Engineering Australia
February 2012 Eng-Zone: Engineers Australia Sydney Division's e-newsletter sent to you monthly with news and details of activities around Engineers Australia.
Regional Engineers: A National Focus Engineers Australia has marked 2012 as the Year of the Regional Engineering Team. A year for us to focus on members of the engineering profession who don’t live and work in metropolitan centres, and therefore don’t have access to the resources that those in capital cities often take for granted. As we start the year with many in north and north-western NSW dealing with major flooding, we are reminded of the critical involvement that engineers have with the planning, prevention and response to the impact that natural cycles and disaster events have on local communities throughout Australia.
Engineers Australia is pleased to announce 2012 is the Year of the Regional Engineering Team, a year which will highlight regional Australia as the heart of engineering.
Congratulations ! We would like to congatulate the following Engineers Australia Sydney Division members who have been appointed with Chartered (CPEng) Status during December 2011 & January 2012. New Chartered Members Glenn David Avery Gevik Avetian Robert Ceic Anthony John Down Eric Hooimeyer Wai Choong Mak Grant Mason Hossein Nabi-Bidhendi Sean O'Gorman Neil Roberts Soumyajit Sen Patrick Sloan Liang Wu Dominic Collie Andrew Heilbron Prakash Krishnappa Denis Larkan Rodney Ferrington
Please visit to find out more about the Year of the Regional Engineering Team. With the aim of improving the engagement, coordination and representation of Engineers Australia with regard to the state of NSW, a NSW Coordination Committee has been formed between the Sydney Division and Newcastle Division of Engineers Australia. While collaboration and coordination with the likes of IPWEA and Consult Australia is already underway, it is envisaged that this coordination committee will also provide for better engagement opportunities with politicians, government agencies and other statewide organisations. Better supporting the engineering profession, and thereby improving outcomes for clients and communities, is the primary objective of this initiative. When you next visit EA’s website, please also try out the new interactive map at the top which allows users to not only select a specific Division, but also to explore various Regional Groups. Following further development you will be able to use this facility to find out about events in your local area, or even in an area that you’re planning to visit. This is a great initiative, and I’m sure it will go a long way to aiding member engagement – thank you to National Office for their ongoing efforts to improve our membership experience. Brendyn Williams BE(Civil)(Hons) MIEAust FIPWEA President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division
NEWS Australia Day Honors to EA Sydney Division Members EA Sydney Division members and past members have been recognised for the significant contributions they've made in their fields and to their communities with the recent Australia Day Honours. Dr Robert Lindsay Every AO: For distinguished service to business, particularly through leadership roles in the Australian steel industry, as an advocate for corporate social responsibility, and to the community as a contributor to educational, charitable and cultural organisations. Dr David James Skellern AO: For distinguished service to science and engineering as a leading researcher, and to the design and development of world-leading information technology communications applications. Professor Mike Dureau AM: For service to engineering, to professional education and research, and to the community, particularly through the RedR disaster relief organisation.
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Engineering Australia
Professor Martin Andrew Green AM: For service to science education as an academic and researcher, patricularly through the development of photovoltaic solar cell technology, and to professional associations. Captain Colin John Lawrence AM: For exceptional service in the field of Aerospace Engineering in the Royal Australian Navy. Dr Michael Myers OAM : For service to education and to youth through the Re-Engineering Australia Foundation. Introducing New EA Sydney Division Committee 2012 EA Sydney Division Committee, led by Persident Brendyn Williams MIEAust has embarked on an year of guiding & governing the Division in pursuing Engineers Australia's Objectives. New members joined to the committee this year are: Alexandra Meldrum FIEAust CPEng, Michael Lucas MIEAust CPEng, Allan Sangster MIEAust CPEng, John Stornelli MIEAust, Samuel Green GradIEAust and Nikki New GradIEAust. Click here to view details of full committee... Our future is in our hands and minds Now, more than ever before, the Profession of Engineers needs to be taking a greater role in leading the way in social and political arenas, leading comment, discussion and community debate and demonstrating initiative, skill and competence in the management of mother earth’s resources and the development of true sustainability. Read article by John Nichols, Deputy President EA Sydney Division... Call for Nominations for Mentees in the 2012 CELM NSW Mentorship Program CELM NSW is launching its new mentorship program for engineering leaders. This is an elite mentoring program, designed to develop leadership skills for engineering managers, and to foster a collaborative relationships between managers across engineering disciplines.CELM NSW invites you to submit a nomination if you are interested in being a Mentee. Biomedical College presents David Dewhurst Award to Graham Grant The David Dewhurst Award is the pre-eminent Award for biomedical engineering excellence and is presented annually for outstanding service to the field of Biomedical Engineering. Dr Graham Grant, the 2011 winner of the award, is indeed a worthy winner. Read more... Dubbo Country Group 2011 wrap-up events Dubbo Country Group has lots of planning on the go for 2012. The group recently celebrated the completion of 2011 at their End of Year Dinner with visiting guests Maryam Khajeh (2011 EA Sydney Division President ) and Steve Finlay (Executive Director). Dubbo Group successfully conducted 12 professional development events during 2011 including Apex Oval Site Tour. Find us elsewhere ...
Going beyond borders Hero or Human? an exploration into the real motivation of young EWB field volunteers. The passion of youth is abundant, but the experience of senior professionals is in short supply. EWB has launched a cheeky new marketing strategy known as the "Grey Hair" campaign to attract more senior professionals to the organization.
EVENTS 07.02.2012 Counting atoms for a living – tales of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry The Australian Nuclear Association, the Australian Institute of Energy, the Royal Society of NSW and Nuclear Engineering Panel of Engineers Australia joint event presenting Dr Andrew Smith, Institute for Environmental Research ANSTO. View details... 07.02.2012 AS 4024.1-2006 Safety of Machinery Workshop IICA Sydney workshop where participants learn the vital components of this large standard by engaging in relevant exercises guided by a key member of the AS 4024 standards committee. View details... 08.02.2012 46th Terzaghi Lecture Downunder Australian Geomechanics Society-Sydney Chapter- Technical Presentation by Emeritus Professor R. D. Holtz, PhD, PE, D.GE University of Washington, Seattle, Washington USA Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. View details... 08.02.2012 Fuel, Diesel Engines and Exhaust Gas Emissions Joint RINA/IMarEST Technical Presentation by Bill Bixley, principal, RoTech Engineering
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Engineering Australia Services View details... 09.02.2012 System Engineering - RAM Joint Electrical Institutions Sydney - Engineers Australia, IEEE, IET presentation by Ravindra Bagia, Senior Lecturer , Faculty of Engineering & IT, UTS Register here... 10 & 11.02.2012 CPEng Workshop Do you want to upgrade your professional status by becoming a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng)? Attend a CPEng Workshop, so that in 3 hours you can accomplish the first draft stage of your application. View details... 15.02.2012 Toastmasters Meeting Gain confidence and learn public speaking skills with Toastmasters - Engineers Sydney. Meeting held from 7 to 9.15pm at Roseville Memorial Club, Roseville. Contact Kevin Sansome 0401987739. 15.02.2012 Design Fire Modelling Inputs Society of Fire Safety technical presentation, for further information please visit SFS webstie: 16.02.2012 Thermal Diffusion Galvanising Thermal Diffusion Galvanizing or Sherardizing was invented over 100 years ago, but has never been introduced into Australia until now.This presentation will give an overview of the process, the coating and its application since its modernisation 17 years ago. Register now... 20.02.2012 Safety of people and vehicles due to wave overtopping This presentation looks at the safety of people and vehicles due to wave overtopping. Safety criteria are presented for people, low speed vehicles and high speed vehicles. Methods (and their limitations) for calculating wave overtopping are also examined, including the EurOtop (2007) manual. View details... 20.02.2012 CELM NSW Sponsorship for Fellows' Luncheon - Applications closing date CELM NSW is offering a limited number of sponsorships for outstanding Young engineers (both male and female, under 35 years) and Female engineers to attend the Engineers Australia Fellows Luncheon in March. Apply Now! 21.02.2012 English for Employment for Skilled Migrants Course A 10 Week course for skilled migrants seeking employment in their chosen profession with Job search strategies and language skills for participating in the workplace. View details... 23.02.2012 Building a Spatial Information and Mapping System (SIMS) for the Planning, Response and Recovery Phases of Disasters and Emergency Events Joint Electrical Engineering Institutions’ Lecture Program presenting Mr Shayne Conserdyne, Department of Finance and Services NSW. Register now... 28.02.2012 Hunter Expressway Alliance: Interface between geotechnical constraints and viaduct design and construction Technical Presentation by the Civil & Structural Engineering Panel EA Sydney Division. Register now... 28.02.2012 Preparing and Defending Security of Payment Claims Contract Control International one day seminar designed to address the needs of those involved at all levels in the security of payments process including principals, main contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. Register now... 28.02.2012 Carbon Price Certainty Means Certainty of More Instrumentation IICA Sydney Education & Networking Technical Evening with special Guest Presenter: ANDREW GUNST, CEO, CARBON INTELLIGENCE View details... 29.02.2012 Development of Road Infrastructure Projects in NSW
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Engineering Australia This presentation will take the audience through an insightful journey highlighting how thechallenges are managed in developing road projects in NSW. View details...
29.02 - 01.03.2012 Administration of Construction Contracts Contract Control International two day course applies to all persons involved in the administration of construction (works) contracts. Register now... 02.03.2012 Preparing Scopes of Work and Specifications Contract Control International useful in introducing, reinforcing or refreshing the necessary skills to properly prepare these documents in accordance with modern practice. Register now... 07.03.2012 Toastmasters Meeting Gain confidence and learn public speaking skills with Toastmasters - Engineers Sydney. Meeting held from 7 to 9.15pm at Roseville Memorial Club, Roseville. Contact Kevin Sansome 0401987739. 08.03.2012 International Women’s Day 2012 “Connecting girls, inspiring futures” Women in Engineering Sydney event, please contact for further information. 12.03.2012 Mineral Carbonation Symposium The Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Foundation of University of Sydney presents Mineral Carbonation Symposium: Large-scale, safe and permanent storage of carbon dioxide Register now... 13.03.2012 Next Generation Air Traffic Management – Promises, Pitfalls and Progress. Eminent Speaker presentation by Doug Arbuckle: senior adviser for surveillance and positioning, navigation and timing (PNT), joint planning and development office, and chief scientist and international lead, surveillance and broadcast services for the FAA Air Traffic Organisation in the USA. Register now... 20.03.2012 Engineering Ethics - Underlying philosophy and practical consequences Sydney Chapter of CELM presenting Dr Donald Hector, exploring engineering ethics and the influence of philosophy and psychology on the way in which engineering is practised. View details... 21.03.2012 Toastmasters Meeting Gain confidence and learn public speaking skills with Toastmasters - Engineers Sydney. Meeting held from 7 to 9.15pm at Roseville Memorial Club, Roseville. Contact Kevin Sansome 0401987739.
Engineers Australia Sydney Division Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 | PO Box 1389, Chatswood NSW 2057 Phone 02 9410 5600 | Fax 02 9410 0000 | You are receiving this email as part of your membership to Engineers Australia or you have opted to receive Engineers Australia Sydney's enewsletter. If you no longer wish to receive Email Notices please use the unsubscribe link provided. ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA SYDNEY DIVISION WEBSITE | FEEDBACK | PRIVACY POLICY | DISCLAIMER
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