality of projects which are being designed and constructed by our local engineering team members. We were privileged to have Eminent Speakers Ken Browne, James Ball, John Carpenter and Paul Grundy travel to the Northern Division to give presentations this year. We also

had many very informative guest speakers this year speaking on topics ranging from humanitarian projects to humidity control and LED lighting. Our two major functions for the year, the Engineering Excellence awards and the Gala dinner were both resounding successes again this year. Both of these events keep getting bigger and better each year. Congratulations, again to the Excellence award winners and the People in Engineering winners. Our Engineering Week heritage bus tour this year was again a great success, attracting around 60 people and requiring two buses. Special thanks to Peter Poole and Trevor Horman, our two renowned Territory historians, for providing the expert and informative commentary on each of the buses. On a serious note I ask all of you to strive to become chartered as soon as possible. This is very important to Engineers Australia as well as yourselves. This will give your employers and your clients the satisfaction of knowing that you are continuing your professional development and enhancing your Stage 2 competencies. Deputy President Louise McCormick takes over as president at the AGM. I am confident she will be a worthy President and I offer her my full support and wish her all the best for the coming years. In conclusion I wish to thank the Divisional Management Committee members for freely giving their time and for their support during the year. I thank our sponsors, for their generous support and Bronwyn and the other members of the Divisional staff for their effort and support throughout the year. Without these people we would not have a division.


Len Chappell Northern Division President 2010/2011


FROM OUR DIRECTOR What a thrilling climax to 2011 it has been with CAT Projects winning the most prestigious Australian engineering award, the Sir William Hudson Award, at the Australian Engineering Excellence Awards. The Bushlight India project was recognized as being the best in Australia and also recognized Internationally as a consequence. This award has never been won by a Northern Division project before so the excitement was unbelievable. Congratulations to the CAT team, it is a moment of a lifetime to be recognized in the Great Hall of Parliament House in Canberra. In addition to CAT’s win, Jas Deo won the National Engineering Officer of the Year Awards. This also caused great excitement for the people who had travelled from the NT to be at the event. Well done Jas! The theme of Humanitarian Engineering has focused many of our events this year starting with a launch at the Convention Centre featuring presentations by two of our members on their experiences, with the Minister Gerry McCarthy in attendance. The Gala Dinner, Engineering Excellence Awards, GenX event, Fellows lunch and the Forum in November all contributed to the theme. It is particularly fitting that the Sir William Hudson Award winner also reflected our Humanitarian Engineering theme. I was able to visit engineers in Timor Leste during the year when I visited with the Darwin Chorale. We also met with volunteers from Engineers Without Borders where we presented them with the money that we raised during the year at the Excellence Awards and a Melbourne Cup Luncheon. In all we raised about $5000 for a Timor Leste project. Overall I think that Northern Division contributed significantly to this year’s theme. Northern Division has had a successful year attracting funding from outside sources that help us cover a great deal of our youth programs expenses. There is a partnership with The Department of Business and Employment, Charles Darwin University, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research and Engineers Australia Northern Division that provides the Inspiring Australia program of Science communications. As well as this we were successful in obtaining a three year contract with Shell for the ongoing support for running the SMART (Science Maths and Real Technology) program particularly in the remote areas of the NT. There was an official launch of this program by Minister Jenny Macklin at Parliament House in Canberra during the last sittings of the year. Our ongoing NT partners and supporters are still our mainstay and we couldn’t provide what we do with out you. Len Chappell finishes off his two years as President this year. Thank you Len for a superb job as our President. I understand that it is a lot of work but it is appreciated by all of our members. You have set a new standard for Presidents within Engineers Australia which I hope will be an example to others around the country. We welcome Louise McCormick as our incoming president. Louise is our first female President since Anne Freeman convinced Engineers Australia to have Northern Division separate from South Australia back in 1980. We also lose Chris Jenkins as our assessor this February. We have enjoyed having Chris as part of our team but we wish him well back in Newcastle. We will have a replacement for Chris in the New Year. Thanks for the hard work of the Committee and staff this year. It has been the biggest I have experienced yet so I couldn’t do it without all of the help I get. Bronwyn Russell Director

Thank you to Professional Interviewers On behalf of the Division, we would like to thank the following interviewers who committed their time in 2011 for Professional interviews for members who have become chartered in 2011: Kirsty McInnes FIEAust CPEng Kevan Blake MIEAust CPEng Stephen Thatcher MIEAust CPEng Mark Lackeby MIEAust CPEng Colin Van Eck FIEAust CPEng

Colin Freeman FIEAust CPEng (RET) Adam James MIEAust CPEng Craig Sanders FIEAust CPEng Peter Poole FIEaust CPEng Stephen D Jackson MIEAust CPEng

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ANNUAL REPORT 1. Community Engagement

2011 was themed around “The Year of Humanitarian Engineering”. Northern Division embraced this theme and held various events to include: ♦

Launch of “Year of Humanitarian Engineering” in February featuring humanitarian speakers, Yasmin Barnes who spoke on her placement with the Ministry of Health in the Solomon Islands, managing the Rehabili- ♦ tation Workshop. Simon Turner from Sitzler who was working for Territory Alliance on the Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program touched on his experiences of working with the Red Cross in the Maldives as part of the Tsunami Reconstruction Efforts and in Vanuatu preparing contingency plans to evacuate residents ahead of a Volanic eruption.

Gala Dinner - This event was held on 6th March at the Holiday Inn and the activity was themed around the “Year of” and was taken from an EngQuest activity to build a shelter out of newspaper and masking tape. Dan Bachiera from Charles Darwin University was the keynote speaker at this event.

2011 Engineering Excellence Awards was also themed around the “Year of”. An auction was held in the program of this year’s event which raised over $4,000 for an Engineers Without Borders projects in Timor Leste.

A Humanitarian Forum was held at the Darwin Convention Centre on November 3 with the following keynote speakers: - Brad Abbot - Engineers Without Borders Topic “Humanitarian Challenges for Engineers in Ti mor Leste” - Mr Salustiano Piedade - Dili Institute of Technology Topic “Transition Challenges—building a better future in Timor Leste” - Dr Latisha Petterson—Australia Indigenous Doctors Association. Topic “A View from Indigenous Australia” - Mr Allan McGill—Territory Alliance. Topic “Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program (SIHIP)”

- Captain Brad Willis - Defence Force. Topic “Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program” - Moira McCreesh—Oxfam Volunteer. Topic “The challenges of internally displaced persons camps in Timor Leste” - John McLaren—Shelter Box. Demonstration on Disaster Shelter. - Mr Neil Greet . Topic “Meeting the expectations of the community: Strathewen Community Renewal” - Troy Crilly—Northern Territory Emergency Services . Topic “The challenges of resilience against natural disas ters in the Northern Territory”. Melbourne Cup Luncheon - an informal luncheon was held at Char Restaurant . A fundraiser was held which again raised for the sanitary project in Timor Leste. Total funds raised almost $500. for this project.

Museum Funding Engineers Australia Northern Division provided $250,000 in funding to the Defence of Darwin Experience at East Point Military Precinct. The upgrade of the museum is currently underway and it is anticipated that the opening of the new museum will be held in conjunction with the commemoration of the “Bombing of Darwin” on the 19th February 2012.

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ANNUAL REPORT 1. Community Engagement

Engineering Week again provided members and the general public to attend a number of events and activities to include: •

Launch at Parliament House. Attended by over 80 members and guests. Chris Lugg was presented with a Fellows Certificate at this event. The event was hosted by the Hon. Gerry McCarthy MLA and was attended by Hon. Rob Knight, MLA Heritage Bus Tour—this event was well attended by members and the general public. Peter Poole and Trevor Horman from the heritage committee provided commentary on the historical aspects of Darwin and surrounds. The tour was followed by a barbecue at the Qantas Hangar. The Adelaide River Railway Scoeity and Motor Vehicle Enthusiasts Club hosted the barbecue for this event. Engineering week banners were displayed on Trower Road Outbound and Gardens Road inbound throughout Engineering Week.

Overall, Engineering Week was very successful in 2011, however, it is difficult to plan for the entire week due to the public holiday which always falls on the Monday of this week.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2. Body of Knowledge & Professional Development National Assessor Report

Industry Partner Speakers

During 2011 the workload of a similar size to that of 2010 Northern Division assessments cerned. The following four achieved Chartered membership:

has been ♦ so far as are conengineers ♦ ♦

Dr. David Sweeney

Zheng Ping Wu

Michael Lee

Kenneth Lewis

Maj. Gavin Cooper The number of Career Episode Reports assessed under Professional Development Programs was significantly increased by 364 assessments carried out for Queensland and Western Australian participants to cover temporary staff shortages in those Divisions. Presentations and workshops on Chartered membership and Registration have been given to Professional Development Program participants in their workplaces. Open presentations on the same subject have been given in Darwin and Alice Springs. Planning for a revised assessment system is underway and current planning is to introduce a new system in July next year. This system will be similar to the one endorsed by the International Engineering Alliance and others. Candidates part way through the exiting procedure are being encouraged to complete their work and apply for assessment before the end of 2012 but transitional arrangements will be in place for those who are unable to meet that deadline. I am leaving the Division in March 2012 to return to Newcastle. The Division is currently looking for a replacement for my position. If you are interested in this position, please contact Bronwyn Russell on 8981 4137 or email to Chris Jenkins National Assessor - Northern Division

Commodore Mark A Sanders, Royal Australian Navy, Centre for Engineering Leadership Management Breakfast - September 2011 Peter Clouting, Charles Darwin University-GENX Young Engineers Australia Event - September 2011 Erin Hughes, Engineer from Torres Strait Islands GENX Young Engineers Event - September 2011 Captain Billy Durrant, Defence Austalia, , CONSTO, 23rd SPT SQW - Fellows Luncheon - November 2011

Centre for Engineering Leadership & Management Report

The purpose of CELM is to enhance professional opportunities for members of Engineers Australia by developing, recognising and promoting their ability to participate in and lead business, innovation and change. Within the governance framework of Engineers Australia, the activities of CELM are supported by the CELM National Board, which provides policy and strategic direction, and develops certain common initiatives. The CELM Board will be undertaking a strategic planning workshop on 8 December 2011 to set the priorities for 2012-13. One of the areas to be considered is how CELM can work more closely with the 8 colleges to better integrate leadership and management across what the colleges do. Next year the major CELM Event will be the Engineering Leadership Conference which will be held from 30 May 2012 to 2 June 2012 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, with workshops and technical tours on the first day, paper presentations, poster sessions and workshops on the two formal session days and a Conference social tour on the final day. The Northern Division while big in area, has a small membership base and as such the Divisional Management Committee also doubles as the Northern CELM committee. Over the year the Division has supported many leadership and management activities which while not initiated by CELM, Industry Partner Speakers assist members to develop and enhance their careers. Our primary CELM event in Darwin for the year was the CEO breakfast with Commodore Mark Sanders from the Royal Australian Throughout 2011 various industry partners provided Navy. Mark shared his experiences with the submarine prokeynote speakers for the following events: gram and his insights into leadership and management. ♦ Brendan Dowd, Darwin City Council, Chief Executive Thanks to Bronwyn and the Northern Division team Officer, - Fellows Luncheon February 2011 for their support and help through out the year. I wish engineers and their families everywhere, a hap♦ Kirsty McInnes, Uno Management - Women in Engipy and safe Christmas. neering Breakfast February 2011 Gary Boyle ♦ Dan Baschiera, Charles Darwin University - Gala DinCELM Representative ner - March 2011

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ANNUAL REPORT 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Regional Group Reports

Alice Springs


One of the major events for the year was the Science & Engineering Challenge, held earlier this year, where students from Alice Springs competed against each other in a variety of engineering challenges. This year we also had students from the remote Aboriginal community of Ntaria competing. The challenged provided a great opportunity for young students to engage with engineers from a variety of disciplines and expose them to the possibility of following an engineering career. The highlight was again the bridge building competition. In early spring the yearly Sunchase event was held at one of the local high schools. This event attracted a large number of students from all years. We had the small solar powered cars, as well as the large solar powered cars. We also had the solar powered boats and judging on the interest in the boats we are expecting much larger numbers of boats in next years race. The engineering team here is in the process of developing an Alice Springs heritage trail brochure. The research proved to be an insightful trip down memory lane for many of the engineering mentors who either built, operated, designed or worshipped many of the amazing engineering projects here in Alice Springs. For others it provided the opportunity to navigate our way around the historic areas of town. In total the group collated information and pictures for 13 sites to be incorporated into the brochure which will be launched in December 2011. Felicity Wall Alice Springs Representative


Sunny Bhatti has been active in 2011 Management Committee and has represented the Young Engineers on the Special Regional Interest Group in Canberra. This group has been formed to ensure that our regional members have access to Continuing Professional Development programs amongst other things. 2012 has been themed the “Year of Regional Engineering Team” and is appropriate for areas such as Alice Springs, Jabiru, Groote Eylandt and Gove in the Northern Territory. The National Assessor, Chris Jenkins and Division Director Bronwyn Russell will be visiting Gove in December 2011 for a chartered presentation and perhaps a get together with members.

Groote Eylandt National President, Merv Lindsay and Northern Division Director, Bronwyn Russell and President, Len Chappell visited Groote Eylandt in June 2011. This visit kicked off a very busy time for Merv. During his time at Groote he visited Territory Alliance Housing projects. Both Angurugu and Umbakumba communities were visited to see the progress of the housing project. A dinner was held at the Dugong Beach Resort for members of Engineers Australia and stakeholders. A meeting was arranged with the General Manager of Gemco, Ben Yaksich the following day with a site visit to the mine.

National Registration Update

Tom Gooding, the Division’s Jabiru representative has been actively encouraging Engineers at ERA to become chartered and is expecting a visit by our National Assessor in the new year. He has approached the school in Jabiru for a “back to school program” for Engineers to visit. It is planned that they will visit the school in the new year. Tom has been an active member on the Management Committee for 2011.


Nationally consistent registration for Engineers has been placed on the agenda for COAG in 2013. Michael Bevan, Engineers Australia National Office and Bronwyn Russell met with the Chief Minister’s Department and Minister McCarthy in September this year with the Northern Territory Government providing support in principle. National registration aims to prove reassurance that the engineer will be competent, undertakes professional development which is audited and abides by the code of ethics.

Even though the Division does not have a representative in Katherine, a dinner was held in May 2011 for members and guests. The dinner followed the plaquing ceremony of the Low Level Crossing marking ceremony.

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ANNUAL REPORT 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development

`Technical Sessions and Seminars Month



January 2011

Harbour Dredging

Chris Jenkins, Engineers Australia

February 2011

Launch of “Year of Humanitarian Engineering�

Yasmin Barnes and Simon Turner

February 2011

Women in Engineering - Chartered Presentation

Kirsty McInnes/Chris Jenkins National Assessor

February 2011

Fellows Luncheon

Brendan Dowd, CEO Darwin City Council

February 2011

Home Warranty Insurance

Fabio Finocchiro, Director Building Services, Dept of Lands & Planning

March 2011

Seminar Dr Fiona Wood

Inspiring Australia/Questacon

March 2011

Prevention and Control of Moisture and Humidity

Graham Hobbs

May 2011

Flood and Storm Surge Levees

Eminent Speaker, Dr Steven Hughes

May 2011

Introduction to Asset Management

Babak Bidgeli

May 2011

Chartered Presentation

Chris Jenkins, National Assessor

May 2011

Engineering Excellence Awards Technical Presentations Alice Springs Entrants Engineering Excellence Awards Alice Springs

June 2011 - March 2012

Project Management Course x 4 Units including Asset Management and Contract Management

Engineering Education Australia

June 2011

Engineering Excellence Awards Technical Presentations Darwin

Entrants Engineering Excellence Awards

June 2011

Impacts of Emerging Technologies on Power Systems

Eminent Speaker, Ken Brown

June 2011

Urban Water Management in Cities of the Future

Eminent Speaker, Tony Wong

June 2011

National President Meet n Greet, Groote Eylandt

Merv Lindsay, President Engineers Australia

June 2011

Robustness and Disproportionate Collapse

Eminent Speaker, John Carpenter

June 2011

Meet n Greet National President, Darwin

Merv Lindsay, President Engineers Australia

June 2011

Chartered Presentation - Alice Springs

Chris Jenkins, National Assessor

August 2011

LED Lighting

Phil Keane, Illuminating Engineering Society Aust & New Zealand

August 2011

Chartered Presentation

Chris Jenkins, National Assessor

August 2011

Disaster Risk Reduction and the Engineer

Eminent Speaker, Paul Grundy

August 2011

Sustainable Environmental Engineering

Kirsty McInnes, UNO Management

September 2011

Australian Rainfall & Runoff Seminar

Professor James Ball

September 2011

Asset Management Course

Engineering Education Australia

September 2011

CELM Breakfast

Commodore Mark A Sanders

October 2011

Model Work Health & Safety Information session

Anna McGill, Work Health & Safety

October 2011

Water & Coastal Seminar

Professor Eric Valentine

November 2011

Fellows Luncheon

Captain Billy Durrant

December 2011

Gove Chartered Workshop

Chris Jenkins, National Assessor

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ANNUAL REPORT 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development ITEE College

Electrical College

The Electrical College Board held two face to face It has been a busy year for the ITEE College Board with meetings this year, in June and November. meetings in both Sydney and Perth. The board considered a range of issues from membership levels and how we might better promote the ITEE College of Engineers Australia to stuThe main functions of the Electrical College is to: dent and graduate members to reviewing the role of our national committees. One of the highlights of the most recent meeting • Promote electrical engineering included hearing that the journal that is run in conjunction with • Promote CPD the Electrical College, the Australian Journal of Electrical and • Nominate and award prizes to eminent and outElectronics Engineering, has been very successful with an standing electrical engineers and graduates abundance of high qualities submitted for publication. Looking • Promote research and development forward the College has set a goal of a national tour for an emi• Review and comment on policy documents. nent speaker and the great news for the Northern Division is that the tour will include Darwin. A number of topics were discussed in detail including : Tim Hajenko The importance of becoming chartered and ITEE College Board Representative maintaining your CPD. • A review of the proposed new Stage 2 Structural College Competencies • The proposed new National accreditation scheme I have represented Northern Division on the Structural • The new 230Volt Electrical Standards which are College Board (SCB) for two consecutive terms. This has been currently out for public comment. a worthwhile cause and I have personally gained from the ex• Model legislation to Harmonise electrical safety perience. The business and concerns of structural engineers nationally are reflected in the smaller divisions and I believe The June meeting was held in conjunction with the MA we have something to offer by attending and contributing to Sargent Medal award dinner. This year the MA Sargent Medal these meetings. was awarded to Dr.Paul Wison a highly regarded academic The business of the SCB is to provide direction to Engifrom QUT. neers Australia and correspond with our members on all The National Professional Electrical Engineer (NPEE) learned society matters that affect structural engineers. As part of the year and the National Graduate Electrical Power Engi- of this brief, the SCB oversees the nature and extent of CPD, neering (NGEPE)of the Year were also announced at this din- provides an eminent speaker program, makes assessments on ner. This year the NPEE Award went to Paul Blanchfield individuals in difficult or unusual circumstances, makes awards from Sinclair Knight Merz in NSW and the NGEPE award to eminent structural engineers. went to Miss Annie Tching from Jemena Electricity in VictoIn addition it provides editorial for the Australian Jourria. nal of Structural Engineering, organises the Australian Structural Engineering conference, arranges MOU’s with other interLen Chappell national bodies representing structural engineers, has input to Electrical College Board Representative setting the stage 2 competencies for structural engineers, recommends individuals for Standards Australia committees and maintains a website. It also has keenly supported the CROSS (Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety) initiative in Australia which has now been through the Engineers Australia Council. •

Peter Russell Structural College Board Representative

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ANNUAL REPORT 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Society for Sustainability & Environment Engineering & Environmental College 2011 marks a huge step forward for the Society for Sustainability and Environmental Engineering (SSEE) in the NT. Firstly with the appointment of Kirsty McInnes to the role of NT Representative for both the SSEE National Committee and to the Environmental College and then with the establishment of the NT’s first real SSEE group. The NT’s first SSEE groups first meeting was held in October and brought 9 attendees together to determine the pathway forward for 2011/12 NT SSEE events. Representatives came from the NT Government, Consultancies, planning departments, sustainability departments, environmental science backgrounds, the water sector and of course our Environmental Engineers. October also brought the launch of the new high quality SSEE magazine Sustainability and Infrastructure, published by Great Southern Press (some copies are available from the NT Engineers Australia Office). This magazine brings about a new face for the national SSEE group with more of a focus on sustainability. The magazine was launched at the 2011 International SSEE Conference “Escaping Silos”, which hosted a number of outstanding speakers including Annie Leonard, Paul Gilding and Amanda McKenzie (Australian Youth Climate Coalition). The conference was attended by both engineers and those interested in sustainability. November brought about the Australian Green Infrastructure Council’s (AGIC) first Master Procurement Training for the Northern Territory. Again attendance was strong with attendees from various backgrounds including planning, roads, NT government, EPA, procurement and engineering. Attendees received a number of tools for assessment of sustainability in procurement as well as an introduction to AGIC’s tools. Next year brings about many opportunities for the new SSEE group with many new members joining the group. If you are an environmental engineer or just have an interest in sustainability please contact Kirsty McInnes on 0468 615 608 or email to register your interest to be kept up to date on NT’s world of sustainability and environmental engineering. Thank you to all those who have supported this new group in 2011.

Heritage Committee The heritage committee has been very busy in 2011 to include two marking ceremonies, one in Katherine and the other in Roper River and a heritage brochure for Alice Springs. The first ceremony was held at the iconic Low Level Crossing in Katherine. On May 24th a small group gathered at the north abutment of the Low Level Bridge to unveil a marker celebrating the engineering heritage of the Stuart Highway North, built during the height of World War II to provide a strategic link to the massive Allied air operations being mounted out of the Top End against the Empire of Japan. Willem Vestra van Holthe MLA, Member for Katherine unveiled the bronze plaque which is mounted on a large rock on the river bank. The second ceremony was that of the “Young Australian” which was wrecked on the Roper River in 1872 whilst engaged on the construction of the Overland Telegraph Line Between Adelaide and Darwin. This was an unusual heritage recognition heritage recognition ceremony in that, on arrival at the site, interpretative panels had to be erected as well. With the assistance of Eddie Webber from Parks and Wildlife Service NT and Gordon Atkinson from the Department of Construction and Infrastructure and a group of fishermen camping at Tomato Island the installation went without a hitch. Karen (Relph) attempted to attend this ceremony but unfortunately fell ill in Mataranka and ended up in hospital in both Katherine for the remainder of the expedition and then ended up in Royal Darwin Hospital for a further week. This is a trip Karen will not forget for some time. The panels and marker for the “Young Australian” were unveiled by Kezia Purick, Deputy Leader of the Opposition (who incidentally kindly donated her vehicle for this trip) and Owen Peake President of the National Heritage Committee. The Alice Springs heritage brochure is in the process of being completed. This brochure is similar to the heritage brochures that were produced in Darwin with an Alice Springs Focus. The NT Government provided funding through the centenary grant funding for this brochure. Excerpts from this article were written by Owen Peake National Heritage Committee

Kirsty McInnes NT Representative for SSEE and the Environmental College

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ANNUAL REPORT 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Transport Committee

Regional Special Interest Group

The Committee met twice this year in March (Melbourne) and October (Sydney). A seminar on ‘High Speed Rail’ including the current feasibility studies on the Melbourne/ Sydney/Brisbane high speed rail proposals was held in conjunction with the Melbourne meeting. The 2010 Transport Medal was awarded to Greg Martin PSM on 9 March 2011. Greg has had distinguished career with the WA and Australian Governments, and National Transport Commission(NTC). The 2011 Transport Medal was awarded to Professor Buddhima Indraratna of University of Wollongong on 27 October 2011. Both recipients will undertake eminent speaker tours in 2012. During the year, the Committee provided input into EA submissions on the Draft National Road Safety Strategy 2011 – 2020 and EA Policy Statement on Road Safety. The Transport Engineering in Australia journal vol 13 was published in September 2011. Reflecting the rapid changes in Information technology impacting on transport, the NCTE has agreed to enhance it’s links with the Information Telecommunications Electronic Engineering (ITEE) and Intelligent Vehicle Conference groups.

The Regional Special Interest Group has spent the last twelve months ramping up for Engineers Australia’s ‘Year of’ for 2012 – The Year Of The Regional Engineering Team. Throughout 2012 The YORET will have four broad aims: • improve access to CPD for regionally based members, • increase awareness of engineering opportunities in regional areas, • promote equity for all members of Engineers Australia and; • generate an understanding of the value of the regional engineering team. Engineering Education Australia is currently developing some CPD initiatives to support the YORET, and it is hoped that these will be announced early in 2012. The Regional SIG looks forward to a very successful 2012 - the Year of the Regional Engineering Team. Please visit the website for more info and regular updates. Adam James Wallbridge and Gilbert RFP Ken Grattan National Committee Transport Engineering Civil College Board

Defence Report Northern Division Defence Engineers have had a very busy year. In the Territory there has been significant work improving defence infrastructure and on the rollout of many new capabilities. There have been defence engineers deployed to support activities throughout Australia and overseas commitments. Although we have not been able to participate in the Year of Humanitarian Engineering activities as much as we would like due to the current tempo, Northern Division Defence Engineers have successfully delivered multiple humanitarian projects particularly in Afghanistan. Tim Hajenko Defence Representative

Having been accepted into the role of Civil College Board Rep for Northern Division earlier in the year, things got off to a slow start with little contact or involvement with the board until the first meeting held in Sydney in November. This meeting welcomed a number of new College Reps and set out the agenda for the following year. The key tasks for next year are: • Working with the National Committees to develop Terms of Reference and to enhance the benefits to members that they provide. • Review of Stage 2 competencies for registered civil engineers • To connect with EA representatives of various external bodies such as Standards Australia to improve accountability • Define the roles of office bearers of the Civil College Board and make them more accountable and representative. • Plan and stage the annual joint Civil and Structural College National Awards. The meeting established a number of working committees

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ANNUAL REPORT 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Civil College Board Cont……..

Associate Report

The meeting established a number of working committees 2011 is almost over and it feels like just yesterday when I to develop and implement action plans. I am involved with the had the privilege to write the 2010 report. Communication and Award Committee. You may recall that I stated in that report, my main Simon Turner objective was to invigorate the Associates participation here in Civil College Board Representative the NT in the year 2011. Whilst ‘the invigoration’ is still a ‘work in progress’ in the NT, on the National Level things are a bit more adTechnologist Report vanced which gives me the confidence that things will be good for 2012. The National Committee for Engineering TechnoloBased on this I have accepted to extend my tenure as gists Australia (NCETA)held face to face meetings in March and October and held a national teleconference in November National Representative for Associates of Engineers Australia to formulate our response to the proposed new Stage 2 Compe- NT for 2012. I won’t bother you with the details of what I feel may tency standards. The NCETA presently has representatives from All be of interest in 2012, suffice to say that there will be a lot of activity in: States and Territories except for Tasmania and ACT. • NERB – National Engineering Registration It is pleasing to be able to advise, that as the new ByBoard. Laws have accepted, Engineering Technologists have now • PPIR – Professional Performance, Innovation been granted full voting rights in all future ballots and elecand Risk. tions. We are presently trying to have Engineering Technol- …………to name a few. I therefore close this report by wishing all of you a ogists included in the proposed new National Registration Scheme along with Professional Engineers. I would urge all of very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year, and our members to become chartered . This would not only help look forward to your participation in 2012. our case in being included in the National Registration scheme Jas Deo Associate Representative it would also raise the status of our individual members within the general engineering community.

Government and Industry Advisory Groups The focus of the NCETA this year has been: • To raise the profile of Engineering Technologists both within Engineers Australia and within the general business community. • Reviewing and commenting on the proposed new Stage 2 Competency standards • A concerted effort to get Engineering Technologist representatives on to all College Boards. To date we have representatives on the Electrical College, Civil College, Structural College and Mechanical College boards. • Encouraging all members to seek chartered status • Reviewing and commenting on the new Strategic Plan The NCTEA appreciates the support we have been given at National level, Divisional level and by the College Boards. Len Chappell TFIEAust. CEng T Northern Division Representative

Building Advisory Committee I have represented EA on the BAC for several years. The BAC advises the minister on matters relating to the building industry via representatives from the DLPE, housing industry, insurance industry, building certifiers, builders and engineers. It is a statutory body under the Building Act and is intended to (and does so) provide for industry input into the building control process. It also maintains the NT Deemed to Comply Manual. The work largely consists of regular monthly meetings to handle a multitude of DTC applications with subcommittee meetings in between. Occasionally other matters arise that require addressing. This year the issue of roof mounted solar PV arrays has required plenty of discussion and I have become a reluctant expert in the matter, both through this committee and in my role on BD006-2 code committee Peter Russell Building Advisory Committee Representative

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ANNUAL REPORT 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Government and Industry Advisory Groups Engineers Australia is the secretariat for this group. In 2011 Meetings have been held with Department of ConstrucThis committee has been relatively quiet during 2011. tion and Infrastructure Chief Executive Officer, Al Wagner and After making recommendations to the Minister regarding David Ritchie from Department of Planning to discuss various Home Warranty Insurance and dispute resolution in the domes- issues including procurement. tic building arena, the matter went quiet whilst submissions were received from industry in general. For reasons of confidentiality I cannot divulge much here, but it is fair to say that Government & Industry Professional Links the impasse looks to have been cleared up and 2012 will see The President, Director and members of Northern Divisome new legislation in this area. Peter Russell sion represented Engineers Australia at many events, commitBuilding Industry Representative Group tees and meetings including::

Building Industry Representative Group

NT Business Council

Engineers Australia has been the secretariat for the NT Business Council for a number of years. The Council has been very busy this year in developing report cards to be presented ♦ to Government concerning infrastructure and social justice. Meetings have been held with government representatives including: ♦ ♦ • Rob Knight, the then Minister for Business and Employment (now Attorney General) ♦ • Deputy Chief Minister, Delia Lawrie, MLA • Leader of the Opposition, Terry Mills ♦ • Shadow Minister for Business, Dave Tollner ♦ • Chief Executive Officer, Department of Construction and Infrastructure ♦ The Business Council will progress discussions with the ♦ Chief Minister’s office and Deputy Chief Minister on the con- ♦ tents of the Report Cards and continue to make recommenda- ♦ tions to government and ensure there is some outcome from ♦ these Reports. ♦ The Business Council currently has 24 active industry ♦ groups as members. ♦ ♦ Built Environment Development Professionals ♦ The Built Environment Development Professionals ♦ (BEDP) has been wound up on a national basis, however it is ♦ proposed that the Northern Territory will continue to represent ♦ this group. The group consists of Planners, Architects, Engi- ♦ neers and Quantity Surveyors. This group is looking at ex- ♦ panding its membership in 2012. ♦

Charles Darwin University Industry Engagement Committee, Curriculum Committee, Prize Giving, Graduation and Thesis Presentations, Science and Engineering Challenge. Vice Chancellor, Head of Structural Engineering, Head of the School of Engineering and IT at Charles Darwin University The Hon. Delia Lawrie, Deputy Chief Minister Minister Rob Knight, Attorney General (previously Minister for Business and Employment) Minister Gerry McCarthy, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Defence Liaison, Army & Navy Media exposure through NT News, Imparja Television, Centralian Advocate, ABC Television, ABC Radio and Territory FM and Channel 9. Northern Territory Business Council meetings Built Environment Design Professional meetings Hon Terry Mills, Leader of the Opposition Hon Kezia Purick, Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister for Business, David Tollner Department of Construction and Infrastructure Department of Lands and Planning Building Advisory Committee Building Industry Representative Group NT Building Practitioners Board Procurement Board Department of Education and Training SIHIP Industry Engagement Group Women in Resources Group Museum and Art Gallery Building Practitioners Board

Friend Page 12

ANNUAL REPORT 3. Leadership and Influence Women in Engineering The Women in Engineering Committee has been active in 2011 with the following events conducted: • February - Breakfast with National Assessor, Chris Jenkins and keynote speaker Kirsty McInnes • August - Rana Everett attended Katherine school to speak about the engineering industry • August - Girls Lunch talk socialise - WIE will catch up every Tuesday • WIE cocktail function - 9 WIE members in attendance • GENX - Erin Hughes, Torres Strait Islander keynote speaker

Young Engineers This is my first year being involved in the Young Engineers, and I think that 2011 has gone very well. Our aim to assist young engineers in all aspects of their working careers, from studying and applying for that first job through to gaining Chartered Status, has been met overall. We started off the year with a meet the committee meeting, followed by the usual welcome BBQ for students at CDU, to introduce them to Engineers Australia and let them meet members of the YEA-ND committee. One of the initiatives that we have put into place this year is to do joint events with the Young Architects and Young Planners – two groups of professionals that a number of us work closely with in our careers. Unfortunately this meant that a group of architects won the inaugural ten pin bowling competition, held in June – but at least they did have one of our committee members on their team to make up the numbers so it wasn’t a total loss! The Ambrose Golf day was well attended, and a special thank-you to our sponsors that make it all possible. The following event was the Gen-X, which was a chance for young and experienced engineers to meet up and exchange ideas and thoughts. The evening also included a two quizzes and two interesting talks on the theme of Humanitarian Engineering. A successful application for funding from the YEA National Committee made this possible, unfortunately such funding will not be available next year, so we will be looking for sponsorship if we are to run this event again. Throughout the year we have also been arranging a series of lunchtime talks for the students at CDU. The talks are by recent graduates, in which they give a quick rundown of their experiences so that the students have a better idea of what they can expect. Next year we hope to further improve the support we

give in working towards Chartership, with various talks and events aimed at graduate engineers, together with a social event with the young planners and architects. The 2012 diary is certainly looking busy! I would also like to thank the rest of the YEA-ND committee whose support and enthusiasm has been of great help in my first year. John-Paul Foster Young Engineers President

Young Engineers Committee 2012 Title El Presidente

Name J-P Foster

Vice President Finance Secretary National Rep (from May 2012) Student Representative

Jay Bob Winnie Robertson David Chapman Amr Edress

Women in Engineering Representative Indigenous Representative

Mina Lee

Joseph Herbison

Damien Smith.

Young Engineers National Committee Bryan Davies represented Northern Division on the national YEA committee for the majority of 2011. In conjunction with the ND YEA committee, they were successful in securing funding to host a GEN-X function and also to assist with resources to provide a keynote speaker for Gove.

Bio-Medical Conference Engineers Australia Biomedical Engineering Conference was held at the Darwin Convention Centre in September. 348 delegates and the program included a one day workshop on Humanitarian Engineering to fit with the theme. The division hosted a number of meeting as an adjunct to this conference. Delegates also had the opportunity to visit Mindil Beach markets and our local reptiles, crocodiles! Fortunately none of them lost their limbs. We welcome Julie Woerner as our new Bio-Medical College Representative.

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ANNUAL REPORT 3. Leadership and Influence National President Visit

Management Committee 2011

National President, Merv Lindsay, visited the Northern Thank you to the Management Committee for 2011. Territory from 19th June to 24th June. This was a busy trip Your efforts and dedication to the Division is very much for Merv and his wife, Judy. appreciated. The visit consisted of: ∗

∗ ∗

∗ ∗

Groote Eylandt which included a visit to SIHIP housing projects for both Angurugu and Umbakumba as well as a site visit to GEMCO Mine. A dinner was held at Dugong Beach Resort for members and stakeholders. Visit and briefing to Marrara Christian College on the programs that the college provides including their focus on indigenous training. Defence of Darwin Musuem Project to explain to Merv the planning for the project and the importance of the $250,000 in funding that Engineers Australia Northern Division has committed to the project to set up a permanent “Engineering Display”. McArthur River Bridge (an Engineering Excellence Awards Entry) which provides a vital link between Borrooloola and surrounding communitites in the Roper Gulf Shire. A visit to Larrakeyah Barracks to tour a Naval Patrol Boat which provided Merv with an insight into the activities associated with asylum seekers that crashed off Ashmore Reef and the role the Navy played in their rescue. Downtime in sailing with our President Len Chappell around Darwin harbour and surrounds. Meet n Greet with Darwin members at Engineers Australia.



President/Electrical/Technologist Representative

Len Chappell

Congress/Past President

Peter Hagan

Deputy President

Louise McCormick

Committee Representative

Chris Lugg

Committee Representative

Sumesh Dhir

Committee Representative

Luo Mitchell

Charles Darwin Representative

David Lilley

Coastal/Water Eng Nat Rep

Eric Valentine

Women in Engineering

Nerida Beard

Heritage Committee

Trevor Horman

Mechanical College Nat. Rep

Maj Stephen Menscheyli

Young Engineers Nat. Rep

Bryan Davies

Young Engineers Northern Division - President

John-Paul Foster

Regional Special Interest Group

Adam James

Defence Representative

Capt. Tim Hajenko

Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management

Gary Boyle

Engineering Associate Nat. Rep

Jaswant Deo

Structural College/Building Advisory Group/Building Industry Reference Group

Peter Russell

Engineers without Borders


Alice Springs Representative

Felicity Wall

Gove Representative

Sunny Bhatti

Jabiru Representative

Tom Gooding

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ANNUAL REPORT 3. Leadership and Influence Management Committee 2012 Position



Louise McCormick

Past President, Electrical/ Tech- Len Chappell nologist Rep Congress Representative

Peter Russell

Special Interest Group Rep

Adam James

Environmental College Rep

Kirsty McInnes

Structural College/CDU Rep

David Lilley

ITEE College Rep

Colin Van Eck

Mechanical College Rep

Brian Forester

Civil College Rep

Simon Turner

Women in Engineering Rep

Nerida Beard

Transport Committee Rep

Ken Grattan

Heritage Committee Rep

Trevor Horman

Centre for Engineering Leadership Management

Gary Boyle

Defence Rep

Tim Hajenko

Water /Coastal Rep

Laksham Rajaratnam

Committee Member

Sumesh Dhir

Committee Member

Chris Lugg

Committee Member

Justin de Zylva

Committee Member

Abe Abdallah

Committee Member

Steve Walker

Committee Member

Alagappan Lakshamanan

Young Engineers President

John-Paul Foster

Young Engineers National Rep

Amr Edress (in waiting)

Alice Springs Rep

Felicity Wall

Katherine Rep


Jabiru Rep

Tom Gooding

Gove Rep

Sunny Bhatti

Congratulations to the Management Committee members in 2012. The Division Committee continues to be represented by a cross-section of the Engineering Team. It is pleasing to see that Young Engineers are becoming more active and playing a greater role in decisions on the committee. Thank you to Len Chappell for leading the Division over the past 2 years in his role as President and we welcome Louise McCormick as incoming President in 2012. Louise will be one of the youngest President’s that the Division has had over the years. Northern Division will continue to support the following committees in 2012: ♦ Young Engineers ♦ Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management ♦ Women in Engineering ♦ Heritage Committee

Members of the 2012 Management Committee L to R Steve Walker, Gary Boyle, Trevor Horman, Ken Grattan, Peter Russell, Jas Deo, Len Chappell, Kirsty McInnes, Abe Abdallah and Louise McCormick (incoming President front)

Page 15

ANNUAL REPORT 4. Recognition, Promotion and Membership Engineering Excellence Awards “Year of Humanitarian Engineering” The 2011 Engineering Excellence Awards dinner was held once again in the “Skyline” marquee at Darwin Turf Club for the first time. The following projects entries were received:

Project Title McArthur River Bridge

Palmerston Boat Ramp

Tiger Brennan Drive Extension

Alice Springs Airport Solar Power Station

Indigenous Mother’s and Short Term Patient Accommodation Territory Growth Towns ‘Bridging the Gap’

Submission Dept of Construction & Infrastructure, Dept of Lands & Planning & Steelcon Dept of Construction & Infrastructure, Dept of Lands & Planning & Macmahon Dept of Construction & Infrastructure, Dept of Lands & Planning, SKM & Macmahon Contractors NT Airports, Dept of Climate Change Alice Springs Solar City, CAT Projects, Ingenoro, Solfocus Uno Management Systems, Townes Chappell Mudgway, AWS, QS Services Dept of Construction & Infrastructure, Dept of Housing, Local Govt & Regional Services, Dept of Lands & Planning

2011 Winners 2011 Engineering Excellence Award

Bushlight India CAT Projects

2011 Environmental & Sustainability Engineering Excellence Award and Australian Solar Society Award

Alice Springs Airport Solar Power Station NT Airports, Dept of Climate Change Alice Springs Solar City, CAT Projects, Ingenoro, Solfocus

Highly Commended Award

McArthur River Bridge Dept of Construction & Infrastructure, Dept of Lands & Planning & Steelcon

Highly Commended Reports, Procedures & Systems

Territory Growth Towns ‘Bridging the Gap’ Dept of Construction & Infrastructure, Dept of Housing, Local Govt & Regional Services, Dept of Lands & Planning

People’s Choice Award

Tiger Brennan Drive Extension Dept of Construction & Infrastructure, Dept of Lands & Planning, SKM & Macmahon Contractors

President’s Award

Palmerston Boat Ramp Dept of Construction & Infrastructure, Dept of Lands & Planning & Macmahon

People in Engineering Award Winners ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Professional Engineer of the Year, Professor Friso de Boer, PhD FIEAust CPEng Young Professional Engineer of the Year, Lyndon Frearson, BEng MIEAust Finalist Young Professional Engineer of the Year, Sam McCarthy, MIEAust CPEng Highly Commended Young Professional Engineer of the Year, Nerida Beard, BEnv Eng (hons) MIEAust Engineering Associate of the Year, Jas Deo OMIEAust CEngO

Page 16

ANNUAL REPORT 4. Recognition, Promotion and Membership Engineering Excellence Awards “Year of Humanitarian Engineering Judging Panel 2011 • • • •

Alan Grove, MIEAust CPEng Civil Engineer (Chair of Judges) Clalia Mar, Regional Manager AusIndustry Adam James, MIEAust CPEng, Wallbridge & Gilbert Chris Lugg, MIEAust CPEng,

Thank you to our judges for 2011. They dedicate their time on a volunteer basis and the Division is extremely grateful for this.

Technical Presentation Technical Presentations were again sponsored by Darwin City Council for the Engineering Excellence Awards and a dinner was hosted at Alice Springs Convention Centre for Alice Springs entrants.

National Excellence Awards At the 2011 Australian Engineering Excellence Awards dinner, the Bushlight India Project was awarded the highest honour by winning the Sir William Hudson Award for engineering excellence. This gala event was hosted by Engineers Australia’s National President, Merv Lindsay, at the Great Hall of Parliament House Canberra on Wednesday 23 November. The Engineers Australia Sir William Hudson Award was presented by Brett Jones, Executive Officer Production, Snowy Hydro Limited, to Michael Tuckwell, Senior Project Manager of CAT Projects, Paul Rodden, Senior Project Engineer of CAT Projects, Lyndon Frearson, General Manager of CAT Projects and Grant Behrendorff, Director of CAT Projects. The Bushlight India Project demonstrates a fine integration of Australian Engineering with community organisations using renewable energy to provide electricity to remote villages in India who otherwise don’t have power. Utilising $2 million in funding from the Australian Government as part of the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate, the Bushlight India Project has given opportunities to countless small businesses. The project model is unique for its service philosophy of providing an agreed, assured amount of energy available 24/7 - to all consumers. This is achieved through a consultative energy planning process and a low cost household energy meter. This project has the potential to impact over 150,000 remote villages in India, and potential for export throughout the developing world. The Bushlight India Project was selected from 50 national finalists. The judges were particularly impressed by the way in which the project developed robust and practical systems for providing improved living conditions for hundreds of thousands of people. The project has been successful in building strong community partnerships across a culturally sensitive environment. Jas Deo also won Engineering Officer of the Year at this event. Congratulations to both CAT Projects and Jas Deo in winning these prestigious awards.

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ANNUAL REPORT 4. Recognition, Promotion and Membership Gala Dinner

Membership Stats 2011

The “Year of Humanitarian Engineering” theme was certainly part of the 2011 Gala Dinner. The activity for this event was to build a shelter out of the Northern Territory newspaper and masking tape which the Division stole from EngQuest. The first prize went to Townes Chappell, Mudgway with the wooden spoon being awarded to Charles Darwin University teacher’s table. Dan Baschiera was the keynote speaker for the dinner and he spoke about humanitarian issues in today’s world. Gerry Wood MLA was appointed as expert judge with participants attempting to bribe him throughout the evening.

Member Recognition The following members have received Fellow status in 2011. • • • • • •

Chris Lugg, FIEAust CPEng Brendan Dowd FIEAust CPEng Tom Maher, FIEAust CPEngT Al Wagner, FIEAust Ken Lewis, FIEAust Peter Russell, FIEAust CPEng

Keith Aitken also became a Companion in 2011. Congratulations to the following members who received Awards in 2011: • Jacinta Kelly GradIEAust - Winner Australian Federation of University Women Award • Daly Kelly GradIEAust - Community Service Award • Kirsty McInnes FIEAust wins Master Builders Construction Women of the Year Award

Humanitarian Forum As highlighted on the first page of the annual report, Northern Division quickly put together a “Humanitarian Forum” which was held at the Darwin Convention Centre on 3rd November. Please refer to this article for more information on the conference and the topics covered.

Timor Leste The Director of the division has the opportunity to visit Timor Leste when she travelled with the Darwin Chorale. During this visit she met with three Engineers Without Borders employees and presented them with the proceeds from the Cheque presentation to EWB Engineering Excellence Awards for the water and sanitation project in the mountains. The other project success was the delivery of 10 boxes of maths text books to the Dili Institute of Technology which had been donated by former maths teacher Rose Hagan. A breakfast meeting was also held during this trip and Darwin engineers Brian Forester and Greg Mariager attended and met with local engineers. It is hoped that this visit is the renewal of communication with Timor Leste.

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ANNUAL REPORT 5. Education and Qualification Charles Darwin University The development of education and research continues apace at the School of Engineering and Information Technology at Charles Darwin University, as student numbers increase and new facilities begin to take shape. Enrolments in the first year of Engineering studies exceeded 100 for the first time, and this is expected to lead to significant increases in suitably-qualified graduates in due course. Proposals are in hand for a new course of study leading to BEng in Chemical Engineering; this is expected to be available for the first time in 2013 to both internal and external students. The North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas (NACOG) is now taking shape and several staff have been appointed to this new innovation, aimed at developing research and training for people working in the exciting new developments about to happen in NT. A new building specifically for NACOG has been designed and will be located adjacent to the existing main Engineering building (Purple 12) at Casuarina Campus. The expected opening date for this building is mid2012; substantial funding has been provided from external sources. Funds have very recently been allocated by NT Department of Construction and Infrastructure (DCI) to provide a new Structural Load Testing Facility (SLTF) capable of applying substantial static or dynamic loads to structural elements. This will allow the behaviour and performance of key components of modern construction to be examined, and provide a means of confirming strength of these elements subject to extremes arising from environmental conditions common to the NT. The new facility will be of interest to any organisation wishing to load-test structural elements, and will also provide an excellent teaching/research facility for Engineering students at CDU. Current plans are to house the SLTF in a separate “shed”, close to the new NACOG building, and for the facility to be commissioned in August/September 2012. We are extremely grateful to NT DCI and central CDU funding sources for the financial support for the SLTF, and also to the organisations which have contributed to the costs of the new NACOG building and resources. The School of Engineering and Information Technology is scheduled for a visit by an Accreditation Panel from Engineers Australia in May 2012. This is an external audit/ scrutiny of the education provision of the Engineering courses offered at CDU, and is undertaken at regular intervals at all universities which offer EA-accredited Engineering courses. Preparations are well in hand for the submission of documentation in advance of the visit. Part of the visit will include discussions between the Panel and representatives from local industry

and organisations, and we hope to secure a successful outcome from the visit with support from everyone involved. As always, CDU would like to express thanks to all those who have supported the staff and students in the School of Engineering and IT in various ways over the past year, and hope that this support will continue into the future. It was with more than a little sadness that we said farewell to Prof Eric Valentine, who has now retired and returned to the UK. Eric worked at CDU for more than 6 years and was the Foundation Chair in Civil Engineering. He has made a major contribution to the research of tidal movements in Darwin harbour, as well as to wider research in his field of hydraulic/water resources engineering. He will be very much missed by friends and colleagues at CDU. Finally, staff at CDU were delighted to see Prof Friso de Boer receive the EA Northern Division Professional Engineer of the Year Award this year. As Head of School of Engineering and Information Technology, Friso’s undoubted enthusiasm and abilities have led the School to its current position, following major expansion in the time since he joined CDU in 2003. It is very appropriate that, by this Award, EA has recognised Friso’s remarkable achievement in developing successful provision for Engineering education in NT and beyond. With Seasonal Greetings to you all, and Best Wishes for what looks like being a very busy 2012! David M Lilley Professor of Structural Engineering Charles Darwin University


This marks the 10th anniversary of Engineers Australia’s outreach program EngQuest. The program is now a well recognised national program reaching over 44,000 students Australia wide. Statistics recently provided by National Office advised that a record number of schools, teachers and students from the Northern Territory were involved in EngQuest as follows:

• • •

1804 Students 56 Teachers 29 Schools

Page 19

ANNUAL REPORT 4. Education and Qualification SMART Tour 2011 November 14th saw the start of the 2011 SMART (Science, Math & Real Technology) Tour in central Australia. Starting at Bradshaw Primary School in Alice Springs, the SMART presenter for the University of Science Week Kicked off Tennant Creek Newcastle, Sarah-Jane Judge dazzled the young students with the ‘magic’ of science. in the Northern Territory The Science of Entertainment V2 shows students the techAugust 12 niques used to bring special effects to life on the big and small screen. 3D technology, blue screen and animatronics were just a few of the topics discussed and students took part in the interThe following activities were conducted during active presentation. Science Week in August 2011: With the support of Andrew Johanson from Outback Stores as community liaison, navigator, public relations, teachDate Event Venue ers and entertainer, Keely and Sarah-Jane visited the communities of Ti-Tree and Ali Curung, and then headed to the bright 12/08/2011 Menzies School of Menzies School lights of Tennant Creek, where all of Tennant Creek Primary Health Research Of Health Darwin Open Day took part in the show. In total, over 250 students in remote central Australia 16/08/2011 Simon Pampena Darwin Entertaintook part in the show, and feedback from the Schools has been Stand up comedian ment Centre fantastic. Ali Hood, a teacher at one primary school told us ‘we and maths extraorLOVED it, lots of talking about it, please come again!!’ - and dinaire we will! With the help of Shell Australia’s Social Investment 17/08/2011 Screening of film Deckchair program, Engineers Australia Northern Division has been “Home”** details Darwin funded to deliver the S.M.A.R.T program for the next 3 years. below on film A HUGE thanks goes to Shell Australia, who has pro17/08/2011 Marine Science, Northern Australian vided us with the means to plan for the next 3 years of Science People and Saltwter Research Unit at Shows in the Northern Territory, and to Outback Stores and Dreaming in the ANU (Ellengowan Andrew Johanson, who was kind enough to take time out of his Northern Territory: Drive) schedule to drive 2 ladies around the Outback and provide inA Showcase of NT Darwin formation on the culture and history of the communities & Marine Search towns we visited. 18/08/2011 Climate, Energy & ANU/CDU Keely Quinn Water: Dealing with Darwin Major Projects the Links

Ali Curung Primary 19/08/2011

20 - 21/08/2011

Desert Smart Eco Fair—School Day Fun Run

Olive Pink Botanical Gardens Alice Springs

Desert Smart Eco Fair

Olive Pink Botnaical Gardens Alice Springs

In addition Jurrassic Science Week introduced ‘Augmented Reality Dinosaurs’ to 14 cities and towns in places such as the Smith Street & Todd Malls, Darwin Waterfront and Olive Pink Botanical Gardens.

Bradshaw Primary

Ti-Tree Primary

Page 20

ANNUAL REPORT 5. Education and Qualification Science & Engineering Challenge Darwin th

Sunchase Darwin 2011


The 2011 Sunchase Model Solar Car May 4 & 5 saw the Science & & Boat Challenge was held at the Royal DarEngineering Challenge come back to win Showgrounds on 14 October in conjuncDarwin, with some surprizes in store for tion with the World Solar Car Challenge. everyone. Engineers Australia staff Over 250 students, teachers and volunteers worked for months with Charles Darwin gathered at the Showgrounds with students University, the Department of Education proudly displaying their boats and cars. and Training and the Rotary Club of There was 60 registered cars and 8 boats on the day. Darwin North to organise this well at-

tended event. With 14 teams from 11 Schools from Darwin, Palmerston & Katherine, 350 students were ready to build houses to withstand cyclonic wind, monsoonal rains and harsh heat, stability controlled moon buggy’s and of course, the tennis ball armed catapult Students appeared in droves on Wednesday morning, and eager (and some not so eager) students came to compete for a chance to head down to Wangarrata for the National Competition. First timers, Katherine High School gave an outstanding performance, just losing out to Essington Senior School in the last activity, ‘Gold Fever’ bridge building. Essington Senior School went on to take out the Wednesday Champion Trophy, and highest points overall. Reigning winners, Darwin High School went up against eager schools including, Essington Middle School, Casuarina Senior College, Sanderson High School and St Johns College on Thursday. With the late arrival of Taminmin High School, after misplacing a student, doubts surfaced over the ability for the students to complete their tasks in time. The students knuckled down and worked hard to catch up – and their hard work paid off, gaining the highest points of the day and Thursday’s Champion Trophy. The students of Essington Senior School, scored the highest points in the Territory and went onto to attend the National Challenge in Wangaratta in October 2011. Keep an eye out for details of the 2012 Grand Science & Engineering Challenge – it will be in Darwin next year!

The day started with scrutineering of the boats by our band of volunteers and then the race was on. Heats were held in both the boats and cars throughout the day with the final winners being announced. Thanks must go to Power and Water who once again proudly sponsored the Challenge and Brian VanDerStelt who was instrumental in getting over 9 volunteers and helpers from Power & Water. Thanks must also go to Nortruss Group of companies who actively worked behind the scenes to modify the pool for the boats and the purpose built track. This group helped with the set up of both the pool and the car track to ensure that all went smoothly on the day. As well as the Challenge, students also had the opportunity to attend “Science Outside the Square” workshops conducted by the Royal Institute of Australia and also visit the World Solar Cars to see how the scrutineering is conducted for this event. The Poster prize of $100.00 was won by Good Shepherd Primary School. The winners of the Boat and Car Races were also awarded $100.00 for their school. A great day was had by all and the Sun was certainly in our favour on the day!

Sunchase Alice Springs

On Friday 16th September the Alice Springs Sunchase 2011, a solar propelled, kit cars, boat and model cars competition for local school students, was held at Centralian Senior College. Power and Water Corporation is the event main Keely Quinn sponsor with other organisations such as Major Projects Engineers Australia, local Rotary clubs and businesses also contributing volunteer labour and money. The 2011 event was a great success with all participants, including Engineers Australia Bronwyn Russell and Keely Quinn from Darwin, having a rewarding experience, whilst students enjoyed educational program promoting the use of renewable energy.

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ANNUAL REPORT 5. Education and Qualification Science & Engineering Challenge Alice Springs Shell Investment Social Program The 5th Annual Alice Springs Science and Engineering Challenge was this year held at the impressive newly built Marian Centre at OLSH College. Students from Centralian Senior College, OLSH College, St. Philip's College, Centralian Middle School and Ntaria School competed for the coveted prize of Alice Springs Challenge Champions. The 125 students had a fantastic day designing and constructing feats of engineering such as bridges, catapults, mars buggies, eco habitats and helicopters. A strong selection of 25 volunteers from local businesses and industry helped support and inspire the students throughout the day in each of the activities. After a tense finish between Centralian Senior College and OLSH College, the final bridge activity proved crucial as OLSH College ran out victors by 70 points. Delegates from major event sponsor Power and Water awarded the Challenge Champions trophy and winning medals to the team from OLSH College for what is now OLSH's third victory in five years, a remarkable achievement! The Engineers Australia 'Aesthetics Award' for the most outstanding bridge appearance and design went to the bridge team from OLSH College. The Desert Knowledge Australia 'Endeavour Award' for exceptional team work was awarded to the catapult team from Centralian Middle School.

After a year long process of grant applications, interviews and negotiations, Shell Australia selected Engineers Australia to take part in their national Social Investment program by agreeing to support the S.M.A.R.T program in the Northern Territory for the next 3 years. Of the original 140 applicants, 8 were selected nationally, and only 1 was selected in the Northern Territory, to be part of Shells new Social Investment program which will concentrate on the education of Australia’s future. The funding and support provided by Shell will allow Engineers Australia Northern Division to not only ensure the future of the SMART program in the Northern Territory, but to hopefully grow the amount of students reached each year. It is anticipated that Engineers Australia Northern Division, with Shell’s support, and the assistance of ALPA and Outback Stores will increase the number of visits to schools to 160 over 3 years. It is hoped that this will encourage students to consider a career including math or science in the future. To highlight the importance of the Social Investment program, which is over $15m Australia wide, Shell Australia hosted representatives from 22 organisations, now supported by Shell under its social investment programme, at a celebratory function at Parliament House hosted by the Honourable Jenny Macklin MP, Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

Charles Darwin Activities 2011 The partnership with Charles Darwin University is extremely important to Engineers Australia. The Division supported the following activities throughout 2011: • • • • •

Student Barbecues Thesis Presentations Graduation/Engineering Ambassador prize giving ceremonies Industry Engagement Group Meetings Careers Fair

Students have the opportunity to sign up membership with Engineers Australia at various events.

Page 22

ANNUAL REPORT 6. Internal Structure & Administration Division Activities 2011 Month

Ac vity

February 2011

Meet n Greet Young Engineers

February 2011

Launch “Year of Humanitarian Engineering�

February 2011

Women in Engineering - Chartered Presenta!on

February 2011

Seminar with Dr Fiona Wood

February 2011

Fellows Luncheon

March 2011

Gala Dinner

March 2011

Welcome New Students BBQ - Charles Darwin University

March 2011

Supporters Cocktail Func!on (Partners, sponsors, supporters and Friends)

April 2011

Young Engineers Meet n Greet

May 2011

Student Thesis Presenta!ons

May 2011

Charles Darwin University Prize Giving Ceremony

May 2011

Science & Engineering Challenge Darwin

May 2011

Technical Presenta!ons Engineering Excellence Awards - Alice Springs

May 2011

Plaquing Ceremonies Katherine and Roper River

May 2011

Katherine dinner for members and guests

May 2011

Science & Engineering Challenge Alice Springs

June 2011

Meet n Greet Na!onal President, Darwin

June 2011

Technical Presenta!ons Engineering Excellence Awards - Darwin

July 2011

2011 Engineering Excellence Awards

July 2011

Golf Day Young Engineers

August 2011

Launch of Engineering Week

August 2011

Heritage Bus Tour Engineering Week

August 2011

Science Week including regional events and CONASTA Conference

September 2011

Sunchase Alice Springs

September 2011

Careers Fair - Charles Darwin University

September 2011

Young Engineers GEN-X func!on

September 2011

Bio-Medical Conference

October 2011

Sunchase Darwin

Page 23

ANNUAL REPORT 6. Internal Structure and Administration Division Activities Cont‌.. Month

Ac vity

November 2011

Humanitarian Forum

November 2011

Fellows Luncheon

November 2011

Young Engineers Annual Mee!ng

November 2011

Annual Mee!ng Engineers Australia

November 2011

SMART Regional Tour Commenced

November 2011

Launch of Shell Social Investment Program - Canberra

December 2011

Development of Heritage Brochure for Alice Springs

Internal Communications Weekly Email

Photographs 2011 Engineering Excellence Awards

The new look weekly email was introduced to members in 2010 and provides members the opportunity to register on line for events that are happening within the Division. This tool has proved to be very effective as our numbers for events have increased and also reduced the administration time for the Division. Our sponsors are proudly displayed on the weekly email.

Newsletter The newsletter continues to be a source of information for those members who may not attend events. The Division also honours those members who have received certificates or awards throughout the year. We continue to send newsletters to our international members.

Website Members may have noticed that you can now register for events directly on the website and that there have been some changes over the last month or so on the website, particulary on how you log into the division activities and events.

Page 24

ANNUAL REPORT 6.. Internal Structure and Administration A notional calendar of events appears on Page 26. A more accurate calendar will be provided in 2012

Division Office Closure for Christmas New Year Break Friday 23 December 2011 (12 noon) to Tuesday 3 January 2012

Thank you must also go to our partners, sponsors, supporters and friends. The Division can only continue to provide events and activities because of this valued support. Welcome to our new partners Shell Australia And our new sponsor, BHP Billiton From the Director and Staff of Engineers Australia we wish you a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. We wish to thank members and colleagues for their assistance in 2011

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ANNUAL REPORT Photographic Journey 2011

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ANNUAL REPORT Photographic Journey 2011

Page 27





January 2012

Engineers Australia/Young Engineers combined

Working Towards CPEng and Chartered Presentation breakfast

Engineers Australia

February 2012

Engineers Australia

Launch of “Year of Regional Engineering Team”

Holiday Inn $50 members $60 non-members $45 Students

February 2012

Young Engineers

Networking Event


February 2012

NT Museums

Bombing of Darwin

East Point Military Museum

February 2012

Engineers Australia

SMART Program Darwin/ Palmerston


March 2012

Young Engineers

Student Meet n Greet


Wednesday 28 March 2012 6.30pm

Engineers Australia

Gala Dinner


April 2012

Young Engineers

Joint event with the Young Planners and Young Architects


May 2012

Engineers Australia

Science & Engineer Challenge, Darwin & Alice Springs

Darwin - Charles Darwin University Alice Springs—TBA

May 2012

Engineers Australia

SMART Remote


June 2012

Young Engineers

Annual ten-pin bowling competition


Thursday 26 July 2012 6.30pm

Engineers Australia

2012 Engineering Excellence Awards Skyline Marquee Darwin Turf Club Fannie Bay

July 2012

Young Engineers

Annual Golf Day


7- 17 August 2012

Engineers Australia

Engineering Week


13 - 17 August 2012

Engineers Australia/Inspiring Australia

Science Week


August 2012

Young Engineers

London 2012 Olympics themed event


August 2012

Engineers Australia



August 2012

Engineers Australia

Sunchase Solar Car & Boat Challenge, Darwin

Royal Darwin Showgrounds

September 2012

Engineers Australia

Sunchase Solar Car & Boat Challenge Alice Springs


September 2012

Young Engineers

Annual GEN-X Event (subject to sponsorship)


November 2012

Young Engineers

Annual Meeting


Wednesday 28 November 20115:00pm

Engineers Australia

Annual Meeting

Engineers Australia

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