Northern Division February Newsletter

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President’s Report


We have certainly hit the ground running this year and I have many things to report to you all on. November last year Peter Russell and I a ended Naonal Congress. The format of the 2012 Congress was changed by Council to try and achieve more engagement with Congress. However, many members of Congress were le feeling disgruntled and not listened to. To a empt to make Congress more frui ul this year, the new 2013 Na onal President, Dr Marlene Kanga and Council have formed two Congress Commi ees – one is regarding governance of Congress and one is regarding liaison with Congress. I have been appointed to the Congress Liaison Commi ee. We have had our first mee ng of the year to confirm our terms of reference and I will report further on this as the year progresses. I would like to say Congratula ons to Dave McHugh, our Civil College Board Representa ve, for his successful nomina on to the new NT Planning Commission. We wish you well Dave in the challenges that lie ahead. We are making progress with NT legisla on requiring registra on of engineers, technologists and associates. In December last year, Bronwyn and I met with both the government and opposi on to discuss the possibility of the legisla on. We received a posi ve response from both sides agreeing that the legisla on is sensible. I have wri en a discussion paper which will be presented to Minister Adam Giles to table in Parliament. Just to summarise, the discussion paper is recommending the following:

Issue 1 – February/March 2013

Contents         


legisla on based on the Queensland Professional Engineers Act to ensure consistency when the legisla on is adopted na onally, with the addi on of technologists and associates


 

Registra on costs similar to Queensland


Moving cer fying structural, hydraulic and mechanical engineers out of the Building Act and into the new legisla on


Automa c transla on of engineers, technologists and associates who are already chartered or registered under the NT Building Act


reciprocal rights for Registered Professional Engineering of Queensland

Lastly and very importantly, on the 20 February, Bronwyn and I were fortunate enough to travel to Indonesia to meet our members in both Jakarta and Bali and a end the Indonesian Ins tute of Civil Engineers (UK ins tute) Annual Dinner. I want to say a big “Thanks” to both Trevor Symes and Richard Green. Trevor was our contact in Jakarta and helped us organise the event and Richard hosted a visit to the Jakarta Interna onal Container Terminal. I would also like to thank the Indonesian members for coming along to the events to see us. It was great to receive your feedback and I was very impressed that 10 of the 11 members we met in Jakarta were Chartered! I look forward to some newsle er ar cles from Indonesia! I am going to be wri ng a technical paper about the trip if anyone is interested and will also be presen ng the paper at one of our Darwin technical seminars. Louise McCormick ‐ Northern Division President

  

President’s Report Director’s Report Young Engineers Report Northern Division Gets CROSS Power & Water Graduate Program Australasian Wind Society Workshop Students Sign up at CDU Engineering Book Women in Resources Gala Dinner Eminent Speaker e-chartered Workshop Fellows Luncheon For your Diary

Important Notice In April 2013, Engineers Australia, Northern Division will be converting to an electronic newsletter. This will increase readership and enable the Division to re-allocate resources used on hard copy printing. For more information please contact the Division at

Director’s Report Welcome to 2013 as the year starts to get busy again. New events are being adver sed each week so we encourage you to register and a end. Remember that the registra on is switched off in me for us to arrange catering so please get in early. I no ce a few people missing out recently, so the solu on is to beat the clock. Good news; video conferencing has been assessed for Northern Division and should be in place within a month or two. In the early stages it will be used for Engineers Australia mee ngs while they iron out all of the bugs of a new system being installed na onally. We are hopeful that then we will be able to use it with outside providers to the regions. We have waited a long me for this so we are looking forward to having the facility. It will also be used for professional interviews for becoming chartered. Ours will be a portable system so can be used in either mee ng room.

The amazing sta s c was that all but one was chartered and his first ques on was how to achieve that status? You can be sure we will be following this up. The UK Ins tute of Civil Engineers held their annual dinner following our mee ng which had 82 people in a endance including students, graduates, members and their partners. There is a keenness for the two organisa ons to work together more, especially for CPD events. We look forward to helping to facilitate this. The second unit of the Project Management Course was held this month and Antonio Amaral, the sponsored engineer from Timor Leste, was in a endance. He had some brief work experience with Sitzlers prior to returning to Dili so we hope these experiences will enhance his career. Thank you again to those members who have helped out with sponsoring Antonio. Bronwyn Russell Director

Recently Louise and I had the privilege of travelling to Jakarta to meet with our members over there. It is a very big city with very poor road networks, in fact most of the me we were driving through construc on sites on main roads. Work place safety in Australia would never allow this to occur! We have become so accustomed to safe pracces that it always takes us by surprise when it doesn’t exist! We were taken on a site visit to the new port project but to get there the road was underwater. Our contact there told us to ring him when we reached the swimming pool. We were puzzled by this instruc on un l we hit the spot and discovered that even the market stalls were si ng in water. Apparently the water is dal as the level is lower than high de. The weather was cooler than Darwin however which also surprised us. We had a mee ng with 25% of our Indonesian members in a endance which impressed us as they are sca ered all over the length of Indonesia.

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Proudly introducing Avis Australia

Avis is the leading car rental company in Australia with over 240 loca ons around the country, including all major airports, and provides the best service in the industry at a compe ve price. Members receive complimentary Qantas Frequent Flyer membership so they can earn points on eligible rentals. Plus, members receive access to Avis Preferred Service, allowing them to bypass the counter and go straight to their car. Enrol for free today and experience priority service at Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide airports. To kick start this exclusive rela onship, Avis is offering $20 off* your next rental. Click here for details.

Young Engineer’s Report It has been a busy start to the year for the new Young Engineers Northern Division committee. We have hosted two successful trivia night at Ducks Nuts, one in January and one in February. It was a good opportunity for the new committee to find their feet whilst getting to know YEA members. It was a chance for the committee to listen to new ideas and find out what is expected from the committee. It was also great to see so much interest and enthusiasm from both the committee and YEA members. Our next event was to be held at Il Lido on the Waterfront to celebrate International Women’s Day 2013. Unfortunately the restaurant was closed an hour before our event was scheduled to start, due to gas and water issues. We were herded off, along with all other reservations of Il Lido, to the now crowded Precinct Tavern not far off. However the evening was still a massive success with over 12 engineering women attending. These engineering women included CDU lecturers and staff, industry women and undergraduate students. They were able to converse and mingle with each other, all while celebrating International Women’s Day 2013 and Women In Engineering. YEAND would like to extend a big thank you to Anne-Marie De Zylva for spearheading the event. YEAND are aiming to hold one event a month for the calendar year so keep an eye out for more social and professional development opportunities aimed at helping you work towards your Chartered Status. You can keep up to date with our events through our Facebook page, YEA - Northern Division. All YEA members are invited to come along to our monthly meetings, usually held on the first Monday of the month. To find out more please email Cheers, Allan Fett President Young Engineers Northern Division

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Northern Division gets CROSS Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety (CROSS) and its implementation in Australia

All engineers are concerned with safety in their working and personal lives, and any system that provides safety warnings and free and easy access to informa on about causes of failures or “near-misses” should be welcomed. This is par cularly so in the construc on industry, which has been recognised for a long me as one of the most dangerous environments in which to work.


lessons learned (or iden fied) which will help others to contribute to a safer industry;


concerns which may require industry or regulatory ac on.

Safety-related concerns may involve the reporter, other people, their organisa on, and/or other organisa ons that they deal with.

Reports should not be submi ed on: The Structural College Board of EA has been trying for about 2 years, with support from EA Civil College Board to per criminal ac vi es (which should be reported to the police suade EA to implement a warning and informa on system in Ausor the UK Health & Safety Execu ve); tralia similar to that which has existed in the UK since 2005.  issues involving personality conflicts; The UK scheme is called “Confiden al Repor ng on Structural Safety” (CROSS) and has its own dedicated website  industrial rela ons and/or terms and condi ons of em( Its aim is to improve structural safeployment problems; ty and reduce failures by using confiden al reports to highlight occupa onal health or safety issues.” lessons that have been learnt, to generate feedback and to influ-  ence change. Reports sent to CROSS are completely confiden al, Only de-iden fied reports are used for the Newsle ers and neither personal details nor informa on that could be used and database, and original reports are returned to the reporters. to iden fy a project or product are used. Reports sent by email will leave a trace and are not therefore so The CROSS scheme also has sends out free electronic newsle ers at intervals of about 3 months to anyone (not just engineers) who has registered through the web-site, and there is a searchable archive of previous reports on safety issues that have been iden fied. Reading CROSS Newsle ers and Reports is highly recommended as a valuable source of CPD - and it’s completely free!

secure but the contents are de-iden fied and treated in the same way as for reports sent by post. It is not possible for the source or any of the companies and/or organisa ons to be iden fied - there is no inten on whatsoever of “naming and shaming” anyone. The aim is simply to avoid poten al accidents and mishaps by shared knowledge of previous events or near-misses.

“Small scale events are important as they can be the precursors to more major failures. No concern is too small to be reported and conversely nothing is too large.

College Board). Richard’s e-mail address is

A similar scheme in Australia would iden fy poten al safety issues that occur in Australian construc on prac ce, and I urge From its own website, “CROSS is interested in events all members of EA Structural and Civil Colleges to support the where there have been failures or collapses and in concerns felt implementa on of this scheme as soon as possible. Benefits flowabout any part of the construc on process. The concerns or lesing from a CROSS-Australia scheme would not only be felt by EA sons may arise from any specific design or construc on experimembers but all of society, and consequently lead to enhancing ences, or from a series of experiences indica ng a trend. CROSS is also interested in reports rela ng to near misses, or observa ons EA's image within that society. rela ng to collapses where these have not been uncovered Please express your support for the scheme by sending a through formal inves ga on. brief e-mail to Richard Eckhaus (Chairman of the EA Structural

David M Lilley

Reports should draw a en on to:


March 2013

a descrip on of incident or near miss;

Page 4

Power and Water Graduate Program

- Developing skills and employment Opportunities

Power and Water’s graduate program presents successful graduates with the opportunity to develop their skills and long term career choices within a mul -u lity organisa on. The diversity of work undertaken by Power and Water provides graduates with a broad range of experience in a variety of business units, roles, loca ons and projects. Graduates are recruited in electrical engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering and water related science/environmental science.

It was his first rota on with Water Services in Land Development.“It was like being a detec ve inves ga ng a case” he laughs. “I had to collect all the history of our water assets in Pine Creek and compile the informa on. With the ‘evidence’ obtained, I then travelled to Pine Creek to interview local residents about their water and to find out if they had any issues with the quality of it. During this process I discovered that one of the town’s prominent community entertainment facili es, which include tourist accommoda on, had been using water sourced from an untreated bore.

Seven new graduates have recently commenced a two year graduate program with a week of induc on and site visits before their My findings were reported to the Water Quality team and apfirst rota on in their allocated business unit. They include four electrical, propriate ac on was taken to ensure no adverse affects to public health one civil and one environmental engineer with their first rota on at could occur and Power and Water’s credibility remained intact.” their allocated business unit. Andrew found this to be a very rewarding experience and he Another five graduates recently completed their two year gradu- feels he has made a valuable contribu on to the Corpora on. ate program which included ac ve par cipa on in various projects over Graduate Engineer Lee-Ming Au talks about his final Rota on with Rethe course of their four rota ons. Some of their roles and the projects mote Opera ons, Energy Strategy and SCADA (supervisory control and graduates par cipated in are: data acquisi on). Water Systems Engineer – “Remote Ops is like a ‘mini-Power and Water’’ he says, as the Crea ng the preliminary design of the North Ludmilla rising main business unit looks a er all of the u lity services for remote communiand pump sta on replacement es – water, sewerage and electricity. Compiling a rural sewer strategy master plan for Humpty Doo. “My projects included going through the process of securing Indigenous Community Development Officer – Delivery of bore equipping, rising mains and water tanks Groote Eylandt. Renewable Energy Engineer ‐

A feasibility study for a hybrid diesel-solar system for Wilora

Distribu on Design Engineer -

The 11kV interconnec on between Rosewood and Muir head switching sta on

Project Electrical Engineer ‐

land tenure for a solar project, as well as upda ng the energy infrastrucon ture risk assessment, which looks at what projects need to be undertaken to ensure Power and Water can reliably and cost effec vely supply power to remote communi es. “Working in Remote Opera ons meant I could visit a remote community. “I took a chartered flight to Galinwinku to inspect rising mains (water pipes) being installed. “It was exci ng as it was my first me in a small plane and visi ng a remote Indigenous community.

Yulara Power Sta on generator protec on

“During this me, I also volunteered to be part of Power and Water’s community engagement events, including the annual SunChase Four skilled graduates are now working within Power and Water in various roles and business units including Remote Opera ons, Water solar car and boat compe on and the SCINNERGY* project”. Services (Water Systems Engineer and Services Development Engineer), Lee-Ming found the Graduate program to be fun and exci ng System Control (Opera onal Systems Specialist). providing him with a new job, new friends and new experiences! The fi h skilled graduate has relocated interstate. He is now a qualified engineer and has re-located to Melbourne.. Some of the Graduate Engineers share their experiences: Graduate Engineer Andrew Tjiptadi is now a Water Systems Engineer with Power and Water. While comple ng the Graduate Program, he par cipated in a variety of projects in various loca ons across the Northern Territory providing great experience and diversity in learning.

*SCINNERGY is an ini a ve focussing on science, innovaon and energy projects with Rosebery Middle School supported by Power and water, The Smith Family and the Northern Territory Government.

Graduate Engineer Anil Chaudhary is now an Opera onal Systems Specialist with System Control.

One exci ng research project that Andrew par cularly enjoyed was inves ga ng the possibility of contamina on in water in Pine Creek. “During my 2 years par cipa on in Power and Water’s graduate

Page 5

Power and Water Graduate Program

- Developing skills and employment Opportunities cont….. Young Engineers Ten Pin Bowling Competition Saturday 23rd March saw YEA host our annual welcoming event in combina on with our Tenpin bowling compe on at Planet Tenpin in Nightcliff. Wallbridge & Gilbert were kind enough to sponsor the 80's themed extravaganza featuring excessive amounts of fluoro and short-shorts. The Architects were looking to take home the trophy for the third year in a row ensuring a heated ba le be Graduate Engineer Anil Chaudhary is now an Opera onal Systems tween them and the Young Engineers. With an a endance of 45 people, it Specialist with System Control. was sure to feature the best and worst of both bowling skill and fashion. “During my 2 years par cipa on in Power and Water’s graduate Compe on was sure to be fierce, with highly sort a er Engineers Australia program I worked in Remote Energy Strategy and SCADA, Network Asset branded merchandise up for grabs as well as bragging rights! Management, Network Engineering, Genera on Asset Management and This year the trophy was finally brought into the hands of the Genera on Projects teams,” he says. Young Engineers with Ben Mountcastle, Liam Trieu, Anil Chaudhary and “During all five rota ons, I worked on various projects and gained Calum D'Cruz bringing it home with the highest average team score. The best male bowler on the night went to J-P Foster and the best female going substan al knowledge in various fields of the Corpora ons u li es. to Brianna Gibbs. The highly ques onable "best" dress category was One of the interes ng projects I worked on was to re culate 3.3kV awarded to Diana Hutchinson for her bright ou it featuring a holla-hoop, overhead and underground power to Channel Island Power Sta on’s (CIPS) which provided much entertainment between bowls. Fletcher Luder new admin building along with the 3.3kV feeder protec on upgrade. scored the best dress male, arriving as the beloved 80's book character Prepara on included se ng up appropriate administra ve proce- Wally (be sure to check out our Facebook page to see if you can spot Waldures for saving and recording project related emails, documents, drawings ly... he is hidden in every photo). There were also consola on prizes for our and photos. At the first site inspec on, I took pictures, prepared notes and lowest scores on the night (we'll save them the embarrassment of publishdeveloped an ini al schema c. With full understanding about the project, I ing their names). Flashbacks of poor fashion sense and op-shop favourites prepared the scope of works, requirements and deliverables before invi ng were no doubt distrac ng everybody from playing their best game. contractors to visit the site and provide ini al quotes. Once the quotes The annual bowling night is part of a series of social events that were in, the es mated cost of the project was established and I could ini YEAND host to provide social networking within YEA as well as other young ate the procurement process. professional associa ons such as the Young Architects (DeNT). Be sure to The quote for the protec on panel upgrade I found was unreasona- keep an eye out for more social and professional development opportunibly high and the overall project would be over budget. I convinced my su- es aimed at helping you work towards your Chartered Status. All YEA pervisor to allow me to do the protec on upgrade. I calculated system fault members are invited to come along to our monthly mee ngs, usually held currents and transformer inrush current for the 3.3 kV re cula on system. on the first Monday of the month. To find out more please email Once the system analysis was completed, YEAND would like to give a big shout out to Paul Marche for organising such a successful event. These events wouldn’t happen without the massive efforts of the volunteers on the YEA commi ee. YEAND would once again like to thank Wallbridge & Gilbert for their sponsorship, which helped make the event possible, and Planet Tenpin for providing great In parallel with the protec on system upgrade, I prepared the pro- customer service and excellent facili es. We’d also like to thank the Young ject scope, requirements, deliverables, drawings and equipment schedule Architects for coming along and for being such good sports. Be er luck for the overhead and underground re cula on system. Once approved by next year Young Architects! my supervisor, I prepared the final tender documents. With the successful Allan Fe tender approved, a project start-up mee ng with the contractor was arPresident Young Engineers Northern Division ranged to ensure all the stakeholders were appropriately briefed. I prepared the protec on logic diagram, panel schema c and layout. Subsequently I prepared the protec on-se ng file and circulated it to the rest of the electrical team to confirm the data. Once approved, I finalised an equipment schedule for the protec on panel.

This project was an excellent experience for me where I honed my competencies in project management, protec on system design, HV/LV re cula on and system fault current analysis.” This ar cle was supplied by Power and Water Corpora on

Page 6

Australiasian Wind Society Workshop Â

Bluff-body aerodynamics Wind effects on buildings and other structures Codification & Standards Meteorology Structural dynamics Wind-driven pollutant or particulate transport, dispersion or deposition Ventilation and human comfort Wind damage and damage assessment Wind hazard, vulnerability & risk Wind field modelling (numerical or experimental) Forensic engineering Wind energy & wind turbines

KEY DATES Abstracts submissions NOW OPEN Deadline for abstract submission Monday 20 May 2013 Registration NOW OPEN Early bird registration close 6 May 2013

INVITATION – 16th AWES Workshop

Acceptance emailed 12 June 2013

You are invited to attend the 16th Australasian Wind Provisional Program available 12 June 2013 Engineering Society Workshop at the Brisbane Marriott Hotel between July 18 and 19, 2013. The workshop will provide a forum for academics, practicing engineers, scientists and architects to present and discuss their latest findings in the field of wind engineering. The workshop and its social functions will allow ample opportunity for robust discussion of new and existing challenges in the field as well as encouraging networking and the development of new collaborations. A broad scope of presentation topics and attendees are welcomed. REGISTRATION FEES & INCLUSIONS The workshop committee invites extended abstract submissions addressing any wind engineering topic. This may include, but is not limited to:


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Students Sign Up at Charles Darwin Uni

The First barbecue for 2013 was held on Thursday, 14 March 2013. Lots of first year students a ended this event with over 65 new students signing up to be a member of Engineers Australia. There were also many students who advised end. We also had many Masters students that they would sign up online or who had fellow students who were unable to a who are now able to sign up for the first me due to the provisional accredita on with Engineers Australia for this degree. Students had a healthy appe te and managed to ensure that there was not a sausage le in sight with many late students missing out on their free lunch. Young Engineers Chair, Allan Fe was present at the BBQ and encourage the students to go to the Young Engineers Facebook to see what’s happening in the YEAND camp including their up and coming Bowling event. Northern Division’s Director, Bronwyn Russell spoke to those present and encouraged them and tell their colleagues to sign up as a member of Engineers Australia which is now FREE to students who are studying Engineering.

Engineering book

nical informa on.”

presents new teaching approach

Professor Lilley was awarded the Lewis Kent Award in 2012 for his many years of dedicated service to the Ins tu on of Structural Engineers.

A book that will help undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students in their studies in Australia and worldwide has been published by a Charles Darwin University lecturer.

Professor Lilley’s research interests include structural dynamics and non-destruc ve tes ng. He is a Fellow of the Ins tu ons of Chair of Structural Engineering Professor David Lilley said his book, Structural Engineers, Civil Engineers, and Mechanical Engineers, as en tled “Structural Analysis for Engineers”, was the culmina on of well as Engineers Australia. more than 30 years’ experience of teaching civil and structural Before his appointment at CDU, Professor Lilley was a Senior Lecengineering in the UK and Australia. turer and researcher at the University of Newcastle, UK for 27 “The text covers fundamental civil and structural engineering prin- years. He is currently providing high-level technical support to the ciples, and a empts to reinforce the learning of key theories such Northern Territory’s Department of Infrastructure. as equilibrium of forces and elas c structural behaviour, and leads to more complex applica ons,” Professor Lilley said. By Louise Errington “During lectures, students are expected to simultaneously listen to the voice of the lecturer, interpret presenta on slides, write notes, and understand the concepts being presented, which can be incredibly difficult. “The equa ons, formulae, notes, tutorial ques ons and solu ons in the book largely remove the need to hand-write notes so that students can focus their energy on understanding complex tech-

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Women in Resources Cocktail Function

Engineers Australia staff recently a ended a Women in Resources Cocktail Funcon which was held at Java Spice Café. Keynote speaker was Hon. Alison Anderson MLA. Engineers Australia Women in Engineering representa ve Nerida Beard was the winner of one of the lucky door prizes which was a trip for 2 to Broome. “ I have never won a thing in my life”, said Nerida. She was delighted with her prize which was kindly donated by Air North. Although Nerida has just returned from extended leave to South America she is looking forward to taking a trip to Broome. Alison Anderson MLA advised the group who a ended this event that she was making an important announcement. Following this func on two days later on internaonal Women’s Alison announced that a new Department of Women’s Policy was going to be created. The first in Australia.

Come and have fun at the 2013 Gala Dinner Keynote Speaker Dr. Marlene Kanga, President Engineers Australia Book your table now! When: 17th April 2013 Where: Holiday Inn, Arafura Ballroom Time: 6.30pm pre-drinks Tickets: $66.00 members/$77.00 non-members (price includes pre-dinner drinks and dinner) Registra on: division/events

If you wish to sponsor a student please call 8981 4137

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Eminent Speaker Eminent Speaker Professor Mark Bradford Designing Structures for End-of-Life Deconstructability

An important aspect of designing sustainable building structures is that they should be deconstructable at the end of their service life, so as to enable the re-use of materials and to eliminate the energy associated with their demolion and disposal. In steel framed buildings with composite flooring systems a ached with welded headed stud shear connectors, deconstruc on is problema c because of the embedment of the headed studs in the concrete floor. This drawback can be eliminated with the use of bolted shear connectors that join precast concrete slab units to steel joists that are themselves connected to columns using deconstructable bolted joints.

Professor Mark Bradford is currently an Australian Laureate Fellow, Scien a Professor and Professor of Civil Engineering at UNSW. Mark’s interests are in structural and computa onal mechanics, with specific applica on to steel and steel-concrete composite structures. He has published some 15 books in various edi ons and over 500 scien fic papers in book chapters, journals and conferences. He serves on the editorial boards of 14 journals, and on four Standards Australia commi ees in structural engineering. He has also a racted several million Australian dollars in compe ve research funding over the last decade. Mark served on the ARC’s College of Experts panel from 2010 to 2012, and was a member of its Expert Advisory Commi ee from 2001 to 2003. Previously, Mark held an Australian Government Federa on Fellowship, being one of only three civil engineers to do so. In 2010, Mark was Dean of Engineering and Informa on Technology at UTS. He received the Shortridge Hardesty Award of the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2011 and the John Connell Gold Medal of Engineers Australia in 2012.


15th May 2013



Where: Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin Cost:

Members ‐ FOC/Non‐Members $10.00

“Come Dressed to Kill” - The Marquee SKYCITY Resort 2013 Engineering Excellence Awards - 26 July 2013 Early Bird tickets now available! $160 pp members/$175pp non-members (early bird only available to Friday 31 May 2012)

Sales after that date will revert to $170pp members/185pp non-members (sponsored student tickets at $130pp) Dress: Definitely black tie - no exceptions Register -division/events

James Bond is the theme so Tuxedo’s, Classy Dresses and Rolex watches are the go!

Page 10

e-Chartered Workshop Northern Division is hos ng a further e-Chartered Workshop Chris Lugg FIEAust, Na onal Assessor for Northern Division will be hos ng a breakfast session on e-chartered

When: Thursday, 11th April 2013 Time: 7:15 am Where: Engineers Australia, 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin Register online: What are the Benefits that have been introduced

1. An easy to use web interface 2. Online applica on, assessment and reports 3. Three seperate stages; 1) Enrolment, 2) Submission of the wri en applica on, and 3) the face-to-face Professional Interview 4. Three different pathway op ons 5. A ‘pay as you go’ approach to paying fees 6. The use of the 2012 Australian Engineering Competency Standards Stage 2 for Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist and Engineering Associate 7. Modera on at the point of assessment by two Na onal Assessors assessing each applica on 8. Online verifica on of Engineering Competency Claims 9. An Engineering Experience Record to facilitate the online verifica on of engineering employment 10. Online repor ng for PDP Coordinators and invoice pre-approvals

Fellows Luncheon The first Fellows luncheon was held on March 8 with Keynote Speaker Marcia Hoffmann, Ac ng Chief Execu ve of the Department of Transport. Marcia has returned to the Territory a er a 12 year absence from Queensland. She outlined her vision for transport in the Territory, including bus services and future strategies for providing services for the motor vehicle registry in rural communi es through Australia Post outlets and other iden fied outlets .

We Need Your Help! A call for volunteers 2013 Science & Engineering Challenge Darwin (30th April & 1st May 2013) Here’s your chance to have fun and meet new people…..And encourage young people to study Maths and Science

Jaswent Deo our newest Associate Fellow was presented with his cer ficate by Prath from Charles Darwin University. Prath commented that he always seems to present cer ficates to bald headed recipients.

16 members and their guests a ended this deligh ul lunch at Buzz


Want to know more call Keely on (08) 8981 4137 Or email

for more information

Register your interest online at

Page 11

For your Diary Date/Time




28 March 2013

Planning for the Future of the Northern Territory

Hon. Gary Nairn, Chairman of Planning Commission

Engineers Australia

12:00 noon

14 Shepherd Street, Darwin northern-division/events

11 April 2013

e-chartered workshop/breakfast


Chris Lugg, FIIEAust, Na onal Assessor

Engineers Australia 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin northern-division/events

17 April 2013

Gala Dinner

Dr. Marlene Kanga, Na onal Pres- Engineers Australia ident Engineers Australia 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin Topic-Australia Engineering in the Asian Century northern-division/events

18 April 2013

Meet the Na onal President

Dr. Marlene Kanga

Engineers Australia

14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

5:00pm northern-division/events 30 April - 1 May 2013

Science & Engineering

8:00am - 2:00pm

Challenge - Darwin


8 May 2013

Report on recent Indonesian Visit Louise McCormick,, President by President and Director Northern Division

Engineers Australia



Charles Darwin University

14 Shepherd Street, Darwin northern-division/events

15 May 2013 5:00pm

Eminent Speaker, Structural College

Prof. Mark Bradford

Engineers Australia 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin northern-division/events

23 May 2013 8:30am

Australian Rainfall & Run-Off Seminar—2D modelling

Mark Babister, Immediate Past Chairman, NCWE

Engineers Australia 14 Shepherd Street, Darwin northern-division/events

4 June 2013

Sponsor’s Cocktail Func on



Func on Room Char Restaurant Darwin - Invita on only

13 June 2013

Professional Indemnity Insurance Darren Pavic Seminar in conjunc onwith Consult Australia

Engineers Australia



Gatsby on the Green Gala Event - TBA Young Engineers

5 July 2013

Fellows Luncheon



18 July 2013

Technical Presenta on


Engineers Australia

5:00pm 21 June 2013

14 Shepherd Street, Darwin

14 Shepherd Street, Darwin 25 July 2013

Engineering Excellence Awards

“The Marquee “Skycity Resort”

5—9 August 2013

Engineering Week



9 August 2013

Young Engineers Golf Day



Contact Us: Karen Relph, Office Manager, Engineers Australia – Northern Division Email: Phone: 08 8981 4137

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