July 2012

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JULY 2012

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Sydney Division Key Sponsors

Leading the Engineering Profession I am continually encouraged by the passion, commitment and dedication of so many engineers who give of themselves for the sake of our profession – and ultimately for the future of the community at large. While various honours, awards and other accolades quite appropriately recognise a few who have made specific contributions or achievements, there are so many others who aren’t publically acknowledged – and to those I say thank you. It has been my experience that the ‘value’ of membership and participation in a professional body is found in building relationships and working together to solidify ideas and to deliver outcomes which provide for the profession as a whole. As we better define and publicise the framework of our activities, we are better able to identify and eliminate any ‘gaps’ or ‘overlaps’ – with a focus on ensuring that outcomes are suitable and effective for the membership and the broader engineering profession. As Division President I’ve been encouraging all members to be ‘flying the flag’ for the work that Engineers Australia does and has the potential to do. As we do so, EA’s activities become more visible, and members can more readily identify opportunities to connect, participate and contribute. In this way Engineers Australia provides the framework for us to direct and lead the engineering profession, well beyond that of the organisation and it’s existing membership. In turn a followership is developed, our activities become more relevant, and engineering hubs are established and cultivated to focus on development of engineering practice which better serves current and future community needs –

such as energy management, and integrated transport. During this Year of the Regional Engineering Team 2012, we are continuing to review and refine the way in which Engineers Australia functions, with a focus on enabling member engagement regardless of geographic location. And this includes both services to members, and opportunities for participation as communication is key. Sydney Division and Newcastle Division continue to work closely together in the interests of members and leadership of the profession in New South Wales. The annual Education & Assessment Forum was hosted in June by one of our Sydney Division Subcommittees, but deliberately included representatives from Universities, Colleges, High Schools, etc from throughout NSW. The Forum focused on stakeholders working together to appropriately foster and support engineering education from early childhood throughout primary, secondary and tertiary education to enable achievement of degree qualifications which meet the engineering skills required for our future communities. Brendyn Williams, BE(Civil)(Hons) MIEAust FIPWEA President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Interested in getting involved? … the call for nominations for vacant Division Committee, College Board and National Congress positions for 2013 will open on Monday 9 July, 2012 and close on Friday 24 August, 2012. Look out for the call for nominations and electon advertisements on the web at: www.engineersaustralia.org.au/elections This is your opportunity to not only benefit from an increased engineering network and to contribute to the governance of Engineers Australia, you will have an opportunity to influence and to give something back to the profession.


Deputy President’s Corner

Key Division Staff Executive Director – Steve Finlay Executive Operations Manager – Richard Hanna Events Manager – Aimee Najdovski Industry Relationship Manager – Elana Huthnance Events Coordinator – Jessica Marshall Communications and IT Coordinator – Nimali Herath Membership Services Officer – Julia Bresolin Membership Services Officer – Danielle Tuazon Membership Services Officer – Anna Holtby Account Manager – Rimma Kolodizner Chartered Assessors – Roland De Broglio, Amal Hanna Neil Wyles and Guy Beaubois National Stage 1 Assessor – Guy Beaubois and Maurice Allen National Manager Careers – Jenny O’Donovan Auditorium Operator – David Zhao

Your Division Committee for 2012 President – Brendyn Williams Deputy President – John Nichols Vice Deputy President – Alexandra Meldrum Immediate Past President – Maryam Khajeh National Councillors – Bruce Howard, Marlene Kanga and Alex Baitch National Congress – Kevin Dixon, Ted Tooher and Michael Myers

Elected Members: David Edwards, Nikki New, Rosemary Crowhurst and Michael Lucas

Appointed Members: Young Engineers Australia, Sydney Division – Sam Green Women in Engineering – Julie Mikhail Regional Group Representatives – John Stornelli and Rosemary Crowhurst College and CELM Representative – Alexandra Meldrum Unit Representatives – Norm Himsley and Allan Sangster

Produced by Engineers Australia Sydney Division Editor – Steve Finlay Designed by Engineers Media

Sydney Division

Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 (PO Box 1389, Chatswood 2057) phone 02 9410 5600 fax 02 9410 0000 sydney@engineersaustralia.org.au www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sydney The views expressed in Engineers Sydney are not necessarily those of Engineers Australia Sydney Division.

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Australian Engineering Week is approaching and will span the first full week in August. The week is a national annual celebration of the Engineering Profession. The Profession covers a broad spectrum of human endeavour: from the harvesting, storage and distribution of essential fresh drinking water supplies in remote and parched continents, through to the tiniest of bionic microprocessors, and extending through to the propulsion and navigation of interstellar exploration craft. The Engineering Profession is the application of the human mind and hand to the solution of the most difficult and challenging problems of mankind for the improvement, betterment and sustainability of life on earth. Engineering Week seeks to celebrate the people and achievements of the Profession and convey the relevance and importance of Engineering in our society and each of our daily lives. The week commences in Sydney with an inspirational address on the Monday night by Frank Sartor (who started his profession as a chemical engineer) as he delivers the annual Harricks address at Parliament House Sydney. On the Wednesday night, an engineering forum on infrastructure will be held at the Museum of Sydney with an expert panel addressing the challenges and necessities of our growing population, and on the Thursday morning a breakfast at the Museum of Contemporary Art will look at the engineering challenges of the design and installation of the National Broadband Network. To stimulate the ingenuity of young minds we have the Great Engineering Challenge being conducted both at the University of New South Wales and at Dubbo and additionally two bridge building competitions will be conducted at the Art Gallery and Martin Place. For those contemplating a career in Engineering there will be a careers night and an engineering career development workshop. As a showcase for engineering achievement and excellence a series of seven site tours of significant engineering projects will be conducted during the week and to celebrate the valuable contribution of Women in Engineering a gala dinner will be held as the weeks closing event. Events will be held at various locations and times throughout the week in both Sydney and regional New South Wales and I invite you to view the program and details at www.engineersaustalia.org.au Come with us and join in the festivities, entertainment and events during Engineering Week and celebrate the greatest Profession of them all, the one that designs, builds, constructs, manufactures and makes things happen: the Profession of Engineers. John Nichols BE (Civil), CPEng, FIEAust Deputy President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division

Nuclear Engineering Panel Presentation Engineers Australia Auditorium Ground Floor, 8 Thomas St, Chatswood 5.30pm for 6pm, Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Fukushima Second Year: Doses and Health Effects By Dr Carl-Magnus Larsson, CEO of the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency Issues surrounding the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant will continue to unfold for many years. This presentation will review what we currently know in terms of exposure, and health risks that can be inferred from the exposures, with emphasis on the radiological effects but also with regard to indirect health effects caused by the accident. The implications for the international nuclear safety regime will be discussed. For further information, contact Dr Don Higson higsond@bigpond.net.au


Australian Engineering Week For the first time Sydney Division will Launch Engineering Week with the Annual Harricks Address. The event will start with drinks and canapés to celebrate the start of a very exciting week, follow by a formal address by Honourable Frank Sartor. This is a not to be missed event. You can click here to register and be part of something big. Engineering Week has moved to Facebook. As part of an initiative to encourage our younger members to engage with Engineering Week, Sydney Division has created a Facebook page that allows them to provide relevant and up to date information on all Engineering Week Events as well as other events taking place within Sydney Division. Like us on Facebook to be kept up to date. We all know that the Engineering Week Site Tours are some of the most well awaited events of all during Engineering Week. Engineering Week 2012 will see the committee adopt a new strategy that aims to deliver a handful of high quality Site Tours across 6 days. We encourage you to register for these events and then let us know what you thought. New Venue – The annual Engineers Breakfast Sponsored by Engineering Education Australia is moving to the Museum of Contemporary Art. Having being held at L’Aqua as part of the Dockside group in Darling Harbour in the past, the prestige of such an event called for Opera House Views. The

YEAS/EWB Trivia Night

breakfast will host a key note presentation by Chief Technical Officer of the NBN, Gary McLaren. Places are limited for this morning of fine dining. Australian Engineering Week 2012 would like to thank all of its sponsors, some of whom are long-time supporters of the program. Without their contributions it would not be possible to put on such a fantastic array of events.

Staff Farewell Engineers Australia Sydney Division would like to farewell Jessica Marshall from our Events team. Jessica has been with the Sydney Division office since March 2010 as the Events Coordinator organising events such as Australian Engineering Week, Discover Engineering Days, The Education and Assessment Forum and Engineers Australia’s participation in a range of Careers Expos. Jessica also supports the EngQuest program in Sydney Division. Jessica is leaving us in mid July to travel to England as she has secured a job working at the London Olympics 2012. We would like to wish Jessica all the best in this new amazing opportunity.

During Australian Engineering Week Young Engineers Australia Sydney (YEAS) in association with Engineers Without Borders (EWB) will present the highly popular annual EWB Trivia Night! Prizes will be awarded; all profits raised go to EWB. FANCY DRESS applies with the theme – “E”, “W” or “B” (Einstein, Clint Eastwood, Where’s Wally, Wesley Snipes, Batman…) Register early to secure a seat! (RSVP 3 August 2012) NOTE: You must be 18+ to attend this event. When:

Friday 10 August 6:00pm-10:00pm.

Location: Paddington RSL, 220-232 Oxford St, Sydney. Cost: Member Cost: $15 Single; $120 Table of 10 (Entry includes free drink) Non-Member Cost: $15 Single; $120 Table of 10 (Entry includes free drink). Email:

kyaw.lwin@kbr.com Registration: makeitso.org.au/aew

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Riverina Oils & BioEnergy (ROBE) Site Visit On 12 June, approximately 15 members joined a visit tp the ROBE plant under construction at Bomen. They were provided with a technical overview and an extensive tour of the construction site. Riverina Oils & BioEnergy (ROBE) is developing a 175,000 tonne oilseed and refining project in the Bomen Business Park with an estimated cost of A$65m. The project is due for completion in mid 2012. It will be the 2nd largest plant of its kind in Australia producing 75,000 tonnes of refined edible oil for domestic and export markets and 100,000 tonnes of vegetable protein for the animal feed market. The plant/technology is being provided by Desmet Ballestra who is the world’s leader in oils & fats technology. The project incorporates world’s best practice for solvent extraction and refining plants and will have the highest standards for emission control, effluent re-use and energy efficiency. The project is viable for regional Australia due to: • its sustainable agricultural benefits, • the cost competitiveness of the raw material, • the integrity of supply contracts, • access to multiple regions nationwide for continuity & variety of seed supply and • the growing global demand for healthier refined edible oils and export replacement for protein meal consumed by Australian graziers. The benefit for regional Australia is that this plant will be the only solvent extracted, fully integrated crushing and refining plant located in a growing regional centre and not portside. It is also beneficial in terms of value-adding for Australian agricultural as the returns on the finished products are more

profitable than globally competitive pricing for oilseed exports. The plant will scale up and provide 65 full time jobs and during construction will create up to 200 jobs with flow-on effects to the industry generally and the local economy. ROBE has already in place its procurement contracts and supply chain arrangements and has created sustainable long term partnerships with the farming community. It also has in place an off-take agreement for the refined edible oil and vegetable protein meal ensuring the viability of the business case for this exciting development.

eChartered update announcement eChartered, Engineers Australia’s new online application and assessment system for becoming Chartered and registered has a revised launch date of late September 2012. Originally scheduled for release in late July the delay has been a combination of vendor delays in the development of the software and workflow amendments made as a result of ongoing feedback and beta testing. I realise this delay may inconvenience some members in the transition between now and September, particularly those wishing to submit applications. We too are disappointed by this delay and will provide a Word based process of e-chartered in the interim for those wishing to commence in the revised framework, commented David Robinson, Director of Education and Assessment. It is important to note that the 2012 Stage 2 Competencies and 2012 Fee schedule release date of 1 July 2012 remains unaffected. For further information, Q&A’s and a host of support material visit www.engineersaustralia.org.au/echartered or email echartered@ engineersaustralia.org.au. Fiona Tregoning, eChartered Manager, Engineers Australia


For more infomation visit www.engineersaustralia.org.au/echartered

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2012 Engineering Excellence Awards The Engineering Excellence Awards program is the flagship event for Engineers Australia Sydney Division. Each year the Awards Program recognise and showcase excellence in engineering, and receives wide recognition within the industry, the engineering profession and the community. There are 45 finalists in the 2012 Awards Program, all of which are of the highest calibre, with the potential to win Excellence in the thirteen Categories. The comprehensive list of 2012 Finalists is available for download at www. engineersaustralia.org.au/sydeea. The Excellence Awards also comprises of Four Individual Awards which identifies, recognises, rewards and promotes individuals in Australian engineering, and acknowledges the professionalism and pursuit of excellence by those engineers. These Awards are judged by the Honours & Awards, the Young Engineer, and the Education and Assessment Committees and Panels. The Excellence Awards program would not be possible without the ongoing support of our sponsors. Our sponsors find value not just in the relationships they develop through the program, but also in supporting the profession and the alignment of Excellence within the profession. The Sponsor Cocktail Reception held on the 6 June was hosted on the premises of the Innovations & Inventions sponsor – Davies Collison Cave, Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys. The event was attended by the Awards Sponsors, judges and committee members. The Sponsors Cocktail Reception provides Engineers Australia, Sydney Division with the opportunity to personally thank the sponsors of the Awards for their continued support and dedication to the program and the Engineering Profession. Good luck to the 2012 Finalists, we look forward to celebrating the world class standard of Sydney engineering with the Finalists and Winners of the

Sponsors and Judges Networking. Excellence Awards and Individual Awards at the black tie gala dinner at The Westin, Sydney on Friday September 21. Tickets will be available for purchase in August. For further information about the Engineering Excellence Awards or the Awards Evening, please contact Aimee Najdovski on 9410 5613, email sydeea@engineersaustralia.org.au, or see the website www. engineersaustralia.org.au/sydeea

2012 Excellence Awards Sponsors.

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Education & Assessment Forum Article The annual Education & Assessment Forum was held on Wednesday 27 June at the lovely Chatswood Mantra. This was a new venue for the function and was received very well by all those in attendance. Chaired by Norm Himsley – Chair of the Education & Assessment SubCommittee – the Forum aims to facilitate the working toward of common goals within engineering education between relevant institutions and Engineers Australia. Representatives from the Board of Studies, TAFE NSW, University of Western Sydney, New South Wales and Wollongong were present as well as many Engineers Australia representatives covering different facets of the organisation.

From discussion throughout the afternoon it was clear that the common goal was to make both the study and the practice of Engineering more prevalent. While Engineers Australia, Sydney Division runs and supports many programs that encourage engineering, there are many great initiatives that we are still unaware of and would benefit from being involved with. There were also several suggestions on ways in which collectively the group could foster the profession including the thought that there should be a program to display and potentially develop the ideas of Engineering Student Theses. We look forward to continuing our relationship with all those involved with the Forum and reflecting on our development again this time next year.

Women Striving for Leadership – Is it Worth it? On Thursday evening 21st June, Women in Engineering Sydney Division held their annual panel discussion at the Rydges World Square proudly sponsored by Abigroup. The four panellists from differing backgrounds presented a balanced discussion, with a variety of perspectives that were positive and inspiring, leaving no doubt that the leadership journey is definitely worth the effort. The first speaker was Marlene Kanga, EA National Deputy President, whose basis of discussion was that it wasn’t only important for women to strive for leadership but that diversity as a whole was required in leadership circles, gender being only one aspect. In terms of the hardships faced in the journey to leadership, Marlene presented examples of leaders who through overcoming adversity, attained strength and became the most effective leaders. To sum up her presentation, Marlene emphasised that Diversity meant good business. On a more practical note, the next speaker Lucy Baker, Senior Project Leader Aurecon, offered tips to deal with the challenges encountered along the leadership journey. With many women opting out of full time work to raise children, leadership roles may seem elusive, however Lucy emphasised the importance of a supportive partner, effective time management and most importantly using the skills that come naturally to you. To balance the argument somewhat Steve Kiddle, Operations Manager Abigroup Contractors, presented the male perspective. In his opening, Steve reaffirmed that yes, women should definitely strive for leadership as they are natural born leaders. Steve noted though, that leadership spans our entire career and is not necessarily the top position. Instead leadership opportunities that offered satisfaction and reward were at every level. On the whole Steve supported Marlene’s argument that gender diversity is about smart business, it produces better products and creates a better workplace environment. To conclude the evening’s presentation, Bronwyn Evans, Senior Vice President Quality, Clinical & Regulatory Cochlear, left no doubt that it was definitely worthwhile for women to strive for leadership. Leading us through 6  engineers sydney JULY 2012

l-r: Almut Pohl (WIE), Bronwyn Evans (Cochlear), Marlene Kanga (EA), Lucy Baker (Aurecon), Steve Kiddle (Abigroup), Julie Mikhail ( WIE), Sherry Moghadassi (WIE). her career journey, Bronwyn emphasised how we must take what we can from each role, that there were always new skills to be gained and that differing leadership opportunities presented themselves along the way. In completing the evening’s presentations, Bronwyn outlined that leadership offered intellectual stimulation, travel opportunities, good pay and the chance to change people’s lives. A lively question and answer session concluded what was a very positive and inspiring panel discussion. Julie Mikhail Chair WIE Sydney Division

EVENTS Sydney Women in Engineering invites you to join us for our

Winter Gala Dinner


location: The

Harbourside Room, Museum tickets: $100 EA member, $120 for nonof Contemporary Art, Circular Quay EA members, $1100 for a table of 10 date: Saturday 11th August 2012 register online or contact: time: 6 for 6:30pm sydneywie@engineersaustralia.org.au dress code: Black Tie registration closes 27th July 2012

Chartered Interviewer Registration If you are a current Chartered Engineer and are looking for a great way to increase your CPD hours, become a Chartered Interviewer! Once you register as an interviewer we will update your details on our database and contact you with any proposed interviews that are in your area of expertise. Please go to the following link and scroll to the bottom of the page – www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sydney-division/ about-us

Find us on Facebook

Sydney Division

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YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – DIARY DATES Most events are held at EA Harricks Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood with refreshments provided prior to the session. Events are subject to change or cancel at short notice. Please check our website www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sydney/events for up-to-date information.

JULY Fri 20

Riverina Regional Group Windowie Creek Bridge Site Visit Site visit located between Batlow and Tumut, NSW 14.30pm to 16.00pm Contact: Ian Davies Email: iandav@optusnet.com.au Cost: Free

Tues 24 Civil and Structural Engineering Panel Sydney Light Rail: Planning for the Future Zenith Centre, Corner of Railway and McIntosh, Chatswood 17:30 for 18:00 to 19:30 Contact: Brendon Hyde Email: hydeb@tpg.com.au Cost: Free Wed 25 Australian Geomechanics Society, Sydney Chapter Sustainable Resilient Ground Engineering The New School of Law, Sydney University 17:30 for 18:00 Contact: Hossein Taiebat Email: h.taiebat@unsw.edu.au Cost: Free Wed 25

Nuclear Engineering Panel Fukushima – Second Year: Doses & Health Effects Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Don Higson Email: higsond@bigpond.net.au Cost: Free

Thurs 26 Southern Highlands & Tablelands Regional Group The Square Kilometre Array Telescope Lecture & Dinner Mineral Springs Room, Mittagong RSL 18:00 for 18:30 Contact: Gerald di Corpo Email:ecretary_shtrg@ engineersaustralia.org.au Cost: $30 EA members, $35 Non members Thurs 26 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Zero Carbon Energy Plant Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Gohulan Markandoo Email:gohulan.markandoo@ huawei.com Cost: Free

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Sat 28 Young Engineers Australia, Sydney Division Advanced Communication Skills Workshop Harricks Auditorium 9:00 to 18:00 Contact: James Bencke Email: yeasyd@engineersaustralia. org.au Cost: $125 Tues 31

Wed 15

Risk Engineering Society Joint seminar with SESA Harricks Auditorium 16:00 to 20:00 Contact: Ruben Welschen Email:RubenW@scottlister.com Cost: To be adviced

AUGUST Wed 8 Australian Geomechanics Society, Sydney Chapter Young Geotechnical Professional’s Night Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Hossein Taiebat Email: h.taiebat@unsw.edu.au Cost: Free Thurs 9

Sat 11 Engineers Australia Sydney Division Chartered Workshop Board Room 9:30 to 12:00 Email: jbresolin@engineersaustralia. org.au Cost: Free

Dubbo Country Group Great Engineering Challenge Dubbo Sportsworld, Sheraton Road, Dubbo 09:00 to 15:00 Contact: Stewart McLeod Email: Stewart.McLeod@dubbo.nsw. gov.au Cost: Free

Thurs 9 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE BillyCart Engineering Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Gohulan Markandoo Email:gohulan.markandoo@huawei. com Cost: Free Fri 10 Engineers Australia Sydney Division Chartered Workshop Board Room 9:30 to 12:00 Email: jbresolin@engineersaustralia. org.au Cost: Free Sat 11 Sydney Women in Engineering Winter Gala Dinner Museum of Contemporary Art 140 George Street, The Rocks, NSW 18:00 till Late Contact: WIE Sydney Committee Email: sydneywie@ engineersaustralia.org.au Cost: $100 EA members, $120 Non members, $1100.00 Table of 10

Society of Fire Safety Fire Resistance of Steel & Timber Harricks Auditorium 16:00 to 18:00 Contact: Joe Paveley Email: joe.paveley@arup.com Cost: $20 SFS/EA members, $30 Non members

Wed 15 Australasian Tunnelling Society City East Cable Tunnel (CECT) Chatswood RSL Club, 446 Victoria Ave, Chatswood 17:30 for 18:00 Contact: Jessica Qiu Email: ats.sydney@gmail.com Cost: Free Mon 20

COPEP Halfday Seminar Harbour – Natural Environment, Transport & infrastructure Harricks Auditorium 12:00 to 17:30 Contact: Kate Panayotou Email: kate.panayotou@ghd.com Cost: To be adviced

Thurs 23 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Submarine Signal Processing or Sonar Imaging Harricks Auditorium 17:30 to 20:00 Contact: Gohulan Markandoo Email:gohulan.markandoo@huawei. com Cost: Free Tues 28

Water Engineering Panel Real Time Weather Prediction Harricks Auditorium 17:00 to 19:00 Contact: Grantley Smith Email:g.smith@wrl.unsw.edu.au Cost: Free

Tues 28 Civil and Structural Engineering Panel Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures Zenith Centre, Corner of Railway and McIntosh, Chatswood 17:30 for 18:00 to 19:30 Contact: Ken O’Neill Email: Ken.ONeill@aurecongroup. com Cost: Free

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