September 2011

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Engineering Week 2011 Every year in August, Engineers Australia holds Engineering Week nationally. All of the Divisions around Australia hold their own events, in celebration and recognition of engineering and engineers. Engineering Week is important as it’s really about public engagement and education. It’s about showing non-engineers, what engineers do. This year, I was fortunate enough to be a part of numerous events across Sydney. In the Launch event, Splash, which is usually held out in Manly Beach, children of all ages were encouraged to make paper aeroplanes, play with sandcastles and see some engineering displays. What really stood out from this day, is the effect that parents have on their kids in considering engineering as a career. Throughout the day, we were approaching parents to have their kids become involved in various competitions. Some parents were so encouraging in making sure that their kids went through each of the displays, played with the paper aeroplanes and spoke to the volunteers who were there on the day. In fact, many engineering academics now believe that it is the parents who should be educated on our profession, as well as the kids. When a year 12 student is picking their choices for university, parents have significant influence on that choice and often steer their kids into picking a degree which they believe is going to present a stable career, good prospects and is of course interesting. We need to educate parents and the public at large such that our profession is held in the same esteem as that of lawyers and the doctors, for it certainly is a difficult degree to get through and leads to the most interesting career prospects. This is one of the main reasons why

Engineering Week is so important. During the week, many of the engineering companies around Sydney open their doors to site visits. The week included a panel discussion on a hot topic (this year it was about cycle ways in Sydney which attracted many cyclists to the event), and of course the prestigious Harricks Address, which was delivered by the CEO of Cochlear, Chris Roberts. To keep with the Year of Humanitarian Engineering, Mike Dureau spoke about RedR, together with a young engineer, Stephanie Hamel, who had spent time in humanitarian work in East Timor. It is these events which highlight just some of the things that engineers do, and it is these events, which the public should be encouraged to attend. As members of Engineers Australia, I hope that all of our readers get involved in engineering week in some way next year. Have your company host a site tour, volunteer to get people to an event, or just talk to family and friends about the profession and get non-engineers to an event during the week. We need everyone’s help to make it so. PS. Thank you to all of our volunteers and Gary Caldarola (Chair of the Engineering Week committee) for their hard work for engineering week 2011! Twitter: @EASyd_President Maryam Khajeh, MIEAust Sydney Division President

Deputy President’s Corner

Key Division Staff Executive Director – Steve Finlay Executive Operations Manager – Richard Hanna Events Manager – Aimee Najdovski Industry Relationship Manager – Elana Huthnance Events Coordinator – Jessica Marshall Communications and IT Coordinator – Nimali Herath Membership Officer – Julia Bresolin Membership Officer – Danielle Tuazon Membership Officer – Roy Kwan Account Manager – Rimma Kolodizner Chartered Assessors – Roland De Broglio, Amal Hanna Neil Wyles and Guy Beaubois National Stage 1 Assessor – Guy Beaubois and Maurice Allen National Manager Careers – Jenny O’Donovan

Your Division Committee for 2011 President – Maryam Khajeh Deputy President – Brendyn Williams Vice Deputy President – John Nichols Immediate Past President – Ian Ackland National Councillors – Bruce Howard, Marlene Kanga and Alex Baitch National Congress – Kevin Dixon, David Edwards and Michael Myers

Elected Members: Alex Baitch, Kevin Dixon, Phillip Cleary, Rosemary Crowhurst, Don Hector and Ted Tooher

Appointed Members: Young Engineers Australia, Sydney Division – Terri Lin Women in Engineering – Julie Mikhail Regional Group Representatives – Jon Thompson and Marlene Van der Sterren College and CELM Representative – Debashis Raha Unit Representative – Jon Lee Societies Representative – Patrick McMullan Chair Education Sub Committee – Norm Himsley

Produced by Engineers Australia Sydney Division Editor – Steve Finlay Designed by Engineers Media

Sydney Division

Level 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 (PO Box 1389, Chatswood 2057) phone 02 9410 5600 fax 02 9410 0000 The views expressed in Engineers Sydney are not necessarily those of Engineers Australia Sydney Division.

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Representing ‘the people’ is a challenge for any group. But with a membership composing such diversity, our challenge to represent the interests and views of the engineering profession is even more so. Engineers Australia Division Elections for 2011 are proceeding, with Nominations and Elections now closed, and Voting open until the end of October. I encourage all those who are eligible to vote, to make your vote count. In a similar way, it’s critical that engineers maintain ongoing representation on various other industry committees, including those involved in the development of legislation, standards, codes of practice, etc which all guide the future practice of engineering in this country. It is important that we continue to foster a structure and mechanism of involvement which gives us the best opportunity to represent the engineering profession, engage with members, engage with industry and government, and ultimately to ensure that the profession meets the existing and emerging needs of the community at large. Yet the majority of these representative roles are almost always in an unpaid volunteer capacity. It is therefore imperative that government agencies, private organisations and not-for-profits enable involvement of those talented engineers with the fortitude to bring some of these things to fruition by providing them time, sponsorship-in-kind, or even direct sponsorship to help support the expenses associated with such activities. In many ways it is the professional duty of each of us as engineers to contribute back into the profession in this way, and to support the careers and professional development of other engineers, and younger engineers in particular. Ensuring an effective representation model will keep the engineering profession healthy, alive, and sustainable, so that we might see a time when engineers can better influence and support the decisions of government, and serve society best. Brendyn Williams BE(Civil)(Hons) MIEAust FIPWEA Deputy President, Engineers Australia Sydney Division


Young Engineers In the past couple of years and particularly in recent months, a price on carbon has been a hotly debating topic with a huge amount of editorial real estate being devoted to it. While we debate the effects of carbon pricing on our resource driven economy and household costs, very few tend to be focused on the energy future of this country or the world we rely on to buy our resources. What are our energy options? And how will Australia prosper if the rest of the world no longer needs our coal? Broadly there are roughly 8 established ways to generate electrical energy; fossil fuels, nuclear, solar, hydro, wind, geo-thermal, bio-mass and tidal/wave. The global energy demand at present is approx. 15 terawatts continuously and it’s projected to be in the order of 50 terawatts by 2050. At present it is estimated that between hydro, wind, geo-thermal, bio-mass and tidal/wave energy, at best about 10 terawatts could be produced globally – less than a third of the projected energy deficit we’re going to have. Nuclear energy can’t do much better, in fact we would need to build a nuclear power plant the size of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Japan (the world largest) every 3-4 days if we are to meet the projected energy demand of our planet. Given this and that 15000 terawatts of solar energy strikes the earth all the time, it is inconceivable to me that solar energy will not be the major energy source of our future. Not only is there an abundance of it, it’s available virtually everywhere on the planet – by far the most evenly distributed energy resource in the world. This is not a novel concept, solar energy has been around for decades and there are researchers, companies and governments around the world heavily investing in the technology to make it efficient and economically viable. Where is our solar industry here in Australia; one of the sunniest developed nations on the planet? Throughout the past 20 years or so the coal mining and exporting industries have boomed and it’s still booming, however it has to end at some point! Either we’ll run out of it or the demand for it will diminish and eventually disappear. Then what will we do? Sure this may be 50 years or more into the future; however I’m convinced it will happen. In order for Australia to remain prosperous we have to start investing in other industries and if this investment can be derived from a price on carbon then I feel it could be very worthwhile. Whether this is the government’s intention or not is an entirely different matter, but one way or another, Australia is going to be left behind if large investment and commitment is not made to developing industries other than mining. On the YEAS front, in late July we hosted our annual Trivia Night at the Lowenbrau in The Rocks in support of Engineers Without Borders. The evening was a huge success, raising over $2600 for EWB and offering a

Some of the winning costumes at the YEAS Trivia Night. fun night for over 200 guests. I’d like to thank Timothy Daniels and his team for putting it all together and also our sponsor, Fielders, whose continued support makes these events possible. The year of events are starting to wind down. We are hoping to hold an Industry Snapshot event towards the end of the year that will focus on infrastructure in NSW and identify the directions it will take. This is an opportunity for young engineers interested in infrastructure to gain an insight into local engineering projects and allow them to make informed decisions about their own engineering direction. Keep an eye out for this upcoming event and much more on our website and find us on Facebook (see below). I hope to see you at one of our events soon! James Bencke, GradIEAust YEAS Chairperson If you are interested in getting involved or learning more about YEAS please email our secretary Patrick James at For upcoming YEAS events please visit our website at www.engineersaustralia. or join our Facebook group: Young Engineers Australia Sydney.

Skillmax Migrant Engineers Course Richard Hanna, Executive Operations Manager of Engineers Australia, recently attended the graduation of the Skillmax students at Randwick TAFE. Richard presented to the students on the services provided by Engineers Australia to overseas qualified engineers and provided useful tips for resume preparation and job seeking skills. Skillmax is a course for migrants who have a university degree from their country of origin. The course is aimed at helping the students tailor their resume, and develop the skills to write a 'perfect' application letter. (When one recent graduate attended a job interview, the interviewer stated that hers was 'the best resume and application letter I have seen'. She got the job.) Towards the end of the 5 week course, students also have tuition and practice in attending an interview. Students in this most recent class come from such countries as Venezuela, Indonesia, Iran, India, China, Bangladesh and Colombia. A student at the recent graduation who had been for an interview that morning stated that he thought the interview had gone very well, and he was feeling very positive, as the interviewers had shown great interest in him. Some comments from graduates are 'this is the best course', 'I am feeling very confident now, as I know my resume really suits the Australian workforce', 'Sandra is the best teacher, she is very supportive and I felt very comfortable in this class', 'I have made so many friends in this course. We plan to keep in touch', 'I learned so much about the Australian workplace, and Aussie slang'. The course is on 3 days a week for 5 weeks and is run at Randwick TAFE. If interested please email Sandra Abel: ENGINEERS SYDNEY SEPTEMBER 2011  3


The University of New South Wales (UNSW) Never stand still


Australia’s largest engineering faculty is literally breaking ground at the moment, as it is in the middle of an exciting building expansion. The biggest project is the $125 million Tyree Energy Technologies Building, due for completion early in 2012. Holding learning spaces for 700 engineering students, it will be the focal point for the University’s new sustainable energy think tank, the Australian Energy Research Institute (AERI). It will also house many of the core elements of our Faculty involved in energy technologies, such as the multi-award-winning School of Photovoltaics and Renewable Energy Engineering, the School of Petroleum Engineering, a drilling simulator, the Centre for Energy and Environmental Markets, and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Functional Nanomaterials. The high-tech building will be a living laboratory and a symbol of UNSW’s Faculty of Engineering’s futuristic focus, with angular wings interspersed with mature trees, and a saw-toothed roof that allows natural light to pour into the internal atrium. Power will be produced by a photovoltaic array and an innovative tri-generation gas power plant. That facility is just part of the exciting expansion, with the recent erection of the $16 million Solar Industrial Research Facility, featuring a solar cell production line with commercial capability. Last year the Faculty also completed building a revolutionary new design studio, showing its commitment to the latest forms of learning. With a more flexible space than traditional university buildings, it is suitable for multidisciplinary group and project-based learning involving industry. These cutting-edge facilities add to the Faculty’s many and diverse sites around the country: from the long acclaimed Water Research Laboratory at Manly Vale, Sydney, to the recently opened National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training at Wellington, central NSW, and the state-of-the-art drill rig training facilities in Perth and Brisbane.

The Faculty of Engineering is a proud sponsor of the ‘Research and Development’ category of the 2011 Engineering Excellence Awards, in recognition of industry innovation and its significant advances and improvements to outstanding engineering practice and application. Our contemporary research-led curriculum has an emphasis on design and problem-solving, and initiatives such as our Engineering Design and Innovation first-year course demonstrate our commitment to producing tomorrow’s engineers. Teaching is geared to show relevance, so that students can always practically apply their teaching to the world around them. Students are also encouraged and motivated to excel in hands-on, student-led projects, such as the Robocup team, and the Sunswift solar-car racing team that recently received the distinction of a Guinness Record for the world’s fastest solar car. The team will again compete in the biennial World Solar Challenge this October, travelling 3000km from Darwin to Adelaide powered only by the sun. As part of its dual role as a leader and innovator in engineering, the Faculty is the home of a wide range of national, cooperative and stand-alone research centres. Two of the most recently founded were The Australian Centre for Sustainable Mining Practices and The Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research. These add to an impressive list that includes such diverse institutions as the UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, and the Centre for Interactive Cinema. The Faculty continues to innovate through world-leading research and development programs like the bionic eye. As part of the Bionic Vision Australia (BVA) consortium, researchers within the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering at UNSW are working to deliver an Australian worldfirst - a bionic eye by 2014. BVA is funded through a $42 million Australian Research Council grant and the School now has an entire floor devoted to the project. With an impressive 60-year heritage, UNSW’s Faculty of Engineering proudly remains Australia’s pre-eminent centre for engineering study and research.

Consistency The Faculty of Engineering has some 9000 enrolled students and 650 staff involved in 10 schools, offering the most diverse range of teaching programs in Australia. Enrolments are still increasing in number even as the academic standard of student improves. It also has an expansive and internationally acclaimed research record, in particular focusing on the key areas of energy, water, health, infrastructure, manufacturing, digital services and natural resources, generated by staff who are the leading experts in their fields. We continue to recruit the highest quality staff from around the world, particularly in strategic areas such as power engineering. Many staff are also chairs of leading research and industry bodies. One of the Faculty’s major strengths is its longstanding record in working alongside and for governments and commercial industry, delivering focused, real-world research results. The Water Research Centre alone receives more than $25 million a year in external industry payments.

UNSW Tyree Energy Technologies Building, due for completion in early 2012. 4  ENGINEERS SYDNEY SEPTEMBER 2011

Sunswift IVy, on the track at Nowra Navy Base.


Australian Engineering Week 2011 Australian Engineering Week is over for the year, and once again was an extensive week jam-packed full of highlights and amazing events. The week officially kicked off with the “Splash” Launch at Manly Beach, which comprised of activities including a paper plane making competition with over 350 planes made, as well as a sandcastle competition. We were joined again this year by Paper Plane World Champion Dylan Parker and Paper Plane Australian Champion James Norton, who not only provided guidance to the participants, but valuable knowledge and presented our Winner Jake Degiorgio with a ride in the Red Baron for having the winning paper plane.

UNSW. This has been the most successful challenge to date, with teams comprising of year 10 and 11 students from across Sydney, with great female student participation. The day comprised of 3 hands-on challenges, with the overall winning team from Randwick boys High School. The Regional Great Engineering Challenge was held on Wednesday 3 August with over 50 teams and 200 students, a new record for this annual event. The overall winning team was from Orange High School.

Stewart McLeod presenting the award to the winning team: McHayden Lumnis, Conner Anderson, Adam Griffith and Sam Goodacre.

Jake Degiorgio winner of the Splash paper plane competition. On display was the UTS SAE Car, which allowed people to get behind the wheel for some great photo opportunities. Double Passes to the Power House Museum, a ride in the Thunder Jet Boat on Darling Harbour and some Road Safety Bike Helmets donated by the RTA were also given away to prize winners throughout the day. The Red Baron performed a fantastic and captivating action flight full of flips and spins, which took place at 1pm awing and enticing crowds along the beach. The winning team for our annual Sand Castle competition was Harry’s Hoodlums. They walked away with four tickers on the Thunder Jet Boat Ride in Darling Harbour. The renowned Harricks Address took place at a new venue this year, the AGL Theatre as part of the Museum of Sydney on Monday 1 August. The evening began with a talk from Captain Bradley Willis from the Australian Army. He addresses the Humanitarian efforts of the Australian Army in both war and peace times. The key note presentation was given by Dr Chris Roberts, CEO of Cochlear, who spoke about the engineering behind giving the gift of hearing. The Great Engineering Challenge took place on Tuesday 2 August at

Harricks Address: Steve Finlay, Maryam Khajeh, Dr Chris Roberts, Guy Russo, Breny\dyn Williams, Gary Caldarola and Captain Bradley Willis.

City Cycle Ways – Commuter Gain or Pain, The Engineering Week Forum took place on Wednesday 3 August, also at the AGL Theatre. A panel of 4 expert speakers; Omar Khalifa, CEO of Bicycle NSW, Fiona Campbell from the City of Sydney, Mike Veysey from the RTA and Adam Butler, a cycling advocate all discussed the pros and cons of Sydney being a cycling friendly city. Valet parking for bicycles was also made available with the help of the City of Sydney.

Valet parking at the City Cycle Ways – Commuter Gain or Pain? Forum. The Engineers Breakfast held on Thursday August 4 was sponsored by Engineering Education Australia. Prof. Michael Dureau from the Warren Centre spoke to us about his involvement in RedR and their humanitarian works overseas, with our second speaker Stephanie Hamel discussing her overseas work as a humanitarian engineer. The breakfast also included a display of pictures from the finalists of the National Photographic Competition, and a chance for fellow engineers to network with other Professionals. There were also 13 site tours held throughout the week to sites such as RAAF Base in Richmond, ABC Studio, ResMed, Cochlear, St Mary’s Waste Water Treatment plant the new Inner west Busway and the RTA Materials Lab. With so much happening in just one week, it is no doubt that there are a lot of people who helped make Engineering Week 2011 one of our best. Thank you to all of the Engineering Week committee members and our Chair Gary Caldarola. We would also like to thank the many speakers, site tours and sponsors for supporting all of our efforts and lastly to all those who came along and participated and enjoyed themselves at the numerous events. Jessica Marshall Event Coordinator ENGINEERS SYDNEY SEPTEMBER 2011  5


Coal Seam Gas Seminar On Thursday 28 July, our Engineers Australia Southern Highlands and Tablelands Regional Group was host to Alan Lindsay, at their monthly dinner seminar. Alan is a chemical engineer and former General Manger, Corporate Planning, Caltex Corporation. The topic was “Coal Seam Gas – Opportunities and Concerns”, the harnessing of coal seam gas being of particular economic interest as a future energy source in the form of compressed natural gas, the utilisation and extraction of which raises a number of concerning issues. Alan gave an unbiased and informative presentation, covering the topic thoroughly and in detail. His presentation gave a broad perspective on the industry, current technologies/processes and governmental policy, and included information about local CSG possibilities. In all, an enjoyable evening and worthwhile presentation Also at the evening, the Group was presented with a certificate from the Rotary club of Bowral-Mittagong and the University of Newcastle to show their appreciation for our involvement in organising and running of the Southern Highlands Science and Engineering Challenge, which was a huge success. John S Moreland, GradIEAust

Challenges and opportunities in meeting energy demands of India: Nuclear energy an important and inevitable pursuit

Alan Lindsay (left) with Prof Tom Romberg, Chairman, EA Southern Highlands and Tablelands Regional Group.

Rod Aistrope (left) Engineers Australia and Rotary member with Prof Tom Romberg, Chairman, EA Southern Highlands and Tablelands Regional Group.

Date: Friday 23 September 2011 Time: 10.45am for 11:15am start Venue: AINSE Theatre, ANSTO, New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights NSW 2234

Engineering Heritage Presentation

Presentation by Dr Baldev Raj, President, Indian National Academy of Engineering, President, International Institute of Welding and recently retired Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research. Registrations: Limited to 100. Registration is essential to attend this event and can be made directly online sydney Presentation will cover the challenges for India in meeting its future energy demands through the use of nuclear energy. In particular, focusing on India’s work on the fast reactor concept; plans for the use of overseas nuclear technology such as the EPR India’s reaction to the Fukushima disaster and lessons learnt from the Fukushima accident; plans for use of more overseas nuclear technologies following the completion of the Russian designed V VER reactors at Kudankulam; and the use of thorium in nuclear power generation.

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(WIE) Sydney Winter Gala Dinner The second annual Women in Engineering (WIE) Sydney Winter Gala dinner, proudly sponsored by Abigroup, was one of the opening events of Australian Engineering Week 2011 and the glamour was, accordingly, taken up a notch. Held at the renowned Quay restaurant overlooking awe-inspiring views of both the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, it showed that engineers can certainly scrub up well! Special guest and keynote speaker was Julie Hammer, retired Air Vice Marshal and former EA National President. The evening opened with introductions from Sandra Triulzi, from Abigroup, who emphasised the importance of Abigroup’s initiatives to support and promote women in their workforce, and Julie Mikhail, WIE Sydney Chair. After two delectable courses, including roasted sea scallops in lime crème fraîche and confit of Riverina lamb loin with smoked white carrot cream, there was mingling and photo shoots on the balcony before settling down for the main event: Julie Hammer. Julie gave a brief overview of her remarkable career, where she started out as a Physics graduate and entered the RAAF as an educational officer. She moved into Engineering and took the opportunity to study at obtained her Masters in Aerospace Engineering, which she said was a major career turning point as she could then claim an official Engineering qualification. She did not dwell on what must have been a great many challenges involved with being a woman in the Air Force in the 70s and 80s, but did mention that when she started, there did not exist standard issue pants for women, and so she was forced to hitch up some men’s pants with a belt in order to carry out her work on aircraft! She addressed a few other key achievements, such as commanding the Electronic Warfare Squadron, a new branch of technology at the time and delivering badly needed new threat libraries for F-111s for an exercise in Darwin. In terms of advice for female engineers, she stated that professionalism was of the utmost importance, as women are often extremely visible in a male-dominated industry. She also mentioned that

being the ‘token female’ can at times lead to many extracurricular activities, greater opportunities and broaden one’s experience. Heavenly desserts of Quay’s seven texture chocolate cake and raspberries with vanilla mousse and meringue closed out a truly memorable evening that fixes the Winter Gala dinner as an annual event in WIE’s program. Gillian Pak, Publications Coordinator, WIE Sydney

WIE Committee with Air Vice Marshal Julie Hammer: (l-r) Melissa Jovic, Yee Yeng Lambropoulos, Sherry Moghadassi, Julie Hammer, Jade Gan, Julie Mikhail, Gillian Pak, Jessica Qiu, Bei Na Wei.

Illawarra Sutherland region news The ISRG Committee presented two events during Engineering Week:

Seminar on Coal Seam Gas Extraction Guest Speaker: Chris Rogers, Chief Operating Office from Apex Energy NL. Within the coal reserves in geological seams across Australia, a previously untapped gas reserve is being explored and developed which is emerging as a big resource market for the country. Coal seam gas is the same as conventional natural gas and can be used for the same purposes as in electricity generation and appliances. It is envisaged that gas has an important role to play around the world, particularly one transitioning to a low carbon economy. The presentation covered the key coal seam gas extraction methods, engineering and technical challenges that this industry faces. Ninety two members and guests attended the presentation which was held at the University of Wollongong.

(l-r): Lewis Pietrini, Martin Jackson, AB Jason Reason and Peter Nasta (2011 ISRG Treasurer).

Visit to the Australian Hydrographic Service Office in Wollongong LCDR Richard Cullen started off the visit with a presentation on the roles and responsibilities for the conduct of hydrographic surveys in Australian waters. The core activities that support these roles span all elements of the AHS. The Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) is part of the Royal Australian Navy. In total, 21 members and guests attended the event. Elaine Bailey Regional Co-Ordinator

(l-r): Trevor Wilkinson (ISRG 2011 Deputy Chair), Peter Nasta (ISRG 2011 Treasurer), Chris Rogers, Chris Hadenham (ISG 2011 Chair), Nick Di Bono (ISRG 2011 Committee Member). ENGINEERS SYDNEY SEPTEMBER 2011  7

YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – DIARY DATES Most events are held at EA Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood with refreshments provided prior to the session. As events are subject to change or cancel at short notice, please check our website for up-to-date information. PLEASE NOTE: To view video streams and to download slides of selected Technical Presentations please visit Online CPD at our website:

SEPTEMBER Thurs 15 Western Sydney Regional Group Flood Modelling in 2D University of Western Sydney, Building BB G39, Penrith(Werrington South) Campus 14:00 to 17:00 Contact: MarlËne van der Sterren Email: wsrg@engineersaustralia. Free

Mon 19 Maritime Panel Presentation by Carl N. Bagnall (BHP Billiton) Hunter River Remediation Auditorium: 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Heli Lahteela Email: Heli.Lahteela@scottwilson. com Free

Wed 21 Site Visit of the Tumut 3 Power Station Modernisation ProjectTalbingo Regional Offices 10.30 am at site to about 2.00 pm Talbingo Regional Offices Contact: Sergeant Mark Pickering, e-mail: Mark.Pickering1@defence. Free

Thurs 22 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Type Testing of Switchboards Auditorium: 17:30 to 19:00 Contact: Upali Mahaliyana Email: Free

Thurs 22 National Precast Concrete Association Australia Precast Engineering for Graduates Hanson Precast 214 Riverstone Parade, Riverstone, NSW TBC Contact: National Precast Email: Cost: Students $125; Graduates $250

Fri 23

Nuclear Engineering Panel Challenges and opportunities in meeting energy demands of India: nuclear energy an important and inevitable pursuit AINSE Theatre, ANSTO New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights 11.15am Contact: Anne Rorke Email: Free


OCTOBER Wed 5 Railway Technical Society of Australasia Syd Div Chapter The Alternative Railway – What happens when there are possessions and shutdowns Meeting Room, Central Station Concourse, Sydney 11:30 for 12:00 Contact: Bill Laidlaw Email: FREE

Wed 5 Joint Institutions IMarEST & RINA Developing Hullforms of Yesterdayís Timber Vessels Auditorium: 18:00 for 18:30 to 20:00 Contact: Graham Taylor Free

Wed 5

Society of Fire Safety Evacuation Standard AS3745-2010 – Half Day Seminar Castle Hill RSL Club, 77 Castle Street,Castle Hill contact Mike Donegan email Cost: SFS Members $ 60.00 Non Members $ 90.00

Wed 5 Young Engineers Australia – Illawarra Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) Support Workshop 11.45 am to 2.00 pm Unicentre Function Room No 3, University of Wollongong Contact Elaine Bailey Email: Free

Thurs 6 Young Engineers Australia, Sydney Div YEAS Debating Evening Auditorium: 18:00 to 21:00 Contact: James Bencke Email: au Paid event

Wed 12 Australian Geomechanics Society, Sydney Chapter Coastal and Marine Geotechnics Symposium Australian National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour, Sydney 08:30 to 17:30 Contact: Peter Robinson Email: Secretary@ Prices start at $75

Thurs 13 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Automatic Surveillance Auditorium: 17:00 to 20:00 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: Free

Fri 14 Engineers Australia Sydney Division “CPEng Workshop” Board Room: 9:30 to 12:30 Contact: Julia Bresolin Email: Jbresolin@ Free

Sat 15 Engineers Australia Sydney Division CPEng Workshop Board Room 9:30 to 12:30 Contact: Julia Bresolin Email: Jbresolin@ Free

Mon 17 Maritime Panel Presentation by Angus Gordon – Climate Change Fact or Fiction Auditorium: 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Heli Lahteela Email: Heli.Lahteela@scottwilson. com Free

Wed 19 Society of Fire Safety Bushfires Auditorium: 15:30 for 16:00 to 18:00 Contact: David Boverman Email: david.boverman@rfs.nsw. Cost: $20 Members, $30 Nonmembers

Mon 24 Risk Engineering Society RES AGM & Seminar Auditorium: 16:00 to 19:30 Contact: Ruben Welschen Email: Free

Tues 25 Civil and Structural Engineering Panel North West Rail Link Zenith Theatre Corner Railway & McIntosh Street 17:30 for 18:00 to 19:30 Contact: John Nichols Email: Free

Thurs 27 Joint Electrical Branch – Engineers Australia, IET, IEEE Communications Signal Processing Auditorium: 17:30 to 19:30 Contact: Allan Sangster Email: Free

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