2012 Northern Division Anuual Report

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December 2012 “Mind the Gap” Women in Engineering, Women in Resources and Women in Construction Luncheon A Women in Engineering, Women in Resources and Women in Construction event was held in the Reflections Room at the Holiday Inn on Friday, 29 November 2012. This event was proudly sponsored by INPEX who has provided funding for the Division to promote “Women

in Engineering”.

Education from the University of Cambridge US. She is a qualified LEAN/Six Sigma Yellow Belt and also a qualified Gemmologist from the Gemmological Institute of America in New York City. She is a professional Ballroom Dancing instructor and has danced on Broadway in New York City. She currently works as Manager within a Consulting team at Price Waterhouse Coopers. She has worked at De Beers Diamonds in strategic communications.

Sean Kildare, General Manager of Inpex introduced Anna to the gathering and gave an insight into the interesting Keynote Speaker, Anna Griffin presented a “Mind the Gap” Solving the Skills Shortages in Resources. Mind the Gap is “Northern Territory News” and its contents and a brief background on Anna. based on research conducted by Price Waterhouse Coopers between October 2011 and April 2012 with senior executives from Over 40 women in engineering, women in construction more than 20 energy, resources and mining services companies and women in resources attended this event. Dignitaries includoperating in Australia. Thirty chief executive officers, business ed Deputy Chief Minister, Robyn Lambley and Government unit leaders, vice-presidents and general managers were interWhip, Peter Styles . viewed and asked to prioritise the root causes of skill shortages in their organisations. There were 6 key findings from this research including:


Shortages in critical energy and resources skills have existed for a decade


The industry employs too few women


Many rich pools of skills remain untapped


Australia isn’t producing enough young people with relevant skills


The sector employs a small share of Australia’s skilled workers


Australians enjoy the comforts of home

Anna ‘s background is quite amazing . She has MBA qualifications from the Open University London and Executive

December News 2012 Annual Meeting 2012 The annual meeting was held at Engineers Australia on 5 December 2012. Ben Leaver from National Office joined the President, Director and staff at the meeting and had the opportunity to meet many members of the Northern Division. The new committee was introduced to members, as well as a presentation of our annual donation to our Charity of choice, this year it was Lifeline to assist them over the busy Christmas period. Louise wrapped up the year and then Bronwyn presented a power point on Division activities. This year we had held over 72 events in Darwin and the regions - the staff certainly deserve a well earned break .


The meeting was followed by Christmas drinks and some light-hearted networking. We had over 50 registered for this event and the Division is grateful for members support. The new committee is listed earlier in the annual report. Congratulations to those members of the committee and the new Young Engineers Committee. We look forward to a seeing you all next year.



Annual Report 2012

What’s in this issue 

Women in Engineering, Women in Resources and Women in Construction luncheon

   

Director’s Report

 

Community Engagement

 

Leadership & Influence


Education and Qualification


Internal Structure & Administration

 

Annual General Meeting


Centre of Engineering Leadership and Management Dinner/Christmas Function in Alice Springs

President’s Report Becoming Chartered Photographs from the Engineering Excellence Awards Body of Knowledge & Professional Development Recognition and Promotion

Young Engineers Annual Christmas Dinner and Annual Meeting

This year has been themed the “Year of the Regional Engineering Team” which has been a fitting focus for Northern Division. I think we are all regional really in spite of many of our members working around Darwin. Compared to the remainder of Australia it is still a very small city! As always the Division has embraced the theme and every event has reflected our differences in living and working a long way from the Eastern seaboard. As we approach Christmas we are reminded of our remoteness when the airlines reduce our available flights and what should only take four hours becomes an all day trek to get to Canberra! We welcomed Louise McCormick this year as the Northern Division President. She has been a resourceful and energetic President and we are pleased that she will be with us for 2013. We have had a large number of events again and it has been pleasing to see the support that we get from members in attendance. There have been some regional events supported by members and organized by local young people. Both Nhulunbuy and Alice Springs have had successful events and there have been some combined ones with AWA in the Centre. Heritage events have had a strong focus and what could be more reflective of this year’s theme than the 140th anniversary of the joining of the Overland Telegraph south of Dunmarra. We were delighted to have Charles Todd’s great great grandson Julian join us for this event and he is looking forward to the 150th anniversary in 10 years time. In addition there was an Engineering Heritage brochure launched in Alice Springs at the beginning of the year. Funding has been received for one for Tennant Creek and members are currently working on completing this. The Engineering Excellence Awards were again a highlight for the Division with the highest number of entries and guests we have ever had. A country feel for the night meant that many people were observed taking home hay bales for their garden mulch at the end of the night! This year the Division Committee decided to support an engineer from Timor Leste to do a Project Management Course in Darwin. We are grateful to members who assisted with sponsoring Antonio and we look forward to seeing more of him in 2013. We welcomed Chris Lugg to the staff team as our new assessor this year and Paula McFaul as the executive assistant. Big thanks to Karen and Keely who continue to give over and above what it asked of them. We would all be much poorer for not having staff of this calibre. Thank you also to the people who have willingly worked as part of the Division Committee in 2012 and I look forward to 2013. Bronwyn Russell



The end of 2012 marks the half-way point of my term as President for Northern Division. I have thoroughly enjoyed this year and am very proud of our Division and what we have achieved together. The 19 February 2012 was the 70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin – the day that war came to Australia. Our new CEO Steve Durkin, Division Director Bronwyn Russell and I attended a number of events to mark the occasion, including the opening of the new Defence of Darwin Experience at East Arm Point. The new Defence of Darwin Museum was officially opened by Governor General Quentin Bryce – Patron of Engineers Australia. Engineers Australia Northern Division provided $250,000 of sponsorship to the construction of the new museum and provided historical information for some of the exhibits. The new museum includes world class technology which lets visitors experience the bombing of Darwin as it really happened. An engineering feat in itself, the museum was awarded an Engineering Excellence Award in the Northern Division. We launched the Year of the Regional Engineering Team with events in both Darwin and Alice Springs with Lyndon Frearson from CAT Projects our guest speaker. CAT projects were the successful national winners of the Sir William Hudson Award, 2011, for their work on Bushlight India. Throughout the year, we celebrated the accomplishments of our regional centres in Northern Division by showcasing the local engineering team achievements and sharing a dinner together. I was lucky enough to visit most of these. National President Prof David Hood joined us for the event in Alice Springs and was impressed by our regional teams and the challenges they had overcome. Our eminent speaker series, as always, was very well received and particularly Rob Heywood, who also visited our Gove Regional members. Our two signature events – the Engineering Excellence Awards and Gala Dinner were highlights with the Administrator for the Northern Territory, Her Honourable Sally Thomas attending both. The Engineering Excellence Awards this year was the biggest the Division has ever had with record numbers of entries and people attending the night. The Administrator for the Northern Territory commented to Northern Division Staff, “I am a connoisseur of Awards Nights and Engineers Australia is by far the best that I have attended.” Towards the end of the year, our Division worked towards supporting an engineer from Timor Leste to complete a Diploma of Project Management. Timorese engineer Antonio Amaral da Silva works as a design engineer for HTO Hamoris Timor OAM, with current water supply projects for Aus Aid as well as a consultant to the Timorese government for water supply projects and involvement in an NGO for water infrastructure projects. Engineers Australia Northern Division believes that providing Antonio with a Diploma of Project Management will not only help him, but will help other Timorese people learn good management skills for the future of Timor Leste. The new draft Stage 2 competencies were launched this year, with them coming into full affect in 2013. I achieved my Chartered Status this year through testing the new style and was impressed with the improvements. I strongly encourage members to become chartered – it is a testament to your abilities and signifies that you have reached the next phase of your career. In December 2012, Bronwyn and I met with both the Chief Minister and Opposition Leader to discuss legislation requiring the registration of engineers, technologists and associates practicing in the Northern Territory. It is my intention to keeping pushing this until fruition. Lastly, and most importantly, I would like to say a big “Thank You” to our Sponsors, the Division Committee, Volunteers and Division Staff. Without the contributions and efforts of all these people, the Division would not be the success it is. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Wonderful New Year.! Kind Regards, Louise McCormick President – Engineers Australia Northern Division


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Becoming Chartered

Photographs from the Excellence Awards

The division would like to take the opportunity of thank- ing those who gave up their valuable time to conduct Profession- al Interviews for members who wished to become Chartered (CPEng). Brian Forrester FIEAust CPEng

          

Prof. Friso de Boer FIEAust CPEng Neil Clark FIEAust CPEng Trevor Horman FIEAust CPEng Air Commodore, Mike Walkington MIEAust CPEng John-Paul Foster MICE MIEAust CPEng Ken Grattan, MIEAust CPEng Lakshman Rajaratnam MIEAust CPEng Prathapan Sabaratnam FIEAust CPEng Bede Rodeghiero FIEAust CPEng David Sweeney MIEAust CPEng Sonny Peng CEng MichemE MIEAust

A list of members who have received chartered status in 2012 is included in the Assessor’s Report The new e-chartered is now online and the division will be hosting workshops in earlier 2012 for members who are considering CPEng in 2013. The process is very easy and the basic requirement is members are required to provide evidence of their competency in e-Chartered summarised as follows:


Engineering Competency Claims for each Element in the 2012 Australian Engineering Competency Standards Stage 2


An Engineering Experience Record that is a sub-set of your CV for up to the last 5 years of your engineering experience. This record needs to be verified by a senior responsible engineer using the eChartered system.


A CV of career history to date since graduation and including tertiary education. This does not need to be verified


A CPD record demonstrating a commitment to continuing professional development over the last 3 years. A commitment is 150 hours.


A professional interview is then arranged.


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 1. Community Engagement

The theme for 2012 was “The Year of the Regional Engineering  Team”. Northern Division once again embraced the theme and held many events which included many regional events:








A launch of “The Year of the Regional Engineering Team: was held at the Holiday Inn the Esplanade in February 2012 and featured a keynote speaker from the winner of  the Sir William Hudson Award CAT Projects’ Lyndon Frearson. Lyndon took time out of his busy schedule to  travel to Darwin to talk about his experiences of working in regional and remote areas. This event was attended by over 30 members. A launch of the theme year was also held in Alice Springs and was attended by Chief Executive, Stephen Durkin. Over 30 members and invited guests joined Stephen who took the opportunity to explain his focus for Engineers Australia including his 4 key components. Launch of Engineering Heritage Brochure in Alice Springs. Damian Ryan spoke about the local areas of national heritage significance and encouraged those attending to visit the sites. This brochures joins a suite of three that is currently produced by the Division. Tennant Creek Heritage brochure is the next on the agenda. Defence of Darwin Experience Museum official launch by the Northern Territory Government on 19th February attended by Chief Executive, Stephen Durkin. The building was officially opened by the Governor General, Quentin Bryce 2012 Gala Dinner. The Gala dinner is always themed around the “year of” and 2012 was no exception. The activity for the year was to create an aircraft that could fly to remote and regional areas. The Administrator of the Northern Territory, Her Hon. Sally Thomas was the keynote speaker for this event and she spoke on Engineering right back to Roman acquaducts as well as how engineering has contributed to Darwin itself. The Young Engineers hosted a seminar on “Life as a Fly in Fly out Engineer. Tom Gooding and Paul Marchetti spoke on their own personal experiences and the effect that this type of work has on family. They also used “skype” for the first time for this event. Over 15 members attended. Marita Cheng, Young Australian of the Year visited Darwin and Alice Springs with a breakfast in Darwin and a dinner in Alice Springs. This event was sponsored by “Inspring Australia” which provided funding for members and students to attend. Marita has run robotics workshops for over 3,000 girls across 80 schools in Australia and now has 17 chapters of Robogals across Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom.

2012 Engineering Excellence Awards. This year’s Awards truly had a regional theme with the entire venue being decorated with hay, barrels and horse paraphernalia. With the largest number of entrants and attendance since the Awards inception, the theme was embraced at this event. Site visit to Alice Springs Hospital by regional group in Alice Springs National Water Week celebrations in Alice Springs by regional group


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 1. Community Engagement


Body of Knowledge

& Professional Development Australian Engineering Week

National Assessor Report

Engineering Week was a busy time for the division and featured the following events in 2012:




2012 has been a significant year for Assessment in Engineers Australia in that we have seen the introduction of an inteLaunch of Engineering Week, hosted by the Administrator of the Northern Territory, Her Hon. Sally Thomas grated online system for the whole prowith presentation to the Division newest Fellow Jacess ; eChartered. malAhmad El-Den This has been a somewhat difficult introduction with delays due to software probDefence of Darwin Experience Cocktail function. Engineers Australia provided members with an opportunity lems . I offer my apologies to any members who may have been for a personalised tour during this event inconvenienced by this but I believe once the system is fully Science Week Heritage Bus Tour. Science Week provid- operational it will be much more efficient for everyone . ed funding for Engineers Australia to once again host this I started my Assessor role only at the beginning of the event in 2012. Trevor Horman and Peter Poole guided year and I still have much to learn . I have attended two Assesthe bus tour. Approximately 60 attended this event insor Conferences during which I learned a lot , particularly the cluding members of the general public. The event startunwritten part of an Assessors task . I would to thank the other ed at the Qantas Hangar and culminated in a sausage sizzle which was organised by the Motor Vehicle Enthu- Assessors and Chris Jenkins particularly for his patience and good advice. I have always seen the role of an Assessor as somesiasts Club. one who provides help ,advice and encouragement to Members to upgrade their status and progress their careers. Although I am still new to the job I have already seen some truly outstanding young Engineers and believe the future of the Profession is in very good hands . I encourage all Engineers who have not done so , to consider becoming Chartered . There is good reason to think that this may become a requirement soon ( partly driven by the recent case of Engineer identity theft in NZ ). I congratulate the following Engineers who have obtained Chartered status during the year;

       

Jacinta Kelly MIEAust CPEng Tom Gooding MIEAust CPEng Daly Kelly MIEAust CPEng Michael Collins MIEAust CPEng Chandon Kalase MIEAust CPEng Bob Coleman MIEAust CPEng Eric Van Der Veld MIEAust CPEng Amr Edrees MIEAust CPEng

I wish all Members and Staff a safe and Happy Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year. Chris Lugg National Assessor


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge & Professional Development

Industry Partner Speakers During 2012 various industry partners provided keynote speakers for the following events:

Regional Group Reports







CAT Projects, General Manager, Lyndon FrearsonLaunch of “Year of Regional Engineering Team” February 2012

Early this year a presentation was completed on the benefits of becoming a Chartered Professional Engineer and the process for becoming chartered. This was attended by 5 engineers who were interested in becoming chartered. From this Shell Development, Engineering Manager, Steve Kauffpresentation a monthly workshop was started to assist each othman “Floating LNG - a new opportunity for Australia’s er in completing career episode reports and to arrange presentaOffshore Gas Resource” - March 2012 - sponsored by tions and discussions which would contribute to continuing proAusIndustry fessional development. From these workshops one person became chartered. Three of the engineers who were on their way to Marita Cheng—Robogals - Young Australian of the Year becoming chartered have since left Jabiru but are endeavouring sponsored by Inspiring Australia and Australia Day to gain chartered status in 2013 within their new divisions. Council During April Tom Gooding and another IEA member completed a presentation on FIFO work at Charles Darwin UniKatrina Fong Lim, Mayor, Darwin City Council - Fellows versity which was arranged by J-P. The turnout for this presentaLuncheon July 2012 - topic “The Future of Darwin City tion was excellent and was attended by a range of personnel due Council” to some great advertising from the committee. The presentation included an overview of FIFO work as well as some detail on the Kezia Purick, Speaker of the House, Northern Territory pros and cons around work, lifestyle and family and clarified a Government - Fellows Luncheon November 2012 - topic number of queries people had. “My dad as an Engineer” In 2013 we plan to get more people involved in Engineers Australia from around Jabiru. Tom Gooding Jabiru Representative

Centre for Engineering Leadership (CELM)

Indonesia The Centre of Engineering Leadership and Management hosted two events in 2012, including a keynote speaker from A number of events have been held recently in conjuncShell Development, Steve Kauffman who flew in from Kota Kin- tion with ICE and these have been well attended. Plans are unabalu for this event. Steve is the Engineering Manager for Shell derway for the Northern Division President and Director to visit Development Australia. Over 60 guests attended this function early 2013. held in March at the International Room at SKYCITY Resort. In November a further event was held in Alice Springs with keynote speaker, Minister Adam Giles, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government . This event also incorporated the Alice Springs Christmas Function and allowed members the opportunity to meet the new Minister. The CELM events were sponsored by AusIndustry in 2012 and we thank Clalia and her team for their support at a local level.


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge & Professional Development

Regional Group Reports Gove

Alice Springs It was a big year in Alice Springs in 2012, with various events and excursions undertaken. Stemming from a desire to create opportunities for networking and professional development in Alice Springs and in support of the “Year of the Regional engineering team”, the first information exchange session was held at Power and Water on the 22nd of March.

A dinner celebrating “The Year of Regional Engineering Team” was recently hosted by Pacific Aluminium and Engineers Australia at the Walkabout Hotel. Sunny Bhatti, Young Engineers Australia (YEA) representative for Regional Special InThe theme for the event was renewable energy in remote communities, and included a presentation by one of the renewa- terest Group (RSIG) Engineers Australia and Richard Parry, volunteer for the YEA Northern Division were the Master of Cereble energy engineers from Power and Water. The second event held in June, involved a technical tour of the DAFF plant and was monies with guest speakers, Dr Rob Heywood and Paul Mastin. a joint presentation with Australian Water Association. This Dr Rob Heywood from Engineering Solutions is a forensic event was particularly popular amongst the regional engineers in structural engineer and an educator. He is the Deputy ChairAlice Springs, subsequently the next technical tour, held in Auman of the Engineer Australia’s Structural College Board and gust showcased the newly constructed Alice Springs Hospital recently completed a series of “Forensic Engineering” presentaEmergency Department. This event was organised and hosted tions in regional centres and capital cities around Austrlaia. by the Department of Construction and Infrastructure. The final As guest speaker, Rob provided insight to civil and strucevent for the year, hosted by the Centre for Appropriate Technolture failures, investigations and determination of root causes. ogy (CAT), showcased some of the innovative water technologies Rob gave a personal recount of the 2011 Christchurch earthcurrently being implemented in remote communities. All of thequake recover operation, the civil, structural safety hazards se events were extremely well supported by local engineers and when working in a major disaster area, techniques used to dehighlight the need for ongoing professional networking opportufine search areas and how victims were located. Changes have nities. come about to design standards as a result of this natural disasFurthermore, in July, Alice Springs hosted a special dinner ter. In summary Rob reinforced the importance of the engineerevent, where the 2012 Young Australian of the Year, Marita, was ing profession, our responsibilities to the community and the the keynote speaker. This event was held at the Chifley resort importance of sound engineering practices. and was well attended by many local engineers and other profesPaul Mastin, Superintendent Mechnical Engineering at sionals in the community. Gove Operations, originally from the UK spoke about his diIn early spring the yearly sunchase event was held at one verse engineering career. A light hearted entertaining presentaof the local high schools. This event attracted a large number of tion Paul explained how his career had covered a wide range of students from all years. We had the small solar powered cars, as industries including gearbox, watch and spy camera manufacwell as the large solar powered cars. We also had the solar powturing, heavy industrial processes and materials handling. ered boats, which were markedly increased from last year’s num- Highlights included his work as a volunteer for two years as an bers. engineer in a developing country, where he met his Australian wife. The Engineering Excellence Awards Technical Presentations were also held in Alice Springs, along with a recent Centre Paul has been employed by Gove Operations since 1994 for Engineering Leadership Dinner with Minister, Adam Giles in where he has worked on numerous projects including the G3 November expanstion. Paul was presented with an Engineers Australia Felecity Wall Alice Springs Committee Representative

Fellowship by Bronwyn Russell, Director, Engineers Australia Northern Division, celebrating his continual support as a Chartered Engineer. The evening was celebrated as a success with the aim to make it a yearly event for Gove Operations. This event was partly funded by Young Engineers National Engineers Australia. Sunny Bhatti Gove Representative


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge & Professional Development

Heritage Committee Report

Congress Report

The most significant event for the year in terms of NT Engineering Heritage was the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the completion of the Overland Telegraph on 22 August 1872 near Frews Ironstone Ponds 660km south of Darwin. To enable the site of the “Joining” to be formally recognized, a major nomination submission needed to be developed and submitted to Engineering Heritage Australia for assessment. Owen Peake undertook the major part of this work which has resulted in a paper which comprehensively documents the construction of the Overland Telegraph in record time and trying conditions. The document is accessible on the EHA website. A celebratory dinner was held at Dunmarra Roadside Inn on 21 August prior to visits on 22 August to Frews Ironstone ponds, the stone obelisk on the highway and the actual pole where Robert Patterson joined the wires. A new interpretive sign was unveiled at the site of the obelisk to explain the engineering significance of the site. Several interstate engineers attended and a special guest was Julian Todd, the great great grandson of Sir Charles Todd. On 27 December 2011 a railway accident at the Edith River during a flood event not only caused damage to the new railway but totally destroyed the 1917 vintage railway bridge which was adjacent and downstream from the new bridge. Inspections of the failed concrete piers were undertaken and it was observed that sections of the piers had simply sheared as there was no reinforcing and no attempt to lock daily pours. Peter Poole contributed two Engineering heritage articles to Newsletter on Instituted Changes and Regional Engineering. Peter’s contribution to the newsletter is important in helping keeping articles interesting. Trevor Horman has spoken on the Overland Telegraph at the Historical Society of the NT and at Fannie Bay Historical Society. During Science Week 2012 a bus tour of engineering heritage sites around Darwin was again very popular. The tour started and concluded at the Qantas Hangar at Parap. For 2013 an expedition to the Ferguson River is being planned along with further ceremonies to “plaque” engineering heritage sites in the NT.

Congress Dinner, Monday 19 November Delegates met on the night of Monday 19 November before the two day Congress meeting. The informal meeting and dinner prior to the event enabled the Northern Division Representatives to network with colleagues and discuss issues for the following days. It is also a chance to meet the candidates for election to Council and National Deputy President, who eventually becomes the National President in 2014. The event provided an opportunity to meet staff and two of the candidates. This year, Congress took on a different tone. The general feeling amongst Congress was that the National President, Professor David Hood, along with Council and the CEO had set an agenda which ignored the wishes of Congress to discuss the numerous papers that had been written by delegates. This was clearly evident from the email messages earlier in the month to Congress from the National President. The agenda was tailored to explain the change agenda and new operating model, the need for it and to get the Congress endorse it. Little time was given to any papers and had it not been for the insistence by authors that the agenda be changed, papers would not have been discussed. As it was, the papers were rushed through and Council recorded they would consider them. Based on discussions with our previous Northern Division Congress delegates and past National Council member, it would appear that Congress /Council relationship has been dysfunctional for some time. Past President Merv Lindsay wrote a position paper regarding the future of Congress which suggested that the role of Congress needs to be reviewed. Northern Division Congress delegates would tend to support that view.

Day 1, Tuesday 20 November The first day was devoted to explanation of the change agenda and new operating model put forward by the CEO with the blessing of the Council. No details were presented for the changes, simply motherhood statements – all of which the Engineers Australia memberships agrees with and supports. The new operating model had already been endorsed by Council and Congress was expected to sign this off without any of the details.

At the end of the presentation, Northern Division President got a chance to speak to her paper entitled "Change the Trevor Horman change agenda" as did Helen Pederson from WA. These papers Heritage Committee Representative were grouped owing to their similar themes regarding the new operating model. The basic thrust of the papers was by all means have change, but do so under a change management process rather than quickly implementing it without consultation. Louise’s paper suggested that Northern Division agrees that the


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge & Professional Development

Congress Report cont….. that the change is required – however, some of the detail that was discussed at the President’s Forum disadvantages Northern Division and regional members and the Northern Di. vision Committee are not in favour of some of the changes suggested. The CEO disagreed with the contents of Louise’s paper. However, Louise was well supported by Congress delegates as having the right to question EA direction (as indeed other authors had in their papers) when it directly affects the membership.

The first item on the agenda was the voting for National Deputy President (2014 President-elect) which was won by Alex Baitch. Alex presented well, had an impeccable CV of past EA involvement and was easily the best candidate on the day. He also had made contact with each of the Congress representatives in the weeks leading up to the elections. Alex is a keen user of Linkedin and is keen for members to contact him via that avenue. He has been on the Council for some time and will be a continuing advocate for the changes being introduced by the CEO (at the direction of Council). He has an immense An independent consultant presented his findings on knowledge of EA and its history. what members want from Engineers Australia. The top issues were advocacy for the profession, improved status of the profesThe pre-release of the 2014 National Engineering Consion, national registration. vention was made with the expectation of 3000 delegates - a return to national conferences from about 15 years ago. It will be Some workshops were held to engage Congress more. held in Melbourne for the foreseeable future due to agreements This has never been done before and was a little disorganised with the venue holder and a large amount of sponsorship from and confusing as a first attempt. Towards the end of the day the Victorian Government. It is designed to replace a lot of the when time had almost been called, the remaining papers were individual discipline conferences held by EA and make more quickly relegated to motions that the Council would "consider profit for the organisation. them". This was not a convincing process and authors felt rightfully jaded with the amount of time spent writing and researchPresentations and elections were then held for 4 incoming them. ing Council members. Barry Tonkin (WA), Simon Orton (Qld), Carla Cher (Vic) and David Cruickshanks-Boyd (SA) were electIn summary, the role of "counsel to council" was not in evidence ed to Council. and the feelings amongst congress delegates that I spoke to was that the exercise was a $160,000 waste of EA resources and more Director of Engineering Practice John Anderson preimportantly, a much larger waste of volunteers work time. sented the totality that is the technical societies and colleges of EA and explained that we have a problem here with the memThe EA annual excellence awards were well received in bership and even the college boards themselves not understandParliament House. Northern Division were not successful this ing their role or where they fit within the organisation. Change year in taking out any awards but we were well represented. is needed but nothing was resolved.

Day 2, Wednesday 21 November Day 2 of Congress was a significant improvement over day 1 with an apology from the National President about the railroading of Congress, election of four new Council members and a resolution that Council will in future prepare the agenda in consultation with Congress. The day commenced with National President Prof David Hood saying he had received a lot of feedback from Congress on the proceedings of the previous day and that he apologised for the "fluffy" nature of it. Staff were asked not to attend the morning sessions where presentations were made by prospective Council members and the National Deputy President. This was a first for Congress. Prof David Hood recalled what had taken place previously in his year of making a presentation where he believed staff tried to influence delegates.

Merv Lindsay's paper about the future of Congress and how we elect our Council was then briefly discussed. He said there was a lot of support from Congress itself for option 3 (to disband congress and elect Council by plebiscite of the membership). However, it was thought that this would never happen because it would involve changing the by-laws. Changing the by -laws is a process to be avoided at all costs based on the unbudgetted costs it entails and the member ill feeling it creates. The meeting resolved to have a another meeting of Congress midway through next year but this time with Congress setting the agenda in conjunction with Council. Delegates left with a generally better feeling than they had on day 1 and felt encouraged that the new members of Council might have some influence.


Peter Russell Congress Representative

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Technical Sessions and Seminars




January 2012

Chartered Presentation

National Assessor Chris Jenkins

February 2012

Meet the new Chief Executive Alice Stephen Durkin Springs and Darwin

February 2012

Defence of Darwin Experience

February 2012

Sustainability & Environment Engi- Stuart Blanch Environment Centre neering college Presentation

February 2012

Launch of the Regional Engineering Launch—Alice Springs/ Darwin

Stephen Durkin, Alice Springs

March 2012

CELM Luncheon

Steve Kauffman, Engineering Manager, Shell Development

March 2012

Road Safety Presentation

Louise McCormick and Jennifer Malone, Department of Transport

March 2012

E-chartered Presentation

Fiona Tregoning, Engineers Australia National Office

March 2012

Transport and Public Strategy

Greg Martin (PSM), Eminent Speaker

April 2012

Australian Rainfall & Runoff

Grantley Smith, UNSW

Site Visit

Lyndon Freason, Darwin

2D Modelling in Urban Areas and People and Vehicle Stability April 2012

IE Struct, Passing on the Knowledge— 2011 Gold Paper

Dr. Allan Mann

April 2012

Life as a fly-in fly-out Engineer

Tom Gooding and Paul Marchetti

May 2012

Governance Training Management Commi ee and Staff

Geoff Carter MAICD

June 2012

Christchurch Earthquake Experiences from the Rubble—Darwin and Gove

Dr Rob Heywood

June 2012

Beyond Zero Carbon Emissions

Patrick Hearps, BE Hons


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Technical Sessions and Seminars Month



June 2012

ICE Technical Meeting—Jakarta

Nick Shirlaw

Controlling Ground Movements with Tunnellling June 2012

Technical Tour—Alice Springs DAF Plant & Ponds

Power & Water Corporation

July 2012

Micro-tunnelling—the installation of pipelines with minimal surface disruption—opportunities and challenges

Simon Marsha and Edward Naylor - ICE Jakarta

August 2012

Alice Springs Hospital—Emergency Department

Site Visit presented by Department of Construction and Infrastructure, Alice Springs

September 2012

From Wireless to Astronomy

Eminent Speaker, Dr Trevor Bird, ITEE

September 2012

Australia’s Green Electricity Schemes

Eminent Speaker, Dr Robert Barr, Electrical College

October 2012

The Collapse of the Kutai Kartanegara Bridge

Professor Bambang Budiono - ICE Jakarta

October 2012

Project Management Course

Engineering Education Australia

October 2012

Na onal Water Week ‘Management Stephen Purvis, Water Research Engineer of Water Supply Technologies in small remote Communi es

November 2012

Eritech Ligh ng


November 2012

Retrocommissioning ‐ High Return Low Cost Energy

Dr. Paul Bannister


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Technical Sessions and Seminars

Structural College

Electrical College The Electrical College Board held two face to face meetings this year, in Sydney 1st and 2nd June and in Canberra 2nd and 3rd November. The June meeting was held in conjunction with the MA Sargent Medal award dinner. This year the MA Sargent Medal was awarded to Dr.Trevor Bird from ITEE College. The National Professional Electrical Engineer (NPEE) of the year and the National Graduate Electrical Power Engineering (NGEPE)of the Year were also announced at this dinner. This year the NPEE Award went to Dr Robert Barr and the NGEPE award went to Alan Louis. A special committee of the Electrical College is presently in the process of organising a National Building Services and Industrial Installation conference and exhibition in Dockside, Sydney on 17 and 18 April 2013. The conference and exhibition will focus on 21st century opportunities and challenges in electrical building services and industrial installations and will host a number of national and international speakers and exhibiters. The Electrical College is working with the Society of Building Services Engineers (SIBSE) to help rejuvenate interest in SBSE in all States and Territories. A small committee has also been formed to look into the extent of nuclear education around Australia. We believe that it is important for Australia to have the required "in-house" expertise in the area of nuclear science so that we do not need to rely on foreign expertise in making informed decisions within this field. The main functions of the Electrical College is to:

The Structural College Board met in Canberra in February and in Perth in July, and there was also a tele-conference meeting on Wednesday 26 November (i.e. a few days ago). This year has seen another successful Australasian Structural Engineering Conference (ASEC2012) held in Perth in July, which covered a wide variety of topics of interest to structural engineers and was well-supported by engineers including those who had travelled inter-state and from overseas. ASEC2014 is scheduled to be held in Auckland, New Zealand. Much of the discussion at the SCB meetings has focused on our attempts (combined with those of the Civil College Board) to establish a system of confidential reporting of significant safety issues which have arisen through construction activities within Australia. The aim is provide a freely-available on-line resource for disseminating information about incidents or situations or “near-misses” where injuries or significant losses may/could have occurred without identifying individuals or companies. The intended system will be entirely confidential, with the intention of preventing future accidents and mishaps. A similar system has existed for many years in the UK (Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety (CROSS), see www.structural-safety.org for further details). There are examples of similar beneficial schemes for other professional activities within Australia. Members of SCB feel very strongly that an Australian scheme similar to CROSS is long overdue. At the time of writing (late November) it is understood that EA has made a decision to support the establishment of CROSS in Australia but the format and methodology have not yet been confirmed.

There was very limited response to an earlier request for Promote electrical engineering local expressions of interest in some design “workshops/ Promote CPD seminars” based on questions from the Institution of Structural Nominate and award prizes to eminent and outstanding electrical engineers and graduates promote research and development Review and comment on policy documents.

ITEE College

Engineers’ Chartered Membership Examinations, and it has not yet been possible to make progress with this. Another request for expressions of interest will be made in the New Year.

Several local members of the Structural College have Len Chappell become members of the new Course Advisory Group for Civil Electrical College Board Representative Engineering at CDU and, with some members from the Civil College, are helping with comments and advice regarding the content and delivery of the Civil Engineering Degrees.

David Lilley

The ITEE College Representative for 2012 is Colin Van Eck. Eminent Speaker Dr. Trevor Bird spoke on “Wireless to Astronomy” to our members in the Division and he was also awarded the MA Sargeant Medical in 2012.

Structural College Board Representative


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development

Society for Sustainability & Environment Engineering and Environmental College Kirsty McInnes represented the College earlier in 2012 however due to her workload, she has had to resign. We are currently looking for a member to take on this role. Kirsty was successful in securing funding from the Palmerston City Council to organise and coordinate events. If anyone is interested in this position, please contact Bronwyn or Karen at the office on 8981 4137.

Civil College Report In 2012 I completed my term as Northern Division Civil College Board Representative having taken on the role midway through 2011 to fill a vacancy. The main business of the Board in 2012 was associated with the Engineers Australia focus on revitalising the College Board’s as the eminent technical bodies of the organisation. To that end the Board’s work in 2012 focused on redefining the roles and responsibilities of board members and working in partnership with the National Committees to codify their Terms of References with the aim of achieving improved member benefits. As part of these efforts both the National Committee for Construction Engineering and the National Committee for Transport Engineering are being reviewed as to how they might be re-invigorated. Interested members should liaise with their newly elected Civil College Board Representative to be part of this process and to make sure that their views are taken into consideration. The Civil College Board also worked with the National Committees to revise the Stage 2 competencies. The Civil College Board is concerned about the numbers of NPER Engineers whose audits have remained unresolved for an extended period of time. 2013 will see a renewed focus on resolving outstanding audits. The joint Civil College and Structural College efforts to establish the Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety (CROSS) in Australia appears to be gaining some traction with other Colleges expressing an interest along with external government agencies. I raised concerns regarding access to CPD in remote areas that impact on our member’s abilities to meet CPD requirements. Engineer’s Australia are looking to expand access to professional development resources online. This is an ongoing process. I was part of the Awards and Communications Task Group.

During 2012 I attended 2 face-to-face meetings 20 April in Canberra and 1 November in Brisbane. There were also around six teleconferences during the year. The Brisbane meeting included the Civil College Board Excellence Awards. Rob Barker of Newcastle Division was elected as the new Chair for 2013. There will be many new representatives comprising the Civil College Board in 2013. Many thanks for the opportunity to be involved and represent the Northern Division views on the Civil College Board. There is an ongoing discussion within EA about reducing the regional representation of the Board and instead selecting representatives based on certain skills. No doubt 2013 will be an interesting year. Good luck to the incoming Representative. Simon Turner Civil College Board Representative

Transport Committee The National Committee Transport Engineering (NCTE) has representatives from all divisions. The NCTE held three teleconferences in 2012. In February , Greg Martin PSM ( winner of 2010 transport Medal) undertook an Eminent speaker tour of all Divisions and presented a paper “Transport and Public strategy – linking goals to actions.” 20 members attended the Darwin presentation. The 2011 Transport Medal winner, Prof Buddhima Indraratna, is planning an eminent speaker tour in early 2013. The principal issues considered by the committee in 2012 were:  NTCE Role As part of the review of EA future directions and structure , the role and Terms of Reference of the NCTE was undertaken in 2012. A revised Terms of Reference has been prepared and is under consideration. The main issue for the Northern Division will be the basis of selection of future representatives on the committee.  Competency Standards NCTE has prepared Draft Competency Standards for Transport Engineering . The Mervyn Tagell Student Paper Prize (4th Year Engineering) in Transport Engineering closes on 30 November 2012 with details for potential applicants forwarded to all universities. The NCTE is considering future position papers for transport that could be developed in 2013 including Transport infrastructure impacts of mining, Personal Mobility Devices, and Asset Preservation issues of Transport assets. Ken Grattan National Committee


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Technologists Committee Report

Regional Special Interest Group

The National Committee for Engineering Technologists Australia (NCETA) held two face to face meetings this year, in Sydney on 16 April and in Darwin on 29 September in Darwin. NCETA now has representatives from NT, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, NSW (both Sydney and Newcastle). We also have representatives from the Bio Medical College and ITEE College. We are still actively seeking members from WIE and Young Engineers. Len Chappell from Northern Division is the new National Chair and Royce Aldrid from Tasmania is the new Deputy Chair. Len Chappell represented the NCETA at the Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting held in Canberra in September. The meeting looked at the reasons each SIG was formed and at their continuing relevance within Engineers Australia. We are still trying to have Engineering Technologists included in the proposed new National Registration Scheme along with Professional Engineers. I again urge all of our members to become chartered as this would not only help our case in being included in the National Registration scheme it would also raise the status of our individual members within the general engineering community.

Being the Year of the Regional Engineering Team it has been a busy year for the Regional Special Interest Group. We commenced the year with the goals of:


Improving access to CPD for regionally based members.


Increasing awareness of engineering opportunities in regional areas.


Promoting equity for all members of Engineers Australia.


Generating an understanding of the value of the regional engineering team.

Throughout the year in the Northern Division we have held events all of our 5 regions that have all been well attended. Events have included numerous site visits, technical presentations, social events and engineering awareness events with school students. It was also great to see fantastic projects in the Engineering Excellence Awards spread geographically around the Northern Division. We have promoted the expanding online library resources of Engineers Australia to help regional engineering team members to access to CPD.

The focus of the NCETA this year has been:

  

  

Adam James Regional Special Interest Group Representative

To raise the profile of Engineering Technologists both within Engineers Australia and within the general business community. Reviewing and commenting on the proposed new Stage 2 Competency standards A concerted effort to get Engineering Technologist representatives on all Divisional Committees and all College Boards. To date we have representatives on the Electrical College, Civil College, Structural College, Mechanical College boards, ITEE College and Bio Medical College. Encouraging all members to seek chartered status Reviewing and commenting on the new Strategic Plan Formulating a small concise document describing what Engineering Technologists do.

The NCTEA appreciates the support we have been given at National level, Divisional level and by the College Boards. Len Chappell TFIEAust. CEng T Northern Division Representative


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Associates Committee Report It has been a very quiet year as far as Associates are concerned. I don’t believe I have met anyone from this group this year for any social or technical functions. Maybe it is due to being shy or being very busy. I hope it is the latter. Considering I do not have much to report, I will share with you as to what functions the National group had been involved with. The National Associates President and Immediate Past President attended the Engineering Leadership Conference in Adelaide and found it rewarding when during their networking session they were providing mentoring and guidance to young motivated engineers. Furthermore, the Immediate Past President organised or delivered the following functions in the past 12 months for the NSW division:


RAAF Aerospace Engineer’s Mentoring Program.


37 Squadron Duty Engineers Workshop.


Aviation Maintenance Safety Workshops.


Air Lift Group Leadership Workshop.


Site visit of 37 Squadron for Honeywell Engineering Summer School.

We too in the Northern Division have the capacity to organise functions such as above, but this will only be viable if there is interest shown from members. I am more than happy to listen to what workshops/seminars/functions you may want presented here and I along with EA Northern Division Staff and Management Committee will do our best to accommodate. Last but not least, I have nominated myself to represent this group again for 2013, and trust I will hear from more of you. I wish you all a very happy holiday season and look forward to seeing you all in 2013.

Water and Coastal Committee Report It is almost a year since I accepted the nomination to represent the NT Division on Water and Coastal Engineering. Following are brief points on the activities relate to Water and Coastal engineering in the division. Water:


An update on the revision of Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) presented to the Division as frequently as possible.


Grantley Smith from Water Research Laboratory in Manly delivered the following two presentations on projects related to the revision of ARR :

 

Project 15: 2D Modelling in Urban Areas


Revision of Flood Risk Management – Best Practice Guidelines


Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium in Sydney from 19th to 22nd Nov 12


National Floodplain Management Conference in Tweed Heads in May 2013

Project 10: People and Vehicle Stability in Floods The presentation was well attended and received. Briefed the Division on:


AWA “Water in the Bush” Conference in October 2012. Attended my first meeting of National Committee on Water Engineering on the 23rd of November. Summary of the meeting will be presented at the next divisional meeting. Coastal:


Updating the development of Storm Surge Maps


Yet to be accepted into the National Committee on Coastal Engineering Lakshman Rajaratnam National Representative Water and Coastal Engineering

Jas Deo National Associate Representative


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development NT Business Council

Building Advisory Committee The BAC has had another busy year with updating the NT Deemed to Comply Manual and BAC Policy Notes. The BAC now has two engineering representatives and two building certifiers as well as representatives from the NTG, Architects, builders and TIO. The additional members are to cater for when other representatives are unavailable due to work commitments. The main board meets monthly and in addition to this a technical subcommittee meets between times. 2013 will likely see the introduction of fees for applications due to the significant work involved by the committee. The manual is referenced in the NCC and can be used by Queensland and WA cyclonic regions, so manufacturers do recognise the broader marketplace and make use of our system. Peter Russell

Engineers Australia has continued to be the the secretariat for the Northern Territory Business Council. The Council has been once again reviewing the Report Cards which it developed in mid 2011 and has distributed these to all the new Government Minister’s and appropriate Chief Executives. Meetings continue to be held with the previous government and the now the new CLP government. The most recent meetings included:

 

Minister, Peter Chandler, Minister for Business, Trade, Economic Development, Employment and Training and Minister for Housing Mr Peter Carew, Chief Executive, Department of Business

The Business Council will progress discussions with the Building Advisory Committee Representative Chief Minister’s Office and his Advisors, along with the Deputy Chief Minister on the Report Cards and continue to make recommendations and work with them on improving the social and Standards Australia Report infrastructure of the Northern Territory. The Business Council comprises 24 active industry groups Representing practitioners on BD006-2 Wind Code Comas members mittee I had involvement with the commentary to the wind standard (known as the AWES Wind Loading Handbook). AtGovernment and Industry Professional Links tended meetings throughout the year, provided document editing and preparation of regional boundary mapping. Further involved The President, Director and members of Northern Diviwith amendment 2 to AS/NZS 1170.2: 2011 and in particular the sion once again represented Engineers Australia at many events, section on solar arrays. Amendment 2 covers wind induced facommittees and meetings including: tigue, changes to the definition of wind gust duration, changes to Charles Darwin University Industry Engagement Committerrain category definitions, deletion of the cyclonic height multi-  tee, Curriculum Committee, Prize Giving, Graduation and plier table 4.1(B), changes to the averaging procedures for upThesis Presentations and Science and Engineering Chalwind variations in terrain and solar panels. It will be released in lenge 2013 and the 2022 standard will cease to run parallel.  The Hon. Delia Lawrie, MLA Leader of the Opposition  The Hon. Kezia Purick, Speaker of the House Peter Russell  Department of Construction Standards Australia Representative  Building Advisory Committee  Building Industry Representative Group Built Environment Professions NT  NT Building Practitioners Board The Built Environment Professionals NT (Previously The  Procurement Board (currently under review) Built Environment Development Professionals (BEDP) changed  Department of Education and Training its name due to the fact the this group has been wound up on a  SIHIP Industry Engagement Group national basis. Engineers Australia Northern Division is the sec Women in Resources retariat for this group which consists of Planners, Architects, En Musuem and Art Gallery (including Defence of Darwin gineers, Qantity Surveyors. It is planned to expand the groups Experience) membership in 2013. In late 2012, this group has provided for  The Hon. Terry Mills, MLA, Chief Minister of the Northinformation to the NT Government’s representative Dave ern Territory McHugh of Thinc Projects on the procurement review which is currently underway. The results of this review will hopefully be  Minister Gerry McCarthy known before the end of December 2012 and hope to circulate its  Various Other Ministers findings to members.


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 2. Body of Knowledge and Professional Development Young Engineers Committee Report We aim to assist young engineers in all aspects of their working careers, from studying and applying for their first graduate job, through to gaining Chartered Status, and we have had a busy 2012 doing just that. As usual our year kicks-off with the welcome BBQ, this year we held it down at East Point. There was a good turn out with plenty of new faces that joined in on the food, music and games, and plenty of interest in coming along to events later in the year. The young engineers supported the gala dinner by having a table. A fun night that culminated in the young engineers winning the people’s choice award for their entry into the plane competition. Although that may be less down to engineering skill than having two lovely stewardesses at the presentation of the plane... Our next event was a technical talk on what life is like as a Fly-In Fly-Out engineer. Holding the event at CDU allowed a number of students to come along, interested in it should be their first step on the career ladder. Two different perspectives where given, and allowed all those in attendance learn the pro’s and con’s of FIFO. Not only was this talk in the flavour of “Year of Regional Engineering Team” but we able to support those in the regions that could not attend by having some people attend via Skype. The use of Skype went well and will be used again – particularly as it allows some interaction. June was a busy month with social and CPD events. The annual ten-pin bowling competition was held, a joint event with the young architects (who kindly put money behind the bar). Unfortunately despite our best attempts the architects retained the trophy for the second year. A few days later there was a tour of a Navy boat, an event we haven’t had for a few years. Social events made the most of the dry season, with a London Olympics inspired “Best of British” themed pub tour on the blue open-top bus, and a friendly game of cricket against the young planners. The Best of British was our most popular event of the year with over 50 people attending, all in fancy dress! September saw the golf day return, a slight down turn in numbers and sponsors – although this has been put down to people just being too busy to attend, so the engineering industry must be doing well if Territorians are too busy to spend an afternoon playing golf, having a few beers and having a BBQ!

Through-out the year there have also been talks by recent engineering graduates, held at lunchtimes at CDU. The talks allow the students to gain an understanding of what life is like when you first start out as a graduate engineer. These are always a hit with the students, and we look forward to continuing them next year. So now we head to 2013 and I am stepping down after two years as “El Presidente”. It has been great fun, and a lot has been achieved, and I’d like to thank all the members of the young engineers committee, as well as the team in the divisional office, for all their support. I’m sure this is just a stepping stone to greater success next year and beyond! John-Paul Foster President Young Engineers 2011/12

Young Engineers Committee 2013 Title



Allan Fe


Winnie Robertson

Na onal Representa‐ ve

Amr Edrees


Tom Marshall


Paul Marche

Student Representa‐ ve

Joanna Winslade

Women in Engineer‐ ing Representa ve

Cordelia Mac

Young Engineers National Committee The Young Engineers Northern division have been involved in organizing lots of social events this year. Also we helped in promoting for the chartered status and the charter survey required by Stephen Durkin. During the quarterly national meeting discussions, the focus was on increasing the number of members, promoting for chartered status. It is apparent that there is a high focus and recognition from EA management where for the first time, a young engineer Carla Cher was elected to EA council, making a strong representation in the congress and council as well. Amr Edrees Young Engineers National Committee


ANNUAL REPORT 2012 3. Leadership and Influence Women in Engineering

National President Visit 2012

The NT Division have had a couple of WIE events this The National President of Engineers Australia, David year of note. In February President Louise McCormick present- Hood, visited the Northern Division in May 2012. He visited ed at a joint event with Women in Engineering and Women in Alice Springs as part of the judging and technical presentations Project Management on leadership and the importance of netof the Engineering projects for the Excellence Awards for works, alongside Defence Organisation speaker, Jennifer HarNorthern Division. A dinner was held at the Crowne Plaza ris. which provided an opportunity for the President to meet the Some of our members were successful in the 'promotion' members. He also visited the two projects Alice Springs Power aspects of WIE's work with a feature article in the October edi- Network Upgrade entered by GHD, Sitzler and PowerWater tion of Darwin Life magazine, on women engineers at an NT and Uterne Power Plant entered by Sunpower Corporate Auscompany currently who's engineering workforce consists of one tralia, PowerWater, Alice Solar City and Department of Climate third women engineers (see link: http:// Change and Energy Efficiency. www.darwinlifemag.com/darwinlife-magazine/darwinlifearchive/ - go to page 101). We also received sponsorship from Inpex to hold WIE Management Committee 2013 events, and kicked off in November with a lunch with Women in Resources and Women in Construction, with guest speaker Anna Griffin from Price Waterhouse Coopers presenting on Congratulations to the Management Committee of 2013. the skills shortage in the resources sector and the potential role of women in the industry. As in past years, the Division Committee continues to be repreIt was also a big year in WIE Nationally. The Industry sented by a cross-section of the Engineering Team. In 2013 the Blueprint was completed and launched in Victoria. The blueDivision will be encouraging the Colleges, Young Engineers print is a resource that can be used by employers looking to attract and retain more of their women engineers. Across Aus- and Women in Engineering representatives to identify CPD speakers, events and activities that are appropriate to their retralia, engineering firms tend to lose women engineers after they reach their mid-30s, partly due to life choices on having spective areas. families. There are a range of other reasons companies struggle Northern Division will continue to support the followto retain talented women engineers. The blueprint aims to provide guidance on this from the perspective of a number of large ing in terms of administration and contact to members through companies with exceptional retention strategies. Local WIE the following committees: groups will soon be promoting the blueprint in their regions. See link: http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sites/  Young Engineers default/files/wie_industry_blueprint_print_a5_sml_ Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management _final.pdf and share it with your employer. The Fit for Work PPE pilot also concluded - a pilot to Women in Engineering improve PPE for women. The pilot was deemed to have had a  number of successes, including increased comfort on the job for  Heritage Committee the participants, identifying some of the barriers to the manufacture and distribution of women's PPE and raising awareness of the lack of female-specific PPE. The National Committee are considering options going forward to build on the momentum of the trial and increase the availability of women's specific PPE. WIE and EA also ran an Industry Survey in 2012 on diversity and opportunities in engineering, a draft is anticipated late 2012 and a suitable format for publishing and disseminating the results is in discussion at National level of EA. Watch this space. With Christmas now at our doorstep, WIE activities will slow down over the break period. We look forward to hearing members' ideas about future events in 2013. Nerida Beard Women in Engineering Representative Northern Division

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 3. Leadership and Influence Management Committee 2012

Management Committee 2013

Posi on


Posi on



Louise McCormick


Louise McCormick

Past President, Electrical/ Technologist Rep

Len Chappell

Deputy President/Mechanical College Board

Jaswant Deo

Congress Representa ve

Peter Russell

Len Chappell

Special Interest Group Rep

Adam James

Past President/Electrical College Board/ Chair of Technologist Commi ee

Environmental College Rep

Kirsty McInnes

Congress Representa ve

Peter Russell

Structural College/CDU Rep

David Lilley

Environmental College Rep


ITEE College Rep

Colin Van Eck

Structural College/CDU Rep/Commi ee Member

David Lilley

Mechanical College Rep

Brian Forester

ITEE College Rep

Colin Van Eck

Civil College Rep

Simon Turner

Civil College Board/Commi ee Member

Dave McHugh

Women in Engineering Rep

Nerida Beard

Women in Engineering Rep

Nerida Beard

Transport Commi ee Rep

Ken Gra an

Transport Commi ee Rep

Ken Gra an

Heritage Commi ee Rep

Trevor Horman

Heritage Commi ee Rep

Trevor Horman

Centre for Engineering Leadership Management

Gary Boyle

Centre for Engineering Leadership Management

Gary Boyle

Defence Rep

Tim Hajenko

Defence Rep

Tim Hajenko

Water /Coastal Rep

Laksham Rajaratnam

Water /Coastal Rep

Laksham Rajaratnam

Commi ee Member

Sumesh Dhir

Commi ee Member

Sumesh Dhir

Commi ee Member

Chris Lugg

Commi ee Member

Brian Forester

Commi ee Member

Jus n de Zylva

Commi ee Member

Adam James

Commi ee Member

Abe Abdallah

Commi ee Member

Ten Yik

Commi ee Member

Steve Walker

Commi ee Member

Simon Turner

Commi ee Member

Alagappan Lakshamanan

Young Engineers President

Allan Fe

Young Engineers President

John‐Paul Foster

Bio‐Medical College

Julie Woerner

Young Engineers Na onal Rep

Amr Edrees

Young Engineers Na onal Rep

Amr Edrees

Alice Springs Rep

Felicity Wall

Alice Springs Rep

Felicity Wall

Katherine Rep


Katherine Rep


Jabiru Rep

Tom Gooding

Jabiru Rep

Tom Gooding

Gove Rep

Sunny Bha

Gove Rep

Sunny Bha

Thank you to all of the 2012 members of the Management Committee. Your dedication is truly appreciated by the Division and we acknowledge your valuable support, effort and time.

Congratulations to the Division’s new committee for 2013. We look for ward to working with you all and look forward to your contributions to Northern Division.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 4. Recognition, Promotion and Membership Engineering Excellence Awards “Year of the Regional Engineering Team” Attendance at the 2012 Engineering Excellence Awards was the best ever with over 370 in attendance. The following Project entries were received:

Project Title


Defence of Darwin Experience

Depts of Construc on & Infrastructure & Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts & Sport

Na onal Partnership on Remote Indigenous Housing Mitchell St to Dinah Beach Tun‐ nelled Gravity Sewer Berrimah Road Rail Overpass

Alice Springs Power Network Upgrade

New Future Alliance, Terri‐ tory Alliance and NT Gov‐ ernment Macmahon, PowerWater, SKM, Jacobs Associates & Winslow Infrastructure Depts of Construc on & Infrastructure, Depts of Lands and Planning, Aurecon & Macmahon Contractors GHD, Sitzler Bros, Power‐ Water

Darwin River Dam Raise Full Supply


Uterne Power Plant, Alice Springs

Sunpower Corpora on Australia, PowerWater, Alice Solar City & Dept of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency

Cullen River Bridge & Overtaking Lanes

Depts of Lands & Planning & construc on & Infra‐ structure, Ostojic and Steelcon

Palmerston—Howard Springs Cycle Path

Depts of Construc on & Infrastructure & Lands & Planning

Project Title


Park & Ride Facili es, Rural Dar‐ win—Coolalinga & Humpty Doo

Depts of Construc on & Infrastructure & Lands & Planning

RAAF Base Tindal Airborne Early Warning & Control Facili es

Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd

Royal Darwin Hospital Master Lock & Management System

Uno Management Services Pty Ltd

People in Engineering Award Winners 

Highly Commended, Professional Engineer of the Year, Sumesh Dhir MIEAust CPEng


Young Professional Engineer of the Year, John-Paul Foster MIEAust CPEng


Young Professional Engineer of the Year, Highly Commended, Andrew McLeod MIEAust

Judging Panel 2012 Thank you to our judges for 2012. The judging process is both demanding in terms of volunteering their time and being available to fly to some of the remotest parts of the Top End.


Alan Grove MIEAust CPEng Civil Engineering (Chair of Judges)


Adam James MIEAust CPEng, Wallbridge & Gilbert


Chris Lugg MIEAust CPEng, National Assessor, Charles Darwin University Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering


Len Chappell TFIEAust CPEngT, Townes Chappell Mudgway


Dr Debbie Hall, MSc BSc, CPA Australia, General Manager

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 4. Recognition, Promotion and Membership 2012 Winners 2012 Engineering Excellence Award

2012 Engineering Excellence Award

2012 Engineering Excellence Award Project Management

Engineering Excellence Award Highly Commended

Defence of Darwin Expe‐ rience

Technical presentations were held in Alice Springs , Katherine and Darwin. Darwin City Council once again provided their facilities and catered for the presentations in Darwin .

Depts of Construc on & Infrastructure, Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts & Sport

As there were so many project entries in 2012, the Darwin event ran well over time however it also provided the judges an further opportunity to look at the entrants again and it also provided members the opportunity to vote for the “People’s Choice “ Award.

Na onal Partnership on Remote Indigenous Housing New Futures Alliance, Territory Alliance & the NT Government Mitchell St to Dinah Beach Tunnelled Gravity Sewer Macmahon, PowerWa‐ ter, SKM, Jacobs Associ‐ ates & Winslow Infra‐ structure Berrimah Road Rail Overpass Depts of Construc on & Infrastructure, Lands & Planning, Aurecon & MacMahon Contractors

People’s Choice Award

President’s Award

Technical Presentations

Alice Springs Power Net‐ work Upgrade, GHD, Sitzler Bros, PowerWa‐ ter

The National President was provided the opportunity to see the projects from Alice Springs which was attended by over 45 members. Katherine had a good turn out as well which also saw the Mayor of Katherine, Faye Miller and the Hon. Willem Westra van Holthe who is the now Minister for Resources attend the presentations .

National Excellence Awards Bronwyn, Karen, Keely, Peter, Louise, Senator Trish Crossin, along with finalists for the Awards recently attended the National Excellence Awards in 2012 at the Great Hall of Parliament House in Canberra. Our project entrants were well represented at the Awards nationally. Unfortunately no Northern Division projects were successful or our people in engineering were successful in 2012 at the National Awards. The following projects received accolades at this year’s Awards:

Woodside’s Pluto LNG Pluto “Sir William Hudson Award” CSIRO Ngara “Engineering Innovation Award” Chevonr’s Gorgon Project Shore Crossing “Environmental Engineering Excellence Award for Planning

Toowoomba Range Railway Flood Recovery “Engineering Excellence Award”

BHP Bilton’s Hunter River Remediation Project “Engineering Excellence Award”

Gladstone Power Station Project “Engineering Excellence Award on Asset Management

Sea Urchin Marine Power Generator Project “Engineering Excel lence Award for revoluntary technology in marine power generaDarwin River Dam, Raise tion” Full Supply Ukhaa Khudag (UHG) CHPP Project “Engineering Excellence PowerWater

Award” for engineering benchmarks Karen also had the opportunity to be an observer at Congress and attend the Annual General Meeting

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 4. Recognition, Promotion and Membership Gala Dinner

Membership Stats 2012

The Year of the Regional Engineering Team theme was carried through to the Gala Dinner in 2012. The activity for this event was to build an aeroplane to fly to remote and regional areas of the Northern Territory. Over 150 members and their guests got into the spirit of this activity, however, I would hope that the Engineers do not change their profession to pilot as you may not make it safely to your destination.

Hon. Fellow












Tech Fellow


Member Recognition

Tech Member


The following members received Fellow status in 2012:

Assoc Fellow


Assoc Graduate


Assoc Member






Her Honour, the Administrator of the Northern Territory, Sally Thomas gave an enlightening talk on the history of engineering, right back to Roman times and how engineering has contributed to what Darwin is today. Prizes were awarded to Wallbridge and Gilbert and the Young Engineers. Kezia Purick kindly provided a tour of 10 to Parliament House. Kara Sloper from Shell Development presented the prizes to winners and runners-up,


Mr B J Lawson FIEAust PSM


Mr P G Mill FIEAust Mr S P Mastin FIEAust CPEng

 

Mr L R Rajaratnam FIEAust


Dr J A El-Den FIEAust

Congratulations also to Brendan Lawson FIEAust PSM who was awarded the Public Service Medal for outstanding service to Northern Territory, particularly for successful management of major infrastructure projects.

Membership has continued to increase in 2012. The figures in the table above are through to November 2012. We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of members registering to become chartered also in 2012.

Timor Leste Northern Division took the steps to sponsors a student from Timor Leste to complete the Engineering Education Australia Project Management Course in 2012. To date we have raised almost $4,000 towards Antonio da Silva. An anonymous donor kindly provided $2,000 with further donations from Uno Management and Russell Consulting. This will allow us to cover airfares, accommodation and per diem expenses. Earlier in 2012 the Northern Division provided a donation of over $5,000 to Engineers Without Borders for a water/ sanitation project in Timor Leste.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 5. Education and Qaulification Charles Darwin University

Youth Programs 2012 - Keely Quinn Reports

The School of Engineering and Information Technology has had an excellent year with a very successful outcome from the visit of the EA Accreditation Panel in May. Our main BEng Degrees have been accredited for 5 years and the MEng provisionally accredited for the same period. We wish to express our sincere thanks to those members of EA who met with the Panel members and supported the School through their contributions in various discussions. To reinforce our existing links with local engineers in industry and external organisations and to help ensure that the content of our Degrees remains up-to-date, we were pleased to welcome new members from the engineering community to the School’s Industrial Advisory Board and to the newly-formed Course Advisory Groups (one for each of the engineering disciplines taught at CDU). In 2012 as in previous years, student applications and numbers increased by approximately 20% above last year’s figures, and most of the preparations are complete for the start of the BEng and MEng Degrees in Chemical Engineering in 2013. CDU is the only Australian University to offer these Degrees in external study mode. Applications for appointments for a number of new academic staff have been short-listed, with new appointees expected to be in post early in 2013. Increased students numbers means that there are increasing demands for suitable student work placements (which all students must successfully complete before they can graduate), and also for suitable “research” projects for Thesis units. In addition, the new building for the North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas (NACOG) is complete and was officially opened on 20 November. The construction of the building to house with the new DoI-CDU Structural Load Testing Facility is also complete, and plans are in hand for the major elements of this exciting new development.

North Australian Centre for Oil & Gas


& Engineering Challenge

The 2nd & 3rd of May saw the 2012 Science & Engineering Challenge take place at Charles Darwin’s University Casuarina Campus, with 15 teams from 12. The 2 day event was re-named the ‘Northern Territory Challenge’ and incorporated a team from Alice Springs, made up of 2 schools. This was due to funding constraints that mean that an Alice Springs event wasn’t feasible. Over the 2 days school teams battled it out to be the champion of the Northern Territory for 2012. Alice Springs won day one, with an impressive 1236.74, and The Essington School won day two with a score of 1198.89. Alice Springs went on to represent the Northern Territory at the national competition in October. The Science & Engineering Challenge was sponsored and supported by Charles Darwin University and the Department of Education & Training. Volunteers from the NT Government, Aurecon, the Defence Force, AECom, GHD and CDU advised, assisted and observed our hundreds of students

SunChase - Alice Springs On Friday the 14th of September the Alice Springs Sun-chase 2012 solar challenge was held at the Centralian Senior College. PWC is the event main sponsor with other organisations such as Engineers Australia NT, local Rotary Clubs and businesses also contributing volunteer labour and money. The event growing popularity was reflected by a significant increase in the number of entries when compared to last year Participating students from St Phillip’s College, Braitling, Living Waters, Bradshaw and Araluen Schools had the opportunity to test the result of their hard work and at time very innovative designs in the friendly and competitive atmosphere displayed by all on the day. While kit cars and boats are assembled using a standard solar kit and parts, model car participants are required to work as a team designing, building, and racing as well as demonstrating a basic understanding of the science and engineering associated with their respective car.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 4. Education and Qualification Youth Programs 2012 - Provided by Keely Quinn Major Projects SunChase - Darwin The 2012 SunChase Model Solar Car and Boat Challenge (SunChase) was held on Friday 21st September, with over 65 cars and boats made by 250 primary school and some secondary school students. Schools taking part in 2012 included Sacred Heart Primary School, Larrakeyah Primary School, Palmerston Senior College and Good Shepherd Lutheran School. 2012 also saw the first appearance of the ‘big’ track. Purpose built by Marrara trade school, the large figure 8 track was on display for the primary students and was used for testing a larger car (the first in Darwin) from Essington Senior College. The Power & Water and Nortruss Builders Suppliers again came back as the major sponsors and supporters of this great event, Inspiring Australia with volunteers from Power & Water, YouthWorx, CSIRO, FlanaThe Inspiring Australia program grew in the Northern Territory gan Consulting, Charles Darwin University and BCA Engineers in 2012, with more groups becoming involved in science commuhelping with marshalling, time keeping and on-the-fly maintenication in the broader community. Development of an nance and repair of the cars and boats. ‘InspiredNT’ website, with thanks to the assistance of the Community Benefit Fund, has started and is expected to be launched in 2013. National Science Week was a great success in 2012, with over 40 activities in the Northern Territory in the week. Great programs like the Café Sci, ‘Where would Darwin be without it’s Crocs?’, the Engineering Heritage Bus Tour, The Menzies School of Health Research ‘ Science Sesh’ were just some of the community events held in Science Week.

S.M.A.R.T With the assistance of the SHELL Social Investment Program, Arnhem Land Progress Aboriginal (ALPA) Corporation and Outback Stores, Engineers Australia Northern Division was able to offer this great science program to twice as many schools as before. In 2012, 28 Schools were visited, where 60 shows were performed to nearly 3300 school students! Schools in Darwin, Palmerston, Arnhem Land, Katherine and the surrounding region were all visited in 2012, with the high demand from schools creating competition to get in fastest to ensure a visit. Unfortunately, even with all the great assistance from Shell, ALPA and Outback Stores, not all the schools could be visited in 2012. Plans for the 2013 tours are already underway, where it is anticipated there will be a 2 week visit to central Australia and the Barkley region, as well as another visit to Arnhem Land.

Other events Inspiring Australia were involved in included the Taminmin Science Fair and the ‘Meet the Young Australian of the Year’ Breakfast ( Darwin) and dinner ( Alice Springs).

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 6. Internal Structure & Administration Division Activities 2012 Month

Ac vity

February 2012

Launch of Year of Regional Engineering Team , Holiday Inn Darwin with Keynote Speaker Lyndon Frearson

February 2012

Launch of Year of Regional Engineering Team ‐ Alice Springs incorpora ng visit by Na onal Chief Execu ve, Stephen Durkin

February 2012

Official Launch of Defence of Darwin Experience Museum by governor General Quen n Bryce

February 2012

Bombing of Darwin events incorpora ng visit by Chief Execu ve Stephen Durkin including documentary launch “an Awkward Truth” and book launch.

February 2012

Science Maths and Real Technology (SMART) Darwin and Palmerston

February 2012

Launch of Engineering Heritage Brochure Alice Springs

March 2012

Gala Dinner with keynote speaker Administrator of the Northern Territory, Her Hon. Sally Thomas

March 2012

Road Safety Forum

March 2012

Steve Kauffman, Engineer Manager, Shell Development Australia—Floa ng LNG ‐ a new op‐ portunity for Australia’s offshore gas resources ‐ CELM Event

March 2012

Professional Networking Alice Springs hosted by Power and Water Corpora on

March 2012

Young Engineers Welcome BBQ East Point

March 2012

Final Module Project Management Course which commenced in June 2011

April 2012

Australian Rainfall & Runoff—2D Modelling in Urban Areas and People and Vehicle Stability in Floods

April 2012

Dr Allan Mann, Passing on the knowledge” Structural Engineers 2011 Gold Medal Paper

April 2012

Life as Fly in fly out Engineer with guest speakers Tom Gooding and Paul Marche —Young Engineers Event

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 6. Internal Structure & Administration Division Activities 2012


Ac vity

April 2012

Welcome BBQ new students Charles Darwin University

May 2012

Technical Presenta on—Project Entrants Engineering Excellence Awards 2012 ‐ Katherine Dinner

May 2012

Technical Presenta ons ‐ Project Entrants Engineering Excellence Awards 2012 ‐ Alice Springs Dinner incorpora ng visit by Engineers Australia Na onal President

May 2012

Science and Engineering Challenge ‐ Darwin and Alice Springs

1 June 2012—16 June 2012

People’s Choice Awards Displays Casuarina Shopping Centre and Palmerston Shopping Cen‐ tre

June 2012

Technical Presenta ons—Project Entrants Engineering Excellence Awards ‐ Darwin

June 2012

Young Engineers/Architects Bowling Compe

June 2012

Young Engineers Site visit— HMAS Geelong

July 2012

Engineering Excellence Awards

August 2012

Best of Bri sh Bus Tour ‐ Young Engineers

August 2012

Combined Young Engineers and Young Planners Cricket Match East Point

August 2012

Science Week ‐ Alice Springs and Darwin including heritage bus tour

August 2012

Science Maths and Real Technology (SMART) ‐ Jilkmingan, Mataranks, Ngukurr and Katherine

August 2012

Engineering Week events ‐ Launch at government House, Defence of Darwin Experience Cocktail func on, heritage bus tour & BBQ

August 2012

Heritage Event ‐ Commemora on of Overland Telegraph Line joining



ANNUAL REPORT 2012 6. Internal Structure & Administration Division Activities 2012 Month

Ac vity

September 2012

Alice Springs Hospital ‐ site visit

1 September 2012

Young Engineers Na onal Mee ng

14 September 2012

Sunchase Alice Springs

14 September 2012

Sunchase Alice Springs

14 September 2012

Young Engineers Golf Day

21 September 2012

Sunchase Darwin

19 October 2012

Industry Engagement Group Mee ng ‐ Charles Darwin University

23 October 2012

Technical Presenta on ‐ Eritech Ligh ng

8 November 2012

Inpex Site Visit

9 November 2012

Fellows Luncheon ‐ Cove Restaurant

22 November 2012

Alice Springs Centre for En gineering Leadership and Management Dinner with Keynote Speaker, Minister Adam Giles

27 November 2012

Retrocommissioning ‐ High Return, Low Cost Energy Technical Presenta on

28 November 2012

Young Engineers Annual Mee ng ‐ Cove Restaurant, SKYCITY Resort

29 November 2012

“Mind the Gap: Women in Engineering, Women in Resources, Women in Construc on with keynote speaker Anna Griffin from Price Waterhourse Coopers

5 December 2012

Division Annual Mee ng

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 6. Internal Structure and Administration Internal Communications

The new look weekly email was introduced to members in 2012 and provides members the opportunity to register on line for events that are happening within the Division. This tool has proved to be very effective as our numbers for events have increased and also reduced the administration time for the Division. Our sponsors are proudly displayed on the weekly email.

Newsletter The Division once again produced bi-annual newsletters for members, sponsors, stakeholders. Members continue to provide interesting articles for the newsletter, in particular Peter Poole, who works tirelessly to provide interesting heritage articles and photographs.

Website The website continues to be a tool which is constantly used by members for registration to events for members. Our sponsors are continuously acknowledged on the website with a link to their own websites. The new system has provided a simplier system for staff to upload the Division’s own materials to the site.

Division Office Closure for Christmas New Year Break The Division will be closed from COB Friday, 21 December through to Monday, 7 January 2012 Thank you to our Partners, Sponsors, Supporters and Friends of the Division Welcome to our new sponsor Sitzler From the Director and Staff of Engineers Australia we wish you a safe and happy Christmas and New Year Thank you to members and volunteers for 2012


December News 2012 Young Engineers Dinner and Annual Meeting

Engineering Excellence Awards 2013

The Young Engineers Christmas Dinner and Annual Meeting was held on Friday, 30 November at the Cove Restaurant SKYCITY Resort. 27 attended this event which included Chris Lugg our National Assessor and Anna Griffin from Price Waterhouse Coopers who presented the “Mind the Gap� research to the Women in Engineering, Women in Resources and Women in construction function on the previous Day.

Submissions are now open for the 2013 Engineering Excellence Awards . Expressions of Interest will close on 22 March 2013 and project entries to be submitted to Northern Division by 29 April 2013. To register your interest please go to the website www.engineersaustralia.org.au/

The new Young Engineers Committee is listed on page 19 of this newsletter. Congratulations to Allan Fett on his appointment as President. northern-division/awards

Alice Springs Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management Function (CELM)

The People in Engineering Awards submissions will close on 10 May 2013 and please follow instructions and the link for entries. You are able to self nominate or be nominated for these Awards. Please also visit the website www.engineersaustralia.org.au/northern-division/awards

Adam Giles, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government was the guest speaker at the Engineers Australia Christmas dinner, at Alice Springs on the 22 November 2012. Dates of importance are included in both documents. The dinner celebrated the Year of the Regional Engineering Team and the Centre for Engineering Leadership and ManThe Division looks forward to receiving submissions for agement (CELM), which was attended by about 25 people at the both Projects and People. Get your thinking caps on now and Chifley Resort . enter. As part of the introduction for Minster Giles, Lee Morgan, Manager Remote Operations Power and Water Corporation, highlighted the importance of CELM to promote engineering leadership and management. This can be achieved by raising awareness and expectations of excellence with individuals, business, government and the wider community, Sponsorship Opportunities and encouraging and empowering more engineers to build on their professional engineering disciplines for leadership and management roles. Minister Giles provided an informative and motivating Are you interested in vision for his new infrastructure and transport portfolio since the new CLP Government took office in late August. He emsponsoring phasised the importance of developing road and transport acEngineers Australia cessibility in central Australia, and development of business. The matter of registered Engineers in certifying developNorthern Division? ment was warmly discussed with Minister Giles, and the forum after dinner provided an opportunity for the Minister to address local engineers and other professionals concerns and issues in Alice Springs. Our sponsorship prospectus is now Lee Morgan Manager Remote Operations Power & Water Corporation

available for 2013/14

Want to know more? Contact Karen on 8981 4137 Or email krelph@engineersaustralia.org.au

Venue and Date/Time



February 2012 - TBA

e-chartered Presentation

Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

21 February 2013- 12 noon

Technical Presentation

Engineeers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

15 March 2012 - 12 noon

Fellows Luncheon


21 March 2013- 12 noon

Technical Presentation

Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

17 April 2013 - 6:30pm

Gala Dinner

Holiday Inn, Esplanade Registration www.engineersaustralia.org.au/northerndivision/events

18 April 2013- 12 noon

Technical Presentation

Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

May 2012

Science & Engineering Challenge

Darwin/Alice Springs

23 May 2013 - 12 noon

Technical Presentation

Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

May 2013


Arnhemland Tour

13 June 2013 - 12 noon

Technical Presentation

Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

18 June 2013 - 12 noon

Technical Presentation

Engineers Australia, 14 shepherd Street, Darwin

5 July 2013 - 12 noon

Fellows Luncheon


25 July 2013

Engineering Excellence Awards


6-9 August 2013 - 12 noon

Engineering Week

Various venues

12-19 August 2013—12 noon

Science Week

Darwin, Alice Springs and various venues throughout the Northern Territory

13 September 2012


Royal Showgrounds Darwin

September 2012


Alice Springs

24 October 2012

Technical Presentation

Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

21 Novemner 2012

Technical Presentation

Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

4 December 2012

Annual Meeting

Engineers Australia

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