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November 2011 Eng-Zone: Engineers Australia Sydney Division's e-newsletter sent to you monthly with news and details of activities around Engineers Australia.
Congratulations ! We would like to congatulate the following Engineers Australia Sydney Division members who have been appointed with Chartered (CPEng) Status during October 2011. New Chartered Members Pietro Di Felice Darren George Flynn Craig Stephen Hood Richard Michael Milsted David John Algie Ramswarup Jayant Peter Nyvlt
Engineers Improving Quality Of Life In Disadvantaged Communities Engineers Australia (EA) named 2011 as the Year of Humanitarian Engineering (YoHE) to recognise the role of engineers in improving quality of life in disadvantaged communities and disaster recovery. EA has partnered with Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and RedR in the delivery and celebration of this year through an awareness campaign, legacy projects and an inaugural Humanitarian Engineering Conference – Imagineering. The year has highlighted many examples of humanitarian engineering in the areas of WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), energy, appropriate technology and environmental preservation among others. One particular example has involved EWB working in Cambodia, in partnership with local NGO Live and Learn Environmental Education to develop a sanitation solution for floating villages on the Tonle Sap Lake. The lake has a significant role in Cambodia’s culture and economy providing 75 per cent of the countries fish. However, the sanitation practices of residents who live in floating houses on the lake are causing water quality issues. An ecological sanitation toilet on a floating barge has been designed and installed with the plan to use the waste as compost in the near future. During YoHE, Engineers Australia commissioned EWB to produce a report on pro bono engineering. EWB has been conducting research for this. Numerous engineering companies from around the country have been interviewed to gain their perspectives on the benefits and challenges of engaging in pro bono projects. Two Technical Workshops were also held in Melbourne and Sydney in early November as a forum to discuss and debate the power of pro bono engineering and the vision for the future. Topics discussed included: how to structure pro bono partnerships, risk and liability and the difference between commercial and pro bono projects. The Pro Bono Engineering full report will be released at Imagineering; the 2011 Humanitarian Engineering Conference. Imagineering will be held at Melbourne’s Etihad Stadium from 30th November – 2nd December. Conference will bring together some of the best minds to discuss issues such as human centered design, engineering education and engineering risk and disaster. For more information on key note speakers, conference streams and how to register visit http://www.ewb.org.au/events/967/10689 To make a donation to support EWB’s Humanitarian Engineer work visit http://www.ewb.org.au/getinvolved/donate/
NEWS Sydney Division Elections 2012 - Results Announced Nominations for Division elections closed on Friday 28 October 2011, where eligible members were able to nominate for vacant positions on National Congress & Division Committee. The results of elections were released and we are pleased to announce that Ted Tooher FIEAust CPEng has been appointed as the Congress Representative for 2012 and following members have been elected to the Sydney Divsion Committee: Ted Tooher FIEAust CPEng, David Edwards FIEAust CPEng, Nikki New GradIEAust, Alexander Baitch FIEAust CPEng, Rosemary
Crowhurst MIEAust and Michael Lucas MIEAust CPEng. New Royal Charter granted and By-laws approved Australia's Governor-General has granted Engineers Australia's 2011 Royal Charter and approved Engineers Australia's 2011 By-laws. These became effective on 26 September 2011. The new Royal Charter and Bylaws are now available for download. Engineers Supporting Humanitarian Outcomes in the Acute Phase of International Disasters Recently a workshop was convened at Engineers Australia Sydney Division as part of the Year of Humanitarian Engineering that examined disaster response and resilience. Read more... Wingecarribee Shire's Future Infrastructure On Thursday 27 October, the Engineers Australia Southern Highlands and Tablelands Regional Group was host to Jason Gordon, General Manager, Wingecarribee Shire Council, at their monthly Seminar Dinner attended by 35 members and guests. Read more...
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Smart security system designed and developed in Australia Dr Rustom Kanga, Founder and CEO of iOmniscient, delivered a presentation to a joint institutions meeting in Sydney on the company’s patented technologies providing the world leading advanced Artificial Intelligence based Video Analysis systems. Read more... Dr Samia Guirguis - recipient of the John Connell Gold Medal 2011 Dr Samia Guirguis, CCAA's Director, Research and Technical Services, has been awarded one of Australian engineering’s highest accolades, the John Connell Gold Medal. The John Connell Gold Medal is awarded to an eminent structural engineer who has made a significant contribution to the standing and prestige of the structural engineering profession. Engineers Australia Sydney venues for hire Engineers Australia Sydney Division offers spaces for hire with areas suitable for your next workshop or meeting. These include a Ground Floor Auditorium and 2 meeting rooms at Level 3. We are located at Chatswood, easily accessible via Pacific Highway and a short walk from Chatswood Station. For enquiries or advice on hiring a venue please email Julia on jbresolin@engineersaustralia.org.au.
10.11.2011 Challenges in Capturing, Radiating and Guiding Waves - The Modern wireless World This highly simplified lecture by Professor Karu Esselle of Macquarie University is targeted for non experts, including but not limited to practising engineers of all specialisations, undergraduate engineering students and high school students studying Physics. View details... 14.11.2011 Introducing bus rapid transport or light rail into existing road infrastructure Presented by Donald Yuratovac, Senior Transit Project Manager with URS, based in Houston, USA. View details... 15.11.2011 CELM NSW - Annual General Meeting and Election of the Board
The Annual General Meeting and election of the members of the NSW Board of the Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management. Register here... 15.11.2011 Dubbo & Central West Country Groups Annual Dinner meeting Presentations by MR JOHN LARKIN of Aurora Research about an exciting SUSTAINABLE ENERGY project he is working on with DELTA ELECTRICITY at Wallerawang. View details... 16.11.2011 ATS NSW Chapter AGM and Technical Session ATS Sydney Group invites you to attend our 2011 AGM following by a presentation on the construction and monitoring of Crossrail project, London, UK by Hai-Tien Yu, ITM-Soil group technical manager. View details... 16.11.2011 Toastmasters Meeting "Lucky Days" Gain confidence and learn public speaking skills with Toastmasters - Engineers Sydney. Meeting held from 7 to 9.15pm at Roseville Memorial Club, Roseville. Contact Kevin Sansome 0401987739. 17.11.2011 The No Weld, Stainless Steel Press Fit Piping System Event hosted by Sydney Mechanical Chapter, presenting Steve Zakaria Business Development Manager, Marine Equipment International (MEI). View details 22.11. 2011 Downscaling Climate Projections for Impact and Adaptation Applications in NSW Seminar hosted By Water Engineering Panel with speaker Dr Jason Evans of the UNSW Climate Change Research Centre. View details... 22.11.2011 Fire Safety of Concrete Buildings This presentation will consider the role of fire safety engineering in relation to concrete buildings in order to clarify its potential role in better enabling cost-effective construction. View details... 23.11.2011 Illawarra Sutherland Regional Group - Annual General Meeting Guest Speaker Professor Gerard Sutton, Vice Chancellor of University of Wollongong. View details... 23.11.2011 The future of nuclear energy post Fukushima Your opportunity to listen to Ian Hore-Lacy, Director for Public Communications with the World Nuclear Association, the international nuclear trade association based in London. View Details... 23.11.2011 Advances in Cardiac Technologies Leading Clinicians from three organisations to present on their recent developments and possibilities for this area of medicine as an open forum for discussing the technical aspects of this continuously developing field of medical technology. Register now... 24.11.2011 Electrical and ITEE Branch AGM, Lecture and Student Prizes Eminent Speaker presntation by Paul Blanchfield MIEAust CPEng, National Professional Electrical Engineer of the Year (NPEEoY) 2011. Register now... 30.11.2011 From humble Beginnings - the Jabiru Aircraft Story The 53rd Sir Charles Kingsford Smith Lecture by Sydney Branch of Royal Aeronautical Society presenting RODNEY STIFF OAM Chief Executive Officer, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd. Register now... 30.11.2011 Toastmasters Meeting "Memories / EDUCATIONAL" Gain confidence and learn public speaking skills with Toastmasters - Engineers Sydney. Meeting held from 7 to 9.15pm at Roseville Memorial Club, Roseville. Contact Kevin Sansome 0401987739. 6.12.2011 Sydney Water Engineering Panel Annual General Meeting The Sydney Division Water Engineering Panel is please to confirm that its Annual General Meeting will be held on 6 December 2011. View details...
6.12.2011 Toastmasters Meeting "XMAS DINNER" Gain confidence and learn public speaking skills with Toastmasters - Engineers Sydney. Meeting held from 7 to 9.15pm at Roseville Memorial Club, Roseville. Contact Kevin Sansome 0401987739. 9.12.2011 WIE Christmas High Tea WIE Sydney would like to invite you to attend High Tea at the Sir Stamford at Circular Quay as part of their Christmas celebrations. Enquiries: sydneywie@engineersaustralia.org.au
Engineers Australia Sydney Division Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 | PO Box 1389, Chatswood NSW 2057 Phone 02 9410 5600 | Fax 02 9410 0000 | sydney@engineersaustralia.org.au You are receiving this email as part of your membership to Engineers Australia or you have opted to receive Engineers Australia Sydney's enewsletter. If you no longer wish to receive Email Notices please use the unsubscribe link provided. ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA SYDNEY DIVISION WEBSITE | FEEDBACK | PRIVACY POLICY | DISCLAIMER